
Thursday 27 August 2015


Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card is one of a set of cards designed by Margaret for a local Farm Shop, I have to say, I find them hilarious, you can almost look at the character of the sheep and match them up to people that you know!
I am sure we can come up with some funny captions for you to add to your cards Margaret, what do you think, mind you with this bunch of ladies I am not sure how printable they would be, there is bound to be a 'Tena' link in their somewhere!
I think that this card is genius and could be used to send to both male and female, young and old alike.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card Margaret xxx
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS:- hope you have a great day and the sun continues to shine for you.
    MARGARET:- the image on your card certainly brought a smile this damp and dreary morning. That is absolutely brilliant, love it. Perfect for a male or female who like sheep. Simple and very effective design.
    Everything set up for the day, fresh flowers, the ones on the tables did not last long this week. Must have been a bargain!!!
    A few things to do this morning, afternoon I am meeting Hazel. Need to get the low down on the "party" last weekend also chat about arrangements for our holiday. I am so, looking forward to that. Might just have 5mins in between to see what the new Craft Channel is all about.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket as usual. Taken my tea and toast over to the corner table to people watch. See you later xxx

    1. Morning Patricia,
      well I hope you will soon start feeling the benefit of your injection and return to your super hyper active self!
      The café is looking and smelling gorgeous this morning, I have restocked the bacon and have ordered you in some lovely fresh baguettes, so hopefully there will be enough for everyone, make sure you set a piece a side for Brenda, I felt terrible when she missed out the other day!
      You and Hazel must be getting excited about your annual girls week away, boy hasn't it come round fast!
      You will still be bronzed from your holiday when you arrive at the retreat!
      Now I have been having a look at this new craft channel business, there are two new ones from what I can see, the Hochanda one and the The Craft Channel that looks like it might be a subsidiary of QVC as it has all of their Presenters on it and looks very similar to QVC, I am thinking that that is the one that Dawn Bibby is going to, as she hasn't been mentioned in conjunction with that Hochanda one, it will be good to have a choice and also that C & C now will not have the 'monopoly', they may have to up their game, I think that a lot of companies started deserting them some time ago, that was the start of that online channel, then all the nastiness began where if you were seen to have anything to do with that online channel you were no longer welcome at C & C, I think they were cutting off their nose to spite their face to be honest, as we have all said before they demand too much from a company to be part of the channel making it hard for a lot of the smaller business's to access, but now with the choice of three channels hopefully we will see lots of new companies, giving us a wider choice of products and more importantly more competitive pricing. I did notice that the Hochanda channel has been created by the original creators of C&C, not sure if that's a good thing or not, I didn't recognise the names of presenters that I read apart from Lee Clark, who used to be on C &C and then moved away earlier this year, he was quite a good presenter, I wonder how many more of them will jump ship! I did laugh when I saw that C & C are celebrating 'the last week of holidays' by having a p & p free week, I am sure that it has nothing to do with the launch of a new channel!!
      I will check back in later to see what you all thought of it.
      Hope you enjoy your catch up with Hazel later my lovely,
      Huge Hugs

    2. Morning Sandra, great to see you.
      Got the bacon on .... can you smell it??
      Hazel and I will be having a good chat today. Have not had "face to face" chat since we met Maureen.
      Enjoy what's left of your holiday. xxx

    3. Good morning ladies, cafe looking and smelling wonderful !
      Think I'll join Patricia over in the corner and find out when she is putting on her box tutorial , I'm looking forward to that!
      I'll just have tea and toast just now but pop back later for a baguette with bacon , sounds delicious !
      Margaret, your card is lovely, I wonder what captions the ladies ( possibly Myra and Maureen ) might come up with? I wish I could think of one but I'm a bit baa ckward at those sorts of things! Sorry about that !
      Michele , I agree with what Diane was saying, he is maybe just testing the waters, I hope you have a better day and your brother helps xo
      Still in my pjs so better get a move on , money in the pot.
      Love and hugs to all xoxo

    4. Morning Sandra and family
      pleased you are enjoying your holiday, lovely to hear from you - there will be plenty to tell us when you return - enjoy the rest of your time away.
      Will be checking out this new channel later
      hugs Jean x

    5. Thank Ewe , Anne!! Xxx

    6. Aw shucks Anne, you've made me feel all sheepish xxxx

    7. Silly goat!l Hard Hat Again!! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a wonderful card. I love the image you have used. This card could be used for so many occasions.

    Sunny here but quite breezy-at least it's not raining.

    Am off to set the sky box to record some programmes on Hochanda for me to watch later. Luckily hubby is away so I can watch them tonight, after I've done the shopping.

    After a difficult conversation on the phone with my Dad last night, I actually sat & watched the TV. He's decided to get the house valued & suggested movingto a bungalow-I have no objections to him moving but the location he suggested is stupid. Very few shops, no newspaper delivery & he'll have to change GP's. As my dear brother is actually visiting this weekend, I might suggest he talks to Dad. I've woken up with a horrendous headache-tension no doubt!! Ah well-best get ready for work. Will look in later.


    1. MICHELE:- gosh you do need a ((((hug)))
      Hope when you get home you can relax and watch what you have recorded. We don't watch much telly so recorders here. Will be popping in during the day to see what the New Show is like.
      Oh!! poor dad, yes! he might feel he needs to "down size" but he really has to "think" We live very rural, no shops, no buses, no nothing!!! Ok! at the moment but another 10/15 years down the line and it might all have to be re-thought. Hope your day goes well. xxx

    2. Oh! My! Word! I really should read things before I press that button.
      That should be "NO" recorders xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope you can tackle your headache so it doesn't bother you today. Oh dear I think parents like to challenge us as revenge for the trouble we caused them growing up! I wonder what's put this idea into your dad's head? I think you probably need to sit down with him and look at some properties that are more suitable, perhaps it's his way of testing the water to see if you are happy for him to move nearer to you? My dad always talked about moving into a flat but he enjoyed the garden and loved having us to stay so a flat wasn't really suitable for his needs, also he and mum had downsized into a bungalow before she died so a flat was the next option. I hope a visit from your brother helps and be gentle on yourself today xxx

    4. Morning Michele,
      Hope your tension headache soon goes. I do think we have a role reversal as we ourselves get older, in that our parents become the child/ren. My son has told me quite bluntly that he will carry me kicking and screaming to live with him in his new home in Bridgwater when the time comes for me to reconsider the stairs etc, regardless of the fact I don't want to go!
      I love living here in Cannington, this is my home and I would be quite happy to go and live in one of the OAP council bungalows or even buy a 2 bed one here when Grandson No.1 Jamie buys my house.
      Let's hope your dad will consider what you and your brother will say to him moving to the location he is considering. Maybe he wants some input from you both before he actually makes a decision. xxx

