
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Michele Magazine Card

A 'VERY' true quote that Michele discovered!
Now, Our Michele has had a card published in Making Cards Magazine!

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I wanted to share with you the very funny and VERY true quote, I know my Mum for one had said to me after I spent hours making her birthday card, "I know you only give me a handmade card as its cheap"! I was both shocked and stunned!! little did she know that I could have bought her cards for the next ten years or more for what that card cost to make, so now its bargain basement shop bought cards every time, my Mum in Law is quite the opposite and says that she keeps her cards on display for months! So you don't mind putting the effort in then.
Its the same when it comes to selling at craft fairs though isn't it, people think that because its hand made its not worth more than a couple of pound, yet they don't think twice about paying for a flat, boring, mass produced card just because it has a bar code on the back, over a beautifully hand embellished card that is totally unique!
Now then, who'd have guessed our very own 'Pharmacy Michele' is famous!!!!! yes, she has had a card published in the Making Cards magazine, you must have been so thrilled Michele, thank you so much for sending me the article to share with everyone xxx
Well I am off to pack for the beach,
Love and Hugs to all


  1. Good morning, Sandra and all who call in. Lovely to have you in the chair as they say. It's a bit like " Face time" you are in the room but miles away.
    Michele, well done you for having your card published, it's a great design and colour choice. Oh and it is so true no matter what craft you do or make folk think they are doing you a favour giving you a few pennies for it as its " only handmade" as they say. Funny I wonder if they would work an hour for pennies in their work?? The worst ones are the ones that have money!
    Well it's not such a nice day today, hopefully it will brighten up as the day goes on. I am off to show the ropes to Vicky, should be interesting! I wonder if yesterday told her the job is not that easy? Or will that be today when she has to do everything and its s long day? I will let you know. I will take my tea and sit and see who comes in. It was lovely to see Jean in and also Wendy.

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I will be thinking about you today, I am not sure that they will ever get anyone that is as dedicated and willing to out the hours and miles in that you do, I think that Vicki may be in for a bit of a shock! How long do you think she will last?
      I will keep checking back for an update,
      I hope your day brightens up!
      Have you got all your Craft bits and pieces back in the spare room yet?
      Mind you I bet you haven't had much time to relax since the wedding and having Roberta staying over, I bet you made a fair few cups of tea that weekend?!
      Well the rain is easing. So will make a dash for the shower block, my she-wee thingy has been a god send!!!
      Sending you the biggest hug my lovely
      Sandra xxxxxx

  2. Well I thought I would nip in and have a tidy round before you all arrived, some nice new cakes in the chiller!
    Where's the cow gone from the garden? I thought u would leave you a supply of free fresh milk, although the thought of Myra or Muriel milking her was probably enough to make her run away!
    It was been raining here for the last hour, boy I forgot how loud it is in a tent!
    The mixed weather can be frustrating but it's because we are close to the Pyrenees. Hopefully we will be on the beach in a couple of hours!
    Some good news, by some absolute miracle Paul walked into the tent yesterday afternoon and spotted the diamond that had fallen out of my engagement ring, I cried with delight, it could have been anywhere from the toilet /shower block to the beach or even the restaurant we ate out at on Pauls birthday!
    I hope that you all have a lovely day,
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Oh Sandra I'm so pleased the missing diamond was found, oh I bet that's made your holiday! I hope the weather clears up soon otherwise it will be a tent day with lots of card games or a trip out to look around a local village! Perhaps you will find some bargains like Janet at a local market or a pastry shop!!! Well I will just say the cow has moooooved on but is very happy and we are supporting British farmers buying our milk at M&S!. Hope you have a great day xxxx

    2. SANDRA:- glad you have found your Diamond, that's truly amazing.
      Hope the weather decides to smile on you and you all have a great day. xxx

    3. SANDRA:- we sold Jasmine the cow to Farmer Fred up the road. She's in that field with all the other girls having a good time.
      We bought the smart new Cooler Counter with the money ...... it's so much easier to keep clean. Jasmine was sweet but smelly and made such a mess. I do hope your not angry with us, honest she's so much happier and so are we!!! xxx

    4. Sandra, so glad you found the diamond, put it in a really safe place till you get home. As the ladies have said, the cow was a bit smelly what a mess she was making. All cows are smelly as we found out recently.
      Take care, x enjoy your day.

    5. Yoohoo Sandra I was so happy when I read your post about Paul finding your that was so you said it could have been anywhere....thank goodness for miracles!! Hope you've tucked it away somewhere safe until you can make your beautiful ring whole again.
      Hope the rain has stopped and by now you're on the way to the beach. Have a wonderful day.
      Sorry about Jasmine having to go to Farmer Fred but the dried doodoo on her back legs (a bit like Lynda's Freddy! ) was putting us off the lovely scones and cakes!
      Big hugs Sheila xxx

    6. Helloooooo SANDRA im soooo pleased Paul found your precious diamond,I know how devastating it is as I lost the ruby out of my mums ring & never found it. I had a new one put in. I was so upset
      Now SHEILA I'm glad FREDDY is not quite as bad as Jasmine's doodoo he doesn't get it on his back legs HAHA.
      Have a lovely day Sandra hope the weather gets better for you all.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    7. Sandra, so happy to hear you found the diamond it will make your holiday so much more happier now that you don't have to worry about it
      enjoy your day xx Wendy

    8. Hi Sandra,What relief you must have felt finding your disound, I know when I lost a stone in my ring daughter found it in the food recycling. you will know what a relief it was!!! LOL xxx

