
Monday 3 August 2015

Man card Monday

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's Man Card Monday Card has been made by Pat, I love how Pat has managed to capture the
real 'Denim' look of the 'Converse' style shoe.
I can't remember the make of this stamp, I know the 'Converse' star is a separate stamp, so you can
choose whether you use the brand style part of the stamp or not.
This style card will definitely appeal to younger men, teenagers, girls too, my girls all have Converse trainers, so with a change of colour you have a girly card too.
There aren't too many stamps that will work both ways like that, so maybe this would be a good investment.
Thank you so much Pat for sending me this card to share with everyone xxxx
I think that Pat made this card when we visited the Newbury Craft show a few weeks ago, they had quite a few make and take tables. It was such a small, hot room though I couldn't get anywhere near in my wheelchair. Hopefully next year they will manage to get a few more exhibitors and move back into the bigger hall.
We don't have too many decent craft shows around us, Ally Pally obviously is worth a visit, if only to meet up with Sue and the rest of the Creative Expressions Team, there were an awful lot of £1 type stands there last time though.
I love the Farnborough show too, that seemed really well set out, especially for disabled access, it had inside parking and the stands were all easy to navigate in my wheelchair, I think that it was due to it being in a huge hall, it was all divided into two halves too, one side was Needlecrafts and the other Papercrafts, we only did the paper craft side, but I think that next time Sue and I will be looking at material for Patchwork, I know that Margaret (corgi) has already warned me that once you start collecting material for patchwork its just like how we are when it comes to cardstock, so I can see my very messy craft room bursting at the seams!!!
Well that's all from me today, I hope that you all have a lovely day,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Crew!!! Hope you are well and having better weather than us. .... guess what ... yep!! it's Raining!! Nothing new there then.
    PAT:- your card is Brilliant, love the colours. The image is amazing, love it. It's an image that would be perfect for a card I will have to make soon for Thomas.
    Everything set up for today, there are still a few goodies left from the weekend, they will need to be eaten up today. Have made myself some Tea & Toast, I am off over to my usual table. Won't sit long, I have to get things done. I have to get to Perth. Off to SpecSavers early this afternoon to get my eyes tested. John is coming with me, I have to get those horrible "drops" in, of course you can't see to drive with them in.
    Hugs in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Good luck for this afternoon, my lovely, enjoy your afternoon tea with Hazel and Roberta too!
      How are John's knees??

    2. Hope the eye test goes well Patricia! Have a lovely time with your visitors later! Xxx

    3. Patricia, have a great day, hope you get some fabulous glasses. X

    4. Hi Patricia, hope you eye test went well. Have a nice time with your siss and Roberta, Hugs to you all xxx

    5. Hope you had a good time today all if you. We have. Just had a shower of rain. Not enough to wet the ground though.

    6. Hi PATRICIA hope eye test went well,& had a nice time with Hazel & Roberta & yu didn't get very wet with the rain.Xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-brilliant card for a number of ages/occasions. Love the colour you have used.

    It's actually fine here for once. It rained off + on most of yesterday but hubby managed to find a dry spell to go and fo some weeding so I felt obliged to go out and help. I went into the greenhouse first, collected a lits of cherry tomatoes (red + yellow) then assisted hubby but he'd nearly finished-yippee! He even offered to cook the dinner, mind you he usually cooks. Safer than my efforts-ha ha.

    Oh well-another working week to look forward to. Let's see what drama this week brings.


    1. Hi Michele,
      I hope your week is uneventful at work!
      We have had lots of cherry toms too, they are so sweet, I love that part of the allotment, seeing paul almost bursting with pride when he brings all the home grown produce home!

    2. Hi Michele, hope your week go without any troubles. Did you mange to sort the "person" out? Oh cherry tomatoes, love them. Should really make some pots up for next year. Taste so much better when self grown. Take care ,Hugs xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    I'm up early, that's what having an early night does for you. Sorry I never came back in last evening, After we had eaten dinner we sat on the balcony and chatted and then I was so tired I just had to go to bed.
    Pat, I love your card and what has me puzzled is how you did the image, it looks like you have used the background paper for the body of the trainer and I can't work out how you did. It's brilliant. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra, have you solved the potty problem. I have been wracking my brains but can't think of any solution which would be stable enough. The box idea was a good one if Paul can make one in time.
    I am leaving now for my massage treatment. It's an early one today but I'll just have a quick coffee and slice of toast before I go and see who came in whilst I was not looking.
    I would have been in half an hour ago but my grandson face timed me. It's lovely to be able to see them, but sometimes they do it and I need to crack on but don't have the heart to tell them I am busy.
    Got to go,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. He still hasn't found the pesky porta loo !!!!
      Could be a she-wee after all, atleast there will be know squatting, although I have it on good authority from my lovely friend Sue, that if you are using a bottle with your she- wee it's very noisy, particularly early morning on a quiet camp site!
      So may have to think of a 'muffler' device for that instead !!!
      This camping lark is giving me a headache and we haven't even left yet!!!
      I hope you enjoy your massage my lovely xxxx

    2. Hi Saba
      The shoe was stamped onto paper then cut out and stuck over the stamped shoe. Not the sole obviously. The laces were coloured in with a white pen.

  4. Morning Just thought I'd pop in for breakfast before work To say I was shattered yesterday was an understatement! Slept on and off for most of the day Perfect! Daughter & future SIL popped in during the afternoon She'd just collected him from the airport after a boozy stag week end in Budapest I can't get used this idea that hens and stags have to go away and spend the whole week end drinking! They stayed to eat and we had a takeaway so I didn't even have to cook - more Perfect!

