
Saturday 22 August 2015

Mixed Crafts Saturday

Michele's Lunch Bag

Michele's Lunch Bag (inside view)

Margaret's Grandson's Quilt

Brenda's Pottery
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Well ladies, its Saturday once again, so we have another amazing range of crafts from the enormously talented ladies on our blog.
First up we have the gorgeous 'Doggy' design lunch bag that Michele has sent in, I can't remember if Michele has said that a friend had made it for her or whether she has made it herself ( which wouldn't surprise is as she is super multi talented), I wouldn't have even thought about making an insulated lunch bag, but I guess as long as the lining is waterproof you would be fine.
Thank you Michele for sharing xxxx
Margaret's gorgeous, bright and colourful quilt that she created for her Grandson is up next, I would love the chance to have one to one quilting lessons from Margaret (and I know Sue would too).
Thank you so much for sharing another of your quilting master pieces Margaret xxx
And finally, well, it wouldn't be mixed craft Saturday without some of Brenda (littlelamb)'s Pottery now would it???,  as usual Brenda a gorgeous mix of colour and design, where on earth do you store all of this amazing pottery? !
Thank you so much for sharing with all of us once again xxx
Please send in your Mixed Crafts for upcoming Saturday's x
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend.
    SANDRA:- hope the sun continues to shine for you all.
    MICHELE:- what a super bright, colourful so useful Lunch Bag I love it.
    MARGARET:- well what can I say?? A beautiful Quilt, lots of "pictures" to look at and admire.
    BRENDA:- well, oh! well what can we say about your stunning creations. Everyone a winner, love them all.
    Everything set up for the day, lots of goodies in the fridge and the Cooler Cabinet. Taking my Tea & Toast over to the corner table. No Hazel to share with this morning. She'll be at the airport by now. Knowing Hazel is if she manages to get WiFi she will be in.
    Thought I would sleep till lunch time when I went to bed last night, I was so tired.
    Nope!! Ping!!!! just before 6am that was me wide awake. When I finish my Tea & Toast I am off to iron yesterday's washing.
    Nothing planned for today but of course it is still early, anything can happen here.
    Be back later xxx

    1. ME:- again,
      EVERYONE- I just want to thank you all for keeping things going while the Boss is away. I really appreciate that, this Blog is SANDRA'S baby. We have to love and cherish it while she is having "fun in the sun"
      i did thank you last night, it was bit late ad most of you had gone to bed.
      SABA:- safe journey, look forward to you joining us again. Your children have had the most most wonderful week of fun with you and Peter. Memories to cherish for ever on both sides.
      MAUREEN:- wishing you luck for today.
      Everybody have a fantastic day. See you all later, off to get that Ironing done. xxx

    2. Hi Patricia. I want to say a very big thank you for helping Sandra with the blog. I know she was so grateful. It is so annoying when you wake early when you don't 't have to. I hope you aren't so tired today. Maybe you could relax now the ironing is done, or is that suggestion going to fall on deaf ears : ) What ever you do have a lovely day. I hope you have the same lovely weather as we are meant to have today. Take care x

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I seem to have the hiccups again!

    6. Sue, you should not have removed that comment maybe if Patricia had read it more than once she would have followed your excellent advice! How are you today ? Xxxx

    7. Thanks right Sue and Myra.
      I can't see Patricia taking it easy. She a human whirlwind. Thanks for stepping in and keeping the hisses blog going while she's away.

    8. PATRICIA thank you & well done with your deputy café duties
      Sandra will be a very proud Boss.
      Patricia did you take it easy as your were told, I bet you didn't. Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Firstly-Patricia.....THANK YOU for looking after the blog for Sandra!! I for one would have missed calling in every day if you hadn't done all the work you have.

    Margaret-what a gorgeous quilt & so much detail in it. How long did that take to make?

    Brenda-more beautiful pottery, you should set yourself up in business!

    My lunch bag was made by my "mad friend ". She brilliant at sewing & has made me many gifts. Not all of them are as useful as this one though.

    I've got a friend calling round for a coffee this morning -she's mid way the her 12 week course of chemotherapy (second one as the first didn't agree with her). She's given me quite a few plants so it will be nice to show her the garden. Then I'm baking scones & biscuits for this evening as my in laws are here for dinner. I'll be very glad to hand over the bags of craft goodies I have for my M in L as they're taking up quite a lot of space on my craft room floor!


