
Saturday 11 July 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday & Patricia's been rummaging!!

Myra's Pin Cushion
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
I have another fabulous selection of Crafts to inspire you today.
First up we have this stunning Pin Cushion, this fabulous creation
has been made by our very talented Myra.
There is just so much detail, I love the beautiful Pocket Watch,
also all of the tiny sewing themed charms, Scissors, cotton reels,
thimble, the ribbon trim and the pearls and zipper rose give the
perfect decorative finishing touch, I would love to display my
stick pins in something as stunning as this Myra, I love it!!
Thank you so very much for sending in for me to Share with
our friends here in the café xxx
Janice's Patchwork Quilt
Next up today we have this Janice's amazingly detailed Patchwork Quilt,
It looks so neat Janice, I love the colours that you have chosen to
put together on this Patchwork Quilt, it must have taken
you a very long time to create, you have finished off so
neatly too, what a lovely family heirloom to be handed down,
I started collecting a week by week quilt magazine many, many months
ago, although I am yet to get started, I have a knitted quilt to finish too,
I have started that one, (well I have knitted about 20 of the squares)!
Thank you for sharing your Patchwork with us Janice xxx
Margaret's mini Quilt
Keeping to the Patchwork theme, this time we have a 'baby' quilt,
just look at the amount of detail in the centre of that quilt !
With being not much more than twelve inches long those little
rectangles of material must be tiny, but they are so perfectly placed.
I imagine that this takes almost as much time as a larger quilt.
Margaret you must have very nimble fingers!
Thank you so much for sharing your stunning quilt with
all of your friends here in the café xxxx
Patricia's cups!
Patricia sent this photo of some tea cups that she has found whilst having
a rummage around at home, I suggested that she might need a lorry
to deliver all the wax to fill that lot, they would be perfect though!
Maybe you and Maureen should go halves on buying the company
that supplies the wax as she will need a fair amount to fill her 'Tea Cup' too!
Thanks for sharing your discovery Patricia xxxx
Well that's all for today ladies,
I hope that you all have a good weekend,
Ours will be all about keeping Sophie occupied!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning all ......Oh! My! Giddy! Aunt how talented are the ladies that visit this wonderful Coffee Shop. I am in Aww!!!
    MYRA:- how wonderful is that Pincushion?? One to be on show 100% of the time, I love it.
    JANICE:- Wow! Oh! Wow! your Quilt is amazing. I really need to try to find someone to teach me how to do this. Never mind that Sister of mine ....... she keeps telling "your cutting up material just to sew it all together again"
    MARGARET:- the same goes for your little Quilt I love it. Oh! why do you ladies not live near me .... I need to learn, I really do.
    I went on a "cleaning out" the Dining Room yesterday. The boys have a BIG box of Action Man toys in the corner. Sorted that out ..... it's still there. They are young for such a sort time it will be gone before we know it.
    Then I started on the sideboard ... sweet little Coffee Sets ..... who uses them every day?? They are now in a create along with the Tea Set that has never seen the light of day in 19 years, plus the 2 cups my friend bought me. I will order more Wax and get busy after September.
    I have cleaned out the fire, re-set it. Think it might be on again today, going by the weather forecast. I do have have it covered and nice lights when not in use.
    Everything set up for the day, I think Margaret has left another Tray Bake in the fridge, will leave it there for now. I have my Tea & Toast, will take it over to the corner. Wonder who will pop in today???
    Maureen hope you had good fun with the girls and not too many crumbs in that bed!!
    Will not be out in my PJs today, they are nice though, cream bottoms with Turquoise flowers, turquoise top, sorry the floral leather clogs do clash but as I said I am not going out!!
    Hugs in the basket by the door as usual.
    See you all later xxx

  2. Good morning all,

    Very cloudy and over cast this morning, so what a surprize to look in the café and see some wonderful, colourful, cheerful items that have brightened my day.
    I'm loving your pincushion Myra, it so gorgeous. The detail in the miniature items are beautiful. A boon to any seamstress.

    Your quilt must haven taken you ages to make Janet, it is so vibrant and I for one would love to snuggle up underneath it.
    And Margaret's baby quilt stuns me. The centrepiece is exquisite.
    I have not tried quilting before so I take my hat off to you ladies in admiration of your masterpieces.
    Patricia's cups are very pretty and will make lovely candles.
    More candles to finish off today, I bought some more on a whim, because they were so detailed, so it's a good job I have another week to go to the church Fete next Saturday.
    However you are spending your weekend, enjoy every minute.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations Brenda Lello, you lucky, lucky lady. Just what you need dear heart, a lovely surprize today. xxxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Myra-your pin cushion is a work of art, if it was made as a guft then I'm sure the recipient was thrilled although I'm not dure I could have given it away if i'd made anything so exquisite.

    Janice-your quilt is stunning. You must have the patience of a saint making something so detailed , it's truly beautiful.

    Margaret-I love your mini quilt, such gorgeous colours . Was this for yourself or was it a gift?

    Cloudy day here & quite breezy-am off to the hairdressers for 9.30 just for a blow dry as we're iff out again tonight. Meal & drinks with a group from the golf club-usually a fun night. After the hairdressers I'm calling at my Dads as its his birthday next week so I'm dropping off his cards & presents-i've got the card & gift off my brother + sister in law plus a card off my in-laws. I'll stop for a coffee & chat but will be home for my lunch-a couple of hours is long enough!
    My friend eventually found the log book for her old card but never found her driving license so she had to show a very very old passport to sign for the hire car.
    Someone she knows at her Knit & natter night donated 3 bags of card making stash as their friend was giving up-I doent a hour ir so looking through the card/papers etc last night but will give most of it to my M in L as I have more than enough stash as you could see in the photos of my craft room.

    Best get dressed so I can pop up to the greenhouse.


    1. Sorry Patricia-can't wait to see all those teacups made into candles. Someone is going to be busy!


  5. Congratulations Bredda Lello you have won Sue's Wednesday giveaway.
    Enjoy you lucky lady xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. At long last we are back online : )) I have missed you all so much, have had a look at all of the beautiful cards and photos but haven't read all of the comments as I wanted to say Hi first. I will catch up with everything that has been going on over the last week but will start by saying how much I love Myra's pin cushion, it is gorgeous, so many wonderful embellishments. It is such a lovely way to store your stickpins. I think that Sandra, Pat and I will have to have a go at making our own, even though Sandra is the only one of us that makes them on a regular basis : )
    Janet's patchwork quilt is wonderful, and in my favourite blue colour. I would love to make one, and as Sandra would too it is another project that I think we will have to attempt. I often look at fabrics but don't know how to decide which ones to use as there are so many gorgeous patterns/designs to choose from.The only thing I do know is that it would have to be mainly blue, as I have already said it is my favourite colour. Whilst on holiday in Canada a few years ago we went to an Apple Fair, a village fete that had many different apple based products, there were lots of stalls selling locally made handcrafted items too including one that had the most beautiful quilts hand sewn (no machine stitches at all! ) made by some Mennonite ladies. Each quilt pattern has a particular meaning and you could almost feel the love that had been stitched into them....amazing.
    We will have to have a go during our weekly meet ladies, I think I will have to be "teacher" for a change as I know Sandra isn't used to her sewing machine. I will have to dig out some material I have in the loft to have a practice before finally deciding on my final material. Janice and Margaret, if you have any tips or hints about patchwork please would you share them with us?
    Margaret, your little quilt is beautiful. Some of those pieces are tiny, you must have very nimble fingers (certainly NOT something I have!) to have made this! I imagine the smaller the pieces the fiddlier it is.
    Patricia, you have got a great collection of such pretty china, and all just begging to be filled with candle wax and then put on show or given as gifts, rather than being hidden unused in a cupboard : )
    Thank you all for sharing, I love Mixed Craft Saturday, it is always such a wonderful surprise to see what you all get up to apart from card making : )
    Well, I am off to start the comment catch up. I hope you all have a good day, special thoughts are with you Maureen.
    Sandra, have a lovely day with Sophie. Take care xx

