
Wednesday 19 August 2015

Patricia's card for Audrey

Good Morning ladies,
I hope that the day finds you all well, mid week already, the days just seem to be flying by!
I hope those 'jaunt jugs' are getting nicely filled as it isn't many weeks now!
Its about 10 weeks that's all, I am so very excited to meet you all, usually I return from holiday feeling very deflated as it feels as that's the excitement over for another year, but this year will be so different, returning home and knowing that 1. I will see both of my dear friends for the first time in about a month, (miss you Pat & Sue) xxx    2. I can count down the weeks to meeting you lovely ladies that I have grown to know and love 'virtually' over the past year or so, I am just so excited!!!
Now onto this beautiful card, designed by the very talented Patricia for her lovely daughter in law, Audrey.
I am not sure if its a die cut border or a piece of Blue Lace Patricia, but my goodness it is stunning and the card needs nothing more than you have added, it is just stunning, finished perfectly with one of your gorgeous roses and a couple of stick pins!
I bet Audrey was delighted!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share with our friends today Patricia xxx
Love and huge hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA:- so glad to see you are thinking so Positive. Can you believe how quickly the Retreat has come round?? I do hope all you ladies have been saving hard. I know how easily my Jaunt Jug has filled up. I pop any money I would have spent on Magazines in the jug, plus the money I saved by saying "I would like it BUT do I need it". It is adding up nicely, train fare paid already and still money in the Jug.
    One of My cards today,
    Audrey loved her card and hopes to frame it.
    The card is approx 8x8 - base & white layers are PMD card. Sue's blue card, stick pins made using Sue's bead selection. A mystery Rose Embossing Folder, lacy bit is a Die from Joanna Sheen. Spellbinder Die used for the flower, last but not least sentiment is an old Katy Sue stamp I have had for ages.
    Nothing much on the cards here for today, kind of glad in a way. I got a phone call last night asking for some bespoke cards. Have to get my thinking cap on and get them done. Not needed till Monday, that gives me time to ponder on what to do for the 21st card thankfully for a female.
    Made my Tea and toasted some of that lovely Fruit Bread someone handed in. Think it might have been Margaret, it looks delicious. Over at my favourite table please join me if you have time.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket but the door, please help,yourselves if you need them. xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Good to see you are up and about bright and early as usual today.
      I look forward to seeing your designs for the bespoke cards yoy have to make, do you find (as I do) for some unknown reason when you have a bespoke card order your mind just goes blank, any other time you could produce a card fit for a twenty first birthday without a second thought, handbags and shoes are a good bet, oh do you remember that absolutely mind blowing card that I think it was Sheila made (the exploding Box with the shoes in the middle)?!
      I guess it will keep you busy today.
      I managed to get on and schedule posts right up until 28th August on Monday, so that was a relief, just need to search through and find some mixed crafts for the Saturday.
      I Have really missed being properly in control of my blog, it does seem strange seeing it from 'the otherside '!
      I hope you have an amazingly creative
      Love and huge hugs,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. SANDRA:- I sent you an e-mail you must have missed it.
      I am really struggling to get on your Blog to write up anything. I keep getting a Blank Screen.
      If you could "schedule" the open up from the 28th with just "Good (whatever day) Morning" we can take it from there. We can catch up with pictures and features when you get back.
      I am so sorry to have let you down. I have been getting myself in a right state worrying about how I can sort this out but am having no luck. Please forgive me xxx

    3. Hi Patricia
      I did see your email and sent you one Back saying that you had in no way let me down, to think that you feel that way breaks my heart so STOP!
      I read your email to Paul in the hotel and as a result on our fourth day here he came back from the shop with a funny smile on his face and he had surprised me with a 14 day Internet access pass! So i have been able to go on and schedule posts as normal, I am cross with myself that I didn't get time to organise it before we left, but three weeks plus is a lot of posts.
      Also please remember that without the huge amount of cards and projects that you sent me I would have not enough things to post, so I a hugely grateful for that alone!
      We also would have bought an Internet pass anyway for Paul, matt's and my birthdays, so we can chat to family.
      So now it's my turn to tell you off for being to hard on yourself!
      I don't know what I'd have done without you these past months,
      Love you lots
      Ps please ask around for some more pics for me to post xxx

    4. SANDRA:- you have made my day. Thank you so much, I can relax and enjoy chatting to everyone without thinking I might let them down.
      Mighty BIG, BIG, hugs to you and your darling savers!!!
      Thank you xxx

    5. Hi Patricia,
      Lovely card, the blue is stunning and the sentiment WOW! xxx

    6. Hi Patricia
      Gorgeous card love everything about it

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra I am so pleased that you are feeling positive and in a good place about coming home. Yes a lot as gone on since your holiday last year. Even having found your two wonderful friends and crafting companions just a week or so before you went last year, to meeting a few more at the two Ally Pally show that have been on. Your blog being just starting to take off to what now is the must amazing one which has changed so many lives and through it has given, love, support, and comfort plus we all get a laugh which has been such good medicine. The retreat isn't far off and when the train tickets arrived it brought it to becoming very real. You should be very proud of yourself as without this blog I know I wouldn't have met all the lovely ladies that I have and now call " my friends"
    Patricia, as you know I love this card when you showed me it, it is even better in the " flesh" as one would say, it's stunning.
    Well I for one feel good this morning, just knowing I don't have to clock watch and can go do what I want without thinking I need to stop to do pick up.
    I am going to go get myself a cup of tea and that fruit bread does look very yummy, think I might just have a slice. Xxx

    1. Hello my lovely,
      As much as it will be nice to relax I am guessing you must feel a little strange too, you have been 'on standby' most days for many years Hazel, even on your days off! So i am sure sitting back a letting go must not be as easy as we all imagine, I was thinking about you most of the day yesterday.
      Beth and Anna will find it very hard too I should think as you have been like another parent to them, giving them the stability in their hectic lives.
      I think that the whole family is in for somewhat of a shock when the realise how much they have relied on you over the years!
      You were so right, I could never have dreamed that deciding to write my blog everyday would lead to me finding so many, kind caring and wonderfully supportive friends, you have all had such a positive impact on my life, you have no idea how much Of a difference! We have all become so close, it's like we have been friends for years, to the point that we feel we can discuss almost anything with each other, the love and support is just mind blowing, like no other craft blog! you have no idea how excited I am to meet you all, I so wish that everyone could make it, but maybe next time!
      Right i must dash, the sun is shining and we are off to the beach!
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hazel, just sit back and take life as it comes.
      I know Anna and Beth will miss you, but I'm sure they will keep in touch , especially when they realise just how much you did for them.
      Enjoy 'your time' now. LOL xxx

