
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Gorgeous Birthday Card from Sheila

Good Morning Ladies,
I wanted to share with you today the beautiful birthday card that I received from Sheila, I was totally speechless when I opened the gorgeous packaging to reveal this amazingly personal card within, I absolutely love the title above the door,
'Sandra's Friendship Cafe', how very true, there is no way I would have made so many truly amazing, genuine friends anywhere else.
The beautiful 'french windows' open onto a pretty little table that has some pretty china set upon it, I could just imagine sitting out there with friends, I have no idea where you got the image Sheila but it is beautiful.  The Stunning French Window die is so lovely too, I have no idea who its made by, Sheila has decorated the border of it with tiny perfect roses, leaves, vines and even some tiny butterflies, so, so pretty.
Sheila, I can't thank you enough for the gorgeous birthday card
that you took the time to make and send to me, also thank you for the Stepper Card die cuts too.

I do hope that Saba has managed to get to dry land to get warm and dry, I think a few days of luxury are the order of the day for you my lovely friend.
Maria, I hope that you get some answers today, it must be miserable having these constant flare ups, keep us posted please, hugs coming your way.
Margaret, I think that you will need a bit of a lazy day today, it sounds like you whipped through the house like a whirlwind yesterday, sit and relax today, hugs xxx
Paul came home with news of a new job, this will mean that we will return to him working shifts, which has good points and bad,
It will be 12 hour shifts, which will seem really long as we have just got used to going back to to 9 hours, Paul will be exhausted for the first few weeks, he will only get two weekends off a month, but on the flip side we will get time off together through the week, which is nice, quieter for shopping too!
Its going back to him working nights that I will find hard to get used too, particularly at the moment, he is my calming influence, my security blanket! We will work through it, we always do! xx
Sue, it looks like you are coming to me this week, I hope that works out ok for you my lovely. I will make some leek and potato soup and some fresh bread!


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang, hope you are all well.
    SHEILA:- your card is absolutely amazing. I love, love, love, how you have made the card so personal. Stunning colours and design, what a very clever lady you are.
    Everything set up for the day and I see Margaret has handed in one of her Lemon Drizzel cakes. I intend to have a go at one later today .... if I get time!!
    Few things to do first before I get down to that. I am taking my Tea & Toast over to the corner table and do my usual ... people watching!!
    (((((hugs))))) hugs in the basket by the door, they are for everyone whether you need them or not. Be back later to see how Saba is getting on and Maria gets on with her hospital appointment. Be good till I get back, well as good as you can. xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Sandra does this new job and shift change mean he isn't going away? I hope it does, as that will be easier on you than 6 months away!!! Oh I think 2 young ladies will have to help out a wee bit more and do things for themselves. Our young niece and nephew are managing while mum, dad and siblings are away. When I collected them on Sunnday, the house was spotless, Hannah had washing out and had been ironing before I arrived. Now she is only 16 and is clearly in charge of big brother. Mum is a stay at home mum and does most things, but these two have got on with it.
    Sheila, now this is one out standing stunning card, so personal to Sandra too, everything is so perfect. Sandra you will love using those stepper cards.
    Well I hope Saba and Peter have had a quieter night and that just maybe they will get a day of staying dry. She said last night that Peter was going working on the deck today, I wonder if she will go off in search of hot water and warmth. Me I would be finding a nice hotel and booking in.
    Myra, I hope your day isn't full of thunderstorms and rain.
    Maria, keep calm and let's get to the bottom of all this tummy trouble, I know it's not the nicest thing to get done but if it gets answers that's the main thing.
    Brenda, ((((() hugs)))))) for today and your friends funneral.
    Jess, you take things easy if you start painting, watch that hip? We haven't got long before the retreat so don't over do it please. Same goes to the rest of you, don't go over doing things. I have put lots of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket so help yourselves. Everything set up and ready for the day. I am not having anything at the moment, had to take that tablet to keep the calcium In this morning so I am just on water just now, but it's for my own good so better just get on with it. xxx

    1. Hazel I had to smile, that reminded me of when Dad took mum away for their 25th wedding anniversary - I was about 15, my sister is 4 years older and our Gran who had a granny annex was 'in charge' rather we were looking after her! Our neighbour dropped by to see if gran was ok and asked if she was eating ok - I had cooked a full Sunday lunch with all the trimmings plus scones and cake for tea! The neighbour nearly moved in , she was amazed! Enjoy your day xxxx

    2. Hi Hazel, hope you had something to eat by now and what Diane can cook up at 15 sounded good for the retreat just in case the chef would be taken ill and scones for tea,very nice xxx

    3. Yes I am able to eat, you have to take the table first thing and drinks litre of water, I have to then only take the blood pressure and steroid tables, no others. You can't lie down and ust sit up right. Drink lots of water or in my case I can drink my weak tea. And I can eat, but I always feel so bloated and dont always feel like food. xxx

  3. Hello All,
    Sheila, what an absolutely stunning card, Sandra must have been so happy when she opened all the cards when she got home from holiday. This is truly a work of art.
    Sandra. is Paul staying in England. I certainly hope so.
    I thought that I'd post earlier this morning. Patricia, good luck with making the Drizzle cake, I hope you have time to make it. Don't sit there too long with Hazel or you'll run out of time. Hazel, you must cut down on your food, calcium and water - a feast fit for a King!!!
    Maria, thinking of you today. Good luck at the hospital, I hope all goes well.
    Saba, safe sailing for you, with a chance for a hot shower!!
    Myra, I hope you all have a good day.
    Brenda, thinking of you today.
    Everyone else, take care and I'll see you later this afternoon.
    Love and hugs, Muriel xxxx

  4. Morning/Afternoon to all who pop in today
    SHEILA - what A STUNNING card. It must have taken you hours to do all those tiny bits and pieces. I love your colours in fact I LOVE EVERYTHING about it.

    BRENDA - I'm thinking of you and your friends today.
    MARIA - good luck at the hospital. Hope you aren't waiting around for hours.
    SABA - I would be organising a warm/dry and quiet spot for the day.
    DIANE - I hope your face of many colours is on its way back to normal colour and that all your aches and pains from falling are better.
    MICHELE - I noticed you were a little better yesterday so I've fingers crossed that you will continue on that road.

    If I've missed anyone and I'm sure I will have please forgive me but it is early and I'm only firing on half a cylinder- no comments please lol.

    Sandra - I hope this is good news which means that Paul will not have to go away. Both of you will have to get used to a new routine but as you say you will work your way through. You two can do anything. You know you can.

    Well it's Knit and Natter this afternoon and thankfully not my turn to produce the card. It's one of the older ladies so we shall see what comes our way.
    Autumn has definitely arrived around here. The trees are beginning to turn and leaves are falling in the garden.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are in the basket - well they were when I came in.
    Hugs for all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet yes face is almost back to normal know, just sore skin on the top of my lip which I can cover with make up if I go out. My knees are still many shades - old paper with dusty concord, fired brick, forest spruce and a touch of mustard seed - sounds lovely doesn't it! I knelt down yesterday and oh boy are they still sore - that's a shame because I've hot the urge to do lots of kneeling jobs at the moment - I'm sure that urge will vanish once my knees are better! Enjoy your day xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Just a quickie before I'm off to School. Sheila's card is absolutely gorgeous. You can really see the work that went into it when you see it in the flesh.
    Sandra, does this new job mean that Paul will be saying in the UK now?. It will be a bummer having to get used to shift work again, but at least if he is staying in the UK it's better then him being away. And as you say, you'll get used to it.
    Maria I hope your tummy problems get sorted soon.
    Saba I hope the seas calm down and your able to get dry and warm.
    Brenda I'll be thinking of you all today.
    Jess go careful with the decorating today.

    1. Enjoy school Pat, try and get lots of house points and don't end up on the cloud! Xxx

  6. Morning all,

    Oh Sheila, just love what you have done with the window card. So personal for Sandra.
    I bought a pack of these a long while ago and have only just re-found them after only using one for a male retirement card. You have certainly given me a few ideas now for the rest of them. Thank you my dear for your inspiration.
    Well I am up early for my annual COPD & BP check only to receive a phone call at 8.05 telling me my appointment has been changed to 11.20. Oh bothersome, now that interferes with the rest of my planned excursion to be over and done with by lunchtime. Even though I am a woman and know how to do multi-task, I can't be in two places at the same time!

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Cheryl what a pain but as you say you are a woman so you will dash through all your tasks! Hope the appointment goes well xxxx

    2. Oh Cheryl so much for a caring and helpful NHS! Hope all goes well with your appointment xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, I presume you now at the docs. and that everything is as it should.
      Lovely poem you wrote yesterday and how nice the children came with you to toast Pete. hugs xxx

    4. No change in COPD, new inhalers I had last year doing the job. And BP very good, 111/78. Some jobs left for tomorrow. It's another day.
      Lunch out on Thursday with some old workmates. My son complained tonight I am never home now!
      I've also joined a pub quiz team, starting on the 25th October. Pete & I used to go regularly with friends so it will be great to get the old brain cells working again.
      Bed is calling me, so nighty night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
      Love 7 hugs
      Cheryl xxx

  7. Good morning ladies,
    Sadly no, this new job makes no difference to Paul having to go away for 6 months, in fact it makes things a little harder as I will not know anybody in his new place of work, where as atleast I could call his office now and speak to someone that knows our situation. Paul is a hugely private person and as a result of that it takes an awful long time for people to find out anything from him at work, you can always see that look in their faces when they see me in a wheelchair.
    We have a doctors appointment on Friday to ask for a report to give them explaining my medical situation, so fingers crossed she will help us, I have also contacted the school, they have been very over protective of the girls in the past so I am going to use that to my advantage and ask their head of year to write a letter explaining what the extra stress of Paul being away will cause them.
    We need to hurry with all of this though because he is on standby from the 1st October! So I will give you an advance warning and plea....'I will do my very best to keep blogging but I can make no promises, I hope to do so as it will be the one thing that keeps me sane! So you have my permission to nag me, moan at me, even kick my backside to keep me in check! Just the thought of saying goodbye to him for 6 months makes me feel physically sick!
    If anyone can get me through this, it will be you amazing ladies xxxxx
    I love you all x

