
Saturday 15 August 2015

Mixed craft Saturday

More of Brenda's beautiful pottery
Another Gorgeous Knit from Karen
Patricia's stunning Gift Bags

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Welcome to another Mixed Craft Saturday!
This weeks selection, stunning as always have been made by
Brenda (littlelamb) I love the two heart plaques, the butterfly
is just gorgeous too, thank you so much Brenda for sharing more
of your amazing Pottery with us xxxx
Karen has knitted another beautiful little jumper,
I absolutely love the pattern you have used Karen and the
colour is just so pretty, thank you so much for sharing
your wonderful knits with us, I look forward to
your next one, xxxx
Patricia has made these three beautifully decorated gift bags,
each one decorated with handmade flowers and a matching ribbon,
Patricia, they are all beautiful, thank you so much for sharing
them with all of us xxxx
Well ladies that's all for today, I am running very low on items to
feature on mixed craft Saturday now, you can send me more or if you
would prefer we can change the theme of Saturdays,
just let me know either way.
Lots of love to all of you,


  1. Morning Sandra and all lovely friends, It's saying no comments but that can't be right, Sure you are there..... I help setting up for today and give it a good sweep, still getting muddy footprints in after alll the rain we had.
    Saturday's craft is Beautiful ! I love the pottery Brenda and the butterfly, Lynda will like it , I hope your throat feels a bit better so you will enjoy the party later. Karen- the little jumper is so sweet, lovely pattern and colour.
    Patricia- our box queen, these gift bags are fantastic and the flowers are gorgeous!
    Woke up ,looked above my head in the ceiling and saw a massive spider ! Jumped out of bed and shouted to OH to look up. He didn't understand of course and when I looked back it was nothing there ! We can't find anything in the bed encase it dropped and we don't think it had time to walk off so my conclusion this morning is it must have been a dream ! Thanks Saba for brining up the spiders again hi, Anyhow couldn't go back to sleep so OH reading his book and I'm hear since 5am. Its going to be a good day crafting hopefully.
    Son getting ready for 12 hours work today and hubby to football in London later so ,peace ! Going to get myself a mug of tea and see who else,sister, are coming in next. Back in a mo. xxx

    1. MARIA:- that spider fairly make you move out of bed quick this morning!!! Hope you manage to last the lace during the day.
      We get lots of huge spiders all the time. Living in the country surrounded by fields if potatoes brings BIG spiders. I throw them out, John is cruel and kills them. He says if you throw them they just walk straight back in again.
      Have a good day to yourself maybe some crating I think!! xxx

    2. Maria! Maria ! What are we going to do with you? Now you are seeing things ------ things that aren't there! Was it not dark at 5am? If it was how could you see a spider? We live in interesting times. Xxx

    3. There's nothing worse than seeing a huge spider Maria and then not being able to find it again! If I stay up late in the lounge and a big spider runs out from the sofa, Julian just looks at me squeezing away and says 'oh that's Simon, he comes out every night to say hello!" Honestly what can you do with them! Xxx

  2. Good morning all.
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS hope you are having a great holiday and enjoying nicer weather than we have today.
    BRENDA:- I just LOVE today's makes. The butterfly dish would be my purchase. Love the hearts as well though.
    KAREN:- brilliant sweater, I love the pattern. Would make a fantastic "man" sweater.
    MINE:- bags made using an XCut Bag Die. The bag is 2 sheets of "strong" A4 card joined together. Once made up they hold a fair bit, a brilliant gift bag. Flowers made with a very old Woodware Pansy Punch. Punch out 3 pieces, mould them on a mat and join them together to form the flower. Made from Velum, coloured with ProMarkers. Leaves cut from a mixture of Dies.
    Well folks it's dark, bucketing rain, and downright miserable. If I could sleep I think I would go back to bed for the day.......!!! However the bundle of ironing that says hello to me when I open the cupboard where it is kept will have to be tackled.
    Will do that once I have finished this cup of tea and my Toast & Jam. I am at my usual table by the window as usual. Have you noticed that "snoopy" has not passed by recently!! A few people have thought about calling in but have hesitated. Maybe now Jasmine has gone to her new home they might come in!!
    Ok! loads of goodies in the new Cooler Cabinet for during the day. Lots of nice scones and pancakes as well.
    (((((hugs))))) by the door for those who need them. See you all during the day. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia! Not more rain! It's dry here today and brighter than yesterday. Mind you I only got up half an hour ago and not my shower as yet! I know I'm lazy!! Xxx

  3. Helooooooo good morning everyone very early Bambi woke me up she wanted to go out,so I thought I would set things up. Tables all have new embroidered table cloths on & fresh flowers.Strawberries & cream in fridge & carrot cake i cabinet,water's on ( sorry MYRA ) so will sit in the corner with my tea & toast.
    Glad I made you laugh last night re toilet seat just looked at last night's comments. Myra I hope your Migraine has gone or less painful.
    Karen sorry about your diagnosis,that's not good having to check everything now & be so carful.I have been taking Quine tablets for night cramps for about two or more years now.
    BRENDA I really love your pottery this morning with my favourite butterflys beautiful.
    KAREN your jumper is gorgeous I love the patteren it's stunning
    PATRICIA loveing your gift bags the flowers are beautiful. Your all such clever ladies. Just done a wash & on line but weather doesn't look very promising it's actually quite cold & windy but hopefully it will dry. Not much on for today have to put loto on as machine in Tesco was down again. So think it's craft room tidy & I want to clean kitchen cupboards out then have a couple of cards to make.
    Well finished my tea & toast money on side. Will pop back later & see if your all behaving. Left some HUG'S in the corner. XXxx

    1. Thank you Lynda, my migraine has almost disappeared just a bit lethargic ! Will have my shower when I finish this! My husband was laughing as I slept for 12 hours non stop! Xxx

    2. MYRA I'm so pleased your migraine is better they can last a few days so I'm pleased yours is not one of those. You must have needed that long sleep. Gental Hug's for you Xxx

  4. Wow MARIA you are first I thought I was then PATRICIA snuck in as well. Hihi Xx

    1. Did you see the reason do ? Am I going mental? no don't answer that, I know I am Hihi xxx

    2. I'm not answering that question - it might incriminate me!! Xxx. Hi hi!

    3. Ok MARIA I won't answer that might need Mauree's hard hat.xx

    4. I wouldn't borrow that Lynda --- you won't be able to see! Muriel's head is on the large side you see! Xxx

    5. No hard hat will help you this time hihi
      Glad you are feeling better and that nasty head is gone
      I can see in the dark, can't you ?xxx

