
Thursday 1 October 2015

Pretty Poppy

Good Morning Ladies,
Pinch Punch First of the Month!!!
see you in 28 days ladies!!!!
Dr Sonia S V, welcome to our blog, you are most welcome.
We had a lovely crafting day yesterday, I did lots of die cutting and experimenting with Coscmic
Shimmer Glitter Paste and masks, which was both messy and fun, Sue was busy putting bits together
for her Christmas cards and Pat was mostly having a play with her new dies, one of which was the Heraldic Square Die from Creative Expressions, its a lovely die.  Pat had to leave early as she was meeting Pete and the eye hospital.
Now onto today's card, it is actually a One Die card, I was inspired by a version of this card on Pinterest, I made an easier version, the original was mad by making a frame with the dark blue card, I just cut blue rectangles laid them onto white matts then added the Prim Poppy die cuts so that they lined up throughout the frames.  I stamped the 'Thinking of you' sentiment as I thought it was relevant to the image.   There is something so very peaceful about a poppy, they are simply beautiful too.
Please let me know what you think of this card.
I know it's very clean and simple, but I thought it needed nothing else!
I hope that you all have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Happy 1st October Sandra, good morning .... OCTOBER!!! Oooooo!!! nearly time for us all to get together, getting really excited.
    SANDRA:- I just LOVE your beautiful card. I really like how you have used the Poppy Die. I have that Die and can't remember the last I me I used it. Must go find it and have another think about how to use it.
    Sounds like you had a great "crafty day" yesterday. I find the Mask & Texture Paint a bit messy for me. However I am sure if I was doing it with friends it would be "fun" rather than messy!!!
    Everything looking good, lots of nice things on show for today.
    Got my Tea & Toast off to People Watch. Wonder if Dr. Sonia will pop in again today.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door if you need them. You an help yourself to them they are for everyone. See you all later xxx

  2. Good Morning everyone, sorry did not manage to get in for tea and cake yesterday, it's work delivery day today, so ws up to my "ears" finishing my work.
    Sandra I loved yesterday's card, it makes me tempted to buy the cd although I don't like cute a lot.
    Today's card is very classy, I've been meaning to have a go at this one for ages.
    Glad you enjoyed your crafty day yesterday, I am going to see my two friends for a crafty day, although it's more chatting than crafting.
    Hope everyone has a good day, looks like its going to be lovely again, although very chilly this morning.
    Its my friends 90 birthday this month, she would a box of cards, so am going to have to get a move on. Hope to get up to Oxford to see her then.
    Best Wishes to not feeling well. L.

  3. Good Morning - smelling salts and oxygen in the corner!!!
    Sandra - I love that card! I really really do . It looks really classy and clean.
    I love it!
    Just about to pack this in my bag . Having a cuppa before leaving for the Airport!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Oh! My! Giddy Aunt!! MYRA:- take it easy my friend!! Oh! well not as early you think folks, remember MYRA is an hour ahead of us at the moment.
      Safe journey home for all of you. See & Hear from you when you get home. xxx

    2. I love that expression Patricia, it's one of my favourites ! Safe journey Myra xxxxx

    3. Hello Myra, you're probably almost home by now. You might need to turn the heating on. Though the sun is shining it's still quite chilly to what you've been used to. Hope the journey home was uneventful, and you feel relaxed and ready for the next event/challenge. Good to have you back LOL xxx

  4. Morning Myra - just take it steady now - you know early mornings can be a shock to the system lol. Just waiting for your stories when you get home.
    Hugs xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I am so pleased to see this gorgeous card here today after looking at it yesterday. I love the clean and simple layout, you certainly don't need to add anything else to it. Thank you for yesterday, our lunch was delicious. One of the few things I like about this time of year is enjoying a tasty bowl of home made soup. Not sure if it would be wise for us to get a bread maker as I think it would encourage us to eat too much of it : )
    Woops, I have just sat and read yesterdays comments without taking any notes!!!
    Brenda littlelamb, sorry to hear your BP is up even when you take it at home. Think of it this way, the checks just let the docs know if they need to increase the dose of your BP tablet so that wouldn't be so bad would it? I hope that helps you worry less about it my lovely friend, I hate to think if you fretting.
    Maria, your walk yesterday in the sunshine sounded lovely.
    Saba, it is so good to hear from you, we were worrying about you yesterday. I didnt realise just how much you loved sailing, wanting to do the Atlantic says it all! I do hope you get that hot shower soon, that cold swim would not be my idea of fun. Wishing you some better weather today.
    Michele, goodness me, you will need a holiday to get over this one won't you : )
    Myra, I hope your journey home is going well. I bet you are looking forward to that cup of tea and sleeping in your own bed : )
    Patricia, I am sorry that so many of your tealights didn't work, that is ridiculous, just because they are cheap doesn't mean they don't have to work! I have bought the same size packs from the pound shops without any problems so I will not be buying any more from Hobbycraft. I llove your thinking about when you return them though, it will make up for the hassle won't it : )
    Talk about feeling my age, our granddaughter Phoebe is starting Beavers tonight. It doesn' seem possible that she is old enough to join. It only feels like yesterday when Gem started. Where have the years gone?
    Better get on as I must finish my cards off. Take care xx