    1. Hi Michele, for the third time. I just can ' t get used to this phone. It either publishes duplicates or not at all!
      Your friend may be mad but she has made a great bag, I love the material. I hope you have a good chat with your friend and enjoy your meal with the in laws tonight. Your home is going to smell wonderful. You can ' t beat the smell of scones and biscuits baking, can you : ) Take care x

    2. Hi Michele, love the lunch bag your friend made. Enjoy your coffee break and your family meal, send up some home made scones if you have any spare please xxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Did you get that heavy thundery rain in the middle of the night?
      Apparently we did - I slept through the lot!
      Your bag is lovely and extremely useful ! Your friend sounds really interesting and fun. Have a lovely day with your friend and then family! Xxxx

    4. Hope you have had a good time with your friend. I wish her luck with her Chemo, not the easiest thing to cope with.
      Have fun with your family .... remember to actually GIVE your MIL her Crafty goodies!! Love your beautiful bag. xxx

    5. Hi MICHELE your bag is so useful & your friend mad or not she has done a great job.
      Hove a good dat with your friend & this evening with family Xxx

  3. Good morning ladies,

    Well, finally a few moments to myself after such a busy week.
    Robin has nearly finished painting the pebbledash, friend Freda and I enjoyed our day out in Bournemouth on Thursday, although the Air Festival Red Arrows show and flyover was cancelled due to the persistent precipitation of fine misty rain that drenched everything and limited visibility. Not one of our better day outs but you have to make your own pleasure where you can all the same. At least I got to see the inside of a Chinook helicopter, quite boring as nothing was inside. We have one whose flightpath is directly over our house at 10.15pm every night.
    And then yesterday I spent an enjoyable crafting day with Tiegan, quite hands on and one-to-one. She has created some lovely cards, one of which will be winging its way to one of our café members, the other one a stamped congratulations card to her brother Bradley who has just passed his driving test. Then we had fun making little Xcut gift bags.
    I have taken photos of her projects and will be emailing them to Sandra.

    Today is our village Flower Show, plans are that I have a stall for my candles and a few cards etc. so I must be away to pack the car and have breakfast.
    See you all later,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sorry ladies pressed publish before adding my comments on today's gorgeous craft items.

      You really are a talented bunch and it is always a pleasurable delight on Saturday mornings to see what you have all created.
      And today's offerings of a gorgeous lunch bag by Michele , a stunning quilt from Margaret, bet your grandson loves it, and some more of Brenda's beautiful pottery is no exception.
      Thank you ladies for letting us share in your talents. xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl. You have been busy haven' t you. Sorry the weather applied the fly over on Thursday. Spending time crafting with Tiegan made up for it though. It will be good to see her cards. Have a good day at the flower show. O hope you have a sell out : ) Take care x

    3. Lovely to see you in Cheryl, sounds like you have been super busy as usual, look forward to seeing the photos of all your creations, some lucky lady is for a treat too receiving a Teigan original!
      Enjoy your flower show, I hope you have a successful day my love xxx
      Sandra xxxxxx

    4. Enjoy your flower show, take it easy after the busy week you have had, although it was very enjoyable it had still been exhausting. I have a friend whose granddaughter is called Teigan, It is a very unusual name here and I think it is a lovely name. xx

    5. Cheryl I managed to wish you well on Sue's blog but forgot here! It's old age you know!!
      You have had a busy week but I'm sure you have enjoyed it. It's lovely working with the young ones - they are so enthusiastic and chat about all sorts of things. Hope you have a good day today! Xxx

    6. Great to see you in today, was worried about you. Glad you have been busy rather than ill.
      You sound as thought you have had a busy, fun filled week.
      Hope all went well at the Glower Show. xxx

    7. I am off to have a sleep!!! ..... I have done nothing but make mistakes. Not only on here but with everything I have touched recently xxx

    8. Oh Patricia! Please don't mind we all make them all the time. Me included - been aapologising down below!! I just thought a Glower Show would make me laugh!! Xxx

