
Friday 7 August 2015

Challenge Friday Cards

Myra's Christmas Card with One Die only

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Today I would like to share with you Myra's card for the Challenge of Christmas Card with One Die!
Myra has created this gorgeous card using only Creative Expressions Festive Collection Peace on Earth Die, designed by the amazing Sue Wilson.
Myra has cut this Die with Blue card that she has used also in the matt and layering to tie the colour scheme together beautifully, she has then used a 'That Special Touch Mask' called Swoosh, (not sure why, must remember to ask Ali Reeve who designs them)! I think that Myra has taken the mask and applied Cosmic Shimmer Sparkle Texture Medium through it to give the stunning, silver sparkly background, almost like the sun on a frost covered ground, with being such a fabulous design the only finishing touch needed is that gorgeous Creative Expressions Crystal Sparkler, that matches perfectly with the background.
Myra, thank you so much for sharing your Challenge card with all of us today xx
If you would like to make a card for either of the current challenges which I believe are
A Christmas Card made with only one die.
Any card made with no dies.
please email them to me so that I can put them up to inspire everyone else.
Well that's me off to help the girls pack their clothes, Paul has declared today as the cut off day for packing suitcases, as previous years he has had everything packed neatly in and then the three girls all came out wheeling a large suitcase of clothes for him to 'fit in', so he ended up emptying the boot and having to repack, to say he was less than impressed was an understatement!!
I will call in later to see what you are all up to,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning ladies,
    Yes it's me in here early once again, I have got soo much to do still!
    I am hoping to get as much done as possible today!
    Everything is set up for you all, new lilac gingham table cloths on, coffee ground and croissants in the oven and there Is a table with little pots of home made strawberry jam, made with love M
    I will be in to catch up with you all later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Wow! Sandra, I just love those Table Cloths.
      Got some of the Jam on my toast Mmmmm!! it's delicious.
      Good luck with the packing. Remember to check those bulging bags that the girls have popped behind their doors to grab as they get into the car!!! xxx

    2. Sandra,,your girls won't be doing a back packing holiday then??? One of my ex charges went across Italy for 3 weeks with her friends all with just a big rucksack, she said when you have to carry on your back you don't take to much. xxx

    3. Girls and holiday packing - some things never change! All the best Sandra! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Gang!!
    MYRA:- I am right today!!
    I love your beautiful card, the background is amazing. The "one" Die you have used makes a brilliant focal point.
    Guess what?? the sun is shining, the sky is blue ..... I don't want to say too much!!
    Place looking good, plenty of goodies on offer. Got my Tea & Toast, I am over at my favourite table, to do some people watching. Maybe someone will come join me for a cuppa.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. If you could only see the pile of clothes they have to pack, you would think we are going for 6 months! They have both got about 4 pairs of shoes too, I wouldn't mind but you couldn't get them to go to the entertainment in the evening if you dragged them, so why they want to take "evening clothes" I am not sure!
      But they are 15 I guess, so I have to accept the hair curlers, straighteners, dryers etc!
      Rebecca is coming over tonight to apply fake tan to the pair of them as they were not wanting to look so "white" when we first arrive, where do they get their ideas from, they won't think it's such a fab idea when they are sweating in the car on Monday and the tan stuff will be rubbing off, I have tried to warn them!
      Just trying to organise holiday insurance, what a bl**dy nightmare because I suffer with depression and anxiety, then trying to explain that I have issue with my hip, knee and back! but I am not awaiting surgery, so complicated! I will have to call them instead!
      Paul is stressing too as he is trying to get the form finished to hand in before we go away, so that they can start the ball rolling regarding his trip next year, so complicated having to explain why every member of your family can't come and live with you for 6 months, my mum has only been to visit 3 times in ten years! Paul's parents are in their late seventies, it's just ridiculous to expect somebody to come and step in for so long! They want to corm and talk to the girls too to gauge what an impact it will have on them!
      I will pop back in a bit,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, tell the girls they can only wear one pair at a time, limit them to two pairs, remind them your camping No hairdryers, NO straighteners etc. NO power not like in the past when you are in a mobile home!!! xxx

    3. My goodness Sandra is it a converted Double Decker your going in?? Hazel and I can go for a week abroad with carry-on baggage!!
      Hope you have your own Elictricity Supply on tap!!
      Thought it was a "camping" holiday!!!
      Changed days from when we went Tent Camping at 15.
      Happy Camping, good luck. You'll need it xxx

    4. Oh Sandra that makes me laugh - when Emma went on guide trips hair straighteners were banned and one person took a hair dryer they all shared - if there was electricity! If they were flying they would have a weight limit! Good luck with that battle! Good luck with the form filling, it's such a battle isn't it. Donor forget the girls will have exams next year and the impact of them having to look after you on their education. Will the army pay for a carer for you, not the same as Paul but a solution if they are paying! Try not to stress too much xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. Overly to see you in the cafe this morning Sandra along with my big sister. This second day of maybe us getting some lovely weather.
    Myra. Are card is stunning, I love how you have used the mask with the crystal sparkle then your " Peace on Earth". Die cut as your focal point.
    Off this morning to Perth to look after the boys for Tammy. Plus it gives me time with the boys, as everytime I have seen them over the last two weeks it's been with others around, so it will be good to just have time with them. They will be out playing with their friends, especially as its a nice day, I don't mind.
    Sandra, surely the girls know that if you were flying they would be limited to what they take and the boot isn't that big, shorts and swimwear etc don't take up that much space? I would be getting the weighing scales out, are you allowed to have a small washing line out on your camp site? At least the girls can wash out their tops and shorts, YES I did say girls!!!! It won't do them any harm. And would cut down on what you take. You take it easy, or you want be going anywhere. I know Paul will be up at the allotment doing things before he goes, so get those two girls working. Off to have my tea and those croissants look good. xxx

