
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Diane's card for the 'No Die' Challenge


Good Wednesday morning ladies,
I hope the weather is treating you kindly and that you are all well.
Today I would like to share with you this Beautifully Stamped card, created by Diane,
Diane created this card at her 'Stampin up' class I believe, I very much love the colours you
have used to stamp the flowers in, the decoupaged flower at the stop of the card finishes the design off perfectly, I really love the 'Happy Blooming Birthday' too.
For that extra special finishing touch Diane has created an envelope for the card, using the same stamp design that is on the card.
Have a great day everyone,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning all.
    I do hope Sandra, Paul and the girls have found their base for the next couple of weeks. Wonder if the girls have found the electrical socket and got the appropriate adaptors!!! I do hope the Porta Loo is working out as well.
    DIANE:- your card is beautiful, love the clean and simple design. The colours and stamping are beautiful.
    I am in early this morning getting things set up for the day.
    I am meeting Hazel in Perth, then we are off to Edinburgh for the day. We have something planned which we will tell you all about later in the evening. The Edinburgh Festival is on this month, I just wonder what "sights" we will see. There are always the most weird and wonderful sights during this month. The one we are off to see is as far from that as you can possibly get!!!
    Right everthing done, please help yourself to all the goodies on offer.
    NOW:- that "cow" do you think Matt would come take it away?? It's making such a mess round the yard and ..... Oh! the smell!! I think it is putting customers off. Maybe if we had a field across the road it would be ok.... in my opinion it has to go ..... sorry!
    Be good and I will be back later in the evening with all the news.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. xxx

    1. Patricia have a good day with Hazel,
      Edinburgh buzzes during the festival, haven't been through for a couple of years. My grand-daughter and her mum were there yesterday and went to see Michelle McManus, haven't heard how it was yet. X

    2. Patrica I hope you had a lovely day with Hazel in Edinburgh & the Sun came out for you xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well what a surprise this morning, I'm in to join Patricia for her cup of tea and it's my card today! Oh yes Myra and Lynda just had a peep out the door but no sign of you two running up the road! (Don't want be be accused of violent tendencies again!). Yes Patricia I will shut the door quick so the smell and flies don't get in! Mind you have you seen how high that rhubarb has shot up in the night! Right I've got my cup of tea and the crumpet is in the grill so I will tell you about my card. When we go to the stampin up card club Karen, who runs it, has cut all their card for you etc and has a sample card to show you - she's very organised! This was a beautiful stamp set that contained the leaves and little flowers which were stamped with first and second generation ink in the green and then the little flowers were in toe different colours. The same two colours were then used to stamp the large flower which came as a two part stamp. This was then cut out and mounted in the corner on a foam pad and I furled the petals for dimention. There is a die that matches the stamp- they are sizzex dies from stampin up but they are thin ones not the traditional thick ones. We are never allowed to leave an envelope plain but that part is up to us. The greeting is great, I must confess some of their greetings are a bit too americanised for me but this one is ok.
    My lunch yesterday finally broke up at 4.30 - we met at 12.30! I think we would have carried on nattering but I had to take Emma out so had to leave. It was good to catch up on the news and one of my friends son is getting married on Saturday so we were chatting about that. She was very calm but I'm sure the brides mother was dashing around like a mad thing! By the time I got back to the cafe last night and caught up with the comments it was gone midnight and I'd missed the banta! Right crumpet is ready, oh Patricia has dashed off to meet Hazel. I know she's going to Edinburgh with Hazel and it's festival week but the outfit she was wearing was a little wild for her - not sure the black lipstick and DMs quite go but then again you do see some sights there! See you all later. Xxxx

    1. DIANE:- now I am worried, you know me so well!! I love my DMs especially the "floral" ones I have set out for today.
      Off to have my shower, got out some nice new Shower Gel I got as a gift a few weeks ago. xxx

    2. Enjoy your day Patricia , it's such a lovely city but the buzz around festival time is wonderful - I'm not jealous at all! Oooh flowery DMs are great, not sure about the tartan leggings though! :) xxx

    3. Morning Diane
      I love your card today. I also love it when 'less is more' is applied. We all have friends/family who don't like frills and bows and your card is just the ticket. If you don't mind I shall keep your design in mind.

    4. Janet, thank you for your lovely comment. Yes feel free to use the design, I always think that's the best compliment xxx

    5. Diane, your card is gorgeous and I left a comment further down!
      Really concerned about the height of the rhubarb! If we are not careful we'll need to pay Tree Fellers to cut it down! That's a lot of rhubarb pies / crumbles - it can bring its own problems too! Xxx

    6. DIANE your card is gorgeous love the colours,& love the matching envelope. As you see MYRA can run faster than me well she is young
      So I let her win HaHa xx

    7. Hi Lynda thank you for your kind comments. Just think of the hare and the tortoise Lynda, slow and steady wins the race! Xxx

    8. That's me - hare today and gone tomorrow!! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies-looks like another glorious sunny day here in Southport. I'll not see much of of but might go for a walk at lunchtime.

    Diane-your card is beautiful. I love the stamping & the colours you have used are so realistic.

