
Saturday 29 August 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Margaret P's Gorgeous baby Blanket
Michele's Amazing Advent Box

Brenda's (littlelamb) Wall Art
Good Morning Ladies, Welcome to another Mixed Craft Saturday,
We have a beautiful collection of Crafts once again,
You ladies never cease to amaze me with your amazing talent.
First up today we have the absolutely gorgeous double sided Baby
Blanket created by Margaret (Palmer), I don't think I have ever seen
such a cute, snuggly blanket before Margaret, it is so amazing and looks
so soft and warm, was this made for Christopher?
Thank you so very Much for sharing with all of us Margaret xxxx
Next up we have Michele's absolutely amazing Advent box,
Michele had the frame made to size and then made all of the little
boxes individually, I have seen this shown on Christine Emberson's
Hope & Chances Blog, she did have the frame for sale, her dad is an
amazing carpenter, he makes all sorts from little things to hold your
Fine Tip Glue bottles is to pokey tools too, so always worth a check,
I know that Christine used the Spellbinders Bracket Top Box die
for her boxes, but I imagine you can make them to size as I think
Michele has done, I know that this is one of Michele's favourite
projects and quite rightly so, its fabulous,
thank you so much for sharing Michele xxxx
Last but not least we have this gorgeous wall art made by Brenda
for her Granddaughter's bedroom wall, I am sure that Brenda will call in
and let us know what she has used to create this stunning piece,
It looks like different sizes of flowers arranged into a heart,
so pretty and so grown up, what little girl wouldn't love
one of these on her wall, once again Brenda you have
proved that there is no end to your talent!
Thank you so much for sharing xxxx
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,
Love and hugs



  1. Good morning, well it's going to take some clearing up in here this morning, you lot what a mess you made last night? I have left the closed sign up, as we don't want someone looking in and reporting us. What would the boss say??? Thank goodness she hasn't got internet. She loaded a few more days up on her blog before she lost her internet.
    Margaret, gorgeous baby blankets they look so cozy.
    Michele, I love these advent calendars. Much better than the chocolate ones that have nothing to do with Christmas, but it's the superhero of the day that is the focal point.
    Brenda, as ever you have made an amazing piece of art.
    Now as for lady night and what happened to me!!!
    Firstly Charlie was talking to me about this new set up box that he has got from BT. And how if we can get all the programs that he watches we will save by getting rid of the sky box. ( like I wanted to know all about it?) then the. Phone went. I then noticed that my iPad was very low on power, so put it on charge ( well I thought I had switched the plug on) went and did bits came back to fined I hadnt. Sat down and the next I woke up at gone midnight, Charlie had put my slanket over me and had gone to bed. So yes I was asleep. It's this retirement it so exhausting not working. I was going to bring bits to show you some wrapping ideas for Christmas when we are at the retreat, but I don't know if I will as I can't see a thing being done??? It will be more like a girly week end. Right I have got the place looking reasonable we will just have to do things as we go along during the day. I am going to sit and have my cup of tea. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel do bring them I'm sure we can talk and craft! Xxx

    2. He is a sweetheart making sure you wouldn't be cold and put
      the slanket over you hihi Do bring you wrapping ideas, we don't do presents but could be good to know how
      Have a nice day xxx

    3. Hazel I've taken down the curtains and will get them washed, ironed - I'm making an exception to my no ironing rule - and back up ASAP. I think Muriel was to blame for getting the champagne all over them, she was trying to open the champagne bottles with a cork screw.

    4. Shaking the ketchup bottle with the top off didn't help either! Xxx

    5. Oh HAZEL, I was thinking during the night - as you do - that it you should show us your wrapping techniques, and Patricia could show us how to make fabulous flowers. That is if the materials you need are not too cumbersome to bring.
      SABA, I would never get champagne over the curtains, I always put my mouth over the cork to get every last drop!!!! I can also catch bullets between my teeth ha ha.
      Muriel xxx

    6. Isn't Charlie kind! Xxx

    7. Thank you for your kind comment about my art.

    8. Hazel thank you for your kind comments. Sorry I missed the party last night will read comments later.

      Love Margaret xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well from the sound of it you all had a wonderful time last night celebrating Sandra's birthday : ) I wonder how many sore heads there are this morning ?
    Once again we have three wonderful Mixed Crafts.
    Mums blanket that she made for Christopher is gorgeous, it is cot size and it may look like two separate ones the knitted blanket is backed with the sweet elephant fleece, making it so soft and snuggly.
    It is in Christopher's cot. Mum, you know how much I love it, you did a great job on it.
    Michele, I love your Advent boxes, the decoration is beautiful and what a wonderful family heirloom. Did you make it for someone in particular? If you did they are very lucky.
    Brenda, your wall art heart is gorgeous. Is it for Scarlett? I bet she is thrilled with it. It must have taken ages to cut out all of those lovely flowers.
    Well, we have the granddaughters today so crafting will be the main activity, oh dear, what a shame, how awful for me ha ha : ) I also have to print off all of the completed camp forms, I hope the printer decides to cooperate, it has been playing up lately. This is the first year we have got all of the parents to do it this way and I am not sure if it is any easier than getting paper copies handed back to me? Yep, I am being dragged into the 21st century, like it or not!
    Have a good day, if you are not feeling too well for whatever reason take some extra hugs from me please. Take care xx

