
Sunday 2 August 2015

Maureen's Gifts

Maureen's Flowers in a tea cup.
So Pretty!
Pretty Parcel

Beautiful Card!
Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Todays post is all about our sweet Maureen, first up we have a couple of photographs of the flowers that we sent to Maureen to let her know how much be were thinking of her and loved her too!
I am so pleased that Maureen was thoughtful enough to think about taking a photograph of the flowers so that we could all enjoy how beautiful they were. I am hoping that they smelt really nice too, as I picked a collection that had freesia's in it, they are my favourite as they smell so lovely.
I hope that you get to put that Huge cup and saucer to use Maureen, it could be a large, multi wick candle or you could just refill it with flowers. I am sure that our sisters here in the café will come up with some more ideas!
Next up we have the beautiful card that Maureen sent to me last week, the experience started when I took the beautifully wrapped card out of the jiffy bag, I wanted to rip through that paper to find out what was inside, but I was very reserved and preserved the pretty wrapping to photograph, but just look at the pretty card that was hidden inside that package, so beautiful!!
Maureen has used Spellbinders Heirloom Oval, without its outer cutting edge to make the delightful frame for those pretty flowers, which are made using Creative Expressions Camellia Dies, both the Open and Complete Petal sets, both designed by Sue Wilson.
The beautiful blue that Maureen has used in the Camellias' is complimented perfectly by the pretty satin bow finished with a pearl.
Thank you so very much Maureen for the lovely card, your words were lovely too.
Well that's all for today ladies,
Enjoy your Sunday,
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx



  1. Good Morning Sandra & ladies WOW I'm first & this will shock you all HAHA
    I have set everything up with clean table cloths & fresh freesia's they smell gorgeous. Cofee pot on,& some strawberries & clotted cream in the fridge.
    There was a few boomers on the floor not sure who's they are probably MAUREEN's from last nights shenanigans Ooo bit early to spell that.
    Well going to make a cuppa & sit in the corner waiting for Patricia & Hazel.
    I will be Back xx

    1. Sorry MAUREEN the flower tea cup is Gorgeous & your car is stunning I love your design & flowers beautiful xx

    2. Should be card not car well it is early xx

    3. Lynda! Please stop making me feel inadequate !! Did Terry blow those bagpipes in your ear to get you up? Love Myra xx

    4. Wow, I'm seriously impressed, first in and got wind to leave a message, after all the hot air we spouted last night xxxx

    5. But,but,but Lynda first to the post ! You didn't go to bed at all or what keep the bag pies down please, I got a headache hihi

    6. MYRA it was Terry's snoring that got me up
      I was up late MARIA waiting for the hot air bloomers too catch me last night. I will blow softly MARIA x
      Now don't expect me being first again soon.haha xx

    7. Hope it is the pipes and not the pies you are blowing ,sorry Tihi

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Gang.
    Wow! Oh! Wow! those flowers are amazing. I am sure Maureen will use the cup again. More flowers, or as mentioned, a Multi Wick Candle.
    MAUREEN:- your card is stunning. I love the colours and fantastic design, will take some inspiration from it.

    I have set everything up ready for the day. I think we will be VERY busy ..... lots of BLACK coffee needed!!! Will someone please remember the Paracetamol.!!!
    Well, well, well, what a night last night. All the girls arriving in a Hot Air Balloon. They landed in the field just outside the hall. What an amazing sight as it landed. Poor Saba had Pine Needles in her Butt after landing in a tree. The pilot shoved her out of the plane from Germany, she missed the Balloon Basket, ended up in a tree!!.
    Hope you all got plenty to eat?? There was loads of Stovies and Mac Cheese.
    They did make an announcement telling the other guests that the "Supergrans"from the Cotswold Cafe had arrived. I have to say us Scots welcome anyone and they got a fantastic welcome.
    We all then had a wonderful evening. Great music, dancing went non-stop, so many happy people.
    Unfortunately John did not make it. I left him nursing his knees adorned with one of Margaret's Heat Bags on each knee. Audrey and I went together and had a great time. We moved the tables to accommodate our crowd. The Canadians had an absolutely Ball, up dancing, loving every minute. They really did embrace the whole "Scottish Wedding" thing. Hazel and I were delighted to see our sister Jackie and her hubby Tim came. Our youngest sister Fiona came on her own. Her hubby was looking after their children. Gillian wore her beautiful dress that was greatly admired by everyone. Gillian told me she was amazed at all the Good Wishes she had received from you all. She could not believe so many people she did not know could be so kind. The song especially re-worded for her was most welcome.
    Oh! before I forget .... who was that with the Selfie Stick!!! naughty, naughty. You certainly had lots of kilted men to choose from did you not!!!
    I better go get check we have enough coffee beans.
    See you as you stagger in, I feel there will not be much room for "new customers" today. However we will see.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket for those who might need them. There not for people who were a bit over indulgent ..... that was brought on by yourself!!! Ok! Ok! you can have some (((hugs))) just do don't get in that state again .... till the next time.
    See you later off to get some Paracetmol in case there is not enough. xxx

    1. So sorry John didn't make it! Hope he feels better this morning. You looked lovely last night. Xx

    2. Hi Patricia, we had a lovely time at the party last night, but our outfits weren't a patch on yours. Have an easy day today - I intend to!!! xxx

