
Sunday 23 August 2015

Maureen's ATC collection part 3

Maureen's August ATC

September's ATC

October Spooky house.


Good Sunday Morning once again ladies,
Today I am sharing with you part 3 of our Maureen's 2015 ATC collection, Maureen makes a different Artist Trading Card for every month of the year.
August :  Maureen has used a 'Tribal' image for August's ATC, I love the silhouette look and your colouring is just beautiful Maureen, really drawing your eye in to the centre of the card.
September : Maureen has used a beautiful ladies face stamp for September's ATC,  the image looks like a 'Inkyliscious' stamp, but I may be wrong!  I really love how Maureen has used that beautiful purple paper to make a frame for the stamped image with, by simply cutting through the paper to the centre and rolling it back so that it stays in place, it looks fabulous, with the addition of that tiny little purple rose with its stem coiled, giving the ATC the  perfect finishing touch.
October:  October's ATC has a very spooky looking house, with bats and ghost in residence too, you have created the perfect image for the card by using the black ink to go around the card, drawing your eye in, the little branch die looks like trees, giving the impression that this spooky home is hidden deep in the woods.
Once again Maureen, I would like to thank you for sharing your amazing ATC's with all of us xxx
That's all from me for now,
I will try and get in later, but it looks like the café is running smoothly in my absence!
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning one and all
    This is really strange looking in via cyberspace and no-one in the café.!!!!
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I spent most of the day trying to get to grips with this stupid printer which still will not print. It says everything is OK and when asked it shows how many prints are waiting to be printed but STILL WILL NOT PRINT!!!!!!

    Anyway our Pastries were their usual deliciousness!!!!!!
    No.1 was 'Caramelais - a thin layer of sponge for the base.
    A thick layer of Caramel mousse with
    A layer of sliced Pears on top with
    A thick layer of vanilla mousse which was
    Caramel glazed on top and as a finishing touch a piece of Pear surrounded by piped choc.

    Do you like the sound of that?

    No.2 was 'A Tongue' doesn't sound very nice does it but
    it is Choux pastry shaped like a Tongue
    Filled with vanilla Cream decorated on top with
    Green Icing and as a finishing touch
    a layer of Choc sprinkles but only half way down the pastry.

    I cannot believe that next Friday's pastries will be the last until October.

    Hazel I hope you enjoyed your party.
    Maureen once again your ATCs have blown me away. They are superb and thank you for sharing.

    Patricia thank you so much for keeping the café on its wheels. You're doing a grand job and we all appreciate it. So please stop putting yourself down.

    We were going to our last Brocante this morning but have got up to rain so will have to see how things are just before we should be going. I don't fancy walking round a muddy field!!!!

    I will look in later.

    1. JANET:- good Sunday morning to you and your hubby.
      Mmmm!! those cakes sound really, really good. I know it's early but I might just need a slice of something gooey while I chat with you. Toast seems a bit dull in comparison.
      Oh! dear, nearly time to come home to the cold and rainy weather. Maybe if you pack plenty sunshine it might just keep you going till you get back. Well maybe not, you would need an awful lot!!
      That's a pity about the printer, nothing more frustrating. I usually have to give up and pay to get things sorted out.
      Hope the rain goes off and you have a good old rummage for some bargains. xxx

    2. Good morning JANET Ooo those cake's sound delicious,i have put a few pounds on just reading about them haha. Have a good time at the Brocante hope you get some bargains Xx

    3. Hi Janet. Oh those pasteries sound delicious, you describe them so well it makes my moith water. Good luck at the Brocante, if you go. I am having a printer problem too, can't get it to load onto Gemma's laptop that I have borrowed ine has finally goy to the point where it needs to be properly sorted out) it is so frustrating isn't it. I hope you manage to sort it today. Take care x

    4. Janet your pastries sound delicious, hope the weather clears up for your trip to the market and you find some great bargains. X

    5. Love he sound of your cakes,Janet, but would much rather be tasting them lol. Have a good market hunt xxx

    6. Mmmmm... your pastries sound delicious especially that pear one Enjoy your Brocante despite the rain

    7. Janet, You do it to me every time you describe your lovely cakes/pastries - I think what have I got that sounds so yummy. NOTHING maybe a piece of fruit cake or a biscuit - Naaah, doesn't have the same effect on my taste buds!!!!! xxx

    8. Janet - it's ok having virtual cakes, scones and toast every day but when you describe those lovely pastries - virtual just won't do! Yum! The pear one for me please! Hope you manage to go to your Brocante! Xxx

    9. Oh Janet yet again you have my mouth watering, those cakes sound absolutely wonderful as always. I must confess to dribbling when reading about the pear one. I do so hope you soon get your printer sorted it is so annoying when it just will not play properly. xxx

    10. Janet, I'll have one of each please xxxx

    11. Janet they do sound scrummy - can I send you a piece of chocolate roulade as a swap? Xxx

  2. I signed in, wrote a long comment, pressed the button and its gone Grrrrrrr!! Stomped my feet, gritted my teeth, started again!!,
    BIG SMILE!! ........ !!!
    Good morning everyone, hope you are all cosy and snuggled down!
    SANDRA:- and family will be up and getting prepared for another fun day no doubt .... enjoy every moment.
    MAUREEN:- your ATCs are brilliant. Now I can see where I have been going wrong, thank you. Yours are amazing, love each one. I have been trying to put too much on the small space, you "live & learn" as they say.
    MYRA:- has been "hobnobbing" again. Ooooo!! Aldo Zilli how posh is that.
    Hope you had a fantastic evening, enjoyed your meal and got some information from Aldo.
    HAZEL & TAMMY:- not so good for you guys. Glad you did not make the journey on your own Hazel. Will hear all about it during the week.
    I bet Hazel and Tammy had a great evening to themselves. Tammy has the most wicked sense of humour .... ever!!!
    Have not heard how much the Fun Day raised. Did not even get our usual messages from the boys last night. Bet they were all in bed and sound asleep very early. Audrey up and working 7.45am till 8pm today. Robert playing football. Thomas is supposed to be serving at the Afternoon Teas in the Village Hall. Looks like I might have to take him to that.
    Right!! everything set up in here. Tables looking really good, brought in some fresh flowers. (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. I am over at the corner table, looks like I will be on my own. Everyone will still be in the Land of Nod.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia. So much for you having a rest yesterday! It sounds like you all had a great time though, and for such a good cause. It is always good to hear of communities pulling together. Well done to you all. And with the children involved too it means that they learn to do the same once they are adults, rather than expecting others to do it for them. Sorry, I' m not sure that makes sense but I hope you can work out what I am trying to say! Are you going to have a more restfull day today I wonder? I do hope so. Take care x

