
Sunday 9 August 2015

Maureen's 2015 Monthly ATC's part 1


Maureen's January ATC

February ATC

March ATC

April ATC
Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Today I want to share with you something a little different, our lovely Maureen (Muriel, Daffy etc)
has another hidden talent, she likes to make ATC or Artist Trading Cards, these are usually made and taken to different craft events so that they can be swapped or given out, as a sample of your work. 
As you can see Maureen has put a lot of work into everyone of these ATC's. the image/embellishment is related to that particular month.
January : A beautiful winter scene of children playing on a sledge, Maureen has captured the frosty, cold feel of this image too, with the colour and technique she has used.
February : Now this has to be the cutest image ever, Winnie The Pooh walking, arms linked in a dancing fashion, in a beautiful green meadow.  I imagine this is a very popular ATC.
March : A pretty lady (hair coloured perfectly) wearing a beautiful Easter Bonnet, I love the way you have decoupages some of the flowers for dimension.
April : Well we do get out fair share of 'April Showers', this card depicts it perfectly, Maureen has used her amazing Parchment skills to create this gorgeous image of a duck with her umbrella in a proper down pour! Just look at the detail Maureen has put into this image, there are even ripples on the puddles!
Maureen, thank you so very much for sharing your ATC collection with us xxx
I have organised to show all 12 of Maureen's ATC's in 4 parts, so please look out for part 2.
I am so sorry that I have been absent from the café this passed couple of days, this packing lark is absolutely exhausting.
Car and Trailer mostly packed now, just last minute bits and bobs, packing a picnic for the journey etc.
I have everything crossed that there will be no 'Operation Stack' on the M20 today, so that we can have a smooth route to the ferry.
I will pop back in later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra & ladies smelling salts.
    Wow I'm first had to get up for a wee thought I would wake you all up every things et up pretty table clothes in pink some gorgeous mixed flowers ern ready a lovely Victoria sponge with fresh strawberries & fresh cream in yourselves
    Maureen you ATC cards are soooo lovely love them all. I will be back
    Love Lynda

  2. SORRY Sandra safe journey have a lovely time my lovely xxxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra, Lynda and all who have time to call into the Coffee Shop today.
    MAUREEN:- your ATCs are brilliant. Love. Love, love, every one but the Parchment one is just amazing. I made and gave away so many. I only have a few return ones, which I still have in a tin.
    Think I will need a sleep at some time today. John kept nudging me because I was snoring. I was not aware of it. ..... I never heard a thing!!! So fed up of being disturbed I went to the spare bed. It's comfy, but I just jumped in, shoving all the cushions etc:- over to one side not giving me that much room. I ended up sleeping on the edge. I woke up tired!!!
    I have taken my Tea & Toast over to my favourite table to do some People Watching. I am waiting to see Sandra & Paul's expanding sided car and loaded trailer trundling along as they wave us all goodbye for a few weeks.
    Have a wonderful time, hope the roads are clear for you. Wishing you Happy Holidays, looking forward to hearing and seeing all about it.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. See you all later. xxx

  4. Oh the shock has been to much I think I will go back to my bed!!! Lynda don't do this to us/me? You are usually the last one in at night. It must have been some party and I think you had just rolled in and are pretending you got up. Hope it was a good night?
    Good morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra, what time did Paul and you get finished, I bet it was a case of " oh I have just remembered we need ?" As long as you have passports, ferry tickets and insurance details your fine, you can always buy what you forget if it's needed. Do you still need things like " traffic fine" money I know years ago you did, and I know in Germany you have to carry cash for on the spot fines. I hope you are feeling a lot better this morning, just remember to drink plenty, I know it means Paul having stop more, but it will not do you any good if you don't.
    Maureen, your ATC are beautiful, you have the patience of a staint to make these little beauties. Love the parchment one it's super cute. I bet you are up and ready to get going and do your fund raiser, which I wish you and all the rest taking part the best of luck. Oh if it wasn't just that bit to far Patricia and I would have come.
    Myra, I wish you luck finding bottles of water, I have been thinking of you every time I turn on the tap to get a drink of water.
    Saba, where were you last night? Did you get your flights sorted out???
    Well I am off to get myself a cup of tea I think I will have to give the toast a miss this morning. I will go gluten free today. I can hear you all saying " buy the gluten free bread". But there is something in it that doesn't agree with me, believe you me I have tried every brand and it's the same with the flour!!! xxx

    1. Thank you Hazel! We came home after church to find a leaflet through the door telling us we had a problem with our drinking water!! Stable door and horse came to mind! Apparently it's not safe to cook veggies in previously unboiled water either! Good job I was doing the right thing then. Apparently some bottled water has been given out to the elderly in some places! We either don't apply or are in the wrong place! Hopefully both! We're ok! Just had to have wine with lunch! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- you will not get any, it's for the elderly!!!

    3. Thank you, Friend!! Xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-what stunning works of art! They are all simply beautiful. If I had made anything so lovely, I wouldn't be able to give them away.