    5. Hello Michele,
      Oh dear, problems! Sometimes these things sort themselves out - people rethink and I don't know how much your Dad likes hassle but moving house is a lot of hassle. My parents lived in Scotland, we were heartily sick of the M6 and M74. We went up once a month to begin with and then oftener. I didn't go out to work but of course my husband did. Sometimes looking back I dont know how we coped . I tried to get them to move south but they couldn't face it and I don't blame them. They had to move here when it got too much for Mum and they lived with us almost a year. Do talk to your Dad and try to get your brother to help you. I hope he does! Sending you hugs my dear! Xxxx

    6. Hello Michele,
      I have a good idea of what you are up against. Mam and dad came and stayed with us every weekend and when they were poorly. They only lived at the other side of the city but would not consider downsizing and coming beside us. After dad died, mam still came as before, but I'd often get a telephone call from a neighbour at midnight and have to drive over to make sure she was all right. She always said she wanted her own front door, all her friends were in that part of the city and would not consider moving. We supported her as much as possible until she died - but I will admit that there were times when I was almost pulling out my hair. Good luck whatever happens, and I hope you get support from your brother. xxx

    7. hi Michele,
      I worked in a mental hospital for 20 years (please note, I worked there lol) and 2nd top of the list for stress was moving house. You have to ask him if he is up to this, and like Patricia I live where there are no buses, we do not have any lighting on the street and if not feeling well it is very difficult to cope, he has to consider these things. But fate sometimes works in mysterious ways and things probably will work out. Take care and also take it easy until your headache clears, lots of hugs xx

    8. I hope the headache has eased and I totally agree with you re your dad. Hopefully your brother will be able to help at the week end

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A really quick comment today as today is rather busy.
    What a lovely all occasions card Margaret. And Sandra's right, I bet you can match up the animals to people : )
    I haven't had time to see what was going on yesterday in the Cafe so will just leave my hug in the basket for you all. Take care xx

  4. Good morning everyone, what a wonderful card is on the display stand this morning? Oh I see it's by our Margaret C. Margaret I love it! The sheep image is great, as Sandra says you could use this for male or female, and yes you can imagine what they are saying!!!......
    Michele, not so good that you woken up with a headache, you have likely worried over night as to how you are going to handle your dad and his wanting to move to somewhere unsuitable? Us oldies take note " this could be us in a few years". Giving our children this problem!!., I often worry about how are we going to manage in our old age, and will we be a burden? I know our Tammy and Derek have the problem with Derek's mum. She doesn't want to move, or have central here installed ( still has coal fires) she is 85 and they would prefer her to live closer to them. But NO she tells them she isn't moving.
    Cafe is looking good, I refused to get up at 5.45 when Harris thought I should, so I ignored him, Charlie got up about 6.30, I stayed in bed. So I will have my cup of tea, I see Patricia left the tea bag on the little dish Saba got to put it on.
    I have some ironing to do will get that done before I get anything else done.
    Brightening up here so I think some washing needs to get done. I will pop in later. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I don't believe you had a lie in!!! This does my heart no good at all ha ha. Rachel has already told me that if I'm left on my own, she will put me in a home, but if it's George, he can go and stay with them!!!! I have disinherited her lol. It's a nice bright sunny day here, but still windy. Enjoy your natter with Patricia xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies.
    Well it's another busy day today, I've got an old school friend visiting today (my first friend at infants school, she helped me when I fell over in the platground!) so I need to be up and doing. Her daughter is a year younger than Emma and they get on really well together so it's going to be a day of laughter I think. Her husband is joining us after work for fish and chips before they go back home so a good day is planned. Margaret your card is lovely, perfect for a farm shop too. I think sheep are very cheeky you can almost see what mischief they are planning! Thank you for sharing.
    The forecast is for a spot of rain this morning with sun this afternoon so I need to nag Ems to wash the enormous pile of clothes we found yesterday that needed a wash! Everywhere you looked there was a stray sock! At least we can see the floor now and she has an idea of what she's going to take with her!
    See you all later. Oh yes Patricia and Hazel enjoy your catch up and thank you for the lovely flowers on the table, they smell lovely. Sandra and. Family enjoy the sun and the beach today - we won't recognise you when you come back xxx

    1. Dainty Diane, hae a lovely day with your old friend and enjoy your fish and chips tonight. Sounds good to me xxx

  6. Morning everyone,
    Margaret your card is lovely, I think the sheep are saying: 'EWE looking at me?'
    Patricia and Hazel enjoy your day together.
    I'm off to my friends craft shop today to cover the shop while she takes a card class, so will catch up later with everyone, take care.
    Hugs to you Michele((((())))), I suppose this is going to happen to all of us sometime in the future!!,
    Enjoy the rest of your holiday Sandra.


  7. Good morning Sandra and Crew,
    Mmmmm bacon rolls again. Thank you Sandra, I'll help myself and go and sit by the window to see who passes by. If you are looking in, call in and have a chat, we are a mad bunch but very friendly and we love to see new faces.
    Margaret your card is lovely, I bet they sell like hot cakes in the farm shop. Sheep always make me homesick, they are such an integral part of the Dales.
    Hazel and Patricia, hope you have a lovely catchup, it won't be long now before you are jetting off.
    Diane sounds like you will be having a lovely day with your friend, so jealous of your fish and chip supper.
    Michele, I hope you can find a way to sit down with your Dad and tell him how you are feeling. Maybe if you explain the problems with the location he is thinking of he might reconsider. Will it be further away from you? Either way try not to worry too much at the moment, it's early days yet and he might well change his mind once he has had time to think.
    I've been tidying up my balcony planters this morning. I think the weeds know when I am away, they seem to go mad. I have a pesky one that wraps itself all around the plants, especially the roses, it's as if it knows I will scratch myself trying to pull it out.
    Right I have washed my cup and plate and plumped up the cushions for whoever comes in next,
    See you all later.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Myra, should that be whomsoever? I always struggle with that one.

    2. Don't worry dear! With a craft room like mine, I daren't criticise anyone!
      I see sheep make you think of Yorkshire!
      What about. " Wish Ewe Were Here". For your caption!
      Sorry! Xxx

    3. Von Saba, I struggle with everything, so don't worry.xxxx

  8. Good morning ladies,
    there's a lovely smell in here today - bacon rolls - my husband would like he'd died and gone to heaven .
    Its my craft day today so I will be in later to catch up on the days happenings
    Patricia and Hazel hope you have a good catch-up
    Margaret your card is beautiful,
    Michelle - we were in this position last year - he just may change his mind - take care x
    See you all later

  9. Good morning ladies,

    Do you know where the time goes as we get older? I certainly don't, as reading through last night's comments, I realised that I hadn't popped in to leave my comments. I do apologise quite profusely. I have been so busy of late trying to continue with my charity clearance that I have lost all sense of time. One minute I am waking up and the next I seem to be getting ready for bed!
    And it also seems the faster I go the more behinder I am getting!!!
    Memo to self, slow down.

