
Saturday 1 August 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Anne's Minion Scrapbook Page
Margaret P's Cross Stitch Collie Card
Brenda (littlelamb) Purple Poppy Dish


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Mixed Craft Saturday is upon us once again, I really think that someone has their finger on the 'fast forward' button, as these weeks are flying by way too fast, my goodness we are in August already!
First up today we have Anne's fabulous 'Minion' themed Scrapbook page, there is one very cute little man featured on the page and an absolutely amazing 'Minion' Birthday cake, the way you have created the Minion style layout on the page is just genius, a couple of circles and pieces of circles, giving the perfect Minion eyeglass.  What a fabulous way of keeping that memory to look back on for many years to come, do you do 'journaling' where you write about what was happening in the photo's, life dates, ages and details that you remember of the day.  I read that somewhere, its so that somebody in a couple of generations time can look at the page and see who is on it, how old they were and what was happening in the photo, particularly funny things that you remember.
So much better to display the like that than kept in an old chocolate tin.
Thank you very much Anne for sharing your page with all of us xxxx
Next up we have Margaret P's amazing Cross Stitched Collie Dog, it is so detailed Margaret, you have captured so much detail in your stitching, it must have taken ages, I bet the recipient was absolutely blown away when the saw how realistic this Collie dog really looks!
I am hoping that this will be the first of many cards that you send in for me to share with our friends
here in the café. Thank you Margaret for allowing me to share your project today xxxx
Last but not least we have the most AMAZING piece of pottery by our 'Expert Potter' Brenda (littlelamb)! You have created some of the most amazing pieces over the year but Brenda I have to say that this one I absolutely love, the colour is just so rich and vibrant, I love the unusual shape of the dish too, do you paint the colour onto the flowers before or after 'firing' , I thought it was after as so much of the vibrancy of the purple colour remains. You are one very talented lady Brenda,
thank you so much for allowing me to share your amazing pottery with everyone xxxx
Well once again I am totally blown away by how very talented you all are, week after week we share some amazing crafts with each other, it also inspires others to try something new, so thank you for your inspiration. xxx
Well that's all for today,
take care and enjoy the weekend,
Love and hugs




  1. Hello everyone oh I hope this doesn't post three times as it did yesterday sorry if it does.
    What a very talented bunch you are today's crafts are wonderful well done ladies!
    HAZEL the photos are beautiful and Gillian looked stunning in that gorgeous colour. So pleased all went perfectly. I'm on the coach so I thought I' d send you a quick post. Love and hugs to all of my wonderful friends, Sheila xxxxx

    1. Sheila, enjoy your holiday, I hope your weather is kind to you. Have a fabulous time. xxx

    2. SHELIA:- have a fantastic holiday, looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing some photos. Hope the weather is good to you (((hugs))) xxx

    3. Good morning Sheila,
      Thank you for thinking of us, I will be thinking about you all weekend, try and enjoy every minute and take lots of photos, you can send them to me to share when you get back if you like.
      I know it's going to be an emotional trip my lovely and I think that you are blooming marvelous and brave for going, enjoy through love from all of those friends too!
      Sending you the biggest of hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Hi Sheila safe journey and have a wonderful holiday xxxx

    5. Safe Journey Sheila, hope you have a lovely holiday.
      Hugs Saba xxxx

    6. Enjoy your holiday Sheila, hope the weather is good for you xxx

    7. Hello Sheila, enjoy your holiday, hope the weather is going to be kind to you. Love and hugs, Brenda XX

    8. Sheila have a lovely time and thank you for your comment.
      Love Margaret xx

    9. Safe journey, Sheila! Have a really lovely time. Thanks for thinking of us as we will be thinking of you! Love Myra xxx

    10. Sheila have a safe time and a wonderful time, will be thinking of you, take care xxx

    11. Sheila, have a lovely time and enjoy your holiday,
      many hugs xxx

    12. Hello Sheila, have a fantastic time my lovely friend.Hope the weather is kind for you. Enjoy your time with Margaret & George & enjoy your self. Love Lynda xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies ( now can I really call you all ladies or should some be called lunatic's??? ). Especially after the antics and things some were up to last night. Ok, ok I did laugh that much my side were sore, the dog even came across to see I was ok. As the tears were rolling down my face.
    The display of crafts again today is amazing.
    Anne, now I know one little boy who would love his granny to make a minion card and a scapbook page in his book, this is just fantastic.
    Margaret, oh you have got patients, I know the work that goes into cross stitch, i don't do it but Gillian does. Your collie dog is fabulous.
    Brenda, oh I just love your dish, the colour of those poppies is gorgeous, and the shape is beautiful. I for one would love to be able to visit your studio.
    Well I don't know if it will last but the sun is shining here. It would be nice if it stayed all day, ok the party is tonight and we don't need photos outside or that, but just for it not to be pouring with rain while we get every to the hall, it's nearly next door to Gillian's but far enough for things to get wet.
    Right everything looking good, I have done all that's needed, so I will take my Tea and oh yes I put crumpets in the cabinet, Cheryl might miss out as she has visitors and won't be in. I am having 2 with that strawberry jam on them. Xxx

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      I thought you were going to lie in?..
      Although I totally understand, I feel totally uncomfortable sleeping in when we have guests, in case they get up and need anything, although we have the "treat our home as yours rule" normally!
      Well another busy day for you, what time are the family all arriving?
      How many came over from Canada?
      Atleast you are eating out for lunch and I presume you have caterers for the party tonight and you aren't doing all the cooking!
      I wish we lived closer, I would very much have loved to come and poke my nose through the door to watch all the fun!
      It has been an absolute pleasure sharing your whole wedding experience, the excitement certainly made it's way into the cafe!
      Not many blogs where that happens!
      I don't care who reads this, you ladies all make this one very special place, it feels like we are amongst family, but even new visitors like Anne for instance just slot right in straight away!
      Enjoy the calm before the storm my dear sweet friend, please, please take it easy xxxx
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hazel have another wonderful day , the wedding photos are beautiful and Gillian looked gorgeous in her dress lots of love xxxxx

    3. Hazel have a lovely day and enjoy the ceilidh tonight. I bet the Canadian visitors are blown away by all the Scottishness. ( don't know if that is a word but you know what I mean)