    1. Have a lovely day crafting, how old are the little ones ? You might have told me but memory not so good xxx

    2. Sue, have a great time with your granddaughters. It's lovely crafting with children, they are like sponges just soaking up every little detail. I know you will enjoy every moment. LOL xx

    3. Sue, have a great day with your granddaughters xxx

    4. Sue, Have a lovely time with the family! Xxx

    5. Thank you for your kind comments Sue. I gave it to my other granddaughter as she liked it when it was half finished.

    6. SUE:- hope you are having/have had the most wonderful day. xxx

    7. Sue hope you have had a lovely day with Phoebe and Paige.
      Hope you will not be too tired tomorrow take care love Mum xx

  3. Well I have had my tea, I have done a bit more cleaning and it looks like you lot have hang overs? Diane came in last night late but left lots of things like ice gems etc so they are there for a change today. I have put the bits of party food in the back fridge if any one wants some, I don't want any new customers getting the wrong idea, so the chill cabinet is back to normal with some nice goodies in it. I have put the oven on so its ready for the bread rolls didn't want to Cook any just yet, much nicer to do a few at a time when needed. I had some hot smoked salmon and smoked salmon left over so I have put that in the fridge incase some one who like that for lunch. xxx

    1. HAZEL, you're a little gem yourself!! xxx

    2. You have been a busy bee! We do appreciate it. Xxx

    3. I'm hoping you don't mean a lettuce, Muriel? Xxx

  4. Morning everyone OH! MY! Word! all this partying is not good for me!!
    Thank goodness Hazel is in getting the place "ship shape" again.
    MARGARET:- what a real great, cosy Baby Blanket, love the the colours.
    MICHELE:- love your Advent Calender, I made one of these. They are a LOT of work but well worth it. I have had mine for quite a few years and still looks good.
    BRENDA:- that piece is STUNNING. We need know if the flowers are paper so ceramic. A work of Art whatever.
    I really slept in this morning. I actually don't like sleeping so long. It takes me all day to get myself in gear. Have loaded the washing machine, gosh the washing will be late going out, late getting dried and ironed.
    Oh! better go have my shower to waken myself up. Hugs in the basket by the door. Don't have time for a cuppa, see you all later xxx

    1. Patricia, take it easy, John will do it all for you! xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,

      How lovely that you slept in although I do understand what you say about putting you out for rest of day.
      Thank you for your kind comments on my blanket.

      Take care love Margaret xx

  5. Just read that Margaret's blanket is one. And on looking back I can see that now, wasn't awake or seeing state of the cafe my mind didn't take it all in. Christopher will be so attached to that blanket I can see, it will be with him for years. Baby's love the different textures on things and this blanket will fit the bill.
    Sue your right they have all got sore heads I think, have fun crafting with the children. Xxx

  6. Good morning campers, revellers and all, thought I'd get into the cafe first to clear up but Hazel has beaten me to it! I'll just sit here and try to remember last nights shenanigans , I think the brandy and Babysham and the conga did me in, ha ha !
    Margaret, your snuggly blanket is super gorgeous , lucky Christopher! It would win a prize at any show!
    Michele , I love your advent calendar , you must have lots of patience, I hope the recipient appreciates it!
    Brenda , is there no end to your talents, this heart is so pretty, makes a lovely wall hanging!

    1. Hi Anne,

      Thank you for your kind comments on Christopher's blanket, hope you soon feel better after the party last night!

      Love Margaret xx

  7. Don't know what happened there ? Thought I was going to lose the comment as I couldn't get it to move so just published it rather than lose it ( if that makes sense) .
    Think I need a piece of toast with my tea!
    Thank you Lynda for your nice comment about my Pinterest, I was looking for Sheila-ginger 's Pinterest to see her latest artwork but couldn't find it, do you go under another name on Pinterest Sheila ? I do love on there and spend too long looking at fascinating things rather than getting on with it!
    We have a charity auction in Gairloch today , in aid of Mobility for the aged , as that is fast approaching I better go along and give my support, before they are supporting me!
    Wishing you all a lovely day , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne I go under the name of Sheila E Turner as there were about 5 Sheila Turners on there so I add the initial of my middle name. xx

    2. Hi Anne, have a nice day. It will be long before you need a scooter !
      Nearly got run over by one in the shopping centre yesterday ,you can hire one I think but no driving test first

    3. Hi Anne,
      Have a good day today, don't spend too much at the auction. xxx

    4. That's a really good cause! As you say it's coming!! Xxx

    5. Thank you Anne for your kind comments.

    6. ANNE:- hope it all went well and you made lots of money for a brilliant cause xxx

    7. Anne I hope the auction raised lots. xxx

  8. Morning Ladies

    Margaret - what a beautiful blanket, you are very talented.

    Brenda - stunning work of art, so much detail in it. Can't wait to find out how you made this.

    My project was inspired by Christine Emberson, having seen something similar on her blog. My ex neighbour is a brilliant woodworker so I pleaded with him & he made me 10 frames. I sold 7 (for charity-research into Motor Neurone disease as that's what my Mum had) . I used one for my crazy , cluttered house friend which was all purple & I have 2 left. I used the Spellbinder box die, I got quite fed up of cutting out boxes + lids I can tell you. This wasn't last year but the year before-don't seem to have done as much crafting this year for some reason.

    Best get a move on as I'm meeting a friend at 10am and have a few jobs to do before that.


