
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Pretty butterflies from Margaret !

Margaret's Beautiful Pink Butterfly card

Good Morning Ladies,
I am really excited to share with you Margaret's gorgeous pink Butterfly card that she made for
Melissa's 21st Birthday.
Margaret has used an A5 Scalloped card, matted with some pretty pink card and then I am guessing some Anne Marie Design Spotty card, the central focal element is made by using creative expressions
(CE) Californian Collection Hollywood Die, the centre section with the Sentiment on is the Tag from (CE) French collection, Border, Tag & Corner set, both designed by Sue Wilson.
The Butterflies look to me like (CE) Magical Butterflies Die collection once again designed by the wonderful Sue Wilson. Cut with pink background and white detail die cut.
Margaret has finished the card with a beautiful white bow trimmed with a (CE) Pearl dazzler and two very pretty pink stick pins, with little hearts on top, a flat back pearl in the corners and a Pearl swirl to add a bit of background detail on the top of the card.
Margaret, your card is so very pretty, thank you so very much for allowing me to share it with all
of our lovely friends here in the café. xxxxx
Margaret I hope you are feeling better and getting a little bit more mobile. xxx
Pat, have a safe trip, see you next week xxx
Karen, I hope you are not still holding for an operator!!! xxx
Lynda, are you still under a pile of die cuts in your craft room, did you manage to make some room?x
Jess, did you get your craft room finished? photos please! xxx
I have some photos of Michele's craft room too, so if anyone else wants to share I can make a feature of it, we did it some months ago, but many of you are new since then.
Janet, I hope you can work your way through windows 8, we have that on the girls newer laptop and I must admit I am not a fan! xx
Maureen, sending you huge hugs, we are all here for you, whenever you need us, xxxxx
Well I must go ladies, I have a 60th Birthday card that I have been commissioned to make for a lady that saw my pearl wedding anniversary card! and also got to be at hospital for 1.30pm, so busy day all round.
Love and hugs to all of you


  1. Good morning everyone, hope your day ahead is a good one.
    Wow!! what about that rain last night?? It was shocking here when my friend Eliane left for home. So bad I got her to text me when she got in the house, so I knew she was safe. She lives about a 20minutes drive from here. The roads are not the best and tent to flood from the fields rather quickly.
    MARGARET:- your card is beautiful. The cut and embossing on that central Die Cut is amazing. I never seem to get an effect like that. Everything on your card is so beautiful, I love it.
    Margaret, I hope you are feeling better and managing to get around a bit better. Also managing to do a few of the things you like to do.
    Nothing much on the cards for us today but as most of you know the boys are on their summer break. The phone could ring and we can visitors at any time!!! We love having them here, they fairly keep us on our toes. No chance to vegatate in this house that's for sure. We would not have it any other way, who wants to get old and miss out on all the fun. As Diane will be telling us it is great to act your shoe size rather than your age. Where she has been for her holiday is proof of that.
    Everything set up for the day. Taken my Tea & Toast over to the corner table. Will sit and people watch, see who comes and who passes by.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door please help yourself.
    Will be back later to hear how you are getting on. xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      The school shut early in your parts, they still got a few weeks to go here I was told yesterday from my neighbour's daughter when she popped round for a little visit and to find out if I was home to look after their pets while they going on holiday Hihi I don't mind it just they got a new Guinea pig and Hamster so will go over one day to get acquainted more. I feel a bit more apprehensive about those animals then a rabbit, cat or dog. Big eye's and little sharp teeth .
      So you might get some more crumbs to follow if the boys are coming over Hihi Sounded like something out of Hanzel and Grethel . Have a nice day whatever happening. xxx

    2. Hi Patricia
      Oh I love that expression, it's one of my favourites! I'm often acting my shoe size, although I stick to uk size rather than continental! I'd forgotten you break up about a month earlier than England so your summer holidays have already started, what a lovely time you will have with the boys around although your food bill will at least treble! I found your lovely blog last night and left you a comment, I'm sorry you are having to take a break but I understand completely and time with the boys will be wonderful. Take care
      Love Diane xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. Do not know what the weather is like with you but it's very wet and misersble here. I will not complain as I have just had a message from sister in law in Canada saying they need rain as the Forrest fires round Vancouver and the Island are everywhere. Mother Nature has a lot to answer for in a way.
    Margaret, I just love your beautiful card, it's very soft and famine, I love Anne Marie card, the colours are gorgeou, your butterflies just add to the prettiness.
    Sandra, I hope Matts appointment went ok, and your does too,
    Off to work soon, but my I pad is coming with me, I won't be doing any " work" as sure! Will be very hard, Beth I and will likely bake or craft depending if her friend comes across or not. Boredom will be my biggest problem to day, and thinking what I could be doing here??? Like ironing and all the other things I have not done while sorting out the " guddle". A very Scottish word by the way like a muddle oh but much bigger! It's a word that I think is just perfect for the state my room is in, yes it's nearly there, once the various bags go to the charity shop etc it will be ok, but due to lack of places the bags have to stay in there.
    Off to get ready to go to work. Be in later. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel
      As I said to Patricia I had forgotten your school holidays start so much earlier than ours, but I hope you enjoy your baking or craft session. I know I have probably missed your comment but I assume they now have a "housekeeper" who does the jobs you used to, or rather is supposed to do all the jobs you do. I can understand your frustration. I found your blog last night (isn't jet lag useful!) and left you a comment. With your visitors and the wedding I can perfectly understand why some things just need to take a back seat. I do love your word guddle, I have a lot of those in this house!
      Take care
      Love Diane xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card, a real keepsake. So pretty & delicate-love it.

