
Thursday 13 August 2015

Maria's new baby card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I would like to share with you Maria's cute 'New Baby' card that she made for Louis.
The Background paper is a really lovely design Maria and you have picked out a lovely colour scheme adding the yellow card candi.
Maris has used the Creative Expressions Frames and Tags collection - Dainty Rectangular Frame, designed by Sue Wilson.
Maria has cut this die with a matching paper and mounted her stork and cute baby on top of the frame, which lifts it from the background.  Louis's name has been die cut and mounted on a Creative Expressions Pierced Flag die, the addition of the little butterfly and the New Baby sentiment really finish the card off perfectly.
Thank you so much for sharing Louis card with all of us Maria xxx
I hope that you are all well and that the sun is shining,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning ladies, sorry I haven't managed on for ages but my iPad is now in Edinburgh being repaired,but I have managed to have a look at all the wonderful creations you have been making and Maria's card today is gorgeous ! I love the stork and cute baby and the background paper is lovely. My daughter and her family just left yesterday afternoon to go home after being here for over a fortnight and I also have had so many golf ties and away games to play it has been hectic! So I hope to get back to normality soon. I can hear

  2. Myra laughing at that lol!
    The house feels so quiet this morning.
    I have to get busy as I have six cards to make for people and they are needed ASAP so I'll just have a quick cuppa and try to resist the goodies ( need to cut down ) thank goodness for the calorie free in here ha ha !
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, nice to see you back amongst us. You have had a very busy time but hope you enjoyed it all. Thank you for your nice comments rg. the card. Hope your cardmaking gets done ok. Have a nice day,
      hugs Maria x

    2. Lovely to see you Anne, you'll be able to breathe easy and please yourself. Good luck wwth the cards xx

    3. Hello ANNE my you have had a busy time. Lovely to see you back with us,good luck with all the cards. Enjoy your golf.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hello Anne, I knew you were out there somewhere! Have you been spending too long on the 19th Hole? Hope all the golf went well and the weather behaved itself for golf and children playing!
      It's been quite quiet here - well part from the cow! At least if it rains we can sit under the rhubarb! Lovely to have you back. Xxx

    5. Hi Anne lovely to see you again, good luck with the golf xxx

  3. Good morning ALL!!
    Hello ANNE:- great to see you in the cafe again. My goodness you sure do lead a busy life. So glad you are well and just been busy, we missed you. Hope to see you again soon.
    MARIA:- I just LOVE your pretty baby card. That is a really sweet image, colours and a great design.
    I am very late this morning, don't know about Hazel and Maureen but tell you what I slept so well last night. No getting up in the early hours to go to the loo!!
    I just slept and slept till 7.06am. Have not slept till that time since I dont know when.
    Everything all set up for the day, lots of goodies from Diane in the fridge. We now have one of these beautiful cabinet fringes with the glass front to keep all the Creamy, chocolate goodies in, just help yourselves. Not to the cabinet, just to the goodies in it. Think it was bought with the money we got for that cow!!! Much more sensible purchase ...... sorry Sandra the thought was good but cleaning up after her was a lot of work!!
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS, hope your having a great time and you are soaking up plenty Vitamin D.
    We have a beautiful morning here, off now to get a move on.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door, I will be back later to see what you have all been up to. xxx

    1. You slept so long because I bored you to distraction !!! xxx

    2. Hi Patricia, Oh you did surprise us all ! How great that you met up at last and you had such a fabulous time together. Nice to have a sleep-in,maybe that will be your new time for waking up tihi
      Thank you for liking the card, I never happy with what I make but was quite glad with this one, thinks thanks to the sweet baby. Have a nice day "resting" ha! Beautiful cabinet, way better than 'the Cow' hihi xxx

    3. I had to go to bed early too! It was such an exciting day! I nearly offered to take Muriel in the balloon but didn't want her to arrive in a tousled state. Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maria-what a beautiful card, so cute. Perfect for the occasion.

    Glad to hear Sandra & family are ok.

    Just had a text off a colleague to say her daughter got the required A levels to get into Manchester University to do Nursing. My colleague is very relieved!!! Lets hope anyone else waiting to hear is met with good news.

    Off to set the Sky box to record John Lockwoods programmes to watch tonight (hopefully) as hubby will be very late home.


    1. That's great news Michele, it's such a worrying time for a lot of famiiles xx

    2. Thanks Michele for liking the card, only took a week to make so.... hihi Great news for your colleague's daughter! Have a good day xxx

    3. Hi MICHELE such good news for your colleague's daughter, it must be a worry for so many waiting to here results.
      Have a good day.xx

    4. Great news about your colleague's daughter Michele. Now her whole family can enjoy the rest of the summer! Xxx

    5. Well done to your colleagues daughter xxx

  5. Good morning ladies, like Patricia I to had a good nights sleep. I think the night before we were all excited.
    Maria, love your baby card, great colours and layout with your stork and die cuts.
    Thank you Matt for taking the cow away, it was lovely but poor Sue didn't get two minutes to herself between helping with little christopher and seeing to the milking and mucking out. She can now get on with some crafting. Talking about that I asked Charlie if he could kindly print if some bits I needed for my projected, well you know what I came home to, yes not one bit done. I was hoping to get on and get a good bit of it done today, ok it's just some printing but men!!.,
    Oh, I can feel Diane's nervousness from here!!. I do feel for the young one so much pressure is put on them, yet so many folk have made good with out going through all the pressure and stress, I do think I was very lucky, I finished school at 15 with my leavers certifate, got a place at commercial college by just passing an exam one sheet of questions. Spent nearly 3 years there doing RSA and O levels. Coming out with them and getting a job straight away. Then took a complete change in career, but those certifates got me that career move too, and plenty of work. Now adays its so different.
    I have just seen the weather for tomorrow I think I will get a move on and get any washing done and out and then go get shopping in. I bet SABA is glad they are home by the time that weather comes, now did she pack the wellies, raincoat etc??? She will feel it cold after their high temps. Off to sit and have my tea. Or as Maureen put it " maidens water" xxx

