
Monday 31 August 2015

Man Card Monday

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
I hope that you have a fun Bank Holiday Monday planned and that the weather is behaving for you,
is it BH in Scotland today too??
Today's Fabulous Man card has be designed and created by Anne Crawford,  I love how you have mixed the love of golf with the love of wine on this card Anne, not something you would ever be able to buy from a card shop, that's one of the many benefits of hand making your cards, you can incorporate all of the recipients interests if you so wish.
I do like both the background paper you have used and the focal image too, its not the 'traditional'
golf theme that you usually see, this one seems a bit more vintage.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Anne xxxx
I am off to start the dreaded packing, we leave here tomorrow, to start the long journey home!
Have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all still enjoying your Bank Holiday weekend. No holiday in Scotland not that it matters much when you are retired. When I was working in Banking I hated these holidays it made the week "hectic" trying to catch up.
    SANDRA. PAUL & GIRLS hope you manage to get everything packed up and all back in that car with the "elastic" sides!!!
    Everything done and dusted in here. Fresh tablecloths, flowers and a nice smell of fresh baking wafting through the place.
    I am off to have my shower then breakfast. I am meeting Hazel at the Perth Park&Ride. I leave my car there then we will travel on to meet up with Jess & Norah. Hazel does not do being a passenger, we will use her car. To be honest Hazel is a fantastic driver and always seems to know exactly where she is going. Me I have to always be looking at signs, I have traveled far but John has always done the driving or been my "sat nav" . The other thing is Hazel enjoys driving I do it because I have to. If I did not drive I would never get around. No buses anywhere near us.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself. Be good, I will see you all later. xxx

    1. ANNE:- please forgive me, forgot to mention your card.
      Your card is brillaint, love it, perfect for the Golfer. Love the great design.
      I think it may have been done from a CD. I have similar, the great thing is, if you are needing a quick card you know you can make one. The CD Craft Shop never closes. xxx

    2. Patricia , I have put the details below, I do have a couple of cd's but the only one I really use is La Pashe for when I need a comical card, and there is another one I like Josephine Wall ( Enchanted Dreams) which reminds me, I haven't used it for ages!
      Have a wonderful day with Hazel, Jess and Norah , I will enjoy hearing all about it ! xo

    3. Thanks for your thoughtfulness! Have a lovely day with Hazel, Jess and Norah! Hugs from me!! Xxx

    4. Hi PATRICIA have a lovely day with Hazel Jess & Norah hope you all have a fantastic time,& The weather is better than our's we have had bad storm all night & still going on.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Have a wonderful day with Jess Norah and Hazel xxxx

  2. Morning everyone
    This is really a quickie!!!! Anne I love your card and the image of the Golfer is just great. What a wonderful set of background papers and the union of Golf and Red Wine.
    Well for better or worse we're off to Calais today. Fingers crossed that the striking Ferry employees have been sorted out by tomorrow morning when we sail.
    Have a really good day whatever you do. Hoping to see you on Wednesday.
    Sandra take care and have a very safe journey.

    1. JANET:- you were on my mind, hope all goes well for your crossing.
      Safe journey xxx

    2. Janet, I hope goes smooth on your home ward journey. Safe travel. xxx

    3. Janet I have just checked for you and the ferries are all running, some delays but I expect by tomorrow they will have cleared the backlog. Safe travels.

    4. Calm crossing Janet, have a nice drive home xx

    5. JANET I hope you have a trouble free journey home. xx

    6. Been thinking of you this morning Janet! Have a safe journey, trouble free Calais and a good crossing! Not forgetting the last lap home! Xxx

    7. Hi JANET hope your journey is safe & trouble free & a calm crossing.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Janet safe journey I hope all goes well xxx

    9. Hi Janet, have a safe journey home xx

    10. Hi Janet. Hope you have a safe journey home.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, enjoy the last "proper" day of your holiday, packing is never fun, is it. I will be crossing my fingers for you at the port hoping you don't get delayed
    Janet, I hope that you manage to get home safely and without delay, I see there is trouble at Calais again!
    Anne, what a great, really personal card. I love the backing paper. Do you use CDs a lot, I haven't ever used one to print anything off, yet. Thank you for sharing : )
    Hazel, Jess, Nora and Patricia, have a wonderful time today. Don't forget the cushions for the chairs: )
    Sheila, glad your back was OK at the craft show, hope it is OK today too.
    What a shame those of you that went to the se show didn't realise until it was too late. Never mind, there is always the retreat or next years show.
    I hope you all have a good day, it is pouring with rain here, and it is forecast to last all day
    Well, it is a bank holiday isn't it! Take care xx

    1. Thank you ladies for all your nice comments , I used a Paper Nations stamp and the cardstock ( background ) I bought at the secc show in Glasgow, I also got some tartan cardstock which was lovely , so hopefully they will have more of it when the October show is on.

    2. Anne I take you are planing to go to Glasgow in October, Patricia and I are hoping to go the Thursday what day are you planing ?