    We had heavy rain overnight which was great for the garden. It's cloudy buy looks like it could brighten up so thst means hubby might suggest the dreaded "weeding"!!!

    I finally completed a card yesterday-I've hardly been making anything so I was quite pleased. It's fir my M in L's birthday on the 25th. I'll send a photo to Sandra for her to use one day. Next card needed is for my F in L for the 28th-men are always much harder to make cards for, aren't they??!!


    1. Michele, don't you just love it when you have cards to make and that husband wants you to help weed the garden? Tell him to go make a start and you will come out once you have made the cards for his mum and dad. xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you have a safe journey I believe the M 20 is clear so you shouldn't have any problems this side of the channel. Thinking about you and hoping you are feeling better. I know it's not easy but try and rest on the way. LOL

    Maureen each little ACT is a work of art on its own. They are all absolutely stunning. What patients you must have and what a clever lady you are.

    Myra I hope the water situation is improving. Have heard of this bug. OH used to work for the water board. And it can stay in the system for quite some time, just take care and keep boiling everything!!!
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda! I'm sure it will be sorted out sometime soon! I am boiling all water used for drinking, cooking and teeth brushing! Kept my mouth shut in the shower!! Xxx

  7. Morning one and all

    First Sandra have a good journey down to Dover. Take care and try and enjoy the trip. The roads shouldn't be too heavy with traffic well one can always hope.

    Well our weather broke yesterday well and truly - we had heavy rain all day aMnd it continued through the night with thunder along the way. We are grey this morning but as yet still fine. At least the garden looks a little better.

    Maureen your ATCs are just beautiful and I can see just how much work went into each one. They are lovely to do for a change from cards. Like Patricia I did loads of them when they first appeared and I too only received one or two back. Perhaps we all could do one and do an exchange of them at your Retreat. I could send one or two to Sandra if you like the idea.

    Right I'm off now to tear my hair out as I too have a card to make for a man and do I know what to do - do I heck. Anyway must smile.............
    I've sent hugs so hope they arrive and don't meet Norah's on their way as anything can happen if they do.

  8. Janet, I bet the air feels so much nicer after all your rain, and the rain water butts will be full again, the trouble is it's just a bet a bit to late to save your veg plot. Have fun making that card. xxx

  9. A very good Sunday morning to you all.

    I seem to have typed out my message and somehow posted it on yesterday's page! So I'll start again.
    We have a glorious sunny morning, just right for Milly-May's Christening.
    I've been up earlyish, watered my patio plants, washed my car, now in to leave a message before I have a leisurely shower, dry my hair and get dressed and off to the church. I will finally have some much needed R&R later on after the festivities are over.

    I am loving your TLC cards Maureen, very apt for the months of the year. Perhaps I should do some for when I sell my wares for Cardiomyopathy UK ?

    Enjoy your Sunday ladies, whatever you are doing. Tomorrow is another day.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all.
    Maureen your ATC's are all so pretty, each and everyone a little piece of art.I have heard about them but never really seen any.
    I have my eye's so they nearly raw this morning but it is still there, no not
    hay fever, the comment from Lynda hihi You up early again or is it a case of late to bed ? Hope the party was good.
    Sandra ,Paul and girls have a fabulous time away and recharge those batteries as much as you can, big hug to you all !
    Did some gardening earlier before it gets to hot but it is a bit overcast at the moment, also planted a new bush.Fingers crossed it will survive in our borders of clay. Bunny and cat to sort out and two cards to make, one for my stepson so I know. Will try to find a nice beach photo from one of his holidays and make something like the card the other day with any luck.
    Love and hugs to all popping in today xxx

  11. Water ----water ---- oh No ! Can't drink it --------smelling salts! Qui ---ck -- ly ,
    CRASH, x. ------x. ---xx

    1. Make it white and it will just look like water!!! xxx

    2. Thanks for your excellent advice! Taken! Hic! ( as Maureen would say) .xxx

  12. See you later! Drama queen! Xxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maureen loving your ATC cards, this is something I have never done always felt it was too much effort for little return, maybe I'm wrong!
    Janet so glad you have finally cooled down, we could have sent you some rain this weather is just awful for us,,seemingly it is all down to the jet stream moving too far north and letting in the cold air from the artic which is pushing warm air
    Cheryl have a lovely day at Mollie-May's christening and the weather is good for you.
    Last but not least, Sandra and family have a wonderful holiday, and come back well rested and chilled. We will hear all about it soon. Hope the journey is problem free.
    Take care everyone, x

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Maureen, your ATC's are beautiful. I love how you have shown each month in different ways. Can't wait to see the rest : )
    Sandra, I hope you are just about ready to go. My fingers are very firmly crossed that you manage to have a good journey and don't get held up at the ports. Hopefully the antibiotics are starting to kick in, and along with lots of water/cranberry juice you are starting to feel better . I are going to miss you, especially our weekly meetings but you and Paul and the girls certainly deserve a good break. Soak up the sun and have a lovely time my lovely.
    sheila and Cheryl it is good to see you both back. Sheila, I am so glad that your trip went well : ) Cheryl, have a lovely day with the family, can we see some pics of Milly May's Christening please? : )
    Must go now as we are having a cooked brunch today. Only have one a couple of times a year so I better not keep them waiting.
    Take care xx

