
Monday 6 July 2015

More Cards For Men

Janice's Snooker Card

Birthday card for Luke
Cheryl Dad Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
I have gone back through the files to find you another selection of Men Cards to inspire you all.
We have Janice's card first,
A Fabulous Snooker inspired 90th Birthday card, I love the comedy feel to the card, also the scalloped edge on the card really echo's the shape of the snooker balls really well, the little gold dots on the scallops finishes the card off really well too, thanks so much for sharing your card with us Janice xxxx
Next is a card that I made for Becca's best friend Luke, Luke is one of those lads that's not really into drinking beer, not into fishing or football, so therefore really tricky to find cards for, so I went for this simple design, using (CE) Basket Weave Embossing Folder for the background, which I mounted onto some kraft card, the Kraft card goes really well with blue, I used a Spellbinders Scalloped oval for the sentiment, the Stars where Die-Namics die I think, they are a nesting dies in a set of three, but perfect size to use as embellishments, I made a Cross design with a contrasting Blue ribbon and used 3 star Brads to embellish the sentiment area.
I hope that it gives you a little inspiration.
Last up today, we have Cheryl's Dad card, Cheryl has used a really cool background on this card, she has then used (CE)  Bevelled Glass Striplet Die, it looks like Cheryl has used the die as a mask to stencil through, or just use the cut away pieces of the die, either way it is really effective and looks almost mechanical with the addition of the cogs at the bottom. They look like the Spellbinders Cogs dies, but I could be wrong.
All in all this is a Fabulous man card, perfect for any occasion. Thanks Cheryl for sharing your design with all of us xxxx
Well I can't believe its Monday again, where did the weekend go?? We have a busy week this week in the 'Riley' house, Matt has hospital today, I have hospital tomorrow at the ENT clinic, not sure why, the phoned on Friday to say that they have been asked to give me an appointment asap, so I am guessing that they may have seen something when the studied my CT scan properly, I guess we will find out tomorrow, the Consultant that discharged me didn't mention going to that clinic at all, very curious! Hopefully seeing Sue on Wednesday, Pat is off to Essex for a week to visit friends, hope you have a lovely time Pat.
Then on Friday Lucy is going away with School for a week on a Music Residential Trip, they practice for a big summer concert on the last day of term, I have to say their Orchestra is out of this world and really makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, so I am super proud that she is part of it.  I am not sure how either her or Sophie will get on however as they have never spent the night apart, so seven nights will be a good test, being Identical twins they are inseparable usually,
I have made it quite clear that we will not be making any mercy dashes to Wales to pick her up, as we have asked her many times if she is sure she wants to go.
Well we will see!!!
Special hugs for our Maureen, you are in all of our thoughts xxx
Love and hugs



  1. Good morning everyone,

    I'm in early as I have to wrap all my lovely candles up today, with all the cups given me by my Mum and Sister, I have 70!!! I didn't realize it was that many, let's hope I sell them all to make some lovely money for Cardiomyopathy UK in Pete's memory.

    Lovely man cards ladies.
    Janice's snooker theme is brilliant, loving the flowing composition of using a scalloped border with the snooker balls.
    Sandra, your card is fantastic for a young lad who's not 'into' anything. So clean and unfussy. I love it.
    I started Dads card with some bronze cardstock (Papermill years ago I think), then I used several complimenting tones of ink pads to stamp the cream top card then cut out the bevelled edge SW die. The cogs are made from Xcut dies in gold and dark red. Dad letters in dark red from Alphabet dies, but I can't remember who I bought the dies from.

    Onwards & upwards as 'they' say. Anybody know who 'they' are? Always puzzled me that saying as a youngster, still does now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl you have worked hard making so many candles for such a worthy cause, well done you. So hope you can make a good contribution .
      Hugs Jean x

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      I know how beautiful your candles are so I am pretty sure you will have a good sale!
      If I lived closer I would be there buying them all!
      I wish you 100% success my lovely,
      Look forward to hearing back from you later,
      Love and hugs

    3. Cheryl, love your story about your name and your mum correcting folk. And as for you saying that Sheryl wasn't there but Cheryl is. Our youngest daughter from an early age didn't like being called Tammara! So would tell people sorry Tammara isn't here but Tammy is? She just hated being given her proper name, we gave in and she only ever got called her it when she was in trouble which wasn't often. On her wedding day it took her all her time to say it, she doesn't to this day know why she doesn't like it. If we had known we would have called her something else. Hazel x

