
Sunday 12 July 2015

Another Happy Surprise through the letter box!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I wanted to share with you today another beautiful card that popped through the letterbox.
This time the beautiful card and very touching inside were sent from Janice, as with Janet's
card it really touched my heart and bought a huge smile to my face and tear to my eye ( are you
picking up that I am quite sensitive, emotionally)!
But just to know that there are people out there that are enjoying what you do and are getting a little something out of it makes it all so worthwhile. The fact that someone goes to the trouble of making me a card 'just because' means the whole world, I think that as we are all card makers we appreciate
it even more.
Janice has used some beautiful papers to make this card and matched the base card beautifully,
I love the sentiment on the card too and agree, love does grow happy hearts.
Thank you so much Janice for the lovely card
and for bringing a smile to my face. I am so blessed to be among such amazing friends every day on this blog.
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning all, hope you are well.
    WOW!!! lucky you, another super card, love it. See how much people love and appreciate you and all you do??
    JANICE:- your card is brilliant. Love the colours, that pretty paper, and the Roses. I like also the edge round that central square.
    Everything set up for the day, tables looking really good with some fresh flowers. Those pretty blue flowers were growing along the side of a field of Potatoes. Farmer sews them to encourage Bees & Butterflies to visit for pollination. I have a bunch of them in the house. Thomas picked me some the other day. I stopped and picked some for here this morning.
    I am popping over to see Hazel later this morning. We are going to her local Craft Shop. Adrian has set up a Demo Day with Crafters Companion. That way Hazel will not be cleaning ...... Good ploy or what??? Mind you we will probably SPEND!!!
    Ok! got my Tea & Toast, I am over in the corner please join me for a chat.
    Hugs in the basket as always
    Will be back later, see you all then xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Enjoy your day out . Hope you both enjoy it - I'm sure you'll find something to buy! It would be rude not to - wouldn't it? Xxx

  2. Bon Jour everyone
    Janice your card for Sandra is just beautiful and I totally agree with your sentiment. I love your colour palette and your roses are just to die for.

    Sandra you really shouldn't doubt yourself you know. We all have some doubt in ourselves but just have to overcome. If anyone ever tells you that they don't then there're not human and definitely someone that I really do not want to know.

    We are off to a local Brocante in a village close to us this morning. It's already hot and still no sign of rain so we're hoping to get off early before it really hits the highs. It will only be a small affair but sometimes they are the best and sometimes you can even pick up a bargain!!

    Have a good day Patricia and don't spend too much. It's very tempting isn't it even though you make decisions before you go. Anyway it's no good in the bank and your goodies are always NEEDED.

    Have to go breakfast is on it's way. Will try and pop in later.
    Hugs to everyone.
    Maureen I hope you're managing.
    Norah where are you. I'm missing you
    Diane I'm loving your holiday in Florida with you


    1. Good morning Janet, have a wonderful day. Remember your hat and plenty water. Do hope there are lots of bargains and you get a few goodies. xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you Janet, it was as hot in Florida as it seems to be in France so I can understand your need for cooler weather xxx

  3. Good morning everyone. Sandra, you lucky lady receiving this beautiful card, as Patricia has said it shows just how your wonderful blog has touched so many hearts. Janice love your design and your papers. Those little roses are so pretty.
    Talking about things being pretty, the cafe is looking lovely this morning, with these little vases of flowers. Oh I see its been my big sister. Yes we are meeting up later, and no I won't be cleaning today. Ironing yes, cleaning no, apart from taking the Hoover round. That's not cleaning that's necessity, remember one golden lab lives here and his hairs are ever where, so Mr Dyson will make short work of them. Right off to get a toasted crumpet and a cup of tea, then I will see who comes in. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janice-your card to Sandra is so pretty. The main image is lovely & such a nice sentiment.

    Goodness-what a late night we had lasynight. Got home around 1.45am after such a fun evening. I'm a BeeGees fan so my dear hubby asked the restaurant owner to keep playing BeeGees songs(they know him as he plays golf with them) so I danced quite a lot. There was 18 of us on 2 tables upstairs which kept us out if the way of the rest of the customers! One of the golfers had invited his Mum & Sister who were great fun. Hus Mum is 85 & is over for 3 months from South Africa (where she lives) so it sounded strange to her her strong Glasgow accent, in fact there were 6 with Glasgow accents out of the 18 of us.

    Had my breakfast but I don't think I'll be doing much today-some ironing then maybe the craft room.


    1. MICHELE:- that sounds like a great evening. Wow!! 85 and still Globe Trotting good for your mum. I love hearing that no matter what age you have reached, you are living life to the full, my kind of lady.
      GLASGOW:- another city I love to visit. My favourite mode of travel when there is the "underground" I would get on and just keep going round and round ..... love it. Easy pleased, thats me.
      Have a good day Michele, your up early considering how late you got home. xxx

    2. Not my Mum but one of the golfers. She's got another 6 weeks here & is keen to go out again with us all! The next event is "Shindig in the Shed"- outside event at the golf club.

      I also love the underground train system in Glasgow-my brother & wife live there.