    A delightful country themed card this morning from our gorgeous Margaret has brightened my day, sorry, baaa comments haven't sprung to mind yet, brain is still a bit foggy.
    Our weather forecast is sunny to start then rain on its way later on. Good job I did all my washing yesterday, only house work to do today and a roast pork dinner for Jamie. He is coming out to help me get to grips with this new Windows 10. They advertised this as the last windows version they will ever do and that it would be the best of the best. Well ladies, I haven't found that yet.
    They seem to have used a mish-mash of other versions to cobble together. Many aspects of Windows XP Pro are in this one as the start screen pop up menu is on the left with smaller icons that I can hardly distinguish and I have my glasses on! Other new apps have been added which now give me a problem on start up as they are all trying to load at the same time which slows down my computer. I also have a warning message about this but when I go into Task Manager to disable them, they are not listed so how I am expected to know which ones are causing the problem? I do wish these computer programming nerds would actually realise that there are more non-computer savvy people using PC's, tablets, laptops etc. than there are experts. Idiot proof programmes are what we actually need not technical jargon!
    Off my soapbox, microwave has pinged and I need to get move-on before Jamie calls in.
    See you all later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. You are a busy bee Cheryl! It lovely to see you though. Hope you sort out Windows! I think there have been a few complaints about the new one. All the best! Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl I downloaded windows 10 last night could Jamie pop round & help me with mine haha, I can't find anything good yet
      Hope he can sort yours out.XX

    3. Hi Cheryl, have a good day, my laptop keeps saying that I should upload the windows 10 but I've managed to ignore it up until now xxx

    4. Jamie has sorted out a few problems for me now running OK. Apparently Skype is trying to load on startup so he has now cancelled that and just left me an app to click on if I want to use it.
      he is a wonder at it but says he uses google to find out answers then applies them to my computer. I could do that if ever I could remember what it is I am looking for! Trouble is I go all over the shop when they say 'click here' then forget what I was looking for in the first place. See what I mean? xxx

  10. Good morning my little coffee shop flowers,
    Oh Margaret you have one right snooty sheep there that is definitely looking down her nose at the others and yes she does remind me of someone i knew a long time ago but boy did she fall so far from grace that she lost contact with her children and new grandchildren after what she did, but it is definiely a cracker and when the brain is back and working full strength i'm quite sure i can come up with some others.
    Sandra flower i hope that you, Paul and our clever girls are having a great holiday and a well deserved rest for Paul as i know just how much he is your knight in shining armour.
    Yes i'm back like the bad penny been so busy this past number of weeks trying to get mum's house finished before next Friday/ Saturday and failing miserably because my dear OH doesn't want to still be at it a year after she has gone, like i want too ? OOOOOh men, his mum died just last month but it just didn't affect him the same as he wasn't close to either her or his dad. He's been visiting his dad every sunday since her funeral but i think it is just because he feels so guilty about not being there for his parents and the fact that i loved mines to the moon and stars and back as they loved me. What i have discovered is that i can't go in there on my own so i am going to let it go to someone else who can love it as it should be loved. Just the kitchen and back kitchen to finish and the new linoleum to put down in the bathroom, wee toilet, and kitchens and it will be finished. My brother in laws girlfriend has taken one of her greenhouses to potter around in and bring on her seedlings again as she misses that, he has got dads shed/garage for him to have a refuge in Haa haa haa. I am glad though that i have given homes to all her treasures that i couldn't have but Dobbin the donkey is coming with me and his nibs can be pleased or other wise. Please excuse the long departure again but you know how it is at the moment but i'm getting better and more able to cope until next week hits because i've mum and Jim within two days. going to plant her beloved christmas roses up there along with the freeshia that she loved so much just so that see has her garden around her. OOOh so excited as i am seeing my other 3 Marys on monday and it is going to be so good. It's like being a child waiting for christmas coming as you know it will be here soon, so thank you girls for making my day.
    Love and lots of huggles left to roam over the cafe again
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah, it's great to see you! I'm not going to start on captions in case I get carried away!
      I think I've got this right - you are not going to move into Mum's house after all. I'm sure you've thought of it all very carefully and you've given yourself time to think about it. I'm sure it would be a hard thing to do as that home was full of memories. They are happy memories and you are maybe right to walk away now. Your memories will be with you forever. I hope everything goes well and that you now get some time to relax a wee bit!
      Are you having another meeting with the other three Mary's as you call them? Patricia, Hazel and Jess!! I think I'll turn my vowels round and come too! Ha ha!
      I've missed you and it's lovely to see you today!
      How's your lovely little grandson ? Sending hugs to Rory too.
      Missed your crazy hugs! Xxx

    2. Hello Norah
      How lovely to see you and I'm glad that you are coping. The "meet up" on Monday will cheer you up so much and all I can say is "don't forget the Tenas", and a nice soft cushion. Oops, one of your hugs has just done a somersault, but I've managed to catch it and wrap it around me. Take care, see you soon, I hope xxxx

    3. Hi Norah
      Lovely to see you in the Cafe today. You've been missed. I'm glad that you've come to a decision about the house. I'm sure the people who buy it will love it as much as you. A hard decision to come to I know. I hope you have a fantastic time with the three Mary's on Monday. Give them all my regards. Hope the wee one is blossoming and that Rory is having a lovely time in the holidays. Or have yours finished now.

    4. Lovely to see you today Norah.

    5. Norah, lovely to see you back. Have you really taken the Donkey home? Thank you for the Huggle, once I manage to get it down from the top of the curtains I'll enjoy it.
      Love Saba xxx

    6. Well helloooo again Norah, so lovely to see you popping in. I have missed your wonderful wee stories. It is always a wrench to leave a property when it holds so many memories especially if it is the family home. I am so glad Jamie is buying mine, he so wants to move back to his home village and this is one way I can help him do that although he is having me as a house guest until we both decide it will be time for me to move into a bungalow where I wouldn't have to bother with steps etc.
      Wrap your arms around your shoulders and squeeze, now You have a hug from me, and there's a special one for Rory too.

    7. Evening Norah - oh how lovely it is to see you today. I'm also very pleased that you have made a decision about the house. I know it's a very hard one to make but you'll feel better now that you have done it. I'm so pleased that Dobbin is going home with you. You could not let him go to another home afterall he's been with you for a long time and of course now he will have another Friend with that gorgeous Grandson of yours and any more that follow.
      All my love Norah. Take it steady and fully enjoy Monday. Hugs for just you.