    9. So glad Paul has eagle-eyes, to find it is a miracle indeed.
      I lost 'me' in a bag of prescriptions, never found 'me'. By way of explanation, my Mum presented me with one of her rings on Mother's day some years ago, it had seven diamonds on it to represent them + 5 children. I was so proud to wear it and hardly ever took it off. Until one day when I arrived home from an exceedingly busy day in the surgery dispensary, took it off and noticed 'I' was missing. Devastating was not the word. I still have not had the nerve to tell her. xxx

    10. CHERYL:- love the ring story but am sorry that you lost "yourself".
      Have you had "me" replaced ?? xxx

    11. Sandra, I am so glad Paul found your diamond. To think one of you could have walked across it and picked it up on your foot wear and that would have been it. Now it's just a case of getting it reset into your ring. Weather here doing its usual -raining. Xxx

    12. SANDRA
      What the others didn't tell you was 'Elf an Safety' were saying Jasmine would have to go OR they would close the Cafe, we couldn't let that happen, could we. That's why she is staying with Farmer
      Fred. ,!! xxx

    13. Oh Sandra! Please don't blame Muriel or me! We did everything we could. We even tried putting Jasmine in a pair of Muriel's bloomers but she was not keen on the idea - Jasmine that is !! Sorry - we milked all the cow jokes we could think of too! Xxx

    14. So pleased you have found the diamond Sandra. That is marvellous news.

  3. morning one and all
    Sandra how lovely to see you early on. Isn't odd looking in on the café from Cyberspace instead of being their in person. What a lucky lady you are and what fantastic eyes Paul must have to spot your Diamond. How about sending him beach combing and see what he comes back with. No seriously it's wonderful that he found your treasure as I know stones can be replaced but ten they're not the same are they as they don't have the same meaning.

    Hope the rain clears and you have a wonderful day.
    Hugs to you all.

    Michele what a fantastic thing to have; one of your creations printed in a magazine. You must have felt so proud and all your comments are so so true. So many people automatically thing 'hand made' = cheap unless they buy from a well known store.

    The sun is shining and it's a glorious day outside so don't know what I'll be doing. I'll let you know later.
    Hugs to everyone

    1. Hi Janet,
      I was hoping that you had some rain too to replenish your water butts, it's brightened up here so hopefully it will because decent day, although we have been awake for hours listening to the rain on the tent!
      When do you travel back home? You won't recognise Calais, it now looks like a maximum security prison. I hope it is worked though, we tend to avoid the news as much as we can, although Paul will check the headlines when he goes for the milk and bread in the mornings!
      Sending you Hugs across the mountains,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  4. Patricia - can you please look at your emails. I have sent you one and I'm hoping that I've got the right address.

    1. JANET:- off to check .... back in a mo!! xxx

    2. JANET:- nothing there yet. I am having problems this morning
      Will check again soon and get back to you. xxx

    3. JANET:- sent "you" an e-mail which has my address. xxx

    4. Thank you Patricia - I've received your mail and replied. Once again thank you.

  5. Morning Ladies

    The quote amused me so I took a photo of-hope you all like it!

    The card was made using digital downloads the magazine sent-to be honest, they wouldn't have been my choice of papers etc. It was holiday themed items-tropical fruit, pink flamingos. You had to make a card & send it in to the magazine & wait to see if yours was featured. Most magazines etc require you to have a blog even if you want to be a guest designer so this was ok for me.

    Amazingly I slept right through last might-busy day at work then I went to give blood at 5.50pm and I seem to take ages, mind you the nurse had caught the side of my vein so had to keep moving the needle= yuk! Yesterday's donation wan my 69th- I have a target of 100 which will take me another 10 years to achieve.

    Right -best get ready for work.....only one more day after this then 4 whole days off.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Well done on reaching 69 donations of blood, that's amazing!
      I have been on the receiving end of your generosity on several occasions over the years, for which I am hugely grateful!
      Yoy must have been overjoyed to have your card featured in the magazine, I know that their papers can be a little odd at times but generally they are good quality, not the cheap shiny ones you often see,!
      Glad you had a good night sleep. You need in with your job at the moment! I hope you have a fab four days off!
      It can't be long before you go to Florida?
      You must be getting excited!
      Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. MICHELE:- congrats, that's a LOT of blood to give away. You'll reach your 100 soon don't you worry.
      Love your bright and summery card, good for you getting yours chosen. There will have been lots of entries, the panel obviously have good taste.
      Glad you got a good nights sleep that will set you up for the day. Only today and tomorrow then you will be FREE:- xxx

    3. Well done on your blood donation, I had to have a couple of pints after my second hip was replaced, but didn't feel too bad as I had given six pints in donations over the years, but had to stop when my thyroid went loopy.
      Your card looks amazing, well done on getting it published.

    4. well done on getting your card published and also on the amount of blood you have given. I have had two blood transfusions so it is people like you we have to thank
      love Wendy xx

    5. Hello MICHELE well done on all your 69 blood donations,I used too give blood but then I got high blood pressure & put on tablets so couldn't give it any more. Congratulations on getting your card published how cool is that. I love the quot so true I love it. Thank you for sharing. Have a good day XXX

    6. MYRA hope you got out of bed ok I forgot too SHOUT have a good day with the children crafting. Have a good day. Love Lynda xx

    7. Morning Michele,
      How lovely to see your work in print. Well done on being chosen.
      The saying you photo'd is very apt. I have lost count of the number of times people assume my work is not worth what they would pay in a shop. So I am going to print your sign and display it on my stall this weekend at our Village Flower Show. Let's see what comments appear. xx

    8. Congratulations on your 69th pint of blood. Like Lynda, I am no longer able to give blood due to high blood pressure and that it didn't really help that the last time I had a 'tropical moment' when almost through and had to lie there for half-hour with my legs raised and a fan on me to cool me down. xxx

    9. Congratulations Michelle on giving 69 pints of blood that is really some achievement. Sadly after I had cancer and then radiotherapy they couldn't take my blood any longer, I did get a lovely thank you letter and a badge but I feel very sad at not being able to donate any longer xx

    10. Congratulations Michele - I am in awe of your achievement! Xxx

    11. Congratulations MICHELE. That is wonderful news. I agree with the quote. I used to charge £1 for my cards and one lady decided she didn't want to buy anymore when I put the price up to £1.25. Her loss. That was many moons ago.

    12. Michele many congratulations on donating so much blood. Emma was really sad the other day when they struggled to find veins and eventually had to be told she was unsuitable. It's such a worthy thing to do. Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Firstly I'm so pleased Sandra you have found your diamond for your ring, you must have been beside yourself. Now you need to have it reset where it belongs.
    Michelle you must be so proud to have a card published, have we a celebrity in the making.
    It's a bit overcast here today, I did the garden yesterday ( can feel it today ) filled our green bin, really gave the bushes a haircut - john said I'd make a good hairdresser but I think he was being sarcastic. Will go into town today - I love just strolling round the shops all the sales are on now,
    Must say the cafe has been kept scrupulously clean and tidy while I've been AWOL well done to whoever has been in cleaning and leaving everywhere smelling gorgeous with fresh flowers and lovely tempting calorie free goodies in the fridge,
    Will pop back later
    Plenty of hugs in the basket ( hope nobody needs them)
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean it's so lovely to have you back with us your were greatly missed. Enjoy your stroll in town and hope you get some great bargains. Hugs Sheila xxx

    2. We had to have a big clean up after our friend Jasmine was moved on!! It didn't smell quite so then ! Xxx

  7. Jean and Wendy, it's so lovely to see you back,
    Wendy I am so sorry to hear about your poor sister and hope that she is well on the road to recovery, we are all here for you whenever you feel you need us! Xx
    Jean I am pleased to hear you have your computer etc back, you must have been lost without it, we certainly missed you!
    Anyone heard from Norah?
    Our Internet is not very reliable so I haven't read all the posts!
    Sandra xxxxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. First things first and that is to say that I am delighted to hear that you have found your diamond, well spotted Paul : ))
    It is lovely having you around Sandra but don't let us stop the major relaxing that you have going on. I was sorry to see Jasmin the cow go after milking and mucking her out quite happily but some of the ladies found having her around too stressful and they thought she was smelly. She is in a field nearby with other cows now. I hope the rain has stopped and you get a wonderful day on the beach my lovely : )
    Michele, how lovely to see that you have had that pretty card published in Making Cards. You must feel very proud : ) The quote is so true, I don't sell my cards but I have always appreciated the time, effort and costs involved when looking at homemade goods even before I started card making. Like Hazel says, it is the people with the most money that are the worst. (I suppose that is why they have money but I would rather stay poor and have a clear conscience myself!
    Hazel, have a good day showing Vicky the ropes. I wonder how she will feel by the end of the day, and I do wonder how long it will be before there are a couple more new members of staff employed to help when the family realise just how much you used to do? Enjoy seeing the girls if they are there.
    Maria, I hope you are feeling OK.
    Welcome back to Wendy and Jean. It's good to see you back in the Cafe.
    I hope you all have a good day, we are out and about today with appointments etc. so must get on now.
    Take care xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Michele I love your comment, it's so true! You must be thrilled to have a card printed in a magazine too, that's so exciting. It's quite difficult when the subject matter isn't your thing but you've done really well to create a fun card. Was this recent? We will all dash out and buy the magazine if so! I hope today is a good day then only 1 more to go yay! Xxxx
    Well I failed to get Emma to go shopping yesterday! She must wanted a chilled day so I tried to do some tidying up - the lounge took most of the day!!!! We are going food shopping today so need an early start then I think we will go to M&S as it's right next door! If I'm lucky the warm coat hunt might start too!
    See you all later xxx

    1. Happy Shopping Diane - keep smiling! Xxx

    2. Diane. You might need to get Karen or Norah to knit a big Arran jumper or cardigan for Emma for those chilly nights sitting studying in her room. I did one for Giilisn and she about lived in it. The rooms had heating but didn't always work. A good pair of waterproof fur lined boots too. And a 3 in 1 jacket. Xxx

    3. Hazel I've got an Aran jumper I'm mind to knit for her, I was looking at the wool today. We did find some lovely wax coats too with padded linings so I think that will be a winner. We talked about boots too so I think we are making progress! If she gets the accommodation she has requested it's a new building so hopefully the heating will be ok! Xxx

  10. Good morning all, hope you are well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    WOW!!! SANDRA :- is with us to today, that's amazing, here's a (((hug))) from me we really miss you.
    WOW!!!! I am so excited ...... SANDRA:- someone "up there" is looking after you. To find your Diamond is absolutely fantastic.
    MICHELE:- well done you getting your work published. Love the bright and colourful entry. It's a great feeing to open a Magazine and see your name in print. They never tell you they are going to show your work.
    Sorry I am late today, just could not get my comment to "publish" ......!!
    Oh! My! Word! has someone wakened MYRA:- yet?? Hope Alistair set the clock last night!!!
    I am taking some Tea & Toast over to my favourite table. I will read back through what's been said and done. Will comment on the way down. I hate being late ... my day will be all out of Kilter now. Never mind nothing much on the cards at the moment. See you all in a wee while. xxx

  11. Morning everyone, have left comments on the way down and finally reached the end gosh it takes a while doesn't it, if I don't comment I write down who I need to congratulate or commiserate with so I don't forget, must be an age thing.
    Off to tidy up and finish cards for the shop today as my stock is really low, I agree with people wanting cards for a pittance, I find that it is worse at craft fairs or farmers markets, but in the shop they just pay what I have priced them at.
    Will pop back later. Xx

