
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Time to unwind

Good Morning Ladies,
This fabulous Retirement card has been created  by Michele.
I believe that Michele has created this card from a CD ROM, I think that it is a fantastic idea for
a Retirement card, the watch looks almost real in this picture, with that white accent on the side of the watch it looks like the case of the watch has a real shine,
Thank you Michele for sending this fab card In to share with everyone xxx
Have a lovely day ladies.
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning folks, our beloved leader is on a much needed break. I do hope you will continue to support her wonderful Cafe Project while she is having some much needed R&R .
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS:- hope you are ready for the next part of the journey. Have a great day.
    MICHELE:- love, love, love, your card. Absolutely perfect for the occasion. I really like the brilliant watch, the sentiments and the great design.
    Place all set up for the day, fresh goodies in the fridge for later. Nice breath cooked bread, crumpets and home made name to be getting on with just now. I hope today and the days Sandra is away will be like another. With you all popping in for a quick catch up of gossip and laughter.
    I am having my Tea & Toast over at my usual table. Not staying too long, boys here around 9am oops!! be back in a mo!
    That's it!! living out in the "sticks" I always have to have stock of things in the freezer. Was getting some Bread Rolls out to de-frost. The boys like Bacon Rolls for breakfast. If they are coming early they like to have breakfast here. They say they like my bacon rolls ... I think they like the extra 10mins in their beds!!!
    Right (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door please help yourself.
    I will be back later to catch up with all the news and gossip ...... have we named the "Cow" yet or are we just buying in the milk!!! Going to,look back to,last night to see. xxx

    1. See this predictive Text, it's a right pain in the bum ..... I know that was "fresh" cooked bread and "jam" when I pressed the button. I did double check "popped" and it managed to stay thank goodness!!! xxx

    2. Patricia, the predictive text is brilliant, it makes every post that little bit different and gives us the chance to "guess the word" ha ha.

    3. I've just guessed Diane's further down. Personally I wish she hadn't spotted it, could have been a tenna moment.

  2. Morning Ladies

    My card is indeed printed from a CD- A Year in Cards by Ella's Design. I'm glad I printed off lots of images to cut out at a later date as the printer has gone mad! It won't print black despite the cartridges being full!!! We've tried everything but it just won't work. Guess we'll be buying a new printer!

    I spent most of last night on the phone sorting things out-contacted Blood donor to check I can still donate next Monday after having the antibiotics for the kidney infection = yes I can. Paid balance on holiday villa, paid for holiday insurance. Hubby informed me I need at least one new tyre on my car so spent somd time looking at prices etc but soon got bored of that. My mobile phone contract is finishing on the 16th so i've been looking at new phone cases as I'm going to upgrade to an iPhone 6. Looked on Pinterest for some card ideas then before I knew it, it was time to put the hedgehog food out and get ready for bed!!

    I'm going to call at Halfords after work to get someone to check my tyres then it's weigh in tonight at Slimming World. Got a few more jobs lined up after we've eaten so another busy evening.


    1. MICHELE:- a busy time for you, pity about the printer. It's something else we take for granted until it does not work.
      Hope you get everything else sorted ..... keep the faith!! you'll soon be off on that fantastic holiday. xxx

    2. Michele, our last printer was like yours, it would not print yellow even when a new cartridge as put in, we had to buy a new printer.
      Take some time to relax today.
      Your card is stunning x

    3. Michele, will you breathe in the middle of that? Your card is great, and perfect for the occasion. I got the cheapest printer that I could find because a) I don't understand technology, and b) I thought that when anything goes wrong I won't begrudge getting a new one.
      Good luck at S.W. xxx

    4. Michele is your printer telling you the brand new ink is out of date? Ours did that and apparently it's a well known problem and can be sorted out- google it and it will tell you. Why do printers always know when you are in a hurry and decide not to print what you desperately need before you fly out the door! Hope you have a good day xxx

    5. Michele - love your card! I have never tried CD Rom crafting - is this a step to far for me? It might be! Xxx

    6. love your card Michele. It may be an obvious question and you've already tried it but have you cleaned the contacts on the printer - they may be clogged. Your manual or YouTube may help. I'd be totally lost without my printer

    7. Michele
      I love your card. It's a great idea and a good one for quite a range of ages.
      I really must get out my CDs and give them a once over. They must have at least a 3yr layer of dust on them.

    8. Hi Michelle,
      Your card is lovely well done. Hope you have your printer sorted.
      Love Margaret xx

  3. Hi to all in the Cafe today. It was good to hear from Sandra yesterday, I do hope the rest of the journey goes well and the tent goes up easily, then the holiday can really begin : )
    Michele, I love this retirement card and the watch is fantastic, it looks so real : )
    I know most of you won't agree but I love cows, they are one of my favourite animals, so I am delighted Sandra has got one for the Cafe. I will be more than happy to milk it and clear up after it every day (glad it is virtual as with my dodgy joints I would struggle in reality!) and I think Mumwill help too if needed. Is that ok Mum? Just think of the lovely fresh creamy milk, cream and cheese you will all be able to enjoy. Please can we finalise her name as I can't keep just calling her Cow! I can't remember what the suggestion was yesterday, sorry. As she is a beautiful Jersey cow how about Jasmin? Anyway she is all milked and quietly chewing her cud now. The large jug full in the fridge should keep you all going until this evenings milking, please enjoy it : )
    Saba, I would have done the same re the shoes versus grandchildren. Their smiles will make you know you made the right choice : )
    Patricia, glad to hear you had an easy visit to the dentist, same as me : )
    Thank you for the delicious bread, crumpets and jam. I will have a crumpet with butter and a cuppa and see if you are still at the usual table. I will have some home made butter ready for everyone tomorrow. I will make both salted and unsalted to suit you all : )
    I am off to see Pat today, it is always odd when one of us 3 Graces is missing but we are going to have a parchment /Groovi Plate day, which I am looking forward to. See you about 11.30 today Pat : )
    I hope you all have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a good day with Pat and enjoy the Groovi Plate. I love to see cows in the fields, when I am half a mile away!!!!

