
Thursday 20 August 2015

Maria's gorgeous Card


Good Morning Ladies,
Today's beautiful card has been designed by Maria.
Maria, this card is just so beautiful, you have put so much thought into the design and everything matches so perfectly, from the colour of ink you have used to the stunning background paper.
I see that you have used the Phill Martin 'With Love' stamp from his lovely range of stamps that he has designed, they do seem to stamp very well, the rose really finishes off the border stamps beautifully, they look so neat and fit your design perfectly.
I see that you have used some of Sue Wilsons Dies too, including the Dandelion Clocks, The Perfect Peony (with matching stamps) and the Splendid Swirls too, all produced by Creative Expressions.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your stunning card with everyone today Maria xxx
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning all, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA and family, hope you are still having fun I the sun!!
    MARIA:- your card is absolutely amazing. I love it, right up my street.
    Everything set up for the day, looking good and lots of nice things in the Cooler Cabinet for everyone. I have popped one of the muffins in the toaster fo me. I will take that and my Tea over to the corner table to see who comes in, passes by or even keeps looking in the window to see what we are all about.
    LADIES:- I have to apologise to you all ..... I went off to bed last night and forgot to "Thank You" all for the lovely comments on my card yesterday, I really appreciate everyone of them.
    I have lots of things to finish off today. I am definitely going to get them done this morning. See you all a little later. xxx

    1. Good morning my lovely
      How did the card making go yesterday? Did you get the 21st card done?
      The sun is shining again this morning so I am about to slice up the watermelon that has been chilling in the fridge overnight, to take to the beach, we were there for 8 hours yesterday, so nice to see Paul relaxing, that's what makes the holiday for me and seeing the girls having so much fun for hours in the sea with nothing more than a ball!
      Well I hope the sun shines for you today too,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Patricia, I think I just disappeared last night too!
      These early mornings are catching up with me! 4 out of 4 so far !!
      Last day tomorrow. Phew! Had enough now. Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Wow. Maria this is beautiful, love your design, and how you have stamped round each side rather than just the once. All your layers, papers and embellishment go together so well.
    It was very quiet in the cafe last night, no high jinks. Is this you all trying to be extras good seeing how the boss has got internet and can keep a close eye on everything???
    Maureen, I hope you will come out of your craft room today and get some fresh air! You have been so busy making all your wonderful cards or making up your candle cups. Have you tied any of the cups up like the ones we saw in Edinburgh by any chance?
    Brenda ( LL) you to did to take some time to yourself and just relax, you have been here there and everywhere these last few days. So annoying for you when the doctors get it all wrong. No wonder your BP was up.
    Well I am off in to work to just be there to give Vicky a help as its the first morning she will have to do both the school runs. To be honest mum must think it's hard work,because to me once you have dropped Anna off, you come back and you have 25 mins in which to get things done before you take Beth. If you do it right it's nothing. But if she wants to pay me to be there I won't say NO as the money earned this week will go into the retreat jar.
    Right better make a move. Xxx

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      I am sure the girls will be thrilled to see you today, I hope that Vicky copes ok with the school runs, I guess it will be daunting to start with, I can't think of a lovelier person to show Vicky the ropes than you Hazel, I bet you don't just explain either, I bet you are a 'hands on' mentor!
      Have you decided what you are going to do with your spare time?
      You must be counting down the weeks until you and Patricia go on your annual break together, be good for youth relax for a week, it's been a busy summer for you my lovely!
      Enjoy your manicure,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Hazel
      Well I do hope you get paid for the time your putting in on training. Your good nature is just being taken advantage of otherwise. But I know you won't let that happen. Enjoy your retirement, you deserve it.

    3. Afternoon Hazel
      I was going to ask you if you enjoyed your first day of Retirement yesterday but it looks as if full Retirement has yet to arrive!!
      Just make sure you don't do too much as you will be expected to do it all the time.
      Enjoy your Retirement
      Hugs xxxx

    4. Hi Hazel,

      Hope you enjoy your manicure and please learn to say NO sometimes you are meant to be retired!

      Love Margaret xx

    5. Hope all went well this morning Hazel and you are now back in " chill" mode! Xxx

    6. Nails looking good, my gift to myself. Enjoying not having to go out again. xxx

    7. Marigolds come to mind xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Maria-goodness, your card is a stunner. I love all the layers & details on it.

    Well-it looks like it's going to be a nice day here. Sun trying to peep through the clouds, no breeze!! I think I'll still take a lightweight waterproof jacket with me. Am meeting my friend on the bus-always risky as it could be full by the time it reaches her stop. This has happened before so we'll just meet at the end point in Southport.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Just a quickie to say have a love day xxx

    2. Have a lovely day Michelle xx

    3. Have a lovely day at the flower show Michele. xx

    4. Hi Michell
      I hope you have a lovely day at the flower show. Hopefully the sun will stay out fir you.

    5. Sorry Michele don't know why predictive text decided to call you Mitchell.

    6. Hi Michele, have a great day at the flower show, I hope you meet your friend without any mishaps. xxx

    7. Have a great day MICHELE. Hope the sun shines

    8. Enjoy your day off!!! enjoy time with your friend. xxx

    9. Afternoon Michele - enjoy your day with your friend and take some 'me' time. Don't forget.

    10. Enjoy your time off you deserve it. Xxx

    11. Hi Michelle,

      Hope you have a lovely day at the flower show with your friend enjoy
      your time off.

      Love Margaret xx

    12. Hi Michele, hope you enjoying your day at the Flower Show - weather has certainly been lovely. Lots of cars went through out village this morning going to Southport! Xxx

    13. Hope you had a lovely day at the flower show Michele and the sun shone for you xxx

  4. Just lost a long comment I could scream!

    1. Hi Ann,
      There is nothing more frustrating!
      I started clicking on message and copting before I pressed publish, that why I could just copy/paste if I lost it.
      Have a lovely day xxx

    2. I wish I could understand how to do that, it would make a difference xo

    3. I know, I'm lost as well. Technology and Maureen do not go together!! xx

    4. I keep "screaming" it's so, so annoying.
      I have started re-logging into Blogger before I even start. (well that's when I remember) xxx

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Keep Calm and Carry On !! Xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra it's good to see you dropping in, I hope you aren't being tutted at though because you are on the computer and the girls aren't and they are all desperate to get to the beach! Mind you a bit of role reversal never hurt anyone! It was so funny last night when Emma cooked dinner and Julian didn't appear the second she said it was ready - she sounded just like me when I. Moaning she hasn't come straight away. It was very funny but I didn't tell her why I was giggling. Have a lovely day at the beach today and don't forget the sun cream. Xxx
    Maria I have to say how beautiful your card is. I love the stamp you have used and you've stamped it so straight! I know mine would be wonky on at least one side! The paper you have used is very pretty too. It's nice to see the dandelion clocks making an appearance - they look interesting but I wasn't sure how they would look on a card - the answer is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing, I hope you are feeling better today xxx
    Well the sun is out today and the forecast is good so washing on and floor mop out. Hazel enjoy seeing the girls today but don't do too much - you've got nails to be painted don't forget! Xxx
    I will try and pop back later on, if I've put the Hoover round I can reward myself with a cup of tea and a sit down! See you all later xxx

  6. I will try again, good morning ladies, first of all I love your card Maria it is beautiful ! I love the colour and the sentiment and the gorgeous flower , so pretty. I would love to treat myself to some of Phils handwritten sentiments but there always ses to be something else I need ( sorry about the mistake)
    But I'm not going back to fix it as that's how I lost the last comment.
    We had a glorious coastal walk yesterday sunshine all the way, but when it was time for golf the rain
    Came on and it was midge hell !
    Anyway I came home to great news , Apple have replaced my iPad and my daughter in Edinburgh is going to FedEx it to me , I can't wait, as I find using this phone so fiddly !
    Just enjoyed a lovely cup of tea and toasted muffin with cheese , will leave money in the pot as usual.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day and hugs to all xo

    1. Ooh Anne, there are no midges as deadly as Scottish ones!! Great news about the iPad, have a good day. xxx

    2. ANNE:- have you tried using AVON Dry Oil Body Spray (original) .
      Hazel and I use that for Mosquitoes when we are in Turkey and it works. We do use lots but it is worth it and it's not expensive. xxx

    3. Yes I've used that and find it good also use Smidge but the blighters seem to get used to it!

    4. Totally agree, Scottish midges are just awful!
      So pleased about your iPad . You'll be a techno- wizard in no time!
      Then - if you've got a spare year you can teach Muriel!! Xxx
      Hard Hat!

    5. Scottish midges are not awful they are just very friendly like to get right in your face lol xxx

    6. I like your comment Wendy. xxx

    7. I don't like Myra's, get the bazooka primes. Talking about bazookas, have we seen Busty Saba? xxxx

    8. I'm reet oopset now , as they say in this neck of the woods! Xxx

    9. Aaaaahhhhh I'd forgotten about the Scottish midges - we were ok last year in August but will we need stuff in September in Aberdeen or Elgin ladies?

    10. Personally, I think the west coast is worse and by September not usually so bad anyway but I don't live there anymore! Xxx

  7. Pat I just wanted to warn you, before you leave for Salou, I read yesterday that there had been a shark attack in benidorm, it's miles from us but still a little scary,Sophie has decided that she will stay close to shore today, I had to chuckle though as they had put photo of a 'jaws' size shark next to headline but when you saw the photo of the bite it was smaller than the boys hand, still a worry but talk about scare mongering!!
    Anyway Pat, pack your big knickers!!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Maria, I can feel a big WOW coming on, your card is so beautiful, everything just tones so beautifully. Thank you for sharing LOL

    Ladies, Don't faint, I know I'm in a very early this morning. I have a big task to perform - to go to granddaughters school and collect her GCSE results!!!!!! No pressure there Ha ha. Then I have your phone her in Turkey and give her the news, be it good or bad. I am also holding my breath for a grandson in Essex, as he also gets his results today.

    I will be back sometime later, might need something added to the coffee though.

    Hope everyone is has a good day, lots of love Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda, I hope the news is good for both your grandchildren's results so that when you phone your granddaughter you will make her one happy holidaying bunny!! xx

    2. Brenda, hope all the results are good, have a nice day xx

    3. Brenda OB, I've got everything crossed. Hae a good day xxxx

    4. Hope the results are good Brenda.

    5. BRENDA:- keeping my fingers crossed for brilliant results xxx

    6. Afternoon Brenda - what a task you have. I've everything crossed that I can cross for your lovely two.
      Hugs xxxx

    7. Oh you have got a job that can be good or not so good to do, we will be positve and go for good results. Which I know the children beat themselves up over regardless until that bit of paper is in front of them. Xxx

    8. Hi Brenda,

      Hope you were able to give your granddaughter good news and hope grandson did well also

      Take care love Margaret xx

    9. Hope it has been good news all round! Xxx

    10. Brenda what a job! You are a special grandma doing that for your granddaughter though. I hope the news was good xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is lovely to have you with us Sandra, I hope you have another lovely day at the beach. It is so satisfying watching the family relaxing isn't it, and with only a ball or book, no phones etc. Enjoy yourself my lovely : )
    Maria, what a beautiful card. I love the pretty colour and your stamping is fantastic. Thank you for sharing it with us : ) I hope you are feeling better today.
    Michele, enjoy your time off, it sounds like the weather is going to be kind to you. Is the flower show in or outdoors. I love the gorgeous scents of all of the flowers, especially when the sun heats up the marquee.
    Hazel, it will be odd not doing the school run for you. I wonder how Vicky will feel by the end of her first full school day? It is good to hear that you are having some "me" time. Enjoy the manicure.
    Anne, great news about your iPad. Have a good day, are you relaxing after your walk yesterday?
    Brenda littlelamb, I hope you are going to be able to relax today as you have been so busy lately. Glad to hear you got the cards all done.
    Maureen, you have been very busy too. Now you have the candles and most of the cards finished you must have a rest. How many more boys cards do you hope to make? I bet it all looks lovely. Don't forget to take a picture to share with us please.
    Diane, it sounds like you had a nice meal cooked by Emma. Is this to get her used to cooking for herself? Does she like cooking or will she find it a struggle to start with when she is at uni? From what the others have said you will have a lovely time in the area you will be staying when you take Emma to Aberdeen. Shopping and also lovely countryside, what a great combination (if you like shopping that is, I don't). Have a good day.
    Pat, I suppose you won't have to worry about the shark attack too much as we know how good you are at swimming : )
    Thank you for your kind words yesterday. My joints are a bit better, the rain and damp aren' t helping though and Sandra was right about lots of typing not helping my hands either. We are forecast a better day today but it is still quite grey here at the moment. I have to finish Phoebe's birthday card today. Can't believe she will be 6 tomorrow. Where do the years go?
    Have a good day everyone.Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Wish Phoebe a happy birthday from me. Where does the time go to nowadays. It just seems to fly by.

    2. Hello Sue,
      I forgot to take a photo last time, so I'll try to remember at this fund raiser. Have a lovely day, wish Phoebe Happy Birthday for tomorrow and I hope you have sunshine today to help your joints. Have an extra piece of chocolate, it will help you to feel better - well it always does to me, although i think I've found something even better in Patricia's tablet. Now that is delish!!!!

    3. Happy birthday to Phoebe tomorrow and I hope you feel better soon Sue.

    4. Hi Sue , hope your joint pain eases with the heat and Happy Birthday to Pheobe for tomorrow. I am having quite a lazy morning as I have a golf tie to play at 2pm and I'm feeling pretty stiff today after my exploits yesterday , this getting old is no joke! But better than the alternative lol !
      I've been playing more golf this year as I am captain ( for my sins) and feel obliged to take part in more games, I'll be glad when my turn is over. xo

    5. Happy birthday Pheobe.
      Anne, enjoy your golf.
      Sue, I hope the warm sun helps your joints. Xxx

    6. I hope you feel better as the day goes and you have some heat therapy / sun on your aching joints. Happy Birthday to Phoebe for tomorrow xxx

    7. Happy Birthday to Phoebe for tomorrow,
      Captain Anne - have a good game! I've become glued to my chir since lunchtime I think!! Xxx

    8. Hi Sue
      Happy birthday wishes for phoebe tomorrow - are you off to a party? Emma went through a phase of cooking once a week but that has slipped whist studying for exams was on. She sort of likes cooking but has never been one to get in the kitchen and cook like I used to do when I was her age. I do worry about how she will cope but she just says she will get on with it when she has to! Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Maria, your card is gorgeous, I have the scribbled sentiments and was pondering these sentiments, mind made up now, need them.
    Sandra hope the sunshine does you and your family the world go good.
    Pat hope you enjoy your holiday, safe journey.
    Well it's my craft day today, love this class, ladies are so friendly and we have a laugh and chat, just like the cafe.
    Will pop in late hugs in basket,
    Jean x

    1. Enjoy your craft class Jean your friends sound like a lovely group of ladies. xx

    2. Hi Jean, enjoy your day at the craft class.

    3. Enjoy you time at the craft class. Ours is tomorrow - Promarkers. Scarlett will love that.

    4. Hello Jean, Enjoy your class. It does sound good

    5. Jean, I hope you had a good craft class. Xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    The sun keeps popping in and out here this morning, so I'm hoping it stays dry as I'm off to the hairdressers today and then a bit of shopping....haven't had any chocolate in the house for two days!!! Lol!! Need to top my choccy tub up!
    PAT have a safe Journey and a wonderful holiday.
    SANDRA I'm so pleased you and the family are having such a wonderfully relaxing and fun time.

    MARIA your card is so beautiful and I love the colour palette you have chosen it's gorgeous!

    Well I must go and get ready so I'll pop back later....have left hugs in the basket so please help yourselves to them.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Thanks for the good holiday wishes Sheila. Have a lovely day getting your hair done and shopping. My hairdresser comes today, and I'm hoping to have my toenails done before the holiday. I'm just waiting for the girl to ring me back. Hope she dies soon I hate waiting around for someone to phone me back.

    2. Hello Sheila,
      Have a lovely day today. Ooh the hairdressers, then chocolate shopping - now that sounds like a good shopping trip to me!!!

    3. Pat I hope she doesn't die soon or you won't get your feet done!

    4. Why am I sitting chuckling about someone 's early demise!
      Anne you are naughty - I would just have kept quiet about a little mistake like that! Xxx

    5. Sheila, I bet you feel better having had your hair done and a good chat while she was doing your hair, did you get your supple of chocolate??? xxx

    6. SHEILA:- hair done, chocolate in stock what more does a girl need??? enjoy!! xxx

    7. MYRA - keep quiet - "That'll be the Day" xxx

    8. The day of Miracles is not yet over! Xxx

    9. Myra I was chuckling too! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Maria I just love your card. It looks fabulous. I love the dies you've used as well. Mind you all your cards are lovely. I've made a card for my sister in law in Australia and sent off. Wonder if it will take 3 weeks this time from Witney.
    I'm so glad the sun us now shining for you and the family and that Paul is having a good rest. Thanks for the heads up regarding the shark. As Sue has commented I'm such a good swimmer I'll soon outrun it. Not. Mind you it would be lovely to be able to swim. Mind you I do sink very nicely.
    Brenda I hope that you will be sending good news to your Granddaughter in Turkey and that your Grandson goes ok as well. Sophie my Granddaughters results were ok but she'd hoped to do better. She's retaking some again. I asked her when and she said they'd be extra to her A levels. She's already commandeered part of the living room to do the extra study, and has started already. I told her she'd forget in a year but she pointed to the living room wall which was covered in charts that she's out information on. It's just a shame she wasn't as throughly prepared before she set the exams in the first place. Her older sister told her to prepare this way as you had the information to hand while revising, but she wouldn't listen. Stay safe everyone and take care.

    1. Pat, I swim like a brick!! You and I must have gone to the same swimming school lol. Sorry to read about Sophie, but she's learnt a good lesson early on. Fail to prepare - prepare to fail. No matter what people say, life is the best teacher.
      I hope your holiday preparation is going well, don't forget your arm bands!!!

    2. I also must have gone to the same swimming school. Ours was outdoor and wasn't heated. No wonder I hated it. Don't like being cold. PAT enjoy your holiday. See you at Ally Pally?

    3. Pat - have a really good relaxing holiday and come back all refreshed and raring to go.
      Hugs for a safe journey and Ignore the Sharks just have a little paddle.

    4. Pat Maureen is so right, I some times think children need to fail to learn. Anna is very clever but she will find that its not easy as the time goes on. But she will need to fail to learn the lesson that she needs to work harder. Enjoy your holiday and relax. xxx

    5. That is very true! Sometimes it helps if they get a bit of a scare in the Mocks! Xxx

    6. Pat I hope you have a lovely holiday. Oh I do feel for your granddaughter a couple of mu cousins children didn't do as well as they hoped so will do re sits. It's a hard lesson to learn but at least she sounds as though she is organised now! Xxx

  13. Oh the fun and games started today. Eva the mum who took Anna all last year, decided last night she couldn't take Anna today, so Vicky had to do the Kinross run, so to save Beth having to go all the way there and then back to the school, then tonight she has to go get Anna again. Beth happy that I was taking her to school. Of coarse the other thing was there was no rolls for the pack lunches, funnily enough I had picked up 2 rolls from the paper shop, so that was another thing Vicky found out today, so she is going to pick up rolls from the shop near her. I also told her that there must be a tesco direct order due today - nothing been said. But they do need one, nothing to make the lunches we found enough to make Beth's and Anna will just buy a lunch. So oh yes Vicky has been thrown in at the deep end. She has my phone number if she needs help.
    That's me I'd better make a move and go get those nails done. xxx

    1. It's amazing how the parents are still relying on you to keep things in order. Enjoy your manicure and relax.

    2. Can see you back there sometime soon Hazel!

    3. Careful Hazel before you know it you will be back doing more than ever! xx

    4. Mum was gone before 7 as road works at the forth bridge, I just enjoyed taking Beth to school, I will miss that 15 mins of her chatter on the journey there. Yes poor Vicky is learning quickly that the miles will be going on her car she is getting Lesley's old car once the new arrives, me I would rather drive my own then I know what I am driving. Don't get me wrong it's always serviced but it's 11,years old and done 180,000 miles if not a bit more. I am going to make a point of doing a pick up at least once a month. Yes I hope I am being paid that's 5 hours I have put in. xxx

    5. Hazel you are a star, I do feel sorry for Vicky, you should introduce her to the cafe so she can vent! How terrible the mum only decided not to do the school run the night before!xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, well everyone seems to be having a busy day today, I have just quickly read everyone tales, but have to go food shopping now hubby is ready and looking at me as if to say, let's go!!
    Mafia your card is gorgeous, love it, love it, love it xxx
    Will catch up later. Xxx

    1. LADIES, beware the Mafia are on the loose in the Cafe. Don't worry, Sandra will deal with them!!!
      So sorry Jess, couldn't resist and as Myra is with her little angels at the Craft Club, I feel that I have to be her stand in!!!
      Have a good day, enjoy food shopping - if you can enjoy such a thing. I know that husband "look" very well!!!!

    2. Thought it was quiet in the corner, Forgot she is out again this morning
      , she will be back xxx

    3. Is the Mafia better than the other lot which you spell with two letters and is the singular of are? What do you mean that's confusing!

    4. MYRA, do you mean the letter after h and before t? I don't think you are confusing, just confused lol xxxx

    5. That's it well not I t - almost it!! Xxx

  15. Hi All
    Maria your card is absolutely gorgeous, love everything about it. The colours are lovely.
    Diane There is a big Dunelm store and the Range has opened as well both down at the beach in Aberdeen, you will get everything you need between the two .
    Gorgeous weather here today for a change, going bowling this afternoon so it should be enjoyable playing in the dry instead of always getting soaked. Have just finished a card that was ordered, used the accordion die, was quite impressed with what it can do.Also bought the centre stepper and the midi centre and side stepper so hopefully will give me some ideas to be going on with.
    See you all later, love and hugs xx

    1. Hi Wendy! Fresh air and The Range and Dunelm - what more could Diane need! Think we'd see massive changes in Aberdeen! Xxx

    2. Wendy thanks for that, I know where Dunelm mill is, we found it last year so my thought was to head there and Asda to buy things but I hadn't realised there is now a Range - Emma will be pleased! We went for a walk along the prom to the harbour and gad a meal in Pizza Hut before walking back into aberdeen centre last year and back out to our flat . We walked miles!!! Xxx

  16. In for a wee "breather" need a cuppa. Oh!! all the cakes look really nice. Mmm!! think I will have a scone & jam for now. Will be back in the afternoon for some cake.
    I see Hazel has been roped in already .... wonder how often that will happen!!
    That poor Vicky has an awful lot to put up with, she does not know the half. The run to take Anna to school is about a 50mile round trip. That's morning and evening might add.....!!!
    I was so surprised to here Hazel saying she was having her nails done. It's something she never does but it's about time she spoilt herself.
    Finished, cup and plate washed, money in the pot.
    I have finished the "order" cards just the boxes to make now. Better get them done, I will take the order along this afternoon to get them out of the way.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      It's lovely that Hazel is spending some time on herself xxxx

    2. I agree - does that mean we'll have to wash up her cup and plate? Mind the nails, you know! Xxx

    3. No way, I may be a lady of leisure, but I am not a lady who doesn't work or do things herself. The nails will be fine. A cup of earl grey and a piece of that lovely homemade apple pie thank you. xxx

    4. Just kidding Hazel! Xxxx

    5. See folks Hazels not used to "watching the nails" she'll get there.!!!
      Bet she gets Charlie to to the Dirty Jobs now!!! xxx

    6. Myra, I know you were kidding, that's what I love about in here we can joke and laugh at each other. Xxx

    7. It'll be fine once you've met me Hazel - well I hope so!! You will really know then that I'm not mean - just a bit cheeky - but only to friends! Xxx

    8. Cheeky is good, I can do cheeky as well. xxx

  17. Hello Sandra, It's lovely to see you popping in and out. I'm glad that you are having a good time. Look out for sharks!!!
    Maria, I love your card, it's beautiful.
    Wendy, George is bowling this afternoon as well, and the sun is starting to shine so he's a happy bunny.
    Well I have commented on the way down, I think that's the best way otherwise I forget who did what to whom!!!
    I hope everyone has a great day today, without pain. I'm going food shopping now and I'm getting the "look" from George because he wants to get back, have his lunch and then go to his beloved Bowling.
    Muriel xxx

  18. Maria. Love your card. It is beautiful. Diane. Both Dunelm and The Range are good stores. As Wendy gas said you will get everything in one or the other. I like both stores. Having lunch with a friend today. It will be at M&S. We go to the big one at Camberley and she wants to get her husband's birthday present. Might see Scarlett later. Depends if she can fit me in in her busy schedule. 😄. Otherwise I may start the September cards. Several at the very beginning of the month. Nearly September already. I cannot believe it. See you all later. Will just have a cup of tea.

    1. Hi Brenda LL,

      Hope you enjoy your lunch with friend and you get to meet up with Scarlett, enjoy your class tomorrow.

      Love Margaret xx

    2. It's taking me ages to read these today Brenda! Lunch will be a memory by now! Hope Scarlett enjoys her Promarker class tomorrow! Xxx

  19. Good morning ops no it's good afternoon folks
    Well the sun is trying to come out I wish it would make more of an effort just for once but thankfully no rain, it came through night which I don't mind.
    Well my two helpers, daughter and grandson are off horse riding this afternoon so it has been a hive of activity this morning getting house jobs done.
    I will try and pop in later to see if anyone is here, take care and have a lovely day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Steady as you go, Margaret! No sudden lunges! Xxx

  20. Oops sorry Maria almost forgot, your card is so very lovely I love the elegance of it so much. xxx

  21. Afternoon one and all
    Maria - your card is just beautiful in every way. I must look at those sentiments they look divine and I never seem to be able to see some I like so thank you for the tip. I love your colours so gentle but positive at the same time. I hope that makes sense.

    Sandra - so so pleased you're having some sunshine and time on the beach away from everything and nothing to do but please yourself. Come back all relaxed.

    I've managed to get 3 done this morning well assembled as I'd cut out the other day. They're not straightforward format so will only be 'special' ones.

    Sorry but we have beautiful sunshine again today and it's warmer than yesterday so it's an indoor afternoon.
    Hugs are on their way. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Hope Norah and Saba are OK and just busy.

    1. JANET:- we need some of your sunshine please.
      Like you I have been working on my PHDs (projects half done) all finished.
      Norah is fine, still keeping very busy.
      Now SABA:- bet she is so exhausted every evening she does not have the energy to press the computer on button !!!
      Take care xxx

  22. Morning Sandra and all , was a bit of a surprise to see the card I made at Julia's workshop looking back at me . Thank you all for your nice comments, yes I was happy how this turned out and I know now if you got the right tools ,papers etc. then a card emerge if I'm lucky at the end hihi.
    GCSE School results today I see. Good luck to them all and hope they
    done ok .
    Sandra- have another lovely day in the sunshine and no shark attacks ! It's so nice to see you all having a relaxing holiday together and the girls not bored. Lot for them to do at the camping place and maybe meet some new friends ?
    Michele- have a good day and some Me time when at last you got some days off. Maureen- did you manage to get it all done yesterday infor the Saturday, hope it all sells well.
    Hazel- already been out and about. One thing to show Vicky the ropes but make sure you not helping to much or you will be there every day. Learning to say NO is a hard one.
    Had a giggle Diane when daddy didn't come right away for the dinner. I have such a problem with son (23), always something he has to do first. These day's I tell him 15 min. before it's done and hope he will eat with us.
    Jean- have fun at craft class ! Sheila- enjoy filling your box up again !
    Having a really lazy day, bunged up ,tired and achy so not much today.Have good day all , hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,

      Your card is really lovely love the colours well done.
      Hope you are feeling better.

      Love Margaret xx

    2. Maria,
      Your card is really beautiful! It looks as if it has been made for the Phil Martin Stamp! It looks lovely and your colours are so pretty . Love the flowers too!
      Sorry you still not very well! Sending a big hug! Xxx

    3. MARIA:- sorry your still not good sending you some more (((hugs)))
      Love, love, love, you beautiful card. Might just treat myself to the set that stamp is in. I have a few of Phil Martins stamps and I really like them. xxx

    4. Thank you ladies, If I got someone standing over me with the whip I seem to be able to make a card. Therefore I like going to Julia's work shop but can't go everytime,( £40) but hope to go to the one in November. The papers are also Phill's and the pack had some lovely 'muted' strong colours, know what you meant Janet, good day gardening ? The stamp were nice but nothing I personally would use but a nice swirly lettering, font
      Hugs back to you xxx

  23. Hello Everyone!
    I'm excited!! Annabelle my granddaughter got her GCSE results and she has done very well. She got a A * , AAAA, BBBBBB and one C. She has clearly worked hard! I'm rather proud of her today! Hope that's ok!
    Hope Brenda's granddaughters results are good too!
    Relief all round! Will be back later but just got home!
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,

      Congratulations to your granddaughter you have every right to be proud of her.

      Take care love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Sandra and all in cafe,

      Pleased to hear your are able to spend time on beach relaxing do you all the world of good.
      Commented on what down any I have left out hugs and love to you all

      Love Margaret xx

    3. Myra, enjoy every minute of being a very proud granny. Pass on many congratulations to Annebelle, yes she has worked hard and got rewarded. She will have to keep on doing the same for the next ones.
      I can see that glow of pride up here, it's not the sun either as its gone behind the clouds. xxx

    4. Myra, I can feel you bursting with pride all the way down here. LOL

      WELL DONE Annabell, you have certainly worked very hard. Wishing you every success in whatever comes next. xxx

    5. Thank you all for being so kind! I didn't realise I was so stressed about these results! One happy sixteen year old today. - no not me!! Xxx

    6. Well done Annabell, BIG Congratulations. I bet she is over the moon.
      Of course you just have to be a proud Grandparent, that's a brilliant achievement xxx

    7. Congratulations to Annabelle. Well done.

    8. Well done Annabelle and proud grandma xx

    9. Congratulations to both you and your granddaughter Myra well done! xxx

    10. Congratulations Annabelle, well done ! xx

    11. Oh that's fantastic Myra well done to Annabel, she deserves a big hug. It's ok you can be the proudest granny in the world today it's allowed xxx

  24. Thank you, thank you everyone for all your good wishes for our grandchildren xxx

    Pleased to say both grandchildren have places in Sixth Form.
    Tierney got A* AAA BBB CCCC and failed her German
    Dominic got AA BBBB CCC and failed his French.
    Obviously languages not their subjects.!!
    They both have worked very hard, and we couldn't expect more from them

    Oh dear, just had a text from Turkey, Lost count of how many phone calls we have had to and fro. I also took a photograph of her results and sent them by iMessage. I've never used this before, no I'm told they haven't arrived so could I try again. Oh! technology doesn't it drive you mad!!!

    Can I have that coffee now with the double of something in it pleeeeeese I promise to be very quiet.

    Sending big hugs to everyone. On a day like today I realise how special you ladies really are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxx

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda, they have all done well! I'm so pleased. I hope each of them can go on to do what they' like to do both at A Level and a career ! Try not get stressed with the technology! Congratulations to both your grandchildren and you! Xxx

    2. See the positive thinking worked. They have done so well just like Myra's tell them well done. Oh two proud grand parents in here today. As I said to Myra enjoy being proud you desever to. Cske and coffee on me sorry its virtual and. It real. xxx

    3. Thanks Hazel, it's the thought that counts, not the calories!
      I'll have some applie pie and a coffe with milk! Thank you! Xxx

    4. Wow! they have both done so well. BIG Congratulations to both of them. xxx

    5. Congratulations to both of them Brenda. They have done well.

    6. Congtatulations to proud grandma an to the two teens.

    7. Congratulations Brenda to both you and your wonderful grandchildren! It just goes to show what hard work gets you I always say. xxx

    8. Congratulations to your grand children, well done to them both ! xxx

    9. Brenda congratulations to them both they have done so well - who needs languages! You are allowed to be the proudest grandma in the world too, and good luck with technology! Xxx

  25. Hi everyone, sorry Maria for calling you Mafia, predictive text is horrible, at least we won't end up with horses heads in our beds!! No Mafia in here please.
    Myra your granddaughter has done really well, what is she hoping to do when she leaves school?
    Forgot to say yesterday at the opticians they noticed I had a touch of Blepharitis at my eyelashes and recommended wiping them daily with baby shampoo diluted in warm water, I am going to have the softest eyelashes ever. I wonder if it make them grow longer!! Off to check this out on NHS web site.
    Just a couple of cards to do for tomorrow and also need to order more candle wax and wicks. Will catch up later, take care xxx

    1. Thanks Jess, She hasn ' t really decided yet. Just back to school for A Levels. Xxx

    2. No worries Jess, you can call me anything , glad to see no horses head in the beds tonight hihi xx

    3. Jess I had this recommended to me by my optitions - it's an odd thing to do but it didn't sting your eyes! I got a small travel bottle as you use the smallest of amounts. Good thing I did because the next time I went they recommended using a lotion calked Blethasol instead as it worked better than baby shampoo - but it does cost more! Xxx

  26. Hello
    MARIA your card is so lovely I love it all
    HAZEL It's not easy to say No is it Been there got the T-shirt Until I got the "hang" of it I used to say that I was busy Never let on at what so it wasn't a lie either
    MICHELE I hope you're enjoying your day and have better weather than me
    PAT My first hol abroad was Salou I bet it's changed tons since then - enjoy
    PATRICIA this dry oil you mentioned - do you use it as a repellent I'm a bit neurotic re mozzies now after diagnosis I usually take wheat germ leading up to a holiday and now wonder if I need to do something else/on top of for trip to Cuba later this year
    I'm on tenterhooks waiting to hear from niece how her daughter got on with her GCSE's well done to all those that have mentioned their grandchildren
    SUE hope Phoebe has a great day tomorrow
    SANDRA good to hear you're all having fun

    1. KAREN:- both Hazel and I use the Dry Body Oil both to moisturise the skin plus a few extra "scoots" while we are on holiday to ward off the Mozzies. It certainly works for us. Vitamin B6 is supposed to be good to take ... or so I have heard. xxx

    2. Karen hope the results are good LOL xx

  27. Gosh:- we have been a right chatty lot today have we not!!!
    Have you seen the number of comments and it's still early.
    Off to see whats for eating.
    See you all later xxx

  28. Hi. Had a nice time with my friend today. Bought a jumper in M&S. Lightweight one. New in. No point in buying T.Shirts now. Hardly worn the new ones I got this year. No call from Scarlett so guess she is busy but will see her tomorrow (I hope so or she will be very disappointed). Going to start on a birthday card this evening. See you later

    1. BRENDA:- I totally agree, I bought T-Shirts and hardly worn.
      I hope you and Scarlett get some time tomorrow.
      Good luck with the cards. xxx

    2. Me too! I'm hoping to wear them in September abroad! Xxx

  29. WHY does my laptop let me comment on some posts so far down, then just refuses to let me do any more? Answers on a postcard please!!
    I'm delighted for all the proud Grandma's that their grandchildren have done so well with their GCSE's. There'll be celebratory teas in lots of houses tonight!! I for one know that Myra will be on the Champers (what's new there!) and Brenda OB will be have a glass of something. It may be water but what the heck, she's raising a glass.
    Hazel, what colour are your nails?
    Brenda LL, I hope you and Scarlett enjoy the pro-marker day.
    Cheryl hasn't been in today.
    Norah hasn't been in today.
    Busty Saba hasn't been in today.
    Where's Lynda?
    And have I slept through Dainty Diane's comment it wouldn't surprise me.
    (I love Dainty Dinah toffees)
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I can't drink the water remember!! Been told will last for a few days yet! Ordered more bottled water with my groceries tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Re! The posting - I have a theory! Would you like to hear it? Well you've got no choice - I think if someone else is trying to post at the same time it won't let you post too! Saba will probably tell me I'm nuts again! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- I actually think your theory could be the answer. If SABA tell you your nuts I must be as well. Well I already know that so its nothing new!!
      Hazel and I were just taking about Cheryl, wondering if she might be ill. Hopefully she's just busy.
      SABA:- is so tired when she gets home in the evenings she's not able to press the Publish Button. She will be back when her "play days" are over!!!
      I might go missing in a little while ... this is Thursay so Elaine "might" come ... she "might" not come ... who knows!! She has been coming early and going home before midnight. If she does come I might manage to sneek in later.
      I am tiered myself already, John and I have been stacking wood. Isobel's husband has been Chain Sawing wood all day. He chucked some over our fence for us. He is very at good helping us. John is not able to use power tools. He has metal plates in his right arm. If he uses any tools he feels the vibrations in his arm for days after.
      Still more wood to stack in the morning.
      Better go tidy myself up before Elaine arrives .... or does not arrive!!!
      Be good. xxx

    4. I will really try Patricia but I can't promise for others! I know Saba is tired as it's hard work looking after children and others every day. She keeps in touch! I can't believe we've had a Holiday Club week without rain! Hope I haven't jinxed it for tomorrow. I get home around 1pm but have a hairdressing appt. for 3pm! I only go every six weeks and my hair needs to be cut. I will just make myself do it tomorrow! I was going to cancel but changed my mind. Have a nice evening with Elaine - well if she comes! Xxx

    5. PATRICIA, your post is a bit like a who dunnit!!! You might be back soon. Will she come, will she stay away, will she come early and go soon, or come late and go even later. What an exciting life we all lead.
      I bet John has fun at the metal detectors in the airports. Does he carry a Hospital letter with him?
      You didn't tidy yourself up when you met me, why are you doing it for Elaine - oops hard hat time!!!!

    6. Ooh Patricia ! You can go off people can't you! Xxx

    7. Don't worry MYRA, I'm sure Patricia will soon warm to you again !!! xxx

    8. MAUREEN.- John has a letter he carries in his passport for the "ringing bells". The surgeon made a fantastic job of the "sewing up" you can hardly see the scars but you sure fell the metal !!! xxx

  30. Elaine has turned up, so if she leaves early Patricia will call in later. Xxx

  31. Evening Ladies

    I have had a great day today-lovely time at the Flower Show. Missed my friend on the bus but we met in Southport. Once I got home & had a cuppa, I posted a parcel for hubby then bought a new phone-well, upgraded my phone & contract. I'm just waiting for O2/Tesco to switch numbers over so if I don't call in tomorrow morning please don't panic, especially as I'm going out for 9am- getting the new tyres fitted then straight on to Southport for odds + ends.


  32. Michele, so glad you had a lovely day out with your friend. Hopefully it won't take long for your phone to be up and running. A nice bill first thing tomorrow. Xxx

  33. Evening everyone, Sorry I wasn't in earlier I'm in agony at the moment. I went to the hairdressers and Julie asked why I was limping...'Oh just a touch of sciatica' I said I laughed at her helping me like an old lady (yes I know...I am an old lady! Lol!) After having my hair done I went across to the retail park to get some shopping (oh and chocolate!! ) while I was there I was finding it painful to walk as the pain had travelled down my jumped in a taxi and got home.....took so co-codamol and it is feeling a bit easier now so fingers crossed it doesn't last too long. So sorry for the moan....will have a read through to see what you have been up to whilst eating a nice chunk of fruit and nut then an early night for me.
    See you in the morning lovelies.
    Hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, how can you torment me with Fruit and Nut, although to be honest I prefer Whole Nut Chocolate. In fact I prefer it too much. Once I start to eat it, I cannot stop.
      I hope the co-codamol does the trick. Take it easy xxx

    2. Good evening Sheila,
      Hope the leg is better soon, Hazel suffers badly. Don't know what she takes, must ask her. I know she has her TENs machine which seems to help.
      Chocolate, I prefer just Dairy Milk however I would rather have a hunk of cheese. Hope you manage to have a good sleep. xxx

    3. Oh Sheila I know how painful that is, I hope rest and pain killers do the trick and you feel more comfortable tomorrow xxx

    4. Sheila try lying on your front with your toes turned in it should relieve the pain or. stand with your knees slightly bent and slowly move your hips side to side. Sciatica is the most common thing I treat .xx

    5. Sheila. That is so painful! I do hope you feel better tomorrow. You will need to rest your leg a little I think!
      As for Maureen liking Whole Nut Chocolate - well it seems to fit the bill for her nicely! Hard Hat again! Xxx

    6. Sorry to hear that Sheila. It's not nice. I get it occasionally. Take care.

    7. Sheila, wish you better. Hope you get some sleep tonight and feel better in the morning!
      I eat anything with the word choc. in it xxx

  34. Well, I'm going to have to go to bed without finding out if Elaine went home early or stayed late!!!!
    Cilla Black's Mass was lovely and I was sitting joining in, I really enjoyed it. Rachel always says that I'm funny in that I like Requiem Masses, mind you I'm not looking forward to my own lol.
    I've just watched Jane Seymour's Who Do you Think You Are, and now I'm thoroughly depressed!! Why do I do this to myself, I ask you?
    Cheryl still hasn't been in, but did she say she was going away. or have I had too much Baileys again hic.
    I'm going to wish you all a good night, sweet dreams, and see you all in the morning.
    Lots of love and hugs
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- sorry I missed you.
      ELAINE :- came 7.50pm and left early (for her) 10.20pm.
      Lots of chat and laughter, caught up with all the gossip. She was thing me that the lady's missed me doing the Craft Classes. As they say "it went right over the top" no thanks I am not doing them again. Actually all the ladies that enjoyed teaching apart from 2 have all left.
      Off back up to see what you have been going on this evening.
      Once that's done I am off to bed.
      See you all tomorrow.
      Goodnight. God Bless xxx

    2. Maureen I watched that, it was sad wasn't it, especially when you hear the sister managed to escape Warsaw but then died a month later! I usually like that program though, I find it interesting. Night night to you and Patricia, I expect you are tucked up in bed now - not together of course! Xxx

    3. I've recorded it - don't think I'll watch it now. Xxx

    4. Good night girls!
      Missed the program, watched a film with Pierce Brosnan with the 'boys' might do a catch-up XxX

  35. Hellooooo I have made it ike MAUREEN it won't let me comment on way down again. Did you have nice chat with Freddy yesterday Maureen I put him by your chair in the café he now says "Hello MAUREEN " did you teach him that.HaHa. I bought him two new toys in pound shop today.aren't I kind.
    PATRICIA did Elaine come over or didn't she come over.
    MARIA your card is so beautiful love love love it,colours are gorgeous must get some of Phil Martins stamps at AP. You have done a pretty card well done.
    SANDRA hope you Paul & Girls had a good day Congratlationsto Sophie & Lucy on doing so well in GSE's MYRA congratulations for your Granddaughter' s GSE results she did so well congratulations for all the othe proud grandchildren & parents. My Step Grandaughter Janie also did very well we are proud of her.
    SHEILA hope you had a nice chat with your hairdressa friend. Oooo & filled the choke tub up can I have a piece please,mm that was delishous thank you.
    Picked up another months supply of Annie's tablets £75,99 the water tablets are the same as O H takes although hers are 20 mg & His ones are 40mg so we might give her half of Terry's as we don't have to pay,thank goodness as £8.50 each item. He did mention it to the receptionist & she said it would be ok.
    Well I off now so good night God bless everyone I prey this behaves tomorrow.
    Love & Hug'S Lynda xxx

    1. Congratulations to you granddaughter too and yes you can be a proud grandma too xxx

    2. Congratulations to Janie, Lynda!
      I've been getting my box ready for last craft morning tomorrow - thank goodness!
      Aren't you generous buying Freddy such expensive toys!
      Mind you you are paying out a fortune on Medication!!
      Off to bed in a minute.
      Night Night xxxx

    3. Lynda, pleases congratulate Janie on her results, wishing a very successful future LOL xxx

  36. Hello to the night owls
    Congrats to all the GCSE takers My great niece did well too knowing what stuff she's had to endure of late She's still on course to follow her dream of becoming a midwife
    I've forgotten who it was who was in tremendous pain I hope it's eased
    Will get some of that dry oil and give it a go

    1. Karen congratulations to your niece too, it makes you so proud when you know they have had a tough yes. One of my cousins has had a tough year and his grandma said he hadn't done as well as he thought and was really upset. Poor little soul, I do feel for him. His grandma is hoping the college will allow him to resist. It's such a worrying time for them isn't it. Xxx

    2. Karen Congratulations to your niece too! I'm so pleased she did well. I hate to see them disappointed and upset but sometimes it's one of life's lessons that has to be learned. Always glad though when their hard work is rewarded! Xxx

    3. Karen Congratulations to your niece. So pleased she got the results needed. Hope all her dreams come true.
      LOL xxx

  37. Gosh it's taken me ages to get to the bottom but I think I've left comments on the way down! Oh yes Brenda , hope you had a good day with your friend- haven't been to camberley M&S for years! Xxx
    Hoovering done floors washed and bathroom cleaned today followed by lunch out and a bit of shopping. I'm off to bed in a minute as I'm nodding off. See you all tomorrow xxx sweet dreams xxx

  38. Well lovely ladies I'm off to bed. YES Maureen I did have a glass of something to celebrate - and it wasn't water ....... Hic Hic - oops pardon me!!!!

    I hope you all sleep well Night Night see you tomorrow xxx

  39. I expect everyone has gone to bed now. If not night night.
