
Thursday 6 August 2015

A beautiful vintage look by Maria


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well and the weather is being kind to you.
Just look at this stunning card that Maria has very kindly sent in for me to share with all of you.
Maria has used some beautiful vintage looking papers on this card  that match so beautifully with
the dies that she has used to create this stunning design.
The dies on the front of the card are Creative Expressions Noble Classic Adorned Design Die and Trailing Ivy Dies, the inside of the card Maria has used Creative Expressions Lattice and Lace Striplet Die for each of the side panels and the Creative Expressions Portuguese Background Die for that beautiful pop out centre piece.
The recipient of this card is in for a huge WOW moment when they open this card up, that's for sure!
Thank you so much Maria for taking the time to send me this lovely card to share today.
I'm off for some more packing now!
love & Hugs


  1. Morning ladies

    Maria-your card is just stunning. There's so much detail on it. I can see how much work has gone into this beautiful card.

    Quick visit today as I've still got to dry my hair and make my lunch. I've got a cracking headache-probably from all the tension at work-taken paracetamol & ibuprofen so just waiting for them to start working!


    1. Relax, breathe, take it easy and ignore frozen face (that's easy for me to say) xxx

    2. Michele - hope your headache gets better very soon! As for Grumpy? Well - you keep smiling! Xxx

    3. Michele I hope you have felt better as the day goes on, it's quite humid here, just right for a head ache ! Xxx

    4. Michele, I hope your day is going well, and the pills has helped to relieve the tension headache. It's horrible working in a bad atmosphere and so unnecessary. It's just a shame this person can't except that things have to be a certain way.
      On the bright side it's getting near to the weekend. And you can say
      S - - them all. Well at least for a few days XX

    5. Hi Michele
      Just hope that your headache has gone away. Mostly due to grumpy guts I assume. Give her a wide berth if you can.

    6. Arrr MICHELE sorry your headache is dew to a miserable grumpy person at work,why doesn't she leave if she doesn't like the changes & beause they have to be done a certain way & she can't except it.

  2. Good morning Sandra and the gang!!
    I am later this morning, did a few things "first" I am meeting Hazel this morning, wanted all these things done before I left the house.
    MYRA:- what a STUNNING card. A true labour of love with all that wonderful detail, I love it.
    I left here early last night, I must pop back see what went on. I hope the Three Graces had a good day no matter what they were up to. I am amazed that they actually ever get any "Crafting" done. I often think I am hear the chattering and laughter right up this part of the country.
    Right better get my Tea & Toast and take it over to that table in the corner. Will not stop long, I still have things to do.
    (((((Hugs)))))) in the basket as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. Oh! My! Goodness! this age thing is getting worse!!!!
      MARIA:- please forgive me. I gave the credit for your STUNNING card to Myra.
      I am so, so sorry. xxx

    2. Patricia, have a lovely time with Hazel and don't worry dear, Myra will be pleased that you thought she could make a card like this, Maria on the other hand will be spitting feathers - Saba, more feathers required please ha ha xxxx

    3. Oh Patricia thanks for giving me even temporary credit for such a beautiful card!
      Maria - it's gorgeous! Xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all n the Cafe today. I have opened up the Cafe and put some beautifully scented old fashioned tea roses on the tables and some Eton Mess in the fridge. Help yourselves : )
    Maria, your card is gorgeous, I really love this style of card and the papers you have used. It makes for a great surprise when it is opened doesn't it : )
    Sandra, thanks for having us yesterday and thanks Pat for the yummy rolls and shortbread cookies : ) As always the time went far too fast and not seeing Sandra for 4 weeks is going to be hard, but you deserve a good holiday my lovely. I forgot to get the Boutique machine that you so kindly said I could have for Phoebe. I wondered if I could pop over and get it before Sunday? I will contact you later on to arrange something. By the way, Chris loves the runner beans as much as I do, Lots have already gone, I did tell you that they usually get eaten raw, will have to try and stop ourselves so that we have some left to cook to go with the Cottage Pie tonight : )
    Michele, good on you for the "fan" comment. That should keep Grumpy quite for a while at least! : )
    Diane, sorry to hear about your car trouble. And all because of someones thoughtless behaviour!
    Hazel, glad that the longest part of Roberta's journey had gone well, thanks for letting us know. It's good to hear that you were being sensible yesterday and putting your feet up. The house work etc. isn't going anywhere so don't rush to do it all at once please : )
    Lynda, I hope Anne's check up goes well. Glad to hear her breathing is a little easier : )
    I stupidly didn't make notes while reading yesterdays comments so can't remember what anyone else has been up to, sorry. I will just wish you all a good day. Take care xx

    1. Oh Sue, that Eton Mess looks rather nice, I'll have some later please so I'll put some in a bowl and write my name on it. Think I'll lick a spoon and stick it in, then nobody will eat it ha ha xxxx

    2. Oooh yummy Eton mess Sue thank you. Credit card looks a little pale now after paying that bill - think I could of bought the entire set of Sues dies for that money and just stayed in the house to play with them instead of driving around! Xxx

    3. Didn't realise that you left the Eaton Mess Sue. However, when I hit to the fridge it was all gone. Eaten by Maureen and Diane by the sounds of it. Hope you manage to get the machine for Phoebe before Sandra goes. I also forgot to take some runner beans for dinner, hopefully we'll have a few ready fir the weekend.