    3. Patricia, what a party, so glad you all had a fantastic time but sorry John was in too much pain to join you. Just been over to both yours and Hazels blog and you both looked fantastic.
      Lovr Saba xxx

    4. Hi Patricia sorry John was not up to join you all. Hope the bean bags helped him. You and Hazel look fabulous , glad you had a good time xxx

    5. What a fantastic party delighted to know you all enjoyed yourselves so much. I have just popped over to Hazel's blog my you both looked absolutely fantastic your outfits were so beautiful. I do hope John is feeling better today.
      With love
      Margaret xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and? What will I call the rest that call in??? Can I really call you ladies???
    Maureen, your card is gorgeous, love that die cut with all your little flowers, it's a very elegant card. Your flowers were beautiful, Sandra made a good choice.
    Morning Lynda, you are in early?, th cafe is smelling and looking lovely.
    I went to bed at 2.45, I couldnt believe it when I woke up and it's was 6.15, tried to go back to sleep, but no! It didn't work.
    Oh I bet there are some sore heads in here today, all that hot air ballooning etc you lot did last., I did laugh, but again I was having to keep it in as I didn't want to disturb the house hold, so I had a sore side again. Oh we are not going to get back to the hotel next year, we will be getting asked to leave and not come back.
    Now I can't make up my mind if we are going to have a good day here weather wise or not? At the moment it's lovely BUT I have a feeling it won't last.
    I don't know if I will be down at the hall helping clear up, or they might have enough doing that. The hall looked stunning all done up, it's amazing what nice chair covers with sashes, table covers little lights across them etc can do. Each table had a lovely basket which held a bottle of champagne, a bottle of shloer,champagne flutes, so everyone could toast the happy couple with a drink.
    They had their wishing tree on a side table which again had its fairy lights on, with all the Crystal Angels hanging from the branches and the labels with the well wishes from those who were at the meal on Thursday it all was so pretty, they will be kept busy reading all the wishes on those labels for a good hour and more, I noticed last night when the ladies were taking their Angels off some were putting more than one label back on the branch, I think they could fit all they wanted to say on just one. Oh yes their are beautiful cup cakes and some more wedding cake ( just plain vanilla sponge ) for you all from Gillian and Andrew, seeing how you missed out on the food. They were going to put a couple of bottles of champagne for tonight in the hamper, but I told them you all have been up to so much these last few days you didn't need to have another wild night. Off to have a nice cup of tea. xxx

    1. It all sounds really lovely Hazel! We'll be good today. Photos are all lovely. Thank you. Xx

    2. The wishing tree sound lovely, I've never heard of it before. Take it easy today if you can, you deserve it. Ooh, Shloer, that's what I have at Christmas so that I'm not left out when the others are on the wine xxx

    3. Hazel it looked (just had a peek in your blog) and sounded fantastic, take a bow lovely lady, all your hard work paid off.
      I've never heard of a wishing tree either but what a lovely idea.
      You rest up today and let the younger ones tidy up.
      We thoroughly enjoyed being part of Gillian and Andrews celebrations although I am still finding pine needles in my knickers!!
      Love Saba

    4. Oh Hazel I have just been over to your blog, wow oh wow both you and Patricia look absolutely fantastic your outfits are so beautiful and you both look so very happy too. Delighted to know you all had a wonderful time last night, so did we by the way! I have heard of a wishing tree but not with angels what a lovely idea, your Canadian visitors will be able to dine out for months on the story of last night when they get home again. Do have some rest today just remember you did an awful lot of work before the wedding so let the others do the work today. Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful pictures of such a very special occasion with us all.
      With love
      Margaret xx

  4. Morning Ladies-although that title seems questionable! I was waiting for the Hot Air Balloon to call for me last night- oh, the tide was in on Southport beach when you went past? Guess the sea would have ruined your dresses & gone over the tops of your wellies!

    I nearly got dressed up & said to hubby that I was waiting for my lift in the hot air balloon-he already thinks I'm slightly mad so that would have had him ringing for help.

    Maureen-the flowers are lovely and your card is stunning. I love the shade of blue you have used.

    Well, despite the Met Office saying no's raining here! At least that means no gardening. Think I'll get my housework done super early then retreat to my craft room.


    1. Sorry Michele!!! You should have used a loud hailer? You should have seen Margaret - one wellie and one pink pot! Xxx

    2. I blame Myra for missing you, I had to hang on to the guy ropes, boy was it scary!! xx

    3. MICHELE:- I can't believe they missed you last night.
      They ALL need to get to SpecSavers!!! xxx

    4. MICHELE sorry they missed you last night, I should have given you my spare bagpipes haha xx

    5. Oh No! She's got a spare set!! Xxx

    6. Myra wellies were Peter Kaiser no less, cost her a fortune.

    7. Oh Michele so sorry you missed the balloon last night what a great party, you should have seen all the kilts too! xxx

    8. I nearly put my "big knickers " out on the washing line to guide you but quickly realised that we're on the flight path from Manchester Airport and near RAF Woodvale so thought it probably wasn't too safe!!!! Such a shame as Ioce hearing the bagpipes-we had a piper at our wedding & when my sister in law+ brother got married on Clachtoll beach they had a piper playing on the headland and all her male relatives were in kilts.


