
Friday 14 August 2015

Challenge Card Friday


  1. Well it looks like we have a challenge right enough, it being who owns this gorgeous cute card? I think it might be Maureen, then again it could Margaret ( corgi owner)? Who ever owns it's, you have made a beautiful card with that wonderfully coloured image.
    Good morning one and all, I think our boss has had a little problem with her computer. But we don't mind we will look after the coffee shop. I see there are still some lovely goodies in the cabinet, I have put some scotch pancakes and fresh baked scones in, I am looking to see if there is any home made jam still, if not it will be those little jars again, Now they are good for storing little bits in, I know Patricia's John uses them for things to do with his railway also, so I have put a basket by the sink for them to go in once they are washed, upside down in the cutlery basket please if you can and of coarse lids off, they can go into.
    So glad you and Peter got home ok,SABA I was worried as once you get off the main roads it's not good driving! Does one of your daughters not think of going over and give the cottage a quick Hoover and dust? I am sure the grandchildren would enjoy playing while they did it? But I hope those spiders didn't kerp you awake.
    I wonder what time Emma fell in? I bet she is still on cloud nine! Diane, I take it you will just hire a car for the few days you are up here, it will make it easier for getting around and getting Emma's bits and pieces, oh when I think of my car being loaded to the brim when taking Gillian to Edinburgh, it's the little things like a kettle, mugs, the 3 sets of bedding, towels etc. and that's before they discover another bookcase is needed or a few storage boxes to keeps things in at the bottom of
    the wardrobe, as not enough drawers. Oh yes the fun will begin, it would have been lovely to have come up to meet you, what days are you up here?
    Well it has rained overnight here but I didn't here it so it couldn't have been as heavy as forcasted, I am off to get some tea and toast then I have to get over to Perth, tammy has a long day work wise, one for her cleaning clients has been away on holiday while having a new kitchen installed, and guest who has been given the task of cleaning it? Oh yes Tammy, but she knows she is good and can work quickly but? As she said " if they want the kitchen cleaned properly that's all I can do in 2 hours" big house but seeing how they have been away the client thinks 2 hours will be enough as once she has washed everything out and down and polished the tiles etc, she can just run the Hoover over and dust! Some have no idea? Tammy has 2 other houses to do as well so tight time scale today. Charlie made spaghetti bolognese yesterday for tea tonight for us all so at least her tea is all ready bar the pasta so by the time it's cooking the spaghetti will be heated. Right I am away to get ready, will call in later. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel
      Yes Emma has still got a big grin on her face! She rolled in about 5 am but we didn't hear her - most unusual for mr! We had a panic at 7 when we came to and realised there wad no text message from her until Julian realised she was fast asleep in bed! We are due to fly up on 5th September and will be around for a week to have a break in the area and be around just in case! Poor Tammy, she has got her work cut out today! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a beautiful card-someone has coloured in the image perfectly. Can't wait to find out who made this stunner.

    A very wet start to the day here so have left my hair to dry "curly "-much easier! I have a very busy day ahead at work & still quite a but to prep for next week.4 new patients needing to start treatment (chemotherapy) on an already busy week. It makes the days go quickly & I shouldn't moan as I'm fit + well '

    Off to make my lunch, will pop back after work to see who the clever card maker is.


    1. MICHELE:- hope your day goes well, no one gives you grief while you prepare for your patients. Those patients will be so grateful for the work you put into their treatments.
      I am sure your curls are just beautiful. xxx

    2. MICHELE hope you have a stress free day, I love your curls hihi xx

  3. Good morning Girls!
    What a cute Christmas Card ! The little angel certainly looks angelic and her wings are beautiful ( gilding flakes? ) I wonder who made this one?
    Glad you arrived safely Saba , albeit rather tired, sounded a harrowing journey.
    Myra I think the cow has appeared up here as we have one that jumps over fences and won't be caught , it's pancakes are good for the roses though Ha Ha !
    I managed to get 4 cards made yesterday but it was hard going , funny when you haven't done crafting for a few weeks the brain seems to freeze on ideas, also my GC has gone wonky , so OH took it apart and a piece has broken off inside , so I'll see how it does this morning.
    In case I need a new machine , I would appreciate your help with which one is best at the moment ( I think an all metal one ? )
    Must start on the huge pile of ironing but will just pop in to the cafe for a quick cup of tea and a look in the new cabinet for something to give me energy!
    Hope you are having a wonderful time on holiday Sandra and getting lots of sun etc.
    Well done to Emma ! You must be so proud Diane, an exciting time for all .
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Oh! Anne!! that's how all the GCs seem to go. Think you might have to think "new machine" Then the question is which one.
      I have tried a few, the new Teal GC seems to be the best at the moment. Tried the new Cut n Boss had to send it back, got another, sent it back, got a 3rd and still no use. It's gone back as well. It's back to the handle turning again for me I am afraid.
      Anyway good luck, let us know how you go. xxx

    2. Thanks Patricia, I was wondering about that one, but also it's quite expensive ! xo

    3. Anne I had to get a new machine a couple of weeks ago and Hobby Craft had the best deal at £79.99, for a CG! Hope this helps. X

    4. ANNE I have the Ebosser & I'm pleased with it.
      I'm not sure what the machine was now in Hobbycraft but it didn't come with any plates so check that. Xx

