
Friday 21 August 2015

Jess's Challenge Christmas Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies
Today's Challenge Christmas Card has been beautifully designed by Jess.
Jess has used a Creative Expressions A4 Pin Point Embossing Folder, designed by Sue Wilson and the one die that I think Jess has used is the Noble Square Die by Creative Expressions, to cut the aperture in the front panel.
I love the cold, snowy feel of the card, the addition of the two silver snowflakes just adds to the Christmassy feel.
I absolutely love this card Jess, thank you so very much for sending it in for me to share with everyone xxxx
PLEASE could I ask for some more 'Challenge' cards to be sent in for upcoming weeks, maybe somebody would like to create a new challenge, just let me know.
Have a Lovely Weekend,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Jess I love you card, the one die cut is great as it works so well with it making the frame for that beautiful winter scene, your embossing stands out to adding texture and just those added things of your tag and embellishment finish the whole card off nicely.
    Well Harris most have miss heard me talking to Tammy last night about the time the two of us have to get up tomorrow morning! As he woke me up at 3.50 to go out and then when I went back to bed he just didn't settle and kept disturbing me. I ended up coming down and lying on the sofa, as I was a bit worried he wasn't to good, no he settle down then. No idea what was up with him. But yes we have to be up by 3.45 in the morning, it will be a long day that's for sure. Hers hoping this 50 wedding anniversary party isn't boring or they will find two guests asleep in a corner. Thank goodness we are just a short drive from it to our hotel. So today is going to be a quiet one for me.
    I haven't read what went on last night after I left the cafe. It went very quiet at one point and my I pad was running out of power so I just put it on charge. So I am going to take my tea and toasted tea cake over to the window table and catch up on things. xxx

    1. I think you are going to be needing a siesta this afternoon, otherwise you will be struggling to get up tomorrow. Are you flying or driving?
      Either way have a sade trip xx
      Love and hugs

    2. Hazel make sure you have a snooze today, funny how Harris woke you up! Why is it husbands never hear these things! Xxx

    3. Hazel agreed with the other comments you are certainly going to need a snooze later today. And hopefully by the time you get to your hotel tomorrow you will be able to take a rest, it's going to be a long long day. Hope the party celebrations go well LOL xxx

    4. Sorry Hazel That should read I agree with the other comments. Oops

    5. Hello Hazel I agree why do our pets only wake mummy up & not daddy Bambi always paws my face. Anyway Hazel you have a snooze later & take it easy. Hope the party celebrations go well.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hope you enjoy your party tomorrow, but for today just relax and take it easy and go to bed early xx

    7. Hazel take it easy today our black lab Star only ever wakes me as well.
      Hope you have a safe journey and enjoy the party.
      Love Margaret xx

    8. Have a restful day Hazel? Please don't wake me in the morning! Xxx

    9. Our dogs woke John for a change this morning yea, have a safe journey Hazel and enjoy your party xx

  2. Good morning folks, sorry I am late, I slept in.
    Wakey, wakey, MYRA:- ooooopppss too late she's up. Never mind MYRA, last day. Tomorrow you can sleep as long as you like, unless you have something on that is!!!
    SANDRA:- hope you Paul and the girls have another great day.
    JESS:- I just LOVE your beautiful card ..... classy and elegant. Really like the stamped background scene.
    I see Hazel has set everything up for today. I am taking my Tea & Toast over to the corner table where I will chat with her. Oh! My! Word! Hazel you have made me tiered just reading that time you are up and off tomorrow.
    See you all later folks better get a move on. xxx

    1. Good Morning Patricia! I think. My get up and go has got up and gone!
      Oh I'm tired this morning! Cancelled hairdessing appt for this afternoon! Xxx

  3. Good morning ladies,
    Another sunny one here, although I will have to stay in the shade today, while basking like a whale in the sea yesterday (I find it heaven because of the weightlessness as it relieved all the pressure in my lower back) anyway I must have been floating about for more than an hour, when I went for a shower last night I noticed that I had burnt my back and shoulders! I did have factor 30 on but it didn't help clearly! I am cross as I am really on the ball with applying sun cream, especially on the girls and Paul, mind you Paul looks like he is 'native' already, much to the girls annoyance!
    Well I was such a proud mummy yesterday. The girls had been fretting about their Science GCSE results for days, Becca went to collect them and rang them. all A' and B's so happy faces here, the B's that they got were one mark away from an A which the girls found a little frustrating. Anyway that's them out of the way, neither of my other two had their Science GCSE in year 10, so this a new thing for us, but I guess it's was 3 exams less for them to worry about next year.
    We celebrated with steak and chips and a big jug of very week sangria (more lemonade and fruit than anything else)! But they enjoyed themselves!
    We bought a new cooker thing for holiday thus year. (well it was 2nd hand, but only used once, it was pristine condition) anyway it's called a 'Cadac', it's a bit like a gas Bbq. But has a chefs pan and a griddle and you can also use it as a normal gas hob, well I would 100% recommend it to anyone, cooking has been a breeze and a pleasure, I haven't used anything else and we have had everything from spag bol, to steak and chips!
    Myra. Brenda & Lynda congratulations on your grandchildren's fantastic results, xxx
    Happy Birthday Phoebe xxxx
    Pat the thought of you in the sea gives me nightmares, I can't imagine you and Pete on the beach to be honest, has anyone seen anymore about this shark attack, Paul refuses to pay €2,10 for a newspaper that normally costs 50p so he just cheekily reads headlines!
    Lynda I hope that 's**t legs Freddy' didn't leave his calling card when he came to visit yesterday! Xxx
    Well that's Me for this morning, off to get organised for the day,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Congratulations to the girls for their fantastic results, annoying about the one Mark but is it worth paying for a remark? In my mind whoever marked it would probably recheck themselves if it's that close! It is good to get them out the way early especially as the exams have now changed. Enjoy your day today and don't forget to slip slap slop! Hope it's not too painful.xxxx