    9. Not all the lies Saba tells are true ! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra And ladies,

    It's all quiet in the Brown household but I'm up early with wonky, achey knees so I thought I'll pop in just so you don't think I've gone AWOL and before the family turn up for a Roast Beef lunch, outside weather permitting, in celebration of my sister Beverly's birthday. Been hectic the last couple of days and I've read all the comments left. My, you ladies certainly know how to celebrate, don't you?

    Mixed media Saturday's collection outshone our dismal rainy day. Well done ladies, you exceed yourselves at every new posting.
    Weather forecast was for light occasional rain with plenty of sun. I expect they have been talking to Michael Fish! We had almost non-stop rain and no sun until 7 o'clock in the evening. Not trusting them lot again as did the washing, hung it out and whilst I was doing some light housework, didn't know it was raining and my washing had an extra rinse.

    Gillian & Andrew's wedding photos were delightful to see Hazel, the love between them shone out for all to see. And the grandchildren, how smart and happy they looked. A beautiful family you have there. So glad the evening 'do' was a happy affair, so many up dancing and enjoying themselves, that is what life is about, forget the moans, they can wait for another day.

    Oh Maureen my dear heart, what beautiful flowers! As others have said, the teacup will become very versatile in other uses. Loving your card for Sandra. so cheerful and pretty.

    Right I'm tucking into my hot buttered crumpets and a large cuppa before even the little mouse stirs in my house, then I'm off to slow roast my joint of beef and get veggies peeled and ready.

    Enjoy your Sunday ladies.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, don't work too hard, but enjoy your day xxx

    2. CHERYL:- have a great day with the family. I hope the knees hold up. Margaret's heat bags were John's life saver last night. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl , you have nice Sunday with your family. The roast sound yummy. Sorry your knees are playing up, hope they get better

    4. Hi CHERYL have a lovely day with your family but rest your knees when you can.we have also got roast beef today. Xx

    5. Cheryl I hope you too enjoy your lunch after all your hard work preparing everything and that the sun shines for you, have a lovely day. xxx

  6. Sorry I have been missing this last week but has not been a good week for me. Better now.
    Thank you fir all your wonderful comments on my pottery. I love doing it and find it very therapeutic. Yes Sandra the flowers were painted before the second firing. ANNE. I loved the Minion scrapbook page and the cake. My granddaughter loves the a Minions.
    MARGARET. Love your cross stitch. It's ages since I have done any but now I have had my eyes sorted perhaps I could try again. I am sure the recipient was very pleased with it.
    Well blue sky's here but don't know how long that will last. Off out to a RHS Flower Show with a friend so hope it stays dry.
    HAZEL AND PATRICIA. Glad everything went well last night. Sorry to hear John couldn't go. Hope the heat bags worked for a while.

    1. Missed you! Good to have you back! Xxx

    2. I hope this week wiil be better for you, you are a miss xxxx

    3. BRENDA:- great to see you, think you need a (((hug)))
      Glad things are better, have a great day. xxx

    4. Littlelamb-I did miss you ,so glad you feeling better and managed to pop in for a coffee. Will you be coming to A P ? xxx

    5. We've missed you Brenda, hope this week is a better one for you. Enjoy the RHS show,
      Love and enormous great hugs
      Saba xxx

    6. Lovely to have you back hope you are feeling much better now, just take things easy. xxx

    7. Brenda lovely to see you back, just take it easy hope you enjoy the show.
      Hugs on the way love Margaret xx

  7. Hello ladies,
    Arrived safely but shattered in Ostend and then promptly slept like a baby just had breakfast and going to have an easy day today as it's boiling hot already. It's been lovely to meet up with some old friends and chat about some lovely memories with Clive.
    Maureen thank you so much for sharing the photo of the flowers we sent you. The are so pretty as is your wonderful card. Well I must go now hugs to all my lovelies
    Love Sheila xxxxx

    1. Glad you arrived safe and well and are enjoying your holiday. Xx

    2. Sheila, I'm replying to this message, but not the other two!!! Have a lovely time xxxx

    3. SHEILA:- glad you have arrived and seeing some sunshine
      Enjoy ever minute xxx

    4. You done it again Ti hi Enjoy the holiday, sunshine and lovely memories. Hugs xxx

    5. Sheila! Once, Twice, Three times a Lady! Xxx

    6. Hello, Hello, Hello Sheila.
      Have a lovely holiday, hope it brings you some comfort to share memories of your lovely Clive with good friends.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxxx

    7. I have replied further down to one of your other three posts! xxx

  8. Hello ladies,
    Arrived safely but shattered in Ostend and then promptly slept like a baby just had breakfast and going to have an easy day today as it's boiling hot already. It's been lovely to meet up with some old friends and chat about some lovely memories with Clive.
    Maureen thank you so much for sharing the photo of the flowers we sent you. The are so pretty as is your wonderful card. Well I must go now hugs to all my lovelies
    Love Sheila xxxxx

  9. Hello ladies,
    Arrived safely but shattered in Ostend and then promptly slept like a baby just had breakfast and going to have an easy day today as it's boiling hot already. It's been lovely to meet up with some old friends and chat about some lovely memories with Clive.
    Maureen thank you so much for sharing the photo of the flowers we sent you. The are so pretty as is your wonderful card. Well I must go now hugs to all my lovelies
    Love Sheila xxxxx

    1. good to know you have arrived safely and have had a really restful sleep, just take things easy and enjoy yourself. xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and the rest.
    I think your giant teacup would work well as a foot bath, nice warm water and a touch of lavender oil!! Beautiful Card Maureen, love the camellias used as a focal element, might try that if you don't mind.
    Despite having singed eyebrows and lop sided hair, I am flying out the door to go to church so haven't time to comment properly.
    Be back later
    Love and hugs
    Ps Lynda I can do without shocks like that first thing in the morning.

