
Saturday 8 August 2015

mixed crafts Saturday

Patricia's Beautiful Gift Box

Patricia's Beautiful Gift Box Decorated
Hazel's Beautiful Thistle button hole

Roberta'a Corsage

Hazel's Corsage
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Welcome once again to mixed craft Saturday, today's crafts have all been beautifully crafted by the most lovely sisters you could wish to meet, our Patricia and Hazel of course!
Thank you so much to both of your for taking the time to share your wonderful crafts with all of us!
Patricia's has made the beautiful box above by cutting three of the decorative panel die cuts and leaving a border adhering them together with one plain panel and then making the box bottom and sticking it into place, finally making the lid with a beautiful ribbon handle to use to open the box,
now I could imagine this with one of those battery tealights in twinkling away, the full details on how to make this box are on Patricia's blog, I am hoping that Patricia will let us know what that stunning die is that she has used above.
Thank you so much Patricia for sharing your crafts with us xxx

Hazel has made all three of these beautiful floral button hole and corsages for herself and guests at her daughter Gillian's Wedding last week, they have all been made using silk flowers, which is so much nicer as everyone gets to keep them as a lovely reminder of the day.
The First Button Hole looks like a Scottish Thistle with its foliage and a tartan ribbon trim.
The Second has been made using Daisy's as it matched beautifully with Hazels sister in Law Roberta's wedding outfit.
The Last one looks like Orchids (but I am no flower expert) so feel free to correct me, but it too has been beautifully trimmed with foliage and ribbon.
Hazel you could well put your local florists out of business as I am sure you made these at a fraction of the cost that you would have had to pay to have them made for you, you also get to go and choose the flowers to match your outfit perfectly.
Thank you so much Hazel for taking these photos in the midst of one of the busiest days you have had for some time, they are beautiful and I am so grateful to you for sharing them.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Gang!! Hope you are all well, and getting some sunshine....we have some again today, Woo! Hoo!!
    SANDRA:- I do hope you have survived and are ready for your travels. Will the "bus" be big enough or will you have to attach a "trailer"??? Seriously I do hope you are all set for the adventure. Happy travelling, safe journey.
    Surprise, Surprise, I see my very first ever Lantern. I have learnt a lot since that one. Biggest thing is cutting out each panel separately. I tried cutting two then two again. However you get a nicer finish if you cut each panel individually. I do have a Tutorial over at my Blog .....
    SIS:- love all your Buttonholes. I can tell you folks that on the day they all looked amazing. No way could you have told they were made using Artificial flowers and foliage. The benefit was they looked as fresh at the end of the day as they di at the beginning.
    I can admit now that up until approx 11.30am yesterday I thought it was "Thursday" .........!!! I have a few things to do this morning to catch up with myself.
    Place all set up for the day, those new table cloths look brilliant, so summery. Lots of goodies in the fridge. I smell the fresh scones baking away Mmmm!!.
    I have my Tea, Toast and my cuppa, I am off over to my table in the corner to,people watch.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourself. See you all later. xxx

    1. Me again folks,
      The Die I used for my Lantern is a DieSire Die from Crafters Companion. They have a selection with different sentiments.
      However you can make them from any Die that does not have an outside cutting edge.......!! I have made a couple from SW Striplet Dies both the standard and her new Smaller Christmas Dies. xxx

    2. Hi Patricia, love your lantern, I'm going to have a go at trying to do this, maybe you could do a tutorial at the retreat? X

    3. Jess, knowing Patricia she will be able to tell you how to do it on the train down to the treat. We often meet up and I go home with a template of how to make something. xxx

    4. Hi Patricia
      Love your Lantern and saw your instructions for it on your blog. Will definitely be having a go at it. Mind you, I do better looking at a template. Although I did manage to follow and adapt a card for Sandra. Mind you I had to adapt as the instructions weren't correct.

    5. Patricia, your lantern is beautiful and I will have a go when I get all the children's craft sorted out ! I'm in a big enough mess at the moment! Xxx

    6. Patricia - This is DEFINITELY A MUST MUST MUST DO!!!!!!!
      I really have never seen such a beautiful lantern.
      Thank you for making my Saturday.
      I shall be trawling your blog for instructions and I hope that if I cannot find them you will be so so kind as to put them on here PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

    7. Patricia I have commented below but just want to say thank you for your inspiration and instructions on your blog.

    8. If anyone really needs help with the Lantern and can't access my Blog for the Tutorial. I will certainly ask Sandra, if she is agreeable I will get her to show the Tutorial on here. That will not be till she gets back from her holiday though. xxx

    9. Wow oh wow another wonderful creation from you Patricia you never fail to amaze! Your lantern is absolutely stunning, I intend having a go at this tutorial of yours, thank you so much for making everything so easy. xxx

    10. Beautiful lantern Patricia, will pop over later to have a gander at the instructions. xxx

    11. WOW PATRICIA your lantern is Gorgeous will look at your blog for instuctions thank you . Hug's LyndaX.x

    12. Hi Patricia what a beautiful lantern, I'm going to be looking at your blog later to find out how to make them. They really are stunning. Thank you for sharing xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. Sandra, I hope you are resting? Your antibiotics won't have really started to kick in just yet, so please give them time. I just thought you were showing Patricia gorgeous lantern when I saw the little picture showing on my dash board. It's so delicate and would look lovely with a battery tea light in it. I got a surprise when I saw my button holes.
    Yes all made from artificial flowers and foliage. I had enquired at the local florist what the cost of a mans thristle one would cost, £8.95 for a leaf and a thristle was her reply, and if I wanted heather as well that was another £3, well we needed 6 men's and 3 boys and by the way the no reduction for the boys ones, I made them all and it worked out at £2.50 ea. and that was me using proper brooch backs too. Roberta and mine again cost about £4.50 ea. for the real ones she quoted between £20-25 depending on which flowers were used. Roberta has taken hers home, mine looks as fresh as when made and is still in the side pocket of the car, naughty ME I must take it and put it away. Gillian made her own flowers and the girls from two bunches from morrisons cost £5 as she said she wanted simple and it was to be thrown, i supplied the ribbon from
    My stash. I made the flowers for the top table, Gillian bought all of them and I know she didn't spend a fortune. I did make Tammys flowers when she got married. So you mums who have daughters going to get married, think about what can be saved by you making these things. Tammy has put Derek's and the boys buttonholes away to be used again, so has the others.
    I am going to go and have my tea and some toast, I will sit in the corner and see who comes in. xxx

    1. Hazel, your buttonholes are gorgeous, just shows how much profit florists take, a little bit of patience and flair makes so much difference, and when you do them yourself a lot of love goes in as well. X

    2. HinGazel
      Wow your buttholes are gorgeous, and just think of the money you've saved as well. What a clever lady you are. I wouldn't have the flair to do anything like that I'm afraid. And the best of them are they can be ysed again and again.