    8. Hello Norah. How lovely to have you back with us we have missed you. Hugs to you and Rory love Margaret xx

  11. Norah it's great to read all about what's happening in your life , you do have such a busy time of it but by the sounds of things you are getting on well with your mums house as you say it will be hard over the next week but I think she would be happy to have a bit of garden around her, and that will give you a little bit of comfort too.xo
    I just ordered the teal GC from C&C as they seem to have the best price and no p&p this weekend, Iain fixed my old one temporary , but it fell apart the other day, I have been trying to get Hochandra on channel 822 Freesat but it just says channel unavailable , do you think it will come on at 12 noon or will it have to be tuned in? Xoxo

    1. Anne, I will go and try Freeview ! We have cable and it isn't on that. I may have to watch on my iPad! Our television with Freeview is only small and is in the main guest bedroom. Not ideal!! The channel may not start operating until the official start time! Xxx

    2. Me again Anne,
      Ran upstairs and put television on at Channel 39 - Freeview. There is a whole screen picture saying Hochanda launches today at 12 pm. I see yours is Freesat! Hope it works. Xxxx

    3. My Freesat doesn't work. Did anyone see John Lockwood at 8 pm?

  12. Thanks Myra ! I have just tried it again and I have Liftoff! Xo

  13. Hello Sandra and the rest of the Flock!
    I really like today's card, Margaret. Sheep are such characters and have " attitude. " this would be a lovely card for any occasion really and for either sex.
    I'm not making any more sheep remarks! My thinking is still a bit woolly this morning!
    Well, I'm going to at least see the Launch of this new channel . It will be a new experience for me to be one of the first to see something!
    Sandra - enjoy the last few days of your holiday!
    Love Myra xxx

  14. Good morning Sandra & lovely ladies GRRRR second time who nabbed my first post.
    Can anyone HELP ME PLEASE I went to put a new card on my blog this morning the pictures uploaded as usual but when I clicked add selective they didn't go just stayed put.
    so if any of you very clever ladies can HELP ME.
    PATRICIA have a lovely catch up with Hazel both enjoy your time together.
    MICHELE I hope your bad head clears up soon. hope your brother can talk your Dad round & get him to think of moving somewhere nearer to more amenities.
    NORAH lovely seeing you today, my you have been busy. How's the gorgeous Harry doing can we have more pictures please when you get time.
    SANDRA hope you have another lovely day with Paul & the girls.
    I hared that Leonie has left C&C they also told her she couldn't do her work shops any more blooming cheek. So wondering if she will go on Hochanda .
    MARGARET your card is lovely I think they will be a sell out they are so cute
    I'm off to have a look now & check out new channel
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. If you can't find it. Try EWE TUBE,!! Xxx

    2. Sorry Cheryl! It's all Sandra's fault , honestly! Xxx

  15. Aarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh just lost my post!!!
    Can't remember what I was rambling on about but I'd like you all to gather together to compliment Margaret C on her sheep card. The customers at the farm were flocking to buy them, but one sheep was complaining that she'd been fleeced when she went for a new coat!!!
    New channel up until now is boring, but that's because they are "selling" it.
    WISE WORDS Do not make any plans when the children are on school holidays - Phone call from Rachel this morning Muuuum can you look after the girls for the day? Yes, no problem says I. Still, I'll catch up with the new channel later today when hopefully things will pick up.
    Have a good day everyone, and remember if you feel woolly headed - take a paracetamol.
    Sally xxxx

    1. Ha ha ! You were right - you get the Muuum phone calls too! Xxx

    2. I got a mum text as my little family are away on holiday just the three of them with no mobile connection unless they go into Dundee and mummy wants this tummy time table toadstool for Harry so that he doesn't grow up with a flat head from lying on his back and this helps him strengthen his neck muscles seemingly. Is it just me or just how did our children grow up as big and strong as they are (flat head and all) before they brought out all this nonsense but she has got it into her head and the stupid health visitor made it worse by agreeing with her that the flat head was starting. I don't know who i want to strangle most, the health visitor or the manufacturers of this rubbish. Off my soapbox, sorry girls but sometimes you just think get a grip on reality.
      Norah x

    3. Norah! You should have heard my usually calm husband last night ! There was a person from United Utilities on TV - saying school children will return to school soon! What will they do if the water machines can't be turned on? How did we survive in school as children without water! We drank warm milk in summer and frozen milk in winter! The world has gone mad! Xxx

    4. Norah, the world has gone mad. We have friends in America and their little baby boy had to wear a helmet at night to make sue his head stayed round. It wasn't that he had a problem, just they didn't want to risk his head shape being anything other than 100 percent perfect!!
      Madness, pure madness.

  16. Baaa to Sandra and all today
    This is going to be a very Baaaming day with the Hochanda launch and already some glitz and it seem very flaky with the programs coming up. Not sure of Baaacoming a member (£6.97 /month) what do you think ? Sorry but find the sofa they sitting on is horrid.
    Margaret- love your card, it's Baaarking. I found them cute and of course especially little lambs. Wonder how Matt's doing ?
    Hazel and Patricia have a lovely day catching up. Are you all meeting up again with Norah,Hiya ! and Jess ? so envy if you are !
    Good to see you Norah and that you have been awol because you are busy and nothing else. How is that gorgeous grandson of yours? hope they all fine and Rory, is he ok?
    Michele ,I hope your headache will go over the day and so when you see your dad you can sit down and organise something that will suit you all better x
    Cheryl- Slow Down ! Hope you have a nice day whatever gets thrown at you.
    Sheila- hope you doing alright and the sciatica is easing more !
    Son put in windows 10, I have no idea what it means and can't see much different's. Don't need all those new apps for everything so will leave it to the once who do understand it.
    Sandra- have a nice day. Take your time packing up to go home. Have Paul got the manual to load the car up again ? Drive carefully !
    Got some house work to do so will pop back later, Baa Baa for now
    Love and hugs to you all , Maria xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies
    The sheep are fabulous love your card Margaret. Watching Hochanda, have phoned and enquired about freedom membership but if you are paying a monthly direct debit I feel you will think you have to buy something, so have not bothered to join yet. Have just bought 3 sets of inserts for £8.08 with no p&P from c&c thought that was bargain. Have to go and get tidied up as we are having visitors later, hugs to everyone xx

  18. Oh Dear! Baa humbug! comes to mind after watching first programme on Hochandra , it seems so amateurish and cheap looking set, not what I envisaged at all, but I suppose it's too early to really tell , also don't know about paying almost seven pounds every month to cover postage as the 20% off is only going to be on certain items, I will just wait and see how it goes.xoxo

  19. Yes agree Anne. You may feel you have to buy something every month because really you have already paid the P&P in the monthly fee. You could go some months without buying anything. Am watching the new program but cannot seem to get it on the iPad and the sound is too quiet on the TV. Got the volume as loud as it will go but can hardly hear it.
    MARGARET. Love your card Margaret. I love sheep. Reminds me of Wales. Have lots of ornimental sheep and soft toys. See you all later. Baah. I often put a sheep stamp on the back of my cards as my initials are BAH - hence Littlelamb.