  12. Good morning everyone
    Sorry to have been missing for so long but the good news is the fracture has healed and the plaster came off! Since then walking has been very painful and difficult. Went with Derek to Lancaster for his op that took longer than expected but all went well but he is also left with a lot of pain and bruising but at least it is all over with and we have arrived home thank goodness, so lovely to see our corgis again and what a welcome.
    Everything is taking what seems like three times longer but at least our daughter was with us and is staying so we have some help, thank goodness.
    Michele many congratulations and what a super design, well done on your 69th pint I am sure you will make the 100! Can I say very many thanks too as someone who has been give blood in the past I am so grateful.
    Delighted to know 'The Meeting' took place in Edinburgh and you all had a great time.
    Many thanks to those who kindly sent me emails while we were away too, got them when we arrived home.
    Sandra so pleased you found the diamond, you really were lucky!
    Take care everyone
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. WHEY:- HEY:- MARGARET :- is back thank goodness, we have missed you so much. Nearly as much as the Corgies!!!
      Glad to hear the Plaster is off and Derek has had his opperation. Thank goodness your daughter is with you, what an absolute blessing. Please take things easy, I know you can't rush about but please do not try to do things you know you should not attempt......we have all done it!! It's just not worth it. xxx

    2. Hi Margaret so lovely to see you back with us and I' pleased that the plaster is off and Derek has had his opp too. You both must rest easy now and thank goodness your lovely daughter is there to help out. No discoing for a wee while Margaret until your leg gets stronger. Hugs to you both
      Love Sheila xxx

    3. Hi Margaret, so lovely you are back on your feet even though it will be quite painful for some time, and wonderful news to learn Derek has had his op. Here's to your continuing good health. xxx

    4. MARGARET so lovely too see you back. I'm so pleased you have had your pot off at last. Please take it easy no marathons this year. So pleased Derek's opperation went well & your daughter is helping out.
      Your lovely Corgis are pleased having mummy & daddy home,hope they are both ok now. Big (((( Hug's))))for you DEREK & cuddle's for Amy & Tomasxx
      Love Lynda xx

    5. Welcome back, Margaret. Good news that you have got your plaster cast off and that Derek has had his op. Please, please take it easy. Oh I know the feeling of seeing the dogs. Xxx

    6. Welcome home Margaret
      So pleased to hear that you have two legs now and not one and a plaster one lol. Also pleased that Derek has had his op and that although both of you are in pain at the moment it should go and all will be well. At least you have your Daughter to help at the minute so make the most of her help.
      You have been missed and I can just see the excitement of your two wonderful Corgis when you returned home.
      Hugs to you both

    7. hello Margaret, great to have you back, good news the plaster has come off and Derek has had his operation. You must both be very frustrated things taking that bit long, just think it can only get better LOL Your Corgis must've missed you both. I'm sure they were more than delighted to see you home again. Take care X

    8. Hi Margaret, good to have you back, good news about Derek's operation, just look after yourselves until you are both stronger, Im sure your daughter will keep you both in line. X

    9. Yooo Hoo! It's me your Ducky partner in crime! I've missed our expeditions ! So pleased you have had your plaster removed and glad too that Derek has had his surgery. I'm sure you are thrilled to be home and reunited with the two corgis! I'm pleased too that your daughter is with you helping you out a little . Missed you lots! Xxx

    10. Hi Margaret, so pleased you have had your cast off - please take it easy - tomorrows another day, Glad Derek has had his operation and you can both look forward now to regaining your health. Isnt it lovely to get such a welcome that only a dog can give,
      Take care
      Jean xx

    11. Hi Margaret. So good to have you back. Glad you have got the plaster off and Derek has had his op. Please take care now and be extra careful when you go out.

  13. Morning everyone,
    Sorry I didn't make it back here last night but I forced myself to start making a special card that I needed in about 10 days time. I had bought the TL Essential Window as I thought it would make Beautiful Christmas cards but boy it is huge 81/4 by 6 inches so I think I will have to cut the actual window a bit. I've kept this one whole but I'm getting a bit of a kick out of it at the moment...when it's finished it will look as if it hasn't taken long but it was measuring the extra elements that I found the hardest....but it's really got the adrenalin flowing and I'm enjoying doing it even though the air has been quite blue at times.
    Michele ...well done for getting your gorgeous card published, I just love the colours and it's so summery.
    Jean and Wendy how lovely it is to have yo back with us you have been missed.
    Well I'll have a quick cuppa and a toasted teacake and sit by the window, I've probaly missed Patricia by now as she was running late anyway.
    Hugs in the basket and money in the pot see you later.
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, its great to be back in the land of internet connections,
      I didn't realise how much craft stash I had until I had to move it out and then put it all back again. You sound as though you are really enjoying yourself making your card. Since finding things I'd forgotten about my mojo has well and truly returned
      Enjoy yourself
      Jean xx

  14. Thanks all for the welcome back. II have left some comments further up, but tried to leave a comment for Diane but my connection went. Just to say Diane Emma will need a scarf and hats also as it is freezing up here in the winter. It is pouring rain and I have just put the heating on it is so cold here and that is summer in Aberdeen lol
    Hugs to all xxWendy

  15. Hello Everyone,
    Contrary to belief I have not left the country!!! I am just so busy preparing for the Children's Cancer Charity fund raiser this Saturday. I'm making cup candles and in between making cards. I haven't ready any comments today or yesterday, but will do so later.
    Wendy, it's lovely to see you.
    Michele, can I have your autograph. You're in print, how posh is that, and it's fab!!!!
    Must go, wax to melt, cards to make.
    See you all later,
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Should have said your card is fab!!! xxxx
      I'm in too much of a hurry

    2. Gosh Maureen, I can feel the heat this far south, with all that rushing around you are doing.
      Take a breather and join us for a coffee..... Please xxx

