
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Pretty Silouhette card from Jess

Good Morning ladies,
Today we have a beautiful card so elegant and pretty!
Jess has used a Cd Rom called Siloupage (sp), I would actually love to own this CD as it has some very elegant images on if this one is anything to go by.
I love how Jess has built up the image so that the hat stands proud of the head, the feathers finish the hat so perfectly, it looks amazing.
Now just look at the detail that Jess has put into the image, the pearl earrings and necklace, those three black pearls on the edge of the of the frame, it just all adds to the overall beauty of the card.
The five little white roses and two pearl stick pins add the perfect frame to the sentiment that has been matt and layered onto black and white card to match the monochromatic colour theme of the card.
Thank you so much Jess for sharing this gorgeous card with all of us, I for one am Hugely inspired,
I am going to go and look for this Cd rom straight away, so much easier than stamping, particularly with it being a large black area, which can be tricky at the best of times.
I hope you all have a lovely day,
love and hugs


  1. Well this is unusual! Me In first, coffee beans ground, fresh croissants just out of oven, some homemade strawberry jam in the chiller, help yourself!
    I hope you love today's card as much as I do, it's one of those 'oh yes' cards, the whole thing really works, thanks again Jess xxx
    More holiday organising today, so much to think about, my head is buzzing!
    Have a lovely day everyone, be back later,
    Love and hugs

  2. Morning Ladies

    Jess-wow, that is one stunning, classy, elegant card. Just beautiful.

    Sandra-no offence but I was shocked to see you being the first to comment. I'm guessing the holiday is very soon by the panic in your recent messages?!

    Yesterday at work was quite dull-no dramas! The individual who is upset with the changes still won't speak to me, luckily my boss has gone on holiday so she might come back on a nicer frame of mind!! At least I only have 6 weeks til our holiday-its a nice thought to be getting away from everything + everyone!


    1. Morning Michele,
      If feel for you sweetheart, there is nothing worse than a bad atmosphere at work, it's not like these changes are your fault, just keep counting down those days to your holiday, we have 5 days after today! Not panicking yet but getting a wee bit stressed, which us nothing unusual for me!
      Sending you a huge hug,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Michele perhaps you should remind your colleague of the sadness you had recently in your department and that life is too short to carry on such childish behaviour.

    3. Saba is right! Life is too short to behave like that! Xxx

    4. Jess, your card is an absolute delight! I love the little hat with the jaunty feather it is so Audrey Hepburn! xo

    5. Michele, this is not a rehearsal, this is it. Don't let your colleague spoil your life. Ignore her xxxx

  3. Hi Hazel,
    After several more hours that Paul spent searching in the loft last night, I told him to give up and I ordered a portable thingy, not a she-wee as that looked a bit like it could get messy, I saw a thing that has a lid that screws/unscrews and has a lady adaption on the end, quite small and discreet to go and empty too! So if he doesn't find we are covered, it had Sophie & Lucy raising their eyebrows but they are fit enough to trot off to the loo at anytime!
    I am glad that Roberta is having a lazy say today as that means you will too, she has made some amazing, lifetime memories during her visit, so she will have lots to talk about.
    Paul asked me to thank you and Vince, he said that sounded a perfect solution!
    Catch up with you later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all feeling good!! Today it's pouring rain here, it looks like it could be a "play day" . I really don't have much to day, nothing on the calendar that's a first for ages. Oh! just remembered Audrey is night shift tonight, John will pop along after lunch, bring the boys here to let her get a few hours sleep. Dad will bring them back along tomorrow morning, Audrey will then get a few hours sleep after she has her Breakfast. Guess what I can hear from little voices later .... Granny!! can we just stay??
    JESS:- that is one stunning card, love everything about its elegant beauty.
    Jess makes brilliant cards. I have one on display here to confirm that.
    SANDRA:- did you actually go to bed last night??? You got a few suggestions yesterday re:- the Porta Loo. I just hope one of them brings an answer to your "wee" problem!!!!
    I am over at my usual table with my Tea & Toast. Off to see who's milling about round the Cafe, deciding if they should come in or not. That person who kept walking back and forward thinking (will I, won't I ) must have gone on a trip. Have not seen her this week!!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. Will be back later to see what going on.
    SANDRA:- you made a super job of the place today, lots of changes. Gives us room for another table for any new customers.
    See you all later. xxx

    1. Have fun with the boys! Hope it dries up enough to play in the burn ! Xxx

    2. Oh I can see fun and games with the boys, just when you thought you were going to have an easy day!!! xxx

  5. Hi Sandra I'm glad you got sorted- you wait, middle of the night, raining, huge spider in the loo the girls will be wanting to make use of your equipment! Try not to rush around too much today, it will all sort itself out eventually oh and of course you will now find porta loo now you are no longer looking for it! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    I'm getting in quick today before the mayhem starts, children awake but quiet, so I'm trying to leave a comment now before we get caught up with whatever we decide to do.
    JESS I love your monochrome card this lady is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing her.
    Sandra, I think I have this CD at home, will check when we return (Thursday )
    If I have your more than welcome to borrow it for as long as you like.
    Pat I have located the stamp you used for yesterday's trainer card, it was littlelamb who gave me a clue when she mentioned Jayne. It's on Stamposaurus web site. Sold in a pack of two 1 Large, 1 Small stamp £6.
    The stamp is designed by Andrea Neville. She has some nice stamps on Jayne's website.
    Well children now up ready to face the day. I hope I will pop back at some point. Whatever you are doing you have a good day.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Good Morning Brenda,
      Firstly thanks for the Stamp information, I may have to purchase that one, as it will be a handy teen card stamp!
      I would also very much like to borrow your silouhette Cd, I could just print out a load of images and return it to you, (this next sentence is said in my best super whiney child voice) ..... "You could , if you wanted to make a girl very happy, bring it with you when you come along to the retreat, after all a girl needs her mumma along to take care of her"
      But no pressure, I know you're needed at home too!
      Have a lovely day with the children, don't overdo things though !
      I also need your birthday please Brenda.
      Love and hugs