    4. Hi Cheryl, your candles will be a success I bet, looking forward to seeing how you get on.
      Take care, Jess xx

    5. Hi Cheryl wishing you a 100% sell out of your candels look forward to hearing how you got on.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hi Cheryl, oh wow so many cup candles. Good luck for selling them all for a good course, hugs Maria xx

    7. Hi Cheryl
      Good luck wrapping all the candles I'm sure they will look beautiful when you are finished and will sell like hot cakes. What a great way to make money for the charity, Pete would be so proud of you xxx

  2. Good Monday morning Sandra and all who pop in. Was AWOL yesterday, quite busy nothing important but just kept on finding one thing after another.
    Thanks for sharing the men cards Sandra, I think we really struggle with them, I
    know I do. How lovely for Lucy to go away for a week with the orchestra, hope Sophie doesn't miss her too much, twins do have a special bond don't they, I have twin male cousins who are 11 months older than me and when we were toddlers (don't remember only seen photos lol ) we were all in the same pram with tight blond curl, people always thought we were triplets.
    Johns off today and it's a nice sunny day up to now so well most probably take the dogs out somewhere.
    Maureen there are special hugs at the side of the basket just for you - thinking of you and yours - lost my brother 2 yrs ago and it all comes back when hearing news such as this, take care.
    I have topped the basket up and will pop back later,
    Hope your appointment is straightforward Sandra and your mind is at rest.
    Hugs Jean xx

  3. Good morning, very quiet in here this morning? Is every one having a lie in!
    Oh I see we have three great man cards today.
    Janice, I love the fun feel of your one, I know this is for a fun loving snooker player, but it would cover any age.
    Sandra, you have made a perfect card for a man or lad who just isn't into sport or as you say drinking, that's the problem you can't get just cards like yours, it's great.
    Cheryl, you are so good at the men cards, I think this would covers most men. Striplet dies are just so handy, can be used for so many different occasions.
    Well it's a beautiful morning here, sun is out, lovely blue sky. Now how long is it going to last. We were lucky yesterday and didn't get any of the horrible rain that Jess and Norah got, then again they only live a short distance apart.
    I am off into the spare room to clear away my dies that I was using last night, I did abandon them, unlike me but by the time I had finished the card I was making, I was just to tired. I am surprised I could even find things in that guddle.How far I will get tidying today? Goodness knows as Charlie is talking about going to see if he can get an eye test, if he can it involves eye drops so I will need to go with him to do the driving. So while he takes Harris for his walk I will get in there and try to make some head way.
    Everything looking ok for the day, strawberries in the fridge for those who will be watching the tennis, or anyone that just wants to have. I am away to sit and have my tea and toast, I hope the strawberry jam hasn't all been used. Hazel x

  4. Good morning everyone, slept in this morning. All the activities with the boys yesterday. Have had a Cuppa sitting in the garden .... the sun is shining but for how long. Started like that yesterday but that did not last long.
    JANICE:- your snooker card is brilliant, perfect for anyone at any age who plays snooker.
    SANDRA:- brilliant card love what you have done. A great card for any guy, change the colours and it could do for a woman.
    CHERLY:- well what can i say about you this morning??? Love, love, love, your card it's brilliant. Now your Candle Cups ....... so,so, many. Wishing you every success selling and raising money for a fantastic cause.
    House cleaning today, I had to employ Mr Dyson last night after Robert left!!! That laddie leaves so many crumbs behind. He does not eat anywhere other than in the kitchen BUT I can tell you every room he has visited!!! The other thing is we have funny, fluffy, weedy, things blowing in the wind. Yesterday looking out it was like "snow" gently falling. It has blown into the house and it's a blooming pest!!! It's in all the corners and floating along the windowsills. You have to use a wet cloth to capture them without it spreading around ..... oh! the joys of country living. Never mind it's all worth it.
    Basket topped up, see you all later xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of cards today-
    Janice- I love the snooker themed card. It's great when you make a special card for someone.

    Sandra-perfect for a male friend/relative who isn't into the usual things eg drinking, sports. I may be using this as inspiration for a card I need to make very soon.

    Cheryl-i love what you have done with the striplet die, makes a great male card.

    Sunshine here this morning but the forecast is for rain later so not sure wether to get in the garden or pop into Southport.


