
Monday 24 August 2015

Clean and Simple Man card from Pat

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
I hope the start of a new week finds you well and that the weather is being kind to you too.
Today's Man card has been designed by Pat, I know that at absolutely loves the Grand Label Dies
from Spellbinders and is frustrated that they are no longer available, I agree too, they are just the right shape for so many different things and would be an ideal basic die set for a beginner in die cutting, because you can do as Pat has done here and used it to create the card base as well as the matt and layering, I can' remember where Pat got this Happy Birthday Die from but it is a good universal font.
I hope that has given a little inspiration to you all, simple is sometimes best.
Thank you to my dear friend Pat for allowing me to share this card with all of you xxx
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning all, hope you are well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- hope the sunny weather continues for you. Dark, windy and raining here.
    PAT:- that's a "perfect" Man Card, love the Happy Birthday Die. Change the colours and it would do for a lady who would not like "fussy" I really like it.
    Coloured load of washing on. Looks like it will have to be dried in the Tumble Drier.
    Everything set up for the day, looks really good. Theres a great smell of new Baked Bread Mmmmmmm!! think I will have a slice of that with some of the Homemade Jam. Over at the corner table, wonder if Hazel will manage to pop in this early or will she still be asleep??
    Wow!! what a great day we had in the Cafe yesterday absolutely fantastic ... we were well over the 200 comments. I think some of that might be down to the fact that SABA is back with us!! She's a right Chatter Box. Actually we all are, it's great, keep it up folks. See you all later xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-brilliant card, love the word die. I have the grand label dies & didn't realise they were discontinued.

    I made sure I "helped" my in laws carry all the bags to their car boot on Saturday-needed to be certain they didn't forget anything!!!!

    Dull start to the day, won't really affect me as I'll be inside all day-all week in fact. I'm going to the Sincerely Yours craft show at Leugh next Sunday-yippee!! My M in L bought quite a few things off me on Saturday so I have cash to spend. The lady who has produced the craft CD-ROM's I've been using has made another one & is launching it there so I'll be buying that . Plus some card blanks & some glue-that's all that's on my list...!! It remains to be seen if that's all I buy though.


    1. Hi Michele enjoy Sincerely Yours craft show, they are usually quite good even thought quite small. I like when they are at Edinburgh.

    2. Hello Michele, have a good week, and I agree with Patricia, It's amazing if there's goodies in the bags they are first in the car. Others just let left here until we take them up!
      I also like the Sincerely Yours craft shows, so enjoy it xxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      I just " left " the blog to go and look where your Sincerely Yours Craft Show is! It's at Leigh near Wigan which is not too far away from me but I can't do Sunday! It must be quite near Jean . I hope you have a lovely time . Xxx

    4. Hi Michele, I had to look it up as well as I wasn't sure where you were off to. Have a great day. When are you going on the cruise ?
      ( Christina's holiday ) Hihi XxX

    5. Oooh Michele that's something to look forward to this week. How lovely having money to spend too. Xxx

    6. Evening Ladies

      Patricia-I do get "let out" for my lunch but that's about it! In fact I'd not seen one of the hospice volunteers for so long she thought I'd left!! I told her they keep me in a cupboard, like Harry Potter-ha ha.

      Myra-once again, we miss an opportunity to meet up. It's a really good craft show for the size of it. It's usually on Saturday as well as the Sunday but not this time.


    7. Maria- for the second time of trying to add to my message due to my dear hubby sending me messages! He's only sat on the other sofa...!!!

      I hope to persuade hubby to book that cruise for my 50th birthday which is in 2017 so I've got a bit of time to work on him. We usually go to Florida every other year to see hubby's brother & family. To be honest I don't find it that much of a holiday as its a bit "full on" and too warm for me. I'm hoping to go to Madeira next year but we'll see!!


    8. Hi Michele, I know! Missed you again! I looked at the list of exhibitors and it looked really interesting. Xxx

  3. Good morning everyone
    Sandra hope you are nice and relaxed now and the family are all well.
    Pat I love the font on this card, I didn't know the grand labels dies were discontinued either, such a shame.
    Had quite a busy day yesterday, catching up indoor, went to Inspirations at Preston, Lancs. Jonathon Lockwood and Julia Wtts were demonstrating, My John dropped me off and took the dogs for a good walk locally, I really enjoyed just watching, they are both lovely people.
    Came home and washing dry just before the rain came, it went really cool then, then we went visiting family, was tired last night, so ready for my bed.
    Hope to do some crafting today
    Will pop back later,
    Hugs in abundance in the basket,
    Oops forgot, hope Sheila is feeling a bit better and not in so much pain

    1. JEAN:- that was one "busy" day. Bet you were really glad to pop into bed last night. Have a good day xxx

    2. I noticed they were at Preston Jean! I 'm so glad you enjoyed your day. It was a busy one . Is the Craft Fair above anywhere near you?

    3. PS - I'd better explain that - sounds as if the Craft Fair is up in the clouds! I meant the one Michele talked about - her comment is above yours! My Dad used to say I spoke in shorthand and only my Mum and other daft women understood! I loved my Dad and he loved me!!!

    4. Oh Myra, you've just confirmed that I'm "daft" as interpreted by your dad. By the way, everyone loves an angel - get that halo polished xxxx

    5. It's rather true though isn't it - ladies understand each other without a lot of explanation . Men No !! Xxx

    6. Oh what that say about me ? I understood you Myra !
      Jean- you had a busy day but also a nice one . Hope you have a relaxing one today. hugs XxX

    7. I never understand a word any of you say.

    8. Poor Marai! I know exactly what she says and means! Just because you're bilingual! Xxx

    9. Actually Maria is multi lingual! Xxxx

    10. I can understand Maria perfectly, what I meant was I'm not daft!!
      But perhaps I'd better think again.

    11. Ohh I see!! That was too clever for me on a Monday! Xxx

    12. I understood everything! Julian says I switch conversation mid sentence and then go back to the original topic without missing a beat! I also start a conversation half way through because I've been having the conversation in my head and forgotten he can't hear it! Lol xxx

    13. Hi Jean
      I'm the same as Diane. Pete never understands me either as I start a conversation halfway through what's going through my head. If that makes sense.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Pat, this is great card for the men. I agree that it is a real shame that these dies were discontinued as they are a great shape.
    I did contact Spellbinders about them and got a reply saying that they routinely discontinue older dies. It also said that they had a lot of enquiries about this very popular set! Surely as a business if something is so popular then you either don't discontinue it in the first place or you relaunch it again? Seems mad to me.
    It's good to see most of you back from holidays etc. and that apart from a certain party a good time was had by all of you.
    Also it is great to hear of the wonderful amounts of money that have been raised this weekend. Congratulations to you all with a special well done to Thomas on making £97 : )
    Sorry but am pushed for time as I am going to Pat's today and I have lots of jobs to do before I go so will have to go now. I will try and get back in later to have a proer catch up. Have a good day everyone. Take carexx