    1. Hazel, the three of us have slept well last night. When George came to bed he looked at me and said "but you'll be going to take that off". What a shock, I thought he meant my nightie but he meant my necklace!!!! xxx

    2. MAUREEN oh! MAUREEN:- what a fantastic way to start the day ..... Laughing till the tears run once again.
      John looking as if to say ...... more crazy goings on in the Cafe. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, thank you for liking my card.
      Oh you naughty sisters not saying anything hihi So glad you had a fabulous time together and here to many more! Lol Maureen, what a shock ! So glad you had a nice time. How did the conversation go with the different accents ? xxx

    4. Hello Hazel & Patricia I don't know how you both kept quiet about your meeting up with Maureen. So pleased you all had a brilliant time together,such lovely memorise. Xxx

  6. Morning everyone, Maria your card is gorgeous, love the stork and baby.
    I have another great day at my friends craft shop today manning the shop while she takes her Thursday card class.
    So glad the cow has gone, it was a bit messy, the new cabinet is lovely, it has the only cakes I can eat, being calorie free they are delicious.
    Anne so good to see you back, you are a busy lady just now, take some time to chill out!
    Will be back later to catch up when I get home, take care xxx

    1. Thank you Jess. You wouldn't know I had to make the stork and baby twice, I cut off one of the storks toe on the first one Tihi
      Have a nice day in the shop. Would love to go to a craft class, have to wait for the retreat, hugs xxx

    2. Never mind Maria - No stork was harmed in the making of this card! Xxx

  7. Hello everyone,
    I slept until 8.15, and like Patricia did not get up and down during the night. I think we talked ourselves out!!!
    Maria, your card is very pretty and the images are lovely. I bet Louis' mother was thrilled with it.
    Saba, you'll be well on your way to God's 2nd best county after Northumberland (although some stupid people in the labour Government in the 70's changed it to Tyne and Wear). I hope you've had a good trip and enjoy your waterfall in nearly Wales but actually in y Yorkshire ha ha!!!
    Well I can hear him in the garden, so I'd better go and do some weeding before the sun hits that part, otherwise it will be too hot to work.
    See you all later, but without harping on can I just say again that Hazel and Patricia are two of the nicest people I have EVER met.
    Love and hugs,
    Muriel xxxx

    1. P.s. Diane, any news about Emma?? xx

    2. Just thinking the same about Emma. xxx

    3. Morning Maureen, good you got a nice sleep-in , you all seem to had a good night. Fabulous you three had a good day meeting up in Edinburgh, I'm so chuffed ! Thank you for liking the card and I think it went down ok as we got a thank you card from my OH niece, Louis mum this morning. Have a good day weeding but take it easy, don't overdo things, hugs xxx

    4. Maureen , I've just realised after reading your post that I've called the County , Northumberland! I even put that on addresses to the area. The Tyne and Wear bit passed me by ? What a daft name !!
      Was it changed back again? You know we like to learn on this blog! Xxx

  8. Having a seat and a quick drink,
    Slept late but I have done loads since I did get my Butt in gear.
    Washing all out, rewired an electrical Pug ..... had a good teacher our dad was an Electical Engineer. Then I did some colouring in!! I was so excited, I just had to have a go. Maureen stamped out lots of the Converse Trainer Stamp image for Hazel and I. I have very basically coloured one set and I am now off to make a card. See you all later!!!
    Ooooo!! Nearly forgot.
    SABA:- hope you are home in your beloved Yorkshire and enjoying some nine weather. Wellies and raincoat at the ready for tomorrow!!! xxx

    1. Saba's ferry is not until 2pm today so Yorkshire will have to wait a while yet! Xxx

    2. Oooh an electric pug! That's an easy pet to look after! Xxx

    3. One of those pooches that brings you down to Earth? Xxx

    4. Well spotted Diane, it passed me by but I would have noticed the little droppings eventually!!! xxx

  9. Good morning sorry Oh calling me for Tesco shopping see you later xxx

    1. Good morning Lynda! You beat me today! Bet I don't get any sympathy at all! Happy shopping! Xxx

  10. Hihi Lynda you are funny! Good morning Sandra and all. Lots of sleepy heads this morning, never get up before 8 if I can help it.
    Sandra is so good at knowing what we are using for dies, she must have them all ? My baby card was for my OH Niece little one born on the 20th of July.
    The papers are from Dovecraft Back to Basic paper pack, the stork and baby is printed off from the computer (ask OH to do it for me so the first one was a A4 picture ! oh men.) I wanted to use some dies and on the the left is one from Spellbinders 'Persian Accents' and some from Sue's as you can see. Dabble a bit of Promarkers on the Stork and Baby and cut it out and cut the stork toe's off ,oops ! so had to do it again, that me all over hihi.
    The weather here is not so good, warm and the wind keeps the rain away at the moment but it will come. OH has gone to see his step mum on his own. She lives in Beautiful Stamford and I love the town and the Burghley House but not feeling up too sit in 'The George' for hours and not enjoy the company or the food (over prised) so I have taking a 'sicky' to tidy up my crafting things which have taken over in the kitchen over the last few days,another oops! hihi
    Sandra- hope you are now relaxed and having a wonderful holiday with Paul and the girls. We are looking after the cafe' as best we can but I'm sure you seen the Cow had to go so Patricia have got us a lovely Cabinet instead to keep some goodies in. Tea and toast finished so I see you later I'm sure,
    love and hugs to all ,Maria xxx