    2. Patricia, thank you for your kind comments about my ATC's. It's a challenge to keep thinking of new ideas. It sounds like your Fun Day was just that - a load of fun. xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Maureen your ATC s are brilliant and such a good idea - one for every month.
    I didn't pop in yesterday as we have a bit of a rush first thing Saturday's to get sorted before we pick Nic up. I was expecting rain as it was forecast but we had a beautiful day, had a ride out then she likes 1-1 with me for the rest of the day,
    My granddaughter came round to see Nic and we had a lovely chat and Nic was listening to everything with a lovely smile all the time, we include her in the conversation but she has no speech so smiles a lot.
    Just after Nic had gone we gad the most horrendous thunder storm, even the dogs were unsettled and they don't usually bother.
    May not get back today, quite a bit of catching up to do, hugs to anyone who may need them,
    Patricia thanks so much for keeping the cafe doors open , without your help we might have lost some customers when they see a closed sign, you have done such a good job.
    Take care all xxxxx

    1. JEAN:- glad you you had a great day yesterday with Nic and your Granddaughter.
      Happy Catching Up Day xxx

    2. Hello JEAN pleased you had a lovely time with Nic yesterday & your Grandaughter. Have a good day Xx

    3. Oh Jean it sounds like you had a smashing day with Nic and your granddaughter and lots of smiles xxx

    4. Hi Jean, glad you had a nice time yesterday.Whatever today brings have a good one and for the dogs sake , no thunder xxx

    5. Hi Jean. It sounds like you had a lovely day with Nic. Sorry to hear the dogs were upset by the storm. Take care x

    6. Sounded like you had a great day yesterday x

    7. Glad you had a good day with your granddaughter and Nic, I have a nephew who has never spoken a word in his life, he is 18 now. Enjoy your day hopefully with no thunder and happy dogs. xxx

    8. I'm so glad you had a good day with your Nic and granddaughter, they're very precious

    9. Hi Jean, your day with Nic and granddaughter sonds lovely xx

    10. Yesterday sounds like a good day , Jean. We missed the thunderstorm last night just saw all the water on the roads on our way home! Xxx

    11. Hello Jean, I'm so pleased that Nic had a good day and that you were able to get out. xxxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-three more amazing ATC's from you. All lovely but I especially like the October one.

    Well-we have woken up to a lovely day, sunshine & cloud after a terrific thunder storm last night & torrential rain.

    In laws left mid way through the thunder storm as we thought it might get worse. They took all the bags-craft stash and their birthday cards/presents. They're going away for 5 days in Monday & they're taking their presents with them.

    I've got all the dishes from last night to tackle plus the ironing to do but that's all today. Must get in the craft room & start some cards.


    1. MICHEHE:- glad the day has turned out sunny for you.
      Bet you were happy to see all the "craft bags" going. I had in my head that they would be driving away, you got back into the house and spot then still in the corner!!! Does that tell you what happens here???
      Happy Dish Washing and Ironing xxx

    2. Hi Michele. It sounds like you had a good time yesterday. Enjoy doing the dishes and ironing! Take care x

    3. Hi Michele, glad you had a nice evening and got rid of your crafty bags out of your way, have a nice day xx

    4. Leave the dishes! No I know you can't. Thank you for your email I read it yesterday I know I'm slow and haven't logged in today either!

    5. It is hot here today Michele! Hope you enjoy your cardmaking! Xxx

    6. Hi Michele, thank you for your kind comments. Don't work too hard. I think my dishwasher is on the blink, George will have to take over. Rachel is still using the one she bought me 27 years ago, there's no justice!!! Of course, I could ask her for it back and tell her to buy a new one ha ha xxxx

  5. Good morning ladies
    It's nice and sunny here at the moment, a few clouds in the distance mind!
    We had a nice relaxing day yesterday, reading, playing games and then we popped to a near by Town for a walk along the prom, ice-cream & churros!
    Maureen, well done on raising £78 for charity, such a huge achievement!
    Hazel & Tammy, what a waste of time, it was probably worse because the wedding was such a huge success and so much fun was had by all, I know you would have gone out of your way to make everyone feel welcome. Yoy expect the same when you go to other events, particularly when you have travelled so far and at huge expense, I would have been furious I think, but trust you to make the best of the situation, Paul and have a way of doing the same as we love to 'people watch' we give people funny names too, for instance there are a few couples that have been coming here all the years that we have, we call one family the 'whites' as they spend months here and still look as white as they did when the arrived, another couple we call the ' leathers ' they are avid sun worshippers, you see them on the beach turning the sun beds with the sun, their skin looks like you could make handbag and matching shoes!
    Janet I hope the weather picks up and you get to go to your brocante X
    Sue, hope you are feeling better today xx
    Myra, I like Aldo Zilli, he has a nice personality, not arrogant as so many of them can be, so glad you had a lovely evening, you deserved a treat after your hectic week! X
    Well that's it for now, may try and call in later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi my lovely. I'm glad that you had another good day yesterday. I bet the ice creams are delicious. I am showing my ignorance now but what are churros? I hope the distant clouds stay in the distance for you. How is the sunburn feeling now? Not too sore I hope. I am still a bit achey but much better than the last few days, thank you. Take care xx

    2. Sandra we do the same as you and give people names when we are on holiday.
      Hope you have another great day, take care, x

    3. Hi Sandra. one of our best pastimes is people watching, it is also fun. to try and work our where they come from. Enjoy the rest of your day xxx

    4. I love churros Hot and a little sugar It's my favourite treat when abroad and can indulge once or twice as they're not too sweet for us diabetics
      Mrs B they're deep fried bread dough ( I think) in sausage shapes rolled in sugar

    5. So pleased you having a lovely holiday! Churros are not for me but I know they are very popular. I'm just odd! So glad the weather is lovely too. We also give people names!! My husband more than me! Xxx

    6. Hola Sandra, I'm so pleased you are having a lovely holiday. We also give people names - well me mainly, George just agrees!!! xxx

  6. Good morning ladies, and it is a good one. The sun is actually shining today. Let's hope it lasts. I seem to have everything done here quickly this morning, but wow, it has been busy. It's amazing just where our visitors come from. Much further afield this year, with guests from Mexico, Argentina, China and Brazil joining the usual Europeans, Aussies, Kiwi's and Americans. Makes life interesting when I can have a chat with them. It does get funny at times though, as a bald Italian guy has just pointed to his head and asked for a phone for his wife. I gave him a hair drier....let's hope I was right.
    I have managed a quick look in most days, but not long enough to catch up, so please forgive me if I have missed major events or happenings in your lives. I did think I could catch up, but there are fewer pages in War and Peace than this blog. Love to everyone, anyhow.
    I have, as usual, really enjoyed seeing the huge variety of items and cards shown here. Some incredible talented people here.
    Breaking news..Apparently..the Italian word for hair drier is Fon (don't know the spelling). Live and learn.Couple have just checked out, and the lady's hair looked good.
    Right, I better get these coffee mugs rest for the wicked!!