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Pat your card is brilliant, in girly colours I could have used it for Anna, 13 this weekend, and your card reminded me I have to get her card made and posted off down to her, they are at their cottage. Well has any of you found one of the balloons that Gillian and Andrew set off yesterday? ( my comment last night will explain) I think the two of them will be having a very quiet day, they had to have the hall cleared by 12 yesterday, they did that, then had to rebag the 100 chair covers and sashes ready for collection to day. Plus when their guests left for home, they had to get the rooms back to normal. They came up last night to say good bye to friends who were here for tea. Roberta and I are going out later to see Scone palace and then we will drive to Glamis castle to see it and then we are stopping in at Patricia's for afternoon tea. Tomorrow is a rest day as Roberta flies home Wednesday and charlie and her will have to leave early. Like before 6, I am on dog walking duty. It just doesn't seem like a fortnight ago I was running around getting ready for her visit, I have been good, the Hoover has been out nd things like the kitchen and bathroom have been quickly done each day, so you know what I will be doing next week? Not working so a bit at a time. Off to sit and have my cup of tea. xxx

    1. Enjoy your day Relax and enjoy you have earned it

    2. Wow Hazel, you are so right, I doesn't seem 5 minutes since Roberta was arriving, it's so scary how time seems to be disappearing these days! Ooh I bet afternoon tea at Patricia's is a wonderful treat, can we all come, on second thoughts Poor Roberta wouldn't know what had hit her!

    3. Hi Hazel, you really have had an action packed few weeks. However you can be satisfied that everything was a huge success. Enjoy you day out and tea with Patricia and John.
      Time really does fly! Xxx

    4. It can't be a fortnight since she arrived ! That is scary how time flies, never did when you were young. Still so much to do afterwards, you have a well earned rest for the rest of the week. Wish Roberta a nice flight home, hopefully without screaming little once. Have a nice tea, hugs Maria xxx

  6. PS Your card is lovely PAT As Sandra said perfect for girls too
    SANDRA I don't know the whole story but have you tried your GP or Physio re the loo We have a Mobility shop near me So if you're stuck I could enquire there for you
    I am doing AP in Sept but it will be the Sunday

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I've been missing in action, I've missed a lot of partying and the wonderful hot air balloon flight too! I was going to comment last night but by the time I had reached the end of all the comments it was well past midnight and you had all gone to bed! Even Karen was in bed after her early morning train ride! ( I think you got off lightly there Karen, they were all tidying themselves up after their balloon flight and your early morning journey home went in under the radar!)
    Maureen the flowers and your card were gorgeous yesterday , I had to chuckle at the thought of the cup being used as a foot bath, I know you have dainty feet but that did make me chuckle! I was sent a cup and saucer with a rose in and once the rose had finished flowering I put it in the garden and planted the cup up with indoor herbs to keep on my window sill. Xxx
    Pat your card today is lovely and yes I agree perfect for a teenager but you have to get the make right! Emma loves her Vans and was given a pair for Christmas with her nickname embroidered on them by her friends. It's ok it's not a rude one! Pat your colouring in is fab, really looks like Denim. Xxx
    Sandra I hope you get your porta loo problem sorted and don't have to resort to a she wee. Now my dad was an architect and his answer to a lot of problems - mainly the legs on our beds coming off- was stick a brick under it! Four bricks, one in each corner should suit you fine I think! Xxx
    Well Patricia and Hazel I do hope you are resting now you have had quite a weekend. Hazel it all sounds wonderful and I think your family and friends will be talking of this event for a very long time. I hope Gillian and Andrew have got some time together now too after all the excitement. I'm going to pop over to your blog after this to look at your photos. Xxx
    Brenda lovely to see you back, I hope you are feeling brighter now xxx
    Maria I hope your sore throat gets better soon. I think you need a bottle of metatone as it sounds like you are run down after your nasty tummy troubles. Xxx
    Saba blond plaits and dark hair - you sound like the punk I saw yesterday with huge spikes sticking up that started black and ended blond - we were all saying what does he look like in the morning or worse than that how does he sleep at night! One of those mysteries that will never be answered. They look too scary to go and ask and I'm not old enough yet ( well I don't think I am!) to be one of those ladies who will ask the question because no one will take offence because they are old! .. ...... Muriel ? Xxxx
    Well ladies we went off to the Sidmouth folk festival for the weekend all organised at the last minute. Julian's mum and Colin used to go years ago to Morris dance and some of their friends still go each year so they wanted to catch up with them. We went a couple of years ago and love the atmosphere . We had tickets on Saturday night to see Peat Bog Fairies who are a folk group who play bagpipe, fiddle , guitar and synthesiser - a bit like Mike Oldfield plays folk. It was a great atmosphere and wonderful to hear live music but eventually they were a bit samey. Lynda I thought of you with the bagpipes! After that the ceilidh started, well there were some sights is all I shall say! I didn't dance because my back was hurting but it was great to people watch! I left everyone to it at midnight and caught the bus back to the hotel but Julian and Emma and his mum and Colin rolled in about 2.30, on Sunday we strolled along the prom where all the dance troops gather and perform which is great to watch, so many different styles of dancing from hanky waving Morris dancers to appellation and sword dancing with clog dancing in the mix too! All along the prom people busk or just sit and play their instruments for the fun of playing - it's a great atmosphere.
    Well I must get up and going today but my neck and back are sore so I will be taking it easy I think.
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxxxx ( can anyone else hear bells ringing?????)

    1. Morris bells! Everywhere you went you could hear them ringing as they walked! Julian didn't apreciate my joke when 2 Morris men went into the loo and I said it bought a whole new meaning to having a tinkle! Xxx

    2. Ha Ha! I appreciated it! Glad it's not tinnitus either! Xxx

    3. Hi Diane, Fabulous week-end for you all. Love listening to live music, we have got the 'Stables' near where we live but haven't been yet , only lived here for 21 years. Loved the tinkle bells hihi xxx

    4. Hi Diane
      The shoes weren't coloured. It was papers that I stamped and cut out. The shoe laces were coloured in with white pen.