  15. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Do have a lovely holiday Sandra, Paul and family, especially after all your hard work preparing for it, wishing you a safe and trouble free journey, but please don't forget to drink, then you will get better quicker, good girl.
    Maureen what a fantastic set of cards each one is a work of art on it's own they are all so lovely, thank you so much for making April's so special for Myra and I, your ducky flying friends, you are so thoughtful!
    We have had rain most of the night and this morning the usual grey clouds are hovering over us, so it is anyone's guess, will it rain again! I know in the Lake District we need rain to fill the lakes and keep the fells nice and green but this is just going too far, the lakes are all but overflowing!
    Janet so pleased you at last have had some much needed rain I will bet the air smells lovely and fresh this morning for you. how is your veg plot is there anything left to salvage?
    I am so pleased and relieved to report Tomas and Amy are almost back to normal still a little quiet, but now they are looking for their food and are getting vocal once again. It really was money well spent to have them treated quickly and getting them on the road to recovery.
    Hazel how is Harris, no more trouble I hope and are you relaxing a little now? I know just how worrying it can be, having gone through it with Pepper our Red Setter, by the way he came from Scotland.
    Patricia so sorry to hear about J & A's dog, it is so sad when you know the end for them is in sight but while they are not suffering you do hang on to the hope they just may get a little better.
    Well my hugs are over in the corner I will have my coffee, money in the pot, and see who comes in or passes by.
    Margaret xxx

    1. So pleased, Tomas and Amy are almost back to normal.
      Great cricket Margaret! Didn't mention it yesterday - Ashes regained!
      A good young team! I like Alastair Cook as well! He has a good first name for a start! Xxx

  16. Hello Sandra & all the cafe crew, sorry I have been absent for quite a while but have looked in from time to time. Loved Hazel button holes and Patricia box yesterday and these ATC are fab too.

    Have a happy Holiday Sandra

    Happy crafting to all

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hello Jacquie! I'm a bit slow today - sorry about that. Nice to see you. Hope you are well! Xxx

  17. Good morning Sandra and gang
    Lynda I can't cope with such a shock first thing. Your flowers are beautiful though and your Victoria sponge delicious. Thank you.
    Well I hope you are all having a lovely day whatever you are doing.
    Maureen I love your ATC cards. Each one totally different and each one a little beauty. Looking forward to part 2.
    Cheryl enjoy the christening. Hope Milly-May enjoys being surrounded by all her family as she is welcomed into the church. I'll be mentioning her in my despatches tonight.
    Maureen nearly forgot, good luck today, hope you raise lots of money.
    Margaret so glad Amy and Tomas are feeling a little better. It was money well spent to keep them safe and well. I just wish there was more could be done for J and A's dog too. It will be heartbreaking for the boys.
    Sorry I didn't get in last evening. Firstly I was shopping in the city. Peter needed some new shirts and whilst I was there I had a look around. Saw some lovely shoes and I was very tempted, it's a rare event to find some to fit me in the department stores but these were Italian and did fit. However, I resisted.
    I arrived home at 8 pm and we went straight away by bicycle to the second of the classic open air concerts. It was lovely. This time it was Nuremberg's symphony orchestra and there were about 70 thousand people there. The highlight was when the choir sang from Verdi's Nabbuco, the Hebrew Slaves Chorus. It was dark and the public are asked to light their sparklers at this point. (The sparklers you buy beforehand at kiosks all around the park). It was magic.
    The whole park just twinkling in the darkness and this amazing music.
    Then we went out for a late meal to an Italian and by the time we got home it was after midnight.
    Tonight we are going to a jazz concert at the same place, so I won't be around again! Have to admit Jazz is not my thing but apparently the drummer Wolfgang Haffner is world famous.
    Today I need to finish the birthday card for Oliver and then get my crafting things put away ready for the big clean before we leave for our trip to England next Thursday.
    Right best get on, Sandra have a safe journey and enjoy a well earned rest, hope you are feeling a little better. Keep up with the fluids.
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

    1. SABA:- I am so surprised you "resisted" a pair of Italian Shoes. I am in shock, you are definitely a stronger woman than I am.
      You are so lucky to be able to attend such wonderful concerts. I can well understand why you were not with us last night. What a fantastic sight the sparklers will have made, love that idea. We will not worry about you this evening knowing you will be feet tapping. I know. I know you said Jazz was not your thing. I am sure your feet will be tapping anyway. xxx

    2. Patricia, I can't believe it either. They were reduced from 120 euros to 40! AND they were a good match for my handbag to boot. AND they were comfy.
      I am meeting Heide in town on Monday, if they are still there I might just have a second look!!!