    2. Hi Sue you have really moooooved me with your ability to milk a cow! Sorry couldn't resist! Have a lovely Groovi day, I am envious , I haven't invested yet but would love to have a play . Xxx

    3. Please tell me what a Groovi is. Is it something I need?

    4. My groovy days are long gone! My hips still work! This is not a happening place! - my plates are more ancient than modern! Don't think I want a Groovi plate - my gravy will run into them!
      Think it's something to do with Barbara Gray? Xxx

    5. Maybe it's a Gelli Plate .... that makes Jelly Wibble more!!!
      Hope you had Groovy Day. xxx

    6. Hi Sue,

      How lovely fresh milk straight from the cow takes me back to my childhood I spent the first 17 years of my life living on a farm of course I will take my turn at milking and mucking out, I have been known to play in it with my bucket & spade when I was dressed ready to go out my Mum was not best pleased when she found me as you can imagine!
      I promise I will be suitably dressed now though.

      Love Mum (Margaret ) xx

  4. Hi Ladies
    Well I did see yesterday's post but only near midnight. Yesterday completely passed me by. So I commented on your fabulous card yesterday Patricia. Love the stamps and your colouring.
    Michele I love your clock card. The clock looks very realistic. I'm assuming that Sandra has reached her destination by now and putting their tent up. Hope she has a lovely rest. I assume that Myra didn't run screaming back into the cafe. So your ok to do your mliking Sue. I'll be stood watching if that's ok, as I used to have a go when I a young girl and we lived on farm land. Look forward to seeing you later.

    1. They are very cruel Pat! What do you expect - townies - can't tell the difference between a bull and a cow! Xxx

  5. Good morning all who call in today, well Sandra I think you have made Sue happy getting that cow? Sue so glad you are going to take care of it, I like cows, use to nanny for a little boy ( oh my goodness just thought he was 18 last Saturday ) any way they lived in a farm house ( didn't own the farm) and he loved going to see the cows in the byre everyday when they were inside, The smell wasnt yuk but really lovely they were all there with their calves and they would come and get petted, it was a lovely thing to do and I always enjoyed going in their. It's like going to see all the new lambs, again with the girls living next to a farm we would go along and see them.
    Michele, brilliant retirement card, love your design with the watch and all those layers.
    Well I hope Paul is well rested, and that Sandra managed a good nights sleep too, knowing her girls they will have slept like logs, I hope their fake tan didn't come off all over the bedding? It's such a pity we all couldn't get over there to help put the tent up in a jiffy, I think they will take bad not just getting their key to their Mobil home then just unpacking, no it will be a tiring time for them as they need that tent up and unpacked before they can relax. Here's hoping that there will be some helpful neighbours.
    It's a beautiful day here, so the beds are stripped and first load of washing in, will remake the beds and give the bedroom a clean, then I am going to work on my beer cake project, had a lucky escape yesterday as I was told months ago that the person receiving it was into formula 1 so me being me thought of cars! Oh no it's motor bikes, so glad I got Tammy to phone up and ask which driver he liked - that's when it was explained it was the bike formula 1. All sorted hopefully, it's just a case of taking my time with each stage. It's times like this I wish I had used the word NO !!! But of course I said " No problem I can do that"
    So it's some printing to be done today. Off now to get a cup of tea, what ever you are all doing today enjoy yourselves, I know ?Sue and Pat are going to have fun. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, I didn't even know there was a Formula 1 for bikes. Good job you found out, why didn't the person tell you in the first place?? Anyway, good luck with it, knowing you it will be fantastic.

    2. Me neither! The knowledge on this blog is mind blowing!! I learned last night that you can't milk a bull!! Xxx

  6. Good morning one and all,
    Michele what a fantastic retirement card. Is the image printed off as one or as individual images which are then layered up? There is nothing worse than a printer deciding to play up just when you really need it. Mine has four separate cartridges which I foolishly believed would mean that when one cartridge was empty I could print using the other. Oh no, you have to change it before it will print. Drove me mad until I worked out there was a way to do it, the printer is not happy though and warns you about possible damage.
    Sandra hope the final leg of your journey is going well, look forward to hearing you have arrived safely and your tent is up and ready.
    I think I'll have a toasted crumpet and seeing as Sue has already milked our new pet I'll have a frothy milk shake to go with it. I've put a pair of wellies by the back door should anyone feel brave enough to venture out there.
    I'll be back later on, love and cuddles
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, take your wellies back in, there's only thee and me that I know of who will get into them, and it sure ain't going to be me!!!!

    2. Muriel me neither, I think Myra has small feet and Hazel has too ( note too, not two although I think she has two as well and if not she can just hop to it!).

    3. Saba-the card is one of two. You can either print out a "pre made card" or a decoupage one. Both have the same image just one is flat.
      Our printer has 2 black cartridges (small + large) plus the 3 colours so its a costly do changing them. I've tried all the usual fixes but no change. I've been using up the coloured ink but it's almost empty now so it's decision time. Sometimes I just hate technology!!!

      Weight stayed the same which is surprising as i've eaten lots of cake + biscuits at work-sure sign of stress!

      Car tyres range from £45 to £97 each and I need 3 replacing! My can insurance is due on 31st August and the MOT will be due as soon as we get home from Florida-good job I'm still working.

      No more details on the "suspensions " of the senior team at the hospital.