    1. Hi Janice. It must be very interesting meeting soany nationalities. Glad that you got the hairdryer right, and we have all learnt what it is in Italian : ) Take care x

    2. Janice - that did make me laugh! You must have many a tale to tell!
      I did check I'd got the spelling of the tale right! Take care and lovely to see you! Xxx

    3. Janice, once we went on a cruise around the Greek and Turkish islands. George had forgotten his shaving brush and I got the job to ask at every island where we docked to find one. (It was only days later that I realised I could have bought one on board - doh). The first two days we visited islands where no English was spoken in the Pharmacies and I resorted to pretending to put soap on my face, lather it up and then shave it off. I got offered nail varnish remover!!! I think I need to go the Method school of acting. On the third island there was a Body Shop and I got one there. George said it smelt of camel every time he used it!!! lol xxx

    4. Not like George to take the hump!! Xxx

    5. Janice it's good to hear you are busy, the weather has been so awful this year it makes you wonder if people will stay away but no they still come! Oh you did make me chuckle, I'm glad you were right with the hair dryer! You must have lots of funny stories to tell xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, by the time I got to be last night I had a quick look at the pictures and started to read the comments but fell asleep- Julian put my iPad down and turned off the light! Michelle your lunch bag is beautiful, love the fabric xxx Margaret your quilt is beautiful too and your grandson must love it xxx
    Brenda as always I love your pottery, this is all beautiful. Thank you for sharing ladies.xxxx
    Patricia thank you for your hard work keeping the cafe open, you are a star xxxx
    Maureen today's ATC cards are brilliant, I can't tell you which is my favourite they are all fab. Is the first one shaving foam? I know it's a Clarity stamp. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Right must get on, breakfast to sort and lunch to cook although there is a mountain of food left over from the BBQ. It was so hot yesterday but rained as we sat outside to eat - typical! Terrific thunderstorms in the night and my friend drove home in torrential rain along the motorway! She loved her partner for having a beer then! I will try to pop back later when my sister leaves but it may be late! Xxx

    1. Hi Diane. I' m glad that you had a good time yesterday, even if it was busy. Sorry to hear that the rain came down as you say down to eat. It's always the way isn't it! Enjoy today, left over BBQ food for lunch is it? Take care x

    2. Oh Diane that brought back memories! I used to fall asleep regularly reading a book! Alastair had to take book away and remove my glasses! I didn't wake up! Xxx

    3. Hi Diane, thank you for your kind comments, I'll do a thing about the ATC's in my post.
      Myra, George would have woken me up to tell me to take my glasses off. No he wouldn't, he'd have been asleep before me!!

    4. Haha trouble is if Julian takes my glasses off he puts them on a different part of the bedside table so In the morning I can't find them! He once put them on his side and I was really stuck! Xxx

    5. Diane, I've been known to take mine off to read or write something, then have to call George because I cannot find them again!!! xxx

  8. Good morning SANDRA PAUL & Girls glad you all had a lovely day yesterday sounds like your enjoying your holiday. We do the people watching thingy & give them funny names, laugh at the way some people dress.( none funnier than me with my droopys haha ) hope today is a good one too.
    We have another sunny day but glad it's not as hot as yesterday. Not much on the cards today probably go for a walk & must finish a couple of birthday cards.
    MAUREEN I love love love your ATC's they are all amazing but September is my favourite. I think we could have a ATC day on the blog it could be just any subject & picture,what do you think SANDRA & deputy PATRICIA.just a thought.
    MYRA glad you enjoyed your evening. SABA hope your home safe & your journey home was smooth sailing. I'm sure you & Peter had a wonderful week with your children & Grandchildren seemed to go so quick.
    Well washing has just finished so I'm going to hang it out now.
    See you later. Hug's Lynda XX

    1. Hi Lynda. Have a good day and enjoy your walk if you do go. Both me and Mum love people watching too, it is amazing what you see and hear isn't it : ) Take care x

    2. Thanks Lynda ! Hope you have a good day. Xxx

    3. You're so kind Lynda, thank you. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today, where is the smelling salt, thought I saw Lynda peeking in further up ? hihi
    Aaaah Maureen, I love your ACT's they are all so brilliant. Have something for Silhouette's at the moment so August is perfect. Sorry if I said something yesterday and made a bobo . The money you collected for the charity was wonderful, I been told I speak before thinking, only wished I learned by now.
    Janet- how times goes quick. Hope you get to the Brocante later on. Your pastries sounded yummy, the second one for me please ,when we coming over :-)
    Myra-have you come down to earth yet ? Meeting famous people just like that and he sat down and talked !. Glad you had a memorable evening.
    Sandra- anything better than have a fun ,relaxing day together with the family and to be people watching. Walking down the promenade while eating an ice cream in the sunshine, Bliss. Have another good day together !
    Hope to hear from Saba, wonder if she's back home.
    Still finishing off what I started yesterday rg. card ie not much but they will be done. Have a nice Sunday all, love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi Maria. You sound better again today, I am so glad. Enjoy finishing the cards. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria, you sound quite chirpy today ,hope you are feeling a lot better, enjoy finishing your card xx

    3. Maria! Please Please don't change! You are lovely just as you are. Our Swedish is rubbish and I feel confident enough to speak for everyone! Hope you are feeling better. I have come down to earth - I looked in the mirror this morning!! Xxx

    4. Hello Maria, my little mixed up minx!!!! Thank you for your kind comments, I love how you say things. I'm pleased you are more like your usual self today. Which is more than Myra can say as she's obviously been in outer space!! xxx

    5. Maria you do sound more chirpy today, let's hope this week is a better one for you xxx

    6. MARIA:- that's more like you, back your chirpy self. I love how you write things, please don't change. We now know your little ways and we all LOVE them. xxx

    7. Maria pleased to hear you sounding better today, don't do too much and take care hugs on the way.
      Love Margaret xx

  10. Morning everyone, Maureen loving your ATC cards, they are brilliant.
    Not much on today, weather warming up but not a patch on what the rest of Britian is getting, Scottish weather is something else!
    Might get some gardening done and grass cut if it stays dry after the terrible rain last night.
    Hazel so sorry your party was rubbish but I bet you and Tammy had a good laugh about it, especially after the wonderful time everyone had at Gillian's wedding, not forgetting the balloonist!!!
    Hopefully will manage to pop back later.

