
Monday 10 August 2015

Man Card Monday

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's man card has been lovingly stamped by Patricia, this was the card she made for John Jr
I love the depth Patricia has captured with her amazing colouring, Patricia your shading is just fantastic. 
The sky looks really stormy,  the clouds look almost real, also the way you have captured the moonlight on the water looks just fantastic.
Patricia I think that maybe you should be giving a scenery stamp master class on our retreat.
Hopefully as you are reading this we will be the other side of Paris, depending on traffic and operation Stack!
Sending Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning Sandra and the gang!! Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. Weather not too good so far, no rain yet so that's a bonus.
    Oh! it's one of my cards today:-
    I used "Scenescape" Stamps for this card. They are fantastic stamps that all blend together to form a Scene. There are Tutorials on YouTube which are brilliant. The clouds are one stamp, stamped a couple times,they join up so well. Same with the trees and rocks, that one big and one small stamp. Stamped side by side, they marry up well to make the scene. The rest is shading with Distress Inks.
    I am a bit later getting in this morning. I have done a few house things.
    John and I are off to the Dentist this morning. John then has an eye test at SpecSavers, that's us out all morning.
    It's a busy week here this week, something on almost every day. It will be the weekend again before we know it.
    Everything set up for the day, goodies in the fridge, some nice fresh scone there I see. Wonder who made them, they look great anyway.
    Got my Tea & Toast and am over at my usual table. Won't stay too long, the first appointment is 9.45, we have to get to Perth for that. Only 22 miles but the farmers are busy just now (they always are) lots of slow moving tractors on the roads which slow you up.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door please help yourself. Be good and I will see you all later. xxxx

    1. WOW Patricia I love your card the scenery is amazing!! Clever girl!! xxx

    2. PS Forgot to add 'Good luck for the dentist' hope you don't need any treatment xx

    3. Lovely Crd Patricia! Would be very interested in learning how to do this most effective technique! Safe travel and hope the appointments go well. Xxx

    4. Afternoon Patricia
      I suppose you have been to the dentist by now but I hope it didn't hurt too much and that John has had his eyes done and again that that didn't hurt re the cost too much either.

      Patricia - I'm in awe of your stamping and colour talent. You always achieve such beautiful pictures - you are a true artist in all senses of the word.

    5. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
      Sandra so pleased you are well on your way.
      Patricia I love your card I like others thought it was a painting when I first saw it almost makes me think I might have a go at stamping now see what visiting the cafe has done! Hope your visit to dentist went well and John's to opticians.
      Saba have you got shoes yet?
      Cheryl so pleased Christening went well.
      Hope all who need hugs catch them
      Love Margaret xx

    6. Hi Patricia
      This is a real beauty, I've seen these stamps before but it's lovely to see them in action so to speak so you can see what a crafter can do with them not just their design team. Don't they stamp beautifully too. John jr must have been delighted with this.
      Hope all your appointments went well xxx

    7. PATRICIA WOW WOW sorry I'm late ( didn't want to shock you being first again haha ) your card is AMAZING Your so clever looks like you have painted it. Wouldn't have known it was a stamp .
      Hope dentist went ok & John's eye appointment also ok.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I sent a text to Sandra last night at 11.30pm and had the happy reply that we had all been waiting for which was that they had caught the ferry, which was running on time, and after a long time on the M40 they were all just sitting down to eat on the ferry : )) Thank goodness the most worrying part of the journey is over for them. Let's hope the French port causes them no headaches, I don't think it will as they are going into France!
    The Cafe is looking very pretty and the gorgeous flowers smell beautiful. We all feel the same so I know we will all do our bit to keep it clean and tidy while Sandra is away. I am quite happy to add my name to a cleaning rota if we decide that we need to have one : )
    Maureen, Wow, what a fantastic amount!!!! Congratulations on selling so much, and your refill idea is inspired, what a great way to keep making money for the charity : )
    Saba, you know you have to go back and get those shoes don't you? They are too much of a bargain to refuse. I hope you enjoyed the concert. Even music that we aren't that keen on sounds good live somehow : )
    Brenda Lilltle lamb, I hope you have a good day with Scarlett, even with an early start : )
    Maria, so sorry to hear that your tummy is not good again. Have you thought about certain food being the problem? It is often the case, try keeping a diary of EVERYTHING you eat and drink and your symptoms, for at least a couple of weeks, it's a nuisance but you may see a pattern emerge, if you haven't already. Sometimes it is the amount of a food that can cause a problem, as Hazel was saying only the other day. May you find an answer very soon.
    By the way, seeing the comments about not spending a fortune on weddings. As Mum said we had a lovely wedding without going mad. I had always said that I wanted to wear Mum's gorgeous dress, never even wanted to look at any others, so I got my wish AND saved a small fortune at the same time : )
    Off to the dentist this morning for a check up, oh what fun! Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. oH another one off to the dentist Mrs. B, as I said to Patricia 'Good luck' and hope there is no treatment needed. xx

    2. 'Morning Sue, it seems to be a case of - it's Monday must be dentist!!
      Hope it goes well and thanks so much for the news on Sandra and family! Xxx

    3. Afternoon Sue - As I said to Patricia I suppose you have already been to the dentist so I hope all went well and that your purse is not too light now.

    4. Hello Sue, thank you for the update on SANDRA & family geting the first part of there Journey all went smoothly for them.x
      Hope your dentist went ok. Xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -I bope you are all safely on your way with no hold ups.

    Patricia-goodness what a gorgeous card. I love the image & you've coloured it fantastically. It just looks like a painting.

    The weekend went so quickly & I didn't do half of what I'd planned...oh well. Looks like today's going to be another nice day so I might go for a walk at lunchtime.


  4. Good morning all,

    Sandra I hope you are well on your road trip to your holiday and that the travelling does no tire you out too much.

    Patricia, you are definitely in a league of your own with your superb picture card. The detail is staggering and shows how well you can create a masterpiece by stamping. Not my forte I am afraid, so I applaud you for consistently showing me how to do it. I am looking forward to our retreat so I may have lessons from you up close and interesting.

    Milly-May's Christening was perfect, she didn't cry once during the proceedings. I have not seen any baby with so many Godparents before.
    Although the church is CofE, it was not a service that I have previously attended or come across. It was not religious based as in older Churches but more relaxed and informal with the vicar wearing shorts! To begin with I thought it was an oversight on his behalf.
    Afterwards we had a lovely party at the local Rugby Team's clubhouse.

    I left roundabout 5 ish, put on my PJ's and relaxed doing some tapestry until bedtime.
    Will see you all later, I am still catching up with comments over the last week.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Afternoon Cheryl
      Am so pleased that the Christening went well. I too would have looked at the Vicar wearing shorts but I suppose I'm old fashioned in these things and when we go to Church we dress up and not down.
      I know I always say you don't have to attend a church building to be a Christian afterall He upstairs didn't but I still do think dressing appropriately should be done.
      I'm staying old fashioned on this one.
      What the subject of your tapestry please?

    2. Cheryl, glad it all went well at the Christening.
      I have been to one of these "modern style" Christenings. Yes! it really appeals to the young ones however ..... I am old fashioned and think if it is in a church it is a "religious service" and the proper robes should be worn. Mind you I have recently been told I really should embrace the 21st century!!! xxx

    3. Cheryl and Patricia I agree, not into vicars wearing shorts! When we got married our Banns were read at my local church which was a small church with the local squire in attendance and about 10 in the congregation with a shared vicar and then Julian's local church which was overhead projectors guitars and the vicar in jeans and sweatshirt. Julian isn't terribly comfortable in church but said he knew where he stood with our traditional one! I'm glad to hear the christening went well and what a sweetie taking it all in and not crying. Xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      A bit late I know but I'm glad the Christening went off okay.

  5. Hi again. I am sorry Patricia. I managed to forget to say how stunning your card is! It is simply wonderful, it could be a drawing, you have stamped it so well and you have got a real talent for shading. I agree with Sandra that we would love you to give us a class on this at the retreat, please.
    A bit spooky to read about you having things on most days this week....snap! And that you are also at the dentist today.....snap again, and at the same time too..... snap again, this is spooky! I will be thinking of you when I am sat in the chair : ) Fingers crossed that we all get away with not needing any treatment. Thank you again for sharing this stunning card.
    Take care xx

    1. Oh Sue, For I minute I thought it was a third person at the Dentist!! I'm easily confused! Careful Muriel!
      Did you notice I beat Lynda today! Xxx

    2. MYRA your easily pleased I didn't want you using all the smelling salts up at once. Haha xxx

  6. Good morning, I see Lynda didn't shock us by being in early again this morning, cafe looking lovely as usual. Sandra, I am pleased to hear from Sue that you are over the other side and well on the road to your relaxing holiday. I hope the tent going up goes well. ,remember it's Paul and yours holiday too, so the girls have to take a share of all the chores.
    Brenda ( LL). Enjoy your day with Scarlett, what ever you decide to do, you will have fun.
    Cheryl, yes the church is changing, and I sounds like that minister knows how to bring folk into his, by being relaxed and making folk feel relaxed. Milly-May will have felt it too, that's why she will have been so good.
    Maria, Sue is right it could be a certain food that's setting your tummy off, do write down everything for even a week. I know Patricia's John can't eat eggs any more, was ok up till about a year ago, now he can't eat them. Mine is to much guten. It can be something or nothing, but it's upsetting you.
    Myra, hope today brings news of the water situation.
    Diane, enjoy your day what ever you are doing. Hope you aren't to sore?
    Saba, are you up and dressed ready to run down and get those shoes??
    Janet, I see you might have had more rain overnight? Then again the weather men might have got it wrong.
    Jess, it looks like we are in for a day of rain, the sky is so black this morning the lights could go on.
    To everyone else, enjoy your day, there is (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket. I am off to get a cup of tea and sit and people watch for a while. xxx

    1. Thank you Hazel! The weather is quite bright and sunny here although we had a brief light shower earlier!
      I beat Lynda today!! Xxx

    2. Afternoon Hazel
      Yes we had some more rain during the night and the temps are in the 20s so it's much much better.
      I'm afraid that it's much too late for the veg patch though. Jim is going to dig the onions and potatoes a little later (when his lunch has settled lol) so we already know the onions are only small but it's a wait and see re potatoes.

    3. Hazel I'm being soooo lazy today and oh boy do I ache so that's my excuse. Thank you for thinking of me xxx

  7. Good morning ladies
    Patricia your talent knows no bounds. Fabulous card, I know you say it's easy to do using these stamps but I'm not convinced, I see talent with a capital T. When I look at this scene. It's amazing.
    I'll just help myself to a pot of tea and one of those delicious looking scones, I think Anne must have must have made these. I've brought my bottle of bleach and will give the cloakroom a clean before I go.
    Well I am a convert to Jazz. It was absolutely fantastic. There weren't the numbers there as for the classical concert probably about 40 thousand but the atmosphere was like one big party, I was even up and dancing. One of the singers was Viktoria Tolstoy, great great granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy and she was brilliant, but the best for me was the drummer, he could definitely give Phil Collins a run for his money.
    Now I am shattered this morning and will probably nod off during this mornings massage treatment but I promise I will go and buy those shoes afterwards.
    Maureen well done yesterday, love the idea of you refilling the cups for the people who bought them, you'll have a never ending stream of them knocking at your door. Hope the girls enjoyed their sleepover.
    Sandra, hope you have a good journey down through France, glad to hear that your ferry journey went well. Hope the girls fake tan is not going streaky!
    Love and hugs all
    Be back later Saba xxxxx

    1. Hello! Great news on the Concert! You have had a busy , culture filled weekend! Now for the shoe. YOO HOO HEIDE! Make her buy them please. Xxx

    2. SABA:- have you for those shoes yet???
      Glad you enjoyed your concert. Listened to the July one it was amazing. So many people all having a wonderfu time. Great fireworks at the end as well. xxx

