
Wednesday 8 July 2015

Peaches and Cream Birthday

 Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card is one that I was commissioned to make on Monday afternoon, for a 60th Birthday.
Why is it always harder to design a card when you have been asked to make one and given a dead line, if it was a 'just having a play' card I would have just got on and made it. I was given no colour of style preference either, the lady that ordered it had seen the pearl wedding anniversary card I made recently and loved it so wanted me to make this special card for her.
I used Anne Marie Designs Cream card and Foundation Peach card by Creative Expressions, I love this colour! I used the Spellbinders Floral Oval die (larger one) to cut the decorative part of the sentiment, then typed the sentiment in word and printed on cream card and used another oval to die cut it to fit onto the decorative frame.
I used the Creative Expressions Eternity A4 embossing folder, designed by Sue Wilson to emboss the
cream card for the top section of the card and scored lines into the Peach card with my Hougie Board.
I slightly overlapped the two cards and used  some pretty lace with the Peach colour Seam Binding Ribbon from Creative Expressions to weave through the lace to tie the two colours together, I had some cream coloured tulle that I made a bow with and then added a bow made with the Peach seam binding to top it with, then finished the bow with a little peach rose and some foliage.
I added some peach pearls to the card in the corners and around the die cut, finishing with some roses in the top corner, a couple of bits of Pearl Swirl (CE) and then added a couple of  Sue Wilsons beautiful Stick pins, in peach, all of the Creative Expressions elements of the card match perfectly, giving a real professional look to the card.
I made a box for the card as it was too dimensional to put in a box, I used some 350g Cream card
and scored the box with my Ultimate Pro (the only thing I use it for)
 I decorated the box with some flowers In matching peach and cream and the recipients name, printed out and die cut with Creative Expressions Scandinavian 'Copenhagen' dies.
I added a few pearls and finished it with a peach and cream bow.
 Do you think she will like it????

I had my visit to the hospital yesterday afternoon, it was not the news I was expecting, the lady consultant that discharged me the other week when I was in all that pain, said she had looked at the scan and could see nothing obvious to worry about and that she would make me an appointment in the Pain Clinic to get help with coping with the pain of the Trigeminal Neuralgia, well we walked into the consulting room today and I could see my CT scan result on the screen, I was panicking to be honest as it was  of my face and on one side it was completely black the other all white from eye socket to my jaw, I thought that the black side was the issue and was bracing myself for lord knows what, but it was the white side that was the issue and the ENT consultant explained that the whole of my sinus on the right hand side was filled with puss and infected  mucus, I had had a really nasty sinus infection, so bad that it effected the nerves in my teeth right up to the nerves around my eye and up to my ear! I explained that I had cleared a lot out, he then put a endoscope up my nose to have a look and I now have to go back and have another CT scan. So fingers crossed it isn't the diagnosis that they had initially given me, although he said he couldn't rule that out. How on earth that consultant missed that when she reviewed my CT scan results after I had had it done I don't know, as even I could see that there was something wrong!
Maureen, I was overwhelmed by your lovely message about your flowers, we all just wanted you to know how much we love and support you. xxxxx
Right ladies, tomorrow there will be some photos to share with you, from Diane on her holidays, looking forward to sharing them with all of you.
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA:- your card is stunning, everything is beautiful. Loving the lace, ribbon, and of course your floral embellishment. It will loved and treasured.
    Your visit to ENT has at least shown you did have a real problem a few weeks ago. They are on the case which is good as well.
    Raining here, cool and a bit windy. Know something folks!! I think I will have a day crafting once I get the "house stuff" done. Oh! forgot I have a pair of trousers to take the hem up for John. Better do them first they have been nodding at me all pinned and ready from the top of my Sewing Box for about a week.
    Everything looking good, no seats outside yet. Will wait and see what the weather throws at us.
    Made some Tea & Toast, I am over in the corner to see who comes in.
    (((((hugs))))) by the door to be collected as needed. xxx

    1. Just had a look back of what happened last night.
      SABA:- your antics about the flies made me smile. It would be the Ants that would get to Hazel she freaks out at them!!!
      Oh!! the wellies and other gear for bed certainly raised a laugh xxx

    2. Good morning my lovely,
      Thanks for your kind words, I was relieved to see that something was so evidentally wrong, I really hate when you go to an appointment and they are almost guessing at a diagnosis, I am still bewildered how the Consultant missed the evidence on the scan result though, she said she had looked and that there was no sign of tooth abscess etc, so she must have been looking directly at the infection!
      So I am guessing that somebody else noticed and arranged hospital appointment for yesterday.
      I have to say though I am incredibly impressed at the speed in which I was booked in, I am guessing that they thought it was urgent.
      Now on to sewing, is it something you enjoy?
      I really want to learn to machine sew, my hand sewing isn't the best, I will confess to using Wonder Web for hems etc, a lot faster than trying to invisible stitch hems.
      I have a whole collection of week by week patchwork quilt thing, it will look lovely when it's done as it is so bright and cheerful, it has a sea side theme, I have a week by seeking knitting one too, there are about 150 squares and I have done twenty!
      If I want to sit and craft it's always my card making that I turn to first.
      I loved the romantic notion of creating these lovely quilts and passing them down as heirlooms!
      Catch up with you later,

    3. Ooooo!! ME! a sewer, not now. Used to make all my own clothes, curtains, bedcovers ..... no not Patchwork. I don't really see now, can't be bothered.
      I would love to learn Patchwork and make nice Quilt. You know who puts me off ??? my SISTER !!! She keeps say "why on earth would anyone want to buy material, cut it into bits then try to sew it all together again" !!! Hazel are your ears burning??? xxx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I did feel my ears getting hot. xxx

    6. Careful Patricia, patchwork is as addictive as card making, but then you start to collect every scrap of fabric as well as paper. I know, I have fabric boxes in every room and it doesn't seem to reduce in size. Wonder why?

    7. My sister is the sewer not me although with help I can make something! Emma and Julian's mum both do patchwork (Emma once in a while!) , Jean has made several quilts and they are beautiful and yes I believe it is addictive ! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is just beautiful & a matching box, the recipient is going to be thrilled. I know I would be if I received a card this gorgeous.

    I'll bet the consultation was a shock but it sounds like the specialist you saw this time is good. Lets hope they get things sorted for you.