    9. See - now I've got a stammer in my apology! Xxx

  4. Good morning ladies
    Patricia you took the words right out of my mouth, (there's a song to start the day with)!
    I am grateful to all of you for not giving up on me and the blog in my absence!
    Things got so hectic and stressful before we went away that I didn't get time to make enough cards to fill the blog with, in fact my mojo packed and left for its holidays before I did, those last few craft sessions with Sue and Pat u just seemed to be faffing rather than getting anything finished which isn't like me at all, although I do live getting involved in what Pat and Sue are doing, ( I hope they don't think I'm interfering) ! haha.
    Anyway if it hadn't been for you ladies sending me so many things to feature on my blog I would have had nothing to schedule, so huge, heart felt thanks to all of you. Please keep them coming, I love showing your work!
    Patricia yiu Sent me loads, even though you have your own blog, that meant an awful lot to me xx
    Luckily I have Internet access up until next weekend so can keep posting, I was pleased when Paul bought the Internet pass as I missed my blog those first couple of days.
    Sheila, I hope that your sciatica is a little easier today, itd one of those frustrating things that you can't predict how long it will last, try alternating between hot and cold, if you have A Margaret bag pop it in the freezer, both my physio and consultant recommended hot/cold and it did help, although nothing takes it away. I do remember having a hydrotherapy session where I was floating using one of those noodle things and the physio was gently swishing me from side to side. The relief from pressure at the Base of my spine almost freed the sciatic nerve, it was heaven, until I had to get out of the water, when the pressure and pinching returns immediately, don't suffer in silence Sheila keep going to your Gp for help, mine sadly is a permanent symptom of the damage caused by a lifetime of walking badly due to leg length difference. Hopefully you will be like my mum where it will just stop and nit return. Sending huge hugs to Wales xxx
    Hazel, have a wonderful weekend away, you look beautiful whatever you wear xxx
    Michelle sounds like you have a busy day, have fun my lovely xxx
    Sue, I was so sad to read that you missed out on your family day out, I know how important those days are to you, i hope you feel better today xxxx
    Myra. You can relax now, your busy week is over xxx
    Maureen, good luck for today, I am sure you will sell out xxx
    Saba have missed your comments, have a safe journey home my lovely xxx
    Lots of love to all those I haven’t got to mention too, I have to go now as girls are taking me to the washrooms x
    Love and hugs to all of you wonderful friends xxx
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra. You were so busy before going away and then on our crat days me and Pat are always asking your advice so you didn't ' get a chance to finish your cards. You never interfere, we ask for your help as you always have the perfect answer and have a way of explaining things so clearly and simply, and it needs to be simple for me doesn't it : ) When we get back together I am going to start my Christmas cards. Umm, will I really? My plan at the start of the year was to make at least one a week didn' t happen did it. I bet I am still in a rush in December, no matter what I do.
      Have another great day my lovely. It is so good having you on here, if only until next weekend. Take care xx

    2. Michele, love the bag, sure it is very handy.
      Margaret, wow what a fantastic quilt. Your grandson is a very lucky lad. I agree with Sandra, I would love to have a lesson with you to get me started on quilting as you are so talented.
      Brenda, these pots are beautiful. Please can you tell us how you got the lovely effects in them? I love the bright and beautiful butterfly, it is so pretty.
      Thank you all for sharing.
      I will try and pop back in later to see what you have all been up to. Shelia and Maria, and anyone I have missed, I hope you are feeling better today. Take care xx

    3. Hola Sandra!
      I'm feeling a lot perkier this morning! Just waiting for Pinky to pop in!!
      I slept around the clock! Alastair said I looked like a ghost yesterday which isn't a great look!
      I'm so pleased you are relaxing and enjoying your holiday. You really deserve it!
      Patricia has done a great job and we'd all have missed popping in - so THANK YOU - Sandra and Patricia . Xxx

    4. Hi SANDRA so pleased your enjoying your holiday with your lovely family.& enjoy relaxing as much as possible,you will feel so rested when you get home & your mojo will be back with you.
      Your deputy Patricia has kept everything going tickadyboo.
      Love & Hug's Lynda Xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone, first of all a Big Thank you to Patricia for managing the blog while Sandra is away and doing a wonderful job of it!
    Lucky girl Michele , your bag is super , what a great gift!
    Love your quilt Margaret, the little pictures are gorgeous and will give hours of pleasure, what patience you must have.
    And last but not least Brenda your pottery is wonderful, I love the colours and designs!
    Yesterday did not turn out as planned ( was very windy and the rain came on, not what was forecast) so I went to the craft room but it was one of those days it took me hours just to make one card( Golden Wedding effort) not too sure about it, and then stamped out a couple of images and coloured them ( quite satisfying) but that was all I got done.
    Sheila I hope your pain has eased a bit today , I kept thinking about you last night as I remember how awful it was, but it will go away ( just keep that in mind) as it does seem at the time that it never will xo
    Do you think this new craft channel Hoochandra? Sounds like the wines on Sandra? What do you think Maureen? Anyway , do you think it will be on Freeview? Gosh more time spent in front of the TV.
    Off for nine holes of golf this morning so hope the rain stays away.
    Enjoyed my tea and scone, cafe looking good and money in the pot, still no iPad !
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Ha ha! I like that - yes it does! It is on Freeview I think Anne it just not on Cable. However it will be online I think. When you get your iPad - there is a link to click on Sue's blog and it tells you more. I did that and they will send emails about programmes coming up. Hope the golf " happens" today! Xxx

    2. Hi ANNE the new craft channel Hochanda is on Freeview on 39 Freesat 822 Sky 663. Hope you had a good day of golf. Xx

  6. Morning Sandra and all in today,
    No sleeping in I can see Patricia hihi Thank You for keeping the cafe' going, it would be a shame if it had to been closed during the 'boss' holiday. So many customers would have been sad and the pings in the pot so empty and also the basket of hugs ! We need Norah's little rascals to join us do as we miss her (a lot).
    Michele- what a fab lunch bag. Like the doggy material and inside is great for the sandwiches etc. Your friend is good.
    Margaret- Love the quilt !. Happy colours and so many different pictures, it's lovely.
    Like Sandra saying a Mixed Saturday is not right without some of our Brenda LL works. I love your pottery and the butterfly (watch out if Lynda is nearby, she will want it hihi) love the colours, well done.
    Also a big well done to your grandson, Cheryl, Bradley for passing
    the driving test !
    Michele -have a nice day. Hope your friend is ok, gentle hug and enjoy your evening with the in-laws.
    Sandra- hope you have another good day in the sun.Careful with the burns. They saying we will have 29 here today so we'll see how I feel this afternoon. Cards to make so I better go, had a tea and toast and money in the pot. Have a good day whatever you are up to today, Hazel have fun at the party. love and hugs Maria xXx