  6. Oooooppppss!! Sorry CHERYL:- given you another name, please forgive!!

    1. That's OK Pat, I'll join Maureen with all her names. tihi xxx

    2. I think that Cherly has a nice ring to it, maybe time for a change Cheryl?!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. My Mum was and still is a stickler for people pronouncing my name right. She would always correct my schoolmates too. But when we moved down to Somerset, I was called everything from Sharon to Shirley to Sheila. How anybody could be that wrong was anyone's guess. So Mum's mantra became "her name is Cheryl with a CH as in church NOT Sheryl with a SH as in share."
      Funny enough, no matter how many times I tell my friends that story, they still call me Sheryl. Worst culprits are the customer services and then they get annoyed when I say "hold the line please Sheryl is not available but Cheryl is. Which one do you want?" xxx

    4. CHERYL:- names are a funny thing. I am Patricia, Hazel and John do call me Pat now and again. They really are about the only ones. When I was at school there was usually another girl in class who was Patricia but they only got Pat. That way mine was always kept to the full thing. However I usually just answer to anything!!!

    5. Hihi how people sometimes can't get your name right but Cherly sounds nice. 15 years I was working in school and through the whole time one woman called me Marie, then I told he it is Mari+A but no use. Some started to call my son Chris but I don't like ,it is Christian. He wanted to change his name too as little, maybe he found it to long to spell . Like the talk with the costumer services xxx

    6. My mum would really get cross if anyone shortened our names. As I got older friends would call my Bren, I always replied I am not a gun.
      In fact Jonn is the only person I have ever let get way with that one!!! xxx

    7. Yes that was always my answer Brenda if I was calked Bren. No one is allowed to call me that . I don't like people shortening my childrens names either.

    8. Oh Cheryl , I'm so glad you told me how to pronounce your name as I've been pronouncing it wrongly in my head - if that makes ny sense! Steady now! Maureen would have had a field day with that one! Xxx

  7. Love all the cards today. Thanks for showing us. Plenty of ideas there. I am off to have my hair cut today and then to the Chropodist to have my feet done so I will be dancing on air after all that. I always feel a lot better after having these things done but purse a lot lighter. Thinking of Maureen and hope she is ok. Will just have a quick cup of tea then I will be off. Good luck with all the candle wrapping Cheryl and hope you sell lots. Hugs in the basket. Be back later.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Hope you come out feeling like a new woman!
      Shorter Hair & walking on air ! There's a song in there somewhere!
      Look forward to see you back in later!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello BRENDA:-
      Are you sure your "walking". that was not you that "floated" by my window?? Have great day xxx

    3. Brenda never mind feeling like a new woman, you will be like a baby getting topped and tailed!!,!

    4. Have a nice day with hair cut and foot work, how lovely to float on air.The best feeling. Hazel is very lucky to have your own xxx

  8. Brenda, I agree it's the to thinks I love having done, granted I am lucky having my very own chiropodist. Save a fortune too. Enjoy walking on air with your new hair cut. xxx

  9. Good morning lovely ladies,
    Tea and toast for me this morning I think, I'll help myself and go and sit by the window and see who comes in.
    Lovely selection of those dreaded man cards today.
    Janice, love the look of your card, it's got a humorous feel to it without being funny if you know what I mean.
    Sandra, a perfect card for men who don't have a particular hobby, your layout is beautifully balanced.
    Cheryl, perfect blend of colours for a man, love how you have used all the little cogs as embellishments. Good luck with your tea cup candles, I hope you raise lots for your special charity. Your house must smell gorgeous.
    Patricia, those funny fluffy weedy thingys sound like a nightmare to get rid of.
    Hazel good luck with your tidy up, love that word "guddle" its a new one for me.
    It's cooling down a little here, yesterday was ridiculous, it was still 30 degrees at midnight. Today we are down to about 25 and the light breeze is not a warm one. Washing, washing, washing today. No ironing, don't do that. Then if I am lucky I might get a signal on the satellite and be able to watch some tennis, I can usually get a couple of hours reception during the day, so fingers crossed. Mind you I have Peter at home today and he is getting under my feet.
    I'll love you and leave you now, be back later.
    Saba xxxxx

  10. Morning everyone.
    Have just stopped for a coffee. Washing has been on the line since 08.00 our time and I'm trying to decide which of Sue's new dies to use for this DEC. and what format to do. Normally I just love this stage but it's so hot and to add to the mix the new laptop should be arriving today so I keep listening for vehicles up the back lane.

    Three wonderful cards for men. If it's OK with the three of you I'll pop them into my save file for future needs. Janice your snooker theme is just fantastic, Sandra I love the simplicity of Luke's card and Cheryl those cogs just jump off the page.

    Hugs for all in need on their way.