    I actually made a card yesterday-first one in ages. I used the triple flip die I bought after seeing Julia Watts use it. I think I need to practice more with it & think about what I want behind each layer but I had fun playing yesterday. I also started an exploding box which maybe today's project. It's just lovely to have so much time to craft.

    We're out for a meal this evening with our ex neighbours. They're such good company so it should be a fun evening. Hubby has his appointment with the specialist at 11.45 who will hopefully say there's no Kidney Stones, as he's had no further pain etc.

    Will pop in later even if its just to read everyone's comments.


    1. Hope all goes well with the consultant.
      Know the feeling, no pain for months so they tell you "nothing there"
      It's a vicious circle!! xxx

    2. Michele hope all goes well for hubby today and enjoy your craft time xxx

    3. Michele, Hope your Hubby's appointment went well and he will not need to have further treatment. LOL xxx

    4. Michele, I hope your husbands appointment went ok. xxx

    5. I hope all went well with hubby's appointment. xxx

  4. SANDRA:- sorry my head is everywhere but where it should be.
    Forgot about your appointments today
    Hope it all goes well, thinking about you. xxx

  5. Beautiful card Margaret I really need to invest in more focal dies and stamps so that I don't have to rely on cd-roms to craft
    Phone is still in tact I was getting frustrated because the automated voice wasn't recognising my accent Arghh!
    Hope all goes well later SANDRA
    Off to work now

    1. Karen how frustrating for you, the Miranda episode where she keeps saying Tuesday to the automated system springs to mind! Xxx

    2. Karen, have you never seen the Scottish sketch with 2 Glasgow men in a voice recognition lift. I'm sure you can imagine.

    3. I tried to use the voice thingy, every-time I said 'dies' it came up with 'guys' Gave up on that one - it back to the slow old fingers!!!!

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Margaret your card is beautiful just right for a 21st, and very girly.
    Hopefully the painting will get finished today, didn't do any yesterday to busy watching the tennis, but I did clear off the desk and moved it to get behind it
    painted. What a lot of bits of card and paper were on it at the back, why did I keep that!.
    Patricia , sorry to hear about your blog hacker, hope it works out ok, I will miss seeing your creations.
    Sandra good luck at the hospital.
    Coffee finished now, so off to get emulsion roller in hand, will pop back hopefully at lunchtime for a catch up.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Popping in early today! Well it's early for Myra!!!
    I hope all goes well at the hospital today.
    Margaret - your card is lovely! I love the colours, the dotty card , your focal point and your very pretty stick pins. Anyone would love a card like that. Thank you!
    Thanks to Sandra for sharing it with us.
    Patricia - keep smiling - enjoy the boys' company and have fun!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Special hugs for Maureen - think of you last thing at night and first thing in the morning and in between times. Xx
    Sheila - sending hugs to you too.
    Maria - hope you are able to eat more now!
    Hazel - you take care too - glad you are out of your guddle! It's a great word!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx. Ps. Diane glad phone still in one piece! X

    1. Haha Myra that's what comes of getting in early, my phone is fine thank you but Karens was in danger of flying out the window. Mind you with jet lag brain I could say or do anything today! Lol xxx

    2. Oops Dainty! So sorry! I'm old you know and you have to make allowances for the elderly! Xxxx ha ha !
      I will always be young at heart! It's my brain that's the problem! Xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So very sorry I missed yesterday had to see the GP she sent me for more x rays so by the time we got home I was good for nothing but bed.
    Yesterdays were superb and full of inspiration for me at least I dread being asked to make men's cards so thank you.
    I got a surprise to see my card on show yes Sandra the card is Anna Marie I just love it and some of the dies were Sue Wilsons except the butterfly that was a memory box one their butterflies cut the best of any I have found. For the centre of the bow I used a pearl one from Wild Orchid Crafts they are so much cheaper than CE, the heart pins also came from W. O.C. they come in a selection of colours and are not too long. My organza ribbon was from Mei Flowers they are very quick at getting their orders out too. I have not shown it but the card was in a simple box for the top I used a pink foil piece of card I have had for years that was from Card Craftplus so no decorations was needed, and that was another oddment used up!
    Cheryl please do take a picture of your stall before the start of the sale, I would love to see it and afterwards you stall will I am sure be empty, at least I hope so, it really deserves to be after all your hard work for such a wonderful cause.
    Sandra how did Matt get on yesterday ok I hope and I hope all goes well with your appointment this afternoon.
    Oh my latte was so lovely really hit the spot thank you so much I have popped my money in the pot and my hugs are over in the corner with Norah's.
    Talking of Norah I really could have used her no.16 Knitting needle last night I got such a tickle half way down this darned plaster.
    Well I am off to look at yesterdays comments and catch up.
    Love to Maureen if you pop in sweetheart.
    Margaret xxx

    1. What a beautiful card today Margaret, so fresh, pretty and definitely a summer card with the flutterbys floating on top. I bet Melissa loved it. xxx

  9. Sorry that should be yesterdays cards were superb.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in today,
    a tea and scone please while I'm thinking of what doing next today.
    A guy from Anglian water is here just now talking about how to save on our water over a year. Funny how things can be changed a bit to save the pennies but can I do it in reality is a different story.
    Margaret - love your sweet butterfly card and the stick pins are lovely with the little hearts at the top. Hope you getting around better.
    Michele- good luck for you hubby's appointment today. wonder where they
    got to ?
    Karen I'm glad you phone is still in one piece, how's the BP doing ? Hope you had a nice evening Salsa dancing and the stitches hold.
    Sandra- I hope all goes well for you too today at the hospital.
    Jess- have fun painting, I might do some colouring in today for a card so No not the same but can be a bit messy anyway Hihi
    Sheila and Wendy hope you both ok and Sam are you doing alright ?
    Maureen -you and your family are in my thoughts, always .special hugs to you all
    Have a nice day. Love and hugs to all, Maria xxx

  11. First of all Maureen you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you are ok.
    MARGARET. Hope you are ok and love your card today. I always like to put butterflies on cards.
    It has just started pouring with rain. Wonder how long it will last.
    Hope everyone is ok. Cheryl good luck with your church sale.
    Hugs in the basket for all who need them.
    Sandra. Hope all goes well at the hospital.

  12. Afternoon everyone - can someone please send a little rain this way. I can give you directions if needed starting point Calais - draw a straight line between Calais and Marseille and we are right in the middle of the line. Once again we are scorching and there doesn't seem to be a let up forecast. It's not been as hot as this for quite some years. Usually gets to 30/32 with thunder storms inbetween but not this year.

    Margaret your card is just beautiful - so gentle and what a treasure to keep.
    Cheryl I would love to see a pic of your stall before people start buying PLEASE.
    Sandra hope all goes well this afternoon. Did the girls meet on the phone last night?

    Well managing somewhat with this new laptop thing slowly - at the moment cannot get videos to play so missed Sue's this morning. Oh the joys of new technology - I think not.

    Off I go as it's lunch time here and someone needs feeding.
    Take care and enjoy the rest of the day.
    Hugs on their way.

    1. JANET:- you could have all of ours. The problem is getting to go to you!!
      Take care, drink plenty and stay in the shade. xxx

    2. Janet I feel for you, don't really fancy a pastry when it is so hot. Hope you get some let-up soon and a bit cooler by Friday. Take care, xxx

  13. Hello everyone me again
    This must be a record please take note I have called in twice in one morning!!!
    Janet so sorry you are still getting the heat do keep drinking your water sorry to say it is dull and quite chilly here the sun keeps trying to come out but not making much of an effort, do take care.
    Thank you all so much for all your very generous comments about my card, you are so kind. As I have said before, yes I do love butterflies.
    Karen do try and keep calm it just is not worth getting all het up
    Just wanted to let you know just in case you have not seen the Cardcraftplus supplement no.50 they have an Izzy style kit to make one bag which will hold 4 small notelets, the price I think ridiculous!
    Well someone is asking about lunch so I had better go and supervise!
    Margaret xxx

    1. I saw that Margaret and totally agree with you! Still a lovely day here in South Lakes! Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Margaret before I forget, what a beautiful card today, love the butterfly isn't it pretty. I don't think you can ever have too many butterflies. Sorry to hear you were sent for more X-rays but at least they are being thorough but do take care with the itching ( someone will tell you off for using a knitting needle to itch, I can feel it!) . I hope you have a more relaxing day today xxx
    Sandra I hope all goes well today, you sound busy too xxx
    Well I was still wide awake at 3am and really hungry, but I was more worried about Julian who is driving to Dudley today for a meeting, which is 3 hours away. I have asked him to text me so I know he has arrived safely but once he gets there he will forget, he always does - even though I give him the lecture that if it was the other way round he would be worried! I've just got in from my asthma check this morning, they have changed the system so you now go near your birthday regardless of the fact there were no appointments at the time and I only saw the nurse in January! I was in there for 5 minutes if that! I put washing on before I went but it's drizzling now so I'm waiting to put it out. I'm blowing hard Janet so I hope it comes your way.
    Right I've settled down with my lovely English cup of tea so I will tell you a bit about our holiday. We decided this was the year to do this trip and it was a treat for Emma after all her hard work. After all they say once they start university they don't want to go on holiday with mum and dad but as I know from friends if dad is paying and you are going somewhere nice they still like to tag along! We flew out on the Saturday after her exams finished so it was all a bit of a rush fitting in clothes shopping etc. we stayed at a Disney hotel the art of animation which was themed as nemo, cars, little mermaid and lion king. We had a cars room so everything was made of cones and there were themes from the film everywhere. Each area had a pool too and although the main area was nemo it was so full of children we kept to the quieter cars pool, especially as it had huge traffic cones as pods to shelter from the sun! We visited Magic Kingdom with the parades and big fairy castle, Animal Kingdom with a safari trip, Hollywood Studios with big stage sets for various Disney and Pixar films and Epcot which has areas from around the world. I did look out for a Mountie for our Maureen as I went through Canada but I didn't see one. Each park is so well done and has charicters wandering around for photos and autographs - yes Emma had photos and autographs all the time and kept saying she felt like she was 8 again! We also visited Blizzard Beach which is a water park with a winter theme (yes very odd to see 'snow ' when it's 105 degrees! But the pool set up with a beach and waves was lovely and I could have stayed on my rubber ring in the lazy river all day! The weather was increadibly hot and humid, well over 100 degrees each day but you could add on at least 10 degrees for the humidity. Although we had daily thunderstorms it was quite draining in the heat and oh boy were the thunderstorms violent. Disney also have a policy where outdoor rides and water activities close once a storm is in the area which is very safety conscious but rather odd. I don't think that would happen in the uk but there we go. We walked for miles so out feet really suffered and we saw so much including spectacular shows, amazing parades and fire works and some brilliant night time light effects. I will tell you some more tomorrow otherwise I will run out of space. We are still looking at the photos we took (1,000's!) but I have some on my phone so will try to send one to Sandra later.
    Right must go and put this washing out, fingers crossed this publishes and I will tell you more tomorrow. Xxxx

    1. DIANE :- hope you feel more human today. I love Long Haul travel but hate the Jet Lag.
      Thank you for the memories. I just loved Animal Kingdom, Kennedy Space Centre, the Air Boat Ride to see the Alligators .... we saw 3 it was amazing. To be honest everything was fantastic I loved it. Hoping to get back next year.
      Looking forward to seeing some pictures. xxx

    2. Diane, so pleased you had a great time. It's a few years since we went but I loved it! I loved the Magic Kingdom and the song It's a Small Small World! Loved it all really. Great memories . Xxx

    3. Diane- you all had a fabulous holiday and thank you for sharing it with us.I have not been to Florida since I think it was 1978/9 so many of the things you went on didn't exist then so love to go back. I just love
      Disney ! Hope the jetlag is over xxx

    4. Diane - so glad you enjoyed your lovely holiday - as a family we are booking to go in October 2016 as our holidays this year are booked already.
      Cant wait to go again, the youngsters love it.
      Hugs Jean x

    5. Hi everyone I will tell you a bit more tomorrow ! Jean I don't know if you go to a hotel or apartment but I can definitely recommend art of animation for helpfulness cleanliness etc. xxx

    6. Oh you have had a great time. Hazel x

    7. It sounds as though the holiday was for your inner child too Diane, so glad you all enjoyed it and what a lovely surprise for Emma. xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Hope you're appointment went well Sandra, how did Matt get on yesterday?

    MARGARET Your 21st Birthday card is gorgeous, perfect for a young lady, I am sure Melissa loved it.
    DIANE, Your holiday sounds amazing. You have given Emma some wonderful memories.
    Hope you are getting over the jet lag, it plays havoc with the body clock. Last time I had a long flight it took almost a week to recover!

    CHERYL Hope you got all of your candles packaged for your church sale.

    Well I hear someone is ready for his lunch. Will be back later.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    I hope your hospital appointment goes well.
    MARGARET your card is stunning. I just love the look of this die. Well I'm still sitting here waiting for Pete to finish in the garden. I wanted to leave at 1.00 as we need to go down the M25. But as you can see I'm still here. Pete wanted to prick out his Broccoli, why he couldn't do this this morning while I was at school I'll never know. He always has a last minute rush to get his garden up to scratch before we go away. One year we only got on a plane as all the gates were closes by lots of pleading by me. I then started to tell him that our plane left earlier than it did. It's so frustrating. By the time we leave the M25 will be packed and he'll be saying I told you we shouldn't have left at this time.

    1. Oh Pat I hope you haven't got caught in traffic too much - what are these men like! Xxx

    2. Have you counted to ten a few times??? Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel and Diane
      Counted up to 10 quite a few times today. Oh do stop nagging, was the retort I heard a couple of times. So I gave up. I need to do this before we go. Pete actually packed some plants, larger pots, and a bag of compost in the car would you believe. We actually set off at 2.15 and arrived just after 6.00. No wonder I'm going grey. It just can't be old age can it?. Must be all the stress I'm under.

  17. Hello again, Diane what a super holiday you had, we did similar
    a few years ago, loved it to bits, then we had a week in Naples on the west coast to recover, it was beautiful.
    Well that is all the painting done, just have to put everything back with the exception of stuff I really don't need, or use anymore, plus so many bits of card and paper that are totally useless!! Gumtree will be getting a visit I think.
    Have taken a then photo just to do a now photo, might take a few days though.
    Catch up again later, Jess x

    1. Jess I'm glad your painting has been finished, it seems never ending doesn't it! We had plans to go to Naples as it was 30 miles away from Sanibel but when we stopped rushing about we decided it was time to relax. Isn't it a beautiful part of Florida, couldn't believe the wildlife we saw. Definitely a holiday of memories. Xxx

  18. Hello everyone - Im late today but have been out shopping all morning, then came home - had lunch and saw to the dogs, have got my jobs out of the way and now its time for a check on everyone and what you have all been up to.

    Margaret your card today is absolutely beautiful, so my kind of card, I favour die cutting and embossing and above all - love pink -
    Sandra hope your apoointment goes well,
    Oh my Im out of breath now - just looked up and the rain was coming down in buckets, ran downstairs because I had pegged my cushion covers out, They had been almost dry too- British weather !!!!

    Will pop back later

    Hugs to all who need them - especially Maureen - thinking of you.

    Hugs Jean x

  19. Afternoon Ladies

    I got all my shopping done this morning before the rain started.

    The consultant says hubby has no Kidney Stones but there is a build up of calcium in his left kidney so he wants to repeat the CT scan in 12 months but other than that, no treatment.

    A friend called after lunch & showed me where a car had ploughed into the side of her car. I'm amazed that she was driving it. Her insurers have said she needs a replacement car & the other party is totally to blame. Her local garage said its not worth repairing the car so she's resigned herself to getting a new one. She's emptying her car now, which could take some time as it's rather cluttered like her house. You can't move at all in the house.

    We're off out for dinner soon so best go and wake hubby up!


    1. Oh! My! Word! Michele I hope your friend is OK, what a shock she must have got.
      Glad Hubby is OK however when that pain strikes he will know all about it.
      Hope you enjoyed your Dinner and Hubby was fully awake!!!
      Mind you as long as he was awake enough to pay the bill ...... LOL!!! xxx

    2. Michele, if husband get that pain back he needs to contact the deptment straight away and see if they can see him. Hopefully he won't suffer, enjoy your meal. Hazel x

    3. What a relief for hubby Michele, but your poor friend must have been really shocked. I'm glad she's OK. A car can be replaced, a life can't xxx

    4. Michele so pleased hubby is ok must be a relief for you both. Such a shock for your friend but I always say, cars can be replaced people cannot. Have a lovely evening and delicious meal xxx

    5. Glad your OH is fine Michele but your poor friend, hope she is ok .
      Hope you are having a lovely evening xx

    6. Hi Michele, I'm so glad your husband is ok but what a shock for your friend! Xxx

    7. Hi Michele
      I'm glad that hubby is ok you'll make sure that he calls the hospital if anything else happens. But what a shock for your friend though.

    8. Glad to hear your hubby is ok Michele, hope he stayed awake for the meal! What a shock for your poor friend, a car is replaceable but it's such a pain sorting it all out isn't it. Xxx

  20. Hello ladies,
    I have been out most of the day with a friend. We went into the city, lovely air conditioning in the department stores. We were expecting storms today but they still haven't arrived. It's 38 degrees in the shade as we "speak". Like Janet, we desperately need rain got the plants. Funny thing is though, we never have a problem with our water supplies here, not like the UK, one hot day and you get a hose pipe ban.
    Ooh, before I forget, we have had a letter from those Dartford crossing people, thanking us for paying the toll ( Peter transferred the £3 or something fee) and said the case was closed. We are assuming that means they are not going ahead with the fine. Now we are waiting to see if the second fine for the return journey will be closed as well.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful. Well, it's pink, so it already gained my vote on that alone. Love your butterflies and your stick pins are gorgeous. The whole composition is just so perfectly balanced. Gorgeous.
    Sandra, hope all was well at the hospital.
    Diane, your holiday sound fantastic. Thank you for telling us about it. Look forward to hearing more, maybe a photo too?
    Margaret, an itch down your pot must be like torture, not sure a knitting needle is a good idea though!
    Jean, please stop running down stairs. Wet washing is one thing, a broken neck is another thing altogether.
    Sheila, I hope you are alright.
    Myra enjoy your last evening in the Lakes.
    Right lovelies I am going to look at Sue's video now and read all the comments. I don't know about you but I always like to read what everyone has said. I had a quick look this morning and read a few but didn't have time for the video.
    Love to you all, but extra special love for Maureen.
    Saba xxxx

    1. SABA:- bet you were very thankful for the Air Conditioning. Still very hot with you, nothing like that here, we have had monsoon style rain this afternoon.
      Enjoy Sue's Video, I always say I watch and learn, I pick up lots of little tips. Have a good evening xxx

    2. As Saba, there was a thing on the TV about the tunnel and payments, folk were getting fines when they had never been near the tunnel, and loads got their fines dropped. Hazel x

    3. Hazel, I missed the programme but maybe it has helped us that they have had some bad publicity, either that or they decided Peters letter of complaint (written deliberately in german) was just too much trouble for them. Either way I am very relieved, just hope the drop the second fine now. Xxx

    4. Saba I hope you have heard the last from this dreaded tunnel for a long time but yes as Hazel I saw the program and they have some real problems so hopefully they will forget about the other one. You do have it hot in Germany and France so going shopping is a good idea. We are going to Sainsbury's in the morning and their fridges must be on max because you need coat and gloves between the isles xxx

    5. Maria our Sainsburys is freezing too, can't wait to get to the cereals to warm up! I now take a cardi just for the first section xxx

  21. I just popped in to tell you all I got some bargains this morning in Grange over Sands! There was a small shop which was called The Curiosity Shop! It sold mainly old china and glassware etc. I got two really lovely cups and saucers , both different, and a lovely smallish Aynsley China bowl . Total cost - £11. I was really pleased with them as you can probably tell! They are all in good condition and very pretty.
    I'd better go as I'm supposed to be packing! Shh hh! Don't tell anyone.
    We are going out for dinner later and then we leave for home in the morning.
    Hope you managed to set off eventually - Pat! Safe journey.
    How's your finger Norah?hope it's getting better.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Safe journey home Myra, sounds like you found some bargains xxx

    2. MYRA:- looking forward to seeing your goodies!! Safe journey home. xxx

    3. Myra, Aynsley China is beautiful, I have a twelve piece tea service with the milk jug huge sugar bowl and two large plates, it's was Charlies great aunts, they die in the early fifities ages 87 & 89 and had own it for over 50 years your can nearly see through it. It has the "love in the Mist" design and is so pretty. It would never be turned into candle cups. When washing it I am so nervous,
      Have a lovely evening and a safe journey. Xxx

    4. Myra so pleased you have enjoyed your stay up here in the Lakes I hope it has not been too cold for you it is rather chilly at present and we have just switched the heating on. So pleased you got some bargains are they for candles? Safe journey home, take care as rain is forecast,

    5. Myra,
      Safe journey home,
      My mum used to collect Aynsley China. I love little curiosity shops. There is a lovely one in Settle, he has all sorts of bits and bobs at reasonable prices. I can't wait to come home!!
      Thunder in the distance, it's taking it's time getting here., off to watch Holby City on the I player, be back soon.
      Love Saba Xxxx

    6. Yes, they are for candles! I'm so pleased with them.
      Margaret the weather has not been bad at all. This morning I had to carry my jacket as the sun was shining . It rained tonight while we were having dinner but is dry again now.
      Saba - enjoy your storm and hopefully some cooler weather thereafter!
      Love to all, Myra xxx

    7. Myra
      Have you been to the Lakeland shop whilst you've been there? I love going there but haven't tried the restaurant which is apparently very good. Xxx

    8. Yes Diane we went one morning when it drizzled a bit and we had lunch there! The Restaurant is very nice with a varied menu . Along one wall downstairs it has signs which say Solutions! Oh said my husband there are solutions looking for problems! I can't take him anywhere! Xxx

    I have been at Joan's all day, her daughters saw the Coroner this morning and Raymond would have suffered no pain as his heart just stopped. The undertaker came and we have sorted everything out for next Tuesday. We looked at the photo's which I took and we smiled, then they read something I'd written about things that had happened as we were growing up, and had a few more tears (I didn't think I had any left). We have just arrived home to find the most beautiful arrangement of flowers in a large teacup and saucer. It is absolutely gorgeous and I will take a photograph to show you. George could not believe it when we read the card to see who it was from. He said "they are an amazing bunch of women", and I second that.
    I'm sorry I haven't read any of the blogs, but will later in the week. I know you are thinking of me and you do not realise how much that means to me.
    You truly are an amazing group of women and you have really touched my heart. Thank you again.
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Oooh Lovely!
      You got it! I think each one of us wishes we could have brought it personally! Or even better all of us! If it has brought just a little joy at this sad time it really will have been so worth it! Please tell George he has an amazing wife! So pleased you had the assurance that Raymond didn't suffer any pain and that you can now get on with arrangements. Take care my dear . Don't worry about blogs just now.
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Good to see you Maureen.
      As Myra said it would have been great to have brought the flowers to you.
      Glad you have the assurance Raymond did not suffer. Look after yourself you are very precious to us. Love & Hugs Patrica xxx

    3. Maureen, you are so welcome to your flowers, we will await to see the beautiful candle cup later in the year? As Myra has said you are one amazing lady, we have all missed you so much, we are here when you are ready. So glad Raymond did not suffer. At least Joan and the fsmily can't now get things arranged. Hazel xxx

    4. Maureen love,
      You have touched our hearts as well. We miss you and are all thinking of you. I am so glad that Raymond went peacefully in his sleep. Such a comfort for you all. So glad you liked our flowers, wish there was more we could do.
      Like Hazel, I am looking forward to seeing the candle cup later in the year!!
      Bless you xxxx

    5. Hi my dear heart, so glad you love the flowers, if I could I would have delivered them personally as would everybody else.
      So lovely to hear Raymond did not suffer, that makes it easier to bear. Love & hugs to you all xxxx

    6. Oh Maureen so lovely to see you delighted our flowers brought a little ray of sunshine to you, as far as I am concerned there is no need for any thanks you are more than welcome. Just like everyone else I too wish I could have been able to bring them personally. Such a comfort to you all to know that Raymond did not suffer any pain. Cherish your memories of him, hold them close, no one can take them from you sweetheart.
      With love and special hugs xxxx

    7. Maureen-glad you like the flowers and as the others have said we would have brought them ourselves if possible. Hopefully now when you all know he did not suffer you can move on and just remember all the happy times you had together and some clashes maybe as children growing up, Sending lots of love and hugs to you, Joan and the rest of the family xxx

    8. Maureen so pleased you liked the flowers, it would have been lovely if we could have brought them ourselves, we all wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. My special intentions when I when to Mass on Saturday evening were for you and your family. Just want you to know everyone is thinking and praying for you and all of the family xxx

    9. Maureen dear friend, we just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and your family and if you could have a happy tear come instead of a sad one then we know that our goal was achieved Sending much love down your way with some huggles attached that I hope will behave themselves, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please tell George that families that are made up of special people are the best kind to have and my big sisters and little sisters are so very special. Xxx

    10. So,pleased you liked the flowers Maureen and it must have helped you to know that Raymond didn't suffer at all. Take care.

    11. Maureen my lovely lady I too wish we could have delivered them in person. It's good to hear you and Joan are sharing such happy memories of Raymond, he must have been such a lovely man and a great comfort for you to know he didn't suffer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We are here for you when you are in need of a chat and Joan too if she feels like popping in xxx

    12. We all have you in our thoughts and in our hearts

  23. Hello Sandra & ladies,
    Sandra hope Matt's hospital went ok & how did yours go all ok i hope.
    MARGARET your card is gorgeous love the colour the Anna Mari papers are so pretty,Wow so pleased a butterfly HAHA.xx
    JANET sorry you still scorching in the heat be careful & drink plenty of water.xx
    DIANE your holiday sounds fantastic apart from that heat i couldn't stand it that hot so many photo's you took enjoy looking through them.xx
    MICHELE so pleased your friend is ok will she get all the cost for a new car from the other driver.Enjoy your dinner.xx
    PAT hope your not still on the M25 HAHAxx
    CHERYL hope you got all you candle wrapped up ready for the church sale.xx
    Well got to go & start dinner can hear OH tummy rumbling lol.
    love Lynda xx

    1. As soon I saw the butterfly I said ,Lynda will love that Hihi
      and thank you for the beeky hug Lol xxx

  24. Before I forget DIANE your story about Florida reminded me of the super hol we had there when the kids were younger I kept a journal because I thought we'd never get the chance to go again and I wanted to remember every last minute After my son died I put his favourite Disney Mickey M as the sorcerer's apprentice on the stairs - long story but it's still there and I have a little smile when I walk past
    Hope everyone that had to visit doc or hosp got on OK
    Phone still in tact and BP is fine
    Enjoyed watching the Salsa last night
    Stitches come out Fri
    PATRICIA I use that saying to my OH He thinks he's still a teenager until the body says otherwise!

    1. Karen what a great idea to do a journal, Emma has bought a Disney scrapbook to do over the next few weeks, she is trawling through all the photos to choose which ones to print off. How lovely that Micky is sat on your stairs as a reminder of your son - that's a lovely memory of a happy time. Sending you a hug xxx

  25. Had something to eat, not a lot I was not hungry. However I really would like a BIG piece of Mmmm!! maybe!! Carrot Cake or Cheese Cake, decisions, desisions.
    The boys did not come today. Mornings this week they are off to a Tennis School, I forgot about that. Audrey came along, we went for a long walk with the dogs. The weather was nice and it was great to just walk, and talk. Audrey and I don't get as much time together as we would like. Audrey works 12 hours Shifts and also does one morning and one afternoon at the school. Now that "schools out" she has a little extra free time. She is Night Shift tonight, the boys were going to a friend's party this afternoon. Audrey was going to have a sleep while they were enjoying themselves. John Jnr will take them to the Tennis tomorrow while she has a sleep before picking them up. We did offer to go for them, keep them for the afternoon. However they all have appointments at the Dentist in the afternoon. I don't know how she copes to be honest.
    THANK YOU all for your wonderful support over the past few days.
    MAUREEN:- thinking of you, everyone still in our thoughts and prayers. xxx

  26. We are about to get a storm, I am so excited, Sky is getting black. Can't wait for the cool winds!!
    It doesn't take much to give me pleasure!!

  27. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope your hospital visit went well Sandra.
    Margaret your card is lovely hope you are not in too much pain.
    Maureen pleased to hear your brother did not suffer take care we are all thinking of you.
    Hugs to all love Margaret xx

  28. It is really chilly here so we have just put the heating on, yes heating on, in July I ask you and now the rain has started, I wonder if it is the rain Patricia didn't want!
    Now ladies when I left the fracture clinic last week they gave me a leaflet with all the do's and don'ts, and one of the don't was don't poke a knitting needle down, it may cause infection! So never fear I have no intention of putting anything what so ever down it, but another big thank you for your kind concern.
    Hello Pat are you off the M25 yet? Stay calm and have a lovely time both of you.
    Karen I do hope your stitches are healing well, The memories you put on you blog of the friend you lost recently was so very beautiful she really was a special lady, bless her.xx
    Sandra I hope all has gone well at the hospital this afternoon.
    Do enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Love and hugs to all, but a special big hug to Maureen

    1. Hi MARGARET
      I'm glad your following orders about your plaster. We left home at 3.15, and arrived in Great Oakley just after 6.00. Actually the m25 wasn't to bad just very slow in places. I'm sitting reading the comments and having a glass of wine.

    2. Pat,
      me too, I was going to bed but then decided to have another glass.
      Enjoy your break.
      Love Saba xxx

  29. Just in quickly to see if Sheila had been in, I do hope she is ok? Has any one heard from her? Littlelamb Brenda are you taking it easy and doing something you enjoy doing?
    Sue, is another one who hasn't been in, I think she has been over doing it to and suffering (((( hugs))))) if your .
    Saba, has your storm arrived, Patricia had it bad this after noon, we had nothing, Sky was black earlier but that passed over.
    Janice watch out it could be coming your way?
    Wendy, are you away sunning yourself?
    Margaret, I am so pleased to read that you are doing as you are told, we are guilty at times and ignore what we are told.
    Right I think it's time to give in, been a long day not hard but long been up since 5.30, so I am off to bed. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, Sheila commented on Pinterest two days ago. I didn't get it immediately but I replied yesterday. Maybe Sheila is finding memories rushing back because of recent events.
      Sheila - if you read this sending hugs and lots of love!

    2. Hi Hazel I had email from Sheila yesterday she was a bit down after receiving a letter from the council about the fence she put up they said she should have got planning permission first.
      It's hard being so far away when she needs a proper Hug.xxxx

  30. Well it looks like everyone is having an early night. I'll sit here with my hot chocolate then I think I will go off to my bed.
    Sweet dreams everyone, xxx

    1. Snap. I am having hot chocolate as well Brenda. Enjoy

  31. Hello ladies,
    Well our storm is pathetic, we had torrential rain for about ten minutes and some slight breeze. Since then we have rumbling Thunder and distant lightening but no let up from this blasted heat. At the moment on our balcony it is 34 degrees.
    I am going to go to bed now, no nightie, just knickers. Makes me feel safer somehow, I have a thing about flies!!!! You never know where they might land!!!
    Peter has unplugged the television and computer, he thinks we are in for a really big storm tonight. We shall see.
    Love and hugs to you all,
    Especially our lovely Maureen.
    Saba xxx

  32. Saba, you just reminded me of when I was in hospital a few years ago, the lady in the next bed as well as heart problems was having maggot treatment for a leg ulcer. well their job was complete and they started to escape (I was fascinated. They are so effective) well this poor lady went ballistic, calling out to the nurse - "I haven't got any knickers on" the nurse replied " you'll be ok they only eat dead flesh"
    I still have to laugh when I think about it. Also they did a fantastic job.
    Night night xxx

    1. Oh my lord Brenda,
      That is vile. I might not sleep at all tonight.
      You sound like me though, I am also fascinated by yucky things. As a nurse I loved a really mucky wound!!!

    2. OMG BRENDA that's just made me feel sick no way could I have them any wher near me YUCK.
      SABA you sure about that haha xx

  33. Night Night SABA I know what you meen about keeping your knickers on it dose make you feel Safe especially from them Flies or Ants Hihi
    Sweet dreams everyone love & Hugs xx love & HUG's for you Maureen xx
    Lynda xx

    1. Lynda,
      I hadn't even considered ants. Might have to wear two pairs tonight!
      There won't be many sweet dreams tonight!!!

    2. I'm quite speechless! What are you lot like ?
      Sandra, would you please try and control this mad lot!
      Night Night everyone, sleep well, however you are dressed!!
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Myra, what is your night attire then?
      Don't they have flies in the Lake District ?

    4. There are no flies on me!! I've got my bloomers tucked in my wellies and my sou'wester on! May have to sleep in my glasses! You lot have frightened me to death! Xxx

    5. Oh what are you lot like! What a hoot. Don't think you can beat a lovely fluffy full leghth winceate (don't think that's how you spell it!) nighty! Night night sweet dreams, hope the bugs/flies/ maggots/ants don't bite! Xxx

  34. Good evening my lovely Angels,
    Oh Margaret I do hope that Melissa loved her beautiful card that you made for her 21st as it is beautiful and I bet she didn't have a double of that 21st card. Anne Marie designs card is of superb quality and always lets you craft in style knowing that it is top quality. Loving the butterflies but I am a butterfly fanatic along with I love poinsettias and ivy, these are my favourite dies and stamps. I love the fact that Sue made a solid to go with the filigree top dies. Thank you Margaret for letting us see Melissa's card and giving us inspiration once more from your extremely crafty hands
    Well girls "anyone want rain" as I am well and truly fed up with that , the mugginess and then the thunder and lightning. Haven't stopped so far this week and being the recognised taxi cab that I seen to have changed into taking Rory here, thee and everywhere. Tomorrow he has his cadets in the afternoon instead of night which I think is because of the school holidays. Yesterday I had to go and get his wee friend from school and then take him home last night after a day of never stop eating. Today he was away doing photography and having a barbecue, Thursday he is away cycling with this senior phase lot and Lord alone knows about Friday. I'll tell you my son has a better social life than I do and it's just not fair, I'm going to sulk and see if I get some nices times out like him.
    Anyway I'm away to sleep so I'll hopefully see you all tomorrow early that I have today
    Love and crafty huggles,
    Norah (Glenochil )

    1. Norah, that happens to us all I think! Then finally they fly the nest and you get your life back for a while . Then they have children and off you go again! You will learn that very soon with Kirsten I'm sure. How is Kirsten? How is little Harry and how is your finger which you decided to chop? Sleep well! Love Myra xxx

  35. Sorry I am a bit Kate but have made comments on the way down. We did have a shower this morning but the rest of the day was lovely. Spent a lovely day with a dear friend. Take care everyone. Hugs in the basket. Will put the dishwasher on and then go to bed.

    1. Brenda, So glad you have had a good day. Also pleased your weather was good.
      Don't tell me you are going to start changing your name - Kate - eh!
      Just kidding, sleep well,
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Which bit is Kate? I think the hair would be good and the ability to wear high heels that don't look like they would pinch your feet! Xxx