    1. Maria, I think you have had a better night! Hurrah! It's good to see you up and feeling better. Hope you get your cards made. Xxx

    2. Hi MARIA you sound a bit chirpier today hope your feeling better xx
      I have tried pinching the butterfly from Brenda LL but I think she has stuck it down haha.
      Hope you got your cards done Hug's Lynda xxx

  7. Morning everyone,
    It's a damp, miserable morning here in North Wales so will just fill my hotty and keep my back feels a 'little' easier this morning but I will keep taking the tablets and hope for the best.
    First of all I would like to thank PATRICIA for doing such a wonderful job of keeping Sandra's lovely coffee shop going in her absence. PATRICIA you are a star!!!!....and I mean that sincerely.
    SANDRA I hope you and your family are still having fun in the deserve it so much....and we would never give up on you or your blog... both are so important to all of us.
    What a lovely threesome of crafts this morning!!
    MICHELE what a wonderful lunch bag and such a handy size too.
    BRENDA it's always lovely to see more of your pottery and today's little group is gorgeous you are so clever.
    And not forgetting MARGARET'S fabulous quilt for her grandson....well done to all our clever ladies.
    Maureen good luck today and let's hope you have a sell out....and Cheryl good luck with your's too....fingers crossed for both of you.
    Hazel have a lovely weekend with Tammy and safe journey.
    Saba hope you're having a safe journey home today and not a troublesome. one.
    Jean have a lovely day with Nic. xx
    I know I will have missed someone out so please forgive me if I have and thank you for the tips to help this awful pain they are so much appreciated.
    Will try and pop back later have left hugs for each and everyone of you 'just because!'

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, take care. Glad if the pain eases and has gone a bit but keep taking the tablets and rest.xx
      Saba going home already ? Drive carefully and have a safe journey home xx
      Maureen and Cheryl -have a good day and sell loads !
      hugs Xxx

    2. Sheila, just keep resting and taking the tablets - it will go !! It's a bit of a miserable day here today too! Try not to do anything to aggravate your pain! Sending hugs! Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila
      I'm glad the pain has eased a but. Keep taking the pills and using the hot water bottle.

    4. Hi SHEILA please take it easy I know that pain it's one of the worst. Hope it gets easier love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Morning everyone,,what a treat for Saturday, Michelle your lunch bag is lovely, must put other colleagues to shame.
    Margaret your quilt is gorgeous, so many pictures to look at, it must have taken you ages to do, a labour of love perhaps!
    Brenda what more can be said about your pottery, love the butterfly.
    Maureen hope you have a fantastic day at the craft fair, good luck.
    Last but not least, thank you Patricia for holding the fort while the commander
    Is away, you will certainly get promotion for this!!xx
    I hope Hazel has had a safe journey and will enjoy the party, no doubt we will hear all about it soon.
    Not much on here today, a bit of ironing and a quick tidy, then maybe make some cup candles.
    Have a great day whatever you are doing, take care Xx

    1. Enjoy your day Jess! Promotion - now there's a thought! We'll have to think of a suitable title! Xxx

  9. Morning all, Lovely show for a Saturday morning, love the lunch bag, think it is gorgeous. The quilt is a beautiful work of art and the pottery is lovely as well, what a talented lot.
    Spent all day with my crafty stash yesterday and managed to finish the two cards that were ordered, have another golden wedding one to do but just seem to faff about for most of the day, should get myself organised (that will be the day lol).
    Going swimming with Linda and the kids later and then do some shopping and that s my excitng day organised.
    Sandra keep enjoying and relaxing, Patricia thanks for keeping the "family" together, Maureen enjoy the craft fair, Sheila hope the pain keeps easing and to everyone else hugs . I have been making some comments as I have come down the blog but my memory is useless so forget names etc.
    Wendy xxx

  10. Hello again, just in case anyone is looking for the sneakers and graffiti stamps, have a look at Klassy-Kards web site, they have them back in stock £5.99 each.

    1. Thanks Jess will do! Have had real trouble with the other site! Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    I hope the sun is still shining in your neck of the woods.
    Michele I love the lunch bag your friend made. It's very unusual.
    Margaret I also love the quilt you made for your grandson. I bet he was pleased to received it, or at least his parents were.
    Brenda what can I say about your super pottery. It's gorgeous as usual.
    The new channel starts on Thursday on Freeview channel 39 I think. Might need to retune your boxs though.