    1. Oh Sandra I really do feel for you - I had hoped they had given this as an alternative. Yes we will be right here behind you, pushing and being as sweet as we can be - oh yes, that will be a miracle - sorry being as rude as anything ! I hope everything goes your way with the doctor and she can help the situation and it's good the girls school is behind you too - it's amazing how many people don't think to tell the school about major changes in a child's life - the amount of conversations teachers have comparing changes in children is unbelievable! I presume the job change doesn't mean a house move too? That would be awful on top of Paul being away. I really do feel for you and feel quite helpless that I can't pop round and help but you know we are all here for you at the end of the blog, telephone or email. Take care my lovely lady xxxxx

    2. Sandra when you get these letters of support from the doctor and the school, take copies of them and sent a copy to Social Services too, as once they realise the help you need, I feel sure they will back your case too. Try not to worry until you know for sure there is something to worry about, just take things one day at a time and you will get through we are all here for you. xxx

    3. Oh Sandra. Iwas hoping that this was going to be the end of all your worry? How is Paul placed to Say he is leaving. I know I can hear your horror!!! But and its a big BUT what it could do is let them see he isn't happy with what's going on? I know they extended his service to cover the girls finishing at the school, but is it helping the whole family? He has done his time and at the end of the day I think not only will you end up ill he will to! Ok there would be a lot of stress getting a home etc but there is going to be stress either way. I think to its time to take the NHS to task over your op. But what ever happens we will all be here for you. xxx

    4. Sandra, will SSAFA not be able to help you? They are meant to be looking after your welfare? xxx

    5. Hi Sandra
      I thank you for your permission to mistreat you as much as we want but you know we really do not need it!!!!!!
      One of the fantastic things about your out of this world cafe is that we are always here for one another and we know we can support in any way so I have the good old fashioned carpet beater ready and waiting for when I need to give you a good talking to. Sandra you know I mean this in the nicest possible way. What ever happens we are here for you in any way we can be.
      I just wish I was nearer so that I too could drop around for a cuppa and a chat.
      Hugs xxxx

    6. I can hear you worried Sandra and so wish we could help in any way. Like the others say we not going anywhere and if you don't have the time to be here, I hope you do though as you saw what happened when you went on holiday hihi, you always got someone to help out. lots of hugs xxx

    7. Dear Sandra,
      Just when things start to settle for you this has to happen, I just want you to know even though we aren't there for you in body we're definitely there in spirit for you and wishing and hoping that you can get all the help you need either to stop them sending Paul away (which would be the far better solution!) or at least to get you all the help you need to cope with it. I know we can't help physically as we live so far away (wish we didn't) but we're right here for you to give you encouragement.
      Love and the most humungus hug Sheila xxxxxxx

    8. Hello Sandra,
      Have just been reading your message and really think there must be more help out there than you are getting at the minute - the only drawback is you have to say you need it - not easy.
      I stand by whatever everyone else says we are behind you 100%
      You have been the instigator of so many friendships here in the cafe and we won't let you down - you mean too much to us
      Try not to worry until you know for certain,
      Sending some hugs just for you

  8. A very good morning everyone
    Wow oh wow SHEILA your card for SANDRA is amazing,stunning & Gorgeous I love it your soooo talented. SANDRA I can imagine your face when you oped this card. Paul's new job will this meen he won't have to go away for 6 months.
    You will both work through his shifts as you do. Yes & the girls will have to help you. Well haven't got any plans for today so will get birthday cards finished.
    OH is still in bed with Annie & Bambi hehe.
    MARIA good luck at hospital & all goes well & they get to the bottom of your tummy flare ups.xx
    BRENDA will be thinking of you today at your friends funeral Hug's xx
    CHERYL hope your hospital appointment check ups goes well it's a bit bad of then changing the time this morning.xx
    Well washings just finished so can get it on the line as we have sun this morning but still chilly.
    Hope to pop back later must get cards finished ready for posting tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda I meant to say the other day thank you for those lovely photos, what a great memory of the day. Love the photo of your stash too - I did photograph mine but it was rather big too! Enjoy your day xxxx

    2. Thank you DIANE yes I like going AP now it's not only getting goodies I now love meeting up with all the café friends & nice when I meet new ones I'm a bit shy meeting new people for the first time. Hope your bruises have gone now. Take care have a lovely day. Xxx