    1. SUE:- hope you and PAT have a great day together.
      You are so right about the Dies ..... do re-run and promote them. Not everyone wants the really fussy, fancy Dies.
      It's like when you go to a shop and ask for something and they say "oh we are never asked for that now" I always say well I am asking!!!
      Hear about your day later, have fun xxx

    2. Sue, enjoy yourself at Pat's. It's crazy to discontinue dies that people want, and push things that just don't sell. I haven't got these dies but they would be very useful. I got the ovals and the circles, and have never used them!! xxx

    3. Totally agree about these dies Pat! Lots of people mentioned them on Sue's blog too. They are a lovely basic shape. Hope you have a lovely day with Pat! Sorry I'm not flying down to be a duck on the wall!!! Margaret needs to recover and I won't come on my own! We prefer to fly in formation! Xxxx

    4. We're a very rare breed, you know! Xxxx

    5. Hi Sue, Hope you feeling better but if it's raining I guess it will take some time. Have a great day with Pat, must feel like it is a wing missing. I agree, why stop selling a die when so many people still want it, take care xxx

    6. Hello Sue, hope you have a brilliant day with Pat. If you see a solitary duck walking around wring its neck and pop it in the oven.

    7. Hello is that the RSPB ? Xxx

  5. Morning everyone, Pat what a brilliant card so simple but stunning, Spellbinders are certainly missing out by withdrawing their older dies.
    Well what can I say about the chat in the cafe last night, I have just been in and read War and Peace, very entertaining, I keep forgetting to press 'read more' sometimes but as I left a comment and didn't see it published, I checked this morning and it was there.
    Not a bad day today a bit cloudy but dry at the moment, still have to finish off the grass today with the strimmer, it got too hot yesterday to do anything.
    Will pop back later, the bread was delicious just right with the jam, coffee cup washed and returned.
    Take care, xxx

    1. Jess, what amazes me is where a conversation starts and where it ends up! Totally mad! I think we missed Saba's wacky comments!
      Hard hat! Xxxx

    2. Myra, barrage knickers are flying as well !! xx

    3. Glad I decided against flying today! I could have finished up as duck a la barrage! Xxx

    4. Myra, check my comment above and see where you have ended up!

    5. May I change my mind? We haven't missed Saba's wacky comments at all !
      Between wacky comments and a tacky clock! I don't know. Joanne wouldn't like that clock. Did she see it? Xxx

    6. Nooooo. Don't tell her please. Xxx

    7. I won't . I just knew Joanne would not like it! I'm sorry it doesn't look right! I bought a small oblong Union Jack cushion which I really liked but it didn't go with anything else I had!! I put it on a white wicker chair which is in the main bathroom! My dear husband made the comment - I see we've got the flag in the throne room now! Totally uncalled for. I removed it and replaced it with a cushion with a big blue crab on it!! Xxx

    8. Hi Myra
      You have room in the bathroom for a chair. Ours just about has room for us. Go get his bum crab when hubby sits on it.

  6. Hello everyone,
    I'll just help myself to a latte and toasted crumpet with butter and some of Patricia's strawberry jam, mmm. My money is in the pot.
    What a great man or boy card today Pat. It's lovely, not fussy. I like all types of cards, and this clean and simple type is beautiful. I love the large dies you have used.
    I don't know what's on the cards today, I shall consult the oracle and see if he has anything in mind, otherwise I'll do a little weeding. we have the border at the back of the garden to start. It's in a terrible mess as everything comes through from the garden at the back. Their trees are starting to overhang our garden quite badly. I don't blame them because they are a good bit older than us, but their son who's in his 50's and lives there could do some gardening for them.
    Right, my coffee is finished, the crumpet was delicious with that jam, I notice we are getting a bit low Patricia, do you think your neighbour would make some gooseberry jam? I'll send some gooseberries up by post!!!!
    Have a good day ladies, I hope you are all in good form today and that your aches and pains have all gone. (Mine is downstairs having a cup of tea).
    Sandra, I hope the sun is still shining and you are having a wonderful time.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx

    1. MAUREEN:- did you wave that "magic wand" the Gooseberries landed with a thud on the doorstep. Bubbling away as I type, I am good at Gooseberry Jam ..... Ooooopppss!! it's boiling over. Maybe I am not as good as thought!! xxx

    2. Ha ha, I'm useless at making jam. xxx

    3. I haven't had gooseberry jam for ages! Will look forward to that! Alastair doesn't like sour things! I'm so sweet you know!! Nose is growing! Xxx

    4. Myra, it'll be as long as mine shortly xx

    5. PATRICIA - I'm almost afraid to say this - make sure you put the date on those jam jars!! It's 2015 this year! Hard hat again!! Xxxx

    6. MYRA:- are you really sure it's 2015 ..... some days I have my doubts!! xxx

    7. Gooseberry jam, don't think I ever had it but as I'm a human I try anything once. Must go back and have a look what happened yesterday, 2015 ?? xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    PAT, I love you card, it is perfect for our Men or even when we just want to simply say Happy Birthday to someone. Change it to their favourite colour - job done!! I also love the sentiment die. ( can't recall seeing this one before)
    I agree with everyone about Spellbinders discontinuing these dies. If there is still a call for an item why stop producing it?
    I hope you and Sue have a lovely day.
    Patricia the cafe looks and smell great. I'll take a slice of the fresh bread with my coffee, will sit a while to say hello to anyone who stops by.
    See you all later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you and OH are doing alright, hugs xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Pat, love your mans cards, it's perfect, change the colour and it would do either man or lady. Yes it's a pity about the basic dies being discontinued.
    Well I am still in my pjs just taking it easy, didn't get in till 11.45 last night so by the time I had a cup of tea and just chilled for a while it was gone 1 by the time I went to bed. I won't be doing that trip in a hurry except just for a visit as Tammy and I do every other year.
    June has phoned to see if we got home ok? Also telling me she has had so many phone calls from folk that was there saying it was a fantastic afternoon, so Tammy and I have decided it must be us. Goodness knows what they would make of the laughter that we all get from this blog? There wasn't any " tenna moments there" Seemingly her bridesmaid who she hadn't seen for 25 years thought that Tammy and I were from money. As we could afford to fly down hire a car and our clothes were expensive!!., if only we had been putting away each month to be able to afford it. As for my Jaq Vert skirt it was a bargain in a sale, my top was at least 5 years old ( don't wear it all that often) Tammy had a summer dress on that she had bought for her holiday in June. Oh yes and she had seen my card I had made so that was another thing I could afford hand made cards, June did tell her I had made it. So ladies someone most think you have to pay a lot for a hand made card, I wish more would. Off to make a thank you card to send to thank them for inviting us. I will catch up on what's going on later I think I will go get showered and dressed and see if I waken up. Xxx