    4. Yes it's a word, well one that's used here. Their blown away by how much history is round here and that we do things the old Scottish way too. Oh they are in for good Scottish night hopefully. As I said last. Iget our Gillian doesnt go with the flow, she likes different but lovely at the same time. We are hoping for a few kilts to be worn tonight, Charlie won't as his was hired and has gone back. Xxx

    5. Hello Hazel, Sounds as if you're going to have a lot of fun this evening I haven't been to a Ceilidh in years, they are great for getting people to mix and enjoy the company
      Have a lovely evening. xxx

    6. Hazel thank you for your comments I really enjoy cross stitch find it therapeutic because of my hands I can only do cards etc now.
      Gilliam looked lovely so pleased all went well now enjoy this evening.
      Live Margaret xx

    7. Nothing to beat a good Ceilidh. Hope it all goes really well and you all have fun! Please have a lie in in the morning ! Xxx

    8. Hazel's not good at lie ins, have not guessed that yet!! xxx

    9. Yes I had! I can however still hope! Xxx

    10. Hazel-hope everything going as you want it to go and had a nice lunch and a even better Ceilidh tonight with family and friends. Your daughter is beautiful and all the little ones too xxx

    11. HAZEL have a brilliant Ceilidh night with all your family & friends.
      You must be so proud of your daughter she looked beautiful inside & out. All your hard work with invits & buttonholes & everything else was all worth while.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang!!
    Wow! Oh! Wow! another array of stunning creations. What talent walks through the doors of the Cafe every day. Sandra you are a Gem showing these beautiful goodies for us to admire.
    ANNE:- your Scrapbook Page is brilliant. A wonderful way to capture family memories along with a "craze" of the time.
    MARGARET:- your Cross Stich is amazing, I just love the subject. Collies are part of our lives, J&A have two.
    BRENDA:- another stunning dish, if I was nearer my name would be on that piece. Love the shape, colours and subject. Right up my street.
    Keep up the great work ladies.
    Well folks I hope you all have your dancing shoes ready for the party/ceilidh this evening. The Wedding was a "intimate family affair" which Gillian and Andrew wanted. It was fantastic being able to chat, and catch up with everyone. The ceilidh will be a whole different Ball Game!! There will be over 100 people all having great fun and games!! The village hall is next to Gillian's house not far for them to get home after.
    Flat or flattish shoes the order of dress for this evening. I have a BIG problem the shade of my shoes does not quite match the dress ..... do you think anyone will notice??? John told me that there will be so any "feet" no one will even notice mine!!
    John is suffering, his knees are giving him hell. Absolutely NO dancing for him this evening. He will take some pain killers and rub them well with "horse liniment" ....... well that's what we call the cream he rubs on them. I was going to suggest using my car, however John would struggle to get out its rather low. With the 4x4 he just swings his legs out and can stand up.
    All that this will happen after the "shoe shopping" with SABA and the "girls"
    Thank you Saba, great nights sleep after someone managed to find out who was doing all the snoring ..... was it "really" me??? Sorry I did not hear a thing, but if they say it was me I will accept that. Jess you do know your organising everything, when does the transport arrive to take us there??? What time is lunch .... oh!! forget lunch Saba has made us all a sandwich to eat on the go. We will have a slap up meal before I have to "jet" back here.
    Place looking great, lots of goodies ready for this evening!!!
    (((((Hugs))))) by the door for those who might need them. I am going over to my usual table to wait for someone to join me. xxx

    1. Morning Patricia,
      I am glad you slept well, stand still though as you have something in your hair, and it's not a flower ! I think one of the pigeons has left you a 'lucky message' hi hi hi !
      Now I hope Saba hasn't used all the coffee filters for making flowers because I think we could do with a strong brew all round to clear some heads, before you all board the bus to the Shoe factory!
      Do Johns knees play up as a result of him over doing things or is it just a case of some days good, some days bad? Maybe they got a bit of a chill when wearing his Kilt on Thursday? Such a shame he won't be able to have a boogie tonight at the party, is it a proper Ceilidh, with a caller shouting your dance steps etc?? Oh my I would have loved one of those, I think they are the perfect ice breaker, getting everyone up and involved!
      I expect you will be running yourself ragged to this afternoon, the plea to take it easy goes for you too, especially if you will be looking after John if he needs you to!
      Have an amazing time tonight, I imagine you would make the most of any occasion, I look forward to hearing all about it,
      Love and huge hugs

      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. SANDRA:- proper Ceilidh, with a caller from what Andrew said the other day. You do know you are all welcome. You don't need to stand at the door look in. Come in grab a seat, everyone welcome.
      John's knees just "bother" him!!! No rhyme or reason. Some days worse than others. They have cleaned out under his knee caps quite a few times but the gritty bits keep building up. We will have Audrey with us this evening. John Jnr will be looking after the boys. J&A have never left them with anyone other than us. They have spoken about alternatives but we have said we are either all together or they are with us when J&A go to events on their own. Can't see that changing much in the future. xxx

    3. Patricia have a wonderful time and I'm sure once the feet start tapping the knees will be forgotten ! And no one will notice the shoes will they! I will think of you when we are at out ceilidh tonight but ours will be a very different affair - doesn't start until 11! And there will be a lot of beer and cider flowing! We might find a practice ceilidh at a pub earlier in the day to warm us up! Xxx

    4. Shhhhh, Myra's still asleep. I've just got back from the bakery and the butchers and there are fresh croissants and assorted German meats on the table, a big pot of strong black coffee and some fresh orange juice and a packet of paracetamol on the sideboard. The shoe warehouse knows we are on our way and have brought in extra security.
      Patricia have you thought about making a couple of your fantastic flowers and sticking them on your shoes. Small ones though, we don't want you falling over. Big hugs for John's knees. Xxxx

    5. Oh Saba I am on my way a true German breakfast, mouth is watering at the thought, I can smell that fresh baked roll smell!!! Oh and all those wonderful meats. Yummy. Xxx

    6. SABA;- thanks for that, what a great idea. Thoughts of Shoe Shopping and you have become a designer.
      I have wakened Myra don't want her having to rush. She's not a morning person, might get a bit grumpy if we leave her too long. xxx

