
Monday 17 August 2015

Man Card Monday

Myra's Fabulous Boy Card
 Good Monday Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well, I haven't had a good enough connection yet to catch up with everything that has been happening, but I will eventually.
Today our male themed card comes from our lovely Myra, I love all of the little accessories you have added to the card Myra, they would also be great for a 'Back to School' or 'starting school' card too, they look like little buttons, apart from the calculator, which is just such a cute little miniature!
I also love, love, love the font you have used for the 'Timothy' could you please share with us what it is and where we can get hold of it, as its just fancy enough, without being too over the top.
Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic card with us Myra xxx
Have a great day everyone,
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Good morning all, hope you are well and ready for the Day & Week ahead
    SANDRA, PAUL & GIRLS, hope the weather says good for you, have a great day.
    MYRA:- your card is brilliant, love all the little embellishments and great design.
    I know some are "buttons" I have them in my stash. The scissors and clock face I feel might be "charms". I am sure you will keep us up to speed on that Myra.
    The sun is up here this morning, wonder how long it will last,
    Everything set up for the day, place looking really fresh. Lots of lovely goodies in the fridge and in that smart Cooler Cabinet. Someone has put in one of those "death by chocolate" cakes Oh! My! Word! how many calories is in a slice of that. Ooopps!! forgot .... NONE ..... everything is calorie free!!
    Off to get on with the cleaning. It's a bit early to shove John out of his cocoon to get the bedding in the machine.
    Will have my Tea & Toast at my favourite table first. Will see who is up and about. Might just read to see what went on later last night.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

  2. MYRA:- Ring, Ring, Ring, This is your early morning call.
    Good luck with the Crafts. We will all need to know what you did.
    JESS:- hope all goes well for you at X-Ray, thinking about you.

    1. Patricia - not quite so early tomorrow please! That's the middle of the night! Ha ha ! Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. I see big sis is in will go over and chat to her.
    Myra, your card is brilliant, love all your liittle embellishments along with your papers, layers and design. I hope today goes well for you, and lots of fun is had.
    Jess, good luck with the x-Rays I hope they handle you gently.
    Margaret C, we are thinking about you, and hope you are ok and it is only Internet problems that are keeping you away.
    Jean, where are you, again we hope it's internet problems?
    Janice, hope your week will be made easier with hopefully some good weather.
    I need to go and sit and have my tea and chat to Patricia or she will be whizzing off to do her house work before I know it. I will be doing some later, but I won't be whizzing around that's for sure. Oh that cake does look good I can see it not lasting long. I will have one of the tea cakes toasted. (((((( hugs)))))) in basket. xxx

    1. Thanks Hazel we did have lots of fun! I got a bit of a shock though. A young woman came with her 7 year old son. Oh she said - you are still here - you taught me craft! I felt as old as the hills! At least she still recognised me! Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Myra-love your card, its just perfect. Where did you get all the toppers/accessories for it?

    Today looks like it's going to be another nice day-seems a shame when I'm going to work! Mind you I'm only in 3 days this week, taken Thursday & Friday as holiday. Going into Southport Flower Show with my mad (crazy cluttered house) friend on Thursday then got a few jobs lined up for Friday-2 new tyres on my car then lots of bags to the charity shop.

    Hubby seems less grumpy so have put the BBQ away-still got the slow cooker to threaten him with, or the George Foreman!!!
    Best make my lunch & be on my way-very busy week at work this week.


    1. MICHELE:- just keep thinking ...... only 3 work days this week!!
      Hubby less Grumpy!! BBQ not needing lit!!
      Day out with Crazy Friend!! All great!!
      Have a good day. xxx

    2. MICHELE have a good stress free day at work,only two more sleeps then two days off. Flower show sounds good with your mad crazy friend. Have a good day enjoy your lunch.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Oh Michele what a lovely way to chill after your 3 days of work....a lovely day at Southport flower show. Hubby and I used to go regularly to Southport and Shrewsbury flower shows... and great to have your crazy friend with you too.

      Love Sheila xxx

    4. Michele, 3 more days - then bliss. Husband is easily sorted -- just ignore him!! Enjoy the flower show with your crazy friend. is she crazy because she's friends with you, or is there some other reason lol xxxx

    5. Thanks Michele, I've answered the questions down below! If you see what I mean. We are not going to the Flower Show this year as I'm tied up at holiday Club! They don't usually clash but are this year, xxx

    6. Maureen-ignoring him worked a treat on Saturday evening!!

      Myra-what a shame you aren't around or we could have met up. Next time maybe?!


