
Wednesday 26 August 2015

A beautiful treat from Patricia

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,
Today's absolutely stunning Card and gift box has been designed by the amazing box designer that is our very own 'Patricia' !!
Patricia you have really excelled yourself with this gorgeous duo, I think that I read that you printed these beautiful papers from a CD, if so please tell us which one as I think that they are absolutely beautiful in colour and design!
It looks as though Patricia has created this gorgeous card without any dies, apart from maybe the leaves, your roses look just like the ones on the papers Patricia, they are just so beautiful, you must visit Patricia's blog to see a tutorial of how to create them, (just click on the photo of Patricia next to her name and it will take you there)!
Thank you so very much for allowing me to share your amazing creation on my blog Patricia xxx
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo. My goodness it's dark here this morning.
    SANDRA,PAUL & GIRLS enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    MY DUO:- made and given to a very "special lady" I love making boxes and flowers and this Duo was an absolute delight to make. Backing paper printed from a Crafters Companion Magazine Cd. I love this paper and the fact you can print it off when ever you want is a bonus. Box is approx 3" x 4" I filled it with "sweet treats"
    I am in the process a Flower Tutorial for my Blog. I hope to have done for next week.
    Right:- things all set up and ready for the day. Everything bright and fresh and the place smells wonderful. Some more Bread Rolls in the oven Mmmm!!! Get in quick today if you want some. The Rolls were eaten up so fast yesterday. I have my usual Tea and Toast and I am over at the corner table. Wonder who will be looking in today. (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia, as soon as I opened the door this morning and saw this offering I knew it was yours, your flowers are becoming quite famous, have made a few lanterns from your blog, they are gorgeous xx

    2. Patricia ,
      Sandra didn't have to say who made those today! They are so obviously yours! Box and Rose maker extraordinaire! They are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them. Xxx

    3. Patricia - Once again I am in AWE of your paper skills and imagination.
      It's very rare that I envy anyone but I reallydo envy your ability with paper and card.
      You are one very talented lady.

    4. Patricia your card and box are fantastic you can almost smell the lovely event of the rose I love it thank you for sharing, bread rolls are lovely as well I crept in earlier and nicked one before I went out put money in box. Hope injection kicks in soon big hugs for you Margaret xx

    5. wow Patricia you are deffo. are box and flower specialist . I love,love it all !
      Never got a bread roll, think Margaret P nicked the last one :-)
      hugs xxx

    6. THEY ARE MINE and they are gorgeous. What Patricia hasn't said is that the box has tissue inside which is also printed with a beautiful rose design, and inside the tissue was her famous Tablet, which was delicious and George didn't even get a sniff of it. I started eating it on the train home, and forced myself to stop. Then finished it after breakfast the next morning with a milky coffee, which was very naughty of me - but, oh boy, it was good!!!

    7. Patricia, I'm so sorry that I forget to say that I hope you've had your injection and will soon feel fighting fit. Well fit - but not fighting!! xxx

    8. Patricia the box and card are gorgeous. I would love to make boxes like that, I am going away to your blog. Hope your injection has kicked in and you are full of energy xx

    9. Hi Patricia
      I keft a comment yesterday regarding Johns sparkly poo. My dining room chairs are full of it, and poor Pete can't vacuum it out. Much to his horror. Regarding the knickers i used to wear. I remembered they were called bloomers. Very fetching they were as well.

    10. Hi Patricia. Your box and card are gorgeous. You make lovely boxes and cards. Hope you have your injection soon.

  2. Good morning, ladies. When I clicked on to what I was sure was Sandra's blog this morning I thought I had made a mistake and gone to big sisters Blog. Yes this box and card went to a lovely special lady. Patricia's boxes are beautiful, hence why I leave her to make them when ones are needed. The sweet treats are wonderful to.
    Things looking and smelling great in here today. I am on just water at the minute. I had to take that tablet that helps to keep the calcium in my bones, hate taking it as you have to drink so much water with it, not my favourite thing to do first thing in the morning, a cup of tea is much better then I have to remember I haven't had my tablets,which my routine involves first them then I can forget about them, but needs must.
    Nothing much on the cards here, apart from go see if our pound shop have the children's 2 for a £1 water bottles. It's little Andrews party on Saturday and Tammy has decided that each child will get his/hers own water bottle, he is having a games and sports type party. The lad that runs the motivate activity that Calum attends has afford to run the sports/ game side for it, in the hall they use. So lots of water needed and the chesp water bottles will save spilliage, they can then take them home along with the big punch balloons that are to be part of a game. Tammy doesn't do party bags as such, ( sounds mean but as she says each and every one try's to out shine the other) it's true it's getting out I hand. Where has the days gone when the child was have to go home with a piece of cake wrapped up.??? So while I am away getting them I will be having a look in The Works to see if there are any new goodies in. Shopping centre in side so I won't get wet,, yes it's pouring with rain here. Roll on 2 weeks time and hopefully Patricia and I will be getting some sun and warmth. Right off to get refill my glass. xxx

    1. I've been clicking on you photo but nothing's happening Patricia?

    2. ANNE:- if you put in your search bar you should manage to find me xxx

    3. Strangely enough Patricia , I've found that if you click on your photo here it doesn't work but it does on Sue's blog. Your photo is not at the top right corner of this blog. That may have something to do with it. Xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, enjoy getting ready for Andrews party, hope you get the drinks bottles you need. How sensible of Tammy not to follow the trend and with party bags. I'm with her all the way on that one. Remember some years ago at granddaughters party, a child asking me ' what have we got in our party bags ' I did know, but replied ' I don't think you have got any party bags' Hope yours all have a great time. LOL xx

    5. Hazel Andrew's party sounds brilliant. Oliver had his last week and Joanne made a conscious decision not to do party bags as such. There were balloons and cake and a lovely party and she deemed that enough.
      Myra, I don't have a problem getting onto Patricia's from here, but I click in her name and not her photo, so maybe try that instead.
      Hugs xxxx

    6. I have a special Patricia tile on my iPad so don't usually get to her by clicking - or as someone said pressing her nose!! Trust me to press the wrong place. Xxx

    7. My picture on Sandra's Followers List is my village not my face!! xxx

    8. I've learned a lot this morning!! I think I'll keep quiet on computers in future! Ha ha xxx

    9. No idea what a tile is on Patricia but I hope you have had a nice day shopping Hazel and you got some goodies from 'the works' and the water bottles. I agree with the children party's getting out of hand, everybody seem to have bigger and better, not sure if they are just expensive. If I ever get a grandchild I will be really 'mean' not hihi
      hugs xxx

    10. Hazel, I hope you get all organised for the party on Saturday. Things are starting to get really ridiculous. It was actually cheaper for Rachel to give Zoe's friends £15 each and go on a shopping trip to Eldon Square, then go back home a couple of hours later for home made tea. xxx
      Poor Patricia's face is all black and blue, and is her nose broken, with all the prodding people have been doing to get onto her blog?