    3. That of course should be "bought" xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and the lovely crew,
    Sandra hope you had as good a crossing as we did and a clear, safe run through to your destination and you and the family are happily settled to begin your holiday.
    Patricia as I said earlier your card is amazing and you are one talented lady.
    Maureen so pleased the event went well and such a clever idea to refill the candle teacups...well done you.
    Cheryl so pleased the christening went perfectly and glad you had time to relax when you arrived home.
    Woke up to very dark cloudy sky and we've just a short down pour of rain, so won't be up to much today especially as I also woke up to with what I think maybe a touch of sciatica.....I noticed it coming on while I was away and just put it down to all the walking we did. Hey-ho I suppose we have to put up with these things with age.
    Take care everyone will be in later oh by the way the cafe looks lovely and the scone was in the till and hugs in the basket so please help your self. Anyone heard from Norah?
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Norah popped in last week, Sheila. If you look back you will find it but her MIL passed away very recently . Sorry about the sciatica - that's painful! Take it easy for a few days! Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      You should try one of Margaret' s bags for your sciatica, you have my sympathy as that is something I suffer from due to the damage to the base of my spine from years of walking badly because of a leg length difference, it is almost impossible to get comfortable with it, so please take it easy my lovely xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in this greyish beginning of Monday,
    Sitting here with my tea and toast admiring this Beautiful man card made by Particia. The shadings are stunning and the picture is a bit mysterious and dark I love it ! I have seen these stamps on you tube but where did you get yours from ? Good luck to everyone seeing the dreaded Dentist this morning and John at the SpecSavers. Out myself in a minute to the shops so I be back later, Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hope you are feeling a bit better today Maria! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, a quick visit for now, off to the chiropodist for 10.
    Running late as usual, will catch up later.
    Patricia your card is gorgeous! x

    1. Jess, your feet are obviously in good condition if you can run.

    2. Jess if you can run before you see the Chiropodist you'll be doing cartwheels on the way home! Mind the shopping!! Xxx

  11. Hello everybody,
    Patricia, your man card is fantastic. It's a great image and I'll have to invest in some of those stamps.
    Good luck to the Dentist visitors, I hope you all get clean bills of health. Oops, that sounds as though you are birds with bills. You have a busy morning Patricia with John also going to the Opticians. I still haven't made an appointment for myself. I'll ring and make on as soon as I finish here.
    The girls are up, fed, watered, washed and dressed and the DVD last night was quite good. I'd only seen in twice before so that was a bonus lol.
    Orchids watered, upstairs half done, just going to tackle their room now, then will have to do something with downstairs. Oh, if only Monday wasn't the maid's day off!
    Maria, I hope you are feeling much better today and that your tummy settles down. If you haven't already done it - a food diary is a good idea as someone has already mentioned,
    Right, must get on, I'll ring the Opticians and finish the housework, but I think I'll have another cup of coffee, my money's in the pot and I'll call back later,
    Muriel xxx

    1. So pleased the girls and Grandma and Grandad enjoyed the sleepover! I have an orchid which is just about to bloom again! Each stage seems to take ages. I think mine survive because I forget about them !! Xxx

    2. Glad the sleepover went well. Eats, treats and drink with no incidents this time.
      I have a Ruby Red Orchid. We got it from Hazel for or Ruby wedding. I blooms every year after being "neglected" all winter. This year it just has one stem of flowers rather than two. They are just coming out and are very pretty. xxx

    3. Oh I'm rubbish with orchids and I neglect them but obviously in the wrong way! I had two for my birthday but all the flowers have dropped off and they are now sticks with leaves - is there a special way I should be neglecting them? Xxx

    4. Diane, water once a week with lukewarm water, let all the water drain off, put them back where you keep them (I keep mine on dining room windowsill - sun in morning, shade the rest of the day) and that's it!!

    5. Thank you Maureen I will give it a go - I've moved them to the kitchen window sill now instead of on the piano xxx

  12. Just wanted to say I am here. Off to Lidl and Asda now as the cupboards are bare. Then we might go to a NT place but rain is forecast so will just have to play it by ear. Back later. Hugs by the door.

    1. Hope the weather clears up enough for an outing Brenda. Enjoy your day! Xxx

    2. Littlelamb Brenda, I did say this morning that I hope you have a nice day and what is an NT place, but that comment seems to have disappeared, along with a few others. What is an NT place???

    3. Maureen NT is National Trust usually houses.xx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I hope you have and a good journey so far Sandra with no hold ups and the rest of your journey continues the same.
    Patricia this card with the stamping is absolutely fabulous it really makes a wonderful man card. You really are telling us porkys though, how can you possibly say you are NOT a stamper when you do fantastic work like this?
    Good luck at the dentist hope it is event free for you both and your journey is none too slow, I know just what you mean about slow and very slow farm traffic.
    Well my houseman is asking for coffee so I must keep him going with his cleaning but will be back later especially to see if Saba has got those shoes!
    Hugs in the corner help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret! I know I ought to know this - but when do you get your plaster off! You must be heartily sick of it by now ! How is your SIL now, Margaret ? Did they manage to get him stabilised on his Insulin. I do hope so. Xxx

    2. Myra I go back to the fracture clinic on Wednesday with my fingers crossed and my prayer mat tucked under my arm! I am just hoping it has healed as the consultant said it would be difficult to heal I told him I was being positive and it was going to heal, I do hope I'm right.
      My SIL is still not fully stabilised it is a case of slowly adjusting his levels of insulin, there is no quick cure I'm afraid.

    3. I will get the prayer mat ready too, Margaret! I do hope you get good news! Xx

    4. MARGARET:- got the Prayer Mats stacked up!!!
      Hope the leg has healed and you'll be hopping about (carefully) all over the place soon. xxx

    5. Margaret, I'm on my knees as I type this, bl**dy awkward it is too!!! Good luck on Wednesday!!!! xxxx

    6. MARGARET goooood luck on Wednesday on my Prayer mat every night for you. Xxx

  14. Hi everyone, back from the chiropodist, walking on air so to speak, I really don't do run anymore.
    Patricia as I said earlier your card is gorgeous, love your stamping and colouring.
    Hope you and Sue have had good results at the dentist.
    Cheryl glad the christening went well and I must apologise because I called Milly May:Molly May last week, senior moment on my behalf.
    Saba nice to know you enjoyed the Jazz, I think it depends on what kind it is, traditional or modern. Hope you get your shoes!!!
    Maureen what a brilliant idea to offer a refill for the candle cups, Can I borrow it if that is ok with you?
    We had a heavy shower of rain earlier but the sun is shining now, maybe the washing can get hung out, I hate going out in the rain to bring it in, so maybe the tumble drier will be on later.
    Thanks Sue for letting us know Sandra got off ok, I hope they have reached their destination without any hickups.
    Cafe looking good ladies, will do my bit to keep it clean and tidy, coffee done, money in pot, cup washed and put aside.
    Sheila sorry to hear about your sciatica, take is easy.
    Will pop back later, take care, xx

    1. JESS:- I saw you floating along the road, bet Your feet feel great.
      Thank you for the nice words about my card. No actual colouring with my stamps, just shading with distress inks. xxx

