
Thursday 9 July 2015

Diane's Florida Pics and Michele's Craft room


 Good Morning Ladies,
A lovely cheerful start to the blog today with some photo's of Diane's trip to Florida (hence the bizarre post times)!
The First photo is just as they all arrived at Disneyworld, you can tell as they all look fresh faced, no aching legs and sore feet from the miles that you end up walking every day, a fantastic photo with the famous Disney Castle in the background.
The Second photo is of all the family having a pic with Tigger whilst being 'photo bombed' by eeyore! How very cute and hilarious at the same time.
Thank you so much Diane for sharing your lovely family photos with all of us. xxxxx
This makes me think that we should all share a photo of ourselves and families maybe, I will leave it up to you, its just nice to put a name to a face.

 Next up we have some photos of Michele's very organised Craft Room, just look at all the post-it notes, wow Michele you are super tidy, you would absolutely have a breakdown if you saw my Craft room right now, just ask Sue!

More Super tidy storage, and that looks like the tidiest desk I have ever seen, which machine do use
most Michele, the Calibur or Cuttlebug, I have both of these too! No secrets now Michele, I want to know 'what's in your drawers'!!! hahaha 
Are your dies in the ring binders on the shelf?
A lovely huge workspace, those drawers are a good way to store your Foundation Card, I always have my Coconut white on my desk, I spy a Scottie Dog too!
Michele I am super impressed with your Craft room, its so neat and tidy, there are not even any die cut bits on the floor, was this just after a tidy up??
It was so kind of you to share your Craft room with all of us, thank you my lovely xxxx
Anyone want to share the Craft Space please send me the photos, we did do it once, way back at the
beginning of the blog, but I am more than happy to do it again.

Sue and I had a lovely day crafting yesterday, well we talked all morning and Sue caught up on all the blog posts since Saturday as she STILL has no internet connection at home, bless her.
We then spent the afternoon playing with the Melt Pot and then we made mini glitter dazzlers with the hot glue gun and different glitters, I tell you what they turned out really well, we were very impressed with our little production line of sparkles!
That's it for today, I am having a lazy day today, but I also need to make a start on tidying my Craft room, specially after seeing how tidy Michele's is, Paul always walks in, shakes his head and says 'how on earth can you work in this mess' !!
I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs to all, an extra one for Maureen !


  1. Good sunny morning folks. Yes! at the "moment" the sun is shining. Hope it is the same for you and you all have a fantastic day. I feel a flurry of Craft Room ... clean Ups. Well I don't have a Craft Room .... all say awww!!! louder!!!
    MICHELE:- your craft room is amazing, so tidy and organised.
    DIANE:- what fantastic memories you will have and great pictures to "Scrapbook"
    As I said I don't have a Craft Room my stash is housed all over the house. Neatly I may add, if you came to visit I don't think you would guess where it is all hidden, I do know where most of it is. The place that amazes some people is ... most of you store food and and other accosiated with cooking and eating things in your Kitchen Cupboards .... me I have a whole set top & bottom cupboards filled with Crafty Stuff!!!
    Sandra glad you and Sue had good fun, creativity and chat yesterday. It's good to chat!!
    Yesterday I had to make a card for John Jnr it's his birthday today. I made a box to hold some sweet goodies I also made. We have a little gift as well but really just give him money. He always has something in mind that he would want to buy. I don't like giving him money as I feel some of it will go on the boys and Audrey. As my John says ..... Patricia!! it's his money, you know I would share with you. Suppose he's right.
    Right off to take my Tea & Toast over to the corner. Saba joined me yesterday and we had a good chat. Oh! how I truely wish we could sit together every day to "chat & laugh"
    Anyway everything looks good, nice flowers on the tables. Hugs in the basket as usual. Special thoughts and prayers for Maureen. See you all later xxx

  2. MARIA:- you little "tinker" just read your closing comment, love it.
    Great tip that raised a laugh. xxx

  3. Morning Sandra, Patricia and the rest of the lovely ladies who call in,
    Hi Patricia I will get my coffee and toast and join you in the corner if I may ....the cafe looks so summmery today.
    I won't stay long as I really need to go and get some shopping today. Well the 'Oh so nice chap' from the council didn't get back to me yesterday so I'm still in limbo as to what I'm supposed to do. I forgot to say that he was the actual person who had written the letter to me. Anyway I'm not hanging round for him as I want to be out early.
    Diane thanks so much for sharing your lovely pictures you and your family look so happy and are having a wonderful time. It's 25 years since Clive, Nikki and I went to Disney so I know it's changed alot since then.
    Michele you truly put me to shame with you lovely neat and tidy craft room I sooooooooo wish mine was like that....well done you.
    I really must make that move now thanks for the chat Patricia oh and I haven't forgotten about the scene stepper cut outs.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to Maureen and I hope she and her family are coping at the very sad time.
    See you later.
    Maria 'oh you are awful but I love you' re: you last comment last night!! Hahaja!
    Hugs in the basket
    Love Sheila xxxxx