  12. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I have commented on the way down! It's a bit like reading a book!
    Today's crafts are lovely!
    Michele's bag is a useful size as often they are too big! It is a well made gift and useful. What more could a person ask.
    Margaret - I just love that quilt - to me as an "old teacher" that's a story on a bed! You could make up tales about individual things or join a few together. Children love that. I could tell the stories but I couldn't make the gorgeous quilt. Well done you! It's lovely.
    Brenda - your pottery is just so lovely! It's so varied as well. I too love that butterfly but I love the blue plates/ bowls too. I love blue and white china. So pleased you had a good day with Scarlett yesterday. She is a talented young lady with a lot of patience.
    Well I'm not doing much today but we are going out this evening so looking forward to that!
    Patricia - as I've mentioned before you've done a great job! Many many thanks.
    Maureen - my buddy in crime - have a great day and make lots of money for your Charity once again.
    Saba - my friend - safe journey home! Not long until the Retreat now! Book your flight soon!
    Hazel - have a lovely weekend and safe travel.
    Janice - hope you are busy but we miss you .
    Norah - put your feet up now and again and have a virtual sticky bun with us!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  13. We are here at the hotel and glad we could get in early as it's very hot 26 which is very,very hot for us. So we are chilling out on our beds as we are feeling our early start. We will get showered and dressed in about an hour. It would be lovely if this afternoon we can sit outside , thankfully I have my sun cream with we I will be reapplying it after my shower can't take risks , Will see what time we are back and I will maybe pop in.
    Michele , love your lunch bag , your friend is very clever.
    Margaret, love the quilt ,
    Brenda , more gorgeous pottery ,
    Sandra, just relax and enjoy your time.
    Saba , hope your journey was ok .
    Cheryl, lovely to have you call in , just take things easy,
    Right I am going to have 5 mins, Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, pleased you have arrived safely! Oh that's hot for here too! Have a lovely time. Xxx

    2. Hazel glad you have arrived safely, enjoy your five minutes peace before all the frivolities start , enjoy xx

    3. Glad you have arrived and it's warm. Guess what ... it's raining here!!
      Enjoy the Party xxx

    4. Hazel pleased you arrived safe,we have had it very hot today 30 too hot for me but HaHo going to rain all next week. Have a good time both of you at the party xx

  14. Heard from Saba earlier - a text at 1 17p to be precise! The Ferry was just arriving at Calais. They are making good time - hope to be home by midnight! They'll be tired bunnies! Xxx

  15. Oh dear! Should read 1 17 PM ! Xxx

    1. Glad Saba, is making progress.
      A pair of right tired bunnies when they home xxx

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    Sorry I ran out of time yesterday what with visitors and trying to do things.
    Well we have rain yet again but as I'm not going anywhere it doesn't really matter, but it is so nice to see the sun just sometimes.
    Thank you Sandra for showing my quilt all the pictures are embroidered and appliqued on to the blocks it took a few weeks to do and on each picture there is a movable (lift up) piece our grandson loved it and played with it too he had it as all sorts of things, a tent, a cloak, sometimes over his head as a monster or would just snuggle up with it when he was none too well, to help make him better he would say. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments.
    Michelle your bag is lovely I have made lots of bags but not one like that.
    Wow oh wow Brenda your pottery is quite simply wonderful I love it, such dedication.
    Hazel have a super time and enjoy, you deserve to and a safe journey home.
    A safe journey too to Saba, I hope you have had a fantastic week with the family and are returning home with some wonderful memories to treasure.
    Sandra your girls have done wonderfully well with their exams especially when you consider all they have to cope with, please do tell them well done from me, even though I am rather late to send them my good wishes.
    I have been able to do a little baking and at last we have some home made bread and rolls, I do so hate the bought stuff! My foot is still very painful but it is not going to get the better of me.
    Patricia please don't worry you really are doing a wonderful job looking after everything while Sandra is away, thank you.
    Cheryl and Maureen good luck with your sales hope you have a great sell out.
    Sheila sorry to hear you are in pain if you can email me your address I will try and get some bags to you for you to fill with rice then heat in the microwave, and hopefully you will get some relief, Sandra, Lynda or Patricia have my email.
    Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend
    with love
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET:- glad you are fine.
      I just love your beautiful Quilt, it's amazing.
      Here's a house that would not manage now without your brilliant Heat Bags. Every home should have a selection of them. xxx

  17. KAREN- It has arrived. Thank you so much !! Think it was Wednesday as my SIL came that morning and she have taken it down for Louis already. Just waiting for a photo so I can send it on (p) Was thinking to say by e-mail but as you said you not on there very often. Have not tried the Hema yet . Hope you are feeling better ,hugs xxx