  3. A bright and sunny good morning to all who pop in today, hope everyone is well. Sandra you sound so upbeat, it's lovely to have something else to look forward to, am getting a bit jealous about the retreat so hopefully there will be another as I'm absolutely sure this will be a total success.
    Patricia, just love this card and I'm sure Audrey loved it too, I think it looks so sophisticated.
    Hazel hope you start to enjoy your new freedom and do a few things just for you. I totally agree with you about this blog, I'm getting to grips now with who's who and the various topics relating to different people, just the way you do if you join a new club. Everyone is so friendly and no nastiness, this is down to the way the cafe is run, the owner is so lovely and friendly so it rubs off on everyone else which is why we all want to stay.
    Well I've a few cards to make today, some inserts to do. We go to Greece two weeks Sunday for my grandsons wedding so I am trying to get in front of myself as there are birthdays while we are away, so need to get my skates on,
    Have topped up the basket by the door and will pop back later,
    Take care all
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean,
      Thanks so much for your lovely words, I am so pleased you stopped by and joined us, we may not be the biggest blog as far as members goes, but I do think that we have a unique friendly blog, which to me means more.
      Have fun making cards, remember to photograph them for the blog!
      I bet you are excited for your upcoming trip to Greece for your Grandson's wedding, please send us a photo when you are back, I bet it will be beautiful.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Jean
      I'm off to Salou a week Sat, so I've also to make cards for early Sept before we go. I'm glad you've joined us and can perhaps make the next retreat. I'm sure Sandra will be organising one as quite a few people would have liked to go this time but other commitments stopped them. I hope you have a fabulous time in Greece at your Grandsons wedding.

  4. Morning everyone
    Sandra we sail on 1 Sept from Calais. I cannot believe that we have been here for 10weeks talk about time flying!!!!

    Patricia your card is just gorgeous and I can really see why Audrey wants to frame it. You don't have to overload a card to make it perfect and you have just shown how to do that.

    Hazel have a very happy and peaceful day. You more than deserve it.

    I managed to get a couple of bday cards finished yesterday and have some more to do besides all those December cards so must get a wriggle on this morning and just hope that Jim isn't into his 'J what have I done with or J can you sort this for me' mood. Perhaps I can get him to go into the garage and play in there.

    Will call back later to see what everyone is doing.
    Hugs are on their way so can someone please steer them into the basket if they look as though they're going to demolish something.

    1. Hi Janet,
      You are leaving before us, we sail on the 3rd, I was hoping secretly that you might be there the same day, that would have made a very crossing one that I would very much enjoy!
      I hope you manage to scoot Jim off to the garage so that you can have peace!
      The sky is looking promising today, so we are off to the beach!
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Patricia-wow, your card is just gorgeous. I love the JS border die, it really looks like lace. If your D in L wants to frame it then that must be a huge compliment. It would look perfect framed.

    Quick visit as I need to dry (& straighten) my hair-too lazy to do it last night. Doing Tesco shopping tonight & will be ringing Dad after that which will no doubt be the usual lengthy phone call filled with moans+ complaints!!


    1. Morning Michele,
      Try a d relax and unwind so that you can enjoy your 4 days off, I have noticed that your job is becoming more and more stressful as time goes on, maybe time for a change, I get the impression that they don't value how dedicated you are Michele, so move to somewhere that does, spend a day updating your Cv and start sending it out!
      Try and have some fun this weekend my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is so good to hear you sounding so happy my lovely. My life became so much better too last July after meeting you and Pat, and since then getting to know all of the lovely ladies in the Cafe. That is thanks to you and this wonderful blog. Have a great day at the beach, it is sunny and warmish here,fingers crossed it stays now. Sadly I can't see Pat as my joints are being nasty so a day in bed is on the cards, isn't that typical when the sun decides to come out!
    Sorry I can't see you today Pat : (
    Patricia, what a beautiful card, I love it all and the layout proves that you don't need to fill every inch. I'm not surprised that Audrey wants to frame it : )
    Sorry but I have to go now as hands don't like me typing for too long! I hope you all have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I am so sorry you are having a bad joints day today, so frustrating when you want to go and craft and have a day with Pat!
      Rest up and get well, I am guessing your hands are rebelling after all the typing yoy did yesterday for family camp!
      I hope yoy feel better tomorrow my lovely,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Sue hope a day of bedrest will help your joints and they'll feel better tomorrow. Take care xxx

    3. Hello Sue, so sorry you are having a bad day, take it easy. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully you will feel the benefit from resting today. Take care LOL xxx

    4. Hi Sue
      Sorry to hear you are in pain. Try putting heat on the affected joints that should relieve the pain as the heat will bring fluid to the joints .
      hugs Wendy xxx

    5. Sorry Sue, I've missed this - don't quite know how! Maybe I'm on automatic pilot or something! You take care and I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow. Xxx

    6. Hope you've had a lovely restful day Sue and feel much better tomorrow xxx

    7. Hi Sue, hope you over the day with the pain killers help now feel better and tomorrow will be a nicer day,hugs xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. SUE:- have you got the Hic-Ups??
    Joking apart are you having trouble commenting??? xxx

    1. Sorry SUE:- comments suddenly appeared ..... now I know why you are having problems. Take care, take it easy. (((Hugs))) to help. xxx

    2. Hi Sue. Hope resting will do the trick and you will feel better tomorrow.

  10. Good morning ladies, it's a beautiful sunny morning up here and it is walking group day so it should be lovely, then a 9 hole medal at golf at 5:30 so a full day ahead!
    Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday , I just couldn't get a signal?
    Anyway I've had a quick read through what was happening and was so pleased to hear you found your diamond Sandra I can only imagine how distraught you must have been at losing it ( clever Paul ) bet he got a big hug for that!
    Well done Michele on having your card printed in the magazine, quite an achievement , it looks great!
    Patricia I Love your card this morning , it looks so classy and stylish ( I have those stamps and love them) I only bought mine in March this year but have used them loads already as they say what you mean without being slushy.
    Janet I can't believe 10 weeks have gone by so quickly I enjoy reading about your jaunts and pastries, makes me quite envious!
    Also wish I was going on the retreat with you all as it sounds like sooo much fun, don't think anyone will get much sleep, you'll need a huge supply of these energy drinks?
    Enjoyed my tea and delicious fruit loaf, will try and pop back later.
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Enjoy your walking and golf Anne, you have a perfect day for both pursuits weatherwise. xxx