    1. Ooops! Made a mistake on when we went to Disney it's nearly 35 years since we went to there!!! Crikey doesn't time fly when you don't think about it!! We stayed in Miami beach....I don't think all the wonderful villas and apartments closer to Disney were even built then!! We travelled on Freddie Lakers last flight......oh memories eh!! xxx

    2. SHEILA:- Thank you for joining me really enjoyed that chat. Gosh we women can fairly put the world to rights.
      Have a good day, smile at all your Happy Memories. (((hugs))) xxx

    3. Hello Sheila
      I hope you are making a note of everything that is happening and what is being said, believe it or not it is so easy to forget some of the details. Give it another day and if you get no reply contact your local councillor and get some help from them too. If all else fails get in touch with your MP they will make the council bounce.
      We have had a problem in our neighbourhood everyone was complaining but unable to get anything done, so I looked into it all and contacted various official people at the county and local council, they were as much help as a chocolate fire guard. So I wrote to our MP wow did they bounce, it has taken time but at last we in the neighbourhood have won and got our own way they are having to do some work and do it properly this time. In the mean time don't you do anything to your fence just leave it, until the matter is resolved. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as hubby offered to take me out shopping into Liverpool-I know it's because he wants to look for holiday clothes but heh ho!

    Diane-the holiday photos look great, I'm sure you had a brilliant time.

    My craft room usually looks that tidy, occasionally I'll leave things out or half finished but not often. Silly really as I have a whole room to craft in & can just shut the door on it. My drawers contain-stamps (rarely used as I'm not very good), craft cd's-used a lot, cards-mine & bought ones. Three of the drawer sets contains card/envelopes etc, another set of drawers has Christmas in it and the crates stacked up on the floor holds A4+ 12x12 card plus printouts and magazine papers/ideas.
    The bookcase has craft magazines in but after 12 months I pass thrm onto my Mothet in Law. There's also "official " stuff in the bookcase-car insurance, bank statements & my work registration.
    My only regret with the craft room is where the sockets are-there 2 double sockets but neither of them are in great positions which limits where I can have the desk/laptop & printer. The printer is one that hubby replaced as it won't print black so I'm using the rest of the inks up.

    Hope you have enjoyed the tour!


    1. Hi Michele ,
      I have the same issue with plug sockets, I am guessing that as the room was meant to be a bedroom it only needed 2 sockets, I have got extension leads in both that have 4 sockets in them, because when you work out all the things you need plugged in, Lamp, heat gun, glue gun, I use hair straighteners for smoothing out my ribbon so they need plugging in too, that's all without printers/lap tops, I pad charger etc.
      I think you are amazingly organised, but where are your dies stored???
      Enjoy your shopping,

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. A beautiful morning here, so pleased as both girls are at pony camp today and it would be miserable for them if it was raining, and oh the thought of all those muddy clothes??? Work this morning was so hard NOT!!! Was in for 7 made 2 packed lunches, put s load of washing on took Moss for a quick walk as I felt like a walk he had a good run around, put him back into the house and then home by 8.30. Jen was in to as she was taking Beth to camp ( she had to take Patch BETHS pony) glad she doesn't mind towing a horse box, any way she would have seen to things for me to save me going in, but never mind. Going to have a cup of tea and some toast before I start in here.
    Diane, you all look like your enjoying acting your shoes sizes, that's what it's all about, like I was when I saw the Bears etc while we were away. It's also lovely to put a face to a name!
    Michele, your room is so neat and tidy, a great space too. Now I have those drawer units 5 of them, of which 4 have been put down in the shed, they are filled with the things for my baby basket and products for the other gifts, I will be good and take a photo of my room when finished, it will be the only time it will look tidy.
    Maria, I hope you had a good night sleep, no bugs! Did laugh at that when I went to see what had gone on last night.
    I see Saba wasn't in! Maybe they had a good storm after all and she is now without Internet?
    Sheila, if you phone the council again, when you speak to the chap ask him what hours he works and say " well I will know that I only have to stay in between those hours to get your return call then, is that right?" It's now and repeat the time that you are finishing your call back to him, saying I will expect your return call before such a time, if not I will take it the matter is closed! That will get his attention. They think as they are at the other end of a phone they can say and do as they like.
    Brenda good luck with the blood tests and hope John results are ok.
    I have topped up the ((((( hugs))))) basket, Sandra have a relaxing day, xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      We must have crossed in cyber space. Always takes me so long to comment and then the coffee shop has filled up whilst I am doing it.