    6. Not Spiders on the ceiling !! - you have super powers I think Maria! Xxx

  5. Good morning, oh my Maria what are you doing in here so early??? I can see you have been busy thank you for your help. Two shocks in one week not good. Oh I see you thought you saw a spider!!., Maria the poor wee little will have got a bigger shock than you? Look at the size difference???
    Brenda, I see some of your stunning pottery on display this morning, it's just beautiful. I hope your throat is a little bit better today, and if not please be careful and don't over do things.
    Karen, another beautiful knit, your jumper is gorgeous.
    Patricia, I recognise these beauties, as always your flowers are stunning and can transform these simple gift bags in to a special gift bag.
    Well the weather, doesn't look like it's going to be much better than yesterday, oh when are we going to get some good warm days? Oh that will be as from Tuesday when our schools go back. The children that haven't been away abroad will all be milk bottle white as they say, ok I hear you a sun tan isn't good, but a healthy glow is? The boys didn't get out at all yesterday as it did nothing but pour with rain, Tammy was saying that a good pair of waterproof boots would be more needed than school shoes! Which by the way problem was solved, Tammy took Calum to a shop that sold the cheap sort of trainer things he wanted - none were comfortable so he is happy to go back to school with his geox ones. The thing is some of these trainers are more expensive than a proper pair of shoes!!.,
    To think this time last week Sandra and Paul were packing that expandable car of theirs, I wonder how much stuff they have already discovered they need not have taken with them? Talking about packing I have to make a start on what I am taking on holiday? I am off down to Grantham this weekend, the next one is little Andrews Birthday party then it's a week and a bit and Patricia and I will be away, so I will need to put the thinking cap on. We mix and match and don't take to much that's for sure. Talking about me going to Grantham it's a pity none of you live between there and East midlands airport as we could have maybe arranged a quick visit. Never mind. Right off to get some toast and a cup of tea. xxx

    1. It'a a shame I don't drive as the Midlands airport is just over an hours drive up the M1 from us, It's along way for you to come down ?
      Oh I know it is a size different Hihi but it dosn't help, especially when you think you see one. Grey / blue patchy sky here with some light wind but sure it will rain later. The poor kiddies, not much of sun for them this summer. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Call me old fashioned Hazel - but trainers completely spoil a lovely smart school uniform! They are strange things - people pay way more for those sometimes than the rest of an outfit put together! Xxx

    3. Oh theirs no way he would get trainers for school except of games, but he was in such a mood about having to wear proper shoes. So she thought let him see what the trainers he wanted would feel like. Calum suffer from sensory processing disorder and feels things very easily so if they feel uncomfortable to normal children he feels it 10 times more. He wears .geox shoes and trainers as they are padded, comfortable and fit him with his special insoles. Plus our Tammy is so hot on wearing school uniform properly. Unfortunately Calum's friends mum doesn't care, her two go to school with what ever they want. Calum now is hapoy to wear his shoes. Excerise worked. Xxx

    4. Hazel, have a safe trip down to Grantham and a lovely time with your family. My son and daughter in law use that airport if at all possible as it's not so busy as Birmingam and nearer I think for them too. Xxx

    5. Hi Hazel that was a brilliant plan! Proper school shoes all the time was my moto. Emma did go for some brogue ones when she was at the end of secondary school but after going through several pairs of cheap ones she decided to go for DMs- they are still going strong and were well worth the additional money! Xxx

    6. It's going to be one of those trips down Saturday back up Sunday. We normally go by car, but I think it would be to long for me sitting. So flying and hiring a car. Tammy just wants to see her God father more than anything, he has been having chemo after his bowel cancer. They have been a big part of her life. Plus it gives her a wee break from her two. Xxx

    7. Diane, Anna got her DMs last year it was the best move, she has size 8 feet so being only 12 at the time the shoes were either babyish or to grown up, where the DMs worked,still going strong and the other thing her feet don't look big in them. Yes they were dear but she didn't need winter boots or another pair of shoes. Xxx

    8. When my two boys were at school, they loved their DMs and they lasted them all year. Really great for the winter x

    9. Brilliant aren't they and fashionable and practical so a win all round xxx

  6. Good morning ladies, we have a dry morning with a promise of a wee bit sun , I can hardly contain my excitement! I am playing in the Walk on Open at the Golf Club today so it will make it so much more enjoyable.
    Brenda I also love your little butterfly dish it is adorable. Karen the sweater is very stylish I love how the pattern is on the sleeves, someone is going to be very lucky!
    Patricia, your bags are beautiful and makes a present even more exciting, the flowers are so delicate and pretty ! I have saved some small plain bags to decorate but have never got round to it yet .Tha lady came for her cards and loved them so I was so pleased , you just never know if they are what they imagined , such a relief when they are.
    Just called in for my tea and toast, left some fresh homemade raspberry and strawberry jam for the scones ( Iain now makes it) and it's yummy! So hope you enjoy!
    Love Sue's striplet

    1. Enjoy you golf today and glad the weather is fine! Iain - many congratulations on the jam! If I send my husband up will you teach him? Come to think of it - remember the TV programme from years ago Can't Cook - Won't CooK - my husband could have gone on either side!! Xxx

  7. this morning it is stunning. Thought I had lost the above comment , it just stopped printing again .
    Have a lovely Saturday , see you all later
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Enjoy your golf today !xxx

    2. ANNE enjoy yor golf today hope you win xx

    3. Hiya, didn't win at golf but had a lovely day! What s this wonderful friendly Facebook page ( somebody's on about) THIS IS THE BEST ONE ! and makes me laugh xoxo

    4. No idea!! Afraid to say more! I try not to hurt people's feelings! Xxx

    5. PS - I just hope that they do not have the problems there that we had here through no fault of our own. Sue knows that too! Xxx

  8. Morning Ladies

    What a brilliant collection of crafty makes today.
    Brenda-all 3 of your crafty items are just so pretty, especially the butterfly bowl.

    Karen-gorgeous knitting, you must have the patience if a saint.

    Patricia-WOW!! Gift boxes, gift bags-they always look professional, just beautiful.

    It's rained again overnight but has stopped but looking at the sky, not for long. Hubby has gone out early to hit some golfballs as there's no competition fir him to play in today. Its a festival weekend which he doesn't enter. I'm off to the hairdressers soon-curls will be washed away and my grey hair should disappear!

    I hope no-one here thinks my comment on Sues blog is odd but I just couldn't help myself-Snoopy probably won't like it!!!!!!

    I did pop in last night & read everyone's comments but didn't get chance to add anything. I actually started to make my Father in Laws birthday card -needed for next Saturday.