  18. Well folks, I said earlier there was nothing much on the cards for us today ... WRONG!!!
    Forgot this was the "Fun Day" for the Local Football Team Robert plays for. Fun Day was suggested by John & Audrey when John managed to buy (very cheaply) the old rather "delapidated" Club Room Building in the village park back in April. It had not been used for approx 10years. Had been broken into some time ago, recently used by a gang of local youths. I will leave you to imagine the state it was in!!! John & Audrey rallied all the parents of the team members and Boy! Oh! Boy! You should see what they have done. Power hosed out and dried off. Painted in the team colours ... yellow walls, black painted benches. Tiny kitchen fully fitted with new units, new contract quality carpet (all donated by parents or companies they work for). Next project is to tile the showers and install new toilets. (Local plumber said he fit them free) They have approched B&Q to see if they would give them a good buy of stuff they might be returning because it was not up to standard. Just waiting for an answer on that. Every penny raised today will help get things to make it the best Club Rooms around for the local junior Football team and visiting teams. Thomas & Robert had a Shooting Stall. They had tin cans stacked up, large NERF! guns filled with the soft foam bullets. Knock over 3 cans plus for a prize, less you got a packet of sweets. Granny won 2 prizes which obviously I put back for others to win. Audrey was manning one of the Food Stalls selling Chilli Pots and Hot Soul. The Chilli Pots were brilliant, Pots made from an edible shell. It was a fantastic idea, no waste, shells and the Chilli made by one of the mums. Another of the mums has a Burger Van which was there doing a fantastic trade. Lots and lots of Fun Stalls, Bouncy Castle, mobile Skate Board thingy that was doing great business.
    There were 8 Junior Football Teams competing doing the time. That of course that brought in lots of "outsiders" and lots more business. The Junior Teams only play 30mins each end. Then the big "Cup Final", the local team played first and won. That freed Robert up to help Thomas till the final. Weather was fine till ...!!! Yep!! the Final Football Match then the rain started. Not too heavy but it kind of finished all the Stalls which were under Gazeebos. Whole thing was finishing approx 4pm. I feel a great day was had by all. Just the counting up and seeing what they have made. I know Thomas had made almost £100 why we left. So from "nothing" on the cards to a rather busy and fun filled day to been great.
    I have done a few comments on the way down, best go back to see if I have missed anyone xxx

    1. Sorry for the mistakes, I was checking as I went along but obviously not checking very well. Xxx

    2. That's just Brilliant! So good Brilliant received a Capital B. It is just amazing what can be achieved when everyone gets together. It is such a good example for the youngsters too! Some vandals did a lot of harm but more good was done by device to people getting together. Well done everyone and I hope they have raised lots of money to finish their worth while project! Xxx

    3. Likewise - apologies for mistake! How decent became device - who knows! Xxx

    4. When you say is not much on, you do make something . What a fabulous job from your family and everyone else to make the club house up and running again ! I hope they got lots of money together and will have a lots of fun over the years ! still making cards hihi see you later xxx

    5. What a brilliant day Patricia, and congratulations to John Audrey and the other parents. This lovely new clubhouse will give the team a great sense of pride, and the parents should also be proud of their efforts. It's so lovely everyone rallied round and made this such a memorable day for the young team players. Wishing him every success in the future. LOL

    6. Oh Patricia that is simply wonderful it just goes to show what can be achieved when everyone pulls together, and it will be a great lesson for all the children too showing them just what can be achieved, All the facilities will be great for the children and as they have all helped they will have a sense of pride in their very own club house. Well done to them all.

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Very late today had some sad news this morning, John's cousin passed away In the night . She was a few years older than John and had been in hospital for the last couple of weeks. It's sad because she was almost the last link he has with his childhood, they were very close when they're growing up.

    MICHELE, I love your lunch bag what a clever idea really never thought of making one. Love the material your friend used.
    MARGARET, What a lot of work you have put into this quilt, it is beautiful, also lovely that your grandson enjoyed playing with it as well as having it on his bed.
    BRENDA, Love your pottery it is beautiful, you are such a talented lady. Thank you for sharing.
    I will pop in later. For now I will sit by the window and enjoy my cup of tea.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. PATRICIA, I'm sorry - I was going to say a big, big thank you for the fantastic job you have been doing keeping this cafe running while our Sandra has a well earned holiday. You have done and are doing still an amazing job.
      Sending you a BIG, BIG THANK YOU, And lots of (((((big hugs))))) to go with it. xxx

    2. Brenda, so sorry to hear your news. Give John a hug and tell him we are thinking of him and that time will heal. Hope you ok ,sending a hug to you too xxx

    3. Oh! Brenda that's sad news, even worse when the family "link. Is broken. I know that really hurt our darling Maureen when Raymond died recently. Sending BIG (((((hugs))))) to you, John and the rest of the family. xxx

    4. Brenda sincere sympathy to you and especially John . I know that's always a hard thing to bear! Lots of love xxx

    5. Brenda I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. Please give John a hug from me and tell him were all thinking of him.