    7. Who me? Grumpy? I'm not that small! Come to think of it I could be Dozy as well! Ha ha !xxx

    8. Just mention breakfast and I'm there! Mention breakfast and shoes - and I there at the front of the queue! Xxx

    9. I will remember that for the Retreat:-
      MYRA: breakfast served and we are making Shoes xxx

    10. Ha ha ha! I'll be there, well I'll really try! Xxx

    11. It's ok Myra they serve Brrakfast till 10am.
      We won't start crafting till everyone is finished. We do intend to some Crafting don't we?? Mind you will we actually have time for Crafting?? I am sure there will be so much fun, laughter and chatter it will time to pack our bags and we will not have done much. That will be the excuse for another Retreat though xxx

    12. Patricia- you have a good Ceilidh tonight with everyone. Sorry to hear John is in so much pain, give him a cuddle from me. When the music starts and it's a bit darker no one will ever look at your feet but the flower tips is good xxx

    13. Hi Patricia.
      Thank you for your kind words I made it for my cousin's 70th birthday as they have always loved collies and had several.
      Enjoy your self tonight glad you have sorted your shoes out wellies would be a bit cumbersome.
      Love Margaret xx

    14. PATRICIA have a wonderful evening hope John is not in a lot of pain,& he enjoys watching you all Dancing. Hug's & gental Hug's for John. Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a brilliant idea. I might have to look into making one of these before our trip to see hubbys relatives in Florida.
    Margaret-oh I do love cross stitch, I just haven't the patience to do it. I have some beautiful pieces (quite like yours) off a friend-my crazy, cluttered house friends ex husband actually who recently passed away so I'll treasure them.
    Brenda -what a stunning work of art. A real treasure & a conversation piece I'm sure.

    Well-we have sunshine & clouds here but it's quite breezy. Need to get dressed soon snd pop to the butchers & co-op for food shopping then I'll head off to Dobbies to mert my friend for coffee. Might get my car cleaned before I meet her as its filthy & I don't do "car washing "!!

    Will pop back later on,

    1. Hi Michelle,
      It sounds like you have another busy Saturday!
      I hope you manage to get your car cleaned ok. We have a couple of Polish run, hand car wash, that has a really good reputation, there is always a queue!
      Does Dobbies have a craft department?, I hope so as it will make your day even more fun!
      I hope the sun continues to shine for you today, for us too as I have a good few loads of washing to do, a lot of it is just a freshen up after being in the suitcases for the past year, I usually wash it when we return, get it dry and fold it up and pop it back in cases! So a quick freshen up and it can be ironed and repacked!
      Enjoy your day my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Good morning Michele,
      Off to Florida you lucky girl, I loved it there. Although I have loved any place I have managed to visit.
      Enjoy your time with your friend. Snap, I hate car

    3. Another busy day Michele! It's raining here now but weirdly the sun is trying to shine through! Hope you got the shopping done while it was still dry. Xxx

    4. Hi Michelle.
      Thank you for your kind words I do enjoy doing it.
      Pleased you have had a good day.
      Love Margaret xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit as I need to in the car in 20 minutes for a seaside trip! Anne I love you scrapbook page, I've watched both despicable me films this week and the minions are so cute, will show Emma your page as she had a photo taken with minions on holiday. Xxx
    Margaret what a beautiful collie- I don't do cross stitch but my husband doe so relax xxx
    Brenda your plate is beautiful too, oh I got here too late and it's already been bagsied if you make another one it's got my name on it xxxx
    Right must dash - have a lovely day ladies, doubt if I will have time to comment later but have a wonderful day everyone xxxxxx

    1. DIANE:- oh!! I think I have missed you.
      Have a fantastic day, "I do like to be beside the seaside"
      Don't eat too much Ice Cream xxx

    2. Hi Diane.
      Thank you for your comment I find it relaxing as well.
      Love Margaret xx

  6. Hello everyone,
    I've had interruptions galore trying to read this and post my message. I hope I manage it this time,
    Anne, I love your Minion scrapbook page, and I know two girls who would like me to do one like it. I might have to borrow your idea - sorry!!!
    Margaret, what beautiful fine cross stitch of a Collie. Wish I could manage cross stitch now.
    Brenda LL, what can I say, I've knocked Patricia and a few others over to get to your dish to stick my name on the bottom. It's beautiful, clever you.
    Sheila, have a fabulous holiday.
    Hazel, enjoy your party tonight - don't stress yourself, just go with the flow.
    Patricia, no one will be looking at your shoes, they'll be too busy dancing and having a good time.
    Michele, enjoy your day with your friend. Car washing - what's that?!!
    Diane, I hope you have a great time at the sea side, will there be any whelk stalls there?
    Sandra, thank you for a super blog. We see all sorts, we hear all sorts, but we don't spill the beanss on all sorts!!!!
    Saba - we're going, thanks for a great shopping trip and an interesting!! night. The Tornado is waiting to take o f f . . . . . . b y e e e xxxxx
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Quick, somebody, unwrap Myra from her duvet and shove her in the hold!!! xxx

    2. She's behind you ------! Xxxx

    3. Don't know about you lot but I have not finished shopping. I need a pair of shoes for tonight. xxx

    4. Patricia - I've got a really silly shoe story! I had a pair of navy shoes which were trimmed with white. The white got very grubby looking but shoes were comfortable and fine apart from white bits. So I got a red promarker pen and coloured all the white it's red! They looked great - still wear them. Had more comments on them after they became navy and red than before! The shoes were leather and it took the colour beautifully even the white stitching looked good! I was chuffed! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- that's brilliant, I love it. I hate parting with shoes I love and are comfy. There does come a time when they just "have" to go. Prolonging the inevitable by colouring the white bits is just genius. I do use Promarkers to touch up scruffy toes and heels, they work a treat. xxx

    6. I think we're just typical crafters! Xxx

    7. Great idea MYRA you are such a clever YOUNG LADY!!!!

    8. Hi Maureen/Muriel.
      Thank you I find I can only do small things like cards now because of my arthritic wrist/hands hope I can continue for a long time yet.
      Take care love Margaret xx