  15. Maureen I have just caught up with yesterday and today's posts WELL DONE THAT GIRL! what a great total and really good thinking batman about your refills on the candle cups, but are you sure £3 is enough just look at the price of candles in the shops in what is really no more than a jam jar?
    Cheryl delighted to know all went so well at the Christening and even more delighted you had a good rest afterwards.
    Saba how is the shopping? Hope you got my email with a message for Peter, I had trouble getting it to send! No surprise there, I think perhaps Patricia has got one copy of it!
    Just popped some Mars Bar cake in the fridge for this afternoon, hope no one is getting sick of it but it is so easy for me to make at the moment, please help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Ooohhh Margaret the Mars bar cake is so yummy can we have the recipe please :) thank you xxxx

    2. Don't tell anyone, I've had TWO pieces of the cake and now I feel sick!!!. I did put extra money in the pot though. xxxx

    3. Oh Muriel! It's lovely but quite rich. - a bit like you really!!
      That's if it's like mine and made in a saucepan? Xxx

  16. Afternoon one and all
    I've managed to comment on my way down but I'm sure I'll have missed something.
    Pleased to hear that Sandra got across here without any holdups and so they should be well on their way down to the border by now. The temps here are just right so I hope that it's the case for them all.

    Margaret - please may I have the recipe for the Mars Bar Cake? It sounds lovely.

    Saba - so pleased you have a wonderful music weekend and that you are now converted to another genre of music. Don't forget those shoes.

    Maureen I haven't looked at the latest comments from yesterday but I get the impression that you made a mound of money with your sales. I'll go over and see when I've finished here. Anyway congratulations.

    We have been and shopped this morning as the fridge looked a little on the empty side; had lunch and am now waiting for Jim to go and do a little gardening like digging up the onions and potatoes. The rain over the weekend should have softened the earth enough for him to dig. Me well I might just do a little crafting or perhaps trying to find a subject for my Great Grandson's 2nd birthday which is on 13th Sept. I want to do it here as we don't get back until 2nd Sept and then will have a mountain of things to catch up on and I hate to be last minute with cards.
    Have a good afternoon.

    1. Janet - I always keep forgetting to say that I'm still enjoying my Daphne's Diary Magazine. One came in when we were down in Surrey and I just got a chance to look at it at the weekend ! Hope you are happy with the potatoes and onions despite the hot dry weather! Xxx

    2. Hello Janet, it seems strange to say that I hope you get a bit more rain, we are usually wishing for fine weather. Enjoy your meal (although you'll have had it by now!) xxx

  17. Hi all, back from shopping and quite pleased as I got a pair of crops and a t-shirt for £12.50. also got to the polish shop for some Black Bread and their mustard which is nice to ham etc. Bunny and cat watered and fed so I'm now ready for a sit down with a milky coffee and a slice of the Mars Bar cake, sure it want hurt my tummy or it will be worth it. I writing down what I eating this week and will see how it goes. No Lynda this morning Tihi you got in before her Myra, hope you have a good day. It's raining cats and dogs here, temp 21 but so humid, not nice. Milly-May's Christening must have been lovely but I agree with Janet that the vicar should have worn long trousers during the service. Sometimes it is too relaxed. Thanks for the message Sue reg Sandra, hope they get down to Spain ok today or are they stopping off another night before ? Glad you enjoyed the Jazz Saba, not keen normally but can enjoy some of them. Wonder if it is a nice club in NY somewhere.
    Sheila- hope you feeling better after some rest and pain killers. Have exercises for the frozen shoulder and been told to move it as much as i can. Cranking the handle on the GC does that count ? hihi Take care xxxx

    1. Hi Maria oh I love a bargain! Hope the weather warms up enough to wear them! The bread and mustard sound yummy too. Hope your tummy is feeling more comfortable today, yes a food diary is such a good idea and shows the doctor you mean business too ! Xxx

    2. Hello Maria, I nearly swallowed my tonsils when I first read your post. I thought you'd paid £125.00 for your crops and t shirt!!! I MUST go to the opticians ha ha. Enjoy your bread and ham but I don't think you should eat the Mars Bar cake, here - let me eat it for you lol!!!! xxxx

    3. I can't do that - they were removed when I was a child! Xxx

    4. Maureen- for gold lame' and diamond studded top I thought it was a bargain, didn't want you swallow your tonsils for that .. It is small isn't ? hope you liked the cake.
      Shame Myra couldn't enjoy some bread and ham as she had them removed as a child, wonder if they were to mouldy. xxx

    5. Hello MARIA I wasn't in this morning as MYRA likes to beat me you know. HaHa. I'm so sorry your tummy is still not better,good about doing a food log hope it helps. Take care my friend xx sending healing tummy HUG's xxx

  18. Bon Jour Sandra!
    Hello Ladies, - oops that does not mean Sandra isn't a lady! I'm just entering into the spirit of the French part of her holiday! So pleased to know things went well so far.
    Patricia's card today is literally like a painting! You are clever . In the middle of the previous sentence I had to go out! Sorry - something I started before 11am was continued at 12 55!!
    I've completely forgotten my train of thought but I shall return! Promise.
    Have a good day,
    Love Myra xxx

  19. Just had an update on the Water situation. They have had a clear sample in the Treatment Works affected but all the pipe work etc etc needs to be tested too. They think we may be back to normal on Wednsday. Xxx

    1. Saw that on the News Myra. It's still a long time and they have not been very good with supplying what you should have had on "tap" xxx

    2. Myra, it must be so frustrating, you don't realise how much you take the simple things in life for granted until we are without them!
      It's so much harder filling a kettle with a 2 litre Bottle, which is what we will be doing for the next three weeks!
      You don't mind on holiday though, it's been going of for far too long now! Hope it gets resolved quickly xxx

    3. Myra, is it easier to fill a kettle with wine? Just a thought ha ha xxx

      I really think they need a kick up the proverbial, and the fellow who was on the news this morning was quite mediocre.

