
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card has been designed by Michele, Its a real pretty, girly one too!
I think that Michele has used one of 'John Next Door's' stamps (sorry his name escapes me)
I actually quite like this stamp and think it could work well with the New York Dies designed by Sue Wilson.
I am not sure what the pretty square border die is that Michele has used but I really like it and look forward to Michele letting us know later on.
Michele has finished the card with a beautiful bow, trimmed with some Bakers twine and a really pretty decorative dazzler style embellishment.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this card Michele xxx
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning folks, hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking forward the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- hope you are all still enjoying happy days in the sunshine.
    MICHELE:- love your great card. That's a brilliant stamp and a wonderful design. Change colours and you will get a totally different look.
    Everything set up for the day. There is some Gooseberry Jam in the pots. Yesterday Maureen waved a magic wand and a load of Gooseberries landed on my doorstep.......remember it is just "virtual" I don't even like Gooseberries!!! They are far too sour ..... I don't like sour things!!!
    John wants to take me out for lunch. Will see where we end up, I am not much I the mood for eating out just now. I get my B12 injection tomorrow, I will then have a boost of energy and be ready for anything in the next few weeks.
    Better go get a move on, I have a few things I want to get done before we take off.
    (((((Hugs))))) by the door for any who might need them. I have my Tea & Toast and am over at my favourite table to see who passes by or pops in today. See you later xxx

    1. Thank you for the gooseberry jam (I' m glad it is virtual too as I only like gooseberries raw)
      Enjoy your lunch out today. Once your B12 jab kicks in you will be back to being superwoman again and tiring us out with all that you get done so early in the day. Seriously, the jab will make you feel much better, I am glad to hear : ) Take care x

    2. Mmm Patricia, the jam is gorgeous. Thank you for doing it so quickly. As soon as you get your B12 injection, you'll be a new woman. Take it easy today and let John look after you. Let him take you out for lunch, but just have a snack. I'm sorry you're not up to par, have one of my hugs or a piece of your delicious tablet xxxxx

    3. Oh Patricia let John take you out for lunch. At least he'll feel better for doing it even if you won' No seriously just go and have a light lunch and then tomorrow/day after you'll be back to yourself again.
      Hugs just for you xxxx

    4. Patricia, have a lovely time and enjoy just having a nice change. Maybe when you get there you'll feel more like eating! These injections really do change your life don't they! Take care . Xxx
      PS I love Gooseberry Jam! Yum! Thank you and Maureen and her Pigeon! Xxx

    5. Hi PATRICIA hope you enjoyed your lunch,& your super powers retune after your B12 injections.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hi Patricia, hope you enjoyed your lunch, you will feel a lot better after your injection, take it easy for now xx

    7. Patricia
      I hope you did go out for lunch today, perhaps John wants a treat himself! I'm sure your injection will put you back on top of the world xxx

    8. Hi Patricia, Hope you enjoyed your relaxing day and lunch, you will feel a great deal better after your injection xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    This is the card I won on Julia Watts blog- I definitely didn't make this!!!!!!

    I have started to make a Christmas card-to take to Florida but now I've started it, I'm not too keen on it so will put it to one side & start something totally different.

    Once again we have a lovely sunny day, a bit breezy still. Work today is going to be a busy one-at least 3 new patient in for chemotherapy in addition to a full list, should keep us out of mischief!!


    1. MICHELE:- going by what you have made and shown us in the past you certainly could have made that card and never even said.
      There will be people you encounter today who will be more than greatful that you are in at work today. (((hugs))). xxx

    2. Jess, you could have kept quite and we would never have known that you didn't make this lovely card. Try and remember Patricia's comment about patients being grateful for all that you do for them if work is tough today.
      I do the same with cards, I start with one idea and end up doing something totally different! Take care x

    3. Michele you are one honest bunny I really thought you had made this card it really is within your capability and no mistake!
      As Patricia has said there will be people you will meet today who will be so pleased you do what you do so well, and really appreciate your being there. xxx

    4. Well, knock me down and call me Sally!!! We would never have known that you hadn't made this, except it's not quite up to your usual standard. You do a magnificent job Michele, you should be so proud.

    5. Morning Michele, nice card you won and if you hadn't told I know you could make something similar after seeing your cards.You make some beautiful cards,
      Have a good day xx

    6. Hello Michele
      As has been said above it could definitely be one of your creations. I would like to see it in different colours how about you?
      There are so many people more than grateful for you and the job you do as I suppose you know. Sometimes the 'back room' Angels are forgotten but Not In This House. Hugs for you xxxx

    7. Michele, the card is lovely and I truly thought you had made it. I think the papers are Phil Martins but not sure. Just remember Julia couldn't do what you do - she wouldn't know where to begin! Xxx

    8. Maureen! Not another name! Sorry but I won't knock you down I was told I had to be nice to old ladies!!!
      BIG hard hat !!!! Xxx

    9. Hi Michele
      What a lovely card to have won. Hope that work isn't to stressful. I'd just like to say that Pete sees a Specialist Cancer Pharmacist at the Churchill Hospital who is fantastic. Mind you I just thought a pharmacist was a pharmacist, he's keeping an eye on how the new drug is working on Pete. I assume for the pharmaceutical company. I didn't realise they could specialise in different areas. Just to let you know you are all appreciated for the jobs you do.

    10. Hi MICHELE well done on winning a card from Julia. Like the others have said it could be one of your creations.God luck with the extra patients at work. Hug's xx

    11. Michele, well how honest are you, you could have said you made this but came clean, well done on winning it. Sue (Mrs B) has had a wee senior moment and given me the credit for it, will send it back to you pronto.

    12. Hi Michelle, congrats for winning this card, as said before, you could have kept quiet, well done you xx

    13. Wow Michele what a lovely treat to win, isn't it gorgeous. It's interesting to see how the professionals put cards together isn't it. Julia sometimes sells batches of her cards off on her amazon site for charity - my friend bought some recently. Karen congratulations on winning a card too, how exciting.
      Oh Maureen I won't be able to look at you know without thinking of Aunt Sally! Xxx

    14. Does it mean we can throw things at her Diane? Xxxx

  3. Me again-just been onto Julia Watts blog & Karenlotty has won a card!!!!!!!! Karen-you'll need to email her your address to claim your card.


  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sandra I hope you are all in full relaxed mode now, recovered from the journey and still lots of relaxing days ahead, the best bit of a holiday I think.
    It is always strange when you aren't with Pat and me when we meet up. We have a lovely time and know you are with us in spirit. Are we missing you? You bet we are, but glad you are having a great time. Take care my lovely x

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well Michele I think a thank you for being honest is needed, as like Patricia has said we wouldn't have thought you hadn't made it. Thank you for sharing you win with us. Those new and old patients will be grateful for the work you put in today. We tend to forget the back ground staff of hospitals, without them sone of us wouldn't be here today.
    Well it's a nice looking day here, but will it last? Is the question?
    Will take my cup of tea and go and sit with big sister and do a bit of catching up with her. For someone who is running out of steam she just not sit still.
    I will pop back later to see who comes in, xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, you sit with her and the pair of you take it easy. You can make a tea bag last at least 10 cups each, so you'll be well watered by the time you've finished!!! xxx

    2. Ha ha! I think you may like weak tea with no milk? Just like me!! Alastair says I just wave it above the cup! Slight exaggeration ! He has it a lot stronger. If it weren't for that we'd be well off! Xxx

    3. Got it in one Myra, the weaker the better, Patricia share a tea bag when we are out and can get 4 perfect cups of tea out of it. Oh just thought we can save money at the retreat and the one tea bag can do the three of us!!! Ha,ha, xxx

    4. Definitely - at least twice!! Xxx

    5. Ooo no I like my tea strong just a dash of milk Oh always orders me a builders tea. Haha

  6. Good Morning Everyone,
    Michele, yes - you could have kept quiet about not making this card. We have all seen lots of you work and its always stunning. Hope your day goes well, as Patricia said your patients will be more than greatful that you are in work today.
    Take care xxx
    Patricia the Cafe looks and smell lovely - what's baking in the oven? Oh just had a peep in the oven ( well through the glass) - ladies we are in for a treat, Bread rolls, think I will hang on and have some crispy bacon with one. Oh ! my tummy is rumbling, just thinking about it! !!!!

    Time to move myself, I will check what went on last night. Then have a shower.

    Be back later, love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Don't be too long Brenda, I've put the bacon on!! xxx

    2. Brenda , if you were still in that shower when Muriel put the bacon on two things have happened! One - you are super clean! Two - there's no hot water left! Xxx

    3. BRENDA:- Myra said two things happened .... should have been 4 .... someone has eaten all the bacon and would you believe it ..... all the rolls as well.
      Next time just stay dirty and you'll get share xxx

    4. Ha ha! Patricia - these would have been much more important! Xxx

  7. Oh dear, got confused and hit the comment button too early!
    Shelia, I am sorry that you are still suffering. Please don' t forget that we are here even if you only want to rant and rave about the pain. It is times like this when I wish we lived closer so that you could get a proper hug and some help. Sending gentle hugs anyway.
    Pat, thanks for a lovely day and for the wonderful fresh beans, cabbage and lettuce. Enjoy your pedicure tomorrow : )
    Mum-Margaret P, so sorry your appointment was cancelled and it is typical that you get offered the op just when you can ' t have it! Glad that the next date isn' t too far off though. Love you x
    Maria, fingers are crossed that the new meds start to help quickly. Not sure if you did get an answer about Duraglit and Brasso but they are metal cleaning products : )
    Saba, sorry to hear that you can' t find a home for the Union Flag clock. Glad that you and Oliver enjoyed the craft shop and why shouldn't you spoil him, you don' t see him often.
    Myra, well done on fixing your cutter and for getting Christmas cards organised. I always plan to, maybe this year it might actually happen!
    Margaret , glad that you finally got Derek seen. How ridiculous that they tried to fob you off!
    Anne, enjoy the new iPad: )
    Hazel, rest again today after the busy time and glutton overload. You got a bargain with the cardies didn' t you.
    Janet, I will keep an eye out for the Lidl white paper, it sounds gorgeous, thanks for that.
    Maureen, I hope you are taking it easy after the gardening yesterday
    Brenda Ll and Brenda OB, I hope you are both OK
    Diane, you have been busy again, you will need a holiday once Emma is sorted out.
    Jess, you must be tired out, will you rest today, I hope so.
    I hope I have got everyone, if not sorry my memory is not good! Now, now Mum, no revealing some of my forgetfulness! Have a good day. Take care x

    1. Hi Sue, I'm mightily impressed that you remembered everybody, mind you if you'd missed anyone off, I wouldn't realise!!! My thighs and other bits are protesting a bit today, but I'm meeting a friend for lunch, so I'm not getting down and dirty this morning! Hope you are well today. xxxx

    2. Hi Sue, how are you doing today ? I'll be fine ,in the end. Thought Brasso and Duraglit was a band or a program hihi, Maureen told me what they are. Don't think many people using it today.
      Hope you have a good day xxx

    3. Maria! I use Brasso every week on the front door knob, knocker and letter box! I should use it more often on a brass bit around the fireplace! Pleased you are feeling a bit better. It's so good to see you .xxx

    4. Thank you Sue, I usually forget! Glad you had a good day with Pat. Xxx

    5. SUE:- you are absolutely amazing ..... how can you remember everyone and what they have done. Is your secret that you "write it down" or do have a fantastic memory???

    6. Hi Sue, your memory is brilliant, I try to comment on the way down when there is so much chatter, otherwise I'm lost xx

    7. I used to get a phone all from my cousin every time there was a church parade or flag ceremony - could she borrow my Brasso and Duragli to clean the metal bits on the girl guides flag. I always knew where mine was and she could never find hers! Xxx

    8. Hi Sue glad you enjoyed your day with Pat. & hope your feeling better today XX

  8. Good morning ladies,

    Missed yesterday as I joined a walking group with friend Maureen.
    Bit apprehensive as way out of my comfort zone, but as the rain had cleared here in Cannington we decide we were going on the walk by Brean Downs. The closer we got to the starting point, down came the rain again. Not too hard, enough to soak everything though. We met a really lovely group of people who welcomed us very warmly and off we set along the lanes leading to the river's edge, all dressed in waterproofs and sporting umbrellas of various seizes. Walked for about 15 minutes then came upon a locked gate across a public pathway so turned around and carried on walking to the beach and then around the edge of the dunes and towards the shoreline until it got too soft upon which we then headed off to the nearest café for a welcoming hot chocolate over which we got to know other walk members.
    Whilst driving home we decided that we would definitely need some rainproof trousers, walking shoes or boots and perhaps a larger umbrella as our next walk would be across the Quantock Hills. Rather exposed out there so hence need for better clothing. We then decided we would make a whole morning of our Mondays from now on and have lunch out too. After a very relaxing time back home for a well earned cuppa. After Maureen had gone, it was almost 3.30pm. To early to have tea but not too late to take a moment or two to have a nap. I'm still yawning now after an early night and ggod nights sleep.

    Today's card is gorgeous and I shall be taking certain aspects of it for a Sympathy card I need to make today. A dear friend has died, we became quite close when we found ourselves on the same ward after I had my kidney cancer op and she was admitted with stomach problems. She had recently been diagnosed with tumours in her stomach, lungs and on her spine. After a lifetime of having one cancer op after another, she took the very brave decision not to undergo further treatments because there was no guarantee she would get through them.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl Mountain Warehouse have a sale on with some good walking gear and very good prices, if you want to save some pennies!
      So very sorry to read about your very brave friend. xxx

    2. Cheryl, I'm chuffed to bits that you had a good day out and made some new friends. It will do you the world of good, and you'll be as fit as a lop by the end of it.
      I am sorry to read about your friend. Love and prayers to you and her family.

    3. Cheryl, well done for you and Maureen taking those steps to join a group of strangers and find that it was a very good move. Enjoy your walks in good company. Yes good waterproofs and walking boots a must, buy good walking socks, wash a few times before you wear them and another tip turn your socks inside out. Daughter Gillian's tips for people doing the big charity walks that she sees to the feet during they are doing it. So as she would say little or big walks you have to look after your feet.
      I am sorry about your dear friend, one brave lady to make that decision, but she knew what her body had been through and deep down knew she couldn't do it again. She is at peace now. xxx

    4. Hello Cheryl - well done you two for joining in and walking. We really miss our walks. We used to do some of the long distance walks taking five days in which to do them stopping each night at a different venue. Buy a good pair of walking boots and some 1,000 mile socks. I always wore those -they're not the cheapest by half but they really are good- and never had any problems with feet etc.
      Sorry about your Friend. She was one very brave lady.
      Hugs xxxx

    5. Hi Cheryl, glad you and your friend joined the walking group. Sound very nice where you can do it. Hope the weather is better next time.
      Sorry to hear of your other friend, now at peace.
      Take care xxx

    6. Cheryl, I'm so pleased you had a lovely day out in spite of the rain! We do lots of things in Britain in spite of the rain but we do have beautiful scenery and lovely walks! Good footwear will make such a difference! Sorry about your friend - my Mum was the same but the Consultant encouraged her to have no more treatment and enjoy the time she had left. It was good advice and she had been through a lot already. Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers!
      On a lighter note - I thought Margaret had given you a new double- barrelled surname at first! Xxxx

    7. Well done CHERYL and friend MAUREEN. Yes! you will need to get all the waterproof gear. Really good boots are a must.
      Can I give you a little tip about "socks" ...... always wear 2 thinner pairs rather than one thick pair. First pair wear "inside out" second pair the right way. That way any rough bits rub together rather than on your feet. I used to do that for running and never had the blisters that some runners had. Still do it for walking, especially when wearing Wellies.
      Sorry to hear about your other friend, at least she tried everything to help herself. Sending you some (((hugs))) xxx

    8. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to hear you had a lovely day walking and met some very nice people. Good tips from Patricia regarding socks. Good wrt weather gear is a must. We need to get out a bit more to do some walking. We do walk but usually along a canal or around the fishing lakes nearby. Tar Lakes are apparently famous in the fishing world.

    9. Hi Cheryl
      Sorry, meant to say I was sorry to hear about your friend. I think there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough.

    10. Cheryl, sorry to hear about your friend, a very brave lady.
      So glad you had a good day out walking, please take the advice given and look after your feet, and buy the best walking boots you can afford. X

    11. Hi Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your friend, nice to see you enjoyed your walking group, we love walking xxx

    12. Good tip Patricia I've never heard that before but will now keep in mind.
      Cheryl so good to hear you and your friend have joined a walking group , great exercise and good company , just don't overdo it at the start, I joined a walking group up here( something I'd never done before ) and it's wonderful , we take a picnic lunch with us and have such a good time and the views we see are amazing, so hope you both enjoy it as much as I do , our walking day is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it ! xo

    13. Hi Cheryl
      It sounds like you and Maureen had a lovely time despite the weather. Yes I can recommend mountain warehouse too - is there an outlook store at Street? It sounds like it did you the world of good if you slept well last night.
      I'm so sorry to hear about your friend but what a brave lady saying enough is enough and good that her family supported her decision. Sending you a big hug as I know she will be on your mind today. Xxx

  9. Good morning ladies, the sun is shining and I am one happy bunny with my new iPad , what a difference !
    Michele this card is lovely and you are so honest, you could easily have made it going by your atc cards which are full of talent and technique!
    Hope you are feeling a bit less pain today Sheila, I keep thinking about you xo
    Patricia I hope you feel better after you get your B12 injection ( sometimes I could do with one of those lol ) you and Hazel always sound so busy and full of energy, makes me feel jealous, I am a morning person and come 3:30 in the afternoon I can't be bothered to do much. C'est la vie !
    Tea and bacon roll gone down a treat ( couldn't resist that smell ) money in the pot and hugs for all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, I'm not sure what I am. I think I was destined to be a Lady of Leisure, but fate intervened!!! xxx

    2. Anne I would love to have tried being 'a lady of leisure' but never found out how to be one and like Maureen fate intervened anyway.
      Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Anne, great you got your new iPad so good to see you here.
      Have a nice day xxx

