
Monday 28 September 2015

Man Card Monday

 Myra's Man Card

Good morning Ladies,
Today we have a marvellous man card from Myra, those super spotty papers look like they are from Anne Marie Designs, I just love that blue one!
Myra has used the spotty card with what looks like Creative Expressions Tags Die along with their Bow Die and the Happy Birthday Die from one of the more recent launches.
I am not to sure about the Tie Die, I found one called 'Terrific Ties' by Die-namics, I think it would be a useful die to have in your collection, for those pesky men cards!
I love the selection of embellishments that Myra has used, very patriotic!
Thank you so much Myra for taking the time to send me the photo of this card to share with everyone here in the cafe! We all need inspiration for these cards xxxxx

What have you all got planned this week?, nothing much going on here, thankfully, but I can't believe that we will be in October by the end of the week, you know what that means.......? Not long now!!!
I hope that you all have a lovely day,
Love & hugs


  1. Brilliant card by Myra. Sandra thank you so much for your kind comments on my bog the other day they were much appreciated.

    I hope you are well and obviously counting down the days lol!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Thank you Jacquie and it's lovely to see you ! Xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sorry I haven't been in to the Café, the weekend has been busy so my usual routine changed : ( I have just spent an hour catching up on all of the going's on. You have all been busy haven't you.
    Saturdays crafts were wonderful, Brenda, your blue bowls are lovely. You have made me realise that there are so many great ways to decorate clay, thank you : )
    Janet, I saw the hedgehog on the show and yours is gorgeous, you must have been so proud when you finished it : )
    Karen, your box is so beautiful and perfectly finished, it is a gift in it's self. I love the ribbon with the silver edging, subtle but lovely : )
    Cheryl, sending you belated Happy Birthday wishes. I hope you had a lovely day : )
    Lynda and Pat, thank you for sharing the pics of us at Ally Pally. Thank Terry Lynda, he did a great job as always. Hazel, I hear that I have a double. They say we have one. My bosses in London were called Moni and Dave and she brought a birthday card that had a picture on the front of a man that looked identical to Dave, she asked him if he had been moonlighting from his day job!
    Mum-Margaret P, Congratulations again on raising so much for such a good cause. YOU did all of the hard work. Still say that you could have just baked loads of your famous Lemon Drizzle and Boiled Fruit cakes though : ) So many ladies wanted them, even ordering extra ones beforehand. The other cakes were lovely too of course though. You had something for every taste : )
    Maria, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling good at the moment. I hope you find out just what you have, and what can be done tomorrow. Please don't worry about housework until you feel better again, just rest.
    Michele, sorry to hear you are still not well. Such a shame to feel ill at any time but especially when you are on holiday.I hope you have listened to everyone here in the Café and booked that doctors appointment!
    Maureen, I hope you are continuing to improve, don't go pushing yourself though please : )
    I hope I haven't forgotten any one that isn't feeling at their best. Stay healthy, or as healthy as usual, everyone else. Have a good day.
    I must go now as we have an electrition arriving any time after 7.30am to mend the main light in the kitchen. Why can't they at least give you an idea of if they will be here Am or Pm?
    Take care, love and hugs xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Café Gang. Happy new week ahead, hope you are all well and looking forward to it.
    MYRA:- what a fantastic "man card" love the idea with all the Ties and great embellishments.
    I like the Anna Marie card that's something I must get when Hazel and I go to the SEC. Have you noticed we are to meet up with Anne Crawford??? Really looking forward to that. We are going on the Thursday so Norah if your thinking of going we will be there.
    Did anyone see the "moon"?? I got up came though to see what was going on!! Well folks I forgot the moon would have moved from when I saw it earlier in the evening. It was behind the trees down the side of the drive. Oh! I could see it, the trees are still in full leaf, it was only blinking at me, so that was that. To see it properly I would have had to go for a walk, it was back to bed for me.
    Right best get a move on, it is thick fog here this morning. Hopefuly it will clear and we will have another nice day. I do hope so, I have one load of washing ready to out and another washing away.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door if you need any. Taking my Tea & Toast over to the corner table to people watch. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia! I fell asleep and forgot about the moon until Alastair got The Times this morning! Lovely photo on the front page. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card! Xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in.
    Myra a fantastic mans card. That you could use for all ages.
    Well I saw 98% of the Eclipese which was good to see, I just couldnt keep awake in the end, but can at least say I saw it happen.
    I have set the cafe up for the day, the oven is on with some lovely crusty rolls in. I bet Saba would enjoy a couple, but they might get a tad soggy if they still have those big waves and high winds. They might be down to eating cold food if it's that rough???
    Do you think Michele has gone to the doctors??? I doubt it, she will be like the two doctors I worked for! They were the same? Never went and got seen till they were that Ill it took weeks to clear.
    There is plenty of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for anyone that wants or needs some, I am going to take my tea and toast and sit by window and see who looks or comes in. xxx