    1. MICHELEL:- your next coffee is on me!!!
      Brilliant absolutely brilliant, loved it xxx

    2. Excellent! Also glad it won't be a grey day for much longer! Xx

    3. Just checked Sues blog and read the comments this time, nice one Michele x

    4. Oh I've got to go and read it!! N

  9. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Every time I see the various crafts from our lovely gang I am so amazed at the gorgeous creations you come up with.
    BRENDA your pottery is so lovely and like Lynda I adore butterflies and would put them on every thing if I could.
    KAREN what a cute it! Wish I had the patience to knit again......and PATRICIA our lovely box/bag maker how wonderful they are and I love the flowers made out of vellum. Thank you to all of you for allowing Sandra to share them with us....I love seeing what everyone gets up to.
    Sorry I've been missing for a few days just felt a bit low probably because I'd had so much company while I was away and every thing seemed to go flat then the horrible weather kicked in.....BUT today is another day and it's Nikki's day today so I know she will put a smile on my face especially as she walks in and has that....'Okay where is my present from your holidays?' look on her face plus the sun is shining.
    Sandra hope you. Paul and the girls are having a great time and the sun is shining on you too.
    SABA so pleased you arrived safely and have now done your clean and can relax a bit now.
    MAREEN I was so pleased to hear you had finally met up with Patricia and Hazel and had a really chatty time and felt as if the 3 of you had been long term friends right from the start.
    Well I'll have one of those lovely scones and a latte and see if any of the others are still hope you have got rid of that smelly cow as much as I love animals they always seem to have dried poop on their backside and that will put me of my scone!! Will leave extra hugs in the basket as I leave and money is in the till and how beautiful the cafe looks today.
    Love to you all
    Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- I am so delighted you have come in for a cuppa.
      We need to hear what you have been up to. Have a great day with your darling Nikki. Please come in later let us know how Nikki is and what you got up to. ((((((hugs)))))) xxx

    2. Sheila, so glad to see you in for your coffee this morning, we are all here for you and we understand. Just remember if you don't want to say how you are feeling on here just e-mail any one of us to let us know you are ok. Enjoy your time with Nikki. Oh I can just see that face. Xxx

    3. Morning Sheila, just go with the flow my dear heart, and I am sure your day with Nikki will blow away any lingering low feelings. Bless you both xxx

    4. Hi Sheila, we know. Nice to see you in. Have a lovely day with Nikki and give her some hugs from me/us xxx

    5. Lovely to see you Sheila, have a lovely day with Nikki and don't forget to give her the present!!! xxx

    6. Great to see you Sheila. It must be very difficult to come back to silence after conversation and fun. We were all thinking of you. Have a lovely day with Nikki - hope she likes the present! Xxx

    7. Hello SHEILA so lovely to see you this morning.Have a lovely day with your gorgeous Nikki hope she likes her present I know she will love it. Give her a BIG HUG from me & Hug's for you my dear friend.Xx

    8. Hello Sheila lovely to see you today. It doesn't matter how often you pop in you know you're always welcome and of course we get to know what you've been up to.
      I know you'll be having a really lovely day with Nikki so love to you both and a special hug for Nickki is she'll accept it.

    9. Hello Sheila lovely to see you today, have a wonderful day with Nikki and I hope the sun continues to shine big hugs xxx

  10. Good morning ladies,

    Sandra, do hope you are all settled in and enjoying your holidays.

    Sorry I have been quiet for a couple of days, it's that time of year for my follow up kidney cancer CT scan. Always get the collywobbles when it's due. Have now got that over with but again my veins in my right arm kept collapsing when they tried to attach the cannula to get the dye through, very painful and sore. Keep saying 'try my left arm' but no, the machine is always on the right side of the table. Perhaps that is easier, I don't know. Feel very drained for a couple of days afterwards.And then in October I go back to the BC clinic for more tests there.
    So today I'm catching up with comments and finding out what you have all been up to.
    Brenda's pottery is always a pleasure to see displayed. So very talented you are.
    And Karen's beautiful little jumper is so gorgeous, I love the colour and pattern.
    Last but not least Patricia's gift bags. We can always count on you to make a simple idea look fantastic, stylish and expensive.

    Sorry to say but after yesterday's rather wet rainy day, I woke up to the most glorious sunshine, white fluffy clouds and a gentle breeze. Don't know how long it is going to last so I'm out to make hay while it's nice. Good washing line weather.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sorry to hear you've been a bit fraught with having to gave scans etc. I to have very bad veins and end up bruised. So have a relaxing day today in the sunshine while it lasts. Big big hugs from me.

    2. Oh Cheryl! Sorry you have had to go through all that. It must be a very worrying , stressful time. Hope your arm isn't too sore. Glad the sun is shining ! Xxx

    3. Oh sorry CHERYL it must be very stressful & worrying for you
      Hope your arm is not too sore today. Xx

    4. Oh Cheryl it's horrible when those 'Vampires' get hold of you and of course they know best don't they!
      Hope you're not too black and blue after the prodding and poking and enjoy your blue skies and sunshine as you know that's the best treatment isn't it.
      Hugs to you

    5. Cheryl I hope the sun continued to shine today, it's been a bit off and on here. Oh I hate it when they don't listen to you and think they know best! I know you can usually get blood out my left arm but no they always try the right because they can usually get blood out of anyone! I hope the bruising and soreness goes soon. Big hug xxx

  11. CHERYL:- glad you have popped in, we were worried about you.
    Sorry to hear things have been a bit fraught for you of late.
    Sending some (((hugs))) in hope they help. xxx

    1. Cheryl I do hope the sun makes you feel happier after those dreaded tests. Big hugs to you.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Cheryl, oh you poor thing. Have a rest today and try to enjoy the sunshine while it's here. Big gentle hugs Maria xx