    1. Brenda! I wondered where Littlelamb came from!
      Agree with you two ladies about Membership of Hochanda. We don't really know enough about it yet. I'm sure they'll get better as time goes by . Have only seen half an hour so far but can't get it on my iPad at all - not even the website! Very odd. I'm about to start ironing! Where does it all come from! Mind you it was rather neglected here last week. Going to sort out a chicken casserole for dinner , then ironing. It's a lovely sunny afternoon here . Hope it's nice where you are. Xxx

    2. Brenda LL, briliant, I often wondered as to how your nickname came about!! I have volume turned up high as well as it seems muffled somehow. xxx

    3. Myra, snap!!! (not as in crocodile or the card game!) xxx

    4. That's great Brenda ! I often wonder how nicknames come about.
      It has rained here without stop all day.
      I lost reception on Hotchanda at times, it said the signal was too weak , I thought Barbara and Chloe were good , the others Dodgy? xo

  20. I'm going to have to lle down, I feel quite ill, neighbour is cleaning her conservatory inside AND out. Oh, it quite lowers the tone of the neighbourhood!!!!
    I know it's early days, but Hochanda seems amateurish and as though it's being filmed in an aircraft hanger. Nearly £84 per year to join the club, it would have to offer something exceptional for me to join. I'll just wait and see what it's like after a week or so.
    See you later,
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Oops, there's no sound at all now, oh it's slowly coming to a whisper!!! xx

    2. Yes I can imagine it lowering the tone Maureen. Don't know where these people get their energy. I don't seem to have any these days.

    3. 84 pounds???????? Blimey that would stock my craft room of finishing touches for a year!!!!!!!!
      Don't think I am going to join something that sounds as if it is going to be a rip off. xxx

  21. Good afternoon Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well the wind is blowing and the rain is raining so nothing new here!
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on our delightful Herdwick sheep that our Lake District is famous for, I always think they have lovely faces, and their lambs have really sweet sooty faces too. There is a gentleman who lives near but originates from Australia who love the Herdwick sheep and often buys the cards to send to friends and family back home, he likes me to put on the insert 'come and see our wonderful sheep'! Can you imagine coming from Australia just to see some sheep and having to climb a mountain into the bargain to see them! He is such a lovely man and is always so very polite. I watched the launch of the new channel all I will say is I hope it gets better, because it cannot get any worse, what a dreadful launch. Do they think people are made of money, pay to join a club for well over £80 a year just to save p&p and the chance of 20% discount when they choose, at the moment I don't think so!
    I have a card to make for a friend so will try and pop in later take care everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  22. This is getting silly, just watching lovely Robert Addams and the presenter, whoever he is is annoying me now to no end and the sound is awful and the text is tiny and I got my glasses on ! £ 2.95 p/p as well. Just wanted to say
    Baaa Humbug xxx

    1. Maria he is just awful, poor Robert having to work with him!
      Ewe never know it might get better.

  23. Helloooooo I'm very fed up today first I can't get my card on my blog GRRR then I can't get Hochanda on my Freesat 822 & now I was trying to print a address from Ebay Won't go.I'm so fed up I wish I never downloaded Bl....y windows 10 as everything worked before. I think I will go over in the corner with my builders tea & a big slice of cake & scream & scream & scream.
    Pop back later & I promise I wont scream any more boo Hoo. Have Tesco shopping now.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda love, sorry I can't be of any help, some words of wisdom for you:- If at first you don't succeed..... DONT try hang gliding!!!

    2. Has anyone found the Hochanda website yet? I can't find it no matter how hard I try. Never mind the ironing is going down - well the un - ironed pile is! Xxx

    3. Thanks SABA I definitely won't try hang gliding nosing my luck the bit you hang on will break I would be better off with Maureen's barrage bloomers No not the paper ones
      MYRA if I can get on the Hochanda TV how do you expect me to get on the website.
      Terry has Googled windows 10 about pictures not going on blogs hundreds of people are having same problem.
      Also the printer isn't connected now that's why I couldn't print so he has been on the phone to Epson for over half an hour now.
      CHERYL hope you have better luck & Jamie can help.

    4. Just encountered another problem, my ENGLISH qwerty keyboard has decided to change itself to the American keyboard. Grrr and double drats! Now nothing works and I can't add the 'at' symbol to my email address, it turns into " and the 2 capitalised turns into @ ooh er.
      Microsoft you need to do more exercising so that when you are fully flexible you could stick your head up your own a**e! xxx

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha oh Cheryl, you've made my night. I'm definitely not clicking on the Windows 10 which they are keeping specially for me!!!! xxxx

    6. Lynda - I'm so sorry you are having problems but I don't want you to upset yourself! Please take a deep breath and calm down ! Who cares about Windows, New Channels etc. just chill as my granddaughters would say xxxx

    7. Hello CHERLY sorry your having problems with window 10 join the club.
      I would definitely kick his head up his own a**e!!!! Terry has now got my printer installed again he was on the phone for OVER 2 hours,I still can't get my blog to load my card GRRR. XX

    8. Hello MYRA thank you I'm ok i did get in a bit of a state with windows 10, I know it's silly but it was so frustrating. But I thought when SANDRA gets back from her holiday I woul ask her if I can put them in the cafe' untill my blog get's sorted.Xxx

  24. Hi everyone, back from friends craft shop, nice to read all the comments about the new craft channel, not sure about the amount for membership though, a bit steep I think, saw Rob Adams there just now, can hardly read the description on the screen, everything looks a bit amateurish, plus £99.99 for a Grand Caliber, who are they kidding!!!
    Norah great to see you back with us, looking forward to our meet up.
    Will catch up later, xx

  25. Oh dear it's not started well has it. Having said that the guests are getting time to do their demos which is good and hopefully it will get better. I can see me getting sick of the freedom advert though. Hope they get the web site up and running soon, poor things they must be tearing their hair out.
    Off to make a quiche now, I brought some lovely cheddar cheese back with me so I could make a "proper" one.
    Be back later
    Love Saba xxx

    1. Enjoy your quiche ! Maureen and I have both decided to cook chicken casserole! I'm not holding my breath but there may be an announcement about our water supply later! Three weeks today! Xxx

    2. Just had an update! We still need to boil our water!! Oh well , never mind. Xxx

    3. Myra, you definitely deserve to have your halo polished. I wouldn't be so tolerant. xxx

    4. Oh Myra, so sorry. You are being kind, about it I would be screaming and shouting by now (no not really,to shy) xxx

    5. MYRA I'm so sorry your still without water you are so calm, im with MARIA screaming & shouting but then I'm shy too.i only scream in virtual cafés

  26. Hey have just found something really interesting. Instead of going to my favourites, I can use dashboard and if I have visited your site, that's where I can find you all!! Whahey, something good from windows 10 after all. I still can't find my favourites bar though. xxx