  7. I'm late now, have commented on the way down and if I don't get a move on the butchers will be closed and I have ordered lamb Henry's for tomorrow's dinner.
    It was lovely having you all here, I've found a pair of big girls bloomers on the balcony so one of you is enjoying a bit of fresh air. They are probably Myra's, she was still half awake when you dragged her out the door.
    Anne, what a brilliant scrapbook page and I am seriously impressed by your cake, it was only when I read Sandra's description that I realised it wasn't just a photo of a minion.
    Margaret, you cross stitch is lovely, so lifelike especially his eyes. I struggle a bit with cross stitch now, I used to enjoy doing it though.
    Brenda your dish, there is only one thing I can say, fab - u- lous darling. It looks to have dimension too. You are one clever potter, might have to start calling you Harry!!!
    Love and hugs for all, must dash.
    Saba xxx

    1. I hope you gave Peter that big lavender bush we brought him last night! It was just our way of thanking him for putting us up - or putting up with us! Xxx

    2. SABA:- I have to confess to my ignorance. I had to Google Lamb Hendry's. We don't get them here, oh! we will but under another name. I don't eat lamb, and only buy Lamb Chops or a Lamb Shank for John. Enjoyed my breakfast though Xxx

    3. Saba, the bloomers will definitely be Maureen's , I should keep hold of them, they will make great pigeon scarers!

    4. Thank you Saba yes I was pleased with the eyes can be difficult. Sorry you struggle with it now I dread that day when it comes.
      Love Margaret xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic show of talent for us today,
    Anne your scrapbook page is lovely,my hubby loves the Minions and wants to go and see the latest film
    Margaret cross stitch cross stiich is so relaxing, I have did a couple of small ones after I had my hip replacement, because of being immobile for a few weeks, it was a godsend.
    Brenda love your plate the design is gorgeous and the colours are fantastic.

    Patricia I hope the travel arrangements are ok, wasn't aware I was in charge. Janice and Anne if they are coming, will get the train to Edinburgh, I have arranged a pick up for you and Hazel, Norah is getting a lift through, and my taxi is arranged, the flight is at a reasonable time so we can all have a pre flight drink at the airport
    Hope Saba has not fallen asleep after all her cleaning and decorating for us, I think we will be totally impressed.
    Off to pack a few things, will catch up later at the airport. Xx

    1. JESS:- I think it was Saba who gave you that job when you said you were not coming. We did not want to leave you, you got the job of arranger!! I also wanted you to hold my purse in case I spent too much on all those wonderful shoes. xxx

    2. Hi Jess,
      Thank you yes that is when I really started to do alot, I had a back op, and hip replacements within 18 months so had a job to get about, it is very additive.
      Love Margaret xx

  9. Morning everyone
    This is just a quickie as Jim has taken Robert, Janine and Josh off to Epiry to their annual Brocante and so it's just me and Zoe here at the moment enjoying a bit of quiet time. We only see them once a year and so as adopted Grandparents as we are they will not leave our sides. I know that after Tuesday we shall be exhausted but it's lovely to have them here.

    Well Hazel From what I can see Thursday was just the perfect day and I hope that tonight all will be doing Reels and having a Wee Dram or two or three!!

    Yesterday's card From Myra was just beautiful and I would love to receive one through my letterbox just like it.

    Today's mixed bag - well Saturday's just get better and better.
    Anne your Minion page is so cute. I love everything from how you have used the circle, colours and to finish off the Cake - what a masterpiece.
    Margaret - your cross stitch is beautiful and we must be on the same wave length as I'm in the middle of doing a Working Collie for Christina.
    Brenda - what can I say about your dish - every picture is just better and better and oh how I would love to have my name on this one.

    Off now to start thinking about lunch - preparing for six instead of just two is taking some getting used to but somehow it all gets done.

    Have a good week-end everyone and hopefully see you tomorrow. Although it's the big brocante in Tamnay and we are organised to visit that one so I'll see how I'm fixed.
    Hugs are on their way.

    1. Don't work too hard Janet. If you do cook too much lunch just give a shout and I'll pop over!!! xxx

    2. Thank you Janet I did it for my cousin in Canada who has always had collies.
      Enjoy your visitors
      Love Margaret xx

  10. You will all be pleased to know I have the afternoon off, I am not helping so I can enjoy myself with you lot. Saba you do know how to get the laughter going. xxx

    1. Get those feet rested Hazel, so you can do a jig tonight xxx

    2. Good .... will you please take it easy for a wee while??? xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop
    Oh girls, didn't we have fun last night, and Saba's hospitality is wonderful. Have you seen the marvellous spread she has set up for us before we hit the Shoe outlet. She even had a virtual lift installed for Sandra. She thinks of everything!

    ANNE Love your scrapbook page, this little man is going to look back on his sixth birthday and remember what a brilliant cake he had.
    MARGARET Your Crosstitch is beautiful, the collie looks so lifelike. What a wonderful keepsake this will be.
    BRENDA LL, Love your dish, I think this is my most favourite one of all the dishes you have shown us, I love Poppies and these are just beautiful.

    Ladies thank you for sharing, Saturday is always such a treat when we get to see so much talent.

    Right must move myself, I have to go shopping. It's Johns and SIL's birthday on 6th Aug. I only have today free to look for presents.
    Will drop in later, hope everyone has a good day.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hope you get sorted out with presents Brenda. xxx

    2. Hi Brenda.
      Thank you for your kind words apparently it is in a frame now trouble is I will have to go to Canada to see it!
      Love Margaret xx

  12. Running out if time Just wanted to say that all of today's offerings are beautiful
    Patricia & Hazel enjoy tonight
    The V&A was amazing! I love going there Takes me about 1 hour As it the world's greatest museum of art and design it's worth a visit or three for any crafter just to look at the fabulous stuff in awe

  13. Hello everyone at long last I hope I am back!
    I do so hate it when we loose our internet I miss out on all the fun and games but I am delighted to see the wedding pictures Hazel and wonderful that the sun shone for you all, rather late I know but please wish the happy couple a wonderful happy life together.
    Oh drat some visitors are just arriving but I will be back thanks to our wonderful BT man would you believe it we are on first name terms now and he likes my coffee too!
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET: hope your visitors don't stay all day. You have to be at the Cheilidh this evening!!. You've missed the last two parties and the fight to SABA'S!!!
      Great to see you even if just briefly. xxx

    2. Margaret good to see you. If your visitors stay too long, wind up the clock and put the cat out!! They should take the hint ha ha. xxx