    4. Michele, we need to sell cow by- products to help with your car expenses! Xxx

    5. Michele, the fun of owning a car. We had to get a new printer as ours was doing the same as yours, this time we have gone for an HP one that sends you the inks when they are needed ( Charlies choice not mine) xxx

    6. Michele, we got to the stage where a new printer was cheaper than a set of inks! We went for an air drop printer to be able to print from our I pads but it was a real pain to start with. As Hazel said HP offer the replacement ink service and I think Amazon do too - I hope you get it sorted soon, you don't need the additional expense near your holiday though do you xxx

  7. Good morning ladiesMYRA I'm early HAHA couldn't go through all them beating's again I'm black & blue all over.
    Really hope SANDRA has reached the campsite by now & the tent is up.sandra hope your not sore after traveling all those miles the last two days.Have a lovely rest & you Paul & girls enjoy the holiday.
    MICHELE your card is brilliant I realy must look at all my CD's haven't used them for years,your card is so lovely great job.
    Sue & Pat have a lovely crafty day together
    PATRICIA have a good day with the boys mmmm I can smell those bacon sandwiches.
    See you all later. Xx

    1. Lynda, I'm glad to see that you feel well enough today to visit us. Believe you me I was really trying to keep those girls away from you, but they insisted on beating you. I nearly called Social Services!!!!
      Hope you have a good day.

    2. Lynda you've beaten me to it too! Haha glad you are ok today xxx

    3. I was her all the time really I just let you win today!! Ha ha xxxx

    4. Should be here , not her! It's all because I was up too early. Xx

    5. Ok MYRA I believe you thousands wouldn't. I see MAUREEN tried to save me thank you. DIANE I wouldn't beat you my dear but MYRA might as you beat her too this morning haha xx

    6. I'm beginning to feel like a 1950's carpet!! Xxx

  8. Morning all, just a flying visit this morning, off to work (ha ha) well it isn't really work covering my friends craft shop while she take her card class will catch
    up later, take care x

    1. Hi JESS you are so lucky working in your friends craft shop as you say not really work. Enjoy my our day.Do you get tempted. Xx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Michelle your card but is gorgeous, so suitable person retiring. I love the old watch face.
    Well I'm sure it won't be long before you're at your campsite Sandra and not forgetting the girls of course. I wonder how long it would take to put up your tent and make it your holiday home. Best of luck, and have a fantastic holiday.
    This is a flying visit as my hairdresser is coming here today rather than us go to her, we would have to take the children, it just makes life much easier.
    Will try and pop back later hope you all have a good day.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Not sure wher Paul disappeared to but he did say best of luck Sandra and Paul. Sorry Paul XXX

    2. Hello Brenda OB, take it easy today, you had a busy one yesterday.

    3. Brenda I think I have spotted Paul's legs sticking out from under the collapsed tent. I told Sandra to stop doing that pole dancing until it was up properly.

    4. Especially in a bikini!! Xxx

  10. Hello Everyone,
    Well you certainly know how to give a woman a good kick up the ?????
    Washing done and out, housework done and I'm just about to go food shopping.
    I've been commenting on the way down, and have read last night's comments after I went to bed, but with my memory being the way it is!! all I can remember is something about cows, bulls, methane gas and a red dress!!! Hopefully the methane gas came from the cow, otherwise we are in for troublesome times at the retreat!!! lol.
    Sandra, I hope you all got a good night's sleep last night, and that the journey today goes well. Have you got your brown coat to supervise whilst they are all putting up your acccommodation? Just keep them right, that's your job today.
    As I said yesterday, don't worry about the Cafe, we'll make sure all the damage is repaired and everything put right before you come back!
    Well, I'd better go to get the shopping, then it will be lunch time and I'll do the ironing. See you later. Be good.
    Muriel in sunny Newcastle xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra I hope you arrive at the campsite soon and the tent goes up without any hassle - all hands to the decks and it will be done in a jiffy and you can relax. Xxx
    Michele I love this card, just right for a retirement. You are reminding us about our CDs aren't you. Hope you have a good day xxx
    Well mr weather man is wrong again today, so much for bright sunshine to get your washing dry! It's gloomy and damp at the moment - I've out bedding in the machine in the hope it clears up soon. I've put a skirt on too as I'm meeting friends for lunch but it's a bit chilly around the legs! Might change if weather doesn't improve - I hate being cold.
    Maureen I've out my wellies ( oh guess what predictive text changed that to! Good thing I spotted that!!!!!!) by the back door , one size fits all. Xxx
    Right I must get on, see you all later. Xxxxxx

    1. Think I guessed it. Does it rhyme with Billy's ?

    2. Now it's getting silly! Xxx

    3. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, I'm too much of a lady!!

    4. Gosh you had me flumixed taken me ages to work it all out ..... right!! Ha! Ha! I just wish you had not noticed it!! Mind you we have had a laugh anyway. xxx

  12. Hola Sandra!
    Good job I checked that - predictive text turned you into holy Sandra!!
    Hello everyone and Jasmine the Jersey cow!
    Yes I am mad! It's not my fault , they say you get like the people you spend time with!
    We promised to behave and we're doing not too badly - I think!
    Michel's card is lovely and I'm very envious of people who can use printers. I can press the button though. I can even press the button from my iPad. - so that's progress of sorts!
    Have a good day everyone! I'll be back later .
    Question - do we own a milking machine or is this a sit on a three legged stool task?
    Cheese - butter ! What about yoghurt? Are we going to sell this produce?
    I know - that's three questions!
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, Hola is Spanish, Sandra has gone to France. In france they speak French., wear strings of garlick and say oh la la a lot.
      Now if any of want a laugh Google Aldi parrot advert. Izzy mentioned it yesterday and it reminds me a bit of me!!!