  20. Bonjour ladies,
    We have arrived at our overnight stop hotel, been here about 45 minutes, we have driven 640 miles since getting off the ferry, the ferry crossing was very straight forward and apart from Calais ferry port looking like a maximum security prison it was no different to last years crossing,!
    We are staying in a beautiful town called Millau tonight , it has the most breathtaking views and the most amazing bridge that you could imagine, I am laying here with Paul quietly dozing beside me after all of those hours driving, we will get ready for dinner later and then an early start to complete our journey, it should take about 3-4 hours, depending on traffic, no relaxing when we arrive like we usually do, we have to erect our accommodation first, oh what fun!
    I will pop back later,
    Patricia I love these stamps that you used to create this masterpiece xx
    I hope all our our dentist visits went well,
    Maria I am sorry that your tummy has flared up again, I hope it settles quickly, by the way what is black bread.??
    Love and hugs

    1. Good to hear from you! We're all behaving !
      That's a lot of miles! Paul will need a lovely rest after he puts the Tent up!
      In case you or anyone else missed it on the way down - I beat Lynda today!!!
      Childish me - never! Xxx

    2. Glad to hear you have arrived at this stop safe and sound Sandra. That is a lot of miles to drive. Enjoy your evening meal and safe onwards journey tomorrow xxx

    3. Sandra, Paul must be exhusted with driving all those miles, make sure he has a good sleep, then again I use to drive those amount of miles when we lived in the south of Germany. Well maybe not so many. I hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your meal, xxx

    4. Great to see you pop in.
      Please make sure Paul gets plenty rest before the next leg of your journey.
      Hope you are feeling better, enjoy your dinner. xxx

    5. Sandra, lovely to see you safe and sound on this leg of the journey. I remember when we drove down to Lourdes sitting holding my eyes open and talking to George as he drove so that he didn't fall asleep. It's the only time I really couldn't be bothered to talk!!!
      I'm sorry about Myra beating Lynda, so uncalled for, but we'll tie her arms down tomorrow!!! ha ha.
      Take care xxxxx

    6. Bon jour Sandra
      Pleased all went well and that you're at your overnight stop.
      We've only seen pics of the new mway bridge but it looks amazing.
      Have a good nights sleep and hope the antibiotics are doing their job.

    7. Sandra lovely to hear from you hope Paul has a good rest and you as well good luck for journey tomorrow and putting up tent then you can relax. Hope you are feeling better. Love Margaret xx

    8. Sandra great to know you have made it to your overnight stop, make sure Paul has a good sleep for your onward journey. Will no doubt hear how things are later, take care and let the girls help as much as they can. X

    9. Bonsoir Sandra
      Hope you are enjoying your overnight stay and are starting to relax.
      Just think you can have French pastries tomorrow for breakfast. Good luck for tomorrow's tent building.
      Hugs galore
      Saba xxxx

    10. Good to hear from you, oh boy that some mileage in one day. hope Paul can have a proper rest before tomorrows next part of your journey. The bread is like the German rye but a Polish version. Pity Myra lost hers as a child, do you think I should send her some or she might beat me too ? xxxx

  21. In for a quick cuppa.
    I have commented on the way down.
    Nothing needed done at the Dentist. Nothing needed at the Optition either.
    No money spent on those things. I did pop into M&S while John was in SpecSavers and spent money? Well it would be boring just sitting waiting for him!! I bought a couple of pairs of trousers, for the cooler days. Mind you it's not that warm here today, bucketing rain as well.
    Off to have a chat with Hazel, will back later to see what else you guys have been up to. xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm so late today but I'm feeling so lazy - I have beaten Lynda though ( haha Myra yes it is childish but had to be done didn't it - sorry Lynda. Xxx) I went for a walk this morning to post some cards but it was more like a stagger as my back legs and feet are so sore today from all that walking. I'm having a lie down and keep nodding off too - not good! It's now pouring with rain so there's not much incentive to get going. I've just been on the phone to my sister telling her all about the tea and having a good catch up. She's trying to clear some space in the garage and has come across some boxes of china so I suggested making tea cup candles with it - I think she thinks I've gone mad but had gone away to look them up. She's not sure what china it is yet whether it is stuff from our mum and dad's or her husbands - that a the trouble with having a double garage and still no room for a car! They desperately need a clear out and hopefully she won't send things my way - her way of passing on family things she doesn't want to keep! Patricia I dud leave a comment - your card is beautiful, you are clever xxx
    I hope everyone's appointments went well today, it sounds like it's a busy week! Maureen I hope you've booked your appointment now too. Xxx
    Well I had better go before I nod off again. Saba I hope the shoes were still there and Myra good to hear there's some good news on the water front- I hope you get compensation. Xxx
    See you all later - oh yes Janet - hope your veg is ok and Jess "walking in the air!" Xxxx

    1. Oh Dainty, how could you beat Lynda up as well. The poor woman will be black and blue between you and Myra.
      It was interesting to read that you have back legs and feet. How many do you have in total - oh I'm sorry, just having a mad half hour here!

    2. DIANE:- I hope the cups your sister is offering are pretty china.
      Hope the tootsies are a but better now. xxx

    3. Tee hee Maureen I'm a centipede , didn't you know! Mind you I've got enough pain for about 6 backs and 10 legs and 50 feet! Oh I was gentle with Lynda honest xxx

  23. Right ladies, I NEED YOUR HELP, I'm bending over and would like you to give me a swift kick up the derriere as I have taken all day to do very little. I just cannot get motivated. Yes, I've cleaned upstairs but haven't even phoned the Optician yet. I think I'm just going to write today off as a lazy day and get myself into gear tomorrow.
    I'm pleased to see that you and John are super fit and need no treatment, I fear it won't be the same for me when I go!
    Saba, have you bought those shoes yet? Glad you enjoyed the jazz, I like some but not the really, really "way out" stuff.
    Got to go, see you later. xxxx

    1. PS - now I know why the sun seemed to go behind a cloud! Xxx

    2. Maureen, yesterday will have taken more out of you than you think!!! I know it did with Patricia and I when we did these things. Just take it easy, there is another day. xxx

    3. I agree with Hazel, yesterday was a hard day. You get excited with your sales and forget you are actually phisically busy.
      Get yourself together quickly please!!!! xxx

  24. Hello ladies
    This will have to be super quick. I haven't had time to read the comments yet.
    Just nicely got home, written a couple of e mails ( I have another one to write but will do that later) and I am about to get dinner on. It's roast beef and yorkshires so I really must get cracking.
    I will be back after dinner to tell you about the shoes.......
    Love and big hugs
    Saba xxxxx

    1. SABA :- have you not finished your dinner yet???
      I just about wetting myself with excitement!!! xxx

    2. Oh dear oh dear, I feel so bad now. Hope you have a change of knickers on.

  25. Saba, snap we had roast beef and yorkshires as well, they were lovely, not home made I'm afraid just Aunt Bessie's frozen ones.
    Done a couple of cards this afternoon, they look ok, trying to use up my mountain of paper pads.
    Will come back later to find out about the shoe saga. X

