
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Another Way with the Coverse Shoe Stamp

Good Morning Ladies,
Jess took the trouble of looking out these cards that she has made with the Stamposauras Shoe Stamp,
I can see that Jess has used a 'Brick wall effect' embossing folder on the Red shoe card, I just love how real they look and that amazing 'Graffiti' style writing really makes the perfect teen card.
The pink dotty shoe card is my favourite I think, with the musical notes and that 'Graffiti' style font once again making the card look so young and trendy, Jess has used the Creative Expressions Noble Square die to emboss a background square for this card, I am not sure if Jess has used Anne Marie Designs Dotty card, it looks very similar, the Card Candi really finishes the card perfectly.
Thank you so much Jess for going to the trouble of finding these cards out to share with us, showing how very versatile this stamp really it! xxx
Well not much progress to the holiday prep yesterday as I had a friend visit with her new born baby Oliver, oh my goodness he is so gorgeous, my heart just melted, Oh if only.....I would have another one tomorrow!  Mind you he was wailing like you would never believe when they left and it was quite nice to be able to just close the door and 'ahhh' silence !!! (not the same when they are yours)!
Got my grandchildren to look forward to!
Hazel, please wish Roberta a very safe journey home, I hope the memories she has made will last for years xxx
Pat and Sue are visiting today, so I get to relax and have fun, YAY!!!!
Have a lovely day ladies,
love and hugs


  1. Good. Morning Sandra and the gang!! Well another rainy day here "again"
    JESS:- your cards are brilliant, great colours and designs. I just LOVE that stamp, it could be so useful. Any colour for any customer.
    Everything set up for the day, some nice goodies in the fridge and the boxes.
    Hazel will be sad today, I have not heard or contacted her yet!! I will let her get her head round Roberta having gone.
    Oh!! I see a glimmer of brightness in the weather. You never know it might just turn into a nice day after all. Don't know if the boys are coming along this morning. We have told J&A we are here if they need us. How Audrey manages to work all night then just keep going. That's her hours done for this week.
    Got my Tea & Toast, I am over at my usual table looking out to see who is wandering about outside.
    ((((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself.
    See you all later xxx

    1. How are you feeling today Patricia? I hope you are not so sore as yesterday! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- I am fine, thank you for asking.
      My wrists bother me but I just struggle on ..... everyone say awww!!!
      Joking apart I just plod on, I love Crafting. Life is too short to moan about things. There are lots out there with things to moan about. xxx

    3. I'm glad you are fine! I would guess you are definitely not a complainer - however I'm sending you a hug, nevertheless!! Xx

    4. MYRA:- thank you for the HUG much

    5. Sending you a hug too Patricia, have you had an invasion again today with your GC helper at hand ? Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Jess-your cards are brilliant. Two very different cards using the same stamp is great.

    Well we fid have drama at work yesterday-the Chief Executive & 3 senior executives were all suspended! It made the NW news and they named the staff. It seems they all turned up for work yesterday to be told they couldn't come in! We now have a Chief Executive from another Trust running things until further notice.

    I managed to break the only working desktop fsn at work yesterday & my non speaking colleague just couldn't resist making a comment!

    Lets hope today is a better day!


    1. Oh Michele, what a day,what was going on?
      What a day, your work place never short of a dull moment! Time for job hunting Michele, they clearly don't care about the staff and all the good things they do! I would seriously start looking!
      Sending you hugs

    2. Oh Michele I do feel for you, as Sandra says it might be time to start looking for another job but if senior management have been suspended it probably means the trust may be in trouble and there might be redundancies so it's a fine line of whether to stay and things improve/ or stay and hope for redundancy or jump ship while the goings good! I know your boss is on holiday so they will be in for a shock when hey come back. Why not buy a replacement desk fan from a supermarket and take it in with a sugary smile and say it's to replace the broken one as you know they all miss it - she will hate that! Sending you a big hug xxx

    3. Diane, you and I are thinking alike over the fan. Yes a big smile while placing it on where every it goes, will put madam in her place. I also would say " life is to short to worry over a few pounds to replace a fan" Michele your boss might have known what was going to happen over those senior management staff and that's why they are away. xxx

    4. Hi Michele,
      Heard all about that on last night's News! It's a strange one. I'm thankful to say your broken fan didn't make the headlines! I'd be tempted to replace it too as they are not quick sellers this year and plenty bargains around! Sorry you are in the middle of all this - it will go on for weeks now with regard to the suspensions! Xxx

    5. MICHELE:- not the best of days then??
      I agree with the rest, buy that fan and put that pests "gas at peep" xxx

    6. HinMichele
      Sounds like there's trouble ahead. Is that a song I hear coming on. I wonder what's happening if Senior Management have been suspended. Doesn't sound good to me. Why does this person think your to blame for the changes. She needs to wind her neck in, life's to short.