    1. Hazel, take it easy and relax. You've had a very busy time for the last month or two so just chill out. Goodness knows what their friends will think when you send a hand made thank you card. More money!!!
      I'm glad that all was well in the end, and you and Tammy could laugh at the disaster that was the party. xxxx

    2. Lovely to have you back Hazel! I wished you safe travel before I went to bed - usually up but last week tired me out! Sorry you had a long trip for a Party that wasn't much fun but at least Tammy and you had each other and Sunday seems to have gone a bit better. Why is it that if you make what I call an effort to look smart people think you must have lots of money? Beats me - as you say if you buy something nice it lasts for years! Welcome home! We missed you. Xxxx

    3. Aftenoon Hazel
      Just sit back and relax and top up on that wonderful café fun and laughter.

    4. Hazel you do perfectly right having an easy morning, by the way to make your thank you card extra posh have you thought of printing your address at the bottom of your insert? I sometimes do that and it does rather impress! xxx

    5. Hazel
      I have a Jacques Vert skirt too, it's at least 30 years old and still looks smart. Does that mean I'm posh? I do hope so I've always wanted to be posh. Actually I've always wanted to be royalty, countess of something or other. I have a friend who is a Von and I am so envious.

    6. Hi Hazel, sorry your trip down was not the best one but glad you and Tammy enjoyed yourself with eachother and hopefully you can now laugh about it all. Have a restful day and put your feet up ,hugs xx

    7. PLEASE:- may I join the POSH CLUB!! Like HAZEL I have always wanted to be POSH!!! I have a few pairs of Renata Shoes that are 20 -25 years old. Wore a pair to Gillian's wedding it did have the matching bag .... does that count as POSH!!! xxx

    8. Paticia, POSH CLUB ALERT I wore a pair of sandals last week that were rather expensive and are only about 20-22 years old. The heel started disintegrating, I'm thinking of taking them back to the shop and complaining!!
      I also have some Hunter wellies that I got before dad died in 1976, when I wore them last year, they started to crumble - not a good look ha ha.

    9. Patricia, you are always In the POSH club. When you wear any of those pairs of shoes you have in the wardrobe All I can say is thank goodness I didn't wear a certain dress that is in my wardrobe??? And she must not have noticed my .gabor shoes? xxx

    10. Hi Hazel glad to have you back and I'm sorry your party wasn't a great success. At least you and Tammy had each other. I wonder if everyone else was being polite. POSH, can someone tell me how to do POSH, I'd need to lose a bit of weight first I think. I'd love to be tall and willowy, but at five foot two fat chance I have. Lessons please Hazel at the retreat.

    11. Pat I am 5 ft 3ins and I too need to loose weight, I don't do posh at all I just like to look as good as I can with what I have, Patricia has all these beautiful shoes that she has had for a good few years but still look amazing. Patricia is tall. My best bargain was about 25 years ago I paid out to have my colours done, where they tell you what colours you look good in and to only buy those. Well the bargain was that you don't buy anything apart from what's on your chart, so you don't end up with clothes that you buy but hate everytime you go to put them on and you put them back in the wardrobe. So everything I buy I wear. xxx

  9. Hello everyone,
    Just to say that if I go missing for a few days it's because of this dratted sciatica it's getting me down a bit but fingers crossed it will get easier very soon.
    Just wanted to send you all hugs and good wishes and hopefully I will soon be back to 'normal'.
    The other thing I wanted to mention for the ladies who haven't got SB grand squares there is an inverted corner punch that will give you the same shape and loads cheaper. I think X-cut do one and punches up to 240 GSM. The Range is the cheapest I've seen at £5.50 and was on line last time I looked and I'm sure it was free p&p.
    Hope this helps.

    Lots of love and hugs
    Sheila xxxxx

    PS Thank you Patricia for your email have emailed you back. xxx

    1. Hi Sheila,

      Sorry you are still suffering please remember we are here for even if you just want to let rip we understand.
      Lots of gentle hugs love Margaret xx

    2. HibSheila
      I'm sorry to hear your still suffering. Wouldn't have thought of using a punch to make the same effect. I'm going to cut out a few more if these dies before they go over to Sue today. The only trouble is you could always use them as I never know what colours to use until I start cutting. Take care and we're all thinking if you.

    3. Hi Sheila,
      I'm sorry that you are still not well. Pain is awful, nagging away and wearing you down. Take it easy and know that we are all thinking of you. Thanks for the tip off about the punch at the range. I'll have a wander over there this afternoon.
      Love xxx

    4. Hi Sheila , I seem to be following Maureen today! The things she drops on the way, you wouldn't believe!
      So sorry you are still suffering pain! It is awful and I really wish there was more I could do than just send a message. Hope you feel much better very soon. Do you have anyone who'd get some shopping for you? Hope so! Xxxx

    5. Oops, what's this lying here - MYRA, you'll feel the draught my dear, put them on now!!! Sheila, I've just realised that I have a pair of scissors which will cut a large inverted corner. I got it when I first started crafting - and have never used it!!! How many of us do this?

    6. Hang on in there Sheila there is something on its way to you that may help, in the interim just take things easy and rest. xxx

    7. Oh Sheila I do feel for you. Please know that we will all be thinking of you and hoping that your pain eases soon. Margaret's bags have been a godsend for me, I hope they can help you too.
      Love and gentle hugs
      Saba xxxx

    8. Hi Sheila, oh bless you, if I only could take the pain away from you.
      Hope it will ease some more soon but these things can unfortunately take time to go. Pain killers, rest and warmth. Wish you better, gentle hugs xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Hope the sun is still shining down in Spain. The dies I've used were lent to Sandra by Christine Emberson. They'll be given back at the retreat. I needed to make a simple card to go to Australia as the postage costs a fortune nowadays. The happy birthday is by Presscut and I bought it at Farnborough Craft Fair last year on the Art of Craft stand. Only cost £4.95 so I was quite happy about that. No gardening this end Maureen as its raining here. Although I did send Pete out to dig up some potatoes and a cabbage to go with the runner beans for Sue. He's complaining as the cabbages will be going over by the time we get back from our holidays. I keep telling him not to plant so many. Does he take any notice, NO, then complains as some vegetables get wasted. There's only so much room in a freezer I keep telling him. I had 3 freezers at one time but now I've only got 2. I'll come back later and read and comment on the way down.