    2. Same date as mine!
      We're really twins! Xxx

    3. Yes my birthday is same as Myra's !
      I've just aged more than my twin !!!

    4. Brenda, you haven't see me yet!!! Xxx

    5. Now that's funny, well I mean that's odd, I asked Myra yesterday if it was you or Brenda LL that had the same birthday as her, and now here it is, mentioned on the blog. Do you think I'm a witch? I know I look like one.
      I think you and I were born the same year Brenda, but I was born in the September, so you are the youngster!!!! xxx

    6. I was born in the January.

    7. My message seems to have disappeared. I was saying that my birthday is January so before Maureen and Brenda.

    8. Well if has come back again. Sorry to send twice.

  7. Hello Hazel, I can't believe the time has come for Roberta to return home. Hasn't the time gone quickly. She will certainly be taking some lovely memories of all the hospitality you and your family have extended to her, and being part of all the wonderful celebrations for Julian and Andrew's wedding .
    Roberta wishing you a safe journey home. xx

  8. SORRY Hazel, that should read - GILLIAN and Andrews wedding xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Jess wow what a stunning card to greet us this morning, love the way you have done the hat and the whole monochrome ensemble. What a beautiful card. It has reminded me that I think I have that cd! Bought it many moons ago and made a golf silhouette for my brother in law. I must admit I haven't used CDs for ages and I've got loads of them! Must blow the dust off and revisit I think. Thank you so much for sharing Jess xxx
    Well the weather isn't sure what to do today by the looks of it - sun and cloud at the front of the house, black cloud at the back so I think forecast is wrong and rain is on the cards! I should be going food shopping today but might just pop to the local co op to get something instead as I'm not sure yet what this week has in store! Emma is going to donate blood for the first time this afternoon so I can sit and read my book while I wait for her - would like to donate too but I had a blood transfusion when she was born so I'm not in the right category. I'm proud of Emma choosing to do it though - I think it's her scientific research that has shown her what a good thing it is. Right I must get on and decide whether to put washing on or not! Hazel I hope Roberta has a good flight home, that time has really flown by hasn't it, but it's good you are making plans to see her soon.
    Enjoy your day ladies and see you all later xxxx

    1. Diane, give Emma a big hug from me and tell her well done.

    2. Well done Emma hugs, xxx

    3. Well done Emma, it's people like you that saved my life. Dainty, I've had transfusions but I was still able to donate. Mind you, they didn't ask if I'd received any blood. xxx

    4. I am proud if Emma too My son needed "fresh" donated blood when he had his operations and ai am truly grateful to those that donated I wish I could be a donor but as a Diabetic they won't take it OH does give blood and so proud that he dies especially as he is very squeamish

    5. Argh predictive text "dies" should be "does" god forbid

  10. Hazel how time has flown, I hope Rebecca has a safe journey home, take time to relax today, and wish her Bon voyage. Xx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, thank for your comments about my card, it is one of my favourites to do. As Sandra said it is off a cd I bought at SECC years ago from Nigel and Christine's stand. It has lots of silhouette designs and backing papers on it. The semtiment is from Phil Martin.
    The cafe is looking great, a coffee would go down nicely I think. I suppose I better get my a..e in gear as the ironing in beckoning.
    Will pop back later, xxx

    1. Jess, do you iron with your ar*e?, I must try that!!! xxx

    2. Muriel! You should have sat on that remark! Xx

  12. Sorry Hazel it should be Roberta!!

  13. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Jess, Love the card ! She is so stylish and with her pearl necklace ,earrings and feathers in her hat you have made it so much more, also love the flowers and the stick pins.
    Sorry but I spitting feathers this morning after someone driven or back in to my son's car and of course left without leaving a note grrr. I'm sad because we live in a cul-de-sac and we all know eachother so would hope if someone know anything they would come forward. I want rest.....
    I hope Saba is ok, she must have a very sore finger after biting it all day and you others are quite nutty too ,I love you guy's hihi
    Lovely Pat, Pete can get he's whole week's Coronation Street on ITV 2 on Sunday Morning around 9.30 am or if you got sky on Catch-up for the episode 'you' missed recording.
    Sunny but very windy day so perfect drying weather but no washing to do tihi so something else will happening after breakfast of bacon and eggs, the smell from the kitchen make me drool ,oooh not a lady like thing to do but I'm not a lady . before anyone ask not a man either last time I checked .Got the hot flushes and everything to show for that.
    I'll be in later again, hope you all have a good day as possible and the sun is shining (sorry Patricia ) Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Maria that is just awful. Do you think you would be able to call on your neighbours and ask if anyone saw anything and check for damage to their cars at the same time.
      Sending you a pillow stuffed with feathers for you to spit!!!
      I've got loads of washing if you want to do mine.

    2. Maria that's dreadful I agree though, go and tell the neighbours just in case they have any damage and you might make someone feel guilty, although I suspect it is someone who was lost! Xxx

    3. Oh Maria, it's awful when people behave so badly! I hope you find the culprit but it may have been someone who got the wrong street! Xxx

    4. Did that even before some of them were dressed this morning but sadly no one have heard or seen anything. We got one new neighbour and they live opposite where Christian parked last night and the story is that the "lady" of the house week after they moved in put her foot down, went backford instead for forward and rammed the wall to their next door neighbours downstairs toilet ! Hmmm They have gone to work so will ask around again tonight, very nicely

    5. Maria, go check the neighbours car, some one might have the damage that matches your sons plus see if they have left the colour of they car on his??? Any neighbours got cctv!!! I hate when folk do that, I always told our three if they by any chance dumped a car with their bikes to let me know then I could sort it out, in Germany you have to have insurance for these things with your children and I think it should be here, but an adult to not report it is so bad!!,

    6. Maria, I hope you find the culprit. What a horrible thing to do and not own up! We've all (well most of us) have had an accident and done the decent thing xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is good to see that you were in the cafe early today my lovely but I do know that it means you are stressing about the holiday! Glad that you have given up with the porta loo. The She wee is great when you are out in the open or in woodland etc but I need to find something quieter for our Scout Group Family camp in Sept. I will have to have a look at the thing you have ordered, sounds good. And hopefully it is soundproof! : ) See you in the morning, try not to stress too much today my lovely.
    Jess, your card is gorgeous, and I love how you have decoupaged her hat and added the lovely feather : )
    Diane, I hope that Emma's first donation goes well. Gem has been donating since she was old enough to, she has also carried a Donor card and been on the donor register since she was 9 after seeing my card and hearing what it was for! She, like me, feels very strongly that everyone should have to donate blood unless there is a medical reason not to (I can't because of all of the drugs that I take) Anyway, good for Emma, hopefully she will encourage her friends to join her next time. Tell her to make sure she has plenty of (non alcholic, sorry ladies : )) drink before hand to ease them finding a vein.
    Hazel, enjoy your time with Roberta, I hope her leg feels better for some rest, and that she has a safe and trouble free journey home.
    Patricia and Brenda Lello, have fun with the children today. Patricia, you know that you are going to end up having the boys overnight don't you. If you are anything like me you can't refuse them when you get " Please Gran can we ......" : )
    We have got Phoebe on her own so we are going to be making an owl picture for her bedroom.
    I hope the wind dies down a bit as it is very strong again here. Good drying weather! Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

      That is the link to the thing I bought, hope it works (the link that is)
      I am looking forward to seeing you very much tomorrow, it will be a welcome distraction from all of the things I need to think about!
      Have a lovely day with Phoebe today, remember to photograph the owl so that she can read everyone's comments (with your help )!
      Right I have another list to write, the people that are putting in the appeal on Paul's behalf want a timeline of all the operations etc that I have have done my hip!
      I will catch up with you all later,
      Love Sandra xxxx

    2. Now this will probably make you laugh but if you made a padded cozy for the she wee would that muffle the sound? I don't know the shape but perhaps a cafeteria cozy would work? Or pop a sanitary towel in the bottom of it or some loo roll so it has a soft landing!!! Oh what a thought!

    3. This is a crafting blog but we are prepared to tackle anything! Diane - your a genius - or something! Xxx

    4. Very good Diane, yes what a thought .I'm still giggling xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today Jess. Love how you've added pearls and deco paged the hat. I to have a silhouette CD but not that one. I've pulled it out to have a play at sometime.
    Thanks Brenda for the info re the stamp. I'm glad Littlelamb gave you a clue. I met her making hers on the make and take stand at Newbury. I'll go and have a look later today. My word Sandra you are up early this morning, mind you your normally up early anyway. But your getting stressed about finding and packing everything up for your holiday. At least you'll ge able to relax after you get through Paris.
    Patricia and Hazel. Before I forget I hope that Roberta has a good flight home and give her a hug and wish her Bon voyage from me. Before I forget, can I be the first to book a space in your suitcases.

  16. Hazel wish Roberta a safe journey home,my word hasn't it gone so quickly,she has packed a lot wonderfulI memories in her cases.
    Hope her flight home is quite with no crying babies.
    Hug's xx

  17. Hazel, please wish Roberta a safe and quiet! Journey home and tell we have all enjoyed having her here.
    Hugs Saba xxxx

  18. Morning one and all
    It's now just the two of us again since 10.00 this morning. We can actually hear the silence in the house!!
    We forget jut how noisy two children can be. They are both good children and very rarely cannot find something to do and so are not so bad it's just the noise that hits you on arrival; stays with you for the vacation; and then silence falls when they depart. We shall now see them now until just before Xmas when they will visit the UK and then we will have to go to the Netherlands in the Spring to their home for a short visit.

    I have not yet caught up on everything that's been happening but will do so over the next few days.

    Jess your card today is just beautiful - I have that CD set and before I started to use dies it was one of my favourites. You have woken memories and so when I return to the UK I shall have to get it out and have a play and see what I can do with a mixture of dies and that CD.

    Hazel I hope you are recovering from your very busy week last week and that after tomorrow your days will return to 'normal'. I'm sure that you and Patricia, and all your family and friends made the most wonderful memories.
    Sheila - I hope your crossing wasn't too bad and that you're enjoying yourself.
    Saba - have you stopped shopping yet?

    Sandra - calm is the order of the day - don't forget all you need is your passports, money and booking confirmation and anything else can be bought over here.

    OK off now to turn the washer on as it's just striking 12.00 so the 'cheap rate' electricity has just kicked in.
    Have a good afternoon everyone.
    Hugs are on their way. Will try and pop in later.