    1. Hazel! Hellooooo, pleased you saw the eclipse and that it was worth seeing. Thank you for your kind comments bout my card too. Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra
    Good morning everyone
    Looks like it's going to be another lovely day, sun is up, so that means work of the washing kind, gardening, etc.
    Myra I just love this card, and I live the colours you have used, could be for younger man or older. It's great.
    The dogs are going to the groomer this morning, they are so good for him and he is so laid-back and calm, that's most probably why. I can keep them tidy round their face and feet and bottom but I won't use clippers on them, so their coats are getting quite thick on the back although Ruby is a beautiful silver now, don't want it too close because she will be darker on the undercoat.
    I hope everyone has woken up feeling a bit better than yesterday and the seas have calmed a little for Saba,
    Maria and Michele I hope a good nights rest has seen an improvement for you both. Take care
    Hugs are in the basket
    Will pop back later
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean, hope all went well at the dog groomers! Thank you too for your kind comments about my card! I've used a variation on it more than once! Xxx

  6. Morning/Afternoon to all who pop in today.

    Myra - thank you for your man card today. You have given me quite a few ideas for my next test of making such a card. I love the way you have used the dies and the colours you have used.

    Sorry my Friends but I didn't get up to see the blood moon. I was too snuggly warm in bed so I will just have to wait another 30 odd years before I get the opportunity to see it. (you never know I may even get a close up of it then!!!! lol).

    I hope all those horrible colds, pains etc are on their way out and that you are all feeling somewhat better.

    I'm hoping to get some crafting in today as I've not done any over the week-end and I still have some October bday cards to make.

    I cannot stay at the moment as Mr Tesco will be arriving shortly and I need to move one or two things around in the freezer before he arrives.
    Hugs were put in their usual place so please take them before they create chaos.

    1. Hello Janet,
      I think this blog is a very good place for ideas and tips every single day. I'm glad I've given you some inspiration that's very kind of you! Xxx

  7. Good morning girls,
    Well I have just been catching up with this weekends comments.....
    Margaret P, well after sampling your absolutely deliscious cake for myself I don't doubt that made a great deal of money, your achievements are amazing, you should be hugely proud, I know we are all very proud xxxx
    Michele my lovely, please say you have been seen by a doctor. If only to speed your recovery so that you can enjoy atleast some of your holiday, you have been looking forward to this trip for months! It could only be you that takes holiday from work and then gets sick!! I think you need to book a room at the retreat so you feel like you have had atleast one holiday this year!!! Xx
    Saba, oh my goodness, I would have been a mental wreck had I been aboard, well I would have been hanging over the side with nausea, my stomach was churning just at the thought, I have been praying for calmer seas and tropical weather, so that you can atleast dry your clothes, just a thought, if you hang your knickers to dry on the sail lines will it alter the course at all? You see mine would have us going round in circles with the wind in the gusset!!!
    On a serious note I really to hope things calm so that you can start to relax! Xxx
    Sandy, if was good to see a new face in our crazy cafe, you are most welcome to call back anytime xxxx
    Maria, sweetheart I am sorry to read that your tummy has flared up again, are you doing a diary so that you can identify foods or stress that might well be the cause of your flare ups, get well soon xxx
    Patricia and Hazel, I was so pleased to read that you are meeting up with Anne at the SEC show, you northern ladies are doing well with getting together, I think it's absolutely fantastic, even better if Jess and Norah get to go too, is Janice too far up at Fort William do you think? It would be great if she had the time to go too! Xx
    Jacquie, it was good to see you in earlier, I hope that you are well and managing to do a little crafting.
    Ooh by the way Patricia, I ordered the Bee Bunni cd rom from crafters companion as the papers look beautiful and very similar to the ones that you have used before, some of the topper images look quite cute too, we will see what it's like when it arrives. I saw some projects made with it in the magazine deal I bought last week on create and craft, although I was very cross, I know it was a bargain in the first place, as I got two Cd roms, one of which is a full version, double cd rom call destinations, so a good mix of backing papers and travel images, great for men cards, the other Cd rom was a double too, one part being a colouring information CD by sheena Douglas, the other is a 'taster' collection, giving little bits of several different crafters companion collections, there was also a poppy die and stamp set also by Sheena.
    The part that annoyed me was that the magazine was very much out of date, inside there were so great competitions, so I sat all ready to have a go only to discover that the competition close date was July 2015, why wouldn't they just mention that when selling it, they raved on and on about the great deal, which it was, but they could have been honest and just said, I hate feeling cheated!!
    So I wrote my frustrations in the 'Craft Telly' forum on line and I discovered that I wasn't the only one that was frustrated!
    Right I am off for a cup of tea, I am spitting feathers after this long post,
    I will be around all day today,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

  8. Good morning SANDRA & all the lovely ladies.
    We have another sunny day. Washing on the line,ironing boad up ready to use after this.& watch Sue's recorded shows . Then a bit of housework after that, hopefully I can get in craft room & make two birthday cards.
    MYRA your so creative with your man card it's brilliant love the colours & all the embellishments you have it.Have a nice day whatever your upto.
    MARIA hope you feel a little better this morning just rest today don't worry about houswork or anything,I really hope you get sorted out tomorrow my lovely.xx
    Well my ironing is looking at me so best get it done. Had my tea & toast money in pot.Will be back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thanks very much indeed Lynda! Thank you for the lovely photos! Sue and you looked lovely! Xxx

  9. Now Ladies! You will need smelling salts today! - I nearly needed them myself when I saw the card. I only made it last week and it was such a rush.
    I'm early as we are in fact going to Malaga for the day.
    Sandra was correct about all the dies except the bow! It is Sue's larger bow but I only used the smaller bit of it! Hope that makes sense! It's early you know!
    The tie was a freebie from a magazine and came with a moustache!!! I've lost it !
    No personal remarks, please, Muriel!!
    The Union Jack " cuff links " and buttons are from the bead and button company. The brads from my stash! Bit of a mix mash really. Papers and card Anna Marie and the stripes one I've forgotten and I'm not at home! Sorry.
    Have a lovely day everyone!
    Sandra is sooooo good at recognising things!
    Thank you Sandra for showing it!
    I will call again later if I can still walk!
    Maria - hope everything goes well at hospital! X
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. A fantastic card Myra, for those pesky men in our lives. So colourful too and the brads are divine. xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and all of the Coffee Shop Ladies,
    Happy Monday Morning to everyone, the sun is shining washing pegged out, so I am going to sit and enjoy a lovely cup of coffee in this very special Cafe.

    MYRA, your man card is great, love the colours you have used.

    I didn't get to see the blood moon, I slept through. I did take a photograph of the moon before I got into bad, and left the camera handy......... Best laid plans !!!

    I will pop back later to see what everyone is doing.
    Sending love and hugs, Brendan XXX

    1. Oooh hello Brandon is back - he hasn't been around for ages!!!! Xxxx

    2. He's a sneaky one that one,I obviously wasn't watching when he came in! xxx

    3. Thank you Brenda, you are very kind ! I've been smiling at that fellow turning up again! Xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Myra your card is just right for men, love the ties and embellishments, I hope you have a great day in Malaga.
    Oh Saba, you are one brave lady, I would be absolutely terrified on your boat, a cruise ship I'm ok but not a dingy or anything in between. I hope the storms pass by for you and things get a little calmer.
    Cheryl I hope y enjoyed your birthday and ate a lot of cake!!,
    I forgot to welcome you Sandy to our great blog and coffee shop, without Sandra this would have never happened, and a lot of us would never have met up. Hope you can pop by soon.
    Sandra about the CDs, I thought they had sent me the wrong one and was set to phone them with all guns blazing when Maureen kindly told me to turn Sheeena Douglass over and there was another one at the back, I felt a right tube. I haven't looked at them yet but by your description I think I will be a bit disappointed. I'm not going to the craft show in Glasgow this year as I felt it was a waste of time last year, plus I can get most of my things from my friends craft shop a bit cheaper,
    Well Lynda I will be joining you today by doing the ironing, happy days!!,
    Take care everyone, will op back later I hope. Xxx