    11. Its not the picture you click on its the name xx

    12. Thank you girls ! I finally got there by clicking Patricia's name , I thought she had her box making tutorial on , that was why I was going to try and make one, but I absolutely loved her card!
      I did eventually get into the craft room and got a couple of wedding cards made but the reason it took so long to get there was RCI phoned , ( timeshare ) and I ended up booking for next March and then Iain tried to book flights so all in all it took H-o-u-r-s, yawn!
      I have so little patience for things like that, but I'm happy when it's done. xo

  3. Now that's offered to run the games!!!., x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Patricia-wow! Stunning card & gift box. I'm sure your friend loved it knowing all the thought + effort that had gone into making the gifts.

    Miserable start to the day here-heavy rain. Quick look at the forecast & it's meant to be fine the rest of the day.

    Yesterday was too bad at work, today looking busy again though. Invited to two meetings next week, both fairly important ones so let's hope we achieve something!

    Really must start making some cards to take to Florida-keep putting it off & not sure why?! Maybe tonight after getting weighed & ringing Dad.


    1. It's dry and sunny here now Michele so I hope it is with you too! Xxx

    2. Michele let's hope next weeks meetings don't upset old grumpy again!

    3. Hi Michele, hope your day not too bad and the meetings next week goes alright. Have a good day. xxx

    4. Michele, I hope your day has gone ok, that the weigh-in tonight is a success, and that your phone call to dad is fairly easy going xxxx

    5. H Michele, don't worry about the weigh in, in you lose good if you don't does it really matter in the scheme of things. The job you do is important to you and others, that is important in the scheme of things so go enjoy everything you do.xx

    6. Hi Michelle
      Hope the weight in goes ok, but it doesn't really matter if you do or don't lose some weight. Hope your meeting go off ok, hope that grumpy winds her neck in.

  5. Wow! Patricia your box and card are absolutely GORGEOUS! Love the colours,the print and the flowers, they are so professional looking !
    I have never tried making a box before ( but as its raining and the midges will be out in force , I don't fancy going walking today) so I will go to your blog and then the craft room and see what I can produce?
    Michele I hope your meetings go well ,it sounds like you are having a tough time at work, maybe today might be a bit better,
    I can smell those bread rolls and can't resist so will just have one with a nice cup of tea , wonder if there's some of that gooseberry jam left , I've never tasted that before although my MIL used to put some gooseberries in with the strawberries to help it set ( really works) but you couldn't tell they were there, will put money in the pot.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Click on Patricia Anne. Xxx

    2. Anne, hope you managed to get onto Patricia's blog, just click on her name and not the photo, that works for me.

    3. Anne hope you were successful, despite my best attempts to confuse you! Xxx

    4. Hi Anne, how the box making going ? I tried once, need professional help hihi. Don't forget to take a picture to show us
      hugs xxx

    5. Hello Anne, are you not golfing today? xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and my favourite group of lovely ladies,
    For some reason I'm up early probably because I went to bed much earlier than usual as I had quite a bad day yesterday. I was supposed to be going to Bury today but have had to cancel as I don't feel up to going. The sciatica seems to ease off and then comes back again but I'm thinking positively and keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you all or your get well soon wishes they are so much's so comforting to know that you there. I think yesterday was so bad because it's all come as a shock to my system being the first time I have been poorly since I lost Clive he was always a wonderful 'nurse' bless him.
    PATRICIA your box and card are stunning, I love your beautiful flowers and the backing paper is so pretty with the pink roses and the blue background (is it the same one that was on my card? Thanks so much for allowing Sandra to show them. I must pop over to your blog and have a nosey.
    SANDRA I'm so pleased you and the family are still enjoying your holiday and hope it continues like that to the very end.
    HAZEL Andrews party sounds like it's going to be fun and such a lovely idea for to give the children their very own water Tammy says these parties can get out of hand moneywise as each parent tries to outdo each other.....and yes I can remember coming home with a piece of cake and feeling pretty pleased with that.
    I have a few birthdays coming up and have made a start so I must get on with the cards for them.
    The cafe looks wonderful as always and it's always such a pleasure to pop in and have a chat with such lovely friends.
    I haven't left any hugs in the basket because today I just want to make sure that each and everyone of you receive a hug from me ....even though it's only in cyber space everyone is sent with true sincerity and love.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila sending you a hug right back my lovely lady. I hope today brings you less pain, just stay cuddled up keeping warm. I can imagine it has been a shock suddenly realising you are on your own when all you need is someone to run around after you. I wish we were all closer so we could pop in and bring some real cake and laughter to you. Mind you would you want to talk about paper knickers and sparkly poo!!!! Lots of love xxx

    2. Thanks for the hug Sheila - sending some back to you too!
      I do hope this nasty sciatica leaves you very soon! I too wish we were nearer - mind you - we'd probably kill you or cure you! Can't wait to read what Muriel spilled on the bed last night! Xxx

    3. Sheila, Sorry you were not up to going on the trip to Bury. Stay in doors and keep warm. Sending you lots of (((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))) hope you have a good day. xxx

    4. Sheila so lovely to see you, I can understand how alone you are feeling without your lovely Clive to nurse you back to health, I just wish I could wrap my arms around you, but a virtual cuddle is all I can offer, it's a big squishy one mind so brace yourself.
      Love Saba xxxx

    5. SHEILA:- sending you some (((((hugs))))) . I just wish I was round the corner so I could pop in to give you them in person. xxx

    6. Afternoon Sheila - hoping today is a little better than yesterday and so on and so on.
      I know we are no replacement for Clive but I hope we can do a little to help you when needed. Extra BIG BIG HUGS FOR YOU TODAY;

    7. Sheila pleased to see you in cafe. Just remember we are all here for you, hope pain eases soon,thank you for the hug extra special hug on way to you love Margaret xx

    8. Hi Sheila, sorry you couldn't go on your outing but if you are in pain is nice to just stay at home. I come over too if I lived closer but in the meantime I sending you a big HUG through the sky into the cafe and hope it will help some. It is always someone in if you need us, take care, hugs xxx

    9. Hello Sheila, It's lovely to see you, but not when you are in pain. Just take all the hugs that people are sending to you and wrap them very gently around you. Do you have any of Margaret's bags, I swear by them - that's different to swearing at them. They are fantastic and I use them every night. Always two - sometime three!! xxx

    10. Hi Sheila sorry to hear its still annoying you, don't bend and twist at the same time, that will bring it back, you can bend and you can twist but do not do them together ,, I wish I could be there and give you a remedial massage for it and a few hugs thrown in. hope this makes sense to you.xx

    11. Hope you will soon be feeling a lot better Sheila. It's no joke when you are feeling ill and on your own. Thanpnk you for the hug. Sending an extra special one back to you. Take carexx

  7. Thank you Sheila for my hug. Yes children come to party's expecting to go home with s big party bag. Tammy is just so fed up with it all, Andrew doesn't usually want a party he likes to just have a friend over, but this year he asked if he could have a little party, but his list wasn't little, Tammy got him to bring it down to 15. Stewart the lad that's running things is happy with that, as he says he can make teams. I have been roped into the sandwich making - small pop in their mouth sized ones, and mini krispie cakes and top hats. Simlpe food 6/7 year olds don't need anything else. She will have big bowls of strawberries and grapes too. Xxx

    1. Parties have turned into a mini industry Hazel! - good job I read that back as it had changed to mining industry !! One of our granddaughters went to one at the indoor ski slope near the Trafford Centre! It cost a fortune! They ate in there as well. It's all got out of hand. Xxx

    2. Myra, you'll have them cleaning the chimneys next xxx

  8. Good morning everyone,
    Sandra and family, hope you are all nice and relaxed now - keep enjoying your holiday.
    Hazel hope you get some goodies from the Works, ours here isn't very good.
    Sheila it's lovely to see you, hope fully you will feel better as the days go.
    It's been pouring down here during the night, glad I cut the grass.
    I had typed a long post and it just disappeared so will be back late hugs for all who need them xxx

    1. Hi Jean, I've lost a long post today as well. I am now having to log in and out to enable me to post a reply to individual comments - technology eh? xxxx

    2. Have you forgotten about the wee thingy at the top! Xxx

    3. Maureen why are you logging in and out, you just have to press reply under the comment on each one an write what you want. xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Patricia, your box is gorgeous, I love the pattern of the backing paper, it is so pretty and your rose is wonderful as always : ) I hope your injection goes well. Just think this time next week you will be feeling so much better.
    My memory is awful so I have to write every thing down or it is gone. I can't decide which is easier, do I comment on each of you as I go down, that is fine if you have all called in, or do I make a list as I read the comments? If I make a list my comment is definitely War and Peace! I just don' t want anyone to think that I have forgotten them. Today is going to have to be a general hi though as I have two cards to make and then ironing.....yeah ok, the ironing may not get done as it takes me ages to make a card!
    Cheryl, I am sorry to hear of your friends death. My sympathy to you and her family.
    Shelia, it is good to see you managed to pop in to the Cafe even though you are struggling at the moment. I hope you can feel our love and hugs. Thank you for the lovely hug.Take care
    Please have a good day as possible everyone.
    Sandra, sorry for forgetting to ask you to pass on to Matt birthday wishes yesterday. You had a great day by the sounds of it. The pedalo trip sounds like great fun and worth the hassle getting in and out. It is so good hearing what a great time you are having my lovely : )
    Take care x

    1. Sue, you are right , the whole thing is like War and Peace - just a lot funnier! Hope the card making goes well. As for the ironing - well - it'll happen eventually! Xxx

    2. Sue, it can take me days to make a card that's why I don't do ironing!!

    3. I think that's Yorkshire logic! Xxx

    4. oh Sue, I also have a awful memory so have to write down everything. Can be a bit embarrassing if you speak to someone who don't know me. It's going to be fun at the retreat, or what do you think ? xxx

    5. I think I'll SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam, I'm like you Sue, I have to write things down or I prefer to chunter on as each post comes up. but I'm having problems and I keep getting a funny face saying "time out", so i'm going to read the rest of the posts - how long have I been on now? It'll be midnight before I've finished. xxx
      Maria, it'll be great at the Retreat. We'll all be so busy talking, laughing, changing our Tenas, and getting to know one another that I don't think we'll have time to craft!!!

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Patricia what a beautiful card and box, they are so gorgeous. I'm going to have a look at your blog when the running around has died down and see how you make your roses look so real, mine look too perfect! Enjoy your day xxx
    Hazel have fun shopping, hopefully today is the day we don't get wet!!! It's been pouring over night and should be raining all morning but it's looking promising at the moment. Michele I hope today is a better day and next weeks meetings sort things our for you xxx anne I hope you don't press too hard on Patricia's faced, she will have a sore nose! Xxx
    Right must get a wriggle on, mother in law will be here soon to help Emma sort her room! Yes granny is more ruthless and can di it better! I say no more! Oh it's such a state- you can't see the floor! Trouble is Emma was out at a party last night and by the time she came in the milkman could have delivered her rather than a taxi! Granny is in for a grumpy child fun day! Tee hee. I'm just going to try and wake her up! Hard hat on!!!!! See you all later, might pop in if I'm not needed! Lots of love and hugs to you all xxx

    1. Oh Diane, that did make me laugh! Hope the hard hat hat worked. Maybe the loud hailer was a step too far!! Xxx

    2. Diane, try whispering SPIDER in her ear!

    3. Afternoon Diane
      BEST OF LUCK I think you may just need lots of it.

    4. DIANE:- I would SHOUT "spiders" rather than whisper!! xxx

    5. I remember does days hihi I hope by now you can see the floor again and that you all got a good day prepping, hugs xxx

    6. Hope you can see the floor now, long will it last xx

    7. Yeah there is a floor! I think I was lucky that granny was in charge - she can get away with anything! Xxx

  11. Hello Sandra, Patricia and coffee shop ladies,

    FIRST I am going to enjoy one of those yum me roll and some crispy bacon, before they disappear. Would you believe it yesterday I came in they were still in the oven, went and had a very quick shower, (didn't want to sit in the cafe in my PJs) returned all fresh clean and dressed. ALL of the rolls and bacon had gone. THATis not going to happen today!!! ......................... That was delicious. Thank you Patricia, has anyone told you, you make a lovely cup of tea? Really enjoyed it. Well that's me set up for the day.

    SANDRA it was lovely to read the fun you were all having yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    PAT and SUE, so pleased you managed to get together yesterday.

    CHERYL So pleased you and your friend took the plunge and joined in with the walking group, hope you both enjoy many more walks and the company of your new friends.

    PATRICIA, WooooooooooooooooW Your box and card are stunning, the roses are so beautiful, I will be looking out for the tutorial. Thank you for sharing.

    Better move myself, we have a busy morning. Out and about.

    Will be back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Glad you got your roll today Brenda! Have a good day out and about getting things done! Xxx

    2. Hope you have a great day out and we see you hopefully later so you can tell us what you been up too, hugs xxx

  12. Good morning lovely ladies,
    Patricia I am in love with this card and box. Your roses (which are absolutely stunning) match perfectly with the background paper. I have just been over to yours and I am thrilled you are up and running again. So looking forward to your flower tutorial.
    I think I'll join Brenda and have one of those crispy bacon rolls, has anybody seen today's tea bag? I've brought in a little tea bag dish that we can keep it in.
    I can't decide what to do. I have discovered that there is a craft shop about 20 miles away in a little village. Now craft shops here are like hens teeth so 20 miles is "local". Trouble is their definition of craft is very different to ours so it could end up being a complete waste of time going, but then again I might be pleasantly surprised. Peter has gone to work on his bicycle today - I don't know how he does it, it's about a 40 mile round trip - so I have the car. I'll have to phone him and ask where he parked it though. That's the trouble with living in the city, never the same parking place from one day to the next.
    Well that bacon roll really hit the spot.
    See you all later
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Yesterday's tea bag still has some life in it yet!!! I think you should venture out on an adventure! It's not too far and you may find a little gem! Hope so. Take care. Xxx

    2. Afternoon Saba
      First welcome back as it's the first time I've caught you since your return from Beautiful Yorkshire. I hope you left it in perfect order with smiles on the hills which should now be turning purple as the Heather should be in flower.
      You have to go to the Craft Shop even if it's a waste of time in the end. Please let us know what it's like.
      We once lost the car in a city in Germany. We usually take note of buildings etc when parking but we forgot that when it was time to find the car again we couldn't see any of the landmarks as all the buldings around us were enormous. Took us ages to find the car.
      Have a good afternoon

    3. Hello Janet, thank you, Yorkshire looked as beautiful as ever and I was sad to leave. I thought about you as we passed Sheffield.
      Sorry you couldn't get your printer up and running. Mine won't play nicely with my I pad, refuses point blank to recognise it but I have discovered a cannon app which forces them to be friends. It means I have to go around the houses to print anything but it's better than having to boot up our ancient PC. Hope you get yours sorted when you get home.
      Love Saba xxx

    4. Hi Saba, hope you ventured out and enjoyed yourself. Tell us what you found .... hugs xxx

    5. Hi Saba, I would never remember where I had parked the car lol xx

    6. Am interested in the location of the craft shop?? Have you been to Stampers Gallery in Tarleton? It's a small shop but reasonably well stocked & the couple that own it are lovely-so helpful.


    7. I have Michele! It's a lovely little place. There is a ladies shoppe next door isn't there! Called Touché ! Maybe we could meet there some time - there is a nice coffee shop just along the road - Websters! I'm sure you know it! Xxx

    8. Hi Saba I hope you found the car and had a good trip out - it's better to go and know what they've got rather than not knowing ( does that make sense? ) I've just spotted you on Barbara's blog - I left you a message :) xxx

  13. Morning ladies, wow what a stunning site to see when I opened the cafe door, Patricia I LOVE your box and card, the papers are gorgeous, a tutorial at the retreat would be wonderful, just tell us what to bring. I hope Andrews party goes well, party bags are getting out of hand nowadays, when the boys were young everyone got a piece of cake to take home.
    Sheila thanks for the hugs they are sent right back to you, you need loads to get you over your painful sciatica, take it easy. X
    Hazel enjoy your shopping trip, good bargain hunting.
    Diane good luck with cleaning Emma's room, just think it will be so tidy when she is at uni, and you can only imagine what her room will be like there, maybe she will surprise you and it will be kept tidy!
    Sandra have another lovely day.
    Well it is raining heavily here today, so a crafting day beckons, take care everyone whatever you do. xxxx

    1. Sorry about the rain Jess! Enjoy your crafting day. I've still a crafting day that involves tidying up facing me! Ugh! Xxx

    2. Bucketing here today as well ..... of course this is summer!!! xxx

    3. Oh Jess I do hope she keeps it tidy. Granny has already said she will have to take her on a tour of her room over Skype so there will be no hiding things there! Her room is much tidier here - you can seethe floor and the desk! Xxx

  14. Stop press
    Just had an e mail, imagination crafts have joined Hochanda, wonder who will be next.

    1. Do you think that's why C&C was up for sale earlier this year??
      They know they will be going down the tubes soon!! xxx
      I just hope the new Show will get their postage prices right. xxx

    2. When I looked at the Presenters photos I thought I recognised Lee who used to be on C&C but I haven't seen him lately! Presenters could jump ship too! Xxx

    3. Where has Leoni been recently?? Ok she might be on holiday. xxx

    4. It's going to be a very interesting few weeks isn't it. I shall be trying to see via laptop tomorrow so not so sure how I'll get on.

    5. I've just read an Article which says that the founders of the new Hochanda Channel are the previous owners of Ideal World. The same article also says that there is anothe craft channel sorting up in September. Interesting times! Xxx

    6. Wonder if QVC are at the back of the Setemeber one?? xxx

    7. Not sure Patricia but this article also said that Debbie Greenwood from QVC would be fronting it! You could be right , xxx

    8. Now that sounds very, very, interesting. xxx

    9. Being "nosey here" where did you read the article?? xxx

    10. I googled Hochanda and lots came up! An article dated 26th August came up the the Peterborough Telegraph of all things. That's where I read about the owners. I'll have to check - re Debbie Greenwood! Just google Hochanda - this from the lady who said she was giving me more advice on computers!! Xxx

    11. Have had a look I just hope it all goes well for every one.
      We need some "fresh takes" on craft. Xxx

    12. Hi Saba
      I hope you find the car. My word hubby must be fit to cycle all that way to work. Hope the trip to the craft shop us fruitful. Seems like everyone is jumping ship from C & C. I had an email telling me when Barbera Gray Is on. Hopefully they'll do a guide soon so we know whose on and when. I do like to record shows. My IPad doesn't work with my printer either. Yet Pete's son has a very old printer and he can print from his IPad. Odd or what.

  15. Good Morning Sandra and Everyone!
    Well, it's a lovely sunny day here now but it was a bit wet earlier.
    I have made several attempts to clear up my craft room after last week's devastation and each time I get totally distracted. I find something and off I go at a tangent! I'm going to be firm with myself today!
    Well, I wonder how Emma's tidying is coming along! Well done Grandma for helping out there!
    Do you think Maureen and the children are still asleep? Maybe they had a midnight feast!
    See you all later, hopefully,
    Thanks for the bacon roll - it was yummy and went well with my lovely weak tea!
    Myra xxx

  16. B12 injection done. I have been getting them so long I never feel it.
    The Nurse keeps mentioning I could do them myself. I tried once but just could not bring myself to stick that needle in myself. So looks like I will just have to tootle along there every 6 weeks and get the nurse to do it. Thank goodness it really is the only thing I have to go there for.
    The rain is absolutely bucketing down here.
    SABA:- hope your trip to the Craft Shop is not in vain.
    MYRA:- hope you manage to get your Craft Room tidy. xxx

  17. Afternoon one and all
    Well come on then own up who did away with my posting yesterday?
    I commented on the way down and then wrote my thing but when I looked last night it had disappeared. Now who I ask myself could have done that!!!!

    I'm sorry my lovely Friends but we have a glorious day here. sunshine and windy just the day for washing on the line and mine is there blowing nicely. Will have to go and get it In when I done here.

    I've managed to get another bday card done this morning but I'm already being asked when am I going to sort out what's got to go back and we're not leaving here until Monday morning!!!!!

    Will be nice though to get back into the café properly instead of via cyberspace. I'm really missing out on all those goodies I keep reading about.
    Off now to see to laundry. Take care and have a good afternoon.

    1. JANET:- I am so sorry your post went walk about. Not guilty, as I am sure so one in here is either. I find my comments on the "reply" button don't publish some times. Other times my whole comment just goes "pooff" in to cyber space.
      I have read this post. Oh! Janet your leaving you little corner of Paradice. You must be torn between there are back here. xxx

    2. Glad your injection is done and dusted and hope you feel the benefit very soon. Xxx

    3. Sorry Janet, it would be Muriel she likes to read things before the rest of us! Xxx
      Hard hat! Xx

    4. Muriel I guessed as much but I didn't want to be the one to point the finger. he he.
      Will have to think of a little revenge won't I.oil

    5. Patricia we always want to stay but we love all the family and we have Thomas's 2nd birthday on the 13th -ggson-and a family party and we definitely wouldn't miss that and besides we are back in the middle of October.

  18. Patricia I think the new September channel is at craftdaily
    Looks interesting.
    Bet C &C are seriously worried.

    1. Update, craft daily are going to be on in September but it looks like it is more of a craft demonstration programme, mainly sewing and is on twice a week, the other crafting channel which was the one Myra meant is called the craft channel and Debbie Greenwood and Julian Ballantyne are fronting it. If you look at (14th July) they have all the details.

    2. That's where I read about Debbie Greenwood. Apparently Paul Lavers and Anthony from years ago on QVC also involved.
      An interesting quote from Barbara Grey re Hochanda was that she looked forward to the opportunity of being seen in Germany! Did you see that too? Xxx

    3. Yes Myra and I have just been over to her blog and left her a comment asking for details. To say I am giddy at being able to see it is an understatement. She used to live a few kilometres from here. It would also be amazing if they are going to offer European delivery and at reasonable rates. Mind you if they broadcast on the pan European beam, then I will be able to watch it on freesat so fingers crossed for that. Up to now there is only C&C who have decided to broadcast using the UK beam only, daft beggars. I never had a proper reply to my e mail to them about it.
      As you have probably gathered I didn't go to investigate the new craft shop. I rang first to check they were open and they are closed for holidays. Glad I thought to check.
      How's your tidying up doing?

    4. Glad you checked re Craft Shop!
      Tidying up - as well as can be expected!!!
      Could do better!!
      Easily distracted! Etc etc. xxx

    5. Myra, have you been reading my school reports?

    6. Hi Saba if you visit Barbara's website they post to Germany direct- don't know if that helps. Barbara has a lot of German followers, her mum is German so often visits there and takes mum with her. I think Rolf listed a comment about transmission a couple of days ago so worth checking back to see what was said. Hope that helps xxx

  19. Well water bottles all got, nothing new in the works, but if any of you who have dishwashers Poundland have a special offer on of 110 finish tablets for £8. So I bought a box for Tammy and us. Just got bits to take with us on holiday, we always take some biscuits for having with a cup of tea mid afternoon. So they have been got. Off to make a card,and hopefully think of a design for a wedding card too. Xxx

  20. Hi all and Sandra, hope you all have a good day whatever you been up too.
    I can see Hazel still finding bargains and Saba luckily phoned to see if the craft shop was open which it turned out it wasn't. Myra , have you done the cleaning up or are you still at it ? and Janet, you soon back here, don't ! It's cold and wet and not nice at all, Summer ?! What summer. I hope you girls get a better one in Turkey, Patricia and Hazel. Do you always stay in the same place / hotel ? My Niece is going in two weeks with a friend, haven't got money for food but holidays she can go on, funny that.
    Well this morning I was doing a card to keep myself occupied, thought I was giving my OH not to have and breakfast, no heck it didn't work so while he had his shower I just needed something small, had just made my tea and toast and down the stairs he came again , some grumpy or what hihi The small op went fine and now have to wait a fortnight for the result. Had a nice lunch after and since I been on the phone to family and OH has been snoring away upstairs. It's nearly 6pm and the day has gone so fast. Going to make the dinner now but hope to see you later, love and hugs to one and all, Maria xxx

  21. I'm finally here - now don't all moan. Trying to post comments has proved a right pain, so I've had to give up and just read straight down.
    I don't know if you've seen at the very top on Patricia's post but this box and card are MINE - ALL MINE. I was going to photograph them to send to Sandra, but the box is on my desk - I look at it and stroke it, and the card is on display dowstairs, and will be for a while yet!!! I also told you that there is exquisite tissue paper inside the box, and inside that WAS Patricia's famout Tablet. Soooo tasty - George didn't even get a taste!!!
    By the way, I'm glad you've had your injection.
    Brenda OB - I hope you enjoyed your day out.
    Dainty Diane - did Granny sort Emma out, and is her bedroom tidy?
    Saba - you've been a mine of information today - that's not like you at all ha ha.
    By the way, where will DB come into all this? And Leonie HAS been AWOL for a while.
    It's true what Myra says - this blog is a wealth of information and if I can decipher all my cryptic comments, I'll know where to look for what!!!
    I know from reading yesterday's blog that Sandra had a wonderful day, and I hope you've had an equally pleasant one today.
    There were no mishaps last night, The three of us had our suppers in bed (George was watching the T downstairs - as usual) and we watched Tangled, which I'd only seen once before!!!
    The funny thing is that I'd never have allowed Rachel to eat food in bed unless she was ill, and she didn't watch TV in bed until she bought her own when she was in her teens!
    Right, I'm off to look at all the websites that have been mentioned.
    Be good, I shall return"!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. You got these fabulous creations!!!I am so not jealous. Do you think we could play pass the parcel only this time we pass on a card (and a box) which has been given to us. I think it is so nice when we can share.

    2. Von Saba, what a good idea. Patricia could make all the cards and boxes and we could "fight" over them ha ha xxxx

    3. Muriel, I was thinking more about the ones
      she has already made, I think you will find you have them, so pass them on!!

    4. Maureen aren't you lucky it's beautiful xxx

  22. Hi everyone, what a lot of information we get in the cafe. Regarding the new craft chanel, I'm not sure about some of the presenters, when Julian was on QVC I didn't like him at all,,and as for Paul Lavers, he gives me the creeps, I always referred to him as Slavers. If you remember DB was always away to Germany when on C&C.
    I ordered more wax from Theresa and It came today, so something else to clutter up the craft room before I use my bargain cups and saucers, I popped into another pop up charity shop last week on their last day and got four lovely glass dishes for 50p each, one of them is Edinburgh Crystal!
    Ok I'm off to see if I can find this new craft chanel, take care everyone xxx

  23. Dinner is all prepared so I am just having a quiet 5 mins with a glass of something very nice. We are having another experiment tonight, it's a sort of Mediterranean salad, mixed lettuce, ruccola, toms, cucumber, sweet corn, spring onions and then black olives, sun dried tomatoes and cubes of watermelon all mixed with a pumpkin seed oil. Served with seared chicken coated in a mustard and honey sauce.
    Can't think of anything else to tell you, oh except I am making some ice cream, haven't made any for donkeys ages and just fancied some.
    bye for now

    1. SABA:- that sounds really good. I like experiments for dinner. Mind you mine are that nearly every night!! I am not a cook. Bake, yes! Cook only because I have to. Mind you we have survived for 50 years so I must be doing some of it ok!!
      John likes "plain" food. He loves Turkish Style salad, Turkish meat balls, and a few other things. While I am away, he just sticks to "steaks, pork chops, lamb chops" other nights he gets invited along to J&As. Eats anything when he's along there.
      Enjoy your meal, I can almost smell the chicken with that sauce. xxxx

    2. SABA, are you bored by any chance.??? I think you need a project to cheer you up! Go look at flights for the retreat, pick a ball park date and just see what price the flights are. I hope your dinner turned out ok. We just had pan fried haddock with a salad, oh Charlie had some chips with his, so nothing exciting.
      Maureen, when Tammy was making tablet on Friday night I was thinking of you. Tammy godparents and their daughters were thrilled with their gifts of it. Their wasn't in posh boxes, just grease proof paper. Haven't had that call for help, but asked if I could pick Beth up and give her some one to one time on Friday as she is missing me and their has been lots of tears and paddy throwing. ( her way of dealing with hurt and upset) so I will do that to see if it will help.
      Just been making a wedding card for Lesley's yoga teacher in her 50s and the chap is a tree hugger, so I have gone for something plainish.
      Good job I am not busy order needed for Friday. I am going to help Beth to make a wedding card for their cousins wedding, she asked me last week if I would cut bits out for her. So we will do that. Off to have a cup of tea, xxx

    3. Ah poor Beth, she'll be missing you so much, but lucky Tammy's godparents - I bet theirs went as quickly as mine. Delicious, delicious, delicious!!!! xxxx