    5. Hi DIANE Next week is folk week in Broadstairs,all the pubs have bands & Morris dancers in the street brilliant atmosphere.
      Your lucky you haven't got Tinnitus I have very & it's veryloud tonight mines buzzing not bells it's horrible . Xx

    6. I understand tinnitus is awful, Lynda. Sorry you suffer from that. How is Annie? Xxx

    7. Hi advance
      Sorry just read your comment about Sidmouth. It's a place I absolutely love. You mean you got booked in somewhere at short notice. Morris Dancing is a Speciality of Oxfordshire and it's fantastic to watch. Petes cousin used to do Morris Dancing when he was younger. We sometimes have the lady Morris dancers come and dance in Witney, plus the Bagoipe players. Wish I'd booked to see the Edinburgh a Tattoo this year. Must remember for next year.

    8. Hi MYRA Annie sleeps a lot may be the tablets she seems comfortable enough,and her cough has gone so we are just spoiling her lots of cuddls. Thank you for asking your very kind.Xx

    9. Oh Lynda it's so hard if they are suffering . I'm glad she is comfortable and you know you have done everything you possibly could for her!
      Sending hugs! Xxx

    10. Pat we were lucky, we looked on last minute. Com we contacted one place but they wouldn't let us book one night but Julian found rooms for all of us at the Belmont so we had a bit of luxury ! We normally stay at the Victoria but I can recommend any of the Brend Hotels - I love Sidmouth too.
      Lynda we were talking about Broadstairs folk festival too - I had forgotten you lived there. Julian's Gran lived in Broadstairs for many years and we have been talking about going back for a visit. With the Morris connections Julian's mum used to dance at Broadstairs too. It's a lovely atmosphere during a folk week isn't it as the people are so friendly. Sorry to hear you suffer from tintinitus Lynda it's not pleasant I know xxx

  8. Cheryl I forgot to say, Sidmouth antique shop had a basket of cups and saucers outside £1 each! I thought of you but don't know if it's too far for you to go xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all, Pat your card is lovely, just right for a teenager, thank you for showing it to us as it has reminded me that I have a similar stamp of a pair of converse, it is a Woodware stamp and we used it ages ago in the card class I go to, I will send Sandra a photo of the cards I made with it, one was for boys and the other for girls, we changed the colours.
    Sandra about your portaloo, try the occupational health dept at the hospital and see if they can help you with your problem, maybe they could hire you something suitable.
    Housework calls again today, so will pop back later. Take care everyone xx
    Ps sad about Cilla, she was lovely, RIP. Xxx

    1. Jess yes she was a lovely person and quite young too. It was quite a shock when Julian told me last night then it was on the 10 pclock news. Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well what a weekend we have all had, we are looking for the balloons Hazel but as yet they have not blown this far south, but we will keep looking.
    Oh this coffee is really good this morning are we using some different coffee beans? My money is in the pot and I have put some Mars bar cake through in the back, which can be brought out once everything else left over from the weekend had been eaten.
    Saba have a lovely massage hope it is giving you some relief, but do remember our little grandchildren will grow up faster than we realise so leave those jobs and give them our time when they want it and enjoy the rewards it brings.
    Pat your card is fantastic you really have captured the texture it is wonderful and with a change of colour will so easily become a girlie card, as others have said too.
    Patricia hope all goes well for your eye test, just remember the pesky drops are better than the alternative.
    Sandra have you thought of asking the Adult Care section of Social Services for some help with your portaloo problem or the OT section of your local hospital? Having said that the speed they work slow and stop, you may be back from your holiday before they get something sorted! Worth asking just in case they are able to help.
    Well Derek is asking for a coffee so must go, he has taken a lesson from Patricia and does the cleaning on a Monday so must keep him going!
    Have a lovely day everyone my hugs are over in the corner
    Margaret xxx

  11. Yeah ! I've made it before Lynda!
    Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well I'm going to start with Pat's card because I think it's just lovely! It's such a useful stamp to have. I have only a template which I use with the children and they love decorating or as I call it designing a trainer! Girls and boys love it so the card you have made Pat is just about perfect for a wide range of young people! I didn't know such a stamp was available. It's lovely. Thanks for sharing. Your colouring is great!
    Patricia it was raining here too up until a few minutes ago! It's brighter now but still heavy clouds hanging over the garden!
    Well, I've put everything away after yesterday's family lunch. I was too tired last night to put all the glasses away but it's done now. Kitchen ship shape , upstairs next!
    Hope you get the portaloo problem sorted out Sandra and it seems you've have some good advice. Hope you get it sorted out very soon.
    I'll leave you now but I'll be back even just to read how Muriel responds to Diane!!!
    Lots of love Myra xxx

    1. Haha glad you liked that - Maureen might not be that type of lady but there is something about our Muriel that strikes me as the type of lady that asks the questions everyone is thinking but isn't brave enough to ask! Tee hee xxx

    2. Diane,
      You can have so much fun when you get old as I am sure Muriel will testify to.
      Here is a poem I love and I too shall wear purple when I get old ( long time to go yet!)

      When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
      With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me,
      And I shall spend my pension
      on brandy and summer gloves
      And satin sandals,
      and say we've no money for butter.
      I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired,
      And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells,
      And run my stick along the public railings,
      And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
      I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
      And pick the flowers in other people's gardens,
      And learn to spit.
      You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat,
      And eat three pounds of sausages at a go,
      Or only bread and pickle for a week,
      And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats
      and things in boxes.
      But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
      And pay our rent and not swear in the street,
      And set a good example for the children.
      We will have friends to dinner and read the papers.
      But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
      So people who know me
      are not too shocked and surprised,
      When suddenly I am old
      and start to wear purple!