    1. Good for you Cheryl, but you lost me at "Hey" lol xxx

  27. I'm sorry but i've had to have a quick whizz through the comments. My iPd wouldn't allow me through the day to comment on anyone's blogs Grhh! need to go and eat before craft club
    I missed the launch of this Hochanda but am watching it now MMmmm! I'm a bit disappointed and feels very amateurish. Lots of teething problems which i hope they smooth out The sound for a kick off is very echoey. If you join the club, yes it's free p&p BUT £6.95 per month... It'll be interesting to see the prices of Sue's dies I haven't got time to check at the mo

  28. Thank you my wonderful friends for lifting me up when i need it most and for just being yourselves all mad one of you. I will email pictures of my wee "woody" when Sandra comes back and can upload them for me/you. You will see the "Woody" significance then because of his silly mummy, but he has the right legs for it. Watched a part of the new tv channel, but not too ennamoured so far with it but who knows it might get better but the presenters are still doing too much yakking for me and interrupting but it could just be me being cranky. Don't know about their prices as from what i seen it could be a dear order and i don't fancy shelling out each month for their subscription and no discount on all that i order just what suits them. Naw, i'll think long and hard about that one first.
    love crabbit chops
    Norah x

    1. Norah I have just replied to you further up re flat heads!
      What on earth are crabbit chops, I'm sure Peter would like to try them he's very fond of chops.

    2. Norah, I think we did the right thing years ago we put babies on their sides with a rolled up towel lying down at their backs so they did t roll on to their backs, you would change which side you put them on each time you put them down in their pram or bed. Mine all had beautiful round heads, we even laid them in their tummys a no, no, these days but my Christopher would scream if you put him down to sleep any other way. Yes another money waster. xxx

  29. Hi SNdr
    I hope you still. Hilling out and the weather is being kind to you.
    MargRet I just love your sheep card. How clever is that. I have commented on a few as I went down this morning. But have been busy today sorting out for our holiday. All I have to do now is to get Pete to decide what shoes he wants me to pack. Or rather what he's wearing on his feet when we travel. I have this problem every year as I like to pack the shoes at the bottom of the suitcase. It might just be a case he wears what I leave out. Why are men so complicated.

    1. It's the law Pat. Men have a duty to be complicated and annoying at all times. Mine is being particularly law abiding at the moment!!

    2. I need Help! Alastair made an announcement at dinner! " I think I'll paint the Cloakroom on Monday! ".WHAT - This would not only be a first - it's a Bank Holiday! Why , since we are retired - would we want to embark on such a venture fraught with many dangers on a holiday!
      I made a tentative suggestion - that since it was a Bank Holiday maybe we could live it until Tuesday! " Why - we aren't doing anything - are we! " Well no - but why cause havoc on a holiday? Havoc was the wrong word to use - but sisters it is very fitting!! You'll like the next bit - " well I could do it on Saturday!! NO NO ! We have the family coming for lunch on Sunday! Can you imagine the chaos! After a little discussion we have agreed mid week would be more appropriate ! I'm shattered and having an extra glass! Did you need to know this - No - but I needed your support and sympathyl xxxx

    3. MYRA:- you need a BIG support.
      I hope it all goes well and Alistair wakens in the morning having forgotten all about that announcement. Enjoy your drink ... you need it xxx

    4. Thanks so much Patricia! Why oh Why would anyone want to create a mess on a Bank Holiday when they can basically pick any day!
      I've watched a bit of the Hochanda programme with John on board. They will get better but John has done well. Camera shots could be better but that's experience. A bit like my chicken casserole! Ha ha ! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- turned on again and watching John. That's much better a bit more professional xxx

    6. At least now they are not showing the website on screen! I thought it was just me who couldn't access it! Lee said that the website should be up and running very soon!! Xxx

    7. Oh me too! Should have known better! However I'd have thought the website was very important as it can be accessed 24 hours! Xxx

    8. Oh ladies (I use the term loosely - very loosely!!), I'e had a good laugh at chicken casseroles, downstairs cloakrooms, Patricia supporting you (my word she must be stronger than she looks - hard hat), Saba commiserating with Pat - and all this from a pair of shoes. SHOES, don't mention shoes. If he buys any more I'm going to call him Imelda!!!! xxx

  30. CooooEeeee!!!
    It's only me, I have just scooted right down without stopping. Will pop back and have a look to see what the comments are on the new Craft Channel and what ever else has gone on today.
    Ladies I am busy trying to compile a list of:-
    Telephone Nos. of all the regulars of the Cafe.
    Thought it would be nice to have these. We could then send out a card if we wanted. We could do this for any occasion no matter what, even just to say hello. If someone is a bit down we can give them a call to have a wee chat. That way we don't always have to bother Sandra.
    I do have some info but I would like information from as many as possible .... only if you want to that is. The ones I have will already know who they are.
    If you are willing to do this please send me the information.
    Will leave you to have a think on this. You can send me the info via e-mail. Xxx

  31. Evening Ladies

    Finally got to sit down with a cuppa. Exhausting day at work, major computer problems which started last night & continued all day today. Hope the IT department have fixed it by tomorrow.

    Watching the new craft channel-so far it doesn't seem much different to "the other one", maybe less emphasis on the selling. Headache disappeared this morning, luckily.


    1. So pleased your headache has gone Michele . Take care. Xxx

    2. Michele, glad your headache's gone, and hope the IT Dept get things sorted tomorrow xxxx

  32. Evening one and all
    Sorry I'm so so late. I just don't know where today has gone. I did spend all morning making another bday card had lunch and then range Christina and that took care of a couple of hours but the rest of the day has just disappeared. I haven't managed to get the new channel on the laptop as their web site just wouldn't do anything. But heh ho it's early days yet and most new things need bedding in so perhaps I'll just wait until I get back next week and have a gander then.

    Margaret your card is just fantastic and I know one young lady who would just love to receive that. I can definitely put faces to your sheep without any difficulty. Aren't animal faces wonderful.
    Right it's off to bed for me now - well sit and relax on top of the covers as we have reached the middle 30s again today and it's forecast tostay for the rest of the week. Anyway have a good night everyone and I'll see you tomorrow. Much earlier I hope.