    7. I would love to come and meet you sometime Michele! Xxx

  5. Good morning ladies
    Patricia the cafe is looking lovely, thank you.
    I just wrote a huge post that had disappeared into Spanish cyberspace!
    It is a little overcast here this morning but it's forecast to brighten up before lunch time.
    My fingers are itching to do some card making, so today I am going to try the quilling starter kit out that Sue put together for me, although I have watched Sue doing it and it takes a lot of patience. Not hot sweaty fingers in 28 degree heat. But I am going to try.
    This is the perfect place to try new things. None of the distractions of every day life at home, it's so lovely to see the girls reading their books for hours or messing about with Paul in the sea, there's no tv, ps3 or homework to distract them. That'd the one thing I love about camping, you communicate a lot more, playing games all evening rather than sat watching TV, I love it and surprisingly the girls do to, yesterday they were talking about coming back here with their families, which I thought was lovely and proves that they love it too. Not some big modern resort with disco and clubs to the early hours!
    Right must go. Get organised for the day, we are late today, we have been up packed and in the beach by 9.30 before today!
    Jess I hope all goes well today my lovely x
    Love and hugs to all
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Have a lovely day Sandra, don't get sand in your patchwork xxxx

    2. SANDRA:- your whole situation is exactly what was need for all of you.
      Have fun with the Quilling, is good once you master the "tension" of rolling the pieces.
      Have a fantastic day Love & Hugs xxx

    3. Hello SANDRA Paul & girls glad your all having a great time. Enjoy your day at the beach & the rest of th week hope weather stays good for you all.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    4. Sandra and family, have a good day, and it's good that the electronics are not being used. xxx

    5. Oh Sandra you sound as if you're all having a wonderful time, something you have needed for a sounds an idyllic camp too. Good luck with the quilling and watch that sand especially in the Tenas! Lol!

      Love Sheila xxxx

    6. Hola Sandra, so glad you are all having a wonderful time and enjoying family life. Enjoy your crafting, although my hands would get to hot and sticky in the hot sun. We are managing to repair most things in the Cafe, don't worry - it will be all fine by the time you get back (we hope ha ha) xxxxxx

    7. Hi Sandra. Glad you are all having a lovely time. Hope the weather stays good.

    8. Sandra, Paul and the girls, I'm so pleased it sounds like you are all relaxing which is what you all need after all the goings-on you've had this year. And it's good the girls realise that life does go on without all the gadgets. Hopefully they will return refreshed and ready for the next academic year, which is going to be a really busy one.
      Enjoy the rest of your holiday LOL Brenda XXX

    9. Hi Sandra, lovely to see you are having a great time, thats what holidays are all about, recharging your batteries, human ones not iPads and mobiles.
      Enjoy the rest, take care x

    10. Hi Sandra, Paul and the girls!
      For some reason half way down I couldn't leave any more comments! Probably say too much! So pleased you are having a lovely holiday and Muriel has only made a tower of chairs once! She has these strange ideas about how to change a lightbulb! Don't worry - only minimal damage to the chairs - none to Muriel! Well!
      Hard hat again! Love Myra xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Myra what an amazing card, the buttons are so cute! I've often looked at them at shows and resisted buying because I know I wouldn't use them but now I've seen them they just might come my way next time! My guess for the font is Tonic dies, my friend has tonic ones and the font is lovely - unlike some TL ones I bought where the E looks nothing like an E! I hope your craft club goes well today and you don't suffer too much getting up early! Xxxxx
    Jess I hope your appointment goes well xxx
    Michele apart from tyres what a lovely week and only 3 days! You don't need mr grumpy at home as well as miss fish face at work though so I hope he cheers up soon! Xxx
    Patricia you do make me laugh, I can imagine you stood there looking at your dear husband wrapped up in the duvet in the land of nod and you itching to grab the sheet and wiz him out of bed! Remember it was really early when you had those thoughts and the poor man needs his sleep! Xxx
    Well the sun is out here today which is lovely after all the rain. Today I am trying to get a teenager organised! Wish me luck! There's a pile of washing that she needs to do and we need to go shopping for new jeans and undies and start looking for a decent coat! I have asked her to get up before 12 today so I hope the nagging works!
    See you all later xxxxx