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Jess your cards are brilliant, just love them. This is where hand made cards show - same stamp three totally different cards.
    Well after a sad farewell, a good few tears, I sent Roberta off with plenty of tissues as I can see more tears at the airport, she was laughing at one point, as I had made her up a little packed lunch box, knowing the food is not that great on that flight I thought it was there if she felt she needed it, also put in a bar of chocolate, she loves her chocolate. She has her 9 hour flight which lands at 12.00 lunch time but her ferry isn't till 3.15pm a 2 hour crossing then an hour and a half drive Gary will be at the ferry to pick her up but she will be tired, and I know she won't want to eat but just go to bed. At least her and Charlie will have breakfast at glasgow. Charlie has just phoned to say. Her flight is delayed coming in by an hour so they have time to just enjoy their breakfast. Roberta said to thank you all for your safe Journey wishes and to say you are a lovely group of true friends. I am taking it easy today my feet are up, I got Harris for a good walk so I am not going to be silly things are catching up, it's been a busy two weeks. xxx

    1. Hazel hooray you are listening to us, Patricia will be pleased! I think you need to plan a little treat for you both at the weekend to lift your spirits. You were so worried before Roberta came that she wouldn't be comfortable but she was obviously the perfect house guest, you will miss her. Is Gary her son? I know you said her husband had been very ill and she was going home to her dogs so I presume she is on her own now . She has probably enjoyed the company as much as you. I hope she has a safe trip with no further delays and a nice air steward to look after her. Safe journey home for Charles too - make sure you both have an easy day today. Sending you a big hug xxxx

    2. Hazel it's always sad when someone we love leaves but you need a rest now! The house will wait for a few days - just relax and recharge your batteries! It won't be long until you see Roberta again - look how time has flown this year! The Retreat will be here before we know it! Xxx

    3. LADIES:- I have to step I here ..... Hazel maybe has her feet up just now ..... wait till she gets up!! She will be through that house like a whirlwind!!! We are meeting up tomorrow, we will be sitting for a good few hours then. xxx

    4. No I have been good, I have even had a sleep. Been making two thank you cards that Gillian asked me to make. Now I am thinking of what to do for Anna's birthday card. So no I am not running around doing housework, it will be there next week if I wanted to leave it that long. Xxx

    5. Well done Hazel! I've got a mess to clear up in my craft room! Xxx

    6. Well Sis, I am proud of you, seen sense for once. xxx

    7. Well done Hazel good for you, and besides once the dust is cleared it will only start to come back again, it is a loosing battle!
      You just enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, it will not last long! xxx

  4. Diane, no Gary is her partner, but I think she was enjoying being here and not running after Gary, it's amazing as her has done so much repair jobs round the house and even going to meet up with friends where when she is at home he makes out he can't do these things, yes he has been ill but she now knows for definite he has played on it. Her three wee dogs are her babies, she has family but the live all over Canada plus the grandchildren are grown up and as their parents are separated they don't have much to do with her. She thinks we are so lucky ours have stayed together. xxx

    1. Hazel I think Roberta should come to stay more often don't you! It is lovely to have family close by isn't it, I think that's why there are problems these days with family not around close to support eachother. I know people have to move for work etc but I know my parents would have travelled miles to help me out or my sister and we will do the same for Emma. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely pair of cards Jess has made. I love the brick wall, what a great effect, and the musical notes are such a good idea, I would never have thought of using them in this way. Thank you Jess for sharing these wonderful cards. This stamp is on my wish list for sure : )
    Sandra, thanks for the link. I will have a look at it. You must be having fun trying to list all of your ops etc. At least you will have it all ready for when/if you go forward with the NHS claim. I bet you loved having cuddles with Oliver, like you say though it is nice to be able to wave them goodbye and not to have to deal with the crying etc : ) See you about 11.30 my lovely : )
    Diane, thanks for your tips on a muffler for the she wee. A ST in the bottom of a bottle was the best that I could come up with, but now I have found a bag thing that has the same sort of filing as nappies that should work a treat thank goodness so more embarrassing early morning tinkles : )
    Saba, good luck with the lantern. I hope you manage to get it finished. I also take ages to get cards etc. finished when others can do it in a couple of hours! It takes me much longer to decide on what design, colours, embellishments etc. to use than the actual making of the card! And I reuse packaging often so you are not alone : )
    Maureen, I hope Arthur is leaving your hand alone today : )
    Anne, your gingerbread smells gorgeous, I know us ladies in the Cafe would love to try some please : )
    Hazel, be gentle with yourself now that Roberta has gone. It is only natural to be feeling a bit down now that the wedding and all of the celebrations are over and I'm sure there were lots of tears on parting but keep thinking of all of the good times you have had over the last couple of weeks and the memories that have been made : )
    Michele, I agree with Sandra, it sounds like it may be time to look at a new job! But then again do you think things will change now that the top dogs have been suspended? Thinking of you no matter what : )
    I must go and start getting my things ready to take to Sandra's. I love my Wednesday with my two lovely friends, I always wake up on a Wednesday with that happy feeling : )
    I hope everyone has a good day. Take care xx

    1. Sue when I was potty training Emma a friend told me about a porta potty which you could slip into your handbag (big handbag!) that had liners that looked like a nappy sack with a st stuck at the bottom to absorb the liquid so all you did was tie the handles and throw it away. It was a brilliant system and so useful when out and about with no toilets around! Xxx