    2. Myra, Sorry sorry sorry. I Thought Sandra was still in France!
      That will teach me to get my facts straight. I am willing to wear a hair shirt!

    3. LIKELIKE very funny! Xxx
      Thought I'd gone loopy about Spain!,xxx

    4. Myra it's one of the best adverts I've seen in a long time, every time I go to Aldi now I shall giggle at the wine counter.

    5. Hola, I'm away with the mixer - NO, NO, NO, I don't mean that!!! I mean I'm away to watch the ad. Although I don't know, I may have typed the right thing in the first place. What's my name, why am I here??? xxxx

    6. Oh yes I like the commercial too, especially the lady at the end who drinks gin not tea- reminds me do Muriel ! Xxx

  13. Just a thought dose anyone know if you are aloud a cow behind a café,health & safety you know,what with the cow smell ( poo ) is it environmental friendly.!!!

    1. Lynda, we have an ice cream maker here in Perthshire and they have a cafe/ ice cream parlour at the farm, cows are in the fields right next to the pathway, so I think Sandra will get away with it. Xxx

    2. Lynda, we can do anything, we are all superwomen. xxxx

    3. There were cows buying milk in supermarkets this week! Xx

  14. Saba, Myra is correct Sandra is in Spain, or at least travelling to there, they just stopped over in France. xxx

    1. Oh heck. Thank you Hazel, I have apologised further up.

  15. Hello ladies
    Just popped in for a laugh at reading your comments.
    Time is so running away with me! Quick question - have any of you ladies used one of the hem marker thingies that one person can use to mark the hemline of a dress. The puff of chalk thingy one

    1. Sorry! No! Just pins! Ha ha ! Xxx

    2. Karen sorry No but I have seen it used by a dressmaker and it looked impressive for marking out hemlines.

    3. Karen, don't be silly, we are all too old to be using them thar fancy things! xxx

    4. KAREN:- used one of those and I loved it. It was a brilliant piece of kit. The one thing you have to be careful with ...... that you did not lean forward or to the sides or your hem would then be "wonkey" It was a natural reaction but I did learn .......!!!!! xxx

    5. All I can boast which is vaguely up to date is a magnetic pin holder which fits around my wrist! It was a present and is a brilliant idea . Xxx

  16. Afternoon one and all
    I'm still laughing at all the comments I've read on my way down via cyber space so anything can happen in the next few mins.

    I've talked to Michele on my way down so OK this far.
    My youngest daughter loves cows and is actually known as cow nan nan o her GC.
    Sandra hoping you're there or not too far off and that Paul has all organised by tea time.
    OK. We've been to the monthly market this morning and bought the following -
    2 pieces of black pudding
    3 lots of rose garlic
    2 leather belts
    2 local cheeses
    all of which are for Jim!! I tried a swap for him but no takers. oil
    We also bought a new mattress. We had ordered this by 10.00 and it was delivered by 14.00hrs and the old one taken away. It has a ten year guarantee on it so my lovely OH says that means 20 for us as we are only here 6 months of the year and wondered if he could have a discount! I wonder if I could get a discount on him sometimes. Wonderful aren't they well sometimes!!

    Off to put my feet up for a while. Have a good evening and remember Sandra may have had cameras installed so she can keep a check on things. lol
    Hugs are on their way.

    1. Ooh Janwt Yes you should get a 20 year discount

    2. Oh Janet! For a minute I thought her Grand Calibur called her by that name! Xxx

    3. Janet, those leather belts are going to take some cooking. Put them on a very low heat with the garlice for about 10 hours, then season and see what they are like!

    4. I have heard it said " this meat is like leather" does that mean it was leather to begin with??? I also had to read to make sure it's wasn't her G.C calling her that? xxx

    5. Don't know how you can hide that! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and everyone around.
    Michele- love the retirement card and that clock look so real, very good.
    Well we all hope that Paul have managed to drive into Spain now and they all getting settled at the campsite. Such a long time since I went camping with my parents, some lovely memories. We also stayed on some farms at times and I learned how to milk the cows and take them down to the field. I don't mind taking care of the muck so anytime you need a hand Sue just hollow. Have a great playday with Pat ! Patricia have a great day too with the boys over and Brenda x2 have some nice time with the girls. I know it is a dog with problems and who are going to the vet, sorry can't remember who's but I hope it all goes well and little Annie still doing alright. Grey sky ,looks like rain on it's way so no gardening, might do some cutting outs after a little nap (bad night)
    hugs Maria xxx

    1. Right ladies, that's Maria on byre duty, who's making the cream and cheese? Have a good sleep Maria. xxxx

  18. I have to say that you have posted some very silly comments, but I've enjoyed them all. I've added one or two of my own on the way down. And I have to agree with Saba, it's a shame Diane corrected her predictive whatsit. It would have been so funny!!
    It's clouding over here now but I got all my washing dried and am about half way through the ironing. Going to have a break and then will finish it off, if it doesn't finish me off first!!!
    See you later - pooh I hope that's the cow.
    By the way I can tell a bull because it wears an earring through it's nose!!!
    Muriel xxx

  19. I am truly fed up of doing housework. Last lot of final washing is now out and I have even ironed some things! Bathroom done, cloakroom done, craft stuff put away, ( that took forever!) cooker cleaned, floors washed and fridge cleaned so just about a million things left to do. I am never going on holiday again.
    I dont like to worry you but I have just looked into the yard and that beast has just lifted up her tail and pebble dashed the side window.

    1. Get the power hose out, quickly! After that we'll deal with the window. Xxx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Michele what a fantastic card such wonderful detail you really have done a super card here and no mistake, well done!
    Saba just think how lovely everything will look when you walk back in after your holiday everything will be sparkling. So it is a time and effort well spent, just one question were your clothes on???
    If that naughty cat is not careful I will bring my corgis to chase it!
    Oh drat some visitors have just arrived so I shall be back later to see what is going on, sorry.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Now Margaret ! I hope you didn't open the door with a big smile on your face and say " come in, how lovely to see you" !!!xxx

  21. Hello again, well what a mess on the window, I notice that we have a cow round the back, I hope it stays there and doesn't wander about.
    Had a good day at my friends shop, people are starting to buy Christmas stuff, and it is amazing what ideas they come up with.
    I would love to see the outcome of their efforts.
    Sandra I hope you have arrived safely at your destination, and the weather is good.
    Off to slimming club, wonder what the verdict will be, hope it is good news.
    Will catch up later. X

    1. Jess just think thin and all will be ok.

    2. I always think "thin" but dos not make the "fat" go away!!! xxx

  22. Just had a thought! Oh no!
    Has anyone tried any of the Cowshed range of skincare products? We could branch out and make some money for dies and a Retreat in the sun!
    They make - Cowpat Moisurising hand Cream , just to mention one product!
    I know we'd have to think of another name - but that's a dawdle for us! Predictive text will help! Xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.

    Sandra hope you are at campsite now and tent up without too much hassle, now you can really relax.
    Lovely to have our own cow thank you.

    Hugs on way to all who need them Saba shame about the shoes but we do love to spoil grandchildren don't we.
    Love to all Margaret xx

    1. Margaret will you stop thanking Sandra for getting us a blinking cow. It's a nuisance, have you seen what it did to the side window! And now Myra wants us to start playing with its poo and making face creams, I think not Myra.

    2. Hi Margaret
      Message Sue will you please as milk is running out. Also the mess is getting higher out in the back garden. We need to set up a poo picking party. I'd nominate Pete's daughter and our grandchildren. However, as they have to pick up after their two horses I'd be in the doghouse. As they're a already 3 dogs in there, they wouldn't be very happy if I joined them.

  24. Tried to leave a "reply" comment under Myra's message but it would not let me .... botheration.
    I think we should have "cowpat face mask" I would certainly give it a try. Could not make me look any worse than I do now. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia not you as well. It smells! Cow poo smells. Have you been out in the back yard lately, it's making a right old mess. Where is Sue she is supposed to be in charge of mucking out and it's udders look fit to burst.

    2. They also do a Lippy Cow lip balm !! Xxx

  25. Now ladies, I didn't know there was a formula 1 motor bike one either, but there is, we all live and learn. I will remember to research more the next time, oh the next one is for my bosses 50th, I will just have to look for a grey horse seeing how that's the colour of his new one!!! His present from his wife. I realy do think he would have loved a 50 ins TV instead. Ok diamond his other horse is needing to retire as he is 23years old. But as the girls keep saying the computer screen is bigger than the TV they have, Now who is on duty to see to the cow tonight? I think SABA can be let off as she is trying to get ready to come home, and by the time she runs up and down those 4 flights of stairs putting things in the car she won't be up to it. We will just let her come in and have a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Xxx

    1. Thank you Hazel. You don't think your boss would prefer a cow do you?

    2. Hazel, I'd love to help but am currently cooking dinner - you'll have to ask the udders! Xxx

    3. Oh no. They dont even clean out the stables that often, only when the groom is off ill, even then they get in a right mood about doing it, and try a see if the girl that covers weekend can do it. So a cow would be a NO.NO. and if he did I would make sure I wasn't cleaning up behind it!!! xxx

    4. Don't think any of the "udders" here would be that keen do you???
      All happy to things where they don't get there hands or their "wellies"
      dirty!! xxx

  26. My boys have gone home to their own house for tea. Mum insisted .... Spoil Sport!!
    They went off on their bikes this morning with Grandpa. 21/2 hours later they were back. They had snacks with them .... always do!! They still managed to get through a power of food when they sat at the table. They are not here tomorrow so the milk left should be enough for John. No white bread left, John eats mostly brown, plenty of that left. I am leaving John to fend for himself tomorrow. I am off out with Hazel ...... on a mission!!!
    Right better go see what I can rustle up for John. I am not in the least hungry, seem to have done nothing but prepare food today.
    Be back later to see what else you are getting up to. xxx

  27. Did any off you when little collect rose petals and put them In a jam jar with water and try to make perfume?? At least it wasn't to smelly! xxx

    1. Oh yes Hazel! Often. We had rambling roses at the end of our garden and I was allowed to use some of them. Simple pleasures! A bit like mud pies but I won't go there tonight! Xxx

    2. Happy Days Hazel, Rose Petal Perfume, Daisy Chains, Mud Pies, Rhubarb with a wee poke of sugar to dip it in!!!
      Half the kids now would not have a clue.
      I remember last year, John Jnr had just got his grass looking really good. Robert and the little lad along the lane decided they would like a "swimming pool" .... are you getting where I am going?? Yes! They dug a hole in the garden filled it with water then wondered why the water kept disappearing. Robert went into to ask his mum why!! Gosh I could almost hear her the 8 miles along the road!! Yep! Happy Days right enough!! xxx

    3. Oh That's a good one! Well it is if it isn't your lawn! Xxx

    4. Yes Hazel. I did used to collect Rose petals and put them in water.

    5. Oh yes me too - my grandad had old fashioned roses growing in his garden that smelt lovely xx

  28. Patricia, also skipping ropes, hopscotch (we used to call it beds), balls up against a wall, (the mind boggles!!!), boys playing football, marbles etc., you don't see children outside doing these games anymore, to busy with iPads and x-boxes.
    I bought double sided tape, a box of card, just basic things today at the craft shop.
    I don't think I could clean out the byre, sorry, I would make me sick.