      Jenny Joseph


    3. Love it Saba - our school uniform was purple! Not a colour I wear much these days but I'm sure it will change! Xxx

    4. OMG Saba, you are writing about me!!! xxx
      As to Maria, she's quite right. I would ask now, but I wouldn't have done a couple of years ago!! As for indoor herbs in the cup - what a good idea, but I'd have them in a plant pot for drainage, and fill the surround with coloured glass pebbles.xxxx

    5. Brilliant Saba, I see more red and purple elderly ladies these day's, the blue tints is out. Love purple hihi
      Muriel -do you mean Myra ?

    6. I think she means Diane, Maria. But who can fathom the mind of Muriel? Xxx

    7. Many have tried and failed ha ha xxx

    8. "And still they gazed - and still the wonder grew!
      That one small head could carry all 'she' knew! ". Xxx

    9. MYRA I can't be early more than once a week.your run out of smelling salts.haha xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I love your card Pat, I must admit I had to stop and think where I had seen it before, then I read Sandra's words and it all became clear! You have got the denim look just right and as has been said with a change of colour you have a great card for the girls too. Stamps that cover both sexes are hard to find aren't they.
    Sandra, we have been trying to think of an easy way of raising the porta loo (hope you have found it, but if not we can lend you one). A box made of slotted together wood (so that it packs flat for transporting) is still the only way I can think of but Chris also came up with using your spare car tyre to really save packing space (only good if you have a full sized one rather than one of those temp ones), with a piece of 3/8th" wood on top with either some non-slip matting or 4 screws screwed in near each corner of the loo to keep it in place, certainly don't want it to slide off do you! Not sure if it will be high enough so if you can fit the high loo seat thing (sorry can't think what it is called) that you have on the loo at home onto the porta loo seat to add extra inches? (No rude comments please ladies : )) I will be able to explain better on Wednesday if you haven't sorted it by then.
    Mragraet Corgi owner, I bet the leftovers from the weekend will be enjoyed and then your Mars bar cake will vanish just as quickly : )
    I hope the weather is being kind to you all today, it is dry and sunny, at the moment, but quite windy and rain looks likely here!
    Patricia, I hope your eye test goes well, those drops are a nuisance aren't they, but they are important part of the test aren't they.
    Hazel, I hope you enjoy the last couple of days with Roberta, I bet you are not looking forward to the early start on Wednesday, or the goodbyes!
    Diana, you sound like the festival was great fun, it's always nice to catch up with old friends isn't it.
    Saba, enjoy the massage. Yes, it always lovely to hear from the Grandchildren but their timing isn't always the best is it, bless them, and you don't want to say anything do you!
    I hope work isn't too hard for you today, when your tired it can make the time drag can't it! I agree that this stag and hen do thing is daft, what is wrong with having just a single night out with your closest friends and family. Going away for weekends etc. costs so much, money that could be spent on mortgage, items for the home, bills....I am a great believer in everyone doing their own thing but this seems to be getting out of hand and the importance of the actual marriage is being overlooked, such a shame. Sorry, I am off the soapbox and it is back in the corner now.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Here Here Sue!!
      The number of times we see parties of " ladies" going to Marbella - I've lost count! We go on a scheduled flight and it isn't cheap . They then have accommodation and food and drinks! It's the silly T shirts too that get me! These all cost a lot of money. Soap box returned! You touched a nerve with me there Sue! Sorry. Xxx

    2. Sue, I agree wholeheartedly. The cost of these ridiculous Hen/Stag weekend trips could be better used or put in the bank for a rainy day.
      And it's not fair on friends who have been invited and also have to spend a fortune which a lot of them won't be able to really afford.

    3. Was so cross a didn't notice the Here! It should be Hear! hear! Ha ha ! Xxx

    4. Oh I agree, guys that work with Julian go to all sorts of places all the time! We wonder how they can afford it as they think nothing of spending about £200 on booze at a weekend - that's a lot of Sues dies! Xxx

    5. Exactly what I mentioned this am Hear hear I'm with you on spending the money on dies instead

    6. This is going to get boring but - Hear, hear to the above comments!! xxx

    7. Oh me too, hear hear ! They just acting really silly and also do more then drinking sometimes .A friend of mine got a STI from her new husband after coming back from Spain, not a good start and the shortest marriage. I didn't even have one. xxx

    8. I'm almost afraid to ask - but I take it you meant a Hen Night! I didn't either. My Mum and Dad had my friends round for dinner! How boring - but we had a lovely evening and Dad was there the whole time!! Xx

    9. Ha ha Maria, I love you. Are you talking about an STI, a husband or a hen party? I went for a meal with my future in laws!!! I should have known then what was ahead of me - woe, woe and thrice woe!!

    10. Me too hear hear I never had one either like Maria. I didn't even have friends round for dinner more boring than Myra. How sad is that :0((.

    11. Lol Neither, do have a grumpy one now do ( OH ) ! if someone wondered tihi xx

  13. I am back from my heat and Massage and it was once again quite simply delicious. I got Mr. Adonis again!! I was quite relieved at one point as we were chatting and he mentioned he had been to the UK on a school trip once, but I thought he said a schwul, (pronounced Shwool). trip. schwul being the german word for homosexual. I nearly put my foot right in it.
    On that note, you have to be very careful with that word because the word for humid is schwül which sounds almost identical so I never ever say it.
    Hope you are all having a lovely day, it's glorious here so I am trying to get as much washing as possible done.
    See you later xxxx
    Oh by the way, am I the only one being thick here? When I look at Pats card I can see the pattern of the background paper also on the trainer. Does that mean the whole background paper was stamped and coloured as well?