    1. Hello My lovely,
      So pleased that you are finally back amongst us, where you belong.
      I was excited to read that you are up for the patchwork, lets get on it!
      I was just thinking that it must soon be the anniversary of the day that we all met up!!
      I think we should go out for lunch to celebrate.
      How were those dies that you bought at the show last week, did they cut ok, I forgot to ask u on Wednesday.
      Catch up later,
      Love you lots

    2. Hello Sue,
      Good to have you back!
      I would love to be a fly on the wall next week when you have this Sewing Session! I'm sure it will be lots of fun. Xxx

    3. Can't I join you Myra. Those lot will laugh more than work. xxx

    4. One thing to remember the Mennonite and Amish ladies, if there is no mistake on a quilt they have made they will make a deliberate one as they say only God's work is perfect. xxx

    5. I was trying to think what it was they did, Margaret. They won't use machines of any sort either. I wonder just how long these communities will survive as encouraging children nowadays to live without Internet and mobile phones must be rather difficult. Xxx

    6. Its lovely to have you back Sue. However, to quote John McEnroe who can't be serious. I'll join Myra and Hazel on the wall. I'll be sat watching or doing some colouring. We spent the afternoon in Dovercourt and got absolutely covered in God knows what. Tiny little buggy flies is the only way I can describe them. So of course we had to have an ice cream on the cafe on the front.

    7. Pat! We'll be like a set of flying ducks on the wall!!
      We're certainly quackers anyway! Xxx
      Enjoy your holiday - see you on the wall! Xxx

  7. First of all, another " Coffee Shop" winner we are a lucky bunch, and it couldn't have happened to a kinder person, and on a week when things are not 100%! With that big decision having to be made. Brenda enjoy. xxx
    Good morning everyone. What a beautiful Display of crafts this morning.
    Janice, a labour of love with that stunning quilt, that must have kept you busy over a winter or two? It's a thing that will never date, they are timeless.
    Margaret, same with yours, but on a smaller scale, but as much work as its sewing all those small pieces together.
    Myra, what a wonderful pin cushion and a very useful gift.
    Patricia's, cups I did see yesterday when she sent me the photo, yes if you haven't used them for drinking out of in 19'years or more, at least being transformed into candle cups, they will see the light of day. They will look gorgeous.
    Sandra, first night over for your two, were there tears at bed time? As we all have told you, this will be good for them. Was Becca complaining of hot ears last night??? She should! Let her read our comments she will see you are not mean, but too generous, and time for change. As Charlie pointed out we as a couple, get a little bit more than her wage each month with our pensions ( mine very small due to touring the world with Charlie while he was in the army) didn't earn my stamp, and in those days you just could not afford to pay it yourself. Plus his army pension. We run a home, pay our bills save and managed very well. My salary has never gone into the household budget that's for what we class as luxuries beyond our normal life. Charlie has always maintained if we can't live off his income we have to do better budget wise. Very old fashioned that he is the bread winner. So Becca is very well off and could be living in her own home.
    Well I had to get dressed and go see to Gillian's cats, she is away with her team covering another charity event. I wonder who many feet they will patch up today??? Miserable day for them ( walkers) oh they are swimming the loch and riding bikes even worse, but there will be a lot of blisters etc.
    I am hoping that Tammy has packed lots of sunshine into their cases, they are in for a shock when they get back from holiday as they have been having high 30s this morning out there 10c . Right I have had my tea and toast, I see more wondrful home made jam has been brought in. Money in the pot, better go put Charlies bacon on he phoned to let me know they will be home in a minute, the things we do for our other halves. Be in later. xxx

    1. Sandra I so agree with Hazel about budgets, and Hazel, Derek sounds just like Charlie as far as budgets are concerned, I think it is a man pride thing. If it keeps them happy that is fine. xxx

  8. Another big WOW! That pin cushion! And the quilts - stunning! I've never tried patchwork but boy after seeing these I must have a go Your cups are pretty Patricia Anazing what we find when we have a rummage
    I have found a few of you on Pinterest - you amazing ladies! I will keep looking for you others! Off to finish a gift for a friend - a Salsero He's got a party tonight to celebrate his birthday
    Hope to pop back later

    1. KAREN:- did not have to rummage far ..... They were all in my sideboard xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all, tea and a scone please. It looks very nice in here and the smell from the tray bake is wonderful.
    I have to start off with Michele's fabulous craft room, it is perfect and so tidy. Would love to have it myself as I'm like Patricia are posted in the kitchen and not even a dining table so it is a bit tricky.
    Diane- your pictures from Florida are lovely and you did so many great things together.Some fantastic memories there. I wouldn't go on any of the rides either, have become a scarycat since gotten older :-)
    Yesterday's card is lovely Janet, a very nice thing to send Sandra.
    oh ,boy this mornings craft is wonderful.
    Myra- the pin cushion is adorable with all the little sewing bits and the little pocket-watch is so cute.
    Janice- the bed quilt is fabulous! Must have taken some time to make. Love the colours.
    Margaret- the little quilt is so sweet, love the pattern and all the different layers.
    Patricia- so many pretty cups and saucers! Can see many off us getting busy rummaging through our cupboards and charity shops for them :-)
    Sandra -I hope you are alright, your allotment is doing fine.
    Lucy off on her band camp, hope she have a great time and that Sophie will be fine. You are doing something fun together this week-end ?
    The melting thingy you and Mrs B was making on Wednesday sounded fun.
    Well I hope you all have had your knickers on properly and correct pj's if going out in the car while I been awol ( thanks Lynda for missing me tihi)
    Lynda - I wish your feet were not so painful for you. Can't just be age ?!
    Thursday I went with a friend to hospital to see about a hip-replacing and not just injections. First the doc.was running 2 hours late! so that was no good, she could have got to see someone else but we really wanted her to see the big one so we waited and that was good because she will have her hips done soon. After we had to see three others for blood etc. so that took another hour. By now both our tummy's were rumbling so we went for lunch and just talked for a while before going home. I wished in some way's I never gone home again as my OH had some really sad news about the wife next door to us. She have had some troubles before but cooped alright with medications. I saw her on Friday while she was doing some gardening and the anniv. of her brothers death was coming up. Don't now exactly what happened but she killed herself on the Saturday.
    We had seen the ambulance and the police during the Saturday but never thought anything like that had happened so as you can understand it has been some black day's here. It's all such a shock and sadness. Like we know now, life is short so take care and do things now don't delay.
    I'm sending many hugs to Maureen and your family, it nice to seen you in.
    Brenda & John you are also both in my thoughts, take care and hugs.
    I hope everyone else how are not in the moment will be back soon again, I miss you. Have a nice week-end all and hope the sun shine give you a visit up North,
    Love and hugs Maria Xxxxx

    1. OMG!! Maria, what terrible news and how sad.
      It's the people left behind that really bear the burden.
      Your right, life is far too short and we have to grab every precious minute. xxx

    2. Oh Maria, How very sad! That poor lady must have been in a very dark place for something like this to happen. Always so sad and often completely unexpected. My heart goes out to you and especially to the lady's family.
      Take care my dear! Love Myra xxx

    3. Oh Maria
      What a sad thing to happen. My heart goes out to her family as these are the ones that have been left behind in such tragic circumstances. She must have really been in a bad do this.