    1. Michele, your Advent Box is gorgeous. A keepsake and heirloom in the making. I hope you have a good morning with your friend. xxx

    2. Michele, Your advent box is beautiful. Something I've always meant to try but never quite got round to it. Thank you for sharing it. Xxx

    3. Love your Nativity boxes MICHELE. I am sure the people who bought them were very pleased with them. Thank you for your kind comments about my art.

    4. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for your kind comment.

      Your advent boxes are brilliant such a good idea.

      Love Margaret xx

  9. Good morning ladies,

    Well again you have amazed me with your clever talents.
    What baby would not like to snuggle under your gorgeous blanket Margaret? I expect Christopher will treasure it as he gets older.
    Michele's work of art, as that is what it is, spectacular, the boxes are so pretty, all different and I can understand how long they took you to make.
    And Brenda's wall art is divine. If that was for Scarlett, I bet she is so proud of her Nanny making her such a lovely item.

    I'm having a bit of a lazy weekend, several birthday cards to get finished and a spot of cross stitching and perhaps a good book to read, a book folding pattern to find on the net for Fiona's birthday present next month and plenty of R&R.
    However you are spending your Bank Holiday, enjoy it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, have a nice day. Hope you have some sunshine in your parts. Enjoy your crafting. xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, enjoy your R&R, so glad your friend had a good send off, she was a brave lady and I am sure you have lots of happy memories to look back on and remember her.
      Snuggly Hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, have a good crafting day. I've been in the garden again, moving things and digging plants up. I'm hoping to get a bit of crafting done later this afternoon xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, enjoy relaxing this weekend! I've been watching the T20 Cricket finals day xxx

    5. Thank you Cheryl fir your kind comments. The plaque was for Megan my other Granddaughter. Hope you are having a good day.

    6. CHERYL:- hope you are enjoying your R&R
      Have a great weekend xxx

    7. Hi Cheryl,

      Thank you for your kind comment.

      Hope you enjoy your card making cross stitch or whatever you decide to do.

      Love Margaret xx

    8. Cheryl, enjoy every minute of your R&R you have been so busy lately. xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Ooh so sorry I missed the party I've been reading your posts from last night and they have had me tittering to myself this morning!
    Such beautiful crafts are being shown here this morning...Margaret the baby's blanket is gorgeous, I love the elephants and the colours are wonderful. Michele what a wonderful Advent Calender I wish I had the patience to construct something like that. Brenda your artwork is a WOW...I loved decorating Nikki's wicker heart but it's no comparison to your piece of art.
    I best get a move on as I have Nikki coming and I can't move as fast as I could before I had this sciatica thing so I'll be glad when it goes.
    Sandra and family hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday and still enjoying your holiday.
    See you later have left huge hugs in the basket after Hazel had tipped all the bottles out of it!! Lol

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Enjoy your day with Nikki Sheila and go careful with that back xxx

    2. Sheila sweetheart, yours was done with every bit as much love and attention to detail im sure as Brenda's but yours was done for the love of your life... our Nikki who i'm more than certain loves her heart so please don't ever put down your skills as we have seen some of your extraordinary work as well flower. Brenda's wall art was done with her little cherub in mind and yours done for yours. Have a great day with Nikki flower and take care.
      Love and huggles to you both
      Norah x

    3. Morning Sheila, have a wonderful day with Nikki and give her a hug .
      I'm sure Nikki love her heart made by her mamma! xxx

    4. Hello Sheila
      Have a lovely day with Nikki, she will be over the moon with her heart.

    5. Hello Sheila, have a wonderful day with Nikki. I can see her beautiful face light up when she sees the heart you have decorated. xxx

    6. Sheila, your heart is absolutely lovely! Brenda's is too - they are totally different but I'd be thrilled with either of them and I'm not a little girl anymore! Ha ha . - careful Muriel! Xxx

    7. Thank you all for your kind comments about my artwork. Sheila. I am sure your heart is lovely and Nikki adored it. Hope you will send a photo to Sandra.

    8. SHEILA:- hope you have had the most wonderful day with your darling Nikki. She will have loved her heart and always treasure it. It will be even more special because "you" made it for her. xxx

    9. Hi Sheila,

      Thank you for your kind comments.

      Enjoy your day with Nikki and I know she will treasure your heart you have made.
      Take care hope sciatica continues to improve.

      Love Margaret xx?

    10. Sheila, I hope you had a lovely time with nikki, now please go heat your Margaret bags up and sit or lie what ever is comfortable and just relax. You need to take your painkillers too. That way you will be ok in the morning. Well at least your pain hopefully will be ok. xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    What a wonderful array of crafty goodies we have today, Margaret your blanket is so lovely for a little one to snuggle up with and go to sleep.
    Michele what a super project for Advent love it, but with your busy life style I am more than a little surprised how you fit all your crafting in, you are another super woman!
    Brenda Wow this wall hanging is fabulous is there no limit to your talents I ask myself!
    Sheila lovely to see you here today, do have a lovely day with Nikki and take things easy.
    Patricia the longer sleep will have done you good, have you not noticed you seem to sleep a little longer after you have had you B12 injection, obviously until it gets absorbed you need just that little extra sleep perhaps.
    Hazel just enjoy the extra rest and snoozes you are having, it will get you in top form so to speak for your holiday with Patricia, as my Dad used to say when you retire everyday is a holiday, so enjoy!
    Well the sun is shining but a bit weak but so nice to see it for a change, now someone is asking for coffee so I had better keep him happy and put the coffee machine on. Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, enjoy your day.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, have a nice day and hope the sun is staying just a little bit longer. Love the smell of coffee xxx

    2. Margaret C, dear - your father obviously didn't do housework, washing or ironing!! ha ha xxxx

    3. Hmmm! Retirement is no holiday here - however I know what your Dad means! Xxx

    4. My OH says to people don't retire - you work harder than when you went to work ........... this whip does make my arms ache!!!!!!!