    3. You are definitely sickening for something!! Xxx

    4. SABA:- you've been in the sun too long!!!
      I would have bought 2 pairs at the price. xxx

    5. Good grief woman what is the matter with you? At such a price I would have bought some and even gone without food if need be!
      What ever possessed you not to buy Italian shoes at such a price and as a bonus they fit! xx

    6. Oh SABA, go back first thing and get your shoes, I have AA narrow feet and I wouldn't miss a bargain if I could get them at that price. I spent the £120 on ones for Gillians wedding and they will be joining the other expensive pairs in my wardrobe, but they won't date and worth every penny, but to get a great bargain is even better. xxx

    7. Saba, I'm being sensible for 5 minutes! Your Concert sounds absolutely wonderful. The Song of the Hebrew Slaves always makes me shed a tear but to hear it in such a large gathering and all those sparklers! What an experience! It's a bit like the Messiah at Christmas - that makes me cry too! So pleased you enjoyed it! Xxx

    8. Saba, you have had too much sun, go for the shoes!!,!
      Enjoy the concert x

    9. SABA the concert sound wonderful what a lovely enjoyable evening you had. Hope you enjoy the Jazz concert tonight too.
      SABA go get those shoes tomorrow they are such a bargain especially as they match your new bag( Ooo has Peter seen that yet)

    10. Hi Saba,
      I so wish I was with you in that park, it must have felt wonderful and tonight you have Jazz to listening to, brilliant. Oh yes, you getting those shoes tomorrow. Just tell Peter they been back in the wardrobe for ages just like the bag xxxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you are feeling better and you have a trouble free journey and then a lovely relaxing time you all deserve.
    Maureen your cards are lovely and hope you do well today.
    Patricia your boxes are lovely sorry I did not comment yesterday I had a wedding plus a 70th birthday dinner to go to, haven't been out for weeks then 2 things on same day why does that happen?
    Hazel love your button holes lovely to know that you and others think like I do spending thousands on just one day is not necessary I often think that alot is done to keep up with the "Jones" when Sue got married she wore my wedding dress and we did alot ourselves but still had a lovely day and it didn't break the bank.
    Good to see the people that have been missing back and hope you all have a lovely day I have had a busy few days so am going to relax today, who said that you will get bored when you retire?
    Love and hugs to all who need them Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, you did have a busy day yesterday, I hope you will take it easy today, thank you for your lovely comment on my button holes, you are so right there is no need to spend a fortune on a wedding, our sons wedding was a beautiful one, but oh boy the money spent was unbelievable, yet Tammy spent very little on her and Derek's and had a lovely day, and now Gillian and Andrew have also had a day full of memories for very little. It sounds like Sue had a wonderful day to and to be able to wear your dress will have made it extra special. I can't wait to meet everyone in October. I think we all have much common. xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Margaret isn't typical, not going out for ages and then twice in one day. Hope you had a rest today but enjoyed yourself yesterday.
      When I got married it was very low key, Cobalt dress so I could wear it afterwards if going out and some nice roses from Tesco wrapped in foil into a hand bouquet. Two witnesses, (one neighbour and the guy who took some photos ) and son at the register office in Watford. Dinner after with SIL and her OH in a lovely pub, they didn't know we got married that day. They did wonder why we were dressed up Tihi It was a lovely day. Have also been to wedding at the St Albans Cathedral with dinner ,dancing all night and sleepover in a posh hotel. All I could think was how much they must have spent, didn't really like it, would much preferred to been to Gillian's if it's been ok for Hazel xxx

    4. Maria, I always say " no matter how little or how much is spent on a wedding we all get the same bit of paper but no guarantee it will work"

    5. So true. You made a wonderful day for your daughter and Andrew and hope they will stay together for a long time ,hugs xxx

  19. Well I have internet! Sorry was missing yesterday. Was busy doing things with Scarlett. We had a lovely day. Been away for a week and the journey home was going well. Was about half an hour from home when there was an accident and we were stuck for over an hour. Only moved a few miles. Scarlett had been asleep but woke after a while in the jam but was very good. Texted her dad to tell him about the problem but said not to worry so just had to sit it out. Was very hot. Had dinner cooked for me when we got back so that was good. Scarlett didn't want me to go home. Might see her today but will wait to be invited. Always do that. Feeling shattered today so will be glad to have a rest. Had some bad news when I got home. Found a family friend had passed away in March after an accident in January but her cousin didn't then, have access to her address book so although I know the cousin vaguely we didn't have phone numbers. Quite a shock really. I had the job of passing on the news to my family.
    PATRICIA. Love your lantern. I made a few last year but must make some with the craft ladies when we start the new session as they saw one I made last year with the Noël die from SW and want to make one this year so must start working out measurements soon and doing a prototype.
    HAZEL. love the buttonholes you made. Agree with all that has been said about the cost of weddings etc., no need to spend thousands.
    MAUREEN. Love the ATC's you have made. I have made a couple at craft shows but not done anything with them yet. I follow John Bloodworths blog and he is making a different one everyday for a year.
    CHERYL. hope the christening went ok and would love to see some photos.
    SANDRA. Hope you all have a lovely holiday. You deserve to.
    To anyone suffering today I have left hugs in the basket.
    Take care. Will be back later. Have several cards to make this week so must get on.