    3. Hazel, beautiful bettor holes and you are so right - the mark up on flowers is huge! Yours have the added bonus of being able to be used again! Xxx

    4. Hazel, I think it is lovely that your buttonholes can be kept as a reminder of a beautiful day. They are gorgeous.

    5. Hazel - you could put any Florist to shame. Your buttonholes NO THEY CANNOT JUST HAVE THAT NAME - your CORSAGES (I hope that's a word if not then it's gone into my dictshotary lol).
      They are just amazing do you do commissions?
      I have to order a spray for my youngest Daughter at the end of the week as it's her birthday 20th and as I'm here I have to buy and I know how much they're going to cost.
      Beteen you and your lovely Sister you could have a wonderful business up and running in no time.

    6. Janet, thank you for your lovely comment, I am getting to old to do these sort of things all the time, like today I am being so lazy and I am doing nothing, been 20 years ago Patricia and I would have considered doing it. xxx

    7. Hazel your creations are quite simply wonderful and so very beautiful, and I don't blame you at all for saving some money, good for you! Being silk flowers they would have lasted so much better and been as fresh at the end of the day as when you pinned them in at the start of the day, and a lovely memento of the day to treasure always, (once you remember to take it out of your car!) I have to agree with others both you and your big sister could make a fortune if you were able to set up in business. xxx

    8. Oh my, Hazel, what lovely corsages and buttonholes. You certainly have a flair for them and what a lovely wedding keepsake. xxx

    9. Hi Hazel your buttonhols ar beautifulI,your so clever,
      Hug's Lynda xx

    10. Hazel all your buttonholes are beautiful and yes it goes to show how much you can save, well done Gillian being thrifty too - just shows weddings don't need to cost an absolute fortune! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Patricia-your lantern box is brilliant. If I attempted to make one I'm sure nothing would line up straight. They would look lovely on tables at weddings or a barbecue.

    Hazel-wow, the floral arrangements look amazing . You cannot tell the flowers aren't "real". How lovely to be able to keep them after the wedding as a reminder of the day.

    Well-we have brilliant sunshine here today. Must get dressed then pop up to the greenhouse before heading out to do my various bits of shopping.


    1. Yes Michele,
      It's a lovely day ! Hope it stays that way! Are you affected by this water business ? We are just inside the area but you may just be outside. It's a pest - I keep forgetting! It's things you do on auto- pilot like brushing teeth! Xxx

    2. Michele, there is a map of the affected area on the water board site. Southport was just outside the affected area but don't know just where you are, so do check unless you know already.
      I could do with your fan here, do you think old sourpuss would miss it?

    3. Luckily we aren't affected by the contaminated water issue. I think I'll top up on bottled water though.

      I was home much quicker than planned as there wasn't a demo on at the craft shop-only thing I bought was the calendar tabs for my M in L.


  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I do hope that you are managing to drink lots of water and taking lots of cranberries my lovely. So sorry to hear that the infection has flared back up. You had one just before you went away last year if I remember rightly! I do hope that the forms have been done and also the insurance is sorted, just what you need to be having to do when you are trying to pack etc.
    Patricia, what a wonderful lantern. It is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. I will be having a go at this after having a look at your blog for the instructions as I am a little confused (yes, i know, it's not hard to confuse me, ha ha : ) ) about you saying to cut them individually rather than in twos. Your blog will explain I am sure : )
    Hazel, it is lovely to see your gorgeous button hole and corsages up close. You really could make and sell these for other people who want to be able to keep them after the event, and save some money. It is ridiculous what prices are charged. Good on you and Gillian for proving that you don't have to spend loads to get wonderful flowers that are original too : ) I hope Harris is feeling better today. It is always such a worry when pets are ill, some dogs do have these fits but otherwise are fine. It probably causes us more stress than it does them (apart from during and for a while after) as we worry all of the time about them having another one. Fingers crossed for him. I agree with you about filling in forms. You do have to be honest and tell the truth about just how bad you are to get the help you need. I had to finally admit (to myself as well as to others) about how bad I felt a few years ago after much nagging from my doctor. It is hard to face facts, I hate having to admit it to others, and I know Sandra is the same so writing it all down is hard but so important, isn't it.
    Lynda, I'm so glad that Annie is ok now and I'm sure you and OH will learn to love bread and scrap for the next 3 months to afford the vets bills : )
    Saba, I will let you know the texture paste info when I find it : ) Oliver and the Cross tale did make me laugh, they always have an answer, don't they! I agree that do craft do have some good templates etc. that are handy and easy to use. I hope it is a little cooler for you today.
    Michele, no grumpy colleagues to deal with today so I do hope you enjoy the docraft demo : )
    Myra, sorry to hear you are having to boil all of your water. It makes you realise just how much we use and how we take it for granted doesn't it. You mentioned a frozen pineapple cake recipe, that sound delicious. If you do find it please will you share it as I would like to have a go at it : )
    Janet, thank you for the yummy Ice Cream Cake recipe. That one will be kept and tried very soon. Thank you : ) Your visit to the Fete Medieval sounds like it was really good, how nice that they all take part.
    Norah, sorry to hear on top of everything that your hayfever is not good, bless you.
    Maureen, I bet there were a few proud tears quietly shed while you were watching the Magic show. How lovely that Zoe, Eleanor and friend Joe set this up. I can imagine their delight on getting "paid" for their efforts : ) Our lot used to always put on an impromptu show each Christmas when we had the big family gathering (anything up to 18 children ranging from 1 month to 14 years!) Each one had a role and a lot of us adults shed many happy tears. How lovely for you, what wonderful memories to store away : ) Good luck tomorrow, I hope you have a sell out : )
    Margaret, I hope that both Amy and Tomas are starting to feel better today, always so worrying for you. Like Lynda you will learn to love bread and scrap so that the vets bill is payed : )
    Brenda Littlelamb, I hope you slept well and are feeling fresh and bright today : )
    Right now I have bored you all rigid I am off to finish a card.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Sue, that was not a bit boring. It was a brilliant reminder of all that has been happening. So thank you .
      We recently put in for some help for Peters mum. She lives with his sister but is severely disabled and she could do with a bit of help. What did she do when they came to asses her? Only told them she could manage everything herself. She forgets that everything she can do herself is down to the fact that Peters sister is helping her do it. Honestly we could have killed her.