    I admire anyone who does stamping-i'd like to but something keeps putting me off, not sure what. I've still not used ny Spectrum Aqua markers yet!

    Best move & make my lunch tben off to work. I'm calling at my Dads straight from work so I could be eating late!!


    1. Thank you got your kind comments Michele, I hope you get to see the sun at lunchtime and work isn't too bad. Make sure you give your dad a big hug to might just because - I know my dad used to miss being hugged after we lost mum xxx

  4. Gosh I am late this morning!!! Good morning ladies. Iam with Patricia I think Matt will have to take the cow away, as lovely as it is we don't want the neighbours or anyone coming by to see what going on to put a complaint into the council do we??? I know the farmers are finding it hard at the moment with the price of their milk, and I feel for them as its a hard life having to get up in the small hours and work on till everything is done. So I think we will go and buy milk, I have heard that M&S pay the best rice so maybe we could go their,
    DIANE, love your card, it's simple but very effective, I hope we get to do something like this at the retreat with the stamping up girl. Or she at least demos how it done.
    Must go and get ready, busy day, I not sure about sisters outfit, at least we won't be like the dolly sisters, as I can't wear DMS they are to wide for my feet. And the tartan leggings are just to much, then again Patricia will blend in very well.
    Will be in later. xxx

    1. Hazel, as I said to Patricia have a brilliant day, and it doesn't matter what you wear your will blend in. X

    2. Hi Hazel thank you for your lovely comments. I hope you have a wonderful day, I'm sure Patricia will have changed by the time she meets you and will be as glamorous as ever. I wonder if you will see the storm trooper wearing the Wallace tartan kilt that we saw last year - as Jess said he blended right in! (We only noticed him because of the specific tartan - oh yes and he was dressed as a storm trooper!). I'm with you with the milk, we need to support our farmers. I hadn't realised M&S paid a fair price - I'm not surprised though. We are lucky to have a huge M&S near us so I pop in regularly and their prices aren't too bad really for the quality. See you both later xxx

    3. Hazel I would look like Mini Mouse in DM's - but without the cute bit!! Xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop
    DIANE your card is beautiful, I don't know of any Stamping up classes, I think they would be a great way to learn about stamping. I did have a play at Sandown Park a few years ago and I loved the way everything coordinated.

    Well I hope everybody has a good day. I'll try and pop in and see what you're up
    to. Hope Sandra and Paul had a good night in the new tent.

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thank you for your lovely comments. I'm certainly enjoying stamping again since I went to the card sessions. If you google stampin up and find a demonstrator in your area they all usually have card clubs as it's a chance to sell more items. It's a shame Southampton is a bit far for you. Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all,
    Diane your card is lovely, the stamping is excellent, so clean and fresh looking.
    Sandra I hope you are all set up now and can relax and enjoy your holiday, I know we will all be thinking of you in the sunshine. Have a great time.
    Nothing much planned for today, maybe a bit of ironing, then do a couple of cards. Will pop back later, take care everyone xx

    1. Thank you Jess for your lovely comments. Enjoy your day whatever it brings xxx

  7. Good morning ladies,

    A beautiful card Diane, so fresh and cheerful and guaranteed to cheer everyone up. So lovely.

    I have a very large storage box filled with little bags of card candy that I have collected over the years, used what I wanted and stored the rest, and although I have sold quite a bit on my various stalls for Cardiomyopathy UK, the box does not seem to be getting any emptier so I have decided to create craft candy boxes and donate them to Scope. Another charity that I have supported for many years since I was blessed with my children. My daughter used to work in a 'one stop' shop and collected all the empty sweet boxes for me to use for my crafts. Now I can put the rest of them to another good use and help Scope raise funds in our local shop.
    I will be taking friend Judy to her INR clinic, dropping the boxes off along the way. Judy now has her INR appointments every 4 weeks now which goes to show how much she has improved since her life saving operation 2 days before Christmas.
    See you all later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl thank you for your lovely comments. You are such a lovely lady raising all this money for charities, really generous. What a lovely way to pass on your spare craft stuff too. I've bought candy over the years and it seems to multiply doesn't it, especially when you pick up one and find 6 stuck together! I'm so pleased to hear your friend is making such good progress, I hope she gets on ok today. Lots of love xxx

    2. Cheryl, what a lovely thing to do with your craft candy, if it raises funds that great. I am also so pleased to hear your friend is doing so well. Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Hopefully your well and truly settled in the tent by now, and having a lovely restful time. Also that the meds have finally worked.
    Diane I love your stamping. Hopefully we'll find out how these cards are put together with a demo at the retreat.
    Patricia and Hazel I do hope you have a fabulous day in Edinburgh at the festival. I wonder if you catch a bus into Edinburgh from Perth. Will have to look on the map to see how far they are from each other. It must be wonderful just to wander the streets and see such entertainment. Lucky you.
    Well we seem to be having a but if a problem with the cow. I wonder if Matt can fit it in his Sheep trailer?. Perhaps take it out and loose it in a field where some other cows are. Or, perhaps ge could take it yo Auction and sell it and get some more Sheep instead. We could start having some lamb packs between us, if we supply some food fir them. What do you think ladies, shall we start our own food chain.