    3. Hi Maureen you sure are one busy bee! Good luck on finishing your beautiful teacup candles and cards and fingers crossed for a great sale for the Children's Cancer Charity Fund.
      As Brenda said pop in for a coffee later.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

    4. I'm sorry I forgot this coming weekend was your big Fund Raiser! I hope you are not tiring yourself out! I'm sure everything will sell well. Your candles have been a big hit so far. Hope everyone comes in a generous frame of mind . Xxx

    5. Sorry Maureen I didn't say good luck for making all the things for the fund raising this week-end, hope you had a good day crafting xxx

  16. Hi Michelle
    Fancy having a celebrity in our mists. Must be lovely to see your ideas in print. Love the card and how true is the saying. I was out most of yesterday so didn't even get to see yesterday's card. It's really a lovely idea and great for any occasion. Will read yesterday's comments later if I get some time, plus today's of course. The day just seems to fly by, I really don't know how I found the time to work. Different priorities I suppose. I'll try and post later on the way down.

    1. PAT:- I often wonder that very same thing about work.
      Sometimes these days I hardly find time to take a breath never mind work. I am sure you feel the same!! xxx

  17. Good morning ladies,

    I seem to have missed a day, I must play catch up later. Well yesterday went by in a flurry of visitors. Starting at 9 am, I received a visit from an older friend Richard, who brought me details of Sedgemoor Health Walks.
    My friend Maureen retired last week and we have been promising ourselves that we would join a walking club since last year. Obviously my BC made sure that everything was put on hold until now. I am continuously trying to find ways to help me with controlling my agoraphobia and as this is a small group and I enjoy walking, what better place to start?
    My next visitor turned up at 10.30am with her little ball of wool on four legs. Ollie is a gorgeous little Shit Sue - Pomeranian cross, so full of life. he certainly knows my house now, Freda has to let the lead go because he's up the stairs looking for me before I can even say my first hello to him.
    Then Maureen came at 12.30 to discuss the walking schedule, we shall be starting next Monday with a gentle walk along Brean Sands.
    After Maureen went it was time to get dinner ready for when Robin arrived after work to continue with painting the pebbledash. I don't know where the evening went but bed was definitely calling me.
    Alarm now going off for my next inhaler shot, I'll call in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  18. Good morning SANDRA & all the ladies. SHEILA I cut some of those TL windows from my friends die & yes they are big I had to cut it down to fit it
    on a 8 x 8 card the top part I did the stain gLass technics.
    Raining heavily this morning. FREDDY is all cleaned out housework finished just having a cupper then I will Tackle The Ironing mmm not my favourite job I have too sit down & do it now as i can't stand in one place as my back starts to ache really badly.but Hay Ho such is life. I must finish the birthday cards I started yesterday they need posting tomorrow.
    So must give Annie her tablets & get the ironing board up.
    I have commented on the way down but will call back later
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. I did get up Lynda! I have a 100 percent record so far. Mind you it's only Tuesday - it just feels like Thursday! Xxx

  19. MARIA I hope your ok missssing you. Hope your tummy isn't playing up.
    Big Hug's Lynda
    NORAH missing you as well hope your ok. Hug's Lynda xx

  20. Hi everyone, have enjoyed my coffee and have been commenting on the way down, I'm sure there's more comments I could add - but I'm going out to lunch in about 15 minutes so will have to come back later.
    Michelle you are so right people tend to think because you've made a card it hasn't cost you any money so it's a cheap card. We all know it's exactly the opposite also the time factor in creating something special for our loved ones.
    Wow you are the clever one having your work published. Well done ! Will we have to curtsy to you now - ha ha LOL
    Lynda, have you surfaced yet after cleaning out Freddies cage or are you still in the shower!!!!! sorry I did find your comment yesterday very funny xx
    Sorry everybody must dash meeting up with friends who taught in the Primary School I worked in (I worked in the office doing finance) see you all later.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, hope you have had a lovely lunch and time with your friends and colleagues . Xxx

  21. Well I have been home for a while. Funny I was glad that I dont have to go do there every day. do think Vicky found out today she will just have to get on and do what she can when she can. Anna not up when I went in, nothing new. So told Vicky I csnt tell her what to do she has to work her own routine as she has so much to do, from emtpy the diswasher to reloading it? No wash to go on but some ironing and you couldn't move in the utility room as yes all the boots etc from them coming back were just bumped, so I binned all the old shoes etc and helped her sort out the wellies and things, new school uniform in the bags bumped in the front hall I just put them to one side. Too her to give the big front room and good clean and Hoover and then tomorrow just straighten round, and the bathrooms, kitchen , utility and hall need doing everyday really, but she can't work it out herself. I am going in Thursday morning why I don't know but hey ho.
    Bet not happy but nothing I can do. Vicky will need to be strong and not let Anna walk over her. Oh meant to say. I don't know if you remember Anna getting upset after her Voila exam in June as she was sure she had failed badly! No she got a merit, so I think with out the " BIG MISTAKE " I think it would have been a distinction. No I am going just enjoy not working. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, You really have been very thoughtful giving Vicky a run down on the daily routine it sounds like She iwill have to be Super woman. You are really going to be missed by the family, especially Anna and Beth. It's now time to enjoy your life. Make sure you do LOL xxx

    2. its hard to take a step back and let someone else do some things that you know can be done an easier way isn't it Hazel - especially when you have done it so long..
      Time for some 'Me time' me thinks
      Hugs Jean x

  22. Helloooo Sandra and all lovely friends, sorry but yesterday was not a good day but luckily not the tummy but a stupid head cold. Slept most of the day and when awake just sitting in a bubble. Anyway feeling a bit better so have been up and done some dusting and hoovering, the SIL is coming tomorrow so it had to be done. Myra your card yesterday was great, loved all the buttons, didn't know you could get so many different shapes. Hope the boy liked it. Oooh we got a famous person in the cafe', Michele your card and the quote/comment is sooo true, well done to get something printed! Sandra is right ,most papers you get in magazines are quite cheep and slippery looking.
    Sandra ,I'm so glad Paul found the Diamond ! I felt for you yesterday with my heart in my throat. Same thing happened to me on holiday ones from a ring I got from my grandparents. I don't think I ever told them just the ring was to precious to wear so it was put away. Anyway Fabulous news! Sorry the weather is not good, rain tapping on a tent roof is quite nice but not if it gets to much. So glad the she-wee is working out hihi Have a nice day and hugs to all. Wendy- so nice to see you back but so sad to hear about your sister, really hope she is getting better now. You take care and when you need a chat we are always here ! Happy to see you back as well Jean you have been missed by all! Nice to have a builder in the family, wish we had. OH is useless so we always have to take people in and you have to be so careful. They can be real cowboys. Hazel- hope your day is going alright and the new girl Vicky learning the ropes quick. Margaret- glad you now standing on two legs so to say and Derek's operation went well just sorry to see you both in pain so just take it easy and let your daughter help, hugs to you both!
    Cheryl- a walking group sound good and a way of meeting some people and get some fresh air at the same time. We have some here just worried they might go to quick so I be lagging behind. They are doing Nordic walking and I have the sticks so when I'm up for it after holiday I will go on my own or with a friend / neighbour . Ollie sound sooo cute, a real bundle of fur! Myra- hope you have fun with the little ones and not getting to tired.
    Lynda, I missed you too but glad you cleaned out Freddy's cage but it was a smell of doodoo's and now we know from where so it wasn't only Jasmine hihi
    Pat -have a lovely time with your ex-work friends. I have not seen non from my school since leaving two and a half year ago. Funny how it can go. Thanks to Sandra and some other blogs I follow ,have made me alive again ! To be able to found new friends this way it's just amazing .I'm going now to make a card finished and then have a little lunch so I be in later for a coffee and see what goodies we got in the chiller cabinet today, love and hugs to all Maria xxxx

    1. Maria, so sorry you had a bad day yesterday! Hope you feel a lot better today. I think I could nod off in this chair! Oops! Xxx

    2. MARIA:- so sorry to hear you have not been too good. Sending some (((((hugs))))) in hope they help.
      Take care xxx

    3. Maria, Sorry you have not been feeling well, hope you are feeling better today. Just don't push yourself to hard. Sending you lots of hugs. Take care xxx

    4. Hello Maria - hope you feel a bit better as the day goes on - take care of yourself - hugs just for you - Jean x

    5. Maria. Hope you are feeling better, take it easy (((()))) x

    6. Hi Maria do hope you have had a better day and you are feeling better. Love Sheila xxx

    7. Thank you everyone I have had a much better day and managed to do what I wanted. I had 40 winks like Myra around 4pm in the chair but then OH called out so not long. Taking it easy this evening and watching some downloads, catch-up with Corrie etc. xxx

    8. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling good yesterday MARIA. Had a head cold myself last week and it makes you feel rotten. Left with a cough now. Glad you are feeling a big better today and managed to do some things.

    9. MARIA hellllo my friend glad your feeling a little better. Why do our OH's do that,mine can sleep all day in the chair but as soon as I start to nod off,he starts calling me for no apparent reason GRRR.
      Enjoy your evening Xx

  23. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    First of all - Sandra I am so thrilled you have been reunited with your diamond! Well done Paul!
    Michele - you are famous! I love your card and the sentiment is very true. I'm afraid I stopped buying Craft Magazines as I found I wasn't reading them . I do however love my Daphne's Diary!
    I'm a bit more tired today but the craft went well. They made pencil pots today using Washi tape and some decoration. They made a reasonable job! There are always the odd few who shine and the odd few who have a disaster! My little boy who made the bangle yesterday didn't want to make a pencil pot ! " Ive got none pencils" - was the quote. So he made a fish sun-catcher . I always have back up in my box - just in case!
    I now need to respond to the comments!
    Saba and Maureen - don't wear yourselves out . Sending hugs!
    Love to all Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- glad you had another good day with the Crafty Club. Please don't "you" wear yourself out!!!
      Sorry I forgot your early morning call. I did actually remember just could not get my comments to "publish"
      Are you having a wee "breather" .... I am. Once that's over I am off to make a special card. xxx

    2. I had a wee 40winks Patricia! Not like me but I feel much better for it. I will do likewise - after I've put today's craft stuff away! Xxx

    3. Always the disaster one tihi xxx

    4. Maria - it has been a long day and it's going to be a very long week! I reckonIm getting too old for this ! I've been doing it for over fourteen years! Xxxx

  24. A cup of earl grey I think this afternoon please. Been busy making more thank you cards for another gift. I have been making them for Alice whom I made the wedding invites for. Very simple ones but will hopefully be useful. Or at least I hope she will use them and thank people for their gifts. Didn't make box but instead I just put a die cut horse shoe on a White bag. I am going to let Beth make some for their cousin who is getting married. She saw the ones I made for Gillian and Andrew and asked if she could make some. She was showing me the card she has made for Gilllian and Andrew it's beautiful I will photograph it when it's at Gillian's and show it. Oh I will miss seeing them each day but I am happy not to be having to go out in the pouring rain and also I didnt have to stop half way through doing the cards to go do pick up. I think being off nearing 5 weeks was the best thing I have got over the need to go to work. Xxx

    1. Enjoy your retirement, maybe now the girls and their mum will realise what you did for them. X

    2. Good for you Hazel enjoy your retirement,you won't have enough hours in the day & wonder how you managed while at work.
      Enjoy I think you will be greatly missed. Xx

    3. When you retire you wonder when you ever had time to work
      love Wendy xx

  25. HAZEL:- just think of the "meet ups"and "places we will be able to go" !!!
    Then all the Crafty things you will be able to do ..... if and when you want.
    No going out in the cold and snow. You'll love this winter. xxx

    1. Hazel just have fun with your lovely sister and the rest of your family and enjoy having the time to do what you want to do. Love Sheila xxx

    2. Oh don't worry Hazel you are going to be so busy, always something to do. No idea how we managed when at work full time and still doing the house/ flat, cooking ,washing and going out every week-end. I used to have energy . . . . . xxx

  26. SANDRA I am so so pleased the diamond has been found Well done Paul. It must have been so upsetting They say the sun shines on the righteous - it works (occasionally)
    MICHELE How fantastic to see your card in print The saying is soo true. Have any of you visited Snappy Crafts? Erika posts funnies every Saturday. They brighten up my Saturdays no end
    Glad the cow has gone, the air is so much sweeter now
    HAZEL Take heart, perhaps you will visit them safe in the knowledge that'll be fun when you meet and not a chore. My SIL quite often says that she doesn't know how she fitted work in. I can't wait to retire or be made redundant

  27. Just back from slimming club, put on half a pound!!! Could do better as they say, I really thought I had put more on as I didn't go last week and became quite blasé at what I was eating. I need to knuckle down and get on with the job if I need another hip replacement my BMI needs to be drastically reduced. So I suppose that is the incentive I need.
    A couple of cards to finish at least I don't snack when I am crafting can't get hands sticky or messy.
    Will try and pop back later, take care. Jess xx

    1. Jess, I can always manage to eat something, whether I'm crafting or not!! 1 lb on, is better then 2 lbs on, as Confucius says!! xxx

    2. Confucius - He turning in his grave!! Xxx

  28. Evening Ladies

    Thank you all so much for the lovely comments on my card- I don't like it but there you go...!! The papers in the magazine were the shiny sort so I was glad I was able to use the digi downloads.

    Got weighed (stayed the same , probably because I'm eating & drinking the wrong stuff!) dashed to the Post Office straight from
    work to find it was closed due to building work, bombed it into the nearest village , just made it before closing time. Drove all tne way back to the hospital to get weighed (in church hall-aren't they always?!) then into Tesco as we needed milk. Walking round like a zombie & realised that someone was talking to me-uh oh!!!

    Had tea = an omelette do now to make a cuppa and decide what to do with my evening as hubby is away( in London for work, home late tomorrow night).


    1. Maureen are you offering?LOL! Now I want some chocolate now you've put it in my's something I always have in and I ate my final chunk last night!! I did plan to do a bit of shopping today but didn't feel like going...that will teach me not to be lazy in future....fruit and nut please!! xxx

    2. Big chunk of cheese for me please xxx

    3. Certainly Louise!! Xxx

    4. Maybe I should explain - do you remember the advert? Cheese please Louise? Xxx

    5. Maureen mmmm chocolate now I want some too what have you started Xx

    6. just give me cheese and more cheese please xx

  29. Hello again,
    I've just had a lovely dinner (made by George) and am having half an hour break before going back to do the inserts for my cards. I'm hoping that I've made enough now and when I've done the inserts I'll do a second pouring of the candles.
    I've made a few notes, so in no particular order:-
    Sandra, I didn't know you'd lost a diamond out of your ring, but am so pleased that eagle eyed Paul spotted it. You will feel so happy, and so will he.
    Hazel, as you say, I think the weeks you have been off work during the summer holidays, has been a natural break for you and will make your retirement so much easier. But I bet you get roped in when Vicky cannot manage, but stick to your guns.
    It's lovely to see Wendy and Jean back on the blog.
    Michele, as well as a lovely card maker, you are also a life saver. Congratulations on donating so much blood. I owe my life to a few people like you, and I am not exaggerating. Only two more days for you before you can relax and enjoy yourself.
    Margaret Corgi - YAY your pot is off, and Derek has had his op, and the Corgi's are happy. All in all a wonderful time for you. I am so happy that you are all right.
    Pat - we all wonder how we had time to work once we've retired, mind you I didn't do much when I was there lol.
    Maria, I'm sorry you were feeling poorly, but glad it's not your stomach.
    Brenda OB, I hope you had a lovely day with your friends.
    Who have I forgotten, ah yes
    Myra, I am really impressed that you are getting up early every day. It's funny how some of the children really embrace what you are trying to show them, and others just don't want to know. Good job you have back ups in your box of tricks.
    Patricia, I forgot what I was going to say, but I had to laugh when I read one of Hazel's comments and she said that she was going to have a cup of Earl Grey tea. Ha ha, you and she drink Maiden's Water. Earl Grey would be turning in his grave!!!
    I have to say that the Cafe smells a whole lot better since Jasmine went, let's hope Lynda doesn't decide to bring Freddy in to see us!!!
    Love and hugs,
    Muriel xxx

    1. SABA, Oh my word, I didn't say that I hoped you were having a wonderful time with the grandchildren and getting lots of hugs and kisses. xxxx

    2. Oh No!! We can't cope with Freddy - well I can't this week anyway! Xxx

    3. Oh! No! Not a bird, for goodness sake!!!
      The feather will get in the Jam xxx

    4. Excuse me - it's not his feathers I am worried about! Xxx

    5. Excuse me! I was trying to be polite. xxx

    6. Oh I know but - sometimes we have to call a spade a spade! We have to bury that stuff you know!! Xxx

    7. HaHa you sure you wouldn't like Freddy he could sit in the corner with Muriel, he can talk & he is very polite doesn't use bad language
      ( unlike me :0)) )
      I will even make him some Tenna pants. Think DIANE will look after him he is smaller than Jasmine but she can't milk him though.hihi.Xx