  6. Good morning Sandra and Gang,
    What a lovely surprise Patricia and Sheila are both in so I will take my coffee and join them, I expect Hazel will be in any minute.
    Diane thank you so much for sharing your photos, can't wait to hear all about it. I doubt I shall ever be lucky enough to go.
    Michele, jealous, me!! I am turning green as we speak. My "craft room" is the dining table and my storage takes place all over, wherever there is a gap!! Mostly under the bed and I am getting too old for crawling around trying to pull out things.
    Sorry I didn't get back in last evening. There was a documentary on German TV (political situation in Argentina in the 70s) and then I fell asleep and was just so tired.
    Maria, you are one cheeky lady, love you.
    Today is the day I am going to sort out my stamps. At the moment they are in a big storage box and they need organising. I can never find the one I am looking for. I did play with the idea of stamping each and every one and filing the images in a ring binder to just flip through, but I think it would take me a week to do that.
    Sheila, I do hope you get the fence situation sorted. It's such a hassle for you.
    I had to laugh yesterday at the children's antics. When Abi my 5 year old granddaughter was here she commented very loudly about a lady who was next to us on the tube saying "Omi, look at that lady's funny hair" . The lady - whose hair was a bit funny - didn't bat an eyelid. I assumed she didn't speak English. Other people on the tube did as all eyes turned to Mrs funny hair. I was mortified.
    Sandra, glad you had a good day with Sue. Hope that Internet problem gets sorted soon, we miss you Sue. I saw a lady ages ago on a C&C jewellery program and she also made dazzlers with a hot gun. Do show us a photo of yours.
    Right off to get cracking now,
    Love and hugs to all, Maureen I sent your hugs the minute I woke up so they should be there by now.
    Saba xxxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a treat this morning, Diane your photos are lovely brought back happy memories for me.
    Michele your craft room is amazing, I thought I had a lot of stuff but you have tons more than me!!,
    Just a few things to do now in the craft room then I promise to take finished photos.
    Sandra glad you had a lovely day with Sue, time passes so quickly when you are having fun?
    Off for some food shopping today, and then I have to find things to do a couple of card orders I have for tomorrow, can't see me getting to bed this side of Thursday.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  8. Hi Sandra
    Well, it looks like I missed having a chat with all the lovely ladies who are early risers. I didn't get up till 8.30 this morning as we don't go to bed until late. Love uou pics Diane of Disneyword, it's lovely to be able to put a face to a name.
    My my Michele how organised is your craft room. Mine is so messy, I can search for something for ages and can't find it. Then find it right under my nose. Sandra will vouch for that, as I sometimes email her yo see if I've left something, and then find it at home. Looks like you had a great play with Sue Sandra. I look forward to seeing what you both made. Well, we're off to see some friends we made a few years ago in Exmouth later on today. A good chinwag will be had I can assure you. Hugs to all today, and special hugs yo Maureen and her family.

  9. A cup of tea and a piece of cake please. Pick up the box that holds the little boxes with different beads in them and dropped it luckily when they opened they fell into the big box, but!! Thousands of beads that were all in order are now not. No time to sit and sort so just filled the little boxes up and put them back into the big one and this time taped it shut. Nightmare or what? So need a rest for 5 mins.
    Saba glad you are ok? At least if you got a bad storm you wouldn't have the problem of your flat being flooded, Aberdeen was hit by flash floods the other day, cars under water you name it, scary as not that far from here as the crow flies. Well my sister in law was going to have 3 drawers to put her things in that's reduce to 2 they are quite deep, but there is only so much stuff I can find homes for in this little cottage? She will have somewhere to hang things too. I know she won't mind as she has the same problem in their small house.
    I am waiting for Charlie to go into the room as I have pinch some of his space, well it is his sister after all so he will have to give a little. Maybe that little home office that he was taking about could be his? Can't see that happening
    Pat, join the club, I am like that hunt all over where I think something is to find it has been under my nose.
    Sue and Sandra it sounds like you had fun playing yesterday, another thing we could do all together at the retreat?
    I'd better get back to being busy. I think being at work is less hard work- maybe now but not in the past! Money in the pot for my tea. Hazel x

    1. Hazel I heard about that on the news, how terrible. Something similar happened in Bournemouth a couple of years ago after heavy rainfall with most of the water coming up through the drains! I hope you were ok and not flooded. Xxx

    2. Diane we are ok we haven't had that horrible rain, plus we live on a slight slop so the water tens to run straight down the road. But thank you for thinking of us. xxx

  10. Hello Everyone,
    I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm feeling more like my old self today. I started reading all the comments, but there are such a lot, and some lovely cards and holiday photos that I think I'm going to admit defeat and carry on from here!!
    Diane - Raymond and Joan took their grandchildren to Disney a few times over the years. Joan always said it was because Raymond was just a big kid himself!
    Michele, I'm ashamed to say that my craft room never stays as neat as yours, and my desk is always covered. Every other room in the house is tidy, but my craft room is a mess within 48 hours of a tidy up.
    Patricia - Aww. What a good idea for kitchen cupboards. We have a set in the utility room/passage filled with Spirits, some of them 49 years old!!! I think I'll turf them out and put some stuff which I don't use much, but don't want to get rid of in there.
    Saba - Aww to you too. I have visions of you on all fours, with your bum sticking up in the air, looking for something under the bed. Not a pretty sight!!!
    Hazel - have an easy day, and I hope you manage to pinch some of Charlie's space.
    Thank you Sandra and all the ladies on the blog for your love and good wishes. I have the beautiful flowers on a trolley in the hall, and my neighbour called in this morning and on her way out saw them. She stopped in her tracks and said that she had never seen such exquisite flowers, the colours and scent were gorgeous. I showed her the card that came with them and told her that they were from friends who I had never met in real life, we met up in a virtual cafe. I told her that quite a few of us were meeting in October and that I couldn't wait to see you all.
    Lena knew that I should have met Hazel and Patricia on Saturday, but hadn't realised how I "knew" them.
    Sandra, you and your blog ladies are amazing.
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Hello lovely lady,
      So happy that you feel able to pop in feeling a bit more like your ancient self, sorry meant old self!
      I will have you know though that in the past I have been complimented on my bum!!
      Love and biggest hugs ever
      Saba xxxx