    1. Saba, I hope you aren't flying to church in the hot air balloon, it took all our gas to keep it afloat last night. Have a good day xxx

    2. SABA:- you really came off the worst last night,
      One plait cut off, singed eyebrows, and pine needles in your butt.
      Hope the have nice soft cushions on the Church Pews!! xxx

    3. I do hope you have got all those pine needles out from last night!
      Sit down gently in church. xxx

    4. I got some very strange looks but everyone was too polite to mention it. Bit embarrassing during communion though when a pine needle dropped from what remains of my hair into the chalice.

  11. For those of you who wanted to see my dress I have put a photo up on my blog from last night as I had it on again, can't get a photo of Charlie and I from thurdays just yet, so at least you can see it. Xxx

    1. Hazel, just popped into your blog, you and Patricia look so lovely in your wedding attire, and the photo of your grandsons is just super.
      Everyone looks to be having a great time, x

  12. Morning Sandra and friends,
    Maureen your card is gorgeous, and the flowers are delightful, (good choice Sandra) the cup will be a lovely addition to your candle collection, if you use it for that.
    Well folks what a great time was had by all last night, sorry I didn't get in, fell asleep early. Will have to check back on last nights comments, to find out what went on with you all.
    Coffee and toast finished, money in pot, cup and plate washed up and put away.
    Will catch up later at lunch time if you have all survived.
    Take care, xxx

    1. Jess! You were there in spirit - you got us all started! Xxx

    2. Jess you were there in all the spirits, we sampled every one of them for you!!! xxx

    3. Jess! Sampling all the spirits is bad enough but when Muriel started drinking them out of her Glengarry I really became concerned! Her bunnet will never be the same again! Xxx

    4. Myra, is a bunnett like a bonnett??? xxx

    5. Yep! It's a Scottish one! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra,
    'Morning Partgoers and those with more sense!!
    First of all, Maureen thank you for having the presence of mind to photograph your flowers. It's lovely to be able to see them. I know they brought you some joy and comfort at the time. An excellent choice, Sandra! Beautiful colours and choice of flowers and what better than a cup and saucer.
    Your card is really lovely and what an excellent idea . Love the colours too. Thank you for sharing the card with us Sandra and for choosing such a pretty gift.
    As for last night! Words fail me - that is a rare occurrence! Trouble is - we all bounce off one another! Hope Brenda's left leg is ok! Saba's eyebrows and hair may take some weeks to recover!
    Hazel - so pleased last night went well. However did you manage to get up so early this morning ? Andrew and Gillian have had a beautiful wedding which they will always remember. Your dress looks lovely and Patricia and you both look great. Lovely outfits for lovely ladies!
    Try to let the others clear up! Remember the hours it took to make the Invitations etc.
    must go as got a busy day ahead .
    Will pop back when I can,
    Love to everyone, Myra xxx
    PS - Brenda Littlelamb , good to have you back - I missed you . Sorry you been having a difficult time. Xx
    PPS - I think Anne must be having Internet problems or is unwell as she hasn't been on Sue's blog either. Hope it's the former! Sending hugs xxx

    1. Myra enjoy your day with your family, let them do the clearing up you need to rest after last night!

  14. Hello everyone,
    Thank you Sandra for showing the photographs of the beautiful flowers. They did indeed smell gorgeous, and every time I walked past them I got a "whiff". My card was very basic, but I wanted to show my appreciation to Sandra quickly, but thank you for your kind comments. Seeing the photo of it makes me realise why I had a small tag with the word "Friend" lying on my desk. It was because I hadn't put it on the bottom of the card front - doh. Sorry Sandra!!!!
    Wow, two elegant ladies on Hazel's blog. Now I'm really going to have to pull the stops out for the retreat and have to repack my case. As you know I packed it as soon as the hotel was booked!!! lol. The action shot at the party is great as it shows the dancing in full flow.
    Well, my head is a bit thick this morning, so I'll help myself to a black coffee and nothing else, money's in the pot, and I'm lying on the settee in the back!!
    Muriel xx

    1. Muriel do you have a settee in the front as well? How posh are you.
      I'm having a hat made for October, well it's more of a cloche. It hangs over my left eye and completely covers the right side of my head.

    2. Saba, dear, nobody likes a smart Ar*e!!.
      What a brilliant idea, I was going to wear a balaclava but yours sounds so much nicer!!! xxx

    3. A paper bag would be cheaper ! Xxx

    4. Oh and I could decorate it with flowers and glitter xx

    5. It would be bespoke! Xxx

    6. You mean like the hat in Harry Potter that spoke? xx

    7. No - not quite! Ha ha ! You're daft! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    What a shock you gave me Lynda this morning, in first in the Cafe. Patricia and Hazel must have had a good evening last night.
    Love the flowers we sent to Maureen, and what a lovely idea to have them in A teacup. Very useful for later on. Your card was lovely as well Maureen. How lucky are we as Sue and I get to see them all in the flash so to speak.
    Misused the Balloon flight to Scotland yesterday evening, I love a good dance, but have no one to dance with now, as jigging about doesn't bode well with Petes stomach since his bowel op.
    I'm glad the evening was a great success Hazel, it's a shame I missed the balloon flight. Love the idea of a wishing tree Hazel, and I'm sorry that John missed the celebrations Patricia. Hope he's feeling better today.