    1. Oh Pat what a thought! I was sure you were going to suggest selling the cow to buy dies! Thank you for your lovely comments, yes I'm sure the demonstrator will have lots of ideas. Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. Oh Oh! Pat, Patricia doesn't eat lamb! They frolic in a field nearby you see! We'd go through mountains of tissues!! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Oh how rude of me! I forgot to say I hope you arrived safe and sound and all the setting up went well and you are now all relaxing in the sunshine. I hope the meds are working and you are more comfortable now. I think it was the shock of being awake so early that threw me - Julian had to be up and out the house early so blow me I had to be awake too! Don't you love them!
    Right must get on and get the washing out - sun is out so I'm hoping it will dry today! Xxx

  10. Yeah! Beat Lynda again - well I have got here ahead of her! Xxx

    1. Yes MYRA as I said you can run faster than me,as your very young.xx

  11. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well, it's a lovely day here today and one load of washing is washed and dried! It makes such a difference!
    Diane - today's card is really beautiful and I'm looking forward to learning how to do that technique at the Retreat, all being well. I love your colours - it just looks so clean and elegant. Thank you.
    Sandra, Paul and family - hope you had a good nights rest and enjoying some lovely warm sunshine. Sandra - do hope you are feeling a lot better.
    Patricia and Hazel - enjoy your day in Edinburgh - I know you will - Patricia won't get lost easily anyhow! Not sure about the ensemble today so long as you've gelled your hair it should look just fine!
    Well I must go but I'll call back later.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind comment Myra. Yes my washing dried beautifully today too - lovely isn't it xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all lovely ladies. Nooooo you want to get rid of the Cow, hmmmm after thinking hard I think you are all right ,she has really made such a stink and messed up outside. Only hope Sandra want mind, do give Matt a call.
    Diane your card is lovely and sweet with those little flowers stamped,Beautiful and also to put it on the envelope it is so nice. We have a lady from Stampin'up coming on the Saturday, am I right ?
    I hope Myra have the water back on. So close the vegetables had it last night.
    Hazel and Patricia, have a wonderful day in Edinburgh ! Very curious what you are up too (any tartan dressed full Monty's in the area?) Tihi
    Another grey, dull day here so crafting on the agenda but first finish my tea and scone. Have a good day all whatever you are doing,love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria thank you for your kind comments, we have to make the envelope pretty so the recipient knows it's not a bill! Yes lady is coming Saturday to the retreat. How are you feeling this week? It's been a funny day here but at least the washing dried! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane, had a very lazy day. Weather not to good but warm / humid and it will be worth tomorrow, not very good in those conditions. The sky tonight just like last night has a funny orange/ red sky.
      I seem to cope thanks to meds. stopping me feeling nausea's ,more test will be done. My only wish is that I feel better before our holiday. Hope you and the rest of the family are doing alright xxx

    3. Maria you poor thing, it's been going on for ages now. When do you go away? You will be ready for it won't you. Xxx

    4. We are going to NY in beginning of September and it would spoil it some but I'm going as it is one of my dreams to go there ( it's on my bucket list as they call it ) xxx

    5. Wow MARIA NY how wonderfull lots of craft shops too visit.
      I really hope you get your tummy sorted by then my friend,have the doctors told you anything that is causing your nausea.
      Hug's xx

    6. That sounds fab Maria, I do hope you are better by then xxx

  13. Hello ladies,
    I have just got back from my massage, got Adonis again. This was my last one and I was quite sad to be saying goodbye to them, there are four of them work there and they are all lovely, they are always laughing and joking with everyone.
    Diane, Iike it, like it, like it. ( sorry it's that Aldi advert, every time I want to say I like something it pops into my head). Seriously though it's lovely. Love the way you have balanced your design with the sentiment in the middle and the one big flower at the top. I have some little build a flower stamps which I have had for years and if you don't mind will copy your design.
    Margaret I hope Amy is starting to recover now, I know Tomas is picking up so hopefully she will too.
    Patricia and Hazel have the most fabulous time. Like your outfit Patricia there will be no losing you in a crowd. Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Myra have they sorted your water yet?
    Maria hope your tummy is settling down, aren't you having the breath test soon?
    Well I am rushing about like the proverbial scolded cockerel so I must go.
    See you all later.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx
    Ps Sandra hope you are soaking up some sunshine and doing nothing but resting.

    1. Forgot to say I agree that cow has to go, maybe Janet's daughter would give it a home.

    2. No change in the water situation! The update today says they will update the web page for the REST of this week! Doesn't sound terribly encouraging to me!
      At least you had a lovely start to your hectic day! Don't wear yourself out cleaning and packing! Xxxx

    3. Hi Saba thank you for your lovely comments, yes please feel free to adapt it. Now don't rush around too much after that lovely soothing massage - can you treat yourself once a month just to keep you ticking over! Xxxx

  14. Hi all, re the milk situation we get ours delivered by the milkman direct from the dairy, it is a bit dearer then supermarkets, but it helps the farmers.
    Off to meet a few friends at our local garden centre for our weekly catch up, will pop back later, xx

  15. SANDRA hope you are having a lovely holiday and feeling a lot better.
    DIANE. love your card and envelope. Think there is a Stamping-up class not too far from me. Will have to investigate.
    PATRICIA AND HAZEL. Hope you are having a lovely day.
    MYRA. Hope the water situation gets sorted soon. It's so easy to forget you cannot just turn on the tap.
    Hope everyone else is having a lovely day. Take care. Hugs in the basket. Will just have a cup of tea before I go. Money in the pot.