    1. Hi Pat,
      I've been going next door and watering their tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse whilst they've been in Canada for a month. They came back in the middle of last week and yesterday he was showing me the cucumbers and tomatoes that he's harvested. I did say that I should have first pick as they'd have been dead without me, but that was in vain. I know he will turf some tomatoes when they do ripen, but they are slow this year. He always gives me loads.
      I used to plant veg in the garden, but I don't bother now, it's too much bother.

    2. Hi Pat, your card is beautiful! I've mentioned the dies on the way down - but I don't have them and they are so useful! I really like the font on you Happy Birthday too as it's lovely and clear and makes a real statement! We don't grow veg either now as too much waste. My friend's husband grew so many tomatoes the other year that she was sick of them . Tomato soup, tomato chutney , bolognese sauce - her freezer and order well full.
      Have a lovely day with Sue! Xxx

    3. Pat it's courgettes here. Peter plants so many of the blasted things and some of them grow as big as marrows and are as tough as old ropes. Cabbages too, full of creepy crawlies. I've asked him for nice veggies, like brussel sprouts or leeks, but no, I get courgettes and cabbages!

    4. Hi Pat, Great card for the pesky men and flat for posting abroad, Perfect ! Hope you have a fun day with Sue and making history.
      No vegs. in our garden .Have tried various things over the years and tomatoes were the best growers but way to many so even the neighbours said no thank you in the end xxx

    5. No veg in our garden, I just "forage" or get nice fresh veg from my farmer neighbours Vending Machine, refilled twice a day.
      Another neighbour handed in some courgettes ..... made courgette fritters with them. xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope sun still shining on you we could do with some here pouring with rain at moment.
    Pat I love your card very simple but effective well done, enjoy your day with Sue.
    Not sure what I am doing today should have been at hospital for appointment but they rang and cancelled due to a breavement in Consultant's family sorry for them but hope do not have wait too long again.
    Love and hugs to all who need them Margaret xx

    1. Oh Margaret P, what a disappointment. I hope you don't have to wait too long for your next appointment. xxxx

    2. Sorry about your Appt. Margaret these things always cause havoc! I hope you get another very soon. Xxx

    3. Sorry you are having to wait for another appointment Margaret, hope you get one asap.

    4. Hi Margaret, sorry about the appointment hope you get one soon. What have you made today ? xx

    5. Thank you all for your sympathy not only did they cancel appointment but had a call later to ask if I could have op for carpal tunnel in 2 weeks as OH is due to go for op in 4 weeks or so and have to go to Reading for it I need to be able to drive had to put it of until Oct then the arm on my glasses broke so that has been my day, hope tomorrow is better. Hope you feel better tomorrow Maria.
      Love Margaret xx

    6. Margaret, break a match - QUICK xxxx

    7. Oh Maureen is so right get that match broken. xxx

    8. Oh! Margaret, not the best of days.
      Sending you some (((hugs)!) xxx

  12. Good Morning everyone!
    Oops I think it's afternoon - I'm behind the times again! It's usually my husband who is behind The Times - sorry!!
    Today is get my house back to normal day! It was rather neglected last week! Lots of craft stuff has been put away but lots more still to go. Have a few cards to make but maybe later! I handed over my first Christmas cards yesterday.!! Friends are going to Romania on Thursday to visit her family. We know them well as they come most years on a visit - some drive !! So, I thought I'd send their cards out. That way they get a nicer card as it's expensive to post them! Feel pleased about that. I usually think of these things when it's too late.
    Hope you all have a lovely day.
    SANDRA - and all the family - hope the weather is still being kind to you and that your sunburn has recovered . Pat and Sue promise to behave today so don't worry about that. Over 200 comments again yesterday. What can I say!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, if you're behind the times, I'm practically prehistoric!! I'm glad you remembered your Romanian cards. I do that, make cards for people who are going to be away on their birthday, and forget to give them out. My brother in law's card to France cost me £2.60 as it was a large one. He's getting small ones from now on!!! (I gets worse, he's the one that threw the parchment sailing galleon card away!).

    2. Do the Poundstores sell cards!!! Xxx

    3. I can't believe you sent him one, I still haven't forgiven him!

    4. Oh no Maureen, he should have had a message just by e-mail after what he did to the card !
      Well done remembered Myra, I have written a list for cards needing to be done and the day for posting or I would never remember. Next task is to chose the colour scheme for the x-mas cards, what do you think ? Hope your tiding up goes alright. xxx

    5. I certainly would not spend that amount of money on him. Like Saba I still have not forgiven him!! xxx

  13. Afternoon one and all
    Well I've given in re the printer. It's going back with me to the UK to be sorted out by someone better than me on these things.
    Sheila - I'm sorry that you're not getting any relief re the dreaded Sciatica. It's horrible so just baby steps and take things easy. I know it's easy to say but please try.
    Margaret - Hope your appointment comes quickly for you.
    Pat I love love your card today. It says everything that is needed and therefore has pure class.
    It might be worth looking on sites like Ebay for those dies. You never know someone may be having a clear out.

    We've been to Lidl this morning to top up on OJ etc. They have their large 50page colour pads in again but most of all they have some packs of beautiful white paper which is textured. I bought a pack which has 60sheets 120gsm and textured as Linen and another pack of 75sheets 90gsm and has a hammered effect finish. They will be wonderful for Card Inserts. Perhaps the UK stores may have some.
    Off now to do -I'm not quite sure what- but I'll find something.
    Enjoy the rest of the day and have fund but just remember our fearless leader may be looking in. lol.
    Hugs are on their way.

    1. Janet the Lidl coloured paper and card was available three weeks ago but there was no white paper that you are describe perhaps it will be coming shortly, I hope so. xxx

  14. A nice cup of tea and oh what can I have that's gluten free, oh I think those chocolate rice are gluten free? That will do nicely. No bread I think for a week, I have drank so much coke too, so water for me too. It was cheaper to buy a bottle of coke than water how stupid is that, they wants us to eat healthy??? Sorry ladies don't like English water from the tap. Even cups of tea didn't taste to good.
    Myra, all your busy week will be still catching up with you.
    Sheila, I am sorry you are still in pain, it's awful, as it wears you down. Maybe a tesco direct shop instead of going and doing it yourself. I do wish I was nearer. To just come help out.
    Maria, glad you are starting to feel better.
    Diane, are you running around like a headless chicken yet? A few students on our flight last night, going back to get sorted out before everything starts.
    I was glad our hand luggage wasn't weighed last night, I had bought 2 lovely cardigans from Boundary Mill £59.99 down to £39.99 then again to £19.99 my price, but they are winter ones and weigh a bit. I do love going to that store when I am down at Grantham as I always get a good bargain, don't do the rails that you touch and everything is on the floor, but like to look in the ones that you can move the clothes and they stay on the hangers etc. had to walk away from some gorgeous tops etc, as with not working I have to stop and think.
    Pat, hope you and Sue had a good afternoon. We are missing our home grown potatoes this year but Charlie decided not to plant any as we were away in May when they would needed hilling etc. right money in the pot dishes in the dishwasher. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, you got two bargains there, but you'll not need them on holiday xxx