    1. DIANE :- the one thing Emma will need for Aberdeen is a really "WARM" jacket or coat. She will wear things she never thought she would be "seen dead in" just to keep warm during the winter. That's from a born Aberdonian!!
      Good luck getting Emma out of bed and the shopping xxx

    2. DIANE good luck getting Emma out of bed. Have a good day shopping both of you.Xx

    3. Diane, good luck with the shopping. As Patricia says Emma will need plenty warm clothes and footwear. It gets "freezing" there. xxxx

    4. Good luck with the shopping for Emma Diane hope you manage to get all she needs. xxx

    5. As others have said - Aberdeen is cold! I had to put a hot water bottle in my son's pram! Those were the days! Xxx

  7. Diane, think of Patricia with John and do it to Emma, she will be out of that bed before you no it ? Now she won't have you or anyone getting her up when she goes to uni. Make a start with buying her the alarm clock that makes the most noise. Oh I can see your BP being off the scale. Xxx

    1. Well ladies Emma did get up and did manage to put her washing on but decided she didn't want to go shopping today so plans were put on hold! We've talked about an alarm clock, she has one on her phone which does make quite a noise! - we keep being told she will cope! We will just have to let her get on with it won't we! Xxx

    2. Diane, she will but will you two? It's a big step for all of you. She is 18 think of me when our Tammy went away to boarding school at the age of 7 years and 3 months xxx

    3. Oh dear Hazel. That is the age Scarlett is now. I cannot imagine her going to boarding school. Must have been awful for you.

  8. Morning everyone, Myra love your card.
    Off to x-Ray now get it over and done with, then back for housework.
    Will catch up later, thanks for all your good luck wishes,

  9. Good morning SANDRA & all you ladies
    MYRA ARE YOU UP YET!!!! Have a good day my dear.
    Your card is brilliant MYRA love that Shade of blue & the embellishments are wicked the font is lovely is that a Tonic set? Hug's Lynda xx
    JESS good luck with your X-ray see you later.Xxx
    Not much on the cards today I have two more cupboards to clean out then that's all finished.have some ironing. First i have got shit legs Freddy to clean out Yuk.
    Have two cards to make at some point today for next week. Then a couple of Emails need sendig.Oh is doing some decorating for someone so he will be out all day. See you all later, I might have a slice of that death by chocolate cake if any left.Hug's Lynda Xx

    1. Lynda my dear, I couldn't possibly comment on the remark about Freddy - enjoy the chore!!!! xxxx

    2. Lynda, I had to read your comment about Freddy - twice!! I thought my eyes were playing up!!!!!
      Best of luck, sooner you than me - Just think how good you will feel when the job is completed LOL xxx

    3. Crikey Lynda I now have spluttered coffee all over my keyboard after reading what you called Freddy....hahahahahahaha!! Have fun with that smelly chore my dear friend!
      Love and hugs Sheila xx

    4. Lynda! I'm very nearly speechless! Is it not possible for a crafter with your skill and expertise to make that poor bird some pants? It would be a lot less bother all round!
      Yes ! Course I was up!! How could you ever doubt me! Xxx

    5. Tena's for Parrots maybe, you could make a fortune Lynda!
      Poor Freddy, I never knew had those two forenames!
      I now visions of cleaning the budgie cage out as a child, we had a budgie called 'Joey', I remember he had an elastic thing at the bottom of his cage to catch all the wayward mess, I think we used to put large sand paper sheets in the bottom, I maybe wrong, It was a long time ago!
      have fun with that chore Lynda xxxx

    6. Thank you all for your Freddy's comments so sorry for saying S..t but if you see the mess he makes well i think you would shout it out loud.
      As he is out of his cage all the time it gets done out two or three times a he chucks his food out as well. Sandra your idea of parrot Tena's sound good. So if anyone would like to adopt him pleasssssse.
      Glad you got up ok MYRA I new you would.
      SHEILA sorry about your keyboard hope it's not very wet haha.
      BRENDA I would like to feel good again round two finished.
      MAUREEN it's not like you not remarking on my remark
      on S L F haha.