    4. Oh Maria, how sad, this poor lady must have been really depressed, now her poor family have got to pick up the pieces. What ever the circumstances I always feel it is harder for those left behind.
      I hope you and your family are OK. xxx

    5. Maria, love, hugs and prayers for you, your family and the poor lady's family. She must have been in despair. xxx

    6. Maria what tragic news the poor family and their circle of friends too, they will be distraught and full of questions especially W H Y?
      I always say there is a reason for everything although we may never get to know the reason why. I so hope she is in a calmer and happier place now Bless her. xxx

    7. Hi Maria,
      I am so sorry to hear your sad news, you must have been totally shocked. I think its worse when it takes you so much by surprise.
      The poor lady must have really been a rock bottom to actually go through with what she did.
      A lot of the time and when I recently went to the hospital emergency evaluation unit, there were so many people in there that had had an attempt at taking their own lives, they all knew each other, I think in that situation they just do it for the attention and makes people judge people that do take their own life wrongly.
      Her family must just be devastated, lets hope she is now at peace bless her.
      Don't hide away Maria, its better for you to talk about it my lovely,
      we are all here to help you, that's what this amazing bunch of friends does best.
      sending you lots of love and hugs

    8. It's a tough one Maria. I know, my friend did it. There is often a major underlying problem that no one else is aware of (there was in my friend's case) that can seem so huge when you can't talk about it.
      That's what's so good here, a place to moan, cry or shout out, with some lovely caring people. We are the lucky ones, this therapy is not available to all.
      Hugs to you

    9. Maria how sad, what awful news to come home to. She must have been in such a dark place poor lady. My thought are with you both and her family xxx
      Janice how sad for you too, sending you a hug xxx

  10. Morning one and all
    Sorry I've been AWOL these last couple of days but on occasions I have what Mum used to call 'feeling nowt nor summat' and I've been like that.
    Anyway today's another day and what a day for Mixed Craft Saturday.
    A stunning pin cushion, out of this world quilt and mini quilt and so many cups for candles I wouldn't know where to start.
    One and all are just stunning and wonderful to have. There's so much talent in this wonderful Café can you just see how wonderful a one off craft fayre would look like if we all exhibited our wares. I'm sure it would go down in history.

    We did go to Friday market - well Jim did. I went as far as the pastry shop and then went and sat having a cuppa while he wandered down the main street and back.
    Our pastries this week were 1 Caramba and 1 Polonais.
    The Caramba is a confection of caramel with nuts mixed in it manking it like a paste. This sits on a sliver of biscuit for the base. On top of the caramel sits a thick slice of vanilla mousse which is topped off with caramel sauce.
    The Polanais is like a bread and butter pudding mix with angelica mixed in and soaked in a wonderful liquid. This sits in a foil cup and on top is a beautiful soft merengue topped off with toasted almonds and a cherry.

    It's really a good job that we only indulge once a week!!!!!!

    Well we are still waiting for rain and looking at the forecast it doesn't look as though any is on it's way this week. Water restrictions have started in some other Departments but at the moment no/t here although we have 7 water butts and all are now empty so the veggies are surviving on grey water. Whether we get anything from them this year is anybody's call. The temps are still high 38/40 so perhaps that also was in my mix of not 100% the last two days although we are doing everything we can to try and stay cool!!!

    I'll try and catch up on comments I've missed.
    Sandra I'm so pleased you enjoyed my card to you. The emvelopes are from The Range. They come in packs of 5 I think along with a card blank. I only use them for special cards as they work out quite expensive but because they are gusseted (now now ladies) they do protect the card inside somewhat.
    Hope all have a really good week-end and that any special occasions turn out well.
    Hugs to all. xxxx

    1. Janet, 7 empty water butts our 1 has never been half empty let alone empty this year!!., oh if only we could give you some of our rain, I remember back when we came home from Hong Kong in 1975 that we had water shortage and then again in 1976, every drop of washing up and washing water was used to keep our veg match going. I had a twin tub then so it was easy to save the rinsing water into buckets. Can't do that with an automatic one. Your cake sounded delicious, we are having strawberries and ice cream - boring I know. xxx

    2. Oh Janet yes I'm sure the heat can't be helping, we are trying our best to send you some cool weather. Your cakes sound wonderful, at least you were up to eating them. Do you have air conditioning in the shops? Wonder if you can get a unit from a DIY store. Take care xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and coffe shop ladies,
    What a day this is, for starters Brenda winning Sues giveaway card, couldn't have gone to a more deserving person just now.
    Myra your pin cushion is adorable, was it a gift for someone or just for yourself?
    Janice where did you find the time to make this exquisite quilt, your life is just so busy.
    Patricia I had a look in a couple of charity shops but nothing to my liking in the China department, but I still have my wedding China but a bit reluctant to use that, but what will my family do with it when we are no longer here probably put it into a charity shop!
    Oh Maria how sad about your neighbour, she must have been so ill or depressed to do such a thing, did she have family, they must be devastated
    We never know what goes on in other people's minds, even if we think we know them.
    That's me for now, coffee done, cup washed, money in pot, hope to catch up later, take care, Jess x

  12. Oh Maria, that is so sad and terrible that the poor woman, did that. A big cry for help I feel? Yes we all really need to stop and think what really matters in our day to day lives. The little things that get us cross with our loved ones, just because they don't do it "our way" don't matter DO THEY REALLY" no you can't take life for granted as we have found on this blog over the short time we have know each other. How many have lost loved ones or just good friends or in your case Maria some who lived next door.
    Good news for your friend, she is going to need help when she gets her hips done, I think you are a true friend to have gone with her and sat all those hours with her. I can see you being there to help her after her op.
    Well the front of my house looks lovely and clean I have been out and washed down all the window and door frames, post and gas box and cleaned the windows too. Won't last long being clean between the rain and dust, but I know they have been done. Kitchen next. I do think it's easier to go out to work and have the excuse " oh I can't be bothered as I have been working all week" I don't have that excuse now so these things have to be done. Just taking my time, as I don't want to end up,suffering. Enjoyed that cup of tea. Right will go do a little more. Xxx

  13. Good Morning Sandra , Friends and Allies!
    I think we all really like Mixed Craft Saturday! It is such fun to see what everyone makes apart from cards.
    I am in awe of these lovely quilts ! I don't think I've got the patience.
    Janice - your lovely quilt must have taken hours - however - it will last for many many years. It is really lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
    Margaret - you are so clever making the little ones but still a great deal of work. I love your pattern and colours too. How's the foot?
    Patricia - your cups and saucers and little bowls and pot are ideal for candles and much better to have these lovely things on show than packed away.
    I decided I wanted to have something decorative sitting in the craft room! Mind you it's a tip sometimes! I had a few old cotton reels. I wrapped narrow blue ribbon around the bit where the thread was. I stuck it down with some Cosmic Shimmer Glue and then I glued the little pearl string along the bottom edge. I used a bit of scrap material in blue springer cotton to make the pincushion bit. A running stitch round the edge , pulled into a little round shape and stuffed with wadding. I then glued it down. All the little sewing bits are buttons. The scissors , a needle, cotton reels, measuring tape and thimble . The little pocket watch is made out of a little clock charm stuck on to one of CE dazzler settings. I thought it kind of looked like a fob watch. I stuck a couple of pins in and then my Stick Pins. So it is really a selfish make - as I made it for me but it was a first and there are things I could do better.
    Thank you all for being so nice about it. Anyone could do it as there's no actual skill involved!
    Sandra - I wondered if it might be an idea to do a Christmas Card day even for a week or two . We will all be using our Sue Wilson dies I'm sure. Just an idea!
    Well, it's a bit duller here today but still quite warm . We're promised sun later!
    Brenda - many congratulations on winning the Giveaway Card on Sue's Blog. Wonderful timing for a lovely lady!
    Brenda - Littlelamb - hope you haven't got a bad head after all that clubbing!! x
    Maureen - thinking of you today as you finalise all the arrangements. Thoughts and prayers with you all. Xx
    Must go and read other comments. I'm rambling on here!
    Myra xxx

  14. Oops should be sprigged cotton. Predictive text didn't like that one! Xx

    1. Myra, thank you for clearing that up, but I must say, springer and sprigged cotton are both equally mysterious to me.

    2. MYRA:- if we bring the ingredients will you show us how to make similar at the Retreat??? They would make super little Christmas Gifts.........Please!!!