    1. Pat, count yourself lucky you missed the flight. If you had seen the state of some of them as they scrambled back into the basket for the return journey you wouldn't have wanted to know them.

    2. Pat, take no notice of Saba, we were perfectly respectable, well we were perfectly something - I'm not sure of the correct word ha ha xxx

    3. Behaved! That's the word! Xxx

  16. Good morning Sandra and fellow travellers,
    Oh what a night! And what fun we had. Left leg is still attached to the body so no problems there. We are all home now safe and sound, although we have just proved to everyone that we are little daft.
    Maureen, thank you for sending picture of your flowers, they look lovely. Loved Sandra's idea of a tea cup arrangement.
    Your card is really beautiful, love the colours you have used. It all works together just perfectly. Thank you for the inspiration.
    Enjoyed my coffee, will stop by later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda did you say a little daft? Bonkers more like.
      Enjoy your Sunday.

    2. We just have a vivid imagination ! Nothing wrong with that ! I think we should write a book! Xxx

    3. Ooh Myra, I'll write that suggestion in my book xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I really don't know where time is going at the moment but I have finally managed to pop in and have loved seeing all of the beautiful cards and other crafts over the last few days. So many wonderful things, and Maureen's teacup flowers were gorgeous.
    Hazel, I am delighted to see and hear that the wedding went so well, I was praying for good weather for you all, it was so good to see that it was kind to you. I'm sure you are exhausted now though!
    We have had all of the grandchildren here for the last few days. It is wonderful to spend time with them but am I tired and achey today, to say the least, so I am still in bed and will be here for the day! I hope that I can get back to my normal routine tomorrow!
    Sandra, I hope you aren't stressing too much about getting everything ready for your holiday my lovely. I am more than happy to help in any way with the preparation on Wednesday instead of crafting if that will help you.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care, love Sue xx

    1. SUE:- Glad you are having the sense to let you body catch up.
      Hope my sister is doing the same although I very much doubt it.
      Sending some (((hugs))) hope they help a little xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      It's lovely to have the grandchildren, but they sure do wear you out. Hope you have a lovely day in bed and that your ok for Wed. Like you I'm happy to help Sandra pack things up for the holidays. Hopefully the girls will sort their own stuff out.

    3. Hi Sue,
      Good to see you in, you make sure you stay where you are for the day or you will be playing catch up all week!
      We are playing "hunt the porta-loo" today, we haven't used it for a few years as we have been staying in mobile home with everything in and ready to go, but this year the cost of that went from £1,400 to £2,100, which is just too much for us, so we decided to go back to camping, we have got everything (almost) in place to make it as disabled friendly as possible, we have a super high air bed that is stable enough to sit on the side of, our chairs our really comfy with raised legs so I can lie back in full comfort, the rest we will just have to manage with, but we still need to find the porta-loo for those middle of the night emergencies, as I have got older it's become a nightly occurrence, if we didn't take the porta loo, I would have to get paul up to wheel me over to the toilet block, which I don't want to do, I try to be as independant as I can, although when we find the loo we need to think of a genius idea to make it higher! .....ideas on a postcard please!
      Will pop back later, to see how all the heads are from last nights escapades!
      Lynda, sweetheart, to walk in here this morning and be greeted with smell of my favourite flowers was the best treat ever, thank you sweetheart!
      Right 'a hunting we will go"!!!!

    4. Hi Sue,
      Pleased you are taking it easy today

      Take care xx

    5. Hello Sue, grandchildren are wonderful but boy do we suffer afterwards. Stay where you are in bed and rest up.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    6. Amen, it's like Amen Corner in here now, I'm following Myra all the way down and agreeing with her, it makes it so much easier. xx

    7. Sandra have you thought of one of those seats that the disabled use on the normal toilet seat, they are about 8 inches high or so and will make your portaloo seat higher, i use to have one on our caravan toilet seat, hugs Johanna

    8. JOHANNA, how lovely to see you xxxx

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Johanna, I had to remove the first post as predictive text turned you into Johannesburg! Mind you Norah was turned into Norway! It's worrying really! All I wanted to say was - welcome back ! Xxx

    11. Nice to see you back CraftyNanna, hope you and OH are fine.
      Do come back again for a coffee and something sweet tihi xxx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    Happy porta-loo hunting will think about how to raise it.
    Maureen your flowers were lovely and so nice to have something to keep afterwards and you card is just the sort of one I like and as blue is my favourite colour it's perfect.
    Sun shining here so may be able to sit out and do some cross stitch.
    Pleased Hazel and Patricia had a good time last night, sounds as if the rest of you did as well.
    Had my coffee washed cup and put money in pot, fresias smell lovely.
    Love and hugs Margaret xx

    1. Margaret you are tempting me to have another go at my cross stitching. I have 3 projects which I abandoned some time ago. I was doing them on very fine but uneven linen and was struggling. Maybe I will buy one of those magnifying glasses which you can hand around your neck, and try again.