    2. Congratulations to the girls on their results. Well done.

    3. Sandra, sending my congratulations to the girls and how lovely to get at least one GCSE out of the way in year 10.
      Enjoy the rest of your holiday, your cooker sounds fantastic. Your cooker sounds fantastic - home from home - like it. LOL Brenda XXX

    4. Sandra, congratulations to the girls on their exam results, you must feel proud and relieved. Keep applying after sun to your burns, don't let them get any worse. xxx

    5. Congratulations to the girls, they can relax now and really chill out. Look after that sunburn, if you can get aloe vera put on loads of that when not in the sun xx

    6. SANDRA fantastic exam results for the girls & very proud mummy & daddy. Your cooker sound brilliant glade you all had a nice meal last night. Ooo Sandra keep putting the after sun on & cover your back & sholders today.
      I think Maureen enjoyed her chat with Freddy in the café yesterday all he's been saying since he came home is "hello Maureen"
      Have a good day with your lovely family love Lynda xx

    7. Lynda, Freddy and I "understand" each other. He knows that I like a little bit of millet now and again!!! xxx

    8. Hi Sandra,

      Congratulations to the girls and pleased you enjoyed your meal.
      I read somewhere yogurt is a good soother for sunburn might be worth a try.
      Enjoy the sun and water perhaps put a tee-shirt on in water to protect your shoulders and back at least that way you can still get the benefit of being in the water.
      Take care love Margaret xx

    9. Sandra - many congrats and big hugs to the girls on their Science results. What a fantastic achievement for Y10 and as you say one less for next year.
      Enjoy another blissful day. Hugs to all

    10. Hi Sandra
      As I said yesterday congratulations to the girls. Less exams as you said for next year. Fancy getting burnt you must start wearing an oldish tee shirt in the sea if you do any more floating. Me in the sea also gives me nightmares as well. Might risk a paddle if we go on the beach. As you know we do not do beaches. Pete might step on one and say, I beat you onto the beach. Ever the child. Karen and last minute Keith go to Dawlish tomorrow. However, Olivia is not happy to go. She was going with Keith's brother and family along with another family on holiday. They would do body surfing etc according to Olivia. Keith nor Karen or Amber will do that so she's cross. All Amber wants to do is boring crabbing was the cry when I took her to pick up her wash bag she'd left at a friends after a sleepover. Rather them than me. Sounds like you cooker was a great buy, if you can cook all that on it. I hope the weather holds and enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    11. Congratulations to the girls!
      I'm sooo glad someone understands Maureen! Xxx

    12. Congratulations to the girls, great results. xx

    13. CONGRATULATIONS girls well done
      Happy Campers today I feel !!!
      Patricia xxx

    14. Congratulations to the girls, well done , Sandra hope your sunburn calms quickly but glad you are enjoying your holiday and resting xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Jess-what a beautiful Christmas card, its just perfect.

    Sandra-fantastic news about the girls GCSE results & your celebration sounds perfect!

    Its been quite sunny here upto now but as forecast, its raining. That should stop me wandering too far after I've had the car tyres replaced. It's a real shame for the Flower Show though.

    My sister in law (USA) emailed earlier in the week to ask if I could bring some cards with me -for a baby shower & for Christmas especially one for her Mum. Lokks loke I'll be making those cards as we go in 4 weeks. I'd like to make birthday cards for two if the children to save the postage but they might have to wait!!!

    Still using old phone-bit annoying so might pop into Tesco and ask them to see if there's a problem!