  11. Good Morning One an All,
    Well, it feels rather flat today after yesterday's excitement! Soooo thrilled it went well and a great day was had by all three lovely ladies. I was thinking last night - oh no I hear you groan - when we add up all the ladies on the blog who have met one or more others on the blog we are way into double figures! Not just virtual friends any more! Real ones!
    I wonder how Margaret got on yesterday. Hope you are ok my dear!
    Jean - missing you too!
    Maria - I love your card today - the colours are so nice and remind me of a nursery . Such a cute little baby . It's lovely. Thank you.
    It's a bit duller here today but that's what we were promised! It was gorgeous yesterday.
    I'm glad Jasmine the cow has gone to pastures new. For those who are missing her deeply - I've put a China cow which looked just like her in the alcove in the corner!
    Be good. Remember Sandra will find out if you are naughty Muriel!
    Hope Sandra having a lovely relaxing time.
    Myra xxx

  12. Afternoon everyone
    So pleased to see Patricia, Hazel and Maureen had a good day yesterday. It was lovely to hear good news for a change.
    Message from Christina re re-homing animals her door is always open as long as they aren't as big as elephants lol.
    Maria l love your card today and it's so appropriate as I'm going to be a GNN again just before Christmas. My GD is having her second baby.
    Oh how I remember this time of year when working either smiles or tears or jumping up and down or heads down and having to contact clearing houses for Uni places for those who hadn't enough points for their first choice. Happy days remember Brenda? How many boxes of tissues did you have to have ready?
    I suppose it's all changed now.

    Pleased to hear Sandra is having a good time.
    Saba hope you're at the ferry and possibly on it by now.

    Am off to my afternoon siesta now having spent all morning doing a marathon cutting session cutting seasonal dies. I wonder what SW's surprise is tomorrow.
    Hugs on their way. I've tried a new route today so hopefully they'll arrive OK.

    1. Congratulations Janet! Hope everything goes well for your granddaughter and the little one. Xxx

    2. Oh Janet, sorry i missed you. many congratulations xxxx

    3. Congratulations from me as well.
      Great excitement in the family ...... nothing like the news of a New Baby xxx

    4. How lovely Janet congratulations xxx

    5. Big congratulations JANET for your Grandaughter & the new baby hope all goes well for her,a lovely Christmas present.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. What lovely news Janet, Congrats! another little one to our family xxx

  13. Ladies I have put up on my blog a couple of photos from yesterday. I was waiting for Maureen to say she didn't mind. xxx

    1. Great Photographs! Thanks for sharing them and your lovely day. Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel just looked at your blog & the pictures are great so pleased you all had a great day.xx

  14. Hi ladies.
    I am so sorry that Jasmine has gone, I was loving milking her. Never mind, the new chiller looks great, thank you Patricia.
    What a wonderful surprise to see that you, Hazel and Maureen met up yesterday, and had a lovely time. I am delighted for you all. Not surprised you all slept well after all of the chatting : )
    Diane, I do hope that Emma got the results she deserved after all of her hard work. Please give her my very best wishes : ) I must also say how much I loved your card and envelope yesterday. Sorry that I forgot to say so last night.
    Margaret, I hope you are potless now (no, not without a penny, but free of your plaster) : )
    Maria, I love your baby card, the stork and baby are gorgeous, I'm not surprised you had to cut it out twice though as it looks fiddly : )
    Hazel, yes we always used the same teething granules and all of the grandchildren have, and are, using them. (They are helping a little but Christopher seems to be having a really rough time of it at the moment. It is often the way when they cut the first ones I have found, isn't it. Some just pop them through with no problem though don't they! Wish they could all be the same, bless them.
    Thank you for suggesting them though, it is always good to hear of things that otherwise may not be known about.
    I hope Sandra, Paul and the girls are really relaxing today and soaking up some lovely warm sun. It is raining here today, I do wish I was with them, both to spend time together and to get some sun!
    Anne, it's good to see you back. It is so annoying when laptops etc. play up isn't it!
    Saba, I think you will be in your home county now. Have a lovely time : )
    Must go so look after yourselves. Take care xx

  15. Oh your are so right Sue, some little ones get their teeth with no problems others suffer every time, and to me he is going to be one of those, as those Nelsons powder are good, Oh a few sleepless nights ahead. As for Jasmine we just felt it was just to much for you to manage with everything else.
    Anne, I bet you feel you are running round in circles with all that you have on at the moment plus having familt to stay is lovely, but having your home back to yourselves is wonderful, I know how it was when Roberta left, I missed her but having our home back to normal was lovely.
    Oh Diane, we are waiting with baited breath for those results??? xxx