    3. OH putting his sleeping shorts on, that give them soon the hint, only when SIL is overstaying hihi

  14. Good Morning all those who weren't on the German Trip!
    I've already said good morning to those who were! Some people get up so early it's almost the middle of the night! I will never in a month of Sunday's be able to get up at 6am on the Retreat! If I did I'd fall asleep at the wheel on the way home and kill Saba and myself!
    What a night! I had a lovely sleep under a lavender bush!
    I started commenting on the way down but had to stop or I'd never have got here! Will go back in a minute.
    Today's craft delights are just that - delightful.
    Anne - I love your Scrapbooking page - it's inspired and looks so effective. Thanks for sharing it. I hope you are alright as you have been missing for a couple of days. Maybe you are having internet trouble again! Miss you, anyway!
    Margaret - I've never done cross stitch but have always been an admirer. Your collie is just lovely. What a lovely gift - I'm sure it's now in a frame! Thank you.
    Brenda - I love your plate and this is one of my favourites of yours. I love the colour of your poppies - my T shirt today is that colour. That's all I'm saying!
    Hazel - I was laughing so much last night too! We are daft but it is good for us to have a bit of fun!
    Well I've got a family lunch here tomorrow so looking forward to that!
    It is very wet here just at the moment - is it wet with you now too, Michele?
    Take care everyone,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. We have a nice day here for a change. How long it will last is anyone's guess.
      Had re-think about my shoes for this evening. Well it's the wrap/cardigan I have changed. I was fussing g about making flowers to put on my shoes when John said "Patricia why don't you just change that cardigan thingy" He asked was it not a bit too formal and know what he's right. Changed the "thingy" and I now have shoes, sandals actually and a bag to match ..... sorted. Hubbies come in handy sometimes. xxx

    2. A really beautiful day here, sun shining, hardly a cloud in the sky and it has been like this all day, don't tell Patricia though, she is looking for tartan wellies the rain is so bad bless her. xxx

    3. Hi Myra,
      Thank you yes it is in a frame. You should give a try.
      Enjoy your family lunch tomorrow.
      Love Margaret xx

    4. Oh Myra, I'm not up before eight normally but sometimes nine or ten. It depends how the night have been. Bring extra alarm clocks, get the desk to wake us or Maureen to give us a shake. I think Patricia and Hazel will be a bit toooo early tihi hugs xxx

  15. Yes I am back again!
    Oh I really have missed popping in for my excellent latte and delicious nibbles, while as for seeing what is going on talk about having a withdrawal!
    I really love seeing those Scottish kilts don't they all look so very handsome what ever age they are but those little ones are just super, but the bride wow she looked so beautiful but where was the mother of the bride?
    I have had a quick look at the posts for the days I have been missing and they are as always so beautiful but todays wow oh wow they are all fantastic. Anne I love your scrapbooking page a real eye catcher and so well thought out too.
    Margaret I am in awe of the patience you have to do your cross stitch and so beautiful it is too.
    Brenda last but by no means least your poppies dish is so very beautiful indeed, you never fail to amaze with your wonderful talent who would not love to have such a lovely dish as this.
    Well for once we have lovely sunshine here what a wonderful change but in Leeds where they are playing the Rugby Cup Final it is raining cats and dogs and no mistake! We are keeping a close eye on the game as one of the Hull players was born and brought up here.
    I hopefully have two more weeks to go until I can think of shopping for shoes, I am counting the days! Although I have now been told the ligaments around my hopping knee are badly damaged but I have been to see my lovely physio girl Amy who has given me some exercises to do so life is never dull!
    I do hope the party is a wonderful success tonight and it really should be now Patricia has got her outfit sorted and she is now a happy bunny and who would have thought it all thanks to her wonderful John, I do hope his knees are kind to him tonight, bless him.
    Things are getting exciting with the rugby 18 - 20 and only a few minutes to go!
    I shall pop in later to see how everyone has been today Hazel have a wonderful time tonight with all your lovely family.
    Margaret xxx
    Oh nearly forgot my hugs are over in the corner as always just help yourselves xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you for your kind words I must admit I do lose myself when I am doing it.
      Hope your exercises help.

      Love Margaret xx

  16. Our local boy has just scored hopefully the winning try we hope, so they will be off to Wembley, and did he look pleased with himself!

  17. Anyone got a pair of size 6 Tartan Wellies, they could lend me?? It's absolutely bucketing rain here. xxx

    1. Sorry only size 8 green wellies. Look on the bright side now Patricia, it may stop raining before tonight, I will get my prayer mat out. xxx

    2. Thank you Margaret,
      I have some Purple wellies that go with my dress, I will stick with them.
      I have got out a couple of our Prayer Mats. If I jump from one to the other will that count as two lots of Prayers??? xxx

    3. Patricia I would put one on top of the other same difference X 2, to save you jumping, you don't want to risk an injury! xxx

    4. Never thought of that, glad I mentioned it!!! xxx

    5. Patricia,, I'm blowing very hard. It's been a lovely sunny day here (most unusual) and will blow the sunshine up to you. Your outfit sounds lovely, if George likes anything I wear, I know it's time to get changed ha ha. Have a super duper night tonight, we'll be up to join you later in the Gay Gordons. xxxx

    6. Thank you Maureen, it's coming.
      I see a glimpse of brightness!! xxx

  18. Please don't anyone tell Patricia, we have lovely sunshine here hardly a cloud in the sky! xxx

  19. I have just had a look back at some of the posts and I see you are all still talking about knickers, especially Sandra. Well my little grandson came the other day and said 'Nanna what do you call two robbers?' The answer he told me, 'A pair of knickers!' Thought I would share this one with you all xxx

    1. Like it!!
      This one is not about knickers .... it's without!!!
      Robert did this Knock, Knock one with me the other day.
      Knock, knock,
      who's there??
      Bear who??
      BEAR NAKED!!

    2. Here's an oldie but goodie.
      Knock, knock,
      Who's there?
      Nicholas who?
      Knickerless girls shouldn't ride bicycles!!!

    3. I like that one, I shall tell him it next time he is here!

    4. MAUREEN:- if you can't be a good example
      You'll just have to be a dire warning!!! xxx

    5. Love your joke Margaret, very topical!
      How are you my lovely xxx

    6. Oops sorry Patricia, I WILL be good, I WIll be good, I Will be good, I will be good, or b*gger it xxxx

  20. Afternoon Ladies

    After such a promising start to the day, it's now very wet!