    3. Cheryl, it's lovely to see you, but I'm sorry that you've had such a trying time. You'll breathe a big sigh of relief that the tests are over. It's a beautiful day here today, as well, so enjoy yourself. xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Third try at commenting on my new phone!
    Brenda, beautiful pottery. I love the colour of the butterfly.
    Karen, what a gorgeous snuggly jumper in such a lovely shade.
    Patricia, once again your gift bags are stunning. I love the beautiful pansies.
    Sandra, I know you were hoping to get internet connection today so if you do I hope that you are all having a wonderful relaxing time my lovely. As I want to keepy old mobile number and have changed providers I now can't send or get texts or make or take calls until Monday!
    Karen Sorry to hear about the allergies. What a pain for you having to check labels etc. But at least you will safe which is the most important thing.
    Myra I do hope you managed to sleep off the migraine. Make sure you be gentle to yourself today.
    Brenda I hope your sore throat and cold are better today and you are able to enjoy the party later.
    Maureen your card yesterday was gorgeous.
    Sheila sorry to hear you have been a little low. We are always here, no matter what. Have a lovely day with Nikki, her smiles will make you feel better I'm sure.
    Cheryl it's good to see you back too.
    Michele I am off to have a look at Sue's blog now : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Third try at commenting on my new phone!
    Brenda, beautiful pottery. I love the colour of the butterfly.
    Karen, what a gorgeous snuggly jumper in such a lovely shade.
    Patricia, once again your gift bags are stunning. I love the beautiful pansies.
    Sandra, I know you were hoping to get internet connection today so if you do I hope that you are all having a wonderful relaxing time my lovely. As I want to keepy old mobile number and have changed providers I now can't send or get texts or make or take calls until Monday!
    Karen Sorry to hear about the allergies. What a pain for you having to check labels etc. But at least you will safe which is the most important thing.
    Myra I do hope you managed to sleep off the migraine. Make sure you be gentle to yourself today.
    Brenda I hope your sore throat and cold are better today and you are able to enjoy the party later.
    Maureen your card yesterday was gorgeous.
    Sheila sorry to hear you have been a little low. We are always here, no matter what. Have a lovely day with Nikki, her smiles will make you feel better I'm sure.
    Cheryl it's good to see you back too.
    Michele I am off to have a look at Sue's blog now : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Third try at commenting on my new phone!
    Brenda, beautiful pottery. I love the colour of the butterfly.
    Karen, what a gorgeous snuggly jumper in such a lovely shade.
    Patricia, once again your gift bags are stunning. I love the beautiful pansies.
    Sandra, I know you were hoping to get internet connection today so if you do I hope that you are all having a wonderful relaxing time my lovely. As I want to keepy old mobile number and have changed providers I now can't send or get texts or make or take calls until Monday!
    Karen Sorry to hear about the allergies. What a pain for you having to check labels etc. But at least you will safe which is the most important thing.
    Myra I do hope you managed to sleep off the migraine. Make sure you be gentle to yourself today.
    Brenda I hope your sore throat and cold are better today and you are able to enjoy the party later.
    Maureen your card yesterday was gorgeous.
    Sheila sorry to hear you have been a little low. We are always here, no matter what. Have a lovely day with Nikki, her smiles will make you feel better I'm sure.
    Cheryl it's good to see you back too.
    Michele I am off to have a look at Sue's blog now : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Ha ha Sue, three times trying, three comments!!! xxxx

    2. Thank you Sue, I'm much better today! Xxx

    3. SUE lovey seeing your post three time's haha Xx

    4. Lol Sue, it worked hihi xx

    5. She's once, twice, three times a lady :) xxx

  15. Cheryl, you have made me happy just knowing you are ok. I know that feeling to well when you go to get tests and check ups after what you have gone though, I am the same got myself so stressed out on my appointment on the Monday before Gillians wedding. I actually set my Polyneuralgia off on a big flare up. Got it hopefully up under control again, with steroids back up to high dose. I got signed off at that appointment. Which was good. Take it easy and don't go turning GC handle until your arm is better. I was black and blue for weeks after my scan as like you my veins aren't good, xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    I understand you might have Internet access today. So I hope your having a lovely relaxing holiday with your lovely family.
    Littlelamb as usual your pottery is gorgeous, and I hope your feeling a bit better today.
    Karen I love your little jumper,love the colour wool you've used.
    Patricia. Once again you've surpassed yourself with your lovely boxes. Love the flowers on them as well.
    Mrs B I hope you manage to get the hang of your new phone soon. Mine as you know is as old as the hills, and I still can't get the hang of it. Last time I text with it was about 5 years ago. My friend Pat showed me what to do. We were in Gran Canaria and the flight was delayed by 4 days as Gatwick was shut. Such hardship as we were out up in an all inclusive hotel by Easyjet and we'd only booked the flight with them.

    1. Oh Pat you made me smile with your texting --- I have a friend just like you in that regard but her phone is like a brick! Xx

    2. Have never sent a text tihi , phone about ten years old but only using it for emergencies ,like finding OH while out shopping. No not the supermarket but might use it there too soon the way he goes .
      How wonderful to get four more days in Gr Canaria and you could stay on at the hotel ? xxx

  17. Hello everyone,
    Brenda LL, your pottery is beautiful, and are the hearts to be put on cords or chains for a necklace, they are gorgeous anyway.
    Karen, your jumper is so snuggly and will be great for the cooler weather, it's just lovely.
    Patricia, what can I say. You always do such lovely bags and boxes with divine flowers. They are works of art.
    Cheryl, it's lovely to see you back, I hope you are recovering today.
    Myra, how's the water situation and how is your Migraine.
    I haven't managed to get in earlier as George hasn't been up that long, then my laptop decided to restart and it took forever for it to upload the latest whatever, then reading all the comments took a while, and now we are going out for the day to David's oldest daughter's house for a housewarming day!! All the family and friends will be there so it will be a very happy time. Eleanor and Zoe will have a great time as they love David and Trudy's 2 daughters.
    It's a lovely day here today, blue skies and little fluffy white clouds (sorry Patricia) so we'll get out into their garden for a barbecue.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hello Maureen,
      Water situation - remains the same! We have a New Page today all about it --- mainly asking for patience and thanking us for putting up with it! We don't actually have a choice.
      Headache almost gone - not doing much today as got the family tomorrow so will just gradually get things ready for that!
      Have a lovely day today with the family and enjoy the barbecue! Xxx

    2. Maureen , have a wonderful day with all the family, I will keep my fingers crossed the weather stays good. Xxx

    3. Hello MAUREEN have a fantastic day with your family. I hope the weather stays kind for you. Xx

    4. Maureen -enjoy the BBQ and hope the weather staying nice this evening too xxx

    5. Hi Maureen
      Enjoy your day and your BBQ.

    6. Glad your headache is better Myra , let me know if you try the casserole recipe as I haven't tried it yet xo

    7. Thank you! I will! It does look tempting! I pinned a recipe from Anne's Pinterest recipes for anyone who is wondering what we are talking about. I feel back to normal tonight - no smart remarks anyone!! Xxxx

    8. Maureen I hope you have had a lovely day with your family and the weather has been good xxxx
      Myra have a lovely day with your family tomorrow you'd better have large signs up telling them to be careful with the water, not drink it etc. xxx

    9. Thanks Diane, they are under the same restrictions as we are! It must be much more difficult with small children. I know some were afraid to bath the children in case they swallowed the water. Ours a little older so should understand. Anyway at Grandma's they have pink lemonade! Grandad always pretends we have run out of it - but they don't believe him! They say that Grandma will have another bottle !
      What a reputation! Xxx

    10. Oh goodness Myra yes it must be really difficult with small children. I like granddads trick - nice try! Xxx

    11. He is very good at winding children up! They seem to love him for it though! Especially if it's lets wind Grandma up time! That's what families are for isn't it - having fun and making memories! My Dad was a shocker for teasing! Xxx

    12. Yes mine too and my uncles were too! Xxx

  18. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Firstly, Brenda love your pottery the earth are so sweet.
    Karen your jumper is amazing, years ago I used to knit lots of things but now arthritic fingers don't work so well.
    Patricia your bags as always are gorgeous, I love your flowers.
    Not much on today, hairdresser at 12.30, then a bit of food shopping, house tidy up, and I have a few cards to make to stock up my space in our wee craft shop.
    I haven't read Sues blog properly today, use left my comment at the end, so will pop back and read Michele's entry. Isn't it amazing that when giveaways are on offer, people crawl out of the woodwork for the chance to win something.
    Sandra I hope you and Paul and the girls are having a great time, and the weather is good for you.
    Off to catch up on last nights comments and some of Sues today.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  19. Sorry Brenda that should read, the hearts are so sweet!

  20. Myra, I take it you are feeling a bit better today. A lady day is not a bad thing, enjoy it. Xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel yes! I will have a lazy lady day . Being a lady for a day would be lovely! Xxx

  21. Hello, Sandra and Everyone,
    It's taken me ages to get here! Still not had that shower! Will be brief as have commented on the way down .
    I do love Saturdays - it so lovely to see what everyone had made.
    Brenda - your pottery as ever is charming. You have shown us such a variety as well! You are a very clever lady. I think some of that has robbed off onto Scarlett!
    Hope the birthday party goes well.
    Diane - you knit some gorgeous little jumpers and cardigans. The patterns are always beautiful too. Someone will be very cosy in that one. Thank you.
    Patricia - what can I say about your bags and boxes that hasn't already been said! Not much really! They are all lovely and I really like the pansies. I know you will have seen I have a Board on Pinterest with some of your lovely things and it does have your name on it. Thank you for sharing and for taking care of things - everything's fine today!
    Have a good day everyone,
    Sending hugs to JEAN and NORAH,
    Miss you,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Thank you Myra, you've been looking through my wardrobe again haven't you - haha. I will tell Karen that her jumper is gorgeous - wish I had knitted it, it's such a lovely pattern. Hope you've had your shower by now! Lol xxx

    2. Oh No!! I've just realised what I've done!
      Sackcloth and ashes!
      The thing is I know it's Katen who knits the lovely jumpers and cardigans! Why did I say Diane!
      I'm so very sorry, Karen! It's my age you know - plus I had a migraine - I'm crawling now! Xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Hope you are enjoying your holiday Sandra and family.
    Brenda your pottery is lovely as always.
    Karen love the jumper and pattern.
    Patricia your boxes are very pretty as always.
    Sheila sorry you have felt low good to see you back.
    Myra hope your migraine improves soon.
    Taking it easy today had Sue and the 2 great grand daughters down yesterday lovely day with them we made cakes sorry none left took them home with them but feel weary today.
    Take care hugs to all
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, nice to see you. Hope you might have had a little sleep this afternoon and now feeling a bit better, just take it easy. Hope to see you at AP in September, hugs xxx

  23. Hi everyone, not doing much just now, had lunch and listening to Tony Black urn on Radio 2 Top of the Pops year 1965, the year before I was married, lots of memories.
    Anne please can you tell me where you got the stamp of the bride and groom you used on your card that was shown to us, I love it.
    Will catch up after dinner. Xx

    1. Hi Jess, I loved that stamp too, it was one I stamped out when I went to a crop class in Hamilton before we moved to Gairloch nearly 8 years ago, I had 5 stped out and that was my last one , it was a Stampendous stamp and I have been trying to get one for myself but no luck yet, so if anyone has one for sale please let us know?

    2. Oh I remember that stamp too I think it was called 'At the Altar' and I'm sure I read somewhere that it was discontinued. I wish Stampendous would re-release it on a clear stamp set. Maybe if you email them and ask them if they would.
      Hope you manage to find one Anne and Jess. xxx

  24. Oh Myra, I don't feel so bad now, have been trying to leave a message since before 10 AM - I get sidetracked or the phone rings. Three of the calls have been about PPI Claims. Don't you just hate them! The other two were fine and I needed to take them. Anyway I need to do my hair and put some make-up on, just hope no one comes to the door as I will scared them away. ...... I'm losing the day fast, just had older daughter on the phone for over an hour, lovely talking to her and catching up. Anyway will try and complete my post and hopefully finish it.
    BRENDA, Your pottery is gorgeous love the little dish and the hearts.
    KAREN, Love the jumper, it's gorgeous.
    PATRICIA, What beautiful boxes to put your gifts in, these would make any gift very special. Love them.

    JANET, did you see my message yesterday about the caravan stamp?

    Well dear friends I think I better start doing some chores, albeit rather late in the
    day. Will pop back later to see what everyone is doing.

    Take care, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, oh you are such a darling to cheer me up by getting a big throaty chuckle out of me when I read your comment on Sue's blog about the embarrassing folder. Thank you, it was what I needed today. xxx

    2. CHERYL - Oops, My only excuse is trying to rush things AND the dreaded predicted text. LOL

    3. Brenda, I'm so glad I helped you today! The postman came to our door and Alastair said. - " I'd better get that , don't want to scare anyone! " cheeky but true! Xxx

  25. Afternoon one and all
    First Brenda sorry I missed your message but will go back when I've done this and have a look. Thank you.
    Sandra - hope you have Tinternet connection and if so enjoy all the rest and sunshine and of course the treats you'll be having.
    Brenda - your pottery never fails to make me fall in love and today's offerings have done just that.
    Karen - your knitting skills are wonderful and I love today's jumper.
    Patricia - once again your boxes are a work of art and I love every one of them.

    We had a nice meal last night at a local Italian. It was on the noisy side but there were three or four families which is always nice to see.

    Have spent all morning trying to make some and now I'm hooked up to my Tens machine hoping for some comfort.