    6. Brenda so very sorry to read the sad news my thoughts and prayers are with you and John, it is a true loss when a link with our childhood is lost. With lots of love xxx

    7. BRENDA so sorry to read your sad news of John's cousin,your both in my thoughts & prayers are with you John.,take care
      Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Brenda,sorry to hear your sad news, thinking of you both at this sad time. X

  20. THANK YOU:- for all the "compliments"...... but remember, Sandra has opened up every day. I have just looked in and commented the same as everyone else. I was hoping to do some "posting" for Sandra but have not managed to get into her Blog. Well I did but all I got was a Blank Page!!
    Its you guys as well as me that has kept this going. It's Sandra's baby and we have to look after it well. xxx

  21. Hello Sandra, and the rest of my sisters
    Michele, Margaret and Brenda, as usual your crafts are beautiful. The bag, the quilt, and the pottery. I'd be delighted to receive any of them - Sandra has my address ha ha.
    This is just to let you know that the fund raiser was a big success. Very, very busy and I sold all but 3 of my cards and 1 of the cup candles, but I only made £78 towards the funds as I had only managed to make 51 cards and 6 candles. Never mind, that's £78 which she wouldn't have had if I hadn't offered to help. I was also one of the chief cup and bottle washers, and maker of tea and coffees (£1 and as many refills as you could drink - the toilet has been flushing all day!!!!!).
    I'm so sorry but I'm just dog tired, and I haven't read any of the comments, but I see someone has praised Patricia for her sterling work on the blog, and I second and third that comment!
    Brenda, I am so sorry that John's cousin has died. A last link to your childhood is so hard - I still can't believe that Raymond has gone, and we are going through the first of the Anniversaries and Birthdays when he would normally be "in the thick of it".
    Please accept my sincere condolences and prayers to you and John.
    See you all tomorrow
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx

    1. P.s. so sorry, Sheila, Maria, Karen and anyone who is not feeling 100% I hope you are all much improved tomorrow.

    2. Great results Maureen, job well done. Every penny counts when your fund raising. Please take a bow, have a rest and we will catch up when you are ready (((hugs))) xxx

    3. Well done Maureen so pleased you had a good day and every penny counts, so put your feet up tonight and have a good rest you have definitely earned one. xxx

    4. Great minds think alike at the same time Patricia so we must be right!!!

    5. Of course we are Margaret, aren't we always ???
      Thats what I keep telling John anyway!! xxx

    6. Wonder how long it will take MYRA:- to add her twopence worth to that one?? Ooopps!! where did Maureen leave that Hard Hat??? xxx

    7. Myra is out for dinner. Perhaps she isn't back yet.

    8. WELL DONE MAUREEN you have done a good job that's a good a that's sum of every penny counts have a rest now' Take care.
      Lynda xx

    9. Well done Maureen. You selling them too cheep do, put them up a little for next time. Sure you still have a sell out xxx

    10. Well done Maureen. That's a good sum to make.

    11. I just knew my ears were burning!
      Well done, Maureen - you must be tired out! I hope you sleep well , at least better than you did last night!
      Have a quiet day tomorrow. Xxxx

  22. Hello everyone. PATRICIA you have done a very good job whilst Sandra has been away. Don't put yourself down. I am very guilty of that.
    BRENDA. So sorry to hear your news. Please accept my sympathy.
    Thank you for all your kind compliments about my pottery. The blue dishes have crystals in the glaze and when the kiln gets to a certain heat they sort of explode so it is always a surprise when it comes our of the kiln. The black dish was decorated by putting yellow, blue, orange and green neon glazes on top of the black and then swirling them around with a cocktail stick. The butterfly was stamped on with a rubber stamp then fired then painted with glazes and fired again.
    Margaret I love your quilt. I am sure your grandson loved it. You are a very talented lady. Michele. Love your lunch bag that your friend made for you. She is also very talented.
    SHEILA. Hope your Sciatica is better soon. Do try Margaret's heat bags. I wouldn't be without mine. They are a godsend. Have one most nights. Just find it very comforting.
    Hope everyone has had a lovely day. Yon have been busy PATRICIA. Glad it was a goid day and hope that Maureen and Cheryl have also had good days and Saba is well on her way home.
    I have been to Maidenhead and had a walk along the River Thames. Lots of boats to see and lots of families out enjoying themselves. Interesting to see all the boats going through the lock.
    Hope Hazel and Tammy are enjoying themselves. Be back later.

    1. BRENDA:- glad to hear you have had a good day.
      It's good to get out and about seeing things we don't normally see daily.
      Your Pottery is amazing, I used to love seeing what appeared when you used the Crystals. Have not done Pottery for years. I actually sold my Kiln to a freind who still uses it and makes great pieces.
      Have a great evening xxx

  23. Thank you for your compliments. Perhaps you should start pottery again. I am sure your grandsons would enjoy it. I love using the crystals. Glad you had a goid day for a good cause. Well done to everyone.