    1. Hope you're not too poor after the tyre change Michele. Enjoy your day off xxx

    2. Michele, there's always someone who wants something, when we have things to do for ourselves. Safe driving and I hope you get the phone sorted. xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Jess wow what a beautiful card, love the stamped image - now is it a scene scape one( I think that's what it's called) it's made up of lots of stamps, only because I recognise the log cabin at the back - I got it to put in my Clarity Noël! Thank you for sharing xxx
    Well as I put the washing on the line yesterday it started that fine drizzle and blow me it carried on all day! I left the washing out as it had two chances! I must get on and doing today, my sister and husband are staying for the weekend and a friend us joining us tomorrow for a BBQ - it had better not rain!!!! Lots of shopping cleaning and cooking to be done today so I must get a wriggle on!
    See you all later xxxx

    1. Diane, busy, busy, busy (you will notice I did not type busty!!) Hope you get everything done, and enjoy your company at the weekend.

    2. Hope your weekend is a success Diane, fingers crossed for the weather xx

  6. Congratulations Sandra on your daughters GCSE results , they must have worked so hard . Also congratultions to Myra , Brenda and Lynda on their grand daughters achievements !
    Still waiting on my iPad to arrive!
    Had a good game yesterday and all square till the last hole , where I quite happily lost the match ( now can relax as I have no more ties to play) .
    Flower show here tomorrow where I would normally put an entry in for each of the flower and floral art catagories , about 24 in all, but the garden is 4-6 weeks behind this year as it has been such a cold wet summer so I won't bother this time. I'll have the family up to dinner instead.
    Quite windy here this am. But a good forecast for this afternoon.
    Must go and have a nice cup of tea and I fancy something sweet, maybe a sticky bun?
    Love and hugs to all xo

  7. Jess I love your card so clean and crisp ( like a beautiful frosty morning! ) stamping is my favourite thing , I was wondering if this is a Hobby Art set of stamps?

    1. Hard lines Anne, losing on the last hole, but if you enjoyed the game it makes it easier to bear. What time is dinner, where do you live? I fancy a change ha ha. xxx

    2. Bring the tanker with you ! Ha Ha!

    3. Got it all ready to set off !! xxx

    4. It'll be empty by the time she gets there! Xxx

  8. Morning everyone, what a surprise to see one of my cards on the blog today. Thank you for your lovely comments.
    I'm sorry I don't have time to go through the the things I used just now, it is my turn to man our wee craft shop today, so I will pop back later and let you know what I used.
    Sandra watch the sunburn today, maybe factor 50!!!!
    Take care meantime, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,

      I love your card so atmospheric you can just imagine being out in it well done .
      Take care love Margaret xx

    2. Jess, I'm so sorry I'm a bit dizzy today!
      Your card is really lovely and I love the one die you have used it makes a beautiful frame! White on white is beautiful . It's a lovely scene. I really like it a lot! Xxx

    3. Hi Jess, love this card it's gorgeous xx

  9. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Sorry but it's short and sweet this morning as I'm still in agony with this eases for a bit then comes back. Have cancelled meeting up with my craft buddy Carol for a coffee so I shall take a couple of co-codamol and hope for the best.
    CONGRATULATIONS to the girls Sandra on their results and your celebration sounded perfect.
    Congratulations to the other grandchildren ladies whose names all escape me at the moment...but didn't want to leave them out of my good wishes.
    Jess what a gorgeous card, it's so elegant and I love the stamped image, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Have a lovely day ladies if I feel up to it I will pop back later.
    Love and hugs to you all Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila please take it easy, sciatica is not an easy pain to live with, keep taking the painkillere. Sending gentle hugs, love Brenda XX

    2. Sheila, sorry you are still in pain. I hope the painkillers soon start working. xxxx

    3. You have my sympathy Sheila, sciatica pain is like having toothache in your legs ( that's what mine was like when I had it years ago) very difficult to get any relief from, just keep taking the pain killers, I hope the pain eased soon xoxo

    4. Hi Sheila,

      Sorry to hear you are in soo much pain you cannot get away from back pain I had nerves pinched in spine a few years ago and it is similar pain so know how you feel hugs on the way.
      Take care love Margaret xx

    5. Oh Sheila, I too had that pain many years ago and it is so debilitating as well as painful! Try to rest and hope the painkillers work ASAP ! Xxx

    6. Hi Sheila, hope by now the pain killers have helped some. Do feel for you as it is not a nice thing to have, gentle hugs xxx

    7. Hi Sheila, hope you are feeling a bit better this afternoon, there is nothing worse than pain, best to just take it easy and only do things you feel necessary, hope you manage to sleep tonight xxx

    8. SHEILA:- hope you have managed some pain relief today.
      Sometimes taking so many Painkilers can make you real groggy.
      Sending some (((hugs))). xxx

    9. Sheila I hope the painkillers work and you feel more comfortable soon xxx

  10. Just had a reminder that my library book is due back today so must go to the library and Post Office before Promarkers class. Very dismal day today. Perhaps it will brighten up later. Hope so. Hope everyone has a good day
    JESS. I do like your card. Look forward to hearing all about it later. Have a good day at the craft shop.