    3. Anne, your card is lovely and made me smile! I love the tartan will need to look for some of that . I knew it was yours before I read it - beginning to recognise everyone's style . The style shines through even different types of card! I think I'm making sense but I may well not be . Just remember I mean well!!
      Thank you for sharing your lovely card. xxx

    4. Hello ANNE your card is brilliant love the golfer image with the glass of wine,might help getting a hole in one HaHa
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Thanks Myra and Lynda, once again you made me smile Myra I wasn't aware I had a style lol! xo
      Hazel I am planning on going on the Thursday it would be great to meet up xo

    6. Anne that would be great, I think Jess will join us and maybe Norah. We will arrange that nearer the time. xxx

    7. Oh Oh !! Look out Glasgow!! Xxx

    8. Anne love your card the images are great xx

  4. Just to let any of you ladies that are interested know that Christine Embersons company Hope and Chances Creativity has a design team call out. Her son Elliott has the details on the Hope Nd Chances blog today. I going to email Sandra so she would be a wonderful DT member
    The only problem is that the closing date is 7th Sept. which is not long, especially as she won't be home until the 3rd. Anyone else interested? Any of you would beat the opposition (don't mean that to sound horrid but can't think of the right word at this time of day!) hands down. x

  5. Good morning, I see a few are up early today. Sandra, Paul and girls your pack up begins, try and remember where things were on the outward journey so they will all go back there and you should be ok.
    Anne, what a fantastic card for a golfer and wine lover, that's the beauty of making a card you can generally personalise to what the recipent does or likes.
    Just love it.
    Well it was that quiet in here last night we all had a fairly early night. I am sure it was all down to Myra and Maureen being absent. Then again Maria was away out, Diane is snowed under with lists, Lynda has gone walk abouts, Cheryl is having a well earn rest, and the others have been busy.
    I am off to get myself ready to go and enjoy wonderful compsny with real tea and coffee s being had. xxx

    1. I'm back , Hazel!! You have been warned! Have a super day out!! Xxx

    2. I'm back as well. Hazel have a lovely day with Patricia Jess & Norah
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Phreeew I'm here too under my pile of lists, I've now got lists of lists! Xxxx

    4. Peek a boo I can see you - everything must be grand! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Anne, I really like this card, always struggle with men's cards.
    Sandra hope you enjoy your last day of your holiday, have a safe and uneventful journey home, same for you Janet,
    It was a shame three of us all at the same craft show and we didn't know, we will have to make it known next time and we can meet up.
    As for driving, I don't mind it but really only drive locally - the distance driving I'm afraid John does that.
    Hazel Patricia Jess and Norah I hope you have a lovely day together and will keep us up to date when you return,
    Have left hugs in the basket as usual,
    Don't know what plans are for today , it's wet at the moment, wouldn't mind a crafty day.

    1. Jean, I could easily go to that Show too. I mentioned it during the week to Michelle and said it must be near you - however I didn't think of Sheila! Maybe next time! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra - I must have missed your comment to Michelle - Yes we will have to think to mention it beforehand next time - the other one I go to is at Event City at Trafford Centre but this time its on the week we are away so will miss it - shame xxx

    3. Thanks Jean - didn't know there was one held there. If all else fails we should pick a garden centre or somewhere and meet up for a coffee or six! Xxx

    4. Oh do that Myra, we have just had another wonderful,meet up with Jess and Norah. 4 hours of none stop chatting and laughter. I think if Jess didn't havebto go pick up her OH we would still be sat there? We're did time go. I have photos of us this time so I will put them up,on my blog later so they will be there in the morning. xxx

    5. Oh that's lovely! So pleased you had a great time. Look forward to the photos! Xxx

  7. Morning Ladies

    Anne-brilliant card, this would be perfect for my hubby. Can't wait to find out how you made it.

    It's been raining here but looks like it might brighten up. I think we're going for a walk down to the beach sometime today plus I still have all the ironing to do (usually a Sunday chore). I really want to get into the craft room but guess that'll have to wait.

    Jean-yes, it was the show at Leigh I went to. I always go with my M in L-she buys the tickets & I drive. It's a fairly easy drive which is good as I only drive because I have to, I certainly don't enjoy it. I'm looking forward to the next show in February if a few of us can meet up-that will be great fun.


    1. Michele, as I said to Sheila last night it was such a pity you all miss meeting up, but to late to worry over it, you will just have to say before hand on here that you are going so you can plan to meet up at a certain time and place. You are the three who aren't coming to the retreat too, so it would have been good. Enjoy your day off. xxx

    2. Hi Michelle, just mentioned above about the craft fair. Glad you had a good day. It seems to have been busy! Xxx

    3. I thought it was a lot smaller yesterday did you Michelle, but I still managed to spend he he xxx

    4. Hi Jean and Michele,
      My friend and I said the same thing about it being smaller I think there were 3 or 4 stalls missing in the centre....but like you Jean I still managed to spend my money. It was lovely to see so many stunning cards though. Love Sheila xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the other ladies, hope you manage to get everything packed ok, I always find I can get everything packed quite well going on holiday but somehow it's as though things have doubled in size as its twice the work to pack up! Safe journey home to both you and Janet. xo
    The cafe looks and smells devine, so I'll have my tea and toast before getting ready for Pilates, money in the pot, love and hugs to all xoxo

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your card is lovely, just right for golfers and wine drinkers.
    Just a quick post today, off to meet Patricia, Hazel and Norah, will catch up later.
    Take care, Xxx

  10. Morning! Yes it's me! Sorry I didn't call in yesterday but was busy, busy, busy Dancing Friday and Saturday Yesterday we went to a Music Festival which is a bit like a pub crawl around the town watching local bands
    Your card is lovely ANNE perfect for my dad
    MAUREEN your ATC'S are truly amazing
    SANDRA hope the packing goes well and JANET hope your crossing goes smoothly
    I did see quickly yesterday that SANDRA asked if anybody was lucky enough to get a ceramic poppy from the Tower of London I was and it is beautiful I especially like that it is slightly weather beaten because I can proudly know that it was in the display which was breathtaking to see
    Enjoy your meet up ladies
    Take care everyone

    1. Karen, you danced all weekend - I slept!!! Ha ha . I'm awake now - I think! Xxx

  11. Happy Bank Holiday to one and all,

    Batteries are recharged following a relaxing day out in Sidmouth yesterday with Pete's former Darts Team. These are the people I have previously introduced you to since Pete died who became another part of our 'family'. We spend a lot of time with each other, and have enjoyed day trips, 4 day long weekends and a weeks holiday abroad over the last 20 years. A better more loyal bunch of folks you could ever meet, we support each other with all the ups and downs of our lives, very much like our café. We enjoyed a very filling Sunday Carvery at the Bowd Inn, owned by the former owners of our local The Friendly Spirit, on our way home and arrived back about 9.30pm. One very happy tired bunny fell straight into bed and slept like a baby to wake suitable refreshed this morning.
    Now onto catching up with cards for next month's birthday and other celebrations too.

    Anne, your card linking the 2 loves of golf and red wine is very inspiring. So personal for the recipient and I am sure he loves/d it.
    I too have some cd's that I bought and have not looked at for quite a while so I may hunt them out this afternoon just to have a gander.

    Breakfast is calling, I'll pop in later to leave comments.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sounds like a wonderful day yesterday for you Cheryl so pleased you enjoyed it. Love Sheila xxx

    2. Cheryl it sounds like you had a wonderful day, love Sidmouth. I hope the weather was good and you had a lovely walk along the prom. Xxx

    3. CHERYL so pleased you had a wonderful day. We have been to Sidmouth a few times on holiday & loved it. Have a good rest today.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. How lovely So glad you enjoyed your day out

    5. CHERYL:- what a fantastic day for you. Glad you enjoyed it xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and our lovely ladies,
    Anne your card is brilliant, I have never really understood the draw of Golf, only had a go once and was about ten over par before I had even teed off! My sister played before she became ill, she still goes to the club to chat with her friends but now goes directly to the 19 th hole.
    Sandra good luck with the packing, hope it is not too stressful and you manage to get a rest later on. Enjoy your last evening.
    Janet have a safe journey.
    Hazel, Jess, Norah and Patricia hope you have a lovely day meeting up. So looking forward to hearing all about it.
    It's clean up day for me today. peter seems to leave devastation wherever he goes, I think he is the King of messy! Need to get outside and vacuum the balcony carpet before the temperatures get up to ridiculous numbers again today. It's already 27 degrees so no rushing about.
    I'll just have a quick iced tea before I go. I've put some of my homemade elderflower syrup which is in a big jug in the fridge if anyone fancies some..
    See you all later
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies.
    Anne what a perfect card for a golfer and I love the hint of wine too!
    Sandra, Paul and the girls hope you've managed to pack everything as expertly as you did when you set off. Hope once you are home you will feely refreshed and happy after your wonderful holiday with Paul and the girls it has sounds as if you've had a fun and happy time.
    The creaking back is holding up this morning so will take it gently today. I have a few very important cards to make so will sit quietly doing them.
    HAZEL, PATRICIA, NORAH and Jess have a great day today plenty of laughter and chatting.
    Janet wishing you a safe journey back without any hold-ups.
    Off to have my second cuppa...Patricia looks lovely and fresh and the smelly of baking is so yummy.
    Have left extra hugs in the basket....'just because' pleas take one as you're passing.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Keep forgetting to tell you that Nikki loved her 'heart' there was a lot of ooooohs and ahhhhhs and she kept touching the flowers....I had my fingers crossed that I had put enough glue on them! When Julie (one of her support workers ) came to pick her up she couldn't wait to show her and was signing that she wanted her to put it in her room so I was one happy bunny xxx

    2. Oh Sheila that's just lovely! I think we all said Nikki would love it. Since it's just Monday and I'm being good I won't say " told you so" - oops I've just said it! Xxx

    3. Good morning SHEILA so pleased Nikki loved her heart I new she would it's gorgeous,now she has it in her room she can look at it all the time & think her lovely mummy made it.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Sheila that's so lovely. Nikki sounds a real sweetheart. Have a good rest today after your busy day yesterday otherwise your back will be sore. Xxxx

    5. Sheila, every time Nikki looks at her heart she will feel,your love for her in her heart. You will maybe get a few orders for them if you don't watch out. xxx

    6. Thank you so much everyone and thank you for all your lovely comments both on here and pinterest they were very much appriciated and moving too. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    7. SHEILA:- bet you feel on Top the World knowing how happy Nikki is with her beautiful heart. xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and Campers, hope you all feeling good and have a nice Bank holiday hmm it's raining cats and dogs outside and it is very dark.
    Anne- love the card and for some reason the chap looks a bit like my dad hihi
    Great golf paper. love Le Pashe characters too.
    Hazel, Patricia, Norah and Jess- Have a wonderful day together !! I'm not envy much ,Oh yes I am! hihi Do come back tonight and tell us all about it. So wish that Norah and Jess came to the retreat.
    Myra- hope your head is better and I saw you got Water back on ! It must be such a relief after such a long time have to cook it every day. Take care x
    Well done to Thomas doing a brilliant job but he's mum do have a stressful and long hours working as a midwife. Hazel ,thank you for remind me to put the dishwasher on this morning hihi
    Sheila- hope you felling better ? Did you manage to see the Red Arrows?
    Have a nice day x
    Karen -seen you been in, hope your day is fine x
    Brenda LL- saw you had a good day. It's lovely to see old houses and gardens and maybe having a cream tea after .Have a nice day x
    Saba- I hope your accident wasn't because of Courgette's, oh boy and to end up in hospital too. Take your time in the hot weather you seem to have still in Germany and France, wish you could send some over here, I'm so cold all the time and getting quite blue with these miserable, dark days .Hope the hovering the Balcony went well, no pigeon attacks !
    Maureen- have fun with the girls. Wonder what you get up too.
    Cheryl- your day sounded good . So nice to meet up with so many oldies friends and have a laugh and a nice meal together. take care x
    Brenda- hope you are ok. Lynda- are you busy with the family ? If you see Harry do give him a cuddle from me and Hi to Terry.
    Pat- have a lovely time in Salou.
    Sandra- really hope your packing up goes ok. You haven't bought any more things to come back home, no craft store or .....? Have a good journey back and take care x
    We were meaning to go out, home to friends who I meet one day in Ikea. The wife were sitting in the cafe and we got talking, this was about a year ago and I met the children, four girls and we all clicked, just like in here. Anyhow I felt a bit funny in the morning but were looking forward to go out as we not doing it that often . Afternoon came and OH said his head was no good and with his AF and I still feeling a bit rough we decided to cancel our evening. It was sad and spent the evening in bed with tv on instead. Woke up this morning all dark and raining outside, thought it was about 7am , went down stairs and the clock were showing nearly 10am ! aaarg not a good start but have done some light housework, fed the neighbours bunny and soon going shopping for the fridge look a bit bare. Have a good Monday everyone and love and hugs, Maria Xxx

    1. Wow Maria! How do you remember everything! Sorry it's raining but hope it clears up a bit. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria, Do hope you and hubby are feeling better, what a shame you had to cancel meeting with your friends but in the end your health is more important to you both.
      Managed to see the Red Arrows they are amazing how they defy gravity and synchronisation is fantastic with their red,white and blue trails. Have a lovely day. Love Sheila xxx

    3. Glad you saw the Red Arrows Sheila - they always give me goose bumps. Makes you proud to be British! Xxx

    4. Hi MARIA yes had Harry cuddles & said hi from you & cuddles for Terry Oops wrong way round HIHI. Hope you & Oh feel better & sorry you had to cancel last night with your friends. Hope fridge shopping goes ok. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. i hope you feel better soon. It's horrible when we have to cancel trips that we were so looking forward to - work yes, trips no!

    6. Maria, nothing wosre than having to cancel, but better to be safe than sorry as they say. There is always another time. xxx

  15. Good Morning Sandra!
    Good Morning all lovely , thoughtful friends,
    Well, I lost most of Saturday and Sunday but the good news is I fine now! Just a bit lethargic - it's a funny feeling the migraine leaves behind - hard to describe!
    We have WATER!!!
    That was the best news yesterday evening! We've got so used to the hassle I forgot I could brush my teeth at the tap this morning!
    Anne's card is really lovely and I mentioned it on the way down but it did make me smile this morning!
    I've missed a fair bit!
    I had a chat with Saba last night! I was so sorry to hear about the incident in the craft shop.
    Pleased Maureen's apples trees and George survived the day!
    Thomas had a brilliant day and is learning lots of useful life skills. Great! Hope you raised lots Thomas.
    Michele, Jean and Sheila all went to the same craft fair but didn't know! It's near me too! Next time - we must try!!
    Janet has been packing in the heat but it's ready steady go now! I do hope the Calais port workers actually work!
    Sandra is packing and trying to think where everything goes - no cause for alarm - Paul knows where everything goes!
    Cheryl - pleased you had a lovely day out yesterday and slept like a top!
    Last - but by no means least - the Four Mary's as Norah calls them. ( great name) . Have a really lovely day! I do hope you find something to talk about! Ha ha! Look forward to hearing all the news.
    Well, if I've missed you out I'm sorry - I tried to do a Maria but she is smarter and younger than me!
    Maureen - enjoy your day with the girls - hope the other three get loads done! Sure they will.
    Myra xxxx

    1. Thank goodness you've got water Gosh! That took forever to sort out

    2. Thanks Karen, there are still about half the original number of people without water! It's three weeks and 4 days for us but some are still boiling water. Xxx

    3. I tried to do a Mrs B (Sue) she is always so good at remember folk tihi I had to write pointers down on a piece of scrap paper, now my secrets out xxx

    4. Whatever you did Maria - I'm impressed! Xxx

  16. Hi Ladies ( couple of minutes late for good morning!)
    Anne your card is lovely, I think red wine and golf are a good combination. Now I've never met Maureen's George but that's what I imagine he looks like! I'm sure she will put me straight! Thank you for sharing this lovely card Anne. Xxx
    Well it's raining here today and it's quite calm at the moment! Emma is off out to meet up with her friend and say good bye- the first of many get together so this week! We are fast running out of says! Julian is being lazy today but I need him to get up and doing soon otherwise it will be fresh air for dinner tonight! Enjoy your day what ever you are doing. Janet I'm thinking of you going through Calais, safe journey and same to you Sandra as you start your journey home. Xxx the four Mary's hope you have a great day- Jess you are on one of my lists to email! Xxx
    See you all later xxxx

    1. Diane, I'm don't know about meeting up, if you are staying in Elgin it is a fair bit away from Aberdeen and Aberdeen is a four hour drive from where I am in Central Scotland just outside Falkirk, check out a map and you will see what I mean, it would have been ok if you were staying south of Dundee, which not too far to drive for a day visit. E-mail me anyway. Xx

    2. I'm not up to date with the state of the roads today but Elgin is a fair way from Anerdeen! Xxx

    3. It's a fair way from Aberdeen as well! Xxx

    4. Roads not that good I'd think, any road past Edinburgh or Glasgow aren't good. xxx

  17. Thank you Maria, sorry you missed your night out with your friends but glad to hear that you feel better today.Saba at least you gave golf a try , the nineteenth hole is always popular whether you play golf or not, as Diane says maybe the wine helps the golf so maybe visit there first ? xo