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thank you for your kind comments, the stampin up sessions I go to cost £11 or free if you spend £22 from the catalogue and we make 5 cards, have tea and coffee and a good laugh! Xxx

  16. Just having a few minutes rest. It is so hot here - one tends to perspire somewhat!! Was wondering whether, if I wrapped myself in cling film whilst doing the vacuuming, if I would lose weight. I mean you pay a fortune for those body wrap treatments and cling film is cheap. I am already down to knickers and strappy top.
    Now a question before I start packing the suitcase. Will I need a coat and jumpers? I have been in t shirts and light clothes for weeks and have forgotten whether it is cold in August in the UK.
    Back to the sweatshop, won't offer to hug anyone you would get wet.

    1. Oooh who's due to call today? They are in for a surprise! Let me see do you need a coat- hmmmm this is the uk, bring coat thermals, fleece scrappy tops thick jumpers shorts and jeans - does that help? Most days down south have been cool, most days can go out with long/short trousers and no cardi but evenings are cold and it keeps raining- does that help? Xxx

    2. No not really Diane, sounds like I will need to unpack and start again.i take it I won't need my bikini then.
      Thank you .xxx

  17. Muriel has George locked you in a cupboard ???

  18. Afternoon Everyone

    I left a comment for Diane earlier today but then had to go and get one or two things done while I could.

    I have spent all afternoon laid on the bed in the coolest room in the house. Yes we are back to temps of upper 30s and I have felt every degree today. Not feeling good at all. I really cannot believe that at one time I would be loving every single minute of this hot weather - I never sun bathed in direct sun but oh how I loved to sit in the shade outside and just relax. No horrible sweating or feeling horrible. It's only been the last five years since I had the heart attack that I just cannot cope with high temps and the only thing I can put it down to is the meds for my heart.

    Now re 'the Cow' as much as Nicky (my youngest) loves them she wouldn't have one to look after but her big Sister Christina well that is definitely another story. She would have her in a blink of an eye. Shall I see how much room she has (Robert wouldn't have to be consulted as he says they are full to max) but I know Christina will put her in with Scamp -her sheep. We'll see what she says.

    I'm anxiously waiting for Patricia and Hazel to return from Edinburgh. Do you think they have been performing 'at the Fringe' this afternoon?
    I can just see the headlines now - 'Sisters in Tartan' can't you.

    Right 17.30 here and I'm off for a shower to see if that helps. Will call back.
    Sandra I hope you're all settled with everything to hand and your every desire I being is being fulfilled. Just enjoy it all.

    1. Oh poor you Janet, mind you, you will be wishing for sun when you come back home! Xxx

    2. Hope it gets a bit cooler soon for you and Saba, I can't take the heat as I used too. I'm big so well padded but when it's hot and humid then I don't feel good at all, just horrid. Take care xxx

  19. DIANE Beautiful card I love less is more cards and they suit my family and friends Ny "frigidly" ones always look a mess
    CHERYL what a lovely idea for scope
    PATRICIA Have you got a Mohawk or skinhead haircut for today too?
    Now about that cow! It may be making the rhubarb grow BUT it's eating the flowers from the hanging baskets and knocking over the pots Compost and p**h everywhere! Not to mention the flies As much as I love cows they need more space Please take it back to the Children's Farm It was kind if them to lend it but I bet they're missing it too
    Brain now gone blank Take care x

    1. Hi Karen thank you for your kind comments - yes non fussy cards are great, especially when they need posting! Hope you are ok xxx

  20. All packed, house spotless just about to make dinner then a quick shower and hair wash and I'm ready. We are leaving at 4am!! How ridiculous is that.
    Wish the tartan sisters would hurry up and come home. I am dying to hear all about their day.

    1. Oh Saba! I don't think I'd go to bed! However you will travel on quiet roads for a while! When do you expect to get to the Ferry Terminal? I'm guessing it takes quite a long time! It's certainly nothing like as hot here as in Germany . Don't forget your cardigans or Pashminas or both!
      Will you share the driving ? Xxx

    2. I think our ferry is booked for 2pm but if we are lucky we may catch the earlier one, that is of course if they have room for us. It's never a problem at Christmas but August I expect will be busy. We have booked the first class lounge so that we can get some rest. It only costs a few pounds more and it really is worth it on such a long journey. Peter drives most of the way. I like to drive the last bit on the country roads, not keen on the motorways especially around London. We have paid the Dart crossing charge by the way!
      I do hope they get your water sorted out soon.

