
Friday 10 July 2015

The Postman Delivered a Smile x

Janet's Beautiful Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Just look at the what the postman delivered to me yesterday, isn't it just so pretty???
Thank you so very much Janet, your words and sentiment really touched my heart, your card bought tears to my eyes.
It was like seeing a rainbow after a storm!
Now where to begin, every part of the card is just so pretty, the papers are beautiful Janet, you must have been weaving ribbon through lace at the same time as me this week, it looks lovely.
I also love the way you have laced the ribbon through the paper at the bottom and finished it with a pretty charm.
It looks like you have used the Creative Expressions Greek Island Santorini die, it really works with the design of the card, those pretty pink flowers that you have popped on it are match the backing paper so beautifully.  Because we all make cards it really does make you appreciate the love and care that has gone into a card, thank you once again Janet.
My first thought however, was the quality of your envelope!! Where do you buy yours from?
It was so thick and really had a quality feel to it!

I got to have a chat with Myra yesterday, I was so excited, I was a little apprehensive to start with but within 2 minutes we were chatting like old friends and did so for a good hour and a half, it was so lovely, I was smiling for the rest of the day.
It just made me even more excited about meeting you all in October, I just can't wait!!
Lucy is all packed and ready for her week away, boy do I hate sending my children off, a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, trying to smile and wave, as soon as that door closed, the flood gates open!  I was trying to be brave for Sophie too as she had a few tears last night as she was not wanting to be apart from her sister. I will organise a little treat for her when she gets in from school.
I will pop in later this morning, when I have composed myself.
Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning everyone, it's a grey morning here at the moment but the sun might just pop through shortly, I hope so, I need to cut the grass, it's growing at an amazing rate, but the days when I can get it done, I have something planned and when I can do the grass it rains.
    Janet, your card it beautiful, love the ribbon weaving, and the papers are lovely.
    Sandra hope Lucy enjoys her week away and Sophie doesn't feel too lonely, you must feel torn at times like this, I'm sure they'll be in regular contact.
    So enjoyed seeing Michelle's craft room yesterday, it's lovely to see how everyone else crafts, we are all so different but drawn together by the same thing.
    Have left plenty of hugs in the basket for anyone passing and a special one for Maureen ( lovely to see you pop in yesterday)
    Till later if poss.
    Jean x

    1. Good morning Jean,
      I wish that scientist could invent plants with the same genetics, so that they grew in any condition, super fast and so that no matter how bad a gardener that you are you can't kill them!
      Our allotment was weed free, we had a couple of rainy days, went back up and there are weeds everywhere, don't get me started on nettles!
      I think that Lucy was just suffering with nerves this morning, this is her first trip alone, the two of them are so close, to anyone else it would be suffocating. I honestly think that it's the reason they are not always away doing things with their friends, I think that some girls find it very hard to break through that really tough bond that they have, almost like they don't need anyone else, they get what they need from each other.
      This week will do their confidence good, they both lack self confidence, they don't like asking for things in shops or ordering food or paying for things, I know paul and I aren't they most self confident people but Matt & Becca seem fine, Matt can make a conversation with anyone and keep talking for hours, mind you he is rubbish at decision making.
      Becca oozes self confidence, she needs to for her job, I wish the girls had a fraction of the confidence that she has.
      Right I am off to make make a breakfast smoothie,
      Love and hugs

    2. Sandra my dear,

      I'm sure any little tummy flutterbies will be gone by the time Lucy has unpacked. And before the girls both know it, they will be back together. They will have gained so much from this separation. xxx

  2. (((((Hugs))))) Sandra, I hope things go Ok, be brave!!! Hope Sophie manages to cope well, I am sure she will. You might have an extra body in the bed!!! I feel bedtime will be the worst. That's when Hazel and I felt it, not that we are twins although we are close.
    JANET:- Wow! Oh! Wow! your card is absolutely amazing. What a stunner.
    I am late this morning, John's knees were really bothering him last night. I was awake with him till just after 3am. I have left home sleeping because it's bucketing rain here and that does not help. Ooooppps!!! I will be back!!!

    1. Big sister, surely it wasnt that bad that you have left home, go back he needs you!!! He's in pain, but I bet he was acting his shoes size yesterday when you were along at J&A s. Hahaha

    2. Me again, it just dawned, it was Bin Day. John always does that, with me leaving him to sleep I thought I had better get it done. Then I went for the paper. We don't have a shop, papers are delivered to a box in the village where we help ourselves and get a bill sent every month. Jumped in my car because the rain is so heavy and went for that. All done with PJs still on. Thank goodness for country living!!
      Right that's me, taken my Tea & Toast over to the corner table by the window. Will sit and watch to see who come in or who looks in the window and passes by. Come on in folks, it is a great place inside.
      A place where we support each other, sharing sadness as well as happiness. Also share lots of hints and tips, tell you where to get great bargains, or just chat.
      Will be back soon leaving ((((hugs)))) in the basket as always. Special love and hugs for Maureen xxx

    3. Your right Sis, playing football in the garden, running up and down the stairs (we don't have stairs in our house) chasing the boys. Or were they chasing him?? Fun & games anyway xxx

    4. Patricia you are brave going out in your PJs! My mum used to take my dad to the station at silly o'clock every morning but always got dressed even if she didn't have a wash first ( she always did that when she got up properly!) . She said he amount of times she saw embarrassed ladies in night attire broken down or who had an accident put her off from risking going out without clothes! Xxx

    5. Oh folks she could walk to get the paper in 5 mins there and back, the only ones that would see her at that time are the birds and animals, it's that quiet. And her pjs are like leisure clothes. xxx

  3. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    It's and early one for me as Margaret and George are coming over and then we'll pick Nikki up later and take her for lunch, she's been wanting to do this for a while and was only told about it on Wednesday and she was so excited.
    Sandra Janet's card is so beautiful and such very pretty colours, love the way it's made into a basket of must have been so thrilled to have received it and it must have cheered you up so very much.
    So pleased you and Myra got to chat for the first time yesterday...apprehension and excitement all rolled into one but turned into whr probably will be 'friends forever'.
    Had a titter at the shenanigans in the cafe last night....triple knickers! Hmmmm! Now there's a thought. Anyway must push on Maureen it's lovely to see you back in the fold special thoughts go out to you and also sending special thoughts to Brenda and John with the decision John has ahead of him.
    See you later love and hugs to everyone Sheila xxxx