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, what treats we have this morning,
    Janice your snooker card is wonderful, great for any age.
    Sandra, I sometimes wonder what to do for a mans card who is not into sport or beer, this is a fantastic idea, thank you.
    Cheryl, brilliant idea using the cogs and striplet, love it.

    Sandra I hope Lucy enjoys her Music trip, and doesn't miss home too much, as for Sophie I'm sure she will be ok.
    Your hospital appointment might be to check out your inner ear which affects your balance and can make you dizzy and sick. Ronnie had symptoms like this before he was diagnosed with labrynthitis, he now has pills to take every day for this.
    Off to finish painting my craft room today hopefully, we managed to put up a new shelving unit from IKEA yesterday, so all the stuff on the desk will have to be moved to that meantime so I can get the desk pulled out to emulsion the
    wall, behind. Then it will be sorting out the rubbish from what I want to keep, how do we collect so much?
    Tennis on this pm need to watch that, have a great day everyone, take care, Jess xxx

  12. Sandra, sorry I keep meaning to say that I hope your appointment goes ok, if it gets you some answers it will be worth it. As for Sophie and Lucy they will find it strange, but it's something they will have to get use to? Lucy will love her music camp, she want have time to think of missing Sophie, Sarah who I give a lift to at times was at one at Easter and was saying they practised and played for up to 9 hours a day, but the end concert was worth every minute. i also hope Matts appointment goes ok.
    Pat, enjoy your time in Essex catching up with friends is lovely.
    Cheryl, just take your time with the wrapping, can I just say and you don't have to do it and you can tell me not to be bossy, but once you have pulled your cellophane up, and tied it cut off the Extra cellophane so you only have about two and half ins. I call it giving them a hair cut. It looks ten times better. Sorry for sticking my nose in.
    Oh I must go I forgot it was Gillian's Andrews birthday today and I need to make a card, I think once I have put that up on my blog I will take time out from my blog till after the wedding and visitors, as I can't see me doing anything.
    Right will chat later. xxx

    1. That's what I do when I wrap candle cups Hazel as that is what the candle lady (Thersa) showed us to do at her class. Does look good.

    2. Brenda, when I think back to when I started doing my gifts in could die from embarrassment, I never gave things hair cuts, thank goodness I realised very quickly. xxx

  13. Thanks for the tip Hazel, didn't think of that xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all,
    Very quiet this lunchtime.Tea and any rubbish please, I was told to have that so it's your fault if I get rounder tihi.
    Cheryl- love your card. Must get those cog dies, they are great for a men card.
    Sandra- love your card too. Many guys who not into sport and fishing so perfect for them.
    Janice- your card is greeeat ! Fab. for someone into snooker, like the picture.
    Sandra- your girls will be alright. Lucy will have a wonderful time and Sophie will be fine and do her own thing . The week will go quick, hugs to them both.
    Pat- have a lovely time away. Hope the weather is nice for you but not too hot. hugs to you and Pete, hope he is ok.
    Saba- you got time to do the washing later. Sit down,have a glass of what you fancy and enjoy the tennis.
    Patricia- hope you don't overdo things and Hazel where are you again, guddle ?
    Love to see a picture Jess when you finished your craft room, I envy you all who have one so I gone all green.
    Janet- take care when it is so hot still in Marigny, we have got some showers her in Bucks. today but it not enough for the plants so will have to get the hose out later. Had a nice time back in the pool this morning, just doing some stretches and pretending I know what I was doing hihi then after my OH took me for breakfast at Nero's, the porridge was ok but not like a real one. Did some shopping in M+S and then OH had some shoes to pick up from Clarks. They have a sale on but still pricy so nothing for me. Oh if I could walk without shoes all the time I would.
    Sandra- you take care, interesting what they want from from doc.
    Norah- is baby Harry doing alright. How is your daughter doing after the cesarean ? Hope you got some sunshine.
    Going to call my parents now and see how they doing.They have been out with there mobilehome for a couple of weeks and visit family and friends from my hometown and a bit further up in Sweden. See you all later
    Love and hugs Mari+A hihi xxx

  15. Good afternoon Sandra & all you lovely ladies.
    Not much happening hear today It's my brothers 70th today but they are on holiday & would also been my mum's today.We are going to see my brother on the 26th he is doing a BQ & all our families are all going so will be a big family gathering which will be nice everyone together that doesn't happen very often.
    Today we have sun so changed the bed washed sheets on the line another wash finished ready to hang out. Going for a walk with doggis soon then I will sort out my craft room AGAIN why do I make so much mess after yesterday making one card.How many of you make a mess crafting.
    Sandra hope Matt's hospital appointment goes well.Then yours tomorrow hope you get answers.
    Hope Lucy enjoys her music trip also doesn't pine for Sophie & wants to come home,but I'm sure she will be fine,with all the music practising, the time will fly by,Also hope Sophie is ok without Lucy, it's lovely they are so close.Have they finished school now for the summer holidays.
    Will pop in later, love Lynda xx

    1. So sorry I forgot all the cards today are brilliant CHERYL love your dads card JANICE i love your snooker card & Sandra your card is perfect for men who haven't got a sports interest so well done everyone
      Hug's Lynda xx

  16. Afternoon all - just to let you know we are back on line with the new laptop which at the moment is driving my insane - no comments please - as it is Windows 8 and totally totally nothing like our old one so anything can and will happen. I've already lost a long post to you so please be patient with me. Perhaps I'll get used to it in a number of years. You never know.
    Sandra hope tomorrow goes well - I'll be thinking of you. The girls will be fine. Yes they will be worried about each other and I bet they'll be on the phone tonight for hours.
    OK I'm off now before something happens and I lose this. See you tomorrow.
    My usual hugs are on their way so hoping they arrive safe and sound.

    1. Hi Janet, after a few goes, you won't find it so daunting. windows 8 is so much easier than previous versions. Pete and I didn't take long 'to get the hang of it', in fact I'm now on windows 8.1, easy peasy though I am balking a bit on this last ever version of Windows - 10. I shall just wait for the free upgrade to arrive in a couple of years. Apparently they will not be making any other windows systems. Watch this space as 'they' say. xxx

    2. Cheryl
      My husband beta tests a lot of Microsoft products so he is always ahead and eventually he says to me that he will update my computer and totally confuses me! Xxx

  17. Hello everyone,
    Thank you Sandra for the wonderful place you have created where we comfort each other.
    You have all been so kind and thoughtful and I appreciate it so much, you will never know. We do not know when the funeral will be as there has to be a post mortem, but today Joan asked me to find some photographs for her. Well, this has been a blessing as I have smiled and laughed out loud at some of them where he is acting the fool or just enjoying himself at family parties. Because it was so sudden and he hadn't been "ill" in the traditional way he looked as fit as a fiddle, especially as he was tanned from his holiday, so it is not painful to look at them.
    I'm sorry I haven't commented on anything, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your kindness so much.
    Love Maureen x

    1. Never mind commenting , it's just great to have you pop in! So pleased looking at the photographs is helping you - it's these happy memories, isn't it! You are a rather popular member of this team here so we just want to help you in whatever way we can. Take care, my Dear, sending lots of love Myra xxx

    2. My dearest of hearts,
      Never mind the comments sweetie, it's lovely of you to pop in. We are all so concerned for you & George. Joan too, please pass on my warmest condolences to her, I know how she is feeling so give her a me hug too. xxx

    3. Oh Maureen, we all understand and you just popping in is lovely, you take your time we are here for you, that's what this place is all about - support and friendship. Yes looking at these photos will be good, even writing a little bit down as to what was going on, so others can read good too, they are memories after all. Just take your time that's important. xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- wonderful just to see you, never mind the comments.
      As long as we know you are OK that is all that matters.
      I just hope it is not a long drawn out affair and you get things settled soon for everyone peace of mind.
      Please let everyone know we are thinking of them. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. (((((Hugs))))) xxx

    5. Maureen, love to you and your family. You know we are here, thinking about you. Looking at photographs is a great way to remind yourself of happy times, and I'm sure you had plenty. The good memories will help you get through the next week.
      A huge cuddle coming your way

    6. Maureen,
      What a lovely surprise to see you popping in, thank you for taking the time to keep us up to date with how you are doing. We are all thinking of you. I am so pleased that you managed to find a little happiness by looking at pictures of Raymond and remembering happy times. I hope it brought some comfort to Joan as well.
      You are in my prayers.
      Love and hugs
      Barbara xxxxx

    7. Maureen nice to see you pop in, the photos are a great reminder of who your brother was, enjoy looking at them and remember the good times.
      We are all thinking of you and your family at this sad time.
      Take care, Jess xxxx

    8. Maureen - nothing matters except you and your family at this time. As long as you are coping and giving each other support then we know you're OK.
      Take care lovely friend and hugs for you all.

    9. Maureen - its lovely to see you pop in and I sincerely hope you found comfort looking through the photos. My thoughts are with you and your family, As long as you are gentle with yourselves may you be able to support each other -
      Hugs Jean xx

    10. Maureen, it's nice to see you. You pop in when you can, we will be here.
      Take care and many hugs to you and the rest of the family, Maria xx

    11. Maureen, I was so pleased to see you had poped in. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers.
      No one expects you to comment, it's just lovely to see you. xxx

    12. Maureen my lovely lady you are in my thoughts and prayers. My condolences to you and George and Joan. I'm pleased to hear you are looking at photos and have some happy memories of your brother, laughter and tears are so close aren't they. It is lovely to see you but we all understand and will be here for you when you are ready. Much love and hugs xxxxx

    13. Hello Maureen sweetheart so pleased to see you pop in.No comments needed just nice to here you ok,how lovely looking through the photos of Raymond brought you happy memorises & able to smile at them. Maureen you George & Joan are in my thoughts & Prayers.
      Lots of love (((((( Hug's))))))) Lynda

  18. Hi Sandra
    Just love your snooker card Janice, how ingenious, I haven't seen one of these before. Love Luke's card as well Sandra. I love your Dads card as well Cheryl. It was good to hear from Maureen today, I'm glad you had some photos to look at and that you could laugh at them. The girls will be fine Sandra, they'll have to do things seperately at some point. This will be a good test for things to come. I hope that Matts and your hospital appointments both go ok.

  19. Hi Sandra and all the Ladies!
    I'm a bit late but struggling with Internet access today as well as phone!
    Today's men's cards are really great and I like all of them.
    Janice - I love your Snooker card. I like the proportions of it. Also how the " score" can be altered. Thank you
    Sandra your card is just great for a card that would suit absolutely any man or boy. Love your colours too.
    Cheryl - I love your use of that Striplet especially combined with the cogs. Thank you!
    I'm going to sign off as I lost the last one!!
    Love to everyone and Norah I do hope your hand is ok!
    Myra xxx

  20. just a quick visit whilst i'm waiting on the phone to be "passed to an operator" Arghhhh!
    SoI'm typing with one hand at the mo!The batch of male cards are all lovely and very insprational. Love the cheeky snooker image, kept promising myself that bevelled striplet and those cogs have made another appearance! Awesome
    MAUREEN Take care, photos are a great comfort and evokes happy memories which as somebody said to me recently can never be taken away
    23 minutes and I'm still waiting......
    The girls will be fine SANDRA, we probably worry more than they do! I hope you both get on OK at hospitals
    I'm going now to lob this damn phone out of the window now!

    1. Oh! Karen your last sentence did make me laugh....... I know I should not do that at your frustration. I can feel it here xxx

    2. Oh Karen,
      Patience is a virtue.........but they test it to its limits don't they!
      No lobbing it now, you may hit some poor unsuspecting person on the head!!!
      On second may reach the call centre and wake them up!

    3. Karen, these folk I am sure are told to put you on hold, so you give up and they don't have to deal with the problem. Hazel x

    4. Boomers who are you calling, just be careful where this phone ending up and don't pull any stitches now hihi Breath woman, breath xxx

    5. Steady Karen! You'll get High Blood Pressure! Not to mention a broken phone and window! Xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all who are in cafe.
    Sandra your card is perfect, hope hospital visits go OK and Lucy enjoys her trip, we do worry don't we doesn't matter how old they are!
    Janice and Cheryl your cards are lovely.
    Maureen pleased to see you in enjoy the memories my Dad died suddenly when he was 58 so know how you are feeling nice for them not too suffer but hard for ones left behind, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Hugs to all love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      hope you are ok and enjoying the nice weather we have now after the heatwave, take care and hugs Maria xx

  22. Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for your comments today on my snooker card. I made it last year for Derek's Dad, who loves to play snooker, but boy did it take some time to find a good image to use. It came from crafts u print. Hadn't used them before, but it worked. Decoupaged the snooker balls and put his age on it. It must have hit the right spot with him, since 18 months later it is still on display. Background is made from the larges grand nestability.
    Cheryl, I was looking at these dies online just a few days ago and thinking how useful they would be, and here they are, on a great card. They go well with this geometric striplet. I'm also impressed with the number of candles you have made. Fingers crossed for great sales, and for such an important cause (4 with it in my family, 2 of them lost)
    Sandra, this is a great design for that awkward male, or the one you don't know too much about.
    Hope your hospital visit goes well tomorrow.
    Well, I better go and make some dinner. beginning to feel a bit hungry now.
    See you all later

  23. Patricia,
    those gorgeous roses that you made today on your blog, what paper did you use, they are stunning, it looks like crepe paper?

    1. SANDRA:-
      It is 160gsm paper Hazel gets for me from a local printer. Nothing fancy, however I do the same with whatever bits I use to make flowers.
      It looks like crepe paper but that's because it has been spritzed with water then I squish the petals along a plastic knitting needle. I leave them to dry completely. Open them up gently, use a big Ball Tool to start to form them the way I want.
      I would be willing to do this as a "workshop" at the Retreat if anyone wants it. They are actually easy once you see it done. xxx

    2. oh yes please, you are going to be soooo busy :-)

    3. Me too , Pretty Please!!!xx

  24. Waiting for daughter to pick us up for her Salsa class Phone is still in one piece! Phone had started with that automated "answer this" "answer that" "I'm sorry can you repeat that" "it dies not match the information we hold" etc etc
    I relented and bought SW's Merry Christmas and the mini Snowflake Striplet They are even lovelier in real life

  25. Karen, it doesn't sound like they were playing soothing music in the background!
    Glad your phone is still in one piece. And have you seen your new name, Boomers in deed, or is that a Swedish swear word Maria??

  26. Hello ladies,
    Sandra, please forgive me, I forgot to say good luck tomorrow at the hospital, let us know what it is all about. Don't worry about your girls, I imagine they will be keeping in touch on a regular basis.
    Well I managed 6 wash loads, all dry and put away, I have to,confess though that tomorrow I will be doing some ironing, I know I always say I don't do ironing but there were a few shirts in the wash and those have to be done. Can't be sending himself into the office looking like a tramp.
    I managed to watch some of the Wimbledon matches but would you believe it in the last set of Andy's game the signal went, Switched to the I pad and got the remote Internet going to watch bbc I player, phew, all getting very very exciting and then it got to the last game and I lost the flaming Internet connection. You could say I was ever so slightly miffed, frustrated and a tad frantic. I have recovered now, the gin helped enormously.
    Hugs for now

    1. Hi Saba,
      Hihi you see you could have needed a Boomers I just come up with these words sometimes I guess instead for swearing so it is not a new name for our Karenlotty haha.
      Oh boy you did have some washing back, not much of your feet up but I hope they are now. G & T is it ,hugs Maria xx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Love your Boomers word, I hope you don't mind if I borrow it. I can't abide swearing, except for when I stub my toe and then I think it is perfectly acceptable. I don't have a problem with little swear words like bug....r but the really big ones are not good. Having said that, we once had a bat fly into our sitting room and I said a really really big swear word. I don't know what shocked Peter the most, the bat or my filthy mouth. He was quite sweet actually, the bat not Peter. He flew around our sitting room a few times and then landed on the curtains and hung there for a little while before flying back out of the window. Now believe it or not, but he visited us a few times over the next few weeks, never stopped off on the curtains again though, just came in flew round and left again. I quite missed him when he didn't come any more.
      I seem to have gone off on a tangent!!
      By for now xxxx

    3. We Don't have swear words in Swedish, do they exist in German ?
      Not only pigeons at your home but bats too, how cute hihi
      I think I have said a word or two when hurting myself or when the fat black spider running a cross the floor. I actually said one tonight when OH telling me he took one climbing up the side of the duvet up to the bed, good knows what i'm sleeping with, shudder ! Have a good night, if you can........ xxx

    4. Oh Maria I can honestly say they have some very imaginative ones here in Germany. What do the Swedish people say then instead of swear words?
      Ps, I really really don't like spiders, but my biggest fear is moths!! I loathe and detest and am terrified of moths.

    5. scroll down, if you are still awake .

  27. SANDRA. I hood your appointment at the hospital goes ok. I am sure Lucy and Sophie will be ok. Really enjoyed my day. Hope everyone has had a good day.

  28. Hello everyone,
    What a day, up at 5.45. Got to daughters for 7.00. Daughter had already left, she had to go to Huntingdon. SIL was ready to leave with teenage daughter who is on work experience in London.(he was dropping her off at train station) we gave the younger ones breakfast, and got them to school on time. Then went on to our friends to get my hair done, the time just flew by, we then had to collect children from school, took them home, gave them tea. Left daughters and home for dinner, water garden and now I can sit and comment.......... 'Peace at Last'

    JANICE your snooker card is great.
    SANDRA, love Luke's 21st birthday card
    CHERYL, you really have a gift when it comes to making men's cards, love this one.

    Sandra I'm sure Lucy will be fine on her residential trip. Although this will really be a test for both girls.

    Goodnight, Sweet Dreams everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda what a busy day! Did you know there's a children's book called peace at last! It's all about a bear trying to get to sleep, I used to read it to Emma when she was little, my dad read it to her a few times and I can still hear him laughing as he found it so funny. Sweet dreams xxx

    2. YES Diane I was thinking of that very book. LOL xxx

    3. Hope you will sleep good tonight Brenda with your busy day over. Ah I remember that book. Perhaps see you on the 25th ?
      nighty,night xxx

  29. Sandra hope your appointment goes well tomorrow LOL xxx

  30. Ladies, I just want to say thank you for all your support you have give to Patricia and I today, ( Elaine is visiting tonight so she won't be in) we are both touched, we have known for a long time that you are a fantastic group of friends, and each and every one has found a place in our hearts, you are more than friends really, and today has proved that more than anything. We will not let what's going on to spoil that friendship NO WAY. We were brought up to stand up to bullies, and that's what we are doing, we will not give them ammunition to use on others. I was taking a break as I am busy, busy so just brought it forward by a week, I don't have my craft stuff at hand, so no makes to show anyway, my blog is NOT CLOSED. It's having a break, same with Patricia's. We can't wait for the retreat when we meet you all, in person. Talking about that, Sheila hasn't been in for a couple of days, I hope that she is ok, and wasn't upset by what happened on Saturday? It still early days for her, Sheila if you are looking in, please let us know you are ok please. Thank you all once again. Hazel x

  31. SURPRISE:- I me here, Elaine came very early this evening so has left early!!!
    Right:- Hazel has said it all. My thoughts EXACTLY no way will we stop coming in. I just don't want people being hurt by things I have quoted on "my Blog" used as ammunition. I will be back, I will not be defeated. I just hope all the hurtful things come to an end soon. We have to stick together in this.
    A few of you have commented on my Roses. Would any of you like me to do a "workshop" on them at the Retreat. I will be happy to that, no problem, let me know so that Sandra can book in some time.
    Thank you each and every one of you for your wonderful support. I fair brings a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye. Think it calls for another of those group hugs (((((hug))))) xxx

    1. It's been a funny day here today. Not funny ha! ha! either!!!
      Forgot I asked about doing a "workshop" on the Roses already xxx

    2. Or another Gin maybe.
      Hazel, Patricia I couldn't agree with you more. And we will support you both in getting this bullying stopped. We are friends and that's what friends are for.
      Love Saba xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    3. Group hugs (((((0))))) xxx

  32. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm so late, my pad was flat this morning and I couldn't find the charger. I've been busy sorting washing out (Saba how did you manage 6 loads!) and when I finally sat down at 5.30 I fell asleep until 8! Oh dear, I was behind all evening. Mind you I was so confused this morning I opened the dishwasher to put the washing in, not a good start!!!!
    Janice your card is great and what a lovely idea for an elderly gent and a real honour that it is still on display. Xxx
    Cheryl, I have a friend who is a ch not a sh! Your card is lovely too, that striplet die is so useful isn't it, I've used it a lot. Xxx
    Sandra love your card too, it's a great card for difficult teen boys and those with no obvious hobby. If you buy a male card (I know sharp in take of breath!) why do they assume men like boats and golf! I hope all goes well at the hospital for you both and Lucy enjoys her musical break. Does that mean you are on entertainment duty as Sophie will be lost. I know a set of twins and when they were younger they tried being air hostesses but if they were on different shifts they couldn't rest when the other one was flying, strange isn't it. Xxxx
    Hazel, oh no poor you and Patricia, I know you both said you were busy so wouldn't be posting on your blogs so often for a little while, I haven't looked at your blogs yet ( not enough hours in the day) but I know fro comments people have made how beautiful your things are so I must go and look. Xxxx
    Sheila hope you are ok and Pat have a great break.
    Right I will hopefully catch you all tomorrow.
    Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

  33. Diane,
    My washing marathon was made easier by the fact the temperatures were in the middle 30s again.
    Peace at last was also a favourite book for my grandchildren. They have now moved on to:- secret seven for Max (aged7) the faraway tree for Oliver (4), ( I could be Mrs washalot ) and for Abi (5) anything with a fairy or a princess in it!!!
    I love reading to them.

    1. Not good with jet leg Diane. Oh Saba could you see Diane's knickers coming out all shiny and sparkly from the dish washer ? tihi
      good night you two and anyone snooping outside the door xxx

    2. We say them in English , of course hihi
      Don't like moth's either brrr!