    3. Oh good Saba I wondered if you remembered the Dartmoor crossing.
      Don't forget your mac and wellies, jumper but also skirt ,tee's and shorts because it depends what county you are going to hihi.
      Pop in for a coffee if you passing Mk ! Have a good journey,hugs xx

    4. Hi Saba safe journey tomorrow. Julian went through the Dartford tunnel today- just checked with him and all is flowing well with no queues. We work on the principle there are always shops around so if you need any clothes ( or a handbag or two!) you can always buy them - good old M&S! Xxx

  21. MYRA, sorry you are still without tap water. Realise they can't take any risks with people's health but it does seem to be dragging on. Hope you are being given plenty of bottled water. xx

    SABA, you paint an interesting picture of yourself doing the housework! If you wrap yourself in cling film - remember to leave a breathing hole!!!!!
    Your packing - think layers, and I would say yes a lightwieght coat. Our summer has been a real mixture of all of the seasons. So anything is possible - be prepared !!! xx

    PATRICIA and HAZEL Hope you have had a lovely day. xx

    1. Thanks for thinking of us Brenda! We have not been given any bottled water at all. Boiled water has to be used for washing up too unless of course you have a dishwasher. Thankfully we do! Some little businesses are really suffering as it will be a week tomorrow since the restrictions came into force! Xxx

    2. Brenda thank you for that, I have slipped a couple of warm pullovers in for evenings and if I don't have anything I need I will buy it at home. Honestly though if you could see what I have packed you would think I was coming for months and not just 10 days!

    3. That's the problem with British weather - you can get four seasons in a week! However having said that our lovely lush green countryside takes a lot of beating! Xxx

    4. We are staying at daughters until tomorrow afternoon. Our house is 7.5 miles away. Yesterday OH went home to to water garden and greenhouse. But as had an overnight storm here, he said I'll only have to do the greenhouse - wrong! We hadn't had a drop of rain at home.
      - British weather !!!!!!!

  22. Grrrrrrr just lost everything nooo hoooo
    Helloooo again.
    DIANE I did leave a message on the way down your card is gorgeous love the stamp & colours the envelope is lovely as well.
    MYRA sorry your still without water I do think of you when I turn my tap on honestly. Joking apart it must be awful for you & hope it's not much longer xx
    As for the cow I did say it wasn't practical to keep it at the back of the café. I get a strong wiff when I open my patio doors pooo. Noooo I can't eat any more rhubarb crumble, I thought I saw MARIA with her feet sticking out from one of the bushes HaHa. SABA don't forget take the cling film off before you leave in the morning.have a safe journey & get loads of cuddles from your grandchildren.
    PATRICIA & HAZELS hope your haveing a lovely day together.
    Has anyone seen MAUREEN.
    MARGARET hope hospital went well & you got good news Hug's xx
    Well I think before this disapears I will go & see you later Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda. I can't wait to see them. They are all coming to stay with us for most of the week. Max and Abi are arriving Saturday early and Oliver will be coming Saturday afternoon. We live in the middle of nowhere so it will be outdoor pursuits. River walking, going for a picnic up Pen -y - Ghent which is just up the road, up to a local waterfall so they can get wet and such like.
      Hope Annie is continuing to be well.

    2. Thank you for your lovely comments Lynda xxx

    3. Glad it only was my feet you saw, the rest was not a pretty sight. I had taken it on me to collect the cow muck as the rhubarb were growing a bit too big and all the flavours gone and could you believe it that the Cow gave me a push so hard that I went flying into the bushes and landed of course in the rambles growing nearby, oooh the pain ! Can someone please get rid of the b---dy Cow ,now !! xx

    4. As you all know Patricia and I have seen Maureen a lot today. Xxx

    5. That was meant to be under Lyndas comment. Xxx

    6. SABA so pleased your seeing your lovely grandchildren quite a lot sounds lovely where you live I bet they love it sounds great fun.
      Enjoy every moment.
      Love Lynda xx

    7. Oh MARIA sorry are you ok YOU DID MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD
      OH thinks I'v lost the plot hihi your so funny !!! love love love love it xx

  23. Saba take care whoever is driving. It's a long way other side for us to Sheffield and even longer for you. Please give our love to Pen-y-ghent it seems ages since we were up there. We did a lot of walking in that area and have had many weekends for walking before knee replacements etc. Although we love France we are both Yorkshire through and through and love it to bits.

    1. Thank you Janet. I will be glad to get away from this heat. I'm like you, I just can't cope with it anymore. It's still 32 degrees on the balcony. I've just been in the shower and by the time I had dried my hair I could have done with having another shower.
      We both enjoy walking, Peter more so. He often walks to malham early evening and then I go and pick him up in the car. There is no place like Yorkshire for me and as soon as we get into the dales I feel whole again.
      Saba xxx

  24. Hellooooooooo,
    I've had the most spectacular day today, but you'll have to wait to find out about it!!!!
    Diane, your card is beautiful, as Saba would say "love it, love it, love it"

    1. Thank the Lord for that. You have had me so worried! Might have to stay up now. I'll be a wreck in the morning!

    2. Helloooooo you too! So pleased you home safely! Xxxx

    3. Hi Maureen I've missed you today. Thank you for your lovely comments - oh this Aldi parrot is making me laugh. I'm looking forward to hearing what you've been up to today. Xxx

    4. Hellooooo MAUREEN so pleased your ok xx

  25. Well lovely ladies I must go to bed, got to be up in 5 hours.
    I wish I could stay up and hear all about the day in Edinburgh. I have been thinking about them all day. It's very unlikely that I will be able to come in for a coffee in the morning, might be able to call in for a nightcap when we are home.
    Margaret, I hope all went well today and hope Amy is alright too.
    Good night God bless you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night Saba, I think everything went well today but looking forward to hearing how Margaret got on and Patricia and Hazel! Not forgetting out lovely Maureen! Sleep well my dear and safe travel! Will be in touch! Xxx

    2. Thank you Myra. I can't wait to get home. Open house at mine if you fancy a run out and you can cope with 3 boisterous little ones.

    3. Thank you so much! You are a very kind lady. Give Oliver my love - I'm sure he won't remember me but you can try! Have the best time with the children! Xxx

    4. Night night sleep tight xxx

    5. Oh he will remember you. I have never known a child with such a memory. I would love to see you. And anybody else who fancies a trip to Stainforth.

    6. Book me in for 2 weeks B & B staarting Friday ha ha xxx

  26. CoooooooEeeeeeee!!! Folks we are back home. Well Hazel and I are anyway, not sure about the wonderful Maureen. Yes!! MAUREEN:- we have all spent a fantastic day together. Maureen is the most delightful person you could meet, she is so sweet.
    Maureen did not want to say anything on the Blog after what happened last time. All well this time, we had a great time. From the moment Maureen stepped off the train, we chatted like meeting up was a regular occasion. It was a very "special occasion" and we had so much fun and laughter. Went to Jenners for lunch, it was absolutely stowed out. We struggled to get a seat, we managed eventually. Sat for quite a while then off into Princess Street OMG!!! talk about busy ........ it was amazing to see so many people. Beautiful weather, thank goodness, lots to see.
    All over far too soon and it was a walk back to the station.
    Maureen safely on the train which left bang on time, waved her off then we started our journey home.
    By the way, we each got the most beautiful "Christmas Fairy" from Maureen.
    It is so pretty I am not waiting till Christmas I am going to hang it up in the morning. Don't know where yet but she can't possibly languish in a box till Christmas.
    Here's John with something for me to eat ...... I will read through the comment one I have eaten ... I will be back xxx

    1. So thrilled all went well this time! I knew you'd have a lovely time. The One Show is in Edinburgh all this week I think - came across that by accident earlier! Knew Maureen would find you in the tartan leggings! Xxx

    2. Oh Patricia I'm so pleased you all managed to meet up at last, how wonderful. I thought Maureen was quiet today and I had my suspicions when she flew in to say what a wonderful day she had. I don't blame her for not saying anything - that would be tempting fats again. Wow sounds as though you had a lot of fun and laughter and Edinburgh was busy too! Xxx

    3. PATRICIA HAZEL & MAUREEN so pleased you all had a fantastic day together. By the time you all get to your retreat you will have all met up with somebody how lucky you are. Xx

  27. Ooooh I have been on tenterhooks all day. Just knew you would have a fabulous time. I can't wait until we all meet. I am so Bl..dy happy I could sing.

    1. Aaah Patricia you did keep that quiet . I'm so thrilled that you managed to meet up at last and when you meet it is like you have known each -other for ever. Unfortunately the time just fly, not long now do until we sees . Did you take a photo ? Love to go to Edinburgh festival next year, seen on TV a bit ,it looks great ! Now have a rest and love to hear more tomorrow, sleep well
      and Saba tell Peter to drive carefully, he has a precious cargo onboard ! xxx

    2. SABA:- for a minute I thought you were going to say you had "wet yourself"
      Have a safe journey home and Happy Holidays xxx

  28. Night, night Saba, safe journey and have a wonderful time with the family. Is this waterfall thing in Wales or Yorkshire? xxx
    I'm dying for Hazel and Patricia to tell us all about Edinburgh, where are they?
    Margaret, how did you do? Is it good news?
    Myra, I think it's cruel for people to say you are an old boiler. How insensitive!!!
    I have had a terrible job getting in to here, the rhubarb is up to the roof. That cow must go!!
    Back in a little while xxx

    1. Muriel the waterfall is just up the lane from us in yorkshire. What on earth made you think it was in Wales. I am so giddy now you are home I will never sleep.

    2. Who said I was an old boiler! I know I'm no spring chicken but - just a minute! Xxx

    3. Saba I thought it was wales too! It's the y in the middle that does it! Hahaxxx

    4. Oh Patricia, you snuck in under the rhubarb!!!
      Well I can tell you all how lovely Hazel and Patricia are. They are just a delight to be with, we had so many laughs and then we put the world to rights.
      I got my Mountie off Hazel, and when I was sitting on the train coming home I decided to put my keys on the Mountie key ring, so I opened the box to take him out and noticed a "lump". When I lifted the tissue there was a beautiful necklace in aqua, blue and pearl coloured beads. I had noticed Hazel and Patricia's straight away when I met them and tried to half inch them when I gave them a cuddle, but couldn't!! I couldn't believe that Hazel had made me one. I love it.
      Patricia, she of the beautiful flowers and boxes, had made the most beautiful card and matching box. Inside the box was something called Tablet - a bit like fudge - and it's delicious. I've just had some with a cup of coffee and I need a safe to lock it in, because it's definitely very moreish and if I don't lock it away it will all be gone!!
      It's been the most fantastic day for me with two lovely ladies. Even if I had to walk behind Patricia with her flowered Doc Martins and Tartan leggings (actually nothing could be further from the truth - she is very elegant) and Hazels skirt would go fantastically well with my new necklace - HAZEL!!!!
      If everyone is half as nice as these two sisters roll on October.
      I'm going to bed now, as I'm tired with all the excitement.
      Sweet Dreams everyone, I'm sorry if I've missed your comments but it's been an emotional but happy day for me.
      Lots of love Maureen xxxx