    Right off to see Brenda's message for me from yesterday. Enjoy the rest of the day but remember it may be Saturdy Night Fever but the boss will be watching. She will you know!!
    Hugs to all

    1. Hi Janet,
      I didn't get to answering your question re my tapestry.
      When I checked it is actually a cross stitch picture. A Bucilla one called Mother Goose , it has several Nursery Rhymes featured and a space for the new born baby's name weight date etc. xxx

  26. Hiya, my plans had to change a bit as the sun came out so stripped the beds and did some washing and could hang it out to dry. Then my sister phoned and it was dog talk for over an hour. I love all her dogs ,they are just sooo lovely and not least the puppies but it was not all I want to talk about when we haven't spoken to eachother for some months. Managed to prep for two cards but not sure if that will stay like that, probably changing my mind by tomorrow again. Any news from Norah ,Jean or Margaret and sorry what happened to Wendy ? Miss you !
    Need a coffee and will sit outside and read for a bit, crafting magazine
    of course :-) Any Fancy Pastries to it Janet ?
    Back later xxx

  27. Oh my! I was a little surprised to come on here and see another of my knits on show. I love making this one because it's a six row pattern - you cable on row 3 and knit the pattern on row 6. I hope the knitters amongst you understand that! So it's easy to remember the pattern. I sit at night and knit, and it's a case of "ooh I'll just do another six rows and then it's I'll just do another six rows before I go to bed and before I know it it's passed midnight but hey I'll just do another six rows..."
    BRENDA I always love to see your pottery. I had a school friend whose mum used to do it. She even created the dinner service we used to use. I was amazed and fascinated that someone could actually do that!
    PATRICIA Your flowers and boxes are sublime. I wish I was coming to the retreat to have a masterclass in flower making.
    Before I forget I was disappointed when I took the photo of the jumper because in real life it's a lovely shade of powdery denim blue.
    So MARIA which one do you want for Loius, the cardi or this jumper?
    Must dash OH has disrupted my day completely! My sewing machine is misbehaving, so C&C will be getting a phone call - Pfaff don't want to know as I bought it from C&C!

    1. KAREN:- I really like the design on your sweater, got your description and understood.
      Oh! dear! that's not good news about your Sewing Machine. I had to threaten C&C recently with the Ombudsman. I certainly got a quick response ....... the Ombudsman would never have crossed my mind but Margaret (corgi owner)!seems to swear by him!!! So tried her trick and it worked. By Law Pfaff are right it's the supplier who is responsible but you would have thought they would at least have tried to help. I have a Huskvarner Sewing machine which is ancient and could do with being replaced. I don't do the sewing I used to do so a basic machine would do me fine now. I saw a nice Singer basic style machine yesterday in Lidl, I might go back and have another look at it tomorrow.
      Hope you manage to get some joy from C&C xxx

    2. Oh yes Karen. I know exactly what you mean about " I just do another 6 rows" before you know it the back is finished. Pfaff was such a good make of machine years ago. Stand your ground and do go or tell them you will go to " the Ombudsman" that's whatntheynare there for, xxx

  28. Good evening everyone, Thank You so much for all the lovely comments on my Gift Bags. The flowers are something in love doing. I can spend hours just making flowers
    The rain has been off here for a while, dried up, and we have a beautiful evening.
    John, Audrey and the boys are in Avimore camping. When I text earlier it was bucketing rain. Have not heard anything since, hopefully the good weather has reached them by now and they can get out.
    Better go see what I can rustle up for John to eat. xxx

  29. Hi Jess , I just printed out a long reply to you but it has disappeared , I stamped out 5 images from a Stampendous stamp someone had when I went to a crop class in Hamilton before we moved to Gairloch nearly 8 years ago and have been looking to buy the stamp since then but no luck, so if anyone has one for sale please let us know?
    That was my last one I used and was quite sad to see it go , but hopefully the couple it was for liked it, sorry I can't be of more help but maybe someone on here has it and even print a couple out for us lol! Xo

  30. Hi Ladies,
    Just caught up with a recorded episode of Pointless from Friday evening. Did anybody else see it? It featured Nigel May from C&C and his partner Gary. (Not sure if Gary is his real partner)bThey got to Pointless Final but didn't win the Jackpot only the 'trophy'. xxx

    1. CHERYL:- I popped the Telly on the other evening for the News at 6pm and saw Nigel and partner. Did not watch the actual show. xxx

    2. That was a Repeat programme! Typical BBC - not sure about partner but the other chap is a Producer on C&C . Saw it last time around! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- hope you are feeling better today.
      Don't talk about repeats it makes me so angry. We pay for a blooming licence and all you ever get is "re-peats" some are so flaming old as well. xxx

    4. Thanks Patricia, I'm fine now - we sat in the garden earlier in the sunshine - I will admit I was wearing a long sleeved top but it was lovely to be out in the fresh air. Hope the weather has cleared up for John Jnr and family. Xxx

    5. Still raining where they are. Watched the weather forecast for tomorrow which they say will be better tomorrow. Well that's if you believe everything they tell us!!
      Off to bring in the washing I hung out when the rain went off and the place dried up. Certainly not going to iron it that's for sure. A job for the morning I feel. xxx

    6. It's so disappointing particularly for families with children. I was thinking of Janice earlier. I'm sure she is very busy but will get moans about the weather! We can't do anything about that. Alastair has just booked for us to come to Tigh Mohr in the Trossachs in February , now that is asking for trouble but we'll probably have decent weather! Xxx

    7. FEBRUARY:- do you have a 4x4 with a Snow Plough??? xxx

    8. Might even have time for a "meet up" if we can get out of the village!!! xxx

    9. Remember you will have met me in October by that time!! Ha ha xxx

    10. I am absolutely certain you will be as lovely as Jess, Maureen and Norah who we have already met. xxx

  31. Just got my house back, had Tammy and little Andrew here then Derek and Calum came back from the football. I did tea, clean plates all round, Andrew asked me as soon as I picked him and Tammy up "is it fish for tea?" Yes " oh goodie I thought that" not a crumb left. I just love that when you know they are happy with what you feed them. So dishwasher on and now I have my feet up. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I just love it when that happens. Sometimes I think if they tell anyone what they had to eat at Grandma's that person will say AGAIN. We try to make what they like and when they say you make the best roast potatoes in the whole wide world - it helps!! Xxx

    2. HAZEL:- you with your feet up!! That's what I like to hear.
      Did not realise the gang were there for tea. Don't you just love it when the plates are swept clean!!!