    1. Hi Brenda, Sorry about your internet problems but pleased they sorted out now. So pleased you had a lovely time with Scarlett but sorry you got caught in a jam on the way home.
      Jess got a wonderful bargain yesterday of cups and saucers for candles! Definitely the best so far! Look what you started Brenda!
      Recharge your batteries today! Myra xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,

      Good to see you back pleased you had a lovely holiday with Scarlett hope you manage to rest up today.

      Love Margaret xx

  20. Brenda ( LL) lovely to see in you in the cafe, but I know you will have enjoyed every minute spent with Scarlett, and she with you. She is a thoughtful little one texting her dad to let him know what was happening, aren't they so clever and able to do these things at an early age. I bet you were glad to get back home, and not to have to think about cooking yourself a meal will have helped. Scarlett will make sure you get an invite if it's possible. Your craft club ladies are so lucky to be getting shown how to make these wonderful lanterns, just make sure you don't hurt yourselve doing all the die cutting. We all know how turning that handle can hurt. I am in the middle of making a nappy cake, it's the order I got the other week from one of the chemo nurses when I was up getting my check up. It's needed for the beginning of September so I will get it finished and up to her this week. Then it's a beer cake for a formular one lover. Right back to getting this cake made. xxx

    1. BRENDA:- (LL) so glad to see you back. Bet you and Scarlett had a fantastic week. Lots of fun and no rushing home each evening. Pity about the hold up on the way home. Please, please take it easy over the next few days, get your breath back. Scarlett will be in touch and no doubt want to be crafting with you. xxx

    2. Hi Hazel!
      Please tell me what a nappy cake is never heard of one. I am sure it is much nicer than the picture I have in my mind!!
      Margaret xx

    3. Margaret, press on my little picture and it will take you to my blog, I have pictures up of each stage and the finish, I always make the finish the same but the contents depends on what budget I get to make it. I think of times when I liked the look of a dear gift but couldn't afford it, this way the look is always the same but it can be made cheaper or dear depending on what goes it the middle. xxx

  21. Maureen how is the fund raising going a cracking success I hope! xxx

  22. Hello Sandra and lovely friends!
    I had a quick read before church but was so overcome at Lynda's early arrival I passed out!
    Lynda - stop showing off! I'm really pleased you can get up early - honestly! Grr xx
    Sandra - you will be en route by now I think! I do hope and pray that everything is going smoothly and that you are feeling better today! Have a great holiday and safe travel to the sunshine! We'll be really good and very responsible while you are away! I'll make sure Maria behaves!! I have a chance with Maria - can't promise with Muriel - but I'll try.
    JEAN - are you home yet? Miss you!
    Maureen - I love your ATCs . I too used to make them but never seemed to do anything with them! I bought a book once written by Leonie now on CC ! I'd forgotten all about . It's in my craft room somewhere! Mind you that applies to lots of things! Ha ha.
    Your cards are beautiful - much nicer than any I ever made. I particularly like the Easter one , great bonnet! The duck in the rain however gets my top vote! Thank you for sharing these lovely cards.
    Will we need to work out a Cleaning Rota for the Cafe while Sandra is on holiday?
    Myra xxxx. PS - hope Maureen has more than hit her Sakes target! Xx

    1. SALES target! I give up! Xxx

    2. Don't give up Myra I love the word Sakes. I like to keep such words for my own Dictshotary!

    3. Thank you Janet! I need all the encouragement I can get! Xxx

    4. Cough ,cough I always behave .tihi Sorry but what was it about smells last night? ye , I saw some spelling mistakes but it didn't underline it in red as they exist . What does ATC stand for,please ?xxx

    5. Maria , ATC s are literally Artist Trading Cards. They are quite small , have a picture on one side and some details about the maker on the back. Maybe an email address. At Craft Fairs you give one freely to any crafters you want to. They may give you one in return. It's supposed to showcase work you like to do. Maureen's are lovely! Hope this helps! Xxx

  23. Myra, I think you have had more than just a glass of the White stuff with your lunch?? xxx

    1. No No , Just the one! Xxxx I think? Xx

  24. Good afternoon ladies,
    Well you have all convinced me. If those shoes are still there then I shall buy them. Myra they had Peter Kaiser shoes reduced to about 80 euros as well. None to fit me though!
    If anyone is interested there are some U Tube videos already out for the concert we saw 2 weeks ago. Just search on u tube for:-
    Classic open air concert Nurenberg 2015 it will give you an idea of the crowds. There were 90 thousand that time.

    1. SABA:- why, oh! why did you need to be convinced??
      Have you taken your temperature recently?? I think you are suffering from Heat Stroke!! xxx

    2. Saba PLEASE DON'T LET ME DOWN go and buy those shoes.
      How can you leave them there all on their own just waiting for a lovely new owner to give them a good home.
      You see they are calling you.