    5. Hi Anne thank you for your kind comments, Emma is in 7th heaven.
      Isn't it a pain when your GC breaks, mine has a lovely rattle but keeps going (touch wood! ). My friend bought a new Teal G C and it broke when she was at a workshop with John Lockwood. He told he a few of the very first ones had problems but they had sorted it out. He gave her his machine to use whilst he got a replacement sorted - isn't he kind. I hope you get a new one sorted soon xxx

    6. Anne, I bought the newish Teal GC and I'm very happy with it. What I really like is using it with the small plates. It's so much easier.
      A jumping cow that can bake? We should have kept her!! Xxx

    7. PS! Create and Craft have the Teal GC at £79 99. Or £71 99 to members but it's also on Easy Pay which lightens the load a wee bit! Xxx

    8. Thanks girls I'll keep all that in mind, Iain managed to do a temperary job so I'll see how long that lasts, I've been using it today and it's a bit stuff sometimes but I do have a

    9. Cuttlebug as backup. Tried to preview and edit but it didn't work , can't wait to get my iPad back ,this is too small for my eyes!
      Did get my cards done so hope the lady who ordered 4 of them comes for them today after me hurting to do them

    10. See what I mean ? that should read hurrying, I give up lol!
      Must go and see Sue's blog .
      Bye for now, will I send this cow down for you Myra? Ha ha xo

    11. My little Cuttlebug is the best machine ever. It's me Go To machine if I am using smaller Dies. xxx

    12. And my "Got to" as well Patricia. Also, I use it to cut the big thick Sissix dies. I always feel like e-mailing in when Mel Heaton says no other machine than the Todo will cut the old Sissix dies. I've used my Cuttlebug for that since for ever!! I just use two of the thinnest plates.

  4. Good morning folks, looks like our wonderful leader is having Computer problems.
    Never mind we will manage to keep the ship afloat.
    Wow! a really pretty card so beautifully coloured on offer today. No name but Hey! Ho! who ever has done it has made a brilliant card. I am sure we will find out soon who the owner is.
    I see Hazel has been busy baking this morning .... me I just struggling to get anything to "publish" I had a long message done earlier, goodness knows where it has gone. I was so angry, I really don't like doing angry so early in the morning. Does not set me up well for the rest of the day!! Will give myself a good shake and get on with things if this manages to "publish"
    I will have one of those nice pancakes with some jam, a nice cup of tea. I am over at my favourite table, I am going to people watch.
    Have left some (((((hugs))))) over by the door our Shelia is needing some. I just wish she would pop in to get them.
    I will be over at that table to watch and listen to what you have to say.
    Tell you what I can't believe it's Friday ..... again!! where did the week go?? xxx

    1. Morning Patricia, it is so annoying when the posts just doing a disappearing act. Hope you took the pancakes your sister made ,Anne using hers for the roses. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Glad Hazels pancakes were not the Cow type ones!! xxx

  5. SABA & PETER:- have a great day once you shake off the effects of yesterday's journey.
    Glad you are home safe, enjoy every minute with the family
    (((hugs))) Patricia xxx

  6. Good Morning everyone!
    Now don't faint - it is me and yes I have been to bed! I've even made it and tidied the room! I was too tired to put the ironing away last night so done that now!
    So pleased you are home safely Saba and Peter! We now have the rain!
    Hope the spider went back to bed!
    Well , today's card is lovely - I'm taking it that it was the No Die challenge! It's really pretty and lovely colours! My guess is Maureen.
    Brenda have a lovely day with Scarlett - it's a good day for crafting here!
    See you later,
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx. PS! A fence jumping cow! Well I suppose one did reach the moon!

    1. Smelling salt quick someone, you beat Lynda hihi
      Hope you are ok, have a good day xxx

    2. Don't say that Maria! I get accused of beating Lynda with a stick! As if I would! Hi hi ! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- clever you, it is Maureen's cards xxx

  7. Morning everyone, what a challenge for today, the card is lovely, but who is the anonymous designer I wonder?
    Just a quick visit today off to man our wee craft shop, don't think we will be busy because of the weather, pouring buckets!
    Will catch up later with last nights and today's comments, take care, x

  8. Right I am now over in Perth, roads weren't to bad with surface water thank goodness, just had to sort 2 boys out, both have got out the wrong side of their beds I think. But granny won't put up with it. The problem with big one is, he doesn't think he should have to wear proper shoes to go to school! It's " why do I have too" " can't I have trainers" well that's big no, no. With mum and granny. As I told him we only get one pair of feet and they have to last so have to be looked after. He should think himself really lucky that is mum is willing to pay £55 pounds on shoes that fit and are water proof and will look after his feet. His pal gets new trainers every other week as they don't fit and they trash before he's had them a couple of weeks. Of coarse an 11 year old can't see that!!!
    Anne, your not doing to well at the moment between your I pad and now your G.C. Photo the part and send to spellbinders they will maybe send you a replace ment. I have an X cut and a Teal GC and have to say I think the GC just wins. X cut is good but it's the fact you have to keep changing the dial every time. If you are just cutting fine, but embossing etc is a bit of a time consuming. Where as with your GC its just a change of plates.
    Michele, I hope work is easy stress wise, I am thankful to people like yourself that made up my chemo things each time. Folk forget about what I call the back ground staff, I know Richard the girls dad says without them his unit couldn't work properly. Nine wells has a big chemo unit. I am going to have a cup of tea and sit and people watch for a half hour then I will attack some of Tammys ironing pile, been told to do nothing but a little help with their ironing won't go amiss. Xxx