    1. JESS:- I am hopeless making Yorkies, I always trust Aunt Bessie's.
      I have been rather lazy this afternoon. Just caught up with lots of the "things to do" pile. xxx

    2. My brother told me a fool proof method of Yorkshire pudding making a few years ago, you take a small glass, maybe a 1/4 of a pint or a small tea cup, then you measure the flour, eggs and milk using the glass as the measure, I add salt and pepper, as long is the tin comes out 'smoking hot' beef dripping makes the best Yorkshires ever, but tiny can use healthier fat ! The oil should sizzle when you add the batter, pop them back in a hot oven and they rise like a dream every time! I am married to a Yorkshire man so I had to perfect the art!
      Sandra. Xxxxx

    3. I use an old Yorkshire recipe. Two heaped tablespoons of plain flour, two eggs mix well, add enough liquid (2 thirds milk and 1 third water) to form a thin batter and add a pinch of salt. Put in fridge to go cold. Heat dripping in tins until smoking. Pour in batter and put back in oven. 220 degrees for about 20 mins. Never fails. And don't forget NEVER WASH YOUR TIN,!!!

    4. Is that the same for the teacups in Sandra's recipe, extra shine and flavour if candle wax been in them first ?

  26. Ladies, thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my card.
    Because the stamps have so much detail when you stamp them, they stamp a scene very easily. All you then have to do is shade with inks.
    We have a beautiful evening here (at the moment). We have had so many heavy showers this afternoon, the place has dried up so quickly when the sun has come out. Oh! I do hope we have some nice weather over the next couple of days.
    Just had a phone call to ask if we can take the boys for a few hours tomorrow. Audrey is Night Shift tonight and tomorrow night, she will need to sleep for quite a few hours when she gets home in preparation for the night ahead.
    No problem, John is here all day. I am going to get my hair cut at 11am, other than that I am here as well. Mind you I will probably have to stop off at Asda in Forfar for a few "boys" essential supplies.
    Be back in a while to see about these "SHOES" xxx

  27. Hello Anne, How are you coping without your IPad! Missing you, hope you get it back - or a replacement very soon!
    Hello - Jean , Are you home or still on holiday ? Can't remember but I do miss you! Xxx

    1. MYRA:- I was just thinking the same things about Jean & Anne.
      Hope they are both ok!! xxx

    2. I decided to look at the dreaded water map! Jean should be outside the affected area so at least she won't have to deal with that as she comes home! Xxx

  28. Myra, were you reading my mind?? I was thinking Jean should be home soon if not already? Poor Anne not having use of my I pad would be terrible. It's a bit like when our G.C. Brake? I wish SABA would hurry up and tell us if she bought her shoes? Diane, here hoping the China is lovely old ones that can be used. Reckonmend a storage unit to your sister, but not your house? Xxx

    1. HAZEL:- your iPad is misspelling again xxx

    2. Hazel our house is quite full already so not much space for extras. My brother in law lost his mum last year and they spent months clearing the house. As the house was quite isolated they moved a lot of the valuables out quickly to sort at a later date. They need to organise a get together with his brother and sister to see who wants what before they make final decisions , my sister makes jewellery and often has sales in a local gallery so I suggested she makes candle cups to sell alongside. Xxx

  29. It's been doing that all day even on messaging, Charlies is playing up too. I change what it's misspells and it changes it again when I press publish. xxx

    1. You have to really watch, they put in some weird and wonderful words in place of what you actually type. I have had a few funny ones I have spotted today. xxx

    2. You do realise who it is don't you? It's those pesky aliens who are reading all we write and having a bit of fun with us.

  30. SABA - DID YOU GET THE SHOES, Oh hurry up and tell us, we are all beside ourselves and that's not a pretty sight.
    NT is for National Trust, is it Margaret P. Well I knew that, I'd just forgotten, like a lot of things lately.
    Did I tell you that Rachel suggested that I go to see the Doctor about my memory. She said that the sooner "the things" are seen to the better. I knew what she was getting at, so I went and had a memory test. Now Patricia, I nearly wet myself then!!! If the score was under 3 I'd be referred to a "Specialist" I scored 9 out of 9, yippee. At least I think that's what she said, I really can't remember!!!!! I've never been so frightened in my life, it was like being back at school and I was asked none of the things that I thought I would. At first my mind went a total blank but then when I calmed down it was all right, again a bit like school exams.
    Diane, I hope your old china is lovely and that you can use it.
    Come on Saba, where are you?

    1. So what did Rachel say about that then???
      That's a brilliant score, you can not better that, can you!!

    2. She didn't say a lot. I'll tell you all about it when I see you!!!
      When I saw the Doctor, I reminded her about a couple of things, and when I saw the Nurse (who did the test) I corrected her as well!!!

    3. Do you know Muriel I have a Rachel who sounds just like yours. She thinks I am loosing it too. Thing is though sometimes I think she is right! Glad you got a top Score.

  31. Hello lovely ladies
    Roast beef was lovely, yorkshires puffed up a dream, nice bottle of Shiraz and the world is a lovelier place. Right, first off today I got the Adonis. He was wearing a skimpy t shirt which didn't leave much to the imagination and I am really starting to enjoy these massage sessions. Then into town. Now when I come home I like to treat the littlies to a small treat. I love the way they come flying out of their respective homes, arms outstretched and shouting "OMI OMI" and I think oh bless them, they have missed me but then in the next breath " have I got a present?" Well, Abi and Oliver have now got a toy to look forward to but Max was a bit more difficult. I know he desperately would like the football strip from Bayern München, but they charge silly prices for them and so after much deliberation ( 3 hours )and Heides encouragement I bought it.
    That meant I was broke and the SHOES stayed on the shelf. I have loads of shoes anyway and it will be reward enough to see his little face. So sorry ladies.