    1. Good morning Janet,
      I was just sat thinking about you when up popped your comment, I was thinking about our journey on a Monday and trying to work out in my head how far you would be from our route, i would so love to call in for coffee, but I think you will too far off the route, we travel from Calais , through Paris and then on the most direct route to Clermont Ferrand which Is the A75 I believe! How much more amazing it would be calling into Marigny than at a service station, plus I could actually collect a real life Janet hug!!!
      Did you get any good bargains at your Brocantes at the weekend?
      I am sure you enjoyed your company very much, but oh the peace when your house is once more your own and you can relax from playing host!
      Sending you huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      It would be fantastic if you could come our way for a cuppa or even a break overnight where you could sleep in a proper bed and have a good rest before continuing onto Spain.
      You could come your normal way round Paris join the A6 and then the A77 to Nevers and then rejoin the A77 down to Moulins and Clemont Ferrand that way. If you didn't want an overnighter then any length of time would be wonderful so that I can just meet you and yes give each other the most wonderful hug that's been waiting for quite some time.

      Nothing was bought at the brocante at the weekend as it was so so hot and far too many people around.

      Try and work on Paul in the nicest possible way of course.
      Special hugs to you.

    3. Ooooh how exciting. Do it Sandra, it would be lovely for you to meet up.
      Janet, I was going shopping tomorrow with Heide but she has cancelled, I think I need something, just don't know what!

    4. Definitely NOT a handbag! Bake a quiche with some nice cheddar cheese! Xxx

    5. Well that's a bit random. Anyway we don't have cheddar cheese.

    6. I know that!! You told me! I'm testing my memory skills! It's sad you see I don't have many skills! Xxx

  19. Good morning Sandra and all your lovely ladies,
    Glad you have found a solution, a friend of mine was once stuck in traffic and so desperate she used the ash tray!! I hope the girls, and Matt if he is going too, are helping you with the preparations.
    Jess, your card is brilliant, love her hat, the image reminds me of Audrey Hepburn and she was gorgeous too.
    Patricia, Brenda and Sue enjoy your grandchildren. I'll be seeing mine soon and my tummy does a little flip when I think of holding them close.
    I am playing today. House is a tip, cooker needs cleaning and I don't care. I am making the lantern to Patricia's instructions (thank you Patricia) and I just have the base and lit to finish and then decide how to decorate it. I've used the mini snowflake striplet and for the acetate I cut up the packaging it came in, I'm a cheapskate. Unusually I have a good satellite signal at the moment, still not strong enough for C&C so I am watching ITV. Hope Peter doesn't pop home and catch me being so lazy!!!
    Oh I have made a batch of tomato and basil soup for anyone popping in for lunch, wonder if Anne will bring us some of her lovely scones to finish off with.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba it was you struggling to cut the striplet! I couldn't remember who it was and suddenly had a light bulb moment the I forgot to add last night whilst I was watching Sue on the big TV this morning ( fab isn't it this technology lark!). I was cutting some striplets last week and kept getting bits that didn't want to cut all the way through and I couldn't get them any nearer the edge of my plates. I put a single sheet of copy paper on top of the die and it worked a treat, just the fraction more it needed. I was cutting foundation card at the time. The lantern sounds lovely, I must go and have a look.
      Maria Emma got a text from blood people this morning reminding her to drink lots of water so I was really impressed by how organised they are. I've made sure she has eaten breakfast and has taken a glass of water upstairs yo drink whilst she plays her mandolin ( I can hear a tin whistle though so she way be swapping instruments around!). Right I must get on! Xxxx

    2. Hello SABA:- I get that tummy flipping when we are on holiday away from the boys here are a few (((hugs))) to help.
      John has just left to go pick the boys up. Bucketing rain so don't know what they will be doing. Robert likes to craft, might get him helping me. Thomas will be happy trawling over maps or an Atlas with John. The other thing could be watching episodes of Dads Army.....yes! Dads Army he loves watching them. The other favourite is Faulty Towers ..... funny lad!!. xxx

    3. Saba, Rachel and Peter are away in Devon with the girls. They have very poor internet connections but the girls have discovered that they can ring me on Eleanor's new i-phone. Typical conversation with Zoe "Grandma, they wouldn't let me sing at the Karaoke", me "Why not", Zoe "The comedian wants to come on", me "never mind, you can sing tomorrow" Zoe "Oh, o.k. I love you". Phone put down, phone rings, I answer it - Zoe "Grandma, can I speak to Grandad - Grandad, they would let me sing" ...... and so the conversation was repeated!!! Don't you just love them xxx

    4. Diane, yes I did struggle cutting the striplet even though I used a shim. I think it could be the cardstock, it's black and I know it sounds daft but I am sure I read somewhere that black was harder to cut through. any way it's done now.
      Maureen I spent half an hour yesterday face timing with Max and Abi, half the time I was looking at minecraft and the other half a butterfly of Abi's which flaps its wings. Xxxx

  20. Good morning Sandra and Friends,
    Well Maureen and I had an IT lesson from Saba last night! I have to say Saba is an excellent teacher although can be a little short on patience with her slower pupils, ha ha. It's true what they say - learning can be fun! Mind you I don't think they had that much fun in mind!!
    The things you learn on this blog!
    Jess - your card today is so stylish! I love it . I've never used CD's in crafting - after last night you can probably guess why. I love the back and white and your attention to detail. Thank you!
    Well, today I have to finish gluing clothes pegs( wooden) on to the back of MDF birds! Clothes pegs are hidden but the birds once decorated should make pretty magnetic photo or message holders. I have 20 to make , plus my examples. Isn't life exciting?
    It's rather dull here today but dry so far .
    Sandra - I do hope you get all your packing sorted out and that the loo problem has been solved. If anyone deserves a lovely holiday - you do and Paul who looks after you so well. I hope you have a lovely family holiday and no problems en route!
    Well I'll now go and read what everyone has been up to and I know a quick way to do that now! Yeah!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Remind me Myra, what do we do again ha ha xxx

