
Friday 31 July 2015

Myra's card made without any dies

Myra's 'no die' card!



Good Friday Morning Ladies,
I was thinking of making Fridays that day that we show our 'Challenge cards'
Today's card has been created by our lovely Myra, the challenge for
this card was :
A card made without any dies !
If any of you would like to take part please email your challenge cards, they can
be any design or style, just made without the use of any dies.
Another challenge if I remember correctly was :
A Christmas card made with only One die. (please tell me if I am wrong)
I think it will be fun taking part in the challenges, encouraging us to think out of
the box, I think we could go on to do cards with a particular die or older dies too.
It may well get us using our older dies, like Anne had on her card yesterday.
I love the image that Myra has used for this card, a great card for all of our
girlfriends, sisters etc, after all, who doesn't like a bit shopping?!
Myra has picked some of the colours in the image to create her matt and layering,
Everything works so well, those cute little pearls picking the colours out perfectly,
I love the font on the little Sentiment you have used Myra, its really pretty,
Thank you so much Myra, your card is fabulous and just goes to prove
that we can make amazing cards without the dies we have become very
reliant on in our everyday card making, don't get me wrong, I love my dies and
what they can do by mixing them up and combining them.
I can't wait for an update on the wedding yesterday, I will be eagerly
pacing the Café until either Hazel or Patricia arrives and tells us
everything about the day!
Wow, I can't believe we are almost at the end of another week!
I hope you all have a lovely day
Love and Hugs

Gillian's Wedding
The Happy Couple
 Beautiful Grandchildren
Looking Fine in Kilts
Andrew performing his duties
Hazel sent us a few photos of Gillian's Wedding so I wanted to add
them straight away as I knew you would all being looking forward
to seeing the happy couple.



  1. Morning Ladies

    We have a calm, dry start to the day-looks like it might be nice later on.

    Myra-love the card. The image you have used could be for so many occasions-was it from a CD?

    I'm hoping to take part in the "only one die used on s Christmas card" challenge at the weekend as I've not got too much planned. I'm meeting a friend for coffee on Saturday morning then popping into Southport to collect my M&S order (some Jeans) then after lunch I'm calling to collect the Ultimate Pro that my crafty friend is selling.

    We really need to do some weeding at the weekend but am hoping hubby doesn't suggest it!!


    1. No Michele I have never used CD's in crafting. To is a topper from The Hobby House. I get a few from there sometimes as they make nice quick cards only I usually use some dies! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and any one who calls in today.
    Myra, great card and it goes to show that you can make beautiful cards with no die cuts. This is a card for different ages and most females love to shop.
    Up early, couldn't sleep any longer,,so just decided to get up. Did think I was going to have to go along this morning and take the chair covers off and collect the bits and pieces, but no after we left Gillian and Andrew friends that are staying with them set too and did everything, and it's all back at the house ready for tomorrow night. Lynn phoned to let me know, I was so glad to hear that it was done. So when the happy couple return sometime today they don't have to think of doing anything but chilling out. I don't know what my day will be like we have got the other Canadians coming here at some point and our friends that are here for the week too. If I don't do the ironing I will have to hide the basket up stairs, and to be honest I think that's what will happen. I will bake a batch of scones, I will send some down to Gillians, they will have folk in and out today so it will help feed them along with cake. Gillian being Gillian gave Andrews sister a box with a big bit of their cake to take today up to where their dads partner is in hospital recovering after her Stoke. Oh I know what I was going to tell you, as you know Gillian has chickens and they are very much pets and are free range to the point they wonder up the road to the hall etc in the village plus she loves her cats. Well yesterday a chicken just like the ones she has was wondering round where the ceremony was taking place, it's was like one of hers had invited itself, plus their was a cat who was the double of her old cat who died only a few months ago, it was wondering around them while they were saying their vows, it was spooky, but in a lovely way like he was happy for them, bear in mind Squeek was 19 when he died and was a big part of her life.
    Also their to see them married was a couple who are private patients of Gillians she looked after the ladies sister who was ill for years plus she does their feet, well I didn't know who they were ( thought they were from Andrews side) anyway they had asked if they could come and just see them get married, but it was how they spoke about Gillian and told me I should be the proudest mum as she was one in a million and that it was down to how we had brought her up, well I was proud of her ( I am proud of the three of them) but when they had come over to see her get married was lovely. I have to say Gillian isn't allowed to except gifts from her NHS patients but can get cards, well they must have received well over a hundred. The house has cards every where.
    Gosh you will all be skeep in your coffees after this, sorry. Xxx

    1. Hazel what a lovely story.HugsLynda xx

    2. Hazel, how wonderful ! Another lovely day for you all to have xxx

    3. How lovely Hazel! I've been and had a peek on your blog and there are lovely photos there! You are so quick with things like that! They are lovely. Won't spoil it for others - so will say no more! Have a more restful day today. Hugs! Xxxx

    4. Hazel, it's really lovely that this couple took the time to compliment you on the way you brought up your children. Gillian is a credit to you and Charlie. Hope you don't mind I had a wee peep at your blog. xxx

    5. Hazel that is so lovely and it gives you such a warm feeling when other people confirm just how lovely your children are doesn't it. It sounds like she is very popular with her clients and yes that is a credit to you. Put the ironing basket upstairs and ignore it, spending time with family and friends is far more important xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who might pop in today.
    MYRA:- love, love, love, your brilliant card. Great colours, design and image ... thought it was a photo of SABA on her last shopping trip!! Just goes to show we can make great cards without all the Dies. However I know we all like our Dies.
    After our hectic day yesterday I just hope that sister of mine takes it easy today. She was suffering rather badly last night. I would like her to rest all day today, Charlie and Roberta will manage fine and can "dance attendance" on her for a change.
    Tomorrow is the BIG party when all hands will be needed in the setting up if the Village Hall. Luckily Gillian lives right next door to it.
    Everything looks good in here, thank goodness. I feel fantastic but see this getting older fairly gets to you after celebrations. Not that much cleaning will get done in this house today. Toilets will be done, not much else though. Think it might be quite a lazy day otherwise.
    I am off over to my favourite table, I have my Tea & Toast. I see Hazel left some of the Chocolate Cake for all you guys. It's beautiful ..... a word of warning ... you only need a little slice it's extremely rich Mmmmm!!! it's really good though.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Me again:- spoke too soon have just read what my sister is to be up to today. Hazel what in the name of heavens are you "taking" just now. Let me know I could do with some. xxx

    2. I know Patricia, she should just take it easy as should you my lovely friend. Feet up cup of tea and a little rest I think for you all xxx

  4. Hello everyone, I'm doing this on my phone so I hope it comes through.
    Myra your card is beautiful love the colours too.
    Hazel I'm so very pleased every thing went perfectly yesterday, you must have been one proud mother. It's good to be back with Marg and George plenty of laughter. Early to bed tonight for a 5.30 am start in the morning. Bugs to all my lovely friends in the coffee shop.
    Lots of love
    Sheila xxxx

    1. Oops that should be HUGS no BUGS!!! xxxx

    2. Oops that should be HUGS no BUGS!!! xxxx

    3. Oh Sheila, sorry you snuck in while I was typing my post. Have a good day and a lovely holiday. I've taken a few of your bugs . . . hugs!!! xxx

    4. Hello Sheila,glad you arrived safely at Margarets & George sounds like your holiday has started off with laughter. Enjoy the rest of your holiday with plenty more laughter. Love & Bug Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Thanks Sheila, have a lovely holiday! We'll miss you but we'll catch up when you get home again. Xxx

    6. Sheila have a wonderful holiday and safe journey. Enjoy yourself and have lots of fun and laughter, you deserve it. I've taken the lady bird bug hugs thank you sending you some butterfly ones back xxx

  5. Hello Sandra, Michele, Hazel and Patricia,
    I'm just popping in to say that I think everyone is fair pooped!!!! after the party, and are sitting with sore heads and feet! It sounds like you had a wonderful day but I think you should have a rest Hazel, you'll be too tired and sore to enjoy tomorrow's celebrations otherwise.
    Karen, enjoy the V&A today. I love it there.
    Michele, enjoy your coffee with your friend, and your bits and bobs that you are collecting afterwards.
    Myra, I love this card. The image is so sweet and coloured beautifully. The embellishments are gorgeous, I'd have only used one as I'm too mean to put three of the beauties on a card!!!
    I'm off to tidy my craft room AGAIN.
    I'm no good after a party, I'm too lightweight!!!
    Love and hugs,
    Muriel xxxxx
    P.S. Hope Saba got her flight all right and she was not delayed! Prost

  6. Hello everyone, I'm doing this on my phone so I hope it comes through.
    Myra your card is beautiful love the colours too.
    Hazel I'm so very pleased every thing went perfectly yesterday, you must have been one proud mother. It's good to be back with Marg and George plenty of laughter. Early to bed tonight for a 5.30 am start in the morning. Bugs to all my lovely friends in the coffee shop.
    Lots of love
    Sheila xxxx

  7. Hello everyone, I'm doing this on my phone so I hope it comes through.
    Myra your card is beautiful love the colours too.
    Hazel I'm so very pleased every thing went perfectly yesterday, you must have been one proud mother. It's good to be back with Marg and George plenty of laughter. Early to bed tonight for a 5.30 am start in the morning. Bugs to all my lovely friends in the coffee shop.
    Lots of love
    Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila I AM SO VERY IMPRESSED!!!
      Look at you using all this technology to carry on commenting, you are an amazing lady, make sure you enjoy every minute of your trip xxxx
      Sending huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Sheila, we got the message, the first time, I think you're phone has a mind of it's own!!! xxxx

  9. Ok folks, I am not going to be doing anything except sit down and have my feet up. Mind willing to do everything but body has different ideas. Xxx

    1. Oh good ,chair cover off Patricia. She is actually taking a breather hihi
      take care xxx

    2. Thank goodness you are listening to your body. xxx

    3. Thank goodness for that xxxx

    4. Thank goodness Sis, mind you I will believe it when I see it in action.

  10. Morning Sandra and all in this morning, oh I will be quiet I think someone got a sore head hihi
    Patricia, you have to take a chair cover and wrap your sister up in for a while so she must have a rest. So happy everything went well yesterday and it was such a lovely day but she must take some me time or she will be in a lot of pain. A huge bug ?/ hug to you all !
    Karen- have a good day in London @ the V&A museum.
    Michele, have a good day.
    Myra,Myra- love your card, so perfect for all girls who love shopping. well done, no dies.
    Got neighbours bunny to do (food,water and meds,another one) little bit of gardening, sun is out, yay ! Blood to be taken pm, good luck to the poor nurse as I'm only trickling if she can do it at all and some cutting out for some cards, just for fun. Have a lovely day everyone,see you later .Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria! My head is just fine - ate too much though! At least we had fun. I did wonder why Saba chose to bring sauerkraut mind you! Ha ha ! Xxx

    2. Typical German delicatessen, nice with hot dogs and German or Polish mustard mmmm hihi

    3. Saba didn't bring hot dogs ! It would have lowered the tone mind you!
      I know that's difficult with this lot but it is possible ! Xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra & friends
    HAZEL sounds like you had a fabulous day yesterday so pleased everything was amazing PATRICIA described Gillian's dress it sounds Stunning please can we have a picture.PLEASE take things easy today Hazel,Charley & Roberta can take care of you today XX
    MYRA Your card is lovely you have done a wonderful job without any die's yes cards were good before die's were introduced but we do love them die's now.
    I will do a Die Less card over the weekend.
    Sandra hope your ok xx
    Better get on have to pop out after finishing homework & put washing out.see you later. Ooooh early again get your smelling salts out MAUREEN haha.x
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Ooooh Lynda, in before 12 again .quick pass me the salts hihi hugs xxx

  12. Hello Everyone,
    Well we did go a bid mad last night but Sandra's neighbours haven't complained - I don't think so anyway.
    I did get a surprise when I saw my card this morning. The topper came on a sheet of four toppers from The Hobby House. I actually bought the sheet as another one has a girl with a briefcase and I thought it would be useful for a niece who has graduated from Uni and starting a new job. The shopping one I knew would suit nearly any lady I know! It was quite interesting making a card without dies because we now use them even to mat and layer. The embellishments are little brads I've had for years in my stash - the colours just toned.
    Thank you all for your lovely comments. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has created!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Of course the neighbours didn't complain last night, didn't you notice the people sitting in the corner? They came in very quietly and I saw them laughing a lot, One of them said to me what a fantastic buffet!!!
      Sorry I left you to clear up last night, my iPad battery ran out as did my personal one !!! ha ha xxx

    2. Don't worry Brenda, it was cleared away in virtually no time!! Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Hazel and Patricia it was lovely spending the day (virtual day) celebrating with you yesterday, thank you for making the time, after what must've been quite an exhausting day, to give us an update yesterday evening. So pleased everything
    went well. I'm sure you have got lots of lovely memories and hopefully some beautiful pictures.

    MYRA, Love your card, The stamp, colours, check and gingham backing papers, it is all just beautiful. Did you colour the stamp yourself? Thank you for shareing your very inspiring card.

    I'm going to sit by the window and enjoy my latte, if anyone cares to join me your more than welcome.
    Will pop back later, everyone is having a good day, love Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I will be quiet as I think Patricia and Hazel might be having a little doze! We did have a good party last night but I must go back and check because I think Karen probably came in after I left. Karen have a lovely day at the V &A, I hope the queues aren't too long, usually it's ok once you get in, haven't been for ages but the last exhibition I saw was an Annie Lennox one which was wonderful. Xxx
    Myra your card is lovely and you are good not using a die. Love the image you have used, as you say so typical of a lot of our friends! Thank you for sharingxxx
    Well I had to go back for my fasting blood rest today and it took the very young nurse about 15 minutes to get blood out! Maria I hope you have more luck than me thus afternoon! I will be black and blue tomorrow! My blood pressure then had to be checked so another nurse came in to help as they used the manual one and they couldn't find a pulse! After 3 attempts they decided it was probably high but they couldn't get a reading so I've got to go back in two weeks time. Ho hum. I think the outcome will br high blood pressure but then I always get anxious when I go! Ho hum. Right I must get on, must get the second liar of washing on and get the airing cupboard sorted. See you all later. Oh Hazel that chocolate cake is yummy, I wonder if Karen will have coffee cake again today!
    Love and hugs to you all xxxxx

    1. Oh! My! Goodness!! Poor, Poor, Diane ... no Pulse!! Hope your OK!!
      Have you tried taking Arneaca before you go for a blood test and rubbing some Arneaca cream on after?? xxx

    2. Coooo eee! Diane! Xxx

    3. Diane, no pulse argh hope you still here hihi I was very lucky to see my favourite nurse but today she had to take it in my hand so yes black and blue here too. Do you take meds. already for high blood pressure ? I take Ramapril which seem to help some xxx

    4. Maria:- hope you still have a "pulse"!! and your hand is ok!! xxx

    5. Tihi oh yes I have a pulse alright but as the hippo I am they have problem to find it too sometimes ,hand is a bit sore xx

    6. Maria, I go to one special nurse at my GP's practice. She takes it the old way and taps where the vein is to make it come to the top. Get's it first time, no bruise afterwards. When they others do it - they are in and out all over, bruises all colours and then they usually go for her!!!!

    7. Maria that sounds painful having blood taken from your hand, hope you aren't too sore and black and blue. My arms a bit sore tonight but bruise hasn't come out yet. I'd forgotten about arnica, I used it when I had my tonsils out and it helped me to heal quickly. I'm not on medication ..... Yet! I think my time is running out though! Xxxx

  15. Good afternoon ladies,
    I have included some photos of Gillian's wedding, that Hazel sent me last night, so please make sure you scroll back up to the top and the photos are after todays post.
    The photos are lovely, Gillian looked beautiful xx

  16. I thought my iPad was playing tricks on me, have just come back from Hazel's website, scrolling down after Myra's card I see Gillian's wedding photographs, you really had me confused there Sandra. (doesn't take a lot! )
    Hazel, looking at the photographs again, the little lady with the green slash could be our granddaughter Ciara with the hair up! xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    Well, Maureen the sweet was so good it got eaten first. Now us young ones ( your words not mine ) can eat food in any order, and the sets went first I'm afraid. I was worn out with dancing to Lynda's bagpipes, they just got us in the mood yo join in with the wedding party.
    Love the card Myra, this is how I used to make cards, using toppers and stamps before I started to buy dies. I'm still waiting for my prize from the comment fame on Sues blog. However, our post is so erratic now, It can come up to 5.00 now. I'll have to email on Monday if it's not arrived by tomorrow. Sue said it would be posted on Mon. I received my Jingle Bells on the Wed last time I won.
    Lovely photos of the wedding. Don't you just love the men in their kilts. I'm glad our sun dances worked for you Hazel. Just think if we took over the world what a better play we would all live in.

  18. ALERT,,,, Jusd had email from Sunrise Crafts! Sue has some additional Christmas Dies being released in August! Another Striplet, a background and many more sentiment type dies.
    Don't raid the Retreat Jar now girls! Xxx

    1. I suppose I'll have to force myself to have look ha ha xxxx

    2. Maureen is dragging me by the scruff of the neck to go look with her.
      Steady up my feet are dragging .... Oh!! better go or I'll skin my knees. xxx

    3. Oh! ......... Wait for me xx

    4. Like the Silent Night and the Holly Mini Striplet xx

    5. I have resisted, I liked the "Joy to the World" die. It would make quick and easy cards BUT!!! I really do have enough, Yes! Yes! I definitely do!! xxx

    6. Hey, don't forget me, will someone push my wheelchair please???

    7. Oh! Sandra, how can we forget about you!!
      We will take turns to push ... me first!! xxx

    8. " Unforgettable - that's what you are! " xxx

    9. Me, I will give them a miss no spare money need it for Turkey and retreat, Xxx

    10. Don't forget me in MAUREEN's pipes can't walk very fast don't want to bump into anyone xxX

    11. Just had a look but I wanted some of Sue's other dies and I had a E-mail from Craft World and they were cheaper on the ones I wanted so Having a parcel in a few day's .ooops that was not meant to happen !
      Also ALLY PALLY TICKETS NO ON SALE !! Hihi What Day are you Going Girls ?? xxx

    12. Hazel, it's a long time until Christmas - let the Turkey wait! Xxx

  19. You know what girls, how things can seem a little flat after a lovely day, well I've pinched/borrowed some of Hazels white covers and tartan ribbons to decorate the cafe tables, and we can sit, have a cuppa, look at the photos and relive Gillian and Andrew's lovely day. What do you think. I'm over here look, yoo hoo, I've even put the foot stools out for those who want to rest their feet after all the jigs last night.
    Muriel xxx

    1. I need to rest my feet, still a bit sore after wearing those High Heels yesterday.
      Look at those tables!! Maureen they are stunning. Brought some Shortbread, help your self.
      Well ladies what did you think of Gillian's dress?? I was even nicer in real life. So floaty and swirly. Ooooo!!! The embroidery was amazing. oh! how I wish John & I still went to all these fancy Company Affairs I would just have to have a dress like that. Hazel's dress was beautiful as well. Hopefully there will be some photos she will be able to let you see. xxx

    2. WOW Maureen, the cafe looks amazing, and Patricia has put some yummy shortbread on the tables. We are so lucky with all the lovely treats we get in this Cafe xxx

    3. Maureen, you are full of good ideas - this week! My feet aren't too bad Patricia - I was dancing with my feet up! What a picture that conjures up! Thanks for the lovely shortbread! I brought some scotch pancakes in case there was any strawberry jam left! Xxx

    4. Ooooo!!. Pancakes. Just nipped home for another Jar of Strawberry Jam hope there are some Pancakes left!!! Here's the Jam ..... goodie there are a few left. xxx

    5. Thanks for the jam Patricia!
      Should we save some goodies for the others?
      I think Saba has gone shopping with Heide! I feel another handbag coming on!! Xxx

    6. MAUREEN it looks very pretty in the café with the tartan ribbon & table's perfect. Oooo shortbread & strawberry jam Mmmm my favourite thank you, I think I will put my feet up,all that dancing on my own & paying the bag pipes then having to wear your drainpipes that was rather a squeeze getting In them I can tell you. So going over by Patricia. Xx

    7. Are they any good for the DB's ? I was dancing until 4 am, don't know where you were .Only heard a few squeaks from the bagpipes from time to time. How come you had to pay for them, thought they came free xxx

  20. Just a quick visit, we are off out for dinner with family and friends, thank you Sandra for putting the photos up, I put the same on my blog for those who don't come in here. But thank you everyone of you. You have been so kind. Hazel xxx

    1. HAZEL:- enjoy your dinner, please relax. xxx

    2. Have a lovely evening Hazel! Just relax , you don't have to do a thing! Just what you need. Xxx
      By any chance is that Patricia peeping out of the doorway in the photo with the children? Xxx

    3. MYRA:- how in heavens name did you guess that?? xxx

    4. The likeness to your little photo was pretty good! You look really lovely! Xxx

    5. I keep forgetting about that photo xxx

    6. I recognised the shoes - didn't notice the hair!!!! xxx

    7. Remind me to polish mine for October! Xxx

    8. The shoes not the hair! Xxx

  21. I Love the photos !! Gillian's dress is absolutely Gorgeous and I love the colour and the embroidery. They all look very nice in their kilts, the men, but aaah your grand children are so cute . Thank you for sharing with us Hazel . Many hugs to all and enjoy your meal out xxx

  22. Wow Hazel thank you for sharing these photos of Gillian & Andrew wedding.
    Gillian 's dress is Absolutely gorgeous & Patricia describe it perfectly this morning.All the men looked very smart in there kilts & your grandchildren are so very smart too & soooo cute. Enjoy your evening meal Big Hug's Lynda xx

  23. Hi everyone, hope this publishes, had a problem last night at the party nothing was publishing. Will try now and come back x

    1. Jess I forgot to say last evening thank you very much for the book recommendation. I have read one of Patricia Coles, but it wasn't the Jump so I will have a look for it. Having said that, I like hospital blood and gore, but am a bit of a wimp when it comes to violence in books.
      Last night your problem was probably because we had commented more than 200 times and each subsequent comment you have to click load more to see it, so yours were probably there after all.

    2. Saba thanks for that.
      The author of The Jump is actually Martina Cole x

  24. Hello lovely Sandra and lovely ladies,
    Oh my word, I don't know where to start, so, I'll start at the very la la la la.... ( Bet you're all singing now).
    Myra, fantastic card, I adore that image, anything to do with shopping is right up my street. Your matting and layering is superb and I love the background paper. Like Muriel said 3 Brads!!! I couldn't have given 3 away. It's lovely.
    Hazel, thank you so much for allowing us to see some wedding photos. Gillian looks so beautiful and her dress is just amazing. The men look scrum my in their Kilts. I love a man in a kilt. When Rachel married, her Husband wore his grandfathers kilt and peter and all the ushers etc hired theirs. Peter loved wearing his and I must say he looked good, could have fancied a slice of coffee cake when I saw him!!! Andrew looks so proud, is he in the forces? Just wondered because of the medals he is wearing.
    And your grandchildren are scrumptious, the boys look lovely in their kilts and the girls so pretty. You must be very proud of all your family Ans how lovely that you were complimented about Gillian. Bet you had a really warm glow.
    Now there appears to be a very elegant lady in the background, love the outfit Patricia and your shoes... I need shoes like those, might have to fight Myra for them though. Hazel, thank you once again, please gets some rest before tomorrow's ceilidh. And thank you Sandra for showing them.
    I spent most of the day with my friend Heide. We went to Ikea first and although neither of us bought much we spent hours looking around. Then we called in to a big shoe warehouse on the way back. They sell branded shoes but at discount prices and the best thing is they have my size. The normal shoe size here starts at a size 3 but even then there is not much choice. I take a 2 1/2 so it is like torture for me when we go into department stores and there are no shoes to fit me. I love shoes nearly as much as handbags. Anyway, I bought some new shoes.
    Off to make dinner now, be back later,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Meant to say, I can't believe that there are even more new dies out, I am going to have a look. My dies which I ordered last week have arrived and I shall be a bit miffed if there are any I like more, but having said that, I love the ones I have bought.

    2. Sorry folks my shoes are precious. They are maybe old but boy I love them and the matching bag. I have another couple of sets, I will not part with them either.
      Oh! how I would have LOVED to be with you in that Warehouse. xxx

    3. Hi Patricia, who are the other chaps in the photo, is Charlie one of them?

    4. Hi, there Sandra, how are you??
      None of Charlie .... Middle is Andrew, to the left is Chris (Hazel's son) right side Derek (Hazel's SIL) all look good though don't they. xxx

  25. Hi I'm back thank goodness missed my chat with everyone at the party, it was really nice to join in the wedding celebrations.
    Myra your card is lovely, I like using Hobby House toppers, some of them are really handy for quick cards.
    Hazel love the photos of Gillian's wedding, she looked beautiful, of course she is, she is your daughter! Your grandchildren are gorgeous, and the men are not to bad looking as well in their kilts.
    I have been covering our little craft shop today, so nothing major will be tackled tonight.
    Hazel and Charlie enjoy your meal with your friends and relatives, you both deserve a little rest.
    Hope to catch up later, I will try and do replies later.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  26. Noooooooooooo,
    My post has disappeared. I can't remember all the drivel I typed. Here's a snippet of what I can remember.
    Hazel, have a lovely evening, do nothing and let others run after you.
    Patricia, it was your shoes that I recognised.
    Saba, I'm glad they let you back in to Germany, the state you were in when you were here!!!!
    Myra, did you buy any dies. I didn't, have to save for the Retreat.
    Jess, nice to see you.
    Brenda, nice to see you.
    Littlelamb and Norah, would be nice to see you.
    Janice where are you?
    Lynda, you look very smart - ah it's the drainpipes!!!
    Pat, how could you - I was so looking forward to your sweet!!!
    Sandra, coo eee
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hello dear! Never mind! Someone is having a laugh somewhere!
      Why did you have to ask about the dies? Why am I so honest that I have to respond?
      I pre-ordered Happy Christmas. You see, I prefer that to Merry!! After that I struggled to find a favourite! Joy To The World, Noel, Silent Night appealed very strongly. I 'm still thinking! Can you hear the wheels turning? Xxxx

  27. Hi Myra
    I assume that you were break dancing last night. As I was snoozing I missed that. That's the only way I know you can dance with your feet up. Will have to have a repeat sometime. Unless, anyone brought a camera with them.

    1. PAT:- that was a right state you got into last night. We had to get you Ito one of the comfy chairs. Worse!! you forgot the pudding!!! When I got back after the wedding I was right in the mood for some of it.
      Never mind we will you off this time ... just don't let it happen again!!! xxx

    2. Pat! Watch it - I don't mean me break dancing either! Break could become break as in break a leg!! Pat I don't mean yours! Mine! Do you think they will cope with us in October?
      I hae my doubts! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- I said the very same thing to Hazel the other day.
      After the Retreat don't think we will be able to go back to that Venue again, do you???xxx

    4. My goodness Pat, what are you like, you are giving that new hip a run for it's money!!!
      Booze and Bagpipes, what a mixture, I don't think there will be any bagpipes at the retreat Myra so we should be safe, there will be booze though! Oh dear ........
      I can see we will need a different venue for next year, as they may not have us back this year!
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Well, Patricia, appearances can be deceptive! We are all very sensible ladies who will smile sweetly at the appropriate time! What we say/do behind closed doors - quite another matter. However we will pay our bill and not leave a mess! We will won't we??? Xxx

    6. Sandra! At least the bagpipes will drown out the singing! Xxx

    7. SANDRA I might not be with you at the retreat but by the time your all there I will be blowing them bag pipes so loud you will need ear plugs HAHA XXX

    8. Oh Lynda, I so wish you were coming too, is it too far to come for the day?

    9. Me too Lynda!
      You will be sorely missed! Xxx

  28. Hi ladies,
    I need some information from some of you, I am trying to schedule so e posts for while I am away on holiday, I was just checking the birthday list to make sure I added them in , but I am missing some people's birthdays on the list so .....
    Brenda Lello
    Brenda Littlelamb
    Margaret Palmer
    Anne Crawford
    I still need your birthdays, sorry if you already sent them, I can always circulate the list if anyone wants a copy too.
    Thanks ladies

    1. I. Have made notes of birthdays Sandra but I am some short! Please send them to me . I'd be most grateful and would try to behave for a few days in return! Ha ha xxxx

    2. PS !! What aboutt Sandra's ????? Xx

    3. Myra sweetheart, I wouldn't want you to behave, you wouldn't be you if you were to behave, so please don't ever change!
      My birthday is while we are in Spain, it is 28th August !

    4. I know when Sandra's is, shall I tell???
      Mine is 14 th September, 19 hundred and something.
      I'd like a list please Sandra as I am missing a few as well.

    5. If only I had waited a few moments!!!!

    6. I wouldn't have behaved for you!! Ha ha !
      How was Heide? Xx

    7. Oh Saba, your birthday is on my wedding anniversary xx

    8. Well fancy that, you choosing to celebrate my birthday by getting married, what a compliment. I'd have rather had a present though!

    9. Myra, Heide is fine thank you, we are meeting again tomorrow in the city. There is a music festival where musicians from all over come and perform at various places all around the city. One of our friends is a singer ( she is a Scot by the way) and she will be singing some lovely Scottish ballads and some Celtic songs she composed herself. It's all free and the city will be packed.

    10. Thank you for the Birthdays! Thank you for being kind too!
      Personally I think there is room for improvement in my behaviour and Muriel will no doubt second that. Scared to think what Saba will say!
      Hope Brenda, Littlelamb is ok, I miss her and Norah too.
      Wonder when Jean comes home from her holiday . Have missed Jean too. Xxx

    11. Sounds lovely!
      I take it no major purchases were made today!
      How boring! I am very good at helping people spend money!

    12. I knew it ... SABA:- you and I are "true" Virgos. Well except for the clothes pegs that is!! xxx

  29. I have a feeling tonight may be a little quiet in here, after last nights shenanigans, which mainly consisted of Bagpipes, Bare Bums and Booze !!!
    What a perfect recipe for a party!!
    Lynda, I have decided to become your events manager as I have been inundated with requests after you were spotted wearing nothing but a set of bagpipes and belting out 'Mull of Kintyre' at the same time as doing the Highland Fling!!!!! Mind you there were a few questions about something swinging around your knees? Maybe we could tie them in a bow behind your neck next time, for comfort mainly!
    Let me know when you are free,
    Love you lots,

    1. Quiet - in here! Never!
      We don't do quiet!
      I want to ask about this shoe warehouse in Deutschland!
      Do they have Peter Kaiser shoes?
      I've got this multi coloured pair which go with anything. I do mean anything. Provided it's not patterned.
      For example - Emerald Green Jacket - tick
      Red Jacket - tick
      Royal Blue Jacket - tick
      I could go on, I often do! They are terrific value for money! AND - they are comfortable even though they have heels!

    2. Quite probably Myra, they have Gabor and Dolce and Gabbana and such like. It's fantastic. There is a flight out of Manchester leaving soon!!

    3. Powdering my nose as I Type ! Be with you shortly! Save me a glass of white on the balcony! Oh what a lovely thought! Xxx

    4. Get the sharabang fired up, we are off to Germany, shopping, get the wine on Chill Saba!!
      oh bother, we may be delayed because of all this bother in Dover/Calais!
      Lynda, can you get your bag pipes ready in time??

    5. MYRA:- I have a pair of sandals like that, they are great. Just wish they were shoes rather than sandals.
      Have you gone yet or can you wait a while, I'll travel with you. Do you think Saba has room for both of us. Oh! never mind I am sure there will be a nice Hotel nearby. xxx

    6. SANDRA:- we have to fly, those queues are endless. xxx

    7. Saba will have tons of room! We can sleep under the stars if need be on the balcony! You're on first pigeon watch - just in case either of us nods off with an open mouth! Ugh! Xxx

    8. Patricia, I know we are supposed to be crossing there next weekend, fortunately (I hope) we booked the ferry rather than the channel tunnel as we are towing a trailer this time, it was way to expensive on the tunnel! We still have to drive down on the M20 (lorry park) though, then there are the port staff demonstrating and the DFDS/My Ferry, its a bloody nightmare and we are praying that it calms down over the next week!

    9. MYRA:- what a great idea. I don't mind being on first watch. Only thing is I can fall asleep very easily!! Need to think of something, maybe Saba has some Surgical Masks stowed somewhere!!! xxx

    10. What about a balloon between our teeth? At least then they'd know we are in the land of the living! Xxx

    11. Ooh Ooh! Sandra, let's get serious for a minute , I do hope this trouble gets sorted out as when we went to Godalming last weekend all the signs mentioned the hold ups on the M20. It's just awful . Xxx

    12. MYRA is right the situation is shocking. So many people have had their travel arrangements totally disrupted. Sandra, when do you actually leave??? xxx

  30. Wait for me ....... Please.
    SIL used to call me 'Imelda Marcos' I need to replenish my stock. xxx

    1. Oh Brenda, I wouldn't dream of going without you! How many shopaholics do we have! I'm sure it's lots! Brenda - I'm the one at the Boarding Gate holding up the umbrella with Brenda pinned on it - name that is, not you physically! Xxx

    2. Did you hear over the Tannoy - flight to Nuremberg being delayed for a passenger from the Flight from Newcastle! It's our very own Daffy! Heaven help Nuremberg when we all land . Heaven help Peterl he didn't deserve this!xxxx

    3. I am going to confess!!! They say it's good for the soul.
      When we were moving to this house I did a run on my own with a "load" of shoes/boots in my car. There were still workman in the house, they just laughed when I told them what I was doing. The built in wardrobes were finished, I got them stowed away very neatly.
      When mooving day came I had a reasonable amount of shoes to transfer!!! xxx

    4. Oh Patricia, what a great story!
      My friend Audrey lost a lovely gold necklace and was on the point of claiming Insurance when she remembered her holiday in Spain ! She had hidden the necklace in her shoe , came home put it in one of these Lakeland see through boxes and forgot all about it. Then she had the lightbulb moment. Women - shoes - strange things happen ! Xxx

    5. I'm in desperate need of shoes. I only have about 12 pairs that I can't wear but had to have!!! Book me in on the flight, I'll do the nightshift on the balcony, I'll sing and the birds will leave us well alone!!! lol

    6. So will the neighbours! Xxx

  31. I'm here! Quick lets get on board, can't wait, I'm so excited, I love shoe shopping

    1. Saba!!!! We're on our way! Give Peter a pill! Xxx

    2. I am right behind you Brenda, I have my Trainers on so I can run. The flight from Edinburgh was early for once. Oh! this is so exciting, did not have time to get Euros but I have my Credit Card. xxx

    3. We'll stop off in Athens for the Euros! Naughty Naughty! Xxx

    4. MYRA:- we are going to Germany not Greece!! xxx

    5. I know , it's just that they must have thousands of Euros! Xxx

    6. Where's Maureen, I thought she was behind me xxx

    7. Sorry Myra!! get it, I'm a bit slow its getting near my bedtime xxx

    8. Saba, is the Guess Sale still on? Bargain Hunters en route! Couldn't think of the German equivalent , sorry! Don't tell Peter ! Prost! Xxx

    9. Knowing Maureen she'll have got on an earlier Flight and be waiting to greet us with a big smile on her face. She'll have snuck out when George was bowling! Xxx

    10. Maureen, Maureen! Does it go to the tune Jolene , Jolene!

    11. I'm here, I'm here, wait for me, I'm sprinting up the tarmac as I type. Had a bit of trouble with customs, they couldn't understand why I needed four credit cards - spread the purchases over each one, harder to trace when the bills come in ha ha.

  32. I am running round like a scolded cock here trying to get the sleeping arrangements sorted out. By my reckoning I can get 4 of you on the balcony if I move the lavender. One of you might have to sleep with your head under the table though. 2 in the spare bedroom, 3 if you top to tail. Peter is busy getting a winch system set up to get Sandra and her wheelchair up four floors and in through the window. Lynda might struggle with her pipes but we can all push her from behind. I've chucked out all the food from the fridge and stocked it with bubbly. Right setting off to,the airport now, Peter has borrowed an open trailer to tow you all and we are selling tickets for who gets to ride in the car.
    So excited I could wee.

    1. I already have, going to change myself now!!!!! xxx

    2. Saba! I don't even think Maureen knows she's aboard yet ! Sandra - I'm sure Germany's Elf n Safety is as good as ours ! I know crash helmets aren't flattering but you can have a blow dry in the morning to restore your coiffure! Xxx

    3. Whoa, what about Hazel - she'll have to come on the morning plane. xxx

    4. Oh Stop it, I'm in hysterics! We are grown women with responsibilities. I've never had so much fun in ages xxxx

    5. No problem! Hazel will fly out in a Private Jet! She probably knows someone! Xxx

    6. I just knew Myra's card would start a Shopping Frenzy!!!
      This is all so much fun, I will be in the trailer. I want as much money to spend as I can.
      I have a saying:-
      I can get more done in the 10 mins before someone come to visit than I get done in a week!!
      Looks like that's what has happened to Saba xxx

    7. Bedding all washed, hung out , dried ( not ironed ) and beds made up. Cooker cleaned and polished, curtains taken down, steam cleaned and back up, all walls freshly painted, carpets shampooed, windows washed and Peter polished. I'm ready, where are you???

    8. Oh! Heck I will be in the "bad books" I forgot about my sister.
      Well actually she would not be too fussed about the shoes. Hazel has very narrow feet and struggles to get shoes to fit. Oh!! they might just have them if they have those small sizes Saba wears. xxx

    9. But when you get things ready for us? xxx

    10. Your right Myra, Hazel has friends in High Places. She lives along the road from Leuchars Air Base. No doubt she get a lift in a Typhoon or F16 Jet Plane xxx

    11. Wouldn't you just know it! No queuing for Hazel . She's - " Leaving on a jet plane" . To hang with her visitors! Ha ha xxx

    12. It'll be a case of "Looking High, high, high" xxx

    13. SABA, Don't fuss it's us coming not the MIL.

    14. Brenda, you are so right - trouble , bother, hassle, inconvenience, disapproval - none of the above applies to us. Disorderly and a trifle self opinionated, well maybe ! Xxx

  33. Ladies, enjoy your trip, unfortunately I cant ware fashion shows any more, my feet swell up so much since I was diagnosed with Lymphodema, my shoes are flat and are quite wide. I have so many pairs of shoes I cant ware anymore, so they will be going to a new home at the charity shop, it is so sad to see them go.

    1. Jess! You could just come in an advisory capacity! Who knows - we need all the advice we can get! Your sense of humour would see us through . Also we have to explain Maureen! Tricky!
      Hard hat on! Xxxx

    2. Myra, my very dear friend, you'll need more than a hard hat!!!! xx

    3. JESS:- please come, can you hang onto my purse. I am spending way to much. xxx

    4. I'll wear my Liberty bodice too! Xxx

    5. Myra, you will look fetching, hard hat and Liberty Bodice - you'll get locked up!!! xx

    6. You're right , shall I ditch the hat or the Liberty bodice ? Xxx

  34. Sorry should be wear, predictive text!!

    1. Jess, I've never tried that, how do you wear predictive text xxxx

    2. You are pushing your luck! Xxx

    3. It doesn't matter how you wear if, it just appears everywhere multifunctional I think they call it xx

    4. That's me, malfunctioned!!! I've asked the air steward for a pillow and a blanket. Well, the language - I was taken aback!!! xxx

    5. Muriel , George and the family would be so proud of you? " sprinting up the tarmac" Mo Farah eat your heart out . Xxx

    6. I wonder how much a block booking to Nuremberg would be !!!! xxx

    7. That does not surprise me Maureen, I had the same coming back from Turkey last time. You just can't get the staff these days!! xxx

    8. Myra, the last time I sprinted, I ended up with three fractures!! xxx

    9. If we book through Hazel and Leuchars - peanuts !! Xxx

    10. Ring her straight away, we'll give Saba the shock of her life ha ha xx

    11. It could finish Peter! Poor chap! Xxx

    12. I can't remember the last time I sprinted! I trot a bit from time to time, can run across the road and upstairs but steady on -, sprinting! Xxx

    13. I used to run Marathons but gave it up a few years ago.
      I was starting to break out in "sweats" and that's so unlady like.
      Still have my trainers for exciting events like today xxx

    14. Oh Patricia! I'm impressed I've got trainers too but they are a little unworn and more than a little vintage!
      I used to go to an aerobics class once a week and to play Badminton!.
      Now I craft! Xxx

  35. Ladies, you need to practice your german.
    Do you sell Tenna Ladies? Gibts es wettie Pads hier?
    Excuse my friend she is mad? Es tut Mir leid, meine Freundin ist ist Loopi von Doopie.
    Yes we would like a Beer. Drinkie, drinkie , ya ya.
    Now ladies get some practice in.

    1. Saba, me thinkie you take the mickie xxxx

    2. Saba , you are very very naughty! Xxxx

    3. Great minds think alikie ? That's scarie! Xxx

    4. ooooo!! all these great minds is there room for me?? xxx

    5. Ooh Yes! Most definitely! Xxx

  36. This might be helpful for the language barrier,

    Gonnanodaethat.......please don't do that!

    1. I'm sure you're right Jess! Have you tried saying that when you are sober , never mind in Muriel's state of inebriation !! Xx

  37. Well, it's funny as Ann and Vince who were part of our party out for dinner, have a Dutch friend who owns a plane and had hoped to fly over while they were up here, but he has a problem with the engine and has to wait till next week for the part, I have known Stewart for years I could have chatted him up to take me to meet up with you all. I have narrow feet ( pity the rest of the body isn't narrow too). I love Gabor shoes. Had a lovely evening, but food wasn't a patch on the food we had yesterday, oh and so slow serving.
    Saba, Andrew wasnt in the forces, but the prison service, that's were the medals are from. Note my husband ex army didn't wear his, he couldn't see why he got medals for peace keeping in Northern Ireland etc. plus he wore the uniform but being in the Royal Horse Artillery ( like Kings troop)!then a surveyor, he never fought.
    Brenda LL. Is ok as she has sent a best wishes message for Gillian and Andrew. But she has been very quiet, she most be busy.
    Lynda,,your a dark horse I didn't know you could play the bag pipes, I did wonder who was pipeing at Fernie Castle yesterday. ,
    Well I am off to get in the pjs, and I will come back to see what you lot tried to get through customs. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I think we missed your calming influence tonight. But hey we had fun! That German Flight Attendant will never forget us! Xxx

  38. Wow Ladies this blog is just so bloomin informative, you can get amazing inspiration, you can hire a Naked Bagpipe Player, that can slap her own thighs even those both her hands are being utilised by the bag pipes and now you can learn proper, local German too !!!!
    Bloody Marvelous!!