    3. Sprig - as in spray of flowers or leaves. It's the pattern on the cotton or moulin or whatever! Sorry! Xx

    4. Myra, I do like springer spaniels, me old cocker!!!! xxx

    5. Oh Help, Patricia! Are you sure about that? There are actually other things you can make with children using cotton reels! I'll be prepared but not determined! By that I mean I'll be prepared to do it but if it doesn't happen it won't bother me either!! Xxx

    6. Maureen! - I make one doggone mistake and I'll be Hounded all day ! I'll be barking mad by tea time! Xxx

    7. MYRA:- I would love to make something like that.
      This I when I wish we were at least a "weekly" crafting group so we could all learn fro each other. xxx

  15. Good morning ladies,
    Bit late for breakfast so I'll just have a strong coffee please.
    Sandra hope you have a fun day with Sophie and I hope you have had a chat with Becca and have told her how lucky she is to have you as a mum and not us lot!
    Myra, I am totally in love with your pincushion. It would be a fabulous way to store our stickpins. Please tell us how to make one. Maybe a project for the retreat although we would probably need more time.
    Janice, what a fabulous quilt. You must have so much patience. Do you have a special machine? I only ask as I once made one for for a queen sized bed and I really struggled to with the actual quilting to get it under the machine arm, there was just do much of it.
    Margaret, I adore your tiny quilt. Despite reading Sandra's description, It was only when I spotted the ruler that I realised just how tiny it was. It is so beautifully made, it must take hours to piece it together, let alone cutting such neat tiny strips.
    Patricia, what lovely cups and saucers and now you have space in your sideboard for more craft supplies. Nice Pj's today.
    Michele, don't bother getting dressed to go to the greenhouse, Patricia wouldn't.
    Sue, lovely to have you back.
    Maria, what a good friend you are, after all that waiting glad your friend will get her appointment soon. But what a terrible shock to come home to. Your poor neighbour, she must have been in a very dark place to do what she did, I know we often think it is a selfish act, but I don't think any of us can ever image how desperate someone who takes their own life really feels.
    Janet, with no let up in that weather I am not surprised you are 'feeling nowt nor summat'
    I do hope you get some rain soon. Maybe a little rain dance in your garden?
    Hazel, will you slow down please and stop making us all feel like rubbish housewives. It's Saturday girl, why aren't you out shopping?
    Congratulations Brenda, so thrilled for you. It is a gorgeous card and its going to a good home.
    Maureen, hope today is not too upsetting for you and Joan, making funeral arrangements are not easy. Thinking of you love.
    Right I had better fly, I want to go into the city for a couple of hours. I have done absolutely nothing this morning and I really don't care!
    Love and hugs to you all,
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba! You and I used exactly the same expression with regard to the sad circumstances of Maria's neighbour! Extraordinary! Xx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Just love your pin cushion Myra. What a fabulous watch to have as the centre piece. Janice your quilt is Devine, it must have taken hours to complete, with so much live attached to it. MARGARET you mini quilt for the young ones us also gorgeous. Especially with the different design in the middle. Patricia I just love your cup and saucers. I bet they look fabulous filled with wax. Our friend who we went to visit on Thursday had filled a very pretty plant pot with wax. She thought it was to small to put any of her plants in so filled it with wax. It looked really lovely on her window sill. Just a thought for you, if you see any on your travels.
    Sandra I hope you got my email regarding your hip. I hope you think it's worthwhile ringing these people.

  17. Oops have left a message on yesterday s post by mistake explaining where I am as I'm on my mobile. Sorry about that. Love and hugs to all you lovely ladies Sheila xxxxx

    1. Good for you Sheila make sure you relax in good company, it will do you the world of good. Delighted to know you had a lovely day with Nikki. xxx

  18. Oops have left a message on yesterday s post by mistake explaining where I am as I'm on my mobile. Sorry about that. Love and hugs to all you lovely ladies Sheila xxxxx

  19. Oops have left a message on yesterday s post by mistake explaining where I am as I'm on my mobile. Sorry about that. Love and hugs to all you lovely ladies Sheila xxxxx

    1. So pleased you had a good day yesterday Sheila and enjoy your little holiday - it will do you the world of good! Xxx

  20. Good for you Sheila. Enjoy being in great company. So glad Nikki had a lovely day with the three of you. xxx

  21. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a fabulous display you are showing us today Sandra, Let's at the beginning, a very good place to start!

    MYRA, Love your pin cushion, what a lovely way to show off your beautiful
    treasures. If I may I will borrow (NO your not getting it back) this idea. I have some stick pins made up. They would look lovely displayed this way - and who knows, might just be the inspiration I need!
    JANICE, What a gorgeous quilt, what patients you must have, how long did take to complete? I have a table cloth I started years ago, it was for a circular garden table we had at the time. Well three garden tables later it is still a PHD. also the table we have now is rectangular !
    MARGARET, Another WOW quilt, you must have very nimble fingers to work on such a small scale. Your quilt is beautiful.
    PATRICIA, What a collection of beautiful china, they will look gorgeous when you make them into candles. Don't forget to take photographs when they are complete.

    How lucky am I to win Sues Wednesday giveaway card. I am absolutely thrilled, even have spot marked out where it will sit in my craft room.

    Well it's time to think about lunch, so better move myself.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  22. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh what a surprise to see my wall hanging on the blog to be honest I had forgotten I had sent it to you!
    Myra I love your fabulous pin cushion so very well thought out and so interesting, every time I look I spy something else, so beautiful I love it.
    I have a little broach that consists of patchwork things set in a silver thimble
    very similar to your pin cushion. Food for thought for you Myra! xx
    Oh Patricia what lovely china but goodness they will take an awful lot of wax!
    Janice your patchwork quilt is very beautiful and I can appreciate all the work involved but very satisfying and a lasting keepsake too. Have you put a label on the back with the date and your name and any other details you wish just as the Americans do, so that in years to come people will know how old it is and who made it?
    I made my little quilt at a class that was taken by a lovely lady that had come over from South Africa to visit her friend and the pattern was hers too. Believe it or not it was very easy to make, it is supposed to be a wall hanging, but Derek as he puts it 'I don't like cloth on walls' so it sits on a little table instead! All the herringbone strips are just scraps too, and all sewn of it was done on the sewing machine, the only hand sewing I did was the binding. Thank you Sandra for showing my little quilt to everyone.
    Brenda Lello I was so delighted to see you were the winner of Sue's Wednesday card give away, what good timing too. I am sure it will be coming to a good home and be treasured, well done you and well done another coffee shop win too, what a great place this is and no mistake!
    It is dull and chilly again today but no rain, should some come I will try and chase it over to France for you Janet, promise. I have been dribbling again at your great description of your cakes, no cream I notice so a wise choice I would hate to think of the cream going off in that heat you are having,. Do take care xx
    Special hugs and love to Maureen especially as you finalise all the details for Tuesday. xxx
    Well my latte was lovely thank you, my money is in the pot, my glass in the dishwasher and my hugs are over in the corner.
    Will try and pop in later enjoy your weekend everyone
    Love to you all
    Margaret xxx

  23. A sentence from above has disappeared has anyone seen it?
    To repeat, thank you everyone for your lovely comments you are so generous with your praise.

    1. Margaret! Just seen your Sentence! It's been Deferred! Xxx

  24. Hello Everybody,,
    Sandra, I hope your girls are all right and that they are managing without each other. Enjoy the shopping trip.
    Myra, oh Myra, your pin cushion is like you - divine. I'm going to have a go when I've finished doing Rachel's alterations and mending. Also have to do some more ironing - see below!!!!
    Janet, such a beautiful quilt. It has a real "Shaker" feel to it. Do you use it in France as it's gorgeous.
    Margaret, your tiny quilt is so lovely. Miniature things are so fiddly and time consuming, this must have taken ages.
    Patricia, I can see that I'd better get my next order of wax in before you use up all the stocks. Who needs second hand shops when you have a sideboard like yours!!
    Cheryl, I hope you have left some wax for Patricia and myself.
    Saba, do you pilot the aircraft yourself, or do you have wings. I had heard rumours from Myra that you were an angel, but didn't believe her.
    Maria, such sad news for you about your neighbour. I have posted a comment under yours.
    Well we were dreading this morning and do you know what, we've laughed all the way through with the Humanist. He could not believe some of the stories we were telling him and said that he would need a few hours instead of 45 minutes to do him justice. After he went away (he was there nearly 2 hours!) we had a cup of coffee and all felt really at peace and relieved. Now it's just Tuesday to get through.
    Now to last night - There were no crumbs in the bed - hooray. No, we had a cup of hot chocolate instead!!! Zoe spilt it, and I shouted at her. I immediately felt awful as she was breaking her heart so I cuddled her, got her out of her p js and into a nightie of mine, which was huge on her, and told her that it was my fault as I shouldn't have left her in bed with the cup - which in all honesty I shouldn't have. George made her another one, we all piled into the re-made bed and watched The Lion, The Witch etc. etc. and by the time she went to her own bed, it was all forgotten. The duvet cover and p js are washed and dried, and I'm about to go and iron them. The duvet is at the cleaners to be washed, although I did tell the lady in the cleaners that it WAS hot chocolate as it looked terrible!!! I regret being angry as in the scheme of things, what is a spilt hot chocolate?
    You'll all be proud of me as well - Patricia, look away now. When I hung out the washing I just put my hand in my peg bag, any of the three pockets, and pulled out the first peg I came to and used it. Life's too short to worry about pegs.
    Hazel is so busy, she's making me feel very lazy. Someone stop her and make her sit down. Patricia, can you have a word with her - although you're as bad!!!
    See you later.
    Love Maureen xxx
    Oops Brenda OB, I haven't been anywhere else today but it seems you've won on Sue's blog. It couldn't happen to a nicer lady and will give you a boost xxxx

    1. Oops! Maureen a chocolate duvet! As they say accidents will happen. Don't worry that you shouted! You have been under a lot is stress and we all give the odd shout occasionally! Sometimes it's just the shock of it happening. The girls know Grandma very well and it will have been like water off a duck's back! Or chocolate off a duvet?
      Pleased all went well today! Was really thinking about you.
      Thank you for being so nice about the pincushion!
      Any minute now Hazel will need those rice bags from Margaret!
      Hazel - please - it's Saturday! Stop!

    2. Maureen Sweetheart, you have been through a hell of a week, the fact that you reacted as you did is just because your stress levels are through the roof, Zoe will forget about it a lot quicker than you will, so please stop beating yourself about it. I am sure that by the end of the Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe, it was all in the past.
      The chocolate will soon come out of the duvet, just try and put it behind you. My lovely or you make yourself unwell, you have enough on your mind on the build up to Tuesday.
      I am so pleased that you can come on here and just talk about it, even just writing it down sometimes helps to put it into perspective.
      Sending you a huge hug

    3. Awww!! Maureen here are a few (((((hugs)))))
      Zoe is over it, the girls know that's NOT the normal reaction from their presious Gran.
      Glad you have been here to talk about rather than bottle it up. xxx

    4. Oh Maureen, you just over reacted, you are still suffering from shock. No. Zoe will have forgiven you, your her granny and she loves you very much. (((((( hugs)))))) the duvet will be like new when you get it back, the cover washed up ok. So everything is ok. Good on you to not bother about the pegs, they are not important it's only you that ever saw they all matched.
      I had a little sleep, Charlie came back in, woke me up to tell he was glad I was doing what I was told, then went out, came in again woke me up asking if I knew where his wallet was, Tammy text to let us know they had landed and then again to say they were going to head up the road as they were just wanting to get home. Anyway I feel ok, just had a lovely tea, I had asked the fish lady if she could get a lobster for today, so she delivered it this morning, so Charlie was pleased, so lobster and prawn salad for him and I had hot smoked salmon and prawns for me.
      Now I am not house proud to the point of our house not being a home, and yes Sandra you are so right SIL is coming to enjoy our company, BUT big BUT. My front room windows were to the point you couldn't see out that well, with all the rain and the dust off the traffic going up the road. The kitchen cupboards well I could see fly muck spots and that had to go, the tiles are gloss white and show every mark, especially the hob splash back, when someone cooks and wipes but not properly, so all done and I feel better knowing it is? I will give the tiles and cup fronts another go just before SIL arrives on the 22nd. As she is here for two weeks I wouldnt be doing any thing but what's needed. Yes it's Saturday Saba but you know something I would rather deep clean than shop. If I get every done I can relax and enjoy some time out doing things I want to do. Charlie had the turf to lay so we weren't going any where.
      Jean, enjoy your time away. Glad Nic had a good visit, and as long as she is happy that's all that matters.
      Jess, isn't it a lovely feeling when you have completed the task. I bet your room looks lovely. Have a good day tomorrow scrap booking.
      Now Myra, what have you started? Yes your pin cushion is beautiful, but my big sister will have another project on her list. I won't see her over the winter, she will be so busy! Either that or her suit case will have to go in the guards wagon when we are coming to the retreat it will be to big to fit anywhere else!!!
      Sandra, did you go shopping? If you did I bet you were glad to get home.
      Right off to make a cup of tea and sit and see if any one is going to pop in or just stand out side and admire the wonderful things that are on display in here today, I wish they would come in and e joy the company. xxx

    5. Hazel, That's the trouble isn't it! We're a bit alike in that we just like to try to make something if at all possible! I'm exactly the same. I just loved making the candles and will make more, hopefully! I had to try Patricia's Roses! I could go on! Xxx

  25. Well ladies I have been order to stop and sit down, not to move for a while and was handed two strong pain killers and told to take! So I am doing as I am told for a change! I was starting to feel the bending and stretching that I have done. Oh getting old just isn't easy, it took we at least three times longer than it would have not so long ago? I now know that my cupboard fronts are clean, tiles washed and polished and corners hoovered, windows cleaned but not perfect on the outside planters in the way, but Charlie has said he will get them done for me later, he is tired to as he was doing another bit of the grass with new turf. I wish we could find a way to stop Harris pee burning the grass. Bless him he can't help it. It's one of those things that come from owning a pet. Oh I can feel my pain killers taking effect, looks like a little sleep is called for, eye lids getting heavy. I wonder if I will be left to sleep??? Will be back later. xxx

    1. glad to hear you are listening to Charlie, you are going to make yourself unwell Hazel, remember your live in a 'home' not a show home that is clinically clean! Its your wonderful company that your sister in law is coming will appreciate more than anything else.
      I can't preach as I do exactly the same, the last time It was all I could do to sit and smile let alone cook and play host.
      My reason for not dusting from one end to the other every week is well I can't, but other than that there are more important things in life!
      You are busy working most of the time Hazel, please, please take it easy!
      love and hugs

    2. Oh Hazel you are making me feel tired just reading what you have been doing, hope you are ok, enjoy your little snooze, sweet dreams xx

  26. Good afternoon everybody,
    Just a quick pop in today as have been out with NIc, had a browse round the clothes shops and then she wanted to come back home, she's contented at the moment - until she's hungry nearer tea time.
    Will most probably be absent for most of next week - having a few days away, wi-fi is hit and miss apparently- will be back ASAP.
    Sandra thank you for showcasing the most beautiful items this morning, such clever ladies calling in here.
    Maureen, my thoughts will be with you on Tuesday even if I can't come through,
    Take care and a special hug for you.
    Hazel we have the same problem with our grass having the two little-ones. We were contemplating having the artificial grass but it was so expensive with all the groundwork. Have heard if you water the grass as you see it happen it does dilute the urine.
    Have a good week ladies, and hugs in the basket,
    Love Jean xx

    1. Have a lovely time Jean and a safe journey. xx

    2. Jean, Have a lovely holiday! Safe journey too. Xxx

    3. Have a love ly holiday a Jean, safe journey xxx

  27. MYRA:- was the "cotton reel" for your Pin Cushion a standard one?? xxx

    1. No Patricia, It's a wooden one! I had a load of them at one time but the children made various things with them. They can be bought in packs of around 3- 5 depending on size. I think they cost about £1 .50 for three.
      I get all my wooden shapes from They have a great selection and are a small firm in Derbyshire , I think. Xx

    2. Grrrrrrr I could kick myself - NO don't all offer at once!! I had loads of old wooden cotton reels from my dressmaking days (I rarely throw anything away) and I took them into school for Reception class to string them together to make noisy toys. Grrrrrrrrrrr

    3. MYRA:- thank you for that info.
      I still have a couple of wooden ones that I have always kept. John's mum had wound some really strong Button Thread on them for me many years ago. Because they were hers I could not part with them.
      Silly I know, mind you don't know if I could use them for the Pin Cushions then give them away. Might just go see if I can buy some. xxx

    4. I have seen them in the works with ribbon wound on £1 each I think xx

    5. The Range also have a pack of mixed reel sizes too for about £1.25-50 xxx

  28. Afternoon ladies, craft room finally finished, window cleaned and curtains ironed and put up, photos to follow soon.
    It is our scrap booking crop tomorrow in our wee shop and on the Saturday before we go down to put up the tables and chairs, been and done that now got to think of dinner.
    Haven't watched any tennis today, will see what I can catch up with tomorrow when I get home from the crop.
    Hope to catch up later for a nightcap!
    Jess xx

    1. Jess, you and Cheryl could enter a "Craft Room of the Year" competition. I could enter the "Tip of the Year"!!!
      Enjoy the crop tomorrow.

  29. Tips for Mrs B and Sandra
    for patchwork you need pure cotton fabric and thread and definitely not poly cotton.
    Your seams must all be 1/4 inch if you are using a sewing machine for the sewing it is possible to get a special 1/4 foot for machines I have them for both of my sewing machines and they really make life so easy.
    When you are stitching with the machine don't start the stitching with the piece of patchwork, get a small piece of scrap fabric and start stitching with that then guide you patchwork under your machine foot to follow the scrap piece, that way you will have every bit stitched. Hope you can understand that!
    Always, but always, press your seams after stitching either to the left or the right don't separate the two pieces of fabric as you would for dressmaking.
    Hope this helps but if you hit any problems just let me know, I have sent Sandra my phone number so you could ring too.

    1. Well you live and learn, I would have opened the seams for pressing.
      Oh! Margaret I wish you were nearer, I know I could learn so much from you xxx

    2. These sound like top tips to me! Ain't this blog grand! Xx

    3. MYRA:- me again, I have few sewing charms I my box. If I needed more can you point me in the right direction??? Cotton Reels ordered thank you xxx

    4. Helloooo!
      Try the BeadandButton Company. Click on buttons - their are hundreds but if you then click on hobbies you will see loads of lovely buttons which are great as they are not expensive. I got sewing ones and football ones and make up onesI think! Great to add just a little something . They have lovely Christmas buttons too! Hope this helps! Xxx

    5. Thank you again Myra xxx

    6. Other patchwork tip is keep collecting cotton fabrics, a mix is great on a quilt, start with easy shapes, like squares or rectangles, all cut to the same size, and just start. Patchwork is usually done in sections, then the sections put together.
      Have a go, you will love it.

  30. Oh we all learn on this blog, I would have pressed them like you do for dress making, good tips Margaret,,not that I will be doing any. But something to remember. Hazel x

    1. Yes Hazel it makes it so easy when you are joining the stitched pieces together the seams just butt together perfectly/
      Is Harris on any medication that is causing his wee is burning the grass? Our last corgi was on medication for Cushings disease and that was when his wee burnt the grass so I used to water the grass. Until then we have never had any male dogs do that. With Tomas and Amy who we have now, their wee makes the grass grow and I really mean grow where they go it is twice the height of the rest! Derek is always complaining about the length and thickness of the

  31. Margaret, he is on nothing, we had the same problem with Hamish our first lab, our little ( oh he's not little that's for sure) monkey keeps going to the same patch, charlie took the fence away today from the bit he had returfed the other week and would you believe he went straight back to that patch. It's like the Forth Rail bridge and never ending repair job. To see him lying in his bed looking at me with those big brown eyes you would think butter won't melt in his mouth.
    Good job he loved. xxx

  32. Hello everyone. Love all the crafts shown today.
    MYRA. Your pincushion is lovely. Will have to look for some wooden cotton reels. Would love to have a go.
    JANICE Your patchwork quilt is out of this world. I could never do that. You must be so pleased with it.
    MARGARET. Love your mini quilt. You are also very clever. I can't imagine trying to make a patchwork quilt so smal.
    PATRICIA. Love all your cups and saucers etc., I had better get to see Theresa ASAP before all her stock has gone. Would love to see them when you have done them.
    Another good day today. Weather good as well. Feeling tired now so got my feet up. Be back later.
    BRENDA Congratulations on your win of Sue's Wednesday card. So pleased you have won it. You deserve to win.
    MARIA. So sorry to hear about your neighbour.
    SHEILA Have a lovely holiday.

    1. BRENDA:- glad you are enjoying time with your friend. Have a great time together.
      Yes! I will be ordering wax for all my cups. I really must get started, however we have a lot going on, then Hazel and I have our annual holiday. Once all that is over I will get them done. xxx

    2. Brenda, another good day had by you and your friend, yes you will be tired, but good tired as I would say. Feet up and just chill. Hazel x

  33. SANDRA, I knew I wanted to tell you something. The cost of washing the duvet at the Cleaners will be £17, which makes Becca's £15 somewhat feeble.
    Myra, there's a shop in York which I love, it's called "Duttons for Buttons" but it can be expensive.
    Patricia, I think you should call the fire brigade if you ever decide to light all your cups in one go!!!
    Well ladies, I'm beat. I'm going to shower, and lie on the bed and repair the hem of Rachel's jacket, so I'll say an early goodnight.
    Don't get up to any shenanigans when I'm not there!!
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Great Name! Duttons for Buttons!
      What do you mean shenanigans! We are well behaved here!
      Night Night! Xxx

    2. Crikey Maureen
      For a minute there I thought you were going to bed. Well I assume that your not going to bed and 8.24 and just signing out.

    3. Maureen, £17 for a duvet to be washed and dry and I know that only the other week when Christopher and Angela washing washing broke she took two loads to the laundry and to wash an dry them it cost her over £20. Even only doing one wash a week would be £10. Not cheap.
      Don't go falling sleep unless you are under the duvet. Or George will have to wake you up to get you to get into bed properly. xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- the house would burn down by the time the Fire Brigade got here. The station nearest us is maned by Retained/Part-Time Firefighters. Better just be very careful then ...... thank you for the warning!! xxx

    5. MAUREEN- tell me!! How can you "lie" on the bed and repair a jacket??? Wonder Woman comes to mind!!! xxx

    6. Duttons for Buttons I love that shop just as I LOVE York.
      We have visited York so often that our neighbour phoned me to ask where were the best places for them to visit when they got there last week!! Our friends Joyce & David loved to go to York with us, said we were great "tour guides". Actually we have not managed to get to York this year. Oooo!! feel a wee jaunt away might be in order xxx

    7. I like York too! We can do York on a day trip if necessary although it's nice to stay overnight! Xx

    8. Just thought Patricia! Our Ladies Outing one year went to York and we had lunch in a Restaurant called The Sidings! I know John loves his railways - have you heard of it? It is a Restaurant made from an old railways station and dining carriages . It is out in the countryside but not far from York! Food was lovely too. Off to check if it's still up and running! Xxx

    9. It is! The Sidings Hotel, York. You should take a look at the website if you don't already know about it. Xxx

    10. Wish we were near enough for a day trip to York.
      Been at the Sidings, great food. Anything to do with Railways and we'll be there!!

    11. I thought you just may have! I so enjoyed the lunch the day we went I persuaded Alastair to go again. He loved it too. We haven't been for a while though . Xx

    12. Beautiful York, many years since now but we went of course to Betty's and the viking museum and the railway one, great times. xxx

  34. Just had an e-mail from my SIL that's coming, she is all excited not about coming over. NO it's raining and they are saying its to rain all weekend. They haven't had rain since before we were there and there are forest fires every where, they can't go out as the air is full of smoke Sky the coloured of mud. They have had temps of 37-40c every day. She is saying she has never prayed so much for rain in all her life. And we are moaning because we are having to much, Janet is praying for rain too. We do forget that with out rain there isn't the water and every thing is so dry. xxx

    1. You are so right Hazel! When I was moaning about the rain a few weeks ago my husband said that we were fortunate in Britain that we had no real extremes of weather. We rarely get floods and don't have heat that causes fires - well very occasionally - and no hurricanes etc. Weve just had a shower here but that's all today! Xxx

    2. She will get plenty of that here in Scotland, that's for sure. Remember to tell her to bring her raincoat!!! xxx

  35. Hi Sandra
    Sorry Brenda I didn't realise that you'd won on Sues comment blog on Wed. I didn't quite scroll down far enough.

  36. Hi all, Thank you for all you support. Yes it has been a shock to everyone on our street. Some of us have been neighbours over 20 years so it's hard to take in what happened. Thankfully he have a lot of family and friends and the children are grown-ups so hopefully he will get there in time. I had a coffee and chat with another neighbour this morning so it was good.
    Sorry but we have had a wonderful summer day here today so spent the day in the garden. We had new fence put up so it is a bit to tidy up and remove some plants that been trodden on. Apparently "you can't make an omelette without cracking some eggs" didn't know they meant the plants.
    Ah Maureen you didn't meant anything with telling her off. Sure Zoe knows that. She didn't burn herself it's the main thing but so expensive to pay for a duvet wash. Glad everything went ok, sending hugs to you all
    Brenda-congrats for winning one of Sue's cards. Doe's anyone know what she make with them all after her shows etc.?
    Sheila-hope you had another nice day with Nikki, the same to Jean and Nic. Also Jean have a nice time away.
    Karenlotty- enjoy your evening and to anyone else out and partying, Littlelamb ?
    A film is going on here so I might be back later but to our early birds I'm saying have a good one and don't let the bugs bite LoL Hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Maria, glad you have had a lovely day! I think your use of the English language is just brilliant! The analogy of the broken eggs and damaged plants is just brilliant! You linguist you!
      Pleased too, you have been able to chat to your neighbour today. These sad things that happen we somehow expect to affect other people and it's a shock when it happens to people we know and care about.
      Sending hugs to you! Myra xxx

    2. Thank you Myra and a big bunch of hugs back to you and thank you spell checker Tihi Some english words are real tongue twisters so I speak gobbledygook sometimes / most of the time :-) xxx

  37. Sorry ladies,
    I have just come in. Firstly I was shopping in the beautiful city of Nuremberg which is very similar to York but without Duttons for Buttons. Secondly I was enjoying a nice glass of white on the balcony whilst watching the sun go down.
    So, here we go. YORK. It is quite possibly the best place in the entire world. Not only does it have the said Duttons, but it has the railway museum, Betty's cafe, Libertys, etc.etc.etc. BUT, the best thing about York is, IT IS IN YORKSHIRE,!!!
    Let's all meet there and I will do the translating for all you off comedons.
    Off to read all the comments now.
    Luv thee all buckets full.

    1. I thought you were talking about condoms then SABA for a moment. Enjoy your glass of wine, I'm just off to join you. I think I must have missed the sunset. I'm trying to get us to Yorkshire soon to visit. Keep looking at cottages but not having much luck. Pete and I also love railways, especially the old steam trains.

    2. Pat, I was a bit worried there. Off comedons are are what we refer to as anybody who was not born in our village. It doesn't matter how long they have lived there, if they were not born there, then they are off comedons, why are you not having any luck finding a cottage?

    3. Did you buy any thing nice ? Saba. xxx

  38. Patricia, you said anywhere with railways and you would be there. We have the most amazing railway museum in Nuremberg. It was in Nuremberg that
    Stephenson's Eagle (built in Newcastle) was deployed and we have a replica of it here. PLEASE come and visit.
    XxxXXXXX. XX

    1. SABA:- John said could he PLEASE come as well??? xxx

  39. Well I for one LOVE the place, I also love Yorkshire and that's the Gods! honest truth.
    John worked for many a year for a Yorkshire Company. I got on very well with one of the Directors wives. When ever John had to go to the office for a Sales Meeting I went with him. I stayed with her, we went shopping in Leeds, Sheffield or Wakefiled. They lived in Horbury, even it was a nice place to shop.
    After all the business was dealt with we spent the weekend at their house traveling home Sunday evening.
    So Saba a BIG meet up in Yorkshire would be right up my street.
    Love & Hugs xxx

    1. You're going to have to shout Patricia! Saba will be in Nuremberg!! Xx

    2. MYRA:- she said she was "home" she'll be way from the noise of the traffic sitting on her balcony having a wee glass of wine?? Do you think I should shout??? xxx

    3. Patricia, of course John could come too. So long as he likes Bavarian Beer, sausage and a good laugh.
      Ooh I am so excited. When will you be arriving?

    4. I'm just cheeky Patricia! Best to ignore me! Xxxx

    5. Don't know about the beer but the sausages and a good laugh they are top of his list. He will bring the Malt Whiskey with him.
      Get the sausages ready for breakfast please xxx

    6. MYRA:- get dressed, we will meet you and Alistair at the airport xxx

    7. The Glen Morangie is ready and waiting. And the Jura, Islay, Kenmore, Cardhu, Glenfiddich and Bushmills too.

    8. I am dressed!! Unfortunately Sir has overdone things in the garden today and is ready for bed! Xxx

  40. Evening all....
    I've tried to comment a few times, but something, someone (or a dog) always need me.
    Myra, what a really cute pin cushion. Looks much nicer than the cross stitch one I am using...does it need a new home?
    Patricia, you are going to be busy with these cups, but honestly, I have way more than that, all unused wedding presents. Candles may well be a winter project.
    Oh, Margaret, your mini quilt is really good. Did you paper piece it?
    Thanks everyone for your comments on my quilt. I have been making quilts since before I was married, so have done quite a few. It was my main hobby, until Mum came to stay. She needed so much time, I couldn't do that, and she couldn't manage her embroidery, so I took up card making to keep us both crafting.
    This is a simple quilt since they are just square patches. I tend to spend a time cutting fabric into strips and squares, and I have them in drawers. This had been started a while before, mainly cut, just needed stitched, so it was my kick to myself to get going again. I gave it to friends for their Christmas.
    As to my machine, I have a semi industrial singer from the 1950's, but it's big enough to sew a quilt. Use a walking foot when you are quilting.

    Maureen, honey, if your Humanist is like the one who took Mum's funeral, he will let you see what he is going to say before the service. Ours emailed it to me, and I read it with Derek and my best friend. Got most of the tears over with then, and could appreciate what was being said later. Will be thinking of you.
    Oh dear, it's dark grey here and the rain is pouring down. Yuck.
    Night night everyone,

  41. Norah! I know you are having a busy time. Just checking you are ok my dear! Sending hugs, Myra xxx

  42. Oh I can see Yorkshire being maybe the next retreat venue??? Or just a meet up! I to think York is a beautiful city. Love Yorkshire too, have friends there. Have a lot of new friends that live all over the place too. Now Nuremberg sounds very interesting? xxx

  43. All this talk of York, Yorkshire and Nuremberg has got my brain going ..... now for me that's hard. It's tiered me out, I was up very early this morning so I am off to bed.
    Taking of bed Maureen must have fallen asleep repairing that jacket!!!
    Goodnight God Bless,
    See you all in the morning xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia. Sleep well and I do hope the PJ's are matching! We have standards on this blog you know! Xxx

    2. Of course ..... Black bottoms with pink spots, pink top, bare feet at the moment. I like bare feet when I can. xxx

    3. Excellent! Sounds lovely! I prefer bare feet in bed too! I'm being cheeky again - sitting here barefoot myself! Cream linen skirt and cream and black T shirt ! Xxx

    4. I like bare feet too, in fact I like bare anything.

    5. You made me think of the song " The Bare Necessities!" Xx

    6. Snap big sis. Sitting here black with pink spots on bottoms on pink vest top, bare feet. xxx

    7. That is spooky. Matching PJ'S.

    8. Saba, we often end up wearing the same colours. Years ago I mean like 36 we lived in Trowbridge and Patricia Dundee we both wallpapered or dining kitchen to discover we had picked the same paper . That's spooky. xxx

  44. Don't tell me the talk will pjs tonight? xxx

    1. Hazel,
      I bought a lovely navy top and a gold glittery cardigan.
      And in the craft shop a pricking tool! Such a rubbish craft shop but I couldn't leave without buying something. I had a chat with the manager about Sue's range, but she said her hands were tied and they could only buy from certain suppliers.

    2. Saba, is this you getting things for the retreat all ready? Oh i will have to rethink what I will be wearing then? xxx

    3. No Hazel, I just love shopping. And since I cleared out my wardrobe I have space which needs to be filled!

  45. Oh ladies, please don't give me something else to think about at this busy time, can we think about next year later on this year like when we are at the retreat??? York would be good I admit. xxx

    1. Hazel! Don't think about it just yet -,leave it until October when we can chat about it. You have more than enough on your plate just now! Xx

    2. Hazel, please ignore Myra and book us all in somewhere in York or Nuremberg!!

    3. What do you mean IGNORE Myra ? Xx

    4. Now now Myra, don't go getting all hissy fitty on me.
      Haven't you got any ironing to do??

    5. Was that childish enough or did I overdo it? Xxx

    6. Now, now children this will never do. xxx

    7. No, I think that was about right.

    8. Hazel, I did not start it. It was Myra.

    9. Oh that did make me laugh! What are we like!
      I don't think I want to hear the answers to that question! Xx

    10. Even if I did start it - which I didn't - you can stop it! Xx

    11. Acting shoes sizes comes to mind.xx

    12. Not wearing shoes! Xx

    13. Think you'll find you did. I said lets all go to York and You said Forget it. And I said .......
      Ok, truce.
      Anybody fancy Scarborough. I believe it's lovely ( And it's in. Yorkshire)!

    14. I'm not wearing shoes either.-although if I were, I take a size 2 and a half. Says it all really. Sorry Myra.

    15. Truce! I'm running out of childish things to say!
      I'd prefer that to Blackpool! Shh - don't tell anyone. Xxx

    16. I'm a size 4 ! Used to be 31/2 but now a 4.
      I hope Hazel will forgive us! We'll both be put on the naughty step! Xxx

    17. Sorry I don't like either of them, call me snobby or what but York it would have to be. Nuremberg is a lot of flight changing, from here I.e Scotland, good trains to York.

    18. Hmmmm. Richard of Yorl and Henry of Lancaster spring to mind and you ALL know which side I am on.

    19. I'm happy with York!
      I'm good friends with a Yorkshire woman as well! Xxx

    20. Myra, how did you manage that. I so wish my feet would grow. I love shoes. I am passionate about shoes. I have so many shoes, but and its a big but, they don't do my size in Germany. It's torture. I spent ages today in the shoe department just hoping there might be a pair to fit me. Not bothered what colour, style, or anything, just a pair of size 35. But no. Even M&S shoes are too big for me. It's a terrible cross to bear. Especially when I so love shoes.

    21. Oh I know ! My paternal Grandma took size 21/2. It was a nightmare. These were in the days when there were really only school shoes in her size or really old lady shoes! I don't like old lady shoes! I love shoes too but whereas 31/2 was a struggle 4 is fairly easy . My feet grew when the children were small as I wore Scholl wooden sandals an awful lot . Even in winter I wore them as slippers! They made my feet wider although I still have a half leather insole in the left shoe of some pairs! Xxx

    22. Right, that's it I am going to start wearing clogs.
      Once when I needed some wellies we went into a department store here and the assistant brought out some in my size. It was a choice of two pairs, one had frogs on and the other pink Barbie pictures. Needless to say I didn't purchase either pair.

    23. Oh that's awful! The thing is young people today have much bigger feet! My granddaughters both have bigger feet than me! They loved to wear my heels to play dressing up! They fitted them perfectly! Xxx

    24. Saba. I have a pair of 35 pale gold coloured pumps brand new, bought with Beth in mind but they are to big and she didn't like. My problem is narrow feet, wish the rest of the body was narrow too. Saba, loved to have seen your face at that two pairs of wellies. xxx

    25. Hazel and Saba!
      I'm going to tidy up and get off to bed now! Church in the morning, so need to sort lunch out - ie. Do the veg! It will only take a few minutes.
      Night Night and sleep well!
      Hope you don't suffer from all your hard work earlier , Hazel!

    26. Hazel, bring them to the Retreat and I'll buy them from you. They will go lovely with my new Cardigan. Ooh, the retreat just got even more exciting if that is possible.

  46. Hi everyone, just poped in to say night, night.
    Had sent SW our address earlier today, had a lovely email back. She really is one very special lady. Also she is the reason we are all HERE in this special cafe. Please can I make a toast? (OK a virtual one) CHEERS Sue, long may
    your inspiration continue LOL xxx

    1. Cheers, Brenda! Hear Hear! Xxx

    2. Brenda, you are so right, wine glass in hand, Sue ..Hip hip hooray.
      And to Sandra too.

    3. Without these two ladies and their blogs we would never have met!
      This is the place to make Real Friends! Xxx

  47. Yes we do owe them so much. xxx

  48. Cheers BRENDA & SUE W & SANDRA love to you all in the café xxxxxxx

  49. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Gosh it's taken me ages to get to the bottom of the comments tonight.
    Myra what a beautiful pin cushion, and what sweet little buttons on it, must have a look at the website as they are so cute xxx
    Janice your quilt is beautiful and looks lovely on the bed. How generous of you giving it to your friends, they must have been overwhelmed. Do you label yours? My mother in law does so everyone knows who they were made for and when, it's a lovely idea xxx
    Margaret your quilt is beautiful too and so small, you make it sound so easy! I hope yours is labeled too. Xxx
    Sandra I don't know how near Bath you are ( too late at night for me to work it out!) but there are a couple of shops there that sell beautiful quilting fabrics, it's one of the places Jean goes to buy her fabric. Also I don't know if you are interested but I had an email from our local Hobbycraft at Southampton to say they are running sewing project classes with Jenny Raymond on Wednesdays for the next few weeks. I can forward the email on to you if you are interested.
    Patricia your china is very pretty and will make beautiful candles - they will look wonderful in your fire place if it ever gets warm enough to not light a fire! Xxx
    I haven't been to York for years, think if was before Emma was born! Dad used to go there for work sometimes so we used to go if it coincided with school holidays. The hotel he used was opposite the Terry's chocolate factory , I can remember the smell!
    Well we popped out this morning to get a birthday present for Emma's friend and came back at 6.30! Haven't got the grass cut or anything and it's going to rain tomorrow ! Oh well we have had a lovely day and it was great to go out as a family and have a good look around. We even managed a couple of garden centres - one has a good butchers in it and the other one had cake! We found out today the butcher in our village has retired! We use him quite a lot, especially at Christmas when he does a lovely boned and stuffed turkey. We will really miss him.
    Well I had better wend my merry way to bed. Night night everyone sleep tight. See you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Night God bless Diane, nice to hear you had a lovely day. The grass will wait.

    2. Thank you Diane! Sounds as if you had a lovely day!
      Night Night, sleep well! Xxx

  50. And a special CHEERS to all of you very special ladies who make this cafe the lovely place it is. Goodnight dear friends, Sleep well xxx

  51. Good evening Everyone very late had a lovely surprise Harry & his mum & dad came wasn't expecting them so happy cuddle's Yaay.they said it was a flying visit but ended up haveing dinner & didn't leave till 10pm.some flying visit but not complaining. Harry is getting on lovely,.
    JANICE your quilt is fantastic it's beautiful that must have been a labour of love.xx MARGARETS your gorgeous little quilt is beautiful again a lot of work involved. Is it for a present xx MYRA I love your pincushion it's amazing so gorgeous I love all the embellishments a work of that a present,I don't think I could part with it.xx BRENDA congratulations on winning Sue giveaway wednsdays card..
    MARIA How awfully too get that news of your neighbour when you got home
    Her poor family,did you know her very well.Tha same thing happened to Lisa's (daughter) )neighbour last year she hung herself but the awful thing is her eldest son found her, So yes life is too short.
    Sandra hope Sophie enjoyed her shopping trip & didn't miss Lucy & revived being apart.I will read all the comments tomorrow far too many this time of night
    I'm off to bed so I wish you all a good night love Lynda xx

    1. Night Night Lynda,
      Thank you! Glad you had a lovely day with the family! Xxx

    2. Night God bless Lynda dear. How lovely for you to have Harry in your arms. Xxx

  52. I am going to head off too,
    Good night and may God bless Each and every one of you.
    Saba xxxx

  53. Yes I am going as well. Fell asleep watching Sue's video.😒