    1. PS....forgot to say Sandra I hope all goes well and Lucy enjoys her time away and I'm sure you and Sophie will find some girlie things to do to cheer yourselves up.
      Sending some extra special hugs to hopefully help you all as Lucy gets on her way. Love Sheila xxxx
      Hi Patricia you must have popped in while I was typing. xxx

    2. Thank you Sheila my lovely,
      She went off fine, she has packed enough clothes for a month, it took my a good hour trying to squeeze all her things in the holdall that she wanted to take!
      Mind you she was thinking of every eventuality, before she left she gad a last minute panic, "mum, I need to take some plasters" so I enquired into why, her reply "well I am taking razor to shave my legs, so I will need plasters in case I cut myself", how that was the last thing on my mind escapes me.
      They weren't supposed to take phones but she said she couldn't bare to be apart from Soph and have no way of contacting her, so I am guessing that Soph will be having the phone glued to her ear for the week!
      I think that we will take Sophie into Swindon to do some holiday clothes shopping, she has developed into a very "curvy" young lady in the past couple of months, so all of the shorts and bikinis I bought them for holiday last year don't fit at all, so my thinking this year is to buy them cheap shorts and bikini's from Primark, that way I don't mind if we end up throwing them out after we have been away!
      If you need any help with anything regarding your fence, I will help if I can,
      Huge hugs & love,
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Sheila - I hope you have a lovely day with Nikki and Margaret and George and have a great lunch! Hope the weather is kind to you too. Xxx

    4. Nikki, what a delightful day you must be having.. Enjoy it sweetie and not forgetting Mummy Sheila too. Love & hugs xxx

  4. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. What a beautiful card on the display stand this morning. It's very pretty and I love Janet's beautiful design with those papers, lace and ribbon. Weren't you lucky receiveing this???Sandra.
    Sorry Sandra I had it in my head that Lucy was away all this week, not just going now. They will be fine, it will just be strange for them to begin with. Beth is away next week at the Yorkshire Show with the Shetland pony team, and Anna can't wait she said to get peace from her. So different when they aren't twins!!.,
    Oh wasn't it lovely to have Maureen call in and add her little bit, the mood of the cafe lifted last night.
    Sheila, remember all we told you. Sort the council out and let them know you won't be messed about, and leave your fence as it is just now.
    Brenda, I do hope you and John had a reasonable night, I know you will have been going over every thing in your head. ( positive thoughts only )
    Brenda ( Littlelamb) I hope you and your friend enjoyed your day?
    Oh meant to say, Janet I used your cake recipe when I made the slab cake for the girls contribution to the pony camp. It must have been good out of the two 12insx8ins slabs not a crumb was left. So thank you. I was shocked how many mums don't bake these days? It's meant to be home baking, so much shop bought this year.
    I am going to take my tea and crumpets over by the window and see who comes in. Oh just remember I promised Margaret I would get her Mars bar cake out in put it in the counter. Better do that first. Be in later xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful, delicate card you made for Sandra. So pretty & such a lovely gesture.

    Dull start to the day here-quite fitting as i'm at the dentist for a check up at 9am but I know theres at least 2 things wrong so that means more appointments. I can't decide wether to walk or be lazy & go in the car-will probably be last minute & go in the car.

    We're meeting my in-laws for lunch so will probably just play in the craft room until its time to leave.


  6. BRENDA & JOHN. Thoughts and prayers for you with a very difficult decision to make. Sorry I missed your comment last night.
    Missed last nights chat and shenanigans. Oh! My! Word! There is no stopping you lot is there!!! I am just jelous I missed it all. Great to see our lovely Maureen in for a quick chat. xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet your card is amazing, Sandra will treasure it forever I'm sure,
    Just a quick call just now, off to cover out little shop today, might not be busy as it is forecast for rain today.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  8. Sandra, you are so right regarding the clothes especially for summer things that will only be worn for a few weeks. Remember when they are clearing out the out grown ones if they can't be passed on take them to the cash clothes, at least you get a few pennies back. xxx

  9. Good morning ladies,
    May I have a slice of Margaret's mars bar cake please. It looks delicious.
    Sandra, it is lovely that your girls are so close to each other. I am sure they will be missing each other but try not to worry about them.
    Janet your card is lovely, you always manage to find such pretty charms to finish your cards off. So kind of you to send it to Sandra. I do hope your weather situation is improving, ours certainly is much better than it was last week, we have had some rain and the temperates are now down in the twenties so much more comfortable.
    I was coming in here earlier but then was on the phone for over an hour to our eldest daughter Rachel and I suspect Joanne will be ringing soon and another hours phone call will ensue.
    Patricia, how brave of you going out in your nightclothes, what if you had broken down though? Sorry John had a bad night.
    Brenda I hope both you and John are coping with his decision to go ahead and have surgery.
    Maureen, lovely to see you yesterday, hope you find a little sunshine in your day today.
    Must go now, will be back later
    Love Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- I llive out in the country. The journey took all of 4mins there and back. Just along the road, I took the car because it was bucketing rain. I could have walked back to the house and never met a soul!!! Thanks for the concern.
      Mind you my PJs really are quite smart. Today they were Sky Blue Bottoms, White Top and I did put on a nice blue Sweat Cardigan as well ...... everything matched. Don't do "not matching" xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra what a beautiful card Janet made for you and what a treat that it was a surprise too. Janet with putting ribbon through the lace you must have a lot of patience, I would get to nearly the end and then putt the beginning part out! The paper is very pretty too, thank you for letting Sandra share it with
    Sandra I'm sure the girls will be ok, I know what you mean about trying to hold it together in front of them. Emma always says I know you are going to blub mum can you wait til you get in the car please! Sophie will enjoy some mum time I'm sure especially if shopping and cake are involved! Definitely go for Primark if you can, Emma got some lovely cool t shirts in there for £4 each and they have washed well. I washed them on holiday and they dried really quickly.
    Are you sitting comfortably? I will tell you a bit more about our holiday. After 7 days of Disney we picked up our hire car ( putting petrol in it a few days later was a fun experience!) and drove to Hollywood Studios to look round there. We had assigned 3 days for this park because they have a huge Harry Potter section! Now my husband has always been a huge roller coaster fan and will go on various famous roller coasters several times sitting in different places to get different feels to the ride. Needless to say I'm not a roller coaster fan but have been on a couple in my life just to see if I like them - answer is still no! Emma has always been like me but decided to man up this holiday and have a proper go and loved it! I found myself little shady spots to sit or cool shops to look round whilst they vanished for about an hour to try another ride! We did do some family rides so I didn't get too bored but I have to say the best bits were the 3D and 4D shows we watched. The Shrek show was amazing. I won't spoil the Harry Potter bits for anyone who may go but oh my goodness they are good. We had meals in the three broomsticks and the leaky caldron which wad very exciting and took a trip on the train too (we have done the Fort William to Malaig train ride previously ) . We spent at least 2 days just in that part of the park and came back with so many Harry Potter souvenirs too. We all had butter beer to drink and yes robes were tried on and wands waved! It takes a lot of time to decide which is the perfect wand to own - (dumbledors has pride of place on the shelf at home already and I have to say it is Voldermorts that has joined it! ). Whilst there we also had a meal at The Hard Rock Cafe, a lovely contrast to hear some rock music compared to the tinkly music of Disney. Our feet continued to hurt and we were shattered walking around but we were still having great fun - we even made it back one evening to go into Magic Kingdom to see the light parade, show and fireworks and choose our souvenirs - we certainly packed it all in. Whilst in Disney we took out a photo package where you could have your photos taken with characters and on rides or at points around the park as many times as you like and they are all sent to your Disney account to download and do with as you wish. You get additional photos too so it was good value. We did the same at Hollywood but wouldn't recommend it as there weren't many opportunities for photos, we only saw a couple of people and only a few tides had photos. Needless to say the Harry Potter area had no one taking photos - we got quite good at selfies!
    Well on that note I will leave you, must go and put the washing in the line and make some lemonade syrup and perhaps gave a go at a key lime pie.
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

    1. DIANE:- that's me back to read again and digest everything properly
      Great descriptions of all the brilliant events, brought back memories, thank you.
      I have to pass on the rides when we are there. I get sick on the Helter Skelters here. Thomas and his dad are the Dare Devils they did as many as they could. xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    It was good to talk yesterday! My husband thought I was talking to my daughter in law as I'd be on the phone for such a long time!
    Janet your card is lovely and so beautifully colour matched. I don't think of weaving the ribbon and it looks so pretty! Thank you Sandra for sharing your lovely card.
    Well it's been a mad Friday morning again! However it is a lovely sunny day now and quite warm! Alastair is thinking barbecue later?! He cooks but I'm the one who runs in and out like a demented bumble bee ! You see he cooks but that's all - however he does clear up the barbecue and wash everything he has used afterwards and he is meticulous about cleanliness so that's good!
    I am trying to come up with an idea for a 21st Birthday Card for my niece. I've made the box - it's not decorated - but that's as far as I have got !
    Will go now and read what everyone's been up to!
    Be good - well at least try!
    Myra xxx

    1. Certainly could not have a BBQ here that's for sure. xxx

    2. Well Myra you are one lucky little bee if your Alastair cleans everything up after a barbecue. We once has some next door neighbours who like barbecues but never and I mean never cleaned it, in fact they never even put the cover on. It could be covered in bird muck and they just fired it up and quite literally threw the food on. So count your blessings little bee.

    3. Margaret - it must have been humming!! Xxx

    4. I never got that close to find out, the look of it was enough! xx

  12. Good afternoon (just!), Sandra & Ladies

    After a marathon effort this morning dealing with npower, finally can say, I WON!!! Yay!!!
    Changed my suppliers in May and have received 3 final bills of differing amounts over the past few weeks, then the threatening reminders started appearing asking me to contact them. Have you ever tried that? No, you do not want to. Half the customer service peeps are reading from crib sheets and NOT listening to you. Finally got somebody with an 'ology' this morning (after nearly an hour on hold), who actually got to the bottom of the problem and sorted it out within 15 mins. Why can't they all do that?
    Then spent the next hour doing all necessary paperwork and paying final buffet bill for our Family Reunion fortnight today. Now I can sit back and relax, and wait to meet all my family again from all corners of this wonderful earth of ours.
    So can finally catch up with all goings on in the café. 3 pairs of knickers at night though? What's wrong with Tena pads? I give up sometimes with the late night conversations, you are all so quick with hilarious quips. Pete would have loved to have met you all. He was a past master at ad libs etc. too.

    What a lovely card to receive from Janet, Sandra, it is so pretty and feminine and I'm glad it gave you the extra lift that you needed.
    Diane's travels to Disney world have been very entertaining and I can imagine being there with you, as your descriptions are so real.

    Brenda, my sweetie, a message for you and OH...
    Always remember you are braver than you seem,
    Stronger than you believe & smarter than you think
    Whatever the decision OH makes, it will be what is best for him and I will be in his corner cheering him on as he climbs that mountain. (((hugs)))) to you both and your girls. xxxxx

    Lunch now calls me, catch up with you later.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Brenda, may I just second what Cheryl has just said as she has put it so well!
      Sending hugs to you all .
      Thanks Cheryl!

    2. I third it then seeing Myra is there before me, as I said yesterday its John that has to make the decision that is for him. We will here to give support and listen. xxx

    3. Dear, Dear Cheryl, That's beautiful, Thank you so much,xxx

      You are all such a great strength to me, I really do not know what I would do without you all. xxx

    4. I 4th it. Please remember we are all here to support you as you support John. xxx

    5. Yes I will add my name to the list too if I may please, a problem shared is a problem halved, we are all here when you need us xxx

    6. Brenda I'm sure John will make the right decision for him,sending you both love & Hug's xxxx

    7. Brenda me too, I'm sure John has had a good think about this and has made the right decision for you both. We are here to support you both and the girls too love and hugs xxx

    8. Brenda. I am here too. Will be thinking of you both whatever decision John makes.

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I am sure that once Lucy is actually where she is going, and after Sophie has some quality time with you that includes shopping for herself, they will both feel a lot better. I know that George and David did everything together, David even sometimes came on dates when I was courting George!!!! but I think it will be good for their independence to have some time apart. I bet it's you that will feel it the most!!
    Janet, what a very pretty, feminine card. It's lovely.
    Jean - I hope you get your grass cut. It's a beautiful day here - so far.
    Patricia - how could you leave home just because John's knees were bad, there's nee need for that!!! Aunt Mary and Uncle Alf once gave us a lift home after we'd been for Sunday tea (and supper and card games!). Alf's car broke down and as Mary always came as well she just jumped in the car in her slippers and apron (yes Myra, she had her other clothes on as well). The car broke down on their way home and she was in the rain, without a coat, brolly or anything. She never did that again.
    Sheila, I hope you've had a lovely day with Nikki and that she was happy to see Margaret and George.
    Michele - I hope the dentist was o.k.
    Saba - Ooh I was frightened you'd eaten all the Mars Bar cake.
    Myra - I knew you reminded me of someone - it's Arthur Askey - you Busy, Busy Bee.
    Cheryl - you always come up with some lovely wise words.
    Brenda - I also second or third what Cheryl said.
    Love Maureen xxxx

    1. Thanks Muriel,
      You've really made my day! Arthur Askey!!!
      He was such a good looking elegant little man!!
      Honestly , the compliments you get on this blog! At least my specs aren't as big as his!

    2. Oh he was sssssoooo funny, I remember watching in B/W on our very first telly in the late 50's/early 60's. But tell me something please ladies.... why is it always the small guys that make us laugh the loudest and longest? Norman Wisdom was another

    3. MAUREEN & HAZEL I did go back home I felt sorry for John!!! xxx

    4. Cheryl, people always use to say my husband looked so much like
      Norman Wisdom. Wish he had his money? No money isn't everything that's for sure. xxx

    5. Oh Maureen lovely to see you today and sounding quite bright too. Arthur Askey now that's a name from the past. I saw him in panto in Bournemouth when I was quite little, he made an impression because I can remember laughing and I was very little! Xxx

    6. Diane, I honestly don't look like him!! Xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Cheryl such a lovely thought for Brenda. I think it's fery apt.
    Sandra what a stunning card Janet sent you to cheer you up today. Lucy will have a fabulous time and remember the twins have to start somewhere. I know it will be hard at first. They'll still have a special bond but just leading different lives, you bawl away my lovely, we've all done it I can assure you. I'm glad you had a fantastic chat with Myra, as she said in her post it's good to talk.

  15. DIANE:-- I was in my car. Just had to jump out, open the box, get the paper, back in car done!!! Went in the car because it was bucketing rain, took all of 4 mins from start to finish. Hazel's right you can walk it there and back in 5 maybe 7 mins. Certainly would not have gone along in my PJs if I had been walking. xxx

    1. Gosh that comment slipped a bit. It was meant to be away back up at the top!! xxx

    2. Ha ha Patricia at least it was only your comment that slipped! Now knowing my luck I would have nipped out to the newspaper box and locked myself out of the car! Mind you we live in a much busier place than you! Xx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Thank you all for your very supportive messages, I can not tell you how special it feels to have such a wonderful group of friends. You all are 'Simply the Best' xxx

    JANET your card for Sandra is so perfectly coordinated, its beautiful, love how you have woven the ribbon, and lace makes it so feminine .

    Reading back through last nights late comments, I found it so funny, you ladies could write a comedy show. you are so funny........ A real tonic in fact !!!

    Sandra I hope Sophie is going to be alright without Lucy. I'm sure the retail therapy will be a great help. Lucy is going to be so busy, it will only hit her a bed time, when hopefully she will be so tired she wont have time to dwell.

    Will stop by later, Love and Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  17. Right folks, I think I need to set the records straight !!!
    I live in the country, way out off any main roads in a TINY hamlet with just a few neighbours.
    No shops although we do have a little Tavern selling drink and basic meals. Anyone calling there has done so for years. They do occasionally get the odd visitor. No!! not that kind of "odd"
    Then WHOLE length of the village/hamlet is all of say! Mmmm!! about an 1/8th of a mile .... yes!! that big!!.
    Now can you see how I would managed to go out wearing my PJs, driving my car. As I told Saba they were actually nice PJs. Today's were Sky Blue Bottoms, White Top. I did wear a nice Blue Sweat Cardigan, everything matched. I don't go out if everything is not matching. Oh! I did have on nice floral leather Clogs.
    I have been busy today, I was rummaging .... I knew I had Tea/Coffee Sets that I would never use. They have not seen the light of day since I put them in the sideboard when we bought it not long after we moved here, that was 19 years ago. There out and I am going to use them for Candle Cups. I will need lots more Wax and Wicks.
    I cleared out one of the drawers under our bed. I keep my Tissue paper and other bits and pieces in there. Wow!! why would anyone need SO MUCH Tissue paper is beyond me!!! ........ I have popped a few bits and pieces I will never use in a crate for the Charity Shop.
    Can you believe we have the fire on today. It's miserable, dull and a bit cold. All our logs are free, cheaper than using the heating and it's lovely to sit and watch the fire burning away nicely.
    Now I just need a nice cup of Tea and a piece of Margaret's Mars Bar Cake if Saba has left any.
    Hope I have stopped any of you worrying about my travels in my PJs.
    Will be back later to see what you have been up to this afternoon xxx

    1. So you mean I can't come and sit and eat in your little Tavern? I am certainly odd enough!
      Sorry to be a bit of a party pooper but I woke up to brilliant sunshine and it has stayed lovely all day, I've just asked the your clouds to blow away for you, but just in case they don't, here's a couple of kisses and (((hugs))) blowing your way for you to catch. xxx

    2. Thanks Cheryl, that is so kind, I really appreciate it.
      Keep seeing all the people in shorts and T- Shirts watching tennis, it is so annoying. We all live in the same county it's hard to believe the weather can be so different. xxx

    3. Patricia - sorry you are not having a nice sunny day! Is the forecast any better for the weekend? Xx

    4. In a word .... nope!! xxx

    5. Oh Patricia I just love an open fire watching the flames dancing about and looking for shapes in the hearth too, when we had one in our other house we would make toast on it, really delicious I'm so envious xx

    6. We make toast on ours, great with Homemade Jam ...... Mmmmm!!! delicious xxx

    7. Ok Patricia we will let you off! Oh goodness it must be cold if you've lit the fire, you had it all cleaned out not so long ago! Xxx

  18. Tonic Studios has brought out a new die cutting machine called The Tangerine! Guess what colour it is?
    No Maureen it's not pink!
    It's horrid!! It's £184.00 but there is a discount for pre orders and a free carry bag!
    Has anyone else seen this thing! Xxx

    1. Well if it's not pink I don't want one!!? xxx

    2. I really don't want an orange one it will not so with the carpet in my room!
      Has anyone seen the new Spellbinders storage case? There is a video telling you all about it on Hope and Chances web site, think I will pass on it.

    3. MARGARET:- I can't work with "orange" it's a colour I just don't like.
      Ooooo!! I am off to see this wonderful Soellbinder Sorage. Better be quick cause I am sure it's something "everyone" will want!!!

    4. MARGARET:- I will pass on than that, definitely NOT for me xxx

    5. It's really horrid! The future may be bright - but it won't be orange in this house! Xxx

  19. Afternoon Ladies

    Goodness-it's been very warm & sunny here today. Dentist said "oh dear" & then pointed out all the work I need doing. This has been going on for the last few years-I swear I've paid for her children to go to University!!! Trying to nake a 40 minute appointment was fun-first one available is 9th September!!

    Lunch was delicious & in-laws paid. We saw a beautiful picture on the wall of the restaurant so off we set to the Art Gallery & ended up buying a picture which is now hung above the fireplace.

    Hubby then decided we HAD to fill in the gaps between the flags with sand so thats we've spent the last hour doing-in the baking sun! Collapsed on the sofa now.


  20. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    Well third time lucky first one froze second one went down the yellow brick cyba space road over the rainbow Grrrr.
    Sandra have you or Sophie here'd from Lucy yet I'm sure both your lovely girls will be fine. Did Sophie get a lot of holidays clothes today.hope she had a good day out being spoilt. Diane your description of your holiday brilliant I thought I was with you. You have taken lots of of memorable photos you should do a scrapbook or maybe Emma could do one is she into crafting.
    Sheila I hope you had a lovely day with Margaret & George Did Nikki enjoy her lunch & spending time with the three of you. I hope she is happy & more settled now Sending her ((((Hug's)))) & love to you both.xx

    1. Der published toooooo soon
      JANET your card is Gorgeous love the colours & your threaded lace is beautiful,no wonder Sandra had a little lump in her throat.
      Thank you Sandra for sharing your gift.
      Hello Maureen glad you popped in again it so lovely you feel like spending some time in the café with all of us.((((Hug's))) xx
      KAREN I found you on Pinterest your cards are all beautiful. My mission now is to find more of you ladies on Pinterest xx
      Well dinner is calling.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Thank you for your lovely comments. Emma enjoys scrapbooking when she has time and has bought a lovely Disney scrapbook to do. I'm sure my craft stuff will be raided too. She went to Switzerland and Mexico with guides and the leader organised scrapbook sessions for them afterwards. Emma is quite art and crafty, she loves drawing and painting, and sewing too- just hasn't had much time for things like that lately!xxx

    3. Hi Diane how lovely for Emma to exsperance those lovely holidays with the guides I hope she finds the time for the scrapbooking. She sounds like a all round crafter,takes after her mum. Hope she is more relaxed now the Mock Mock's are out the way,very stressful time
      If Emma dose finish one you will have to send a picture for Sandra so she can put it in the café.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  21. Mum advice required!!
    My darling daughter, bless her, decided that she 'couldn't afford' to pay her house keep money this month, not sure why as she earns in excess of £1000 per month, and pays me £15 per week!!!
    When I pushed the issue she said "well I have hardly been here so why do I have to pay" I just said that that was her choice and I had to buy food etc regardless of whether she turns up to eat it, as I don't know when she will be here and when she won't, also its never just her, its her boyfriend too!
    She has been spending more time at his house, but always moans that they never have food in etc, so why does she stay there I ask myself?!
    I kind of want to say if you don't pay your way then you can pack the rest of your stuff !! but that just feels too mean, what would you do? Matt earns less and pays the same, you would think that I was asking for £50 a week!
    I would love your advice xxxx

    1. Wow Sandra!
      It's a tricky one isn't it! I think she has got an incredible deal! What can you buy for £15 today - not very much! I wonder how many times she buys a coffee at Costa or Starbucks! She would only get around five a week for that - no food, no room, no home comforts , no laundry or meals and no heating or hot water! I think you are being extremely generous . It's tricky because I don't think until you are responsible for Bills etc you ever realise how expensive it is to live. She is paying you 1/10 of what she earns per month. That's very little. I've had sons who lived at home after university until they married but they did tend to be at home for meals. However you are buying food for her and if she isn't there to eat it that's not your fault. Fifteen pounds a week without food is still very little. Ask her to think what it costs for a simple sandwich and a coffee in town! I'm sure she pays for these things without a grumble. Pizzas, pub meals, etc. I could go on! I won't. - I think you are being more than fair. Hope this helps, my dear! Xxx

    2. Sandra, what about her washing and ironing. I bet you do those. If she was in "digs" she'd have to pay for her room whether she was there or not, and it would be a lot more than £15 per week. George paid his mother £10 per week - 50 YEARS AGO!!!
      Be firm, she has to learn the cost of things and how to manage her money.
      Maureen xxx

    3. Sandra, I don't know what to say.
      I think you have to take a firm stand otherwise you will resent the fact that she is being thoughtless. It seems to me that many young people nowadays just expect to be carried and to keep and spend whatever money they have for themselves and their pleasure. She needs to realise that you provide much more than £15 would pay for. You would not be doing her any favours long term if you let her get away with it.
      Our niece is 23 and has been given everything. She is at University (it's still free in Germany) lives at home, and has never earned a penny in her life. Her weekends are spent enjoying herself. Her mum, ( a single parent) struggles, but never says anything, and still gives her a weekly allowance. As does her grandmother with whom they live. Our niece is a selfish obnoxious young woman, don't make that mistake with your lovely daughter.
      Hope you find a way.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx.

    4. Sandra,
      I agree with all the comments Becca is just taking advantage of you she will never learn hard I know but you are going to have to be firm with her.
      Janet your card is beautiful how kind of you.
      Spent the day with Sue we took Christopher and Mum for his first swim, I sat and watched and he loved it, very special for me to be able to share these special moments with him I am lucky.
      Good to see you in Maureen hope you get service sorted hugs to you all.

      Love Margaret xx

    5. Hi Sandra
      Now we've gad this conversation before. As I said before they come home eat your food, expect you to do her washing, ironing, and eat your food. Your really doing her no favours by not making her pay her way. Tell her if she doesn't pay the correct amount she should be buying her own food etc. if she can't wash clothes at Josh's they could take them to the laundry. As I keep saying you have to stand firm. She's really taking the mickey, and your letting her get away with it. She'll have no sense of money at all. It's not being mean just being realistic.

    6. A friend of mine who has 3 children (brought up single handedly) told all 3 that they pay 20% of whatever they earn towards the house costs. The "children " are 24,23 & 21 and have never complained. Thdy are not well off & don't have spare cash for luxurious items. The cars are the children's & they pay for Sky TV & broadband.

      Sandra-I think you need to increase your rental charges!


  22. Can I come and live at yours please??? Sandra when ours lived at home they paid more than that and Tammy left home 17 years ago, she earn £550 a month and she saved paid me £100 a month and had to do cleaning and ironing or she would have paid more, she ran a car went out and managed. At the age of 21 she bought her own flat ( granted property is cheaper up here) no Becca has to pay more. Their 6 of you so at least she should pay a share of the rent, fuel, council tax and the food. She will never learn to budget. Ours were always told what we paid out to run the home, they never argued about paying there share, they all owned there own homes by their early twenties, and owned good cars, they worked from about 15. We're told they had to save. If she diesnt want to pay, you tell her to move out she earns enough. You are not mean, you are doing her no favours. With ours we saved some of their housekeeping for them, they didn't know about it, but when they bought their homes we gave them it as a gift along with money from us. Like when they got married and Gillian and Andrew will,get too, they paid/paying their own weddings we will give them a gift of money. That way they work their budget to their pocket. While students they could borrow money for import things but always had a time line to pay it back. We have helped them out over the years rather than them take loans. Time for her to grown up and realise she is a big girl earning a very salary. xxx

  23. Evening All. ( why does that always make me think of Dixon of Dock Green)
    Lynda, how you found Karen is a mystery, there were hundreds of Karen Watts, well done.
    Patricia, I was shocked, nay horrified that your clogs didn't match your pj's. And should you really be driving in clogs!
    Diane, thank you so much for telling us all about your holiday, I could close my eyes and imagine I was there.
    Myra, are you still buzzing?
    I'm with Patricia, if that new machine is not pink then I don't want one, I mean tangerine! Who wants a tangerine one?
    Sandra have you heard from Lucy yet and how is Sophie coping?
    My grandson Max is going to beaver camp tomorrow. First time away from home and Rachel is dreading it. Then there is the added worry of Boris. Let me tell you about Boris.
    Boris is a blue steif teddy bear. When Max was born I bought it for him and it has never left his side. EXCEPT for when they went on holiday two years ago and Boris disappeared. They asked everywhere. Rachel put notices up all around the caravan site where they were staying and it was announced at the nightly cabaret every evening until they left. Max was distraught. Boris was nowhere to be found. Meanwhile I had been trawling the Internet, writing emails to to the Steif headquarters and literally looking all over the world to find another Boris. They had only made this particular bear for one year and there were none to be found. Eventually, though I found one on eBay and paid way over the odds for it. Imposter Boris was then reintroduced to Max, who believed us when we said he had been in the car all the time. Boris goes to bed with Max every night despite the fact that Max is nearly 8. And I don't know what Rachel is more worried about, Max missing his mummy or Boris getting lost.
    None of us can watch Toy Story without shedding a tear for our long lost real Boris.
    Hope you enjoyed your bedtime story,
    Maureen I had one very tiny weeny piece of Margerets Mars bar cake. I think Hazel had eaten quite a bit before she "remembered" to put it out.
    Love for now
    Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- trust you to notice. There are little "blue" flowers in the pattern on my shoes.
      They were Ok for driving they did not have wooden soles. I use them as house shoes, they are nice a soft, just backless. xxx

    2. Saba, over the years if a child I have looked after had a favourite toy or blanket I always told the parents to go buy another and use the two changing them over for washing etc, the amount of lost things and tears is so sad. Anna's bear went everywhere with her like boris he was a one off, so he had their and still to this day has the their post code on his label and on his foot. Tammy still has the remains of her blanket in a box. She is 38. xxx

    3. I just love your story about Max & Boris, all resolved but you don't want a repeat.
      Thomas at 10 still takes Mr Zeebe on holiday. When we were heading to the Airport last year he said "granny can you put Mr. Zeebe in your bag. I don't want anyone to see him if I have to go in my rucksack for anything" His dad was the same he had a scruffy "Panda" which we still have. I had to knit a suit for it to keep the stuffing in its body. xxx

    4. I was lucky, Rachel's safety blanket was her vest!! Only thing was that as she got older she had to come with me when I bought new ones and she "felt" them in the shop to make sure they were the right ones. It was so easy on holiday and things like that, she would just rub the strap between her thumb and forefinger and go to sleep.
      Saba, I know what you mean, I could never go out if my footwear didn't match my nightwear, how awful! Only a Grandma would go to the lengths that you went to get another "Boris".