    Lovely chat with my friend this morning over coffee, dropped her off at home as it was starting to rain then popped into Southport M&S to collect my order = Jeans.

    Quick lunch then off out again to purchase the Ultimate Pro for M in L's birthday. I got two extra boards & two brand new DVD's with it for £30 which I think is a bargain. Was tempted to keep the boards myself but when I looked.... I already have them!!! Ooops-how bad is that?!

    Am just about to watch my Spectrum Aqua DVD for some inspiration!!! Fingers crossed it works after the amount I spent on the markers.


    1. Michele, Glad you had a good morning with your friend, everything's crossed that it works. Uncross your fingers or you'll not be able to hold the pens!!! xx

    2. Michele, hope your Spectrum Aqua worked ok, I only have Promarkers but thinking sometimes to get something else. Enjoy the rest of the week-end xx

  21. Myra, are you all right? I get worried when you haven't been in for a while. It's not like you to be quiet. xxx

    1. I was up very early this morning remember! I was burned out by 2pm! Between, early breakfast, snoring on the balcony, shop till you drop and a flight home - guess I'm showing my age! Careful how you respond to that Muriel! Xxx. PS. I'm touched you miss me though! Xx

    2. Myra, take it easy love, at your age these late nights and early mornings are no good, but I feel I should tell you that you've been touched for a while now!!!
      Hard hat on and I'm going to finish my ironing. Had a 10 minute breather for a coffee and thought I'd cause a bit of mayhem in the meantime. Look out iron - I'm on my way,
      Bye xxxx

    3. Just in case you were wondering! My excess baggage from Germany was Saba's Bazooka! Start digging a trench - as Fraser used to say - you're dooooomed!! Xxxx

  22. Afternoon all, well what a terrible downpour of rain we had about 3pm today, now the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky. Hope it stays dry over In Fife for the ceilidh:
    Step we gayly on we go
    Heel for heel, toe for toe
    Arm in arm, row on row
    All for Gillian's wedding!!
    This is just for you Hazel xx

    Forgot to say I sent for the wax kit for candles it arrived today, done a first pour, looking good so far.
    Also got notification about the craft show at the SECC Glasgow for October, don't think I will be going as I heard it will be the same as the one in March when everything was in the one hall, and it was a total disaster, half the demonstrators didnt turn up!, anyway my friends craft shop has most of the stuff I usually buy and can order it if she doesn't have it. ( brilliant web site, no P&P over orders of £5.
    Off to get ready for the party, mmmm what to wear, decisions, decisions!!,
    See you all there, xxx

    1. That brought back memories!
      Red her cheeks as rowans are,
      Bright her eye as many a Star,
      Fairest of them all by far,
      Is our Darlin Gillian! Xxx

  23. Ah, there's our Jess and Myra in their cups, singing. They'll be on to Auld Lang Syne before you can say Rabbie Burns!!!!
    Must get ready for the party, got my Tam o' Shanter and tartan trews all ready.

    1. Excuse me! Jess and I are ladies - we do not sit or stand in our cups! We make candles out of the spare ones too! Xxx

    2. Ha ha, good job I'd swallowed my coffee by the time I read that!! xx

  24. I don't understand it, (well there's a lot I don't understand, for example nuclear physics!!) I have added loads of comments during the day, but only a few later on have posted. I think you've all been blocking me just because I ate most of the breakfast that Saba prepared, and bought the best shoes.
    I just wanted you all to know that I have been commenting very sensibly!! on the way down, and haven't been ignoring you - how could I??

    1. Me too! You even promised Patricia that you'd be good!
      I didn't feel equipped to respond to that! Xxx

    2. I meant to say higher up , but forgot, lamb Henry's are available here. I saw them in a butchers window in Grange over Sands! I need to try cooking them . I've eaten them in a Gastro Pub but never cooked them . They are delicious - lamb is just so very tender. Xxxx

    3. It's a fine clear night here! What about going to the Ceilidh in a Hot Air Balloon! We could make a quiet entry that way - and we'd have sufficient gas between us to fuel it for the return journey! Scotland has a strict no alcohol policy on the roads but they'll not have thought of a balloon. What do you think ? Xxx

    4. Wow what a great idea can you call and collect me and my wheelchair? xxx

    5. Count me in, I've never been in a hot air balloon. Although OH often says I'm full of hot air!!!!!! I'm sure I could help to keep us moving. What an entry we would make. Ok posh frock and wellies on, that is the dress code isn't it?
      All aboard,
      Up up and away in our beautiful balloon. xxx

    6. Now Maureen are you saying you want to know all about nuclear physics? If so just let me know my SIL is a nuclear scientist he will help you out I am quite sure! xxx

    7. Ok, - Brenda , we call for Margaret , then Maureen then any Scots on the way up! If you are south of Manchester please get in touch quickly - I have another standing by for transfers! Sandra's Paul 's airbase is the venue!
      Saba - your flight to Edinburgh leaves very shortly - we'll pick you up in the car park!. Wellies will be needed - just in case! Xxx

    8. MURIEL, wake up!
      I've packed a wee drop to keep us warm on the way! Tartan rugs on board . Xxx

    9. Janice, Jess will you teach Maureen the words of Flower of Scotland!

  25. Hi Sandra. Thank you for showing my card and your lovely comments, I have tried to thank every one on the way down if I have missed anybody I am sorry.
    I will try and send in more trouble is I keep forgetting g to photograph them!!
    Anne your scrap book page is such a good idea well done.
    Brenda(little lamb) as always your plate is lovely I do like the colour of the poppies and the shape.
    I am just about out of battery so will love you all and leave for tonight hope you are not too noisy in the cafe tonight only joking great to hear you having such fun.
    Love to all Margaret xx