    2. Hi Anne , hope you enjoy your walk and the golf, hopefully both in dry weather! It's raining here a little now but at least it was dry this morning when it mattered for the children! Xxx

    3. Hi Anne, Hope you have a great day walking and golfing,xx

    4. Hi Anne, hope your day was good and you enjoyed everything xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Well before I say anything else.....PATRICIA what and absolutely exquisite card! No wonder Audrey wants to frame it! She must have been thrilled with's stunning! WOW!
    Oh and Patricia stop worrying right now you have done such a wonderful job with Sandra's cafe and although I have only known you all for a short time I know Sandra will be immensely pleased with what you have done as we all are....just to come on here when I feel up to it and have a chat with all you lovely ladies is such a boost for for you to give Sandra a helping hand so we can still visit is wonderful and I for one thank you and Sandra very much.
    Sandra hope you and the family have another good day at the beach and hope the rain has now gone away.
    The sun is shining again here it's so good to see a few lovely bright and warm days in a row and I hope they last a bit longer especially as I have noticed the night drawing in lately.
    I'll have my usual cuppa and toast and sit outside and get my 10 mins of vitamin D....have left hugs in the basket see you later.
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, hope you had a nice day and got more then 10 min in the sunshine. It's sad the evenings already getting darker sooner but it will be a time for more crafting without feeling bad not going out when the sun is out :-) hugs xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I didn't get back in last night but I got caught up in holly city ( the program not the place!) and by the time I started to read the days comments it was so late I fell asleep - now have a bit of a sore nose where I pad hit it! Lol. It's so lovely to have Jean and Wendy back home again and then the lovely Margaret hobbled in. Margaret I'm so glad you are ok and all has gone well with your husbands op, I had forgotten you were on a count down to that so close to your pot coming off. Now take it easy both of you and look after each other. Wendy thank you for the Aberdeen weather report. When we were looking at wax coats yesterday Emma decided she would take a large woollen scarf with her too and we are investing in some thermal gloves! She prefers cold to hot weather which is lucky. We are staying in the area the week she goes just in case there is anything extra she needs before we come home but were going to have a bit of a holiday and jaunt around the area - we are about an hour away so won't be on top of her so she can spread her wings! We've paid for extra baggage allowance but most things we will buy when we get there. Still haven't heard about accommodation though which I'm finding a bit worrying! Oh well I'm sure it will sort itself out xxx
    Patricia oh what a pretty card no wonder Audrey wants to frame it. How funny it's the bed of roses embossing folder that sue used today too. Did you emboss the flower too? It's got such a lovely texture. Thank you for sharing a real beauty xxx
    Well the sun is out today which has totally confused me as heavy rain has been forecast for today! I've got loads of washing to do but don't want to put it out and then take it in cos it's raining! I've got to get some cleaning done today too as my sister is staying at the weekend and a friend is coming for a BBQ ( no doubt heavy rain that day!). Julian had of course decided to work from home! Just what I need! Oh well I must get on !
    Maria I hope you are feeling better today - summer colds aren't good, and Sue make sure you rest. Myra keep crafting and Maureen keep pouring! Myra you made me laugh with your cheese please Louise comment last night - my sisters name is Louise and she's allergic to cheese so you can imagine that one went down well! Sheila have you managed to find a replacement trolley yet? I've been thinking of you and your shopping trips - especially when you ran out of chocolate yesterday and Maureen was taunting you all with it! And after everyone had been to slimming club too! Poor Jess and Karen you were really taunting them! Haha. Oh yes Emma and I went to Sainsburys yesterday, I'd warned her about Sainsburys Tuesday and she had to see it for herself! My cousin takes her mum and Dad shopping on a Tuesday ( that's my uncle who was 90 last month). Well Lynettes husband had to go with them as shed had a foot op and couldn't drive them so that made it even more entertaining! Yesterday my cousins daughter and her son were there too so a real family affair! We kept meeting them and each time my auntie stopped for a natter and uncle sat down on his push along chair! You can imagine the noise and laughter and chaos , especially as they were congratulating Emma on her results! It was such a laugh. Emma and I went to a garden centre in the afternoon and blow me we met them all again! She thought it was really funny! We then popped into hobbycraft and were behind two ladies chatting at the till and she said they reminded her of me and Lynette! Charming!
    Right I must go and get a wriggle on- floors to clear, spiders to chase!
    Hazel - is it official now - happy retirement! We are all holding our breath for you here. Xxx
    See you all later xxx

    1. Diane was this the Christmas Edition! Xxx

    2. Diane, Where are you staying when you are up here, I stay 15 miles outside Aberdeen. We moved out to the sticks 20 years ago but before that I was born and bred in Aberdeen. Any help or anything you want checked up on give me a shout. We can maybe have a coffee when you are up, I go away on the 1st Oct for 7 weeks but I think Uni starts before that. xxx

    3. Myra trust you to notice that! Tee hee xxx

      Wendy oh that would be lovely. We are flying up and renting a car so we can buy bedding etc when we are up there. We are staying at Elgin for a week so we are about an hour away from Aberdeen, I know I'm hoping to find the craft warehouse there before we go home so I'm sure we will be back in Aberdeen for a couple of days. I will email you nearer the time with exact dates etc but it's the beginning of September . Thank you for your kind offer, we've tried to have a good look around when we've been up there to spot the places to buy things, but this will be the first time with a car. Xxx

    4. Sorry Diane! Can't help it! My husband's Aunt and Uncle came from a little place on the Moray coast called Hopeman . Elgin was the nearest town! You are bringing back memories. It would be lovely if you could meet up with Wendy! Xxx

    5. Myra, Erika who has the blog "snappycrafts" lives in Hopeman and she often put up lovely photos of her on the beach with the dog, or ones of just views round the village. It looks stunning. Xxx

    6. It is a lovely little place and if they got glorious weather it would be a favourite holiday spot! Beautiful sandy beach and lovely walks. Xxx

    7. Ooops e daisy Diane, how your little nose doing tihi
      I hope Emma finds some nice halls to stay in Aberdeen and will have a fantastic time in Uni. Have a nice time when you are there and how wonderful if you and Wendy could meet up. hugs xxx

  13. Ooooopppss!!! Forgot to give MYRA:- her Early Morning Call again! ... do you think she's managed to get to school this morning?? xxx

    1. Uh Huh!! I was never allowed to say that as a child !! Xxx

    2. Myra, never allowed to say what~?? xx

    3. Uh huh! My Mum used to say it wasn't a word! It's YES.
      No I wouldn't have dared say it was two words either! Xxx

    4. Myra my favourite from Emma is I dunno all said as one word in a sort of tone you can imagine! It's usually accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders :) xxx

  14. I am sure she has Patricia😀. Love your card for Audrey. I am sure she will frame it. Have to go into town today to get some Next VOuchers. Don't really want to go but our Post Office does vouchers but not for Next. Have to send them to Eire and if I send a cheque with birthday cards it is complicated apparently so best thing is Next vouchers. So will have to go. Rang surgery about missed call yesterday. The person I needed to speak to wasn't in til 9am and my appointment was a 9.10. Couldn't get a word in edge ways with the receptionist kept wanting my phone number and I was trying to tell her that my appointment was 10 mins after. Got the message in the end. All sorted now. I have to go at 4.50 which will be in the middle of the baby clinic as the Diabetic nurse also does the baby clinic and I have been squeezed in. Hope she doesn't rush my review. They admitted it was there mistake and the nurse I was due to see wasn't a diabetic nurse. Taken them three weeks to realise that. At that time of day my BP will probably be sky high.
    HAZEL. hope you are taking it easy today. Let's hope you don't get called in.
    MICHELE. enjoy your few days off.
    Hope everyone else is ok. Hugs in the basket. See you all later.

    1. Brenda, If they have to take your blood pressure make sure you sit and do some really deep breathing beforehand, best of luck with your clinic appointment take care, LOL

    2. I did Brenda! What a week it has been but we have had fun too! Hope all goes well with your appointment today. Xxx

  15. Morning everyone, lovely day here today, off to Specsavers later for yearly eye test, mum had glaucoma so we all get a yearly eye test.
    Sandra it is so good to see you so upbeat, your holiday is doing you the power of good and looking forward to the retreat has given us all a boost.
    I have taken a few photos for your alternative craft days and will get them emailed soon.
    Patricia your card is amazing, loving the sentiment you have used, can you still
    get them?
    Hazel how good is it to know you are no longer on standby, doing,what you want when you want is a great feeling.
    Diane when you are up in Aberdeen getting Emma settled in, MAYBE and it is a big maybe some of us could meet up with you sort of halfway, something to think about!!
    Patricia stop putting yourself down about the blog, it has been ok.
    Better get off to town for eye test, will pop back later.
    Hugs to all (((()))) take care, xxxx

    1. Jess that would be lovely, I'm sure Julian won't mind, will give him a chance to get some walking in! I've just said to Wendy were staying in Elgin - I will send you and Wendy an email with some dates etc, I don't know where Anne is, the sisters are away and I know Janice is in FortWilliam but may be busy with guests be lovely if Norah could make it too . Xxx

    2. Hi, I live 1 1/2 hours from Inverness , would love to meet up somewhere central , maybe Perth?
      Just a thought xo

  16. Good morning everyone
    Well we are back to the dull clouds this morning looking like rain but I must say it was so kind of Maureen to keep all the rain in the North East yesterday and allow us to have some sunshine.
    Thank you all so much for such lovely warm welcome back comments yesterday I really did miss calling in for my latte and a chat, but as I don't have an i pad I did not fancy trying to take my trusty laptop around with me so I think I will have to ask Santa for one perhaps!
    Janet are you sure it is really time for you to be coming home, goodness time has really flown for you, I do so love reading your pastry reports.
    I have been told to go and have a rest while my lovely daughter gets Mr Dyson out so I have to do as I'm told, she has her school teacher voice on!
    Have a lovely day everyone
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, you made me smile when you said you were doing as you were told by your daughter. Soon after our eldest and SIL got married. (Gosh that was 25 yrs ago. How time flies) SIL said he knew he had married a teacher, when he was told, after getting up (or is it down?)
      from the table to tuck his chair in !!!! xxx

    2. Margaret make sure you don't get put on the naughty step ! Xxx

  17. Do as you are told then MARGARET. It is lovely yo have you back. Glad things are progressing well.
    JANET it doesn't sermon possible that you will be back soon. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
    Must go and get ready and go to town.

  18. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card from Patricia today, I hope this finds you all at the Cafe well.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hello Jacquie,
      nice to see you xxxx

    2. Lovely to see you Jacquie hope you are ok xxx

    3. Hi Jacquie, Nice to see you again. How is your back doing, any
      better ? you are making nice cards too. Take care xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Beautiful card Patricia , love the EF and your stunning rose with the stickpins!
    Audrey is a very happy person to received
    Running a bit late, slept in a while this morning and the door bell will go in a minute so better get a move on.
    Message to Karen; Thank You ,Thank You! It is absolutely Gorgeous,
    love the colours and the little buttons. Have taken a pic. to send to Sandra. Hope that's fine.
    Fabulous you have got contact Sandra, so we get to hear what you are up to,as you can see we are very good. sssssush don't tell her girls hihi
    Hope to be back this evening so I will read the comment then in the mean time I wish you all a good day (in the sunshine) love and hugs Maria xxxx

  20. Good Morning Everyone,
    First Patricia STOP FRETTING you are doing an amazing job keeping this blog going for Sandra, from where I view it you wouldn't know where Sandra left and you took over. So a big THANK YOU from me. xx
    NOW - your card for Audrey - it is beautiful, it's not surprising she wants to frame it, that is the nicest compliment she could give you.

    Sandra, so pleased you have Internet access and have been able to pop in.
    It lovely to hear how you are, also how positive you are sounding. LOL xx

    I am going to take my coffee over to the table by the window, and watch the passers by, if I wave and smile do you think some of them will pop in? Wouldn't that be lovely....... On the other hand they might think who's that funny women!