  6. Pat, I hope Pete got on well at the eye hospital, sorry I forgot to ask. Take care xx

  7. Good morning,

    Wow Sandra, now that is a card that ticks a lot of my boxes! No fussy bits, it lets the poppy do it's job of being the centrepiece. Less is more in this case.

    Off today for an early lunch with some old workmates who I haven't seen for some time. Should be fun.

    For all of you who have been 'under the weather' (quaint expression that, I wonder where it comes from?), gurt big squashy hugs, hope the following days treat you kindly xxx
    Good to see Michele finally able to have some holiday fun and Saba & Pete to have fair winds home for a long awaited bath. xxxx

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

  8. Morning/Afternoon to all who may pop in
    SANDRA - what a very elegant and classy card you have given us today.
    I love everything about it. If you don't mind I shall be having a go using this idea. So pleased the 3 Graces had a good day yesterday.

    I spent all morning having a cutting marathon as I think I said yesterday that my next Knit and Natter is my turn to produce a card for them. I have decided to give them a couple of easy Christmas cards to do - easy in that the formats are easy but they will have quite a bit of putting together to do. You never know that might suit them.

    Yesterday turned out to be quite an expensive day on the car front. She had a new fan belt fitted but on inspection it was found that she needs a new rear axle -I don't know exactly what bit has gone but it's one that means the only way is to replace the axle- Jim had asked the garage to look because there was a noise and he is so particular about these things so Yvette has to go into the garage next Wednesday so that we can go to Marigny the following week. It may be time to look for another car - it's something we have to think about. She is now 11year old and has been a real work horse and hasn't given us any major problems. But if she is starting to cost more than she is worth then she will have to be retired. It will certainly have to be a used car this time.

    I'm over by the window for a little while and then I'm off back to start cutting out again hoping to finish off the 9 sets this morning.
    Hugs are in their usual place. I'll wash up before I leave and money is already in the pot.

    Oh I nearly forgot to say WELCOME to Dr Sonia SV - It was lovely to have a new face in the cafe yesterday. I hope you'll come back soon.

    1. Oh Janet poor Yvette ( that reminds me of 'ello 'ello! ). I hate it when cars go to the garage - mines in for it's mot tomorrow . They always find something don't they! I hope it's not too expensive . Happy cutting! Xxx

    2. Oh Janet, it's very sad but you might have to think about getting rid of the Yvette. Question is what do you get when you've had such a great workhorse. We changed our car almost 2 years ago now. We had the previous one for 10 years, and I have to confess I do miss it. We went for a smaller and less powerful car, Bad move, as where one of our daughters lives it's quite hilly, and this car doesn't like the hills. Also it has an electronic handbrake (think that's what you call it) and I hate it. I know I shouldn't, but rather than put the break on, I hold the car on the clutch if I'm on an incline. !!!

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card this morning Sandra, I love the way the poppies flow through the blocks - did you stick then cut or cut then stick? ( does that make sense?) it's a beautiful die. Thank you for sharing. Xxx
    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday playing - I found my sparkle texture paste yesterday - it wasn't lost, just in a bag of bits! I must play as I also found a suitable mask! Pat I hope Pete got on ok at the eye hospital xxx
    What a difference a couple of phone calls can make to a day! There I was last night all ready for Julian's first night away since Emma left and I got a phone all to say he was on the way home so don't lock the door! He drove all the way to kent to work through the night, got to site, pressed a few buttons and the client said he didn't like the 'look' of the new software, so mission aborted and home he came to try another day! It was lovely to have him home though rather than worry about him driving tired the next day. He had just got in the door when his mum phoned, she's at a loose end today and wondered if I would like to go over and see their new Lakeland shop! It threw me for a minute because all week I've had shopping on Thursday car on Friday in my head! I'm going with spontainious though so Salisbury here I come. Right I must get on and doing. See you all later.
    Big hugs all round - oh yes 1st October - White Rabbits (anyone else say that? I don't know why but we do!) xxxxxx

    1. Hi Diane
      Hope your bruising has or almost gone from Ally Pally. I hope you enjoy your shopping trip with Julian's Mum in Salisbury. We always say white rabbits on the first of the month. Pete has something wrong with the Retina in his right eye. He'll have to see a Regina Surgeon to have further tests and to discuss having an operation on it. It's not to bad apparently at the moment. But whether it's better to have an operation now or wait until it gets worse is what we will be discussing.