    2. You two are so refreshing!!!

    3. Please, not again!
      Sort of like a breath of fresh air? Oh thank you , you are so kind! Xx

  21. Good morning early bird,SANDRA ARE YOU STRESSING!! Good morning ladies. Hope your all well,we have sun but every now & then it goes in.we are supposed to have rain so put a wash on hopeing to get it dry.
    Not much on today,so I think craft room tideing & i have two cards to make & put my step Grandaughter's 18th card on my blog.We are going to her party on Saturday which will be nice haveing Harry cuddles, he has taken his first steps Darren sent me a video clip yesterday of him,He is growing up soooo fast. Hope we see Alfie as well if his mum ( the b...h lets him come ).
    JESS your card is gorgeous i love how you have dressed her up with her fethers in the hat & pearls exetra I have a silhouette CD think it's a Joanna sheen one.
    I have so many CD's it must be two years or more since I've even looked at them,so might just do that today. Have to give Annie her tablets now so pop back soon. Thanks for my tea & toast with strawberry jam mmm lovely.
    SANDRA café looks lovely Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hello my friend! I beat you by two minutes today but I'm not counting really! Ha ha!
      Love to you and Annie x

    2. Qh Myra you are funny well Sandra beat us both today HAHA
      love to you from me Annie Bambi & beaky Freddy ( have to put them as well because Bambi will sulk & Freddy will bite me) XX

    3. Ouch! I won't leave them out next time! I will never beat Sandra at 6am! Alastair would send for a doctor! Xxx

    4. I hope Annie, Bambi and Freddy are well! Lynda, If Myra ever posts at 6 a.m. Alastair would have to get a doctor for me as well xxxx

    5. Please give him your number! Don't start I'm laughing already! Xxx

  22. Hazel, where has the time gone? Please wish Roberta safe travel back home to Canada . I'm sure she has had a lovely time. Safe journey to Charlie too! Xxx

  23. Hi everyone, so glad my card has made a lot of you look again at your CDs. I can print off any of the images for you if you want, just let me know. My e-mail address is : jesswatson@, send me your address and wait for the post!!!
    Off to play, have to do my youngest sons birthday card for the 14th.
    Will pop back later. X

    1. You Jess,

      Your card is soo elegant I love it.

      Love Margaret xx

  24. Thank you ladies you are all so kind wishing Roberta a safe jounery, she doesn't think it will be a quiet one, but you never know. She gone off to have a lie down, I think it's that feeling off going home that's the problem, she has loved every minute off being with our friends and family, taken aback by the hospitality.
    Our sister Fiona is coming down with her children, but Roberta asked if I minded her just going to her bed, told her it was fine. I think it would be to much, my lot are here tonight too so it's a lot going on. Fiona will understand. We are all on a bit of a downer today. I think between Roberta going and just the aftermath of the wedding. Our Gillian is trying to get the house back to some sort of normality today, as she is back to work tomorrow. They are having their honeymoon later. They are away for a weekend not this one but the next. Didn't want everything at once. Right I am going to have a nice cup of tea, and see what goodies there is today. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, I totally understand you having a downer today, you just don't realise how exhausting all the celebration are. Just take it steady and don't expect too much of yourself. xxx

    2. Hazel, it's normal to have the coming down to earth feeling after such a fantastic wedding, you and Charlie have a day out on Friday, go for lunch or do something to "lift" you. xxx

    3. What about a hot air balloon trip! Xxx

    4. You have to be joking - never again!!! xxx

    5. Hazel,
      Would just like to wish Roberta a safe journey wish I was in her suitcase have not managed to get to Canada for 3years other things like operations keep getting in the way hopefully next year.
      Sorry to hear you feel down you have had soo much going on it is no surprise just try and relax and do some me things.
      Hugs to you love Margaret xx

    6. Margaret can I come in your suitcase when you go? xxx

    7. I think a Big group hug is in order, all together now squeeze ! xxx

  25. Good afternoon ladies,I have missed you all so much, my iPad was working fine last Tuesday and I put it on to charge overnight as usual , but in the morning nothing but a black screen, we took it into Inverness on the Thursday and they told us it was done! Won't go into all the details but we are now awaiting a box from them to return it and see what they can do, for now I am using an old phone from our son, but it's so small for my large fingers!
    I went on my hubby's computer last Saterday and spent over an hour printing out a long catchup comme

    1. Oh Anne I can feel your frustration coming over the airwaves! So long as we know you're ok , don't worry about it. I just hope you get it sorted out soon. We become so attached to technology and Muriel and I are now near experts!!! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Thanks Myra! You have no idea how much I missed all your fun and nonsense, because you and Maureen do make me laugh xo

    3. Maureen is a very bad influence! Saba and I are impeccably behaved until Maureen starts! Xxx Hard Hat!!

    4. Hi Anne sorry about your I pad Terry upgraded mine last year but i wish he hadn't because i have had nothing but trouble with loosing comments & freezing up all the time my old one was much better.

    5. Myra POOR MAUREEN she never behaves badly only when the Baileys is flowing intravenously. OOO Can i borrow your hard hat. haha xx

    6. Myra and Lynda, my bazooka is trained on you, no it's no good hiding there, I can still see you. Come on, man up and take your punishment hic xxxx

    7. You're making me sound like Butch Cassidy! Man up! I don't think so!

    8. Oh go on, Lynda can be the Sundance Kid xx

    9. Muriel, if you don't get my bazooka back to me asap there will be serious trouble. I might have to get my heat seeking missile launcher out so going to the foot of Myra's stairs won't help you this time.
      By the way have you heard anything from those who shall not be named?

    10. You mean the singular of ARE ! I haven't! Xxx

    11. No ooo! The other one . More third person ! Eg. They are - he ?
      Don't answer! Just think it! Xxx

    12. Anne,
      Good to see you back hope you get your I pad sorted soon.

      Take care love Margaret xx

    13. Have you ever noticed that in the middle of our nonsense there is always one sane voice that appears! xxx
      By the way I am typing this with one hand so it's taking me ages. I haven't heard from our friendly Sec**ity Se**ices ha ha - but I'll not be laughing if I do!!!!

    14. I have noticed that most definitely - we are not all mad! Why are you typing with one hand? Do you hav an injury? Xxx

    15. Arthur is giving me gyp tonight, well he has for some days, I suppose I'll have to give in and go to see about it. I've put a splint on my wrist in the meantime. Probably should put a splint on my tongue!!! xxx

    16. Oh Sorry about that! I'm cheeky but I am still your friend and I'd have something to say to that Arthur if I could get hold of him! Hope it's not so painful tomorrow. Xxx

    17. Oh dear, perhaps you should take some painkillers too. Wish I could do something to help.

    18. Give that Arthur a big kick up his backside. Hope you feel better tomorrow xxx

    19. MAUREEN my bazookas are bigger than yours even if they are droopy haha.i can be the "Sundance kid" or "calamity Jane"
      I've seen Arthur too & only type one handed & one finger. But then I can't type with two hands anyway never could lol.xx

  26. For it all to disappear ? So frustrated I could have cried! Anyway I loved all the cards , cross stitch and pottery they were beautiful . I was so sorry not being able to join in Gillian & Andrews wedding fun, but loved reading all about it, Roberts's time has flown past, I hope she has a good flight home.
    Saba , I made gingerbread and gingernuts biscuits this morning do you think I should do some for the cafe?
    We have our daughter and family here on holiday at the moment and these are their favourites.
    Sandra I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I have to say I was amazed how you could remember all the names of the dies I had used etc. you must have quite a collection.
    So good to be back in touch with you all , bundles of hugs to you xoxo

    1. Hugs to you Anne, it's lovely to see you xxx

    2. Most definitely Anne , I love gingerbread biscuits, especially when they are shaped like little men. Such fun biting their legs off ever so slowly.
      So glad to see you back, hope your I pad will be sorted soon.

    3. ANNE:- great to see you back. Mmmm!! I can smell those biscuits.
      Enjoy family time xxx

    4. Lovely to see you back Anne, what a pain having problems with your I pad, we become so dependent on them don't we. Be lovely to see you when you can manage it - don't worry, I'm sure the naughty ones will arranging another virtual trip soon. Muriel is the worse, she organised a bank heist at Easter! (Virtual of course!) xxx

    5. Good to see you back Anne, love ginger nuts and if ginger man I bite the head off first. Remember when we had to break a certain person out of prison ? so much fun ! xx

  27. Everyone just popping back, I have ordered the stamp Pat used yesterday, it was difficult getting onto the website, so ended up calling Jayne. And it will be in the post tomorrow. Yippee

  28. Well I am having a proud auntie moment our neice got 6 As in her exams her brother got 1 B 2 xC, he is disappointed, but he has done better than in his mock ones. Hannah did win a few things at the end of school for her work. So yes we are proud of her and her brother. xxx

    1. SIS:- sorry your all on a bit of a downer, I can fully understand. Everything has been go! go! go!
      Proud Aunty Patricia, as well, really pleased for both Hannah & Shaun. However don't think his had will be that pleased!! He can only do his best same as his sister. Just different results at they'd of the day.

    2. Congratulations! To you and the two young people concerned. That will have given you a bit of a lift today , Hazel! Great news! Xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, congratulation to the two youngsters. Well done to both of them, you can't compare as we are all different xxx

    4. Hello proud aunties, well done to them both.

    5. Hazel and Patricia you have your proud auntie moment it's just what you need today after feeling so down. Congratulations to you niece and nephew they have done really well. I hope they can pursue their chosen paths now xxx

    6. Congratulations to the two stars ,fabulous results hugs xxx

  29. Hazel, have a lovely evening with the family, don't work too hard.
    I hope Roberta has a safe and comfortable trip home, and that she enjoys telling everyone there about the wonderful wedding and her lovely stay with you and Charlie. xxxx

  30. Well, I'm late again today - busy, busy day.
    Jess, I love your card, it's stunning. I've never used CD's and don't have any. That could be another demonstration for our Retreat. Somehow, I don't think this Retreat is going to be long enough!!
    Sandra, you are getting your knickers in a twist, and that won't do you any good when you are trying to use your She wee or whatever it is! Deep breaths and relax.
    I've been commenting on the way down, and it's taken me forever to read all the comments. Honestly, I do not understand how you can all write so much. You know me, I hardly ever comment!!!!
    I'm going to make myself a coffee and will pop back later - I do hope Saba and Myra behave themselves tonight!
    Muriel xxx
    I know I've forgotten something, it will come to me whilst I'm making my coffee, and then I'll forget again by the time I come back ha ha. xx

    1. I'm in my best bib and tucker! Xxx

    2. And very smart you look too xx (I'm being nice)

    3. Well! The day of miracles is still with us!
      That is with regard to you being nice not me being smart! Xxx

    4. Wonder how long it lasts xxx

    5. Muriel! May I interject at this point and say - isn't that little curly thing at the top of the page a real time saver? Xxx

    6. Myra, you may ha ha, have you pressed it, I'm afraid that if I do, I'll set the madness off xxx

  31. Hazel, well done the kids, the math exam was so difficult they say, I feel so sorry for the children nowadays, so much is expected from them, they can only do their best, give them a big hug
    Good to see you back Anne, I had to get a new IPad a couple of months back, it is a bummer when we depend on technology so much now. Glad you are ok.
    Weather looks wet for tomorrow again, what's new?
    Hope to catch up again later, take care xxx

  32. Poured rain here all afternoon. Dad came for the boys who left under protest. Roberts parting words were "bye Granny see you in the morning.
    Thomas came with BIG tub of "stuff" 75% of the contents he been his dad's. He set out all the soldiers, tanks etc:- played for quite a while. He then rummaged and found a DVD ... The Wild Geese .... a real oldie of Grandpas. They sat and watched the whole movie wth snacks of course. Robert played away on his own quite happily. Then he came to see if he could help me. I was making a Thank You card, he cut out 3 Happy Birthdays for me. Then he cut out the pieces for a flower I was adding, all this on the CuttleBug. I am having problems with my wrists. Holding the machine and turning the handle, on any machine ... It hurts!! I have had 3 Cut n Boss machines and none of them have worked. They have all had to be uplifted, still waiting for the refund to appear on my Credit Card.
    Had something to eat, off to sit with my feet up. I will look back see what you have all been doing this afternoon.
    Know something I actually think I might even nod off. xxx

    1. Is it you I can hear snoring? zzzzzzzzzzz

    2. MAUREEN:- you "poked"me?? You said I was making too much noise ... I never heard a thing!!! xxx

    3. MYRA:- are you off somewhere nice that you have your best Bib & Tucker on???
      SABA:- how are you getting on with your Lantern. I have cut out the Three Wise Men Mini Striplett to make one. I was cutting mine in black and really struggled. Back and forth, metal shim, extra card, eventually I got them done. Think the small Lanterns would look nice with the little battery T-Lights. xxx

    4. No Patricia, I always dress up to meet friends! Xxx

    5. Ok! I had better get out of my "play clothes" then. I have glue marks on the right leg of my trousers. Goodness knows what those "crusty" bits are on the other leg. What a mess this cardigan is ..... I am rather ashamed of myself!!! xxx

    6. Don't tell anyone - but you sound a bit like me! Now that should really concern you! Xxx

    7. Patricia, nearly all my clothes now sound like that. I always think "Oh, I'll be find in this", then drop an ink pad or drip glue all over it. xx

    8. Not that I know of to be honest.
      I do have a sister .... do you think she could be a friend??. I will need to ask her. xxx

    9. No Patricia, you are so lovely you'll have loads of friends. That remark was for Myra!!! xxx

    10. Myra has just said she's like me, she MUST have as many friends as me then. xxx

    11. Charming! Of course I have friends! ----- I think! Xxx

    12. "You got me, babe" even in your onesie xxx

  33. Well I have spent most of the day making my lantern and it's still not finished. I struggled with the base and the lid. Cut and glued perfectly, just didn't fit. I have cut out all the poinsettias with which I am going to use to embellish it but I have lost the will to continue tonight. Why does it take me days to finish a project when you lot whip things up in no time?

    1. SABA:- I find the lid and base the most difficult. Getting them just the right fit is not so easy. Perseverance ... is the name of the game!!!
      I have given up on mine, will continue in the morning.
      Go and clean your cooker that might help regain your inspiration xxx

    2. Oh Patricia, what an exciting idea! Not in one's best bib and tucker! Xx

    3. Saba could pop a "pinnie" on to protect her Bib!! xxx

    4. She's got a pelican bib ! Xxx

    5. I'd like to press the refresh button as instructed by Saba, but I'm afraid it will end in hysterics again.
      Saba, I'm watching Holby City, there's loads of gore in it!! xxx

    6. Never! Hysterics! Here! Xxx

    7. Eeeek, I can't watch it and be in here at the same time as I have to watch it in the I pad. Hope you horrible lot realise just how much I love you.
      As for cleaning my cooker, now I won't sleep tonight knowing its filthy.
      And I don't need a pinnie on I'll do it in the nude!

    8. Ouch! Be careful Grandma! Xxx

    9. In the NUDE!!! that's dangerous. You might splash yourself with cleaning products. Or do you use a steam cleaner??? xxx

    10. Maureen - if you press Standby you don't see the programme! Xxx

    11. For what purpose Patricia, my eyebrows are raised! Xxx

    12. To clean your cooker of course you sill lady!!!!! xxx

    13. Saba's just hoping for an early morning visitor again!! xx

    14. That should be "silly" that's what I get for being cheeky!! xxx

    15. Brillo pads. I use Brillo pads, then rinse it all off then polish it with a soft cloth. Then we eat salad for a week.

    16. Ha ha! I like that! I cleaned my hob this morning then cooked a steak for Alastair tonight! Mess! Hey ho! A woman's work is never done! Xxx

    17. George's idea of salad is a tomato, boiled egg, steak, chips and cooked mushrooms. I cannot keep a clean hob for love nor money but that is why this one is glass induction, and the one before glass halogen, so it just takes hot soapy water with the occasional bit of Cif!!! xxx

    18. Myra, I do that so many times. We don't half make work for ourselves.
      I would like to do what Saba does but it's too blooming cold here for salad. xxx

    19. What Patricia, clean it in the nude!? xx

    20. NO!! I told you it's too cold here for that kind of nonsense!!! xxx

    21. We've had a lovely day here, windy but lovely xxx

    22. Oh! just rain, rain, then even more rain here. xxx

    23. Mines Gas so I have all those fiddly bits to clean. When we bought it I did think about induction but it's a Facon Rangemaster and I liked the traditional look of it. We had to send to the UK for it as the ovens they have here are awful, they only have standard ovens here, double ones are unheard of and their grill is in the oven which is stupid.