    4. Hi Anne, between us we'd make a very busy bee! You see I'm not a morning person . I can start ironing at 10 pm!! Xxx

    5. ANNE, glad you have got your IPad sorted and and you are Happy Bunny.
      Lots of you have realised Hazel and I very much morning people.
      Down side of that is we can miss out as we need our bed earlier than some.
      I like ironing but LOVE to do it very early in the morning. I like to get all the "house work" out of the way as quick as possible. Then I never feel guilty if I go off out with Hazel, friends, or just stay at home and play. xxx

  10. Morning Ladies,
    Just a quick pop in this morning - have had a quick glance through the comments, and will try to reply to all later- was up mega early to see to the dogs and then fell asleep on the settee, Worst thing for me to do as I feel worse afterwards. Need to get a shifty on, but I will be back later,
    sending a hug to anyone who is in need - just seen Sheila is still in pain, a nice squishy hug for you love, take care
    see you later
    Jean x

    1. Oh Jean, our dog loved me at night but wasn't so keen on me in the morning!! Hope you perk up again as the day goes on! Xxx

    2. Jean, I have done that whennHarris has got me up to early,and like you it does me no good. xxx

  11. Good morning, and it is, since the sun is in the sky again!. Michelle, you are so honest, but like the others, I would have happily thought this was your card. Sometimes when you get a "professionals" card, it's good to see that it's not so different from our own "best" cards. (no comparison to my rubbish, just need to play with paper ones though)
    Sorry to see that some of you are not feeling great, or lacking in energy. Lets hope everyone is much better soon.
    Derek has been away for a couple of days, so theoretically, I should have had a bit more time to myself, but since I was faced with the choice of a couple of hours crafting time ( my preference) or doing the laundry so there were clean knickers in the drawer, well...sorry girls, knickers won. I did have paper knickers a long time ago, but haven't seen them for sale for years.
    I'll try to pop in later,
    Meantime, hugs for all

    1. Janice, only trouble with paper knickers - apart from the rustle as you walk - is that they are rubbish to wash ha ha xxx

    2. Janice, yes clean knickers will always win. I know that those couple of hours will have been well used. Having been there years ago and being only in our late 30s I know how hard work it is to run a hotel is. So you just enjoy your bit of time. We are always here and we know you are one busy lady. xxx

    3. Janice lovely to see you! Which bin would we put paper knickers in? Times have changed. Definitely not the recycling one! Xxx

    4. JANICE:- glad the knickers won!! Hope you managed a wee bit Crafty Time as well.
      Paper knickers, I remember them!! Most uncomfortable, worse than "G" stings!!! xxx

    5. Sorry Patricia!!!
      Guess it depends where you are stung!! Xxx

    6. Oooooppss!! will just have to remember not to wear that kind overnight!! Will the same kind as SABA does!! xxx

    7. Janice I'm so glad the knickers won! Paper knickers oh they were recommended after childbirth! Like you need to feel any more uncomfortable or unattractive! Had to buy them from Boots and they were more like interfacing fabric than paper! Xxx

    8. How did I manage, thankfully, to miss out on the paper knicker front! I can't think of anything worse! Xxx

    9. I'm trying to think what my knickers were called that I used to wear. They came down to my knees and had a frill round the bottom. Very fetching, well I thought so at the time. See, I bet you all didn't think I was that old did you.

    10. Pat - my gran used to call them harvest festivals - all is safely gathered in! Xxx

  12. Good morning everyone
    Well it is a lovely bright and sunny day so far today but the weather man says it will not last, but we live in hope!
    Patricia enjoy your lunch and little trip out you never know what delights are awaiting you.
    Hazel hope you are feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed today and enjoying the rest.
    Well done Karen on winning a card, lucky you, as Michele says don't forget to email your address!
    Last night I told of seeing more details about the new craft channel on Debbie Stevens blog and said that there was a link to the new channels facebook page, now I don't do facebook but you are able to access their page through the link that Debbie has put on, should anyone want to have a little look.
    Have a lovely day everyone and take care.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret! I'm still here , they didn't get me! Hi hi! Xxx

  13. Hellooooooooo ladies,
    It's a lovely sunny but windy day here in God's country. I'm just messing about this morning, not doing much but am going now to get changed to meet my friend Ann in town. We'll soon put the country to rights!!!
    Karen, everyone says you've won a card, so congratulations.
    Margaret, I had a look at the facebook page link, and I now know how to pronounce Hochanda lol. I still think they could have chosen a better name for it.
    Enjoy yourselves, I'll pop in later to see what you've all been up to. I think Myra should give Von Saba's clock to her Craft Club children to see what they can do to it!!! No, on second thoughts, maybe not ha ha.

    1. I'm with you Maureen! This is going well so far ! I think it's a daft name - doesn't exactly trip off the tongue does it? I guess with C&C having craft in their title made it more difficult but I'm sure they could have come up with something that didn't sound like a foreign restaurant! Xxx

  14. Buenos dias Sandra and friends, oh gosh I'm really lazy this morning. Think I need some B12 too if any going spare. Have a nice lunch Patricia. Hazel-hope you feeling better today. Sheila- hows your back and leg doing today, just take it easy. Gentle hugs to all who need one!
    It was sunny earlier this morning but so raw and now it is grey so rain will come, again. If you got any warmth and sunshine Sandra could you send some to us. I hope you have a nice time, the girls enjoying themselves and Paul having a real rest. OH used to take a few days before relaxing properly so must be nice you manage to get away for more than one week.
    Karen also getting a Julia card ,congrats. Now it is just the rest of us who need some luck. Hope to see you Karen and Lynda in today sometime, hope you just busy and not poorly. Washing machine has stopped so go to hang it up, indoors I think be the better choice . Be back later so behave xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well it's taken me a fair while to get here! A bit like Cheryl's walk - only not so healthy and it's quite dry in my kitchen!
    Last night I went upstairs to my craft room just to try to mend my cutter! Well I did that and promptly got carried away and made two cards and cut out more die cuts! I had previously cut out the new Joy To The World Die. It is beautiful, very clear , a good size and cut beautifully. I had put it down on top of a sticky sheet covered with iced snow so just had to finish really! I will make a number of these as they are lovely and can be flat for posting!
    I thought I'd lost one of the stars from the Angel set and was quite upset! Looked everywhere - even emptied bin. Found it last night in my Die Folder it had magnetically stuck itself to the back of another die! I was so pleased!
    Ironing today - need to find something to watch while doing it!
    Take care everyone.
    Hope you are feeling a little better, Sheila.
    Hope you are alright Lynda.
    Love to all,

  16. PATRICIA Stop press that flexi light stuff for die cutting flowers is on C&C I'll be back later

    1. KAREN:- I sat down switched on the telly. Flicked through and saw 10mins of that. It would mean buying "more" tools. I make Roses with Martha Stewart clay. I make them like a Sugar Crafter would do it. Make individual petals then make up a Rose. Thanks for the heads up though, xxx

  17. My husband has just been chuckling at one of the letters in The Times! Apparently it's abou typos on gravestones! A Yorkshire man asked that - She was Thine - be put on his Auntie's headstone. When he viewed it - it said - She was Thin ! You forgot the E said the man you'll have to put it right! When he came back they had put E She was thin! It made me laugh too! Xxx

    1. John & I are having a chuckle here. Well I am, John was not so amused!!!
      This is a wee it rude but I will tell you anyway. I was working on some Roses at the kitchen table. John was sitting opposite chatting to me. He look at the table and said "there is lots of Glitter here at my place, hope none of that not got on any of the food I have eaten" "Oh! for goodness sake it will not do you any harm" "How do you know that for sure" he asked.
      I was getting rather frustrated, I was trying to concentrate. What the heck it's only glitter!!
      Could not help myself ..... "Tell you what, if you have eaten some, just think you will pass ..... Sparkly Poo!!! If you could have seen the look on his face!! Yes! I was chuckling John had gone ... he was NOT so amused!!! xxx

    2. Good one Big Sis!!! I can just see his face. xxx

    3. Now that is funny!!! Xxx

    4. Haha PATRICIA that's brilliant just laughed out loud. I might give Freddy some glitter lol xx

    5. As long as no one involved is having to do a sample to hand in that is. Can you see the looks that would be going round the lab???

    6. Patricia, had to laugh out loud at that. George wouldn't be amused either. He's very like Queen Victoria in that way!!! xxx

    7. Myra, Eee thee are awful!! xx

    8. Just had to laugh at this xx

    9. Oh I enjoyed all that ! I was laughing out loud and Iain came to find out what I was laughing at, he found it funny too ! xo
      Well I played 9 holes of golf this morning and it was lovely, had lunch at the clubhouse came home did a little ironing , made up the guest beds and made a card, now sitting with a large glass of wine ! xo

    10. Suns not yet over the yard arm yet Anne! Mind you do deserve it for being so busy! Go on have another one! Hic xxx

    11. I've just joined you - !!! Xxx

    12. Haha Patricia, I'm sure we are eating glitter here sometimes that comes with making the cards in the kitchen. glittery poo ey, xxx

    13. Oh Patricia, you did make me laugh. Poor Jonh. xxx

    14. I'm soo glad I craft upstairs! Xxx

    15. Oh Patricia
      I'm glad you didn't tell John that glitter sticks like glue. He could have a sparkly inside for ever. Pete despairs every time he looks at some of my dining room chairs. The glitter just won't vacuum up. He's very fond of vacuuming, although he's learnt that you don't vacuum before Sandra and Sue come over.

  18. Hi Sandra
    Hope the weather is still fine for you all, and I hope Matt had a lovely day yesterday. Lovely card Michelle today even if you did win it. Love the die that the stamp was cut out with.
    Myra I tried to explain to Pete what was written in the times. He just didn't get it at all. Not to sure where his brain is at the moment.
    Hope your feeling just a tiny bit better Sheila today. Sciatica can be a bummer.

  19. Did not bother going for Lunch. Went to Forfar got a few things done that were needed to be done. Stocked up on milk and bought some Crusty Bread. When we came out of Asda I said to John I would rather home and have some of the Crusry Bread and Cheese. Headed home, put the shopping away.
    John organised everything, he had some cold meats, tomatoes and cucumber.
    Will do lunch another day.
    Oh!! here's John with a cuppa for me. He's not a bad soul at times xxx

    1. Hope you enjoyed your lunch anyhow, it's the company not the surroundings isn't it xx

  20. hello everyone
    MICHELE I love the card and I'm going off to claim mine! It was lovely of to admit that you hadn't made it because what I've seen of your work it certainly matches it if not beats it. Your job must be a pain at times but you help so many patients in tough times it must be very satisfying
    PATRICIA Hope you're feeling brighter and managed to get out for lunch. Maybe a change of surroundings helped. I love gooseberry crumble so I'll take some if you don't mind. Hope the jab goes OK and you'll feel tons better
    ANNE Glad you like the new iPad I use my iPod to look at blogs I'm hoping somebody will get the hint that I'd like to "upgrade" to an iPad for my birthday
    CHERYL Glad you enjoyed the work and reminded me of something that apparently Paul O'Grady's (Lily Savage) mum used to say "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing" which is true to a point Treat yourself to the waterproof trousers You'd use them if you're ever caught in the rain selling your candles
    take care all, going onto Julia's site and then play with some new dies that have just arrived - Yipee

    1. Well Karen , when I got my 1st iPad 2 1/2 years ago as a Christmas present from Iain I didn't know whether to laugh or cry , I was terrified of it , he had tried to get me interested in his computer but I'm just not that way inclined but because I knew I could go on craft blogs and buy on line I soon got the hang of it and I was really lost without it for 3 weeks, so although I am no whiz on it I can manage ! I hope you get your wish!
      Congratulations on winning a card! xo

    2. Anne I was the same 3 1/2 years ago when charlie bought me my first iPad. I told him he was wasting money. Oh boy how wrong was I? When I was recovering I could look at blogs download books in the night when I couldn't sleep watch bbc iplayer you name it. Now I do everything for my blog on it. Money well spent these days. xxx