    2. Diane, I forgot about the porta potty it was that best thing ever I had one in each car and one in my bag. That way I always had one, in the end I use to buy the cheapest STs so use in them and nappy sacks as the proper liners were so expensive. I think they were still be on the go as I passed them. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Jess what great cards today using this fab stamp. It really is a great one for teens isn't it. Love the backgrounds you have used and the graffiti writing. I'm not sure which one is my favourite, I like the pink one but having a non girly girl ( who did do ballet but was never the swan type!) the red shoes are more up her street. They are both fab Jess thanks for sharing xxx
    Well I think you had all gone to bed last night when I got to the bottom of my comments so you probably don't know about my car troubles! Basically don't drive over a black plastic bin bag that's flying around! I'm car less today until the garage return it in exchange for the equivalent of at least one whole release if not two releases of Sues dies! Emma is going to stay with granny for a few days so they can get up to mischief together so all the arrangements have changed and Jean is going to come and collect her from here. The forecast for today is wet and windy but it's sunny at the moment so who knows what it will do! Apparat from a walk to the local shops to get something for dinner ( was going to do food shop yesterday but that didn't work!) I think I will sit and craft today and ignore the housework!
    See you all later - hope everyone has a good day and the three graces have wonderful time xxxxx

    1. Diane, just glad you were not driving the motorway when it happened, scary. A bit of surprise for Emma when she was so geared up but hope in later years she can try again xxx

    2. I did read your comment last night , Diane and I left a comment. What a shame you have to pay for the carelessness of others! Xxx

    3. Oh! My! Word! Diane, that a right "bummer" what happened to your car. Hope it all works out ok. Have you phoned your Imsurance Company?? They will probably try to "fob you off" but it's worth a try. xxx

    4. Yes I wondered that, I will ask Julian tonight. It would probably put the payments up more than the cost! Xxx

  7. Saba, read back on last nights comments I know the tiled fires you have we had them in the ski lodge and yes they do keep the place cozy.
    Diane, that's not good with your car, it's things like that, that can cause so much damage. Can you claim it off your insurance? Xxx

  8. Morning everyone. Love your cards Jess. Think you will find this is a Wokdware Stamp not Stamposaurus. I saw this one at Bracknell and as Jayne had sold out if hers asked her if it was the same stamp and she said no it is a Woodware stamp. Just saw it on their website before you all try to get it from Jayne.
    MICHELE sorry to hear about all your problems at work. Hope they get sorted soon.
    HAZEL. Hope you soon get everything back to normal including your craft room and Roberta has a safe journey home. Must go.

  9. Good morning Sandra and gang
    Jess, brilliant designs, the pink one is so pretty who would have thought you could make a trainer look so girly and the red one so "cool". Love them both. I did think for a second that was your craft room in the background.
    I'll just have a look in the fridge and see what goodies Patricia has brought in.
    Ooooh egg custard, I'll have a slice of that please to go with my cup of tea.
    Michele, I wonder what they have been up to. I don't suppose we will find out until the inquiry. Bet there are some rumours flying about. Why don't you break something else today and see if you can get another comment from your mute colleague!
    Hazel I am very pleased to hear you are taking it easy today. I hate it when my visitors leave. The airport is the worst. Once they have "gone through" I feel so empty and the thought that they are only yards away but I can't get to them is horrible. Poor Roberta has got such a long journey ahead of her. Hope she sorts that partner out, sounds like she might.
    Diane, I read your post from last evening, you poor soul and all because of a plastic bin bag. Good for you ignoring the housework. When will Emma get her results? It can't be long now.
    Patricia hope your wrists are not as bad today, keep away from the GC today.
    Sue it nice to know I am not the only one who spends ages thinking about colour etc. I am still on with the lantern. Told you I don't do quick!
    Sandra I am like you, I LOVE babies, I could eat them, enjoy your day with the other two Graces.
    See you all later
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Saba I'm like you regarding babies, I just love the smell of a little baby.
      I don't know about everyone else but I find that black card comes in different thicknesses even if I buy three or four sheets at the same time. Some cut so easy then the next hardly makes a dent in the card. X

    2. I know what you mean about black card Jess. I usually buy normal black card otherwise you spend a fortune on it! I like walking down the baby isle in the supermarket to smell the baby smell :)
      Saba exam results are next Thursday - taboo subject at the moment though! Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all who call int the coffee shop today,

    I love this stamp and Jess you certainly have shown it off beautifully, and again proving it can be a boy or girl card. Love the background you have use on both cards. Ciara is going to be drooling again when she sees this. She was using my one and only Gorguss stamp yesterday, and asked did they do any others, I got the web site up on the iPad. after a few Oos!!!! - Oops I had ordered 3
    more stamps, as well as ordering the trainer and a caravan stamp from Jayne. So maybe I will think twice before I let her see your cards Jess!
    Hope the three graces have a good day. And Sandra you have managed to complete you list of operations and treatments ( keep copies of everything you send )
    Will pop back later, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    NORAH Missing you, how are you ?

    1. You are just a typical Grandma, Brenda - I think we are all the same and it's lovely to see the children crafting! Xx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    I can't take credit for these cards, we made them at card class, and the stamps are Woodware ones, the trainer and the grafitt both, the brick wall is a special touch mask which we embossed and then inked through. The music is a
    CheeryLyn die and I can't remember what paper we used for the pink one. The photo was taken in my friends craft shop where she has her classes.
    Hazel hope Roberta has a safe journey home, you can look forward to a bit of r&r now.
    Michele it might be the right time to jump ship, you never know what is in the pipeline, the same kind of thing happened to me when I was working, I was transferred to another Police Office without any consultation and was told my job was being transferred, it was move with it or leave!!, I moved but retired six months later.
    Sandra enjoy your day with the other two Graces.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well another dull and damp day for us, so I will have my usual latte to cheer me up, thank you my money is in the pot.
    Jess my what fantastic cards you have really hit the jackpot with this stamp and no mistake any teenager would love these cards.
    Michele it just goes to show the higher they climb the further they fall, I do think Sandra has given you some good advice, I too would be on the lookout for a new post, life is too short to put up with all this trouble, when all you are wanting to do is a good job.
    My friend who makes the wedding cakes called yesterday and was telling me the little cakes in boxes order is still awaiting payment! The lady organising everything said she would call at 9.30 am to collect them she arrived at 2.30 pm! My friend was up until 2am to make sure they were all completed, she has to leave them until the day before as they were just sponge cake iced. Has anyone heard of a NAKED WEDDING CAKE? Calm down Saba, what it consists of is, a sponge sandwich together with jam and buttercream and the top is heavily scattered with icing sugar and decorated on the top with fruit, sounds lovely, this is the latest craze apparently.
    Hazel pleased to hear you are taking things easy today, you will have a lot to reflect upon. I do hope that Roberta has a safe journey home, and she too will have lots to reflect upon on her long journey home.
    I do hope the three graces have a great day oh to be a little flying duck on the wall! Shall we fly down to listen in Myra and have a giggle too?
    Well have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing my hugs are over in the corner please just help yourselves, take care folks.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret! That's an idea but we'll just fly as we are - ducks - no need for that Balloon again! I will laugh every time I see one now. Will your pot be too heavy - mind you it's a virtual pot on a virtual duck on a virtual flight! Should be fine! Xxx

    2. Ps! Give me a loud quack as you pass overhead! I'll be ready! Xx

    3. As long as that's all they do as they fly overhead!!!!! Xxx

    4. Ha ha ! Now Now! We're lady ducks! Not to be confused with Lady Muck! Xxx

    5. Oh Diane the very idea, as Myra says we are lady ducks please remember! xxx

  13. Michele
    Have just been talking to my daughter who used to be an HR manager at our local hospital and she jumped ship as things were in a dreadful state. She has said if you are thinking of leaving have a look at the various agencies to see what is available, as they also have full time posts available as well as agency work, not all employers advertise in the usual way these days apparently. She also says don't be afraid to go for more challenging jobs either. I hope this may be of some help to you.
    Good luck
    Margaret xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and Friends,
    First of all I hope Pat, Sue and yourself have a lovely time. Margaret and I will be on the wall again! She is going to give me a loud quack when she gets overhead! I think that's her now - she must have set off at a quacking pace!
    Jess - I love both of these cards . Like the ideas that go with each card. The stamps would be very useful. I realise they are different to Monday's but a great variation on a theme!
    It's been dry all morning here but threatening to rain now.
    Be good!
    Love Myra xxx

  15. Afternoon one and all
    We are here once again in Marigny in hiding from the sun and high temps.
    We managed a couple of hours of heavy rain first thing yesterday morning but since then it's all 'back to normal' for this year anyway.

    Jess I have fallen in love with your cards of yesterday and today. I have tried buying on the Stampersorus site but am having difficulty with their shopping basket thingy. I shall continue as I need this stamp. I have just the boy In mind where I can use it.

    Sandra I hope you're having a relaxing day with your other two Graces.
    Michele please take the jump and look for another job. You cannot carry on forever being treat the way you are being. You are worth a lot more.
    Hazel I'm so pleased that you are having a quiet day as you certainly are in need.
    OK I'm off now to try and find the Woodware stamps.
    Have a good afternoon everyone and try to be good!

    1. Jane(t) I don't know whether you realised but Pat's card has the stamposaurus sneaker stamp and Jess' has the one from Woodward, also called sneaker. I just googled woodware sneaker stamp and lots of companies who stock it came up.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Woodware of course, spell check was being "clever" again.

    3. I had similar trouble with the Stampasaurus site! Tried three times on different days! Hopeless. Will search for the Woodware one . The site only let's you go so far and then nothing! They must lose lots of trade! Xx

    4. Evening my lovely Friends
      Thank you for your info. I lost patience with Stamposaurus and went on Ebay and found the Sneaker stamp I wanted. The only problem is that they have another stamp I would love. It's of a Camper van so I'll have to start the search elsewhere.

    5. Oh Janet! - I'm not going on the Site again! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all my friends,
    hope you girls have a wonderful day together, watch out for the quacking flies tihi. Oh Jess I love your cards with this die.Great to see it being made in different colours etc. to suit both boys and girls !
    Have now a proper rest Hazel before starting doing anything else, it will still be there tomorrow, unfortunately. Roberta have a long way home, hope her leg felt better this morning and she has a safe journey home x
    Well I have seen a physio this morning, she didn't do much. told I got a frozen shoulder and gave me some exercises. Shopping for the week or so done and soon going over to see a friend who are moving on Monday down to Taunton, think they got a good craft shop there and I know John and Julia are doing shows or what you call it down there sometimes so a good excuse for a visit.
    The sky is grey and rain on it's way, hoping the new x-mas dies arrive soon from craftworld and my other bits and bobs from Little Claire so I can get some "stuff" done asap. You know I'm another 'slowcoach'
    Love and hugs to all Maria xxxx

  17. Hello ladies, try my friends on line shop for the stamps she did have a few in stock, her web site is Klassy-Kards. Also have a look at her gallery, there are some fantastic samples on show.
    Off to do some baby cards, my stock is running low at our wee craft shop.
    Will catch up later, card class start again tonight after the holidays, so record button pressed for 'The Bake Off'.
    Take care, xx

    1. Thanks Jess! Will do - also set Series Record button for Bake Off!! Xx

    2. Oooh yes I need to do that too. There's not much on TV on a Wednesday night so I should be safe! Car not back from the garage yet and I've not heard anything so I think I need to be brave and phone them with credit card in trembling hand! Xxx

    3. My fingers are crossed it's not too bad Diane! Xxx

  18. Busy day today just sitting down for a cup of tea now and a toasted tea cake. Rain after lunch but has now dried up again. See you will all be busy making sneaker cards now.

    1. I can't decide which one to have , Brenda! I think the one shown on Monday is lRger which makes in easier for children and there is a smaller shoe with it - however , try as I might I can't place an order on that Site! I've given up for day! It's a bit dark here now but has been dry for most of the day. Xxx

    2. That should be larger! Xxx

    3. Myra I also had problems with the web site, so ended up ringing Jayne said she would get her husband to check it. xxx

    4. Oh Thanks, Brenda. That's good! Xx

    5. Brenda OB, I've managed to order mine from her site xxx

    6. I'm about to try again! It's not as if I'm new to ordering online - I do it all the time! Xxx

    7. Failed again - I select the stamp , then go to checkout but no details come up on screen! It's driving me nuts! I GIVE UP!!!

  19. Good luck ladies in your search for the sneaker stamps, Pat what have you started!
    Getting ready to go to my card class, wonder what is in store for us tonight.
    Oh nearly forgot I got another GC thanks for all your advice about where to get the best price, it's good. X

  20. Evening Ladies

    Thank you all for your comments especially Margaret. I'll refine my details on NHS jobs & see what they send me.

    I managed to "borrow " a fan last night from a lovely colleague & put it next to the unhappy person, making a comment "didn't want you to suffer for too long"! Walked in this morning with a brand new fan for the lovely colleague & got my cash back. Did that straight away in case we go bust-ha ha!!


    1. Michele, I like your style! Xxx

    2. Love it, brilliant!!! xxx

    3. Good for you Michele a girl after my own heart! xxx

    4. Nice one! Good luck with the job hunt cxx

    5. Good for you Michele!

  21. Hellooooooooo,
    I know I'm late, again, but I met up with Joan this morning and we've had a lovely day.
    Dainty, I went back to yesterday to read about your car. What a terrible thing to happen but I would certainly get in touch with your insurers as it will be classed as accidental damage, and any excess will certainly be less than £500. Do you have a protected bonus as that should not bump your no claims bonus up at renewal. I hope you get it all sorted, and poor Emma to be disappointed that her blood donation didn't go ahead, I hope she's perked up today.
    Hazel, are you being good and not doing too much. I can imagine you and Charlie will have that deflated feeling, but then again, isn't it nice to have the house where you can just do what you want, when you want to do it? I know you'll miss Roberta, but she can come again, do you remember how stressed and worried you were before she came? Are you are going over to Canada next year??
    Patricia, I keep meaning to ask if your hand is still swollen, and how are your aches and pains today, are you still struggling with the GC?
    Sandra, Pat and Sue, I hope you've had a brilliant day with plenty of chatter and crafting. Sandra, how are your holiday preparations coming along?
    Michele, just ignore frozen face. I liked your remark when you took the fan in. I wonder when you'll find out what's been going on with the big chiefs.
    Jess, what brilliant cards today, these trainer stamps are certainly hitting the jackpot. I could make loads with these. It's good news about your new GC. I hope it's working a treat. I'm off to have a look on your friend's web sight.
    Maria, I'm sorry to see that you are still having problems and hope your frozen shoulder soon unfreezes.
    Margaret Corgi, don't get Saba started on NAKED wedding cake, we have enough trouble with her as it is. Do you know if she had any early morning visitors whilst she was cleaning her hob in the nude?
    Myra, what's all this on the floor, is it off you and Margaret flying overhead. You really should be more careful!!!! Oh look at that poor person covered in bird poo..ooh that's a lot of shhhhhhhhhhhh, don't wake them up.
    Littlelamb Brenda, it's lovely to see you again today.
    Brenda OB, I'll post a couple of my Gorjuss stamps for you to borrow if you want. I could get them back at the Retreat.
    I'm going now for a nice cold orange juice - it's been another lovely day today. No jacket required, sunny and warm.
    See you late
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel! How dare you blame Margaret ! She had her own pot with her! Xxx

    2. Ha ha, well we all know who it was then, don't we???
      By the way, I've just been on to Klassy Cards, but the Woodware stamp isn't on it, so I've been on to Stamposaurus and ordered the one from yesterday. It was a bit fiddly, as I was back and forward like a you know what in a you know where, but I got it ordered. Actually, I think I like that one just a tad better, so all's well that ends well, except in the case of bird you know what!!!!

    3. Muriel will you please remember Myra and I are lady ducks and we don't do such things! xxx

    4. You should try flying back from Oxon with your legs crossed! Xxx

    5. I think we should make sure any flying ducks are well supplied with Tenna pads don't you! Xxx

  22. Hello all,
    Diane-have you heard yet how much you bill will be ? My sons damage going to cost £420 ,still spitting feathers thanks to Saba sending me some more.
    Michele- good on you, Not a nice atmosphere to be working in. Hope it all will work out for you. No opportunity to retire yet ?
    Sorry but who is Jayne ?
    Myra, did you make sure the pegs was colour coordinated ?
    Sandra, hope you three graces has had a super day together, any shoe stamping going on ? Glad your night business is sorted for the trip :-)
    Two bunnies ,one cat and some plants sorted for today so now sitting and.
    Waiting for the British bake off to watch, got permission from OH to have the TV for an hour, yay hihi. Coffee and a slice of carrot cake will go nicely to that, real one ! See you later xxxx

    1. Maria, did you see what I said to Diane regarding her car damage. The same will apply to your son's car as it was accidental damage. Have you been in touch with the Insurance Co? xxxx

    2. Good evening everyone it's still chilly here but the rain has gone for now, perhaps it's over with Maureen, I don't mind sharing!
      Maria why don't you record Bake Off then you can watch it in peace as many times as you wish without any comments, that is what I do as Derek keeps saying things like, what a mess, well I wouldn't eat that, and they look as though they need a good wash I wouldn't eat anything they made!
      Patricia how are you feeling today, you don't suppose it is all the cold and wet weather that is causing your aches and pains? Anyway I know you don't moan but I'm sending you a bug hug to help ease the pain. xx
      I wonder if the three graces had a good day and an even better giggle?
      Where is Saba she is rather quiet today, I must agree there is nothing nicer than that new baby smell, especially when they are snuggling in your arms fast asleep it's heavenly. I have just had a thought you don't suppose after cleaning her cooker she went right out shopping and got arrested! Do we need to organise some bail money Muriel?
      Well I must get, on my friend needs some cards and everything is still taking me twice as long to do.
      Have a lovely evening everyone.
      Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Maureen. Jayne owns Stamposaurus.

    4. MARAGET:- I am fine thanks for asking.
      How are you?? when do you back to see about that leg??
      Wrists sore by Hey! Ho! life is to short to complain. Lots out there far worse off than me.
      I am just waiting for the " perfect ELECTRIC" Die Cutting Machine to come to the market!!! xxx

    5. I'm going to Watch Bake Off in peace later! I had to pop out earlier and Alastir is still out but should be home any minute now. Xxx

    6. Hi Maria
      That's dreadful isn't it plus the inconvenience of not having the car. Mines not back yet, I phoned at 5 and they were still working on it and wanted to test it for leaks once repaired so I will collect it first thing tomorrow morning. All being well the cost should come in at what they say, they phone if there are any changes to get authorisation to continue - one good thing about going to a dealership although a little local man could probably do it cheaper! Julian hadn't thought about claiming on the insurance so he will have a look at it - we are with direct line and they are supposed to be reasonable. I hope your sons car gets sorted soon. I hope the exercises help your shoulder too - there's nothing worse than being in pain and unable to use it. Take care xxx

    7. Hi Maureen- yes we thought about it but we will pay for it our self ,this time, thanks. Do you think Saba is ok ? Using a scoring pad while naked could be a bit scratchy I would thought. I much prefer a soft flannel. Aaaaah babies, aren't they the best, when happy of course and toddlers when they starting to find out about life and taking their first wobbly steps and haven't got a clue what lay's ahead, bless them . I got to see the bake off in peace as OH got on his computer but I will set it to rec. in the future, then I got something to watch the nights I can't sleep so good idea. Started to watch also the Earth natural Wonders, some beautiful and unusual things around the world. Patricia- good your hand feeling some better but it is hard to crank that handle sometimes, especially when it doesn't hold down whatever I put under it. Nice you got a new one so quickly Jess.
      Saying good night to all but might have a look in later to see who else walking past and stop for a chat Hugs Maria xxx

    8. Diane, as long as the local garage use proper parts your car is still class the same as the dealership. We take both ours to the local garage as we know we get a better service etc from him, the dealership charge more for the parts and if the job takes 20mins you get charged for an hour, we have had more problems after the dealership has worked on the cars, with my Toyota Rav the Toyota garage had it in 5 times and couldn't find the problem, took it to the local garage he found the problem within half an hour. Xxx

  23. Where's Cheryl???

    I've got to go, just been invited to make things for a Children's Cancer Charity Event on 22nd August, so I'm off to my little room to get some card making done.
    I'll pop in before I go to bed to see what mayhem is on the cards tonight. Be good - well I live in hope,

  24. CooooEeeee!!! how are you all??
    Been busy making a card, that's it done apart from the insert. I also want to write a little letter to go in it as well.
    Boys were not here, mum slept for a couple,of hours on the the sofa. It was raining so the boys played in the house. They play well together (most of the time). Audrey said she slept from just before 10am. She woke just after 12, the boys were making a sandwich for their lunch. They had made one for her and we're just waiting for the kettle to boil to make her a cup if coffee.
    I would rather they had been with us. As Hazel said there are children out there that have to look after themselves just now as both sets of parents are working. Hazel was looking after our sister Jacqui when she was just a year older than
    Thomas is.
    John has just come to th kitchen to make me a cuppa. Will have that ..... I'll be back xxx

  25. Big sister has been messaging me to see if I was ok, because I was quiet!!! I am fine just catching up on e-mails plus Anna has been on messenger chatting. Things are so quiet here, Charlie doing something on the big computer to do with the photos that folk have sent to us from the wedding, he couldn't get in to do it, well he could just didn't like when it was Robertas bedroom. Live is back to normal. It is quiet in here, that's because I think Saba is still cleaning her cooker, and Mauren is busy making cards, Myra was so busy keeping herself on that wall all day she is now having a sleep, same with Margaret? Or they are watching the bake off. xxx

  26. Just checked and Roberta has landed in Vancouver, now she has a 45 min taxi trip to the ferry and a wait till 11.15 pm our time for it, 2 hours on that and an hour and more drive home. So still a long way to go. Xxx

    1. That's a long day in nyone's book, Hazel! I remember how tired I was when we landed in Vancouver - we didn't go to Vancouver Island for another five days! That's quite a journey Roberta has had and is still facing! Hope you sleep well tonight! Xxx

  27. Evening again.
    The stamp I'm looking for is = Campervan longide by Amanda Loverseed.
    If anyone comes across or knows where other than StampOsaurus could you please let me know.
    Thank you. Night Night all.

    1. Oh I like that one as well Janet xx

    2. Hello Janet, I ordered that very stamp yesterday from Stamposaurus, I did have problems getting on their web site, ended up calling on the phone. Jayne said it was in stock. If you can't locate one I'm happy for you to borrow mine (when I get it) xxx

  28. Right that's it I have had enough.
    I have written 3 comments and after each one I have had to sign in AGAIN. Would not be so bad if you could retrieve the comment.
    Let's hope this one gets there ..... here goes .... fingers crossed!!! xxx

  29. Watching "The Bake Off " do they not read and listen to what they are told, to me if the mess about with the basic recipe they are going to get a disaster. Those who stick to what asked seem to get there. I might be totally wrong. xxx

  30. Yeh!! got there, I am off to get things tidy then ready for bed.
    Hazel and I are meeting tomorrow morning for coffee and a LONG chat. We have not had a "one to one" conversations for two whole weeks!!!
    See you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

  31. yooo, hoooo. I'm still around. Will you ladies please stop writing so much. I have tried to see what you are doing some days, but by the time I read through it, I'm ready for bed.
    There are some fantastic cards on show here. I'm looking forward to having some crafting time again, but not much in August. Still trying to complete the wedding card I started a month ago. I did have a lovely day, yesterday. A blogger from Inverness came for a visit. She's also a friend of Patricia and Hazel. Kate Currie, her blog is "I love Socks and Cards". Now I can see how you have felt when you meet. It was like meeting an old friend and the time passed so quickly.
    So many visitors here this year, in spite of the terrible weather. Some are happy to escape the high temperatures in parts of Europe, so they are happy. Others just complain, as if I planned it.
    Right, a few jobs to do, then, shower and bed.
    Night night,

    1. Glad you've had a nice day, night,, night xxx

  32. Hi Janice yes I'm here although I expect you are in the shower now. I'm glad you are busy even though you are organising such bad weather! Oh aren't people priceless! Let's hope for some lovely weather in September to extend your season although I'm sure you would welcome some quiet time for crafting. Take care xxxx

  33. Hi everyone
    Sorry got side tracked by bake off - oh I love that show. I must make a proper Black Forest gateaux now! I haven't made one for years, I remember my mum buying a miniature of kirsch for me to use and that was quite difficult to find! Bake off reminds me of my A level home economics as a lot of the challenge dishes are things we had to make. We then watched the program that was on after it and Julian got all nostalgic about Kilimanjaro - he climbed it a few years ago and hit the summit on his birthday as the sun rise - what a birthday!
    Right I'm off to make a cup of tea - bit late to rustle up a maderia cake isn't it!
    See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Dainty,
      Let me know when to come for tea, it's ages since I've had proper Black Forest gateaux - George also likes it!!! I once climbed the hill in the park, does that count!! xxx

    2. I'll get the best china out and George can have a big slice too! Haha yes big hill in the park about my level too and you wouldn't suffer from altitude sickness! Xxx

  34. Janice, Kate is a lovely lady, and friend. we love meeting up with her, we are trying to arrange another meet up soon. Oh don't you love guest who think you can turn the weather dial to suit them? We had that when we had the ski lodge, it's a case of just smiling and telling them tomorrow is another day and you will hope for their sake it a lovely day. ( you are hoping its a better day then they won't complain ) Hazel xxx

  35. Helloooo.
    Sorry sorry sorry, it's Peter's fault. He wanted me to help him with some proof reading for a report he has written. 48 pages of pure unadulterated nuclear physics. I have had such fun!! Trouble is I don't understand a word of it so it is a it of a challenge to proof read and find any errors. Don't want to be responsible for a reactor blowing up!! Before you start to panic I am only checking his English not his calculations. Anyway that's where I was. Haven't even had a glass of wine yet, I take my wifely duties very seriously, however I am about to rectify that. Now what have you been up to. Great British bake off brilliant, just wish I could bake.
    Janice so comforting to know it takes you more than a month to make a card, Maria and I are the same. However, I HAVE FINISHED MY LANTERN.
    Don't actually like it though, but Joanne says she loves it so I shall give it to her. That will teach her to lie to me!,
    Hazel and Patricia have a lovely day together tomorrow.
    Diane and Maria you have both had such rotten luck with cars this week I hope it doesn't cost too much. Someone "keyed" ours last year and it still makes my blood boil.
    Right I am going to finish now
    Love you all lots
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, I bet it's beautiful, why don't you like it? xx

    2. You have had a fun evening! However you have been very good which makes a change from every other night this week! What's wrong with your lantern? I'm sure it's lovely.
      Night Night , love Myra xxx

    3. Saba I can see your halo shining from here :) xxx

  36. Hi everyone,,back from card class, made a couple of Christmas cards. I had a look for the converse stamp and they are out of stock, she has ordered more, they must be a really good seller.
    Had a cup of tea, now off to bed, will catch up tomorrow. X

  37. Right everybody,
    I'm going to bed, I've got 4 cards all ready just to put together, but need an embossing layer and a friend has borrowed my A4 plastic box with most of them. I'll have to get it off her so that I can finish these cards, then I'll press on with some more tomorrow. I'm hoping to stay in all day, maybe do a little weeding in the garden, and then craft, craft and more craft. What's the betting something happens and my plans go up in smoke?
    Night, night, sweet dreams and see you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Night God bless my dear.
      Not sure why I don't like it, it might grow on me.
      Sleep well

  38. Hi Jess
    Love your cards, they are so on trend for teenagers. Love the colours you've used as well. Had a lovely day with Sandra and Sue today. Will miss Sandra for a few weeks as I go a week before she comes back. So that will be 5 weeks in all. Haven't read all the way down as yet. Sophie my 17 years old grand daughter pass her written test today. Her dad took her about 8.30 last night for her first driving lesson. She enjoyed it she said apart from doing a hill start. Not to sure which planet he lives on. She had to go to Reading to take her written test, and he wanted her to drive home through the rush hour traffic. Pete took her to her boyfriends this evening as there off tonCornbury Park festival.

    1. Hi Pat, well done to Sophie, bit soon to be doing a hill start though!
      Here in Germany you are only allowed to have lessons with a driving school, so no L plates or family members teaching you. It's very expensive though.
      Hope you had a lovely day with Sue and Sandra.

    2. Hi Pat congratulations to Sophie on passing her written test. Yep that sounds like a dad thing to do! I hope it doesn't put her off driving. Night night sleep tight xxx

  39. Hi Everyone
    Yes, I've just looked and Jess's stamp is definitely a Woodward one. I put in Woodware Sneaker stamp and up it popped with pictures to see how you could use it as well. I'm off yo bed now. I started to comment but didn't get very far though today. Will catch up tomorrow.

    1. Night Night Pat, Sleep well. Glad you had a lovely day with Sandra and Sue. Xxx

    2. Night Night Everyone! Xxx

  40. Good night Myra, sweet dreams, I am going too, I have an early start tomorrow, physio at 9 am then opticians and then dentist for a review of treatment so I I will be able to pop in for a coffee until after lunch.
    Night and God bless all
    Saba xxxx

    1. That should have said I DOUBT I will be able to pop in until after lunch.

  41. Helllllo all i have had I pad trouble GRRR it kept turning it self off blooming thing. I want My old one back, OH upgraded it for this one. It's drives me nuts.
    Went to get my hearing aid re tubed which was a waste of time as the lady never turned up. So took dog's for walk. Then went round my friends while OH did the gardening. Have got to take Annie back at vets tomorrow for a check up & see if the new tablets are working better. Her breathing dose seem better so fingers crossed. JESS your cards are great love that stamp going to have a look for it.
    Well think I will say good night in case this shuts down .
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Night night Lynda I'm off to bed too, I hope Annie gets on ok at the vets tomorrow, I will keep my fingers crossed. Xxxx