  26. Good evening Sandra & Ladies
    I have been commenting on way down ANNE your scrap book page is brilliant my Grandson would love that.
    MARGARET your cross stich is brilliant so much patience you have
    BRENDA I love your poppy dish it's amazing I love Poppies so much.
    Hope you have all had a good day & ready for the party. I have tuned up the bag pipes. Have made a large Chocolate Fudge cake & a big pot of extra thick cream in the fridge some salmon & cucumber sandwiches the tables still look lovely from last night put some fresh flowers out.. MAUREEN have you got the tanker ready.Are you awake MYRA .
    We have had lots of sunshine today & very warm sorry PATRICIA I have been blowing it over your way.
    MARGARET lovely to see you back blooming Internet has a lot to answer for
    Love Ben's knock knock joke Bless him.
    SHEILA I hope you arrived safety & hope you have a lovely time xx
    Will pop back have to go & give Annie her tablets .
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda I quite agree it is so frustrating you think it is on and then off it goes! How is Annie bless her are you able to get the tablets into her with no trouble? Our last corgi Oliver was a little terror he used to spit them out after a few minutes, that was until I started putting them in a little jam sandwich then there was no trouble at all, xxx

    2. Lynda,
      Did you see my comments about your new found bagpipe skills, I could be your manager, I have been snowed under with bookings!
      I do hope that you got Annie to take her tablets our dog used to eat them not realising there were concealed in a lump of cheese!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. The bunny I'm looking after is a pain to give the meds. too. It's liquid in a syringe so I try to put it on a cauliflower leaf ,very tricky ,so glad it's not much left. Hugs to Annie and Bambi xx

    4. Thank you MARGARET yes Annie takes her tablets ok I put them in some chicken she loves chicken so no problems.
      SANDRA you can be my manager of the bag pipes that would be good, but you do need a lot of wind blowing them but luckily I don't have a problem i have lots wind haha xx

  27. Myra are you cooking lamb henry for lunch tomorrow, if so can I stay on the balloon to your house for the return journey? But a word of warning if Maureen should want to come too don't let her anywhere near the gravy, you know only too well what she does with it! xxx

    1. Oh Good thinking batman! I'm not cooking lamb - cooking veal fillet loin . Still need gravy though!
      What shall we take to the bride and groom?
      Any ideas? Xxx

    2. We're setting off Margaret, Brenda is all aboard apart from her left leg but it's on it's way!

    3. how about a good casserole but there again Hazel did say they had everything they needed for the house, but a good cookery book never goes wrong and a cheque to but the ingredients of something new, I have lots of lovely tartan ribbon to wrap it up, whatever we decide and it must look good after all Hazel's tips on wrapping we don't want to upset her now do we. xxx

    4. I have just been to read about Lamb Henry, sounds deliscious, a bit like a big old lamb shank, but from the shoulder of the lamb, slow cooked, yum, yum, i need all the lamb recipes i can get as my son bought 29 lambs to rear and sell a couple of months back, so i am guessing lamb will be plentiful later this year!

    5. Sandra Mary Berry has some lovely lamb recipes xxx

    6. Myra, OMG You have realised, I always have problems with my left leg !!! xxx

    7. Oh Brenda, Sorry! Margaret is giving recipe tips while we're trying to steer this thing!
      Just been thinking - it's a full of Supergrans!! Xxx

    8. I loved the Super Gran ,she was great xx

  28. Sorry that should be a cheque to buy the ingredients!

  29. Hi Sandra and everyone. I have posted some to wish Patricia and Hazel a fabulous night. I had some drinks to toast the happy couple and I hope that everyone is having a wonderful night. Couldn't join you last night for the trip to Saba and shoe shopping, sorry hate shoe shopping, but loved seeing what you all were doing and sleeping on the balcony on a hot summer's night brought back some nice memories when living in my flat.
    Anne- Love your scrapbook page and the Minion cake, wonderful keepsake.
    Margaret- the Collie cross stitch is lovely and he do look so real, beautiful.
    Littlelamb- you are the master of pottery and this is amazing with it's blue poppies. So many have already tinged on this one but maybe you could make some extra. Liked reading the Limerick's, it's that what they called ? My OH St. dad always recited Robbie Burns when we saw him, in a deep Scottish accent hihi didn't get all the words do. Oh someone is soon off to Florida, have a fantastic time, hope maybe is not so hot as when Diane were there.
    Brenda -how did your present buying go. As hard it is to make them a card it's buying presents for a man sometimes.
    Karen- saw you had a good day at the V&A, maybe we see each other there one day.
    Janet -have a good time with your family.
    Going to read what you all up to tonight so I feel a bit better, do not want to damper all the celebrations and wish I could be with you but have an awful sore throat, feeling cold and the weather don't help, been grey here all day and chilly but will be 27! tomorrow
    Missing some of our friends but glad you are back Margaret, hope your four paws are ok.
    Love to all, Coffee and Amaretto on the reddy Hugs Maria xxx

  30. Yes I am all ready with my posh frock and one green wellie on, have you got yours on? xxx

    1. Yes! I've added some tinsel to mine as they're a bit boring! Wow ! That was close - looked like a Red Kite - the bird variety !!
      I knew Muriel couldn't stand the pace of three heavy nights in a row!

    2. Margaret we're coming down! Get ready .
      Maureen your next! Get the Tam O' Shanter on and put elastic under your chin! It's windy up here! Xxx

    3. Maureen you next! WHERE ARE YOU,
      Saba - did you catch that flight!
      We've got some Baileys bottles as ballast!
      Gorgeous dress, Margaret! Xxxx

    4. I never in my wildest dreams thought crafting would lead me here!
      It's mind blowing!
      Hair blowing too!
      Hope it's a hot buffet! Xxx

    5. Maureen, hold on to your Pom Pom!
      Just had text from Norah!
      She advised us to take care crossing the Ochils! She will put us up if we run out of gas!
      Run out gas? Us? Never! Xxx

    6. WOW this is great , What a way to spend a Saturday evening. I have heated some of Margaret Rice Bags if anyone feels a wee bit cold. Think the tanker is on hand to for anyone who wants to get in the party mood.
      We will be there soon. Told you my Hot Air would help. xxx

    7. Brenda it's so exhilarating ! Muriel is on board in spite of herself - she'll be glad she came!
      Saba next then it's Ceilidh here we come! Xx

    8. Keep a look out for the osprey they are nesting just up the road from us near Bassenthwaite Lake when you pick me up. xxx

  31. I'm hanging on to the guy ropes Myra, I reckoned that with all my hot air I could just blow straight up and the balloon would break the sound barrier. I've having a bit of trouble with this old machine. Been trying to post but it wouldn't let me, but I've been keeping up with the comments. Looks like we are going to have a great night. One thing though, you could never call me a lightweight - the scales will confirm that. Ooh, you nearly hit the top of that building, careful...!!!