  18. Good morning SANDRA & gang well not so good here we have had heavy rain & bad thunder storm all night & still going on it's so dark. We have had a hectic weekend. Sorry haven't been in over weekend. Had Darren Sam Harry Youngest Grandaughter & her friend. They came down Saturday morning & stayed over, I felt like I was cooking all day both days. It was lovely had lovely cuddle's with Harry he has just started walking but he finds it's quicker crawling, he's saying few words now usual mum & Dad but he kept pointing at Annie & saying OUT as that's what Sam says to her her dog. He loves playing with a ball we just kept throwing it back & forth. Samantha wanted some more craft stuff so sorted her some some card & things out. I got the eaval eye from Darren as she doesn't keep her bedroom tidy. Ooops. They didn't leave untill after I cleared up I was shattered & didn't wake up untill 9.30 this morning.
    MAUREEN your last two ATC are my favourite ones I love Poppies as much as Butterflys. The Father Christmas one is also magical. Saturday's mixed crafts were all brilliant such a great talent in the Café well done ladies.
    Sandra hope the paking went well & everything went back In the car.
    Have a trouble free journey home. Look forward to hearing all about it.
    MYRA sorry you have had another Migraine over the weekend they are horrible as I know. Also so pleased your water supply is back on,it's taken so long you you must be a happy bunny now no more boiling.
    By now Hazel Jess Norah & Patricia have met up hope your all haveing enjoying yourselves.ANNE I did say your card is brilliant up the top.
    SHEILA JEAN & MICHELE it's a shame you didn't get too meet each other at the craft show yesterday.hope you do next time.
    Well it's still raining so I might have a craft day after watching John on HOCHANDA YAAY I HAVE IT NOW.
    Still can't get pictures on my blog though.GRRR.Will keep trying.
    Will pop back later. For now Hug's Lynda xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope the packing goes well and you have a safe journey home.
    Anne your card is perfect well done.
    Myra pleased to see you back fit & well.
    Maria sorry you have been under the weather as well.
    Hazel, Patricia, Norah and Jess hope you all have a lovely day.
    Janet hope you have a safe and trouble free journey.
    Hope all I have missed are well hugs on way for all who need them
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Thanks Margaret and thanks for your comment about my card a couple of days ago! Xxx

  20. I'm just watching John on Hochanda, it's improved so so much Just a shame about the prices and membership. I'm quite liking some of the other crafts on offer too. I'm waiting to see Brenda with her lovely pottery! Well, it's good enough and this glass painting - not that that's going to be shown is stunning

    1. Karen, like you I think some of the other crafts look really interesting too! A change from Hunkydory and Tattered Lace!! Xxx

  21. I've been watching John on Hochanda! The presenter has just called the glue Comic Shimmer! Funny eh! Sorry - I slept too much yesterday!
    Can now watch on line as well but no website from which to order as yet!
    I think it's getting better all the time which is great! Xxx

  22. Afternoon everyone, Patricia , Hazel, Norah and myself have had a brilliant day, we must have talked for Scotland, put the world to rights, and laughed a lot!!! Took a few photos, they might appear on the blog in future.
    I don't know if Patrcia and Hazel are home yet because they were going
    shopping after we left.
    Thinking about what to have for dinner, then I REALLY need to get some cards
    made. Will pop back later, xxx
    Maria, I'm going to the retreat, it's Norah who can't make it this time.

    1. Jess, so glad you had a lovely time! I've been thinking about you all. Looking forward to meeting you at the Retreat! We'll go and fetch Norah in the hot air balloon for the next one if necessary! Xxx

    2. Jess we decided against the shopping when we thought about the time we would get to Perth. Yes we did have another good meet up,didn't we??? Jess thank you for the plant I ended up taking Patricia's the
      Baileys is safe,,I hate the stuff. Norah thank you for my stunning card, ladies dont believe her when she says things like " I am not good at it". RUBBISH she is fantastic, I will put my card from her on my blog with the photos. Norah also gave goodies for the retreat,,I will keep them till then and won't spoil the surprises.

    3. Hi Jess, Hazel, Patricia and Norah I'm so pleased you've all had a lovely time. So great to have a girlie catch up and plenty of chatting.

    4. Helloooooo!!! I had a fantastic day with Norah, Jess and Hazel. As previously said we chatted for Scotland and England as well I feel. Sorted out the World, these Politicians should have been there with us to get the solutions to lots of problems. We laughed lots as well, stayed so long that Hazel & I decided it was too late to go shopping. Well I decided!!! Hazel is even less of a shopper than I am?
      That Sister of mine went off with the bottle of a Baileys I got from Jess and she tells you she "hates" the stuff, right!!! Actually I don't like it either, Jess gave it to me for the Baileys Truffles I make. I will use it in the Truffles I will make for the Retreat.
      I have the beautiful Plant Jess gave me sitting nicely in the Lounge. I am going to buy a nice new pot for it tomorrow. Norah's beautiful card is on the sideboard in the hall. I put my cards there, everyone sees them when they come and go. Norah keeps saying she's not good at making cards ..... rubbish!!! The one I got from Norah is STUNNING so are the ones she gave Hazel and Jess.
      Better go something to eat. I will be back xxx

    5. Sounds like you all had a Great Time!
      Just imagine what the retreat will be like after all these Bailey's truffles , Scottish tablet etc. can picture the hilarious scene of everyone being ' high as kites' with the excitement and sugar rush , I think someone shall have to take a sneaky video so us poor soles who can't go can enjoy it too! xoxo

    6. Oh you have an iPad Anne we could face time you. I will have my iPad with me. Then you will be able to feel part of it. xxx

    7. Just wanted to say how happy I am that you had a nice get together once more and got the world looking better in everyone's eyes .xxx

  23. Afternoon one and all
    Well I have had a very lazy day. Got all the housework out of the way this morning and have spent the afternoon crafting and watching John's shows. I am really enjoying the demonstrations, they are getting better all the time, just wish they would get the website up and running. Had to laugh at that poor presenter, he kept calling John Rob. Did any of you watch the show with the expanding jelly balls, don't know what they were called, but I rather liked the effect they gave when lit up from below.
    Well it sounds like the meet up was another success, Norah I so wish you were coming to the retreat, that goes for anyone else who is not coming. You must be sick of us harping on about it, there are bound to be places still available at the hotel if any of you change your mind and decide to join us.
    Has anyone thought about applying for the design team on Christine Embersons blog which Sue (Mrs. B) mentioned.? It sounds really interesting and if I read the details correctly only involves making one project a month. You have to be a UK resident so that rules me out.
    Myra I bet water has never tasted so good, I really don't know how you coped.
    I'll be back later, hugs for now