    5. Thank you all for your kind comments about my artwork. Much appreciated.

    6. MARAGARET:- think Hazel would disagree at this point in time about the Retirement thing!!!
      Your right about me though, I do sleep longer for couple of nights after I have had my B12. It's like the body needs the rest to absorb it.
      Hope fully that's it and I am back up and running again at full tilt. xxx

  12. Morning all, Beatiful craft mixture. The nativity box is a great idea and looks lovely. the blanket is gorgeous, bet Christopher will never that go and the heart is perfect for a little girls room its lovely. For a change it is nice and sunny, going with friends to watch some bowling then probably end up in Weatherspoons for a few drinks and some food, as we live in the sticks it will cost about £15 to get home but it will be a good day out. xx

    1. Hi Wendy, have fabulous day out ! xxx

    2. Wendy enjoy your day out and I hope the sun keeps shining! Xxx

    3. Wendy enjoy your day out. xxx

    4. Hi Wendy,

      Thank you for your kind comments.
      Hope you enjoyed your day out.

      Love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Ladies
    Wow what a beautiful collection today. Margaret such a lovely cuddly blanket for Christopher xxx Michele your advent box is great xxx Brenda your wall art is lovely xxx thank you for sharing. Xxx
    The sun is out here, I don't think it's found out yet it's bank holiday weekend! We are off to Julian's mum for a games evening and a meal. Gives Emma the chance to say goodbye to great granny to. Must dash, sooooo much to do. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. Lots of love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi Diane, have a good day. What date is Emma starting the Uni ?
      hugs to you all and great granny too xxx

    2. Hello Dainty, have a great day and enjoy the games!!! xxx

    3. Hope you all have a lovely day together, Diane. Xxx

    4. Hi Diane. Thank you for your kind comments. Have a lovely day.

    5. DIANE:- hope you all have a fantastic day xxx

    6. Hi Diane,
      Thank you for your kind comments. Enjoy your evening.

      Love Margaret xx

  14. Good Morning Ladies
    What a beautiful collection of goodies on show today.
    Margaret your blanket is just gorgeous, love the little elephants and I bet Christopher will will love the touch freely aspect of his cot blanket. It's a lovely family heirloom for him.
    Michele, lucky you having a woodworker neighbour, shame he is no longer there. It's a project I have been meaning to do ever since the grandchildren came along but always remember too near to Christmas and then it's too late. Thank you for the reminder, I might even get to do them this year. Glad you managed to raise some funds for your special charity.
    Brenda I love your wall art, I need to do this too, my Abi would love it, it's gorgeous. You are so talented, I am dying to hear how you did it.
    Well I have had problems getting going today, l must stop all this late night revelling, I'm getting too old for it. Think it was the Hokey Cokey that finished me off, I still haven't got over the shock of John streaking! And there is glitter in my hair! No idea where that came from.
    Well it's offical, Dawn B. Is presenting on the new craft TV channel starting in September. I just had a look on and there she was. Interesting times.
    Right must get on, I want to have a wander into town, might cycle in, doubt I shall be buying anything but will pop into the rubbish craft shop anyway.
    Love and hugs for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba, I loved doing the Hokey Cokey. It was great last night and I hope Sandra enjoyed it too. Have a nice day, you might find something in the craft shop you never know. I always bring something home even if I don't need it hihi xxx

    2. Hi Saba, I'm not surprised you can't get going, after your goings on last night. Cycling into town, oh you are brave, have a good day.
      I wasn't allowed a bike as a child - my father didn't think it was ladylike - and I left school before I ever rode a bike. I still wobble all over the place when I'm on a bike, but then again I do that when I walk ha ha xxxx

    3. Saba, one of these days you'll get a surprise in a German Craft Shop! Hope it's today ! Steady as you go! Xxx

    4. Thank you SABA for your kind comments about my Art. It was very easy really. I am sure your granddaughter would love it. Hope you enjoyed your trip into town.

    5. SABA:- hope you enjoyed your trip into town whatever method of transport you used. Maybe there was a BIG surprise and there were some goodies in the Craft Shop. xxx

    6. Hi Saba,

      Thank you so much for your kind comments.

      Love Margaret xx

  15. Hello everyone,
    What a great evening was had by all, I apologise for falling asleep partway through, but have managed to catch up on everything else that happened this morning.
    MARGARET, I love the blanket you made for Christopher it's beautiful, when he is asleep it's your lovely blanket that is cuddling him, and I'm sure has kept him lovely and warm on a cold nights.
    MICHELE, Your advent boxes are gorgeous what a lovely idea. Do you have a theme when you're filling them, or do you just keep it for show?
    BRENDA, What a Beautiful wall hanging, is it all ceramic or flowers made of paper? What ever you have used it looks absolutely gorgeous.

    We are lucky we have the sunshine here today, I have to machine loads of washing on the line drying very nicely. it should all be dry after lunch so I can get it ironed and put away.