    1. No I have just noticed that! You are not mad - well!! I think Pat has stamped on the paper and cut that bit out and stamped it again on white card. Knowing me it'll be wrong! Xxx

    2. Saba I can feel your disappointment that for a split second you thought Mr A was gay! Glad to hear you didn't put put your foot in it though! Lol xxx

    3. Saba, it's a ridiculous language to have so many different meanings for a similar word, we wood (would) no (know) strait (straight) away if it wasn't rite, (write), (right) wouldn't wee (we)!!! xxx

  14. Afternoon all, my Grand Caliber has finally given up the ghost and gone to machine heaven! Have to get a new one, we took the old one to bits and it was a black plate, along the bottom of the rollers that had cracked, no wonder it was getting harder and harder to turn the handle. Can't live without a machine, I still have a Cuttlebug but lots of A4 embossing folders.
    Off to see if I can get a bargain somewhere.
    Will catch up later, take care, xxx

    1. Oh no Jess what a shame - mine rattles a bit but keeps going (touching wood here!). I hope you find a bargain xxx

    2. Jess that is a nightmare. I had the old wizard which I totally wrecked trying to force a sandwich through. It quite literally dropped to bits with a big cracking noise.
      The new Spellbinders machine should be coming out soon so don't Rush as the GC will probably come down in price,

    3. Hi Jess, you might already have found one but Hobbycrafts has it for £ 79.99 can't see it cheaper anywhere else. Hope you found one xxx

    4. As Maria says the Teal G/C is £79.99 in Hobbycraft, if you join their club you get a voucher for either £5 or £10 off in August so might be worth signing up. They post items out free at that cost.

      Good luck making a purchase.

    5. Saba, I'm in stitches here. I have visions of Dumbledore being force fed a sandwich and dropping to bits all over Hogwarts. Sorry, but it's just so funny!!!! xxxx

    6. At least it wasn't sausages and sauerkraut! I've never seen a wizard! Xxx

    7. Oh Muriel, now you have got me in stitches too, I was being serious but reading it from your point of view, I can see how it sounds. My mascara has now run and its stinging my eyes!!

    8. Maureen that's so funny, I've had a good chuckle to myself over that one ! Xxxx

  15. Afternoon all. Just haveing a little Gibbs fix and a sit down - I've tried to find the lounge today under lots of Emma's stuff - big hint I've left lots of bags at the bottom of the stairs! I ordered some dies from Joanna Sheen on Friday and they arrived Saturday! Really excellent service - unfortunately it meant I was found out! I'm just going to cut them all out and see how they look - might make a card too. See you all later xxx

    1. Oh Diane I hate it when that happens. I always keep my fingers crossed any " purchases" will arrive mid week then I can slip them unnoticed into my stash.
      Do tell, which did you buy?
      I'm trying to copy Patricia's lantern, her instructions on her blog are easy to follow, but I am using the mini snowflake striplet and cutting two side by side so it makes a suitable width. It's driving me mad though because they are not cutting brilliantly and I am having to run them through a few times and then poke all the teeny weeny bits out. Love the striplet though.

    2. That's why I'm lucky and can have them delivered to work

    3. I take all parcels in for my friend, whose husband always picks them up when George is out bowling ha ha xxx

    4. All delivery addresses now changed to Karen's work asap hihi xx

    5. Well I shall now confess that I went a bit wild as I had a voucher to spend from my birthday. I bought the happy Christmas and die bossed snowflake and the open poinsettia, replenished some pearls and bought some tuille and the egg shaped ink things, I then had to buy the classic poinsettia from icon as it was out of stock at JS. I've had a lovely afternoon just cutting them out to see what they look like. Xxx

  16. Have read through everyone's comments has anyone found out if Sue IS releasing some more dies in August?
    SANDRA have you managed to get hold of OT or anyone I don't like the sound if a she pee literally! I hope you don't have to resort to that

    1. Yes there are more Christmas Dies, not many but quite a few more sentiments and another background I think. I saw them the other day! Xxx

    2. I saw them on Sunrise Crafts , Karen and they can be pre- ordered if you like! Xxx

    3. Karen there are some new christmas dies being released on the 12th of August. sunrise crafts have them on pre order as does craft world.
      Haven't heard of any other new ones.
      Personally I think it is a bit much seeing as most people will already have invested in their christmas dies and now there are more coming out.

    4. Saba, when I looked at Sunrise Crafts the christmas dies looked liked the ones already on pre order. Was I wrong - which would not be unusual!! xxx

    5. Maureen, I think it's just that we noticed them last week and maybe Karen didn't . Xxx

    6. She was probably drunk again! xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you find the porta-loo would you believe that I came up with the same idea as Sue! not sure about the tyre though.
    Pat your card is lovely.
    Hazel hope you enjoy your last couple of days with Roberta and your afternoon tea with Patricia hope her eye test went well.
    Saba I am glad you did not put your foot in it.
    Hope everyone else is OK sorry if I have missed anyone.
    Hugs on the way love to all Margaret xx

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello everyone, Hazel, Roberta & Tammy just gone. We had Tea, Coffee, Cakes, lots of chat and laughs. Wee bit sad saying Bye to Roberta. However she said she is coming back soon.
    Eye Test went well, not much change thank goodness. I had picked out new frames while I was waiting my turn. The optician said my Prescription would be fine for another year. I decided not have the new frames this time. John did say if I wanted them just to go get them. To be honest WHY?? my glasses are fine. I have put some money in my Holiday Fund rather than buy the new glasses.
    Might be missing later, Elaine e-mailed to ask if she could come along. There is a few hours till coming along time. She could get a request from some of her of family to do something for them.
    Going to look back to see what you have all been up to. xxx