    2. Hi Maureen,
      How lovely it is to see you back where you belong, we have missed you so much. I'm happy for you that you are feeling a bit like your old self again.
      Love and a very special hug
      Sheila xxx

    3. Hello friend,
      Great to hear you are bit more chirpy today and feel like popping in.
      Did your neighbour "raise her eyebrows" ?? I am amazed at peoples reaction when I told them Hazel & I were meeting someone We didn't actually know!!! Love & Hugs xxx

    4. Hellooo, sparring partner!
      So good to see you pop in!
      Saba has to keep raising that bed you know! It brings a whole new meaning to raised beds!
      You made me laugh when you mentioned it would take a ton of wax to make a candle out of your teacup vase! It would be great in a power cut though!
      You just take care and pop in and out when you feel like it!
      Sending lots of love , Myra xxxx

    5. Hello Dear Friend, So pleased you feel up to popping in. This place is a GREAT distraction isn't it, also you can say whatever is on your mind or just say Hi and sit and enjoy a peaceful cuppa.
      Thinking of you giant teacup, you could put extra wicks in it. Not only would it be great in a power cut, as Myra suggested, it would also save on the central heating. xxx

    6. Well hello our lovely friend so lovely to see you and know you are up to popping in. Please note what Saba has said 'In the PAST (not the present) I have been complimented on my bum' !!!!! She was missing yesterday we were sure she went of shopping for fancy knickers.
      So pleased your flowers brought you a little sunshine.
      Do take it one day at a time, we are all here for you. xxxxx

    7. Hello Maureen
      So pleased your up to popping in's so lovely seeing you & your feeling more like your old self.
      One day at a time my dear love to see you whenever you feel like popping in again.So pleased the flowers cheered you up.
      Take care sweetHeart love Lynda xxxx

    8. Hi Maureen, so glad you have popped in, lovely to see you.
      Take one day at a time (song there I think), and you will all get through this sad time.
      Take care, Jess x

    9. Maureen how lovely to see you popping in and I'm so glad the flowers cheered you up. Haha yes can you really see Sabas bum from your house???!!!! Well at least it will be covered by a clean pair of knickers!!! Look after yourself my lovely lady and I'm sending you a big hug, oh go on then George can have one too. Much love Diane xxx

    10. Hi Maureen
      How lovely to see you back on the blog, and that you enjoyed the flowers that were sent. Hugs yo you and George.

  11. Oh what a lovely surprise seeing you in the coffee shop Maureen, I am so glad that you are starting to feel more yourself, have to say after your description of Saba on her hands and knees getting the things from under her bed? Tells me yes there's a bit of our Maureen there!!! Yes, it is amazing that we all haven't meet yet but we have a close friendship bond.
    Maureen, he has noticed that I have claimed a little bit of his space but I have been loaned it for the time being only. But how long is a piece of string? As I would say, I will just forget to remove the items.
    I am back off to do some more tidying. Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and who pop in today,

    Oh Sandra, I had to smile when you said about Paul's comments when he goes into your craft room. That's exactly what John says about my craft room. If his shed gets messy, that only happens when he has a project on the go. He will dedicate a day to getting it tidy. Everything has a place!!!!! I have pointed out his shed is considerably larger than the craft room. He has suggested I move into the bedroom we keep for my sister (she hardly ever stays these days, she is so busy with her parish duties) anyway I don't think I would be much better off. Yes it's a larger room, but has built in wardrobes along one wall, my room is narrow and John has built shelves deep and narrow for my craft things. It's the Phd's that cause a lot of the mess, oh yes 'stuff ' that should have been put away by yours truly. NOW I will have to go and tidy up won't I !!!!

    DIANE your photos are lovely, you all look so happy. For Emma this was a great escape after GCSE's Oh yes, not forgetting all of your revision. So pleased you all had a great time.

    MICHELE, you put me to shame. Your room looks so tidy and organised. Mine is organised and still messy.

    We have been to the hospital, got there nice and early, on our way to outpatients passed phlebotomy department, only three waiting, so went in, was in and out within five minutes. Usually it's a good hour wait. Brilliantly! John was seen by the lovely Macmillan nurse, a very down to earth lady, who he relates to very well. The last biopsy shows the cancer has grown. He has been given three choices of treatment, one is to do nothing, watch and wait ! Anyway he has to
    consider the options and return next week. So we shall see. At the moment he is out in the front of the house, trimming the hedge between our and next doors garden. Keeping busy and probably thinking......... He is ok.

    Well I've been chattering away here, I need a drink now. I think a nice cup of tea and a slice of Carrot Cake would go down well.