    1. Goodnight Janet, sweet dreams. xxx

    2. Night Night Janet! We live in interesting times! Xxx

    3. Good night Janet enjoy the rest, sweet dreams. xxx

    4. Night, night Janet, sweet dreams xx

  33. Myra, you need to say to Alistair if he is going to do it, he has to wash down everything before he starts, then you want him to do this that and the other before he paints, he might just decide not to do it. Men think they can just start painting straight away. You could try it. Good luck our hall, stair and back hall needs painting but the thought is enough for me at the moment. Xxx

    1. HAZEL! May I send him up? No , thought not!, xxx

    2. I have one as it is, don't need two. xxx

    3. Ha ha ! I'm so glad I'm not alone! Please don't misunderstand me, Alastair is just wonderful in so many situations but DIY ain't one of them. Xxx

    4. MYRA:-
      Same in this house. However John always seems to manage fine when I am not here!! xxx

    5. Myra, watch him like a hawk. George (unknown to me) washed all the doors in the hall and upstairs with sugar soap. I painted them all before Christmas and the paint is slowly coming off in pinhead size pieces. When I said it must be the paints fault and he agreed. I have, today, been in the garage sorting a few shelves and found the sugar soap bottle only half full. When I asked him about it he told me, "Oh I washed them all with neat sugar soap to get them clean". Divorce is an option !!!! xxx

    6. MAUREEN:- best just get a Painter in to sort it out.
      George would miss you!!! xxx

    7. He has a history of Bank Holiday Fiascos! I forgave him, eventually, because he was at work but this is a step tooooooo far ! We had a squeaky floor board for years . On a Bank Holiday Saturday evening he decided to fix it! You all know what's coming! I would have had I been informed! Nail through central heating pipe - plumber at premium rates and we were up until 2 am !! As they say in Crime Programmes - he's got Prevoius! Xxxx

    8. Poor George, what would he do without you?
      By the way do you know how much divorce costs these days? My nephew has just gone through one and boy oh boy, they are not cheap, they cost an arm and a leg, and a few dangle pieces too! Better thing again my dear. xxx

  34. Hazel and I had a good old chat this afternoon.
    Discussed so many things. On the way home I kept thinking .... Oh!! should have told Hazel this, Oh! forgot to tell Hazel that. The other thing I forgot was to take the bundle of things I had to give Hazel. However we are meeting up again on Monday. We are meeting up with Norah and Jess. I hope the restaurant are ready for us!!!
    I have tuned in to the new Craft Channel .... Mmmmm!! not too sure. Will not say much at the moment. It has just started, feel they have a LOT to learn. Is it just me but does the volume keep going up and down???
    I did notice in the last few weeks on C&C they were saying goodbye to Camera Men. Now we know where they were all going. Oh! My! Giddy! Aunt £84 to join the Club. Well folks here's one person that won't be joining. I could do a heck of a lot with £84. Oh! Forgot your getting a free storage basket worth £14.99 ... who are they kidding. You can similar at Home Bargains or BM Stores for half that price or less.
    I mentioned last night that C&C started off at £60 per year for their club within a short space of time it was reduced to £20 and they also put £10 back into your account. Think they got the message pretty quickly. The new Channel might have to re-think that one.
    I hear John stirring cups, think there might be a cuppa on the way xxx

    1. Patricia, there were times when I couldn't hear anything. I don't think their microphones were switched on and they sounded like they were in an aircraft hanger. I'm glad you had a good day with Hazel. xxx

  35. Norah so lovely to have you back we have so missed you .
    Myra sorry to hear about your water situation, when Derek was having his op we went to see our relations who live near to Garstang they had just received a postcard from the water utilities company telling them to boil their water and that was the 13th August! Obviously they knew already but were telling us the problem had been kept quiet for a few days before they went public! Not so good.
    Already I am tired of the 'Freedom Advert ' they also appear to be having problems with their sound system has anyone noticed the echo?
    How is the quiche Saba, if there is any left, perhaps you could drop some in the café for us to try? A friend of mine used to feel deprived of cheddar cheese when she lived on the continent but found that adding some mustard helped to give her quiches that hint of a bite.
    Derek has been back to the surgery to see the nurse and fingers crossed the bleeding has stopped.
    I have had a request for two cards to 'celebrate' passing a tractor driving test! What ever next I ask myself.
    Lynda and Cheryl I do hope you get things sorted with Windows10, but I am sure Microsoft will soon bring out some updates so hang on in there and keep calm!

    1. Hello Margaret! I do hope you are making good progress without overdoing things! As for the water - I was so convinced it would be all over today I was quite disappointed when we were not in the group who could go back to normal . So near and yet so far! Maybe in he next couple of days! You take care, please! Lots of love xxxx

    2. Thank you Myra, progress is slow, too slow for my liking, I thought I would be much better by now.
      I do hope things improve soon for you. xxx

  36. Good evening, and tonight's news is my exclusive report on the new craft channel.

    1. Not bad if the camera man hadn't too many glasses of champers at the launch party. He definitely had the shakes which made my eyes ache trying to keep the screen in focus.
    2. Who is this Alex? She seemed to be shouting a lot at the sewing lady.
    3. The sounds checks should be done before they air. Is it just me or was there plenty of echoes?
    4. Who in the wardrobe department decided to put Barbara Grey in a white cardigan and then place her in front of white blinds? I though she looked as though someone had done a very dire attempt at Photoshop. She blended too far into the background for me to see much of her.
    5. Why are they using the same old box frame background with artful objects in them as C&C? That garish raspberry colour on the fronts was so blinding that I could have done with my sunglasses, if I could have found them.
    6. The membership costs far too much and their prices are not even comparable to my local craft shop, which has some very good bargains if you look for them. Don't know how many members they will get, not at that price and certainly not me. But then there is always someone who is a bit gullible. Sorry if that is anyone here in the café.
    7. The presenters too, seem to be following the same old boring customs of C&C, talking too much and wanting to sell before you have even seen things.
    I thought they, Hochanda, said their format would be more demos and no hard sells. Huh fat chance of that. The rot has already crept in.
    8.I have looked ahead on the programme listings and they are still following C&C's format of picking 4-5 demos plus items per day and repeating the programmes over a 24 hour period. No change there either.
    9. I know you have to have teething problems but if you look on their Facebook page and the live streaming, so many complaints and the day is not over yet.
    They are not living up their view that they listened to crafters beforehand. They might have done so but they definitely did not hear.
    And that is my summary ladies, what thinks you?

    My last inhaler for the day alarm has gone off so I am away to my bed with a good book.
    Nighty night, sleep tight one & all.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- thought I had written that till I saw your "sign off and name" at the very bottom!!!!
      Goodnight sweet dreams xxxx

    2. Cheryl, you took the words out of my mouth xxx

  37. I'm back again, I forgot no.10.
    Wow, golly gee whizz! what a fantastic free gift of a plastic looking cardboard "TheFreedom ticket' box that looks more like an apple box than a storage box.
    If anyone tries to buy me that, I know where it won't fit and the sun won't be shining either. lol xxx

    1. Oh! Cheryl, your the limit .... thanks for the laugh xxx

    2. Cheryl, I couldn't have put it better ha ha xxxx

    3. What a great report Cheryl both Derek and I have had a good laugh thank you xxx

    4. When I heard about the " box" . Silly me thought it was a box of crafting goodies! I don't need to be given a gift of an empty ugly box. I decorate and personalise empty ugly boxes! Xxx

    5. Wow! Sally - we've agreed twice in one day!! Xxx

    6. Brilliant Cheryl, summed it up nicely.

    7. I totally agree with all of the above. It's awful

    8. well I could not believe how amateurish it was. I had the sound up at 40 it's usually 15. It might improve we can live in hope. Totally agree with everything said I thought like Myra we were getting a box of goodies, silly me!
      Nite nite everyone sweet dreams xx

  38. I'm disappointed. It's not good, the sound level was terrible with a terrible echo. nearly £7 a month for membership. Very amateurish, so much so that I was embarrassed for them at times. But it's early days yet, they have time to get worse!!!!
    I'm away for 5 minutes,
    Muriel xxxx

    1. 5 minutes!!! bet Maureen is of to have a shower wash and dry her hair and get ready for you really need that long??? xxx

    2. Patricia, went downstairs to kick George again, and get a drink of orange juice xxx

    3. No Patricia all that would take us mere mortals a good 10 minutes we are not super woman like you! xxx

    4. Muriel! Poor George! He is a Saint remember! Xxx

    5. Certainly have not felt like Super Woman these past few days ... tomorrow is an other day and I have lots to do. I hope my powers return xxx

  39. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra hope you enjoy your last few days hasn't it gone quickly.
    Margaret I love your card such an atmospheric picture, big word for this time of night! reminds me of when my son was farm manager at Newby Hall and the sheep in the Hall grounds,thank you for sharing.
    Late to comment today busy day so will wish every oneca peaceful night hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Night, night Margaret P, sweet dreams
      Sally xxx

    2. After reading Cheryl's comments, I agree fully. They really need to fix a lot of things if we are going to continue watching this new channel and their website is still not working. It will be a shame if our favourite crafter's have moved here so hopefully this is just teething problems.
      Will be out most of the day so wish you all a nice day tomorrow.
      I hope everything goes well Michele, Pat, Sheila and anyone else who are doing something, Natti natt all xxx

    3. Nattily Natt, Maria! Sleep well. Xxx

    4. Oooh Dear! Nattily Natt!!! Tech me to try to be bilingual!
      Night Night Maria - sincere apologies! Xxx

    5. Myra, Nattily Natt Tech to you too xxxx

    6. Why am I not surprised that didn't get past you!
      " you know me so well" - nearly ! Xxx

  40. I was busy watching John with the lovely Lee and was quite enjoying it when alacazam alacazee suddenly there was Barbara Grey chatting to a man ( one of the owners) and he was telling us the thrilling story of when he made plaster of Paris models as a child and sold them to gullible neighbours. I must have dozed off but I am awake now. We'll sort of, actually I feel like a zombie, not that I know what a zombie feels like I just have a very vivid imagination.
    Sally you have had your 5 minutes.

    1. She's saying goodnight to Margaret xxx

    2. There's only so much I can watch sitting on the settee in the guest bedroom! I need to be able to do things!
      By the way we have the most beautiful big moon tonight. The sky looks lovely . Xxx

    3. Off to look at that moon!!! xxx

    4. MYRA:- your right it is beautiful, right outside the lounge window.
      It always amazed me when we were in Turkey. The same moon and starts shone outside our Lounge window there. Al those miles and it still looked the same. Sounds so "child like" but it thrilled me .... Easy pleased that's me xxx

    5. Hope you can see it! It's beautiful here. Such a calm, still night! Xxx

  41. Blinking heck, didn't realise you had gone to kick GEORGE. Does any body mind if I copy you and kick Peter too. Actually I'd like to stamp on his head and I don't mean with an acrylic stamp either. It's all to do with courgettes.

    1. I don't like courgettes. Well, they are ok if roasted with olive oil and herbs drizzled over them. Yes Saba, you are allowed to kick Peter. I think I'll go and kick George again, he has annoyed me for the last two days. Yesterday he ate Eleanor's strawberries instead of his. Now, I can hear you asking what's wrong with that. He has them thickened with sugar, and the girls and I have them au natural. In fact, at the moment I get annoyed just looking at him ha ha (he's as good as gold really) xxx

    2. Maureen, you should have labelled them ! Not George's fault at all! Xxx

    3. That's right, annoy me more by sticking up for him !!! lol xxxx

    4. Patricia you've got it in one. Tonight's conversation.
      What's for dinner?
      I'm making a quiche -
      but what about the courgettes? -
      what about them?
      I thought we might have them with dinner. -
      but I have made a salad. -
      yes but the courgettes need eating.
      so does my salad.
      Well I'd like courgettes...
      I cannot tell you the rest of the conversation, it got rather heated!!!

    5. SAB:- you could have made Courgette Fritters and eaten the salad with them. OH! I can just imagine xxxxx

    6. Sorry missed out an A xxx

    7. Patricia, tomorrow he is getting courgettes for dinner. Just courgettes. Lots of them. A huge great plate full. Enough to make you sick.
      I shall have a prawn sandwich.

    8. I'm rather pleased I'm not coming to dinner! Courgettes are ok - but just ok! Xxx

  42. hellooo! Margaret your card is lovely. Great for the farm shop.
    Enjoyed craft tonight have got a couple of ladies having a go at book folding and of course we put the world to rights as well

  43. Well, the man of the moment has just arrived upstairs, and I am going down to heat my Margaret bags and have a refill of juice, so I'll say goodnight to everyone and sweet dreams.
    He has just lain down and switched the TV channel over, it doesn't matter that I was watching the Press Review, he's put sport on. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Muriel xxx

    1. Sally Dear! Just chill , have your juice and smile sweetly! As for the bags - well stick them where they'll be most beneficial!
      Hard Hat!!!
      Night Night, my dear friend xxxx

    2. This may not be a good time to say that Alastair hates courgettes! I can only serve them with other vegetables and then he will simply ignore them! It's a bit like parsnips - he hates those too ! I love them.

    3. Good night God bless Sally, just wait till he's asleep and pinch all the quilt, that'll teach him!

    4. Goodnight all, God Bless see you all in the morning. xxx

    5. Night Night - be kind! Sleep well! Xxx

  44. Have been trying to leave a message all evening - BUT dearly beloved keeps saying can I borrow the iPad. Daughter and family due to land at Gatwick approx 3:10am and he is going to pick them up! They are not in British airspace yet . In fact I think they will have only just have taken off. But he keeps checking the flight.
    Margaret your card is great, and right on the mark for the farm shop. Brilliant idea.

    Will say Night, Night, will try to get some sleep before OH has to go out.
    Sweet Dreams, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  45. Night God bless Patricia, sweet dreams.
    Myra I love the idea of Alastair just ignoring the courgettes.

    1. He avoids confrontation! Well except when he makes a decision to paint on a Bank Holiday! This lady's not for turning !! Xxx

    2. I am struggling to keep my eyes open so I really must say good night and God bless to you all. See you tomorrow,
      Love and hugs and may all your courgettes be small ones.
      Saba xxx

  46. Good night everyone. A huge spider just ran under the settee and I am sitting on the settee so off to bed quick before it comes out again.