    3. Lynda , have a nice day crafting and the washing get dry before night.
      You shy, naaaa xxx

    4. HAHAHA cheeky MARIA I am a shy little well should say BIG wimp looking at my picture :0))xxx

    5. Lynda I know what you mean - I'm not good at meeting new people but I end up talking too much to cover the nerves! Isn't Ally Pally such a beautiful location, it's on my list of favourite buildings ( well appart from the bit of pavement outside!). I used to work for the independent broadcasting authority and had a lovely conversation one day with an engineer who was at Ally Pally at the start of itv - it's a shame the studio side is now derelict, it must be a fascinating place. Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh my goodness Sheila what a stunning card! It's so beautiful and so much care with all the tiny flowers vines and butterflies. What a beautiful piece of art. Sandra thank you for sharing it with us. Xxxx
    Brenda will be thinking of you and your friends today xxx
    Maria I hope today goes well and you finally get some answers. Will be thinking of you my lovely lady xxxx
    Saba I do hope you have a quieter day today with hot water and food and no big waves and wind - most of all may your bottom be dry and your wineglass wet! Stay safe my friend xxxxxx
    Myra what mischief are you up to today? Enjoy what ever it is xxx
    Michele I hope you are feeling better today and can enjoy your day xxxx
    Everyone else have a lovely day, the sun is out here again today so more washing and a huge ironing pile to tackle. See you all later xxxxx

  10. Buenas Dias!
    Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    We did have rain during the night but is is now dry and the sun is out. We still have some clouds but we shall see!
    Sheila's card for you, Sandra is really lovely! What an inspired idea Sheila and so personal too. Lovely colours as always!
    Maria - I do hope all goes well today and you get some answers and hopefully a cure around the corner!
    Sandra - I was hoping that Paul's new job meant he wouldn't have to go away but I see I was wrong in that. Therefore we shall hope and pray that all goes well with the Reports from Doctor and Teacher and that things will go in favour of Paul staying at home! Don't worry about us sticking by you and backing you - we'll do all that. We will do whatever we can. I know I will!
    Maureen - have a lovely lunch and a relaxing day after your Cleanathon yesterday!
    Patricia - don't you go mad today either, please!! Have a nice day that doesn't involve hard labour!
    Hazel - I don't fancy your diet at the minute but as you say it's for a reason. Don't try to do too much then please! I may be on water rations when I get home after all this eating out. Had lots of exercise mind you !!
    Jess - Enjoy the knit and natter. Hope the card inspires you! Somehow you didn't sound too confident of that but maybe I read wrongly between the lines! Haha!
    Janice - we miss you! Are you ok? Hope it's just because you are busy!!
    Norah - miss you too . You have a wedding ,however , and multiple preparations before hand. Hope you managed to find a jacket for Rory.
    Saba - I keep thinking of the song " Sailing" - in particular - the line " we are sailing stormy waters " Take care!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. Have another day lapping up the sunshine and polish those castanets for the flamenco tonight, hasta luego xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Another beautiful day here with really warm sunshine again so lovely.
    Maria thinking of you today and hope all goes well I know it is not the nicest procedure but just relax and lets hope they get you some answers.
    Saba thought of you when I had my lovely warm shower! seriously hope things calm down and you find somewhere warm where you are able to have a shower and wash your hair. I keep thinking of the song On the Good Ship Lollypop!
    Myra keep on enjoying your holiday and all the lovely meals you can always diet when you get home so worry not!
    It is start the mincemeat day today and will finish it off tomorrow, then that is another Christmas job complete!
    Have a good day everyone, and remember if you cannot be good, be careful!
    Margaret xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in Café today.
    Sheila, your card is stunning, a real wow card : ) Each and every part of it is perfect and the personal sign is the perfect finishing touch.
    Maria, I am thinking of you, I hope you get on well at the doctors.
    Saba, you poor thing having to have a cold shower! You will have to put your foot down with a firm hand about your next holiday so that you can get some rest and relaxation, not getting drenched and having to do all that sailing, especially in bad weather, entails! I hope the weather improves and you manage to find a HOT shower very soon.
    Sandra, it's good to hear Paul is going back on shift, like you say it has good and bad points but I know how much you enjoy having some time alone together. Your leek and potato soup is delicious, much as I prefer the warmer weather I do love it when we can eat yummy hot home made soups : ) See you in the morning my lovely.
    Cheryl, your Hug poem is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us : )
    Another messed up day today as we both didn't get much sleep last now Sandra remember my Mum reads this : )) just one of those silly nights when you toss and turn until about 5.30am then fall asleep not waking until after 9am! I have a card to finish and 3 others to make(no way will they all get done today though) and Chris's brother and sister in law (Bob and Kaye, the ones we looked after a couple of weeks ago) are here for dinner tonight, which will be lovely, it just means I will have to keep an eye on the clock.
    Haver a good day everyone. Take care xx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Wow Shiela your card is gorgeous, how lovely to open a card like this, it must have taken ages to do.
    Sandra sorry to hear that Paul might still be going away, keep your chin up and pray that the reports you get from school and the doctor help to keep him with you, we are all here for you as you know, a phone call or email helps to pass the day, we will help to keep you sane even if we have to give you agood kick up the backside!!,
    Maria hope your hospital appointment goes ok.
    I bet you are happy your bruises are getting better Diane, I can't kneel at all now due to Mr Arthur Itis, it is so frustrating.
    Saba I feel for you, I think a nice overnight stay in a hotel is needed, hoping the storm has passed.
    Well, busy morning, all the paintwork has been washed down on the staircase, time for coffee, then will look out the paint rollers and trays, that could be a tomorrow job, don't want to do too much in one day and get sore before the retreat.
    Take care everyone whatever your day brings. Xxx

  14. Morning Ladies

    Sheila- your card to Sandra is stunning! What a real keepsake that card is.