  5. Well, after writing for ages, my post has disappeared somewhere over yonder. I'll call back in later, someone needs my attention.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. A www!! Cheryl, sorry your post has gone. It will be company for all the ones I lost yesterday.
      Looking forward to seeing you later xxx

    2. Cheryl so sorry your post went AWOL ! It's nice to have you back. Xxx

    3. Hello lovely lady, nice to see you back.
      Hugs Saba xxxxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, good to see you back. Speak later hugs xxx

    5. Hello Cheryl delighted to have you back lovely lady xxx

  6. Hellooooooooooo! Hi honies I'm home!
    Had a lovely time and it was good to meet up with old friends and those that didn't know were very sorry and shocked to hear about Clive. Lots of of memories and chats about Clive and also a few laughs at the fun times we had. We had sunshine from beginning to end temperatures reaching 29 degrees.....must admit a tad too hot for me but it was comfortable in the shade....but lovely to be nice and warm once more....Clive and I loved Ostend and so I hope to return at least one more time.
    So sorry I stopped posting but my posts kept trippling so I gave up.
    SANDRA hope you are all tickety-boo and ready for your holidays have a safe journey and a wonderful time.
    PATRICIA your box is stunning and I will pop over to your blog and catch the tutorial....such a lovely gift idea and I'm thinking about making a Christmas one for Nikki's house.
    HAZEL your button holes are beautiful so much more personal and being able to match your colours is great plus the massive saving on each one, also they were probably alot more unique than the ones in the florist and more beautiful.
    I will pop in later as I have some washing to do and then I am meeting my crafty friend Carol for a coffee to make arrangements for a couple of craft shows that are coming up in the near future. Hugs to all my lovely friends wether you need one or not as I have missed you heaps.
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, so glad you had a wonderful time, and it will have done you so much good, and to talk and laugh at things that Clive and you did with these friends is lovely. Thank you so much for the stepper cards and the must gorgeous card, which was beautifully wrapped, I have saved the tissue it will be reused, I love tissue paper for gift wrapping. Your card is on my mantelpiece and has been admired by my visitors, the Canadians can't get over how we as a group of ladies that haven't all meet can be so kind to each other, I think we are so lucky, well I feel lucky and blessed to know you all. xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, So glad you had a good holiday! It was hot but as you say you can sit in the shade and on holiday you don't have to work in the heat! I've missed you too!
      Was wondering when Jean comes home?
      I thought she'd be back by now. Xxx

    3. Hello Sheila
      Welcome home - so pleased you had a good time. You have been missed.

    4. Hello Sheila, so glad you enjoyed your time away and could relive memories of your Clive with friends who knew him. Welcome home.

    5. Hi Sheila, Glad you had a nice time away, meeting friends etc. Love to hear more about Ostend . hugs Maria xxx

    6. SHEILA:- GREAT to see you back with us. Glad you have had a good holiday, meeting fiends, and all the other things you will have done.
      Looking forward to hearing all about it xxx

    7. Welcome back Sheila delighted to know you had such a wonderful time it will have done you the world of good especially meeting friends that are special to you. xxx

    8. Welcome home Sheila, so glad you had a wonderful time reminiscing about Clive. He's not far from you lovely lady, he's right by your side forever. xxx

    9. Hello SHEILA so pleased you had a lovely time on your holiday,& meeting up with all your friends. Remembering all the good times with Clive.hope you enjoyed your coffee with your friend.
      Love Lynda xx

    10. Hi Sheila welcome home, it sounds like you had a wonderful time and meeting up with old friends and remembering your lovely Clive. Hope you get the washing done and out the way soon xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and friends, I hope you are all packed and ready for the off, and your infection starts to clear up, what a horrible start to your holiday. It can only get better! Have a safe journey.
    Patricia's lantern and Hazels buttonholes and corsages are lovely, thank you for sharing them with us.
    Cheryl nice to have you back, we missed you, your post has gone with Patricia's
    into cyber space, I wonder what the aliens think of our shenanigans, put them off invading us I think.
    Second load of washing to go out, thought I would take advantage of the sunshine today as we don't know what tomorrow will bring.
    Will pop back later, coffee finished money in pot, keep a scone for me.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Jess, you could be right, they might think twice about invading here, it's a pity a few others couldnt be put off too. xxx

    2. Hi Jess, it's always good when we all have some lovely weather. Xxx

    3. Jess I haven hidden a scone for just in case Muriel gets in before you and finishes them off.

  8. Cheryl, sorry you lost your post, but lovely to see you back in the cafe, I think we were all a bit worried you were exhusted from your very busy time lately?
    Margaret, I hope your two are feeling a bit better and you didn't have s bad night with them?
    Sue, yes I total agree with you, that you fill out the forms truthfully but you must let them know you worst days, as they will not take them on board if you say that you only get them every so often! I like you say I am ok when really I feel terrible and in so much pain, but you don't want to moan do you?
    Brenda ( LL) I hope your internet is back on properly, we have had ours go down a few times over the last couple of days, I don't know if they are working on the box near by.
    Maureen, how did the cards turn out last night?
    Janet and SABA, I hope you two haven't melted away in the heat you are getting? It's a lovely day here warm, but not hot by any means.
    I have just had the most delicious scone with jam and cream and a lovely cup of earl grey tea, money in the pot, off to check train fare costs for the retreat, we have to buy them in the next few days but awaiting to see if they come down a wee bit more. Oh I hear you all saying " tight Scots" but I bought tickets for Charlie and I going away on the first day the cheap tickets come on for sale, if I had waited I would have got them for less than half of what we paid. More money for us ladies to spend if we save a bit. xxx

    1. Still melting unfortunately. I need to start checking flights to get over to the retreat too.

  9. Hi Sandra
    I've posted on the way down to let Patricia and Hazel know how fabulous their Lantern and Corsages are. Aren't they fabulous. Will be having a go at the lantern. But not the Corsage. You know what I'm like for putting flowers together. Totally useless. I'm glad that you had a lovely time Sheila and Cheryl. Lovel catching up isn't it, and remembering all the good times.
    I hope that your antibiotics start kicking in soon, and that your feeling a bit better today and hopefully resting if as Paul wanted nearly all the packing us done.
    I see Sue mentions getting things written down for your insurance claim. Does that mean your getting that sorted now?. I do hope so, as its long overdue. Don't forget to get some Cranberry juice somewhere along the line though.
    Have a fabulous time away and I'll see you when I come back.