    1. Hi Brenda LL, enjoy the Promarkers class, is Scarlett still going with you? xxx

    2. Yes she is. Her dad just texted to see what time I am picking her up.

    3. Oh you two will have fun, she will love using grown up pens. xxx

    4. Have a lovely time Brenda! Scarlett I hope it is just as good as last week! Xxx

  11. Sheila, I can feel your pain , and unless you are a sufferer no one knows what it's like. I use a four pad tens machine which does help, Wendy left a message saying about a gentle excerise. I find lying flat on my bed with my legs up feet flat and Rock very, very gentle for side to side. In fact you hardly move while rocking. Yes keep taking the tablets. Don't try and go more than the 4 hours in between. Have you tried heat at the base of your back too?
    Well that's the ironing done, washing up to date and just going to hoover then that's me. I think I might suggest lunch out would be nice. So we will see.
    Lots of happy children yesterday, and a few disappointed ones but, they have a chance to resit those exams and they will do better next time.
    Yes this cafe had a lot proud parents, grandparents and aunties in it yesterday.
    Oh I'd better go get my bits together for travelling, I have two outfits to choose from ( I have more ) but what one is the big question do I go for??? The one I wore when meeting Maureen or my bit more posh one Jaq Vert skirt and top? Decisions decisions??? Will be in later, I have put my money in the pit had a nice cup of tea and a scone. Xxx

    1. Hazel, you looked lovely when I met you, the colours were beautiful and the necklace was the finishing touch. xxx

    2. Thank you Maureen, I do feel good when I wear that out fit as its my colours, then again I feel good in the purple one too, I will try the purple one one and ask Tammy and Charlie they are both very good at saying yes or no. I did try on the purple one there and got my shoes out and tried them on too, but they are back in the box just not comfortable enough for me to wear for a few hours, other ones will do just fine, and they are very comfortable. Comfort before pride is my motto. Necklace laid out too. Xxx

    3. Hazel, safe journey! Hope you don't have ny delays! Enjoy your break. Xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I have been leaving messages on the way down will check I hope I haven't missed anyone if I have I apologise.

    Jess, love your card, the winter read scene is lovely. Also love the EF. I use this one a's one of those that 'just work' with almost everything.

    I will sit over by the window and enjoy my latte, if anyone cares to join me I will be really thrilled to have your company.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Ooh stay there Brenda, I'm getting my latte and crumpet with butter and Patricia's jam. Must put my money in the pot and I'm on my way!!! xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and I in the Cafe today. Jess I love your card. Sandra say a big congratulations to the girls. Sorry about the sunburn. Keep it creamed and covered. Congrats to the others grandchildren results too. Thank you for Phoebe's birthday wishes. Sorry can't remember what has gone on in the cafe as I am doped up at home as the joints are very bad so I am feeling very sorry for myself missing the day out at Longleat with the rest of the family! Hope that tomorrow is a better day. I hope you all have a good day, sorry if you are not at your best. Take care xx

    1. Sue, I'm sorry that you are still in so much pain with your joints. It's such a shame that you are missing out on your trip but you are better where you are, being able to just try to get some ease. I'm sending a very light squishy hug for you, gently now, don't want to hurt you.

    2. Hi Sue sorry your still in a lot of pain with your joints. It's such a shame you have mist out on your trip but you are very wise in staying home & resting. Take care sending some very soft Hug's xxx

    3. Hi Love

      So sorry you are feeling so sore still and had to miss Longeat just try and get some sleep. Will text you later as they say b****y rain no good for our joints.
      Lots of love Mum xx

    4. Sorry to hear Due that you are still suffering with your joints and have had to miss the family day out. Take care and rest.

    5. Nothing Sue nothing worse than having a flare up when there is things going on. xxx

    6. Meant to be Sue nothing wosre???

    7. Hi Sue, sorry you are still suffering and missing a day out as well. I'm sure you made the best decision, to stay home and rest those joints. I hope and pray tomorrow will be a better day for you.
      Love Brenda xxx

    8. Hi Sue
      I'm sorry to hear your joints are still playing up. It's a shame that you've missed a trip to Longleat as well. Take care and gentle hugs to you.