    Hubby gone off to play golf early this morning do once I'm dressed etc I think I'll do the Tesco shopping then I can carry on in my craft room. I was looking for something in there yesterday & found 3 packs of unopened csrd blanks, then found another 4 packs in another drawer! Think I need to donate a lot of my stash as i'll never use that lot up(they were all small sizes). Maybe a sort out is required today.

    My friend who had the accident has been told she needs a hire car which is arriving this morning but she can't find her driving license! Fingers crossed she can sort something out.


    1. Oops ! From your description of the house yesterday your friend may have quite a search on her hands! Xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call in or look in. Oh WOW! What a beautiful card is on display this morning, the receiver of this beauty is going to be well pleased. It will be having pride and place for everyone to see I think.
    Well after reading big sisters comment about last night I had yo go back and have a look, well you lot what are you like? Flies ok not nice, but Saba you safty feature is wearing your knickers had me having to go get another tissue to dry my eyes, then of course as usual it goes off in another direction, and Myra is coming well prepared to bed incase we get a terrible storm. Maggots do a wonderful job, don't like would hate to find any but in their rightful place they are ok. Now ants well as big sister has said I don't do ants!!! Oh they are a no, no? I wouldn't sleep if I had seen one, let alone a few.
    Sandra, I think you should send a card to the other consultant saying they need to go to spec savers!!! How could they miss an infection like that??? Here's hoping its clearing and you don't have the other problem after all. Thankfully you got this appointment.
    Well I am away to set up the ironing board and get that done and out of the way, not that it will get to warm here that's for sure, top temp yesterday was 19c, we were lucky and only got rain in the evening, yes when I took Beth to her vaulting class it was raining, that's because we were close to Norah and Jess. No it's a cool day here -sorry Saba and Janet.
    ((((((Hugs)))))) for everyone who needs them or just wants a ( hug). Sheila, sorry things have been getting you down, you put a new fence up you get a letter saying you need planning? It makes you wonder what planet these folk are on, you had a fence there before what difference does replacing it make apart from its not fallen down and dangerous and an eye sore. I tell you any way to get money, no it's a piece of nonsense, don't let them get away with it. This is why this country is like it is. Petty rules!!! Right off the soap box, off to do the ironing. xxx

  4. Good morning ladies,
    I'll have a strong coffee today I think and perhaps a croissant and I'll go and sit with Patricia if she doesn't mind.
    Sandra what a beautiful card, I don't know how some of you ladies can create such lovely cards in a couple of hours. Love your stick pins, they do give cards that little extra something. And your box just finishes the whole thing beautifully.
    How do you, or indeed anyone else, make your boxes?
    I found a web site which has a box and envelope calculator for using with the envelope punch board, you just enter the size of your card and it generates the score and punch lines for you.
    Well, we did finally get our storm but it was not as dramatic as I was expecting. There were a couple of cracks of lightening which made me jump (Peter ran inside at that point- such a wimp) but mainly it was all in the distance. We did however have some lovely rain which has brought the temperatures down to a comfortable level. I do hope Janet has had some too.
    Sandra I nearly forgot, I do hope that having finally got a diagnosis and treatment, your pain won't return.
    Definitely a crafty day for me so I'll love you and leave you.
    Oh by the way, we forgot spiders last night!
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Good morning Saba,
      Thanks for popping in and for your lovely comments, I make my boxes the easiest way probably.......
      Start by measuring card, in this case 8 x 8, you then decide on the depth of the box, this one is 1 inch, so then you have a little maths to do, take your 8 x 8 inches then add on the inch for each side so it will then be 10 x 10 inch, you then add a fraction of an inch each way (to get your fingers in to get card out) so now you have 10.4 nch x 10.4 inch, so you use your guillotine to cut your card to size.
      Now I use my Crafters companion Ultimate Pro to score my boxes, they have already calculated the difference between the bottom of the box and the top, I am not sure how, it's like magic!
      So if you don't have the Ultimate Pro you Must remember to make the bottom of the box slightly smaller than the top, just cut a sliver of card off on the two opposite sides, so you will have 10.4 inch x10.4 inch for the top of the box and 10.3 x 10.3 for the bottom.
      Once you have cut your box you need to score it, 1 inch in on all sides, then fold and burnish your creases with a bone folder, now you should have little boxes in every corner, you need to make one cut on each corner, just from the outside edge up to the score line, and take out a small sliver of card, this makes folding easier, when you have done this 4 times, put glue on each tab and and fold it in making a neat corner, once all 4 sides have been stuck you are done,
      This sounds really long and difficult so I will attempt to do a tutorial with pictures later on. Sorry if I have confused you.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, a brilliant tutorial on how to make a box, I do make them, but I have to say I cheat too. And I buy mine from Stella crafts. They aren't cheap , but save a lot of work especially when I was doing the invites. They are easy once you remember to add on that little bit for the top. How many times I have cut them both the same!!., Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel, it does work as i asked Sandra how to make a 8x8 card box ages a go & hay presto i have mastered it so SANDRA THANK YOU SO MUCH.Sandra she is brilliant.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi ,just yesterday I was looking into making a box for a card on youtube but it was only confusing me more because there are so many so thank you Sandra for giving us an easier and hopefully manageable tutorial. I haven't got the Pro scorer but will have a go at this later. (if Lynda can, tihi) xxx

    5. Hi Sandra I've got the original box maker from Crafters Companion and wouldn't use anything else - as you say they have calculated the slight difference for top and bottom. I always used to forget when I used just a score board and would end up with two bits the same! You may be able to get the original score board on eBay if people have upgraded to the pro and their website has hot sizes on it if you loose the booklet. Xxx

    6. I am the same as Diane, I use my Crafters Companion Box Board on the Ultimate. Never use anything else, it's all worked out for you. Only goes wrong if you forget to,"turn" the board. xxx

  5. Fantastic card SANDRA and box I'm getting more used to making boxes and although I have the original box creator thingy from CC I use my Hougie now I know your problem should have been picked up earlier but at least things are being done now
    Haven' read the fly/ant/ spider saga I am one of those people that hates anything with more limbs than me My zoo keeper son swore that that was why he had a fear of spiders - I tried to hide my fear in front if them - didn't work (apparently)
    Off to work now Hope to pop in later

  6. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Such a beautiful card & matching box Sandra, as I have mentioned once or thrice I LOVE peach, so the combination of peaches and cream really is up my street. Linda couldn't be anything but thrilled to open the box and see it's lovely contents.