    7. Lynda, I can see the mess he makes as friends of ours have had two parrots and I can remember the state of the cage and surroundings. They have had to rehome theirs as with Ann being unwell and breathing not good they didn't know if he was causing her a problem plus the extra work on her OH. It was a pity but it's another friend who has taken him on so they no he's well cared for.,plus they are younger. Parrots live so long. Xxx

    8. Yes that's true he will definitely out live me so I could leave him in my will if anyone is interested how about you MAUREEN haha xx

    9. Lynda, you will have to leave him to one of your grandchildren. Who you feel will love him as much as you and Terry do. xxx

    10. Hazel - have you ever thought of a career in the Diplomatic Corps? Xxx

    11. Ok! Just a thought! Xxx

    12. Oh just think of the power Lynda - all your grandchildren have to be really lovely to you just in case you leave them Freddy in your will! Xxx

    13. Never thought of that. Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies.
    Now before I start my post properly I want to say I'm a happy bunny to find out that our Mr. Murray beat Djioc....Novak in the Montreal final last night!! Yeeha! He is now the world's No.2! Way to go Andy! Sorry if you are not tennis fans ladies.
    The sun is shining again, I have a bit of washing to do then I might pop in to town later on.
    MYRA what a fabulous boy card, I just love all the cute embellishments you have's a card that can easily be changed to an older male too. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    JESS good luck with your X-ray.
    I'm a bit late this morning so I'll just have tea and toast ....I really must stop having late nights I just get so engrossed in all the CSIs on TV...I do wish it would at midnight like it used to then I wouldn't be so tempted to stay up. I was never one to stay up late hen Clive was here,
    I do hope our lovelies that are missing are just a bit busy to pop in and are not poorly.
    Have stacked the basket up with hugs so please take some if you need them

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, glad you enjoyed the tennis. Staying up late is fine, as long as you can have a lie in the next dayxxxxx

    2. Sheila we watched the tennis too! It was great! I had to get up early too! Still quite chirpy considering! Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila,
      Which CSI do you prefer, Vegas, New York or Miami ?
      I personally don't think you can beat Grissom but I do like Horatio too and Mac Taylor for that matter, but I keep seeing him as Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump !
      I can understand the staying up late thing Sheila, I do it when Paul is away sometimes, I do it to really tire myself out in hope of a good night sleep, but it rarely works, do you read?
      Hope you got your washing dry, it would have been dry in minutes here!
      Sending huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hi Sandra,
      Oooooh I love all three, I'm a total addict but I do love it when they show the ones with Grissom in and I love it too when there is a romantic link 'cos I'm a soppy old thing!! Hope you and the family have had another wonderful day by the beach.
      Hugs to you too lovely lady xxx

  11. Good morning all, the cafe is looking so fresh and lovely and inviting so I'll just sit and enjoy while having my tea.
    Love your card Myra so personal I'm sure Timothy will be chuffed with it ! also love all the little embellishments they are so cute.
    Enjoy doing your craft day , maybe tiring but well worthwhile .
    Hope all goes well with your x ray Jess and you don't have too long to wait for the results.
    Sounds like you are having a wonderful family time Sandra, just what 's needed.
    We used to take our two caravan inch when they were young and we all loved it and they still talk about those times..

  12. That should be caravaning!
    Love and hugs to all xo

    1. Thanks Anne! I thought you used to holiday at Insch for a few minutes! Xxx

    2. Or in very small caravans?! Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra, and all my friends,
    Myra, the card is fab, what a good idea to use those additional bits for boys, I've never thought of that, only for girls. I'll have to look in my stash for "boy" things. In the meantime, I do hope you are where you are supposed to be - did the ten alarm clocks work!!! lol
    Well Patricia, George is now up and I've been able to get to my laptop. It stops me from getting on when he has a lie in (every day).
    Sun is shining here, housework just about done, and then I'm about to go and do a little more weeding. Only about 1/2 an hour's worth.
    Jess, you will be at the hospital and I hope everything is ok on the x-ray.
    Well, the sun is inching round to where I want to be in the garden, so I'm going before it gets too hot.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Sorry it's taken me all day to get here and say Thank You! I was up, bright eyed and bushy tailed! Well I was up!! Xxx

  14. Hello everyone. MYRA I love your card. Must look for embellishments like that. Hope you are enjoying the craft. Looks a nice day here. Sun is shining at the moment. Need to go to the shops and after lunch some gardening. In the meantime I need to make a sympathy card. Will have a cup of tea and toast then get on. Money in pot. Hugs in basket. Good luck everyone with Sue's draw later.