    9. Sue, I'll join in the others in saying how sorry I am that you are suffering and missing out on a family day out! Hope you feel better tomorrow! Xxx

    10. Sending you gentle hugs and hope you are better soon xxx

    11. Do hope your pain eases Sue, take care xxx

    12. SUE:- sorry to hear your joints are still very painful.
      Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
      Sending some gentle (((hugs))) xxx

    13. Sue sorry to hear you are still in pain, not good at all. Keep resting. Xxx

  14. Hello everyone,
    Jess, your card is so atmospheric. It really captures the spirit of winter with the white and silver. I love it.
    It takes longer and longer to get to the bottom of the blog these days!!! Well, I'm not doing much today. Can't be bothered - so there. But I am sorry to see that some of our sisters are not on top form and hope you will soon be A1.
    Poor Brenda OB, was still sitting at the corner table, so I've collared her and she can't get out ha ha. That'll teach her not to run when she sees me coming!!!!
    I am going to hoover upstairs now as my marathon card making session has left bits of little white card all over every floor.
    See you later, be good.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Call me Houdini I've escaped!!
      OK - I'll come and help you pick up those bits of paper. I've got a great new toy, I'll bring it with me. It's a hand held Dyson, great for my craft room. Just leave it on charge and grab it when it's needed. Does a brilliant job. xxx

    2. BRENDA:- that sounds like a good piece of equipment to have. Might have to look into that. I craft in the kitchen and have a long handled Dustpan & Brush just to tidy up with. At the end of a,crafting session I get out Mr Dyson but a Juior version would probably do the just fine. xxx

  15. Jess love your card it is so elegant is the one word I would describe it as.
    Sheila, sciatica is caused by the nerves in your lower back ,so use heat there and not just where the pain is. I suffer from sciatica and it is the worst pain,it is like toothache.
    I have been making comments on the way down. It is blowing a gale here Bill has decided he is coming down with sore throat and cough so he has retired back to bed(yippee will get peace to do some crafting) have just finished one ordered card and another two to make. A whole day with no interruptions, can't believe it. See you all later xxx

    1. Enjoy the peace Wendy, with the occasional moan and cough coming from upstairs!!! xxx

  16. MYRA, I'm so sorry, I meant to say that this is your last day - although I know you have not been counting the days down - but you shouldn't have cancelled your hairdressing appointment. NO REALLY, all of your neighbours are saying that you should not have cancelled your appointment. They have to look at you!! (Oooh, have I gone too far there - hard hat, trench dug and barrage knickers flying). xxxxx

    1. We will let your know when it is safe to come out, it's a good job Myra can take it. Xxx

    2. It's a good job I've got such a sweet , forgiving nature!
      I'm such a sight that my good nature helps to balance things out a bit!
      My shopping has just arrived - I'm pleased it's here but it has to be put away! Xxxx

  17. Good morning SANDRA & all you lovely ladies.
    JESS your card is beautiful I love your stamped image & cut out with a noble die just perfect.xx MYRA your early rising is taking it's toll on you now my friend. Put your feet up when you get home. Only one more day. Shame you had to cancel your hair appointment,but you still look lovely.take it easy xx
    Well I have got to collect two parcels from post office so will call in later now be good haha. Love Lynda xx

    1. Last day done Lynda and so am I !!!
      Thought of you today as we made birds - well not you more Freddy - although they were exotic birds so maybe you fit the bill too! Xxx

    2. MYRA pleased you have finished your early morning, I bet your birds didn't have dodo legs haha. Myra I'm an old bird not at all exotic bird but thank you I think. Xx

  18. Afternoon one and all
    First many congratulations to all the students who were successful in their GCSE results yesterday and of course to all their Nans/Mums/Aunties etc. It's a big relief for everyone when all goes well.

    Jess your card is just gorgeous. I love the stamping and you have used one of my all time favourite Efolders too.

    We've been to market this morning and done the usual shopping. I have to say that it was a tad too warm walking back up the hill from the coffee shop but of course the cake shop is at the top so well worth the effort. I'll let you know tomorrow what they taste like.

    My job for this afternoon is to try and sort out our printer attached to this laptop. It has a document blocking the programme and I just cannot shift it. I even uninstalled the printer and reinstalled it yesterday and it's still there so there is a good possibility that the printer may just go out of the window if I can't sort it this afternoon. Just watch this space.

    Enjoy the rest of the day and to everyone suffering just take the afternoon off and have a lay down with a good book.
    Hugs are on their way.

    1. Janet, have you tried taking the back off the printer? Look inside, There could be a morsel (or even a sheet ) of paper jamming it, it's worth a try.
      Best of luck LOL xxx

    2. Janet - please don't use the printer as a missile! You'll have regrets you know!
      Thanks for good wishes and hope you and the printer sort out your differences! Xxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    I've commented on you big comment up higher so ypwont post what I said again.
    Jess, I love your card. Especially your stamping and look forward to seeing who makes the stamp. The Noble die frame just sets it off. Congratulations to all the young exam takers on getting their grades. Commiserations to all who didn't do so well as they hoped. Sheila I hope your sciatica improves soon. I've not had it but Pete has and he was in agony.