    1. Have a lovely day with the boys! Thank you for your kind comment. Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Myra-what a stunning card. It's so lovely & would stand out from the ordinary Christmas cards so much.

    Well-it's a lovely sunny day here in Southport so far, looks like its going to stay nice. Even though I'm off to work soon it's nice to see the sunshine.

    Thank goodness it's Friday! Had a text late last night informing me it's a friend's husbands 80th birthday on Monday so guess what I'll be doing tonight after work??!!

    Tomorrow I'm calling into Southport for a few items then off to Lady Green garden centre craft shop as I'd ordered some calendar tabs for my M in L and there's a DoCrafts demo on.

    Right-best pop up to the greenhouse then prepare my lunch.

    Will try to call in later.


    1. Thank you Michele! It is lovely here too and pleasantly warm. Enjoy your weekend. Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all in this lovely morning. Lovely new table cloths and the smell from the oven is wonderful. Something else that wonderful this morning is your card Myra. Love the silvery paste and the sentence is good for people who not celebrate x-mas, Beautiful card young woman !x
    Have a great time with your grand children today Hazel. Hope you and Patricia had a nice day yesterday looking back to the wedding and all the photos. x
    Sandra- Say STOP no more hihi you are going camping not to a 5* hotel, you might go out for a meal or two but I'm sure a nicer pair of trousers and a top would be fine for the time away. I hope Paul not pulling his hair in despair with all the things that have to be done before you are going. Have a wonderful time and a good drive when you go.
    Off out in a minute to see SIL down their place so will be out most of the day but might see you tonight if any energy left. Have a nice day whatever you are doing and hope the sun shines on you too Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Thank you Maria! Young woman huh! I feel young - most of the time - but the person who looks back at me from the mirror looks a lot older than I feel! Ha ha xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and Ladies, a quick visit just now, off to our wee craft shop for the day.
    Myra your card is gorgeous, will catch up later, xx

    1. Thanks Jess! Enjoy your day among all the goodies! Xxx

  7. Sandra if the girls are getting to take all what they are, you could take your G.C. Etc. as you could tell them they are essentials??? You certainly won't have room to swing a cat in your car. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A really quick visit as after a bad night sleepwise we didn't wake until just before 9am! All well and good but we are off to Mum and Pops so not a good way to start the day!
    Myra, your card is lovely, the blue looks great against the silver background. I am going to have a go at making my own texture paste, just need to find where I have saved the recipe!
    Sandra, I hope you manage to get all of the packing sorted without too much stress my lovely, and also finish the forms. Don't forget to put in every little bit of info. Well, they want to know everything don't they so play them at their own game! These people live in a different world don't they! My fingers are firmly crossed that they see sense in the end.
    Have a good day everyone. i will try and pop back in tonight to catch up with you all. Must go now. Take care xx

    1. Sue, if you find that recipe please share it with us. Have a nice day with mum and pops. Xxxx

    2. Sue, I hope you will feel better as the day goes on , enjoy your time with your mum and pops. I told Sandra the same reference the form filling in. My son was turned down for help,a few years ago when he was not good as he didn't tell them how bad his days really were. He didn't want to moan to much. xxx

    3. Thank you Sue! I hope you are feeling a little better now. Xxx

    4. Hi Sue hope you feel better now. & you had a lovely time with your Mum. & pops. Sue I would love to know how your texture past turnes out.Sue.

  9. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    Sandra, I can just imagine the chaos going on. Don't forget, when you are 15 holiday clothes are sooooo important. Rachel (our eldest) once took 10 pairs of shoes for a weeks holiday with her, 3 of which were beach shoes to match her bikinis.
    Myra, I love your card. Don't know which glitter paste you use, but the one from imagination crafts is brilliant, it dries really quickly. The dazzler just adds that final touch to your beautiful sparkling beauty.
    Hazel have a lovely time with your boys today.
    Michele can I come with you to the do crafts demo?
    I don't know if you all know but if you subscribe to their e mails you can down load lots of papers, templates and sketches free and they are really good quality images.
    Well the sun is shining here again. It's been silly temperatures, last evening it was still 30 degrees at midnight, so it was clean fly protectors on and another sticky night. I think we are looking at 40 degrees today, ridiculous. I'm not leaving the house. The annoying thing is we can't even sit on the balcony all evening and I have to water the window boxes twice a day. If it is like this when we are in the UK then they will all probably die. Our neighbour will look after them but I can't expect him to do it twice a day.
    Tea and toast was lovely thank you and these new gingham (yee hah ) table clothes are beautiful.
    See you later
    Saba xxx

    1. Thanks Saba!
      40 degrees is just too hot - end of story . Poor plants will die as you say.
      We've been told to boil all drinking water here! We found out completely by accident! Nobody tells you anything if you live in the country! Apparently shops had sold out of bottled water before we knew there was a problem!! Xxx

  10. Saba and Sandra. When I think of our three coming home for the summer holidays to Germany, they had to pack all their uniforms for me to get dry cleaned and repaired etc. I think i would have had a fit if they had wanted to take loads of other unnecessary things, no ours were told what they were allowed and no more, they all still can go on holiday with less baggage than other friends. Mix and match and making do comes to mind. Patricia and I dress up to go down to the town every night when we are in Turkey! We might wear the same skirt or trousers for two or three times but a different top and liittle cardigan, different neck less and it looks different, one pair of shoes to go with everything on a night a pair for the day and shoes for the pool. As long as I have the important things like underwear and t shirts trousers, that can do day or night and if necessary can be washed out. We went to Canada for two weeks with 31kgs between us. xxx

    Hope everyone in the North West has heard the news that drinking water has to be boiled as a parasite has gotten into the water Cumbria is ok but it would appear to be Lancashire folk who are at risk.
    Margaret xxx
    I will be back later got visitors at the moment! xxx

    1. Only found out late last night Margaret by accident! I'm hoping it'll be water off this duck's back! Xxx

    2. Take care ducky, do remember to boil the water for any ice you have too. Or you could do a Saba and just drink wine well chilled! xxx

    3. Cheers! My Friend !! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Myra your card is beautiful . Really love the texture paste background, it makes a really stunning backdrop for your die. I should think it's quite good for a batch card too and easy to post. I've got some texture paste but haven't been brave enough to try it yet. Thank you for sharing xxx
    What is it with girls and shoes? Yes I know I'm just as bad! Emma lives and dies in her Vans and trying to get her to wear sandles in the summer is hopeless but go on holiday and she needs so many pairs of shoes! Love the new tablecloths Sandra they are really summery. I've got a huge pile of ironing to do today and a card to finish but no enthusiasm! Sad isn't it! Sue I hope you feel ok today, not good when you can't sleep. Enjoy the day with your parents. Hazel have fun with the boys too. Right I must get on and stop faffing!!!
    See you later xxxx

    1. Thank you Diane, Give the texture paste a go - it's easy to use so long as you tape the mask down . Be brave! Xxx

  13. Afternoon one and all
    Sandra - the last time I looked campers/caravans etc didn't have extendable sides!!!! I'm sure the girls will have just as much fun without all their nick nacks and in their words 'essentials'. They will look good in whatever they wear. I know it's a problem but I'd like to bet they don't wear everything they take.

    Maria - your card yesterday certainly had the WOW factor and I loved everything about it.
    Myra - Your card today is just beautiful. I love that die and have to admit that it was the first of this year's Seasonal dies I bought. As yet I haven't been brave enough to try the 'gunge' technique but it certainly makes a WOW statement doesn't it. Lovely.

    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday but we had our Annual Holiday - every year a town in the next department Allier (03) have a Fete Medieval for the whole week and we always go for one of those days. The whole of the 'old town' around the Abbey is closed off and set up everything medieval. It's just wonderful to see all the costumes worn and not only be the stallholders but by the townspeople themselves. They invite musicians from around the world - different groups each year- and it is just a shoppers paradise. When we got back both of us just collapsed as it was once again nearer 40c than 30c and a full day was and is exhausting but oh so worth it.

    I did a 'Saba' and bought a handbag - hand made in leather and so so beautiful I couldn't resist even though it cost 130euros. I will take a photo and when I can will let Sandra have a copy of it so you can see it. The work on the leather is just Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    We have been to market this morning but tonight's cake is a home made one. Well we are finishing off one that I did for Robert's birthday which although he had had his birthday just before they came we did an evening meal and celebrated it again as we have never been with him so close to his date.
    I made him an Ice Cream Cake.

    It's so easy to make it's untrue -
    1 packet lge of choc digestive biscuits
    sml amount of melted butter to mix the crushed biscuits together
    on top of that 1ltre of Vanilla ice cream
    on top of that 1ltre of any other flavour you want
    depending on the time of year decorate the top with fruit/chocs/ if it's Easter mini E-eggs and if Christmas white maltesers.
    Place in the freezer and take out just before needed.

    This is make in a cake tin with a clip side so it can be removed from the cake when needed.
    I used Strawberry Ice cream for the top layer and decorated the top with Gluten free Macaroons. The choc digestives were also Gluten free as both Robert and his daughter Zoe need everything Gluten Free.

    Right as I'm sat here absolutely melting and the Angel outside is telling me it's 42C I'm off to sit in the bedroom and hopefully cool off. I love the new table cloths by the way Sandra - just one of my favourite colours.
    Have a good afternoon.
    Norah it was lovely to see you visited yesterday. I'm so sorry you have once agiain had to cope with horrible family events but I know that your two wonderful children made you so proud of them. You just keep cuddling that beautiful Grandson of yours.
    Hugs are on their way and I hope they behave themselves.

    1. Janet - I like the sound of that handbag! I'm sure it's lovely. I also like the sound of the ice cream cake! I have made a note of the recipe!
      I like the idea of only taking out the number of pieces you need as well! It reminds me of a pineapple cake I used to make which was also frozen. Need to get the recipe out again!
      Thanks for your nice comment about my card! Try to keep cool. Xxx

    2. JANET:- really looking forward to seeing that Handbag!!
      The Ice Cream Cake sounds rather yummy! xxx

    3. Well done, can't wait to see it.
      Your ice cream cake sounds just the thing. I shall attempt it when I am home and the grandchildren are staying. Thank you.
      Our weather is just awful too. Too hot to go out, all windows closed and even crafting is difficult with damp hands. We are expecting mega storms at the weekend. I can't wait.

    4. Janet your cake sounds delicious, will have to try it.
      If it is too hot for you, please send some to us, we could certainly certainly be doing with it. Xx

    5. Oh Janet good for you treating yourself to a new handbag I will look forward to seeing it when you are able to let us see it.
      Your cake sounds wonderful I will make a note and be giving this one a try thank you so much for the recipe.
      Do take care in that heat thinking of you xx

  14. Good morning my lovely coffee shop Angels,
    Myra your card is beautiful flower with the texture sparkle paste giving such a good amount of relief and texture to your card that it doesn't need much else on it and the sentiment is just what it needs to finish it off to perfection. Stunning, simply stunning. I haven't tried doing the stencil with paste yet as i haven't built up that much courage but i will try it because your card just looks so intricate because of the mask that you have used and the sharpness of the finished project. Thank you flower for letting us see your works of art that you have been making.
    Sandra flower, i thought that the coporation bus's had plenty of underfloor space for the mass wardrobe transportation that you have going on at your house at the holidays :D Poor Paul as i know from having a Kirsten just what was "essential" that she couldn't live without and needed to go with whatever. I had a Astra at the time and there were 3 bikes on top of my poor roof, 1 inside. I also had 2 cases 1 for Kirsten and 1 for Campbell, Rory and I, dog + neccessities, fishing gear, food, television, games machine(for hubby i might add) pegs, washing line, basket, blankets, towels, rackets and balls, shuttlecocks etc. There wasn't a space left in the car that didn't have something in it. I took my essentials i.e my knitting and made an aran cardigan for me and a jumper for Campbell on that week away. My poor car was never the same again but it is still running around by the old man that bought it from me 10 years ago "P" reg. It was like this ever expanding suitcase that just didn't know when to stop. So i still say poor Paul as i know just what he has to go through before he even gets on his much needed holiday. The time away will do you both the world of good and reinvirgorate your wee bones and muscles with the heat and sun so enjoy it my dear friend.
    Oh it is a beautiful day here in Costa de Glenochil with the sun shining and all the eejits out washing their cars and mowing their lawns making such a racket. I didn't know what hayfever was until the last 5 years and now i need to shut the doors and windows on beautiful days like this because of streaming eyes and sneezing. I feel sorry for someone who has it worse than me as the itching itself drives me nuts(just more so than normal nuts) to the point that i have made my face red raw with scratching. Anyway i hope you are all having a lovely day where ever you are and that the weather is being kind to you. I wonder if we have frappes in our wee cafe Sandra? It's too nice a day for a hot drink and with the lovely tables outside with the awning over the top to keep the sun from burnign down it is such a lovely day to be outside watching the world go bye. Janet we could do with some of your French fancies across here so that we can be like the Parisians.
    I am putting this basket of mischief inside as its too hot to watch and make sure they are not randomly jumping at poor unsuspecting passers bye but feel free to encourage them
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Thanks Norah! If I can do it anybody can!
      So pleased the weather in Costa Glenochil is good. It makes such a difference when the sun shines!
      Have a good weekend! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    I got a big surprise a few minutes ago when I checked the blog and saw my card!
    I made it with a view to asking several the same as it is fairly flat and easy to post! The texture paste is Cosmic Shimmer and I find it really easy to use. I just tape the mask down very carefully. I left it to dry overnight. The card is CE Cobalt blue and I really like it too. It's lovely with frosty scenes. I know what you mean Maria that it could be simply a Peace card but I actually bought it because to me it's about the true meaning of Christmas - Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men!
    My shopping came in the middle of this , so it's taken me a while!
    Had to put all the fresh food away in the fridges and freezer.
    Will go and see what everyone has been up to!
    Sandra - so sorry you have got extra worries at the moment. Please try not to get stressed ! X
    Love to all,

    1. That should be making several the same!! Xxx

    2. Sandra please slow down and try to relax before your holiday or you will be so stressed that you will be exhausted when you get there.
      We had a very quiet day today in our wee shop, I think the school holidays are keeping all the mums at home, as they say, it can only get better.
      Will catch up again later. X

  16. Hellooooooooooo
    MYRA, your card is spectacular. I love it and I'm going to borrow your idea but will ink through the stencil (quicker as no drying time) and stick greeting on. Great for mass production - you are a genius.
    MYRA - my tip for you today is drink wine - not water!!!
    I still haven't got to the bottom of yesterday's comments, and it's been busy, busy, busy again here today. So when I get back tonight, I'll go back and continue reading yesterday's comments, and then start on today's.
    I just want to say that LYNDA and HAZEL, I'm pleased that Annie and Harris are o.k. but sorry that your wallets are a lot lighter!!!
    Must go, Zoe is putting on a Magic Show with her friend who lives next door - Joe, 7 years old - and we've been invited to a Command Performance and then tea to follow.
    I'm sorry that I haven't been able to read all your comments, but I will catch up soon - I hope.
    Sandra, good luck with the packing and if you are away before I get back - have a wonderful time.
    Muriel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Muriel - at least I've got an excuse tonight! The chap who does the garden on Friday
      Have a lovely time wat the Show! morning brought his son today! The boy is 15. He is on a health kick just now - therefore no Coke , Lemonade or any such thing! Of course he wanted a glass of water! The water we had boiled was still warm! We virtually give him a glass full of ice cubes! Hope this doesn't last long! How we do take things for granted. Xxx

    2. How lovely, enjoy every moment. They grow up so quickly.

    3. Muriel, my Dear! Please accept my humble apologies! " have a lovely time watching the Show!" Came in the middle of my post instead of at the end!! I'm so sorry - everything seemed nonsensical! Just like me!
      Hope you had a lovely experience!! Xxx

  17. Good afternoon folks, I have popped in for a quick cuppa.
    John Jnrs neighbour has just left. We helped him load wood into his car and trailer for him and John to share. The Water Board want to clear away all the wood from the trees that were cut a couple of months ago. We have stacked so much for ourselves, I am sure we have enough to last for a good few years . Our neighbours across the road have a load stacked for their use. If they don't remove it within the next two weeks they will loose it.
    We have had a great day here.......the sun actually showed face. Two loads of washing dried but not yet ironed!! I really can't be bothered doing any ironing, lazy or what!!
    Sandra, hope you are getting though the "tick list" and are not too stressed.
    Mmmmmm!! the scones with Cream & Jam are delicious. xxx

  18. What a day, got up feeling fairly rubbish, hot etc, by end of morning I was definitely coming down with something, luckily my usual GP was "duty" doctor so got an appointment this afternoon, take a wee sample just in case and guess what ......I was right another water infection, I am convinced however that it is due to the fact that when I went to GP with it couple of weeks ago I saw a different dr who despite me questioning it would only give me a three day course of antibiotics, I told her that I usually have a weeks course, guess I got that right too, why don't they listen, we do know our own bodies after all, I now have to spend the busiest day of my year so far battling an infection as well as spending a week of my holiday on antibiotics!
    Anyway back to packing....

    1. Hope this might help in future so when you get home from your hols this time go and see your lovely GP and ask him if you can take a preventative drug for your water infections.

      I started having these horrible things when I retired. I went from not going to the loo from 06.00 to 18.00hrs whilst I was working and then when I stopped for some unknown reason I started having water infections repeatedly. My lovely GP gave me an antibiotic called
      'Cefalexin' to prevent these infections. I only have half a tablet at night and I cannot remember the last time I had an infection. They don't interfere with any of my other medication. If you want to know what I take mail me and I'll let you know.

      I really do not know what I would do without this half a tablet.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Oh Sandra, urine infections are just horrid, so sorry love. Hopefully by the time you travel the antibiotics will have kicked in. Try and drink as much as you can to help flush it out. Send one of the girls out to get you some cranberry juice. It helps with the irritation.
      Sending you a mountain of hugs xxxxx

    3. Sorry Sandra, you didn't need this! Have only had one twice and both a long time ago. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Xxx

  19. Sandra, time for you to STOP. And time for the GIRLS to start helping. Or you and them will be going no where. You can't go away if that infection doesn't start clearing up, I had a water infection and carried on keeping going and ended up in bed for over a week, really Ill, and I was on the verge of having to go into hospital. So please do nothing except rest and drink plenty. xxx

  20. Hello all
    I have just been on the phone to Joanne. Oliver has a little friend playing there and they are crafting together and as we were chatting he came to Joanne and showed her what he had done. He had only gone and drawn on his shorts. ( fortunately a pair of cut off jeans that he plays out in.) when Joanne remarked "Oh Oliver! He said it's alright mummy it's a cross and it's there to remind me of Jesus!! I thought she was going to choke. I then had a chat with him and told him it was not a good idea to draw on clothes even though Jesus would be thrilled he was thinking of him and told him to draw a picture of a cross to put in his bedroom so that when he goes to sleep at night he can look at his picture and say goodnight and thank you to Jesus, and off he shot to do just that. Joanne thanked me for that, actually she said Bl...dy Marvelous and not in a thank you tone. She did laugh though. They don't go to church, it's up to me when I am home to take him.
    Well it's still too hot to do anything. I am trying to make a card for Oliver's birthday, I have now decided on batman but am not enjoying doing it, not a bow or a bit of bling in sight! I think cards for small children are worst than the dreaded man cards we all love doing.
    Hope to see you all later.