    1. Thanks Brenda! It's a simple one really but they don't all have to be complicated! Glad you've got the slow cooker on! I'm sure it smells lovely . Enjoy your meal. Xxx

  15. Hi Everyone, Hope you are all having a good day, and enjoying whatever you have planned.
    MYRA, Love your man card, It is a real work of art, I'm sure Timothy was over the moon with it. You have given lots of us ideas when using embellishments for boys/men. Thank you for sharing.
    Well I'm just going to sit over by the window with my latte and see the passers-by, will sit here for a while, if you're nearby please join me. Hopefully I will be stopping by later.
    Love and hugs to everyone, especially if you're feeling under the weather.
    Take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Thank you Brenda for your lovely comment. Hope you feel a bit better today. Xxx

  16. Afternoon everyone

    Sandra - so pleased to see you're all having a lovely holiday and doing the most important things - making wonderful family memories.

    Myra - I love love your card - thank you for giving me one or two or three or even four ideas for cards for boys. I always find them so difficult to do so you just may have solved a couple of problems for me.

    Diane - hope you've managed to get Emma out of bed and started her on some of her chores she has to do.
    Oh how I remember having to get Christina ready for Uni - she never was a problem re getting out of bed but didn't we have some awkward times shopping for Uni. Everything turned out OK of course and it became usual for things to disappear when she had been home and gone back. Mum and Dad always made sure she had a bag full of food because of course she couldn't afford to buy such things (or so they thought) and Dad always made sure that she had money for a taxi from the railway station to her digs because of course their 'little Sunshine' couldn't travel on late night buses on her own.
    Thank goodness Nicky didn't go to Uni as I don't know what they would have done for her -being their youngest Grandchild!!!!
    I suppose it has passed down as when I think of what I did for David Robert when he went off into the Army -He being my eldest Grandchild.

    We have a sunny but windy day here and so although we have reasonable temps of middle 20s it feels chilly after the high temps we have had.

    Have managed to get a bday card cut out and made this morning so I think I'll treat myself to an afternoon of reading.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, believe it or not I've been trying to respond to this for ages. There is poor reception or something here today!
      Thank you for your lovely comment. I do love hearing about your visits to the various Brocante. I would love to do that! Good bargains yesterday! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It is lovely to think that you are able to see what we are up to Sandra. Glad that the weather is getting better for you. How lovely to think that the girls are planning to bring their own families to the same camp site. That proves that they enjoy the break away from the modern world s much as you and Paul do. Have a paddle for me please my lovely x
    Myra, what a great card, I love all of the embellishments and I agree with Sandra that the font is just right for anyone. Have a good day x
    Jess, I hope you didn't have to wait too long to get the x ray, and that you get the results quickly. As you have had the hips replaced before you know what the problem is I'm sure. What is the waiting list like in your area? Short I hope x
    Lynda, have fun today with the various cleaning you have to do! x
    I have got to sit and get all of the paperwork done for our Scout family camp which is in 3 weeks. Not my favourite thing at all as I have to start from scratch this year as I lost all of my documents when my eldest son "sorted out" my laptop!!! I hope you all have a good day my lovely friends. Good luck in Sue's draw. I hope we see lots of our names on the list : ) Take care xx

    1. Hello My lovely,
      boy I am missing you! I will have a paddle for you when I next venture in the sea, I went in the first couple of days and then we had a storm and it was too rough for me, mainly because I don't have the strength in my bad leg to hold me up against the waves, it must be hilarious to on lookers I am sure, luckily Paul and the girls are very patient and kind enough to support be both in and out, for some reason the girls feel put out if I don't go in with them!
      I have had a bit of bad luck today though, I have lost the diamond out of my engagement ring, I was gutted when I spotted it this afternoon, funnily enough, I handed it to Paul yesterday and said I may need a new engagement ring for our twenty fifth wedding anniversary next year as I wear mine every day and the band is wearing quite thin, as I was sat doing a crossword this afternoon I noticed it had gone!
      I wouldn't know where to even think about starting to look either!
      I hope all of the administration for family camp doesn't take you too long, have you and Pat met up yet?
      sending love and hugs

    2. Hi SANDRA so sorry about your engagement ring what a shame, you never know you might just come across the diamond in the tent but not much hope finding it on the beach though.
      Hug's & love Lynda xx

  18. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    Well I was up on time, out on time and home tired but happy! Just need to repeat the process for the next four days! I'll be a zombie by Friday!
    I got a very big surprise seeing my card today! I made it for a friend's son. He is just at the sort of difficult age - just about to go to senior school! He has no real hobbies as such and I was struggling a bit! I decided to die cut lots of these letters for craft projects this week. Had a lightbulb moment and thought "use the letters for Timothy's card" . It is an XCut Die and I really like the letters as they are just the right size and clear. The embellishments are school utensil buttons from Hobbycraft and some from The Bead and Button Company. The watch charm is stuck into a dazzler setting. Some of the buttons like the calculator had shanks on the back but I just snipped them off.
    Today at Holiday Club we did either Training Shoe designing or Bangles. One little boy was very adamant he was doing a bangle! So that's what he did. Aren't children funny. It's a lovely day so they were able to have outdoor games and snacks were also had outdoors!
    Thank you all very much for your kind comments! The card is very simple really but I think I would use the idea again. I gave it to Timothy's Mum yesterday so we'll wait and see what he thinks!
    Going to see what everyone's been up to now!
    Myra xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra lovely to hear you are relaxing and just doing what you want makes me feel envious enjoy it. Good to hear the comment from the girls so unusual these days well done to you and Paul for bringing them up like that.
    Myra love your man card.
    Jess hope all goes well.
    Diane good luck with Emma's shopping.
    Margaret c thinking of you hope all is well.
    Sue good luck with your lists.
    Anybody I have missed please forgive me hugs are on the way.
    Love Margaret xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi everyone, didnt have long to wait at x-Ray, it was my GP who sent me for it, and it will be about 10/14 days before he gets the results, then we will see if I need to see an Orthopeadic Consultant, which can take up to 3 months for an appointment. I suppose I can put up with that as Im not too bad pain wise, just yet,
    Then we went to try and get a decent pair of shoes for myself, what with swollen feet and sore hip joint was a disaster, no shoes bought today.
    It has been a glorious day here, really warm, sat outside for lunch and looked at some weeds that needed attention, but it was too hot, to do gardening, tomorrow is another day.
    I keep checking Sues blog for the launch winners, I hope there are some of us in there, take care just now, will pop back later. Xx

    1. JESS:- that's hat bit done. It will the wait for the next bit that will be a right ...... OH! I was going say "pain" but that's rather inappropriate is it not?? Shall we say a right hang on. Hopefully it will not take as long as that. Sorry about the shoes, that's something that will have have to be ultra comfy. Been really hot here today as well. xxx

    2. Jess, thank you. I'm so glad too that you are on the road to getting your hip replacement op! We don't want you in pain. Sorry about the shoes. Maybe next week? Xxx

    3. Hi JESS I have terrible trouble with getting shoes,I did get a pair of Skechers memory foam trainers bit pricey they are comfortable but my feet & legs are my nightmares. Xx

    4. Jess, have you tried " Hotter" shoes they seem to do comfortable, the other is " Ecco " that's what Gillian advices patients to go for, yes expensive but comfortable If you can get a good fit. xxx

  22. Glad you didn't have to wait too long Jess. Hope you don't wait too long for the appointment. Shame about the shoes.
    Well the slow cooker is on and now no worries about dinner tonight. Sunny here but not hot. sympathy card done and posted but forgot to take a cheque to the bank which was one of the main reasons for going to the shops. Now need to do a couple of cards for friends that are having chemo. Might do them this evening

  23. SANDRA good to hear holiday is going well and that the girls are enjoying it Reminded me if our "family" holidays both as a child and a mum! They're the best
    MYRA your card is great It is hard to do cards on request and not know what to put on especially young men
    Um! Who was it having an x-ray Hope it went well
    Think blood sugars dropping so going to get something to eat
    Hope to pop in later but teaching Salsa tonight
    I do hope familiar names win a Sue die

  24. Just been in Sues blog, no familiar names this time, sorry. xx

    1. Well that's a right bummer is it not??
      Never mind always another time. We were very lucky last time round. xxx

  25. Right I am here for a breather!! MYRA:- are you there to join me??
    That's the ironing all done and put away. Nice fresh smell of fresh linen in the airing cupboard. With being lazy over the weekend I had Friday's bedding to do as well as today's. It is really "hot" here today, too hot to sit in the "sun" After I had finished the ironing I did pull a longer into the shade with the thought of 40 winks!
    Not a hope in Hell ...... John's about!!! He was sitting reading .... "Bang" that made me jump, he had killed a wasp. Heart rate back to normal .... just about to nod off ...... he blooming well did the same again. Ok! enoughs, enough, I am now in the cool of the house getting some "peace"
    MYRA:- did not realise you are doing the Crafty Club all week. Oh! man! that's dedication for you. When my Nephew was little he would have wanted to make a bracelet. Hazel and I used to worry about him always wearing beads & bangles. Tell you what ..... now worries needed Michael is a real "man" these days. What time do you want your early morning call tomorrow???
    Oh! gosh!! I hear John moving about in the house that will be the peace shattered. What the heck is he needing now??
    I need a cup of strong Tea and a piece of really sticky, gooey cake!!
    Over at my favourite table, I have a wee foot stool for my feet as well. I might just manage to nod off in here. See you!!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia - yes Breathers R Us !! I have been sitting here trying to comment but for some reason couldn't! Glad you having a better day weather wise at least! Alastir leapt and I mean leapt out of the chair this afternoon thinking there was a wasp on him! It was a rose petal from dead heading the roses! Men eh! Xxx

  26. SANDRA I feel your upset re losing your diamond I thought I'd lost my engagement ring I was beside myself with worry Luckily it turned up You never know it may turn up when you shake the bed linen etc Well we can live in hope How did the quilling go
    I too didn't spot any familiar names on Sue's blog

  27. Myra, I did wonder if it was XCut die you had used for the letters, I to love this die, do you save your spare letters? I do and go to the box when I need letters, some times I have to mix the colours but it works most times.
    Well I wonder if any of the coffee shop ladies will be lucky this time in Sue's draw???
    Going off to Perth to take the Toyota to the garage and pick up the other car from Tammys, she borrowed it on Saturday. Aren't parents handy???
    Been making a couple of cards that are for going to Canada, so have to be flat.
    Well I thought I had publish this but no, so will do so. I have been and am back from Perth. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, been trying to reply for ages! Yes I do keep the extra letters. I even separate the vowels from consonants as it makes it easier! I often mix the colours too. Xxx

    2. Never thought of doing that, but will get them sorted. xxx

    3. MYRA do you want me to SHOUT IN THE MORNING SO YOU GET UP but I know you will be on time those children need you Xxx

    4. NO!!! I'm of a delicate disposition in the morning! Thank you for your kind offer! Xxx

  28. Sandra, check the bed carefully it could be there, if not is it insured under the house insurance? I feel for you as its one of these things you don't want anything to happen to it, my wedding and engagement ring bands are so thin, I got a new wedding ring last year as I didn't want my original one to split.
    Glad you are having a good day. xxx

  29. Sandra, sorry about your diamond, if you can't find it, claim on your house insurance when you get home, and get it replaced. I had to get a new shank on mine a few years ago as it had nearly snapped it was so thin.
    Off to try and make a couple of cards. Might be able to catch up later.
    Take care, xx

    1. SANDRA:- so sorry to hear abut your ring. Hopefully your insurance will cover getting a new one in and maybe getting your band fixed.
      My band was so thin I had the 3 diamonds re-set in a completly different style of band. xxx

  30. That's us getting ready to pop along to J&As. The boys go back to school tomorrow after 71/2 weeks off. We have not seen them since Thursday, seems ages. Will not stay long, they will be early to bed tonight. Can tell you now they will not be sleeping that early knowing them. Mixture of excitement and worrying, about their new teacher. xxx

    1. I can't believe it's back to school tomorrow! It seems no time at all since you were at the end of year prize giving and concert! I think I'm getting old - no I know I'm getting old but I'm still. " Young at Heart" . We haven't had a song for a while! Have a lovely time. Xxx

    2. That's us back, boys fine, Robert looking forward to going back to school. Thomas not so happy, his 2 friends have gone to High Schoo. He's now the oldest and "tallest" person in the school. Taller than the other 14 pupils ..... !!!
      MYRA :- were still "The Young Ones" really xxx

    3. Of course we are! We are still really willing and eager to learn new things! Xxx

    4. Oh my goodness Patricia 14 pupils! I can't imagine such a small school! I hope the boys go back to school ok, once they have been back for a couple of days it will seem like they have never been away! Xxx

  31. Sandra - I have been trying for what seems like hours to leave a comment about your engagement ring! I was trying to leave it underneath where you mentioned it! Hopeless! However I am so sorry you have lost a diamond but it may turn up! If not Insurance is the way forward. I hope you find it if you are sentimental like me which I think you probably are! However please don't let it spoil your holiday . Xxxx

  32. Hello everybody - Jean here - its been a while since I was last on here - just reading through and trying to catch up but not succeeding very well - so much is going on - we have been very busy since we came back from holiday - my son is a builder and always does our jobs for us so we have been having all the little jobs done but he works full time too - so we wait until he can come back to finish things off - has meant all my crafting stash and computer have been moved out and put away for what seems like an age.