    2. Hope all goes well Pat. Thinking of you both.

    3. Diane, I LOVE Lakeland, I could browse that chop for hours, I go in to have a look around and ....... Oops, I come out with a bag full !!!
      They usually are a hit where ever they are the new shop. I think they really check the market now. I've even written to them in the past asking could they think of putting store in Croydon, our nearest one is Wimbledon, which is a lovely shopping centre, so really don't mind going there. Also there online service is great.
      Happy Shopping xxx

    4. Diane I could even browse that SHOP for hours ! xxx

    5. Hi Pat, some even bigger gurt hugs for Pete. xxx

  10. Oh my goodness the 1st of October, and there was a bit of a froze in the air this morning at 4.45? Sunshine now but still nippy.
    Sandra, you card is gorgeous, right up my street, you don't need fancy dies to make a beautiful card. Love the way you have used the poppy die.
    So glad you three had a fun day. The thought of the messy stuff is to much for me. I don't do messy.
    Sue, I know what you mean about how quick grandchildren are growing up, our Calum goes up to the high school next summer, where it only seems like only the other day we were worrying if Tammy would be getting blue lighted as she had gone into labour , because of having Problems.
    Oh that's tammy turn up I'd better go see you soon. xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra you card is lovely, I like the poppy die you have used, so classy. Glad you all had a lovely day yesterday.
    I'm sorry I didn't get back in yesterday, we managed to get the ceilings in the staircase painted, then in the afternoon I want out to meet my friends for our usual Wednesday meet up at our local garden centre. Then it was my card class last night, so by the time I got back I was really quite tired, had a cup of tea and went to bed. Today it is food shopping then we will see how much more we can get done paint wise, this old age is not funny, I certainly didn't sign up for these aches and pains!
    I will have to go back later and read yesterday's comments, but I see that we have a new visitor to your cafe Sandra, so welcome Dr Sonia SV. Hope you can pop by again, meantime take care everyone. xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and lovely ladies,
    I think a hot chocolate would be very nice and perhaps a toasted teacake, I'll help myself and go and sit by the window to see who is coming in today.
    Dr. Sonia it was nice to see you yesterday, hope you will pop in again.
    Sandra your card today is lovely, beautiful layout and your poppies look stunning set against the blue background. Love it.
    Myra safe journey home, was a bit of a shock to see you in so early.
    Janet, sorry about poor Yvette, hope she survives the garage!
    Sue, you brought back memories of the day Max came into our lives. Like you it seems like yesterday. Me, Joanne and his other Granny sat in the corridor all night waiting for him to arrive. I will never forget the moment Ryan came out with tears pouring down his face and said simply " I have a son" he followed it up with " mum, there was so much blood!" At which point I nearly fainted, grabbed his arm and said "Rachel! Is she alright???" Of course she was, but I was imagining all sorts.
    Well I have been for an early morning swim. The water is freezing but once you are in its not bad at all, it's getting back out again in the cold wind which is equally daunting. Today we shall be heading back to our home harbour, I think we shall be leaving in about an hour and it's about a three hour journey and then packing up and giving the boat a good clean below deck. I did the outside yesterday so unless we have a rough crossing and the windows get salty again I shouldn't need to do anything else on deck. Usually I start the packing up whilst we are on our way, but I don't think that will be possible with this wind, too unsteady below deck.
    Right, hot chocolate has warmed the cockles so I will love you and leave you for now.
    Nearly forgot, Diane, enjoy Lakeland. I love that shop.
    Hugs for all Saba xxx

    1. Morning Saba - you have more courage than I - I do swim but very awkwardly and only in an indoor pool. Jim taught me before I had my first knee replacement so I could do my exercises in the water but I have to say I'm still quite afraid of the water. Silly isn't it I'll sail anywhere but when it comes to getting into a large area NO NOT FOR ME.
      anyway have a safe journey back and looking forward to seeing you in the cafe perhaps this week-end!
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Saba, This holiday has been an adventure in more ways than one, the pair of you must be so fit. Have a safe return and enjoy your hotels stay. Take care xxx

    3. Saba, just read over last nights comments and your wish to sail the Atlantic, we have sailed over it twice mind you we were on a cruise ship, first time from the Caribbean to Maderia, then into the Med, the weather was a bit rough, meal times were a laugh, plates kept slipping along the tables and you certainly had to walk with a limp dodging from side to side. Second time was after being in the Caribbean, sailed from Burmuda to the Azores, then to Palma, it was a totally different journey, a lot calmer, both times it took five days to cross, so good luck with your wish!