  10. Hi Sandra and all the Ladies!
    Well it's a beautiful sunny day and we've decided to go out for lunch. Nowhere fancy - just popping to Cheshire - will wave to Oliver and Rachel Saba! We're going to have lunch at Fryers. It's a big Garden Centre now but they started off simply as Rose Growers and we love going there.
    The water situation is still the same - more annoying than anything else but it's trying to remember all the time! Teeth brushing and little drinks of water that I do quite a lot - the little drinks of water that is!
    Today's crafts on display are beautiful and I commented on the way down. Will definitely try the lantern sometime soon. Hazel's flowers are lovely too.
    Has anyone heard from Jean? I thought she would be back by now.
    Poor Anne is clearly still having Internet problems and her iPad will have been sent away now. Hope you get it back soon Anne!
    Lots of love everyone,
    Be good - that includes you Maureen!
    Myra xxx

    1. SANDRA- hope you feel a bit better today! I was going to say a wee bit better but I thought that was inappropriate! Happy packing and have a super holiday! Hope your crossing is trouble free too. Safe travel !
      Lots of love Myra xxx

    2. Myra, I know where you are off to, have had a coffee there, all our roses come from there, they have a great service and the roses are lovely, we had a bad one last year, Charlie phoned and a replacement was sent. Enjoy your trip out. I can see a few bottles of water being bought, for the likes of these times we buy the supermarket cheap stuff, as it's only for the likes of brushing teeth and cooking etc. when we lived in Hong kong, it was a nightly chore to boil water up, so that it cooled over night and then, bottled for use during the day, every time the kettle went on we filled it to the top, then the spare was poured into a big pot to cool. No such thing as bottled water to buy in 42years ago. xxx

    3. Just got back home and it was lovely. It's a really lovely warm day and the Garden Centre was looking lovely. Funny to see the Autumn hanging baskets etc on sale already. We haven't really had summer yet.
      We have been informed that the water situation will remain as it is until next week. There will be no further updates until Monday. There is no bottled water to be had here at all! Crazy! I'm just boiling water and putting it into bootlegs. It's only really for drinking or brushing teeth. The powers that be have not been very good at making the situation public knowledge! We got an email today! Better late than never! Wonder what happens to some elderly folk who live alone and don't use a computer? Xxx

    4. Oh heck ! How did bottles become bootlegs!!
      My winter boots and wellies are NOT in the fridge! Xxx

    5. I was rather puzzled ..... however thats not unusual !!! xxx
      At the top,I have taken my Tea & Toast to a tablet instead of a table. xxx

    6. I noticed that Patricia but I'm much too kind to mention things like that! Xxx

    7. I thought you mean bootleg liqueur , your water changed after boiling xxx

    8. Thank you for that Maria - you are such a comfort! Xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and the lovely ladies
    A glass of iced tea for me please and maybe a slice of lemon cheese cake. I'll just go sit with Patricia and we can people watch.
    Sandra I hope you have managed to get off alright and you have a good journey down to where the sun is shining. Hope you are starting to feel a bit better too, I know it's not easy when you are travelling but do try to drink plenty.
    Myra, I hope you can find some bottled water somewhere. I gather the supermarkets are selling out as soon as it goes on the shelves. We do take clean water for granted. Have a lovely day at the garden centre. Joanne and Oliver will be thrilled to get a wave from you.
    Lovely Sisters, your offerings today are quite simply beautiful. Patricia another spectacular lantern. I loved the one on your blog done in black, but I think this one is even more stunning if that was possible. Hazel, you are so clever. These button holes are so professionally made and look fabulous. You could go into business and make a fortune.
    Now don't all fall out with me here but I have to put in a word for the poor florists.
    What you have to consider is not the cost of the flowers but all the overheads, going to the market, electric, rates etc. and the time and skill involved. You might be wondering why I am defending them, my mum was a florist and believe you me, when she had a wedding we would still be making buttonholes at midnight. I used to get the job of making hyacinth pips. Threading the hyacinth flower heads onto wire to go into the bridal bouquet. I can honestly say that considering everything, she earned less than the minimum wage. Ok, that's mum defended. Sorry. Soap box back in the corner.
    I am going to go back up the comments now as I have totally forgotten what you all said.
    Margaret, I hope Amy and Tomas are both recovering now and that they aren't having to be without food any longer poor things. It must have been horrible for you knowing they were hungry.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba, when I read your post I realised I'd mixed your daughter and Maureen's daughters names up! Crazy that's me! Sorry Joanne!! I knew who I was waving to - just got the name wrong! Xxx

  12. Sandra, I think tomorrow or Mondays post should be a photo of your expandable car, packed ready to go? Norah was talking about her Astra and how it got loaded up for holidays, it reminded me of ours, we had an Opel but is the same it was a salon model and oh boy I could get some amount of stuff in there, when we were coming back here to live every trip I made the car was filled, every little space. I only kept the passenger seat free for my bits for traveling, the foot well was full. I use to panic at the thought of beings asked at customs to unload it. We like Norah used it when we went camping with our three we had a roof rack on to store the tent and camping gear. The rest had to fit in the boot.
    And to think 30 odd years ago tents were nothing like today's where they are more light weight. That poor car, it did over a 180,000 miles in 7 years, we traded it in, it was still in good condition apart from the mileage it did. It was a work horse, I think Norah's was the same! Hazel x

    1. HAZEL:- I remember that car it was a real "workhorse"
      Was that the car we strapped the carpet from our Carpet Shop in Montrose on the Roof Rack??? You then traveled all the way to Wiltshire with it. Not only that the car was loaded inside with all your stuff and 3 children!!! xxx

    2. No that was another workhorse, no the dark red one we brought back when we came back to Easthaven. That one that we brought the carpet back on the roof rack, was a big beast of a thing, but did motor.
      Think as well my little Citroen AX how many trips did Tammy and I do to Celle in that? Plus up and down to Grantham and Cannock? It's still on the go, it's had a new engine but I sold that with I think about 150,000 miles on the clock. xxx

  13. Afternoon one and all
    This may disappear to be cut short as this new laptop was upgraded this morning to Windows 10 and I haven't even got used to 8.1 yet.
    So I've posted on the way down.
    Cheryl so nice to have you back and looking so fit and healthy.
    Sandra I hope you're not too bad and that your pills are working.
    Please try and stay calm, drink lots of bottled water and try and get some rest. I know I'm asking for the moon but you never know do you one time you may get it.
    We have had thunder and rain all morning but it's still hot.
    Going now before anything blows up.