    1. Morning Hazel, had one of your lovely scones with my cup of tea (will have a real one soon so will think of yours) Have a good day with the boys xxx

    2. Thanks Hazel , that's a good idea but will wait to take a photo when it breaks down again as it's working sort of at the moment

  9. Hi Sandra
    I see you've left us a challenge as well on challenge card Friday. Well own up who made this lovely card. It's gorgeous.
    Diane I missed your news yesterday re Emma. Please give her my congratulations, plenty of work to do before she starts in Sept. Enjoy your time up in Scotland.
    Littlelamb hope you and Scarlett had a lovely time at your craft lesson.
    Hope that Saba is now on terra firms after her journey. we went to a place called Shabbington for a meal. I used to live in A Nissan hut after my dad came out of the Army after the war. Well it was more a tin hut really. Think pig sty but bigger. If you had nowhere to live they gave you one of these on camps in Worminghall, which is next door to Shabbington. No sign of where they used to be and after 50 odd years it was difficult to even fathom out where they used to be. Then off cause Pat and Pauline came back to ours to try and sort out details of a trip to London towards the end of Sept. Off to read yesterday's comments later as I'm all behind.

    1. Hi Pat thank you for your kind comments, I'm going to show them to Emma when she finally surfaces! Enjoy your day xxx

  10. Right folks:-
    I am now in full PANIC mode to say the least.
    Sandra left me in charge of her beloved BLOG:-
    I have, tried and tried to get in to sort out the "big spaces" on today's post.
    It just will not let me in, I thought I got in but no. I have since spent the last hour trying to get back into my own account. Talk about HIGH BP ...... Mine is right off the scale at the moment.
    If any of you out there have good computer skill can you please contact me. Most of you should have my e-mail address. xxx

    1. Don't worry please about the blog ! We'll get by - just fine!
      Saba is the only person I can think of who may be able to help you. Do you know anyone else whose blog you maybe follow regularly who could help? Just a thought. Xxx

  11. It's very quiet in here, where has everyone gone? My poor sister is just about pulling her hair out, I think we will be just carrying on with the last post that the boss posts and go from their. We will have to remember to press " load more" xxx

    1. Oh dear, I can't help sorry but I'm pretty sure if Saba sees this she might be able to do so. Don't worry about the big space, Sandra had some before, even if we wondered were the comments started. Please take care of that BP and don't worry, just breath xxx
      I'm off out but will be back this afternoon so take care all until then ,
      many hugs Maria xxx

  12. Hello everyone,
    I tried yesterday evening to leave messages, the first attempt I stoppedto talk to John picked up the iPad again and It had disappeared! Second attempt was fine, signed off, press post, THEN that Google thing asked me to sign in !!!!! A that point I lost the will to carry on. It had been a very long day and I was very tired. John had taken daughter S I L and children down io Gatwick. Return to their house where I had had a quick tidy round, we Then returned home via the supermarket .
    Diane, I was so pleased for Emma got good grades, (and of course Mum & Dad) and will be going to the University of her choice.
    Today's card is lovely.,No it wasn't made by me ........ Was it you?
    Must go now have an appointment at 12:00 BUT will be back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda thank you for your kind comments, Emma has still got a big grin on her face. Isn't it frustrating when the computer mis behaves! Such a pain! I hope you have a lovely day xxx

  13. Don't worry Patricia. We are all still here and only need the person who did the lovely card to own up. They can tell us how the card was made. Stopped raining but hasn't dried up yet. Got awful sore throat. Don't know where that has come from. Started yesterday afternoon. Had lemon and honey. Finished the cards. Have to wrap presents gorgeous youngest granddaughters party tomorrow. Be back after craft this afternoon. DONT PANIC PATRICIA. We are ok and can survive without the comment as long as we all keep commenting.

    1. Oh Brenda, sorry you have a sore throat! Hope it doesn't get any worse. Take care of yourself! Xxx

  14. I was just thinking that n awful lot of people prefer Happy Christmas to Merry Christmas. Having read some comments on Sue's Die Launch today a few of us here feel like that!
    I do like the midday one Silent Night - too! Sue is right , there is nothing else quite like it on the market!
    Still boiling water! Might have to put the buckets and bowls out Hazel! Xxx

  15. Yes I agree Myra. A lot on Sue's blogg seem to prefer Happy Christmas so think that die will be very popular. I also like the Silent Night. oh dear what to buy. I already have 5 of the new Christmas dies but I suppose these are sentiments so different. Better have a drink and a cheese scone before craft this afternoon. Money in the pot. Would seem Margaret must be having internet problems again.