  20. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    Sandra, so sorry about your sunburn but glad you have been enjoying getting into the sea. It will do you the world of good - not the sunburn - the sea! Take extra care.
    Well folks - it's official - I'm tired no now have to put shopping no loads of craft stuff away! Ame I in the mood? No!
    We had another dryish day for the children and games were held outdoors!
    Boy did they make some interesting birds today! One little boy - yes him again - stuck flip flops and a pencil on the bird! I suppose so that the bird could leave a little message - kind of like Freddy! He went into a box of embellishments while I was distracted ! It would never have happened on Monday!
    Well I must go and put things away! See you later.
    Try to behave, now.
    Myra xxx

    1. I'm reminding myself of one of those Motorway signs
      Tiredness Kills!
      Or in my case - Tiredness = typing errors! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- hope you are taking it easy tomorrow!! xxx

    3. Most definitely, Alastair has arranged for us to go out for dinner to an Italian Restaurant we like so looking forward to that! Xxx

  21. Afternoon Sandra and all.
    Ouch ,ouch take care being in the sun and use a tee next time floating around. So easily done .
    Love your card Jess ! The stamp or stamps are so pretty and a lovely winters scene .
    Brenda LL and Scarlett, hope you have a nice time colouring in. I only got promarkers so would love to learn more in a class .
    Hazel- have a great week-end !
    Diane- hope the weather stays dry for the BBQ .
    Pat- not sure when you off but wish you and Pete a lovely holiday ! With my memory........
    My plans for today went out the windows, couldn't get to sleep until 3am so normal to have a little sleep-in. OH was in a few times to check on me and in the end said you best get up now or you won't sleep tonight, He was right for once as the clock showed 2pm ! Had a cooling shower but still yawning away so won't be late tonight but hope to see you later before, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. MARIA:- your not having much luck just now. (((hugs)))
      I hope you manage a good sleep tonight. xxx

    2. thanks Patricia, yes it is a pain. Panicking a bit because it's just over two weeks to our holiday and of course want to be well for that, fingers crossed for a good night. When are you going to Turkey ? xxx

  22. Good afternoon Sandra and all,
    I'm really late today, have commented on the way down but it's taken ages to read through,but it is a chatty cafe.
    My granddaughter went for her 12 week scan today, oooohhhh it's gorgeous sucking its thumb, she went last week they thought she was 12 weeks then but the difference in one week is amazing. They also got the keys to their house yesterday so we went down to see it, Jayden my great grandson was so excited.
    Nic is home tomorrow so I hope the rain stays away because she wants to go out no matter what and it's the Devils own job to keep her dry, she won't even put her hood up - she hates it - Nic is autistic with learning difficulties so only likes certain things. And routines. She's gorgeous though.
    Might not get back tonight as I've to do some ironing and hemming pants, so till tomorrow
    Hugs in the basket xxxx

  23. Hello again, just checked out Sues blog and Creative Expressions are joining the new Hocchanda Chanel starting next Thursday . Don't think we can get it because we are on Virgin, but it's on sky freeview and frees at.
    Bye again xxx

    1. Hello Jean, you've a lot of excitement going on at the moment, what with new babies and new houses. I hope it stays fine tomorrow and that Nic has a lovely day with you. xxxx

    2. JEAN:- all exciting things in your corner. New Babies, new house, days out. Hope you and Nic have a great time together xxx

    3. Jean have a lovely day with Nic tomorrow and I do hope the rain stays away. You've got so much happiness to look forward to with the new baby on the way....that's wonderful!
      Can't wait to see what the new craft channel will be like.
      Love Sheila xx

    4. Jean hope all goes well tomorrow! Have a lovely day with Nic. Let's hope the weather is better than promised! I'm pleased about the new Craft Channnel too but we also have Virgin Media so that's a pain .
      Congratulations on new house and baby! Exciting times! Xxx

    5. Hi Jean, very exciting time for you all. Hope all goes well and you have a nice time.
      I saw the new channel coming and the CE team are invited, will give it a search ,hugs xxx

    6. Jean enjoy your day with Nic tomorrow hope weather is kind for you.
      Hug's xx

    7. Hi Jean
      Hiw exciting a new baby a new house, plus Nick coming to visit. Yippee.

  24. Jean, enjoy your day with Nic. We will keep our fingers crossed the weather stays good. Yes very difficult when they get set in what they want to do or not, but as you say she is lovely. Unless you have someone close who is autistic a lot don't understand. Routine is so important to them otherwise you have to prepare them for a change. How lovely for your grand daughter to get the keys to a new home. Aren't these scans amazing? xxx

  25. Hi everyone, managed to get back, IPad was needing charged. It was really nice to see my card on the blog today, thank you for all your lovely comments.
    I cut the aperture using the outside die from Sues Nobel Dies Classic Adorned Square, then embossed it using pin point folder from Sue.
    The stamp is from Heartfelt Creations, you get two quite big stamps in the pack, they were reduced in price from CraftWorld in Glasgow.
    The Merry Christmas stamp is from Hot of the Press, I have had it for ages, the snowflakes were punched with a X-cut punch.
    I am off now to catch up on everyone's comments. Take care, xx