  16. I'm back. MYRA, don't get me started on Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, in was actually in the early 90's that it was changed. Even the locals sometimes get it mixed up and no, the Government left it the mess it is. What annoys me even more is that, from Ancient Charter, Newcastle upon Tyne is a City and County in it's own right!! So they took that as well. . Bl**dy bureaucrats - oh don't get me started!! I think it could have been him that started the war in the middle East that's still going on today. i don't know how he sleeps at night. Right, anyone want the soapbox?
    Margaret Corgi please let us know how you got on at the hospital. I'm hoping it was good news for you.
    Diane, what news of Emma.
    I'm so pleased that Jasmine has gone, the air is much fresher. Patricia, I've cut down the Rhubarb and will send it to you for your neighbour to make into jam, it will make a nice change from the Stawberry.
    Oops, George has come in from his Bowls, better go and be bored rigid with a blow by blow account of how someone just got his wood slighter in front, but then he came up and walloped it out of the way, then the next one sent his flying and oh it's so exciting zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
    Muriel xxx

    1. P.S. Why do I always look like a demented has been, or a bad tempered shrew in photographs. Maybe it's because I'm both xxxx

    2. Oh Maureen if I got on that soapbox I'd have high blood pressure! I don't think they live in the real world!
      I know this is totally different - but I travelled behind a man in car who was doing 18mph the other night at 9pm! Not a soul around! They've spent thousands on these 20 mph signs and they haven't saved one life ! I'm all in favour of 20mph at school times but otherwise give us a break! Xxx

    3. George dropped me off in town at lunch time after our weeding session. (I did get showered and changed). We followed a car doing a steady 25 in a 40 zone, which kept a good 4 car spaces from the car in front of him all the time, even at lights. I could not repeat the under-the-breath mutterings coming from my better half.

  17. Maureen, you are not to put yourself down! I hate my photo being taken too, but I just wanted the cafe ladies to see us enjoying the day. Ladies she is a lovely lady and full of fun just like on the blog. Xxx

  18. NEWS FLASH! Had text from Saba! She still on the Ferry! She has tried to get into the cafe - can't! Tried to email me - couldn't ! But hey ho - a text got through! She won't be around until about 11pm tonight.
    Maureen - your photo is like you - lovely!! Xxx

    1. Myra, Thanks for the update on Saba. Is she in the brig, has she been working herself, or has she overloaded the Ferry with shoes?
      Answers on a postcard please!!!

    2. She is very cross about the Internet Service! She is probably having words with the powers that be as we speak! So to speak! Ha ha ! Xxx

    3. You are mad!!! so to speak xxx

    4. No, not really,so to speak!! xxx

    5. Mad me? I don't think so - however I can't prove it . Xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all you lovely ladies.
    Sandra so pleased to hear you have tent up and can relax and enjoy the sunshine make the most of it.
    Maria your card is lovely.
    Patricia, Hazel and Maureen so pleased to hear you finally met up yesterday I can imagine the chatting going on how lovely for you.
    Margaret hope all went well for your yesterday thinking of you.
    Saba hope you are now back in as my ex daughter in law says "God's own Country" enjoy being home my son lives between Thirsk and Ripon lovely part of the world.
    Hope Emma got the results she wanted.
    Shame Jasmine had to go but understand it would have been too much for Sue.
    Love to all and hugs for all who need them Margaret xx

    1. Margaret P, I don't think you can imagine the chattering. Honestly, we never drew breath. They are lovely. xxx
      As for Jasmine, she was too much for us - never mind Sue!!!!

    2. She didn't smell like any Jasmine I've smelled in the past! Xxx

  20. Hi everyone, what a brilliant day it has been here today, loving the sunshine, but heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow.
    Had a lovely day at Caroline's shop, it was quite busy, got some nice printed and embossed pearl card to do some wedding and golden wedding cards.
    Off to have a look at Hazels blog for the photos from yesterday.
    Will catch up later, xx

    1. Jess, wear dark glasses and view from 20 feet!!! xxx

    2. Maureen you and I look really grumpy but we were NEVER grumpy any of the time were we??? The camera does not grasp It all does it?? Maybe it was the "nut behind the lens" ...... xxx

    3. Remember big sis I can read that??? It was just you to were deep in conversation about something, that deep you didn't see me take at least 4 other photos. Xxx

    4. Ooooppps!! looks like I am in trouble again!! xxx

    5. Oh yes, if you don't look out I will take some photos on holiday! Xxx

    6. Oooh Please, Hazel! Xxx

    7. Oh! No! I really need to go on that diet.
      Do you think I could loose 2 stone in approx 3 weeks?? xxx

    8. Patricia, can you remember what we were talking about - No, me neither!!! xxx

    9. Nope!! I have a terrible memory!!! xxx

    10. You see! I just knowed you be having a high brow conversation! You can tell by the extreme concentration! Xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all the ladies.
    I'm glad to hear via Sue that your tent is all set up. So hopefully your chillaxing as my grandchildren would say. Love your baby card Maria it's gorgeous. I'm glad that Patricia and Hazel had a great meet up with Maureen at long last yesterday.
    Diane I hope that Emma got the results she was hoping for after all her hard work. I see that Matt has lost the cow in amongst all the other herds around Carterton, but it looks like the proceeds has bought the Cafe a new cabinet yo keep our goodies in. Hope Saba was prepared for the tunnel this time, if she came throught that way.