    I Will return later. I am going to LOOK at my craft room. Ha Ha.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda
      Sorry to hear John has some big decisions to make regarding his cancer treatment. It's a very worrying time for you both.
      Love and comfort hugs.
      Saba xxxxx

    2. Brenda sending you and John a big hug, it will be such a hard decision for John but I know you will both spend time talking about it and the McMillan nurse will be there to support you both xxx

    3. Brenda, so sorry the two of you have to make such a hard decision, that only you both can make, but all I say is positive thing please!!!
      (((((( hugs)))))) for the both of you. Remember we are all here to listen. xxx

    4. Sorry about John's news Brenda! Difficult making those decisions and quite worrying. Sending you both hugs and praying for help in making the right decision. Love Myra xxx

    5. Brenda I am so sorry that the news was not better from the hospital but as Hazel says it is so important to stay positive. Hugs and my prayers to both of you as you consider all the options carefully. xxx

    6. Hi Brenda
      I'm so soryy that John's news wasn't good. But you have options to consider and the MacMillan nurses will help you through. At least John is keeping busy which is good, he'll have time to think about his options, and not brood hopefully. I know what brooding men are like. Treatments are evolving all the time thank goodness. Hugs to both you and John.

  13. Hi Sandra ,
    Afternoon ladies! I check in and there is Maureen just been in before me! Just lovely!
    Well, Diane what lovely photos! You all look so relaxed and happy too after the stress of the exams was over. So pleased you had a lovely family holiday!
    Michele - I am in awe of your today craft room! My house is tidy everywhere else but somehow I can't keep the craft room tidy for very long. It was today last week - I was away!! I too have issues with plugs and sockets but get there with the help of extension sockets!
    Much warmer here today and the sun is out too! We had quite a strong breeze yesterday but that has calmed down now!
    Will now try to catch up with everyone's comments but need to get the ironing done too so may take me some time!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. Oops - not today craft room! Tidy craft room!
      Before some eagle eyed person corrects it for me! Xxx

    2. Think I'll go back to bed!! Today and Tidy are all mixed up !

    3. I didn't notice today Myra. tihi xxx

    4. Ooo oh yes you did !
      You can't confuse me tidy ! Xxx

  14. Popped in to have a cuppa and piece of ANY cake as long as it sweet and sickly. Just had a couple of crackers and cheese for lunch. Saving myself, we are off along to John & Audrey's for Dinner it's John Jnrs birthday today.
    So happy to see our Maureen popping in, gosh we fair miss her. Here's a wee hug (((hug))) for you Maureen.
    Hope Hazel has managed to get all those Beads picked up.
    SHEILA :- hope you have had some success with the Council and get that fence fixed.
    Right I better go, enjoyed my cake. Dishes in the machine, money in the pot. Topped up the (((((hug))))) basket. Will be back later xxx

  15. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I popped in late this morning but never got time to leave a comment, someone needed his lunch!
    What fabulous photos Diane of your wonderful holiday now you will have to start scrapbooking too!
    Oh Michele you really put me to shame with your wonderfully tidy craft room it is super tidy I do try to keep mine tidy but fail miserably I'm afraid.
    Brenda hope your tests went ok and hubby's results were fine too, there is a little parcel on it's way to you.
    Well my iced coffee was so lovely, thank you money in the pot and hugs in their usual place, will call in later, enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
    Margaret xxx

  16. Hi everyone....I'm totally cream crackered, after doing the heaviest shopping I've done in the last 6 months...seemed to have run out of every thing all at once...filled my wheelie and two shopping bags so treated myself to a taxi home from town, and to think I used to be able to walk it! This getting old thing should have a ban on it I really don't know why Mr. Osbourne didn't add it to his summer budget!!! Lol! Then I though to myself I'll just wipe the front door over after having a bit of lunch....bad mistake!! It's a quite a large doe with two glass panels so I started on the white frame first, then on to the outside frame then it made the framework on the living room door look mucky.....aaaargh!!! Thank heavens I remembered to get some Freeze Gel from Boots so I'll go and rub some on my back and keep my fingers crossed it hits the spot...ooooh and a nice cuppa before I decide what's for tea.
    I saw this on a blog earlier I think it's a stamp and I thought of a little gang in the cafe.
    Friends are Special Gifts
    Generously given
    Happily accepted
    And deeply appreciated!
    How true of this wonderful group and so I'm adding my appreciation too.
    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, what a wonderful sentiment, I think it refers to us brilliantly
      Take care, Jess x

    2. Sheila well done deciding to get a taxi, it is so easy to just soldier on but at the end of the day the taxi would be your best bet. You may find a firm who have a regular driver who can pick you up, some may even carry your shopping in for you once you get to know them! I have a friend who is a taxi driver (a lady) and she has regular clients she takes places. Xxx

    3. Sheila, yes a direct shop once every so many week, when you need big things like washing powder, loo rolls and tins or heavy things might pay you, tesco do £1 slots and it would save you carrying and in the winter save you going out in bad weather. Hazel x