    2. Hopefully not Maureen, then again I have had a cardigan on most days this year. xxx

    3. Bargain Betty was with you so of course you got bargains!! xxx

    4. Your right, she was the one that saw the cardigans before me. She was on her phone looking for which restaurants did meal deals or who did the best price breakfast while we were away. She did look to see if any where was selling implants of humour and fun, but no luck. xxx

  15. Good afternoon lovely ladies
    Is there any of that lovely fresh bread still going and maybe a pot of earl grey?
    Pat I think your card is just perfect. It says it all with style and simplicity. My trouble is I don't t know when to stop adding embellishments. How kind of Christine to lend Sandra her dies.
    I have managed to get the suitcase emptied, all the holiday washing done and put away and apart from the few crafting goodies I bought at Samuel Taylor's in Skipton the flat is tidy again. I nipped down there last Wednesday with Oliver and ended up spending more on him than on myself. He "needed" a stencil and some sparkle medium, a snowman punch, some white and black card and a knitting dolly which we had great fun with. I drew the line at a GC despite a triple please! It's his birthday today so I really shouldn't have been treating him but I am just hopeless. If I lived nearer I would have to be more careful but I don't, so I am not. I bought a lovely little alphabet die from memory box called ABC SOUP. It's small capital letters which I think will be perfect for adding individual sentiments on my cards, especially for the German lot, a large ball tool, some scissors and a few sheets of bazzill basics. I really wanted Sue's pierced noble squares but sadly it was not in stock.
    Well I have had a look at the programme guide for Hochanda and I think if they are taking over channel 663 as it is now, then I should be able to receive it.
    Oh by the way, my impulse buy, the glass Union flag clock looks tacky wherever I try to put it in the flat so it's going on the balcony. I was thinking of putting it in the kitchen but my kitchen is pink and it clashed and anyway I already have a union flag canvass ( pink of course) which I painted myself in there ( I didn't actually paint it in there). Have any of you ever drawn one? It's a nightmare if you want it to be 100 percent accurate - apart from the colours! - then it is really quite complicated, thick white lines on top on the left side and on the bottom on the right side. Have a look at one closely and you will see what I mean. My tacky clock however is not accurate, white lines all the same width and it keeps stopping. Oh well, suppose I could take the hands off and use it as a chopping board. Or a cake plate!
    Right I'm off to have a look futhur up again.
    Massive hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. It's the oven ready duck here!
      I'm glad you had a nice day buying crafty goodies with Oliver! I like Oliver! Xxx

    2. Ooh I love the Samuel Taylor shops. Oliver did well with his crafty stash, did they all like the presents you brought over with you? Just a thought, could you use your Promarkers to colour the Glass clock?

    3. Oooo!! I have been trying to buy some white card from them. Its always out of stock. Sounds like a right fun day for you and Oliver. xxx

    4. I've got glass pens! The only trouble is they give a stained glass effect so maybe not! Come on we are crafters! Any ideas to turn this clock into a useful object . Tasteful would be good too! Xxx

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Sandra I hope the weather is still good with you spare a thought for us up here in the North it's raining again!
    MYRA Please do take care and have all your protective gear on if you go out, that Saba is telling people if they see a duck to ROAST IT can you believe the cheek of the woman!!!
    Maureen I have some of those scissors you have been taking about but I also have the dies. I think Spellbinders are withdrawing some older dies so they can re-introduce them later I wonder if the price will rise if they do?
    Pat you card is wonderful and so inspirational too, it can be used in a whole range of colours, as well as for a variety of occasions, thank you for letting us see it.
    I still have some cards to make so if you will excuse me I will get on with some.
    Take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret! It's nice to know who are one's friends! NB . The grammar - we're being posh today!
      Not only was I to be roasted - my neck was to be wrung first!
      So I went with a pack and a waddle and quack and a VERY unhappy tear! Sniff sniff! Xxx

    2. Margaret Corgi, I hate to tell you that it's been glorious here all day. I've had sun cream, sun hat and sun glasses on whilst gardening. It'll probably snow tomorrow!!! My scissors are Fiskars and I cannot believe I have been so stupid as to not use them!!!
      Myra, you're a swan, with a head so noble and high!!! (and a halo ha ha)

    3. Margaret, it's been lovely here too! We've had lovely warm sunshine and lots of gardening been done by my husband ! I've been working indoors! Honestly! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and everybody.
    I have comment a bit going down and \i also had to pop over to see what you were up to last night plus had to load more so it was a real tear jerker to read and finely arrive here with blushing cheeks and feeling loved and warm inside. Some of us haven't even met yet and still I feel like we known eachother for years. It's amazing how it can be.
    Maureen, Thomas ,Cheryl and anyone else who has worked so hard for charity's and sport clubs, Congrats for doing a fabulous job !
    Janice is very busy with all the people from around the world, good the business is strong just a shame about the weather . You live in a nice part of England and I would love to go back one day.
    Saba, nice your journey back home was good . Couldn't believe do you had the energy to go out the next day but I saw it was a calm affair. Happy Birthday to your little grandson. He got the right to be spoiled sometimes.
    Patricia, loved you telling us about the Crunchie but still wonder why
    was it soft ? Oh I watched a repeat of a Sue programme and it was th one that your letter was read out and she said, ah yes she got a sister Hazel and they do craft together hihi It was so great to hear.
    Sorry but got a bit muddled of things you talked about last night and I must ask, who or what is Duraglit and Brasso ??
    Another question, the little cards Maureen made are they
    called ATC or ACT ??
    I did feel perkier yesterday and did some cards also some gardening or rather cleaning between the patio slabs, why do weeds always grow good between them ,after dinner I looked through some e-mails and had an hour on the phone with mamma, she had her 6 month and all so far it looks good and my pappa had his pacemaker changed. Watched a film with OH and then so tired to I went to bed so sorry I didn't come back in but with you guys Sandra don't need to worry. You keep the show running ! Anyhow even if I felt better but throat has still given me some problems so this morning went to see a doctor, I'm saying a doctor because at our surgery you never or very rarely get to see the same one unless you wait a few weeks. She gave me some 'Clarithromycin' to try to get rid of the thing I got and told me I also got liquid in my right ear so now I got more drugs to take. I hope they don't check us at the airport ,in less then two weeks now , both OH and I have quite an amount to take with us, rattle,rattle tihi. Went shopping in Tesco and a very nice man working there asked if I needed any help opening the plastic bags for some fruit, why do them so tricky in the first place blaaa.
    Back home I just taken it easy, pouring of rain outside all day so thought for a minute to go to bed but changed my mind as I don't feel so good after a nap in the afternoon so better stay awake and do something and next on the agenda is dinner. Fridge full so will have a rummage and see what I can come up with, What do you have tonight for supper ?
    See you later, many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hello my little friend Maria, Duraglit and Brasso are things that you use to clean brass or other metals. Duraglit is a bit like soft wire wool, and Brasso is a creamy liquid.
      The cards are ATC's, which is short for Artist Trading Cards.
      I am sorry you are still not well.and hope that the Clari whatsit will soon do the trick and have you feeling fine.
      I've had strawberries and ice cream for tea, as we went to the Lochside for lunch so I wasn't very hungry. I'll have a cup of milky coffee and maybe cheese on toast later.
      Love xxxxx

    2. Maria I am so happy to hear that your mamma continues to do well, it must be very difficult for you being so far away from her. I hope the clary wotsit helps with your throat, you have been through the mill lately health wise. We had roast duck for dinner, it was a bit tough though! Only kidding we had pasta with a made up sauce. I just threw in all sorts of things and hoped for the best. Peter didn't comment so I think it was not one of my best endeavours.

  18. WOOHOO ! I have finally got my replacement iPad , I feel so excited I have been trying to catch up this afternoon on all my emails that wouldn't download from the server.
    Pat , your card is clear and stylish , great for when you don't know a person very well or they are difficult to make for, I too would love some SB grand dies I only have the ornate circles and I use them quite often.
    Sheila so sorry to read you are still in so much pain it really is unbearable at times , wish I could think of something to help, hope one of Margaret's bags will do the trick .
    I will need to go and read yesterday's going ons ! sounds like you had quite some fun!
    Hazel, I do love a bargain too but wish I could keep my mouth shut when people admire something but Oh No , I have to tell them how old it is or what a bargain it was , must be a Scottish thing I think?
    Well must go and get the dinner on , will pop back later.
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Hello Anne,
      Also getting dinner on! Good to see you and glad you've got your new IPad . I was thinking of you earlier. I think it may well be a Scottish thing - we don't want to let anyone think we have been extravagant or something! I'm not quite so honest about dies!!
      You just got me before I was put in the oven!! Xxx

    2. Anne, oh I do think you are right, if I have got a bargain I tend to let others know. So glad you have got your new I pad, hope you get everything sorted out. It's the getting it all back up and running that gets to me. xxx

    3. Ha ha Anne, it's catching. I always tell the truth and say something like "This, I've had it for about 15 years" or "Oh I only paid £3 for it in Sainburys".
      I'm glad you've got your iPad sorted. You'll be a happy bunny now.
      Hazel, I keep meaning to ask if you've had a call to "help out".

  19. Oh Myra, you do make me laugh , you are as good as a tonic ( without the gin! )
    I suppose you ducked? xo

    1. She did Anne, but I don't think she was quick enough!! xxx

    2. Maureen, I got a text on Saturday and thought " oh here we go" but no it's was only to see if I was at home. So far no cry for HELP!!.,.

    3. Definitely not! I'm tomorrow's left overs now! No skin off my nose! Xxx

  20. Oh I have wasted today away!!! I have done nothing apart from my thank you card, Margaret C I wish I had read your comment about printing my address before I had posted it? I even forgot to photo it, Charlie was going out to the shops so I wanted it away it the post. Never mind I will keep that tip. The rest of the afternoon I slept away? Felt terrible, but I know it's the gluten over load that is the problem. Buffet food without any gluten in it wasn't on the cards, not that I expect it to be. But had there been some veggies and dips or even some salad I could have had that, Tammy and I had a very late breakfast on Saturday and we didn't know what time things would finish so I some bits (especially the Melton Pork pie) as it was from the place from where I have had from over the 38 years I have known Tammy God parents. So it's detox time for me. At least with being on high steroids I am not in pain with muscles and joints?
    Sheila, keep moving very slowly but try and move? It might just release that nerve.
    Jean, you had a busy weekend, time to slow down today.
    Margaret C, I hope you are not doing to much, again baby steps for you.
    Maureen, I hope you were carefull picking those gooseberries, Patricia I will have a pot of that jam when we meet on Thursday please.
    Saba, you were walking on thin ice today. Myra will be thinking up how to get you back.
    Sandra, I hope you are all still having a great time,,can't believe that Patricia
    and I are starting our holiday two weeks tonight.
    Some one asked if my nails stood up over the weekend - answer is they are still perfect.
    I think I will go and try and put together some cards that I need to get made in the next few days. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, it's lovely that you are back with us - so to speak!! I wondered how your nails were bearing up and I'm glad that they are fine.
      I hope you soon feel on better, there's normally dips and salad at a party - it's been a strange party, that's for sure.

    2. HAZEL:- glad to hear one piece of good news from your weekend ... your nails are still perfect .... brilliant!! xxx

  21. Hello Von Saba!
    I think you are incredibly posh. Only someone with a glass clock on her balcony could be called really posh!!! xxx

    1. Oh!! it's a Glass Clock on our Balconies we need to be POSH!! That rules me out we don't have a Balcony!! xxx

    2. Does it have a cuckoo? Xxx
      The clock - not the balcony ! Xxx

    3. Myra if it has a cuckoo I'll bet if it wakens her up she will be wringing it's neck and roasting it!

    4. Oh! would that not waken the neighbours?? xxx

    5. No! the neighbour will have done it xxx

    6. That's it turn it into a roasting tray! A patriotic one! Xxx

    7. It does not have a cuckoo, however I do believe when it gets to 12 o clock it plays the national anthem.
      I shall stand. Xxxx

    8. Stirring stuff! Is this midday and midnight! Xxx

    9. I said higher up - so I'm repeating myself! Just saying - before you accuse me of forgetting things! - we are Crafters - could we come up with a way to alter this clock so that it would be less tacky and more useful? Xxx

    10. We do have a clock that plays silly sounds of an American Train approaching and passing over a level crossing. It even has flashing lights ....... it is in the Attic thank goodness for that xxx

    11. How about a serving plate for duck a l'Orange.

    12. I've got a serious question! About 3 -4 weeks ago I bought the new Xcut Trimmer. I've been thrilled with it but - it has suddenly gone really stiff and it's really hard to pull the lever down! What has happened? Anyone got any ideas? Xxx