    1. I think Margaret must be having problems with the internet because I emailed her yesterday and she always replies very quickly if she can. Xxx

    2. I'm just having a glass of wine and a chees e scone sounds lovely ! Well cheese and wine go together don't they ? xo

    3. Absolutely! That's quite normal!
      It's Muriel and the Baileys combinations I worry about! Nothing at all to do with undergarments Muriel! Xxx

    4. What a good idea, the sun is over the yardarm (it's never been anywhere else today) so make mine a double. The tanker is set up and raring to go xxx

  16. Brenda, please take it easy and look after yourself. A sore throat can turn nasty other wise. I too love Sue's new sentiment dies. To me they are just perfect, you don't need much else on the card. Enjoy your grand daughters birthday party. xxx

  17. Good afternoon ladies - nearly said morning - hadn't realised the time! Well I love challenge Friday, it's keeping us guessing - Patricia please don't worry yourself we are enjoying the mystery. Who ever made it, it's a lovely card, thank you for sharing. Xxx
    You'll be pleased to know my BP was much lower today and was taken by a lovely calm nurse who told me to take lots of deep breaths. When I told her last time it was taken after my blood test that had taken 15 minutes she said no wonder it was high! Right I must get lunch sorted. We've just realised Julian's Auntie and her partner are DJ s at the Winchester music festival so she's got guest passes for Emma and a friend so a Ems will be out tonight too! Jo is a a Soul DJ but Emma has realised some of the folk groups she likes are playing there so she's very happy. Shame it's pouring with rain though! It could be an intersting evening!
    See you all later xxxxx

  18. Diane, what a pity Patricia and I are away on the 8th, well the 7th really as we are going to Glasgow for the nignt, our flights is 8am it would mean us getting up for the back of 4 to drive to Glasgow, park the car get the shuttle bus Into the airport, this way we can get up at 5.30' shower and get the hotel bus to the airport (5mins) bags have priority so no queuing, then we will get through secuirty then get some breakfast, you will have to check out the cheap flights and come up for a few days to,see Emma during term and we can meet up. Oh just had a thought the retreat will be close to half way in her term so we will see you then. I hope Emma enjoys herself tonight. Xxx

    1. Hazel yes I thought it coincided with your holiday. I'm sure we will be up that way quite a bit once shed is settled xxx

    2. Taking the shed will definitely help with the storage problems! Sorry I just couldn't help it! Xxx

    3. Haha I missed that one! Yes that's a brilliant idea, except you get spiders in a shed - she doesn't do spiders! Xxx

  19. PATRICIA! You haven't said a word since 10 16am! You are either sickening for something or stressed !!! Hope it's neither because you may be out somewhere! Don't worry! Xxx

  20. Hello everyone
    This is for the third time of asking (it's just like Banns being read isn't it)
    Round 3 (now it's a boxing ring and if this one takes flight I'm giving in for today)

    Patricia - please don't stress yourself. We have a beautiful Angel today so cute and gorgeous and whoever has created her please let us all know as you know how we like to know everything lol.

    Michele - hope you've had a reasonable day and that your curls are as bouncy now as they were this morning.
    Saba - pleased to hear you're back in God's own County and hopefully rested after your journey.
    Diane - pleased your BP was where it should be. It's horrible when it takes flight and doesn't do as it's told isn't it.

    WOW it's just started raining and it's coming down like Stair rods and taking the rose petals with it. OK now it's stopped. Don't know where that came from.

    We'out for a meal tonight? I'm still trying to find out what someone wants as it is his suggestion and there's usually something behind it. We will see. As a result no Pastries today but I'll try for tomorrow.

    Off now to see Sue's latest release. I'm in the same ball park as many in that I bought when the first Seasonal ones were launched and now it's a question of 'do I need any more for this year' YES of course I do.
    Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Hugs to everyone.

    1. Hi Janet, you were saying you wanted the Caravan Stamp by Amanda Loveseed. If you just want it as a one off card, I'm happy to stamp it onto card for you (I would send you several copies, just in case you wanted extras) and post them to you. Or you could borrow the stamp while Ciara is away (she has booked to use it on her return from holiday) also let me know what colour card you would like it stamped onto, I would normally use Foundations Card in Coconut White.
      My email address is my name (lower case and no spaces)

    2. Janet enjoy your meal out whatever the reason. I thought of you as we passed Sheffield last evening.

    3. OOh Saba, that must have hurt!!!

  21. Well I'm back, appointment was changed at last minute to 1:00 so I could have stayed with you and had another coffee, such is life !!!
    No one has owned up to making today's card yet ...... I've just had a thought ...... I wonder if Sandra put this one in on purpose just to keep us guessing. We all know she likes to challenge our minds every now and again. xx

  22. MYRA:- thank you for worring about me. I am fine, made up you mind not to stress, it will all be fine.
    I went out to do a BIG shop this morning. Hazel and I are away in a few weeks time. I was getting some things to cook a few meals forJohn. I used to do something for every day but half were still there when I got back. I just make a few thing to give John a choice. Came home, all the things had to then be out away (hate that part) Went to pick up my friend, I promised her Afternnon Tea for her Birthday. Never know what to give her, she has everything. She's not a Crafter so could not give her anything in that line.
    We live in a "tiny village" no Bus, Shop, we do have a little pub. It closed just after Christmas and has just re-opened as a "Village Inn" serving food.
    I took my friend Wilma there ..... wat a disaster. Shall we just say we went but will not be going again. The owner was there, the only words he uttered to us was the price on the bill, enough to said!!!!
    Really should give him some lessons on how to run a place where the public are the most important people crossing his door. Soapbox back in the corner, off to have a cuppa. xxx

    1. Glad you ok! What a shame about your Afternoon Tea! It's a shame for the Village too as its so nice to just have somewhere to pop in now and again and it could be a little gold mine in the right hands but not with Mr Personality greeting the public! Xxx

    2. Patricia our village is the same, just a pub and a Church. The pub is the heart of the village and we have had a few like yours. Only interested in profit and no people skills. One was so rude everyone stopped going in, they can't survive in winter without the locals and soon go bust.
      Sorry it spoiled your friends treat.

    3. Oh what a shame Patricia, did you leave a tip?
      He won't last five minutes doing business like that.

    4. My friend as I will have another day out.
      We just sat in the car on the way home and laughed about it.
      Thank goodness she has a great sense of humour. I like people who can see the funny side of things. xxx

    5. The only tip I could have left was one on how to run his business!!!
      I know we could all have made a better job xxx

    6. Many, many, years ago our little village had a School, church and village hall to serve the Farming Community .... all gone. Well the church building is still there but it is now 2 houses. xxx

    7. What a shame Patricia but any least you and your friend could laugh about it xxx

  23. Good afternoon ladies,
    Well it's taken me all morning to get the cottage sorted. I still want to wash the windows outside and tidy up the jungle previously known as a garden. The problem is the cottage hasn't been visited since christmas and whilst it is not damp per se it does smell of damp. I have had to wash all the bedding again and of course because it is raining had to tumble it as well. I want to have it all done before the little ones get here tomorrow.
    Patricia try not to fret. I have sent you an e mail, don't know if I can help but will try if you let me know just what the problem is.
    Peter is having a lay down now so I have a bit of peace and quiet and decided to take a break.
    Lovely card. I am dying to know who made it. Love her sparkly wings. My guess is Maria.
    Will be back later, I am just going to look at the new releases. I doubt I shall be tempted as I have bought a few of the first part and there is a limit. I just wish they had all been released together, I find it a little annoying that maybe if I had waited I might have made different choices and I am sure I am not alone in thinking that. Soap box session over.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Welcome back, what you need is a housekeeper. xxx

    2. Thank you SABA, I have replied. Will just leave things, we will manage. You enjoy your limited time with everyone. Have fun that's what your break is for......having fun xxxx

    3. Hellooooo! Are you impressed I always volunteer your services for all computer related problems? Maybe not!
      You've had a busy day but it will be worth it when your precious guests arrive tomorrow!
      It has dried up here - what a day!
      Was reminded of The Ancient Mariner - Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink! Seemed apt for here.

  24. Yoo Hoooooooooooo
    It's me, we've been running messages for everyone today and it's the first time I've been back in the house since early this morning.
    Patricia, don't worry about the big open spaces, it makes the cafe light and airy and after Jasmine, well it's a big relief.
    I did, however, get a shock when I saw my Angel looking at me. She's a little smasher and always stamps beautifully. I think she may be a LOTV stamp but I've had her so long that I can't really remember. It's a very basic card, but a little glitter on the wings, and red cosmic shimmer in the holly wreath in her hair just lift it in real life. I usually colour her wings in very pale pink, and when dry, glitter them.
    Saba, it's great that you are back safe and sound. You and Peter must have been so relieved to pull up at your house in Yorkshire. You'll be resting up today or is the family visiting?
    Diane, glad that Emma enjoyed her "celebrations" and got home safely.
    I am going to make some tea (don't all faint with shock) and will be back asap. I see Margaret hasn't been in - her whatsit must be out of order because she hasn't replied to my e-mail either.
    See you later.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. So pleased we have found the owner! Maureen your little Angel is lovely, she has certainly given everyone a good guessing game today. Though im not sure about poor Patricia, think after all the stress she could be lost in space !! (Like your Angel) xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- so she is your Angel..!!! She is really pretty, I love her.
      You are so clever, by the way my Angel is hanging up, she is so sweet, I love her as well.
      I have decided not to worry about the Blog (life is too short to worry). With all you wonderful people we will get through the storm!! xxx

    3. I guessed it was yours! You can check above! I'm so chuffed . She is lovely! Xxx

    4. Myra, I knew you had a crystal ball !!!xxxxx
      p.s. keep boiling.

    5. PATRICIA, why were you worrying. It all adds to the fun, and as I've already said - it's nice to have some fresh air and open space after the Jasmine debacle. xxxxx

    6. It's a right shame Jasmine had to go. Had she smelt like the Jasmine I used to have in my garden in Turkey, I would have brought her back here!!! xxx

  25. Oh I was right to? Maureen she is beautiful and so cute, now ladies if you go to my blog you will see the stunning card and box Maureen gave me on Wednesday plus the gorgeous angel she made for me is on there too, she made one for Patricia as well. I would have sent Sandra the photos but it would be weeks till she could show it.
    Saba, what a pity you have had to do all that on your return. Xxx

  26. Hi everyone, our wee shop wasn't busy today, a few people in but not buying.
    Maureen your little angel in lovely, so cute.
    Saba so glad you made it here in one piece, just get warm and cosy in your cottage, good news about spiders, they don't like damp houses so yours is ok.
    Just caught up on last nights comments,,Diane so happy Emma got the results she needed, my oldest granddaughter went to Robert Gordon Uni in Aberdeen and loved it, she will be ok.
    Anne hope you get your machine problems sorted, I'm like Patricia I still use and love my wee Cuttlebug.
    Wonder what Sue has in store for us next, off to have a look.
    Take care everyone, Xx

    1. Was it wet where you are today Jess ? It's been awful here! Dry now but so dark for August. Sorry you didn't make many sales. Xxx

    2. Maureen your card is lovely and what a cute stamp too - love the glitter - now I thought Margaret or a curve ball from our Sandra but yes we should have guessed it was our angel Maureen xxx
      Jess thank you for your kind comments , I showed Emma everyone's comments earlier, she was a bit bemused when I showed her because she said she didn't know you but when she read them she was really touched and said you are all so kind. Thank you. Saba sorry you had to do all that cleaning - I bet you thought at Christmas you would just open the doors and windows and let the fresh air in - not light a fire and get the place warm! Enjoy your time with your grandchildren - I'm not surprised Pete is tired today after that nightmare journey. Xxx

  27. Hi Maureen
    I love your little Angel card. Glad that Saba is safe over in England now.

  28. Ladies, how rude of me not to say thank you for your lovely comments. My angel is always so nice to stamp, it's hard not to make a fairly reasonable card with her.
    Brenda LL, have you got some Lockets (other makes are available) or some fruit sweets to suck to keep up the saliva for your throat. I always find that helps. That and a gallon or two of Baileys!!! (only joking). I hope your throat clears up quickly.
    Saba, I hadn't realised that your gorgeous grandchildren are coming to stay. Now remember, don't squeeze too tightly and when it's time for them to go - let them go!!! It's hard, I know, well I don't really know, it's only when mine go away on holiday that I don't see them. How long are you over here?
    Oh my v is playing up again. I'm away to get a brush!!!
    Muriel xxxx I'll be back soon(ish)

    1. MAUREEN:- are you using a LapTop or an iPad??
      It's the "c" on my iPad that does not always work!!
      It's a blooming nusance. xxx

    2. Come on PATRICIA, you saw my phone. Oh that would be an i-phone, and i-pad is like a Kindle isn't it. No I hae a laptop. Now you see I would normally go back to insert the v but as you're Scottish you'll understand that with no problem!!!! xxxx

    3. I never showed you "my" phone did I ???
      The only reason I have an iPad is my sister!!! 3years ago when on holiday I was quite taken with what she could do while we were on holiday. That's when I inroduced Hazel to Blogging. Showing her what you could learn by looking in on other peoples wonderful work. She was instantly hooked.
      Hazel gave me an iPad cover for my birthday while we were on holiday. She told me to ask Santa for the IPad to go in it for Christmas. It's the very best thing I have ever had for Christmas, love, love, love, it just about as much as I love John!!!!! xxx

    4. Maureen, our Calum gets to use his mums I pad, but is in seventh heaven as they have given him their note book ( small laptop) he thinks it's so cool to have a laptop!!., So you are very lucky in his eyes to own one. Your phone worked on the train the other day I bet my I phone wouldn't, it can be a pain at times. xxx

    5. It worked in the station as well!! Xxx

    6. I should really donate it to a Museum. When I was going to meet Hazel and Patricia, two young boys (about 16 and 10) were sitting across the aisle from me. They had every bit of technological equipment known to man. 16 yr old was on something, probably notebook, younger one was on phone with TV screen and I saw them looking when I was texting. My phone is one where you press 3 x for letter c, 4 x for letter s, and so on. I saw the boys looking, so I bent over to show them and said "I bet you wish you had a phone like this". They fell about laughing and the ice was broken!!! xxx

    7. MAUREEN:- I worked on the train you were able to Text Hazel. It also got you talking to 2 young men which was a great bonus. You hang on to it xxx

    8. Young men know they're safe with me, they just think I'm a mad woman!!! The young students who live in the Halls of Residence beside me are so canny as well. They usually help when I'm at the supermarket and put on my scatty granny impression!!! Have I ever told you that they've picked me up from the gutter before when I have fallen ha ha xxx

    9. Too much Baileys again Maureen!? You'll be getting a reputation you know! Xxx

  29. Guessed it was your card Maureen. She is lovely. Scarlett and I enjoyed our afternoon at craft. We each made a lovely card. It was lovely to be together. Will see her tomorrow at my other granddaughters birthday party. Have been sucking sweets to help this sore throat but now I think a cold is starting. 😞. It had dried up but raining again now. Good job the party tomorrow is in the village hall and not in the garden. Well better go and get something to eat. To be honest I don't really fancy anything but have to take some of my tablets with food so better have something. Back later.

    1. Brenda please dose yourself up, there is nothing worse than a summer cold is there. Enjoy your party tomorrow, all those children , lovely xxx

    2. Oh Brenda LL, I swear by hot lemonade when I go to bed with 2 paracetamol. If you can take paracetamol with your meds. I hope you feel much better tomorrow so that you can enjoy the party and the company. It's good to know that Scarlett enjoyed her afternoon. xxxx

    3. BRENDA:- look after yourself. Hot Orange and Paractamol every four hours and rest. Enjoy the party, have fun with the children. xxx

    4. Sorry you are feeling as if you've got a cold coming on as well, Brenda! So pleased you had such a lovely time this afternoon. I have Beechams and hot lemonade! We all have our go to remedies I think! I hope you feel better after having something to eat. Hope too, the weather improves for the party tomorrow. Xxx

  30. Helooooo I'm back sorry went AWOL started off commenting this morning.
    The here'd OH shout OUT BL....Y TOILET SEATS BROKEN he only fell off it as it slipped from under him. Now that's a picture you don't realy want in your head
    HAHA sorry. Anyway we had to go & buy a new one,hope it's slip proof lol.
    SABA so pleased you got home safe. Sorry you have so much house cleaning & gardening. Take it easy just enjoy your lovely family. Are you seeing Val give her a big Hug from me,how's she doing.hope the weather is kind while your here.Xx
    MAUREEN your card is so pretty I love the image & you have coloured her in beautifully.
    MARGARET hope your ok & it's just Internet trouble sending Hug's xx
    Ooooo must dash & get the washing in It's just starting raining & thundering. See you later xx

    1. LYNDA, I was just about to have a nice cup of coffee with a chocolate cake, but I don't fancy it now!!!! ha ha xxxx

    2. LYNDA:- I heard that call and saw that sight last year. Sorry I had to laugh, it was funny at the time John did it and it's still funny reading your tale. xxx

    3. It's not catching is it?? Xxx

    4. Well!! you never can tell!! xxx

    5. Oh Myra It's catching alright ,we had one changed this year and so did my SIL ! xx

    6. I was trying to work out what was catching? Then realised its toilet seats? xxx

    7. John Prescott had two new ones in a year, but of course he claimed for them on his expenses!!! xxx

    8. Ahh!!! there you go that's what you get if you have a "big bum"
      Toilet seats on expenses!!! xxx

    9. We had a broken toilet seat and then realised we had a highly unusual posh toilet! We couldn't find a new seat for love nor money! I became quite an expert searching for one. We got to the stage of thinking we would either have a new one made for us (costing over £300!) or install a brand new toilet and replace flooring tiles etc! Julian's mum bought us a disabled loo seat in the end that screws on to got most sizes - not elegant but it works! Xxx

  31. Replies
    1. I'm glad you asked that Hazel, I was thinking of that earlier. xxx

  32. Hi all,
    Maureen it was you, she is so sweet. Beautiful stamp and you so good at colouring in. Lovely card!
    I'm glad Patricia that you stopped stressing, you know we will be fine until Sandra is back. Hope she is enjoying her holiday with Paul and the girls and that they have better weather then us. It has been showers after showers today and so dark. Not cold really but sitting with a cardi on and drinking mugs of tea to get some warmth. Good you back Saba but couldn't someone clear the cottage up a few days before and get the creepy spiders out, eeek! So much to do when you just back. Have a wonderful time with all the family, especially the grand children, hugs to you and Peter. Sorry Brenda that your throat is sore,I know it too well, Strepsils and Tyrozets are always in my medicine box. Hope you are feeling some better tomorrow so you can celebrate you grand daughters Birthday.
    Patricia -what a shame you tea was not to good. A smile and some friendly words don't cost anything, he want last long. My neighbour I been looking after the pets for while on holiday took me out for a coffee etc. as a thank you so we went over to Dobbies, I think the staff there has been to a charm school because they were very friendly today and normally you would think their faces would crack if they smiled a bit. So today was real nice and we sat there for 3 hours hihi Don't know where the time went. Back home my dies I ordered 10 days ago had arrived, Yes!, so I just had to play with them this afternoon. It was a struggle to cut some out and think I'm using to thick card so that will have to be changed. I also tried using double sided sticky sheets but that went cockeye so will have a try again tomorrow when I'm home alone ,Yay! No one will hear me swearing blue murders if something else goes wrong. Could I ask, what thickness card is best to use when doing cut outs, what thickness do you ladies prefer. I have done some cards now for a little while but still waffle around these things. I hope that you find a machine that suit you Anne, I got the Teal GC and have some problems sometimes with black stuff coming onto the plates sometimes but not to bad. The handle is quite cranky and it does not hold it's suction to the table but others than that it is a nice looking machine, much better looking than some of the others out there and the only drawback really is that it don't come with the EF plate, good luck Anne. omg poor Terry, tihi is he alright ? Lynda did you break another one ? Haven't been over to the other blogs yet so will do that now and come back later ,in the meantime ,behave yourself xxx

    1. Hi Maria, I had some of the black stuff come out onto the plates yesterday but that was the first time then Iain opened it up and has done a temporary repair so we' ll see how long it lasts, like the others I fall back on the Cuttlebug. xo

  33. MARIA:- if you can, take a photo of your plates with the Black stuff on them.
    E-mail,it to spellbinders along with a comment about the cranky handle. They hopefully will,sort that out for you.
    The suction on mine is not great, the surface I work on has a very slight texture. I think that is my problem, I often wipe the runner sucker pad with a damp cloth before I pull handle thing to stick it to the work surface.
    If the Die is quite fancy I use 240 - 250 card. Black is usually a to cut unless it's a plainish Die.
    Glad you had a nice time and the staff serving you were smiling.
    Have fun with your new Dies xxx

    1. Maria, do as Patricia says. I wrote and told Spellbinders that I was having trouble with black oil stuff going on to my plates. They asked for photos and when I sent them they said that it was a manufacturing fault and sent me a new Teal GC. Best thing was they also send new plates. I fasten my machine to a glass cutting mat and like Patricia I use 240 or 250 card, but it really depends on the card. Good luck. xxxx

    2. MAUREEN:- I went on to Samual Taylor's site to get some of that beautiful card you had used for stamping ..... guess what!! It's out of stock. Typical just typical!! xxx

    3. PATRICIA, did you find that it was great for colouring. It's the one I use mostly for die cutting and embossing as well. I find it's just a great all-rounder.
      I'm going to a craft show at Nissan Motor Factory (in the Sports Hall) on Sunday and will be getting some if the Samuel Taylor stand is there. I wish I'd known you would like some, I'd have brought a pack up on Wednesday. xxxx

    4. MAUREEN:- hopefully they will be at the SECC Glasgow at the end of October. I will get some there if I don't get it direct before then. xxx

    5. Don't panic it's the week before the

    6. Hi Maria I use 240 gsm card most of the time - the foundations card Sue uses cuts beautifully. I struggle cutting card and sticky sheet too, I think it's the sticky sheets I've got. Has anyone tried the sticky sheets from Crafters Companion yet? They look much thinner. Hope you get your GC sorted out soon xxxx

  34. Is there something good on your telly's???
    Or have you all gone to bed early. xxx

    1. I'm here. I am watching channel 9 on freeview, the Proms, and then something about Frank Sinatra is coming on, which I'll watch because Raymond would hae loed it. That bl**dy v is driing me mad.
      That should read - have loved it - and driving me mad. xxxxx

    2. Right, had a look, we have that on as well. I just don't watch telly, that's my problem.
      I really must get myself some wool and start knitting it crocheting again. The night are fairly drawing in and I need to keep my hands busy xxx

  35. Had a quick scroll down Maureen your card is lovely I've had a rough day today Got told at hosp that I do have Urticaria Pigmentosa so more blood tests I now need to take antihistamines every day and consider having an Epipen I must avoid insect bites, swimming in open water AND if I ever have to have GA I must tell the anaethasist that I have it Certain drugs are a no no eg aspirin codeine narcotics (damn!) and lo and behold Qinine Sulphate - I have been taking for night cramps which me thinks triggered it all off Ho hum! Worse things happen at sea as my mum would say

  36. Oh Karen , that's not good, you will have to double check everything drug wise, and be so carefull. Can they not give you something else to take for cramps? xxx

    1. Karen, so sorry to hear your news. I do hope they can get things under control. xxx

    2. Hi Karen, not the news we wanted , I'm so sorry. Hope they can sort out some treatment plan for you so it want interfere with your other meds. you are taking. Big hug xxx

    3. Oh Karen that's not good news, I hope they get it all sorted out soon. I was told to drink tonic water at night for cramps as it has quinine in it - not sure if it has though now! Unfortunately you can't have the quinine now! Xxx

  37. Has everybody gone to bed, have I offended you, are you all drunk? Well I'm going to bed.
    Love you all xxxxxx

    1. MAUREEN:- you could never offend anyone!!!
      Goodnight God Bless xxx

  38. Sorry Maureen and everyone else! Got a migraine and feel a bit sick so going to bed ASAP . Will hopefully be fine in the morning! Sleep well everyone. Sorry I haven't read any recent comments! Night Night! Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- that's not so good. Could it be something you have eaten that has triggered it??
      Hope your back to your usual bouncy self in the morning.
      Goodnight God Bless xxx

  39. Maureen, I think Sandra's inbox must be full as its showing 121 comments and there's been no new ones for a while showing up. Xxx

  40. Myra, I hope you get some sleep, not good when, not only you have a headache you feel sick as well. Night, night. Xxx

    1. I am rather stupid with technology, how would Sandra's phone effect the blog ??

    2. Myra, I wish you better and hope you will get some sleep. Night night xxxx
      Thanks girls rg. the GC will do and buy some lighter cards asap as mine is 300 so deffo. to heavy.
      Night night everyone, hope you all have a good sleep or I see you maybe later.......hugs Maria xxx

    3. Myra hope you feel better tomorrow. Sweet dreams xxxx

  41. No Patricia if she isn't able to clear her e-mail in box it might be full, I know I have to clear mine every so often, if their phones are connected to their laptop it's a lots of e-mails from her blog, you think there has been nearly 200 every day she has been away 5 days plus any other e-mails that they get. Xxx

    1. Right Sis!! clear as mud but you will be right.
      Thank you for telling me though. xxx

  42. Right folks, that's me for today.
    See you all in the morning when you will all be bright eyed and busy tailed!!
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

  43. Just stopped by to say good night, sweet dreams everyone,I am still fighting this tiredness thing. OH said I have been overdoing things, strange as it may sound I feel less tired when I keep going then when I pace myself. Because if I give in and rest I don't achieve very much. Does that make sense?
    Night, night everyone see you tomorrow. LOL xxx

  44. Night night sleep tight, I'm off to bed now too. See you all tomorrow xxxx

  45. Well how rubbish have I been at commenting this evening. After a trip to the supermarket and making dinner I fell asleep on the sofa. Woke up went over to Sue's blog to comment on her new releases and promptly fell asleep again and when I finally woke up again Peter wanted the I pad to watch the German daily news from both today and yesterday. I still hadn't finished on Sue's blog and by the time I got back here it looks like I have missed you all.
    Sorry to read that some of us are not too good at the moment, Myra, Brenda Karen sending healing hugs for you. And Karen when they do your blood tests ask them about magnesium, low magnesium can cause muscle cramping.
    Maureen I should have known it was your lovely card, Angels make the best angel cards.
    Night and God bless all
    Saba xxx
    Ps. Margaret if you can see us but can't get in we are thinking of

    1. Just popped to say good night, it'a late and the bed is calling even if mr sandman have not been yet, humph. Brenda -know what you mean, keeping busy makes me feel sane, ok don't laugh so loud Myra, you wake the early birds. You must be jet lagged Saba, have a great
      day ! xxx