    5. My girls both have their 'lello' (sorry Brenda) it was their cot sheet when they were babies, they were the softest brushed cotton yellow (hence the name) but they aren't yellow now, they are a terrible colour and apart from some repaired areas they are quite thread bare, the rub it between the fingers and gently on to their lip, they used to make a sound like they were sucking a dummy when they were babies, but they never had a dummy! but fifteen years on they still sleep with them and lucy has packed hers in her bag!
      so Boris will be carried about for many years yet! Neither of my older two had anything like that.

    6. I hope Max has a lovely time at Beaver Camp! I'm sure he'll be just fine . As for Boris well, I do hope he stays either at home or in a bag! I hate him to go AWOL!
      We once had to return to a hotel in Manchester as our younger son left Ted under the bed! We had to drive back fifty miles . We'd been house hunting up here as we were moving up from Oxfordshire.
      Ted is still going strong today! Xxx

    7. Sandra. Tammy's was her top cover on her cot, when I washed it I had to put it in the freezer as it helped to make it feel right, as I said she is 38 and still has a bit in a box. It's a disgusting colour even though it's clean. It was called "Do,Do" no idea why must have been a reason, to many years ago to think. xxx

    8. Oh Saba poor Boris (how funny we watched toy story yesterday ! ). I think Boris might be safe at bever camp as they are still young enough to all have a teddy so he should be ok (might be an honorary bever by the end of the weekend!). Emma had 'baby' a doll my friend gave her when she was 1. Baby went most places but wasn't allowed to go out in the pram or for walks as she was too precious. We eventually realised it wasn't baby but her vest that was the important bit! The vest was in holes and has been patched many times using would you believe it well washed M&S cotton knickers! I've even sewn the vest inside her pillow when she's been away. Baby still sits on her bed, the plastic has gone orange the vest is grey but she's still loved. Guide camp it is compulsory to take a teddy bear! Xxx

    9. Saba poor Boris could you not go on long lost family's perhaps Davina can trace BORIS :0((
      My Daughter at 44 she still has her blue bunny but now looks like something out of Chuckle now,she sent me a picture of it the other day couldn't believe she still had it. If you would like to see it will send a picture too Sandra. You might have nightmares haha.
      Saba I found Karen as underneath her name was Karenlotty so have a try. I searched from my page hope that helps xx
      Hug's Lynda xx

  24. Sorry I was on my soap box. Tell Becca to go find a b&b with breakfast or any meal for £15 a week. See what see says, she will not get a night in the cheapest for that. Soap box away. As I said can we come and live at yours.?
    Myra is right she won't get 5 coffees for that. Xxx

  25. SANDRA:- I am at the back of Hazel in the queue for a room in your house.
    I was married and running my own home at that age.
    Before that I like Hazel had to hand over ALL my wages to be handed enough to see me through the month. If it ran out tough!!!
    MYRA:- is right they will go in for something to eat and pay more than that for one meal.
    She getting a "real deal" I would say.

    1. Patricia, I agree with you. My first job I earned £2.15.0d a week. I gave mam £2.5.0d. and had 10 shillings for myself. That was for clothes, make up, going out everything. Then when I got married they bought us loads of household things out of the money which they had saved for me, and which was a godsend. My in-laws gave us zilch!!!!
      So Sandra, be firm sweetheart.

    2. MAUREEN:- you were very lucky when we got married I did not get much from mum & dad. We did get a washing machine. Dad worked for Servis Washing Machines and we got a re-conditioned, Secondhand machine and we were very grateful. John was a fantastic saver, we bought our first house. a little flat cost us £400.00. That's four "hundred" It was furnished through the generosity of his family, his mum bought the curtain material and made the curtains, work mates bought our lounge carpet. All this and I was still only 18 years old........certainly never did me any harm xxx

  26. Hello, I've posted a few comments on the way down, but I can't stay because the girls are having a sleepover and we are all going to pile in our bed, they will have their supper (George can clear the crumbs away) and watch the DVD. They have decided on "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" which we haven't seen for a couple of months. I wanted Mamma Mia so we could have a sing-a-long but was out voted!!
    Get your knickers on girls, and Patricia just make sure you are all matching when you go for your paper tomorrow - Saba will never recover if you don't!!!
    Lots of love to you all. We are going to Joan's tomorrow morning to arrange the actual funeral service. Joan and her daughter's are being amazing.
    Love to all.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Maureen,
      Enjoy your DVD. I'd have opted for the sound of music. I introduced it to my Abi when she was 4 and at nearly six it's still her favourite. I can't count the number of times we have sung Do Ray Me.
      Hope tomorrow is not too difficult for you all. You are all in my prayers.
      Love and hugs
      Saba. Xxxx

    2. Have a lovely time with your special girls! Enjoy the DVD and don't make too much mess! I've made enough for both of us - not with crumbs - with paper! Not finished yet! Xxx

    3. Maureen enjoy your film, I would have gone with Mama Mia too, I like a good sing along. Will be thinking of you all tomorrow xxx

    4. Maureen enjoy the film with the girls Mama Mia for me too.
      My thoughts & prayers will be with you all tomorrow.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  27. Just looked on Sues blog, no one in the cafe has won her blog candy. Cheryl won it the last time remember, we have been lucky so it nice to let others win too. xxx

  28. Sheila, I hope you all have had a fantastic day and enjoyed your meal. xxx

  29. Hello everyone, Andy Murray did not win, he played a brilliant game but Roger was just too good, great final with Roger and Novak on Sunday.
    Sandra hope Lucy has arrived ok and is settling in, Sophie will find it strange for a couple of days but will settle down hopefully. I think Becca has a cheek, when the boys started work we said they would have to pay a third of their pay to help with the household bills, it was £10 a week at this time, it stayed at £10 till they left when they got married, but they managed to get cars and buy their houses when they left.
    Sheila I hope you had a good day with Nikki and enjoyed your meal, I hope she is more settled now.
    Brenda, it is John's decision to go for surgery, I'm sure we will all be thinking of

    Diane your tales of Disney are brilliant, makes me want to go back, just can't face long haul flights meantime.
    Off to catch up on last nights comments, take care, Jess xxx

  30. Ok folks that's me for today, I am off to bed to watch the news
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

  31. Drat, I have just lost a long post agh!!!
    Good evening everyone
    Well it has been chilly her today but we did make it to Derek's Dad's grave with some flowers I just cannot believe it is 12 months since he fell asleep for the final time, where does the time go?
    Janet when I clicked on the coffee shop I just knew the card in front of me was of your making, the backing paper so reminds me of some French fabric I used to have. Your lace and ribbon are so luxurious, thank you for letting us see such a beautiful card Sandra.
    I looked closely at the TV this morning as they were at an airfield where the Spitfires were flying from today but there was no Paul.
    I am with everyone else, please can I come and stay at your house. If you can make a list of ALL the costs of running your home, electricity, gas, water, telephone, council tax, food and all the other things needed such as soap, toilet rolls, household cleaning materials etc, Washing, not forgetting those clothes that HAD to be washed before she went to Paris, not forgetting her visitors meals. Be your lovely self, tell her you love her but present you list and remind her that even in a hotel the bill must be paid. If she does not learn to budget now, what is she going to do when she sets up home herself? Ok I'm off my soap box, but while I was at home I was expected to hand over my wages as well as helping with housework and cooking, how the times have changed.
    Karen Watts has found me on Pinterest and so has Cheryl along with someone called Myra, who often re-pins my pins! I have yet to discover how you up-load anything of your own though!
    Saba PLEASE, PLEASE, don't go copying Patricia and go out in your night attire, as you have already told us you only wear knickers in bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All this talk of teddies makes me sad, I went into hospital aged 3 to have my tonsils out but took ill and had to stay for over two weeks and my teddy got lost! When I was 17 I asked Santa for another one and he was so lovely, soft, silky and PINK!!
    Thank you Hazel for putting the Mars bar cake out for me.
    Maureen lovely to see you today and that little sparkle you brought with you today. xxx
    Cheryl I have seen your poem before it is lovely and so appropriate here thank you for the lovely reminder.
    Where is our little lamb tonight does anyone know,I hope she is fine.
    My eyes keep closing so I had better post this before I loose it.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret,
      My ears were burning! I wish I could show you how to upload your photos! Do you use an iPad? Xxx

    2. No Myra just my trusty laptop and Windows 7 I'm pleased to say, after all the trouble others have had! xx

  32. Margaret, littlelamb is having a ball out and about with her friend, I had an e-mail,from her. As I was asking after her the other day. Hazel x

    1. Oh Lovely! I do hope she hasn't gone clubbing! You haven't have you, Brenda ?!!! Xxx

    2. Good for her she does quite right xx

  33. Myra, I don't think so they have been out and about all day, then again she did have her feet done before she left. So that was maybe so they could go. xxx

  34. Sheila I hope you all had a lovely time.
    Sandra sorry I thought it was this week that Lucy was going away and would soon be home silly me! Hope you and Sophie enjoy your special time together.
    Hope you don't make too many crumbs Maureen and enjoy your dvd but like you I would have preferred Mama Mia.xx
    Well I'm off to bed so will say good night God Bless everyone
    Margaret xxx

  35. Sandra I agree with the others, I think you need to tackle Becca about this sooner rather than later and perhaps have a united front with Paul. If she continues to fuss then suggest she buys her own food, does her own washing and cooking etc for a month so she can see what it does cost in reality, I'm sure £15 will be a bargain after that! Xxx
    Well ladies I have started yawning so I might wend my merry way to bed to see if I can sleep tonight! See you all tomorrow. Margaret your Mars bar cake was yummy, I had some of the crumbs that were left. Now don't laugh I'm making pancakes (drop scones) for breakfast tomorrow as a treat, I've bought a special Micky mouse pancake mould to make them special! How sad am I but I couldn't resist! Sleep tight xxx

    1. Diane,
      Please can I come to your house for breakfast?
      Night God bless xxx

    2. Hi Diane
      What times breakfast.

  36. I am here. Sorry I haven't been in sooner. No I haven't been clubbing😀.
    JANET your card is lovely. I have been taking advantage of the lovely weather and getting out and about with a good friend who is always there when I need her. Haven't had time to read the comments yet but will go and do so now before I fall asleep. That happened last night. Don't want it to happen again. Take care everyone and hugs to those who need them.

  37. Good night everyone sleep tight don't let the bugs bite ( hope the knickers on )
    Or Tenna ladies. Haven't seen MARIA today hope your ok lovely lady xx
    Love Lynda xx

  38. Hi Hazel
    I was on my soapbox as well over Becca. You've all said exactly the same as I've been saying for awhile. Sandra is doing Becca no favours. When I started work I earned £2.00 per week. My dad said I can to pay my mum £1.50. I had yo work 6 days a week as I only worked a half day Thurs and Saturday. My bus fares dame to 95p per week. I was told to use my bike so I cycled 10 miles each way 6 days a week, so I had a bit if spending money.

    1. The same with me Pat and everyone. I earned £3.10/- a week and had to give my mother £3.5s. I had to cycle to work to have any money for clothes etc.,

  39. Hi lovely ladies I'm on my mobile so this will be very short keep losing signal. Nikki bad a great time yesterday and then Margaret and George invited me back for a few days so that's where I am. Love to you all and a special hug to Maureen will email you when I'm home. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

  40. Hi lovely ladies I'm on my mobile so this will be very short keep losing signal. Nikki bad a great time yesterday and then Margaret and George invited me back for a few days so that's where I am. Love to you all and a special hug to Maureen will email you when I'm home. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

  41. Hi lovely ladies I'm on my mobile so this will be very short keep losing signal. Nikki bad a great time yesterday and then Margaret and George invited me back for a few days so that's where I am. Love to you all and a special hug to Maureen will email you when I'm home. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx