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Maria, what can I say about your stunning card, maybe a WOW to start with and why haven't we seen more before now, I love your design and of course those striplets add that touch of class. I am sure I have that background paper or is it card?
    Sorry I was t that chatty last night, just was doing nothing much then Harris had a Fit, so we were watching him and keeping him calm, Charlie will take him to the vets today, as we also discovered three small lumps while we were stroking him last night, we check him all over usually every day but I haven't spent long enough doing it while Roberta has been here. I don't know if she got home to their house ok, as she will not wanted to message at that time, but did message when she was waiting for the ferry, saying the babies were good but 2 older children about our 2 grandsons ages 7&11 were fighting and arguing the whole time. Now to me the staff should have taken matters into hand and dealt with the parents and made them control there off spring. Anyway she is home and I know she will have been spending time with her puppies. I am away to get ready to meet up with Patricia. Xxx

    1. HinGazel
      I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie. I hope it's nothing to worry about. I quite agree that parents should control their own children. If they don't then someone should ask them to. My Grandchildren might cause a ruckus at home, but are always as good as gold when they're out.

    2. Pat, it's harris our dog that had the fit, granted Charlie could be doing to get a once over check up at the doctors but getting him there is another matter. Yes our grandsons can be terrible at times but no way would Tammy allow them to do that. Roberta had four boys and had 10 grandchildren and 2 great ones so she knows what they can be like so it must have been really bad. She did say the parents didn't seem to be bothered. Xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, I hope Harris is given the o.k. and that all is well. Some parents nowadays don't seem to bother at all with their children - it drives me mad, They are usually each head down on their i-phones, i-pad or whatever. The girls can act up, but they know better than to do that when out with us or their mam and dad.
      Enjoy your day with Patricia, have a coffee for me!!! xxx

    4. P.s. Pleased that Roberta got home safe and sound, she'll have to recover from the journey now xx

    5. Oh Hazel! I hope Harris is alright! I know he's had fits before . I hope he can be given more treatment if necessary. Glad Roberta is safely home. Xxx

    6. Hazel I hope Harris is alright, what a worry for you both. I'm glad to hear Roberta had a better flight baby wise but how awful the parents didn't control their children. It annoys me too, we all know kids play up but it's the parents that ignor their kids whilst they misbehave in public that annoys me. I used to be able to give the children at school a raised eyebrow look if they misbehaved whilst out on a school trip and they soon calmed down! One boy did something he was told not to do by the teacher for safety reasons and so I told him as he couldn't behave he would have to hold an adults hand! He did feel foolish but didn't misbehave again! His mum was on the trip with us and I mouthed sorry to her but she just winked back because she knew it would do the trick!

    7. Sorry Hazel
      Just started reading the comments and thought why did I out Charlie?. I know your dog is called Harris. Must be the craft thing getting to me again. Unless you've had Charlie out down, please send him my apologies.

  5. Where did yesterday go? Yesterday was just not long enough for me! MARIA Your card is superb I won this Striplet die on Sue's blog and not used it yet You've given me some great inspiration I love everything about it, you dark horse you!
    Hope the headache improves MICHELE It's ashame the biggest "headache" won't go away
    I hope to op back later x

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maria your card is absolutely stunning, love the vintage look you have used. What a surprise on opening it, love it, love it, love it.
    Hazel glad Roberta has arrived home safely, some people don't know how to control their children, especially on a plane, they seem to think it is ok for them to let off steam, I would have complained to the stewardess and asked if they would have a word with the parents.
    Hope you and Patricia have a good catch up today.
    The roses are lovely, what a nice perfume they have, I love the smell that old roses have.
    Food shopping day today, better go and get organised, will pop back later, coffee finished, money in pot, cup washed. Xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sandra I do hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and that you are pacing yourself and not overdoing all the packing and getting ready for the holidays, do take care.
    Maria wow oh wow your card is so very beautiful absolutely stunning, by the way I love it!
    Hazel we used to have an Irish Red Setter that had fits and we found the best thing was to keep him quiet, sit with him stroke him and talk quietly to him so he knew we were with him. I know it is worrying to see them I do hope he is ok and you too. Have a lovely catch up with Patricia today, perhaps Myra and I will fly up to have a listen in!!
    Michele hope today goes peacefully for you and your headache eases, if this person at work get nasty again just tell her this little phrase a senior manager once told me to tell cheeky people, 'I shall regard your remarks with the contempt they deserve' There is no real answer to that either!
    Well I have my shopping list done just waiting for my daughter to call and collect me, oh I do hate food shopping!
    Have a lovely day everyone, my hugs are over in the corner please do help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret - it's a good day for ducks here! Xxx
      The Aussies have had a few at the cricket too!! Xx

    2. Margaret, thank you for the kind offer of your Gorguss stamps. I hope Ciara will be more than happy with the ones she has chosen. xx

    3. Yipee it's about time England show what they are capable of! xx

    4. Brollies up ladies low flying ducks again!!!!

    5. This one has Saba's bazooka!! Xxx

  8. Margaret, yes very worrying when they fit , brought back terrible memories if our old lab Hamish as we lost him after he fitted. We just kept him calm xxx

  9. Hello everyone,
    Ooh I see Sandra is under a pile of undies trying to get sorted before Saturday. I hope you get everything ship shape and bristol fashion before the weekend!!!
    Maria, what an absolutely beautiful card. I bet the recipient was or will be thrilled to receive this. It's a work of art.
    Well washing is on the line, another nice sunny day here again, I've hoovered and dusted upstairs, will do a half hour's weeding and then it's cards, cards, cards, for these fund raising events. I probably won't get back until later so be very, very good.
    Muriel xxx

    1. P.s. I have commented on the way down. xxx

    2. Hello Sandra,
      Good morning ladies! How are we all this wet , horrid morning!
      Alastair's weather App has informed him the rain will go off later! As for me - seeing is believing when it comes to rain!!
      Maria - your card is so lovely! Love how you've made the central part - it's gorgeous! It's ok to take a while making a card if they turn out like this! Thank you for sharing with us.
      I started commenting on the way down but the cricket is on and it is history making stuff! Australia are 29 for 6 !! It's brilliant! I'm excited can you tell!
      See you later! Xxx

  10. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    well i'm back after another difficult few weeks and then my M.I.L. dying on top of everything else and unfortunately it is only a matter of time until my F.I.L follows her as he was so done in when i seen him at the kirk and funeral on Tuesday. Thankfully my other half has decided to make a weekly visit to see his father with this all happening but it's not for the want of me nagging at him to phone his parents and isn't it about time he went across to see them lecture from me about it. I will say just how proud i was of my son standing to attention like he does at the police youth cadets that he is loving. He was so smart and stood there proud and tall even though they all left him and Kirsten out of everything. 2 of Campbells sisters that were organizing the funeral ordered up red roses for the granddaughters to throw on top of the coffin, well that was all except our daughter and the eldest son's daughter got a rose. Not sure if they just can't count to 6 plus the 2 great granddaughters, so that was 8. Boy did they know how to knife children without even trying as the oldest granddaughters boyfriends helped at the cords instead of her grandsons. Kirsten, Rory and i couldn't sit in the front or 2nd row of seats with the family as boyfriends and girlfriends deserved that right more than a daughter in law and grandchildren, we were across the other side at the back where we could get a seat.OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I am coming off my orange box now, sorry girls just so angry, hurt and i don't know what else about it all. Campbell found out his mum was dying after she had been in hospital nearly a fortnight with a broken pelvis from yet another fall under the care and guidance of said 2 sisters in law.
    Maria flower, what a stunningly beautiful card that you have made for our delight today. I have had to look twice to realise that it is not embossing that you have done to the corners but pearl corners that you have used. They sort of melt into the background paper as if it has faded out to the corners. The striplet you have used is really good with the centre that you have chosen as if you have blown up a section of the striplet to make a centre piece. Than you flower for letting us enjoy your beautiful work.
    Michele, i am sorry that you are put under such a strain at your work just because of one person, i know just how that feels and it is not nice and i used to dread having to go in just because it was so bad. I had been given one lasses job and she was moved to be PA to one of the bosses but i didn't come from Falkirk where they all came from and the boss had broken up a happy office when they stuck me in at the book keeping and accounts. I just hope sweetheart that things improve soon for you as this is no good for the tummy, it gives ulcers.
    Well i will have a latte i think and did i see Eton Mess cake in the fridge mmmhh. Oh how nice it is to see all the tables looking so pretty with their little vase of flowers on it, thank you Mrs B for bringing the sun indoors to us and for the lovely Eton Mess, i'm looking forward to that.
    I have a basket full of huggles just waiting to gain freedom to cuddle you all
    love and crafty huggles
    Norah x

    1. Norah, it's lovely to see you again, you have been missed xx
      Sorry to hear about Campbells mother. Families can be an absolute pain at times. I'm not sure whether they really think about if they're hurting people. Especially at funerals where it should always be the family first. But today people only think of themselves. Just don't let them get to you, rise above it, you are far better than they are. xxx

    2. Norah! It's so good to see you back with us! You have been missed! We nearly dropped in - literally - last Saturday night! We were in a Hot Air Balloon! We're not completely mad!!
      So sorry to hear about your MIL . It is so sad when families behave badly when someone dies. It is a sad , difficult time for everyone without it being made worse! So pleased Harry is doing well and he sounds quite a character.
      Sending hugs to you and the family.
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Norah how lovely to have you back bringing sunshine into our lives. So sorry to hear of your recent loss and the upset the funeral caused. Some people just don't think do they. How sad to hear father in law is poorly too but some couples really don't like to be apart and the partner soon follows. I hope the sun is shining on your hills and your decorating is nearly complete . Big hugs xxxx

    4. NORAH:- Great to see you back with us.
      Sorry to hear about your MIL. Nothing funnier than Folk and funerals seen to bring out the worst in some.
      Hope the decorating is almost over and you will be joining us more.
      Sending you some (((hugs))) xxx

    5. Oh Norah I am so sorry to hear That I don't blame you for being so angry That was really cruel

    6. Hi Norah, good to have you back, sorry to hear about your MIL and the attitude shown to you at the funeral. Keep your chin up, you don't need them, you are better than them. Be back with us soon x

    7. Norah so very sorry to hear about your MIL I always say there is nothing like dispatches for bringing out the worst in people especially family they only think of themselves. Rise above it and don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they have upset you all rest assured she will have been looking down seeing what they were up to, you can choose your friends but not your family unfortunately. At the end of the day it will be down to your other half to visit his father, you take care of yourself. I will just bet you were so very proud of Rory so pleased for him. xxx

    8. Hi anorak
      It's lovely to see you back with us again. But I'm sorry to hear that Campbell's mother has die. But how unthoughtful of your sisters in law to leave you all out of the arrangements. Not to sure how they could actually do that. But at least you had Rory and Kirsten by your side. They are both a credit to you, As Margaret says you can choose your friends but not your family. How true is that.

    9. Hi Norah
      Must try and read what predictive text is writing instead of me. It out anorak instead of Norah. How on earth did it work that out.

    10. Hello NORAH lovely to see you,sorry about your MIL & all the upset you had at the funereal & leaving you out of all the arrangements
      So glad Harry is is coming on well it's lovely when they first smile.
      My Harry took his first steps this week. Hug's Lynda xxx

  11. So good to see you back Norah but sorry to hear about your mother in law and all the problems you have had with the family. Not right at all. Thinking of you.
    MARIA. WOW your card is gorgeous. I like it very much. You should show your cards more often.
    HAZEL. sorry to hear about Harris and hope the vet finds everything ok. Hope you are enjoying your time with Patricia.
    SANDRA. Hope you are getting things sorted for the holiday and you all have a good time.
    MAUREEN. Hope you get lots of cards made.
    Must go. Lunch to prepare.back later.

  12. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies
    It smell gorgeous in here ooh and a bowl of Eton Mess in the fridge, some one has helpfully left a dish full complete with spoon, how kind I think I'll have that one.
    I've had a busy morning, the heat and massage was lovely, it was the lady today and I hate to admit it after all the fuss I made about having a man masseur, but I missed my Adonis. Then to the opticians to pick up my very first prescription glasses. I wanted some mainly for night driving. My distance eyesight is only a little bit affected but enough that I find driving at night a little uncomfortable.
    Then to the dentist again for a final treatment and lastly food shopping. I have to make a card for Oliver, he will be 5 in a couple of weeks and I need to make it before we come home. I have been thinking about a Thunderbirds theme but there aren't many images out there so I might change my mind and make a Lego one. Millions of ideas for that on Pinterest.
    Maria, what a gorgeous card. I love everything about it. The background paper reminds me of Anna Griffin, I love her designs. So beautifully decorated on the inside too. You have put so much detail into this card and it all looks so good together. Love it lots.
    Patricia and Hazel, hope you have a lovely time together. I hope Harris is alright, you must be so worried.
    Margaret, hope the food shopping wasn't too bad. I do t mind it, it's putting it all away I hate. Have you considered online supermarket shopping. Val does it now and she is really impressed. Took her a while to get used to it though.
    Muriel, buy some weed killer, saves all that bending down.
    Myra, I am poisoned here. Desperate to watch the cricket, but I don't have Sky TV. Why oh why don't the BBC show it.
    Norah it's lovely to see you back. Funerals are very difficult occasions, so sorry Kirsten and Rory were left out. Please give Campbell my condolences.
    Lynda, how did Annie get on at the vets? Hope she is alright.
    Sandra, so glad you had a lovely day with Pat and Sue, hope the packing is going well. I just need to take a photo of my lantern and then I'll send it to you (the photo that is)!!
    Love to all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Sorry about the cricket! It was superb! All out by midday I think it was! First time since 1913 ! Wonder if Muriel saw it? Xxx
      Hard Hat! Xx

    2. Hi SABA thank you for asking Annie is so much better her lungs are fluid free now,her breathing is good & her heart is significantly better although she still has the heart murmur,have to keep her on the tablets for ever. So pleased. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Maria I just love this card. I have the Noble dies, but I'm intrigued as to how the inside was done. You might have already posted that information, but I hve been out most of the morning so haven't read all the way down.
    Hazel I hope that if Harris has been to the vets the prognosis was good. My word that a big word for a Thursday. Hope your enjoying your time with Patricia. Who are all the Eton Mess?, I haven't seen who brought it in yet though. Hope they have it fir desset at the retreat.

    1. Hi Pat, the inside is a separate card which I cut out the Portuguese background and then folded to fit inside the main card (makes it chubby) then cut out two Lattice and Lace striplet , beautiful die. Need to practise making flowers not easy with stumpy fingers, it was dipped in Iced Snow and got quite hard so should hold if sent to someone.
      Have a nice day, hugs to you and Pete xx

    2. Thanks Maria
      Might have a go at doing that sometime. Might wait until I see Sandra though. She's much better at me than figuring cards out. Although I have made her what I think is a great card for her birthday. That was quite intricate, so I gavent a clue how I followed the instructions. Not yo sure if shell open it before she goes away though.