    5. Sweetheart! Sleep well you have had quite a day! I'm so pleased you all got on so well but I'm not in the least bit surprised. As you say - roll on October when we can all meet up and have fun! I hope you gave George some tablet! Night night! Lots of love Myra xxx

    6. Sleep well my sweet Maureen, I know I will.
      What a fantastic day, my Dreams will be as sweet as you are. xxx

    7. Myra, we are all meeting at Sabas cottage for a lovely holiday. Xxx

    8. Good night MAUREEN sleep well dear lady pleasant dreams
      Love Lynda xx

    9. Night night Maureen sleep tight. I hope George behaved himself on his own today xxx

  29. Right so SABA can get to bed, here's what we having been doing today. Yes we were in Edinburgh meeting up with Maureen and oh boy we have had a fantastic day, we meet her off the train, and it was like we were meeting a friend that we meet regularly, we then walked over to Jenner's had lunch etc and sat chatting for ages, we then went over to have a look round the craft stalls at the fringe, then walked back to the station for Maureen getting her train home, and we set off to get the bus? Not to Perth but the other side of the bridge where my car was parked I then took Patricia back to collect her car at Perth. Xxx

  30. Hazel, Patricia, Maureen.
    You have made my day. I am so thrilled for you and in the words of that parrot.
    " like it, like it ,like it, liiiiiiiiiiike ittttt."
    Night God bless, I really must go now.

  31. I see big sister got in to the cafe and gave a better description of our wonderful day better than mine, I was hurrying so SABA could get off to her bed, like Patrica I am going to hang my beautiful Christmas angel up where she can be admired. My gorgeous card is in the mantel piece, thank you once again Maureen for my gift and card, but most of all for a wonderful day.
    Saba, save jounery hope you don't have a problem at the ferry port, what one do you use? xxx

    1. I couldn't be more excited if I'd gone to meet you all myself! I could hardly contain myself all day! It's just so lovely to hear about your happy day! Will you all be too excited to sleep! Saba will and she wasn't t there! It's been quiet without you all. Xxxx

    2. Well Saba's invited us all to Yorkshire. I've booked 2 weeks B & B with her starting Friday, you'd better get in quick before all the rooms go lol xxxxx

    3. Hi Hazel and Maureen, I'm so excited that you met up today and so glad you all had a fabulous time together. Love to hear more. Take it easy tomorrow Nighty night xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- did Saba tell you John & I are booked in as well.
      The walls of SABA'S cottage are made of elastic ..... just like Sandra's car!! xxx

    5. I bet she's sorry she put out an open invitation. Mind you she didn't give us the address!!! xxx

    6. Ahhhh!! well I think we could get there before you and bags the best room. Don't have the actual address but have a very good idea where the Cottage is. xxx

    7. She did offer us to come, we could pitch tents in that area at the back of cottage, and there is running water ok it's a water fall but it's safer than Myras water. Toilets now I wonder if we could get one of those blue workers toilets delivered? I am sure SABA will enjoy cooking for us all, what do you think???

    8. Think of the wine we can have! Hic! Xxx

  32. Hazel Patricia and Maureen I'm thrilled you have all managed to meet up and have such a wonderful time, that has really made my day. I'm really pleased for you all and have got a big grin on my face now. Big hugs to you all xxx
    I was watching bake off earlier - what a shame that lady left, I liked her. I had a quick look for the biscuit challenge recipe on line but couldn't find it- I'm sure it will be all over the web tomorrow. They looked interesting. I've made oreo brownies today - I've put some on the side for tomorrow - they are yummy with strawberries and ice cream so check the fridge and freezer too! I'm not sure when I will get in tomorrow, it's results day! We've got to be at college between 9.30 and 10.30 - Emma wants to go in on her own so Julian and I will be waiting at the gate! Weare on tender hooks as we can't second guess what's going to happen but everything is crossed. I will let you know ASAP! . Right I must go and watch the news, haven't seen any yet today xxx

    1. Holding everything crossed here too for your Emma, give her a big hug

    2. Good luck for Emma tomorrow. I am sure she has done really, really well. xxx

    3. Good luck Emma, you worked hard xxxxxx

    4. Emma - all the very very best! Be thinking of you all tomorrow!mxxx

    5. Will be thinking of Emma tomorrow,,she has worked hard and done her best, now we wish her good results. We might be meeting you soon up here. Xxx