    Good news about your consultation, at least somebody is on the ball following your initial appointment where the diagnosis was missed in its entirety.
    A few of years ago, I attended A& with a very sore right wrist after falling down stairs and was x-rayed, saw attendant who told me nothing was wrong, strapped my wrist up and was sent home. A week later after being in complete agony because I couldn't move my thumb, I had a call telling me to come straight in as I had broken my scaphoid bone, the tiny little bone just under the base of your thumb, came home with my lower arm in plaster.
    3 years ago I did exactly the same thing to my left thumb falling awkwardly after a young l cyclist hit me as I was walking out of my drive. Cyclist was ok, but so shocked. He and his mates were racing each other along the pavement.

    In all my busyness yesterday I forgot so say, I have succumbed to the Sue Wilson effect. My parcel of her new Christmas dies arrived yesterday and today I might be having a play with them.....
    Christmas Tree Greetings, Deer Family, Holly Sprays, Merry Christmas, Snowflake Mine Striplet, Wise Men Mini Striplet, Winter Trees & Peeking Snowflake Let It Snow. Although I loved them all, I think I have chosen wisely for the ones that I would get the most pleasure from for me.
    Should anyone like me to cut out a few of each please say so and I will do that gladly for you.
    Going to catch up now with the comments from last night, I am intrigues to learn of last night's nature shenanigans.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl,
      Don't get me started with hospital incompetence, it's the whole reason I am as disabled as I am today, because after an 8 hour review of hip surgery and pelvic reconstruction, they sent me home saying all went to plan and after 6-8 weeks I should through my crutches down and walk unaided! For 6 weeks I could barely move my leg for excruciating pain in my thigh, trying to get upstairs was just so terribly painful, my GP rang my orthopaedic time on several occasions regarding this pain, to be told that this level of pain was to be expected after such huge reconstruction! Six weeks to the day I was sat on my bed, slowly trying to inch backwards to get into bed, then all of a sudden there was a fairly loud audible "clunk" and my femur had broken clean in two, I couldn't move without the bone ends touching, this was 6.30pm, Paul came in from work ten minutes large to find me in quite a state, called an ambulance, they sent two tiny females that could no way carry me down our stairs, so had to wait for a man to be despatched , I finally got to ER at 10pm where I had an X-day that confirmed that I had indeed broken my femur, the interesting part was that the Consultant came to us with my post op X-ray from the hip surgery and he pointed out the very clear fracture that they had caused during my operation, this X-Ray is the one they checked before discharging me, it was so plain to see but not once dusting all those calls made by my GP had made regarding the pain I had been in. It had clearly been down to the fact that for six weeks I had been walking round with a very unstable hip and a fractured femur !
      After two weeks on traction, i had all reconstruction removed, along with new hip joint, the built a cage to encase the head of my femur and filled it with bone graft, which didn't work, a full length metal stem was pushed down my femur to stabilize the fracture and another new hop Put in!
      All in all a total bloody disaster, that has left me unable to do stairs or walk without chronic pain and only a few steps unsupported!
      Leaving my confidence in hospitals at an all time low!!!

    2. Cheryl, did you get them all wrapped? Am I right it's this Saturday your fayre is? If so I wish you lots of luck, it's for a good cause have you made a nice sign for you table saying what you are selling the candles cups for? Even one it either end of your table, we found folk bought more when the knew the reason we were selling our makes for. Again I don't mean to sound bossy. Hazel xxx

    3. Cheryl, it sounds as if you are going to have some "Christmas" fun. I went a bit mad too but they are lovely. I also got some cobalt blue CE card from JS. It is a lovely rich deep blue. I thought it would be nice with white for Christmas cards. Xxx. Hope you make lots at the Fair. Xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is gorgeous, I'm sure the person receiving it will be over the moon. So glad that someone had the sense to have a better look at you scan, now you can get on with getting the right treatment at last.
    After what happened to my niece last year, I don't really have much faith in a&e.
    She woke up one morning with a swelling in her ankle which was really sore, went to a&e to be told nothing serious, strap it up and rest. Went home and the next morning her leg was so swollen that she couldn't get her PJ bottoms off, phoned her mum who took her straight to A&E within half an hour she was in intensive care, on a life support machine diagnosed with strepticocal( ? Spelling) septicaemia, she ended up having her right leg amputated above the knee, the flesh on her left leg was so bad they thought it would have to be amputed as well, but they managed to save it but had to cut away so much flesh which has left her leg very weak. They also cut open her arms to let the septicaemia drain off from there. It was touch and go for a few weeks I can tell you. The consultant she had said it was the worst thing he had to do to anyone to save their life, and that this could have been avoided if she had had a blood test on her first visit to a&e. She has 3 children under 5, which made it all the worse.
    I don't know how her mum (my sister in law, wife of my brother who died the year before) coped with all this, such a strong person, I would have been in bits.

    I'm sorry for going on about it but I feel the NHS sometimes has a lot to answer to.

    Anyway ladies I have rambled on enough, off to read last nights comments so intriguing, regarding the spiders.
    Take care everyone, Jess xx

    1. Jess, I remember you telling us up about your niece, our Gillian has to be very careful as she ( luckily it was spotted straight away ) suffered years ago with something like that, now if she get any swelling in her ankles she has to go straight to the hospital, she also is always on the look out with her patients for signs. This is why she does these walking charity events with her team to make sure these walkers have their sores treated straight away and if needed the doctor on call deals with them. have to got your room back to workable? xxx

  8. Sandra, your card is a real work of art. Very feminine and gentle. This is more like a gift that a card and I'm sure it will be appreciated.
    I'm glad you are finally getting some help from the hospital. Ar infection, although painful, is a better diagnosis, since it will clear up, and not be a long term problem.
    Quick visit just now, must go, but will look in later

  9. Morning everyone from a very very confused and climbing the wall Janet!!!!!
    Why oh why did my old laptop leave me?
    I really am struggling with the new one and windows 8.1. I urgently need to get some inserts printed for cards needing posting and can I get it to print can I ummers!
    It tells me everything is there for printing and that the printer is All but will it print again will it ummers!
    I can see it going out to visit the veggies before long.

    Sandra your card today is just heavenly. So feminine and gentle. The lady should be more than well pleased.
    So pleased that it was a good result yesterday just sorry it was seen the first time round. At least you will not have the continuing pain everything's crossed that I can.
    Thank you all for sending some cooler weather. We have considerable lower temps today with some wing so bedding on the line blowing nicely just me sweating over silly technology.
    Sending you a email Sandra.
    Hugs to everyone. Hope all not 100% will feel better very soon.

    1. Oh Janet it's awful when our comfy 'know it so well' laptop decides to retire and we have to get a new one. I hate anything new that's to do with technology. I'm still getting used to a smart phone I've had for 9 months, I just used the basics and was getting used to it when last week Motorola decided to send a download which said had to be most of the format has been changed! Grrrrr! xxx

  10. Oh Janet, my heart goes out to you, Charlie got a tablet/laptop and it is windows 8.1 and he was about pulling his hair out, he took it down to a chap who sorted things out and showed him how it all work. According to this chap he has had to sort lots of folks ones out. They like you have problems with the laptop not recognising the printer. Calm thoughts and strong coffees I think. Hazel x

  11. I just read your ordeal SANDRA How awful for you. Time and time again we have stories of how bad our NHS is and I totally agree with all of you, which is a shame. I've had my fair share of horror stories too BUT there are also some fantastic stories - take yesterday's anniversary for instance. I agree the NHS is s**t at times but we must also praise the good stories too

  12. Hi Sandra
    Another stunning card you've made today. I love the peach card from Creative Expressions. You do made brilliant cards. Well I finished Toms daughters card that I was making with the dies that Christine Emberson lent you. However, I didn't have a normal size envelope for it, so had to use an envelope for a card you'd make out of folding an A4 piece of card. Sorry ladies I'm useless with sizes.
    I'm glad they've sorted out what was causing your pain in your face and teeth. As you said how on earth did they miss it. But at least they got you an appointment quickly. I made a double appointment to see my Dr, re phrioasis, bad ears and not receiving my two year appointment for an endoscopy, I've to wait nearly 3 weeks. Mind you I could see another Dr quickly or ring either first thing in the morning or afternoon when she's in to see if they have any appointments. Our system certainly is wired. Mind you I think it's the same all over the country. Soap box back in the corner. Glad you had a lovely day yesterday Brenda (Littlelamb) with your friend in Essex. Hope no creepy crawlers got you in the night SABA. My Pete loves storms, he got out of bed the other week to watch the one we had.

  13. Hello Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    Sorry to have been awol again but I just keep having dips in the way I feel and as Lynda said I had had a letter from the local council about my new fence an as it was always my darling Clive who sorted any type of huge problem out (as in most marriages ) it knocked me back again....I'm just not used to these sort of problems.....but I have rung the council this morning and spoken to a lovely gentlemen who had sent the letter to me and I have offered to cut the first 2 panels down to a metre. I live on a junction and someone had complain it was blocking the view to safely come out of the road along side my property. What I can't understand is before I had my fence sorted the hedge that was there before was over 6ft high and we never had any complaints then. Anyway the lovely gentleman said he would have a chat with the planning department and get back to me so I shall have to wait and see.
    Sandra your card is amazing and so elegant and the colour is so very pretty, the recipient must have been over the moon to receive such a beautiful card.
    I'm so pleased that the hospital has found out what has been causing you so much's just a pity they couldn't see it earlier and then they wonder why we have lost confidence in our doctors and hospitals especially after what you had been through before...that must have bee sheer hell for you.
    Maureen I'm so pleased you loved the flowers and hope they brought a little bright light at what must feel like a very dark time. You're a special lady and my heart goes out to you and your dear sister in law and know that we're all here for you as you have all been for me.
    Hazel and Patricia I'm so sorry you are stepping back from your blogs, it's unbelievable to think there are cruel people in our crafting world....heaven help any other blogs that she is involved in. Please don't let her win and I know you two lovely ladies will be back stronger than ever as from the comments I've read on Sue's blog and our little family here you have a very strong backing.
    Right I hope my post hasn't bored you too mush I have a few things to do that I must get on with so I'll love you and leave you and hope to pop in later.
    Hve left extra special big hugs in the basket today so please everyone help yourselves.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila so pleased that you found someone helpful at the council if they had come out to see the problem for themselves it could have saved you all this worry and trouble. It is just typical for someone to complain, but I would ask the helpful one to come and do a site visit to see the problem for himself rather than take the complaint at face value. Perhaps you don't need to reduce it so much, the offer of a tea or coffee may help too, I always do and believe it or not it works wonders.
      The main thing is you are feeling on the up again, keep smiling and remember we are here for you. xxx

    2. Hello Sheila i hope you didn't mind me telling the ladies that you had a horrible letter from the council,only they were all worried about you & asked if any one had heard from you.sorry Sheila.
      Glad your getting it sorted now ((((((Hug's )))) love Lynda xx

    3. Sheila, I am so glad you have come in, we now know that you are ok, these councils folk just don't stop, think then have a look at each complaint. As Margaret says asked the. To come and have a look for themselves. Hope you don't have to cut your fence down, if it was ok before why is it a problem now? Hazel x

    4. Hello Sheila great to see you back.
      Hope you can get this resolved sooner rather than later.
      Remember we are here to bounce things off when you feel isolated.
      (((((Hugs))))) xxx

    5. Hi Sheila
      Hopefully your fence problem gets sorted. As MARGARET says ask them to come out and have a look at it. Explain that this replaced a 6ft hedge and you had no complaints about that. Whoever complained needs their head tested. We have a complainer next door but one yo us, who is forever complaining to the neighbour between us. She complained to the council that they took their front wall down to put their cars off the road. Never mind that virtually everyone has the wall down at our end of our Avenue. Of course they wouldn't do anything about it. Hope that this gets sorted and it doesn't cause you very much more trouble.

  14. Good morning ladies from a wet and miserable Wigan, It seems as though the summer has passed us by now, although there are still a few more summer months for it to pick up nicely so heres hoping.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous - so glad the hospital have now found the cause of your pain, makes you wonder what else they miss on scans and ex-rays. Frightening.
    Sheila hope you get sorted about your fence, a few weeks ago someone was parking at the corner of our road on a blind bend, right next to the Virgin Box and overhanging trees - you couldn't pass on the right hand side of the car - had to cross over and back again or risk walking round the car - a neighbour told a passing policeman and he said he wasn't breaking the law - someone must have gone further as he has put the car on his drive.
    And all the hoohaa over a couple of feet in height - doesn't make sense.
    Hope it all comes right for you Sheila.

    Maureen im so glad you liked your flowers and they gave a little brightness to you.

    Hugs till later
    Jean x

  15. Good morning my coffee shop Angels,
    Oh Sandra i love your card and box in the beautiful peaches and cream it is stunning. I really like how you know less is more in the way of the flowers where i seem to be more is more if you know what i mean. The pretty cotton lace with the matching peach fine ribbon laced through it is so pretty and just adds that finishing touch to it perfectly.
    Oh i know just what you mean about consultants and their useless and not actually looking at the expensive scan plates that they got done. I know that in one way it is a relief for you that it is very painful sinus infection and not that long word(sorry brain off somewhere again and left the rest of me behind), but it is the time you have since her"diagnosis" that has sent you reeling with the though of even more everlasting pain to endure. I wonder if any to these people actually have long term pain to cope with on a daily basis that they can relate just how downing it can be. Been to the various pain clinics and after they have went through the pain cycle at them all (believe i know the pain cycle inside out now i don't need a lecture on it at the start of each new clinic) they can give me no practical help in a leviating it, so flower i know just how you must have felt when you got abandoned to yet another pain clinic (that's just incase you have forgotten how to handle on going pain) because she couldn't be bothered to look properly at your plates. I am thankful that it is hopefully something as cureable as your sinuses for your sake flower as more pain is the last thing you need.
    Well girls, i am going down the road again to take some more things to the charity shop so i will try and get in later to see you all. I'm leaving my huggles all in the basket up in the corner and i am hoping that they will be good for you today but can't promise.
    Love and crafty hugs to all and special ones on their way to Maureen
    Norah (glenochil)

  16. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well for our roasting friends on the continent I am sorry to say it's chilly and raining, but at least the grass and our fells are lovely and green.
    Sandra your card is absolutely divine, the colours are so very gentle, your design if wonderful and those flowers so beautiful how you have arranged them. I love your box just the right amount of decoration too. Especially when it is a box for an 8 x 8 it is so easy to overdo the decoration, take a bow young lady the whole order is fabulous well done!
    Thank goodness someone at the hospital had been to Spec Savers and was actually able to see what was in front of them! Have you thought of sending a letter of complaint to the chairman of the hospital board advising them the service is not good enough? Writing to the chair of the hospital board will mean that your case will have to be discussed at a board meeting and this first consultant will have to answer to the board. I only know this as a friend of mine told me, her OH was on a hospital board. The main thing is you now have someone good looking after you and I hope have you on the correct treatment.
    Saba I have just had a wee look at the happenings last night, yes, I know I was nosey but I can assure you we have plenty flies and bugs up here in the Lake District the midges and sheep ticks are the worst!
    Well this morning I have been able to get my hair washed at the kitchen sink leaning over standing on one leg not a pretty sight! Derek offered to get the watering can to rinse the soap off, when I said NO, he offered to get the hose pipe, I ask you men!
    Well Derek has cleaned all the kitchen this morning and has told me he is exhausted and actually said 'I don't know how you do it all!' So now he is wanting some lunch, so I had better go and help.
    Have a lovely day everyone what ever you are doing take care
    Special love and hugs to Maureen, my hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Not "nosey" Maragret ...... just curious.
      Oh! Yes! Midges, sheep ticks, right pests. xxx

    2. Margaret! That did make me laugh! Typical man! Glad you got your hair washed anyway. We were warned about sheep ticks where we were on holiday! Xxx

    3. Oh Margaret isn't it lovely to have your hair washed, but what a pickle your husband is - a hose! I ask you! Have you got a sympathetic hair dresser nearby? When I broke my elbow I had to get a manicure on my other hand as I couldn't cut my nails and Julian gave up! They only charged me half price too! Xxx

    4. Hi MARGARET
      I'm glad that Derek is helping, but don't men make a song and dance about it. Pete had to do some ironing when I had my hip done. Well he nearly ruined our new kitchen floor. The ironing board and iron went crashing down onto the floor. Good job you didn't agree to a hair rinse with the hose. You might have ended up down the plug hole if he firgot and out it on the jet wash.

    5. Oh Pat, you did make me laugh! The thought of Margaret being power hosed was just too much! Xxx

  17. Hello Sandra,
    First I must apologise to the night owls, I hope my comments about maggots didn't give any of you a sleepless night. This treatment is absolutely amazing, the lady who had the treatment had serious heart problems, she already had a pacemaker and a defibrillator, this treatment did not involve any surgical intervention the results were fantastic. Sorry I really found this treatment fascinating. xxx

    SANDRA, your card and box are beautiful, love the soft Peach and Cream. I'm sure the lady who commissioned this was absolutely delighted. I hope you get some feedback when she gives it to Linda.
    I am so pleased yesterday's appointment went well, and you now have some answers. Let's hope and pray it does not reoccur. Thank goodness they have Doctors who check Scans and X-Rays after our appointments to see if we have been misdiagnosed.
    I still think you should take legal advice about your hip surgery. I know you are reluctant to go down that route. I worry for your future. (Ok soapbox away) LOL

    SHEILA, I hope you get that fence sorted out, obviously some jobsworth was handed this to deal with!!!
    John when he has to talk to the council will say " I would like to do ?
    could you pleased me" - it works every time!
    Have been to the doctors this morning, I have a very painful left knee, it's the age thing again Arthur Rightus (Cheryl have I spelt it correctly?) so as well as MORE Pills she is requesting an appointment for a knee injection, possibly surgery, I did ask with my AF would surgery be an option? Life is fun, just don't let it get to you.
    Right will sort out lunch and then maybe get to my craft room.

    Added some extra hugs to the ones left by Norah, they are all bouncing in the basket waiting to hug anyone who needs one, two or even three, plenty there for everyone.
    Be back later, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Sheila, Johns comment should read "could you please advise me" xxx

    2. Brenda I have had very long email discussions with Sandra re taking legal action and tried my best to persuade her, I'm with you on this one, after all what has she to loose? I wonder what everyone else thinks on this matter? Being ill and in pain is one thing but when it is through negligence that is another matter entirely.
      If you would like a heat bag to fill with rice to help ease your pain just say, all I will need is your address, Sandra has my email it will not be a problem if you would one Brenda xx

    3. Margaret, what a lovely and thoughtful lady you are. I was thinking I would ask you what is the best material to use? I have it in my mind you suggested cotton, also how do you work out the amount of rice to put in?
      I would love one please. Or if you don't mind giving me instructions I could try and make one. Thank you. XXX

      THIS CAFE is such a brilliant place to visit, it has THE most thoughtful AND caring people you could ever wish to meet. XXX

    4. Margaret's, bags are the best, I was glad I took one with me to Canada, I wasn't as sore as I can be be, but the comfort of just having it to use when I needed was the thing, luckily all the hotels have microwaves in the rooms, Charlie loved this as he is an all milk coffee drinker and uses the micro to heat the milk. Down side they don't have kettles of us tea drinkers, travel one was well used. xxx

    5. Another one who would not be without Margaret's Heat Bags.
      John also swears by them. xxx

    6. BRENDA I have some bags ready made so get my email from Sandra and let me know your address and they will be on their way to you no problem. xxx

    7. Brenda
      Sue and myself have also been telling Sandra that she should consult someone over getting compensation for her ordeal. But she's such a lovely person I don't actually think she will. We've know her nearly a year now and she still hasn't done anything about it.

    8. Margaret Thank you, I have asked Sandra for your email address. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra & all the lovely ladies
    Sandra pleased the hospital yesterday thank goodness got things sorted with your pain in your face BUT the CT scan should have been read properly in the first place.How did Matt get on with his hospital appointment go.
    I'm in the middle of sorting out in my craft room yet again, but then remembered i have a 80th card to make so yes die cut bits all over the floor from cutting out. Now stuck on bottom of feet & just walked into front room so have to hoover again. I have just received my stamp set from my win on Sue's blog it's FUNKY FLORAL very swirly & love it.DIANE have you got yours yet.
    well must get on forgot to clean Freddy out so better do that now.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hope you get your craft room sorted when you have finished your's one of the big jobs I need to get done, but a there is alot more sorting out to be done first. Oh Of course I'm not upset about you mentioning my fence....I'm still waiting for my return call from the council.
      So pleased you love your stamp from Sue, she always seems to send the right ones out to people....I won one a while back now and it was full of lovely sentiments with hearts on.
      Hope little Annie is still improving. xxx

    2. Hi Lynda I only sent Sue an email yesterday but she sent me a lovely email back so I'm sure it will be with me soon. It's such a treat winning a stamp set isn't it xxx

  19. Hi again, just read over yesterday's comments, firstly Maureen you are very well thought of on this blog, enjoy your flowers and know we are all thinking of you
    at this sad time.
    Well painting of craft room is finally finished, now comes the hard bit of putting everything back in. Photos will follow later I hope.
    Take care, everyone, Jess x

  20. Hellooooo ! I'm home!
    Arrived home just after 1pm. We have had a lovely holiday and we didn't travel very far at all. Called at The Cheese Shop at Unsworths Yard in Cartmel this morning on way home and bought some lovely cheese. Bread from the shop next door .
    Car has been emptied and first load of washing in machine! Now having a coffee and catch up! Will deal with the junk mail later. What a chore!
    Our lovely Muriel would have made a few contributions to last night's shenanagins! We do miss her gems these days!
    SANDRA - capital letters required as your card and box deserve them! The colours are beautiful as is the design and your box is an absolute treat. I'd be thrilled with that. May I also say I completely understood your tutorial!
    I'm so glad you have a diagnosis - albeit a little late . I'm certain sinusitis is preferable to Trigeminal Neuralgia!
    I will read all the other comments now!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Special hugs to Maureen. Xxx
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra so pleased you have arrived home safely and have enjoyed your holiday. Was it the lakes you went to? I love that part of the country the scenery is so beautiful.
      Good to have you back in the coffee shop too. xxxx

    2. Thanks Sheila,
      Good to see you too. So sorry about the fence but hopefully it will be sorted out amicably without too much stress for you! I know exactly what you mean - Alastair deals with all these things and in many ways I take it all for granted. I did decide recently though to keep my car as it makes me drive more! We both felt that although it is expensive to run two cars there are a lot of advantages.
      We were staying just outside Grange over Sands last week and the weather on the whole was very kind to us. Another couple with whom we've been friends for years joined us for a few days and we always have fun! The hanging baskets and pots seem to have survived here and the roses look gorgeous!
      Got everything unpacked now . Having another cup of coffee! Ha ha . Xxx

    3. Hello Myra, welcome home, hope you had a fantastic time and you are relaxed and your usual "chirpy" self. Things were a little retrained while you were away......yes we missed you. My thoughts exactly about Maureen, I doubt if there would have been any sleep last night if she had been participating. Oh! we do miss her in so many ways.
      Special Hugs Maureen xxx

    4. Thanks, Patricia! It's nice to be missed. However it works both ways as I missed you all and interacting as things were happening. We have such fun sometimes but we care for one another too and support each other. It's a lovely blog to be part of! Xxx

    5. I agree with you both. We are here to support each other, laugh with each other, even laugh our selves when we make stupid spelling mistakes. Hazel x

    6. Welcome home Myra, I'm pleased to hear you had a good holiday. Well blow me I know that cheese shop and the bread next door! We have stayed in cottages in that area and are suckers for a lovely bit of cheese to nibble on of an evening and found the shop on our travels! We went to Cartmel just after we were married and found the sticky toffee pudding in the post office ( it had just come out the oven!) so like to go back there when we go that way. We found a beautiful metal tree to go on the wall in the gift shop there last time we went (about 5 years ago!) there was one in the cottage we rented which we loved. Unfortunately we had to pick Julian's mum up from her sisters so had bags sewing machine etc to fit into the car so no room for the tree! It's a lovely area isn't it - can recommend a couple of cottages there is you ever need any xxx

    7. Hi Diane,
      There is another little by to my story! There is also a Wine Shop!! Well, where we were staying - there was a Wine and Cheese Evening. Mr Unsworth from "the Yard" was the person giving the talk. He brought wines - his department , cheese and bread! They were all gorgeous . I was in charge of buying the bread and cheese but not trusted on the wine purchases! Husband did that! There is also a specialist shop selling Beers as well and another Unsworth brother is responsible for that. Their grandfather bought those buildings in the 1920's and started up a transport business as he could see that was the way forward! Totally amazing! The chap who talked about wine actually started off training to be a mechanic. It's a gorgeous little village isn't it! Xxx

  21. Myra, you are right about keeping your car, we have talked about trading in our two cars and buying a slightly bigger 4x4, but have decided against it as there are times when I would be away and Charlie would be stuck here. Our dog car as we call it, is still in good condition, just got dog hairs, a good Hoover and they are mainly dealt with. Girls make more mess with their things, the car owes us nothing except the road tax, insurance and servicing, we wouldnt get much for it regardless the conditions. My car is a 4x4 not a big one, can't get dog in the boot he's to big would be a bit squashed, which means we are not tempted to put him in so we don't have dog hair problems, still have the problem with the girls again it doesn't owe us anything, so we will keep them and just look after them and we will be ok for a few years. But it just means independence for both of us. xxx

    1. I think you're right Hazel. I'd really miss my car as I just get in it and go as and when I like . Alastair hates shopping - unless on holiday! I can go when I like and can help with the grandchildren etc. plus I actually like driving! Our Labrador was never in my car - she couldn't travel far anyhow as she got car sick! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- you NEED your car. When John had to retire early, I panicked and sold my car thinking we would not be able to afford to run two cars. Biggest mistake I ever made, it was like cutting off my right hand.
      Only took a couple of months to realise I needed to replace it. Sure as eggs is eggs if I am away we are need to help with the boys, or visa versa!! It not a luxury it's a necessity where we life as well. xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and our little gang,
    Stunning card and box for this lady Sandra, it is yes stunning and thanks again for the tutorial. Peach and cream is a lovely combination and I like how you weaved the ribbon though. Lovely stick pins too, the whole thing is very elegant !
    NHS, ok they are mostly fine thank goodness but when it goes wrong it can go terrible wrong. My stepson about three years ago now split a bone(humour) in his left top arm armwrestling with a friend at home. The surgeon put it together with a plate and screws but never saw he also trapped the nerve going down to his
    hand ! Month later when they removed the plate after stepson been in terrible pain the nerve was severed and his hand to no use. Many op's later and still a hand he can't use properly he has taken them to court and it will take time before any payout but he will get some one day to help for the future. I'm glad your appointment yesterday hopefully have given some clue to what your pain has been and you will get help but agree with the others that for your hip surgery you should contact someone and maybe just find out what can be done, just a thought.x
    Good of you Sheila to contact the council, I would't have a clue what to do if something happened to my OH, anyway I hope this saga with the fence will be a easy fix, try not to worry x
    Girls you forgot about daddy longlegs too, they creep me out too. I heard about ant's in your pants but wouldn't like to have it literally hihi Ticks are horrible and well I find most crawlies give me the horror factor. Even some two legged ones Karen but not you my friends here in the cafe'!
    Is it getting a degree cooler where you are Janet and Saba ? I think we will get another one soon so not looking forward to that day/s. 22/25 is what I like best but little bit cooler if housework is needed. The "queen of Sheba" and her OH is coming up to us on Sunday so a deep clean Fri. and Sat. is on the agenda.
    Have not done much today then aqua and some shopping, rain has been coming in heavy showers so washing on the stand in the bath.
    Taking my friend back to hospital tomorrow. She will need a hip replacement, I'm sure but last time they wanted to start her on injections so she's not happy but now another consulten want to see her again so then we will see what happening next. The saga goes on.......
    Norah -hope your mamma's things goes to a nice home from the charity shop. Did she have any cup and saucers for making candle cups ?
    Rory Is having a fabulous time, so many things booked over the week, hope he is enjoying himself. How is baby Harry ?
    Margaret- oh don't use the needle will you, never think about infection when it's itching , you just want it to stop. Take care x
    Myra -enjoy your bread and cheese (with a glass of red) glad you had a nice holiday. Love and hugs to all and some little extra once for our Maureen, (she would have been naughty last night ) Tihi Xxxx

  23. Hi everyone,

    Sandra what a time you have had, you should think about letting them know about your disability and that they were the cause of it

    Myra glad you had a great holiday, even though you had a good time there is nothing like coming home to your own bed.
    The craft room is still in a guddle (or a mucken fuddle - transpose the first two letters of each word and you will get what I mean,) be careful if you are saying it out loud!!, most of my stuff is back in, but I need to get it sorted out.
    It is quite cold here today, I might have to bite the bullet and put the heating on for an hour or so, I hate being cold, must be an age thing.
    Hope to be back later, take care meantime, Jess xx

  24. Good evening everyone
    Hope you all had a good day, we have even had a little sun this afternoon surprise, surprise, makes a change from the rain though.
    Myra so pleased you had a lovely holiday up here and have arrived home safely and are almost sorted.
    I wonder how our continental friends are today has Janet got any further with her Widows 8? I wonder if Saba is still walking around in just her knickers!
    Talk of wearing knickers reminded me of the time my younger daughter 5 years old at the time came home from school and proudly announced 'I know how you DON'T get Aids' well I had a cup in my hand and dropped it. I asked her to repeat what she had said to gain some time and was thinking I had heard her wrong. We had a talk in the playground this afternoon and I found out she said. Well what do you d,o asked her older sister, 'You wear two pairs of knickers' she said so proud of herself! For about six months she insisted on wearing two pairs each day, and so did her friends.
    Norah lovely to see you, so pleased Rory is having a great time at the moment.
    Have a lovely evening folks I will try and pop in later
    Margaret xxx

  25. Oh! Margaret. needed the tissues for that one ....... brilliant ... out of the mouths of babes. Thanks for the laugh.
    Thomas 10 recently got a "Sex" talk at school. When asked about it at home he just shrugged his shoulders. He must have been listening though!! John & Audrey were talking about selling a "Condo" they have in Dallas.Texas. When Big Ears pipes up, Dad what has "condoms" got to do with selling a house??
    John is suffering a bit with his knees tonight. Sitting here with one of your small bags on each.
    Yes folks, even good for "men" as well xxx

    1. Oh I can well imagine! OUr elder daughter who is deputy head has been giving her Sex talks this week and the questions they have been asking including 'Do you have to do it just for fun!' and 'How do two women have sex'! She says she will be pleased when this week is over, I wonder why? xxx

    2. Oh! Margaret I feel for her.
      When we were that age we were so innocent. Those questions would not have even been in our thoughts!! let alone ask them
      Patricia xxx

  26. Oh Margaret, I just about choked, I was taking a drink and reading about your younger daughter and her little talk in the playground!!! That's a classic? Children are so funny. Oh the things they say at the wrong moments! When Tammy was only just over 2 her and I went to germany to visit her God parents, we were on the train to Harwich to get the ferry, when a rather tall gentleman of dark skin colour walked up throught the train, well in full voice she pipes up" oh mummy he's a big B___k man isn't he!!! Well I could have died with embraressement, thank goodness IT was 36 years ago, I would have been fined for it now! Granted he was lovely and just smiled. He must have been nearer 7 ft tall ( basketball player I would say) yes they have a lot to answer for.

  27. Well ladies my husband has just been looking at one of these insulated home offices for the garden, do you think he is trying to tell me something??? He did say it was for storage!! I am not sure if that's true? It would not only have to be insulated it would need to have heating like full central heating? I think all this moving of boxes etc. has had an effect. Only a couple of hours ago he told me I would have to reduce what I had in the spare room. xxx

    1. Hazel, tell Charlie you need underfloor heating a flatscreen TV a cooker, a bed etc:- etc:-,he'll soon welcome your stuff back in the house!!!

    2. You'd certainly need the flatscreen TV for when Sue is on! Underfloor heating a must or no use in about 10 months of the year! Fitted out with a desk and storage like Cheryl's and a microwave to warm Margaret's pads in! Xxx

    3. Don't give me ideas, my own bathroom would be more important than a flat screen TV. It would be to cold in the night to make my way into the house. xxx

    4. Watched a program a few days ago about flat pack houses, garages and the most adorable little sheds. Only took a few days to a few weeks to be put up. I'd love to have one Don't forget the flannel pj's and the bug sweeper xx

  28. Gosh I'm late again today , sorry ladies. I went food shopping this morning when I eventually woke up so with that and washing I've been playing catch up all day! Every time I've sat down to read and comment I've been interrupted !
    Sandra your card today is beautiful and what a pretty colour too. Now why hadn't I thought of printing out the greeting on the computer! It's a lovely way to personalise a card. I'm sure the lady will love the card and Linda will treasure it. I'm glad all went well at the hospital today but why oh why did they not pick that up sooner! At least the consultant now looking after you seems to know what she's on about. What a relief it is an infection at the bottom of it all no wonder you were in so much pain. Xxx
    Sheila I hope your nice man from the council is able to help you, well done ringing up to sort it out that's a good step forward and a phone call will sort it out quicker than a letter. Isn't it annoying though that the hedge was higher than the fence! Xxx
    Well I hope everyone is ok, no ants spiders bugs maggots or flying things about and undies firmly in place! It's been overcast here today but the washing has dried. I've nearly come to the end of the pile but I have noticed the American sun cream we were using has left marks on some things so the will need vanishing and re washing ! What a pain.
    Well Sandra has got a couple of photos so I will tell you more about the holiday then. I'm trying for an early night tonight and hope I don't see 3am again but I'm not holding my breath!
    See you all tomorrow
    Night night xxx

  29. Diane, vanish will not bring it out straight away, it will take a lot of washes, I have spoilt a few tops with sun cream, but I need to have so much on its just something I have to put up with. Hazel x

  30. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I have put myself on the naughty step I'm so sorry I didn't say earlier how gorgeous you card is I love the colours & the lace it's all beautiful I sure the lady you made it for will love it.
    Thank you SHEILA I'm proud of you for phoning the council & your feeling brighter today bless you my lovely friend Lynda xx
    MYRA so pleased you had a lovely holiday & enjoyed the few days with your friends.Now home safely & all sorted.Are you looking forward to sleeping in your own bed.xx
    MARGARET I love the story of your youngest daughter & the two pairs of knickers I laughed out loud. So innocent at that age. How are you coping with the hoppy hopping Harry's mum only tried to hop over the Hoover yesterday
    & fell she still can't put weight on her foot she now has a space boot that pumps up the pressure but think she takes it off a lot I told her she should keep it on otherwise it won't heal properly.
    I never started the 80th birthday card after all mojo gone AWOL so carried on tideing. Sorted some draws out & found so many decoupage sheets which I haven't done any of that for ages,I don't know if it's worth taking it to a Charity shop or just bin it. I'm also still in a Guddle JESS.Will have to try & get card done tomorrow as neaded for Saturday.
    MAUREEN so pleased you liked your flowers & hope they showed how much we all care & love you.Your always in my thoughts & Prayers also thinkiing of you sister in law,how are you all holding up.Sending you some big (((((((Hug's))))) & my love sweet lady.Lynda xx
    We'll have to spend a penny think I might put three pairs of knickers on as more creepy thing coming out the woodwork WHAT about EARWIGS think I will put some cotton wool in my ears tonight eeeeew.
    MARIA I found you on Pinterest are you puting any of your cards on,liking your boards.
    Will look in later night owls love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, hihi I noticed you and Myra have found me on pinterest. It has been a few busy days with postings. Don't know how to post to there or here and I haven't got many cards to show your boards too xxx

  31. Just noticed Saba hasn't been in this evening. I bet she is making boxes?? Either that or she has gone in search of some air conditioning? xxx

    1. Sis, you beat me to it I did notice SABA'S gone walk about.
      She'll be off looking for nice fancy knickers for tonight. xxx

  32. Never thought of that? xxx

  33. Ok folks, that's me for today.
    Goodnight God Bless, see you all in the morning xxx

  34. Sorry I am late as usual. SANDRA your card is beautiful. I love the colours. Glad you had a better time at the hospital and they have at last found out what is wrong but they should have found that out when you first went. Had sketch rain this morning so went with a friend to do some shopping. Brightened up this afternoon. Feeling very tired so think I will go to bed. Sorry Night Owls. I am letting you down but once in a while I need an earlier night. Hope you are not doing too much Margaret and hope you get sorted with the council Sheila. There is always someone who has to complain about something. Will just gave a hot chocolate. Night night.

  35. It's time I went to bed, I can't have my usual hot chocolate as I'm fasting, I have a blood test in the morning, so am on the water only diet. John also has to be at hospital for 9am for results of his biopsy.
    Sleep well my dear friends, no tales of Bugs tonight!!! Yes and I'm sleeping with my knickers on, after all the other Bugs you were all talking about last night.
    See you sometime tomorrow xxx

    1. I'm off too so saying God Natt to everyone!
      Good luck brenda for you and John tomorrow. I see you pm sometime.
      TipForToDay : make sure no bugs up the creek before putting two pairs of knickers on ! Xxxxx