    1. Have a good evening with Elaine - if she comes.
      I MUST make an eye test appointment soon xxx

  20. Hellooooooooo everyone,
    Sorry, I'm doing a Lynda today and posting very late. I've had a lovely day with my young friend (almost everyone is younger than me with the exception of possibly Myra - oops hard hat). I've been catching up on everyone's comments and I see that Roberta will be going back home on Wednesday.
    Where did that time go. I can't believe it, it seems like only a day or two ago that Hazel was emptying drawers and worrying about her coming. There have been no balloons floating above Newcastle unfortunately.
    Margaret, your Mars Bar Cake is delicious, and calorie free - wonderful.
    Saba - I'm so pleased that your Adonis wasn't of that persuasion - you (and we) would have been so disappointed.
    It's been a gorgeous day today, sun has shone all day, and I'm going to have a nice cup of coffee. I'll be back later - you have been warned!!
    Love Muriel xxxx
    P.S. Sandra, I'm sorry I have no ideas regarding the Porta Loo xxx

    1. I have an idea for your head and the portaloo!!! Xxx

    2. That's one way to get a blue rinse! Xxx

  21. PAT, Oh I'm so sorry. I think your card is fantastic and I would love this stamp for all the children's cards that I make. It would be great for the girls (Eleanor and Zoe love their Converse All Stars), and for the boys. Which stamp is it? I do apologise sincerely for forgetting to comment. But you know, at my age, you should forgive me a lot of things.
    Love and hugs especially for you!!! xxxxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    Wow, what a shock to see my make and take card. Not to sure who the stamps were by as they were already on blocks. I did see them on the stand but can't remember who made them. Picked up my new glasses today, I need a new prescription Patricia, so needed new frames. I've spent the rest of the day a the new children's Splash Park in Witney. My word how super was that. Zip wires, a trampoline a great big pirate ship full of rope ladders, slides and a climbing wall. Plus numerous swingy roundabout things. Plus loads of water fountains for the children. Plus crazy golf, tennis courts and a new cafe, plus a skate park which apparently was already there. It was packed. It's been open two weeks and apparently has been vandalised already. Although I couldn't see any myself, so it might have been cleared up already. They have also provided cups, buckets etc to play in the water with. Haven't read all the way down today but see that Roberta will be going home soon, as she's been here nearly two weeks already.
    Not to sure what the story is with the Porto loo Sandra as I seem to have missed that somewhere along the line.

    1. Pat that sounds like my sort of day out (who am I kidding). Do you think we could include this into our Retreat ha ha xxxx

    2. HinMaureen
      I'll try and pack it in the car. I had a whale of a time pumping all the water for the kids. The different ones had pressure points so the water wasn't wasted. Got a bit wet, but who carded. Not I said the cat to the Little Red Hen. A very easy children's reading book the little red hen.

    3. Hi Pat. The stamp is by Stamposaurus the people who were running the Newbury Show. I asked about it at the Bracknell Show but Jayne said they were out of stock but should have them in in September. They will be at Ally Pally.

    4. Brilliant Brenda LL, I've written that in my book!!! and will try to get it, thanks xxx

    5. Thanks Brenda! I would like that stamp too! It would make a nice change from drawing around a template! How are you feeling today? Xxx

    6. Hi Pat - sounds like you had a wonderful day, hope you are not too tired. Your paper piecing is fantastic and what a great touch for the laces. Thank you for sharing xxxx

  23. Well, I think if these guys and girls have that much money to waste on these weekends away abroad, there is no need for them to end up bankrupt??? Months after their weddings. Gillian and her friends went to Edinburgh, did a fun couple of hours at Escape, where they when into a room and had to work out the puzzles and clues to get out, there was something like that a few years ago on TV, they then went out for a meal and they stayed over night only because they had a drink and weren't driving. They all paid their own way. But didn't spend a fortune. like Gillian and Andrews wedding they didn't spend hardly anything. Some of the packages start from £3000, I don't think they will have spent that. As Gillian just see it as you are paying these places to what she could do herself. Sorry no balloons. Xxx

    1. Hazel Crystal Maze? I used to love that program! Xxx

  24. Helloooooo is there anybody there??? xxx

    1. Yep I'm here tihi
      Hellooo everyone !
      Pat your card is great .love the stamp and your colouring in is super. How did you make it look like denim ?
      Had a slice of the Mars bar cake Oh that was moorish , thank you Margaret C.O Hope you had a good day.
      I can see you liked your massage Saba, the Adonis did a good job, got into all the areas ok . Did you get his number ? Languish is not a easy thing to learn when you have so many similar sounding words, we have a few in Swedish too.
      Sandra -how's your hunt for the porta loo going or what will you be able to use , We now all worried you want find anything and will have to wear triple layered tenna's ooooh I hope not. Everything now aired for the holiday ? good idea to keep it in the bags ready for next time as long they will fit. Hope you are all ok.
      I went out this morning nine am and were not back until 5 pm so a long but quite good day, the friend I went out with stayed until 6.30pm and by then we were all starving so dinner had to be done, wrote some comments on the way down, it takes some time to read them all but I like it, better then any Mills and Boon book tihi
      Sorry Hazel ,no balloon over here yet. With the wind we had today I have thought it could have been a chance. Will continue looking. Still finding things from your hot balloon flight over here, how dropped the Sauerkraut ? Saba- the neighbours cat I'm looking after for a week got hold of the plait and thought it was a toy, so it is no more,sorry x
      I hope Jess get hold of a new Machine, I don't think any of us could be without one for very long. So used to have one now and don't have to cut things out with scissors anymore.
      Janice, do they keep you busy at the moment ? take care and pop in when you can and the same goes for Norah and anyone else missing at the moment, miss you..
      After been to Sue's and some others I'm actually going to have an early night for once yay so I will see you all tomorrow, have a good night friends ,love and hugs Maria xxxx

  25. I have popped in here tonight but it's so quiet, I think you have all fallen asleep in your chairs its all this partying at our ages. xxx

  26. Whoops I'm in trouble. Pete asked me to record the second half of Coronation Street which I did. Plus I then paused it. Boy am I in trouble.