    1. She has Pat, but isn't there yet. They will both be very tired tonight! Xxx

  22. Hi, just popped into Hazels blog, ladies you look stunning, Maureen so glad you had a lovely day, had to laugh about your necklace still being on, I bet you thought you were on a promise!! X
    Hazel love your baby cake and cards.

  23. I commented soooo late last night So wanted to say how fab Hazel Maureen and Patricia met
    Maria Your card is lovely and I haven't forgotten to post the cardi/jumper and Hama beads I just haven't managed to get to the post office yet The weather beat me today it was raining so hard
    Has Saba arrived yet
    Hope Sandra and family are enjoying the sun and sangria Has the new wheelchair arrived yet
    Hopefully I'll see daughter tonight as she flies through (I've got craft club tonight) She has a photo shoot for "Tesco Does Strictly" and can't wait to hear all about it

  24. Just come in after helping John in the garden.
    Switched on the telly for the news......thought it was 6pm it was only just after 5pm ... Doh!!
    It came on BBC1 and who was there on the screen ...... Nigel from C&C
    On a programme called Pointlees!!! I don't watch these things have stayed to see what it about. Nigel is on with a guy called Gary is that his "other half"???

  25. SHEILA:- hope you are feeling a bit better. Come in and chat we, are here to help if you are a bit down.
    Sending you some (((((hugs)))))). xxx

  26. Water situation remains the same - we still have to boil it! That's a week now! Hope it is fixed very soon. Xxx

    1. MYRA:- I think that's shocking. You have never had any water handed out and your still not able to drink from the "tap"
      Bet you won't get any rebate of Water Rates. xxx

    2. Well, Patricia, we'll have to wait and see but it is getting a bit annoying now! My friend had just got a big bowl of water cool enough to do her veggies when her husband came in the kitchen and poured it down the sink! He felt awful and they ended up laughing but it is a pest! Xxx

    3. Oh Myra, don't tell me that George is a bigamist and married to your friend!!! It's ridiculous now that you are still having to boil your water, does the water company realise that this is the 21st century. xxx

    4. Believe me Maureen, you are very fortunate NOT to be married to my friend's husband! He wouldn't have lived this long if he had been married to me - just a minute I'd never have gone anywhere near him! Xxx

  27. I know what I was going to tell you all!!. Boots have their No7 vouchers with £5 off face and body products and £3 off make up. I got a day cream and a nail and cuticle cream, then got a other voucher, I will spend that next week had to check what I have in the store, I think I will need a night cream and I might pick up another nail and cuticle, if I get another voucher I will pick products to go with these and I can make a nice basket up. Think Christmas presents ladies. Xxx

  28. Have you seen the forcast for tomorrow, Myra put out a few buckets and you will collect some water that might be saver than what's in the tap. Poor Peter and SABA will have a bit of a drive on their last bit, here's hoping they get to their cottage before it gets to bad.
    Cheryl are you ok??? Xxx

    1. Now there's a thought Hazel! I certainly wouldn't want to touch what is in the water butts! Buckets now - what about a passing seagull or pigeon?? Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel, thanks for the thumbs up about Boots. I'm going to take your advice and "be prepared".
      Myra, come next summer you'll be on emergency supplies due to water shortages!!! (just to cheer you up)

    3. Trust you Maureen to think of that? Has George still got that Ark? I think you might need it by this time tomorrow. I am over in Perth tomorrow looking after the boys for Tammy, she thought she had booked them in to out of school club, but discovered today she hadn't, so granny to the rescue. Down side they won't get out to play, will have to think of something for them to do? I wonder if I can get Calum to do some die cutting for me? Child labour I hear you cry!! Of course does them good to start working young, ha, ha, !,!. Xxx

    4. He doesn't have to do it up the chimney Hazel!! Xxx

    5. They don't have one so he's ok, he did have fun at mine the other week cutting things I let him use my XCut dies. xxx

    6. Thought you'd been sending Calum up your chimney for a moment there!!! xxx

  29. PATRICIA I saw Nigel on that prog too but quite a while ago Obviuosly C&C don't pay well or he's being greedy!

  30. Myra, you could quickly run in and put what's in the buckets into something in the house, I think by the looks of things buckets will fill very quickly. Xxx

    1. Oh! My! Word have you seen the rain some place are getting at the moment. I am going to get out the Prayer Mats to pray for less up in the area we have had enough.
      Talking of Prayer Mats where is our Margaret?? She had her mats out praying she would get that plaster off her leg. xxx

    2. I know Patricia , I'm worried about Margaret. I think we are all due for more rain than you! When I heard that I said - that's only fair you have had enough! Xxx

    3. We have had very heavy rain all day now it's Thunder & lightening.
      Annie is shaking in her paws. Xx

    4. Oh Sorry Lynda, it's not nice when pet's are frightened! Xxx

    5. There is a real dampness to the air tonight, so I think it will be raining here before long. I can see Harris being like Annie, poor wee thing it's not nice to see them like that. The rain will put a real damper on the Edinburgh tattoo and the fringe.
      Didn't think SABA and Peter would have a good journey, I hope they just take their time. Xxx

  31. My goodness I am going off my trolley!! No comments please!!
    After being away all day yesterday, I thought today was Saturday ....... No! Patricia it's only Thursday .... or is it??? Anyway if it is Thursday Elaine might come or maybe she won't. Have not had any communication however that's not unusual. Better go get some decent trousers on, the ones I am wearing are rather scruffy after gardening in them all afternoon.
    My word it is terrible to be so dopey!!! I fairly throws things right out of kilter!! xxx