    24. I might have known you would have a posh double all singing, all dancing cooker. Double oven indeed. You're just trying to make me feel inadequate xx

    25. Grill in the oven is the most stupid invention ever!!
      We had an oven like that when we lived in Turkey.
      I brought a large George Forman out to use as a Grill. Only thing is. it did not "crisp" the bacon!!! xxx

    26. Oh, and now Patricia is ganging up on me, my grill is in the oven!!! xxx

    27. Inadequate, induction is so expensive, even if I didn't want the traditional look we couldn't have afforded the induction version, so who's posh now?
      Bet Myra's got 6 burners and a griddle!

    28. Myra, there's only you now to stick the knife in xxx

    29. Mureen:- when we bought our house in Turkey it was empty. Our Turkish neighbours lent us a 2 burner cooker thingy and a smal tank of Gas. It was amazing what I managed cook on that till we got the new kitchen installed. xxx

    30. I only have the hob, the oven is in the wall xxx

    31. No Grill Maureen???
      I have a hob, my oven and separate little oven/grill are built in with the units. xxx

    32. All this talk of ovens, hobs and grills is making me hungry.
      I need a cuppa and a couple of biscuits. xxx

    33. I did post that the grill is in the oven but I don't know where that post has gone, floating around in space. The oven is built into the unit which is in what was the pantry. Follow that if you can. I also have a George Forman grill and a small separate portable induction oven which I use mainly at Christmas when we have family visiting. xx

    34. I have a five burner hob with wok attachment, two ovens and a separate grill. HOWEVER I live in a decrepit flat with no central heating, no double glazing, one plug socket in each room and no hot water in the kitchen. Beat that for deprived living!
      Actually I have a boiler under the sink before you start to feel too sorry for me.

    35. Oh! yes! forgot about my Forman Grill. I could not leave John on his own as often as I do if it were not for the Forman Grill. John is not a cook but he manages with that Grill and the Air Fryer for cooking some Chips. xxx

    36. SABA:- do you want us to go searching for an other flat for you??
      We could all spread out and search the city!! xxx

    37. Yes please.
      No I love our flat even with all its quirks. It was built in 1912 and has Lots of original Art Nouveau features. It's under a protection order so everything we do has to be approved. I did slip in a satellite dish but no one has complained YET!

    38. Saba you have the same cooker as the one at work, I find the bars on the hob a pain to put back on. Do you have the plate for on the top that you can make pancakes and do steaks, I love making pancakes on it. How do manage with on central heating? Xxx

    39. Yes I have the plate but hardly ever use it and you are right, the bars are really heavy on the hob. It's not too bad without central heating, you get used it. We have two big enclosed tiled fires and they keep the flat warm in winter. They are called kacheln Ofens, i am sure you will have seen them. Cloakroom can be a bit chilly though!!

    40. Hellooooo! Sorry did not fall asleep but had a phone call! Told you I had friends! Ha ha!
      I have an induction hob! Glass nod super easy to clean. Double oven in a housing unit with grill in the small oven,
      It seems to work for us ! Xxx

    41. I've got a cooker like you Saba and mines a Rangemaster - I love my cooker even though there is a lot to clean on it! Xxx

  34. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well can anyone tell me where has today gone or better still please stop the world while I catch up! Weather wise we have had everything rain, sun but not a lot, I think Muriel pinch our share, windy with both and now we have rain yet again, with more forecast.
    Jess what a splendid and spectacular card I agree with Sandra so much easier than stamping thank you for sharing your beautiful card.
    Well I am off to bed cannot keep my eyes open so giving in, night, night, God Bless everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Goodnight God bless Margaret. I have your rice bag nicely tucked behind me, I think of you and bless you every time I use it.

    2. MARGARET:- I think you are dizzy with your world going so fast!!
      Goodnight God Bless. xxx

    3. Goodnight, sweet dreams Margaret, I know you'll think I'm greedy but I use three of your bags every night!!! xxx

  35. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call it a night. I'll see you all tomorrow so sleep tight and sweet dreams. Sandra, I hope you are managing to cope with all the packing and preparation.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Goodnight, God Bless I will be just behind you. I'm heading to my bed as well. xxx

    2. Nightie night you two, sleep well, I think Myra must have nodded off.
      I am going to join the snoring monster now so see you in the morning.
      God bless
      Saba xxx

    3. I haven't nodded off ! I had a telephone call! Sorry. Xxx

  36. I love your card Jess I use a few cd's to craft and your card has given me an idea (don't know if it'll work) but in Serif you can turn images into silhouettes So out will come the MCS Art Deco ladies cd I can have two images,one as a silhouette and one as a "proper' image and decoupage it! Well that's the theory
    I love SABA's idea (was it Saba?) about plugging the bottom of the she-pee to deafen the noise and I can guarantee that the girls will use it at night The dark, the spiders - yeuck

  37. Goodnight folks, that's me off to bed.
    Our boys are really good but man they keep you busy. xxx

  38. Built in ovens tonight? Every day / night is a new product discussion on here, I have a double built in oven, up at a level I can manage, top oven has the grill, also use my George Foreman, I want one that you can remove the plates to put in the dishwasher. Roberta couldn't get over how everything is built in and unseen in my kitchen. Roberta is off to bed I gave her a Margaret rice bag to put on her knee, so hope it helps with the pain. I am just enjoying the quiet, as the house has been busy all afternoon and evening, lots of hugs and goodbyes, not looking forward to the morning and having to say goodbye. It's been lovely having her, if she had her three puppies here she wouldn't leave. Tomorrow I have to get Anna's birthday card made and sent, so after I walk Harris I will set to and get it made. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, I was just about to go to bed and spotted you. I expect it will be sad tomorrow but hope knowing what a fantastic time Roberta has had will make you feel proud. Enjoy the rest and some crafting tomorrow. Night sweetie xxxx

    2. Helloooooo! Had telephone call! I'm still here and answered questions higher up! Sorry Maureen! Night Night! Xxxx