    Think I'll have a latte and a buttered scone, I'll go and sit over by the window and do some people watching .

    Have a good day everyone will pop in again later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. OOoops .... I even have TWO Machine loads of washing on the line !!!!

    2. Hi Brenda, not to bad last night hihi..
      It's wonderful to be able to hang the washing out, isn't it ? I don't do ironing much unless their is some shirts but since OH retired it's mostly tee-shirts worn. Have a nice day and enjoy the sunshine while it's last xxx

    3. Hello Brenda OB, my word you are a fast worker. One load out at 12.05 and the second out at 12.08. Wish I could work as fast!!! xxx

    4. Brenda, I've done one - you're making me feel lazy! Xxx

    5. Thank you Brenda for your kind comments. Will comment on how I made it when I get to the end of all the comments. It's taking a long time.

    6. BRENDA:- your were up and running early today. Put me to shame I got so far behind, still have not caught up with myself. xxx

    7. Hi Brenda,

      Thank you for your kind comments on Christopher's blanket.

      Take care love Margaret xx

  16. Morning Sandra and all in. Could I use the third teabag please, seem to be a bit more left then the other two and a bagel with some of Hazels salmon, oh yummy
    Had a nice night and did manage to sleep around 2am until 7am when son woke me up as he was going to work. The sun is out, yay! so the washing machine got quickly loaded and it's now hanging outside on my still little bit wonky rotary hihi but it does it's job. The week went around quick and today we have some amazing craft on show.
    Margaret- the blanket is gorgeous ! Christopher will keep that for ever. Love the little elephants. Does the blanket come in X-large by any chance ? hihi
    Michele- Love the Advent calendar. It most have taken ages to do all the little boxes ,even with a cut out die for them. Love it!
    Brenda LL- the wall art is wonderful with all the flowers made into a heart ! You are a amazing talanted woman.
    OH is going to London for watching football so I have a day of rest hihi
    I have a few cards need finishing but I have no mojo for some reason it suddenly went off somewhere so will sit and get some warmth from the sun and let the achy body have a kick in the backside ( could you help me Muriel if not to busy giving George one tihi) Liked to to some gardening, the weeds have grown like mad the last few days, will see. Coffee arrived so I saying have a nice day everyone and I see you later, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria, I'd never kick you, just a gentle nudge ha ha. I've been in the garden this morning, I seem to be getting everybody's weeds growing in my little garden.
      I'm going to get rid of all the pots with plants in as well. I'll probably just keep a couple, the older I get, the more bother they are. xxx

    2. Glad you had a better night's sleep Maria! Never mind the weeds - they just grow again to be annoying! My husband took great delight yesterday in showing me the biggest, fattest slug I've ever seen . Ugh - I hate them! I set up another slug pub! Xxx

    3. Hi Maria,

      Thanks for your kind words sorry I do not think my hands could cope with a adult one sorry would you want the elephants if I could????haha

      Love Margaret xx

    4. Thank you Maria for your kind comment.

    5. MARIA:-
      Glad you had a better sleep last night. I was all the dancing that tired you out. Fancy doing the same again tonight ??? Actually, I don't think I have the energy for another riotous night!!! xxx

  17. PATRICIA you think you're being lazy at not being dressed at 8am tut tut! I'm still in my pj's at 12.30 Late night last night AND I missed the party I needed to get a couple if cards finished this morning Hadn't realised how long they took me!
    MARGARET P I love your snuggly blanket and a great idea to back it in fleece I wouldn't have thought to do that Did you hand sew it on?
    MICHELE what a fabulous project
    BRENDA a lovely piece of art work I love crafted hearts in all media
    SHEILA enjoy your day with Nikki
    The rest of you Behave! Whadda u like especially as I was missing! Glad to see Hazel has cleared up As it's lunch time I'll have a toasted ham and cheese sandwich and a Cappucino please

    1. Tut tut, not dressed at 12.30 hihi hope you had a good night. Let me pay for the toastie and coffee and anything else as a thank you for the cardigan. Everybody loves it ! xx

    2. Have you seen my email Maria... There's really no need A photo of little Louis wearing it (when he's big enough) will be payment enough

    3. Good for you Karen, a little bit of lolling around never hurt anyone. Although if I try to do it I always seem to get company lol xxx

    4. I've been following Maureen, methinks! Goodness knows what she's been saying! Xxx

    5. Hi Karen,

      Yes I blanket stitched it, once I watched a video how to start it I always forget thank goodness for internet.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Love Margaret xx

    6. KAREN:- I am often still in my PJs till later in the morning. It's the "sleeping" later don't like. I get so much done in the morning when John is still asleep and out of my feet. If I sleep late it seems to take so much longer working round John. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra, Revellers and others!
    Well, no wonder I'm late today! Now I know what a virtual headache is!
    I think the kebabs on the way home may just have been a step too far !
    I've been watching the T20 Cricket Finals this afternoon . Hope Lancashire get through to the Final. God's own County aren't playing. They were represented in the Mascots Race though!
    Wow - don't we have some lovely things on show again today!
    Margaret - your blanket is beautiful. I love the different textures of it and the elephants are so cute! Thank you for sharing it.
    Michele - I mentioned yours higher up and it's lovely - lots of work but such a worthwhile project.
    Brenda- you've done it again! You are a very talented lady and your wall plaque is beautiful. I love the subtle colours you have used. Thank you too for sharing it.
    Enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday everyone!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. MYRA, did you see Mo Mowlem win his race at the athletics? I've missed the cricket I'm afraid, but last I heard Newcastle are down to 10 men and being beaten - well there's a surprise!!! xxxx