  24. That's us eaten, dishes in the machine, all tidy in the kitchen. It will stay like that this evening, I am not crafting just can't be bothered. Sitting with my feet up, I might even manage 40 winks, that's if John sits still long enough!!! Leather chairs made so much noise when you move about in them!!. John never sits still very long, if he does he rustles the paper ahhh!!
    RETREAT:- I know Christine is doing something on the Friday evening. StampinUp is doing a demo on Saturday afternoon. Do you really think we will get much other Crafting done?? I think there will be so much chatter and laughter it will be time to say our goodbyes before we know it.
    JANET:- I know exactly how you feel about Thomas's birthday. We actually sold up in Turkey because after waiting almost 9 years for our Thomas, John especially could not stay away for 6 months every year. The year after he was born we set off, John lasted 2 weeks and we had to fly home. Went back in August and put the house on the market.
    MARIA:- glad hubby is ok, I am sure the results will be just fine .... positive thinking. Hazel and I stay in the little town where John and I lived for 6 months of the year. We did that for 7 years till Thomas was born. We stay in a very nice Hotel, we often get the same room or the one next door. A nice room overlooking the pool and gardens which are beautiful.
    Looking forward to the New Craft Channel. I know as with everything else there will be presenters we will like, others we will not .... that's life. I just hope it is not so "cut throat" about selling. OK! Yes! I know they will have to sell to make the whole thing pay. If they have really thought it through, keep the postage at a reasonable cost, hopefully it will work. There are companies out there who still do free P&P if they can do so can the Craft Channel, just don't be greedy.
    I am hoping John might make me a nice cuppa soon I can't be bothered moving to do it myself .... bone lazy that's me!!!
    THANK YOU:- all for your wonderful comments on my Card & Box you have fairly made me Blush. I love doing that sort of thing, if it's for someone special that's a big bonus. xxx

    1. Patricia, I've been looking on the Hochanda site and they say that P&P is free. They are also having a craft club and giving 20% off their prices but don't say how much the club is. Julian from QVC is lovely. He looked after me when I went down and was so kind and caring. If I shout out very loud will John hear me to make you a cuppa. Well you can't call it tea, can you? ha ha. I'm going to now, I have four cards to make for Saturday. No rush!!!!, It will take me that long to think of what to do.

    2. I remember when C&C started their Club it was £60 per year. xxx

    3. I've only been watching C&C since it became available on cable which isn't that long really. I wondered if Dawn Bibby might be on a new channel. I can't believe she has given up crafting for good.
      £60 is an awful lot of money !! Xxx

    4. MYRA:- I am being serious £60. I really can't remember how far back that was. I found C&C when we got Freeview which is probably about 15 years. The club started when Stephanie took over. xxx

    5. I'm not a Stephanie fan! That's actually putting it mildly! Xxx
      She's too glitzy for me!

    6. There lots of her to "glitz"
      I definitely don't like her ethics that's for sure. xxx

  25. Hi Sandra
    I hope your still chilling out at the beach. Patricia I just love your card and box. I just love the papers that you've used. You lazy never, not with the whirlwind that you must create when your whizzing around. Will go and read the comments later.

  26. Hi All
    decided I wanted more Nuvo chrystal drops (tonic) The cheapest I could find was over£2.00 c&c £4.00 and most of the sites 3-4 pound, I found cutting edge crafts 1.89 and free postage on everything its worth a look at the website. am totally teed off with c&c.
    Been the usual wet and cold weather. The oil price drop is affecting Us up here quite drastically, every odd person is being laid off or hours cut, the big houses that have all been built are lying empty now. Going away to look at the new channels coming. Take care everyone, hugs for you all

    1. Wendy, that's not good ref.the houses etc. same in Canada, Charlies nephew has lost his job as they aren't doing the pipeline to get oil to America. I am off to look at that web site. Xxx

    2. Oh goodness Wendy that's not good, I was talking to my cousin the other day who is chief exec of an oil company but he said they hadn't had to lay people off in Aberdeen yet, it's not what you need. I hope you aren't affected by it all xxx

  27. what have I missed ladies, whats Hochanda??????

    1. Good evening Sandra,
      First of all I have really missed you!!!
      Hope your still having great fun.
      Hochanda is the New Craft Channel starting tomorrow.
      Lots of companies have jumped ship from C&C and are boarding Hochanda!!!

    2. Sandra! You are not secretly head of this channel and been preparing for the Launch, are you? Exciting times! Xxx

  28. Hola Sandra,
    It's a new craft channel which starts tomorrow. It has attracted lots of big names, including creative expressions. John Lockwood is on tomorrow. It looks like it will be competition for C&C which is brilliant. If you google it there is a lot of information about it.
    Hope you are still having a fabulous time, miss you lots though.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  29. Have just read Sue Wilson, Phil Martin Dawn Biddie and Loenie are all on Hochandra it is on miday tomorrow sky 633 freeview 39 and SABA it starts 1st Sept in Germany

    1. I had a real sneaky feeling Leoni had also jumped ship!! xxx

    2. Wow! Patricia was right about Leonie - she has been missing and she is a big friend of Dawn's. I think Dawn was badly treated by C&C . After Dawn arrived Stephanie appeared on QVC and had supposedly left C&C. What a mix up the whole thing was. I hope this new channel is a success - we need competition or we become like a communist state! Xxx

    3. I really hope all it works out for them as well as us and does not go bottoms up in a couple of years time. xxx

    4. Wendy where did you read that? I looked on the hochanda site and there is no real information, and Muriel where did you read about free p and p etc??

    5. I've been wondering that too Saba! No matter how I check or where I can't find that information . Mind you I don't do Facebook! Xxx

    6. I signed up for the Hochanda Newsletter, I got an e-mail a couple of hours ago giving lots of info.
      Well folks I will leave you and love you.
      See you all in the morning.
      Goodnight God Bless. xxx

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Craft is where I found a lot xx

  32. Also the reason it is going to Germany is because clarity stamp is going to be quite a big demo on the site she is on tomorrow (forgot her name) xx

    1. Thanks Wendy, it all makes interesting reading. Barbara Grey is her name and she used to live very near to where we are in

  33. Hellooooo GRRR I have been trying to comment on the way down but it won't let me post after writing it all these cyber alien Thinges are getting on my nerves.
    Anyway everything got in the way today every time I stated to comment phone rang,then knock at door then Mobil rang it was Sam on phone over an hour
    Then friend turned up stayed for dinner & she has just left.
    PATRICIA wow your card & box they are amazing the flowers Gorgeous & beautiful love love love them.MAUREEN how lucky are you having these beauties.
    CHERYL so sorry about your friend's death my thoughts & prayers are with you & her family.sending some (((((((Hug's))))))
    Glad you enjoyed your walk Cheryl.
    SABA hope you found the craft shop ok,did you get any crafty bargains.
    HAZEL poor Beth finding it hard without you bless her hope she enjoys her one to one with you Friday. How is your replacement lady getting on( sorry can't remember her name )
    MARIA so pleased OH hospital opp went ok,Why is it men think they are so hard done by when they have to fast for a few hours my OH is the same you would think he hadn't eaten for a week & gets so grumpy. Hope your feeling better today lovely lady.hope to see you at AP.When do you go on holiday.xx
    Thank you all for the info on the Hochanda. My Friend said Leonie has left C&C so wonder if she is going on there.
    Well I have just been handed my builders Tea do you want me to save the tea bag for you I can post it too PATRICIA HaHa.
    I had a Email from Hochanda you can phone & ask about there club
    .or information. Hope it's a good crat program.
    Going now to drink my tea slurp.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  34. I just read that Leonie is going to be on Hochanda but Dawn on the other one - the Craft Channel! Whether or not that's gospel - only time will tell. Xxx

  35. I have just been looking on Twitter and Phill Martin and Dawn have been tweeting each other and there is a picture of Dawn with a finger to her lips.