  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Wow Janice your card is lovely,,the roses are beautiful.
    The flowers in the cafe are a great, thank you Patricia for brightening up our day.
    Quick visit this morning, off to scrap booking, Hazel and Patricia have a nice day at your demo, find out if they would do a demo for us in October for free of course!!
    Take care,,hope to catch up later. Xx

    1. Thanks Jess never thought of that.
      Sandra was going to write but no point loosing an opportunity xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.Having seen this "in the flesh" I can confirm that Janices' card is beautiful, and Sandra is thrilled with it, what a lovely sentiment and papers Janice and so kind : )
    I hope you all had a good day shopping yesterday my lovely. Yes, it is almost a year from when we had our first meeting, 23rd in fact. It doesn't seem possible we have only known each other for such a short time. I bless that day and just how lucky am I to have met someone as special as you and Pat. Blimey those wooden seats were hard though, weren't they! A meal to celebrate is a must, we will have to have a think about where to go, I wondered about going to Swindon to the Chinese buffet place, but I'm not sure if Pat likes Chinese food? Anyway we will chat about it on Wednesday (whilst we practice quilting : ))
    Thank you for the lovely welcome back comments, it certainly made me realise just how this blog means to me : ))
    Maureen, I am glad that yesterday turned out to be much easier than expected. You are in my thoughts.
    Margaret corgi owner, thank you for the quilting tips, I would have pressed the seams open for sure if you hadn't told me. That is just the reason why I asked for tips as often that sort of thing is overlooked if you watch a video online or look in a book : )
    Maria, so sorry to hear about your neighbour, how awful for her family.May she rest in peace now.
    Janet, sorry you haven't been feeling so bright, the heat must have played a part in it. Your cakes sound as gorgeous as usual, I love to hear what you have had each week. May it rain soon, for you! : )
    Sheila, it sounds like you had a lovely day on Friday, and that Nikki is more settled again now : )
    Brenda Lello, congratulations on winning a Sue card, perfect timing for you I think : )
    Jean, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I am looking forward to hearing about it when you get back : )
    Michele, it sounds like you had great time last night, I hope you have good day today to finish off the weekend : )
    Patricia and Hazel, have a great time at the craft shop. Let us know what you ended up buying : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Just wondering if the " ducks on the wall" this week - ie. Hazel, Margaret, Pat and me, are allowed to chip in with suggestions for your meal out! It started out with being a fly on the wall - then others were joining so it was decided we'd be like a flight of ducks on the wall! Woe betide anyone, Maureen, Saba , Diane or Maria who calls us old ducks!!
      Come to think of it Cheryl, Brenda, Patricia , Sandra - oh you're all capable of calling us that. Xxxx

    2. Myra wow betide I should call you all quackers! Tee hee xxx

    3. That's what I said last night Diane - hence the ducks!
      Great minds eh! Xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Sandra, what a surprise for you, when this lovely card dropped through your letter box !! Love the sentiment.
    JANICE What a lovely though, and a gorgeous sentiment. Sounds like you gave Sandra an extra special boost just when she needed it.

    PATRICIA and HAZEL enjoy your shopping trip. I'm sure anything you buy will be really NEEDED !!!!!
    LYNDA sounds as though you had a lovely day with Harry yesterday. What a lovely surprise.

    MAUREEN Sending you a special hug. Love and Prayers xxx
    Have a lovely day everyone, we are going to our daughters, younger daughter and family will also be going. We will have all of the grandchildren together, ages from 19 to 9 they mix so well - in fact it's the 19 and 9 yr old who are as thick as thieves.
    Will pop back later. Hope you all have a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, I hope you have a super family get together! I just love them!

    2. A lovely family day I hope was had by all. Hazel x

    3. Hi Brenda
      Hope your having or have had a fabulous day with your family.

  8. Sorry I've not been around to comment - but have been looking in
    PATRICIA and HAZEL enjoy your shopping trip
    Lucky you SANDRA Like you said as a crafters we appreciate the work and time spent by somebody making us something JANICE Your card is amazing Love it all and that sentiment is so so apt for occasions
    Have a great day everyone

  9. Morning ladies, thought I better pop in early since I have visitors later, so there will be zero "me" time today. My in laws (aged 86 and 92) are coming with New Zealand cousins, staying tonight and possibly tomorrow. eeeek. They expect to be waited on.
    Sandra, you are going to have to stop opening your mail if you get so emotional every time.
    Image is from the Jane Shasky CD, the Heart of the Garden. It has so many lovely things on that one, but this one fits well for the coffee shop and it's owner. The papers are from Lidl, including that lovely floral one, with sparkly bits.
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Janice, I hope your in laws and visitors are having a lovely time, yes the downside is no ME time, that's the bit I am not looking forward to when my visitors are here for two weeks. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely card Janet's sent you. Love the pepers and the sentiment. Love does grow happy hearts, as we are all happy to participate is this wonderful blog. Just love to read all the comments that everyone leaves. Patricia & Hazel have a lovely time at the demo day. Wish we had a nice craft shop that did these.

  11. Good morning Sandra 7 ladies

    What a beautiful, colourful & cheerful card to receive Sandra and what a boost to your spirits!
    I thought I recognised the background paper Janice, I have used mine for a gift bag for my sister's birthday gift. Your card is gorgeous.