    2. Do you mean Mo Farah? Mo Mowlem was a Labour Female Politician if I remember rightly. No I didn't see him/ her run! Ha ha xxx

    3. Thank you Myra for your kind comments, I really enjoyed making the heart picture.

    4. Thank you Myra for your kind comments.

      Love Margaret xx

  19. It'a taken forever to reach the bottom. Well that's not true, I reached rock bottom long ago lol. I've got to tell you that I've got a bit of a thick head this morning, and I'm having to talk very quietly!!!
    HAZEL and PATRICIA, I was thinking during the night (well I certainly don't sleep much) that Hazel could show us her wrapping techniques, and Patricia her lovely flower techiques that is if the things you needed to make them are easily carried.
    Well, I'm off to make a couple of cards, will be back later. Be good, shhhhhh
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I DON'T BELIEVE IT - I DIDN'T SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE TODAY'S OFFERINGS. I'm so sorry, it's because I'm still hung over from last night.
      Margaret P, your baby blanket is beautiful. It will be so snuggly.
      Michele, I've said before that I love your Advent Calendar.
      Brenda LL, I love your plaque, we need a detailed "how to" please.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Thank you Maureen. Will give a detailed 'how to' when I get to the end.

    3. MAUREEN:- if I do a Flower Demo that's no problem. Everyone would have their own tools, hopefully all I would need to bring is the Die Cut Flower shapes. xxx

    4. Hi Maureen,
      Thank you for your kind comments.

      Love Margaret xx

  20. Hi all, I'm sorry I'm late been to scrapbook crop and was running late this morning, after being at the party and taking the Amitripyline, I slept well, first time in weeks.
    Wow what a lovely lot of goodies on show today, Margaret P your baby blanket is gorgeous.
    Michele love your advent box, I'm sure it is well used each year, what do you put in the little boxes.
    Brenda LL, your wall art is stunning, a gorgeous plaque for a little girl.
    Sheila hope you had a good day with Nikki.
    Well need to visit it Tesco to get cat food, petrol and a bunch of flowers, so will pop back later.
    Thank you everyone who cleaned up today, it was so kind of you.
    Take care, xxx

    1. Thank you Jess. Hope you enjoyed the Scrapbooking this morning.

    2. Hi Jess,

      Thank you for your kind comment.
      Good to hear you slept well last night.

      Love Margaret xx

  21. Congrats Littlelamb you have won a card on Christina's blog, lucky girl!

  22. Thank you Maria. Exciting news.

  23. Thank you all for your kind comments on my Art Work.
    MICHELE. I live your Advent Calendar. I am sure all the people who bought one loved it. A lot of hard work.
    MARGARET I love your blanket and I am sure Christopher does. A work if art there.
    The heart was for my granddaughter Megan. It started off just as a project and then Megan saw it and liked it so I made it for her. First I painted a canvas with pink pearl paint to which I added glitter. Then I cut (with the GC) a scalloped heart. I cut several out of card (old boxes) and stuck them together. I painted them with pink pear listed paint. Next I cut lots of flowers out of patterned paper (lilac) think it was probably Spellbinders bit tie blossoms. The three large roses I made with clay but instead of glazing them I painted them with pink pearlised paint and glitter. The other flowers were made from paper with the new Sue Wilson fold over flower die. I just filled all the spaces that were left. I really enjoyed doing it. I did mean to put spray varnish on it but forgot as I was trying to get it finished in time for Megan's birthday. Think that's it. Thinking about doing another one in Lilac. Saw my Grandson and Gt.granddaughter for a while this morning which was lovely. I then went to get some chalk paint to do another project. I bought a little set of drawers from The Works and am going to paint it in pale pink chalk paint with probably some stencilling or rubber stamping on it. It will fit in Megan's dolls house. I then have a folding wooden chair I want to paint but that is a bigger project. Want to try out the paint first.

    1. Hi Brenda LL,

      Thank you for your kind comments on my blanket.
      Your heart is beautiful and I am sure Megan loves it.

      Take care love Margaret xx

    2. Oh Brenda LL, I thik it's gorgeous, and I love getting messy, this is a project I would enjoy. Don't forget to photo the lilac one when you do it. xxxx

  24. Oh yes as Maria said I gave won a card on Christina Griffith blog. Looking forward to seeing it.

    1. BRENDA:- you must have "endless" patience to make all those little flowers for your fantastic project. I just LOVE it, Megan will treasure it forever.
      I have done a couple of little chests of drawers with the Annie Sloan paint. It was so easy to do and they are in full use and looking good. xxx

  25. Oh! My! Word! It's taken me ages to get down here now John is asking for something to eat. He's off to set the table, better go see what I can rustle up. Thomas was here from just after 10am. He helped John cut the grass a long the front of the field hedge that runs along the front of the drive. It's right on the road, thank goodness the village is so quite. Robert arrived just after 1pm. I think he feels he is missing out on time here when he has to play football. He was asking John if he could get some time just him and Grandpa. Thomas goes of to School Activity Camp 9th/10th/11th September. John has promised Robert he will pick him up from school two of those days and they will do something.
    Right better go, John has set the table. I have something prepared, should only take 15/20mins to get it on the table. See you later xxx

  26. Good evening, party went well. Tammy and I decided that it was an easy one as Stewart did all the hard work of doing games with the children, he did modern Version of music chairs and statues. As he was telling us children just don't understand, so he does musical corners and they have to be a super hero and stand still. He says it works so it's the modern version, we just laughed as he is right children just don't know how to do the simple things. Food seemed to go down well, but of coarse you always get the one whose mum didn't tell Tammy before hand that he had to have dairy free food. We managed I went back to the house and made his sandwiches without butter and he got a small packet of jelly things instead of a top hat and krispie cake. There was big bowls of strawberries and grapes so he was ok, me I would have made up a small box and taken it along. Prizes were these big bubble wands. Had to watch that they didn't open them. But all in all it went ok. I think the adults enjoyed the sandwiches too. Plain ham, cheese, and jam ones. Cut in what I call dolly sized you get six triangles out of your two slices of bread. Small enough for them just to pop in their mouths. The water bottle idea was good no spills. Now I am sitting here feet up and in my pjs, and glad it's over. Xxx

  27. Just letting you know I might not be in the cafe later, I have just taken the advise I gave Sheila, and have got a Margaret's heat bag at my back and taken two painkillers, back just a bit sore with standing so much this afternoon , so I will catch it before it gets wosre. I am ok but the chances are I will be asleep before long when the pills take effect. xxx

    1. SIS:- will you please look after yourself we go away very soon!!. xxx

    2. Hi Hazel, I'm so pleased that the party went well. Musical corners is a good one to do. Now take notice of what big sis says, you know she's only thinking of you xxxx

  28. "ROUND TO ITS" do you know what they are folks???
    The boys were playing this afternoon. My John was a very successful Salesman (still is) The boys love to play at being Salesman. Using John's office, using his old briefcases. We have to make appointments, they use all the "stuff" they are allowed to use in this process. John has them calculating percentages, adding lists and working out dates for deliveries etc:- all educational without them realising.
    I was in the office with Robert when John Jnr came in. Robert asked him if he would like to place an order for some goods. John asked if he sold any "Round To Its" Robert looked at his dad with great curiosity. Dad! what are "Round To Its"?? John's answer ... "Well I really don't know but my wife keeps saying she going to get "Round to It" so I thought I would buy her some for her Birthday. Thomas at this point was standing in the doorway, we all burst out laughing. Well I for one thought that was brilliant .... maybe better not tell Audrey!!!
    I have a few things need doing, better go do them before I get comfortable. xxx

    1. Ha ha, that's a good one, I'll have to remember it. They must love being at your house Patricia, I thought they might have played in the burn today.
      Keep an eye on Hazel, we don't want her crocked for your holiday. xx

    2. MAUREEN:- burn wading was done in the morning ... before lunch.
      That way Thomas works up an apatite !!! xxx

    3. Hihi Good one. The boy's are having a wonderful time at yours and be playing games while learning is a great idea.
      Hope Hazel feel better in the morning.

    4. Now!! I tell you that's definitely not the word I typed ..... I know I definitely know that. Why change it, stupid

  29. Well nothing has gone to plan. I haven't done any crafting today, but the cupboards and drawers in our bedroom are nice and tidy!!! The junk I've come across has either been shredded, charity bagged or thrown out. Tomorrow I MUST do two birthday cards to post on Monday, then I have decided to go through my wardrobes in the girls' bedroom. I am going to be ruthless as I don't want Rachel to have to go through loads of rubbish and old clothes, when the time comes. The top cupboards have curtains and linen, some of which are still unwrapped from when we got married nearly 49 years ago!!! How ridiculous is that. I think the charity shop is going to be on overload next week.
    When I'm in the mood, it's no hassle, so I'm striking while the iron is hot. Makes a change from kicking George ha ha !!
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- I did something similar when Audrey's dad died and I was helping her clear out his house. He had stuff from the year "dot" never used and so old fashioned nobody would be wanting to use. We took it to the Charity Shop in Black Bags so they did see what was in them!!!
      I came home, had a massive clear out. I could probably do it again and still have stuff I could throw out or give away!! Happy Clearing!!! Tell you what it's John's Railway that will be the biggest headache!!! xxx

    2. Patricia, you'll have to take the roof off to get that out. The boys will love it. I used to play with my next door neighbours railway set for hours when I was young, and not to young actually!! xx

    3. The boys have their railways in their own house as well as thier dads.
      Dads comes to bits, so he can take it to shows. xxx

  30. MYRA - Mo Mowlam!!!! how ridiculous am I (don't answer) That's because I watched a programme about her recently. Of course I meant Mo Farrah, he was brilliant. xxxx

  31. Maureen, we will hope that Rachel doesn't have to think of that for years. So why are you worrying about it now? Now why is that linen still in their in its packaging? Was it that bad or were you keeping it good for when you needed it. As in my books if you haven't used or needed it by now it does need to go. If it's bed linen like nice white cotton sheets, you could have used it for your table at the charity day!!! Xxx

    1. Hazel,
      Tableclothes, pillow cases, white linen sheets, and curtains from our little flat, the big terraced house and this house!!! Plus material from when I used to make my own and Rachel's clothes, embroidered cushion covers, double duvet covers and bedding. I only have single beds or our king size now - the list is endless. Oh and games, I have the original Monopoly game which we played with in the 1940's!!! xxxx

    2. MAUREEN:- what ever you do don't give away that original Monopoly.
      That's a family treasurexxx

    3. Don't get rid of the monopoly for goodness sake, that's an heirloom to be kept. Your duvet covers etc I agree to take to the charity shop, material now can the school not use that? I know the little school the girls went to use to always be asking for material when they were doing plays etc.

  32. Hi everyone, it has been a lazy day here at Watson Towers, came home from scrapbook crop, and sat with a coffee and read the paper,
    then went down to sons with my daughter in laws birthday card and present.
    Came home had dinner, washed up checked a few blogs, read my card magazine, now it is supper time!!!!
    Soon be time for pills and bed, what a life.
    Hazel I hope you are ok and feeling better.
    will see you all tomorrow, take care xx

  33. Hazel, I've already supplied the school with loads of material. George being an upholsterer there was always loads of all different types, but I still have all the leather!!! In fact I've stamped on it before. I must try die cutting it. xxx

  34. Hello Ladies
    Muriel, that monopoly game could be worth a fortune! As for the linen I bet some of is is lovely. I know what you mean though, I have loads of bed linen I never use and must get rid of.
    Well my shopping trip was as expected. The craft shop is just rubbish, in fact I told the manager today. We often have a bit of a chat when I go in, she agrees but can't do anything about it unfortunately. However I had a bit of a nasty experience whilst in there. I was standing, deliberating about whether I needed some rose coloured organza, when a woman literally pushed me from behind out of the way. I mean she really really pushed me hard! I couldn't believe it and neither could the shop assistant who saw it. She was all for going and fetching her back to apologise, but I was so shaken by it I told her not to in case this mad woman became aggressive. I was standing in the middle of the Isle but there was plenty of room for her to get by, I just don't understand why she did it. It's so silly but it really upset me. I'm over it now, went on to the department store and bought a new cardigan, but I am also a bit cross with myself for being such a coward and not going after her. She knew what she had done, she couldn't not know, and I did exclaim a surprised ' excuse me! ' at the time. Sorry, rant over and we have had a lovely pizza for tea and sat on the balcony with a glass of wine so the world is not so bad now.
    Hazel hope your painkillers are doing the trick, listen to your lovely sister and rest up.
    Patricia I liked your ' round to its' tale and what a lovely game to play with the boys.
    I'm off to fill my wine glass up, be back soon.

    1. SABA. It does not surprise me, I used to get so angry with the pushing and shoving when In the shops , it was like they just didn't see you. Then again it's getting like that here. I hate clothes shopping as you are looking at an item and someone always seems to knock in to you. I often get that I think they are distracting you and it's your bag and purse they are after. Internet shopping is ok but you can't feel the clothes and I like to feel things, nothing worse than buying something that doesn't feel right. xxx

    2. Saba, I'm on my way. I'll check the CCTV and track her down to sort her out. I hate bad manners, and that was not only bad manners, it was aggressive behaviour. You are probably wise not to have done anything at the time, you just don't know what could have happened.
      What did Peter think about it?
      Have a large glass of wine, better still - have two.
      Hugs xxxx

    3. Hazel, I think you are probably right in that they are trying to distract you. We don't have too much of that in Newcastle, but I know when we go to holiday places, you have to have your wits about you. I never keep all my cards, or money, all in the same place. Not that I have much money anyway!!! xxxx

    4. Peter was furious. I actually cried when I told him. It wasn't that she bumped into me, she actually used her hand to push me sideways as she barged past. There were no crowds, there was only me and the assistant who was a few feet away and I wasn't in her way. I just can't understand why she did it. I can't understand why it is upsetting me so much either. Must be menopausal!!!

  35. Goodnight folks, that's me. I had a long lie but I feel my bed calling. John has just popped a Hot Water Bag in for me. I am not cold but I am looking forward to feeling the heat.
    See you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless. xxx

    1. Night, night Patricia, sweet dreams and God Bless. I hope you are fine now that the B12 injection is working. I'm in bed with two Margaret bags, they are just the ticket!!

    2. God bless Patricia, sweet dreams. Has John been to the laundry basket yet?

  36. Hi Myra,

    Sorry this is late did not manage to get in yesterday but I just wanted to say how much I liked your card sortofcard I would choose.

    Love Margaret xx

  37. Where is MYRA, she's not still watching the cricket, is she!! xx

  38. Well, it's very quiet in here and I'm getting lonely, so I'm off to read a book. It's one Rachel bought me years ago and I just dip in and out of it for tips, it's called "Grandma knows Best"!!!, Sweet dreams everyone, have a good night, and see you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel I was busy replying further up. Enjoy your book, night God bless.

    2. Night and God bless Saba, you are too young to be menopausal!! xxxx

  39. Pretty quiet in here tonight, are you all tired tonight after last night,
    Saba I hope you not getting any bruises from this silly woman, maybe she was in a hurry after taken something in the store who knows but she could otherwise have had the decency and say sorry to you . Hope you enjoyed the pizza and wine..
    Margaret P, that's ok I was only joking even if the elephants are very cute, but as I'm a hippo we probably wouldn't suit hihi
    It has been a long day somehow but not done very much so must get a wiggle on tomorrow with some cards.It's "Bourne" on ,again, so will watch a bit with OH before bed so I wish you Good night everyone! Many hugs xxx