    1. Hi Jess. I hope the rain holds off long enough for you to get the gardening done but if not get the craft stuff out and enjoy yourself : ) Take care x

    2. Hi Jess, agree with you ,unless you live in Scotland you cannot understand the weather. It is sunny at the moment but blowing a gale, the rain last night was bouncing of the road. Have a good day xx

    3. Hi Jess , it's so heavy here today! Thought the thunder might have cleared the air but it didn't really. However it is dry and was very sunny earlier. Xxx

    4. Hi Jess, Thank you for your kind comments. Just do what you can and enjoy yourself. xxx

    5. JESS:- how right you are. You just have to be a Scot or at least live or have lived in Scotland you understand our "weather" xxx

    6. Or the North of England. And that's the actual North, not the BBC weather man's version of the North!!! xxxx

  11. Grüß Gott as we say in Bavaria
    This is the quickest ever post. Arrived home about midnight after a very peaceful crossing and a smooth drive home.
    Up and off to a party in half an hour. I really could do without it as it is likely to be an all day affair. Sit down meal at lunchtime, coffe and cake mid afternoon.
    Maureen I love your ATC's especially September. I think I have the background stamp and a face stamp so I will copy that one if you don't mind.
    Right must go live and massive hugs to you all,
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba. Glad to see you back safe and sound. I bet all you want to do is relax after such a lovely but busy week! I hope you enjoy the party if you're not too tired. Take care x

    2. Hi Saba, glad you got home ok, no hassle at Calais I hope.
      Enjoy your party, and then relax the rest of the week.
      Take care x

    3. Hi Saba, glad your home safe. After a couple of glasses of wine you will enjoy your day lol. Enjoy xxx

    4. SABA:- glad your safely home.
      Enjoy your party, company, food, drink the wine and it will be over before you know it!!!
      See you later or maybe not, depending!!! xxx

    5. Wow Saba, you don't let the grass grow under your feet do you?
      Hope you have a lovely day.
      Pleased you are home safely and the trip was uneventful. xxx

    6. Greetings to you to my dear!
      So pleased you are safely home! It's quite a journey. Try not to fall asleep at this party won't you ! Sleeping face down in your dinner is not a good look!! Xxx

    7. Oh mien little liebling, or words to that effect!!!
      I'm pleased you got home safely and have a few words of wisdom for you. Tap, Knock and Prost xxxxx hic

    8. Glad to hear you got home safe and sound, enjoy the party. Now what's the saying Live Love Laugh - yep off you go dear to live it up :) xxx

    9. Myra, Saba will not enjoy the party if she has to fast xxx

    10. It's not the English fast I had in mind! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is warm and quite bright here today but getting a breeze up now so I think we are going to get some rain. We didn't get any of the thunderstorms lots of you have had, which is a shame as we all love them.
    I am still achy but much better than the last few days thank goodness. Maureen, three more lovely ACT's. I love the variety of techniques that you have used, all so different. It will be sad once we have seen the final three though. Congratulations on a near sell out yesterday, and for such a good cause. I agree that you should put your prices up a bit next time, don't sell yourself short my talented friend : ) I hope you get to relax today. Take care x
    Brenda OB, so sorry to hear your sad news. My sympathy to you all at this sad time. Take care x
    Hazel, what a shame that you had a wasted trip. Why do people not want to chat at parties, or have a good time? Goodness only knows what they must be like when they aren't celebrating! I hope you have a good day today though. Take care x
    Myra, what a great surprise for you having Aldo Zillii joining you at your table. He seems to be a really nice man when I have watched him on TV and now you have confirmed that. Have a good day. Take care x
    Shelia, I'm glad that you aren't in quite as much pain, I hope it continues to improve very quickly. Have as good a day as the pain allows.. Take care x
    I need to tackle the ironing today as I haven't done any since Tuesday! What fun! Have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I'm so pleased you feel a little better today. Does the weather play havoc with your aches and pains?
      He was a really nice man , Sue, but we talked about Italy and wines mostly! I was very quiet! Xxx

    2. Hello Sue,
      Thank you so much for your kind remarks. I'm glad you're feeling a little better, and just think, at the October Retreat we will be able to have such a good time, and laugh. Unlike Hazel's recent venture, I wouldn't care but she is the easiest and nicest person I have met, oops apart from Patricia ha ha. xxx

  13. Good morning all

    After reading all your comments from last night and today, it sounds like we were all hit by the thunderstorms. Ours started off with the strangest of cloud formations that I have seen for some time. It was almost as if the sky had been artistically painted, gurt big stripes of dark grey and pure white. A pair of 'eyes' appeared which turned into a frown. We took some photos but I don't think they came out so well to do what we were looking at justice. Loud rumbles and sharp snaps started and everyone packed up their stalls (only 4 of us) just as the first lightning bolt appeared, then the rain about 10 minutes later, a gentle drizzle which only lasted 10 minutes if that. It is the first time we have packed up in 15 mins flat, although with the gazebo roof still wet, we folded it inside out so I can dry it off later. Into the hall then for the raffle to be held, I won a beautiful flowered clock which will adorn my craft room, and off home. Joseph decided he was going to come in the car with me, a very crafty decision as we were the only ones to stay dry. As we passed Fiona and Tiegan walking home, the heavens opened and it simply drenched them like drowned rats.
    This morning has been persistently raining so the car will have to wait for unloading until later.
    Our Flower Show was not very well attended which was very disappointing mainly due to not much advertising or thought put into attracting visitors. I can remember past ones where the school yard and playing field were covered with stalls from various village groups, the Sea Cadets band, bouncy castles, death slides, games and other fun filled activities that drew large crowds. Other villages have fantastic shows, I can't see why ours has to be such a small affair now. Perhaps the committee need a shot up the backside to get them thinking outside the box.
    See you all later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Ooh Cheryl! Typical British weather and the havoc it causes. Hope you manages to raise some money in spite of the weather. Xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday. It was forecast rain for us, but it was dry and warm all day and the people were sitting in the garden for ages, which meant that they kept coming in and out buying raffle tickets and more cake. I think Caroline had begged and borrowed garden furniture from all her neighbours the number of seats and tables she had. I hope you managed to make some sales, although it was at lease 1 1/2 hours before anyone bought anything from me yesterday. Then they all descended at once. xxx

