
Sunday 30 August 2015

The final two of Maureen's ATC's !


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well and are enjoying a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend, I hope that the sun is
shining upon you, although that isn't usually the case for Bank Holidays!
Well sadly we are at the end of Maureen's year of ATC's, I have to say that I am looking forward to next years already Maureen.
November, Maureen has of coursed used a beautiful poppy for this months ATC, such a beautiful flower and not just the way it looks, its also beautiful for what it has come to symbolise, something we associate with remembering those that gave their lives for us, I think the image of those porcelain poppies at the Tower of London will stay with us for many years to come, were any of you lucky enough to buy one??
Maureen you have captured the theme beautifully with this ATC .
December, Maureen has chosen a gorgeous, traditional looking Father Christmas to stamp onto this months ATC, I love his gorgeous swirly beard, mixed with the snowflakes it gives such depth and texture to the ATC, it truly shouts Christmas, doesn't it !
Maureen I would like to thank you personally, I have absolutely loved showcasing your year of ATC's, it as been an absolute privilege, thank you so much for taking the trouble of photographing
and sharing them with us.
That's all from me today,
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Good morning ladies, and Sandra . Maureen I just love these two ATC s. The poppy is gorgeous and means so much to so many, and I love this traditional Father Christmas.
    Apologies I didn't pop in yesterday, Saturday's are always a rush first thing to get sorted then we pick Nic up at ten, we had a lovely day together , my daughter in law and grandsons girlfriend came round in the afternoon and we all sat in the garden, Nic loves this, then she was picked up about 7 30 by which time John is ready to come home from work, so I was pooped to say the least.
    Sophie, grandsons girlfriend, asked me to make her some cards before we go away next weekend, I got stuck in when John and I had a cup of tea , thankfully I already had some started so adapted the and finished two off. I said to John people think they are so easy to whip up, but I like to enjoy making them.
    Anyway there was no one around when I came in today so have lifted the cups out, and straightened everything, plumped the cushions up, will pop back later but it will be tonight as I am out today with my friends to the craft show and then we are out to tea with family - another busy day,
    Hugs are in the basket ( extra for yesterday) hope everyone is well
    Sheila hope you are feeling a bit better.

    1. Morning Jean we posted at exactly the same time!!
      We all know that people who don't make cards seem to think we have a "magic wand" hidden in the cupboard!!! Enjoy your day xxx

    2. Thank you so much, Jean. I've helped myself to a latte, and am having a crumpet while I read the comments. My money's in the pot. xxx

  2. Good morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo this nice bright morning. I do hope it's bright for you as well.
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS hope you are all well and still enjoying fun time together.
    MAUREEN:- Oh! My! Word! that Poppy is amazing, absolutely beautiful, I love it.
    Santa is wonderful as well. I have, love and use that stamp a lot at Christmas. You have used him to make a brilliant ATC.
    I had a good sleep, up at my usual time, all back to normal.
    Thomas here this morning, I am taking him along to their Village Hall this afternoon to do his "waiter duties" at the Afternoon Teas. Need to get him spruced up, shoes brushed and polished, hair gelled. He's funny, in the past few weeks he has started looking in the mirror, gelling his hair. Oh! our wee boy is growing up!! He will be 11 next week is 5'4" tall, takes size 8 in shoes, wears clothes 13/14 or XS men's. Not really so "wee"!!
    Everything set up for today, hope you don't mind the Bunting being left up. I think it looks OK not really for just Birthdays. Nice big cake for sharing during the day plus some fresh Crumpets. I am toasting one of the Crumpets making some tea. Will take them over to the corner table to do some people watching. Hugs in the basket by the door, please help yourself. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia, thank you. Your Thomas is taller than me, takes bigger shoes, but unfortunately I can't get into 13/14 year old's clothes!!!! See you later xxx

    2. Bless him, they soon grow up don't they. Max gels his hair every morning before school, put on a splash of aftershave and is the only boy in his class who always insists on wearing a shirt instead of one of those airtex t shirts, and he's only 7!!!!
      Hugs Saba xxx

  3. Morning one and all
    I too have to apologise for not popping in yesterday. It was just one of those days that everything has to be done immediately (or so someone thinks they have). Anyway today is going to be even worse as it's car packing and last minute housework so by the end of today heaven only knows what state I'll be in - it it's as HOT as yesterday then I just may have committed murder!!!!!

    All of yesterday's crafts were just beautiful and I just so wish we could see them in real life.
    Maureen your ATCs have been just gorgeous but today's last two just have to be my favourites. They say everything that has to be said about November and December. I hope we shall see next years PLEASE.

    Sandra - enjoy your last couple of days and have a safe journey back home.
    We are sailing from Calais this time so we don't know what to expect as it's a long time since we left from there.
    We leave here tomorrow morning so I'm hoping that I can get a connection from the hotel in Calais.
    Have a good day everyone and I hope the sun shines for you all.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Have a safe journey back Janet, hope you get everything done without loss of life somewhere, he he xx take care xxx

    2. Hi Janet, Thanks for your compliments on my ATC's. My in-laws travelled from Calais in June and said that there were so many police and police vehicles when they parked up for the night, before getting the train over, that they had never felt safer. They are back in France now and not coming back home until end Oct, early Nov. Have a safe and uneventful trip home xxx

    3. Safe journey Janet. We did the Calais crossing and it was no problem. The poor souls are camped by the motorway just outside Calais and the fencing around the port is now so high they have little chance of getting in. Don't know what it's like at the Tunnel but expect that is also now secure.

    4. Safe journey home Janet and Hubby.
      Hear from you soon xxx

    5. Hi Janet
      Safe journey home. I've just heard on the news there is a strike at Calais, it was just being announced on the ten o'clock news. Oh I do hope you don't get caught in it all. I'll be thinking of you xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-the last two ATC's are really lovely, each image perfect for the month they were made.

    Meal with Dad, brother & wife was nice last night but Dad left quite early and he'd paid for all the food. Brother & hubby started drinking whisky so Sister in Law & I left them to it and started drinking tea! They left just after 10pm as they really wanted to see the hedgehogs and right on time at 9.30p both hogs arrived and went to their own food dishes, they then did some wandering but kept returning.

    Didn't really sleep much last night but don't feel too bad this morning. I have said I'll set off to Chorley around 9.30 to collect my M in L then onto the craft show-yippee!!!!!


    1. Michele, are you going to the same craft show as jeans is off to I wonder? Enjoy your day any way. xxx

    2. Thanks Michele, have a good day at the craft show, it'll be good to relax (if that's the right word for a craft show) today!!! xxx

    3. Have fun Michele, hope you managed to get something sorted with your Dad and his wish to move away.

    4. MICHELE:- hope the Craft Show was good and you got lots of nice goodies. xxx

  5. Good morning, and it's a lovely bright one too. Here's hoping it stays that way, beds are stripped and bedding in the machine, I know it's Sunday and really it should be a day of rest, but when you don't know what the weather will be tomorrow, needs must.
    Maureen, I just love your last two ATC cards, the poppy one looks like it's s ceramic tile? It's gorgeous and so fitting for November. Santa is what Santa should look like, not the modern version.
    Jean, I am glad you had a lovely day with Nic, and just being at home in the garden enjoy her company along with the others will have been good for you both. Enjoy your craft show and family meal.
    Janet, I feel for you trying to get things done when it's so hot? A little but at a time, and make sure you drink plenty of water. You don't want to dehydrate, you have some journey ahead. I hope you have no problems at Calais? It wasn't a port a liked travelling from when we lived in Germany and that was over 25 years ago. No we liked and still like doing the Rotterdam - Hull one, even when we lived in the very South of Germany, we preferred to travel up to there. I can see your car every space will be filled and Jim will know what goes where? I am the car packer here,
    Myra, where were you last night? Did you have visitors or were you busy getting things done for family lunch today?
    I didn't fall asleep after all but the brain wasn't thinking to straight with the painkillers.
    Diane, has everything been ticked off those lists? It's getting chilly here on a night so make sure you bring a warm cardigan with you,
    Wendy, how is the head this morning??? Did you have a good day?
    I don't know if Pat and Pete have Internet, but if you do I hope you are both enjoying yourselves.
    Sue, don't get to bogged down in that paper work, take it easy.
    Norah, if you look in we will see you in the morning, really looking forward to it,
    Jess, the same. Did you get a better nights sleep again?
    Oh I better make a move and go remake the beds up and de dog hair the floor up their, why suddenly Harris has taken to sleeping up stairs I will never know, but does he have to sleep on the Turkish rug, it's red and navy,that shows the hairs up, that's why I put it up their to save having to hoover it every 5 minutes.
    (((((( hugs)))))) for any one that needs or just wants them.
    Oh sorry Sheila, how are you feeling today after being on the go yesterday?

    1. Hi Hazel, thanks. I hope you are feeling a lot better today. Don't do too much today after the high jinks at the party yesterday. Harris is coming ustairs to be near you xxx

  6. Good morning ladies, it's a bit overcast here this morning so not very promising .
    Maureen your ATC cards are superb! I love everything about poppies , what they remind people of, the shape and colour they are such uplifting flowers and you have certainly shown that, also I think this stamp must be of the ( real ) Santa as he has such a kind and generous looking face, just perfect!
    Sheila , I hope you had a lovely day yesterday with Nikki ( looking forward to hearing how much she liked her surprise ) and hope you don't suffer too much too much today in after effects .
    Well , we went to the auction , the soup lunch was great! all the eatable goods ie.cakes, prawns , wine etc. also fishing trips and vouchers went really well, but I felt sorry for the people who had donated paintings ( and there were lots) they sold for a fraction of what they were worth ( I did buy one ) I know not everyone has wall space for more but when you think of the hours it took the artists to paint them ,it seems a shame , I haven't heard yet how much they made but I think it will be a good amount .
    Hope all goes well with the packing up to come home girls, like Patricia and Hazel we will be packing to go on holiday in a couple of weeks time, I don't mind that , it's the unpacking when you get home I hate.
    Might get some crafting done today hopefully .
    I've put some wholemeal scones in the oven for you, enjoy! I'll just have some tea and toast and see who pops in.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the auction yesterday, but unfortunately you cannot make people buy. Oh I've had a crumpet, but I've always got room for a scone, especially if it's warm. Yes, it's lovely, money is in the pot!!! xxx

    2. Hi Anne, hope lots of money was raised yesterday. It sounds like it was a lot of fun, can't imagine auctioning prawns though! Shame the pictures didn't sell well, people just done appreciate the love and skill which goes into painting one. Let alone the cost of getting them framed. My sister paints and her materials cost a fortune.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. ANNE:- glad the auction went well. Pity about the Paintings, people just do not appreciate what goes into see these things. We know it's the same with any Craft. Never mind as long as lots of money has been raised that's the main thing. xxx

  7. Good morning everyone
    Its lovely and sunny today, hope it stays.
    Maureen, I love your work, again like last time ,I couldn't pick a favourite they are both gorgeous.
    Had a really nice day out yesterday, our girls won the bowling match so we got the cup. I am playing for a big trophy this afternoon in a triples team against other teams in the county so wish us luck. Have just finished 2 cards, I used the accordion die for one and it has worked quite successfully. Cannot get to grips with the new channel, the girl presenter that seems to be on all the time seems to be quite wooden, it is not doing anything for me. Better get on and get all my whites for bowling ironed.
    Love and hugs to everyone.

    1. Thanks Wendy, enjoy your Bowls. George's lot are top of the something or other and he's really pleased zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry, but he does go on about it!!
      Anyway, good luck this afternoon.
      The new channel, where to start. Terrible sound, terrible lighting, fuzzy cameras, poor camera shots and that's just for starters. It will get better, so we'll just have to wait. xxx

    2. Hello Wendy congratulations to the girls and good luck this afternoon.

    3. WENDY:- good luck hope the results are what you want.
      The New Channel ..... well what can I say!! Feel there is a l o n g way to go before it's worth watching. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Like Sandra I am sorry to see that we have got to the end of Maureen's set of ATCs but these two are just as beautiful as the other ten. Your poppy is gorgeous, it almost looks like it is ceramic. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers and of course it is a very special flower for all that it represents. (I do regret not buying one of the ceramic Tower poppies, especially after going to see them. If anyone ever sees one for sale I would be very grateful if you would let me know, not that it is likely to see one for sale is it). Your Father Christmas is lovely, a proper traditional one that I love, and the pretty corners finish this card off perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing this set with us. Are you doing a set for next year? It will be great to see them if you do, please : )
    Sandra, I hope you are still having good weather, enjoy the last days of your holiday my lovely. I wonder if you were as tired as the other ladies in here after the party on Friday? : )
    Sheila, I hope the sciatica is improving each day and that you had a lovely time with Nikki yesterday.
    Have a good day everyone, it is threatening to rain here but I hope you get the sun. Not much chance though as it is a bank holiday weekend!
    Right, I am off to do more camp stuff, didn't get any done yesterday as we had the girls but did craft most of the day with Phoebe ( Paige decided she was going to be a kitten for the day so she couldn't do any crafting "because kittens can't do craft because they have paws not hands Granny" ! Phoebe used her new card making items that we went and bought the other day and made a lovely card, she did every thing herself from choosing the colours upwards. The only thing I did suggest was to use a mat to make the butterfly pop instead of drawing around the outside as she was planning to do. I have taken a picture and will send it to Sandra, if she wants to use it on here.
    I must go now. Take care xx

  9. Sorry, I forgot to say to Janet that I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey home tomorrow x

    1. Thanks Sue, glad the girls had a good day, but had to laugh at Page's paws. I'm glad Phoebe enjoyed her craft session xxx

    2. Looking forward to seeing Phoebe's card, I am sure Sandra will be delighted to show it. Well Granny surely you know kittens can't craft!!

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Wow Maureen your ATCs are gorgeous, love the poppy one, I was fortunate enough to buy one from the display at the Tower, it is lovely, and your Santa is just what Santas should look like.
    Janet hope you packing goes well and you have a safe journey home.
    Michele and Jean, enjoy your visit to your craft shows, I wonder if you are both going to the same one.
    Wendy good luck with your game today, hope the weather holds up for you.
    Sandra enjoy your last few days, I hope you have had a brilliant time.
    Tea and toast are finished, so I better move and get tidying up done, I have a few cards to make for next week, need to look back on some blogs for inspiration.
    Take care everyone, enjoy your bank holiday. Xxx

  11. Sandra, thank you so much for showing the last of the ATC's. That was a marathon for the ladies, wasn't it?
    Well, I have commented on the way down, but I'd like to say that Santa's face was coloured slightly with ruddy cheeks, and his spectacles were filled with glossy accents so that the lenses looked like glass. My poor photography skills haven't shown this.
    Well, I am not in the mood today to do wardrobes, so I've been waffling about not doing very much. I think I'll go and plant up some lavenders that I've been bringing on, and there's two pieces of Rosemary that I'll plant as well. George decided to trim my Rosemary hedge in the front garden a while ago, thank goodness I took two pieces to root. He cut the hedge so far back, he killed it!!!! He's now looking at the apple trees in the back garden - Nooooooo.
    See you all later, I'm away to take the loppers out of his hands!!!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I'm so sorry, I panicked when I saw George out there, but I hope all the ladies who were poorly are feeling a whole lot better. Which the apple trees won't if I don't get out there QUICK!!!

    2. MAUREEN:- patience, patience!!! xxx

  12. Maureen, you did a lot yesterday and your body is just telling you to take it easy. George thought he was doing right by cutting back the Rosemary. Gillian use to have a gardener that came once a fortnight, she came home after he had been one day to find he had cut back all her bushes to the point they were like stumps!!! But even wosre she had solar lights in these bushes and he didn't even remove them before he started. Needless to say he was told not to come back!!! So my point is that George did it to your bush, a gardener getting paid did the same. Ok I am sticking up for George and I know Charlie can get my back up lots too. xxx

  13. Hi Maureen. Love both ATCs today. I left it too late to buy a Poppy. Enjoyed the display at the Tower though. We used that Father Christmas stamp at craft group recently. It's a lovely Father Christmas isn't it.
    Hoping to go to West Wycome Park this afternoon. It is a National Trust Place. Have been trying to go for a while. Kept deciding when to go then found it was closed. The. Dashwood Damily still live there and it is only open for two months of the year and then only certain days. As it's a Bank Holiday Weekend It should be open today. Tomorrow is the last day it's open this year. Weather doesn't seem bad at the moment. Going to put my wellies in the boot so if I need then they are there. Saw a couple of people with short ones the other day but cannot see any anywhere like that. They would be useful. Better go and get ready as it opens at 2pm. That's another thing. Only open 2 months of the year, 2-5pm and only a few days a week. Be back later

    1. Hello Brenda, have a lovely day, if you have a look on New Look .com they have lots of ankle wellies and you can click and collect in store if you have one near you.

    2. BRENDA:- hope your day went well and you managed to get round the house. Good luck with the "wellie hunt" xxx

    3. Yes I did get to the house and it was very nice. Thanks SABA, will have a look. Rain held off until we had finished and got back to the car. We had a look round some lovely gift shops in West Wycome Village and there was also an Art Exhibition so all very interesting. Didn't rain much. Had a nice cream tea as well. It was in an old fashioned Sweet shop. Rows and rows of jars of sweets. I bought some milk chocolate covered ginger. Very nice. Probably not much goid got my Diabetis but it get very boring when they are so many things you shouldn't have.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Fabulous ATC's Maureen, love the Poppy and the real Santa he is lovely. All 12 have been an eye opening to what you can make with some patience.
    Hope your apple tree is intact and George haven't gone berserk .Be kind to him today, no kicking!
    Janet- have a good journey home, hope all goes well at Calais.
    Michele- have a nice day at the craft show and Jean too.
    Sue- Your granddaughter Paige made me smile, she didn't get hold of a ball of cotton to play with while you were crafting. Love to see Phoebe's card.
    Sheila- hope you are better and had a lovely day with Nikki.
    Wendy- enjoy your day and good luck !
    Hazel- hope you feeling ok ?
    We are off out tonight so not sure if I manage to pop in again but
    I hope you all have a nice Sunday whatever will come ,love and hugs Maria xx

    1. MARIA:- hope you enjoy your evening out.
      Hope you manage in to tell us about it. xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you all enjoy your last few days.
    Maureen love your poppy must look for a nice one to cross stitch and its lovely to see a proper Father Christmas, thank you look forward to next years.
    Pleased you had a lovely day with Phoebe and Paige Sue, I can just hear Paige telling you she was a kitten!!
    Janet good luck with car packing and safe journey home.
    Hope you all enjoy whatever you have planned for today.
    Fruit cake on shelf still too warm for fridge hope you enjoy
    Hugs in basket for all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Hello Ladies
    Sandra hope you have a lovely last couple of days before you head odd back home.
    Sorry I'm late in today, it's Sheila's fault. I went onto Pinterest to look at her heart which she made for Nikki - which is absolutely fabulous by the way - and then I lost myself in looking around. Ended up getting an idea for a flower pomander and that's where I have been, attempting to make one. No idea how it will turn out but I am liking it so far.
    Maureen your last two ATCs are fabulous. I love Santa but I think the poppy is my favourite. I think it is the simple sentiment -Remember- which does it for me. It says it all. I am very happy that both my girls recognise the importance of remembrance day and are passing it on to my littlie ones.
    Pat I hope you are having a good time, I think you said you were going to Yorkshire? If so you have my permission to bend down and give her a kiss from me LoL.
    Myra I hope you haven't been poisoned by your water, you did disappear rather quickly last evening.
    Well I think I will have one of Anne's scones with lashings of butter if I may and seeing as it is Sunday I'll have a vanilla milkshake to go with it.
    See you all later
    Love and snuggly hugs
    Saba xxx

  17. Oh please can I have a nice cup of Esrl Grey and a piece of something sweet, oh that chocolate cake looks good I will have a piece of that. I have been busy, but not busy, busy. If that sounds right. I have made a couple of cards, done the everyday usual house work jobs. I now have two loads of washing to iron one load being the bedding. Want to get that all done and out of the way, out all day nearly tomorrow. Looking forward to our meet up with Jess and Norah, I will go to Perth and pick Patricia up first. That cup of tea was lovely I think I will have a refill, I love the fact that you can have it in a proper China cup and saucer, yes the candles look lovely in these to, but please Sandra don't let this lot let you give them too them!!! Right money in the pot, dishes done. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies popping in today,
    MAUREEN I adore your 2 final ATCs and as others have said they are my favourites....those poppies are gorgeous and I love the image of Santa. Thank you for showing us your whole year of them.
    Well if only I had popped in this morning as I've noticed that Jean and Michele have both been to a craft show and I have a feeling it's the same one as I have been to,....Sincerely Yours at Leigh...we could have had a quick chat.
    Boy it was busy! The queue was all the way round the building when we arrived. and it's quite a small show. My back has held up really well it was a bit sore this morning but has got better as the day has gone on....I do hope I haven't jinxed myself now.
    At the moment I am enjoying a coffee and watching the airshow which pass over our house from Rhyl.....the Red Arrows are due over at 5.15pm so looking forward to that. It's just going to be a relaxing evening with Magaret's heat bag. Will try and pop in later. Hugs in the basket.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, that will be a pity if they were there. But to late now, but maybe next time you will have to put up on the day before and ask if anyone is going. I am so glad you had a good day, and your back held up, just take it easy, heat bag and painkilers, I could feel my back a bit last night after helping with grandsons party, but did that, feet up, heat bag and painkillers. Back fine today. Just caught it before it got to bad. Did Nikki like her heart??? Xxx

    2. Wish I'd known you & Jean we're going-we ( me & M in L) got there just before 11am & had to park quite some distance away. I spent more than I planned but am pleased with my purchases. I got the new craft CD-ROM from Ella's Design, her sample cards looked fabulous. The 3 spellbinder stepper card dies and 3 bargain bin dies- a dog pulling a sledge, a set of arrows & a pile of teacups.

      We left just after 1pm, took M in L back to Chorley & I had a cuppa and chatted to F in L then came home . Easier said than done as Southport was full of trippers so the traffic was ghastly.

      Got changed as soon as I got home & did 2 hours weeding-boring but necessary.

      Just been admiring my purchases & putting them in my folders. Will look at my CD-ROM tomorrow as I'm feeling a bit tired now.

      The craft show is back to 2 days in February so we could arrange to meet up if anyone is interested.


    3. Hi Michelle, did you go to the craft show at Leigh Lancs, I go there twice a year but today was only one day, didn't think there were so many stalls on. Glad its back to two days next time - pity we didn't know beforehand we could have at least said Hello to each other - yes if you go next time will definitely have a meet up

    4. Sheila, didn't know you were going too - Oh we could have had a good meet up couldn't we, only just read the comments, been out for tea tonight with family so just catching up . If you go next time as Ive said to Michelle we will definitely meet up xxx

  19. Good afternoon folks, I need a cuppa and a bit of gooey cake.
    Took Thomas along to their Village Hall. The small hall was all set up with beautiful tablecloths, China cups & saucers, China Cake Stands all looking wonderful. They was all previously booked for "Posh Teas". The big hall also looked good, set up the with halls tablecloths and China. Mmmmm!! you should have seen the goodies on offer. Nearly as good as what is offered in here!! They asked Thomas if he would greet the people at the door and show them to their respective tables. He looked horrified, then looked at me!! I told Thomas he would be fine, just remember to "smile". I left him to it as there were a few of his friends in helping ..... all girls ... they would keep him in order!!! Will hear later how it went.
    SHEILA:- so glad you went to your Craft Show. Hope the back continues to get better.
    Off to climb back up,to see what you have all been up to. xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all who are visiting the blog. Greetings from sunny Salou. I didn't have internet access, I was to tired to sort it out yesterday. Loved all the mixed craft yesterday, but must admit I've only just looked at it.
    Loving the balance of your ATC's Maureen. The poppy looks very life like and simply adore your Father Christmas. Hope your still enjoying your holiday Sandra.

    1. Pat, why did I think you had gone to Yorkshire? Oh well, have a lovely holiday in Salou, lots of rest and relaxation.
      Hugs Saba xxxx

    2. PAT:- great to hear you have arrived and you are both enjoying your holiday. xxx

    3. have a lovely holiday Pat xxx

  21. Hello everyone, late today I did pop in earlier and then got distracted, the day has just flown by, can't say I have achieved very much at all, it really has been a funny day.

    Maureen, I love your final 2 ATC's The poppy is gorgeous, and your Father Christmas looks so cheery. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful masterpieces with us.

    Janet, hope you have the car all packed up and are still talking to each other!!!

    Sheila, after some searching I found your Pinterest page. The heart you made for Nikki is gorgeous, I also had another look at your exploding boxes. You really are a very talented lady. xxx

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda I'll second that, Sheila's boxes are amazing and that heart, well it is so gorgeous.
      Love and hugs for you too.

  22. Hi everyone. Not much doing here today, went to see my sister who lives in supported accommodation, I always go on a Sunday after her support workers have been, good chat, watched 60 minute makeover with her, then I went home via Hobbycraft (as you do)! , bought a box of letters, a sheet of graduation paper (to do my grandsons graduation scrapbook page). Cleaned out the car. Then caught up with today's ironing. Really need to get a couple of cards done for next week., probably not manage back in tonight.
    Meeting Patricia, Hazel and Norah tomorrow, looking forward to that.
    Have a great evening what ever you get up to. Take care, Xxx

  23. Ladies a few of you commented on Myras card where she had used the music embossing folder, Amazon have it if any one is interested. It's a spellbinders one. Xxx

  24. The folder is under X

  25. Hi everyone
    Flying visit as we've just walked through the door and pizza will be arriving any minute - I will catch up on comments later but just had to say wow Maureen I think these two are my favourites. You really have made some stunning atc's - thank you for sharing them with us. See you all a bit later.
    Love and hugs Diane xxxx

  26. I am well and truly stuffed. We have just finished dinner, why oh why did I eat so much.
    My flower pomander has not really progressed much. I did another couple of rows of flowers then decided to have a break. It's more work than I imagined but I will finish it.
    Muriel how are your apple trees? Hope you didn't get cross with the lovely George.
    Hope you three ladies had fun at the craft show. If it was the same one, such a shame you hadn't realised earlier and arranged a meet up. Talking of which, Hazel, Patricia, Jess and Nora I hope you have a lovely time meeting up tomorrow.
    Thanks for the tip Hazel, I wonder if they deliver to Germany, might check it out as it was a lovely EB. I do wish Myra would pop in, maybe she is having internet problems.

    1. SABA:- was "stuffed Courgetts"???

    2. Saba, the craft show I went to today was Sincerely Yours, in Leigh, I go twice a year with my friends but today it was only on one day and there wasn't half the stalls, very disappointed. xxx

  27. Just had a look at that Embossing Folder to realise I already had it Duh!!
    I really should have a good look through my "stuff" xxx

    1. Big sis you will have to a good look at what you have. You must have to many that's the problem. At least you saved yourself some money. Xxx

    2. Patricia, it was roasted suckling pig ( not a whole one!) with German dumplings and you guessed right, blinking courgettes. I am thrilled to say though I have only one more of the blasted things left to eat this week. How did Thomas get on?

    3. SABA:- you'll be glad to see the end of those Courgettes then!!!
      Thomas is just off the phone. He got on great, he was greeting people at the door and showing them to their tables.
      Robert (the team Gaolkeeper) then came on to tell me that he was playing "midfield" today for change and scored a "goal". Two excited boys waiting for mum coming home approx 9pm from a 12 hr shift. Poor mum won't get right in the door ........ do you get the picture?? xxx

    4. SABA:- you brought back a memory with your Suckling Pig.
      When we lived in Turkey (they obviously don't eat Pork) our English friends who lived in a tiny Turkish Village, were often given "Wild Boar" that villagers shot. The villagers fed them to their dogs. When Allen found out he asked the villagers if he could buy one now and again. They would not sell them but did often gave him one. He used to Spit Roast it and invite us to share. We then came home with bits to pop in the freezer. Mmmmm!! I can almost smell and taste it. xxx

  28. Where is everyone tonight? It's been so quiet in the cafe all day. xxx

    1. I was wondering the same. Bet you are excited about your meet up tomorrow, can't wait to hear all about it.

    2. Hope everyone is not sitting waiting to hear how we get on with our "meet up" ... it's TOMORROW folks. We still have this evening to get through!!! xxx

    3. Patricia, I can imagine how Audrey will feel when she gets home from a 12 hour shift. I remember them well. She is a midwife isn't she? I very nearly became one too. Got accepted on the course which was to start in January but my mum became ill and I deferred for a year during which time I applied for and got my first sisters post. Never expected to get it but decided to accept and gave backward on the Midwifery course. I think I would have enjoyed it.

    4. Audrey really loves her job but is finding it difficult just now, they are so short staffed. If they could afford it she would leave, it is so stressful. She is Part Time but does 3 x 12 hr shifts each week. However needs must so she soldiers on!!

    5. Patricia, 3 twelve hour shifts is just about full time, I feel for her, it was stressful enough when I left all those years ago and I imagine it has got much worse. I was the same, I loved my job but the stress was terrible.

    6. Your right it is almost full time but they term it as Part-Time!!! xxx

    7. I don't think people realise just how our nurses combine the long work hours and family life. Its easy to forget about their home life when the person is ill and depending on nurses xx

  29. Saba, don't speak to soon. Peter might just bring some more home seeing how you have enjoyed having courgettes so much!!! xxx

    1. Hazel I looked up a recipe and made the fritters but can't say they were very good. They tasted alright but they stuck to the pan something terrible. Maybe you could let me have your recipe sometime?

    2. SABA:- they do stick to the pan. I use a non-stick and spray oil and the still tend to stick. xxx

    3. Patricia there was no tend about it. I use a ceramic pan and nothing sticks to that except these courgette fritters!! It was a nightmare. I have since found a recipe which involves sprinkling them with salt and leaving them for an hour to sweat and then squeezing the life out of them in a fresh t towel. Supposedly they don't stick as much. Sounds like too much bother though so I doubt I will try it.

    4. Next time I have Courgette Fritters will be in Turkey when my friend will make them and they are devine. Much better than I ever make and I use her recipe. Mind you I use a lot of her recipes they are good but still never taste like hers!!! I always say it's because the "Turkish sunshine" is missing from the recipes xxx

  30. Patricia I sent you an email, two actually but wish I had waited a bit!!
    Muriel's on her way in.

    1. The last time I made them I used a small amount of butter and olive oil and they didn't stick so much. xxx

  31. I'm here, the eagle has landed. Well, more of a belly dive really. I've been locked in my craft room all day - plans of mice and men, and all that. I am going to read all the comments and find out what you've been doing, and I shall return, so behave yourselves.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Wasn't that a novel by John Steinbeck?

    2. Yes! and I did that for my O level English and hated it xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- thank goodness thought the eagle had carried you off xxx

    4. Catching up is my plan of action too Maureen xx

    5. Do you know I can't remember what we did for our O level. I know English Lit was Macbeth. And I remember playing the lead role in the school play. It was a Chinese mime and I was Primcess Precious Stream! I had to walk on looking all gorgeous in my kimono except I wasn't gorgeous at all. At the rehearsals we were messing about and I slipped and a load of stacked metal chairs came crashing down on my head. I woke up in hospital with concussion and a broken nose and subsequently developed two massive black eyes. I was allowed to go back to,school a few days later and appeared as more of a Princess Panda Face with a crooked nose than a Precious Stream!!!
      Ps I hasten to add I had to go back and have my nose seen to later on and it is no longer bent!

    6. SABA:- that was some accident. I am quite sure you were gorgeous before but maybe not so gorgeous later!!! That has passed and you are back to your old self. The old not being "age" I hasten to add xxx
      Best get to bed before I start digging a hole xxx

  32. MYRA:- I believe has a migraine, sending some (((hugs)))
    MAUREEN:- has landed thank goodness, we have been worried.
    I am going to have to leave you. I want to be up early, showered, breakfasted, and ready to head off to meet up with Hazel. We then travel to meet up with Jess and Norah.
    See you in the morning
    Goodnight and God Bless xxx

    1. enjoy your trip tomorrow xxx

    2. Night God bless Patricia, have fun tomorrow.

    3. Night, night, sweet dreams Patricia. Have a wonderful day tomorrow - jealous - me - never, well maybe a little bit!!! xxxxx

  33. Thank goodness that eagle didn't carry Maureen away. xxx

  34. Well, the apple trees have survived, they are only small and very old and gnarled - like George - he decided to move some lavender plants for me, so all was well in the Killen household. Watch this space though!!!!
    Brenda LL, I hope you got to your NT house and it was open! I can't remember who was doing what today, but I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
    Saba, you must be so disappointed that the courgettes are nearly finished. I'll send Peter an e-mail to tell him to get some more very quickly!!
    Patricia, Thomas did a good job then showing people to their tables, and I can just appreciate how excited Robert was. Audrey will be met by two very excited boys tonight.
    Hazel, Jess, Norah and Patricia (alphabetical order to avoid offending anyone!) have a great day tomorrow. I wish I could be there with you.
    Janet, I've just heard on the news that there's trouble at Calais with strikers on the ferries. I hope this will not affect you.
    Rachel has been on the phone and wants me to go up early to be with the girls. It's not babysitting as they do their own thing a lot of the time, just be there for them. They have bought a bungalow and are ripping it apart to do it up. Peter has already ripped out the bathroom and the kitchen, so George is going tomorrow to help strip walls as Peter wants to install the central heating, rewire and install a burglar alarm before fitting the new kitchen and bathroom. It's busy days ahead.
    I don't know if I'll get in before I go up to Rachel's early, but I may manage to get in under anonymous on Rachel's computer.
    See you shortly
    Muriel xxx

  35. Oh, I think I've chased everyone away, I've logged on, and everyone else has logged off - is it something I said? Hazel is probably away getting her beauty sleep ready for tomorrow. Saba is hunting for more courgettes, and I don't know where Maria is. Sheila, I hope you are all right today. I'm popping out for a few minutes, but will come back to see if anyone is about.

    1. Im afraid Im logging off now too so goodnight everyone xxx

    2. Helloooooo! I've finally made it!
      Thank you for caring so much - you are gems all of you!
      I've had a bad head but it's being good again! I feel so much better but I have slept so much . I'm very sorry.
      Will send this and post again! Xxxx

  36. No, there's nobody here. I think the Eagle has taken everyone away, so I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams, and if I don't get in to the Cafe in the morning, I'll be in later in the day.
    Nght, night, and God bless.
    Muriel xxx

  37. I am still here, I was going to go to bed but I am watch the TV. Not saying I might fall asleep while watching the program. Must go and switch off the diswasher it keeps telling me it's finished. xxx

  38. Had a lovely afternoon at West Wycombe Park and the village. It had some lovely gift shops and also an Art Exhibition. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow especially Patricia, Hazel, Jess and Norah. I hope to go to the Stonor craft fair. It's a near Henley. Night.

    1. Brenda, so pleased you've had a lovely day out! Xxx

  39. Hi Hazel. Thought you would be in bed by now as you have an exciting day tomorrow. Enjoy.

  40. Noooo don't go, Myra is skipping down the road and about to come in.

    1. You didn't know Saba was psychic did you? Xxx

  41. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    I very nearly missed a day!
    I hope, Sandra that your are enjoying the last day or so before travelling home.
    Maureen your ATC's are just gorgeous! I love that Father Christmas and use him often with the children too! They love his glasses! My favourite is November's poppy though . It is beautiful and just that one word - says it all!
    I haven't read anything yet but I'll try. Think you may all be in bed!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. I'm not. And I think you are a witch, that almost word for word what I said about Muriel's poppy.
      So glad you are feeling better.

    2. Ha Ha! It's great minds you see! That's a bit spooky! I've read nothing yet apart from yours and Muriel's above and Hazel going to bed! Xxx

    3. I've just read it! How funny!
      My husband thinks you are very kind and thoughtful and Muriel too! He has certainly had a quiet day!
      Well you all had a Myra free quiet day! Be thankful! Xxx

    4. Thankful!! I was worried sick. Tell Alastair he has yet to meet me and then he might feel differently. Xxxx

    5. Never! I've still to tell him about Patricia - you are all lovely and I'm sorry I worried you. I've still to read about what happened to you yesterday! Maureen said in her email that you were upset! Xxx

    6. Oh I'm over it now. It was really quite upsetting at the time, mainly because it was a shock but in retrospect it was just a silly incident and I shouldn't have let it upset me so much. Hey ho, there are some very odd people out there.

    7. What a nasty woman - that sort of thing really shakes you up as its so unexpected and totally alien to you. I said yesterday - one of these days you'll get a surprise in a German craft shop - that wasn't quite what I had in mind! I meant - pleasant as in Sue's Dies!! Xxx

    8. Whoo hoo! Our water restrictions have been lifted this evening!!! Xxx

    9. I think she was mentally unstable. It was so bizarre, there was no need for it, but the shop assistant was lovely and would have hauled her back to apologise if I had let her.
      As for Sue's dies, no chance. I have been trying for years to get them to stock them. I even took a few of my cards in to show the manager and she loved them but her hands are tied, the company policy is only to stock from certain suppliers. There is no real demand for die cutting, if it doesn't involve pipe cleaners and foam sheets you can forget it.

    10. Yipeeee, make sure you run th taps for a long time before you drink it though? What a relief. I don't know how you have coped.

    11. I'm sorry you had the run-in with that nasty lady !
      The water situation has been a pain but we've actually got used to it! It will be interesting to hear what or who caused the problem. It has cost a lot of money to put it right and they will be paying compensation too. Businesses with coffee machines couldn't use them and pubs were affected with their soft drinks that are sort of draught like? It will be nice not to have to remember to take a glass of water upstairs to brush my teeth! Xxx

    12. Well my dear it looks like it is just me and thee and I am sorry to say it is now just thee as I am going to have to head off. I thought about making you an ovaltine before I left but decided you really could do without that tune in your head all night so I have made you a milky cocoa instead.
      Look forward to seeing you tomorrow, so glad you are alright.
      Love and biggest hugs and night God bless
      Saba xxx

    13. Saba, I'm going to say night night and I will read for a bit as using this tablet for any length of time is not the best idea tonight! I need to be fit and well in the morning! Not that I'm doing anything in particular?
      Sleep Well, God Bless, xxx

    14. You are psychic!!! Xxx

  42. Night, night everyone. xxx

    1. Night night sweetie, sleep well and have fun tomorrow.

  43. Patricia, Hazel , Jess and Norah . Have a lovely day tomorrow! Xxx

  44. Oh bother I'm too late to join on the Waltons chorus again (anyone remember that - night Jimboy, night MaryEllen :)) sorry I missed you we caught up with Casulty - oh I cried buckets! But alls well that ends well as they say. Night night everyone sleep tight see you tomorrow xxx