    3. HAZEL glad to here you have your feet up. It's good when all the plates are clean & sounds like they love grandma's dinners.
      Have a lovely eavening. Xx

    4. Hazel, isn't it great. The girls always tell their mam and dad that we give them the best dinners, and I laugh because Rachel used to moan about having to eat dinners when she was young. Mind you when she comes now she clears her plate and goes for seconds and so does Peter !! xxx

  32. Hello everyone, I'm back and we've had a lovely family day. There was good food, good company and good weather - nothing could be better.
    Sandra, I do hope you and the family are having a great time, and that the girls' electric machines are all working!!!
    Hazel, I don't know if it's this weekend or next weekend that you are going to Grantham, but have a lovely time with the family when you do. I'm glad Callum got his shoes sorted, but not as glad as his mam!!
    Karen, I understood perfectly your explanation of the knitting pattern, I used to do the same when I knitted. I'd say that I would only do one more pattern and still be sitting an hour later! That's not good customer service from C&C regarding your sewing machine, but why am I not surprised.
    Sheila, I hope you had a lovely day with Nikki.
    Janet, sounds as though you are enjoying yourself there in France.
    Margaret P, I hope you managed to have an easy day today.
    Margaret Corgi, I hope you are well and just having internet problems.
    Norah, I hope you are well and just busy.
    Jess, what date did you get married, I also got married in 66.
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling a lot better now that you've had all today to rest, but I bet you've been doing things!!
    I'm going to have a look to see if I can find Anne's Stampendous stamp - I like a challenge lol.
    Muriel xxx

    1. So does George!! So glad you had a good day! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- how could you?? xxx

    3. How could I say that George likes a challenge? It was easy! Xxx
      Hard hat! I love Muriel too! Xxx

    4. MAUREEN & GEORGE so pleased you both had a lovely day with your family & BQ.& good weather. Have a restful day tomorrow XXx

    5. Maureen, I got married on 19th March, big anniversary next year.

    6. Myra, I'm watching RED on channel 4 (I've seen it before, but it's good escapism) and I'm getting lots of tips for when I meet you in October. Got the duct tape already the bazooka is primed and I'm brushing up on my kung fu!! Oh, here's a good one. Zoe to mam "Lucy's going to China on holiday". Mam to Zoe "Oh is she", Zoe to mam "yes, she's going to Cor Fu! ha ha xxx
      Jess, you beat me, mine was 8th October.

    7. I'm shaking in my slippers! There is no need for violence you know! Like Zoe 's joke though ! Xxx

  33. Maureen, The Works have a set of 3 lovely round boxes, £7 or 2 sets for £10, I have a feeling the middle box might be good for the cake? But not 100% sure. Grantham next Saturday. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I know I'm a bit on the slow side and this is going to prove it ! Just been on your blog and seen the beautiful card , box and angel made by Maureen! I was so excited I left without leaving a comment! I shall return. They are beautiful , each and every one! I like the Sisters card! It's just right. Xxxx

    2. Thanks Hazel, I'll go on Monday and check it out xxx
      Myra, I wondered if I was doing the right thing putting Sisters on two sheep, but Hazel and Patricia didn't seem to mind!!!! xxx

    3. Baa! You did the right thing! Xxx

    4. Ewe did the right thing ( sorry couldn't resist !) xxx

    5. We've rammed it home anyway!! Xxx

  34. Myra, they are beautiful and I wanted you ladies on here and others to see them. I just feel so honoured to have received them. xxx

    1. Hazel, I have photographed my goodies, but I'm afraid Patricia's box is empty!!! It's all been eaten, but as soon as I can work it out, I'll put them on Sandra's blog and ask her to show them. Mine is nothing compared to yours xxxxx

  35. Evening everybody,
    Had a lovely four hours with Nikki...we had lunch and then as the sun was shining we decided to go for a walk to the beach as it must be at least 10 years since I went down all we had to do was go to the top of our road cross over and walk to the dunes (specially designated walk path)...up and over the dunes and there is the beach! Now Clive and I always said the beach is only 200 yds from our house ( slight exageration or maybe when we were younger it only felt like that! ) well if felt like I had done a half marathon by the time I saw the sea! Then I knew we had to walk back! Boy was I relieved to get through my door.....still Nikki thought my struggling over the dunes was hilarious and I loved to hear that dirty laugh of hers she sounded so happyand it's the first time since we lost her Daddy that she has laughed like that. Had a lovely cuppa when we got back and then before I knew it it was time for her to go. She loved her pressies and was anxious to show her friends when she got home.
    Well to say I was cream crackered after that was putting it mildly so after washing the dishes and a little tidy up I sat down with a coffee and after that fell asleep for 2 and a half hours!! was about 8pm when I was having my tea.I was tired but content.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Great Sheila! Sounds like a very successful day! Hope you sleep well tonight. Xxxx

    2. Sounds like a fun filled day.
      The fun and laughter was just what was required. xxx

    3. Sheila, I'm so pleased that you've had such a wonderful day with Nikki. The fresh air will knock you out tonight. xxx

    4. Sheila I remember you saying you hadn't been to the beach in years but it was close to your house. I'm glad you made it today and had a good laugh with Nikki, hope you sleep well tonight. Just think next time it will be an easier walk! Xxx

  36. On the subject of grandchildren, when our eldest granddaughter was about 3 she used to stay over for the weekend,,she asked her grandad for something, cant remember what it was, but he said NO! Well she turned to me and started to cry, I said what's the matter, and she said ....grandad said no and grandads are not supposed to say no. What a charmer she was and still is, she will be 26 in December!!
    Anne I will ask my friend who has the craft shop if she can find out about the stamp as she has a trade account with them.
    Off to sort stuff out for scrapbooking tomorrow, then an early night I think. Will catch up tomorrow. X

    1. Night Night Jess! Grandchildren are so much fun - and you can wave them off at the end of a visit! Xxx

  37. Hellllooooo everyone, sorry I'm late! I've been trying to comment on the way down but got half way and it wouldn't let me! I hope this one posts!!! Brenda your pottery is gorgeous, love the butterfly dish and the hearts are great. Xxxxx
    Karen love your jumper, what a great pattern and 6 rows, know what you mean, just 6 more! Love the colour tooxxx
    Patricia as always your boxes are wonderful, you make them look so pretty. I liked the tonic die on C&C yesterday that made a twirl top box, and the wine box one looked good too but quite pricey. Xxx
    Brenda was it you that called it an embarrassing folder ? - love it, I think that's a new name for them xxx
    Margaret lovely to see you back, hope you are ok xxx
    We had to go shoe shopping today, just like going back to school! Julian's work shoes had split so we had to go shopping. He's got size 13 feet so there's only 1 shop he can get them in and usually has a choice of 2 styles! We called in to see the travel agent too and I gave her a thank you card. She was so pleased and said she hadn't see one as pretty as it before. We had a great time talking about our holiday. Our day finished off with bowling and a meal. Just relaxing watching monsters university ( I think Emma is getting ideas!). She didn't get to the festival last night in the end which was probably a good thing after her early morning! When Julian's aunt got to the festival they wouldn't let her have any guest passes for family - as she said it's not usually a problem but for some reason they weren't available. We haven't heard from them yet to see how it went, they were leaving that festival and going straight on to another one for a gig today - I hope they dried out!
    Sandra if you manage to look in, I hope you are all having a wonderful time and the weather is perfect for you.xxxx
    See you all later - I'm going to check on Michele's comment! Xxx

    1. Hands up Diane, yes it was me. Predictive text took over. I pressed publish before checking. But Hay ho if it gave you a laugh then I'm ok with that. LOL xxx

    2. I love the predictive text we get on here although my wellies worried me the other day! Xxx

  38. Time for me to take my leave once again.
    I have a few towels in the Tumble Drier which I will fold then I am off to bed.
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight and God Bless xxx

    1. Likewise Patricia, Night Night my Dear, sleep well! Xxx

    2. Night night you two sleep tight xxx

    3. Night, night ladies and sweet dreams xxx

  39. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    SANDRA I hope you Paul & girls are enjoying your holiday, & liking the camping experience,hope your relaxing SANDRA & the girls are waiting on you.
    Hazel I looked on your blog & I agree with MYRA the card & box the Angel that MAUREEN made are all stunning,I did leave a comment.
    Well I did do the kitchen cupboards out & changed them around now OH can't find anything well he couldn't find anything before so no change. He has just shouted out where is the Bl....dy coffee I had to laugh because I didn change that cupboard HAHA.
    SHEILA I hope you had a lovely day with your gorgeous girl Nikki. Hope she loved her present,I'm sure she did. Hope she is well. Sending you Hug's xx
    MARGARET C owner hope your ok ((((Hug's )))) x
    SABA hope you had a good day.
    My right eye is very sore tonight so I'm going to put my drops in the ones I get from the eye clinic for glucoma they don't stop it being sore though i
    have to use them at night. Will try & look in later if not I will say good night now
    All Have a good evening Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry about your eye Lynda, take care! Glad someone had the presence of mind to leave a comment on Hazel's blog! Xxx

    2. Night night Lynda I hope your eye feels so much better in the morning. Had a lovely time with Nikki thanks my dear friend. Sweet dreams xxx

    3. Night night Lynda I hope your eye feels better tomorrow xx

  40. Goodnight Patricia, sweet dreams, I'm going to follow you as I want to put a boil load in the washer as it takes so long to do, I tend to set it off before I go to bed, then it's ready in the morning.
    ANNE, I've been meaning to say that I'm glad you had a good day at golf, even if you didn't win.
    MYRA, have you been a lady all day??
    Goodnight everyone, see you in the morning.
    Anne, I couldn't find the Stampendous stamp, and I've looked all over.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I've been trying to order that training shoe for weeks! What a site that is! I get nowhere! I have been a total lady all day , until now - I'm barefoot!
      Night Night, my Dear, sleep well! Xxx

  41. Do you know what SABA hasn't been in today. She'll be spending time with her Grandchildren, catching up on kisses and cuddles.

    1. Well, she has been starved of them for a number of weeks! I forgive her! Xxx

    2. Good night all on Sandra's fabulous blog. Hope they have a great time with sea ,sand and sun.
      Sheila- so glad you had a nice time with Nikki but sound like you need a rest tomorrow.
      Karen- I have sent you an e-mail but before you asked which one for Louis. I think a Cardigan would work better for him .he looks quite big around his chin so don't want to strangle him just yet hihi
      I also spent some time on your blog, sorry I missed some days but did catch up. You have made some lovely cards !
      Myra- In my mind I can see anything , sometimes it can put me into trouble oops!
      Going to bed, will look for Simon first but I think it was a dream. Does it mean anything if you dream about spiders ?
      Good night everyone, hope you all get a peaceful night and I hope your eye want give you any problems Lynda, Terry is funny.
      Huge hug to all, Maria xxx

    3. Maria - My husband had great sympathy with you! He has these daft dreams too - sorry ! He dreams a wasp is going in side his ear and wakes up yelling! It's a mad mad world! Xxx

    4. Maybe we should join the DA together and get some help ?
      sure it not you putting your finger in his ear at night ,bless him xxx

    5. He gets his Blessings for waking me up! Xxx

  42. Sorry I am so Kate on here today. Woke at 4am and just couldn't get back to sleep. Was still awake at 6.30 then fell asleep. Text message woke me at 8.30 so then had to hurry to get ready as my son was picking me up to go to other granddaughters party. We had a lovely day. Still got the sore throat but never mind.
    Thank you for your comments on my pottery. I love doing it when I get the chance. Scarlett painted a lovely unicorn whilst we were away last week.
    KAREN love your knitting. Must do some more myself.
    PATRICIA. Love your gift bags and the flowers are beautiful.
    SHEILA.. Good to see you back. You can't help having 'down days'. I still get them from time to time. Especially when I have been away and then come home to am empty house.
    MYRA. glad yo hear you are feeling a bit better today.
    CHERYL. good to see you back as well. You can't help getting nervous when these tests etc., come up. Hope the results are goid.
    MARIA. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Well I had better go and look at Sue's new dies. Haven't had a chance today except for the first one today.
    Take care everyone and a bit late but will leave hugs in the basket.

    1. Night Night Brenda, so pleased you had a good day! Hope the throat isn't any worse! Xxx

    2. Oooh another one with a name change - hello Kate! Sorry couldn't resist Brenda. Sounds like you had a lovely day, hope you sleep well tonight. Oh yes I can see the butterfly amongst some flowers in the garden, just perfect. Make sure you dose yourself up tonight xxx

  43. Sorry forgot to say that the hearts were made to hang up and the butterfly is a plaque which I thought would look nice in the garden among the plants.

  44. Just stopped by to say night, night to everyone, Saba hope your grandchildren have arrived and you gave had lots of hugs and cuddles...... We all love our children BUT the grandchildren are something else. ... Very special LOL xx
    Sleep well everyone.
    Maria don't think about spiders. PLEASE .... OH needs his sleep!!!
    Will be back tomorrow LOL Brenda. xxx

  45. Night night everyone I'm off to bed too. Football is on TV and I don't think I'm up to watching Southampton being well and truly beaten by Everton!
    Sweet dreams, god bless xxx

  46. Thank you all for your lovely comments re my knitting It is still my favourite craft It's something ai can do in front of the tele and since I've started using Symfonie Knit Pro wooden needles I don't even make a clicking noise and disturb OH! They've been one of my best buys in a long time I'm just going to go see Muchele's comment on Sue's blog Yesterday I asked Steph to say what the FB page was so that we could all enjoy it but I don't think she's said But I think I have guessed who it may be

  47. Sorry I mean Michele not Muchele! What comment am I looking for?