    3. Cheryl what a shame about the weather, typical Britain! I'm sure the rain came sooner than they said though because it started on and off about 5 here and really set in for the evening about 7.30 - the forecast said around 11.00! We had to eat desert indoors! I hope you managed to raise some money - the car unloading can wait a while! Xxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    MAUREEN your ACT 's is are gorgeous
    I love the August silhouette, the design on September is very clever ( I have never rolled paper in this way, it's so effective ) and October is so appropriate
    For Halloween. I love them all - thank you for sharing. xxx
    SANDRA it sound as if your holiday is doing what holidays should do, Relax and chill out. xx
    HAZEL What a shame, after all your effort to get there, the party was such a let down. But on the up side you have had some quality time with Tammy. xx
    SABA, I hope you are safely home by now. I was thinking of you yesterday, and thought, when you do get home you have all those stairs to climb. I hope you both managed them and had a good sleep. xx
    Have enjoyed my coffee, will pop back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  15. i wanted to comment as I go down but it is lunch time and I can feel blood sugars droppring I'll try and pop back later but wanted to say your ATC's are lovely MAUREEN

    1. Thank you Brenda OB and Karen for your kind comments. Karen, get some sugar into you (as though you wouldn't know that!). xxxx

  16. Hi Maureen
    Love the third set of ATC's. Especially spooky Oct. I know there only small cards but they do make a statement.
    I do you arrived home safely. I'm also trying to finish off a birthday card for a friends 70th card. It's a bit intricate so it's slow going.

  17. Hello everyone
    Have been commenting on the way down,
    Maureen, love your ACTs went to have another look at them so I could pick a favourite, but I can't, I love them all.
    Had a lovely day yesterday, went swimming with Linda and the kids, 6 weeks ago Kyle was scared to get water on his face, now he was practising to dive in. Jessica is like a little sea baby, its nice to see them at age 6 and 7 with no fear, but as I said it was a different case just a few weeks ago. When we go to Lanzarote in Oct. /Nov we are away for 7 weeks, the kids with Linda and Gregg will be staying 2 minutes away in a private villa for 2 weeks, but Jessica and Kyle don't know we will be there.
    Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing and happy day xxx

    1. Wendy, what a lovely surprise for the children! I will be able to hear the delighted squeals from here! Xxx

    2. Hello Wendy, thanks for your kind comments, ooh, what excitement in Oct/Nov. xxxx

    3. Wendy that's going to be quite a holiday and it's good you've got a head start with the swimming xxx

    4. Dainty, I try to swim with my arms and feet, although I'm not much good I think it's better than head butting the water xxx

    5. Oh you shocker Maureen , get on with the ironing! Xxx

    6. Karen, what a lovely surprise for the grand children I can just imagine the look on their faces when they see you.

      Love Margaret xx

  18. Popped in to to do a bit of a catch up.
    Thomas here Robert playing in a Football Match.
    John & Thomas off along the "burn" (small shallow river) I can hear their voices but can't see them for all the trees.
    Obviously not hungry or they would be back. Speak of the Devil I can hear then coming over the fence.
    See You later better go feed them. xxx

    1. Not quite the Five Thousand Patricia but it feels like it sometimes! Xxxx

    2. Patricia, I hope you've got the loaves and fishes xxxx

    3. its only a wee Burn you know! Xxx

    4. I'm wondering where Patricia is going to put the 12 baskets of left - overs! Xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.

    Sandra sounds as if you are having a lovely time my sort of holiday as Sue said we love people watching as well, I try and work out who is with who and what they do never get bored.
    Patricia please realise you have done a brilliant job with the cafe thank you soo much.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday internet was down,, but mixed craft was lovely Michelle your bag was very pretty and practical, Margaret your quilt very pretty and so much work, Brenda as usual your pottery is lovely.
    Hazel sorry you had a wasted journey but at least you got to spend time with Tammy sounds as if you are like Sue and I together have lots of laughs.
    Brenda sorry to hear your sad news not nice when you realise you are the only one left now hugs to you and John.
    Maureen well done to your effort yesterday take it easy today.
    Myra what a great for you how lovely.
    Saba glad you are home safe and sound hope party goes well.
    Sheila hope you continue to improve take care.
    Maureen sorry meant to comment on your cards I particularly like Sept it is lovely well done.
    Cheryl sorry you had a washout yesterday such a shame when you put alot into it. I love your description of the clouds I love watching them and Sue's Gemma always saw pictures in them when she was a little girl when she used to come with me in the car, we had rain but no thunder it was very humid though.
    Sue glad you are not soo achey we have had rain all morning.
    If I have missed anybody out please forgive me I am still trying to remember names hugs in basket for all who need them.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret - in my experience no matter how hard I try I leave someone out but the thing is we are friends and we love one another and know that if we leave someone out no one be upset because they know it wasn't deliberate! Xxx

    2. Margaret P,
      Thank you for your kind comments.
      For the first few months I was sure that Maria and Myra were the same person, then I realised that Maria was lovely !!! ha ha (hard hat, trench dug and barrage knickers flying) xxxx

    3. Maria is lovely - Maureen is also lovely! I'm off to polish my halo!! Xxx

    4. I think everyone is lovely - ooohhhh look at my lovely sparkly halo :) xxx

    5. This is catching, if Myra is Duraglit, the lovely Diane must be Brasso - no surely not!!!! xxx

    6. Cheeky! I think I'm following you following me! Xxx

    7. I've just read one of Myra's and laughed out loud. George shouted up to ask what I wass doing as he's doing the tea dishses and I'm supposed to be ironing and I said it was Nigel annoying me on C&C!! xx

    8. All these halos reminded me of a pre- school production I went to of Whoops a Daisy Angel ! Anyone else been to that? Xxx

  20. Well I don't think we had the thunderstorm last night. I didn't hear anything and no one has mentioned it today. We have had rain this morning though.
    MAUREEN. Love your ATC cards. Thank you for showing them. Think I will make a birthday card. See you all later.
    SABA. glad your out home ok.

    1. Phew Brenda! I've reached the end of what someone called War and Peace! Thankfully here it's just Peace! Are you having a quiet day today? Xxx

    2. Hi Brenda LL,
      I'm still wading through the comments, and I have a load of ironing to do. Thank you for your kind comments. I may still be ironing at midnight at this rate.xxxx

    3. There is always another day for the ironing MAUREEN. You did well with the Sale yesterday. Well done. Yes MYRA I am having a quiet day. We were supposed to have a picnic after church today but it was rained off so have been making cards.

  21. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    So pleased you and the family are having a great time Sandra keep on enjoying!
    Delighted to know you are home safe and sound Saba wonder why I am surprised you are already off out enjoying your self! Have a super time.
    Believe it or not we have glorious sunshine today and so lovely and warm, but the thunder last night was something else!
    Maureen thank you once again for your wonderful ATC's all so lovely and very different too.
    Hazel so sorry thing did not go as expected for you both.
    I have some cards to finish and a few more to do so will try and get them done today hopefully, take care everyone and have a lovely Sunday afternoon.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thanks Margaret Corgi for your kind comments. It's nice and sunny here. xxxx

    2. Muriel have you found out that our lovely Margaret is related to the trouser press man? You are clever (and lovely !) xxx

    3. Dainty, are you stalking me ha ha xxx

    4. Can I just say it is now bucketing down again Maureen! xxx

    5. The trouser press man is called Corby isn't he? This blog gets worse by the day! Xxx

  22. Helloooo Everyone! I've made it to the end! It's taken me many an hour!
    Maureen your ATC's are just lovely. I do think it was an inspired idea to do one for each month! I'd never have thought of that!my favourite is the lady's face one with the rolled back edges! Sorry it was too much like work to back up to the top to find the right month! Maureen you are an inspiration and that's before I've actually met you! I will be like Buzz Lightyear afterwards - to infinity and beyond!
    Sorry folks but last night I got no cookery tips at all!
    Aldo Zilli had just come back from a holiday in Italy and we talked about places to visit, places we had been, where he was brought up, Italian Wines etc. the latter took up a large part of the conversation. I was very quiet ! It is possible! Xxx

  23. Ooooh it's so nice to be back. I have finally caught up with all the comments from the last few days and I can't remember a thing.
    I seem to remember Myra has been dining out with the rich and famous. Having said all that I havent a blessed clue who he is! Maureen has worked her fingers to the bone and raised lots of lovely money, poor Cheryl got washed out at her flowers fete as did Diane at her BBQ and Hazel and Tammy had a laugh together despite the misery guts at the party.
    Wendy is going to Lanzarote for weeks on end so I am off her! Only kidding.
    Janice is now fluent in Italian and Muriel likes to demonstrate to the Greeks that the English women need to shave.
    Maria is just gorgeous and I love her.
    Patricia is our new CEO and deserves all the praise she has got over the last couple of days.
    Oh and we are getting a new craft channel and I have everything crossed it will be broadcast on the European beam.
    Well the party was a bit of a tame affair. It was for Peter's Godmother and she is 85 so I didn't expect it to be a rave. We had a lovely meal in a restaurant ( no famous Italians though) and then coffe and cake later in the garden. I had a bit of a heated discussion with Peter's cousin's wife about the Queen. She thinks it is selfish of her not to retire and I tried to explain about our constitution and the vows she made when crowned and that I am sure if she could, our Queen would love to stand down. As I sit here and type this I am looking at my shopping bag with its union flag, containing a glass clock I bought at the port yesterday for the kitchen and which has the union flag on!! I think you get the idea I am a tad fond of our Queen.
    Anyway I am home now and I think it might just be time for a glass of wine.
    Jean so nice to hear you had a good day with Nic.
    Sue and Sheila gentle healing hugs for you both
    Brenda special hugs for you and John
    And last but by no means least, Sandra I am so happy you are having the wonderful holiday you so needed. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx
    Ps thank you all for your good wishes for a safe journey.

    1. Saba,
      You landed while I was typing the next issue of War and Peace for Myra.
      I'm pleased that you are safely home. Bless Myra, she got mixed up, it was the Italian waiter who sat down beside her and she hadn't cleaned her glasses so thought it was some Aldo who cooks on the TV. No one had the heart to tell her the truth.
      What a cheek of Peter's cousins wife, who is the third sister of the woman in the chequered coat!! Sorry, I couldn't help that, I was thinking of Danny Kaye when he used to do those mad songs, and I think I'm a little light headed because I don't have to be making cards, even when I can't be bothered.
      Prost Saba, and may all your shoes be ones I can borrow!!!!
      Muriel xxxx

    2. I feel a chorus of rule Britannia and a round of land of hope and glory coming on! Well done Saba you stick up for the queen. I'm always amazed at how sprightly she is although she takes her time going down stairs I've noticed and often pauses to point something out half way down. Prince Philip is usually close at hand on stairs too and I've seen a cheeky hand on elbow once or twice so I do wonder if she's starting to find them a slight problem. Good on them both though, they aren't slowing up are they. Xxx

    3. SABA:- what a great story, 85 and still partying that's my kind of life.
      I can just picture you standing your ground re:- the Queen. Good for you.
      Enjoy your glass of wine, so glad to have you back. xxx

    4. Thank you so much for the news of the new TV channel I had not heard anything about it, but I am usually the last to hear things like that! I do hope you are able to receive it too. Good for you supporting our Queen I am vey fond of her so you are not alone. xxx

  24. Whoa, I'm worn out after reading all the posts on the blog.
    Thank you all for your kind comments, and for Sandra and Patricia for posting the penultimate ATC's.
    My favourite of these is August, the Masai Warrior, the background was done using acrylic paints and applying them with a sponge. When dry I stamped the Clarity stamp Masai Warrior. It's very atmospheric in real life. It's title is "Popping our for Lunch".
    September is a Rubber Stampede rubber stamp, with probably an Anna Griffin background stamp. Cut your card to 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" and stamp and colour the lady's face. Then on a larger piece of card stamp the background die and cut an X in the middle. Placing over the lady's face, gradually cut and roll until it's how you want it. Stick down and trim the large front card to the size of the smaller back card. Easy peasy. The title is "Peek-a-Boo Lady".
    The October Halloween is actually the hardest. I cut the house and bat out with a scalpel. I've no idea where the little white ghost came from, but I've obviously got a die of it somewhere! I laid the house on the ATC card and just inked up the sides with dark grey ink pad and a sponge. Then stamped some branches here and there, and went around the entire card with a black Promarker pen. When I was happy (well happy - ish) I cut some orange card to go behind the windows and door of the house, stuck it all down, with the bat and ghost, and Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt. Its title is simply "Happy Halloween".
    I'm sorry if I've bored you to distraction but that's my main job on this blog. Make you so pleased to get away read the other peoples comments!!
    I've been told today, that the total for the fund raiser so far is £1,100 and still rising. It was a fund raiser for Myeloma and the Childrens Tiny Lives.
    Hazel, I read about yesterday, and cannot believe how you and Tammy were treated. It really is bad form and not good manners. Give me their address and I'll sort them out for you!! I never let your two heads put me off when we met. (oh, oh, do you think I've gone too far Patricia?)
    Myra, it's just been on the news that Aldo Zilli had been to a Restaurant and met the most charming family yesterday. He had sat at their table and they had talked about many things. He said it was in Newcastle!!!! lol
    See you later. I must get started on my mountain of ironing.
    Lots of love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx

    1. MAUREEN:- remember you had a "coffee stain" on your top that's how we recognised you!!!
      Maureen you could never boar us you know that.
      I think you did amazing yesterday, every penny counts when your Fundraising.
      Hope your managing to climb the mountain of ironing!!!! xxx

    2. Muriel my dear lady, bored never, amused oh yes, absolutely, please don't fall asleep ironing there is always another day for it, like tomorrow! Sit down and put your feet up but do keep an ear out for George catching you. xxx

    3. I had a text about that coffee stain! You are as daft as a brush but we love you to bits! Even though you've been a bit cheeky this evening! What do I mean THIS evening! Xxx

    4. May I just say quite seriously - that you have raised a fantastic amount of money. An awful lot of hard work went into that! You deserve lots of credit. Well done!
      I'll be cheeky again elsewhere! Xxx

  25. Sorry, but I have popped to the bottom I will climb back up and read all the comments later.
    Wow!! lots going on here today. I did notice SABA is home as I wizzed down, welcome back. I did stop on Maureen's post briefly, I happened to see a £ sign .... that's money and I am delighted to read what the Fund Raiser made, a sbsolutely brilliant.
    Thomas has spent the day with us, we got all the news about yesterday's Fun Day. On his stall he made £97.00 once the £20 float was taken out. He was a little dissaponted when they took out the £20 he thought he'd made over the £100. I told him without his help that would have been £97 less for the fund and to give himself a BIG pat on the back. Total overall to date is £1,700 which to me is brilliant from a small village. Not as small as ours or the one they live in but still quite small. Parents and Parents of the visiting Football teams s
    Certainly boosted the money raised. That will be more than enough to Tile and fit new showers and toilets. Rest to be put aside to help pay for Utilites.
    Robert was playing football today, John Jnr brought him along later. John went back to walk his dogs and get some things done in the house. Boys gone home now, my John up playing with his trains, I am getting some peace and quite for 1/2 hour till it's eating time again.
    Wrong!!! here is John looking for food. Best go be back later xxx
    I apologise NOW for any mistakes have not been back to check xxx

    1. Patricia, that's wonderful. Thomas should be so proud, tell him he made more than me. xxxx

    2. Wow Patricia that is a fantastic total overall and a great total for your Thomas too, as Maureen says he should be so very proud, please tell him well done from me. xxx

    3. Patricia that is an amazing amount of money, please tell him well done and that there are 3 cheers on their way to him from Germany.

    4. Hi Patricia,
      Please pass on to Thomas my congratulations what a brilliant total overall well done to everybody.
      Love Margaret xx

    5. Thank you everyone, I will tell Thomas tomorrow.
      When we congratulated him today he said "thank you Granny but it's not Rocket Sience. It was £1 a go so very easy"
      Thomas will be 11 in a couple of weeks, but he is still just our wee boy!!! xxx

    6. Patricia , that's absolutely brilliant! Well done Thomas! You are a star!
      Well done to everyone for raising such a large amount of money . Xxx

    7. Well done Thomas. It did make me smile when you said he was disappointed that they took £20 for the float.

    8. Well done to Thomas. They all did very well yesterday.

    9. Thomas and friends - Well done, you should all be so proud of your efforts, you raised a fantastic amount of money xxx

  26. MYRA, nearly swallowed my tonsils when I read your comment higher up. George always get the hump, that's why we call him Dromedary Killen!!! xxx

    1. Poor George! You shouldn't have said he thought his shaving brush smelt of camel ! Sorry! Xxx
      Hope your tonsils are ok! Xx

  27. Sitting in East Midlands airport, we had to have the hired car back by 6.30 so that's fine though security and just sitting quietly flight not till. 8.20 but who cares . Had a brilliant afternoon with god parents and her daughter and son in law who were running around doing things yesterday and we did nothing but chat and laugh for over 4 hours , it's like laughing isn't allowed at party's , god mother loved her box of cards . God father looked tired I think yesterday took a lot out of him. He did go for a sleep this afternoon.
    Maureen love your ATC they are brilliant. You did well with you sales.
    Cheryl such a pity it rained, plus not good about not a lot of stalls.
    Saba, glad you arrived home safe.
    Trying to remember everything that has gone on. Going to see if I can get the free wifi. Xxx

  28. Hello again lovely ladies
    Well my sister left about 3, her husband was worried they would get stuck in the traffic because it was so horrendous going their way when they came up yesterday, they forget all the Bournemouth traffic will be heading back to London today so their way will be clear! We had left over sausages and chicken for lunch with salad so I will cook the roast chicken tomorrow (ems is counting down her roast dinners!). I've come upstairs for a snooze but the phone keeps ringing so I'm reading war and peace instead! Hazel I'm sorry your party was a let down, but I expect you've made the most of it and had a lovely girly time together. Safe journey home. Xxx
    Patricia Maureen and Cheryl what fabulous fundraising, well done xxx
    Brenda I'm so sorry for your loss, it's so hard when the generation numbers decrease sending you both a big hug. Xxx
    The sun is trying to creep out here after a wet and humid morning. We had the patio doors open to let some air in after a sticky night. It was a case of waiting for the rain to ease to get bags back to the car. I had to chuckle at the comment for Michele about turning round after waving goodbye to see the bags left in the corner- yes my sister left a bag of nicely ironed table clothes behind that I was returning to her! Ho hum!
    Well I think it's time for a cup of tea and probably some nibbles before casulty starts, we've watched last nights episode - I hope they don't kill Charlie off I like him! See you all later xxx

    1. Oh dear dear dear Diane think you might need your tissues!

    2. Well after reading some of the comment about Hazel's ream so pleased you wee able to have a laugh at the end of it all.
      Now Myra I did not have you down for a name dropping little duck, fancy talking to a greasy Italian, was there no one better?
      Guess what it is pouring with rain once again, but oh I did enjoy the sunshine today!