    4. Sheila, that's a lovely verse! Xxx

    5. SHEILA:- that's a brilliant verse. Of to write it in my book, thank you very much. Hugs xxx

  17. Oh Sheila, I agree this getting old isn't good. I was a bit like you? I started by spotting some marks on the back hallway wall, wiped them, ended up washing all the walls along the hallway. That's what happens and by the end you have done evey door, wall in the house. Do take it easy. You have had a busy day.
    Love that stamp sentiment it's just perfect for here. xxx

  18. Hello ladies,
    Sheila that is a lovely little verse. By the way, have you tried Internet shopping for your groceries? Save you having to carry it all home. We don't have it here, such a backward country in many ways. People still pay with cash everywhere, even when buying quite big items like televisions.
    That reminds me, televisions. We recently bought an all singing all dancing one, not because we wanted to, more because the old one broke and they only seem to sell these fancy ones nowadays. Anyway, it has Internet with a wireless connection - you can actually search the web! How clever, anyway I digress, what I found today is I can watch Sue's videos on it. I had realised a few weeks ago that you tube had a facility to do it, but it was only today I realised that on the video on her blog I could do it as well. Her card looked glorious on the wide screen. Isn't technology amazing, when it works. Wonder how Janet is getting on with her new laptop and Sue with her Internet problems.
    And, I had not been out buying lace knickers yesterday. M&S plain white for cotton for me. That reminds me though when I was in nursing we had communal changing and someone once said she hoped I hadn't paid much for my knickers seeing as they consisted of just a scrap of material. Those were the days, tiny weeny lacy things.
    Off to finish a card now, actually two cards. PhDs which I am not entirely happy with.
    Bye for now
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba I do that with our TV too, brilliant isn't it! Xxx

    2. I have my groceries delivered but our telly is too out of date to do what yours does, I think!! Xxx

  19. Afternoon Ladies

    Successful shopping trip-hubby got 2 pairs if shorts in M&S and I got 2 tops & a pair of 3/4 length denim look trousers. A couple if other items plus my seatxh watch fixed as the buckle broke not long after buying it. Did you know the Swatch shops will replace the bickles for fre as its a safety feature in case you get caught on something.

    In answer to Sandras questions-being lazy I reach for my cuttlebug more but I prefer the effect using the G/C. On the bookcase between the two machines are a number of A5 files which is where most of my dies are stored on magnetic sheets(freebies from work). I have an A4 folder for my large dies & a crate for the few sizxix/cuttlebug ones plus my small embossing folders. The larger embossing folders are on one of the shelves along with my rarely use crafters companion scoring thingy, which I had to have plus extra boards and hardly ever use!

    Done an hours weeding so am now sat in the back garden drinking a chilled lemonade, sat in the sun & enjoying the peace.


  20. Great pictures of Florida Brings back lovely memories
    I'm so jealous of MICHELE'S craft room I am lucky to have my own space but it is sooooo messy Bits of paper card laying all over the place Biscuit tins covering a futon with bits all jumbled up My five foot long desk covered leaving me with a working space of about 8 inches But it's mine!
    How to I find people's Pinterest boards I can't find Sheila, Maria or anyone?

    1. Pinterest-I think you need to go onto your boards page then click on the "follow" button & put the name of the person you're looking for. I have quite a lot of boards if you want to look for me on there.


    2. Hi Karen, Have you registered with them? If you have just put Sheila E Turner in their search box for me and I think for Maria it's Mariaalder and I think there is a number after Maria's....but I'm sure her name will come up. Hope this helps Karen. xxx

    3. Hi Karen,
      If you find Sheila you will find me ! You see I follow Sheila and Sheila follows me! It's just about as confusing as cricket rules!! We're not actually going round in circles but one person's Followers will lead to many more! All the best! Xxx

    4. I tried to find you Karen and I couldn't , Sorry! Xxx

  21. Good afternoon Sandra & lovely ladies.
    Glad you had a lovely day with Sue yesterday,your dazzlers sound good can you put a picture of them please.
    DIANE lovely photo's you all look so happy so pleased you all enjoyed yourselves.
    MICHELE your craft room is so organised & so tidy. I'm still tideing mine.
    SHEILA I love that verse so fitting here. Hope you get your phone call tomorrow from the council. You have a rest now. Have a lovely day with Nikki tomorrow hope she enjoys her lunch with you & your Aunt & Uncle. Xx
    Well went to doctors this morning about my pains especially in my feet I'm really struggling with them so I asked if I could have a scan to see if it's Arthritis as I have that in my spine back & hands, well she said in a sturn voice I can't just order a scan just because you what one. Then came the statement
    So I said what your saying is just have to put up with it, then I asked can you tell me if it's arthritic spreading, another look with above statement again.anyway she is making me a hospital appointment for the pain clinic to see if they can help.Don't know Why I bother.
    After that went Teso such a wonderful day haha. Mind you we did & still have sunshine so not all bad.
    MARGARET hope you not in so much pain is it easier.
    BRENDA sorry John has got some big decisions to make for his treatment sending you both some (((((((( Hug's))))) xx
    Got to dish up dinner late today as OH just got home he has been doing some decorating for a friend.
    Love & Hug's Lyndaxx

    1. Hi Lynda, You are entitled to give your opinion as well as listening to the doctor's. Pete suffered terribly from pains in his feet, legs and lower buttocks. His consultant said she believed it was Peripheral Vascular Disorder and need investigating but his own surgery doctors said there was nothing wrong and totally ignored her recommendations! What is the point of seeing a specialist if your own doctor won't do anything about it? Pete felt like he was walking on glass or pebbles, the pain was so intense, so plug away girl and get them to listen to YOU. xxx

    2. Hi Lynda are you able to see another GP in the same practice? If so go and see them just tell them what you are feeling etc, to see what they have to say, if you get more of the same then ask if you can see someone more specialised for a second opinion, I don't see they can refuse that, don't mention a scan all you are asking for is a second opinion and if whoever you see thinks a scan is needed you will then get one and probably quicker than if the GP were to send you for one, so you may as well try jumping the list.
      Don't be put off by this GP you know how you are feeling and all you are asking for is an informed diagnosis an if possible some treatment, you go for it girl. xxx

    3. Thank you CHERYL & MARGARET for your advice if i don't get any satisfaction from this doctor up the pain clinic i will defiantly see another doctor.thank you both very much
      Hug's Lynda xx

  22. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Where has today gone? I don't seem to have achieved anything but the day has flown by, I'm sure it's still this jet lag lark!
    Thank you for showing the photos Sandra. Yes as you can see the first was day one, all happy and relaxed and the second one is about 6 days later- no make up, feet hurting and covered with tape to prevent blisters and hair all fluffy from being tucked up off my neck under a hat oh and I think my nose is glowing too! We were so excited to meet all the characters around the park but I have to say meeting Pooh, piglet Tigger and Eeyore was quite a highlight for me! We booked dinner at a restaurant in a Magic Kingdom at the concierge desk at the park and didn't realise until we got there it was a buffet dinner with characters. Well I was beyond excited! The food was wonderful and each character came round to spend time at each table having photographs and signing the autograph books. A little bit of you knows it's a person inside but do you know it's easier to believe they are the real characters. Even Julian had a big smile on his face! Thank you all for your lovely comments. Oh yes we had a wonderful time and it was a holiday of a life time. Much needed after all the hard work Emma put into her exams. I will be in earlier tomorrow, what idiot booked herself a doctors appointment for 8.50 before she went away!!!
    Michele you craft room is so organised. I daren't show you a photo of where I keep my craft stuff! I have a set of shelves in the study, but Emma took over the study a few months ago and it is full of paperwork, books whiteboards and bits of paper. I really hope she clears it up very soon as there is a small pathway through the chaos to the printer and desk that I walk through to get things off the shelf!!!
    Right, must go it's time to cook dinner , if I get a chance I will pop back in later
    Love Diane xxx

  23. Right, it's time I think that I took an interest in you lovely ladies.
    Sandra, I hope you and your lovely family are well. I have taken some photo's of my craft room but have carefully avoided the floor!! Actually, we are all friends so I may take one of the carpet covered in ink pad stains from where I've dropped them, and paper bits from the dies. George wanted me to get a wooden floor, but if it were stained by inks or dies, it would be ruined. I can always put another carpet down as it's only a small bedroom. The photo's are on the same card as the flowers so I'm waiting for someone to upload it.
    Patricia - Enjoy your dinner at John and Audrey's. In the meantime, I could spit feathers, I've e-mailed you after reading your blog.
    Sheila - What a lovely verse. I hope your Council man sorts your fence out, but if he doesn't - then listen to Margaret, which reminds me to never get into an argument with her.
    Michele and Sandra - I have one double socket in my craft room. And the family is full of electricians, but I can't face the disruption of moving everything!!
    Brenda - you have such a difficult decision to make regarding John's treatment. I'll pray that you come to the right decision.
    Hazel and Sheila - there's a mark on my skirting board which I haven't been able to get off, would you like to come here?
    Saba - Rachel and Peter have one of those all singing - all dancing TV's. I can't even switch it on - well I can press a switch, but I can't get a channel. And what's all this interest in your knickers!!!!
    Lynda - I hope you manage to get your Doctor to reconsider regarding your Arthritis.
    Diane - a glowing nose, just think you won't have to put the light on to read your book! Good job it's not Christmas otherwise Santa might have roped you in!!!
    I've enjoyed that, you ladies do me the world of good.
    Lots of love, hugs and everything
    Maureen xxxxx

    1. Yeah! Muriel's back!
      My Dear , you've made my evening!
      I had the most lovely experience earlier today!
      I had a chat - a real chat with Sandra! It was lovely . I can't wait now to meet everyone - I chatted to Sandra as if I'd known her all my life!
      Thank you Sandra!
      We put the world to rights! All problems worldwide are now solved !
      Great Blog - made up of great friends! Xxx

    2. Oh yes our Maureen is back!!! Yes it's lovely to talk with Sandra and I feel I have known her for a long time, and that we are just catching up. Maureen you will have to go back a night or to for the knicker story. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel!
      Have you had a good day? Mine has been great on the people front but rather bad on the ironing front! You'll be ashamed of me. Xxx

    4. My day has been fine, especially when I got told I wasn't in to work until the week after next. As for you and you ironing there is always another day,ok the pile will have grown a bit! xxx

    5. Oh that sounds good! I think you could do with a break particularly with a wedding coming up. Husband out tomorrow evening so ironing will be done then. Tomorrow is crazy Friday here with gardener etc . Xxx

    6. Thank you Maureen your very kind i hope the pain clinic doctor can help.It's just so annoying when they say it's your age i know i'm
      109 haha but that's beside the point
      Lovely too see you well i can't see you but you know what i mean
      love Lynda xx

  24. Oh dear, I've missed Myra, but she's too tidy today so I'll not bother.
    Margaret, I'm still using your bags.
    Brenda OB - hello.
    Littlelamb Brenda - hello.
    Anyone else I've missed, I'm sorry - hello.
    I'm a bit rusty, but it's like riding a horse, I'll get back in the saddle in a few days.

    1. Watch it Mrs! I'm only tidy today or I'm only today tidy! Xxxx

    2. Muriel,
      I have no idea what Myra is on about. I think she has been on the strong stuff.
      As to my knickers, I mentioned I wore them for protection against unwanted insects taking a fancy to my bottom in the night and my bottom has been a topic of discussion ever since.

  25. Good evening ladies I have just done a long post so if you see it catch it quick!
    Well today I have made some Mars bar cake usually it only takes me a few minutes but today standing on one leg it took me over an hour, but I got it made. I have popped some in the fridge for tomorrow may I ask our early morning sisters to lift it out and put it on the counter please.
    Oh what a wonderful treat our Maureen has popped in again great to see you my dear friend, even though you don't want an argument with me, I just hate injustice that is all, these two penny council people really irritate me who do they think they are, oh Muriel don't start me again p l e a s e.
    Sheila I love your little poem it really is the essence of what we have here in this 'coffee shop', I do hope Sandra sees it, I have said it before and will again what would we all do without her?
    Well bed is calling so I must wish you all sweet dreams, good night and God Bless, come on Maureen a good night's sleep will do you good too.
    Margaret xxxxx

    1. Night Night Margaret! Sleep well, my dear! Xxx

    2. Night God bless Margaret. I need some Mars bar cake!!
      Saba xxxx

    3. Will see to that in the morning, Margaret. Hope you sleep well. xxx

  26. Thank you my dear friends, your comments have been so very supportive. John has talked about where do we go from here. He has decided he wants to go down the surgical route. But wants to talk the family (our daughters) first. I think he is in a positive place. So I feel life can only get better. I trust his decision.
    Goodnight sleep well my dear friends. xxx

    1. Night Night Brenda!
      Thinking of you all. Isn't marriage grand! Xxx

    2. Goodnight God bless Brenda, thinking of you, hope you manage a good nights sleep.
      Saba xxxx

    3. Good night Brenda thinking of you both massive ((((((Hug's)))))
      for you both xx

    4. Good night EVERYONE god bless.Don't forget those 3 pairs of knickers
      love Lynda xx

    5. Good night Lynda, I wonder if fly spray would help. At least it would save on washing all those knickers.

    6. I certainly wouldn't recommend burning citronella oil anywhere near the area concerned! Xxx

    7. Depends where you plug it in!!! Xxx

    8. Hi SABA
      My god don't start talking about fly spray. The mind boggles. I'd stick to knickers if I were you. Night night sleep tight. Hope the knickers are on tight. That's yours not mine. Mind you I could do with loosing some weight. If I can get my mouth out from around the tanker of Baileys that is.

    9. Hi Pat,
      So that's where you are, under the tanker. Think you are right though. I'll stick to my knickers!!!!

    10. Literally! - do you use Cosmic Shimmer dries clear glue? Xx

    11. Myra, Knew that one would tempt you in!!!

    12. Shucks! I'm so predictable ! Or as the song goes! You know me so well! Xxx

    13. And I love you just the way you are. Xxxx

    14. Phew! That's a relief - I'm a bit long in the tooth to change now!
      No I don't have fangs! Xxx

  27. Brenda, good night I am glad John is thinking positive. Yes talk to your family, but John has to do what he feels he needs. xxx

  28. Hi i think i found Karen on pinterest i went on my page & put her name in the search box there ( Karen Watts ) is that you Karen xx

  29. Replies
    1. There are an awful lot of People named Karen Watts! Xxx

    2. I counted about 3,000.
      Then I gave up.

    3. I'm glad I'm not alone - I just thought I can't check this lot out! Xxx

    4. Me too, I just thought is old wait until Lynda starts to follow her and then pinch her from Lynda's list.
      Right I am going to say good night and God bless to you now, I want to read a few pages of my book before I go to bed. It's an Alison Weir book about Elizabeth the first - the marriage game- and I want to see what happens to Robert Dudley, I suspect it won't be pleasant.
      See you tomorrow, xxxxx

    5. Night Night Dear! It isn't - that's the trouble with history - you can't change it! I'm getting a bit historical myself I think! Xxx
