
Wednesday 30 September 2015

A little Cuddly Cuteness for Wednesday

Good Morning Ladies,
Well I can't believe it's Wednesday already, goodness me this week is flying by!
I thought I would share a little cuteness with you all today, I ordered the Bee Bunni Floral cd rom created by Crafters Companion last Friday, purely because I loved some of the background papers,
I was inspired by our lovely Patricia to use our many Cd rom background papers, Patricia has made
some beautiful cards and boxes with them! I got a free sample cd with a magazine that I bought and there were some on there that I loved so I thought I would get the complete cd rom.
Anyway the papers on it are gorgeous, I got carried away printing loads of them, which is kind of 'not the point', you are supposed to print just what you need so that you don't need to store them, but oh when I printed one in blue I needed to see what it was like in pink and green!
The toppers are kind of cute too, I am not to keen on the 'Card Companion' element of the cd rom,
they are just a matt and layered look card front, you can add these fake paper clips etc to make them look more realistic but 'naaa' its not for me, I guess if you were new to crafting and wanted a flat card to post that looked like it had depth, then yes it would work, but personally I would prefer to spend a few extra pennies on the postage and fill it with flowers & Pearls!
Anyway today's card is the result of my playing with my new cd on Monday, gorgeous papers layered with pink and green Bazzill card, then adorned with flowers and pearls, so I hope you like it!
Oh what a sad night last night, it was the last ever
CSI, I can't believe it, first New York finished then CSI Miami and now CSI the original.
Were any of you fans?? which one did you prefer? I liked all of the lead men, Mac Taylor, Horatio Caine and Grissom, all very 'cool' !
I think that this programme is the result of so many young people wanting to go into Crime Scene Investigations, although I think the reality was a lot more gruesome.
Now the Leek and Potato soup has been prepared, the bread is baking, ready for my lovelies to arrive to do some crafting, YAY!!
Anyone want to come and join us???
I hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you are doing.
Love and huge hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra:- and the Café Gang, hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- Wow! oh! Wow! what an absolutely stunning card. Love the colours, the image you have chosen and those beautiful flowers. Mmmm!! love it all.
    I have not bought the full CD I still use the FreeBe one. I love the BeBunni papers, yes I also LOVE using them.
    Leek & Potato Soup .... Ooooo!! Yummy!! ... AND ... Homemade Bread. I will definitely be in for some of that.
    Nothing much on the cards for today. Isobel wants me to show her how to use the little Glus Gun she brought yesterday. Isobel is one of these people who has lots of the Crafty Things. She buys things she has seen me using but does not have a clue how to use them!!! I have decided to little Craft Classes with her in "her house" so she uses "her" things. Hopefully that will give her a better idea how & what to use her things for.
    Oh!! forgot I did intend making Margaret's Lemon Drizzel Cake yesterday. Maybe I will round to that today, we will see.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself. Got my Tea & Toast I am off to People Watch!!
    Wonder if SABA managed to get a hot shower and her hair washed properly. Hope their weather was a bit kinder to them yesterday and will be today.
    Ok! see you all later xxx

    1. Oh I wish I could come to your craft class, have never used a glue gun. Seen one in Hobbycraft for £5
      Have a nice day Xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra,What a lovely card, so pretty. I can see why you had to get the full CD : ) I am so looking forward to seeing you and Pat today and to top it off you are making that yummy soup and fresh baked bread. Am I a happy bunny? You bet I am : ))
    Maria, sorry that the docs couldn't help you. I went through 7 years of problems until I insisted that I saw a dietician at the hospital as I was convinced it was food related. (at that time there was very little thought about people being intolerant to foods, only allergic, which is different and life threatening) I had tried keeping the food diary and excluding things but you really need to do the proper exclusion diet to get a proper answer. After 48hours of starting it I started to improve and even though it took a long time and is not easy to start with I was lucky to be able to pinpoint what I was intolerant to. My specialist even apologised to me for not listening to me earlier and said that he would be using the dietician more! Please think about going down that course, you have nothing to loose and hopefully a lot to gain. It certainly changed my life, and the families, as Mum will vouch. I do hope you are feeling better today, no matter what.
    Mum - Margaret P, sorry that you have a cold. Our fingers are very tightly crossed that Pop doesn't get it. I know you share everything with him but not this time please. REST and RELAX please. Yes, I am telling you to do that again, like I did Saturday afternoon after all of your hard work, but I know you, you can't stop can you! Love you xx : )
    Brenda Littlelamb, I hope you had a good nights sleep and are feeling better today.
    Cheryl,I hope you got on well yesterday.
    Patricia, how lovely to get out and walk in the beautiful weather lots of us are having at the moment. There is something so special about the countryside at this time of year isn't there. I had the same idea as you and bought a pack of the Hobbycraft tea lights last week, on checking them one doesn't work so please check yours before you need to use them : )
    I hope you all have a good day as possible. See you about 11am Sandra and Pat : )Take care xx

    1. SUE:- thank you for that tip. I just popped the T-lights in the cupboard.
      Off to check them out, I bought 2 packs, I want them all working.
      Have a great time together xxx

    2. SUE:- just checked those T-lights, 6 out of the 8 I bought "don't" work! It's the thought of the 32mile round trip to take them back !!! Oh! just had a thought ... will chat nicely to John he can take me in, then we can have lunch somewhere nice on the way home. xxx

    3. Hi Sue,
      thank you for the tip. I will speak to my doctor asap. because this is spoiling so many day's lately and so is the sore throat. Coping with that but eating Strepsils a few times a day.
      Have a wonderful day at Sandra's ! You so lucky to live quite close and getting such a lovely lunch :-)

  3. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Sandra what a treat for us today, this card is really cute with gorgeous flowers and pearls. You really are spoiling us. I can see why you went ahead and bought the full cd. I have lots of crafters companion CDs , they were the first ones I bought after seeing them on TV and have always found them so easy to use. I bought the Beatrix potter set and make a beautiful box card with Mrs tiggiewinkle for a new baby card. Mind you the cd drive on mt computer has a mind of it's own so I haven't printed anything out for ages! Must get Julian to look at it and rectify that - mind you I know what he will say 'it's getting old - you need a new one!' If that's old I'm flipping ancient! The leek and potato soup smells yummy, what time would you like us for lunch? Enjoy your crafty day girls. Patricia enjoy your crafty day too - good idea doing it in her house that way she can't get distracted by your stuff! Right I must get on, it's another glorious day today, I've decided to go for a walk today, not so much fun on your own but I must get out and enjoy this sunshine. Doesn't that sound lonely! I know if I rang a couple of friends they would love to come for a walk but then it would turn I to a walk and lunch or a coffee and I wouldn't get my card finished! I just want to have a walk for half an hour to get some exercise and sun then get on with what I'm doing! Oh grumpy or what!!! Haha I'm not really. Right I must shake a leg and get on with the day. See you all later xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      have you shaken you leg now ? tihi
      Just got back from a lovely 30 min. walk with OH and then we had a coffee (free in Waitrose,psss don't tell Sandra :-) ) Hope you are ok ?

    2. Hi Maria hope your throat isn't too sore today and you aren't suffering from your appointment yesterday. I didn't get to ho for my walk in the end - I got involved in the cleaning instead which seemed to take forever. I'm glad you gad a lovely walk though. We've got some lovely walks around here but I'm not to keen on walking through the country park on my own - it's ok in the more open bits where the dog walkers are but other parts are a bit lonely. I often do a circuit around the roads instead - not as scenic! Xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Oh wow I love your card Sandra. those papers are gorgeous , but like you say you need to add your own bits to bring them alive.
    Just read back over last nights comments to see what you all were upto. Which was not a lot! You were all very quiet? Maureen. Brenda and Diane live in the south where they got a lot more warmth and sunshine than we did up here. Your poor tomatoes were just to cold to grow. This is the first year in a long time Charlie hasn't grown any veg or tomatoes, and he is glad he didn't as the weather has been so bad. Neighbours haven't had good crops and what they have had aren't that good. With all the out lay and costs of plants etc. it would have been a waste of money.
    Sandra, your soup and homemade bread sounds yummy, you might regret putting out that invite, I hope you have made plenty? Yes it's homemade soup time again, I made a big pot of chicken broth on Monday, asked Gillian if she could use some " oh yes please". Was the answer plus " can we come for tea Sunday ?" So busy weekend food wise for me, as I have Hannah and Shaun coming and our little Andrew is staying over, he has put his order in for Fish!, thank goodness the fish lady will be back off her holiday.
    Maureen, you were also right to tell Jess not to go on about painting, look at it already with Diane talking about doing her bedroom and bathroom, I looked at our hall, stair and landing and thought I wonder if we would be able to do that?.? It's like Patricia saying about clearing out her wardrobe! Yes I did mine yesterday and have the stuff ready for the charity shop and cash for clothes. I haven't gutted my little house, but did give the living room a good Hoover, dog hairs everywhere, yet it's done at least once a day. It was like half a puppy in the Dyson pot.
    Maria, I think you need look at foods do that diary, The good thing that came out from yesterday is that it's nothing to get worried over, yes the pain and sickness not good but nothing nasty or horrible showed up. Start with plain food, no dairy, so no fats - that means no fats ie no butter,cheese or even biscuits and cakes they all have fats in them, plain boiled or even a jacket potatoe, lean chicken grilled or steamed. It's hard but if it helps that's what counts.
    SABA. I do hope you had a better day yesterday, but the weather didn't look to good your way.
    Myra, make the most of your sunshine, yes we had a beautiful day here but for how long, local school are coming off on half term this week. That means the weather will go down hill.
    Margaret C. I had problems yesterday with my I pad not showing all what people had written it was so slow too.
    Margaret P I hope your cold it's any worse, I wonder if you picked it up on Saturday.
    Lillian , not good when the house goes quiet after visitors, ((((( hugs)))))
    Oh I better go, Charlie is asking for some help with something, likely nothing but will come back and get my tea and toast in a minute. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      thank you for trying to help me too. It has been a struggle but yes it is good to know it wasn't any sinister. I have started to write down what I'm eating and will contact the doctor. The problem to see a doctor here is you have to wait for weeks if you want to see the one you seen in the first place, very annoying.
      Have a lovely day and your weekend sound busy, love fish Xxx

  5. Morning/afternoon to all who pop in today.
    In need of a large/strong latte this morning. OK now latte in hand and ready to face the day.
    SANDRA - I love your card. It just has the right amount of cuteness to it and I can see why you bought the cd. I have one or two -perhaps more- cd but never think about them these days. I really must get them out and have a look at them.

    Well Knit and Natter was a complete wash out yesterday afternoon or should I say a complete c.......up. The lady who should have provided the card for the class thought it was someone else turn and so we didn't have a card to do. So it was one Knitter and eight Natterers. We were however entertained by one lady who lost her husband a couple of years ago regaling us with stories of her new life she has found this summer. It really is lovely to see her enjoying her life. It was decided that I would do they next card in a fortnight's time but of course had instructions of 'it must not be too difficult' and 'but it must not be too easy' either. It's thinking cap time.

    I hope all who are not too well at the moment begin to feel better soon.
    SABA - I hope you have found calmer seas; facilities to wash you hair properly and are still enjoying your holiday.
    MICHELE- I've fingers crossed that you can enjoy your holiday feeling better.
    MARIA - I'm sorry you're hospital visit didn't give you any solutions to your problem. Do as Sue says as she has experience in this matter.

    I'm not sure what I'm doing today. The car is in the garage all day for a new fan belt to be fitted and Jim has one or two other things he wants them to look for. I'm dreading what the bill will be like.

    I'll just sit here for a little longer before I go and decide what to do. Hugs are in their usual place. Please take them as they are missing Norah's hugs to play with.
    SANDRA/PAT/SUE have a good day together.

    1. Aaah, what a shame your Knit and Natter afternoon wasn't what you expected but hope you had a nice chat with the other ladies and maybe some tea and coffee, take care Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & Lovely ladies.
    Early today no reason really just had bad night with aches & pains with my feet & legs, so up early at 6 30 had shower & put wash in, now on the line.
    Just sitting in the corner with my builders tea people watching quite busy with people going to work.craft room today have to finish cards for posting.
    PATRICIA have a good day crafting with your neighbour.
    MARIA so sorry you didn't get any good results & doctor couldn't help you xx
    SANDRA your card is so pretty I might look into that CD. I'm not a lover of crafters compainion CDs but this one looks good. Have a lovely crafty day with Sue & Pat enjoy your soup & fresh bread. Finished tea so Call in later,
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, sorry you had a bad night. I took some extra pills last night and I don't think I moved all night as I woke up in the same position hihi
      Hope your pain will go so you sleep well tonight, ask Terry to give you an nice all body massage. You never know, it might help. hugs Xxx

  7. Good Morning Sandra and everyone in this lovely cafe

    Sandra your card is so cute. Did you make the flowers? Love the colours, also the papers you have used. I have never really got into CD crafting. I have a few CDs - sitting on the shelf! - must give them another chance!
    Have a lovely day with Sue and Pat. Wish I could take you up on the lunch offer, will be thinking of you. Your house could be quite full. 'Oliver' comes to mind! MORE you want more ......... xxx

    An early start today, 0H has to go to the Royal Marsdon for a discussion appointment. I assume they will be running through his treatments etc. And on Friday he has to have the seeds planted ready for radiotherapy.
    Oh Margaret P and Pat, I got it wrong. He wasn't given the seeds to last time we were there. The prescription was for other items ........ You don't want to know ladies !!!!!!!
    Hope everyone has a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda, I could have used some of your tomatoe, I have just been making veg pasta sauce, nice fresh toms would have been good, had to revert to the tinned ones. If only food things could be sent by e-mail. Hope the hospital appointment goes ok. xxx

    2. Hazel, I would have happily shared some with you. If only we could send items by email, gosh the mind has gone int overtime now. We could borrow Stamps, Dies, etc. Now Sandra what out about your delicious soup and fresh bread ??? xxx

    3. Hi Brenda, hope everything went well for John at the hospital. Sending you both a hug ! Xxx

    4. Hi Brenda,
      I understand your comment about the seeds, hope all goes well today Alan goes in Monday to have his put in will be glad when it's all over now.
      Take care love Margaret xx

    5. Hi BRENDA hope John got on ok at hospital sending Hug's xx
      MARGARET hope all goes well for Alan on Monday & hope your feeling better sending Hug's for you both.xx

  8. Early today. Have to see Diabetic nurse tomorrow. BP and foot check. BP always up when at surgery so told to do it at home and keep a note. Usually have to do this and it's ok and as it should be. Not this time, it is up every time I do it and think I am just getting myself worked up about it which although I try to relax whilst doing it I obviously don't or the dose I am taking isn't doing the job anymore. Will see what she says tomorrow. Going with a friend to The Range and Hobbycraft today to get a few bits for the craft group. Don't think I will bother with those tea lights if Sue and Patricia have both had ones that didn't work. They have them near the check out and I keep thinking I will get a few more. Perhaps won't bother. Right better go and get ready. Hugs in the basket. See you all later. Maria. Sorry you didn't have a good visit to the hospital yesterday. I should try Sue's method and see what happens.
    SANDRA. I forgot to mention your card. It is very pretty. Haven't used CD's for a long time. Perhaps I should have a look at what I have got. Enjoy your crafty day with Sue and Pat. Leek and Potatoe is my favourite soup. Do you have enough for one more?

    1. Oh Brenda, BP is such a problem - and a lot of the time it's just nerves isn't it! Hope you get on alright! Enjoy your day out with your friend and hope you get some nice bits and pieces for your classes. Xx

    2. Hello Brenda, Spend today doing calming tasks and relax this evening. in the morning give yourself plenty of time, don't go rushing around. I have to admit I get worked up when my BP check is due, Oh have just checked its due next week. Think I had better start my deep breathing now !!!

    3. Oh Brenda, I know that feeling, you get yourself worked up even just taking your own BP. I am the same. xxx

    4. Hi Brenda, yes it didn't work for me to get some answers so I will talk to a doctor next. I forgot to take my BP tablet yesterday morning so after my treatment the BP was 170/90, had to wait 45 min. before they let me go home, silly me. Hope you get on alright tomorrow and you today have a lovely, slow day Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is gorgeous, I haven't looked at the CDs yet so thanks for the inspiration.
    The mist has burned off now and it looks like it will be a lovely day, I didn't do any decorating yesterday because I spent most of the day outside as it was lovely, got my painting gear on now so off to start, I will be careful I promise, won't try to do too much in one day, hopefully will pop back later.
    Take care everyone. Xxx

    1. Hi Jess, I'm glad you take it slowly and if you up any ladders then be extra careful. Isn't it a nice Autumn ? Have also been outside today for a walk and got some sun on the face, very nice Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Oh Sandra your card is absolutely gorgeous, and how cute is the's been a long time since I have used my CD's I really must get them out again. Thank you for sharing your beautiful card with us and the colour are so pretty the way you have set out the flowers too...enjoy your craft day with Pat and Sue.
    Another beautiful morning'e been like summer here for the last week or so....I'm sure the seasons have got themselves a bit confused!
    I'm so annoyed at the moment I ordered the teacup flowers from Interflora for our Margaret as it was her birthday last Friday....did they arrive on Friday? NO! so I rung up and complained and the woman said her appologies and promised they would be there Saturday with their apologies....did they arrive? No! So I emailed their sales office...more apologies and the offer of a £10 voucher and promised they would definitely be delivered Monday....which they duly did! George then sent me a photo....oh dear me such a disappointment!! They looked like a bunch of garage flowers (well actually that's not fair as I have seen better flowers for sale in garages!! )....believe me a five year old could have done better.. I ordered this particular arrangement because the picture was the same as the one that we all sent Maureen and I thought it was something a bit different. Anyway I've emailed them again and sent the photo that George sent me but they haven't got back to me...oh and I told them what they can do with their £10 voucher. Sorry for the rant.
    I do hope our poorly ladies are feeling much better today and the sun is cheering you all up.
    Saba I hope you managed to find a safe haven where yo could have a nice hot shower.
    Myra if I'm right it's your final day on holiday if you are travelling home have a safe journey but if you still have a full day left then enjoy.
    My Platinum hasn't arrived yet, not that I'm an impatient craft! Lol!!.
    Will pop back later to see what you have all been up to. Hugs in the basket.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Forgot to say Sandra I watched the final episode of CSI I'm a big fan of Mac, Grissom and Horatio. I was so pleased to see Sarah and Grissom sailing off into the sunset. I hope they don't do the same with the NCIS shows. xxx

    2. Sheila, That's awful! You expect an awful lot better than that from Interflora! I guess they are dependent on the Florists they use but they shouldn't use ones that aren't up to standard. How disappointing. Maureen's were lovely - maybe another benefit of living in the suburbs of a city!
      We have one more day, fly home tomorrow. Thank you .xxx

    3. Oh Shela, What a let down, must confess I stopped using them some years ago. I tend to check shops post code, if it's close to the recipient's postcode I then ring the shop, talk to them and make my choices. For me this system works much better. xxx

    4. Hi Sheila, oh that's not good. Understand you not impressed because the ones we sent Maureen were gorgeous. I got a code from Christina's blog, thinking of trying that to send flowers to a sweet lady who will be 94 in October. Will be interesting to see what you think about the Platinum when you played with it a while.
      Hope you have a nice day Xxx

    5. Oh SHEILA how disappointing that Margaret's flowers didn't arrive on time that's bad enough but then being unsatisfactory I don't blame you being cross,interflora they should check the florists they use are of good standered,flowers are not cheap so you expect the best for your money.Soap box back. Sending you Hug's Xx

    6. Sheila that's so disappointing what a dreadful florist.! I know when I've had interflora flowers they have come from florists miles away from us rather than the interflora florist in the village! I've had flowers from M&S before which were lovely and my sister uses flying flowers from Jersey which are always good. We have a fantastic florist in our vegetable shop who produces amazing bouquets at a fraction of the cost. Xxxx

  11. Sheila, That's not good service with those flowed, we rely on the Internet so much, and you put your faith in these company's to deliver the goods that you have ordered. If George hadnt sent you a photo, and you don't expect to have to ask folk to send you photos, you would have never known what was delivered? Charlie and I were just saying that we think that NCIS will be next, it's such s pity as they were good clean viewing if you know what I mean. TV is rubbish at the moment with these great programs going, ok we we get all the reruns, but you can only watch them so many times. We are getting so fed up with repeats every other day. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Your card is beautiful Sandra! Lovely colours and the papers are lovely! I see you have used the pierced dies as well, I think! Either that or you have tons of patience! I've said it before - I don't even own a crafting Cd Rom - maybe I need to have a rethink having seen your lovely card and Patricia's boxes. Thank you!
    It's a lovely sunny morning again.
    We hope to go to a village inland called Benahavis very shortly. It is very pretty with squares and is on a hill. Then we will pack before going out for dinner.
    We get back to Manchester at 2pm tomorrow . It's a noon flight but of course we are an hour ahead so we gain at the other end! Son and DIL's flight is exactly the same time as ours. It works so well.
    I will try to pop back later, but I may not manage tomorrow until free we get home, all being well.
    Be good !
    Maria - sending lots of hugs to you.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra, have a wonderful last day in the warmth and sunshine. We have also a bit of sun and it is so nice when you still can walk just in a maybe thinner jacket or cardigan then the thick one soon
      ( to the retreat) Have a nice flight home, which airport are you going to ? Bamse hugs to you too Xxx

    2. Hi Maria - Malaga to Manchester . Xxx

    3. Hi MYRA enjoy your last day & your dinner later. Have a safe journey & good flight home tomorrow.xx

    4. Safe journey tomorrow Myra - Manchester airport gosh was it only a few weeks ago we were there doing our transfer! Xxx

  13. Hello All,
    Sandra, was a lovely delicately coloured card, and the print and design are so cute. It really is pretty.
    Just a quickie as I'm nipping to Supermarket, then it'll be time to get ready for volunteering stint in school. I've had a quick look at the comments, but of course haven't made notes, so I've forgotten some of them.
    BUT Hazel, please don't you start on the decorating theme!!!!
    ra, have a lovely day, and a safe journey home.
    Maria, I hope you are feeling brighter this morning and Sue's post is really interesting and may help you.
    Sheila, that's so disappointing with the flowers. I can tell you that mine were gorgeous, so fresh, some lasted a month!! Can you also take a photo off Sandra's blog to show them, or I could e-mail a couple for you to compare with the ones that your George took.
    Brenda LL, I hope you manage to get your BP down in time for your visit to the Nurse.
    Brenda OB, hope all goes well at the Royal Marsden, what was the last prescription for - just asking ha ha.
    Must go and get on or I'll be late for the little darlings. I don't know any of the children as they have moved up from year 1. Big adventure for them as this will be more like hard work!!!
    See you all later, Sandra, have a lovely day with the Graces, I could just fancy a spot of that soup!!
    Love to all Muriel xxxx

  14. I don't know what happened to Myra, I'm quite cut up about it lol xxxx

    1. Maureen, Does that mean Myra has a split personality? Ha Ha xxx

    2. Brenda, that's a good one, but would have the tin hat at the ready. xxx

    3. Thanks Hazel - NOW who has that tin hat? I need it now !!!! xxx

    4. Hi Maureen, you are good going in to school and volunteering for year 2 is it ? I feeling fine today and have been shopping too this morning and also had a walk in the lovely sunshine.
      Myra have split personality alright and I think I have too. Not sure who I am sometimes tihi Geeh wonder who we are at the retreat, scary or what hihi Xxx

    5. Hello Hello Hello! What's going on here? Muriel you have turned me into your Royal Academy !! Xxx
      Brenda- good job you're wearing that at!
      Maria - split personality is it! Tut tut!! Xxx

    6. Oh Dear! I've lived in Lancashire for too long - hat has tuned into at !! Xxx

  15. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is lovely. I know what you mean about "pretty" toppers. Usually the ones that are free with the magazines that I but are too "sickly sweet " for me so I give them to my M in L to use at her hospice craft group.

    Today is my 21st wedding anniversary, we've been together almost 25 years. Bought our first house 24 years ago then thought we'd get married! My M in L sent our card early so we could bring it with us, my Dad has forgotten which is unusual but I didn't remind him before we went away.

    We're having dinner cooked for us at B in L's as the older 2 children are with their Dad on Wednesday evening/night so we an see them all tonight. We'll see them all on Saturday morning before we leave for the airport.

    Yesterday's drama was the toilet in the en suite overflowed-left hubby to sort that out!


    1. Oh Michele, you will never forget this Holi... will you, bless you but Have a nice day and Happy Anniversary to you both ! hugs Xxx

    2. Well Michele, your 21st Anniversary Holiday will be one you will always remember. Pity you could not make it to the Retreat I am sure it will be much more like a "relaxing holiday".
      Enjoy the rest of your stay xxx

    3. Happy Anniversary to you both, enjoy your evening. You will need to join SABA at that 5* hotel for a relaxing couple of days to make up for dipping out of a good holiday. xxx

    4. Happy Anniversary Michelle and many more love Margaret DX

    5. Me again Michele, sorry I forgot to wish you and your hubby "Happy Anniversary" xxx

    6. Happy Anniversary Michele! Have a lovely day! Xxx

    7. Happy Anniversary MICHELE & Hubby hope you have had a lovely day enjoy your dinner xx

    8. I've heard of some novel holidays, but Michele, I think yours is the winner. Flue, overflowing toilets and 21st Wedding Anniversary, you have won first prize. Congratulations on your Anniversary, you kept that quiet xxx

    9. Happy happy anniversary dear Michele and OH, my wish for yo is to have many more years of love & happiness together. xxx

    10. Happy Anniversary Michele, enjoy your evening xxxx

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well Sandra great minds must think a like, we were having a visitor for lunch and I too made some leek and potato soup I always have home made bread and rolls too!
    Your card is so delightful the colours are really lovely too I love it and as others have already said we must look at the cd's we have a little more often so thank you for the nudge!
    Another beautiful day here with super sunshine so another two loads of washing out .
    Myra hope you have a good flight back safe and Saba I do hope you have found some calm water and a warm shower to make life bearable!
    I do hope all those feeling down or under the weather are feeling a little brighter today I have put my hugs over in the corner please help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in today,
    Hope you have a great time crafting/ chatting with the other graces today. Nice lunch, I guess I missed it as it taken me over an hour to get down here and to say that I love the Bee Bunny card you made for us to see today. It is sooo cute and you have as usual put some lovely papers and flowers to it,love it.
    I have some CD-rooms etc. too but have never used them as I'm not sure how too and OH look so board if I would ask him to print something for me so I leave it be.
    Sad to see one of the presenters had passed away the other day. Did not know her personally but have bought thing from her at AP.
    Son came in this morning 6,30 for his shower so we got up too soon after and as I felt fine, no problems after yesterday's treatment. we decided to go and do some food shopping early. Back around 9 am so we undid the shopping quickly and drove to a new estate, they still building houses and flats, for a nice walk around and also looking into the show houses. Like just to see what are out there and they were nice but wanted £285.000 for a small 2 bed we left and decided to stay where we are tihi around the corner was Waitrose so we had a little break there , reading the daily papers,free and having a *%+^$
    and did another little shop because you have to spend £5 to get a free paper to take home too. Their Scottish Smoked Salmon is extra nice from there.
    Back home I phoned my parents and then I was meant to do some cardmaking but got stuck on the Acer and now the mojo have gone so I might watch the last NCIS, buhu. I love them all and so sad to see them go, one after eachother. Do anyone watch the X-factor ?
    I'm worried abour Saba, was she in last night and I have missed her. Hope they got the sail fixed and they got some better weather. I would stop the trip and take in to a hotel or something with nice warm shower and be able to stay dry. Do not like sailing at all, sorry Saba. hope you are ok! xx
    Hope everyone feeling better today, little extra hugs to you all .x
    Love and hugs Maria Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra your card is lovely love the colours, enjoy your day with Sue and Pat.
    My cold does not seem too bad today thank goodness yes Sue I am not doing too much trying to be good!!
    Maria pleased to see you had a good night take care.
    Brenda LL hope your checkup goes OK tomorrow BP is a nuisance don't know which is worse high or low.Enjoy the rest of your holiday Michelle & Myra.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Glad you feeling a bit better, stupid colds to pop up whenever they feel like it, hugs Xxx

  19. Well I hope the three Graces have had a lovely day of chatting and crafting. xxx

  20. NEWS! Saba is alright! She has tried logging on but it takes a while to download and she gets cut off! Peter and Saba re ok though! Thought you'd like to know! Xxx

    1. Thank you MYRA:- good to know Saba & Peter are OK.
      Hope Saba has managed to have a shower and get her hair washed properly. xxx

    2. Thanks Myra, started to wonder if she gone to the deep blue sea.

    3. Poor Saba - she will need a holiday to get over this holiday at this rate! Xxxx

  21. Well my Crafting with Isobel was put off for another day. With the weather being so beautiful Isobel decided to clear out her never used Attic Bedroom. She wants to make that her Craft Room.
    John and I decided to head out for lunch. Well tell you what some Resturants need lessons in how to treat people. We don't have to many "good" Resturants round here and this was a re-opened one under New Management. Well if that's how they treat people can't see it being there long. Sat down and the rather uninterested waitress asked if we wanted something to eat .... !!! Then told they only had Soup & Sandwhich or a Baked Potato, no Sorry or apology of any description. Well the steam just about started coming out of my ears. I looked at John and we both got up and walked out. On the way we had passed a Farm Tearoom. We made our way back there and what a difference. Attentive staff, large menu and seats out in the sun. We had a wonderful lunch, we will be back there again soon.
    I know our little Café is only "virtual" but we could teach that first place we tried a few things.
    We won't need much to eat this evening. Will enjoy something light a little later.
    MYRA:- safe journey home
    Hope everyone has enjoyed another glorious sunny day.
    See you all later. xxx

    1. Attic bedroom, oh she is lucky your friend to be able to make a craftroom.
      A little smile and a friendly word from staff makes you want to come back and doesn't cost anything and that's why we popping in here when we can because this cafe' is looovely ! Glad you had a nice day with a good lunch in the end Xxx

  22. Hi PATRICIA how awful the way you were treated at the restaurant,good manners cost nothing,what sort of menu is sandwich soup or jacket potato for a restaurant you would expect more choices. As you say they won't last long.
    Pleased you found the farm tea rooms & enjoyed your lunch after all.
    Have a good evening. Xx

  23. Oh wow so glad I found you via Patricia's blog...what a stunning and super cute creation this is..I love the image and the gorgeous colors.Off to explore more of your blog and do visit me when you get time
    Dr Sonia

  24. Hellllooooooooooooo,
    Had an interesting day in school with the 5 and 6 year olds. It was a science lesson and water, jugs, different fabrics and charts were involved. Can I just say that no children were harmed in the experiments, but a lot of water was spilt everywhere!!!! It's also difficult to write on soggy paper ha ha.
    Dr Sonia, welcome to Sandra's cafe. Sit down, have a nice cup of coffee and a piece of calorie free cake, and tell us all about yourself!!! I'll pop over to your blog shortly.
    Myra, enjoy your meal this evening. I think Brenda hit the nail on the head with a split personality but as long as it's just your personality that is split, and not an important item of clothing, you'll be o.k.. Don't forget to have a safe journey home.
    Saba, I'm pleased that you and Peter are fine, hopefully you'll be able to contact us soon.
    Maria, So pleased that you are feeling well after your hospital visit yesterday. You certainly sound as though you've been busy, just don't overdo it.
    Patricia, good manners and pleasantness cost nothing. They'll not stay in business long with that attitude. An attic craft room sounds such a good idea, If only we were younger and it was worth the upheaval, time and money I'd get our loft converted.
    Hazel, I think NCIS is finishing, I will be so disappointed when it does. As you say, it's a good clean programme, one which is not embarrassing to watch. I also enjoy New Tricks, but that finishes in a week or two.
    I'm away to do some crafting. Cor, I've just looked at the time, I'd better get going or it'll not be worth starting.
    See you all later, popping in to see the Dr first lol !!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel what are we going to do without the lovely Gibbs! I must admit I think Grissom was my favourite in csi - I haven't seen the final episode yet, must fin fit repeated somewhere. I like new tricks too - all good clean fun. Love the sound of your experiment today - don't think t
      You should have poured water over the children's books though :) ! Xxxx

  25. Welcome Dr. Sonia,
    to the warmest friendliest café on the tinternet. It helps if you have an ology or a certificate in madness as we are all nuts at some time or other. Some of us are even worse, not mentioning names, you will find out the more you visit us.

    1. Hi Maureen- me no not at all but you seem to have had a busy and wet day. Hope you had you willie's on . Great working with the little ones.
      Hello Dr Sonia- welcome. Where do you come from ? I'm Maria, a swede, gee I really hate people calling us that. I can promise you I'm not a vegetable . Nice to meet you Xxx

    2. oh dear I'm so so sorry that should not read that word that you see and I who are so careful before posting ! only noticed because you nice girls pointing it out to everyone, thank you. so sorry to anyone reading this blog and to our Sandra. promise never do it again miss,
      tihi Xxx

  26. Have any of you been watching that Eat Well For Less? I have just watch 2 on catch up. I just can't get over the rubbish folk feed there children and the money they spend on food in a week. I loved that they only covered up the folks usual brand of things and they thought they weren't nice. Goes to show they don't really taste their food. Now off to watch Bake Off. xxx

  27. Helloooooo
    At last my internet is responding! I have been going mad. It was connecting me but not down loading properly and no chance logging on.
    Myra, thank you for updating everyone.
    Sandra, your card today is truly gorgeous. I especially love your cornucopia of little flowers. You have some talent lady. I was truly sorry to read yesterday's post and hear that things are still uncertain re. Paul's deployment. I hope and pray he is allowed to stay at home.
    Maria, I was relieved that the tests were clear. I know it doesn't solve your problem and I hope you can get to the bottom of what is causing your upset tummy.
    We have really had poopy weather this time. We have been sailing here for years and have never had such bad weather. BUT I love sailing and even though it has been challenging to say the least I wouldn't swop it for a beach holiday. My ambition is to sail the Atlantic, I don't know if I will ever achieve it, but I can dream. Yesterday we had 4 metre waves, gale force winds and to go below deck was somewhat challenging. To go to the loo was, well, not easy!!!
    Today we have had a day of rest? We decided not to go out from this sheltered bay and do some repairs to the deck instead, so although it meant a few hours work, it also meant we weren't battling the waves. And I have been swimming sans costume! Chilly it was.
    Tomorrow we are heading back to our harbour and on Friday will be saying goodbye to our lovely Livslang for this year. I have persuaded Peter to treat me to a hotel on the way back. We shall be stopping of in Austria and have managed to book one night in the steiermark. It's a special weekend there, they are celebrating the first wine of the season and I think it will be a boozy evening.
    Right mt lovelies let's see if this will publish!
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, I really think you need to see a Doctor. Sail the Atlantic!!! Give me strength. I cannot believe that you are even thinking about it. I can see I'm going to have to give you a good talking to at the Retreat, and swimming in the altogether, my word woman, have you no shame ha ha xxxxx (of course I can only swim if my feet touch the bottom of the pool!) xxxxx

    2. SABA:- so glad your both ok! No matter how much you love sailing ... there comes a time to say enough is enough!!
      Enjoy the luxury of a "steady" bed, hot shower, clean, fresh done hair and a straight, steady journey to the Loo!!! xxx

    3. Do you know, whatever the weather, however cold it has been, I would rather be here on board than anywhere else in the world.
      I caught the sailing bug many years ago in Turkey and there is no cure. Xxxx

    4. omg Saba so nice to hear you voice woman, mermaid or what hihi
      guess you hair got a good rinse but going across the Atlantic, no I'm sorry we can't let you do that. So glad to see he is treating you to a night in Austria before going home. Have a safe trip,hugs Xxx

    5. That sounds a lovely idea! Xxx

    6. SABA:- I can fully relate to your love of sailing. We have friends in Turkey who we sailed with a lot when we lived there. We would never have seen some of the stunning places we did. The only way to access some places was by boat. John is NOT a sailor but did enjoy our trips away ... as long as the seas were CALM!!! xxx

    7. SABA, all I can say is " You are MAD" wanting to sail the Atlantic !!! But it takes all kinds, Me I will stay on dry land. Maureen I think you and I have the right idea - feet on the bottom off pool is as far as I will be going in the water. SABA, but all in all you two love sailing and love your boat and know what you can do. Safe journey to the harbour, and enjoy your night in the hotel.
      Cheryl, I am so glad you had a good nights sleep, a bit of heat can make all the difference.
      Dr.Sonia, welcome as the others have said this is the best cafe and yes we are all a little bit mad but in a good fun loving way.
      Well watched Bake Off and in a way I am glad Flora has gone out, she was to full of herself,
      Jess, I hope you haven't over done the painting today.
      Off to make a drink and I think an early night for me. See you in the morning xxx

  28. Welcome Dr.Sonia glad you found your way here.
    Its a bit of a "mad house" but "mad" in a good way!! Some of us are worse than others ... you will have to visit a few times to work out who the "rebels" are.
    For those who have not visited "YOUR" you must. Dr. Sonia is an extremely talented crafter and so is her beautiful little girl. xxx

  29. Good evening one & all,

    Oh, it has taken me ages to get in here today, you have been full at the seams, and I have been so busy today.
    Very, very pretty card Sandra, you have put a lot of work and detail into it. I can see why you would want to buy the full CD version. So bright and cheerful and that cute little bunny, well.
    I must own up though to preferring the Bo Bunny papers that Gabrielle Pollacco uses in her projects.

    After a rotten night's sleep on Monday night, last night was heaven. It did help that I succumbed and turned my electric blanket on. Utter bliss to jump into a warm toasty bed. Slept right round til 7.43am so my day started a little later than usual with lovely bright sunshine which lasted all day.
    Kitchen & dining room cleared before 10.00 then onto finishing wrapping my Christmas presents for family and friends.
    I had loads of wax left over from the cup candles so had already made 12 using up odd heat proof & ceramic pots. All done now, just have to decorate the white paper carriers with Christmas stuff and attach a wooden Docraft Christmas tag. Might actually paint the tags to match the candle colour or the Christmas papers, haven't quite made my mind up yet.

    Had to pop into town to pick up an art deco inspired wooden screen which I had arranged to collect. The lady who sold me it said she had chalk painted it but on closer inspection, she hadn't even sanded it down or used enough screws to hold the hinges on properly (she'd even painted over the hinges). Not a satisfactory finish for my standards, so it will be my new project and I must photo it before and after to show her what a upcycle really should look like.

    After lunch I sat and cut out tags and decoupage from the free gifts included in the Christmas 2015 issue of make cards ready for the nursery glueing day. I've not come across this mag before and I shall pre-warn you, don't bother buying it. At 7.99 for 58 pages, it is not as good as other card/papercraft mags and not so many articles (Docrafts creativity at 2.95 for 122 pages was a better value and that was on offer). So I believe I've actually paid for the free gifts!!! Which were Gift 1 ... a stamp set, Gift 2.. 2 Ef's (3x15cms) Gift 3...a book of Christmas papers, toppers & decoupage (quality of the papers is superb).

    Alarm has just gone off for my tablets and evening inhaler so I'll bid you all a very good night. I'll catch up with yesterday's comment tomorrow.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  30. Ladies I must say good night and God bless, my I pad needs charging and so do I. Myra, safe journey home.
    Love to you all for now
    Saba xxx

    1. I am also saying goodnight.
      God Bless see you all tomorrow xxx

    2. Night Night My Dears! Thank you! Sleep well and stay safe! God Bless. love Myra xxx

    3. Night night everyone. Saba I'm so glad you have managed to join us, it's good to know you are safe and sound. Enjoy your night at the hotel my sweet you deserve a bit of luxury. Sweet dreams xxxxx

  31. Stay safe, those on the high seas, and those in the air. Night, night, sweet dreams everyone, See you in the morning. (You know a picture of Popeye just popped into my head - that would be Peter, so Saba must be Olive Oil!!!) hard hat please Brenda OB!!!
    God Bless all.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Olive Oil has very large feet! Xxx

    2. Muriel and Mary I hope you never change Tihihi Good night all Xxx