    Sandra- I hope your situation can be resolved as all the worry won't be helping you at all. If only we all lived closer the we could set up a visiting rota!

    Feeling a lot better now, hardly coughing, voice still a bit "husky " but heh ho!

    Went to see the new Mission Impossible film yesterday afternoon-mainly because it was raining! Then went onto an Italian restaurant for dinner which was excellent. We ordered a bottle of wine, told there was $10 off all bottles & if we didn't finish it, they would seal it up so we could take it home! What a fantastic idea-they don't have many here but that's one of them.

    Hubby's game of golf had to be abandoned due to the heavy rain but they were given a voucher to return within 12 months to play. As its still raining now (7.15am) I don't think it will be today...!!


  15. Hello Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop crew,
    Sorry I went awol yesterday it was because I was up till 5am the previous night watch the beautiful Blood moon.....I'm just so nosey and didn't want to miss a thing!! Consequently I was just nodding off all day yesterday...just couldn't keep awake.
    Thank you so much for the lovely comments on the card I made for Sandra...they all give me encourage to carry on with may cards and especially now as the lovely Patricia was so kind to make us all a birthday list.
    Maria good luck with your appointment and I do hope you can get some results today.
    Saba my wish for you today is calmer seas so you and hubby can relax a bit more and enjoy your sailing.
    Myra hope you are still enjoying your holiday and not getting to overheated with the lovely weather you are having.
    Michele I am so pleased to hear you are feeling a little better, take care though and don't over do things.
    Cheryl good luck with your annual check up it's so annoying when people change things around when you have your day planned.
    Oh I forgot to tell you what I used for Sandra's card:
    The window die is Tattered Lace and is really quite big...A5 I would think...backed with acetate.
    The picture was from the internet.
    The leaves were Cheery Lynn
    The tiny roses were Impression Obsession Mini flowers (you can make them even smaller that the ones I've made) DIE042-1
    Butterflies were a Martha Stewart punch.
    I then put the opening part of the french windows on to a folded card with an insert as normal. I didn't include the arch as part of the fold card so I back it with a piece of white card. I'm hopeless at explaining things but it really was all the dies that did the work and wasn't anywhere near as hard as it looks. Hope this helps will pop in later extra hugs in the basket for my missing day yesterday.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hi Sheila - your card is absolutely gorgeous, I was going to ask if it was Tattered Lace, mine has just come today, so if you don't mind can I use yours as a reference - thank you.

    2. Hi Jean, of course you can use it, I truly don't mind. Have fun with your new die. Love Sheila xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in today
    Beautiful card from Sheila. Love the window with it's pretty out look and the sweet flower garland around, very nice.
    Littlelamb- thinking of you too. Typical for nhs to change the dates.
    Saba- love to hear by now you are snug up in bed after a warm shower and a hot breakfast in a hotel somewhere but knowing you I can see you hanging on for dear life around the side for another day gupping up and down heading to a new island. Crazy !
    I will go back up now to see what you are up to today, can't put my thoughts together for anything . Why get an appointment first in the afternoon ,just makes me jittery but thank you all for thinking of me later, love and hugs Maria xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Life seems to be throwing so many different situations at you at moment Sandra. I know working shifts and weekends can disrupt family life. We had that for so many years. It does have its pluses, As you know. I wish for both of your sakes that this overseas posting was sorted out, I'm praying, really hard. Just keep fighting and get everyone you can on your side LOL
    SHEILA, Your card for Sandra is absolutely gorgeous. Your description makes it sound so easy, but it's obvious to see a lot of thought and effort went into your beautiful design. Sandra thank you for sharing it with us .
    Maria, hope all goes well at the hospital, praying they sort out your tummy problems LOL
    Saba, if I were you I would be looking forward to getting back to my own bed do take care and I hope the weather settles down for you soon XX
    Brenda LL, thinking of you. lOL
    Michelle, you're sounding a little bit brighter, I really feel for you being on holiday and suffering as you have been. XX
    Myra, enjoy the rest of your holiday. Could you get them to send a little more sunshine over here please. Although mustn't complain today it's nice and bright XX
    I've had a busy morning, we have a glut of tomatoes so had been making soup and pureed some for the freezer and have made a Bolognese, so that is sorted quite a few out.
    I'll sit and have a nice cup of tea now, if there's any that lemon drizzle cake left a piece of that would go down nicely.
    Will pop back later to see how you all are.
    Sending crafty hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and all
    Had a busy morning up to now, had a funeral first thing, my daughter in laws auntie, she was 91 and really loved life.
    Been ironing since we came back and then we are out for tea at an Italian in town. It was my sons birthday yesterday so we will help him celebrate tonight.
    I hope everyone is feeling better today,
    Maria, hope you get on ok at the hospital.
    Will be back later to chat properly
    Hugs are there if needed,
    Jean xx