    1. Oops! Sorry about that Pat! Anyone can make a mistake. I'm sure it'll be fine! Can you get TV Catchup! Xxx

    2. Just lie Pat and tell him it wasn't you. Thank you for explaining how you said the pump, sneaker thing card. I have been baffled all day!!!

    3. I'm sure there was a power cut in your area Pat! Xxx

    4. Do not worry Pat. The whole weeks program of Coronation Street is on Repeat on ITV 2 ,Sunday Mornings around 9.30 am ! Will tell you later again if you not see this comment xxx

  27. Hazel, if we are like this virtually, goodness help us at the Retreat. We'll be no good at all!!
    Pat, do you want to borrow my hard hat?

  28. It's been so quiet in here tonight that I've resorted to ironing. George hung out my washing whilst I was out with Eileen today and there's some clothes peg "lumps" in some interesting places. But I've not said a word, just steamed and steamed them until they've more or less shrunk down.
    So what's everyone else been doing?

    1. I have made a few cheeky answers to your posts! Nothing new there!
      I have been making a pencil pot and a bangle! These are for Children's Holiday Club Week later in the month! I need one project each day for five days! The bangles are easy and a bit of a cop out but I can end up tiring myself out if I'm not careful! I'm going to say NO next year. I was going to say NO this year! The bangles are Perspex and are coloured in using glass pens. They look really effective. I'm quite pleased with them. Just had to do two examples. You did ask! Xxx

    2. Oh, you don't know how relieved I am that you and Saba have answered me, I thought that I'd been sent to Coventry but I knew that I was in my house!!!!
      The bracelets sound good, where do you get the blanks. That's blanks as in perspex bracelet, not as in swearing!!! xxxx
      Saba, put that pint pot down, it's not ladylike. Did you see my comment higher up about your Wizard ?

    3. I have! You are both a bit daft!
      Bracelets are from Baker Ross and they supply Schools as well as folk like the and me! They come in packs of 6 . Will send you a photo! Xxx

    4. That should be thee and me!! Xx

    5. Muriel if the pint pot contained beer it wouldn't be so worrying! I know it's a bit big but filling it with white wine - well it's just not done! Xxx

    6. Oh Lord, I'll have the Security Services on, look what I've typed above, they'll think I'm a sympathiser!!! HELP XXX


    8. Can I come with you P L E A S E they won't look for me there xxx

    9. Oh Lord please help me, it hurts so much trying not to laugh out loud, I have bitten my finger nearly to the bone.

  29. Oh by the way I have admitted my lavender trick. He couldn't stop chuckling.
    He has planted more seeds this weekend, no sign of life yet, he's rubbish at seeds.

    1. Poor man can't be good at everything! Xx

    2. I've just seen your answer to the Wizard, I'm so pleased - I was beginning to think that I'd offended everybody, instead of only the select one or two!!! xxx
      By the way, to read the responses do you have to keep leaving the blog and then coming back on, that's what I have to do and it's a pain!

    3. I think Peter is a good sport, he married Saba!!! xxx

    4. Yes! If anyone - ie Saba our internet wizard - has any suggestions - be careful now - for another way of doing it I'd be most grateful! I'd even buy her a pint! - in several glasses of course! Xxx

    5. Peter definitely has a sense of humour! Hard hat!!! Xxx

    6. No Muriel, just refresh.
      Click on the black bit at the top and you will see "" at the right of that is a curly arrow, just tap that and it reloads the updates on the page.
      Hope you find it

    7. You're a bl**dy genius, I just need someone to type something now to see if it works - so get typing!!!
      MYRA, did you see what Saba said?

    8. Well, I've refreshed so many times that I'm as fragrant as a rose, and nothing has happened!!! xxx

    9. Please do another test, pretty please xx

    10. Getting fed up of testing,,,,,

    11. Please do another test, pretty please xx

    12. Wow! Saba! I had faith in you! Please remember that when I'm cheekier than usual! . Many thanks! Xxx

    13. I can hear the Hallelujah Chorus playing in the background. You are a genius xxxxx

    14. Bloody hell Muriel have a bit of patience!

    15. WowSaba, you are clever! Remember I had faith in you when I'm cheekier than usual! Many thanks! Xxx

    16. So good I thanked you Twice!!! Xxx

    17. I can hear the Hallelujah Chorus playing in the background. You are a genius xxxxx

    18. Thank the good Lord for that, can't believe you two were leaving the blog. Did someone mention a pint?

    19. Why are you two repeating yourselves? Hope it's not another technical question.

    20. Oh Lord, I've got the giggles, how come all our comments are printed umpteen times!!! I'm laughing so much that I'm going to have to go to the loo, or there's going to be am accident!! TOO LATE HA HA xxx
      This is the funniest thing I've seen since I looked in the mirror xxxx

    21. I'm biting my finger again!!!

    22. Oh stop it! I am in total hysterics, glasses off wiping the eyes! What are we like!
      Muriel you asked a really good question and you actually asked it the other night but no one answered your question! I think we were in the balloon at the time!
      Whatever happens we always get a laugh here - usually at ourselves!
      Have sent you photos Grandma Mo! Xxx

    23. Myra, now we know why no one answered!!! Will have a look at the photos when I can see straight lol xxx

    24. Please repeat the question.

    25. You have to be joking, I couldn't stand it!!!! I'm definitely not sitting beside you two at the Retreat. I couldn't pack that many Tena xxx

    26. Oh stop it! I've been holding my nose trying not to laugh aloud as I couldn't really explain to a sensible person why I am laughing so much! Xxx

  30. Pat. Loved your card. Scarlett saw this at Bracknell and wanted the stamp but we were too late so hopefully Jayne will have it at Ally Pally. I also did that make and take but think it was after we met up for lunch. It was a good idea wasn't it. Not a bad day but a bit breezy. Supposed to have a storm but just had a short shower. Hope everyone is ok. Feeling quite tired tonight. Think I will have an early night. Makes a change.

    1. Brenda LL, I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. You've obviously been doing too much. Take care xxxx

  31. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I haven't been in today. We are at daughters again, came last night, so Daughter and SIL could make an early start. Today when I was free OH had the iPad . Done two loads of washing and got it all idried and ironed.I helped Ciara make 5 cards and Callum wanted help making a chocolate cake. Reupholstered a bedroom stool. (With help from OH ) Think I will sleep tonight!!!!!

    Pat I love your card. This stamp would be a great on to own. It would be brilliant for teenagers, boys and girls. Will have to scroll back to see if anyone has recognised it..

    Hope everyone has had a good day

    Sorry ladies am going to have an early night. Need to be ready for a new day and any new challenges !!!

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Wow Brenda you have been busy. Re upholstering a stool, I am mega impresses.
      Sleep well love
      Hugs Saba

    2. She's a bit heavy handed with the iron! She's not used to it you see! Xxx

    3. Night Night Brenda! I was worried you were having left leg trouble after Saturday night! Xxx

    4. It's a new machine which they are showing on C&C tomorrow. That there woman ( whose name I have forgotten) will be demonstrating. It's the best machine she has ever used.

    5. Ha ha I know just who you mean. It would actually be a good name for a machine xxx

    6. Oh not Mel., She gets on my nerves! Xxx

    7. What a shame, she speaks very highly of you lol xxxx

    8. Right, we've got the name, now all we need to do is invent the machine.
      By the way, She gets up my nose.

    9. You must have big nostrils!! I've met you!! Just remembered!
      You haven't got big nostrils. Xxx

    10. I know! And it doesn't half hurt when she gets in as far as her bum!

    11. Oh stop it! I have just re read the IS bit above! It's absolutely hilarious! The tears are running down my face! Ditto mascara problem! Xxx

    12. If we could invent a machine that also included a coffee machine, we'd be quids in!!! xxx

    13. MYRA, you'll be on their radar now xxxx

    14. Oh aren't we so much quicker now Muriel!!
      We've learned a new trick! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks! We're quick learners too!! Xxx

    15. Don't you call me a dog! xxx

    16. Wow, this is great, so much easier and quicker to insult you now xxxx

    17. Maureen ask Saba to explain - my brain is tired out! Xxx

    18. I meant with regards to the organisation which shall not be named ( I'm taking no chances) and not becoming a dog. I've never seen a dog with a little black beard.

    19. Gotcha Now! I'm a bit slow - thought it was maybe a dog trainer!! Xx

    20. I've said goodnight below, I'm off to bed xxxx

  32. Lovely to see you Brenda OB, Saba, Myra and I are having technical difficulties and as usual mayhem is ensuing. I think you are doing the right thing by going to bed. If I had any sense at all, that's what I'd be doing xxxx

  33. Woodware do a similar stamp. It it is a pair of convers trainers, I sent Sandra a photo of cards we did at a card class a few weeks back, one male and one female card just changed the colours. Maybe she will show it on the blog.
    Goodnight everyone.

    1. Night and God bless Jess. Xxxx

    2. Jess, you are the voice of sanity here. Night, night and sweet dreams, see you tomorrow xxx

    3. Thanks for that Jess, Night Night! Xxx

  34. Good evening SANDRA & Ladies
    Pat your card is brilliant love it my step Grandaughter's would love a card like that I Will look out for the stamp at AP.i have commented on way down it takes ages reading then I forget so I find it easier that way.
    I have been so busy today house cleaning stripped bedding all washed & ironing done.was worn out after that sat down with cupper & fell asleep haha.
    Must be all the partying at weekend & the bagpipes are hard going with all that blowing :-)),
    SANDRA. Hope you find a porta loo soon. Must go to bed Oh got a early start tomorrow.
    Night night hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lovely to see you Lynda, night, night and sweet dreams xxx

    2. Night God bless Lynda, hope Annie is alright, give her a cuddle from me.

    3. Night Night Lynda,sleep well. Xxx

  35. Well, ladies, I'm going to make my excuses and leave. G has come upstairs and is wondering how much longer I will be tapping away. Thank you for the laughs, and I'll see you tomorrow.
    Night, night, sweet dreams and God Bless us everyone.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night my Dear! Whatever would I do without you!
      Sleep well and hope George has a good nights sleep too. Xxx

  36. New topic.
    I have to take my magnesium tablet ( to help with the painful muscles) last thing at night. Is it ok to take it with a glass of wine. Hic.

    1. Sure it'll be fine! - you're the medic here as well as the Internet expert! Xxx

    2. Saba, I'm going to sign off too! I need to tidy up my craft room a little bit! Night night , my friend! You're an absolute tonic! Sleep well. Xxx

    3. Well just abandon me to my dilemma why don't you. I'm going to risk it.
      Night and God bess Muriel and same to you Myra 'cos I am abandoning you now!
      Sweet dreams see you tomorrow, thank you for brightening my evening, goodness knows where everyone else was.

  37. I'm here but it's taken me so long to get here you've all gone to bed! Night night sleep tight , see you all tomorrow xxxx

  38. I'm home! Salsa was fun. Drunk me? Walll maybee a liccle, why ish there too keeboarshds. Pour me another. Goiong to have a quick peek at Sunrise now