  21. Just going to see to some tea for Charlie that I can leave ready for him, he would see to himself but seeing how he did that all weekend I will be good and cook. I am off to Perth to look after Andrew while Derek and Calum go to the foitball, tammy's working. We did go out for lunch to the golf club house. I had the sea food platter, but Charlie just had the soup. So I think it might be a ready steady cook meal, I am off to see what I can do. xxx

    1. Hazel don't get lost in the Outback when you go to Perth ha ha. xxx

    2. Didn't get lost Maureen but it took me an hour and ten minutes to get here it is normally a twety to twenty five minute run here. That time of night when everyone is heading home. Now I am just going away to listen to wee mans reading, I have unloaded reloaded and put on the diswasher, tidy the sides. Taken in Calum's school trousers, I tell you it reminds me of work. Ok Tammy told me to leave things she would do it when she got home, but that fell on deaf ears. I was told no ironing but I might just make a start if wee man gets his reading done quickly. But I can't see that happening, he is in one of those go slow I can't do it moods. I can see granny having words. xxx

  22. Hello All,
    It's still a lovely day here. This will be short and sweet as the girls are coming for a sleepover. See you all tomorrow. Enjoy yourselves tonight, but don't wreck the place. The Baileys tanker is all set up for you.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Have fun, no hot chocolate in bed, enjoy the film.
      Thank you for telling us, we would have worried about you. xxx

    2. Have a nice snuggle with the girls. What film is it for tonight ?
      hugs to you all xxx

    3. Have a lovely , snuggly time! Xxxx

  23. SABA'S not been in today. Do you think she's in town buying bags or shoes or both!!
    Maybe she's fallen asleep catching up on what she lost last week.
    Joking apart I hope she is ok!! xxx

  24. Hi everyone, first chance I've had to get into the blog today. I was covering my friends craft shop while she took her Tuesday card class, and was late in leaving the house, just couldn't get motivation to get out of bed early.
    Tonight is slimming club so will keep fingers crossed don't think it will be any good because I have had a rubbish week, eating all the wrong things.
    Anyway better get going and get back for tea, I could really just nod off for a bit, yesterday has definitely caught up with me.
    Will pop back later, Jess xxx

  25. Hellooooo I'm ok thanks MARIA & MYRA I did comment late last but just looked & it's not there I didn't check after pressed publish. The day just disapeared on me. This morning was sunny so after housework,I went to shops on bus as Oh was doing some painting for someone. Off I went no coat just blouse well came out of Staples ( had to get some new tape for my lable machine) the heavens opened down came the rain really heavy, so went bus stop by this time I was dripping & it was still poring when I got off the bus then had a 10 minute walk home well I was soaked right down to my soggy had a hot shower to get warm. Just got nice cupper & it's still chucking it down.
    I have Got to finish a get well card,& a thank you card in a minute.& lable my new die's & put them in the Christmas die folder.
    MARIA hope your still improving health wise not long now for your holiday.
    SHEILA how are you is your sciatica any easier, it's such a horrible pain I really feel for you sending you gentle Hug's xx
    SANDRA hello champers hope you still enjoying yourselves, hope Matt had a good birthday. Have a good afternoon/evening xx
    I have ordered some Creative Expression Snow fibre paper TIna E uses it on her poinsettias they look amazing. Has anyone tried it.
    Well off & finish my cards be back later. Big Hug's Lynda xx

    1. You are welcome! We do worry about you , you know! We don't worry early in the day because you'll be asleep!!
      Hard Hat! Xxxx

    2. Wet top competition ! aaah not nice to get soaked through. Hopefully you didn't wear paper knickers ? Patients in hospital had them, awful they were. See you soon :-) xxx

    3. Oh Maria! What a picture! Fortunately I've finished eating! Xxxx

    4. Oh MARIA thanks for that nearly choked on my builders Tea haha.
      Don't change your sooooo funny xx

    5. Thank you MYRA I'm pleased you worry about me but if I'm early you have to use smelling salts, What with this IPad not playing properly & comments disappearing into the unknown outer universe. XX

    6. MARIA:- I am so looking forward to meeting you.
      You have a wonderful, wicked sense of humour, its brilliant. xxx

  26. Hi everyone, just popped back to see what's been going on today, have commented on the way down, after I had a shower and woke up properly this morning I cleaned the windows then got the grass cut, it was slightly damp but cut well just the same. Had listened to the weather forecast so thought I'd better do this. Been shopping this afternoon and now having a sit down with my youngest dog Ruby fast asleep at my side,
    Take care all xxx

  27. Hello everyone, sorry I'm late, I've had a friend here today having a catch up and doing some crafting. She's just starting out on the card making journey so it's interesting to see how she is learning. She'd been given an ultimate pro and hadn't got a clue what to do with it so we had a lovely play. She made a box and had a play with the embossed sections on it. She went home really pleased.its been raining all day again here really heavy rain so just right for crafting! It's almost dark now, what's happened to summer, it's really chilly!
    Michelle I left a comment earlier up the page but what a beautiful card to treasure. Thank you for sharing.
    Right must go and get dinner on - see you all later xx

  28. Reading done, oh that boy can turn a simple boring story into something worth listening to. I just love how he does all the little voice expressions and changes voice for each character! xxx

  29. Hi Sandra and will you lovely ladies.
    Hope you at e still enjoying sun Sandra and family?
    Michelle the card is lovely not too sure about choice of colour for me your own are equally as good probably alot better. What a worthwhile job you good we have people like you.
    Cheryl so pleased you and friend enjoyed walking group what a great way to exercise and meet new people. Sorry about your other friend who is now at peace, condolences to you and her family.
    Patricia hope you feel better after your injection glad you enjoyed your lunch at home well done John.
    I love the sparkler tale I would have been giggling my head of and so would Sue as well we both have a great sense of humour, even when her memory is bad, you will discover this at the Retreat when you meet her.
    Hugs on way to everyone who needs them love Margaret xx