  26. Hello again,
    Guess what I've been doing? I know I said I wouldn't but I've managed to make another eight carrds. Now I've to figure out how to make a price list to print out and laminate. It's only to say Cards and Cup Candles, but I'll also have to enlarge the font, and Rachel, Peter and the girls are away to Alnmouth in the Caravan. Oh dear.
    Myra, I think your friend who made the "exotic" bird with flip flops and the rest has really kept you on your toes. I laughed when I read that he wouldn't have been able to get into the bits box unnoticed on Monday, oh how true!!!
    I know I have e-mails waiting for me, but I'll have to try to do this price list first. Wish me luck as I go on my way (oh I can hear Myra singing it now), and Brenda OB, don't think I didn't notice your creeping away from the table earlier this morning hmm!!!!
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- you could "hand write" it .
      You have been a very busy lady xxx

    2. Oh Maureen, I'm hopeless with the Printer too! I email what I want from my IPad and Alastair sorts it out! We do talk to each other as well! !!! We don't just communicate via email but it's easier if I do it that way. Don't tire yourself out tonight, Pretty Please!!
      I knew you would get what I meant about my bit box ! Xxx

  27. I have had a busy day. I am tired and am so glad I am not going with Hazel tomorrow. I don't think I will get my head off the pillow too early in the morning.
    Did the house, hung out the washing. John then decided he would like to go look at the new Jeep Cherokee car. Wanted me to go with him, so got myself decent and off we went up to Perth (Scotland) ...... who was it thought that Hazel went to Perth Austailia to babysit her Grandchildren?? Anyway saw the cars OMG!!! what a price some of them are!!! Our car is getting older but it's only done 59,000 miles. I told John if he could think about spending so much money on a car we could certainly put in the new bathroom I would like. Think he's changed his mind on the car!!!
    Our bathroom is ok, suite pristine but it's CREAM!! who wants cream bathroom suite these days??? It seemed ok when we built the house 20 years ago but this is 2015 I want a white suite. Gosh even the plumber was on John's side when he came a couple of months ago to fix something. I could have choked him. What kind of businessman talks himself out of a job???
    MAUREEN:- I have been naughty and bought the Sneeker Stamp. Used all the stamped images you did so just had to have it. I have been playing and have had fun. If you had been nearer you could have had the cards to sell.
    Anyway I am tired, I am also due my B12 injection which does not help the situation. John is working in his office, all is quiet. I can feel myself nodding off.
    Off back up the comments to see what I have missed. Might be quite a while is I do nod off!!! xxx

  28. Hi everyone,
    Just thought I'd pop in to say hello again while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil to refill my hot water bottle. Been taking painkillers every 4 hours although I think the heat is helping Anne and others have said the pain which is worse in my thigh is excruciating. I'm so relieved it's not Nikki's day tomorrow I wouldn't want her to see me like this....she worries about the least little ailment I have since Clive died.
    The kettle has boiled so I'll say goodnight and see you tomorrow,
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- so happy you felt you could come in and tell us how you are.
      Enjoy your cuppa, keep taking the pills, stay warm and I hope you manage a good nights sleep.
      See you in the morning xxx

    2. Night night Sheila! Can understand about Nikki getting concerned about you so it's good she isn't coming tomorrow. Just rest and keep taking the tablets ! I'm sure the heat is helping too. Xxxx

    3. Sheila- just take it easy. Good Nikki not coming tomorrow so you get another day to heal, gentle hugs for you and hope you get a restful night xxx

  29. JESS your card is lovely I really must try and get into this stamping lark I never get a good result Later tonight I am going to have a bash and use an old Mary Ford icing flattener thingy I don't make cakes these days Or I might take a closer look at that Fiskars piece of kit
    SANDRA Take care of that sunburn I've heard that gin is good but sadly you bathe it on, not drink it
    PAT enjoy your hols
    Brain freeze! Take care everyone

  30. Patricia,
    I'm sorry, I could have done more of the sneaker stamping for you. I've made some today with the smaller of the sneaker stamps and they look good, what I mean is I think the boys will like them. It was me that thought Hazel was going to Perth Australia, not really - I was only pulling her leg, but it was not long after I'd joined the blog and you hadn't realised my "funny" sense of humour then.
    Sheila, you take it easy, as you say at least you haven't got Nikki tomorrow, so that's one less thing to worry about.
    Well, after a good few trial runs, I've printed the lists out. But my laminator has decided not to play, and is rolling the folders round and crumpling them inside the machine. I've finally given up and I'm just going to put the printed sheets in front of the things on the table tomorrow.
    I'm tired myself tonight. I'm going to give my nails a quick coat of varnish, and then I think I'll lie and watch the TV.
    I hope everyone has a good night's sleep and see you in the morning.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Hazel, sorry forgot to say safe but early journey for you and Tammy tomorrow.
      Myra, I cannot believe that you are still having to boil your water. It's shocking.