    1. Ah Saba, We'd all do the same for our Grandchildren. Well most of you would, I'd have bought the shoes!!!!

    2. Just like a Grandma! We can't help it! Football strips are very expensive and he'll have a proper one from Germany! Good choice in the circumstances! Xxx

    3. Awww!! Saba! you are such a sweet Granny, Grandma, Omi ..... !!!
      Mind you I think I would have put the shoes on my Credit Card and worried about paying them when the bill came in!!! Especially if they went with the Bag!!!! xxx

    4. I'm with Patricia, I'd have bought both, and worried about it later!!!

    5. Yep me too, shoes foe me and football kit for grandson, in fact I would have suggested grandad pays for it because he would the be no 1 grandad! And om would be lovely in her shoes! Xxx

  32. Oh, SABA you have lets us all down? We were hoping you had bought them, then we would have waited to hear how you explained them to Peter.!!! But then again the pleasure you will get from seeing those little faces will make up for the loss of the shoes. xxx

    1. Hazel, Peter would not notice if I grew another head let alone a new pair of shoes. Xxxx

  33. Good evening. Firstly, WOW. At first I thought it was a Thomas Kinkade picture on a card, so I am so impressed to find that you have stamped it, Patricia.
    So glad Sandra and family are on their way, and hope that it will be a fun and relaxing holiday for them all.
    We have had the thunder and heavy rain here this afternoon too, and absolutely miserable now. I feel sorry for all our visitors, So many are walking the West Highland Way, or climbing Ben Nevis, so they are arriving with water pouring off them.
    Finally finished the wedding card I was making, not easy just catching a few minutes at a time, the mind just wasn't on it.
    Not looking forward to tomorrow afternoon, as I have to take the dog to the vet. He has prostate problems (it effects elderly male dogs too), and he needs hormone injections. Fine, but last time the young vet decided to do a rectal exam! You should have seen the look on Bracken's face.

    1. Hi Janice poor bracken I hope he gets on ok and doesn't have to poked and prodded too much xxx

  34. Good evening ladies,
    I won't have any internet access for a few days, so I won't be able to pop in and see what you are up to, everything is well stocked, I have had to invest in a cow for the cafe garden as you lot get through so much with all that tea you drink and those funny, frothy, silly named coffees!
    I haven't thought of a name for our cow yet. Let's hear your suggestions....
    Now I know you will look after the place, it's my pride and joy, make sure you just enjoy yourselves and I look forward to catching up with all of the gossip at the end of the week.
    Lots of love to all of you,

    1. Sandra, have a wonderful time with the family. Just relax and enjoy yourself and don't worry about a thing. We'll put everything back to where it should be before you come back!!!!
      I'll have to put my thinking cap on to think of a name for the cow.
      See you soon.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. SANDRA:- you are havin a laugh!!!
      We will be fine the Supermarkets have loads of milk.
      Can we just stick with that ... no one is willing to milk the blooming thing!! xxx

    3. Sorry:- SABA :- has just said she will milk the cow.
      She just won't clean up the S...T xxx

  35. Since I made up my mind to got to the Retreat I have been saving!!!
    No more Craft Magazines ...... money in the Jaunt Jug. When I have been tempted by Crafty Stuff that I really did "not" need .......equivalent money in the Jaunt Jug. Plus I have been saving my £1 or £2 coins in the Jug. I don't go out shopping using Cash very often so there are not too many of those coins to put in the Jug. Well ladies I can tell you I have saved enough to pay my Train Fare (Hazel booked it, I will give her the money when I see her Wednesday) and almost have enough to pay my Hotel.
    I am really quite pleased with myself. xxx

    1. Me too Patricia, I have enough for the train fare, and a bit left over towards the hotel. We've still got over two months to save as well.

    2. Anybody like to contribute to my flight? Might be able to splash out on some shoes then. Xxx

    3. Saba, do you want my Tammy to go look for bargain.. She good at that. I can raid the £2 tin as it's hardly got any in it, had to stop saving them as I was getting some times 7 in a day in change. Don't buy many crafty mags so can't save their either, but as I am not working I am saving on fuel big style and seeing how each fill up is about £45 and I haven't had to fill up every week for a month like normal I should see money left in the account at the end of this month. So that will help pay my bill. xxx

    4. Hazel sounds like Tammy and I would get along well. I like a bargain too. I dragged poor Heide all around our city to try and get the rotten football strip cheaper but after 4 department stores, 1 sport shop and an Adidas special shop I finally accepted it was the same price everywhere. Poor Heide.

  36. Janice, I feel for you having to take Bracken to the vet. You feel for them as they can't tell the vet to not do that as they don't like it. Plus you have to see your visitors being miserable over this terrible weather. So you have two things to deal with. Do you have a drying room they can hang up their wets cloths in??? We were lucky at the ski lodge having one. xxx

  37. Bonsoir Cherie,
    A cow! You've left us a cow to look after! I've already cleaned the toilets today. Oh well, I do know how to milk one so I suppose I could do that, but I AM NOT cleaning up after it. Names? How about Cynthia that would be a nice name for a cow. ( apologies to anyone looking in who may be called Cynthia, no insult was meant). Xxxx

    1. Why Cynthia? The only Cynthia I can think of was that Brothel owner who took Luncheon Vouchers in payment!!

    2. Why not Cynthia. Cynthia the jersey cow. I think it has a nice ring to it.
      What's your suggestion? Please don't say Daisy.

    3. Trust you and SABA to get the show going? And the laughter tears, I am glad you know how to milk a cow SABA . I ain't cleaning up after it either, its bad enough cleaning the garden up every time after Harris, his can at least go in a poo bag, I would have to borrow the poop scoop that they use to clean the paddock up at work. Sandra, could you not have just order extra milk from the milkman? Or we would have been happy to brought some in every day!! Cynthia I think is a good name, I had to go down to Gillians today to see that STAN was ok, he's so tiny and he comes when you call his name, you do expect this big butch cat to come not a little thing that can fit in your hand, xxx

    4. I've thought of another one. How about Yorkshire Pudding. My friend has a lamb called mint sauce.

    5. Ah Hazel, Stan's so sweet. I saw his photo on your blog and makes me want to get one just like him, and I'm not keen on cats!!! I like dogs more.

    6. Saba, she could be Yorkie for short!!! Of course, there's no certainty that Sandra got a she cow, it could be a male and totally unsuitable for milking. Who is going to check???

    7. Oh ping pong balls. Not me. And we can't call it Yorkie that's a chocolate bar.
      Myra are you feeling brave?

    8. I've just thought, it'll be a Bull if it''s not a she. xxxx

    9. That's very astute of you Muriel no wonder you got 9 out of 9.

    10. I'm not going anywhere near it/she/he. You are braver than me, I elect you to find out. xxx

    11. Saba, have you noticed Myra is conspicuous by her absence. Do you think she's digging a well xxx

    12. There is actually a very simple test. We dress Myra in a red frock and shove her through the door. If she runs out screaming we know for sure its a boy cow, if she makes us a latte it's a girl.

    13. Maureen, I have asked Gillian why they call the little thing STAN ? She thought it was cool, now she has Junior and Oskar, they lost Squeek not so long ago, she has had ones called Fluffy and Mishka, so why STAN??? Yet I can't think of another name for him either. I love cats, but I was told no more a few years ago. At least they don't need taking for walks when it's pouring with rain or freezing cold. xxx

  38. Right folks that's me off to get ready for bed.
    Boys here just after 9am, dad dropping them off on way to work.
    I have to have the house things done before they arrive. They like to have breakfast here rather than a rushed one at their house. Will have to be organised.
    Goodnight, God Bless, see you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night God bless, see you tomorrow. Sleep well and try not to snore! Xxx

    2. Night, night, sweet dreams Patricia. Gird your loins before the boys arrive and have a hearty breakfast!! Enjoy your time with them, I hope the burn isn't flowing fast.

    3. Sandra said she'd got a cow! Would she not have spotted it was actually a bull? You are right though - a bull cannot be milked! I can't believe I've just typed that! Xxx

    4. Matt her son works with farm animals, he will have kept her right. I bet he organised the byre too, and the straw for its bedding, oh no that will need changing, let's get Matt to take it back to where he bought it from, and we will just buy the milk, she can pay for her hotel bill with the refund money. xxx

  39. Right, George has come in and switched off the light. I can take a hint, so I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams, and will someone make sure that Yorkshire Pudding is in the cow byre with food and drink!
    See you tomorrow xxxx

    1. She bought a byre as well! Xxx

    2. Cynthia? Not sure about that - Clarissa ? Cordelia ? Xx

    3. Night Night Patricia and Maureen!
      I hope you both sleep well! Xxx

  40. Night sweetie pie
    See you tomorrow, IT'S asleep but the methane gas in here is just awful. What was Sandra thinking of. I could have coped with black coffee.

    1. It's very rude to talk about someone behind their back you know!
      There is no end to Muriel's fund of knowledge! She can even tell the difference between a cow and a bull but not easily! It's a worry! Xxx

    2. Whoops. You spotted the red dress comment then and discovered our cunning plan.

    3. I did! Throw me to the cow/ bull! It will be a toss up how I come out! Xx

  41. I noticed that Pat S hasn't been in, I hope she and Pete are ok, maybe they have had appointments??? xxx

  42. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra it was lovely you managed to drop in today. Paul must have been exhausted after all that driving. Hope he is well rested for the last leg of your journey.
    Patricia, love your card, the pictures you can create with these stamps are brilliant. I have some, but not the exact ones you have. They are really great to use.
    Well today has been busy after a very busy family day yesterday we had 12 + one of Ciaras friends, who ended up staying for a sleep over. Today both girls have been really good. We did some card making, well stamping and colouring which they both enjoyed. Later made some bread with Callum. Where does the time go?
    I will wish everyone a very good night, sleep well.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Night God bless Brenda enjoy your precious times with your grandchildren. Xxxx

    2. Night Night Brenda, Slerp well! You've had a busy day. Xxx

  43. I am ok about no milk as only drink black tea, so does Patricia. It's Margaret and maureen they like lattes. Brenda (LL) likes a hot chocolate when she pops in late, I hope she had a lovely day with Scarlett, I wonder if she is looking after her tomorrow too, I could have been doing to have borrowed Brenda's NT card when Roberta was here, it costs a fortune to go into all these stately homes and gardens. Scarlett is so lucky to have a granny who takes her to all theses lovely places and craft shows. The girls granny takes them no where, she never leaves the house when she comes, xxx

    1. A coffee shop with no milk is a bit like a pub with no beer! Xxx

    2. Myra was that a quote from Confucius ?

    3. Just a fact really! - why did Sandra introduce a cow? Xx

    4. Not sure. Maybe to keep us busy?
      Right I am leaving you now. Last one out don't forget to make sure the back door is closed. We don't want cow pats in the cafe.
      Night God bless all

    5. On that very fragrant note , I'll bid you goodnight too!
      Night night dear! Xxx

  44. Good evening everyone wow it's taken so long reading all the comments I have been answering on way down & im a little black & blue with being beaten on the way down.haHa.
    MYRA it doesn't take much to please you dose it I let you beat me today. But tomorrow is another day,HAHA .
    SANDRA wow some mileage you've done hope tomorrow's final journey goes smoothly. Good luck with puting the tent up,hope the girls help.
    Oh SABA Arrr your a good grammar Grandchildren before Shoes well done resisting them x
    CHERYL so pleased Milly May's Christening went well,the vicar was the same when we had Harry Christened he didn't have shorts on but jeans he was also telling jokes it felt very strange not a normal conventual vicar.
    MARGARET i did comment up after your post,i just want to wish you well again for Wednesday xx
    Good night sleep well Eveyone love Lynda xx
    See you in the morning!!!! HAHA xxxx

    1. Night Night Lynda! Of course I'm easily pleased - I'm a simple soul !! Xx

    2. That's true MYRA Night Night see you in the morning my friend XX

  45. Looks like everyone has gone to bed, I heard a cow bell ringing from behind the cafe and found the cutest little cow in a very posh byre. Who dipped her horns in the glitter pot, they look pretty but I'm not sure they work! Wow the rhubarb will grow well with all the deposits lying around, might have to put some on the roses too. Janet do you want some for your onions? Well I'm off to bed now, might stick my head out the front door to see if there are any meteorites whizzing around - could do with a few wishes coming true this week. Night night everyone sleep tight see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams xxx

    1. Hope one of these meteorites hit that cow! The cat was bad enough! Where is it by the way? Xx

    2. Diane I was going to bed. Had forgotten about the meteorite shower tonight. We saw the ISS twice last evening. Am now off on the balcony and might take a glass with me!!

  46. Saba, our Tammy hates to miss a bargain, she had the boys down to the geox shoe shop today getting them fitted for their school shoes, left without buying as they have gone up so much since she was in a few weeks ago seeing what styles they had, they know they will get it. So she is on the Internet looking where she can get them cheaper, now she knows what sizes they need.

  47. hi Sandra
    Patricia a bit late I know, but I havent a clue where today went. We were going to Stratford upon Avon but it rained first thing this morning so that knocked that on the head. Then we had a sandwich at lunchtime and went to pick up our friends and went walking by the canal at Thrupp. Had a cup of tea, and Heather our friend said shall we have dinner out. Well, you can't be rude and refuse can you. I just love this card. I seen something you've done similar with this make of stamps before. It's so atmospheric. Haven't read any posts as its so late.