    13. Like the sound of that, I like my duck with orange sauce xxx

    14. I feel like a grouse in August! Xxx

    15. You can scrape them and Phesant off the roads round here just now!! xxx

    16. Ugh Patricia! No wonder they call them grouse - they've got a lot to complain about! Xxx

    17. We have a bird clock it makes different bird noises every hour but it doesn't have a duck? xo

  22. Hello ladies
    Oh bottom! - sorry ! Yes I've finally made it to the bottom but it wouldn't let me leave comments under posts so I've got to try and remember things!!! My memory is shocking but my forgettery is brilliant! Lol. Oh it has been really wet and miserable here today but had a productive morning at chiropractor optitions and talking bank accounts for students. I've done the ironing this afternoon whilst watching a film and now I'm cooking roast chicken (not duck!) which we should have had yesterday but ended up eating left over BBQ food. I shall be all out with the days now! Right let's see if I can remember stuff.
    Pat what a great simple card I love it xxx
    Sheila I hope you feel better soon my love, the pain really gets you down xxx
    Pat and Sue enjoy your day today xxx
    Hazel I have posh relatives but you wouldn't know if you met them (besides the house and cars!) but they do have a sense of humour! What a boring lot of relatives! Sorry xxx
    Gooseberry jam oh yes please haven't had any for years but I love it and goosegog grumble xxx
    Right I'm at the juggling veg and gravy stage ( don't worry Maureen I won't spill it!) so I must see if this will publish. Oh yes Saba sounds like you were led astray in the craft shop! Margaret I'm sorry to hear you've been messed about by the hospital and Maria I wondered what the rattle was! Hope the tablets help clear everything up, especial your ears otherwise it will be so sore when you fly. See you all later. Love Diane xxx

  23. I am tired, apart from sitting for meals I have not had my bum on a seat all day.
    Done the cleaning, washing all dried, ironed and put away. Made 2 boxes, die cut flower bits, spritzed and crumpled them, they are now drying. (I stand to craft) Will make the flowers in the morning.
    Sitting with my feet up, but now I what can I do!! I have some nice yarn I might just have to start something to keep my busy but what??
    Is everybody HAPPY!!! xxx

    1. You bet your life we are........

    2. Good then I am Happy too even though I don't have a Cuckoo Clock or a Balcony xxx

    3. I don't either Patricia! I'm sitting in a Conservatory with a little crystal clock in it but I don't think that counts for much! Xxx

    4. Gosh we don't even have a conservatory. We do have decking and a patio will that count. Oh! I so want to be POSH!!! xxx

    5. Oh yes we don't have decking just patios! Xxx

    6. Can anyone help me with my trimmer problem as detailed above! Xxx

    7. MYRA:- someone mentioned their handle being loose and were able to tighten it up at the "nut" "bolt" thing at the side of the handle. Maybe loosening it off might be the answer xxx

    8. I wondered about that - will have a look! You see I don't want Alastair involved . He has many talents but DIY ain't one of them! Ha ha ! Xxx

    9. Very same here Myra, if I can't fix it ..... nobody can!! xxx

    10. Myra I have an XCut one and Charlie has to tighten the handle now and again with an Alan key. Sandra had a problem with hers and that's all it took as well. xxx

    11. Hazel, thank you - will look later! Don't want to attract attention here just now or get offers of help ! I don't want to be mean and I can't grow beautiful roses etc etc. but DIY and Alastair just don't mix! Xxx

    12. Myra, I think he could be the missing triplet to George and David!!! xxx

    13. Myra, mine was the same the handle was stiff yet tightening it solved the problem. Yes you are better to just wait and do it yourself. I am lucky that Charlie is good at these things and I only have to ask, ok I might have to remind him a few times. xxx

  24. Well the rain has stopped and the sun has come out yippee!!!
    We have had to get Derek to the doctors this afternoon as one of his incisions has started bleeding and wouldn't stop so we rang the hospital, they said in view of the fact neither of us can drive at the moment we should see our own GP. Well I rang the surgery I was asked is it urgent, there are appointments in three weeks time available! I said he will have run out of blood by then so can I speak to the doctor, guess what they said, can you call tomorrow, so I told them the hospital had said he must be seen today. Oh well I will put you on the emergency list and a doctor will ring you, so I thanked them so sweetly!
    The doctor rang 45 minutes later and my friend took him to the surgery where the nurse put some strips on and a dressing and told him to go back on Thursday to have it checked. Thankfully there is no infection and the bleeding is due to the blood thinning drugs he takes. I apologised to the doctor for insisting on him being seen today and she said I had done perfectly right.
    Yes Hazel I am taking baby steps don't worry, I only cleaned the bathroom, utility room and kitchen this morning. It will be the lounge and bedrooms tomorrow, so I am pacing myself. So pleased to know your nails are still perfect, by the way no gardening, you don't want to ruin them. I always feel so posh if I have my nails done.
    Have a lovely evening everyone if I get these cards finished I will call in later with my protective duck gear on just in case Saba is here! xxx

    1. Oh gosh Margaret! That is so stressful! I'm so sorry . I'm glad Derek is alright and being seen again but the system isn't working most of the time. Xxx

    2. OMG!!! what in the name of heavens is this world coming to. The word "bleeding" should have signalled emergency !! xxx

    3. Margaret, you should have told the silly person, that if he could have waited for three weeks do you think you would be just about to dial 999. I tell you had you been a drug addict and were needing a fix they would have had you there in a minute, as those poor soul would be suffering. No you did right.BUT MARGARET you should not be doing all that you have done, SLOW DOWN!!! xxx

    4. Margaret, nice all good with Derek but what a hula with the surgery.
      You pacing yourself, that's not Pacing that''s a marathon you been doing today. You meant to take it easy girl ! xx

    5. Margaret what worries me is the poor people who are not so articulate and get put off by these receptionists. I had an awful experience with my dad in a hospital and it was only because I fought for him that he received the treatment he needed. Well done for standing your ground. I promise to be kinder to ducks in future!

    6. Hi Margaret, I'm glad you got Derek sorted, no thanks to the receptionist. As for you, young lady. You are doing far too much. Please have a day off tomorrow, you will knock yourself up and the housework will still be there (unless your fairy godmother calls!) xxx

    7. Margaret I'm glad Derek is ok, but what a fuss - not what you want. Hmm if that's taking it easy I'm a Dutch man! You should have a good rest tomorrow - the dust will wait you know xxx

  25. Hi Margaret
    My word what a polarva you've had today. Why do Drs surgeries think that an appointment in 3 weeks is ok. Ours is just the same. At least you insisted and Derek got seen.

  26. Myra if I was you I would take or send the trimmer back and if they say anything tell them IT IS NOT FIT FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU HAVE BOUGHT IT, don't accept a repair tell them you want a new one or your money back that is your legal right as you have only had it a few weeks. xxx

  27. Hi everyone
    Well I've just started to read the comments. However, apart from replying to Margaret's comments it won't now let me comments on anyone else's.
    I was going to say that Patricas comments have worn me out just by reading them. Patricia your a one woman whirlwind. Slow down and take it easy.
    Sue and I put the world to rights today. Had a lovely time chatting and crafting. Well more chatting I think than crafting. So I won't see either Sandra nor Sue for 3 weeks. Can't wait fir a bit of sun. It's been raining all day here, wish I knew what has happened to our summer this year.