  19. Hi Ladies,
    I have just read the sad news that the lovely and very inspirational Sarah from Inkydoodles has passed away, I wondered why there was no stand at Ally Pally as there was back in April, I am both shocked and saddened, you couldn't wish to meet a lovelier lady xxx

    1. How sad, I'd never met her but was always fascinated by the products - don't know what else to say

    2. Yes I also met her at A P.
      Had met her there on several occasions and she came over as such very talented, softly spoken and gentle lady. She is going to be greatly missed. RIP lovely lady xx

    3. Oh! My! Word, that is so sad. I never met the lady but I did like and buy their products. xxx

    4. Oh how sad I did't know Sarah but I'd go on her website & have purchasesed from there.xx

    5. Oh that's so sad. I've never met her but know of their products. xx

    6. That is sad, I hadn't met her either but I know their products xxx

    7. I didn't know the lady at all but I feel very sad for those who did, particularly her nearest and dearest. Xxx

  20. What a lovely card SHEILA A friend of mine bought thatt die. Neither of us could get our head around turning it into a panorama card. Her TL rectangles seemed to be all of the wrong size! She's probably stuffed it to the back of the cupboard I like your idea better.
    If Paul has changed jobs SANDRA Does that mean he won't have to go away now? I know how worried you were about that prospect. It's a shame his shifts are long etc but as you say you'll get used to it.
    MARIA I hope you get some help and feel better soon
    I am so tired going for a snooze but hopefully I'll be back and read everyone's comments

  21. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra I am sorry Paul is being messed about again hope you get this sorted soon xx
    Sheila my goodness what a beautiful card, ?you ladies keep amazing me with the designs you create is there no end to the talent in this lovely cafe
    Brenda LL hope all went well today.
    Maria hope you get some answers soon take care xx
    Whoever started colds in this cafe I wish they were not so generous with them I am full of one today cannot remember the last time I had one, just hope Alan does not get it he has op on Monday.
    Going to try and get my head down for a while hugs on way to all who need them live Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P, we'll keep our fingers cross that Alan stays healthy for Monday, and that the op goes well. xxx

  22. Oh Margaret, I hope it wasn't mine? As I know it wasn't nice while I had it. As you say you don't want Alan getting it. Lots of hot drinks. xxx

    1. Well Hazel I shared mine with you. People certainly can't say we are "a right greedy pair" can they???
      MARGARET:- I hope you manage to keep all the germs to yourself. Keep cosy, hot orange and Paracetamol every 4 hours. xxx

  23. Well folks what FANTASTIC weather we have had today. Took things a lot easier today. Cleared out my wardrobe, what a load of junk I have been keeping. Cleaned a few Windows, the rest were in the sun and intended to do them in the afternoon. That did not happen, I went enjoying myself instead.
    My neighbour Isobel phoned to ask if I wanted to walk. Oh! Yes! Boots on and off we went. It was warm and sunny, I forget to put on my factor 50 sun cream on, now I have a sunburned face!!! After the walk it was time for lunch. Had that then changed, picked up Isobel and we went into Hobbycraft in Dundee.
    Bought a few things, nothing exciting just necessary bits & pieces. Glue Sticks, 160gsm paper for printing backing papers. Oh! and 4 battery operated T-lights for £1. I have made a few card T-light holders and the Battery Opperated T-lights are a must for them.
    Washing all dried, ironed and put away. I was putting some of it away. Looked out and we have the most amazing Blood Red hair Sun Set. Everything is so beautiful, I love it.
    MARIA:- hope your ok after you procedure.
    SABA:- have you managed to get a hot shower and your hair washed???
    MYRA :- did the rain stay away .... of course it did, I am sure it did!!
    Everyone else I hope you have enjoyed wonderful weather today and are all feeling TicketyBoo xxx

    1. Yeah! It did Patricia - we had a bevy shower of rain at around midnight then it may have rained overnight - I don't know - it was dry and sunny today at just a touch cooler at 25 degrees! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- does "drink" ever leave your mind?? A "bevy" well I never xxx

    3. Ha ha ha! Where on earth did that come from!
      Whoever heard of a bevy shower !! I think this predictive text is silly! Xxx

  24. Hello Patricia,
    You sound in good spirits. I've had an easy day today. I'll have to toss a coin to decide whether it's back garden or bedrooms tomorrow. If I get into gear, I may even get both done!!!
    Saba, are you near dry land and hot running water, with a cosy Restaurant close by?? If you are stop, and don't set sail!!!
    Sandra, I am so sorry to read that Paul's new shift pattern will not affect his deployment and that he could still go away. I hope you get the support you need from the School and your Doctor. I wish there was more we could do for you.
    Jess, I wish you'd kick the painting idea into the long grass. Starting ideas like that on this blog is so catching, I just know someone will think it's a good idea and the whole thing will snowball!!!!
    Jean, sorry to read about the funeral, but enjoy your meal out tonight.
    Brenda OB, my neighbour gave me three tomato plants that he didn't have room for in his greenhouse. I've had them in the conservatory, and to date have had the grand total of 3 ha ha.
    Myra - Maria says to remember your castanets, and I think you should give your maracas a very good shake!!! Although you've drank so much Sangria that your hands will be shaking anyway! La Cucaracha!!!
    It's been a lovely sunny day today, and everything seems so much better when the weather is nice.
    Maria - I do hope everything went well today at the hospital. If you don't get back in tonight, rest up, and we'll see you tomorrow.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen I think I should have had a word with your tomato plants. We even had quite a crop on the plants in hanging baskets. Hope you didn't eat yours all at once !!! xxx

    2. Brenda! She has probably talked so much to them they lost the will to live! Xxx

    3. Brenda I've got a glut of hanging basket tomatoes too - I'm going to look out my chutney recipe . Maureen how did you know I've been looking at the kitchen thinking it needs redecorating, mind you our bedroom desperately needs doing too :) xxxx

    4. Diane we still have chutney from last year, so this year I decided to make Purée and soup. At this rate I will need another freezer. I've also got a draw full of blackberrys. AND blackberry jam in the cupboard. We also HAD Strawberry jam but grandsons love it. So that never stays in the cupboard very long! XXX

  25. Hi all, sorry not been in for a few days, had a lovely weekend with my daughter and her husband, went to a Cornish Food Fair on Sat and to Lanhydrock ( N/T )
    on Sunday.
    Sheila your card is out of this world.
    Sandra hope thing work out for you, just know we are all here for you,just keep contacting everyone who might be able to help.
    Feeling a bit flat today, always do when my daughter goes home.
    Big Cornish hugs to all.
    Good Night.

    1. Hi Lilian sounds like you had a lovely weekend, hope your weather is as good for you as it's been for us. I've driven past that NT property a few times but haven't stopped yet, I understand it's beautiful. I hope you feel a bit brighter tomorrow, it's not nice missing your daughter xxxx

  26. LILIAN:- sending some ((((((hugs)))))) hope they help.
    That horrible "empty" feeling is not good .... positive thoughts.
    Think of all the nice things you bought at Ally Pally and maybe have a play with them. xxx

  27. Hello my friends,
    I'm ok. You were all right ,it was not an nice procedure to have done, but over and dusted with for this time. Surgeon couldn't see anything wrong so still no answer to my problems so will now have to go back to doc. and see what's next. Just sooo fed up with feeling sick and in pain, I could scream ! feeling a bit sorry for myself and I know so many people around in much worse places so s--- up and tomorrow is another day.
    Margaret P- wish you better and hope Alan doing ok for his op xx
    Lilian- sending you an uplifting hug.
    Hope you others had a nice day, glad to see you feeling better Michele,
    good night everyone Xxx

    1. Maria so sorry they could not see what is causing the problem, when you see Dr ask if you can somebody about going on an exclusion diet Sue did that and found it helpful hugs on way to you, thank you for your kind thoughts for me.
      Love Margaret xx

    2. Oh Maria! I was sooo hoping you would have an answer to your problems today! No wonder you are fed up! Yes there may be people in worse places but you are suffering too - and you are our Maria so we are sending hugs ! My. Castanets won't play the tune I want them to play! Xxxx

    3. Maria, my little friend, I am so sorry that you've gone through that and they still don't know what's the matter with you. It doesn't help that there may be people worse than you, YOU are feeling ill and are in pain so that's awful for you. I'm sending lots of love and hugs and will tie Myra's hands together so that she can't get to the castanets!!! xxxxx

    4. Oh Maria, Going through all that and still have idea what is the cause. I was praying the Doctors would have an answer for you today. Sending you lots of gentle hugs, wrap them al around you and try to get some sleep. Then tomorrow get back on to your doctor and find out where do you go from here. LOL xxx

  28. Awww!! MARIA:- that's not so good ... sending some (((((hugs)))))
    Hopefully you can get it sorted out soon. Have you tried to illiminate certain foods you are eating??? John had problems with eggs, he now never eats them. Just a thought, try writing down everything you eat, you might just hit on something somewhere along the line. It could be something very simple that is causing the upset. xxx

    1. Maria that's such a shame, I thought you would find out what was wrong today and get some answers. Try and get some sleep tonight. I think the food diary is a good idea, it's probably something quite strange that is upsetting you without you thinking about it. It took us ages to work out Emma is allergic to cafene - it's a strange one but is common on Julian's side of the family. Sleep tight xxxx