    1. JESS:- We are lucky living rural, our boys are outside most of the time.
      Thomas is sporting some "wounds" at the moment. He fell out of the tree in the garden. "I have been climbing it since I was 5. Can't understand why it broke". His dad did explain he was now a lot heavier and he had been putting strain on the limb of the tree for the last 5 years!!! xxx

  29. Just finished crocheting around the edge of a blanket! I always put off the crochet edge! Lazy I guess.
    Also meant to say I asked for advice ages ago about a Steam Iron Generator. Well I eventually got one. Going to road test it later. I don't exactly rush into things! Husband's comment - where on earth are you going to store that thing! Xxx

    1. MYRA:- I love my Generator Iron. Yes, it does take up more storage space but it's well worth it. xxx

    2. Myra, I always liked a heavy iron didn't think I could get on with a generator one, but I love it, I had all the bedding done in about 15 minutes today, using it and mine gives a great shot of steam. My linen trousers look like new everytime they are ironed. Enjoy the road test, and yes it does take up a bit of cupboard room. What one did you buy? Xxx

    3. It's a Morphy Richards Power Steam Elite! Xxx

    4. Myra, I wouldn't be without my steam generator iron, it is great for doing bedding and also jeans. X

    5. The only trouble with them is that they steam the windows up in the winter.

    6. I'm looking forward to trying it out! Thanks Jess , Hazel and Patricia! Xxx

    7. Steam Generator irons - the best thing since sliced bread !!!!
      We are on our second one, really think they are fantastic.
      Night Nignt girls xxx

  30. Yes Jess I remember these games, a ball in a sock, back against the wall and you hit the ball in the sock off the wall all the time singing or chanting a rhyme, playing jacks too. Do you remember exchanging scraps that you kept in a book? Now for you who don't know scraps, they were a bit like card toppers big Angels were always the ones that you wanted to own, you had to exchange a few to get one, but there were fairies, and pictures of girls all dressed up in pretty clothes boys playing games and ones that now a days wouldn't be allowed, the little chap on the robinsons jam image these things. The boys had there cigarette cards. All fun and we were out all day, only coming in for meals.

    1. Remember going to the park all day with a bottle of juice (made up from NHS Orange) and some Jam sandwiches. Mum did not see us till tea time and never seemed to worry. Always knew we would return when "hungry" xxx

    2. Oh Hazel! Scraps! I had a huge collection! We used to swap them at school. I remember the rhymes too when throwing a ball against a wall! Do you remember one which began, Mrs Dunlop she had a wee shop! Xxx

    3. Anyone remember the cardboard tops off the milk bottles which had a perforated hole in the top to enable you to remove it from the bottle. We used to spin them up against the house wall and those that fell on the ground and were covered by someone else's were won by the one who landed on top. I know what I mean, but I doubt if you will!! I remember scraps, I always wanted the fairies, but am away with them now!!!

    4. oh yes I can remember the NHS orange juice I can also remember rose hip syrup I never like it, it, was far too sweet. During the autumn term at school if we took in rose hips we were paid 3d in old money per pound for them, we used to think we were almost millionaires! I remember one year I took in over 1 stone of them. Happy days! xxx

    5. Don't remember the Milk Bottle Tops, our had silver foil tops on ours.
      I do remember the Fairy Scraps. xxx

    6. Do you remember the rather fat cherubs! Sorry but I don't remember cardboard tops on milk bottles ? I'm trying hard here but I don't remember that one! I remember frozen milk in school in winter and warm stuff in summer! Why did they put the crates against a radiator? Xxx

    7. Oh yes the fat cherubs were like angels you had to give over s few in exchange. Don't remember the bottle tops. But that's why I hated milk at school because of it being warm - yuk xxx

    8. I remember some children being given rose hip syrup! My Mum didn't approve - said it was sticky and too sweet. Memory is a wonderful thing! Xxx

    9. Yuck school milk! I hated it too. Mum used to give us Virol if we were run down - I loved it but my sister hated it. Xx

  31. Myra, I have the same iron. And oh yes I can't remember it all but to think we knew so many. We were lucky, and today's children have all the toys and x boxes etc, but they have no freedom. Oh to turn the clock back and let them see what freedom and fun is like. xxx

  32. Love the NHS orange Patricia. Wonder if you can still get it?

    1. I remember NHS orange juice for my brother - he is younger than me - but he acts his age! Ha ha . I can remember the smell of that - not my brother - the orange juice !
      Do you remember what we were given as children for the Coronation? Xxx


    2. Remember the smell of the Orange juice, but don't remember anything about the coronation - was only 3,

      Brenda, sorry things weren't to good for a few days. Your day out sounds lovely. The pound shops will be well used but hidden in the back streets, I always remember when Lidl came to Cupar and you would never see a posh person in there, now you can't move in there for them. I heard one lady telling her friend that it was the best thing that she had done was going to lidl, as they now can afford more treats as she saves so much. Like my boss buys everything from tesco, yet when I buy shopping for theirs they always comment how lovely the say, ham was or the pumpkin rolls are to die for, yet they still won't go in there. We no where to go to get the bargains, Xxx

    3. I remember getting a little metal tin with a bar of Cadburys Chocolate in it xxx

    4. Oh Hazel ! I was only 4 I remember a big Gala in the Public Park and I was dressed in red white and blue . It was just before I started school. I was invited - no - my grand daughter volunteered me - to go to her school at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee to talk about my memories of the Coronation! Xxx

    5. For the Coronation we all got a special minted crown in a black and clear see through plastic case. On the actual day we had a street party but I can remember it was dull and overcast and cold! Some things never change. I can remember in the middle of our street party the doctor and the ambulance arrived to take a neighbour to hospital as she was in labour and her baby Called Elizabeth was born the same day, I can remember my mum went to hospital with her in the ambulance. xxx