    1. I'm doing my best - we have aircraft to worry about next! Going down - Get ready to grab Saba!
      If anyone asks you anything just say "it's aw right Jimmy" .xx

    2. For a supposedly sane woman, you are totally mad. Trouble is that I'm with you every step (or hot balloon) of the way!!! xxx

    3. Hoots mon, I'm making the balloon lighter, I hope you all appreciate my sacrifice as I'm drinking the Baileys. I felt the tanker was slowing us down and we were getting dangerously near the Forth Bridge, surely we are going in the wrong direction - Myra, Myra, MYRA xxx

    4. Right Edinburgh now behind us!
      Air Traffic Control missed us completely! Must have been the camouflage bloomers!
      In Flight speak! ETA - five minutes! Xxx

    5. Do you think the Scots are ready for us? Wouldn't want to upset anyone. xxx

    6. Get ready to sing!
      Oh Flower of Scotland,
      Where will ye see the likes again!
      ( sincere apologies to the writer)

    7. Have to tell you, I was reading above comments. Started to giggle, then cough, OH said Are you OK? .... Just could not explain. I would have had to start at the beginning, A very good place to start!!!

    8. Know exactly what you mean! We are bonkers! Xxx

    9. Brenda - I always thought you were the sensible one here. Obviously I have been very much mistaken!! xxx

    10. MYRA are you flying over KENT I'm waiting with my bagpipes
      Don't leave me I missed the party at Saba's ohhh mind the Sea

    11. Sandra's in charge of all those south of Manchester!
      Hurry up girls! Xxx

  32. Oh of course they will be ready for us Brenda not sure about Muriel though we may have to smuggle her in. xxx

  33. Landed! Doors to manual! Xxx

  34. Bloomers at the ready to use as escape chutes - don't worry girls, they are clean (ish) ha ha xx

    1. Muriel , you go first and I'll wheel Margaret's chair! I've tied a Union Jack to it. Was afraid the English Flag would incite trouble. After all we come in peace! Xxx

    2. Now try and be good Muriel, no you cannot lift up a kilt to see what is underneath be discrete here is a mirror pop it into a stick and slide it near! xxx

    3. Margaret! That's why you brought a selfie stick! Xx

  35. Come on girls step we Baileys on we go heel for heel and toe for toe all for Gillian,s wedding. Now be good Muriel at least until we get in. Oh I do love to see a Scotsman in his kilt! xxx

    1. Margaret, behave. Should you be in a wheelchair in that condition. Tidy yourself up woman, look at your hair, you'd think you'd been blown in and what's that on your leg? Oh it's the Baileys intravenous drip - that's all right then!!! xxx

    2. Saba, where are you, stick with me, the natives are friendly (ish) xxx

    3. We poured some Baileys in Margaret's pink pot! We wrote Baileys in a lovely script. If anyone asks the pink bottles are for Breast Cancer Aeareness Month! Xxx

    4. It's hard to spell awareness in the dark!! Xxx

    5. Where oh where is Saba it's not like her to miss all this drink? xxx

    6. She's here in spite of herself! Just not quite with it yet! Xxx

    7. Maybe if we all knock, rap and shout Prost, that will do the trick!!! xxx

    8. Myra, it's hard to spell anything in the dark!! xxx

    9. You ladies are absolutely bloody crazy!!!! But boy do i love you for it!!!
      I do wonder what those looking through the windows think of all the shenanigans!,
      Eh up watch Myra she is hovering around the back of the handsome kilted man!

    10. OK the music sounds great, come on girls, Let's go in and join in the celebration, Hazel has spotted us. She has recognised us. Just tell her we are the Cotswold Clan. Is that ok with you Sandra? Xxx

    11. Sandra, we are mad! I'm sitting here laughing. We does all the nonsense come from! Xxx

    12. MYRA I'm still waiting for you to fly over KENT did you not see me up a bit I'm getting funny looks with my bagpipes tucked under my arm.Hurry up xx

    13. Surely Sandra should be here, is that here dangling from the Bloomers having got caught in the elastic? xxx

    14. Lynda, I answered higher up! Honestly I did! Xxx

    15. You see, I must be drunk, Sandra was here all the time. Trouble is that I have to keep going in and out after posting, Does anyone else have that trouble? xxx

    16. Cotswold Clan! It does have a certain ring to it! Sandra is now officially a Clan Chief! Xxx

    17. Yes and we love you too Sandra, come on lets find the buffet all that fresh air has made me hungry, there will be plenty of time to dance later. I will go over and sit with Patricia's John and cheer him up bless him his knees are giving him some trouble.. xxx

  36. Oh ladies, I may have to leave the party. This is playing silly tricks and I don't want to leave you mid air - so to speak. I will try to follow you, although it would take a psychiatrist to make any sense of us!! If I can I will continue to give you the benefit of my wise words - steady there Margaret, you should not be sitting on John's knees like that, especially in your wheelchair!!! xxx

    1. Don't worry! I just want to say here and now! I'm having a quiet night in tomorrow!
      Germany Friday night! Scotland Saturday night!
      A girl can have too much excitement! Especially an old girl xxx

  37. HELP......
    The plane had to divert to Aberdeen! There was an un authorised hot air Balloon in his flight path. I told the pilot just to drop me off and he gave me a parachute and pushed me out the door. All was going well till that blasted eagle started dive bombing me and and I pulled the wrong way and now I am stuck up a bloody tree.

    1. Don't worry! SUPERGRAN1 is on the way! Prost! Xxx

    2. You are not going to believe this - on my screen in the middle of all this mayhem came the words - Wanda Bloomer has pinned your pin!
      We just can't escape bloomers! Xxx

    3. Myra, I'd believe anything of you!!!! xxx

  38. Saba, don't worry, Myra will fire up the hot air balloon, and we'll have you out of that tree quicker than you can say supercalifragalisticsupercaliwhatsit xxxx

    1. George has just come through to the dining room and asked what on earth I am doing. He is watching something on the TV and all he can he is me laughing xxx

    2. Help! Will do for now! Supercali. ---- is a bit of a mouthful! Xxx

    3. Oh Maureen! No wonder! Tell him we're sane really. Honestly George and we will behave tomorrow! Well we'll try! Xx