    3. SABA:- watched the Video .... absolutely brilliant. My goodness how would you ever find someone in that crowd. Reminded me of the scenes when the Penquins came back on-mass after their "big feed"
      I am always amazed at how they manage find their chicks!! Sorry but that what popped into head when I saw all those people!!! xxx

    4. Patricia- have you ever seen 'The March of the Penguins' ? It is lovely
      Saba- fabulous open air concert !

  25. Saba, those Peter Kaiser shoes are a bargain, I buy them as they are narrow and fit my feet, the bags to go with them are usually more expensive than the shoes, I have gorgeous purple shoes couldn't afford the bag, thought I might have picked one up in the sale, but no luck. xxx

  26. Hello All,
    I hope everyone is well, you certainly seem to be enjoying yourselves and Lynda is obviously sickening for something. First in the Cafe I see, it's enough to drive a woman to drink - mine's a small one!!!!
    What a surprise to see some of my ATC's on the blog. I have swapped ATC's since 2007 and have always kept a copy so that I don't repeat them. People come and go, stay for a couple of years and then give up, but I enjoy doing them, These are a selection from different years and I always try to tie the card with the month, i.e. February was titled something like "love you loads", and the rest are self explanatory. I photographed a ruler with the first two as the cards have to be 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" as you all probably know, but thank you all for your very kind comments.
    Well, we've had a really good day fund raising. Sold loads of cards at £1 each and all but 1 of my cup candles so I'm really pleased. I don't know the total amount yet as Brenda will let me know when it's all added up. George was saying that I should charge more, but I'd rather sell a lot at £1 than 5 at £2. Some were buying 10 at a time and were delighted so they were paying more.
    Brenda was manning her cake stall, and I had my eye on something from first thing, but by the time I had time to get it - it was gone!!! She also did a roaring trade, as did the refreshments stall. So all in all it was a good day, and I've got the pleasure of doing it all again on the 22nd!!!
    I must admit that I skimmed down all the posts, as I'm shattered and the girls are coming for their dinner and sleeping over, so I'm away to set the dinner table and turn back their bedclothes ready for tonight. Be prepared - that's my motto!!!
    Myra, don't give up yet - you're far too young!! Just keep on taking the water ha ha
    Muriel xxxx

    1. P.s. Saba - woman, what's the matter with you? Go and get those shoes!!

    2. Maureen, that's fantastic to sell so much. Yes your right sometimes you have to take a little less. It in the end you sell more and make more. I have just made my nappy cake order up, I know I could and should charge more, but I think I could out price myself, Pam the girl that has order this one has given me so many orders that I even give her discount now. Again so glad it all went well. xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- delighted to hear you did well, good for you. Gives you a good feeling knowing you have helped others. Much better to sell lots at a good price than be left with a whole load of stuff. It's getting the balance right and you seem to have done it.
      Feet up, relax, George is their to serve you a nice cuppa. xxx

    4. Well done Maureen ( think you deserve your proper name). I know your cards are worth a lot more but I agree, if it is for a charity it's better to sell more. I only sell two cards a year, both to Peter and I charge him a pound each but am thinking of putting my prices up. One is for Valentine's Day and the other for my birthday, otherwise I wouldn't get one from him!

    5. Maureen! It sounds as if you have had an excellent day and the good news is - it's not over yet ! I agree with you - you need to sell - not be left with things at the end. Well done, young lady! Xxxx

    6. SABA:- John goes to my box of "stock cards" chooses one from there. We don't have shops near us ..... he says my box is the nearest thing to a shop for him!!!
      I have made it but I donit know which one I am going to get on the day. xxx

    7. Hi Maureen!

      Congratulations you have done well I agree people can be too greedy when they price things, look forward to hearing how much you made.

      Love Margaret xx

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Margaret, I have left you a message under where you ask the question about the nappy cake, but you might have to press on Hazel to get to my blog. xxx

    10. Hi Hazel,

      Thank you what a brilliant idea may well copy at some time.

      Love Margaret xx

    11. You and any one are welcome to use the idea, I love to think someone can take it and make one. I use a box or tin usually but I have a few of the baskets and they are a lovely to hold things like baby products on a changing table. xxx

  27. Muriel what a fantastic day you have had and although you are completely shattered I bet you enjoyed every minute of it and as it's for a good cause then all the better.
    Good on you girl - one large glass of something chilled for tonight is called for I think.

  28. Hi Sandra
    I'm assuming you are well on your way as I haven't heard anything about operation stack today. Hope you all have a fabulous holiday.
    Maureen I just love your ATC cards. I love the designs that you've done on them as well. My my you are such clever ladies on this blog. Thanks for sharing. Fancy selling your wares and making lots of money. The final count to be decided. Did you take any pictures of your stall?.
    Cheryl you've had a lovely day for Milly Mays christening. Pics please if possible. Well we've been out to Snowshill Manor out by Evesham today. It's full of old things from days gone by collected by Charles Wade. A fascinating old house. Mind you the house was for his collection and he lived in a small cottage.