  24. Right ladies I have put the photos up of our meet up today on my blog and the stunning card made by Norah. I decided not to wait till tomorrow. xxx

    1. Hazel thank you so much for putting the photos up. Norah's card is beautiful and you all look so happy and relaxed together, as Patricia said, you all scrub up well. Brilliant, brought a big happy smile to my face.
      Hugs Saba Xxxxx

    2. Hazel, I hope you don't mind I had a look at the photos on your blog, they are terrific, you all look amazing and so happy it shines from your faces , happy to hear what a wonderful time you all had xoxo

    3. Anne I dont mind they are there to show how good to meet up is. We have meet so many new good friends from arranging to meet other crafters. It will be lovely to meet you at Glasgow too. xxx

    4. Fabulous to see two more new faces to our friends in the cafe. You all look fantastic ! so glad you had a nice day together xxx

  25. I apologise now, before I start. I've read all the comments (War and Peace) and did not make any notes, but I can remember that:-
    ANNE - your card is really fab. It would be perfect for my great nephew.
    Nikki loved her heart. SHEILA, that's no surprise as it is extremely beautiful.
    MYRA's water troubles are over, so she's as happy as a pig in mud!!
    HAZEL, JESS, NORAH and PATRICIA have had a wonderful time, laughing and talking. You know how we have the Three Graces who meet on a Wednesday, well I think you four should be called "The Four Tenas"!!!!
    MARIA, I hope you and the OH are feeling a lot better.
    DAINTY - George is 6'2", whippet thin - although he is putting weight on since packing in smoking, and like a bull in a china shop!!!! He does have a heart of gold and in 51 years of knowing him, I've never heard him say a bad word about anyone - not like me!!!!
    SABA - I'm glad you've had a lazy day. It does you good to have one once in a while.
    CHERYL, sounds like you had a good day.
    The intrepid three worked like trojans today but the bungalow is in a much worse state than first imagined. Peter took some wooden cladding off - and there's no wall behind, just a few wooden planks to which the cladding was nailed!!!! So there's far more work than first imagined. George and Rachel were stripping walls and discovered that whoever had the bungalow had never taken any wallpaper off before putting the next one on the wall!!! It's taken all day just to do one side of the passage, and that was Rachel holding the steamer and George doing the scraping off. Better them than me!
    Well, I'm going for a drink - don't know whether to have orange juice or coffee. Such big decisions. See you shortly.
    Muriel xxx
    P.s. I'm sorry I know I've missed some ladies but I haven't done it on purpose. Maria has a fantastic memory, I'm just fantastic!!!! xxx

    1. Ooh I'm off to look at Hazel's blog xxxx

    2. They are fab, fab, fab. Jealous - me - yes!!! xxxx

    3. I've looked at the photos! They're lovely. You all look great! Soooo looking forward to seeing you all! Xxx

    4. I'll give you water troubles!!! I read that out to Alastair who had a good laugh so I suppose you're pleased with yourself! Xxx

    5. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH, Myra my dear, I forgot to say how pleased I am that your migraine has gone. My headache is playing Bowls, in the rain!!! xxxx
      If I can put a little pleasure in Alastair's humdrum life, then my life is complete ha ha. xxx

    6. You have to admit we all "scrub up" well don't we.
      Yes Norah is still just a baby and a very sweet one as well xxx

    7. You are just naughty!! Alastair is currently speaking on the phone to someone who needs advice about admission to a Nursing Home! We do see life here you know! The person he is talking to doesn't need a place !! He gets the strangest phone calls! He has a strange life - he married me!! Xxx

    8. MYRA:- that's worrying, a husband who knows about "nursing homes"
      You had better behave!!! xxx

    9. Ooh! Patricia - I never thought of it that way! Innocent abroad - that's me!! Xxx

    10. MYRA:- please just behave!!! xxx

    11. I do try - trouble is I'm not always successful! I don't know why. Maybe you can all help me at the Retreat , if I get there !!! Xxx

    12. Patricia - that does not compute!!! Myra - behaving and an innocent abroad - ha ha xxx
      (Wonder if Alastair knows of a good home for George!!!!)

    13. Maureen! You are impossible! I think he would suggest he stays where he is !! He has been happy there for many a year!
      I always behave ! - well, at least I try! I would be a very disruptive influence in a nursing home! I would even be lethal with a pokey tool! Xxx

    14. Just had a thought! Never smile at a Cropodile!! I can spell, xxx

    15. Oooooh, I have just been up to Perth to see Hazel, she has hidden the baileys so I thought I would come back here. Fabulous photos and Norah's card is just gorgeous, you all look amazing.
      Maybe we could all go into a home together ( except for Norah she is still a young one!). Wonder if Alastair could sort it for us.
      Just imagine, no cooking or cleaning, no men to cause chaos, just crafting from morning to night. Well, what are we waiting for....