    1. I had a fantastic birthday Jess thank you, but sorry didn't have cake, I am allergic to eggs. xxx

    2. Thank you Jess! I had a lovely day but am footsore and weary now! Xxx

  12. Love the card Myra. Have a good day. Sorry I didn't get on yesterday. Was a bit busy coming home from my week away. Missed the postman on Saturday and as the parcel has to be signed for must now go and get it. Dies from a Icon. Hope to have a play later. SANDRA. I look forward to seeing Sophie's artwork. Don't think I have inspired anyone's artwork before. That's exciting. Well must away as the sorting office is only open for a few hours. Had to change my mammogram appointment. Checked before I went away that there wasn't one in the pipeline. Definitely NO they hadn't started Oct Apps yet. Got home karst night to find an appointment for tomorrow at 9.30. I am going to a funeral tomorrow morning so cannot hope for the mammogram. Had already cancelled the gas service for tomorrow morning. What annoyed me was the lady I spoke to checked to see if an appointment had been made and no but the date on the letter was the day BEFORE I phoned them. Wanted me to go this afternoon but too much on today already. All the October apps are now taken but she did manage to fit me in eventually on 13th October. Don't know if that's a good day. To al, who are not feeling so good today I hope you soon feel a lot better. Hugs by the doir. Must go. Back later.

    1. Brenda my love you must stop rushing around, you will be worn out! I have to say, only you could leave your hugs by the Dior! The rest of us are probably more M&S ( except Saba perhaps! ) lol. Slow down and enjoy playing with your dies xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My goodness I must have been half asleep when I wrote the comment that I just deleted? I was trying to say that it was annoying that they tell you there is no appointments when on the computer screen for them to read, they would see they had sent you out one. You now have time Brenda to rearrange your day for the 13th if need be. But I think you need to slow down, or you will be meeting yourself coming back. xxx

    4. Good luck with your mammogram Brenda, I'm still waiting for my October appointment. xxx

    5. Hello Brenda,
      I'm glad you are home safely and I hope you have had a lovely holiday although maybe not with the best weather! I hope all goes well with your Mammogram. Thank you for your kind comment on my card. Xxx

    6. Only one day wet Myra. The weekend was lovely and went down the seafront twice. Hope you are enjoying yourself.

  13. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Myra what a great card today, really fun- love the buttons you have used. Thank you for sharing such a great idea. Xxx
    Maria and Michele I hope you both feel brighter today, must check back and see if it us today you go to the hospital Maria - I hope they find out what's wrong and it can be easily treated. Xxxxx
    I saw the moon quite late last night before I Went to bed but didn't get up to see the eclipse - Julian said this morning he forgot to look when he came to bed! Typical, it probably looked gorgeous at that time. Right I must go and put the washing on the line and go and do some tidying up before I start playing this afternoon. Oh yes the Sara Davies roadshow at hobbycraft was interesting yesterday. Lots of emails beforehand from hobbycraft telling you to book your place, you will be sent an exclusive voucher etc - when we got there (early!) she had already started and it was a complete free for all so if you were just shopping in hobbycraft you could join in! Everyone was given a free stamp, they had loads of good offers on crafters companion products and if you spent £20 you got a free cd. It was interesting to see another style and she explained letter press embossing really well then inked on top , it gave a lovely effect. I think there's tutorials on the hobbycraft website.
    Right I must go now- washing us calling! See you later xxxxxx

    1. Hi my friend, it's tomorrow I have the hospital. Today Sil is here, help !
      Hope you are ok ?
      Funny about the Hobbycraft, also had invitiations, like you are special and then anyone could go.
      Oh the moon ! What moon ? it was cloudy here so didn't see anything tihi and I was awake xxx

    2. Thank you, Diane! You are very kind. Hope your wounds are healing! Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in today,
    just a quickie as SIL is here and will be all day.
    Love the man card Myra, the tags are in lovely colours and I like the little ties etc. good with freebies sometimes. Have a wonderful day out.
    Oh Saba, please say the storm is over, I feel nauseas already so the thought of you hanging overboard it's a no,no . A nice beach somewhere ,wouldn't it be nicer.
    Michele- hope you are ok and had a nice time with BIL and family.
    Hi to our new girls,nice to see you here. Hope you come back and have a chat soon again. Better go the want another cup of tea in the house, hope to see you later. Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria - I got the hospital day wrong as well! Sorry! Thank you for being so kind about my card. Xxx

  15. Morning Ladies

    Myra- your card is brilliant, very "dapper" . Good for inspiration for those pesky men's cards!

    Am feeling a lot better today, not coughing anywhere near as much . Voice almost back to normal-am sure hubby is thrilled!

    We went out for breakfast this morning-to a classic American Diner, I had scrambled egg, bacons & an "English muffin ". Ordered tea to drink & wished I hadn't so got an orange juice instead.

    We did some food shopping, dropped it off at the villa then got changed and went to the beach. The sea was quite rough, probably because of the tropical storm that's coming in. Knowing my luck it will hit just as we're due to take off on Saturday!!!!

    Dinner last night was lovely but we left them all by 9pm as the older two to bed at 9pm. School starts at 7.30am so I don't blame them for going to bed at that time. The talk of the evening was when they are next coming to the UK...!!

    Hubby hoping to play golf this afternoon with his brother so I'll just sit in the shade by the pool & read.


    1. So glad to hear you are now recovering Michele. Must be all the hugs coming your way that have squeezed that nasty old bug away. xxxx

    2. Michele - So pleased you are feeling a bit better! Thank you for your kind comment about my card. Xxx

    3. I'm glad to hear you are on the mend Michele. Your breakfast sounds yummy. Don't bother with the tea! It's horrible!!!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your week xxxx

    4. Oh Michele so pleased there is some improvement with you and you were able to enjoy the meal with family and your day today just take things easy. xxx

  16. Michele, so glad you are feeling better, but please still take it easy. Not good ref. That storm? E joy just chilling by the pool. xxx

  17. Good afternoon ladies,

    It was so lovely to have a perfectly sunny day for our walk this morning. In fact the sun is still shining as brightly as I type. Then onto The Tudor Hotel for a spot of lunch and a meander around the Angel Crescent desultorily shopping. Couldn't quite make up my mind if I needed a few things or not so ended up with hardly anything.

    Yesterday was Pete's birthday so Robin, Tiegan, Joseph and I had a lovely lunch at the Friendly Spirt then popped into the Garden of Rest to leave him his shot of whisky and some fresh flowers. Miss him so much, he had such a great character and was full of life.

    It seems like a lot of ladies are not up to par at the moment so I have a little something for you....

    A hug can show concern and love or say a quick hello.
    A hug can express feelings there's no other way to show.
    A hug makes you feel so safe, can make you smile too.
    I hope you know I'll always have a hug waiting for you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl,
      What a lovely little poem thank you for sharing.
      Another anniversary over pleased you had family with you means soo much.
      The sun has been lovely got washing dried and ironed, first week have been able to dry towels outside lovely!
      So pleased you enjoy your walks.
      Take care hugs to you love Margaret xx

    2. Thank you Cheryl , for your kind remarks about my card and for sharing the lovely photo! Xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      What a lovely poem. I'm glad you and the family had a lovely day yesterday. Take care.

    4. Cheryl what a lovely poem. I like the idea of you giving Pete a tot of whisky. Sounds like you had a lovely walk in the sun today xxx

    5. Cheryl such lovely and meaningful words thank you so much.
      Pleased to hear you were not alone yesterday. Delighted you enjoyed the sunshine on your walk today. xxx

    6. Cheryl, what a lovely thing to do for Petes birthday, so glad you had your family there.
      Love your little poem. xxxx

  18. Just caught up with yesterday's AP photos. You all look so lovely ladies, so different from your blog photos and it looks like you had a massive chinwag getting to know each other. xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl - I don't normally look like that :) xxxxx

  19. Good evening folks,
    I have been really, really, busy today. I am shattered.
    House all done, washing all done, ironing all done and all away.
    Linen cupboard all tidied out and a big bag of "stuff' ready for the "pop up" charity shop next week. Might do my wardrobe tomorrow, I could dump a few things from there I am sure.
    Off to have something to eat, then feet up for the rest of the evening. Will probably fall asleep knowing me. xxx

  20. Think you should put your feet up. Wish I had all your energy.

    1. Brenda, I've put mine up! Wow I'm tired! I think it's walking around in the heat. Malaga was lovely. We parked the car and then walked to a lovely square and had coffee. Next was the Cathedral - most interesting and some beautiful windows. The ceiling is very high and vaulted. It was begun in the 14th Century. Then we had a long leisurely lunch - followed by shopping - didn't buy anything. Lunch was our main meal today so we are relaxing at home tonight and will have some supper later. We had a full day out , not getting home until after 7pm.
      Patricia has been ever so busy as usual! Relax now! Xxx

    2. That sounds beautiful Myra enjoy your evening xxxx

    3. MYRA :- sounds like a fantastic day ...... nothing bought and all those wonderful shops!!

    4. I am sure there was something that caught you eye. xxx

  21. Good evening one and all,
    Myra I absolutely love your card, everything about it, but I double love those cuff links. I need, nay want, absolutely must get some. Have you sent the card out yet? Perhaps you could peel them back off.
    Michele, so pleased you are finally feeling a bit better, hope that storm doesn't arrive.
    Maria, good luck tomorrow, wherever I am I will be thinking of you.
    Brenda, slow down my dear. So annoying about your mammogram. Hope all goes well tomorrow.
    Cheryl, what a lovely poem. Yesterday must have been a sad day, so glad you had your family there to help you through it.
    Jean, what kind of dogs do you have To? I wouldn't like having to trim them, especially the bottom bit!
    Sue hope you didn't have to wait in all day for the electrician, I hate it when they don't give you a time.
    Sandra, fancy the magazine being out of date, so annoying when there are competition deadlines which have already closed.
    I won't bore you all again with our weather, today was a repeat of yesterday. We sailed for about 6 hours, very windy, very cold, very wet, very not nice. We arrived in a marina on the island of Zut. We don't often go into marinas, they are so expensive, but decided today we would. It means we can take on water, get electricity for the fridge but most importantly for me was the promise of a hot shower. My hair was like a crows nest, and a salty one at that. Needed to do a few repairs when we arrived - the main sail decided to snap it's lines as we were approaching- and then I ran for my shower. Stripped off, turned it on and horror of horrors there was only cold water. I could have spit feathers but I couldn't not wash my filthy hair so in I went. It was not nice. Then we went for a meal and now I am relaxing on board with a big glass of wine.
    Weather tomorrow will be equally horrid. I can't wait!!!
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oh Saba, how much worse can it get for the two of you??? At least you can get those repairs done and supplies on board. Make sure you have gas so you can make hot drinks. I take it you fill a flask up of coffee for times when you can't use your gas, while battling the winds.
      Safe sailing for tomorrow. xxx

    2. Oh no Saba I do feel for you - you really did not need a cold shower after all that wind and rain. Have you reied to persaud your darling husband ever so nicely that a night in a 5 star hotel would be better for you? Would you like us to tell you how lovely our hot showers are tomorrow morning? - sorry couldn't resist . Enjoy your very large glass of wine xxxxx

    3. Oh! Saba, the weather is not being good to you is it???
      A cold shower is fine when it's warm but in the conditions your having that is not funny!!! Top up that glass and you will be fine!!
      Stay safe. xxx

    4. Saba what is happening to you my dear only a big glass of wine I felt sure you were going to say BOTTLES of wine!
      I do hope the weather begins to improve I really feel for you, there is nothing worse that wanting to wash your hair and have a lovely warm shower. xxx

    5. Saba. That sounds awful. I don't do cold water. Would not have liked that at all. Think you should do as Diane suggested.

    6. Thank you, dear, you are very kind especially considering how cold and wet you are! Please take care! Xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    It was lovely to see Myras card today. It's really is good to see what all the other ladies come up with for men.
    Lynda, can I add my ironing to your pile. I really can't get motivated to do any of mine. Perhaps Patricia can send some of her energy down South.
    Maria, I hope your stomach calms down soon.

    1. PAT:- unfortunately I don't have one ounce of energy left .... feels like someone pulled my plug out!!! xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra thank you for your comments on my cake to raise that amount makes it all worthwhile.
    Myra your card is brilliant for most men not mine though he hates having to wear collar and tie good job he never had to for work he spent his working life in overalls.
    Michelle glad you are feeling a little !better hope you enjoy the rest of the week.
    Maria good luck for tomorrow.
    Hope weather improves for you Saba.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxu

  24. Hellooooooooooooooo there,
    Myra, love the card. The bits and bobs are excellent and I'll arm wrestle Saba for them!! Now, you say you lost your moustache, but I have it on good authority that you shave it off, usually when you do your legs!!! Do you think Malaga has recovered from your visit? (hard hat and Nissan shelter)
    Patricia, you are a bad influence, when you mentioned deep clean Monday, I thought "hmm, that sounds a good idea", so I've done most of downstairs. You've probably done the whole lot just to show me up. But it's great because I feel more like my old self and have actually enjoyed doing it!! (I think it's a Virgo thing).
    Maria my friend, I hope you are not suffering from your tummy pains and sickness, and wish you well for your hospital visit tomorrow.
    Michele, I'm glad that your cough is improving and that you can annoy your OH now that your voice is coming back!!!
    Brenda LL, I'm pleased you are back safely from your holiday, but it's typical of the hospital to muck the appointments about. Enjoy playing with your new dies.
    Saba, oh you are having a wonderful time, aren't you?
    Cheryl, what a beautiful verse. So pleased you had company for your usual toast to Pete.
    Samdra. a lovely long post from you today. Glad everything is ok, have you heard about Paul's deployment yet?
    Lynda, oh what must you think of me (don't answer that), I don't think I said how great the photographs were that you and Terry took at A.P. They were brilliant.
    Margaret P, did you put the recipe for the lemon drizzle cake on the blog? Everyone seems to know about it, I must have missed it. Have you any idea when it was, if you did!!!
    I saw the moon last night and it was very pretty. Lovely clear skies in Newcastle.
    See you later, be good
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hazel, I'm sorry, I meant to ask if you had seen the girls lately. xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- it is all done but remember I live in a Bungalow.
      Just a secret stair for John to access his eyre!! where his Railway is.
      Definitely a Virgo thing ..... Everything has to be done!! xxx

    3. Maureen, haven't seen them since last Thursday, just waiting to see if I will see them this Thursday. Beth wants me to pick her up.
      Oh Maureen it must be a Virgo thing with you and Patricia. I need to gut my living room. But seeing how Harris is casting his coat again it would be a waste of time, better to wait,and just keep hovering well ever day. xxx

    4. I just knew you'd respond to that! You are sooooo predictable. Sometimes. Feel like a mind reader! I'm so glad you feel well enough to thoroughly clean what was probably an already clean house! However , I can't say anything as I'm just as bad. Pleased you having a rest tomorrow! Enjoy yourself! Xxx

    5. Must be something in the air! I decided to give Emma's rooms good clean today , there's oer wasing left behind than I thought - goodness knows where she was hiding it! Well actually I found out where she was hiding it! She misplaced a grey cardigan about a year ago / yep found if in a carrier bag tucked under her desk with a t shirt from the gym! Lovely. It's been a great day again to get washing dry. Xxx

  25. Well I can't believe the rubbish that's on the TV tonight? It's dark nights and you would think they would put good programs on, no they put the good things on in the summer when we don't want them. I think I will need to go read a book instead. I think I will have to get a winter project on the go. xxx

    1. Winter project now that's a good idea for you.
      I have started one of mine ... a lacy shawl. An adult one not a baby one. xxx

    2. That will be lovely Patricia - I don't have the patience to do that! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- its crochet and quite easy. Sewing in all the little tails of the individual flowers is the worst part. Keeps my hands busy so that's the main thing. I craft in the kitchen but don't like doing it when the dark nights come round. I craft there during the day and like to have something to do in the lounge in the evening xxx

    4. Ooh! I like crochet. I thought you were doing a complicated thing like one of Norah's shawls ! They are way beyond me! Where are you Norah ? I miss you. Xxx

  26. Hi Maureen!
    You will find on Tuesday 22nd Sept. hope you like it xx

    1. Margaret I meant to say congratulations on raising all that money at your coffee morning - you are a star well done xxxx

    2. Margaret P, thank you, I'll have a look and make a note of it after I've finished on here. It's one of George's favourite cakes. xxx

  27. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Been extra busy today sorry to be late first we had to go into town then cleaned all through followed by the windows, thanks to Patricia's recommendation they don't take half as long now, then lunch and as the weather was so warm I decided to give the garden shed a coat of wood preservative stuff, then it was time for the school run and teatime, so now I am having a little sit down!
    Myra what a wonderful inspiration your card is, the cards for the males are always the problem but you have shown us all a wonderful and detailed card for them thank you so much for sharing it with us. Keep on enjoying your holiday.
    Maria I will be thinking of you tomorrow hope all goes well and they finally have some answers for you.
    I got up during the night for a trip to the loo so took a quick look outside and actually saw part of the eclipse the moon was just a thin slither but that was it I quickly went back to bed. I hope all of you who stopped up to watch it enjoyed seeing it as much as I enjoyed my sleep!
    I'm off for my shower now and I think an early night so I shall wish you all sweet dreams.
    Good night and God Bless.
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET :- glad your Kerchar is getting the job done quicker. I love mine, windows getting done tomorrow, then a wardrobe clean out.
      Goodnight God Bless, sleep well xxx

    2. Thank you , Margaret! You are such a support to your ducky friend! Xxx

    3. Margaret C, we all have the cleaning bug at the minute. I blame Patricia!!! I agree, Mr K is great. I got mine after Patricia said how good it was, well I tend to blame her for everything. If it's not Myra to blame, it's Patricia ha ha xxx

    4. I hope it's a warm shower Margaret - but don't tell Saba! Night night sleep tight xxxxx

  28. Hi there, not so busy today, just did a bit of washing and ironing, made a couple of cards. Might decide to start painting the staircase tomorrow, it was supposed to get done after my craft room, but we were so knackered, so put it off, must get it done now.
    Saba I hope the weather gets better for you, and a hot shower comes soon.
    Will catch up tomorrow between cups of coffee. xxxx

    1. OMG, Jess, things are getting seriously out of hand, cleaning is one thing but PAINTING?, oh no, Patricia will see your comment and decide that she will have to do some, and then that will set me off ha ha xxxx

  29. Hello my lovely warm friends.
    Can it get worse. Of course it can.
    It's a wee bit chilly on board. Our boat, Marvelous beauty that she is, is equipped with central heating ( most boats don't have it). So it was a unanimous decision, switch it on, let's get warm. We did, it didn't and instead of blowing warm air it blew cold. The petroleum tank is almost empty and we don't have any more on board. I want to go home!!!

    1. I don't blame you sweetheart - I can hear that 5 star hotel calling - with a large bath, central heating and a spa! Bliss xxxxx

    2. I am with Diane if your not heading for home, head for that 5* luxury xxx

    3. That's a song isn't it?
      Oh Saba - I know you are real sailors who like a challenge but you do need some comfort! Hope it's better tomorrow ! Is everyone shutting up shop for the winter? Xxxx

    4. Oh Saba, please just get somewhere warm and safe, I am all for an adventure, but not when you are cold and miserable its time to call it a day, although I understand you can't just abandon your lovely boat.
      sending warming hugs your way,

    5. Oh Saba, I really feel for you as I lie here, nice and warm, with a nice milky cup of coffee and the heating warming the cockles of my heart!!! Seriously, I do hope things turn much nicer for you tomorrow. xxxx

  30. SABA:- definitely time to head for home xxx

  31. MARIA:- thinking about you for tomorrow hope all goes well and they get to the bottom of your "tummy" problem xxx

  32. Oh I am with the others head home, or to the nearest 5* hotel. In fact I think how things are a 3* would be good. xxx

    1. Hazel, tomorrow Peter has planned some repairs on deck. I didn't come on holiday to work!!!

  33. Myra, I had a feeling you'd appreciate my moustache remark. I also knew that you were a mind reader - I've seen your photograph with the coined headscarf and the big hoop earrings as you sit in your Travelling Caravan. Alastair very kindly let me have a copy, so that I'd recognise you at the Retreat ha ha xxxx

  34. Oh it's the little things that make me smile. My sister bought up a tea trolley she didn't want anymore the other day. It's one that belonged to mum and dad and I've always liked it so decided I would find a home for it. I found a little home for it behind Julian's chair for the moment. I realised tonight why the trolley keeps moving - when Julian reclines hugs chair in the evening the trolley trundles with the chair on it's wheels, so every morning I move it back and every evening it gets moved again! Oh well it's kept me entertained for the last couple of weeks! Ho hum. Right I'm off to bed. Night night everyone sleep tight see you tomorrow xxxx

  35. Margaret P, I've been back to the 22nd and copied your receipe, so thank you but George says I have to leave the coconut out. I may put in it and not tell him, otherwise I'll have to add the extra flour.
    Dainty, did you think you had a poltergeist? It's a good job you reallsed what it was, you might have been exorcised, whereas I should be exercised!!! xxx
    Now ladies, I think I'll settle down for the night and wish you all sweet dreams and God Bless.
    See you all tomorrow, Saba be safe and sound.
    Myra, what sights are you seeing tomorrow?
    Love Maureen xxxx

    1. Night God bless sweetie, hope George's leg behave. I'm snuggled up in bed with a quilt and a soft blanket and a glass of wine. Xxx

    2. Saba, glad you're nice and warm. George's legs better behave, I've got the big lead mallet here!!! xxx Night night, God Bless xxxxxxx

    3. Oh dearie me! I can't leave for a minute without threats of murder and mayhem! As for tomorrow - well someone has a phone weather App!!! Think I may have mentioned it before! Well it says we're to have a thunderstorm or maybe more than one! Soooo decision been made that we decide at breakfast what to do . T was to be Marbella Old Town for shopping and a Tapas lunch. We shall see! This bunny is turning in . Night night all, Saba stay safe and I hope the weather improves enough for repairs and provisions to be stocked up! Muriel - leave George alone - poor man! I've been communing with Saints today and I mentioned his name! I'm very cross with Alastair for giving you that photo!!! God Bless you all, Myra xxx