    8. Yes & it hurts ask Terry haha xx

    9. Has Terry also got a beak ? xx

    10. Oh Maria! You could be on dangerous ground here! I'm right behind you!! Xxx

    11. Maria - did I not say night night to you a while ago? Are you trying to confuse an old lady? Xxx

    12. Tihi and I thought you needed your beauty sleep for tomorrow or you might turn into an old woman according to a certain person xx

    13. No good you laughing! Muriel is just looking for an "old friend" . Hard Hat Maria! Good job I checked that! It read hard hat Narnia! Now we are in fairyland! Xxxx

    14. Think we going off with the fairies , there's a club just round the corner xx

    15. I need to be up early in the morning - not Patricia early - Myra early! So I'm going to say Night Night Maria and anyone else who is wandering around in their nightie! Xxx

  30. What next will we get in here? Xxx

  31. Yes a very true quote :) Congratulations to Michele too xx

    1. Christine Hello, I'm very much looking forward to meeting you! Quite what you will make of us I'm not sure! However, for at least some of the time , most of us are quite sensible! As crafters we are really keen . We love to learn and share. Xxx

  32. Hi all,it's only me calling in before some planner on tele and a early bed, saying that I had 40 winks in my chair so we will see. Head feeling better but always harder when you laying down. Ready for tomorrow visitors so can take it rather slowly in the morning and we are going out for lunch so that be nice not to have to cook. Everyday is the same question 'what am I cooking tonight'. Have tried menu planners and shopping lists but they never work for long. Sandra- hope you had some better weather this afternoon and could go frolicking in the sea ,of course the girls will have you with them and have fun.
    Saba- hope you have a fabulous time with the family. hugs to you all.
    Karen- have you seen the e-mail, just hope you not to upset ?
    I'm going now but wish you all a good night and see you tomorrow my friends
    many hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Night Night Maria - this is early for you my friend! I do hope you sleep well and feel lots better tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Goodnight Maria, hope you feel better tomorrow.
      (((hugs))) xxx

    3. nite nite Maria, have a good sleep wendy xx

  33. Hello MARIA missed you yesterday glad your feeling a little better. Enjoy your lunch tomorrow with your friends.
    good night God bless see you tomorrow my friend Big Hug's love Lynda xxx

  34. As Christine just said that is a very true quote. We were saying exactly the same thing today at a little craft shop I was at. Congratulations MICHELE. Have only just got here and haven't read all the comments yet so must go and do that. Very busy day. Didn't get home till after 7pm. Been to The Range, Hobbycraft, Argos, a garden centre that has lots of little shops and a very nice cafe. Wanted to get Chalk Paint but the lady who sells it is away until tomorrow so will have to go back. Had lunch then looked at the plants and although we were not going to buy any, of course we did. Then to another garden centre as my friend had a £10 voucher to spend. They sell lots of other things and had a sale on some things so bought some little notebooks and pens to put away for presents. Had a voucher for cream tea and one free but the couple in front of us had the last two scones so we had a tray bake and tea instead as the voucher needed using. We worked it out so it came to the same price near enough and to make up the difference we had a pot of jam that went with the cream time. I then dropped my friend home and went to Asda and Lidl. Now got a headache. Not at all surprised. Don't think I have drunk enough today. When I got home there was a phone message from the Surgery. I have got an app tomorrow at 9.10 with the Diabetic Nurse but according to the message I am booked with the wrong nurse. So have to make another appointment. Had to wait three weeks for that one. Now will have to phone early tomorrow to see what is going on. Typical of our surgery. Well I will go any read all the comments now but better have a cup of tea first.

    1. BRENDA (LL) I am totally exhausted reading what you have done "today" . You don't do things by in small doses do you??
      Glad you have had a good day though. Couple of Paracetamol, hot drink and off to bed I would prescribe for your headache xxx

    2. Right folks, time for me to get ready for bed.
      I hope the weather here is a bit better tomorrow. I am sick and tired of the rain.
      Thank goodness Hazel and I have our holiday to look forward to or I would be taking the first flight I could find to better weather.
      See you all in the morning
      Goodnight, God Bless xxx

    3. Night Night Patricia! Don't let that weather get to you my dear! Xxx

  35. Good idea Patricia. Just off to get the cup of tea.

  36. Good night Patrica God bless sleep well see you in the morning I will do a sun dance for you. Hug's Lynda xx

  37. Helloooooooooooooo,
    I'm just popping in to say goodnight. I'm pooped out as Myra would say. I don't think I can think of another card to make. My ideas have come to a halt. I haven't even done the second pouring of the candles. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, but I'm not spending ALL day crafting. Thank goodness this is the last fund raiser for a while.
    Brenda LL, you've had a busy day, but I bet you'e enjoyed the company.
    Sandra, I hope you've had a lovely day today, and that the sun got out. It's still raining in Newcastle, and has been all day!!!
    I can't believe that Myra is still getting up early for school. She'll be an old woman by the weekend lol.
    Well Patricia and everyone else, night, night. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow.
    Lots of love
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Excuse me! - oh well ok! - I guess it takes one to know one!
      Night Night my Dear!! Sleep well. I actually do mean that! Xxxxx

    2. Hi Maureen. Yes I did have a lovely day and enjoyed the company. Good luck with the fund raising.

    3. Brenda! How did the meal in the slow cooker go? I hope it was delicious! Xxx

  38. Yes it was delicious Myra. Some left over.

  39. Oh Good! It's fortunate I live a long way away!
    I'm going to order some more candle wax very soon. Just need to get this week over first.
    It has made me realise that I'm not as young as I think I am! Xxxx

    1. Oh good Theresa will be pleased. I went to see her when I last stayed with my friend and bought some more wax and wicks.