    2. I'm so proud of you printing things!! I can't do that! How hopeless am I? I think you've done enough . I'm getting a wee bit annoyed about the water now! They won't even say whether we will be boiling it for days or weeks! I was in Tesco very briefly yesterday and everyone had those huge containers of water in their trolley. Some had three or four. It was like being in Spain apart from the accents and weather! Xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- it's the other sneaker stamp I bought, the one with the double image. If you would like some of those just shout.
      I never thought for one moment I would have used all you gave me. I have had such fun colouring them.
      Sorry about the laminator, you'll still do very well tomorrow and sell lots once again .... sign or no sign.
      MYRA:- your (tap) water situation is a piece of nonsense. All the modern technology and they can't find where the bacteria is entering the system!!!
      EVERYONE:- I just want to thank you all for helping keep things going while the boss is away. I really appreciate it, only thing is we still have a while to go yet. Is it just me or does Sandra's holiday seem be lasting quite a long time?? Not that I grudge them every minute of fun in the sun, probably just me worrying.
      I am off to do what Maureen is doing .... bed and watching the telly. Not that I think I will see much I keep nodding off.
      See you all in the morning (sometime)
      Goodnight, God Bless xxx

    4. Maureen, have a fabulous day tomorrow. You have been so busy, never could I make 8 cards ! in one and same day, amazing.
      Wish you all a good night. Have a little sleep in Patricia but not as long as mine hopefully. I have things to do tomorrow and I am on my own all day so should be good as long I get out of bed hihi xxx

  31. Had email earlier from Indigoblu - they going to be on new channel too! Xxx

  32. Hellooooo
    I am still in the land of the living. Sorry I have not been in this week, I have been thinking of you all but have been so tired with looking after my gorgeous little ones. Today is our last day at home and I have said a very sad goodbye to Oliver, (max and Abi yesterday) and then spent the rest of the day getting the cottage ready to close up.
    We are leaving at 3.30 in the morning and will be home at about midnight.
    Many congratulations Sandra to your girls and to Myra, Lynda and Brenda congratulations to your grandchildren.
    Maureen good luck tomorrow, hope you raise lots, you have worked so hard for it.
    Jess, your card is lovely, I really like the way the stamped image is set within an embossed frame.
    Love and massive hugs to you all. Normal service will be resumed once I am "home" thank you for understanding my absence.
    Saba xxxx

    1. SABA thank you, my your time has flown glad you have had a wonderful time with your grandchildren. Have a safe journey home
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Safe journey home SABA. This week seems to have gone quickly. Glad you have enjoyed your time with your grandchildren.

  33. SABA, have a safe journey. xxx

  34. Looks like we have a few tired bunnies in here tonight, granted I did have a sleep this afternoon. Maureen thought of you tinight as tammy's was making Tablet to take for her God parents. Have to say it is yummy. We think we are ready well if not to late now, it's showers and then bed for us. Will have I pad with me so I will try and pop in over weekend, behave no all night party's. xxx

  35. Safe travel tomorrow Saba and Hazel - gosh Saba that week gas flown by!. Xxx
    Maureen good luck with the sale tomorrow, hope you sell loads xxx
    Jean enjoy your day with zinc tomorrow and fingers crossed for the weather xxx
    I've spent the morning food shopping and the afternoon cooking. Just decorating cakes tomorrow and finishing off the cheesecake and roulade (before you ask Maureen yes you can, any time after 3pm!) . Well I must go to bed now, I have to be up early tomorrow - we are off coat hunting before our visitors arrive . Must check out this new Chanel it sounds interesting. See you all tomorrow xxx

  36. Hello all MARIA hope you get your health sorted out befor your holiday take care have a good day on your own tomorrow ((((Hug's))))
    Myra I'm so sorry your still boiling water it's no joke now I hope everyone eats compensation for all the inconvenience. Take care have a easy day tomorrow don't forget DON'T set the alarm. Sheila Ooo sciatica I have had it before the last time about 3 years ago it was so bad I couldn't put my foot on the ground the doctor gave me three different painkillers to take two hours apart .so I feel your pain.Wishing your pain goes quickly my friend xx
    PATRICIA my sneakers stamp came today can't wait to use it tomorrow I also got the funkey words that go with it.
    MAUREEN my you have been busy,I think you have got the world record doing 8 cards in a day & all your printing you must be worn out.
    GOOD LUCK TOMORROW hope you have a sellout.
    MYRA the new craft channel looks very promising I'm SO PLEASED I CAN GET IT ON FREE-SAT. Hopefully Sue will do more demo's. I looked at the FB page earlier.
    HAZEL-hope you & Tammy enjoy your party tomorrow safe journey xx
    Well think that's me done ready for bed I'v been nodding doing this post
    Good night God bless everyone
    Love Lynda xx