    3. I had no choice Margaret! Maybe it was because I was a well- behaved and tidy little duck! You see I think he was doing us a favour! It was strange but he was a nice man and easy to talk to. Xxx

  29. Is it just me or is anyone else having problems leaving comments on the "reply" button??

  30. Sorry that should have been, after reading some of the comments about Hazel's trip I just had to poke my nose into yesterdays comments to see just what had happened. Oh Hazel that was utterly disgraceful but I am so pleased you were able to make the best of it and were able to have a laugh.
    I keep loosing parts of my comments don't know why sorry.

    1. MARGARET:- I was so pleased Hazel did not do that trip on her own.
      Tammy being with her made all the difference. Tammy has the most wicked sense of humour. I could just imagine the laughter in the Hotel room in the evening!!! xxx

  31. Yes Patricia it rather looks like it!

  32. BRENDA I am so sorry to hear your news
    After my hypo earlier I was left feeling really tired, so had a sleep whilst OH watched his beloved Chelsea. I felt so much better for it and tackled the ironing early start for work tomorrow let's hope my colleague that has to prepare an important report for me to distribute hasn't got his usual hangover (did i just write that!) well he is a pl***er

  33. Well folks, it's definite I "AM" off my trolley......!!!
    Last night John finished off his supper with a Crunchie. He gave me a little bit, I am not really a chocolate eater but I like a little bit now and again. The piece of Crunchie John gave me was a bit chewy. I thought that's not how they usually are. Today I looked in the box and the outer wrapper date was ..... 02/11/2015. Oh! My! Goodness!! they are so out of date I will have to bin them ...... how did that happen??? Chocolate does not last in this house they must have been out of date when I bought them ....... have I got you wondering yet ????
    They packet was sitting on the bench ready to be binned when I told John. He looked at the packet, looked at me and laughed ...... What?? .... Oh! dear Patricia what year is this??? " 2015 why"??? PING!! I realised ........ so there you have it its official. xxx

    1. Patricia, and I was the one to have the memory test!!!!! Ooh Crunchie. I love a Crunchie with a cup of milky coffee. xxxx

    2. But I did remember it was 2015 just did not connect the two!!!
      Not bad memory, just plain stupid!!! xxx

    3. Oh Patricia! Don't you worry - you just had a wee mental block! Poor John - he has to live with you !! Ha ha !
      Hard hat Xx

    4. John does keep telling me I am hard to live with. I thought he was joking!! xxx

    5. Patricia, John is lucky to have you - keep telling him that! xxx

    6. He was! So was I . Xxxx

  34. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    I've finished the ironing, so I'll ring down to George and tell him hump or no hump, get a milky coffee up here double quick!!! I love it that Margaret Corgi always sticks up for him. Believe me, if he didn't want to do anything, he wouldn't do it, but of course he wouldn't dare say no ha ha !!!!
    Hazel, I'm glad you and Tammy were able to laugh at the end.
    Patricia, I sometimes have trouble leaving comments. It will let me do it, and then for no reason it just stops.
    See you later, going for a quick shower.
    Oh I forgot to tell you that we had the most amazing lightening and thunder storms last night, but today has been lovely, very warm but windy.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. MAUREEN;- is Lightening & Thunder different from Thunder & Lightening??? xxx

    2. Yes, the lightening was flashing for ages, then when it stopped the thunder started and the rain came down in sheets - so there, nar, nar, nee, nar nar!!!! xxxxx

    3. May anyone join this adult conversation? Xxx

    4. That's great, just thought I was missing out on something. I am a bit silly these days!! xxx

    5. What is it called then if it happens together. Lightunder or thundning?

    6. I better stay out of this conversation if its for adults!!!
      Have not reached that yet going by today's performance !!! xxx

    7. My mum was always terrified that during a storm you could get a ball of fire. Can't remember what she called it but apparently she once saw one on the library roof. She said you have to open the doors so it could run straight through the house and back out again. Wouldn't it have been better to keep the doors closed in the first place?

    8. Saba - I can't believe I'm actually giving that some thought! Xxx

    9. No chance for me either Patricia. That's one thing I've never been accused of - being an adult.
      Saba - it's called lundering thightening!!

    10. Myra, I've been reading Saba's words of wisdom, and was trying to rationalise it as well!!! xx

    11. Very very frightening. Bing Galileo Galileo..........

    12. Is it the same as thunder thighs ? Xxx

    13. What's he got to do with the price of fish? Xxx

    14. I've just had a thought, did Hazel's manicure survive the journey and the mad party? xx

    15. I've heard of Bing Crosby but Bing Galileo is a new one on me! Xxx

    16. Must have been before my time xx

    17. Maybe he's on Germany's got Talent! Xxx

    18. Myra, it's from the song by Queen. ( not ours, the other one) It rhymed with lundering and thightening .
      AND I've just googled fire / storm and my mum wasn't mad after all. It's called ball lightening! So there.

    19. Saba, we never for a moment thought that your mother was mad. It was you we were having doubts about!!! xxx

    20. Oh wow! I have heard of Queen both her Majesty and the Group. However not the song! Ball lightening sounds awfully scary! Xxx

    21. I knew this Galileo had something to do with stars but I didn't think it was pop stars! Xxx

    22. Myra! Bohemian Rhapsody. Freddie Mercury.
      By the way did you know he was a Zoroastrian.?

    23. I'm not sure - maybe she is checking dates in her food cupboard! Come back Patricia!! Xxx

    24. Are we talking about Freddy Mercury or Galileo? Didn't it originate in what is now Iran ? Xxx