  32. Your words big sis not ours!!! I thought it was Saturday earlier, so it's affecting me too. xxx

    1. Steady up Sis, they will be thinking we are twins again!! xxx

    2. You two are hilarious! I'm still envious of your lovely sisters bond! Xxxx

    3. I should have done the memory test on you yesterday - was it yesterday? lol xxxx

    4. What memory test is that ??? Xxx

    5. She has forgotten! Xxx I know that's rude. She = Muriel! Xxx

    6. I tell this there is nothing wrong with Maureen's memory. xxx

    7. I know that Hazel! Xxx

  33. I DON'T BELIEVE IT, I forgot to tell you that Hazel brought me a Mountie from Canada. I'll have treat him very gently though as he's only about 2" high. My keys are swinging very nicely from him as we speak!!!

    1. You just treat that poor man gently! Please don't make George jealous as he is so lovely! Mind you, George cannot feel threatened by something 2 inches high ! He is above that. - by a very long way! Xxx

  34. Hi Ladies I've made it at last!!!! Sorry I've kept you all waiting but it's been one of those days! We were allowed to follow ems into college and I started crying as soon as I got there! Typical mum letting the side down! Anyway Emma came over to us looking a bit straight - she got B grades for maths human biology and chemistry, C for general studies and A* for her extended project so really good results but she needed an A and 2 bs for her course (extended and general don't count). She was really disappointed and we were talking about finding someone to talk to, checking clearing etc. Julian then said to check the Uncas website to see what it said and wow Aberdeen uni had confirmed a place on the physiology course rather than biomedics (very similar course). We were all so happy and could start celebrating so we've been out for lunch and then come home for champagne (hic had two glasses so spelling is probably all over the place!). Emma has gone out now to celebrate with her friends whilst we book flights for Aberdeen and a hotel! Only 21 days and our little girl leaves home! Patricia and Hazel I think you are on holiday then, what a shame!
    Sorry half way through typing this my sister phoned so thank goodness it didn't all vanish! Maria your card is lovely, what a great card for a new baby and in glad mum loved it too. Right I must go now before the phone goes again - Julian is muttering about the flybe website not behaving ! Ho hum. See you all later xxxxx

    1. CONGRATULATIONS, Emma and Mum and Dad! You'll love Aberdeen. I used to live there years ago! It's cold but friendly and lovely! Xxxx

    2. Just heard from Saba again ! They having horrid journey but want to pass on many congratulations to Emma, and Mum and Dad !
      "Traffic jams and torrential rain" - direct quotes! Xxxx

    3. Congratulations on obtaining a place in the Granite City, Emma. You have worked really hard (and your mam - although we have been with you too in a way!). Tell mam she must keep us updated during your studies.

    4. EMMA and Mum and Dad, CONGRATULATIONS Emma on your results so pleased you are going to the university of your choice. Have a fantastic time at uni. Good luck xxx

    5. CONGRATULATIONS Emma & Proud Mum & Dad.
      Enjoy your time at Aberdeen uni WELL DONE XXX

    6. Congratulations to Emma for your results! and mum and dad for all your hard work. Have a nice day going to Aberdeen xxx

  35. I'm going to watch "Who do you think you are?" at 9 p.m. on BBC 1. I'm not keen on Paul Hollywood, I never watch Bake Off, but I do like family research.
    Ooh, I'm sure the Mountie just winked at me!!

    1. I'm sure he did , dear!! Xxx

    2. I also like Family Research. Find it very interesting.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Congratulations Emma, so pleased for you. And of course so pleased for proud dad and mum. Diane we leave for holiday the 8th, but I can see you being very busy when you get up here and we will be running around like headless chickens, well I will be as I have wee grandsons birthday party to help out at on the Saturday before we go. How are you going to get all what she needs up here? I remember those days with ours. Xxx

  38. Congratulations to Emma. Glad the wait is over and she has her first choice.
    MARIA love your card. Like the colours.
    Very wet day here today and a few rumbles of thunder. No need to water the garden tonight. Looking forward to tomorrow as Scarlett and I are hoping to go to the craft group in the afternoon. It is rubber stamping tomorrow. Scarlett hasn't been able to go for a while as it has changed from Saturday afternoon to Friday afternoon and of course she is at school usually. Glad I am not SABA having to journey in this weather. Expect we are all having the same. Hugs in the usual place. Will just have a hot chocolate. Money in pot. If there is a surplus of milk I will have the hot chocolate made with milk. Back later

    1. Brenda, Scarlett will love every minute of the craft class, and stamping will be fun. I am taking my GC to Perth tomorrow so Calum can cut some bits for me, he loves doing it. I have thank you cards to make up and they will be like the ones I did for Gillian and Andrew, so Calum can die cut the shapes. Will keep him busy. Enjoy your time with Scarlett. Xxx

    2. Thank you Brenda , Have a great day with Scarlett and enjoy getting mucky xxx

    3. Brenda LL, have a great day tomorrow with Scarlett, she will enjoy it so much and you'll be the proud Grandma!

    4. Brenda have a lovely day with Scarlet tomorrow, she will enjoy a crafty afternoon and grandma time xxx

    5. BRENDA (LL) have a wonderful day together. Scarlett will be delighted to be with you Crafting. Just wait till you see what she creates. xxx

    6. Brenda, I do hope Scarlett and you have a lovely day together. She will be so thrilled to go to a craft group! Xxx

    7. Thank you fir your kind comments about Scarlett going to craft group. She loves going and is always disappointed when she cannot go. She is very excited about going. We haven't seen one another since Monday so it will be lovely to see her.