    1. PAT:- glad you and SUE have had a good day. I knew the noise I heard while doing my ironing was the two of you laughing. It was so good to hear.
      I have commented to Hazel a few times saying "do you think there will be any Crafting done over the Retreat weekend" I personally don't think there will be but you never can tell.
      That's quite a while for you not to see your friends. However the draw of the sun and feeling the heat on your skin will more than make up for it I am sure xxx

  28. Forgot to say Debbie Stevens on her blog paperpasstimes has all the information about the new craft channel that is launching on Thursday, also a link to their new facebook page. If you click on the link it takes you onto the page you don't have to be signed up to facebook, I'm not. xxx

    1. Don't do Facebook but off to Debbie's Blog to have a wee look see!! xxx

    2. Don't do Facebook either but Ctreative Expressions sent an email about it. It's interesting to see well known faces going to be joining the new channel. For example Kay from Indigoblu and Barbara Grey too. Xxx

    3. Just makes you wonder what C&C will do and where they will end up!! xxx

    4. They got too greedy didn't they and thought they were invincible. Xxx

    5. Exactly, does anyone watch it now anyway.
      Any time I click through its Tattered Lace, Crafters Companion or Hunkydory.
      Yesterday I clicked and there was a girl struggling with a huge sheet of card and some Template thing, pressed the off button then xxx

    6. I looked today as they were saying three Xcut dies - pay for only 2. Well I'd quite like the cracker one and the have a large owl one which looks good for children so I thought I'd look! I clicked on dies and added them just to see what they would cost! In fact they give you a third off each die! That's not buy 2 get one Free. Then I looked at the postage and it was £ 8 29. They used to cap postage for three items at £6 99 which is still expensive. All in all its a rip off - didn't complete transaction! I may be daft but only slightly!! Xxx

    7. Do you know what drives me mad, trying to get a straight answer to a simple question from them. For weeks now I have been sending them e mails to ask whether they will be returning to broadcasting on the pan European beam since they changed satellites. Can I get an answer? Can I heck. " thank you for your email blah blah blah" I have even asked that my e mail be passed to Tony Sheridan head of marketing but either they are reluctant to do that or he is not Interested either, I don't know. I have given up now.

    8. Patricia, I saw that with the girl trying to make a box. It was embarrassing as it was obvious that she'd got in a right muddle. I switched over like you. I rarely see it now as we have all said, it's the same thing over and over.
      Myra, I don't think you are slightly daft!

  29. Hi everyone, finally got some time to read all the comments from today so far, had quite a busy day, housework, gardening finally got the grass finished it is not a large area but it is on a slope and hard to stand and trim, plus getting attacked by bushes. Caught up with the ironing, now I'm totally knackered, off for an early shower and then and early night I think. I will have a look at Debbie's blog them I'm off. Will catch up tomorrow, take care everyone, xxx

    1. Goodnight Jess, I can almost hear your bed calling you.
      Sleep well see you in the morning xxx

    2. Night Night Jess, Sleep Well! Xxx

    3. Night, night Jess, sweet dreams, I'll have to watch out for attacking bushes!! xxx

  30. Jess, do you and Patricia not no there is tomorrow? ok I know I can go over board with cleaning etc. it's the gardening on top of doing the housework. xxx

  31. Will some one give Maureen a poke, I think she fallen a sleep!! xxx

    1. HAZEL:- has wakened from her 40 winks xxx

  32. My! Goodness, everyone has gone to bed. Think I might just do the same.
    See you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Night God bless Patricia, sleep tight.

    2. I've fixed it! I waited until I could find an Allen key! Then I remembered there was one underneath the trimmer!! Slackened the nut slightly and it's absolutely fine! Last week's cutting must have cause it some problems! I did do a lot! Thank you! Xxx

    3. Well done Myra, who needs men!
      I am heading off now, see you all tomorrow,
      Night and God bless all
      Saba xxx
      Ps my tacky clock doesn't really play a tune!!,

    4. So glad that you fixed it Myra. Mine went when I was cutting lots too. xxx

    5. Night, night Patricia and Saba, sweet dreams and see you in the morning.

    6. Night Night Patricia and Saba!
      Eee it's a great blog this is!
      Full of hints and tips! Sleep well! Xxx

  33. Good night ,sleep well early birds. Gosh I had chicken stir fry tonight and thought about Myra, don't know why as she is a duck. Now you have confused me again as I thought that Diane is our ducky, aaarg hihi Where is our other birds tonight ? Lynda, are you ok ? Karen, how's your blood sugar ? and Nooorah, missing you. Going to have a cuppa and watch Casualty +.....pop back later before bed to see if anyone been in, Littlelamb hugs xxx

    1. Ooh Maria, let me know the next time you have chicken stir fry. I'll pop down, over, up, across to wherever you live ha ha.

  34. I've been trying to make a blooming bow for about half an hour. I got one of those bow maker things off a friend. Well, I thought she was a friend. In future I'll do it my own bunny ears way!!!
    Talking about bunnies, is Alastair still on the hunt? We could have rabbit pie as a nice change to Duck L'orange - that should make Myra and Margaret happier!
    Myra, are you in the Engineer's Union. Your fixing the trimmer could have massive repercussions with the Railway unions to name four!!!!
    Do we really want to make the clock tasteful, it may not go with anything else owned by Von Saba!! (hard hat).
    Just going to tie with bow my usual way, it will only take half a minute!!
    See you soon

    1. That's it, done and dusted. Went for ribbon and made bow in no time. That bow maker is just a fancy useless gadget. xxx

    2. Well done! I can't stand bow makers either! I can make better bows myself! I got completely side tracked in the craft room! Now there isn't much room in which to get sidetracked but I managed it!
      I've made two Christmas cards with Joy To The World! That is a lovely Die! Also cut out some bits for birthday cards. Was supposed to be just mending trimmer and tidying! Hey ho! Xxx

    3. If I'm in one of these Unions does it mean I can vote for the new Leader of the Labour Party? Hi hi !! Xxx

    4. Myra, I MUST tidy my craft room either tomorrow or Wednesday as I can hardly get to the desk. I have to nearly climb over the stuff on the floor. Trouble is I sort of surround myself with things like the GC or trimmer, etc and just bend down and put them on the floor as I'm crafting. Then, I have to try to get out of the room without breaking my neck ha ha.
      You've done well with your card making. I love that hymn/carol "Joy to the World" xxx