    Getting ready for the Men's Final this afternoon, should be a good match.
    Catch up with you later,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all
    Janice, what a lovely thoughtful gesture. Your card is simply lovely. A beautiful sentiment which is very true and the image of the roses is gorgeous.
    Hazel and Patricia I am so jealous, have a lovely day at the craft shop.
    Bon jour Janet, enjoy the Brocante.
    Michele, your evening sounded brilliant. I'd have been singing with you.
    Brenda, how fabulous, all your lovely grandchildren together. Now I really am jealous.
    Maureen, so pleased that the Humanist took time to listen and that it has brought some peace into your heart.
    Not much happening here, I am going to tidy up my window boxes, maybe a cycle ride later.
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

    1. Saba you could spend the day in my craft shop it's not a big shop at all some living rooms could be bigger, the craft side shares with Adrian's dads carpet business, granted it seems to be getting smaller. You are offered a tea or coffee when you go in and I have even been offered lunch, when Adrian was cutting card for me on his big A3 guillotine. He has a really good selection of dies, stamps card you name it. I tend to buy from there and only order off the internet if he says it would take longer than I would like for him to get it. Xxx

    2. I like to ride my bicycle - I like to ride my bike! Keep pedalling! Xxx

    3. I hate cycling, the boys all love it. I would rather walk than cycle xxx

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    Well I did pop in this morning typed a long post then it just went off the screen just as some visitors arrived! So as on old song says, here I go again, happy as can be, all good friends and jolly good company!
    Sandra what a lovely and thoughtful surprise for you to receive, it really is so beautiful and summery, I love those roses. Thank you Janice for bringing a little sparkle to Sandra's door, so kind of you.
    Patricia the café looks lovely today with the flowers, however can I ask a question please? Did you pick the farmer's flowers in your PJ's???
    Oh Hazel so pleased you are going to have a little rest today and go on a shopping spree with Patricia, hoping you both have a great time, I will look forward to hearing all about it and what you both bought. There are no banks in heaven or pockets in shrouds and if you don't spend your money someone else will remember. I can sympathise about dog hairs our two are just the same as Harris but with the weather we have been having hot then cold bless them they don't know where they are with the seasons so it is casting all year long nearly.
    Sandra how are things on the allotment is Paul a happy bunny with his produce or is the weather causing him problems? How are Sophie and Lucy coping, I do think this separation will do them the world of good, and at least it is only for 1 week, just think of the homecoming!
    Janet we have had more rain and cloudy with a chilly wind I have tried to tell it go to France but it's refusing sorry. Hope you enjoy the village visit lets hope you find a bargain, take care,
    Mrs B you said you were worried about choosing fabrics, some of the fabric producers have ranges of fabrics that all match. Moda are especially good for this and have some fantastic ranges and they give the ranges some wonderful names. Unfortunately not all retailers stock the full ranges but if you choose from a range all the fabrics will go together. There is a shop near Glasgow and they do mail order called Kalidescope it is fantastic to go in there and see all the fabrics, they do stock the full ranges. The first time I went in I just stood there gasping but soon recovered and started selecting what I wanted. It was Derek that started gasping when I paid the bill!
    Maureen I was so pleased to hear that yesterday went so well for you all hopefully this will help you on Tuesday too. Special hugs and love to you xx
    Cheryl enjoy your tennis this afternoon, do you have a Pimms at hand to sip while you watch?
    Brenda how lovely for you today to be surrounded by all your family, enjoy every minute of it and have a lovely meal.
    I will try and pop in later to see how everyone has spent their day, take care.
    Love and hugs
    Margaret xxx

    1. Very good today Margaret I was dressed very early. Then I was very BAD I picked the flowers without asking. The farmer is our friend so I am sure it will all be OK!!
      I have been in that shop in Glasgow, it was brilliant. I went through spell of making little fabric bags, went there and rummaged in their Bit Box and got lots of bargains. Happy Days!!
      Hope you are managing a bit better, when do you go back to the hospital??

  14. Hi Sandra , Friends and Allies!
    Well first of all what a lovely card! Such a special sentiment! No wonder you were thrilled with it Sandra. I've written that one down, Janet - Love Grows Happy Hearts - is lovely! We're a pretty happy bunch here !
    I've just managed to sit down and am finishing my glass of wine. I've got one eye on the tennis!
    I haven't read anyone's comments yet so off to do that now!
    Be good,
    Love Myra xxx

  15. Myra, drinking wine?? Are you now old enough? Last night you and Saba were acting your shoe sizes!!! Oh the retreat is going to be good fun, I can just see us sitting up to the small hours, maybe not in our pjs as we can do in here but there will be some shenanigans as Maureen would say. xxx

  16. Hi Hazel!
    I think I was saying all the things I wouldn't have dared say when I was a child last night! It did get a bit silly! It's that daft Yorkshire woman's fault! Oh no! I'd better not start anything - she started it last night! Ha ha !,
    Have you had a good time at Adrain's Shop? Xxx

    1. It was funny how you too where, but to be honest did it hurt anyone it was all just fun. xxx

    2. Oh Golly I mixed up the names Janet and Janice AGAIN,!
      Sorry ladies! The thing is I knew it was from Janice but typed the wrong thing! Xxx

    3. I forgive you, don't know if Janet will though.

  17. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card today Sandra, Janice you have made a beauty and the papers are so pretty. I think I shall have to investigate next time lidle has got some in. Such a beautiful sentiment too. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Hazel and Patricia enjoy your craft trip. I like Crafters Companion things, their Ventura pearl card is lovely to use. Have a good spend! Xxx
    Cheryl the tennis is on here too. I'm not much of a fan but hubby likes it and it's quite exciting. Xxx
    Michele sounds like you had a wonderful evening. You can't beat the bee gees can you. Julian's gran used to travel to South Africa to see her son, when she turned 90 the family persuaded her it was better to book her through ticket and not go standby and wait for a couple of days in Bangkok airport! Xxx
    Well ladies it is wet and miserable here too and like Margaret I have told it to go to France but no joy! I didn't get the washing on the line yesterday so I still have a basket of wet stuff to get dry. I need to go and pick the peas for dinner tonight and there is another bunch of sweet peas ready to pick, I will pop them in the cafe tomorrow morning - I'm sure they will look really pretty with Patricia's blue flowers.
    Right see you all later, try to keep the drinking to a minimum as it's only 3pm !!! Lol
    Much love and hugs
    Diane xxxx

    1. Now Now, Diane, it was part of my Sunday Lunch!!
      It's dry here and bright but not much sun! Xx

  18. We will believe you Myra, but thousands wouldn't! The sun has just come out here so lovely to see for a change. xx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in cafe,

    Sandra you reserve all the cards you do a brilliant job with cafe.
    Janice your card is beautiful.
    Hazel and Patricia enjoy your day.
    Brenda enjoy time with your family.
    Maureen pleased you had some laughs as well as tears probably yesterday will be thinking of you on Tuesday sending lots of hugs.
    What a lovely caring place this cafe is thank you for letting me in. My special fruit cake in oven ready for tomorrow.
    Love to all Margaret xx

  20. Sandra, should have read deserve not reserve!!
    Margaret xx

  21. Hello Sandra everyone,
    Janice, your card is so very pretty, I'm not surprised that Sandra loved it, and Sandra I hope you are well and that the twins are settled.
    Well I had to read last night's comments after people made reference to them today and I have to say that I think some very childish comments were made and I am rather annoyed that I was not there to add my two pennorth (that's two penny's worth for Maria) to the conversation. I think a meet up in York would be fab, and an overnight stay would be even fabber (no such word but it fits!).
    I've lost count of the number of times I've "walked" the walls, although I kept well away from George whilst doing it ha ha.
    Brenda, have a lovely day with the family, I think it's lovely that the oldest and the youngest grandchildren get along so well with each other.
    Talking about grandchildren, we have been to town on the "Shopping Trip" for Zoe's birthday. All the girls invited to the party were given a party bag full of goodies and £15 to spend (plus they brought some of their own money). After a manicure done by Rachel, Suzanne and Carolyn (David's two daughters) we set off in three cars. Of course we forgot that there was a Charity Fun Run today for Cancer Research so finding a parking space was a nightmare. We finally parked in the RVI Hospital Multi Storey Car Park and set off. We went to all the best shops. Primark (a bag full of rubbish), then Boots (lip gloss), Claires (more rubbish), Next (Zoe a dress with birthday money), Accessories (more lip gloss, purse, bracelet), Carlton Cards (Minion erasers, pens, soft toys), Lush (the most powerful smelling bath bombs and goodies you could ever wish to find). I think that's the lot. The girls had an amazing time and the least number of bags anyone was carrying was 6!!! Boy, when they grow up they will keep the economy of Newcastle booming all on their own! But they all had a great time and then back to Rachel's for the party tea, which was devoured double quick by the children and the adults. Poor Peter had been slaving in the kitchen all the time we were out and he said he'd worn his fingers to the bone lol.
    Patricia and Hazel, have a good day out - oh It's probably over by now, but I hope you had a good time.
    Michele, it's sometimes hard to keep up with the oldies. I know George's Irish Aunt could party us under the table.
    Saba, what tiny feet you have! (I sound like Little Red Riding Hood, but I look more like the Big Bad Wolf lol). I'll have to try your shoes on when we meet.
    Myra, dear, I do hope your other eye recovers. Having one eye on the tennis will be such a pain, and you'll have to swing your head in quick, quick time, rather like the Polka!
    Diane, ooh sweet peas tomorrow, the Cafe will smell gorgeous.
    Oh one small piece of wonderful news. David's oldest daughter, Suzanne is expecting her first child in February. We were just told today and it has given everyone a boost.
    See you later, be good
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Well, Grandma Maureen, you've had a good day! Whatever size your tootsies are I'm sure they're rather tired now!
      The Party - a Shopping Party - great idea! I'd love that!
      Lovely news about Suzanne and the baby! Great timing ! Congratulations to Suzanne and husband and all the family!
      Well, I'm a bit cockeyed! Boy have I had a bad day with Hay Fever ! The worst day I've had this year by far . Streaming eyes and now a red nose! Lovely!
      I'm going to have a latte please and I save myself on the cake front, for Margaret's fruit cake tomorrow! Thanks Margaret.
      Myra xxxx

    2. PS Muriel, you were missed last night - I think you could have added a lot to the childish behaviour!! Ha ha . Xxx

    3. Oh Maureen what lovely news and perfect timing too. Hope your feet aren't too sore. I love Lush - I know it smells really strong but their products are lovely and work a treat . Their dream time bath melt really helps you to sleep and the wickey wacky bar is great on sore tired feet - I forgot to rake one to Florida with us, oh boy would it have helped! Xxx

  22. Hi everyone. Wet this morning but cleared up this afternoon. Cloud all day. The sun did try to shine but it wasn't cold which was good. Hope Patricia and Hazel had a good day at the craft demo. We don't get that here although The Range and Hobbycraft do have demos but usually Docrafts. Not very interesting. Hope everyone is ok. Will be back later.

  23. Oh Mauren, firstly lovely to have happy news today. Yes it will have given you all a boost. Zoe and friends have had a wonderful day out shopping, I love your description of their buys! I can just imagine them? Nice to hear they had a home party tea? That's whats missing these days. Yes a great day had by all I would say!!! Well that of coarse doesn't cover the poor adults. I bet your feet are telling you to go and put them in to soak. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I hope you had a good day with Patricia. Actually my feet are fine and I had the same sandals on as the other day. There is no rhyme or reason to these things, is there. Rachel is worrying what the other girls parents will say when they see what their children have bought but it's typical girly stuff and they had such fun. If you'd heard their chatter in our car going home, they were like little old wives comparing their buys and what bargains they had!!
      We are all hock a hoop over Suzanne and the lift it will give David and Trudy.

    2. Maureen, you are so right, they had a ball and I think it was a great idea too. Ok Beth and her friend wanted me to take them last week to Primark, I had a feeling it would be my money being spent and I wasn't having that oh no. Glad your feet are ok, your right there isn't rhyme or reason to these things. Yes that new expected baby will just be the tonic David and truly need, as all the family will too.
      Myra, I feel for you, nothing worse than Hay fever? Did you enjoy the tennis? xxx

    3. That's Trudy sorry xxx

    4. I did but I missed a fair bit! Couldn't wear my glasses and eyes were streaming! Glasses not so much of an issue as I really only need them for reading but they do make the picture a wee bit sharper! It was all a bit blurred today! However. - " I can see clearly now!" Xxx

  24. Myra, my dear, You Were Never Lovelier!! (there's a song title in there somewhere). The streaming eyes and red nose look especially coming with the blotchy skin. (Tin hat and bunker needed). Seriously, I know it's a horrible complaint and I hope you get some relief soon. I've heard that Vaseline rubbed around your nostrils helps, have you tried that?
    I'd have loved to be in the cafe last night, but wanted to get Rachel's jacket finished and knew if I hadn't switched off the laptop, I'd have been tempted to keep coming downstairs to look in on you. I wouldn't care, George got up about 11.45 and went downstairs, and I switched on the TV to watch the news - again!! I think I'll take the laptop upstairs tonight so I can join in - bet he doesn't get up!!
    I wasn't actually lying down on the bed hand sewing, I was propped up with about 4 pillows behind me, and two of Margaret's smallest bags on my hands, and a long one draped around my neck and down my front. Oh what a sight I looked, but they are a God send. The small bag on my left hand was ok, but I had to use an elastic band to keep on the bag on my sewing hand!!!! I must admit it was rather difficult!!!!

    1. I hope in the heat in Germany Peter and Saba don't have "Blazing Saddles! " xx
      You have painted quite a picture of yourself doing your sewing! It didn't really remind me of stitchery in the Bronte era!! Xx

    2. Maureen how if I was to make you a small bag with some tape attached so that you could tie it onto your hand when I am able to use my sewing machine? xx

  25. Evening all,
    Well my tennis champ Novak won the title again, very thrilling match but he did outclass Roger Federer. So I shall be going to bed a happy bunny.
    Myra, have you not asked your doctor to prescribe you Piriton for your hay fever? Works wonders for me and so does the eye drops on the telly, can't remember my their name, they are that good.
    I am really tired today so an early night with my crosswords is overdue.
    See you all in the morning
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl I'm on medication including Eye Drops ! Today was just a really bad day for me! Glad you enjoyed the match! Xxx

    2. Cheryl, I am so glad you enjoyed the match. Yes an early night called for you have a couple of busy weekend ahead. Hazel x

    3. Chertl so pleased you enjoyed the match did you celebrate with a cuppa or something more! Have a good rest and relaxation sweet dreams xx

    4. Cheryl, glad you enjoyed your tennis, it is very tiring watching them running all over the court!!! Have a good night's sleep, and see you tomorrow.

  26. Hi folks hope you are all ok, I am busy making flowers. I will be back later when I tidy the mess away. Then I will have time to see what you have all been up to during the day.
    Be good till I get back xxx

    1. I suppose we'll all be good as a lot of people seem tired tonight xxx

  27. Hi everyone, just caught up with today's comments.
    Hope Patricia and Hazel had a great day, we need to know what you bought, did you ask about at demo at the retreat?
    Our scrapbook crop was a bit quiet today, about half of us were on holiday, but we still had a good laugh as usual.
    Managed to catch the end of the tennis, what a match, Novak was brilliant, I felt sorry for Roger, he tried hard.
    Off to read last nights late comments, you all seem to have had a great time.
    See you all later, xxx

  28. Hazel and Patricia call me nosey but how did you enjoy your day out today \I have been up and down this blog looking for your comments and telling us what you bought but cannot find even a hint? xx
    Myra I do hope you are feeling a little better now hay fever is horrid bless you for all your sneezes xx

    1. Thank you Margaret! At least it goes away - compared to what some of the ladies suffer it's nothing really. Just a bit of a nuisance!
      Nose not quite so red now! Xxx

  29. Oh my lovely ladies you do make me laugh.
    Myra I have a mental picture if you , red nose, runny one eye and if Muriel's advice is followed, big blobs of Vaseline all over your nose. I know I shouldn't laugh but I did.
    Maureen, Zoe's birthday treat, shopping with friends sounds brilliant. Claire's accessories, Primart, etc. just the thing for young ladies. What lovely news as well. I bet David and Trudy are thrilled. Just what you all need, a little sunshine to brighten your day.
    We had a lovely cycle ride. First of all we went around a big lake very near to us and then we went along the river for about 3 miles before stopping off in a beer garden for a Shandy. It's all flat so the cycling is easy, no big hills to tire me out.
    We then came home via our local Italian and sat and had a glass of wine whilst waiting for our take out pizza which we have now finished.
    Just going to pop over to Sue's and leave a comment but will be back
    Love Saba xxx

    1. Our pharmacist who is a friend talked me out of trying a new nasal spray! He said" - Myra it forms a barrier to stop the pollen going up your nose - however I tried it and it solidified into a thick gel inside my nostrils - not pleasant" I decided to give it a miss! When Maureen suggested the Vaseline It reminded me! Now here's a daft one - I'm allergic to Vaseline!! Xxx

    2. Only you Myra, it could only happen to you xx.
      Saba, how is your derriere after all that cyling? xx

    3. My derrière is fine thank you for asking. I have a Jelly Seat. Mind you once when we did a 54 kilometres cycle ride I stuffed a piece of sheepskin down my knickers as added protection!!

    4. Is that a Rowntree's Jelly seat!
      Are we talking you or the bike? Xxx

  30. Hi my coffee shop Angels,
    just dropping in while i finally get a minute to myself as i haven't stopped now all week and have the fella's coming in tomorrow at 8am to start on mum's windows so down there for the next couple of days making up teas and coffees to keep them going. I still have some things to take to the charity shop as well and some florist oasis's, tapes, trays for displays, penny farthings for displays and flowers galore that i am going to find some one will want them although if i could work that gumtree i could put them on there but that means technology and like a lot of my dear friends i am what they would call definitely technological challenged.
    Anyway i just nipped in to say hello that i haven't had a minute to myself but i will be back just like Arnie in the Terminator. Glad Sandra sweetheart that your spirits are being lifted again out of that dark place and just how beautiful your cards that my lovely "sisters" made for you are. Diane i want to see Tigger, i didn't see him on either of the holidays i went on to Disney World . I did see Mickey and waited in a 2 hour queue to get my picture taken with him and get a cuddle. They keep trying to tell me that they aren't real when we both know that they are and have the pictures to prove it.
    Take care girls and i will see you all again soon
    Love and special huggles to all of you and especially our Maureen who is now facing the hardest part, after everything is done, when you need people the most is after the funeral is all over and that is unhappily when you see the least amount of people, Sending lots of love and huggles your way my dear friend
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Lovely to see you Norah! I thought you'd be busy but I just asked a wee question last night so that you'd know you're not forgotten!
      All the best with the running buffet , that's what my Grandma used to call it !! Love Myra xxxx don't overdo t! X

    2. Norah lovely lady,
      So nice to hear from you. But Arnie the terminator is my worst nightmare. I saw one of the earlier films and it left me terrified and traumatised for life. No kidding. I have only got to see a picture of him and I want to run and hide, but there is no hiding from him and I think that's so scary.
      Take care, love Saba xxx

    3. Hello Norah, How lovely of you to pop in when you are so busy. I hope all goes well with the window men, I'm sure you'll see them all right with cups of tea and coffee. Don't give them your best china though!!!
      I hope Rory, Kirsten and Harry are all doing well, and that Harry is thriving. xxx

    4. Great to see you Norah, it really is a good thing to keep the workmen fed and watered it is surprising what little extras they will do for you and all for a tea or coffee. xx

    5. Lovely to see you Norah. Oh yes Tigger is lovely, definately real of course. Take care my lovely xxx

  31. MARGARET:- sorry about the delay with the "confessions" I got caught up with and idea for using the Die I bought. I also bought the Heartfelt Creations Fuchsia stamp and ordered the Heartfelt Creations Fuchsia Die. Just can't resist making flowers.
    Anyway:- I bought a DieSire 4x6 Die. One of the new ones that does not cut out it just cuts into the card. Got home cut it out 4 times, joined them and made a Box. Then came the tricky bit getting a base and lid to fit. Managed and only wasted one piece of card. Don't suppose it's wasted I did use a bit of it to write my measurements for my box lid on!!!
    The Demo Desk was so crowded with people you could not see a thing. I was there just before Hazel, by the time we left all those people right at the front were STILL there ..... never moved!!
    John took me over, dropped me off at the Craft Shop then went along to Hazel's. Charlie and him put the world to rights. Hazel did not spend anything, it's her local Craft Shop. No doubt she will be in there during the week when it's all calm and quite.
    If my Blog had been up and running I would have shown the Box I made. Might send it to Sandra so she can show it some day.
    MYRA:- hope your feeling better.
    MAUREEN:- that sounded like a right fun day for you. Fantastic news to brighten your lives. xxx

    1. Please send a picture to Sandra. When I think of what we are missing I still want to spit feathers. And from very big birds too!!

    2. Oooh Saba, now what can I make with feathers? xx

    3. My sentiment exactly Saba but where there is a will there is a way, I do hope Patricia sends a picture to Sandra and a few instructions for the likes of me that need some. xxx

    4. It's fantastic, in fact stunning is a better word to describe it. XX

    5. Please send a picture to Sandra! She's a real gem , you know! She'll show it to us! Xxx

  32. Margaret, you are not nosey at all. We went, meet at Adrian's which was very busy, in fact to busy to hear or really see what the woman was demoing. She was colouring, we decide to go and have a look at the stock side of things, Patricia bought a die, a stamp and ordered a die. Me I bought nothing, but I can pop in there at any time. I do prefer going in when the shop isn't full. We then came back here, Charlie and John were just putting the world to rights. Bacon rolls and all milk coffees for the men and bacon roll and a cup of tea for us, again the world was put to rights. I think Patricia and I are getting past doing lots of shopping. We would be better going on a normal day. Hazel xx

  33. Oh! My! Word! See how Hazel and I think alike ...... it's rather scary!!! xxx

    1. Scary? I am slowly starting to think that you two are actually one person just pretending to be sisters!

    2. Saba, I'm sure you hit the nail on the head - or two heads. When I do meet up with them they could be one body with two heads - eek, now that's even more scary than Arnie!! xxx

    3. Careful Muriel they just may refuse to meet you!

    4. Oh! No! honest we are two separate people.
      Two great minds think alike ...... no!!! I am not adding the next bit xxx

    5. Muriel, there is nothing in the entire universe more scary than Arnie.

    6. No Saba there are two of us. Xxx

  34. Hi Sandra and all ,
    Janice- the card you made and sent Sandra is very nice. Nice papers and sweet words.
    Had to laugh about your going on's last night, better than the two Ronnies when it is three or four of you. Water off a duck's back ....
    Brenda-hope you day have been great with your family together and so nice to see the youngsters getting along.
    Maureen- shopping party sound good, as long they were happy and your feet ok.
    Myra- hope you feeling better soon rg the hayfever, anything else is not my fault
    Sorry but I'm so tired, did not sleep well last night and SIL here all day so wishing goodnight to one and all, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. MARIA:- did say to Hazel today that I hoped you were OK!!
      Great to see you, hope you manage to sleep and feel better tomorrow xxx

    2. Maria, sleep well, hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
      Love and big cuddles
      Saba xxxx

    3. Maria have a good rest, sweet dreams, hope you feel better tomorrow, love and hugs xxx

    4. Maria, rest up tomorrow and I hope you have a good night tonight. Sweet dreams xxx

    5. Thank you Maria, I'm ok now! I was just moaning today! Sleep well, my friend! Xx

  35. Good for you both being restrained you will live to spend another day! I just hate it when places are packed out and you see nothing. but at least you would enjoy your bacon rolls and tea.
    I remember once going to the knitting and stitching show at Harrogate when I still had to use my wheelchair, I patiently waited to see a demo and got to the front eventually, then all of a sudden felt myself moving backwards someone pulled my wheelchair out of the way so they could get to the front! After that I always made sure my brakes were firmly on!
    I will look forward to seeing your new box it sounds interesting Patricia I am sure Sandra will be delighted to show us all.
    Maureen I really love the sound of the birthday party I am sure all the girls had a ball. What wonderful news for you all a baby to look forward to in the new year a little ray of sunshine.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, some people beggar belief! my sister goes every year to that show, they live just outside Harrogate. It wasn't her though!
      I went with her and her best friend a few years ago and her friend bought the tickets. When I looked at mine I was shocked to see she had bought senior citizens cheaper tickets. I was about 50 at the time. She just said keep your head down, they won't notice, and they didn't. Great show though.


    2. Smart thinking on Vals part, how is she, I keep meaning to ask, but one can be distracted in here. Xxx

    3. Yes it is a great show and they even used to give out free Taylors of Harrogate teabags so they went to Derek as a present from Harrogate! All my money was for spending on crafty goodies!

    4. Hazel, thank you for asking. Val is ok at the moment. I wish I could say she was doing well but I can't. It's a bit like two steps forward and one step back but she is trying hard and doing everything she can do to try and get stronger.

    5. Oh Saba I am so sorry to hear that, is their nothing they can do to help her??? Xxx

    6. Hazel,
      The health care team are being amazing, her GP, her Consultant and her Macmillan nurse are all very good but they cant really do more at the moment, it's a case of symptom control and waiting to see which way it goes. There may be more chemo in the future but at the moment she is not strong enough. She is getting out and about a bit more but gets very tired.
      She never complains, she is truly amazing and I love her so much it hurts.
      Now, I am not going down that road otherwise there will be tears before bedtime and that's never good.

    7. Thank you you hugs really help. Xxxx

    8. Just catching up tonight. Can I give you a cuddle too, Saba. You know we care.

    9. Bless you Janice, one cuddle gratefully received.

    10. I didn't read this bit until very late! Sniffling again!
      So sorry about Val , hugs sent by pigeon post!!
      Sweet dreams. Xx

  36. What a cheek Margaret to move your wheelchair. I would have had something to sag about that.

  37. Hello Margaret,
    You are so kind to offer to adjust a small bag for me, but I managed fine, once I had worked out exactly how to position it before I used the elastic band. In fact, I'll sew some tapes on myself - now why did I not think of that? I'm actually using the long one at the moment around my neck - George is in the other room so I'm safe lol.
    It was Zoe who thought of the Shopping Party, and it worked out a lot cheaper than going to the Pictures and then a Pizza, or Wet and Wild and somewhere to eat. They were going to have a Lush Party but it was going to be £160 before food, and they had a ball. It's been a lovely day here today, not even a cardigan required, so after their tea they all went out into the garden and played games.
    Margaret, could you not have accidentally pushed your chair into the back of their knees so that they buckled in front of you, what horrible, horrible, people there are.
    Well, Joanna Lumley is nearly finished her outing in China, so I'm going up to get ready for bed.
    Good night, sweet dreams, and I'll take the Laptop with me.

    1. I too have one eye on Joanna Lumley, it has been so interesting.
      Good night sweet dreams I'm off to get ready for bed after the news.
      Before I go Saba we have some Osprey that come to Bassenthwaite Lake to nest, just up the road from us would you like me to look for some of their feathers for you?
      Good night and God bless everyone sweet dreams.

    2. I enjoyed Joanna's journey as well.
      SABA:- I could get you some, Pheasant, Buzzard, or even Pigeon feathers if you want xxx

    3. That's very kind of you but I am managing to spit up some huge ones myself. I could nearly stuff a pillow with them.
      I have never seen an osprey. I have seen a few red kites when I stay with Rachel in Harrogate though. Oh and a peacock. They actually have a peacock which wanders about their local area. It's known as the Bilton Peacock. I have seen it a few times. The first time I ran in the house to tell them and they just said yep, it's our local peacock.
      Night God bless sweet dreams. Xxxx

    4. Osprey feather will be bigger! xxx

    5. Patricia, I will excuse your reference to pigeon feathers. I'm sure you meant well!!! Xxx

    6. Margaret, Saba 's mouth is not That Big, you know! Xxx

  38. Goodnight and God Bless folk, that's me for today.
    See you all tomorrow xxx

  39. had a busy day doing not much really. Now there is a song title that's similar!
    MAUREEN I just wanted to add, what fantastic news for you and family. It will give you all something to focus on. As Norah mentioned, some people will drift away after the funeral but we'll still be here for you. Take care x

    1. I'm busy doing nothing working the whole day through ........

    2. I've been spitting feathers too! If my nose gets itchy with all these feathers. ----. I'll be spitting feathers! Xxx

    3. Thank you Karen, steer clear of Saba and Myra, they are spitting all sorts of feathers and I'm going to pick them up when they've finished. I fancy making myself a new mattress!! xxx

    4. Careful! You don't know where they've been! Xxx

  40. Night night Patricia, sleep well. Xxxx

  41. Oops! I'm too late! Oh dearie me! I was getting the stuff ready for the After School Craft tomorrow! Second last Monday! Hallelujah! Xxx
    Night Night All who have gone to bed . Xxxxxx

  42. Brenda ( little lamb) I am sorry your weather was to so good today, but at least if it wasn't cold you can go out and about, did you get on a bus and you somewhere? Hazel x

  43. Myra, Our school starts their holidays this Friday. Are yours there for another week? xx
    Night, sweet dreams Patricia and anyone else who's off to the Land of Nod xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Apparently they finish a week on Tuesday! Typical!
      I think we should say tomorrow is the last day as they will be hyper next week! Xxx

  44. Managing a catch up tonight, looks like it was a mainly fun and family day for all.
    Visitors are all fed, watered and off to bed. They are having an early start to their sightseeing trip tomorrow to Applecross, so I will have to plan another dinner for their return. Easy when I'm not working.
    Right, better get off to bed.
    See you all tomorrow.

  45. Ladies, that's me done. I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and out of the house by 8, although by Hazel's standard I am probably having a lie in.
    See you all tomorrow,
    Night and God bless you all.
    Saba xxx