  39. Hi everyone thank you for your congratulations, I will show them to Emma tomorrow - heaven knows what time they will get back home tomorrow morning!!!! Hazel, yes I thought you would both be busy, never mind, I'm sure Scotland will become a second home to us! We have booked flights now and a hotel ( booking up fast!) and we've planned to buy bedding etc once she's up there and just bring suitcases with as many clothes as we can!
    Saba sorry to hear you are having a rotten journey, but than you for thinking of us. Safe onwards journey to Yorkshire. Maureen I'm watching that too - it's interesting isn't it - Paul Hollywood isn't too bad really :) - not as lovely as your Mountie or your lovely George of course. The mounts made me chuckle, I looked out for one at Epcot but didn't see one - seems like months ago we were chuckling about that doesn't it!
    I've got my blood pressure check in the morning - don't think it will be blood, just alcohol going around the system! Ho hum that will be high again!
    Sandra hope you are having a wonderful time - the weather has been shocking here so enjoy the sunshine. Xxx

    1. DIANE:- sorry I am late Big Congratulations to Emma. Well done, I wish her all the best for her time in Aberdeen ..... place of my birth.

  40. Would you believe it my comment just FROZE AGAIN GRRR lost it all.
    MARIA your card is gorgeous love it.Your cutting out is brilliant with the stork is very intricate think I would have cut his leg well done.
    So pleased your ok afte last night with the cow pushing you in that bush.
    Yaaay MARIA the COW has gone.
    SANDRA so pleased your all having a relaxing time now the tent exetra is all set up.hope your water infection has cleared up.
    SABA I hope you have now arrived home safe & sound. You & pets will sleep well tonight.
    MYRA see you in the morning I will not be running in well I can't run as im old as you know well older than you. Your Young.haha.
    I'm off before I loos this will pop into see if SABA looks in.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry SABA that should be Peter not pets hihi

    2. I don't think you should call Maria a cow! She is a lovely lady! Xxx

    3. No Myra ,it was the cow who got me in the bush hihi

    4. Lynda- be careful where you put the commas or Not but for the record I'm not a cow, I'm a Hippo xx

  41. Lynda, Peter is Saba's pet!!!
    Littlelamb Brenda, have you done any of your family history? Mine were real home bodies and lived in Newcastle forever. I was hoping to find a murderer or royalty in there but was disappointed!!!
    I did find some relations in Sunderland, but have had to keep that quiet as you know there's fierce competitiveness between Newcastle and Sunderland.

    1. Hi Maureen. Yes I have done a lot of my family history. A lot of mine came from Essex then moved to parts of London. Some went to America, Canada and Australia so quite widespread. Got some famous people as well. Well they were famous at one time but probably now a lot of people would not have heard of them. Gone back to the 17 hundreds but from there very difficult to verify.

  42. Myra, what news is there on Saba? Has she landed or is she still on the high seas? Although it's raining so hard that if she's in a car it will feel like the sea.
    Has anybody heard from Margaret, I'm getting worried there.

  43. It is pouring here and George is docking the Ark as I speak. The animals are being loaded two by two but Jasmine can board if she promises to behave!!

  44. Where is everybody? Have you all gone to bed?? xxx

    1. Maureen - YOO HOO ! I'm ironing - the new iron is super duper! Great on bedding! Aren't I sad getting excited about an iron!
      Last text from Saba was at 8 29 PM!
      She did say they wouldn't be home until 11 pm. So it's ok yet!
      I've emailed Margaret. Xxx

    2. Maureen I'm still here :) I've just been looking at the Clarity Sale...... I must resist!!!!! Also looked at the pictures on Hazels blog - you look lovely just as I imagined! Xxxx

    3. Maureen, it's dry here - not a drop of rain - it must be on the east coast! Xxx

  45. I know you are all out there, because cryptic comments are appearing under various posts, but as you don't want to speak to me, I'm going to have a chat with my Mountie and then go to sleep.
    I'll try not to snore and disturb George, although he doesn't hear when the smoke alarm battery needs changing or his mobile phone ringing in the passage. or the postman knocking on the door, or ringing the door bell - so there!!!
    See you all tomorrow.

    1. Or you hoovering! Night night lovely lady sleep tight xxx

    2. Night Night, my dear! I have answered, honestly! Look above. Sleep well and don't disturb George! Xxx

  46. Oh, that's right, all appear when I'm going to go to sleep.
    Myra, I've e-mailed her too. Is it really dry in your neck of the woods? Saba must be sick as a chip. At least they sorted out the tunnel before they got here so will not get any nasty letters.
    I'm glad your iron is so good, I'll send my ironing down (only joking, I actually quite enjoy doing it).