    I really hope everyone has kept well as can be - Sandra I see you are on holiday - sounds like you are enjoying the peace and relaxation - sorry to see you have lost your Diamond from your ring - I hope it turns up unexpectedly.

    I am going to start from fresh tomorrow as I don't think I can catch up with everything so Hugs to anyone who has needed them and I will see you all tomorrow.
    Hugs and a good nights sleep to all
    Jean x

    1. Welcome back Jean, think that is the bast plan ..... starting from fresh.
      You know what they say "when the cats away" ........!!!!
      We have had some fun and games her while the Boss is on holiday. Joking apart we have been keeping things going, we don't want our Leader loosing any of her wonderful customers.
      Lucky you having a builder in the family. Mind you, you might be last on the list at times.
      See you tomorrow, sleep well. xxx

    2. Hello Jean! I've missed you . I even checked if you were involved in the Water Problems but I think you are just outside! It's a bit of a pain but I'm thankful for those who look after our water supply and we are very fortunate. Just would like to have my drinking water back ASAP!
      Welcome back! Xxx

    3. Jean welcome lovely having you back. Lovely having a builder as a son but as you say your on the bottom of the list. Shame you have to move your craft stuff oooo hope it's not for long
      Good night sweet dreams xxx

    4. Jean welcome back, you have been missed. Lovely to get the jobs done about the house though. Good idea to start from tomorrow- mind you if you ask her nicely Maureen will give you a synopsis xxxx

  33. Jean, welcome back. So glad you are ok? We were just a little bit worried. Oh you are lucky having a builder in the family, ok you have to maybe wait a while to get the job complete, but knowing that job is done properly is the reward. Xxx

  34. That's me for tonight.
    See you all in the morning.
    Will give you an early morning call Myra ..... 7am ok??
    Goodnight, God Bless xxx

    1. NOOOOOO! Too early my Friend! I'm very quick once I'm up! Xxx
      Night Night, Sleep well. Xxx

    2. Good night PATRICIA God bless xxx

  35. Hi All
    Been a while, but hopefully back. Have been following all the comments but for one reason and another have not felt able to reply. Sister rushed into hospital , double pneumonia plus she has sarcoidosis, broken finger on right hand, virus for 7 weeks left with earache but at least can breathe and speak without running out of breathe. That's all for the moment lol. hopefully will be able to take part in what is gong on now.
    love and hugs to all

    1. Wendy, lovely to see you. So very sorry you have had so many problems and worries! Thinking of you! Xxxx

    2. Hello Wendy nice to see you .
      So very sorry about your sister my word she has been through it a worrying time for you all your in my thoughts & prayers
      (((((Hug's))))Lynda xx

    3. Wendy lovely to have you back but oh goodness what a worry for you. Sending you and your sister a huge hug, it sounds like you both need it- I hope she gets better soon xxx

  36. Wendy, lovely to see you back, thank you for coming and letting us know you are ok. Glad things are getting back to some sort of normality, just call in when you feel up to it, Xxx

  37. Hi Sandra. I am so sorry to hear about your lost diamond. I know you are like me and it is the sentimental side not the monetary value that will upset you the most. Stay positive, it may appear but try not to let it spoil your holiday. If it doesn' t then you will have to get the new one a year early. Take care my lovely xx
    I' m off to bed now, sleep tight everyone x

    1. Night Night Sue! Sleep well! Xxx

    2. Good night Sue sleep well see you tomorrow Lynda xx

  38. Haven't seen MARIA today hope she is alright & her tummy isn't playing her up.
    Thinking of you my Lynda xxx
    Myra good night my friend I'm going to bed now.
    Have a good day with the children tomorrow happy crafting. Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda we both posted the same thing at the same time! How scary is that! Night Night my Friend, sleep well. Xxx

  39. Maria? Are you ok my Dear! Xxx

  40. Jean and Wendy welcome back, pop in when you can. X

  41. Welcome back to Jean and Wendy. Sorry you have had a lot of problems. Please come in whenever you can.
    Night everyone.

    1. Night Night Brenda, I'm going to bed too as have to be up early in my world but not Patricia's !! Xxx

  42. Right I'm off to bed too - I think I'm the last one up! Sweet dreams everyone see you tomorrow xxx

  43. No I am still here but going to bed now.

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