  21. It looks like you are all having dinner now after watching cricket all afternoon.. I will call in later and hopefully someone will be in. Maureen won't as she is away watching Zoe little show. Isn't it lovely when children put on these little shows?

    1. Great cricket and I'm sure a great Show! Grandma Mo as cheer leader !
      Hope the refreshments were up to scratch !! Xxx

  22. Woooooooooow hellllllooooooooooooooooo,
    Tomorrow, I'll read Tolstoy's War and Peace. It will be a lot quicker.
    I've speed read all your comments yesterday and today, otherwise I'd still be reading in October and wouldn't make the retreat.
    Sandra, I do hope you get some relief from your infection and that it doesn't spoil your holiday. A bladder infection is such a nasty thing.
    I couldn't possibly remember everything so this is just a quickie as I don't want to offend anyone.
    Norah, it's lovely to see you, I'm sorry to read all your sad news and the upset you felt, but as others have said - you can choose your friends but not your family. Rory did you proud, so just think of that. And believe me, they'll need you before you need them!!!!
    I did say that I was pleased Harris and Annie are on the up and up, but sorry that Hazel and Lynda will have go work at the coal face to pay the bills!!!!
    I have a feeling that it was Quentin Crisp who said that "After the 3rd year the dust doesn't get any worse" or something like that. I think I'll give it a go ha ha. (some may say I already have!!!)
    Saba, What a great story about Oliver, he's so gorgeous, but I think you are a bad influence on Janet, I see she's been buying a bag and I'm looking forward to seeing the photos of it. Well it makes a change from cakes!
    Janet, I've written your recipe down for the Ice Cream cake, what a brilliant idea.
    Myra, I did say higher up that I thought your card was lovely. So much so that I may do a mass production for the neighbours, but using ink through the stencil as it will dry quicker. I don't have the die cut, but I do have my very favourite Christmas stamp which says "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All".
    The magic show was so funny but fabulous. Eleanor was their glamorous assistant and Joe did a ventriloquist act with a singing lion - believe me you had to see it - it was so funny, and then they all did magic tricks. A few of the neighbours were invited and the seats were laid put out in back garden like a theatre. There were prizes (pieces of fudge) and stickers. We all had a lovely time and the children were thrilled. They were even more thrilled when we all put 10ps and 20ps into a hat that was lying on the ground. Joe (7 years) was beside himself when he realised that we thought he was so good that he deserved to be paid. I think it was Rachel and Joe's dad who each put a £1 coin into the hat. Well, can you imagine the excitement!!! Honestly the afternoon and evening was magic. They'll remember this for the rest of the holiday - well Joe will lol!!!!
    Oh I meant to say that I've been barred from a few cricket grounds in my time for rather enthusiastically cheering on Georges side. It's not cricket dontcha know to do anything other than to clap. Well it wasn't about 45 years ago when he used to play in one of the Northumberland leagues.
    Aye he's gone through the lot. Football when I first met him. Cricket after we were married. Golf when he got to his mid 50's and Green Bowling now. The four ages of man ha ha.
    Right, Bailey's Tanker is connected and a little light music is playing in the background. I could no more make another card tonight than fly to the moon, unless the balloon is fired up and we are off!!!
    Oh by the way, how's this for fantastic service. My Converse Stamposaurus Stamp arrived this morning. I'll have a play with it tomorrow. I only ordered it on the 5th and today is the 7th - good, or what.
    I'm off to get my dancing shoes.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Just wrote a long comment and its gone, I am in the huff xxx

    2. Patricia, I've puffed it back to you, quick - catch it!!! xxx

    3. Lucky you about the Stamposaurus Stamp! I tried and tried! I puffed and and I puffed - but unlike the Big Bad Wolf - failed miserably!!
      So glad the Show was a success - I just knew the Cast were First Class! Xxxx

    4. PATRICIA mine too about two hours ago so I shut down in a huff
      Did anyone see it.xx

  23. Myra, I understood your comment about the show, the water and wine, and the gardener's son perfectly because my mind works that way too. No, sometimes my laptop will want to print something in the middle of somewhere else, rather than where it should be.
    Do you like the water and wine bit - If only we could change it like our leader did.

    1. Amen Sister! Xx I'm not being facetious either. Xx

  24. HibMyra
    Your card is simply gorgeous. Love the sparkle paste through the mask. Wish the sentiment would come true. This world is going mad. It needs us ladies to set it to rights, and bang everyone's heads together. You really wouldn't think we're supposed to be the civilised ones would you. Better put the soapbox back in the corner. Sandra. Perhaps you need to talk to your Dr about Janet's tablet she takes to see if it would help you, as you seem to get an infection quite regularly. I wonder if you will be taking Hazels advice, taking it easy and delegating to the girls. Why does a Sky seem to pay mega bucks for sport. I like cricket and football. Well any sport really, but most of it is now going to be on Sky, which we don't gave in afraid.

  25. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well we have had some lovely sun today just to prove it still exists, I was beginning to wonder I can tell you!
    I will have a coffee please popped my money in the pot, boy am I ready for this after the day we have had. First of all Amy our corgi was taken ill and vomiting so we had to rush her to the vets who said she had either eaten something she shouldn't have or picked up a virus. so was given two injections. the problem is when she is off colour she tends to wander about so 3 carpets needed disinfecting then shampooed. Derek got her home and within five minutes Tomas started too, so rang the vet he said it may be the same but could just be anxiety as they don't like being parted so to phone after two hours. After two hours and two more carpets shampooed Derek was on his way again, same treatment received and no food for 24 hours. Well they are laying quiet but are looking hungry, I felt so guilty at teatime, the way they both were watching us eating! So rather an expensive day but at least they have been seen and treated I wouldn't have them suffering. Unlike if we were ill and having to wait 2 weeks to see a doctor, how I wish our vets would see humans!
    My lovely hairdresser called up to cut and blow dry my hair, as it had not been cut for 11 weeks, I was due an appointment the week after my fall. there is no disabled access for her salon so I was so grateful, my fringe was covering my eyes. I now feel human again, and not looking like the wild woman of the North!
    Another exciting day at the test match Myra, with our local lad, Ben Stokes having a brilliant day once again, so things are looking very good for tomorrow don't you think? Your card is so very beautiful the colours are really lovely and a wonderful sentiment too very well done you are one clever little ducky.
    Sandra do you have a car with elastic sides as it sounds as though that is what you are in need of, I do think as others have said you are going to have to enforce the airline rule 1 suitcase and a set weight, it is you and Paul I feel for, you are going to have to put your foot down. Take care with the insurance it's a minefield out there with all their loopholes!
    It does seem quiet tonight am I missing a party somewhere? Last weekends party will take some beating don't you think Muriel, Saba and Myra?
    My coffee was lovely thank you, really hit the right spot, I shall try and call back later, my late hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET:- sorry to hear about the dogs, hope they have a peaceful night and feel better in the morning.
      Sandra has a converted "double decker" had you not heard about it??? xxx

    2. Margaret, I'm so pleased that you are able to see again now that your fringe has been cut. I was reading about the Wild Woman of Borneo but hadn't realised they were talking about you!!! Poor Amy and Tomas, I hope they are soon back to normal, but you and Derek will have to go without food to pay the Vet's bills!!
      Patricia, I love your comment about Sandra's converted Double Decker is that any relation to Desmond Decker??!!! xxxx

    3. Excuse my ignorance but what is the Desmond Decker??? xxx

    4. No I am serious, should I go Google it???

    5. Hee Hee ! He's a singer Desmond that is not Double - maybe he's his twin!!
      Margaret, you've had quite a day Ducky! Let's pray these lovely doggies are fit and well in the morning!
      You could have gone to Edinburgh with that Fringe! Xxxx

  26. Oh Margaret, that's not good with your two, you, Lynda and us are all having a worrying time with our four legged friends. Harris seems ok but I just worry he will have another one. The vet did say it is just one of these things. Sickness with dogs makes you start worrying as to what they have picked up while out for their walks, I wish when we got a sickness bug we could get an injection.
    Maureen, I am so glad the children's little show went so well. Good luck with your stall tomorrow. xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel, the stall is on Sunday, so I have another day when I can make more cards - oh goodie!!!
      The trouble with Harris is that he cannot tell you what is wrong. That's the worst thing, not knowing if they feel poorly.

    2. Sorry I thought it was Saturday, but then again I thought Anna's birthday was tomorrow, why I don't know but I think I have list a day some where. Oh yes I wish harris could tell me. X

    3. He was probably trying very hard! Xxx

  27. Maureen what a fantastic show you have been to I hope someone caught it on camera or an I pad.
    Saba what a lovely story about Oliver that is a great one to treasure for you all, don't you just love their innocence?
    Yes Hazel you are quite right we are wondering if they have picked something up while out for their walk. So pleased Harris is doing fine I hope he keeps up the good work, try not to worry too much.

    1. No Margaret, I forgot my camera, I don't have an I-pad, and I gave my video recordet to Rachel and Peter. I bought it when Eleanor was born and thought that they would use it more. I don't think they've used it at all as they just record on their phones or i-pads or tablets now. Me, I take tablets ha ha.
      I hope Tomas and Amy are o.k. xxxx

  28. Right folks, I am having problems commenting. I can comment once, if I try to comment a second time, it disappears and I have to sign in again.
    I have had enough, I am off to bed.
    Goodnight, God Bless. See you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night, night Patricia, sweet dreams, just when I was in the mood to party as well, you have to take yourself of to the land of nod. Do you really not know who Desmond Decker is? He was a Reggae singing artist who had a ginormous hit in the 70's. xxx

    2. Googled it and got the same answer as you have given me. Thank you ..... way before my time I think. Well I am not thinking straight at the moment!!!! xxx

    3. I know, my mother told me about him xxxx

    4. Good night Patricia sweet dreams xxx

    5. Patricia - my Grandma told me about him!! Think you've heard that before! Xxx

  29. Ah well, it seems as though I'm the only one about this evening, so I'll say goodnight, switch off the music but I'll leave the tanker where it is in case any late comer needs a top up. I've got so bored waiting for someone that I've stamped the Sneaker from Stamosaurus and it's great. I may get my promarkers and do a bit of colouring, and have a look at my papers to paper piece it. What do you think? Oh, you aren't there, well I'm away.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Sweet dreams everybody, I hope you all manage a good night's sleep.
    Muriel xxx

  30. Aw Maureen I do hope someone caught it to keep perhaps they could email it to you, that is what my daughter and son in law do.
    Tomas and Amy are sleeping lovely and quiet at the moment so fingers crossed they are over the worst, thank you for asking. xxx

    1. Margaret, they'll be fine and you'll worry yourself sick! xxxx

    2. I'm a bit late - not like me at all! Ha ha!!
      Don't talk to me about that sneaker! I've tried and I've tried to order it!
      Hopeless! I do wish someone else sold it - I can hardly reccommend the people who do!
      Happy colouring! I've been on the phone again, sorry! Xxx

    3. Helllllo MYRA you on that phone, I have ordered the sneaker stamp on E bay £6the same one JESS used. Xxxx

    4. Are you trying to make me feel inadequate or just hopeless?
      How is Annie today and the other two lovely pets! Oops forgotten names! Don't tell them! It's old age you know! Xxx

    5. MYRA What do you meen you inadequate never Hopeless mmm have to think about that one haha.
      Annie seems fine now thank you my friend xx

  31. So pleased your stamp is a good one it really came quickly which is good Maureen, enjoy your colouring.
    I too am off to bed, I am ready for it too after the day we have had, so I shall wish you all good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Sweet dreams and God Bless. I've been hanging on in case someone comes in, but I'm definitely signing off now, so I'll see you tomorrow.

    2. Night night Margaret and Maureen! Sleep well. You've both had a busy day with its own traumas . Xxx

    3. Good night Maureen & Margaret sweet dreams see you tomorrow xx

  32. Quick visit, sorry Myra about my earlier comment in the wrong place, it was to Sandra it I don't know how it ended up where it did.
    Re Sandra and the double decker, just like Cliff in Summer Holiday, that would be brilliant. We could all go!
    Catch up tomorrow xx

  33. Haven't read any comments yet but just wanted to say that MYRA that is a beautiful card. Sorry I haven't been in but have been without internet for 24 hours. Didn't even recognise the server. Really tired so must go to sleep now. Night everyone - if anyone is still here.

    1. Night Night Brenda and thank you so much! Sleep well. Xxx

    2. Have a good night Littlelamb xxx

  34. Hello to anyone still around.
    Had a nice day with SIL and her OH, lovely to be able to sit outside for lunch without a cardigan or rain mac for once. So wonderful to see a blue sky and some sunshine again but we haven't got the heatwave that is in Europe,yet.
    Oh Sandra, hope you get help asap and it wont spoil your holiday. fingers crossed x
    Myra- i hope I didn't offend any way ,you see I have friends /family who are Jewish and your card would be lovely to send them for we all wish for peace on earth . If only people would stop fighting x
    Margaret , your poor little Corgis. Hope Amy and Tomas are back to their normal self tomorrow and it was just a small bug. Our pets in the cafe' have had a rough week, hugs to them all. One of my neighbours bunnies have needed meds. this last week too and not a easy task to try to give it to him. Very cleaver even when hidden in food etc. but think I got him to take it all every day. He's still here.
    Janet, sound like you had a good day too. A new handbag, yes please show us. Don't use handbags often but like to see a nice one in the shops or market.
    The recipe of a ice cream cake sound very good ,thank you for sharing.
    How sweet of the children to put up a play for everyone Maureen, they are so cute and take it quite serious when doing things like that. Good you had a nice day. Norah- your Astra sounded like a good little car for a lot of things for a holiday and is still going :-) Nice you got some of the sunshine too today.
    It's late and I said I was going to have an early night tihi I will take myself and the hedgehog in my throat to bed now so wish you all a good night ! xxxx

    1. Hello Maria, my Friend - offend me? Never! I had just not thought about the sentiment being used in that way. It makes it multi - functional ! I just wanted to explain why I'd bought it. Just proves I can't think outside the box! Sleep well, my Dear! Xxxx

    2. I'm glad, have a good night Myra. See you later my friend xxx

    3. Maria - since we get confused - not by us but by others - I am so looking forward to meeting you! We can sing a duet - like a double act! Maybe not! Xxxx

  35. Good night BRENDA sweet dreams
    Hello everyone that's up..
    MYRA your card is gorgeous love the sparkley past, I think I have that mask some the colour of the card is that one of the new foundation ones
    MARGARET so sorry about Amy & Tomas hope they are better in the morning.
    The vet's are doing well this week what with Amy Tomas Harris & Annie cuddles
    For the all.
    SANDRA now then young lady please slow down especially now you have a water infection you should rest as it takes it out of you. Hope you got your potapotty sorted. Haveyou got a trailer tent or an ordenery on the ground one.
    I hope the luggage has been sorted now.Have you got a top box on top of your double decker haha. Are you going to the same location as before.
    I really hope you can relax tomorrow before your long car journey.
    MAUREEN your magic show sounded like a good evening arnt children lovely
    Hope someone did video it as would be a lovely keepsake,showing it them when they are older. Good luck with your card making how many have you finished.
    Good night everyone im off before I loose it again.
    Love Lynda xxx