    1. Janet, don't blow up yet!!! My laptop keeps asking if I want Windows 10, Windows 8.1 is a pain, I don't think I could stand another 1.9 of this, so I keep saying no. I think eventually it will just do it of it's own accord. xxx

  14. Saba, you are ok I won't beat you up about it. I actually agree with you over the cost the florists have pay out. I always buy my flowers from my local one but I just couldn't justife the cost of the button holes, that would only last the day if we were lucky, especially the boys ones. Between ?Gillian and I we spent just over £30, as I said I don't know what she paid for the table flowers as she picked them up as and when she saw them. Her flowers she wanted simple as she wanted the embroidery on her dress to been the main thing that showed. As she also said was they got the band and disco for less than all the flowers including her flowers and tables ones would have cost to have been made up. It's like everything we never get paid for the work and time that goes into things, when I make my nappy and beer cakes I don't cover the cost of my time. xxx

  15. Helloooooooooo Friends,
    My first fund raiser is tomorrow, so I don't know what time I'll get in to see you all but today I'm still going h*ll for leather trying to do as much as possible to help make Brenda's a success.
    Patricia, you are definitely the Queen of Boxes. Your lantern is beautiful and will be so pretty when lit up. It really is a work of Art.
    Hazel, your buttonholes are gorgeous, they look so real - and the best thing is that they will be just as lovely in 10 years as they are today. I never thought to make silk flowers for the buttonholes when Rachel got married. Mine and George's are in the china cabinet but are so brittle that I don't handle them. They couldn't be dried with glycerine as the flowers were wired.
    Another thing with fresh flowers, like Saba says, is that you have to work in a very cool room, otherwise the flowers open too soon and don't stay fresh. The trouble is these artists could never get properly recompensed. Having said that - there are some cowboys out there, like all trades.
    Got to go and do some more card making. I'm enjoying the Converse stamp and am doing boys' cards with it as I've made loads of Gorjuss cards.
    Sandra, I hope you got away all right and that you're antibiotics are kicking in. Have a lovely holiday.
    Cheryl, it's lovely to see you, come back soon and tell us what you've been up to.
    Hazel, I hope Harris is not giving you anything else to worry about.
    Margaret, I hope Amy and Tomas are not still being sick.
    Have a lovely sunny day everyone, I hope you are all well today, or as well and pain free as possible.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oops Sandra, you're going tomorrow. Ignore my comment today, and read it tomorrow ha ha. xxxx

  16. Thank you ladies for all your kind comments on the flowers, I only wish I had taken a coarse on flower arranging years ago, but like every thing when I could do it I couldn't afford it now I can afford I don't think I could justify the expense!
    Hope you get a good bargain with the flights SABA. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, I went to night schools with 3 friends years and years ago. We just wanted to do something different, and it was brilliant. We learnt all sorts, the tutor was a true artist and some of the dried things I still bring out every Christmas. I've seen similar in Fenwicks and John Lewis over the years and they cost a fortune. I'm not saying that mine are perfect, but a blind man in the dark couldn't tell the difference lol.

    2. Hazel I love doing things with flowers and what I did rather than go and pay for the classes I helped the wonderful lady at church who did all the flowers and learnt so much from her. Then when our eldest daughter was getting married I asked a local florist if she could show me how to make small table arrangements and she agreed so I went one quiet afternoon all I paid for was the flowers I used and then brought the arrangement home. It cost me very little and I got to know such a lot of tips. xx

    3. I too love my flowers! Mum went to floral art classes and she taught me what she learned there. I've learned loads of hints and tips from very kind florist friends too! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all ladies in the cafe' today.
    I love your Lantern Patricia ! I have looked how to make one but leave that to you professionals as I would just make a mess. I'm ok if someone tell me what to do so maybe if any time spare, show us at the retreat (weekend ? we need a week!)
    Hazel ,your button holes and corsages are Beautiful and you made them look so real .They are nice keepsakes from a wonderful day.x
    Hope you feeling better Sandra and now ready for the off tomorrow. Papers all sorted and filled. Have to be so careful and tell the truth about all meds etc. OH paying £ 60 more than me for our trip to NY (3-4 packs of
    Sue's dies) oooh!
    I hope all our four paws are feeling alright today and want suffer because of the warmer weather we at last have got. Littlelamb, hope you had a better night. If you have family ,grand kids or seeing friends today have a lovely day together ! Washing to hang out, hovering done early this morning. Left the dusting, not hihi It had to be done. Neighbours cat and bunny fed and watered, do not like the bunny much. He is a bit aggro and like to bite. See you later ,Love and hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. MARIA:- you have hit the nail on the head!!!!...... It's a whole week we will need for the "next" Retreat. How silly were we to think the a weekend would be enough. This retreat will just be a chance for us all to meet and get know each other. I will try to help with anything you need to know, write things down to remind you. xxx

  18. Wow!! I need a cuppa.
    I cleaned all the back windows, patio doors, plus the utility room window. (8 windows in all). We had a "fly last" of what can only have been "golden eagles"!!! Think they will have been smaller, maybe Buzzards. Did they really have to leave their "calling cards" over all those windows.
    I had popped a cushion on a longer in hope that after all the windows were done, I could sit in the sun. It's just a "tad" to cool for me, I don't do sitting out if its cool and windy. Is rather cloudy as well, yes! the sun is there between the clouds. I will stick with doing some crafting if I can find my Mojo ..... it's gone for a wee break I think. It might return by the time I have my cuppa.
    I am going over to that tablet over in the corner, to enjoy tea, scone with Jam & cream. xxx

  19. Just popped some more fruit scones in the cabinet, will save you all hiding ones all over the cafe. Don't know if we will get visitors or not this afternoon. If not I will freeze them. But just help ourselves. Sorry no cream, there might be some in the fridge. xxx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    What a wonderful display from our wonderful and inspirational Scottish sisters today thank you both for sharing your talents with us all.
    Hazel I hope Harris is continuing to be well.
    Well Sandra I hope you are feeling a little better today and have room in the car for some cranberry juice it will help you, and it will be more important than hair straighteners, so if need be prioritise the space in your car but by the sound of it you need a trailer too, poor Paul, he must have the patience of a saint!
    The vet phoned us just before nine this morning to see how Tomas and Amy were doing, the sickness has stopped thankfully, they are a little brighter today but not their vocal selves just laying quietly, so he said to take them in for him to check them over again. Derek plus visa card went again and they had more injections but they are now allowed a little light food so at least they look a little happier. The vet has now said it has been a virus like the nova virus that humans can get, so that really explains why they have been so poorly, but hopefully they are over the worst he says. They are now having a special tinned food, a recovery pack and boy do they love it. We have had it before for them and they do recovery quickly with it, so it is bread and water for Derek and I tonight!!! Thank you all for your kind comments.
    Myra do take care with the water, we don't want a poorly little ducky waddling into the café now do we?
    As I have said on my way down lovely to have Sheila and Cheryl back in the fold again, looking forward to hearing all your tales.
    Saba just in case you have not heard, England have retained the Ashes! Yipee!!! One more match still to play, so even more of the same I hope to look forward to, we will keep you posted!
    My hugs are over in the corner please just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret this little Ducky ain't quacking up just yet! Aaaargh! Xxx

  21. MARGARET:- wish you were nearer. I have some nice Salmon Steaks for our dinner tonight. We could have shared them with you. Maybe you have a wee bit Jam to pop on your bread to give just a bit more taste!!!!
    So glad Thomas and Amy are a bit better today and they continue to improve.
    J&A have been told their "old" dog has only weeks. Her Kidneys have packed up. She is still quite perky, just not eating that much. She is eating the food the Vet has supplied ..... at a cost as you know. They have spent a fortune, if you have pets I suppose you have to "bite the bullet" and pay up.
    Thank you for your kind words on my Lantern. I really like making them, I think I learn something new with each one. xxx

  22. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies in the coffee shop,
    Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday I was out the whole day with Friends and we went to visit a headteacher we all worked for in West Sussex and had a fantastic day. By the time I came home I was really exhausted.

    Patricia and Hazel your offerings today are fantastic,, when I can take a breather I will look at that beautiful box more carefully, it's such a beautiful gift even empty! I really love it Patricia. Hazel your corsages are gorgeous, how lovely they are in silk, what a beautiful keepsake to have of Gillian and Andrews fantastic wedding.
    Sorry this is a flying visit I'm off to church this evening ss tomorrow we've got another busy family day, and then looking after the children from Monday. At the end of next week they go on holiday. So life should be calm for a few weeks and I can catch up with myself. Ha ha

    Will pop in later and check how are you all are, sending lots of love and hugs.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, you are a very busy bee! Have a great time with your family and looking after the young once next week. Then you definitely will need a well earned holiday. Take care and hugs xxxx

  23. Hi everyone, found my scone, thanks Saba for hiding it. Had it after dinner nice little goodie.
    Been nice here up till now, it has started to rain, hey ho Scottish weather!
    I got a wee bargain yesterday, an empty shop which the council let to charities for a week to raise money was open next to our wee craft shop, I popped in to see what they had on offer, as you do, and got six cups and saucers for £2. Lovely china ones, nice shape, they will make lovely cup candles.
    Have a good night everyone, will pop back later if I can. Xx

    1. JESS:- that was not a "wee" bargain that was a "great BIG bargain"
      Brilliant buy!! xxx

    2. Jess! What a bargain! Well done you! Xxx

  24. Yoooooo hooooooo
    I've got my tickets for Birmingham, yippeeeeee. Thanks to Hazel prompting and reminding me they are bought and paid for. I hope you are all going as well, and this will not turn out to be an "April fool" on me!!!!
    Well, I didn't get any cards made. I've been over the road to Brenda's preparing for the Fund Raiser tomorrow. She has worked really hard, and there are loads of beautiful things on offer, so I hope it is a big success for her. I'll be over bright and early to help with the final setting up and then it will be all stations go after 10 a.m.
    With any luck, I'll get some cards done tonight and cup candles made during the week for the Children's fund raiser on the 22nd, and then I hope that is it for the time being!!
    Margaret, I hope the vet is gentle on Derek's credit card this time - Patricia, I like salmon too!!!!
    Jess, you got a bargain there with your cups and saucers.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. OK!! MAUREEN:- there's enough for you as well. Hurry up though I am getting peckish.
      I have my Ticket as well ..... all done by my personal Transport Minister!! AKA .... Hazel!! She really good at that sort of thing.
      Hazel has also booked our Hotel for staying over before our early flight out of Glasgow to Turkey. It's not too early but we would have had to leave Hazels house at about 4am. We have decided if we can afford the holiday we can afford to stay over the night before. They park the car for us as well which is really good. I am doing a wee bit cooking here so off to stir the pot. xxx

    2. It's ok! Jose ! I'll be there with bells on!! Well maybe not literally as it could prove a bit of a distraction! Miss meeting up with you - never! Xxx

    3. Don't worry Muriel, Myra and I will be there. She won't to sing a duet but I will very gently declare as I sing like when you strangle a cat ! Maybe I could hum a little .
      Hope the charity event goes off brilliantly and have a good day xxxx

    4. Maria - you don't smell at all! Well only very nice - what is your favourite perfume? We could sing - We Three Kings! Xxx

    5. Ooooo!!. there's an interesting subject .... Favourite Perfumes.
      Mine "was" Oscar del a Renta no longer available. Second favourite Jessica McClinock which I buy when I am in the States. xxx

    6. Ooh Patricia! I liked Oscar de la Renta too! I felt for ages that anything I liked was discontinued. I loved Cassini - had it for a few years then gone! Also - a long time ago Shocking! It was in a shocking pink box! Also gone. I like Angel just now - you can see why can't you ? Ha ha! Xxx

    7. Just remembered Shocking was by Schiaparelli !! Not sure about the spelling - not a word a use daily! Xxx

    8. I remember Cassini. I tried it but it was not for me.
      John bought me Estée Lauder Beautiful. Not one I would have bought but I actually rather like it.
      Have you ever bought perfume because it smelt beautiful in a friend. When you tried it on yourself it was horrible?? xxx

    9. Oh Yes! It's so funny isn't it - it is so different on each person.
      My friend Sue told me her husband came home from work and went in the lounge and said " has Myra been here?" She was staggered but he said he could faintly smell my perfume! I hasten to add its not overpowering - I'd be told about that - and I don't smell it on myself. It's weird really, xxx

    10. I remember buying a perfume that my friend Joan wore, it smelt like cats on me and I gave it to her. It was expensive as well 12/6d when my wage was £3.00.
      I wear Aromatics Elixir a lot, only because a friend has bought it for me every year since 1980!!! I used to always wear Hermes Caleche or Yves St Laurant Rive Gauche. In fact I've still got some but now that I don't work, I tend to just slap the Elixir on. I do have a bottle of Chanel No 5 which mam and dad brought me from their first holiday abroad in 1959 which I have never opened!! Play your cards right and I may bring it to the Retreat for a grand opening. I don't know if I could bring myself to do it, though.

    11. Maureen you are a complete tonic! Xx has this Chanel been stored in a dark place! Xxx

    12. That's funny. If I have given Hazel something and she has it in her car when she picks up the girls. They say you have been with your sister today!! Thomas always says his things smell of "Granny"when he has had a Sleepover.
      Maureen, our mum had a bottle of Channel No5 (Perfume the real deal) dad bought her. She did open it but only wore very occasionally. I remember her using it and it smelt awful, she was so disappointed. She had just kept it far too long. xxx

    13. MAUREEN:- just thinking about you saying "now you don't work" what do you call going to the school to be with the children???
      You bring your Channel to the Retreat ..... we can all admire it but then you just take it home and keep for a few more years. You know something it might worth a lot of money some day!! xxx

  25. Well, here I am again, later than I expected.
    My someone needing attention was a delivery driver with my new Halogen oven. Only ordered it on Thursday evening so was pleasantly surprised at the express delivery by Yodel as their tracking order says it was due on Tuesday.
    Then brekkies and straight out to mow the lawn before it got too hot, after hanging out first of washing and second lot in. Window cleaner came, which was unusual as he always comes either Monday or Tuesday every month.