  29. I am watching BBC 1 with oldie home movies of family life in Scotland, and oh boy it's brought back memories of how life was, today's Young don't know how easy they have it, yet we had so much freedom. xxx

    I have lost two long posts. The worst bit is that my memory being what it is I'll probably forget what I've said.
    WE'VE MADE OVER £1,000 and the money is still trickling in. I'm so pleased for Brenda as she has worked so hard and when you think that the fund raiser was held in Brenda's house, it's even more remarkable. I had the brilliant idea of telling the ladies who bought the cup candles that when they've used the candles to give the cups back to Brenda and I'll do a refill for £2, but I've decided to up that to £3 and it will be a perpetual fund raiser. They thought it was a great idea, I just think I'm a bl**dy genius!!!
    I'm posting this now and the next instalment will follow.

    1. Saba, I love the idea of you making the cards and Peter paying for the ones he sends to you, now that's genius. I still like my idea of giving George the same Anniversary, Christmas and Birthday cards every year. Rachel always has apoplexy when she sees him opening the envelope because she knows what's coming, but he always says "Oh, that's lovely" ha ha. I know, I'm evil!!!
      Cheryl, I hope you've enjoyed your day with the family at Milly May's Christening.
      I wonder how Sandra is doing on her road trip. There's one thing that on the return journey there will be no room for any surprise hitch hikers who want to come to England!!
      Ladies, the DVD tonight is a Nancy Drew Mystery, so if you take your seats, the show will start in 2 minutes. It should have started half an hour ago but I've been on so long typing this and then losing it.
      By the way, I think one of my little darlings has lodged a crumb under the letter v because I have to keep going back to insert it in a word as it's not typing. When I've finished this, I'll attack it with the little feather duster. vvvvvvvvvv, Well, blow me down, it typed every time then, the awkward little vvvvvvv.
      I may be in later, then again I may not - All be good please, just because our leader is away, it does not mean that mayhem can commence. Ooh I wish the girls weren't sleeping, we could have so much fun!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Maureen how brilliant and you are a genius thinking about refilling the cups well done!!

      Love Margaret xx

    3. Maureen! That's a fantastic sum of money! You are a genius! That's a lot of money to raise in someone's home! An awful lot of work went into that both today and beforehand making all the goodies! Great idea too to do the candle refills. Then people will not be afraid to light them and enjoy them as they know they'll get a refill. Have a lovely time watching Nancy Drew!! Xxxx

  31. Take a bow!! That's bl---dy marvellous !!!!
    Good thinking about the Candle Cups ... you "are"a genius.
    Congratulations you have done so well. xxx

  32. Maureen. As I said in my e-mail give yourself a pat on the back for helping raise such a fantastic amount. And a brilliant idea to offer to refill the candle cups. xxx

  33. Where is every one, I know the boss is away but the cafe is open! xxx

  34. Maureen said she was tired, Saba is at a concert, Cheryl is at the Christening.
    Think everyone else is doing something or fallen asleep. Just about ready to do that myself after not getting a good sleep last night. xxx

    1. Lynda peaked too early today obviously!!! Xxx

    2. MYRA I'm still in just reading comments xx

    3. Lynda! You have been up for a very long time now! You are making me feel very inadequate! Xxx

  35. I think Lynda sent us all into shock? Xxx

    1. Hazel I might shock you tomorrow too xx could you cope with two days of me being first in Hihi xx

    2. Oh no not two days? Hahaha xxx

  36. Maureen what a fantastic sum you have raised, great idea offering a refill. X

  37. Wow Maureen,that's a fantastic amount of money raised.You are clever with your idea of refilling the candle cups.Congratulations well done.Xxx

    1. Super Maureen you and your friend have done a fantastic job ! Great idea to give them refills for the candle cups. Well done !
      I have posted some on the way down, found it easier but it takes a little while to get to the bottom. I hope Sandra had a good day travelling and are now somewhere in France for a stop over for more travelling tomorrow. Myra- hope the problem with the water is getting sorted soon or you have the risk to end up at the AA before the retreat, you enjoy the wine. Pat- I like stately homes and their rooms filled with things and furnitures. Snows hill Manor sound a nice place and on this beautiful summer day it must have been lovely.
      I didn't get anything done and felt so bad having to lay down when the sun was out again today and I needed some D vitamin but my body wouldn't let me so tomorrow is another day. Going to watch Casualty and then maybe bed or I will be back, love and hugs to all xxx

    2. Oh Maria , sorry you a have had a bad day again! I do hope the medics get your problem sorted out very soon! Hope you feel better in the morning. Xxx

    3. Have tried to answer your ATC question higher up! Xxx

    4. Thank you lovely. They seem fun to do.
      I have sent on the e-mail ,tick xx

  38. HELLOOOO anyone everyone
    well I had a good evening last night the party was good Janie loved her Izzy bag but think she liked the money inside better hihi. She looked lovely but then she always dose she is so slim. Her sister Samantha,she also looked lovely she is 15 in November she has blossomed. & always give's me a cuddle & calls me Nan which is so nice. Had Harry cuddles too but think his back teeth are starting to come through. He loves balloons. Also lovely to see Alfie as well.
    MAUREEN your ATC cards are beautiful I used to make them a few years ago & swap them but the card site shut down so I don't bother anymore. Do you swap your ones Maureen?
    Went down to BROADSTAIRS this afternoon as it's Folk week it was good with the Morris dancers, singers. Lots of different arts & craft Stalls. It was so busy.only stayed a couple of hour's. Then came home started dinner,& started tideing my craft room. Sorted all my foundation card into colours think I have enough blue all different shades.& now in a draw. Will sort last two draws tomorrow. After housework & ironing. I hate housework think I'm allergic haha. I tidy & then OH makes a mess I keep telling him Virgo's are supposed to be tidy but think he's a lost cause ha ha.
    I hope SANDRA had a good journey & they all have a good holiday.
    Well im ready for my bed so good night everyone Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda the folk week sounds lovely, haven't been to the Broadstairs one yet. There was some interesting fold dancing at the Olympic park today - a group of young people dressed in colourful clothes and hats like Morris dancers with scarves doing a combination of folk and hip hop to guitar drum and fiddle music. It was fun to watch. Don't get up too early tomorrow Lynda you will give everyone a funny 5 minutes! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane- a very eventful and fun day in London .Sound like you all had a great day. have to ask OH if we can go down and see the park one day. Oh so many things you want to do but not enough hours or day's, where do they disappear to ? hugs xxx

    3. Maria
      Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly again today - have you got your tests soon? We stay at the Premier Inn at Westfield if we go to London, it's slightly cheaper than Central London and you can leave the car in the car park. It takes about half an hour to get into the centre of London but there is also a huge shopping centre there ( no craft shops though!) and plenty of choice food wise. It's the first time we've been into the Olympic park side and we were really impressed by how well the whole area is being used. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Night night xxx

    4. Haven't go an appointment yet. wouldn't surprise me if they give me a date when we are on holiday. Nighty,night, hope to see you later

  39. Hi ladies
    Just a quickie because I'm being naughty and using the iPad at the side of the bath - thank goodness for a lush bath bomb so lots of bubbles to hide my modesty! Just got back from London after another day of walking Hence the bath so I can move tomorrow!) we went up the orbit today which us the red structure next to the Olympic stadium. The whole area was busy with music dancing and families having fun - so nice to see such a great area being used. The orbit was lovely too with great views - especially of the shard. Yes the shard is great - worth a trip up just to see the view and afternoon tea is a seasonable thing in the garden they have created there. No operation stack on the motorway home so hopefully Sandra is on her way - hope you feel better soon xxx
    Brenda glad you had a lovely holiday with scarlet but sorry to hear of your loss. Xxx
    Janet I've never been so pleased to say I'm glad you've had rain! Xxx
    Myra keep drinking the wine! Xxx
    Maureen wow aren't you a superstar, you have done well, how wonderful. Congratulations . Love your act cards - the pooh one is so sweet. Have you gone Groovi yet with parchment? Your is so beautiful, I think that's my favourite. Thank you for sharing. I hope George is ok after the football today with Southampton - I did think of you as Julian checked the scores on the tube!
    Right I must go before the bubbles pop - oh yes Saba do as you are told - go buy those shoes!!!! How rude leaving them there without a home! Tee hee. Enjoy your concert, last night sounds fab. Xxx
    Right plug out so no looking!
    See you tomorrow xxxxx

  40. It's me. I'm typing in the dark. We all enjoyed Nancy Drew, (George was downstairs watching something else and supplying us with various drinks - non alcoholic!!! and snacks). You'll be pleased to know that nothing was spilt on the duvet tonight and the girls are settled down and fast asleep.
    Is Saba at another concert tonight - that girl certainly gets around - even if she does it in her old shoes ha ha!!!
    I'll say goodnight to all, sweet dreams everyone and see you tomorrow.
    God Bless
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Maria, I hope you feel like a new woman in the morning. George often says he feels like a new woman, but he's stuck with me!!!!

    2. Night Night Muriel, Littlelamb, Maria , Lynda and the rather risqué Diane! Sleep well, everyone,
      Love Myra xxx

  41. Maria im so sorry you are still unwell it's about time the doctors found out what's caused you tummy upsets it's gone on far too long now. You should go back tomorrow. You take care my friend love Lynda xxxx

    1. Maureen- so nice time with the girls and no spillage ,that's good. Not sure if I be a new woman but have some dreams to look different one day. Saw Fiona Bruce on a program tonight, I like the look of her.My tummy have better or bad days as the rest of the shitty body. Brain going as well, remember things like a sieve ,it is very annoying. Just a little warning for the future hihi Take care everyone and have a good night. Brenda LL- up so early. maybe you beat Lynda to the post. Have a lovely day with Scarlett xxx

  42. Sorry I haven't been able to read all the comment tonight. Have to be at Scarlett's at 7am tomorrow to look after her. I don't do early mornings. Late nights yes but not early mornings so had better get to bed soon. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Night night.

  43. Have read through everyone's comments I just have time these days to leave comments
    MAUREEN Your ATC's are lovely and very different I'd heard people talk of them but not really seen any So do they have your details on the reverse if people want to order stuff?
    SANDRA Safe journey and have a great holiday
    SABA what on earth were you thinking! A girl can never have too many shoes