  30. Buenos Noches mis amigos!
    Well we have had a lovely day today, there wasn't a cloud in the sky so we did as we had promised the girls and went to the next 'very chavvy' town (its that chavvy that is has proper 'irish' bars and you can get Yorkshire pudding and all day breakfast)! You wouldn't know you where in spain apart from the weather, every other person was wearing a football shirt, anyway you get the picture, but its the only beach around here where you can hire pedalos with a slide on the back, so after I was very ungraciously manhandled onto the back of the thing they set off for an hour, the screams and squeals of delight where well worth the effort of getting on the thing, Paul too enjoyed whizzing down the slide! (I wanted to stay sat on the beach but they insisted I joined them)!
    after that we went for an icecream and then came back to the campsite, had late lunch and went onto the beach here, I had a lovely swim and then layed in the sunshine until about 7pm and then came back for a shower and some dinner.
    I have left you all a lovely big jug on Sangria and some tapas for later on, I am off to schedule some more blog posts for next week,
    I hope that you all are well,
    lots of love

    1. Oooh! Sounds like a great day was had by all ! Lovely! So pleased you are all enjoying your holiday. You so deserve it. We re being very, very good here. It comes soo naturally to each one of us! Please don't worry - mind you I nearly had my neck wrung yesterday! However I'm a sly old bird and I survived. Enjoy your holiday - every single lovely minute!
      Myra xxxx

    2. Hello SANDRA so pleased you had a good day even if you were manhandled into that pedalo your braver than me I wouldn't get on one for love nor money,have good day tomorrow lovely xx

    3. Sounds like you are having great fun Sandra. Sometimes you have to go to these places to apreciate the place you are staying in! Xxx

  31. Hi Sandra
    Sounds like you had a lovely day today, and Paul and the girls loved the Pedelos with the slide. I assume the water was quite deep. I would have loved it ( NOT ). I'm glad your having a great time and a good rest. I'll enjoy a glass of Sangria and some tapas later on. How lovely that your thinking up some goodies for us while your away.

    1. hi my lovely,
      are you all packed and ready for your holiday? is it the weekend that you go? we start making our journey home on Tuesday, we stay in Millau on Tuesday night and then another hotel outside Paris on Wednesday and then the ferry home on Thursday!
      seems like we have been away forever, have missed you lovely ladies

  32. Hi Sandra
    Once again blogger won't let me comment anywhere else at the moment. Re cups of tea Hazel. I also like my tea very weak. Pete and I share a teabag when we make a cup of tea.

    1. I can vouch for that, Pat has her tea like gnats pee !!

    2. SANDRA:- so good to see you in. Sounds like a fantastic day. It's really good to see how others enjoy their holiday. Not my cup of tea, good to experience though. It would be a right boring world if we all liked the same things.
      Enjoy every moment in the sunshine.
      ((((hugs))) xxx

    3. Sandra , your knowledge astounds me!!! Xxx

  33. Hi everyone, Sandra what a fantastic day you have all day, sounds absolutely wonderful, you are making me jealous.
    Went to slimming club 1/2 a pound on, not as bad as I thought it would be, must do better next week.
    It has got a wee bit colder tonight, put the heating on for an hour or two, so it nice and cosy now.
    Off to make a cup of tea, just can't be bothered making any cards tonight but I must do them tomorrow for my daughter in law and sister in law, their birthdays are at the weekend, kind of have an idea what I will do so that is half the battle.
    Don't think I will be in later, will catch up with you all tomorrow, take care xxx

    1. Don't be disheartened Jess, you will probably lose more next week,
      enjoy your cuppa, I hope you like a bit of colour to your tea!
      Love and hugs

  34. It's me again, I know I said I would probably not be back tonight, but I have just worked out what Hochanda is......Home of Crafts Hobbies and Arts!

    1. Oh!! JESS:- that was mentioned right at the beginning when John (next door) posted it on his Blog!! Thanks for the reminder though, I had forgotten it's such a stupid name. Not one to roll of the tounge.
      Sorry you did not manage to loose more, next week will be better, chin up. xxx

    2. I totally agree - it really is a stupid name, it's not a name that will roll off the tongue. Or am I just showing my age ?

    3. No Brenda! At the risk of repeating myself - I totally agree. Xxx

  35. Hello ladies
    Just to let you know I am alive and kicking.
    I have been without my I pad all day, Peter borrowed it to take to work, he was expecting an important e mail and needed to reply to it as soon as possible. I did look in using my phone but for some reason it wouldn't let me publish - Google needed verification but wouldn't let me get any further. So frustrating.
    I have just finished reading all the comments and what with paper knickers and sparkling poo I have been in stitches. I now have a mental picture of John checking next time he goes!
    Cheryl well done for going on your walk, it must have taken some courage. So sorry to hear of the loss of your very brave friend, may she rest in peace.
    Sandra you sound as if you are having a wonderful time, don't know what is chavvy about Yorkshire puddings though!!!
    Michele Julia's card is lovely but it could easily have been one of yours, I agree with everyone one else, you are doing a wonderful job, people always praise the doctors and nurses and forget about all the very important people who are in the background, so,take a well deserved bow.
    Muriel I love your new name, it reminded me of when I worked on paediatrics and I was listening to two small children discussing their nurses. One was telling the other which nurse he meant and said it was the one who looked like aunt Sally. He meant me. I took it as a compliment.
    Hugs for now
    Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- great to see you, I was getting a "tad" worried.
      I was thinking you'd been shopping!! or catching up with lost sleep. xxx

    2. Hello Saba,
      Missed you! Have you booked your Flight for the Retreat yet? Xxx

    3. It was very strange not having my I pad. You don't realise just how much you rely on it. I did get a card made though and read a book, how lazy is that. I haven't booked my flight yet. I am not sure when we are going sailing and until I do know I can't book it. Not a huge problem but I would like to know. I expect we will go the last week in September for two weeks. As soon as I know for definite I will get it booked. I can't wait to meet everyone.

    4. Oh! I do hope so, really looking forward to meeting you Saba.
      Looking forward to meeting everyone, not too long now.
      Jaunt Jug looking good even after paying my Train Fare. xxx

    5. I need a a Navigaor! Otherwise it's Tom Tom and he does get a bit tedious! Xxxx

    6. I need someone who can spell too! Xxx

    7. Don't you worry my dear, if we set off under a starry sky I'll use my sextant.

    8. Ok! Let's just hope the visibility is good! We'll set off early and make a day of it! So looking forward to seeing you again and all the others too! Will they cope? Xxx

    9. It's not the ladies we need to worry about, it's the hotel staff, they won't know what's hit them. There will be puddles and glitter everywhere.