    I got myself so flustered trying to clear up after my guests had gone, so sat down to start a tapestry for my Goddaughter/Niece as she expecting first baby son. Yes, she posted it on Facebook knowing full well I don't like to know what is coming until they arrive. Bit of a begrudging apology, but hey ho..
    Right onto my week of rest and relaxation????
    All family came out on the Sunday for a roast beef dinner to celebrate Bev's birthday. Got some funny responses though as some thought we were to go down the local restaurant, and expecting ME to pay. Sometimes I do wonder at the younger ones expecting everything to be handed out on a plate to them. Why?? I had already told them I would be cooking and as it was a beautiful hot sunny day, we ate outside and christened my new patio furniture.
    Monday dawned with the promise of further good weather so Bev, Pete, her fiancé, and I headed off to Barrington Court near Ilminster. Very rich history and gorgeous enclosed gardens with fantastic herbaceous borders. Parts of Wolf hall were filmed there and they also had an exhibition of some of the clothes. Certainly knew I had walked a great distance as couldn't get out of the car after arriving home. My knees had seized up and Pete had to pull me out!.
    Tuesday morning out shopping, Bev and Pete's favourite pastime, then home to clear out my shed. We all worked hard, collapsed on settee and ended up having a late dinner. Early to bed as off again on the Wednesday, different shops this time, and again home late for dinner, watched TV for a while, drank a couple of bottles of wine and bed.
    Thursday I said 'I have to have a day off from walking'. Pete pottered around doing some odd niggly jobs for me and Bev sat and knitted, then we came up to my craftroom to make some b/cards.
    Tiegan come on Friday and Bev and Pete decided to go visit our parents after a late late breakfast, a day earlier than they had planned because Mum rang to say she needed their front step repaired. We all said our goodbyes and waved them off. It's lovely to see them and for them to stay quite a while.
    After lunch and some more tapestry stitching, I remembered I had to make Milly-May's Christening card for tomorrow. Just got the insert to do and I knew if I didn't visit the café now, I probably wouldn't get in until very late tonight.

    Well, that's almost a book page done, and that reminds me of something else to do. A book for Fiona's birthday using the book folding method. Crafting is never dull when you have so much on the go. I will get round some day to do some mixed media pictures following Gabrielle Pollacco's instructions.
    Now for a very late teas, I think maybe a bowl of fresh fruit is in order. I'll catch up with this week's comments later on.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- I am of for a seat with my feet up ..... I am exhausted reading what you have been up to.
      Sounds like you had a fantastic time even though it was hard on the knees.
      Enjoy the Christening, and the cuddles that I am sure you manage to squeeze in !!! xxx

    2. Cheryl,on wonder you haven't had time to pop in, I was lucky and my family each took a turn of taking Roberta out in between Charlie and I doing it. This gave me days off and time to do other things or just the cooking. Please take some down time, your body needs to recover. Milly-May's Christening that will be another busy day, I was going to say send photos to Sandra but she will be heading for the sun. You will just have to bring them to the retreat. Your bowl of fresh fruit sounds lovely,
      I can eat that any time of the day. Just relax after you finish your card off. xxx

    3. Cheryl - Phew!! You need a rest! Xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, you need a long break after your family visit and rest. Glad you had a good time. Have some wonderful little cuddles with Milly-May at her Christening xxx

    5. Hello Cheryl,
      No wonder you haven't had time to visit the Cafe, I'm surprised you've had time to breath. Try to have a bit of relaxation and put your feet up.

    6. Goodness me Cheryl how do you do it ar you on some special diet I am exhausted just reading all about your busy week, please do enjoy the christening but after that do have some quality rest please. xxx

  26. good afternoon SANDRA I hope you have been resting today, & your infection is more comfortable,& the antibiotics kick in ASAP hope all the packing is all done & the girls have taken some shoes out, hope all the forms are finished now so Paul can also relax Have a safe journey tomorrow,& your not too sore when you get there. Hope you all have a lovely time.
    Well I must get a move on have got to leave for Janie's 18th party.very soon.
    Will try & pop back later love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you are having a great time doing the boogie, watch your back and feet so you not to sore tomorrow. Have a great night xxxx

    2. Lynda, boogie on down and show the young ones how it's done!!!!

  27. That's Patricia, Jess and I all booked up too. 12 weeks today we will be all together at the retreat. Scary or what? I mean it's down to 12 weeks not months. Maureen again good luck with your fund raiser. xxx

  28. Busy busy busy but just wanted to day how much I admire Patricia's and Hazel's work They are stunning and Janet is right the pair of you would have a very fruitful business

  29. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry to hear you are poorly again Sandra especially when you are going to be travelling - not good but I hope the antibiotics kick in soon xxx
    Oh I heard about you having to boil water Myra, what a pain - you would think the water companies would dish out free bottled water wouldn't you . Xxx
    Margaret sorry to hear the dogs have been poorly, shall we send you some food parcels so you can afford to eat! Hope they are more perky soon xxx
    Maureen good luck for tomorrow, I hope you raise lots of money xxx
    Cheryl lovely to see you, my you have been busy but good to have the company. Enjoy the christening tomorrow, xxx
    Well ladies re have had a wonderful afternoon tea today at the Shard, stunning view with sandwiches cakes and scones- a birthday present from my sister. It included a bottle of champagne so that's me wiped out for the evening and I'm a bit giggly so I shall probably nod off in a mo so I will say night night (hic ) and see you tomorrow xxxx

    1. Wow Diane what an absolutely super Birthday Present! I'd love to go there . The view must be amazing. Glad you enjoyed your Afternoon Tea and Champagne ! Thank you for you concern re : the water! I had a glass of rose in the garden today! We didn't want to risk the water you see!! Xxx

    2. DIANE:- what a fantastic Birthday Gift. Bet the view and the Afternoon Tea were amazing.
      MYRA:- you and Alistair just stick with the wine!!! ......... we don't want you poorly. xxx

    3. Well, Patricia we need to be a wee bit careful! Just had a call from someone we know who has gone to A&E as she didn't know there was a problem and she drinks a lot of water! She was unwell so rang NHS direct or something and they told her to there. Apparently there were four other people there too with the same tummy upset. Now I am well aware it may have nothing to do with the water but they were very slow at getting this information out. Xxx

    4. MYRA:- John and I were just saying that you really should have been told via:- multiple ways plus water delivered to each street or household, It's a piece of nonsense you have had to source your own water. You'll not get any reduction in your Water Rates that's for sure xxx

    5. Well that's right! We're more concerned about elderly people who wouldn't have an email and may well not listen to the News. The person I was talking about had been on night shift , nursing, all week and slept all day yesterday - near enough - but obviously drank water , cleaned teeth etc! It's not good . We're not a Third World Country! Xxx

    6. Where is the "people's protest" ??? It's the Water Companies problem, what are they actually doing other than sorting out the Treatment Plant. They should be dealing with its customers Indivially xxx

    7. We've been told - no more reports until Monday! I'll try Tesco on my way home from Church tomorrow morning for some bottled water. Xx

    8. That's absolutely ridiculous, they should be in the area handing out water.
      Just had a thought don't be using Ice Cubes you made in the last couple of days xxx

    9. No I have those plastic cubes which you put in the freezer and are re- usable. They are great at a time like this. Xxx

    10. Myra, they should have gone round the streets with the cars broadcasting the warnings, and fliers posted through everyones' doors, that's what they usually do up here. They reckon things will be like this until next week.