    2. Hi Margaret, between You. Sue, Sue's daddy & Paul, there should be a genius solution!
      I know from experiencing both Sue & Paul walking round a craft show trying to come up with their own, better ideas of different craft tools, that Sue was raised with a genius engineering type thought process!
      Anyway still haven't found it!!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Saba, George bought me one of those magnifying glasses that hangs round the neck quite a while ago. I NEVER use it when he's in the house ha ha xxxx
      Sandra, I'm still thinking about the porta loo, we don't want it wobbling and tipping you off! xx

    4. Sandra, I've been thinking! Oh No - I hear everyone say!
      Does the portaloo have four legs? If it does, could you find metal piping tubes for each leg to raise it up? I'm not making myself very clear but I have a picture in my head! Oh Heck! Xxx

    5. Myra, you've just put a picture in my head, but I'm trying very hard to get rid of it !! xxx

    6. I know, I know , me too! Xxx

    7. PS! Did you read about the builders who put the portaloo on the scaffolding ? The police made them take it down! Shame - they were flushed with success too! That is a true story apart from last silly phrase. Xxx

  19. Afternoon Sandra and all, cough, ladies!
    I have spent the morning in the garden picking up a pair of big black bloomers, fir tree branches ,pine needles everywhere ,corks and caps from various bottles. You dropped quite a few things flying up the motorway. What a view with the light burning in the night sky and Maureen hanging underneath belting out some song, sorry couldn't catch the words but saw the birds flying the other way.
    Glad your legs are still attached Brenda, would be a bit wonky otherwise. You did surprise me that you were able to keep doing so late.
    Saba ,been to church this morning I saw. Wonder if she had to go in the confession box and tell about her sins the last few days.I found a plait of hair hanging in one of our bushes, will you I send it on ?
    I have no grand kids but can understand how tired you must be today Sue so take it easy and rest up. Some one else I hope is having a rest ful day is our Hazel, You have made a Fabulous job ! Gillian and Andrew have the most Fantastic wedding and it been a joy to be with you all this year. The photos are Beautiful and your attire and everything is WoW ! I can't stop looking at Gilllian's dress, it is Lovely and I love the colour. Glad everything went well and now you can sit down and have a nice time with the relatives from abroad.
    Hope you find the porta loo, very useful for night businesses . Could you make it higher by sitting it on a little stool or something, just an idea. Have a wonderful time. Tell Paul to drive carefully ! How many of you are going ?
    Maureen- thank you for showing us the flowers we sent,t hey really look good in that big tea cup. Not sure as a foot bath do hihi can see a big candle in there one day . good job Sandra for finding them. The card you sent is so pretty, Love CAS cards, hope you don't mind if I make something similar to OH St. mum.
    We have had a gorgeous morning here and two loads of washing is hanging out, it's Sunday but have to make it when the sun is out. Throat still sore but the Amaretto last night helped, might have another tonight so I sleep better.
    Lunch time, ham and mustard sandwish with a nice cup of coffee is coming up so I will see you later hopefully. Have a lovely afternoon all and many hugs from me xXxx

    1. Maria, glad the amaretto is helping. I find alcohol helps with everything.
      I would be so grateful if you could post my plait back, wonder if I could use cosmic shimmer dries clear to reattach it!
      Hugs Saba xxxx

    2. I think no nails would be better but you can try the cosmic shimmer first. How many repents will you have to do ? hope they are nice ones. Send me your address and it will soon be with you ,hugs xx

    3. Maria, you are so kind, I wondered where those bloomers had ended up!
      Saba, would it not just be easier to trim your other plait to match xx

    4. Exactly Muriel! You and I are in complete agreement ! The plaits looked odd anyhow! Whoever would choose blonde plaits with black hair ! Xxx

    5. Only Saba, she likes to stand out !! xx (hard hat time)

    6. Mmmmm ! I think you could be right! She has exhibitionist tendencies! (Double hard hat time) !!! Xx

  20. Phew, finally got to the bottom having read and replied on the way down.
    I am inspired today. It was Patricia's fault, popped over to hers and saw that delicious lantern, ( not to mention her delicious husband and beautiful niece) and I want to make one. I might try and use one of Sue's festive dies. Don't know if it will work as the mini snowflake striplet is a tad too thin and the snowflake background a bit wide, but we shall see. Talking of which, I had left some dies out yesterday and when I opened up my I pad this morning the background die was inside the cover! It's magnetic and The die must have stuck to it when I put it on the table. Funny thing is though I was commenting last evening and it must have been sitting there all the time and I never noticed it, even when I closed the lid cover before I went to bed.
    Church service was lovely this morning, some beautiful hymns and a nice get together afterwards for coffee and cake.
    Off to get my Lamb Henrys in the oven now, slow roasted until they fall off the bone. I'll be serving them with a Knödel, (a german dumpling) some fresh veg. And a nice bottle of red.
    See you later
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

    1. Enjoy your lamb Henrys! Think I can smell them! Yum! Enjoy! Xxx

    2. We are all on our way, I hope you've done enough dinner! xxx

    3. Oh no not again! I'm glued to my armchair with Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue! Why ? I quite like this skirt . Xxx

    4. Myra, I have more Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear on my clothes than I've ever put on all my cards xx

    5. Maureen, me too! I keep promising myself that I will only craft in old clothes but I never ever drop glue on old clothes! Why is that? Xxx

    6. He must have been so depressed! Xxx

  21. OMG What have I been missing Sounds like you had a right old knees up! Went dancing in London last night and got the 6am train home! I am cream crackered
    Off to look at Patricia and Hazels blog now to see photos
    Maureen The flowers looked gorgeous and what a lovely way to display them and your card is beautiful Ooh I must get those Camelia dies and the Pointsietta and the Peony's a shame the money tree is not bearing any fruit

    1. Karen, Hazel was up before you arrived home! You hoo Karen! No wonder you've nodded off! Xxx

  22. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well I must say things are rather quiet today in here, whatever has happened to all those paracetmol tablets? What a night, delighted to know everyone had a splendid time and all those kilts looked so spectacular didn't they? But I really must say the stars of the show were Gillian, her mum and her special auntie Patricia, they all looked wonderful!
    Oh Sandra please do take things easy, don't you go over doing things before the holidays, I am sure you will get your portaloo sorted but let the others do some of the work as it is your holiday too remember.
    Maureen your flowers were so lovely and how thoughtful of you to take some lovely pictures at such a stressful and sad time, so pleased they helped you through the shock of that dreadful week. Your card is quite simply stunning I really love how you have made it, I have that Spellbinders die so if I may I will use your idea, thank you.
    Sandra you really made the perfect choice with Maureen's flowers, thank you for taking the time and trouble to send her the perfect gift at such a time from all of us.
    Well the sun did come out briefly, but has gone again, although considering they were warning us last night of heavy rain we cannot grumble too much.
    Have a lovely day everyone, I have popped my hugs over in the corner just help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret! We made it home - safe and sound - well safe anyway!!
      Hope the Baileys script comes off the plaster!! Xxx

    2. Margaret, I've never seen anyone do the Highland Reel in a wheelchair before, it was amazing!!! xxx

    3. Oh yes Myra I used good old faithful Domestos and it came off no trouble! xxx
      Well Maureen there is a first time for everything you know! xxx

  23. MAUREEN. I must apologise for not mentioning you this morning. Thank you for showing the flowers and thank you you SANDRA for showing the wonderful card Maureen sent you. It is a work of art. Was very hot at the RHS

    1. Brenda LL, don't worry, I'd not mention me either if I could get away with it lol xxxx

  24. Hi everyone, well after reading over last nights comments, a few mysteries have been solved, first the bloomers caught on the roof of our greenhouse(should have seen hubby face this morning). Also we thought we spotted a UFO heading towards the River Forth, but it was obviously the balloon with you all. Sorry I didn't make it but I was there in spirit, mines a vodka!
    Hope everyone's head is getting better, I have spare paracetamol if you need them. Saba glad you managed to get all the pine needles out.
    Will be in later I hope, it takes a lot of reading to catch up with everyone, take care hugs to you all xxx

  25. Arrrrrrrrrrrghhh
    Just lost a post.
    Basically - George wanted to go to the coast by bus and not car. Car takes about 8-10 minutes. We went by bus - 45 minutes there. Walked for about 4 hours including a stint on the sand but he wouldn't take his socks and shoes off, so he walked on the Links, we had a 1/2 hour stop for lunch, a bit more walking then the bus back - another 45 minutes. He's asleep in the chair, I'm doing jobs which I would have done this morning!!! Excuse me while I kick him as I pass by with the hoover!!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Muriel - Sunday is a day of rest! Just a minute , why am I tired out?
      Put the Hoover away and sit down. We are not going travelling tonight! Xxx

    2. Oh Muriel poor George fancy expecting him to go barefoot and I would be careful about kicking him or he may not make it to his bowling matches and give you some peace and quiet! xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- Don't tell me you had good weather down there!!!
      We actually had reasonable weather till 3pm then down came the rain. Before the rain came down, Thomas (10) climbed up the ladder to clean out the gutters. John was going to do, I was to hold the ladder. Thomas said "grandpa your too old, and your knees are too bad to be doing that, I'll do it" That was Grandpa told!!! Thomas went up the ladder, did a fantastic job. Before you start to panic too much, we live in a Bungalow. Still a fair climb up for a young lad. We did not know they were coming, Robert phoned to see if they could come along. Dad was going to B&Q, they did not want to go. John took them home just after 5pm.
      Since they went I have been working on a Lantern. Saba mentioned doing one with one of Sue's Striplet Dies. I used Country Blossom Die (I think that what it's called) I am sitting with my feet up, can't be bothered getting up. I made it in Kraft Card, it's Tall & Narrow looks quite good actually. There you go Saba it can be done. I have one of Sue's new Christmas Dies, it's squarish with a circle with Santa in a Sleigh in the middle. I am going to have a go with that next.
      I am yawning like fury here, I can feel myself nodding off.
      There's no plan for any "high jinks" tonight is there?? I really don't think I have the energy to keep up with you guys. xxx

    4. Is Robert going into business Patricia, cleaning guttering if so we live in a bungalow and he can come and clean ours too as our grandson is not quite old enough to do them yet? xxx

    5. These poor boys, you'll be putting them up the chimneys next!!! xxx

  26. A snippet of news for our Scottish ladies, apparently it has been on BBC Scotland news about a train crash yesterday, the line has been damaged quite badly. One train ran into the back of another train, well the train that was hit from behind was being driven by our very good friend he has rang to say don't worry he is fine, no injuries. The strange thing is a few years ago he was involved in another accident, he was out checking the line after a storm and a tree crashed right in front of his train and went through the window. Luckily he jumped the other side of his cab and was only slightly injured but the accident yesterday was in exactly the same place!
    I note Myra you have no more trips organised for us tonight but there is no mention of how your lunch went today, I hope there was no gravy spilled! Saba is cooking lamb henrys so if you need the recipe why not ask her but she is making some funny kind of dumpling too, so as she is having wine to wash it all down perhaps better wait until tomorrow to ask her just in case she gets the two recipes mixed up, you know what she is like!
    I wonder if Sandra has found her porta loo yet.
    I will be back later to see who is in.

    1. Margaret;- heard about the Train Crash on the news. Oh! My! Word! Margaret that poor man. the shock will hit him tomorrow no doubt. So glad to hear is he ok. Scary that it happened at the same place as the last incident. xxx

    2. Margaret, this bunny is rather tired! Duracell bunny I am not to night!
      Thank you for asking - all went well today and we had no accidents with the gravy. Don't tell anyone but we had some champagne and canapés to start off with as yesterday was younger son and DIL's wedding anniversary. Any excuse - I know! We don't see them that often so it was lovely. I'm all tidied up now .
      Wow your poor train driver - what a shock. Xxx

    3. Oh Myra that sounds lovely, no wonder you were in a rush to get home last night. xxx

    4. Margaret, I hate to hear about train accidents. Dad used to come in upset if there'd been a bad one when he was at work.
      Myra, I hope you and the family had a lovely day. You are so posh. Makes my diluted orange juice and a Ferrero Rocher look tame!!! xx

    5. Oh Muriel! Stop it! I'll maybe have to bring canapés in October! Cardboard ones ha ha!! Xxx

  27. Not sure but is Sue Wilson bringing out MORE Christmas dies in August? I have just had a look on Craft World site and there are even more Christmas dies available for pre order! Thought I was seeing things at first. xxx

    1. Margaret, after the stuff you put away last night, it is possible you are seeing things. You were talking about a big white rabbit called Harvey at one point, but I'll have a look at Craft World and check it out!!! xxx

    2. Relax Margaret, It looks like the new dies that we already know about xx

  28. If you'll excuse me ladies, I am worn out. I have done my hoovering and watered the orchids that people keep giving me. I don't know why, I'm not fond of house plants and certainly not orchids, but my nieces gave me one three years ago and it's still going strong, so other people have bought me them at various times. How do you say to someone that you're not keen on them? I couldn't be so rude, so now I have 5!!!!
    I'm going to wallow - like a walrus - in the bath, then go to bed and read, so I'll bid you all a fond goodnight and see you tomorrow.
    Tomorrow morning one of the young mother's from Eleanor & Zoe's school is calling and taking me out for the morning - we get on very well and her mam passed away some time ago, so I give her a cuddle now and again because that it what she misses - she is not in the best of health. I don't know if I'll get in before I go out. That's a bit confusing but I know what I mean.
    Night, night, sweet dreams, if you get up to any mischief I'll read all about it in the morning!!!
    Love Muriel xxx (still trying to think of a porta loo solution!!

  29. Sorry folks, I know it's early. John has made me a cuppa the I am off to bed.
    All this partying, dancing and saying up late has caught up with me.
    Goodnight. God Bless . See you all in the morning. xxx

  30. Myra, it looks like you've pooped us all out!!!! ha ha xxxxx

    1. Thank you for that Muriel! You know how to make a girl feel good!
      I've already had a sleep in the chair! I don't do that as a rule but did it in spite of myself today ! Ha ha ! Children and grandchildren eh ! Xx
      Night Night ladies , you'll all be up before me I know. Xxxx

  31. Ladies, note I am calling you ladies tonight, I might regret it later, Gillian and Andrew thank you for joining in with their celebrations, and they hope you enjoyed the cup cakes, what one of you took the small pot of stovies last night plus the gluten free oatcakes??? She said she was glad they were eaten, but please return the pot ( washed please) now they were trying to thank you in some way, so to day they released the 18 silver and purple balloons they had in the hall, so if you see a ballon that is either silver or purple you will know who it's from ( now this is true) not virtual. Sandra I spoke to our friend Vince he has refurbished a couple of narrow boats and motor homes, Ann has Parkinson's and so he know that she needs a rises toilet, he said if you make a box to the height plus 8 to 10 ins extra require it raised, make it to fit snug to the toilet but place the base board that 8-10 ins from the top strengthening underneath it should work the box can be used when you are travelling for packing things that it wouldn't matter that the toilet has been used init. He hopes it works, also if Paul is good at wood work he could make another strong box to go beside the toilet to hold stuff that is heavy but you could hold on to when getting up off the toilet, as Ann needs that. It's a pity you wheel chair couldn't adapt so that it could be made into a commode? Xxx

  32. Everyone having an early night.,these late nights dancing and drinking fairly go for you.
    Good night everyone, see you all bright eyed and busy tailed in the morning. Xx

    1. Night Night Jess! I'm tired tonight too! Never " driven" a hot air balloon before! Sleep well! Xxx