    4. I'm with Janet, no sea swimming unless I can see to the bottom. There's fish in there bigger than me!!!!xxx

    5. Hi Saba,
      I still think you are mad enjoying sailing as for crossing the Atlantic doesn't bear thinking about, I am so glad I didn't take you up on joining you!! Seriously I admire you for enjoying it like you do and swimming in the sea I am with Janet there. Safe trip home love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today. I missed yesterday's card on the blog, although the u seen both cards in the flesh so to speak. The poppies look 3D on this card.
    Pete has to see a Retina surgeon at the JR to discuss whether he needs an operation on the Retina in his right eye. Apparently it's not to bad at the moment but we need to discuss whether it's best to have it done sooner rather than later.

  14. Good morning everyone - Sandra I just love this card - poppies are my favourite flower - hate it when the wind and rain claim their big flowery heads .
    Went shopping yesterday morning for a new rug for the living room but had no success so back to it at the weekend.
    Continued my day in the garden and really blitzed it - so to say I came in made a drink and with a dog on my knee and one at the side of me I fell fast asleep.
    Sandra your card yesterday was gorgeous so cute love crafters companions cds for their papers not keen on the toppers,
    I will have a look back at yesterdays conversations later as Ive just packed my bags for craft class today - Saba I hope you have a smooth crossing - take care - rather you than me lol x
    Myra have a safe journey - bet your nearly home now - first things first - kettle on and a sit down - bliss.
    Hugs to anyone who needs them
    will call back after class
    we must make the most of this glorious weather - its so welcome.
    Jean xx

  15. SANDRA - just seen on Jonathon Lockwoods blog that there is a design team call, I may be late with this info but think you would definitely stand a chance with this - Love Jean x

  16. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    More lovely sunshine here today but decidedly chilly especially first thing no doubt frost will soon be with us. One lot of washing out and another load in the washer, I do so love getting that outdoor smell on clothes. Shopping all done and put away thank goodness.
    Sandra what an inspiring card to make us all think today, I have the die but never used it like this, so lovely.
    Dr Sonia a lovely warm welcome to you I do hope you pop in again to see us all, this is such a unique coffee shop, you will not find another like it!
    Sheila I do hope you get more than a poor offer of a £10 voucher from Interflora in my book that was an offer of too little and definitely too late, they don't have anything for £10 so all they want is more money from you, such a cheek. I do hope your new Spellbinders has finally arrived and you are happily playing.
    Saba please take care and stay safe have a good and safe journey home, as for sailing the Atlantic please think again I don't think we could all stand the tension and worry of that!
    Myra goodness me even though you are one hour ahead of us you really are getting earlier! Do have a safe and good flight home.
    Pat hope all goes well at the hospital for Pete.
    Brenda hope all goes well for your OH at the hospital too you will be in my thoughts.
    Hope everyone else who is not feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed have a better day.
    Lots of love
    Margaret xxx

  17. Sorry almost forgot Diane have a good time in one of my favourite shops Lakeland! xxx

  18. Lovely card Sandra. Think I have this die. Must have a look but first must do some tidying as British Gas coming to service the back boiler which is in the lounge. BP still up so have to go back again in a fortnight. Weight and foot check ok. Blood test next week for iron. Following week Mammogram two days before BP. All appointments these days. Had a request from Scarlett yo go round after school while she makes a birthday card for a friend. Doesn't need it until 17th bit wants to get on with it. Haven't seen her for nearly a fortnight so will be good to see her. Welcome to Dr Sonia SV. This is a very friendly cafe. Myra safe journey home and Saba. Diane enjoy your trip to Salisbury and Lakeland. Bought a book in their lady week 'meal in a Mug'. You can buy a mug with a recipe on it in there but I have a large microwaveable mug so will try that first. Might be good for Emma. They are all meals for one so will give them a try when I don't really feel like cooking. All sorts of recipes in there. 80 in fact.
    Michele hope you are feeling a lot better and can enjoy the rest of your holiday. Wheee is Norah? Missing her. Brenda hope all goes well at the hospital. Must away. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Take care. See you all later.

    1. Hi Brenda LL,
      I am with you when you say its all appointments it seems the older we get the more we have. Try not to worry about your BP mine is the same up and down like a yo-yo. Take care hugs on the way love Margaret xx

  19. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, it could be used for so many occasions & of course, it qualifies for the "one die only" challenge.

    Thanks for all the Happy Anniversary wishes yesterday-hubby was quite surprised & touched by them.

    Hubby just gone off to the beach, I decided to stay back as there's no shade & I'm already turning pink so after the problems I've had, I definitely don't want to risk sunburn! He went early yesterday & had fun beach combing as the recent strong waves hand brought lots of interesting shells etc onto the beach. The main thing everyone looks for are sharks teeth-sounds odd but the locals all look for them.

    Meal last night was nice- fish cakes, jacket potatoes & salad then chocolate/banana trifle & guess what I can't stand.....???? Yup- bananas, I don't like trifle either so that was a challenge to eat some but it's the thought that counts.

    Not sure what our plans are today but it won't be that much as its going to be 90F with very high humidity again.


    1. Michele so sorry I didn't realise it was your Anniversary yesterday belated Happy Anniversary! I love trifle but not with bananas! xxx

    2. Michele sorry I didn't realise it was your Anniversary yesterday,
      hope you had a lovely day both of you, I didn't pop in yesterday sorry again
      Jean xx

  20. Hello everyone, back from food shop, has lunch, guess what it's too nice to be inside, so been working the garden better to do that while the sun shines, the painting can wait till the weekend.
    Michelle sorry I didn't see it was your anniversary yesterday, just finished reading yesterday's comments, belated happy anniversary, hope you had a lovely day.
    Well back to the garden, will catch up later, take care everyone xxx

  21. Quick visit I've not got time at mo to read through everything Hope to get time later Work is manic at mo More and more demands with little or no staff to do it but as Michele knows that's typical of the NHS
    Anyway your card is lovely SANRA a deifinite my kind of card
    Just today OH got through Dry September He's not a big drinker but does enjoy the odd beer What he found frustrating was when we were out dancing and people asked if he'd like a drink to be asked "what! You're not having a pint?" Then explain what he was doing

  22. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It's taking ages to get here, Left a few comments on the way down, then lost Internet connection on the iPad. When it was back on tried to leave comment and the letter 'L' froze ( that's never happened before) turned iPad off and walked away from it. when I returned all seems well - I do not understand it !
    Anyway I'm here now so will try to leave a post.
    Sandra, I love your card. I love Poppies anyway so you're on a winner with me, this card is a perfect example of more is less. It's just beautiful. Love everything about it XXX
    Sending a special welcome to Dr Sonia, it's always lovely to welcome a new face into this fantastic coffee shop. Hope we see you again soon XX
    The appointment for OH at the hospital went very well. In fact we were 45 minutes early, barely got bottom on the seat and he was called in. Couldn't believe it, apparently other patient were running late so he was seen there and then. What a result. We still didn't leave hospital untill after 5 o'clock. But we expected that. Back there again tomorrow for implant then next Friday for MRI and planning and two weeks after that radiotherapy should begin. Think that takes us to the last week in October. Gosh where has the year gone? In November three of our grandchildren have birthdays two will be 17 and the eldest 20. It seem like only a year or so ago I held him as a new born baby. Now he is a great strapping young man who plays Rugby, is a judo Black belt and super fit, who could lift me up (if I let him.) As Sue said earlier on they all grow up so quickly.
    Will my lovely friends I think I'll have a cup of tea and just relax for a while. If I'm nod off just leave me there. Take care, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Pleased you were seen early last week at R. Berks our first appointment they were 90mins late which put our next appointment out we got there at 1.00pm eventually left 5.30! Hope all goes well tomorrow, Alan does not have to have radiotherapy which I am pleased about as that would be done in Oxford which is a horrible journey from Swindon.
      Will be thinking of you hugs on the way love Margaret xx

    2. So pleased all went well at the hospital Brenda xxx

    3. Not surprised you had yo wait a long topi me at the RBH. I once had an appointment at 9.15 at the cancer unit and was eventually seen at 12.45. 2 years ago I ended up seeing a nurse for my annual review as they were so far behind last year I didn't see a Dr again so as this one in Nov May be my last one I hope I am seen by a Dr. Good Alan doesn't have to have radiotherapy because you would probably have had to go to Oxford everyday. Take card. Thinking about you.x

  23. Well still a lovely say here. Today would have been my 49th Wedding Anniversary. Never mind it wasn't to be. Don't think you ever forget though. Just got yo get on with lifer. Off to see Scarlett. Don't know what I would do without her. She wants to make a card for her friends birthday. I am sure she could do it without me but it's nice to be needed. Will be back later.
    Happy Anniversary for yesterday Michele. 90F woyld be much too hot for me especially if there wasn't any shade. Hope Oh Is enjoying himself. I would love tp find some pieces of driftwood.

    1. Brenda, you are right you don't forget these things! Just think happy thoughts of days that you spent together. I know just know how you are feeling ref Scarlett needing you, I picked up,Beth this afternoon, she was a kind of upset that daddy came home early, he has been away for the last few days, got back after midnight last night, so he just felt he needed an early finish, and I am sure he wasn't wanting me there. So I have agree to pick Beth up next week. I enjoy the hour I had with her. So I hope you enjoyed helping her make that card. xxx

    2. Hello Brenda, Thinking of you, Scarlett is a great lifeline for you, (I'm sure more than she will ever realise) you are a very special Grandma/Nanna to her. Scarlett sounds like Ciara, who can pick up on your feelings and emotions. Enjoy your card making. xxx

    3. Brenda LL, sending big hugs to you. Enjoy your time with Scarlett xxxxx

    4. Brenda sending extra hugs for you.xx

    5. BRENDA:- sending you some (((((hugs))))).
      Hope you had fun with Scarlett. xxx

    6. Brenda so near and yet so far, not to be, but you will have some wonderful memories to cherish and treasure no one can take them away. What a little treasure Scarlett is for you have a lovely time the two of you. xxx

    7. Thank you all for thinking of me today. Had a lovely time with Scarlett. She hadn't finished the card yet as she wants some small butterflies and they do need to be small so will have to look through my dies if not stamps. She's late home from school tomorrow as it is roller hockey so I expect it will be next week when I see her. We then need to make another two cards. Hope all the bits and pieces, glue etc., are not hidden away again or moved from where we put them. Took ages to find everything we needed today that's why we didn't finish the card. Nothing is in the same place twice. Very frustrating. Well must go and get something to eat now. R

    8. sending some hugs Brenda xxx

    9. Glad you had a nice time with Scarlett Brenda, hugs Maria xxx

    10. Hi BRENDA pleased you had a good time with Scarlett it's so nice she enjoys crafting sending you ((((Hug's))) xx

    11. Thank you Jean, Maria and Lynda for your kind comments.

  24. Good afternoon ladies,

    Well our meet up for lunch was fantastic, it was lovely to sit and natter and remember good times. The last time was 14 years ago, how time flies. And I am finding that out even more now I am getting into a routine of days out/ lunches . meetings etc. This time last year I would never have imagined being brave enough to do things on my own, I still miss Pete immensely and I feel he is happy knowing that I have taken that old proverbial bull by the horns and pushed myself to get where I am now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Cheryl, I take my hat off to you, as I know this time last year to go any where you had to build yourself up to it. You do so much now and on your own, so WELL DONE. Yes you do miss Pete, but he is looking down and smiling to himself and I bet he is saying " that's my girl"
      Glad you e joy the lunch and meet up with friends. xxx

    2. Cheryl I will say - ditto - to everything Hazel has said.
      I'm so pleased your lunch went well. It's lovely once the ice is broken, how the years just melt away. Yes, and I'm sure Pete is looking down on you with great pride, you will miss him forever, nothing can change that. Yet you have made great strides and achieve so much, you should be very proud of yourself as well. LOL xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, That's so fantastic. You are conquering your demons with leaps and bounds, and should be so proud of yourself. Pete would be so pleased with what you have achieved over the last year. xxxx

    4. Cheryl you should feel very proud of yourself takes alot of courage to do what you have achieved in a short time, hugs on way love Margaret xx

    5. Hi Cheryl I can only echo what Hazel, Brenda and Maureen have said you really are wonder woman in more ways than you could ever have hoped for. I feel sure your darling Pete will be bursting with pride as he look down on you each and every day. I do believe you never get over loosing someone close but you do with time learn to cope without them, no one can ever take your memories away you will always have them to treasure. You really are a wonderful inspiration to us all. xxx

    6. Good evening CHERYL:- my sentiments are the same as the rest of the gang .... well done girl. We are all so proud of you, hope you are very proud of yourself. xxx

    7. You are doing so well Cheryl - well done xxx

    8. Hello CHERYL just want to say I really admire & proud of you well done.x So pleased you enjoyed your lunch. Xxx

    9. So glad you had a nice time, yo go girl ! Big pat on your back and hugs xxx

  25. Hellooooo everyone!
    I'm home! Back to annoy you again! We all have our crosses to bear! I will call back later as I am in a bit of a muddle - unpacking , washing, putting away! It's the most glorious day to come home to - just a wee bit cooler here but I'm not complaining. Got stories but they'll have to keep except one at Manchester Airport! Woman with one child on her back on a sling kind of thing had a three year with her also. Standing at the Carousel we were all standing back at the yellow line except Mother and toddler. Child lay down on the ground and her hair was touching the carousel. A man said to Mother you may want to move your child back as if her hair gets caught in that it will pull her along and it will be very sore! I know says she - you tell her - she might listen to you! There were just gasps of horror all round. Child and mother didn't move! No wonder we have problems in Britain! Xxx

    1. Welcome home Myra pleased to know you are home safe and sound.
      Looking forward to your story time with interest! Some mother's should be utterly ashamed of themselves. xxx

    2. Welcome home Myra great to have your back. Looking forward to the "stories" xxx

    3. Glad to see you back Myra - looking forward to the tales xxx

    4. Welcome home MYRA slow down my friend you don't have to do everything at once your be wanting another holiday.HaHa.
      Ooo bed time stories looking forward to them.
      Hug's xx

  26. Welcome home Myra, yes holiday is over and the washing and ironing begins!!! Oh that mother needs to be taken to one side and shown what could have happened, goes to show who rules in that home??? Me I always tell the child what can happen, I don't stop and only tell them they can get hurt, no I will explain the worst that can happen , then ask them if they want that to happen. They generally get the message. But all the time they are being taken by the hand to where it's safe. I do think that's what's all wrong with this country, xxx

  27. Sandra,
    What a stunning card. I love it and as you say, it does not need anything else on it.
    Saba, did you wear a bather while you were swimming?
    Myra, lovely to see you home, will you be visiting the Cafe early every morning now you are back? lol. As you say, no wonder Britain is in the state it's in. And if the child was injured, it would have been everyone else's fault except the mother's.
    Pat, I hope Pete's eye problems are solved soon, and painlessly.
    Janet, I hope your car is fixed soon - and cheaply!!!!
    Diane, I hope your shopping trip was a success.
    Lillian, lovely to see you again.
    Oops, tea ready, got to go - see you later.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Hope you enjoy your tea Muriel hope it something to warm you up as \I have just heard our local weather forecast, next door to frost is what they say for us both! xxx

  28. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    I love today's card as someone said less is best.
    I have commented on way down a big welcome to Dr. Sonia SV hope to see you often.
    Tea is ready must dish up hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. MARGARET:- when you "dish up the Hugs" may I have custard on mine please?? xxx

    2. Margaret thank you for the hugs I will have mine plain and no custard thank you xxx

    3. MARGARET:- I don't even like custard .... why did I ask for that???xxx

    4. Now I do like custard especially the proper stuff on trifle! xxx

    5. Oh! forgot I do like it on Trifle xxx

    6. We always have custard on ours Sue always takes some trifle home at Christmas to have for breakfast, sounds horrible to me but its part of Christmas to her! xx

    7. I always make one for Christmas but I do remember my mum's trifle at Christmas I always had two helpings. What a great idea having some for breakfast! xxx

  29. Good evening Folks, well, well, well, another absolutely STUNNING day. Ok we had a frost this morning but Hey! Ho! once the sun came out it soon warmed up.
    I did have to look twice when I was heading to Blairgowrie this morning. As I looked towards the hills they looked like they had "snow" on them ... NO!!
    No! it was the way the mist was laying on the them .... thank heavens for that.
    It's been "non-stop" here today yet I don't seem to have done anything "constructive".
    Very busy in our field lifting the Tatties. It's amazing watching the machine that has replaced us school kids doing that job at this time of year. The children in Angus Area are off from tomorrow for the "Tattie Holidays". Our boys go to school in the Angus Area, they should finish lunch time tomorrow but at this moment in time they are in the skies heading for Turkey. Grandpa is getting withdrawal symptoms already......!!!
    I am waiting for my friend Elaine coming ... I have not heard to the contrary as yet!! Isobel was over to get me to cut her out some of SW "joy to the world" Dies Cuts. She did not want to take the Die in case it got lost or broken. We did a deal she got her Die Cuts and I got to use her Pressure Washer to wash my car. "Rosie" is sitting out In the drive shining brightly once again. Bet she will be covered in dust in the morning with them lifting the Potatoes!! Should really go put her in the garage.
    Right folks if I don't get back in later you will know why. Be good. I know what you can be like in the evenings .... Myra's back as well. There could be trouble ahead!!! xxx

    1. When do you start you tattie picking Patricia I hope those large machines leave some for you! Have a lovely evening xxx

    2. Isobel and I hope to get into the field sometime tomorrow. Depends how far they have got on with it this evening. You have to be so quick these days they start ploughing the fields so quickly after they lift the Tatties. xxx

    3. Margaret, ours were pick about three weeks ago and we are still enjoying ours , the farmer told Charlie to help,himself as it doesn't pay him to have someone go behind picking these potatoes up, we must have got 30 kgs and there was loads more but like Patricia said they plough them in so quickly. In this day an age with folk saying they can't eat for being hard up. they weren't interested in our villiage of taking up the offer to clear the field up. xxx

  30. Lucky you Hazel the farmers around here don't offer anything like that. I do remember picking them as a child though when I went to my aunts to stay as we used to have a tattie picking holiday from school. It was while I was visiting her we used to go and watch the farmer milking by hand and one day he told me you have seen me do it come on have a try. Well I did sat on a three legged stool with a bucket between my knees and was doing fine until the cow's mucky tail came across my face! Don't drop the bucket don't spill the milk was what I heard the farmer shouting! Happy days. xxx

    1. Margaret, we are lucky I think because Charlie walks Harris past the fields and chats to the farmer, helps, every year he tells Charlie what the best field to pick up in. He also tells the minister and the youth officer. He was telling Charlie he told the food bank if they wanted to bring people out to the field they could have all the potatoes they could lift off the ground before he ploughed, they turned him down saying they don't do fresh veg. Now are you telling me they could not give everyone that came in a small bag a new Picked potatoes??? Or was that to much trouble? Oh what one can do with a humble Potatoe? The list is that long I will not even start. xxx

    2. Oh Hazel how generous of the farmer but talk about wanting things on a plate they were probably too lazy to go and pick the potatoes! In our local Sainsbury's there is a wheelie bin to put things in for the food bank, but now they have a notice up saying just what they want, and what they don't want! xxx

  31. You are all lovely!
    I feel as if I have come home to spend some time with good friends! I have to say I am rather tired tonight as Patricia keeps telling you - I'm an hour ahead , so it's really after 10pm . Will need to go to bed early tonight! It's mad Friday here tomorrow!
    Last night we had dinner at a Beach Club Restaurant. What a view - sitting out on what looked like a deck we felt as if we were on the deck of a ship! The waves were breaking against the rocks below and just to add to the drama - a small jeep got embedded in the sand while trying to pull a boat out of the water! After about an hour they succeeded! Two chaps had to remove their jeans! They were on the shore ladies not in the Restaurant! We got some lovely photos later as the sun set. The staff were dressed like ship's crew in white jeans and shirts and deck shoes. Lovely atmosphere , lovely food and the wine wasn't bad either! We could see the coast of Africa at one point and also Gibraltar !
    Quite a view. I'm sorry I haven't had time to read all the comments yet! Will try!

  32. Good to have you back Myra. Missed you.

    1. Thanks Brenda, I missed you too! I'm going to have to admit defeat tonight and go to bed! Sorry ladies but I'm really falling asleep in my chair! See you in the morning all being well, night night, all, Sleep well, God Bless. Xxxx

  33. Night night Myra. God Bless, sleep well.xx

    1. Night, night Myra, sweet dreams, Your dinner last night sounds perfect, lucky you, but all is well with the World, you are back in the fold. We just have to have Saba and Michele with us and then all will be hunky dory.
      Is it 4 weeks tomorrow until the Retreat? Ooh I better get packed and put my make up on!!!!
      Margaret P, has all the custard gone? I like custard on anything, or by itself. My son in law likes hot custard on bananas, but that's not one of my favourites. I always make two trifles at Christmas because we have one on Christmas Day, and I put fresh cream on the second one for Boxing Day, but I like Christmas pudding, so I have a small one for myself.
      Patricia, it was interesting reading about the Tattie Holidays. Our school children are off at the end of the month for "Blackberry Week" when we traditionally go blackberry picking.
      Hazel, I think that's why the fares shot up for the Retreat.
      Well, I'm tired, George is trying to get to sleep, he's working so hard helping Peter so I'd better say goodnight, sweet dreams everyone, God Bless and see you tomorrow.
      I'm in year year 2 again tomorrow, wonder what joy will await me there!!!
      Love Maureen xxx

  34. Evening Sandra and all who have been in today I hope you all had a nice day.
    I love poppies, not sure why but I do and your card is very nice. I do like bows and flowers on some but as I'm not using it much I like this one very much!
    Have read down but not kept note so that's me not remember who did what,
    Myra is back home, yippee. Hope you had a good flight. coming back to that mum tomorrow . Potato picking and custard and milking the cow !? She's not back is she ? I do like a bit of custard mmm !
    Pat and Pete, many hugs to you both !
    It's been a funny kind of day, haven't really done much just a bit more cutting outs and made dinner. Got sad reading what Melody is going through too and young Molly. Going back tomorrow to the gym for some aqua in the pool. Haven't been for months and feeling a bit apprehensive and I know it's silly, just have to go for it .
    Tres, Norah, Janice- hope you all ok.
    Anyhow I wish you a good night and hope to see you tomorrow and not too late as it turned out tonight. Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello MARIA you snuck in before me haha glad your ok enjoy your swimming tomorrow. Good night sleep well xxxx

  35. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    YES I'm late started commenting on way up & down & now it won't publish so I don't understand why some publish & some don't.
    Anyway SANDRA I love love love your card Poppy's are my favourite flower.
    You have mad a stunning card. Glad you had a lovely day yesterday with Pat & Sue. Pat hope Pete got on ok. I like doing texture past with masks,in faced I was doing just that round my friends we had a crafty day.i cut lots of her dies out as well. She had recorded John Lockwood shows & Julia's on Hochanda so waching them as well.Terry picked me up at 5 then went Tesco shopping,he said he ordered a Chinese & they are delivering at 7pm so no cooking Yay..
    MYRA hope you have a good sleep tonight in your own bed & wake up as fresh as a Daisy night nightXx
    MARIA my friend hope your ok didn't see you tonight sending you some ((((Hug's)))) xx
    SHEILA hope your ok too my friend sending (((((Hug's ))))
    Well my friends I'm off to my bed so good night God bless xxx