    10. Oh it's ok there shouldn't be any puddles as tenna have brought out an even better one its ment to be three times more absorbent??. Do you think they need it tested??? Xx

    11. That's true! I do hope they have not been tuned in to this blog! We'd be banned! They don't know we are dear , sweet , lovely ladies! Ahem! Xxx

    12. Hi ladies,
      We could volunteer to road test the new Tena ladies for them. I missed the sparkly poo. Your supposed to put sparkly buts on cards you know not eat them. Maybe it's a new trend, but I'll pass on that one. Glad your back with us Saba. It's not your spelling Myra it's the predictive text on the IPad. Well that's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it. I have to keep going back and changing words. Perhaps I'll stop now though. It seems to be a trend.

  36. Hello all,
    JESS I also just worked that out what Hochanda ment still a stupid name.
    We we had dinner then I cleared up. Had phone call from my friend then my daughter face timed me on the I pad as they are on holiday in Turkey they are all lovely & brown.& having a good time,they have one more week. So been distracted. I'm now going to up date my computer too windows 10 for free. Noting my luck it will all go ape S..t so wach this space. Not sure if you can do it on an iPad. Pop in later. Xx

  37. Hi all, well has been a grey day with lot of rain, no crafting done but another day tomorrow. Going with OH for hospital for a small op, he's not happy because he has to be nil by mouth after 6am but hopefully he feel ok after so we can go for a nice lunch somewhere.
    Your day sounded lovely Sandra but you would never get me on one of does thingy with a slide. Enjoy your next few days.
    Most of us seem to have had a good day. Sheila- hope you starting to feel better. Son home so we are going to watch a program together and then it will be bed so I wish you all a good night, love and hugs xxx

    1. MARIA:- hope you have a great evening watching your programme with your son and hubby.
      Goodnight God Bless good luck for tomorrow xxx

    2. Night Night Maria - hope all goes really well for your husband tomorrow. . Xxxx

    3. Night night Maria best wishes for your OH tomorrow. Enjoy your

    4. MARIA - sending best wishes for you OH hope all goes well LOL XX

    5. Maria I hope your husbands op goes well tomorrow xxx

    6. Good night God bless MARIA ,very best wishes for hubbie tomorrow hope all goes well.& enjoy your lunch after. Xx

  38. I am going to call it a night.
    I have been making flowers this evening. I cut, spritzed, shaped them last night.
    I made them up, stuck them to my projects and they good, even though I say it myself.
    I will see you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Night and God bless Patricia. I do hope John doesn't sparkle!!,

    2. Twinkle Twinkle ! I'll just leave it there. Think!
      Night night Patricia! Xxx

    3. Good night glittery PATRICIA God bless.xx

  39. Back home, thank goodness it only took 25 minutes to get home. Was planning to coming home and get a card put together but I will leave that tomorrow. So mad with my self I made a card this morning had it ready for chatlie to take to the pist box when it dawn on me I hadn't photograph it. So I must remember to do the one tomorrow, so I can put it on my blog at some point.
    SABA it's sad when we miss our iPads so much, but I am lost when I can't use mine.
    Lynda, good luck with the updates.
    Oh I can see we will only need one tea bag between a good few of us at the retreat, Lynda, if you were coming we would let you have the first use of the tea bag. There would still be enough left to make us four weak tea drinkers s cup.
    Maria, hope your OH op goes ok.
    Sheila, I hope you aren't in to much pain. I just wish I could Magic it away. Do you take calcium and magnesium tablets by any chance? As if you do ( I found they help with the pins and needles you get ) but if you up them it might help settle things. I asked my ex boss and she also said try taking 2 paracetamol 2 hours after your Co-Codamol for a day and really get on top of the pain, and try keep moving which she knows is very sore and hard but it's trying to release the nerve.
    Pat, happy packing.
    Sandra, oh you sound like you had a great day. Yes you do wonder why folk pay to go to Spain when they want to still have very English food and drink. And I can see the sea of football tops.
    Well it looks light a lot of you are going to bed early to night.
    Brenda ( LL) are you ok, you have been very quiet!
    Will pop in before I go to bed to see if anyone else has been in. xxx

    1. Brenda is ok! She has just been a bit busy.
      Hazel I'll bring three tea bags - that should be loads! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel
      When Peter asked if he could borrow the I pad I didn't realise just how much I would miss it. The phone is ok but everything is so small.
      I take both magnesium and calcium since my diagnosis and they have really helped with the muscle pain, I also take vitamin D capsules as my blood tests showed I was deficient. I hate having to take tablets though and am hoping that when I next see the consultant I might be able to knock a few of them off. I have never taken anything before this stupid Hashimoto's reared it's ugly head!!! Still, compared to what many others are going through this is peanuts.

    3. Hazel if you used my tea bag it would make three cups of very week gnats pee I surpose it's a good job I'm not going boo hoo.

    4. Oh dear, Hazel has drunk letter boxes! Xxx

    5. Uh huh! Brahms and Lizst!!!

  40. SABA, I have taken the calcium and magnesium from before I had my womb cancer, it helped my sciatica so much and I was able to stop taking the amitriptyline, more or less straight away. At least the calcium is not addictive. They were doing trials to see if magnesium helped chemo patients when I was having it and they were so pleased with the results they got from me, I didn't get pins and needles or loose feelings in my fingers etc. xxx

  41. Hazel,Myra and anyone else who is still up, I need to go to bed so I will say good night and God bless to you all and will see you tomorrow.
    Sleep tight love
    Saba xxx

  42. Night SABA, just got on here after a very busy day. Not read the comments yet.

  43. Night SABA, just got on here after a very busy day. Not read the comments yet.

  44. Night Night, Saba, Hazel and Brenda and anyone else who is still up! Xxx


    1. Good night SABA Hazel MYRA & Uncle Tom cobble & all sleep well xx

    2. Sorry BRENDA didn't see you there good night God bless xx