    6. By the way I still had my crown so when my grandson was born I gave it to him. Derek has just reminded me that my grandparents who went to London for the Coronation bought me a model of the Coronation coach all gold (imitation I hasten to add) and the horses, but I was made to dust it each week, oh how I hated that job, come to think of it I still hate dusting! xxx

    7. Aren't childhood memories really vivid! We were the first in our road to have a phone in the house and a lady opposite came rushing in crying. She made a phone call and a few minutes later an ambulance arrived . Her son , aged about 15 was taken away covered in a red blanket! My Mum told me he'd be alright - he had scarlet fever! Well , you know what's coming - I thought he was covered in a red blanket because he had scarlet fever! I can still see that ambulance! Xxx

    8. Our dad had friend who had an Electicial Store. They had Televisions in the store, Dad, Mum, Hazel and I were invited to watch the Coronation. I still remember going down the steep steps to the basement of the shop to watch. Looks like that's one Hazel does not remember?
      Hazel remembers lots that I don't. xxx

    9. I had a silver teaspoon for the Coronation. No Hazel there are no PoundShops in Henley even in the back streets. Antique shops yes. Perhaps one day but I doubt it. I love Lidl. Ours had the craft card and paper yesterday. Not long since we last had it. Might be coming to you soon. You do see people in Lidl who you don't expect to see in there because they shop at Waitrose. You do save a lot of money in there though. I introduced a friend last week and she couldn't believe how little money she spent in there for what she got. Hers, at present, is not near but they are building one close to her so I think she will be frequenting it.

    10. We all got a New Testament at the Coronation. We both still have them. I got a tin pencil case filled with chocolate pieces. My brother got a round tin full of toffee. My Mum always laughed about that as he was a baby! The tin was black , had various scenes around it and a crown on top! Xxx

  33. Sorry been missing bad couple of days but things seem better for the moment. Had a lovely day out today with a friend. We went to Henley on Thames. Walked along the towpath and saw a boat trip so after lunch decided to go on it. Took an hour. Saw lots of very big houses. Plenty of money around there. No PoundShops though.
    PATRICIA. Love your card from yesterday. I bought those stamps years ago. Must look them out again. Make great Male cards
    MICHELE. Also love your card today.
    Well I have a birthday card to make for my little Granddaughter and a Wedding Anniversary card for her Mum and Dad so must get on with them. Will try and look in later.

    1. Lovely to see you Brenda! We used to live near Oxford so often took friends and family who visited to Henley! Pound Shops may be just around the corner! Xxx

    2. What a lovely day you had, good luck making the cards x

    3. Hello Brenda LL, lovely to see you. It sounds like you've had a lovely day. I hope you manage to get the cards made.

    4. BRENDA:- glad you had a good day, you definitely needed a nice day with your friend xxx

  34. Phew, don't know if I can stay here long, the pong is a bit strong, and it's not my rose petal perfume. I think it's called Eau de la Cowshed ha ha.

    1. Did you like the Lippy Cow, lip balm? Xxx

    2. Have the Cowpat Facepack on right now!!!
      Do you think it will do any good??? xxx

    3. You don't need a few pack! Xxx

    4. That was meant to say FACE pack!! Xxx

    5. Myra, I always use Lippy Cow lip balm, that's why I say moo all the time xxx

    6. That's why you are so Lippy! Xxx

  35. Oh big sis I hope you wash your face well before I meet you tomorrow??. Xxx

    1. Better go wash it off now in case I forget. I have a terrible memory!!! xxx

    2. Don't worry - Hazel will point it out in the morning! Xxx

    3. Thank goodness I have a "younger" sister and not an older one!!! xxx

    4. Washed my face again, asked John if it was really clean he said I was. Rubbed some cream on it, don't know what it is but it smells better than Facepack though. Your OK for tomorrow Sis, I will even scoot on some perfume!!! xxx

    5. Wow Patricia, I bet you even offer the udder cheek. If people give you a wide berth tomorrow, I think you should slap on more perfume. I can't go to bed yet, I've painted my nails and don't want to get the dreaded cotton marks on them. I could lie with my hands on the top of the sheet, but it's my toenails that are the problem. I'm watching the weather forecast and it looks as though it will be fine but cloudy in your neck of the woods. By the way, how's the Fringe doing, and I'm not talking about your hair!!!
      There are a few missing today. Has Cheryl been in?
      Margaret, good luck tomorrow with the Fracture Clinic. I'll be thinking of you. I have everything crossed for you, which makes typing very difficult. By the way are Amy and Tomas well now.
      Has Saba gone to bed?

    6. Maureen, toe nail painting as well! Now that's a classic for smudges. Especially if you've got them crossed! Xxx

    7. MAUREEN:- I have just done my toes. Used dark polish, they are a bit of a mess but they will have to do. xxx

  36. I am trying to work out if Sandra is one or two hours ahead of us? Either way I hope that tent is up and everything unpacked and stored away, her porta a potty in place and everything where she can get to it without any trouble. Xxx

    1. Wonder if the girls have found the electrical sockets for all their gadgets?? Oh!! do you think they remembered the adaptors!!! xxx

  37. Talking of Lidl my daughter took me to one near to us today and they had the card and paper packs in again so of course I just had to get some! xxx
    We have an early start tomorrow so I shall wish you all sweet dreams I am off to bed.
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Night Night Margaret! Hope all goes very well tomorrow. Will be thinking about you! Xxx

    2. Goodnight Margaret, sweet dreams. Have a great day tomorrow. xxx

    3. Oooooppppsss!! forgot where you were going tomorrow.
      Hope it all goes well and the leg has healed (((hugs))) xxx

    4. Oh Margaret, I've wished you good luck on a reply to Patricia. I hope the pot is removed and your shapely limb is there in all it's glory for the world and his wife to see.
      Sweet dreams. xxx

  38. Margaret, I hope it all goes well at the fracture clinic and they take your pot off. Night, night. Xxx

  39. Saba, I hope you are not still cleaning, remember no hoovering after is it 9 ?
    Sheila, are you ok, or is your back sore? If so take it easy sending some ((((((hugs))))))
    Jean, are you ok? We have missed you.