    6. Thank you everyone - yes Hazel I'm hoping so too! Xx

    7. Good luck Emma for tomorrow i wish you get good results fingers crossed, you have worked so hard & done your best. Thinking of you
      Hug's xxx

  33. Hi Ladies
    I got a text from Sandra earlier saying that they were in the relaxing in the sea by 3.30 pm yesterday, after pitching the tent in great time, which was wonderful to hear. She is hoping to have internet access at the weekend, and sends her love to you all. That is great news isn't it, so glad there were no hitches for them : )
    Sorry I haven't been in to comment before now but I milked Jasmin at 5pm yesterday and cleared up her muck so I'm not sure what the other mess and smell was that was around, it sure wasn't her. As us country girls know cow muck doesn't smell bad. Now pigs muck........yuck that is bad! You won't have to worry about Jasmin as I will never leave her feeling full or in a mess and the milk will always be in the fridge so even if I can't comment she will be sorted, don't worry about that, and if I can't do it Mum will (thanks Mum, knew you would like the childhood reminder : )) I just had time to milk and mucked her out twice again today but didn't have a chance to even pop my head in to the Cafe until now. A certain little man is teething, we think, and has been rather grumpy for a lot of today so I been doing my bit to give Gemma a break. He has finally settled now, usually in bed by 7.30pm so he is not h a happy bunny, bless him. Chris and RJ went fishing, they had it planned last week so it was just the 3 of us until 7pm.
    Had the whole family here last night and RJ Gemma and Christopher stayed over and are going home tomorrow, hence me having no time to pop in. I haven't had time to read what you were all up to but hope all is well. I do know that Margaret was due to, hopefully, have her pot taken off today, I hope it is good new Maragret : )
    I will be in earlier to sort out Jasmin, and hopefully make some yoghurt for you all to share in the morning. Take care xx

    1. Sue, Nelsons do a wonderful teething powder, it really works, don't know if your chemist sells their products, xxx

    2. Thank you Sue for the news about Sandra! So pleased they are now relaxing in the sun! Well maybe not right this minute but you know what I mean! Xxx

  34. Myra you could visit SABA and take water containers with you! But will she have any water left, as we are all invited to stay, oh what a wonderful time we will all have, by the way was it you lot in the hot air balloon we saw on our way home tonight? If you had known what we were up today I would have said it was you lot but had got blown of coarse. Xxx

    1. I'll take some wine Hazel - Saba will say LIKELIKE etc! Xxx

    2. Thank you Sue for letting us know SANDRA is relaxing & tent went up without any trouble. Xx

  35. So glad Sandra is relaxing and their tent went up ok. Xxx

  36. Well folks my eyes are closing. Don't really know why I am tired!!! Oh! Yes it was all the chatting and laughing done today.
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight and God Bless
    Patricia xxx

    1. Night Night Girls - sleep well! Did I tell you how happy I was you had a great day? Thought I did!! Xxxx

    2. Good night PATRICIA have a good sleep I won't be far behind you
      So pleased you all had a good day xxx

  37. Hi everyone, Patricia, Hazel,and Maureen, you had a fantastic day by all accounts, so glad you eventually met up and the weather was good for you.
    Saba have a safe journey, and enjoy your visitors, I hope you get some good weather while you are here.
    I'm off to bed now, will catch up tomorrow x

  38. Patricia, Hazel and Maureen, please forgive me, I totally missed it - that the three of you but meeting up today. So pleased it went well and you had a wonderful day.
    After tomorrow when we are at home again, I should be able to keep up with
    what's going on - hopefully !!!
    Almost forgot, Sue thank you, for keeping us up to date with Sandra and Paul, so pleased the tent went up without any problems, hope they are al enjoying the sun and sand xxx

    Goodnight everyone sweet dreams. xxx

  39. So glad you all had a wonderful day.
    SABA safe journey and have a wonderful time with your grandchildren.
    Night all.

  40. Hi Diane
    Good wishes for tomorrow for Emma. Didn't realise Patricia, Hazel and Maureen were meeting up today. A great time was had by all by the sound of it. Great news about Sandra. Thanks for the updates Sue. I wonder why she didn't text me as well. Oh yes silly me IT'S BECAUSE MY PHONES NEVER TURNED ON. Thanks for milking and clearing up behind Jasmine Sue. The smell must be from the herd of cows up the road. You know we have some very aromatic smells around our area. Well I'm off to bed now, although I might just pop my head out if the patio door to see if I can see some shooting stars.

  41. Woo hoo, what a lovely surprise to read that Hazel, Patricia and Maureen have met up.
    Hope Emma gets on OK tomorrow. My great niece gets her GCSE's next week. I don't get to see her very often but I think I am more nervous than she is!

  42. Sue thanks fir the update on Sandra, it's good to know they arrived safe and sound. Thanks Pat for your good wishes for Emma. Right I'm going to pop my head out too and look for shooting stars - that is if it's not raining yet! Night night sleep tight sweet dreams xxx

  43. Good night everyone im off to my bed OH is snoring loudly on the settee,so I'm going to kick him. Oh I could leave him there then I would have a silent night, like the song.
    Sweet Dreems ladies.God bless xxx