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you had a nice day and enjoyed people watching this
      morning. Did someone wave back ? hugs xxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    How absolutely fabulous of Paul to get you an Internet pass so you can read all of your comments. Patricia has been doing a wonderful job in your absence. Why would she think otherwise. I hope your enjoying your holiday Sandra and the sun shines fir the rest if it.
    Your card Patricia is fabulous. No wonder Audrey wanted to frame it, so would I if it was sent to me. Love the sentiment as well. The ladies do seem to find lovely sentiments to put in cards. Funny ones as well. My god I know Pete's eyesight is deteriating but he has been looking for the bread to cut for lunch. Well if it had been a dog it would have bitten him, it was right in front of him where he was looking. Roll on the end of Sept when he goes to the eye clinic.
    I hope your enjoying your holiday Sandra and the sunshine stays with you for the rest of the time.
    I hope your enjoying your retirement Hazel. I'm sure you'll find lots of other things to keep you busy. I don't think the family kniw hiw much you've done fir them before. But they sure will wonder in the future how much they miss you.

  22. Good afternoon everyone
    It seems to be a day for apologies Patricia I have just popped back in to see if anyone was here and part of my post from earlier has disappeared! So very sorry but this is what I said, Your card is so very beautiful and with a real touch of elegance, the colours are fabulous and the rose is perfect made as only you can, I am in no doubt as to why Audrey wanted to frame her wonderful card.
    As for your apology Patricia I really think you are fretting when there is no need you really are doing a wonderful job and this is you that says you don't really know computers! Well I say very well done and keep up your great effort, thank you so much for looking after us all, well at least trying to, as some really are trying, not mentioning any names of course!!! xxx

  23. Hazel I appear to have missed your news that you have retired so very sorry, can I please wish you a wonderful retirement, and give you a little warning as someone gave me? Don't retire I was told, because you just work harder! However my Dad took the attitude when he retired, Everyday is a Holiday!
    Have a wonderful retirement and enjoy yourself. xxx

  24. Hello Sandra , Deputy Patricia and Everyone,
    Sandra, you left the blog in very capable hands!
    Patricia , don't you dare put yourself down! I , for one, wouldn't have known where to start!
    Patricia - really beautiful card today . I'm not surprised Audrey has framed it. The whole thing is just lovely.
    I've had a quick skim over comments but need to check back!
    I know Saba is very busy with her lovely grandchildren and Is having a great, if somewhat bust time!
    Maureen is making and pouring! She is a busy busy bee! Don't overdo it Maureen . We want you to enjoy Saturday.
    Margaret - I'm so glad you are back among us as we did miss you . I know exactly what you mean about some being trying! We can't all be good I guess, Margaret!
    Well, I got up in time again and was out on time! Today we did salt dough! It could have been messier . I had taken some pre done which they decorated then they made some which they cut and shaped and baked and they can deal with them tomorrow or take them home as they are! Just a tip for you ladies - I know you will find it so helpful - little boy called Jordan said "Miss, out have to wash your hands for baking and then you've not got to pick your nose! " follow that as they say!
    Norah, missing you!
    Love to everyone xxxx

    1. Oh oh - Saba is hopefully not bust - July busy!! Xxx

    2. Not July busy! Just busy! I'm giving up xxx

    3. MYRA:- your needing a "breather" xxx

    4. MYRA, you snuck in under the fence, whilst I was typing my very important post ha ha. Do we now have to say BUSTY SABA when we refer to her, or just BUSTY?
      I never wash my hands when cooking, no matter what I've done, I think it adds a little something to the taste (ughhhhhhhh) xxxxx

    5. Saba, forgive me! I tried to put things right but certain disruptive members won't let me! Xxx

    6. By the way we've still got Water Restrictions! That will be two weeks tomorrow! Information today saying they are introducing some infra red thingy to help clear the system. What's rather worrying is that they are being very quiet about how this happened! Xxx

    7. One of the children visited the water works, and didn't wash their hands!!!! xxx

    8. I wonder if they've thought of that? Xx

    9. Oh those were the days! I cooked with a perpetual nose picker one day and every time he touched his face I made him wash his hands! After about 15 times he finally got the message! His hands had never been cleaner!

  25. I finally made it!!!
    Good afternoon Sandra, I'm glad you are sounding so chirpy today, and I'm pleased that you put Patricia's mind at rest about the blog, I know she has been in a tizzy about it.
    Michele, bite the bullet, ring dad and let him moan, just add the odd oh and ah and he'll never realise that you are not really listening.
    Sue, I'm sorry you are creaking today, rest up, have a Baileys, and you'll be fine tomorrow (I hope). In fact, I'll fit up the intravenous drip for you!!
    Anne, going walking then playing 9 holes of golf. I'm exhausted already.
    Lynda, take it easy on your foot. Gently, gently catchee monkey.
    Myra, how were the little dears this morning. Only two more days to go for you, I can see the bunting being hung ready for Friday afternoon lol.
    Hazel - have you officially retired?
    And last, but not least PATRICIA, what a beautiful card. Everything about it spells elegance and class, I love it. No wonder Audrey wants to frame it. And the stamps is fantastic. I'm going to see if I can find it on the tinterweb.
    I've finished pouring Diane!!! But have decided to do a couple more boys cards and then that will be it - definitely!!! Until tomorrow, anyway.
    Brenda LL, good luck at the doctors, I'll be thinking of you.
    Brenda OB, If I sat beside you at the Cafe window, no one would think YOU were a funny woman!!!
    Right, I'm going to water the orchids (doesn't that sound posh) as I forgot to do it on Sunday. I seem to have been running around like a headless chicken this week. Hey ho, normal service will resume shortly.
    The letter v is still driving me mad!!!!
    Lots of love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx
    P.s. had a latte and a bit of the Mars Bar cake that someone overlooked. My money is in the pot, see you later.

    1. I wondered where half of me had gone Maureen , you poured half of me away :) oh how I wish!!!! Lol xxx

    2. Ha ha Diane, I'll see what I can do !!!! xxxx

  26. Thought I did not have much on the cards today.
    First Isobel, my neighbour wanted me to give her some advice for decorating her Lounge. Did that, hopefully she has got some ideas. Unlike me Isobel has "clutter" I am a minimalist. I just hope she ditches some of it .... anyway it's her house!!
    Popped along to Forfar to get another of the little units I got the other day. I decided to put one in the Shower Room as well as the Bathroom .... got one.
    Still in sitting in the kitchen though. I started working on the card order got lots of the bits done.
    I now need to join Myra in a "breather" or maybe 40 winks.
    There's Hazel messaging better go chat to her. See you again later xxx

    1. Patricia, I've been trying to join you in that Breather for ages but it wouldn't let me post! I'm trying to motivate myself to think of dinner and cooking it! At least I've made that card so that's off my mind . Xxx

    2. MYRA:- I had that "breather" so my card is not quite finished yet.
      Nor are the others that I am working. Have finished two .... one needed to hand over tomorrow and the other to hand over on Saturday. I am getting there .... I think!! Oh! I think I need another "breather" . A thought just popped into my head ..... an expression that John's granny used was .... "I am foo o' wee resties today" That's me today for sure. xxx

    3. I've heard that before but it was "foo o' wee rests! " Alastair's Uncle and Aunt added ie to lots of things . She really made me laugh when she said she was going to Bootsies ! She meant Boots the Chemists! Xxx

  27. Hi everyone, eye test past, need new glasses, what a palaver trying to choose frames, anyway got a pair that are suitable for varifocals, get them in about 2 weeks. Out to our local garden centre for a catch up with friends, plenty gossip on the go.
    Now it is raining, what's new,.
    Busy day today, card class is on tonight so early dinner, then out.
    If not too shattered will pop back before bedtime.
    Take care, xxx

    1. Jess, I hate choosing new frames for glasses! At least I can see them when I try them , my husband can't really and relies on my opinion and that of the Optician! Her opinion is usually expensive! Xxx

    2. If George says my new frames "look nice", I know that I have to give them a wide berth. And, as Myra says, if the optician thinks they are perfect - I double check the price. Although to be honest, it's my lens that cost the money, rather than the frames. xx

    3. MAUREEN:- John & George could be brothers ..... If John says "I like that it suits you" I hang it back on the rail or with Glasses back on the rack thingy!! ...... MEN!!! again!! xxx

    4. One of our optitions assistants selects the most strangest glasses and tells me they are lovely! Last time I asked her to put the selection to the side so I could show Julian and his comment was you never wear pink , oh yuck green , hmmm Dame Edna Everage! He picked out the ones I liked! Xxx

    5. Must agree with Maureen - its the lenses which are dearer for me too - but I hate having to choose glasses - good job its not too often

  28. JESS:- glad the eye test went ok. Choosing the frames is the worst bit "I think"
    They'll ok nice on the rack ..... try them on and you look a bu...r!! Too expensive not to get it right.
    Glad you had a good meet up with your friends. Not raining here yet but don't think it's too far away. Better go rescue the washing.
    Enjoy your class this evening. xxx

    1. PATRICIA - I ordered the stamp as it's brilliant - hurrah xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Sandra great to hear you are relaxing, it will do you the world of good, Patricia is making a great job of looking after us, thank you Patricia.
    Jess, hate having to choose frames, the biggest problem is I am half blind without them so how are you supposed to see what you are picking.
    Myra, I think I would be trying to find out what was wrong in the first place with the water, then try and sue them lol.
    Hazel, the worst thing about retirement is you have all day to do anything so you put it off, the next day , the next day etc lol and you can now take a couple of hours for your morning coffee, so the biggest difficulty is deciding what you will actually do.
    hugs to everyone xx

    1. Wendy, I find that I don't have much spare time since I retired. Choosing which biscuit to have with my morning coffee, then doing the crossword and sudoku takes me to nearly lunch time, then it's lunch - made by my man servant - and a spot of beauty therapy, maybe a look at a magazine or watch the afternoon film, then eat the dinner that George has prepared, and watch him as he clears away, fills the dishwasher, and then does the ironing. Oh, I'm fair worn out by the time I go to bed lol xxxxx

    2. Wendy I think that's is going to be the case, I still get up early, but why rush into the shower, get dressed then hurry my breakfast to make sure I can get a load of washing on and also unload the diswasher all before 6.50? I have time to relax now. Ok tomorrow. I have to go in for just a hour or so to just let Vicky know what all got to be done before she takes Beth to school. After that I am getting my nails done, so I won't be hanging about that's for sure. Lucky you going off for your 7 weeks of sunshine. MAUREEN, I believe you thousand won't? Xxx

    3. Mmmm! I'm not sure I do actually! Xxx

    4. HAZEL:- I don't believe it ...... you getting your nails done!!!
      I am so happy to read you are spending time on YOU!!!! xxx

    5. MYRA, I do nothing, the maid and butler do it all!!!
      PATRICIA, isn't it great about Hazel, I still don't believe it though.

    6. MAUREEN:- I am absolutely delighted for my sister. It's time she spent time on herself. xxx

    7. Reason for being able to have my nails done is for some strange reason they have grown and are strong, usually they are soft and break, so I decided to let them grow and then let the girl that does Tammy's shape them and do them. I wish they had done that before Gillian's wedding. But we will see they are. xxx

  30. Now I have not been called into work or anything, just got on and hoovered and cleaned the car that we use for the dog and work. Wasn't to bad but getting Harris's hairs of the back of the back seats boot side was time consuming, all clean and most of the dog hairs gone. At least I know the girls will not be in there dropping bits every where. Then I went into get my prescription and of coarse I just had to go a visit my local craft shop. Yes I did buy bits, 2 bottles of cosmic shimmer glue, some plain brads and a sentiment die, oh I could have bought more, but no I have a retreat to go to. Then when I got home Gillian came in by to upload some more wedding photos on to our big computer. Before I knew it! It was time to start tea. The day has gone and it looks like the rain isn't far off. Oh yes I did iron too. So you know what it would been less work going to work. But NO THANK YOU. Xxx

    1. Hazel! I'm so glad you are having a good day. The school holidays and the Wedding have helped to break you in I think! Just don't feel guilty - you deserve some time to do the things you enjoy doing! Xxx

    2. HAZEL:- your a little "tinker" now I am sure it would be easy to pass that Craft Shop. Well maybe not, it's to much of a temptation. Did you have a cuppa while you browsed??

    3. Hazel, it's great. Before you know it you will join "The Ladies who Lunch" brigade. Will you let me know what it's like? xx

    4. MYRA:- I am very jealous because it's a 100 mile round trip,for me to go!!. xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- when Hazel joins the Ladies who Lunch Brigade do you think we will get and invitation?? xxx

    6. I couldn't have passed the craft shop either Hazel -
      Jean x

    7. Adrian's is one of those shops you call in regardless if you are needing stuff, and the fact you get a tea or a coffee offered to you as soon as you go in is lovely. xxx

    8. I like your craft shop Hazel, think to get a cuppa when visiting :-)
      Nice you had a Me time and i'm sure your nails now look lovely.
      Have a sleep-in tomorrow, hugs xxx

  31. Well been to see the Diabetic nurse. Blood sugar fine. BP up. I got there early so I could relax and was called straight away. Hadn't even sat down. Got to do it at home and take the chart when I go for the foot check end September. Don't know why it couldn't have been done then. Means fitting in another appointment now and I am so busy you know. :-). My Dr says my BP is high every time I go to the surgery as it is the blue coat syndrome. She told next to relax and take deep breathes and think I was beside the sea. That was easy but the armband went so tight and so long that it was painful. Think that's what sent it up. Scarlett wanted me yo go round but on the way back from town she fell asleep and hadn't woken up very happy. Plus I had just got back from the surgery and was having a cup of tea and it was pouring with rain so didn't go. I won't need to water the garden tonight. I am also having new glasses. Should been ready next week. Scarlett helped me choose them. Had to be suitable for varifocals. Just got Reading glasses at the moment since having the cataracts done but not getting on with them. Distance vision is very goid now but Reading and middle distance not goid so Consultant suggested I went back to varifocals. Haven't worn glasses fir about 3 yrs so may take a bit of getting used to again. Well I have to make 2 cards for girl twins who will be 10 next week so had better get on with them. Back later.

    1. Hi Brenda, you have had quite a day! I really don't like glasses! I need them for reading but I can see for miles so don't them to drive or anything. However, because I get fed up chasing round the house looking for them , they are often perched on the end of nose! I remember saying to Alastair last time we were in Scotland - oh look at that deer beside the Rock on the hillside. His riposte was - I can't see the rock never mind the deer!! Xxx

    2. BRENDA:- I am the very same when I go to the Nurse for a BP check.
      The nurse is a friend, that's not the problem, it's me!! I have twice had one of the monitors on for 24hrs and things were fine.
      Here we go another one of us with the expense of new Glasses. Imagine the money that has been spent between us all recently.
      MYRA: can you explain the meaning of "riposte" we don't use that word in this part of the world. xxx

    3. It just means answer or response! Xxx

    4. Brenda LL, You've certainly had a busy do. I have no problems when getting my BP checked, but when it's up the Nurse always says, oh it's because you're getting worked up.
      NO, it's up because it's up. I tell her that hospitals and doctors hold no fears for me after having injections, temperature taken and BP checks EVERY DAY for a year, but she takes no notice. Now, I just make an appointment with the Doctor to see what he says. Mind you I'll have waited a full five weeks when I finally see him on the 28th!!!
      I'm as blind as a bat without my specs, but have to take them off when reading or colouring my cards, and I have varifocals!! Good luck on making the cards for the twins.

    5. Oh! stupid me I thought it was typing error.....!! xxx

    6. Brenda my BP goes sky high at the doctors too, I can feel it rising as I go in! The last nurse I had took it 3 times as she said it was going down each time the more I relaxed! Maureen I'm as blind as a bat too, I wear glasses at night and first thing in the morning but usually wear contact lenses. If I take my glasses off and put them down sometimes I can't find them again! Xxx

    7. Just laughing at how we depend on glasses - mine go on first thing in the morning and take off very last thing at night - have even thought I couldn't hear without my glasses as I couldn't see what people were saying x
      Jean x

    8. My Dad's GP used to come to the house when Dad was expecting him to take his BP - that way it was normal! It was too much trouble as he popped in briefly when he happened to be passing! If he went to the Surgery it was sky high ! Xxx

  32. Well folks that's 4 cards made. All quite similar but are different. They are for the one customer but for 4 different people to receive. I asked if the people were related or knew one another and the answer was no!! So it made things more simple to work on the one theme.
    Sitting watching the Bake Off. Oh! My! Word! Why would folk put themselves through such hell!!. xxx

  33. Evening Ladies

    Hurrah- 4 days off work now!! Typically the weather has changed and its cold, wet + windy. Usual weather for the Southport Flower Show-i'll got well equipped for all weathers tomorrow .

    Rang Dad and after 30 minutes hubby arrived home (about 10 minutes ago) so Dad decided I must need to see my dear husband-he he!!

    My plonker of a brother emailed me earlier in the week asking if we would be around this weekend-what he really means is would we be free to entertain them/Dad on Saturday evening! Told him we wouldn't as got in laws coming over for dinner as its both their birthdays the following week so we are giving them their cards/presents. We haven't seen them for weeks & weeks and as it's been arranged a while I don't see why we should change anything. I suggested the following weekend but he complained that he would struggle through the bank holiday traffic around the Lake District-that's because they set off at a stupid time!! Then his next complaint was he's back at work on the Monday -he teaches in Glasgow. In the end I said to let me know what you've decided but has he ?! NO- and he hasn't even phoned Dad!!! They've had 4 weeks away traveling round Spain in their camper van so you think they could manage more than 24 hours in Southport!!!!!

    Right-I need another cuppa to calm down.


    1. Oh Michele! Families ! Why oh why is one sibling always left bearing the load! Well it seems that way to me. It is very trying! I hope it dries up tomorrow so that you enjoy the Flower Show! Xxx

    2. Oh! Michele, think you need a (((hug)))
      Hope the weather improves just a little for you and you manage to sort out the family. xxx

    3. Michele, take a tip from a seasoned pro - say B*gger it, and then forget all about it, enjoy the flower show tomorrow and your company at the weekend. xxxx

    4. Have a lovely time at the flower show Michele. Yes that sounds like a brother to me! Xxx

    5. Have a lovely day at the flower show Michelle, Families eh - what would you do with them sometimes - my mum hardly saw my brother - my sister and myself did everything for her but he was the apple of her eye - Hugs Michelle and enjoy the flowers xx

    6. Can't choose our family wish is a shame sometimes. Enjoy the days off and the flower show, hope the weather stays dry at least xxx

  34. Diane - my husband says that Aberdeen has an excellent reputation for its Physiology Dept and Course. He says it used to be in Marischal College but not sure if that is still the case. He went to Aberdeen Uni too . I hope you have a good time up there! Xxx

    1. MYRA, do you believe everything Alastair tells you? lol Has Busty Saba been around, does she know you have given her a new name ha ha.
      I've done all the candles, they are wrapped and look fairly mundane!!! I've decided to do a few more boys' cards as when i looked they were mostly either ladies, girls or Christmas!!!
      Dad used to say varnear for very nearly. I don't know where he got it from but although the Matthewsons lived in Newcastle since the early 1700's they married into Irish and Scottish families, so I wonder if it came from one of those.
      PATRICIA, did you see that I've bought the Katy Sue sentiment stamp?
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Myra please than Alistair for his comment, it's good to know someone who's been there. The university had a lovely feel to it when we looked around and it's such a great mix of old and new. It sounds like he was happy there too xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- I have just whizzed past that 1 minute ago! And tried to comment back there but it would not publish. Hope this does.
      That's great there are a few good sentiments on the set of Stamps. xxx

    4. Diane, Anna and Beths mum says the same about The dept in Aberdeen. Is it now part of the Robert Gordon ? Marshal College is such a beautiful building. Oh you will love where you are spending your week. You are further north, but sometimes the weather is better up there than anywhere else on the east coast. I don't think you can go far wrong with the likes of Dunelm for bedding and towels etc. I would imagine there is a large branch in Aberdeen. Xxx

  35. Well I have finished the cards for the twins. Flat for posting and haven't gone over the top as also have to put vouchers in as well. To be honest I decided I wasn't going to a lot of trouble. I never know if they have been received. They are going to Eire. They are "Frozen" theme. Think most girls like Frozen from what I have been told. I bought a pack of "Frozen" papers from the Range. I have made 3 Triple Flip cards for my two granddaughters and my GtGrandaughter and now these two for the twins who are my Gt Nieces. Still got paper left so a good buy. Got to think of a teenage girl card now. Not needed until beginning of September so got time to think about that one.

    1. Brenda LL, you put me to shame. You've been working h*ll for leather haven't you? xxxx

    2. BRENDA:- good for you, that was quick. Bet the cards all look great, will you send them to Sandra so we can see them in the future. You have certainly done well with you pack of papers.
      I find that young people are not encouraged to thank people for gifts sent to them.
      I have the Die for theTriple Flip cards do have never used it. Naughty, Naughty, I know. xxx

    3. MAUREEN. You have been working much harder than me with all your candle cups send cards for this weekend. I hope I talk goes smoothly and you make lots of money for the charity. Thank you Patricia. Probably send the cards after Sandra comes back from holiday. Still raining here. You really should try your Triple Flip die as I am sure you will make a fabulous card with it. Looks as if everyone is going to bed.

    4. Sorry for the typing errors. Hope you can make sense of what I said. Predictive text I do not like.

    5. Brenda you are being good making cards so quick. You seemed to have had a busy day hope you enjoyed the day xxx

  36. I think I'll scream. The laptop installed an update a couple of hours ago, and now it takes minutes for it to tick over and go into another site every time I want to change. Arrrrgh, s c r e a m xxxxx

  37. Time for me to go, I was up very early this morning.
    Hope Saba is having fun with the children.
    See you all tomorrow
    Goodnight, God Bless xxx

  38. Well John will be in shortly from work so supper time - will say night to all-
    by the way Patricia you have kept this little café running super smooth while the boss is away - a pat on the back is due

    1. Have a good night Jean and Patricia.
      Watching on BBC 1 something called Mountain Goats, not sure what they all saying. It is in Scottish xxx

  39. Good evening ladies
    Where has today gone! It's been pouring with rain for most of the day and with Julian working from home I've not achieved much. Oh well there's always tomorrow! I've been watching Bake off- oh I couldn't believe that woman didn't practise her star bake! That's been followed by a couple of NCIS episodes with the lovely Gibbs:) Emma cooked dinner tonight with just a bit of help - just the washing up left to do. Hazel I hope you have a good day tomorrow spoiling yourself, but don't get delayed helping out - it's a good thing you've got your appointment booked. Sandra I hope you've had good weather today after your rainy start. I put the bins out earlier and I'd left a bucket out when I was gardening the other day and there's at least 2 inches of water in it from today. It really hasn't been a good summer has it this year! I was quite soggy by the time I got back in. I'd much rather put the bins out the night before than get up at the last minute and go out in my jim jams ! . Oh I'm yawning away here so I think I may just have to take Gibbs to bed! Tee hee. See you all tomorrow, night night sleep tight xxx

  40. I'll say goodnight all, as well. I can't see if I've any e-mails, I left this site and it's taken 15 minutes to get back on, so if I'm not here tomorrow, you'll know I'm having trouble with tinternet.
    Sweet dreams all, sleep tight and I'll hopefully see you in the morning.

  41. Hi everyone, made a couple of lovely cards at the class, now my eyes are tired, I think it has been all the drops and tests done, plus photos of the back of my eyes, I have quite dry eyes so might have to get drops.
    Anyway will catch up tomorrow, see you then, take care, xxx

  42. Replies
    1. watching special victims unit nd after that bed time. I bought the centre stepper die,the accordion die and the midi centre and midi side stepper dies also the triple thingy die so hopefully will not have to fiddle with card shapes, if anyone wants any cut out let me know xx

  43. Hello SANDRA & everyone I have been trying all day to leave a comments but they just won't post I don't know why,so hopefully this one will.
    PATRICIA your card is stunning love it.
    SANDRA lovely seeing you pop in today glad you all having a good time you sound really relaxed.hope you enjoyed your day & hope weather is being kind.
    I have done usual mundane things like house work washing ironing,& cleaning out you know who with a beak HaHa Nearly finished a tripple flip card comming on ok. Poppedq to the shops & I got two tops in the sale result £5 each bargain
    Well time for my bed so good night God bless hopefully will be able to comment more tomorrow love Lynda xxxx

    1. Nice with some shopping bargains sometime. Hope Freddy behaved himself while being cleaned out, no nips hihi Good night my friend xxx

  44. Had a pretty good day with my SIL and her husband today. She got such a dirty laugh, we are having a fab time going on holidays together and booked one for January -16 today. Have comment on the way down and now it's time for the bed bugs to do their best. Have a good night girls, see you tomorrow xxx

    1. Good night MARIA have a good sleep glad you enjoyed your day my friend xx