    1. Saba, I'm confused and it doesn't take much sometimes! I let my glass of wine get warm no it had to go back in the fridge! Xxx

    2. Myra I am so confused I have started drinking out of the bottle!

    3. I've just got my glass back! It's a bit late but I forgot about it -,don't like warm white ! Xxx

    4. About my craft room! Still a work in progress . I'm hopeless! Xxx

    5. Me neither. When we had our old boat, by that I mean the one before this, it didn't have a fridge. We used to put our gin and tonic in a net bag and hang it over the side so far underwater as possible in the hope it would cool. Sometimes neighbouring ships would watch to see what we were doing, it always raised a laugh and sometimes they gave us ice cubes.

    6. A bit like Students window ledges in winter! I like it. Xx

  36. Lynda, just asking - have your droopy bits dried yet???
    Von Saba, I can't remember where I saw that P&P will be free, I just typed Hochanda (ridiculous name) and went into quite a few of the things that came up. You know, being nosy I wanted to find out what was what. I'm going to have another look.
    By the way I've completed one card - just got the insert to do. Stamped, and am ready to colour the second card, trouble is that they are all for the same family and so have to be completely different. If I get these two finished tomorrow, I'll start the other two on Friday.
    I'll say goodnight, unless I find something really outstanding on Hochanda.
    Sally xxxx

    1. Hello, Pride of our Alley!
      I read that too - re : the free P&P but for members only I think.
      Sleep well, my Dear, and try not to disturb George !
      Myra xxxx

    2. Sally, there you are, or were. I'm so nosy I have just subscribed to their newsletter!
      have you sent me the above mentioned truly gorgeous card and empty box yet?

    3. Now where did I put my headscarf!!!
      I can't find the post on Hochanda again Myra, I'm glad that you saw it though, people may have thought I'd overdosed on the Baileys again!!! Night, night , sweet dreams - I'll just kick George gently ha ha, I've just realised that a TV programme. All right, I'll kick George very gently.
      Sally, Sally, Pride of our Alley xxxx

    4. Von Saba, I'll never part with them, they are really, really beautiful - and they are mine, all mine!!!! xxxx

    5. You know what happened to Jacob Marley don't you, he wouldn't share either. Woooooh ( that was my ghost Impression)

    6. Careful - she'll scream and upset George! The poor man has enough to put up with! Fancy not giving him a piece of tablet! Xxx

    7. I can see Patricia better make a big batch of tablet for the retreat. Maybe we will have to get her to send George a little box all for himself. xxx

    8. Excellent Hazel, but put a padlock on it or Maureen, or Sally will eat it all on the train on the way down! Xxx

  37. Hi again, a lot of talk about the new craft channel starting tomorrow. Hochanda is not a word that's easy to remember but it might stick after a while. Wondered where some of the presenter had got to and now we know. Great if it's free p/p as long it doesn't mean we are paying it in the products. More crafting and less selling would be goo too, they need to show the items in the beginning, middle and maybe at the end but I'm sure if it's anything we like to buy we get hold of it some way. Looking forward to see the beginning, perhaps they do some bargains and of course I have decided not, I can not buy any more stuff until I have used up what I got or just a little bit from AP hihi
    Love to get those albums you bought last time Lynda, if you say they are really good I might get two. I have a box with Sue's and a folder for the others but they keep sliding out so not the best system. I'm now going on the Saturday so hope to see a lot of you there , hope so ?
    The antibiotics are starting to help already I feel so I be ready for our holiday on the 5th Sept. It's only a week but can't wait. A few of us will be away in September but I will try to look in if I can, you wan't get rid of me so easily tihi
    Every day I found it hard ,what shall we have for dinner but as OH was so good today his favourite Cottage pie was cooked for him. Don't really like to cook and I can't bake so watching the Bake off and see what they comes up with is pretty good. Know we have some starbakers amongst us Patricia, Diane, Sandra are just a few names. Love the smell of freshly baked bread so hope there are some more breadrolls in the morning or something else equally nice. With does thoughts I bid you good night and I see you tomorrow sometime, Natti natt my friends, many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Night, night lovely Maria, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Ooh, I've just annoyed George - again ha ha xxxx

    2. Natti Natt Maria, so glad the antibiotic clarity wotsits are helping. Don't worry about cooking, M&S do great food.
      Massive hugs Saba xxx

    3. So pleased you are feeling better Maria! Natti Natt!
      Sleep well. Xxxx

  38. Yes Maria, there is a few away. Patricia and I will have our iPads with us so we will be able to call in, well that's if the Internet is not being used by to many at the hotel. We can't miss out on all the fun in here. xxx

  39. Diane, if you are still up thank you for your reply on Barbara's blog. I am going to look and see what Rolf posted.

  40. Well night owls I am going to head off, exciting day ahead of us tomorrow.
    Cheryl hope you are alright, I expect that walk has tired you out, hope to see you tomorrow.
    Good night God bless you all.
    Saba xxx

  41. Hi Saba yes I'm here, just! I'm heading off to bed too. We've just programmed the TV for tomorrow, misleading because it's not the right Chanel name yet. I've got an old school friend visiting tomorrow so no time to watch TV!. I was able to look at their Facebook page earlier but it won't let me now, I have to log in and I don't do face book! Oh well I'm off to bed. Night night sleep tight xxx