  29. Hi all kept popping in & out added few posts but phone calls interruptions ext,I have finished one birthday card apart from the inside.Still got two more to make tomorrow. Then that's October cards done got three for November so will have to start Chistmas cards very soon plus birthday one for my Grandsons in December.
    MARIA I hope your ok my lovely after your appointment take it easy hope you have a good nights sleep.
    SABA I hope you have had calmer waters today & had a hot shower, I hope weather is kind for the rest of your holiday,you haven't had a relaxing time of it.
    MYRA hope you had a good day & the rain kept away enjoy your day tomorrow.
    CHERLY hope all your tests were ok today. I have posted your Triple flip die cuts so hopefully you should get them soon
    SANDRA sorry that life is not ideal at the moment with the situations with Paul going away for so long then work changes, with shift work. I hope you get thing sorted & get your letters from the Doctors & school & get things sorted out soon.
    We are all behind you & here for you my Lovely.Xx
    Oooo OH has just given me my builders tea. Try & pop in & see if any night owls
    Love Lynda xx

  30. Well here at last. Thank you all for thinking of me today. Have done a lot of driving so feeling very tired. SANDRA I hope things get sorted out for you and Paul and had doesn't have to go away. As everyone else has said we will be here for you. I am only about an hour and a half away from you and Pat and Sue are a lot nearer. Hope you got good results at the hospital Maria and also Cheryl. Diane. Glad that your bruises are slowly going. Do you know my cheekbone just under my eye is still sore and my fall was in January. I did a very similar thing to you but I tripped up the kerb but the end result was the same apart from the broken wrist.
    SHEILA your card to Sandra is fabulous. What a lovely card to make. It is so personal. MARGARET. Hope Alan's operation goes ok. Hope SABA is feeling a lot better now. Warm and dry. Cannot remember if anyone else is suffering today but if I have missed anyone who is unwell I will leave hugs in the basket. They are the purple ones as that is my favourite colour. Well I think I will have to give in and go to bed. I am already in my PJ's. I don't seem to have the stamina I used to have. Perhaps it's because I am low in iron. Take care everyone. See you tomorrow.

    1. Night Night Brenda, so glad you are safely home. Sleep well, my dear, God Bless. Xxx

    2. Night, night Brenda LL, glad you've got today over and now you can relax and get comfortable. Have a good rest tonight and see you tomorrow, love and hugs xxxx

    3. Night, night Brenda LL, glad you've got today over and now you can relax and get comfortable. Have a good rest tonight and see you tomorrow, love and hugs xxxx

  31. We went into Marbella Old Town this morning. Did a little shopping then coffee - more shopping - we made purchases today! I bought a lovely Ralph Lauren, Polo hoodie for my grandson's birthday. Victoria bought some lovely Murano glass sweets in shades of bronze and gold for her Christmas tree! She has some already and they really catch the light. While we did that father and son went to look for somewhere for lunch - we visit a particular restaurant each time we go and they do too but of course we usually go at different times of the year! Turns out it is the same restaurant - how strange is that! We went into Puerto Banus tonight and watched he sights! Believe me there were lots! Now we are just relaxing before bed! Last day tomorrow! Where does the time go? Xxxx

  32. Hi all
    I'm just having a good chuckle at Dave Gorman - he's been moaning about printers that won't print in black and white if a colour is missing - that's one of my pet hates! He does make me laugh. Right I'm off to be now so I will say goodnight , sleep tight, see you all tomorrow xxxxx

  33. Hello everyone, just excuse me a moment while I S C R E A M ah, that's better!!! I've just lost a post, so everybody duck in case it hits you!
    Dainty, night, night, sweet dreams and I look forward to finding out what colours your knees are in the morning!!!
    Myra, I think Brenda and Dainty are just trying to make me feel inadequaate. I have looked after these tomatoes as though they were babies. They've been fed, watered and burped regularly, and I've said coochie coo very nicely!! How are your maracas? Has Alastair managed to keep his trousers dry? Have you been singing Blue Spanish Eyes? It sounds as though you've had a lovely day today, I hope you haven't spent all your money. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day. It's gone so quickly.
    Lilian, it's lovely to see you. Sorry that you're missing your daughter, but it will make the next "meet up" extra special. Love and hugs xxx
    Saba, You are obviously too busy to post tonight, but I hope you are on calm seas and nice and warm. Have a wine.
    Right, ladies. That's me off to bed. The Bailey's Tanker is set up for the late nighters, and the nuts and nibbles are on the table. Be good and enjoy yourselves.
    Sweet dreams all, God Bless, see you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

  34. Hi am writing thi in bed, just wanted to say how much reading this blog cheers me up, so thanks and hopefully you all have a good night.

  35. Good evening everyone just popped in to see if there was any news of Maria, half of me is pleased they didn't find anything but the other half is sorry there is no answer as to why you keep being ill,
    Something very strange happened this morning a paragraph of my post went missing! Sheila your card is wonderful and the detail is exquisite you really are a wonderful inspiration. sorry my note went missing this morning.
    No one seems to be about so I am off to bed!
    Good night
    Margaret xxx