    1. Yes! Not a single drop of rain! Most unusual! We were told we wouldn't get any until after midnight! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- Glad you are enjoying your new iron. I love mine and to be honest I really quite enjoy ironing. The steam generator iron does make it a tad more enjoyable xxx

    3. Thanks Patricia! You are right! Xxx

  47. CoooooEeeee!! I'm here, Elaine come early. I had just finished posting that I did not know if she was come or not when she drove up the drive.
    Have done a few comments on the way down. I am going back up to make sure I have spoken to everyone, then I will be thinking about bed.
    Elaine came early and left at 10.30pm so much more civilised. xxx

  48. Maureen I am wondering if Margaret has Internet problems again. As its not like her not to pop in. We will be positive and put it down to that.
    I didn't know their was competitiveness between them , is that why when I ask my friend if she going to visit her MIL in Newcastle she goes " it's sundeland that she at" ??? Not that she visits that much as it is. She thinks going to Edinburgh or Glasgow is going to the other side of the world by car,
    I think Elaine came to visit Patricia tonight. Either that or Patricia has gone to bed.
    I hope Peter and SABA are now in their cottage.
    Diane, hope the BP is ok when they take it, just think of the happy news you got to day. Don't think of about getting your BP taken.
    Sheila, how's your sciatica?
    Jean, are you ok? Xxx

    1. I'd never thought of that Hazel, I hope that's what it is.

  49. Keep thinking about Saba & Peter. I hope they are at the cottage and not delayed by that terrible weather. No rain here yet, the sky is very black .... yes! yes! I know it's night but the sky is dark with thick cloud.
    I am managing to stay awake longer tonight I slept for an extra hour this morning. xxx

  50. Ok, that's me for bed.
    SABA, if you look in, I know you've had a horrendous journey, Myra has kept us posted. I hope you and Peter get a good night's sleep - kick him if he snores - and we'll see you on the blog, nice and early tomorrow - or not, as the case may be!!!!
    Sweet dreams everybody. See you tomorrow.
    I wonder how Sandra, Paul and the girls are doing.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Goodnight Maureen, sweet dreams. Give that Mountie a ((hug)) from me as well. xxx

    2. Night Night Maureen! Don't worry . I'm sure Peter and Saba are just fine! Tired but fine! Xxx

  51. Myra, I am glad you like your iron, your not sad as I was the same when I got mine from Tammy. I like irining, don't like putting it away that much, but your right it makes light work of the bedding, and everything really. xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel! I seem to have finished it a lot quicker as well, even allowing for test driving a new machine!! Xxx

  52. Right folks that's me off to bed ..... guess what I have popped a hot water bag in.
    Well that's not true John put it in for me. I am feeling rather chilly.
    See you all in the morning.
    Goodnight, God Bless. xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia, so sorry it's so cold! Xxx

    2. Cuddle up with John, you soon be warm.....Good night Patricia xxx

  53. Hi Barbara! Didn't want to respond to your email in case it disturbed you. Your email from the ferry came through at 11 24 PM!! Not bad eh! Hope you are safely home! Lots of love , Myra xxx

  54. Hi all, I have posted some on the way down but some want let me so I say thanks all for the nice comments for the card. I'm not doing much matting and layering because of the postage so this worked better. I like cutting out but the hands aren't that willing sometimes.
    I hope Saba's journey is not to bad and she should soon be 'home'. Have a great time seeing your family and grand children. Hug to Val x
    Aaaah Sue ,don't be sad that 'the Cow' is gone, she did give us all a bit of bother so I think it was best. Thanks for keeping us updated from Sandra, good to know they are fine. Poor little Christopher, not nice when they teething, hope he be ok.
    Lynda, I'm ok thanks, you should see the bruises :-)
    Popped over to see our sisters and Maureen and I must say you do look lovely together, all beautiful ladies !
    Good night I thinlk it's time for some beauti anyway something sleep. see you tomorrow xxx

    1. Night Night Maria, I do hope you sleep well! Xxx

    2. Sleep well all those who are off to bed.

  55. Yipeeeee we are finally home. Had a rotten journey in the UK, torrential rain and traffic jams in the south and only arrived home about half an hour ago, just unloaded the car, made the bed up, lit the fire! and opened a bottle of un - chilled wine. Haven't read the comments properly yet. Myra thank you for passing on my progress.
    Maria your card is lovely, I just love the image of the stork and baby, so perfect to welcome a little one to the world.
    I expect most of you are in bed by now, but Diane if you are still up, I have been thinking of Emma today, was desperate to know how she had got on and Myra kindly let me know, so massive congratulations to her and to you too.
    Off to read the comments now and a spider has just run up the side of the settee!
    Don't you just love a cottage that has been empty since Christmas!

    1. Hello, my Dear! Welcome home! Just had to keep checking! Just ignore the spiders! They have squatters rights tonight! Sleep well - got three emails in the end! Ain't technology wonderful!
      Night Night, love Myra xxx

    2. Oh Myra, so sorry. I was writing texts and emails to you all through the 2 hour ferry journey in the hope that one of them might arrive. Never thought they would all come once we arrived home and had a proper Internet service.
      Have just finished reading all the comments and am very touched by everyone's concern. Peter is snoring his head off now so I think I will join him ( not in snoring I hasten to add).
      Maureen, I have popped over and looked at the photos and you look lovely, as do the lovely sisters and I am so tired I can't even think of another adjective other than lovely and we were always taught not to use the same adjective twice in one sentence.
      See you all tomorrow
      Love and hugs and thanks
      Saba xxx

  56. So pleased to hear you are home. Shame about the weather though. Makes driving harder. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren.

    1. Oh Brenda, you are up late too! Are you going to bed now? You have a busy day tomorrow with Scarlett. Sleep well, dear, Night Night. Xxx