  24. Good evening. Well I will only say that was a very interesting party!!! I don't know where to start. Ok no atmosphere, no laughter, no mingling, no decoration of the social,club at all, buffet ok but no tea or coffee offered with it. Solemn faces and oh boy we were over dressed by a long way, and we weren't. A lot my age, but oh they all needed to visit the coffee shop to learn how to laugh, put it this way there was not one tenna moment. You lot would have wasted trip if you had wanted to join us. Tomorrow is another day and we will go visit Tammys god parents in the morning, and maybe we will enjoy that. I am maybe being awful, but we had travelled all that way and we felt like we weren't noticed, we tried to make conversation with other guest,,well you would have thought we had landed from out space and had funny heads, we gave up trying, ok Godparents were talking to folk they hadn't seen for a few years, but they should have remembered the other guests. And I don't mean us there was others had come to join them to celebrate. One of there daughters was running around seeing to things the other one sat on her backside. I know a few of their friends but they were with their families so you got that look ok hello but we are with our family. I think I need to give them a lesson of how to mingle and talk to folk. Any way Tammy and I have done nothing but laugh since we got back to the hotel. It was all finished and over by 6 we could have been back to East Midlands and on a flight home tonight if we had known this. Let's say we will come and visit them again , but we will never ever go to the exspence of going if they are having a party or that. All I can also say thank goodness Charlie, Derek and Tammys boys weren't down with us. Any way we will be asleep soon I think. Xxx

    1. Ethics Hazel
      My word what a wasted journey you had. Are you sure it was a party you went to. Sounds more like a wake to me. Mind you I've been to some that sounded better then that. We went to Molly's across the road who Pete went to see and do jobs for. Her relatives came from Ireland and we had a overly time chatting to them.

    2. Hazel. Sorry to hear the evening wasn't good. Perhaps you and your family should have told them how to arrange it after Gillian's wedding was so successful. Hope things are better tomorrow when you visit Tammy's Godparents. Safe journey home.

    3. Oh Dear, Hazel, sorry your celebration was a bit flat! If there is no atmosphere things just don't work! Xxx

    4. sorry to hear it was a bit of a wash out, it makes you a bit depressed going all that way and not even getting a bit of a laugh tomorrow's another day, enjoy xx

  25. Ladies What can I say I love visiting for Mixed media Saturday My jaw drops every time I visit The makes are astounding, that bag! The quilt! The pottery You all amaze me with your talent
    Three cheers for PATRICIA You've done a brilliant job It's let Sandra relax all the more I expect
    MARIA thanks for the heads up re cardi I actually looked at my emails today
    So thanks again to MICHELE for your email and again to PATRICIA that was very thoughtful if you
    I'm looking forward to the new channel Hochanda On Sky at the mo it's a shopping channel Sooo is it going to be that different from C&C I hope so

  26. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    HAZEL so sorry your party was such a flop how awful for you & Tammy going all that wat too. Still it's good you can laugh about it.
    I have commented on way down gosh it's taken ages. MYRA hope you & Alistiar enjoyed your evening out.together.x it's been so hot today but going to have rain all the coming week. I went to my local craft shop with my friend well say local about 15 miles away they had demonstration going on all day showing different technices flower making they showed the Heartfelt creations flower range the fushia were amazing also the blazing Poppies.i might get them at AP
    MICHELE your bag is lovely your mad friend made.
    MARGARET wow your quilt is amazing love love love love it I bet Ben was over the moon with it. BRENDA LL I love all your pottery my favourite is the butterfly I did try & pinch it as you know I love Butterflys but I think you stuck it down haha.
    About 6pm we took the 4paws x 2 out as became cooler.
    Well think I'm ready for my bed
    Good night God bless sweet dreams love & Hug's Lynda xx

  27. Helloooo I'm home!
    Well, we did have an interesting evening! We went to an Italian Family run Restaurant and it is really lovely. When we arrived tonight we were told that there would be some " activity " later and they hoped it wouldn't spoil our evening! Well we were a wee bit apprehensive - what was coming - a dodgy cabaret or worse! It turned out that Celebrity Chef Aldo Zillii was visiting Italian Restaurants in the area to encourage dining out in the area! Well - he came and joined us at our table while we had our Starter and he's a very personable chap and we had a nice chat and a bit of fun. So it all added to the evening!
    I'm sure you are all in bed now anyhow! Xxxx

    1. How posh are you ...... Aldo Zilli no less. You certainly know how to live.
      Seriously, hope you enjoyed your evening. LOL
      Sweet dreams xxx

    2. Very up market, hope you got lots of tips, as long as you enjoyed yourselves, nite nite xx