    16. What about freedom! You may now get courgettes every night either! We wouldn't want them but you may! We could sell all our cars and buy a mini bus! Oh , wait , we'd be in an Institution! Would we cope? Well - lunatics in charge of asylum comes to mind! Xxx

    17. I'm in, although I passed the Memory Test, but I'm sure I could manage to pull the wool over the assessors eyes and pretend to be ga ga. PRETEND, I wouldn't need to pretend ha ha. OR we could go into a Residential Home where we hopefully wouldn't be given "Meds" to calm us down.
      Could you imagine what it would be like, they could order the Tenas in industrial quantities. My word, the place would be jumping!!!! xxx

    18. Oh I like that one Saba, we will just now have to find a home big enough for us all. Oh Sandra, Norah , Diane are all a bit young still xx

    19. Myra, isn't Freedom the club with Hochooooo, oh bless me!!!! xxx

    20. Who needs to be calmed down! We are all chilled here , man! Xxx

    21. Hazel, they could visit us and bring "dodgy" supplies of forbidden fruits in for us. The more I think about it, the more I like it xxx

    22. I know some are a bit young but we will need visitors! They will love it so much they'll want to join us! Shhhhh. Please don't send me there too soon! I kind of love home! Xxxx

    23. Ah Myra, you are so sweet. Please remember, this is all VIRTUAL xxxx

    24. Oh ! It is isn't it! Thanks for that Muriel , my little case was virtually packed! Xxx

    25. VIRTUAL:- Oh! for goodness sake my bags packed and ready!! xxx

    26. I was so worried ! How was Peter going to visit Saba! Xxx

    27. Patricia! We'd be told what to do you know - that wouldn't come easily! Xxx

    28. Do you think Peter would bring in some Courgettes?? He might be worried Saba was not getting enough Vitams!!
      Are there actually any Vitamins in Courgettes?? xxx

    29. TOLD WHAT TO DO!! Oh! no rule me out or they will throw me out xxx

    30. Myra, they'd only try to tell us once, then realise that we would take no notice, because Patricia and Hazel would sort them out. You, Saba and I would be hiding behind the chairs, making good use of the Tenas!!!!! xx

    31. Oh do you mean we'd be building a dam? Xxx

    32. Ha! Ha! Ha! I like it .... the joke not the thought of the "wee" dam xxx

    33. Sorry Patricia, I didn't actually say it! Xxx

  26. Remember your craft tools, cutting machine and plenty of card stock. Oh I think will stay at home it's just to much to think about packing. Xxx

    1. HAZEL:- your "told what to do" we would NEVER last the day never mind a week, and certainly not long term!! Xxx

    2. Ah, I'm disappointed, I was looking forward to a bit of madness and mayhem. Everyone is so well behaved these days,xxx

    3. Oh Maureen, I think we would all get locked in our rooms and the keys thrown away? We would drive the staff away within the first hour. Can you see us all turning up with removal vans full of our craft stuff. xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- it would be all Madness & Mayhem till they threw us out.
      You'd be ok for a wee while xxx

    5. Oh I can cope with madness and mayhem! It happens here all the time! It's someone telling me what to do I can't cope with! Never end a sentence with a preposition Myra! See what I mean? It gets into your psyche! Xxx

    6. Hazel,got it worked out .... it will be a take over. Oh!! that's no use who would do the cooking, cleaning and all those sort of jobs. xxx

    7. Well, it was a good idea. Pity, we'll just have to stay where we are for a little while longer, or until Alastair can find us a nice place ha ha. xxx

    8. All good things come to an end!! that was short and sweet while lasted!! What's the next crazy idea?? xxx

    9. Right the way I see it is residents have rights. And we'll tell them what to do. We will write up a charter and if the staff don't comply we'll threaten them with our pokey tools.

    10. I know! We'll turn our home into a Residential Home! We can all take turns at cooking - rule me out of breakfast if you want it early! We'll share the Laundry and George and Alastair can be the gardeners! Peter can go out and earn an honest crust or a courgette ( God forbid). Now what else do we need? Oh model railways - where will we put them? Is a double garage big enough? Xxx

    11. Oh, too late, whilst my back was turned you've all abandoned the idea.

    12. I just knew there would be an answer. Off to get my bag!! xxx

    13. Saba'! Don't be ' asty! Xxx

    14. MYRA:- you kidding "double garage" now where near big enough.
      Quadruple maybe just about accommodate it. Good of you to think of that. John would be better left at home xxx

    15. I'm definitely leaving the King of Courgettes at home.

    16. Saba! If we make him sign a pledge - no more courgettes except on demand - would that help! Xxx

  27. Hello ladies, just popped back to catch up, my card from Norah was lovely, she thinks she has no talent but that is not true.
    if you want to go into a home and be sedated, I could let you have some of my pills, you will soon be bouncing off the walls.
    off to see the famous four on Hazels blog, will catch up tomorrow, take care xxxx

    1. I like the sound of wall bouncing, is it anything like bungy jumping, I always fancied a go at that.

    2. Remember your age and your back!!
      Hard hat! Xxx

    3. I'll stick with the wall bouncing I don't like heights xxx

    4. Oh, it'll be a change from the trampoline, but can I wear a safety harness please? xx

    5. I did some "wall bouncing" once during an earthquake xxx

    6. MYRA, I have a very big favour to ask of you. Please don't tell Alastair any of our comments, he'll have us committed for sure!!! xxx

    7. PATRICIA, you have done everything. I've led such a sheltered life I would jump if a goose said boo!!! xxx

    8. But have we got enough room to craft? Your right John would be better off at home, same with Charlie he can stay and look after Harris.
      SABA you are welcome to the bungy jumping.
      Jess,you are so right about Norah's cards, they are stunning. Xxx

    9. I promise! After all I'd be the first to be committed!!
      He knows I'm daft already! Sooooo he will work out very quickly that friends of whom I think so highly must be a bit batty too! Xxxx

    10. Bouncing of the walls during an earthquake .... just thought I was just a bit sleepy and was not walking straight. Was not till the next day when our friends came to check I was OK. I realised I had been wandering abut during an earthquake. I was living in our house in Dalyan, Turkey on my own. xxx

    11. Wow! I've lead a very sheltered life! Xxx

  28. Peter is quite excited, he's packing my bags as we speak.

    1. Ha ha, oh that's a good one Saba xxxx

    2. My dad did one of those parachute rides when we were in Tunisia, you know the ones where a speed boat sets off at great speed ( like they do) and you run on a pontoon until you are running in fresh air. He was about 82 At the time, I'm my fathers daughters!!!

    3. Ooh Ladies, during all this mad conversation our phone has been ringing non stop! No not to have me committed but a family is practically at war over where a Mum should be! Alastair is used to it but is makes me a bit sad. This family wants Mum to be , not where is best for her, or where she has asked to be, but where they can visit more easily and they live more than 100 miles away! It's a bit sad. Xxx

    4. SABA:- do you not think Peter thinks/knows we ARE mad and he's getting you prepared xxx

    5. Actually I meant I'm my fathers daughter. He did have two but Valerie is the sane one. Some of the time anyway. Except when we have a party and she has been known to switch the lights of with her foot. Ended very badly.

    6. MYRA:- that's so sad. Why do these things never work out easily xxx

    7. I know that - it's awful really and we have such fun! Alastair deals with it but it would upset me dreadfully. I guess training and everything comes into it and your ability to deal with things like that and not get emotional. It worked perfectly until my Dad got Alzheimer's - that floored Alastair! It's ok until it's family! Xxx

    8. Myra, Alastair must get so frustrated. It's so sad when a family just want what's best for themselves, and not their parent. xx

    9. Yes it is! I do wish he was no longer involved in this . This is going to sound all wrong as I tease him all the time , but he is too nice for this job. Why he agreed to do it. - I'll never know. Geriatrics wasn't his field of expertise at all. Xxx

    10. bless her ,if she is still "corpus mantis " then she should be able to say were she want to go or stay, I think x

    11. I agree Maria - and she is ! Xxx

  29. Myra, my Charlie thinks I need to move just up the road from here to the mental hospital,as it is. I am glad he doesn't read these comments. xxx

  30. I notice Maria commenting on the way down, but I think she does think we have all gone mad and has gone off before she to turns mad! xxx

    1. I am already admitted and having cabbage soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anyone ever seen the film Cabbage- something, can't remember the rest. Home for the elderly and they revolt hihi I started reading from Muriel way up above and it took 30 min. to come here ! Now I know Muriel's memory is better then anyone else's and Myra can spell. Don't forget all the other OH that can help out, mine is very god at doing nothing hihi I would love to Parachute, tandem of course with some mussely arms around me and Bungee Jumping but will need to lose some stones first and I don't mean the ones in the ground, life to short Not to do these things! xx

    2. Maria, wasn't it "Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War" with Pauline Collins. I enjoyed that film. xxxx

    3. Maria, I lost the will to these things many moons ago. You young ones are welcome to try them. xxx

    4. Oh Maria ! Alastair did paragliding in the Seychelles! I was terrified and I was standing on the sand ! Xxx

    5. Yes it was Maureen, it was hilarious !
      What about bob sledging down the hills in Austria, Hazel? Think they got a brake handle . Alaitair is very brave, my fear would be if I slid out of the shute x

  31. Ladies, I am so glad that you have all like the photos, I hate getting mine taken but I think it's nice to take these ones. To show how good it is to meet up.
    Yes Norah, you have to realise you make stunning cards, everyone has commented on the card you made me.
    That's Beth just messaged to see if I am still picking her up tomorrow night, she wouldn't go to sleep till mum let her message me. xxx

    1. Hazel! That's lovely xxx

    2. HAZEL:- thats so sweet. Bet it sent a "tickle" round your heart xxx

    3. But my heart is sad, as I knew she would take time to adjust. I have been part of her life since I first saw her at 6 hours old. Same with Anna she was 12 weeks when I first saw her. Their own granny had only seen Anna once before that and with Beth, Beth was about 6 weeks old. Xxx

    4. Oh Hazel, it's a testimony to just how much you have cared for and given to these girls that they are having a hard time adjusting now.
      You might not be working for the family now but you will always be a part of their lives and they yours. Chin up love, it will get better.

    5. Hazel, my heart goes out to you! You are more than a Grandma to these children. Thankfully you are still nearby. Don't be sad - you have simply done a wonderful job! Xxx

    6. Hazel, they will always keep in touch and turn to you. Don't worry, Beth will never let you go completely as she loves you so much xxx

    7. She's sweet. You are a 'family member' and you always will. Not working there any more dosn't mean they will forget you, ever xx

  32. Right folks, I was up very early this morning posting a "Flower Making Tutorial" on my Blog.
    Have a had a hectic day with Jess, Norah and Hazel. Exhusted with laughing and chatting, I am off to bed!!
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia - it's already on my Pinterest with reference to your blog! Sleep well! Xxx

    2. Night God bless Patricia, off to have a look now.

    3. Night, night Patricia, my long suffering and patient George has arrived for bed, so methinks it's time to take my farewells to all my friends. With any luck, I'll be more sensible tomorrow, but of course I cannot promise that will be the case!
      Sweet dreams everyone, God bless and leave the cafe quietly.
      I hope Janet manages to get out of Calais, and that Sandra gets packed without difficulty.
      Love Muriel xxx

    4. Night Night Sister Mo!
      Sleep well, don't kick the saintly George and God Bless! Xxx

    5. That's me too, I shall dream of our lovely retirement home, trips out for bungy jumping and never a courgette on the menu, bliss.
      Good night God bless all
      Saba xxx

    6. Good night all early birds, have a sound sleep and I see you tomorrow. xx
      A little mojo visited today so hopefully I will make some cards finished, ja ja I keep saying the same thing all the time but I will treat is at a job, then it might work or a nursing home when it is crafting time xxx