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Saba you sound like me dashing around today, make sure you don't meet yourself! Can you watch the cricket on your I pad? I think you can get a sky go app but I'm not sure how it works - you probably need sky at home too. Hope you are enjoying that Eton mess :) xxx
    Maria your card is so beautiful it really is so gorgeous and I love the vintage paper you have used. I'm sure whoever received it was really delighted with it. It must have taken ages but it's really worth it. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Well the car saga continued this morning! I went to the garage with Julian at 8.30 this morning ( I know Myra, that time apparently exists :)! And they had to complete the paperwork, twenty minutes later I had handed over a small fortune and headed out to the car. I was just about to drive away and one of the managers stopped me - my back tyre was flat! ( brand new tyres!). He got the tyre manager who whisked the car away again so back to the lounge for another coffee! I had a chiropractor appointment at 10 so I phoned ahead to say I might be late but the garage took that on board and sorted it quickly. Might have to have my alloys reconditioned but the tyre should be ok now. After chiropractor I did a quick food shop then home to make bread and catch up with my day! I'm off to make a card now but I will catch up with you all later. Have fun whatever you are doing xxxxx

    1. Ouch! Sounds like it was expensive!
      I'll have a look at that app. It was so annoying not being able to watch the cricket. We're a bit cricket mad in our family. Peter however really struggles to understand it and I struggle to understand how he can struggle with it!!!
      Both the girls have sky so maybe I could use their account. Probably not legal but hey ho I have a UK TV licence and they do pay for their sky so I don't think I'd get a long prison sentence.
      Your bread sounds heavenly. I should try to be a better housewife, can't even bake a cake.
      Hugs Saba xxxx

    2. I've got a bread maker Saba which is a great cheat! Just put the dry ingredients in, add water and in a couple of hours time you have a loaf of bread! Smells wonderful too. I do make bread the traditional way sometimes but this is great for every day bread xxx

    3. Just lost what I was writing. So here's the second version. I also make bread now and again Diane. However, I did on the quick version by mistake one day and I thought it tasted better than on the long setting. I'm also useless at baking Saba. Sandra put a cake on the blog that my granddaughter made for her boyfriend of Scooby Doo's car. Not yo sure his people can make fabulous cakes. Must be one of life's mysteries. I wonder if I ought to chance a nice glass of wine. I'm having my Endoscopy next week so have to desktop taking my Omeprazole two weeks before, so it will probably give me acid reflux. Might just chance it though. The tankers run out of Baileys as I might have tried that.

  15. Afternoon Sandra and Ladies,
    Thank you all for your nice comments reg. the card. Once again I can't take all the credit as it is made last time I managed to join Julia for a work shop here in Mk . Tried follow her lead and cut and glued all the bits together myself so in one way I guess I made the card with some inspiration help. The Papers are from Phil Martin's "Chic Floral Paper Pad" there is some lovely colours in there. Did not buy it on the day but might get it at A P. We made 3 cards but time ran out so I had to make one finished at home and Oooooh did I cock it up ? yes I did Tihi
    Saba- if you managed to make the Lantern I for one would love to see it, so get snapping and send it to Sandra asap x
    Lynda- hope all goes well at the vet's for little Annie. Also hope you are ok, how is your feet doing ? x
    Poor Harris to have these fit attacks, hope he is better by now, big cuddles x
    I hope your head feels better Michele and that your day at work goes ok even with this silly person around. Lets the fans commence.
    Janet- not sure wich one you are after but the Stamposaurus do have the
    Camper van you are after. I also saw some on Amazon but the more traditionally WV Campervan. Liked to have one and touring Europe for a while but don't think OH would agree.
    Norah it is so nice to see you popping in again, I have missed you, as have the others and I'm so sorry to hear what has happened. More sadness for you. You should have told us. Glad you did now and you know we are here when you need us. It's good to talk. I remember when my MIL passed and at the crematorium my son and I ended in the back too by ourself and my OH sat in the front with his sister,OH, her daughters and their boyfriends. It felt weird not being next to OH at the time so I know how you felt. Hope all is well with everyone else and be proud of your lovely boy Rory. x
    Had to go back to doc. this morning as tummy was playing up again so now it is talks about a camera down. No clue what the breath test is for but get a pack with pills etc. for that to but not until Saturday as the were out.
    Think I will have some of that Eton Mess first do as it looks moorish ! We have some good bakers in here too, not me but I enjoyed watching the Bake off last night. How can some get it sooo wrong hihi Also liked the program after, Diane- your OH actually climbed the Killli !? I have gone up the "Pilgrims walk" in Austria, does that count, it was very steep :-)
    Some house work needed, can't stand it any longer. The sun is out at the moment so you also see the dust and cobwebs more, blaaaa. See you later,
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. MARIA:- I am here to apologise ....... I am sorry I said it was Myra that made the beautiful card.
      I love how you have done the centre piece. Everything about your card is stunning.
      Maria. Remember the "dust" actually protects your furniture ...... well that's what I tell myself some days. xxx

    2. No Apologise needed, we are always mixed up hihi I would love to see Myra and see if we look any like. Know she is younger.
      I haven'moved yet and the sun has moved south so you can't see the dust anymore, so panic over xxx

    3. I don't think I am younger Maria! In fact I'm pretty sure I'm not!! Xxx

    4. Maria, next time, close the curtains and put on your sunglasses then it will all disappear. The breath test is to see if you could have a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori which can cause stomach inflamation. If you do have it is simply treated with antibiotics so nothing to worry about. Most people have it and don't even know. And if you do have to have the endoscopy (camera) it's nothing, I had it done, chose to stay awake and it really was not as frightening as I had imagined. In fact, I actually enjoyed seeing the pictures on the screen, but I am just too nosy for my own good sometimes.
      Hugs Saba Xxx

    5. Myra, I'm pretty sure I'm older then you ! so what hihi
      Thanks Saba for telling me about the endoscopy, I'd like to see how I look inside, jelly baby or blancmange oooh xxx

    6. Hi Maria
      Yes it was a bit of a mid life crisis - he decided to go walking to loose some weight, then a group of them got together at work to do walking and the next thing I knew he was signed up to climb Killi! Had to do lots of walks to build up stamina etc and a night walk too as they do the last stretch at night and break summit as the sun rises. I hated not being able to talk to him each day and just relying on a Facebook post when they got a signal but he phoned me when he got back down in tears because he was in so much pain from blisters and altitude sickness - he nearly didn't make it to the top. He's forgotten about all that though and would do it again tomorrow if he could! They all climbed for different charities, his was British Heart Foundation and raised ove £1,000. He's hot some amazing memories and photos though xxx

    7. Glad you find him hot, Well done to him! He did an amazing thing but oh so dangerous, so many have lost their lives up there but it's very beautiful. xxx

  16. Norah, you know the saying " you can choose your friends but not your family". Yes it's is hurtful but they are so wrapped up in themselves they done see it. Sorry to hear of your MIL death and the fact that FIL isn't to good either. I bet you were proud of Rory, he will have showed the others up too, glad he is still enjoying his cadets. Hazel x

  17. Hello Sandra and all of the coffee shop ladies,
    Sandra I hope you are not running yourself ragged getting ready for the holiday. Don't go over doing it, it will all come together without you exhausting yourself LOL
    MARIA, what a stunning card and so much detail, on the on the inside as well as the front, you really are so clever, and very inspiring, thank you for sharing.
    this with us
    I tried to reply to your email but for some reason it was returned. Anyway I was explaining my sister also sent me this about a week ago, I wondered if it was some scam. I think I'm just suspicious of this type of email. But thank you for thinking of me. LOL .
    Will se you all later. Love snd hugs, Brebda xxx

    1. Please Brenda, do NOT open any post from me or anyone else.
      I would tell you first or anyone if I sent you anything.
      Have a good day xxx

  18. WARNING ! Someone have got hold of my E-mail contacts, Please
    Do Not Open the Post from My I phone as I haven't got one so have not sent anything !! X

    1. Thanks Maria! Have you informed the Service Provider? Xxx

  19. Harris ok, his bloods are fine, have to keep an eye on his lumps but nothing bad. £64 of a bill later, we are no further forward as to why he had such a big one last night. According to the vet they just happen. Hazel,x
    Thank you Maria for the warning.

    1. So pleased he is alright, hope he is fully recovered now, I don't know anything about dogs but I would imagine the after effects are just the same as in humans, tired out afterwards.
      Hugs for you and a special one for him.

    2. Great news about Harris! Xxx

    3. Hazel so pleased to hear your news on Harris sorry about the bill. At least he got seen today if it had been us we would have needed to wait two weeks plus for an appointment. Had he eaten anything different that could have caused the problem do you think?

    4. Hazel I'm glad Harris is alright, I expect he's wondering what all the fuss is about. I hope you aren't worrying about him too much xxx

    5. Margaret, you are so right, we don't mind the bill really, and if he needed anything major he is insured. We were thinking the same, but I had him out yesterday and he didn't eat anything but was as usual sniffing at things, unless there was something. Then he just had his food, he has dried food and has been on the same brand since a pup. Now if it had been today we would have thought it was his food was at fault as its a new bag, but no it was the bag he has been on for nearly 8 weeks. He is sleeping on his back with not a care in the world. xxx

    6. I can see him in my mind on his back with his legs in the air aaaah bless ,glad he is fine xxx

    7. Hazel so pleased Harris is ok we do worry about our babies don't we

  20. Thanks for the heads up Maria
    I was going to mention some stuff I'd read earlier and now minds gone completely blank!
    Oh I know! Housework apparently doesn't get any thicker after an inch! Was it Oscar Wilde or somebody who said that I like Patricia's philosophy - it's protecting the furniture
    NORAH So pleased to see you back I did reply earlier re all of your upset
    Off to tidy up a bit No dusting though Got to think what to cook for dinner too
    Sorry if I've missed you off the important stuff I was going to say but ((hugs)) to you all

  21. Good afternoon SANDRA & friends
    GRRRR I pad just froze up again & lost all my long post. Got to do it all again now.
    MARIA your card is stunning WOW you clever girl I love love love it all very elegant. Thanks for the warning on your email,but it's beyond me how people can get access to your email contacts.
    Took Annie to the vets this morning & they were very pleased with her,her lungs are free from fluid,and her heart is stabalised so just got to continue with her tablets for good. Just have to take her for check up in all good.
    HAZEL I hope Harris got on ok at the vets this morning. Pleased Roberta arrived home ok what a journey she had. SANDRA I hope you are not stressing about all the packing is it just Lucy & Sophie going with you. Did you sort your porta loo out,I had a look on Google I did come across a extra toilet seet that gives extra hight but not sure if it would fit on a porta loo. So hope you are sorted.
    Is it Sunday your leaving,where are you going.?
    I'm going to start Dinner now hope to call in later,if IPad behaves.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, that is such good news about Annie, I am chuffed to bits as we say up north.

    2. Lynda, So pleased you got news about Annie! Just what the Vet ordered! Xxx

    3. Lynda So glad it's good news about Annie x

    4. So pleased Lynda to hear your good news on Annie xxx

    5. Lynda what good news about Annie, give her an extra cuddle from me xxxx

    6. Thank you all so much for all your best wishes for Annie we are over the moon she is better. We took her for a walk up the park this afternoon & she was running with Bambi & she didn't seem out of breath at all. Now it was worth almost £300 + £34 a month for tablets
      Group ((((((((Hug ))))))))) Xxxx

  22. Hi , been a lovely day here, hope Patricia and Hazel had a good catch up.
    Managed to do some baby cards for our wee shop, still got three to do and then put inserts in.
    Might not manage back later so I hope you all behave xx

  23. My goodness nothing worth watching on the telly ..... never is. We only have Freeview we are not really Telly watchers but it would be good to watch something you had not seen about 30 years ago. Kojac, The Rockford Files, Heartbeat ...... come on!!!!
    Nothing happening here either, think we are all a downer after the Wedding!!! xxx

  24. Well it's very quiet in here tonight,
    I think Muriel must have got stuck in her craft room. I did leave you a tiny bit of Eton Mess in the bowl.
    Myra is still dancing on the table, can't understand why she doesn't like the ozzies, anybody would think the Ashes was an important match.
    Maria, my insides looked more like a tunnel of strawberry jelly and when he got into the stomach it was fascinating. The worst part was that I wanted to ask questions. They thought I was barmy when I asked for the screen to be turned to me so that I could watch. The doctor explained everything he was seeing and when he took a little biopsy it was amazing and I wanted to say WOW.
    If nobody comes in soon I shall read a book. It's no fun talking to yourself.

    1. Snap, we both published at the same time, spooky.

    2. I am not dancing on the table! I've been eating and now I'm sitting down with a glass of the white stuff to celebrate today's cricket!
      You'll perk up when you hear that two Yorkshire men scored the most runs! Joe Root - a century and still going and Johnny Bairstow got 73 , I think! He's out.
      I've also been crafting for Kids again! Xxx

    3. Never bother with your book Saba check your emails there is a recipe waiting for you I thought you may like, xxx

    4. Fab recipe Margaret. Thank you I shall copy that. Mind you, are you mad!! Half a bottle of wine in there, I'd rather drink it and risk the sauce being rubbish. I struggled to understand her though her accent was very very Scotish. Do you think I will need a translator at the retreat.?
      Thank you xxxx

    5. Quite possible you never know, keep listening to the video you may pick up phrases that will be useful! Try half the amount of wine don't waste the lamb Saba! xxx

    6. You mean things like, a wee bit of Rooosemary and a weeee bit of Thyyyyyme. Yep I'll practice that. And what do you mean, don't waste the lamb, don't waste the wine more like. I lamb equals 4 lamb shanks, do you realise just how many grapes equal 1 bottle of red!

    7. Margaret that sounds interesting. Lamb shanks by any chance? Yummy xxx

    8. Saba, did you have any difficulty understanding me when we met up?
      I'll get a complex!
      I'm a very complex character! Xxx

    9. Will Patricia, Hazel and Margaret be talking their own language then. Shall we need an interpreter. Right hand up in front of your mouth, tip it towards your mouth. Means does anyone want a drink. That seems fairly straightforward to me.

  25. One of the best days cricket I have seen for a very long time Myra and what about that fantastic catch by Ben Stokes he was horizontal and leaning backwards too he is our local boy Cockermouth in Cumbria no less! xxx

    1. Oh Margaret, Didn't know that - what a catch! Stuart Broad's face said it all really! I'm so pleased for them all. I just love cricket and it was my Scottish Dad who got me interested! My brother isn't bothered bout cricket. I used to take the boys to Lancashire CC in the school holidays. Our best day was taking my Dad , who had never been to a Cricket match to Lancashire to see England play the West Indies. Great match and Dad took the boys to an Ice Cream van at the Tea Interval and met his neighbour! Amazing ! Xxx
      My Mum was never a fan but enjoyed the day people watching - what they were wearing - what they were eating - what they were drinking etc! Real happy family memories! Xxx

    2. Just rub it in why don't you. Record breaking test match and I couldn't watch it. Broad has now equalled Freddy Truemans record of 307 wickets.
      Myra I don't know how far Alderley Edge is from you but my son in law Ryan is playing for MCC Yorkshire against MCC Scotland at Bramhall CC at 11am and the winner of that match will play at 2pm on the 13th there. The girls will be there with Max Abi and Oliver. Sadly it's the day we are travelling home so I won't get to go.

    3. Saba
      Get them to do some recording for you on their I pad then at least you will see a snippet or two. xxx

    4. Myra how many dad's did you have? Xxxx

    5. OoooH ! Touché. Just the one - but he was a Scot ! My grammar let me down again!
      I try hard but I get a bit excited you see! Xxx

  26. Derek used to go to LCC with our two daughters, they all loved it and they too went to see the West Indies and bought some special cricket hats to mark the occasion. I used to watch the same matches on the tv and often spotted them in the members enclosure, the Sky camera man used to get some good shots of them marking their score sheets! xxx

  27. I love LCC too. He's played a few games there, the year before last he was captain and I flew over to watch him, it was brilliant, but the best moment was seeing him come over after the game and take Max right onto the pitch. Father and son, standing on hallowed ground, brilliant. I think Max is going to follow in his footsteps, he has already been accepted for a junior club even though he is officially 2 years too young to play for them.

    1. Both our sons love cricket and played for school ! The younger was still in Junior School when my husband's Dad died. Friends looked after the boys while we went up to the north of Scotland. While we were away , younger son had his nose broken while fielding at first slip! Apparently everyone gasped in Casualty as all the blood against the cricket whites was quite dramatic! He didn't cry until I got home and he saw me three days later! Just typical! I'm tough - until I see my Mum! Xxx

  28. My word ladies you do love your cricket don't you. I used to go and watch the cricket at Lords with a man I used to go out with. His friend used to be the man who printed the score sheets. So we were able to sit with all the celebs, which was next to where they walked out to play. We used to go to quite a few in the summer. I also used to keep score for our local bus company team, who my husband used to play for. Loved it.

  29. Oh no not cricket! Julian came home and on went the cricket straight away! Ho hum. We are near the Ageus Bowl and the traffic jams when matches are on are a nightmare! People park in the nearby Sainsburys so you can't find a space and some people have been stuck in the car park for 4 hours trying to get out and have given up in the end and walked home! Xxx

    1. Diane, do you ever go to the matches there? I love going and watching Ryan play and I am always impressed by the players children. They don't particularly watch the game but they know just where they are allowed to play so as not to distract the players, they wait patiently for a gap in play so they can run behind the screens to get to the clubhouse, they clap when someone gets out, irrespective of which team, and again when a half or full century is achieved. I just love the fact that they respect the game even at an early age.

  30. Oh, I must be the odd one out here! I could scream when it's on as Charlie watches it all the time. xxx

  31. Diane, I think Julian's team needed advise on how to look after their feet while doing all this walking, Gillian has the problems to sort out with her team every event they cover, I few simple things can prevents the blisters etc. so if he ever decides to do another one let me know and I will get Gillian to advise. xxx

    1. I don't hate cricket but it is very close followed by football and golf and racing and, and My OH is watching anything with sport and it is ok for me in small portions but when it's all day then I have had enough so now he's gone to bed I can see one of my programs " Chicago Fire" tonight pretty bloody. Saying over and out for today. Will try to pop in
      in the morning. Going down to see SIL and her hubby, going to a place called 'The Gate' they make wonderful lamb shank.
      Have a good night ,Group hug ! Lynda, cuddles to Annie. glad she 's better. hugs Maria XxX

  32. Pete says can you leave the key in the usual place Sandra as I'll need a half tanker full of Gaviscon after my glass of wine. I'll let myself in and try not to wake you up.

  33. Well I think Maureen must be glued in her craft room there is still no sign of her quite worrying don't you think folks?
    My eyes are closing so I am off to bed so I shall wish you all a good night and sweet dreams.
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Good night God bless Margaret. Check your e mail when you get time.
      Love Saba xxx

  34. Now ladies, we don't talk that bad, xxx

  35. Goodnight, sleep tight, sweet dreams, will have to catch up on all the comments in the morning. Rachel, Peter and the girls back off holiday, it's lovely to see them all and get hugs and kisses. I've been very busy, busy, busy!!!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Night Night, Muriel . Sleep well! You have had a busy day! Xxx

    2. Night God bless dear, don't worry about the comments it's all been about cricket tonight.!

    3. Good night MAUREEN I thought you was buried under a pile of die cut pieces. Have a nice Sleep xxxx

  36. Maureen was going to see the girls, so she will be catching up with her card making when she got home. She also had her charity thing on Saturday, so will be getting things ready. Still no Cheryl I hope she is ok? xxx

    1. Me too, I don't think she has been on Sue's either. Xxx

  37. See I knew she was busy. xxx

  38. Ladies, pleas forgive me I am turning in too.
    Pat if you are still up I tried your hand before the mouth business but nobody bought me a drink. I'll practice it before the retreat.
    Good night and God bless you all
    Saba xxx

    1. I brought you a virtual one! Night Night! Xxx

  39. Good night everyone sleep tight sweet dream.i will try & be in before you MYRA mmm maybe Not. Xxxxx

    1. I don't believe you hihi Good night friends xxx

    2. Me neither! Night Night! Everyone, I'm going to bed now! Xxx