  40. Oh dear ,where has Sue got to ? The cows udders are brimming of milk and need to get milked asap. The shite on the windows came off good with the pressure washer and now we can use the steam iron for the more awkward places. I have had much muck on my face and on my lips but I stop with putting the pats on there too even if I had my face pressed into one once(dog), kids could be so cruel. I remember some of your games and loved ball against the wall, rounders and Chinese skipping and skipping rope. Had a book with' bookmarks' which we traded with eachother, the best one to get was the once with glittery wings as they were worth more, some happy day's !
    Jess- sound fun to be helping out in a craft shop. don't you be tempted to buy the lot yourself ? Brenda LL good you had a nice day and hope you are getting there. Have been in a cocoon myself this pm and after my nap haven't done a jota so my cutting out will have to be tomorrow instead. Made a card for my step MIL but not happy at all so I think she will get it anyway.
    off to take care of ,Marigold, Cynthia,Daisy or whatever name the Cow got. Will give her a little talk about where to sprinkle her shite and not in Patricia's face, please do wash it off before seeing Hazel tomorrow. Not going to bed for a while yet but saying sleep well to the early birds, might pop in later to see who else is crawling around xxx

    1. Oh nearly forgot, Good Luck for tomorrow Margaret and hope you get the cast off xx

    2. Maria you are an absolute hoot and I can't cope! I'm in hysterics! Xxx

    3. Was all ready to go to bed but can't go without saying "hello & goodbye" to you dear Maria. I have washed my face, rubbed in some kind of cream. Smells ok, have not a clue what it is supposed to do ..... will see the results in the morning. I would love if it could make me beautiful but that would asking a bit too much at my age!!! xxx

    4. I am wetting myself with laughing. I've been trying to read this to George but can't as I'm in stiches. xxx

    5. I was going to use the pressure washer for the cows backside!! Xxx

  41. Time for me to take my leave.
    I am meeting Hazel tomorrow, we are doing something rather special.
    Will be here in the morning, then that will be it till later in the evening to tell you all about our day.
    Goodnight God Bless. See you all in the morning, sweet dreams. xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia, God Bless!
      Have a lovely day tomorrow. Xxxx

    2. Night, night Patricia, have a good night and a lovely day tomorrow!!!
      Don't forget to bath in perfume ha

    3. Just call her Cleopatra - bathing in Jasmine's milk!! Xxx

  42. Maria, as I said earlier, we were all lucky as children playing all these simple games. I am sure your card is lovely and your step mum will love it. I had a sleep on the sofa this afternoon, and I am not tired but need to go to bed soon as I have to be up and organised in the morning.

    1. Night Night Hazel, Sleep well and have a great day tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Get your beauty sleep Hazel, you need to compete with Patricia and her Cow Pat Facial !!!! I can, however, recommend Myra's Lippy Cow Lip Balm, the only trouble is that you get milk leaking from your lips ha ha.
      Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow xxxx

  43. I nearly made a boo boo tonigh! Almost turned the tap on my vegetables! It's instinctive isn't it! It's not normal to have to reach for the kettle or a bottle from the fridge to cook the spuds and other veg. Let's hope the water is back to normal tomorrow. If you haven't got a dishwasher all dishwashing has had to be done by boiled water as well! Thank goodness for the dishwasher. Xxx

    1. Myra, you're not cooking a meal at this time of night are you? I hope your water situation is back to normal tomorrow.

    2. Noooooo! Was talking about earlier! Things come to me a bit late sometimes! Xxx

  44. Well, I'm going to make my excuses and leave. I definitely need some beauty sleep and his Nibs has just arrived.
    I don't know where Saba is. She can't still be cleaning can she. Unless she's scrubbing the four flights of stairs. I bet she's on her balconly, gazing at the stars and sipping some expensive wine.
    Sweet dreams everyone. See you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night Maureen! Sleep well, please! George too!
      See you in the morning , all being well. Xxx

  45. Night Night Anne, Norah and Jean! Hope you are all well and more importantly. - behaving! Miss you all. Xxx

  46. Oh Myra I hope you get water turned on tomorrow In case I forgot to say earlier - your card is superb Michele
    Thanks for the info Patricia on the hem marker I'm off to eBay to see if there are any cheap ones
    Night all

  47. Buenas Noches! Sandra, Paul and Family!
    Hope tent is up securely and you are all asleep!
    No problems here! Xxxx

  48. Oh my goodness, I have been ploughing through the comments for ages, finally get to the bottom and you are all off to bed. NHS orange juice, I can still conjure up the taste of it. I wish you could buy it now. Those fairy card things are a mystery to me though. I must be too young.
    Then I got to Maria and I can barely see to type. Maria I love you.
    I didn't get in earlier because it was blood and guts evening - Holby- and I can only get it on the I pad so that means either here or there and there won I am afraid. Sorry.
    Well seeing as you are all in bed I think I will go out on the balcony and look for shooting stars.
    Night God bless all
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night Barbara! Slerp well! Xxx

    2. Thank you Myra night God bless hope you sleep well too.

  49. Saba, just Googled the Aldi Parrot,
    Like it
    Like it
    Like it
    like like like like like like - like it !!!!!!!
    Night Night xxx

    1. Brenda, I have watched it so many times. Glad you like like like it.
      Night and God bless my dear.

    2. Night Night Brenda! It's a good one isn't it! Xxx