    11. Oops, I've just read Hazel's post below where she says the same as me about the loudspeaker cars. Great minds!!

    12. That's what I said too! I will confess I said that and a few other things in an email to the Wayer Company! They charge us enough! I'm usually one of the silent majority - I do realise you will find that hard to believe ! Ha ha ! Xxx

    13. Oh dear - for Wayer - read Water!! Xxx

  30. Myra, Patricia is right, you should have been given bottled water by the water company!!! I know when ever we have problems here it's delivered on palettes. Also where are the days of a vehicle going round with a loud speaker attached and them telling you to be aware??? As you say what about the elderly,who don't have a computer? I hope your friend gets looked after and doesn't have to stay in hospital. xxx

    1. HAZEL:- is that you awake again??? xxx

    2. I think she is ok. She is now back home with some antibiotics. She felt silly - but it wasn't her fault! I just hope there aren't a lot more like her or North West Water will be sued! Xxx

    3. Now how did you know I was asleep? Painkillers are to blame? Self inflicted pain, I made those scones and had one. The gluten in the flour plus I had some toast this morning, I must have gone over the limit my body can take! xxx

    4. This is definitely a sisterly conversation - staying out of it! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- Hazel has been quite both on here and messaging me Via the IPad. Then suddenly she pops up!! When that happens she has had a wee sleep!!! xxx

    6. Oh Patricia! That's called inside knowledge I think! Xxxx

    7. Myra, I think it's more like spilling the beans, which makes a change from spilling the gravy ha ha

    8. Yes! Tomorrow is gravy day! Xxx

  31. Diane, what a lovely birthday gift, great memories. Hazel,x

  32. Myra, no secrets between us, xxx

    1. Can see that Hazel! You have a great bond and I've always wished I had a sister. Then a daughter ! Neither! However my sons I wouldn't change for anything! Xxx

    2. Can I tell you all a story??
      Hazel and I have always been very close. We never really fell out when we were little, never do now. Anyway we did have a fall out "once that I can remember" . Hazel had White Blond Hair, I had a slice of bread with Blackcurrent Jam. Hazel was niggling me so I squished the bread in her hair. OH! My! Word! did I get a telling off. Not for using the bread on Hazel ...... no because she would have to have her hair washed. It was in the days when we only got our hair washed on Sunday evening. We often laugh about that it is so memorable. xxx

    3. Oh how funny! I remember hair washing night! I had long plaits and my hair took forever to dry. There were no fancy comb through conditioners then either! Just what I called tugs !! Xxx

    4. I think that's why we had short hair, to save the tugging, when Gillian was little she had long hair but hated getting it brush by me, she would take her hair brush and go to my friend Linda's so she could do it, Linda didn't have girls and liked taking her time doing Gillians hair, any way I got to that point when I couldn't put up with it any more I told Gillian one more moan and it was getting cut short - yes she had it cut short, she never moaned again, my friend was so cross with me.
      In fact Gillian looked far better with short hair. xxx

  33. I'm back. Been stamping but not colouring. Must go, want to sort something pink out for tomorrow and paint my nails as I want to look the part at the fund raiser.
    I'll let you all know how it goes and I am so hoping that it goes well for Brenda, she has worked so hard.
    See you tomorrow, I might get a chance to pester you again - you never know your luck lol.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Just painted my nails, I am only going to bed. Nothing planned for tomorrow either. You will really look the part as a "posh fund raiser" !!!
      Good luck for tomorrow xxx

  34. The only bad thing is, my sister will be telling me off for being silly and eating things with to much gluten, but I don't have to been gluten free just careful of the amount, it effect my Polyneuralgia, but if I totally took it out I would have a bigger reaction if I eat something with it in it. I just went over board today. xxx

    1. You're allowed a wee mistake , Hazel! Xxx

  35. Night, night Maureen, make sure your nail polish is dry before you go to fine that pink piece of clothing??? xxx

  36. Where is SABA tonight? She has to be out, or do you think she has melted on the balcony ??? Xxx

  37. Right folks, that's me, I only 5% power left on my iPad.
    Maureen make sure the nail polish is dry or you get fluffy bits on your nails !!!
    Goodnight, God Bless.
    See you all in the morning xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia, I'm off too as I need to get things ready for tomorrow. Sleep well. Xxx

    2. Night, night Patricia, I lie with my hands outside the sheet and duvet until the nail varnish dries, as I don't like to see the imprint of the cotton sheet on my nails!!! I don't know how many times I got up in the morning for work, after painting my nails, and the imprint was there!!! Ah memories ha ha.
      Night, night to you as well Myra, Barbie indeed!!!
      God Bless all, sweet dreams and I'll see you all sometime tomorrow, or not as the girls are coming to the Fund Raiser and then are having a sleep over, so if I don't make it, there is nothing wrong in the Killen household, I'm just up to the eyes!!
      Sandra - safe journey, happy camping and hope you are well.
      Muriel xxx

  38. Hi everyone, bit late but going to bed now, just wanted to say God luck Maureen for tomorrow.
    Cheryl put your feet up after your busy time.
    Diane what a fantastic present to get, you seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Hope you all get your water situation sorted out, it is a disgrace that the water company are not giving out bottled water.
    Off to bed now, night everyone. xx

  39. And a very good Sunday morning to you all,

    A glorious day with plenty of sunshine, just right for Milly-May's Christening.

    I've watered outside plants, washed my car and now going into the shower to wash all the cobwebs away then a leisurely dressing and drying of hair before I wend my way into town to the Church. I will finally get some R&R later on this evening after all the festivities are over.

    I love your TLC cards Maureen, they are very apt for the months of the year, looking forward to seeing the rest of them.

    Enjoy your Sunday ladies, whatever it is you are doing. Tomorrow is another day.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx
