
Monday 13 July 2015

Man card by Michele !

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Just a quickie from me this morning as I have an appointment at the Centre for Enablement in
Oxford, to be assessed for a new Wheel Chair, I have had mine since 2009 and use it almost every day, so its kind of worn out, my GP called it a disgrace!! Its just got rusty wheels and a few wonky bits. Lord only knows what I will have to endure whilst being 'assessed' today.
Its actually only about 27 miles away, its a long one of the worst roads in Oxfordshire, so it will easily take an hour and a half!
I will update you upon my return.
How fantastic is Michele's card today????
I particularly love the script printed matt in the background, and the punched band around the card ties all the colours of the card together.
I am guessing your Dad is a steam train fan Michele? My father in law is too, he used to belong to a fund raising group in Wales and got the chance to have a drive of one too.
Everything about your card is perfectly balanced Michele, the Gold Card Candi finish the card perfectly.
Thank you so very much for sharing this fabulous 'Man' Card Michele, its hugely inspiring xxxx

I hope that you don't mind that I only posted one card today, its for two reasons, one being that
our internet was playing up and the second reason is that I have to save as many cards as I can to leave scheduled posts while we are on holiday, so you ladies have something new to look at every day, I will be 'live' posting when I can, but internet access in the shadow of the Pyrenees can be touch
and go at the best of time, but we have a few weeks yet.
So if any of you have cards that you would like to add to the collection to be scheduled, I would be very grateful.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Gang! Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day and week ahead.
    SANDRA:- good luck with your assessment. I hope they don't put you through the Mill with too much pain and make you too uncomfortable. Just keep in mind you will be able to Whizz around with your new Jet Propelled will a case of "Be Prepared Sandra's There" .
    MICHELE:- Wow!! that's a brilliant card. I might just have to keep that in Mind. I love the colours and the fantastic design. It would go down a treat with John being a Rail Enthusiast, especially Steam Engines.
    Everything set up for the day ahead.
    I am taking my Tea & Toast over to the corner table. To those looking in, please don't pass the door. Pop in, this is a great place to call into. You can meet some fantastic people, learn so much and have fun.
    Hugs in the basket by the door as always, see you all later. xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in today. Sandra of course we don't mind, as we have told you.
    Michele, your man card is brilliant, the whole layout just works, and with a change of picture it would cover so many sports or activities that a man would do.
    Oh a new wheel chair, I know you were telling me weeks ago. How bad the one you have has gotten? It's a disgrace if a mobility car can be traded up every three years I think it is! Why isn't a wheelchair? Ok Sandra it's a bit of a distance and yes you will have a lot of hassle getting measured and fitted, but it will be worth it. Now make sure you let them know what's wrong with the one you have and what you think would make life easier for yourself!!! It's got to be right.
    Do wheel chairs not have to have like an MOT every year?
    Miserable day here, but I won't complain, poor Janet would love to waken up, see it's rained over night and know that the tempeture was lower. Oh if only we could get it to go across the channel. Janet would be as excited as my SIL just because it's raining.
    Well today I am hoping to get an appointment to get my eyes tested, it's one of those things that need to be done seeing how I wear glasses all the time. Well that's a bit of a lie. For one you don't wear them in bed and two I prefer not to have them on while I am reading. I can see to read better without them. So another expense, Charlie had to have new ones last week.
    Everything is looking lovely in here today, I have done all that's needed, so I will take my tea and toast over and sit by the window, it's early so I don't expect many will stop to just look in, my big sister might be in, then again Monday is her big clean day, she will be still in her pjs doing her cleaning. Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Damp start to the day here-not too bothered as I'm back in work soon!!

    My card is for my Dads birthday which is Wednesday. He loves trains & is a member of a model train club which has been a life saver (for us both) since Mum died 2 years ago. He goes twice a week & has got himself on the committee so that plus the dog keeps him reasonably busy.

    I'll pop back in after work to read all the goings on!!


  4. Good morning all,

    Wow wow wow Michele, what a lovely composition for your card. I bet your Dad will be pleased as punch with it. The brown/cream layout is just right for the train picture colours.

    Still wrapping all the extra candles for my stall on Saturday, Hazel very kindly emailed me with some extra tips on wrapping and displaying them all. Many, many thanks to you Hazel.

    Not much else to say just yet, will catch up later.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your card is just right for your dad, the colours compliment the train very well.
    Sandra hope your assessment goes well, don't let them try to put you off by asking you to do impossible things.
    Cheryl do you think you need to put a label on the bottom of your cups like the ones on the large candles that you buy in the shops advising about not leaving candles burning near inflammables etc., etc., I don't know if trading standards would be able to enlighten us about this, I know if we sell decorated candles in our wee shop they have to have the label on them.
    Coffee finished off to get Wee Henry out his cupboard, and then..........take a couple of photos of craft room.
    Hope to catch up later, Jess x

    1. I'm not sure about the Law on this Jess but when I ordered MDF candle holders for the children to paint and decorate they each had a little sticker attached. I fixed them to the base with glossy accents. I hadn't thought about it until they came. Xxx

    2. That's a good point JESS, some of mine are being sold at a Cancer fund raising day on the 9th August and I'll have to find out before then, I'll also have to contact HAZEL about wrapping tips. Are you there Hazel? xxx

    3. I looked on Amazon - they sell 50 self adhesive 32 mm candle warning stickers . Prices vary from 82 p to £3 10. Even at higher price it's about 6p per sticker! You can probably make them on computer using sheets of labels and print them off. Ask Rachel? Xxx

    4. Myra ever thought about Amazon, or doing labels on the printer, good thinking batman!!,

    5. You're welcome Bat Woman! It's taken me all day to work out who wee Henry is! How sad is that. Can see his cheery smile in my mind's eye now! Xxx

    6. Tee hee I thought Henry was a child kept in the cupboard under the stairs like Harry Potter! Xxx

    7. Me too! I was almost ringing NSPCC !! Xxx

    8. I have already rung them.
      What have I missed??? xxx

    9. Ooooppps!!
      Got it. Phoned again to say I had made a mistake!!! xxx

    10. Patricia , you're nearly as daft as me! Steady on now! Xxx

    11. They say you get like the people you associate with!!! xxx

    12. Oh oh! Now there's a scary thought! Xxx

    13. Please may I sit between Hazel and you? You see then I may be able to get up earlier in the morning! Xxx

    14. Both of us are good "chapper uppers" !!! xxx

    15. Excellent! I haven't heard that one for years! Xxx

    16. Do you think the others will know what that is???xxx

    17. How did this conversation go from a wee Henry to chapper uppers xxx

    18. Very smoothly Jess, very smoothly!
      It's just the way our minds work - they sort of multi task - or go off at many a tangent! Xxx

    19. I'm soooo looking forward to oct/nov. just sit and listening to you girls, it will be Fabulous !! xxx

    20. Ooh Maria , it'll be so much more fun than typing! We will be able to talk , Yeh! Xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and all the Girls ,
    Well, it's a pretty damp start to the day here - no washing will be hung out , that's for certain.
    Michele - I love your Dad card. It's not just the lovely steam train it's the layout of the card and the little bits of hardware that go with it. I think it's lovely! Thank you.
    Sandra - will be thinking of you today. Hope everything goes well and that you get a new wheelchair - fit for purpose - as they say! How are the twins surviving the separation? Sending hugs xx
    I was up rather late last night and read a few comments I'd missed!
    Saba - was concerned about " your jelly seat" - the mind boggles! Is it Rowntree's ? Is it your personal seat or that of the bike? Tin hat on!
    Have a good day everyone!
    See you later, all being well.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra, I've heard that people chant Wibbly, Wobbly as she rides past!!! (Oops, down in the bunker - quick) (Ha ha, I can talk!) xxxx

    2. Uh oh! This could see the re-emergence of our friend the Bazouka! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well yet again it is cold and wet here just like Scotland by the sound of it I do keep telling it to make it's way to France for Janet.
    Michele your card is fantastic I will pinch your idea for Derek if I may please, he is a railway man too although he like steam his real passion is diesels. One year for his birthday my younger daughter organised a cab ride for him from Carlisle to Grangemouth and he still talks about it.
    Well Sandra I will be thinking of you as you go for your assessment, I have had my wheelchair for about 20 years and it has never had a check over let alone an MOT. I have rang to see if there are any lighter ones available as Derek is struggling to get it in the car and been told they will look at my request at the weekly meeting but have warned me they are short staffed. I am sorry but I felt I was getting the brush off so told them that was their problem and they were there to give a service and as I had had it 20 years it should be looked at. Agh! Best of luck and don't let them make you suffer, after all if it was not for people like us Sandra they would be out of a job and they need to treat people with care.
    I am off to the fracture clinic this afternoon as my cast has become very slack I can get all my fingers down the top of it, so rang this morning after being cut off three times, no not my leg, the phone connection! I finally got hold of someone else who said they would pass on a message to ring me back, thank goodness for someone being helpful.
    I hope Sophie and Lucy are coping do give them my love Sandra xx
    Maria are you feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed today I do hope so.
    Well it is and extra early lunch for us today with our trip out so must go and get it organised, will pop in later be good if you can and if not be careful!
    I have popped some hugs over in the corner help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all the sisters, actual relations or not!
    Michele, Your card is fantastic for a Rail Enthusiast. My father would have loved it and as soon as I saw it I thought "Ah ha, Patricia will like that for John (and I was right!).
    Sandra, I hope your assessment today is not too stressful or painful, and that the journey is better than you expect. Wouldn't it be great if you could get the Rolls Royce of wheelchairs. Wouldn't it be good if you could just speak your orders and the chair obeyed. How are the twins doing? I bet they are having a ball doing their own things.
    Margaret, I think it's time you put your powers to the test and get on to them regarding your chair. I think it's shocking that in 20 years yours has not even had a check over. Gird your loins girl and get stuck in. Remember, they don't like it up them!!!
    Hazel, you've given me the prod to get my eyes checked. I wear variefocals but still have to remove my specs to read or do close work on my cards. The only reason it's worth paying the extra for variefocal is so that I can read the computer screen and see the dials on the car, handy if I want to stay within the speed limit!!!
    Cheryl, good luck with your fund raising on Saturday. Brenda, my neighbour who lives opposite, had a mastectomy last year and we are doing a fund raising day on the 9th August. I've done loads of different cards and made some cup candles so I've to sell them. Any idea of prices ladies? If anyone asks me for a card (which is maybe once or twice a year), I charge £1 and George and Rachel go mad. Mind you if I make a card for Rachel she doesn't pay anything lol.
    I took my laptop upstairs last night in case G got up and I would log on to pester anyone who was on the blog. We both went straight to sleep and didn't wake up until 7 a.m. Lovely.
    Well, I'd better go and do something so I'll see you all later.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Cheryl, the Brenda I mention in my message to you is the name of my neighbour and not the either of the two Brenda's on the blog. Sorry I didn't make it clearer. xxxx

    2. For a basic 6x6 card I charge £1.50, anything larger starts from £2 but I know I don't charge enough. The very fancy pop-up cards sold for £3 and I found it difficult to charge that.


    3. I am with Michele on the pricing. I charge £3 for any that have Hand Made Flowers and Boxed. Nowever you will still get the ones that want things for"nothing". What gets me is they go to the Supeemarket, pick up a run of the mill card that there are dozens of, pop it in their basket and the have not a "scooby" what they will be paying for it. xxx

    4. Patricia , that seems really cheap to me . Some cards in the Supermarket cost lots more than that and they are in a flimsy envelope. I know what you mean though. People seem unwilling to pay for something which has been handmade. I don't understand why! Xxx

    5. That's the problem Myra, they think nothing of putting it in the shopping trolley and paying at the end with plastic. But to hand cash over they seem to think they should get it for pennies. We found that when we did craft fairs, they would buy from stalls that had bought in things that every body and their auntie sold, but something that was hand made was passed by, we found it was folk that crafted that bought as they know the work that went into it. Xxx

    6. Yes, that makes absolute sense to me! Only another crafter appreciates the time and effort that goes into these makes. Xxx

    7. MYRA:- Hazel and I really struggle with prices and I mean getting the money for the goods.
      When Sue Wilson ordered some of our Pendants she was Shocked they were so cheap. It was like drawing teeth getting £10 for each of them at Craft Fairs. We do charge more now, the beads are getting more expensive. Supermarket cards cost a fortune for cheap card, no inserts in some and of course there are dozens of the same thing but people still buy them. xxx

    8. Patricia - I'm not surprised Sue was shocked! I'm shocked too. You are selling them for a good cause as well. Some people just want something for nothing - it's sad really. Xxx

    9. Myra, good cause or not they think it's to dear. We have even had a women telling us she could go to Primark and get a pendants cheaper. I am sure our reply was something like " well go and there and buy one ". But remember Primark sell to thousands . xxx

    10. Oooh! How awful to compare your lovely pendants to Primark! They are fine if that's what you want and are happy to throw them away when they break - because break they will! Now yours are bespoke! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Just in case you read this before uou go. Don't forget to see if they do a Wheelchair where your leg bit can be removed. So that I can get it in my car as well. It might be that your old one did come off but got to rusted.
    Michele I just love your train card that you've made for your dad. My friend is a train buff, well we all like trains, we certainly do as we do a train holiday every year. We once went from Buckfast Leigh to Tynemouth on the train, and back again. She was so excited we did it again straight away. Hope your assessment goes ok Sandra. Margaret I think uou ought to get your Victor Meldrew hat on where yours is concerned, and blow them up a bit. You must really need a new Wheelchair by now. They've made great strides in them. We saw a lady with a fabulous one yesterday in Frinton. It looked lovely and light.

    1. Oh Pat I really must stop reading comments quickly, I thought you had told Sandra to see if they could take her legs off! Now that wouldn't be good would it! Xxx

    2. I thought that too! Then she'd be legless and we need our leader, sober!! Xxx

    3. Imposssibe Sandra does not drink!! Well that's what she told me anyway!!! xxx

    4. Well! We don't want her under the affluence of incohol driving her new chair! Xxx

    5. What's "incohol" ??? that's a new one even for me!! xxx

    6. Is that a designer drink .... we have not got them up here yet!! xxx

    7. It's a Myra silly - influence of alcohol , turned to affluence of incohol! Xxx
      Told you I was daft! Xx

    8. Your not daft ...... here was me thinking I was being "funny"
      Have learnt something, they do every day is a school day!!! xxx

    9. That of course should be "they do say every day" xxx

    10. Well Patricia and Myra. Sandra tells me she doesn't drink either, but someone keeps emptying the tanker. I couldn't imagine Sandra legless. Mind you I agree it did sound odd.

    11. I need to exercise more restraint, Pat!
      Not exercise - not too keen on that nowadays! Not great on restraint either ! Oh dear - I've always worried about Sandra and that tanker! You don't think she's got it piped in to her bedside do you? Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in this morning,
    Michele- great card for your dad! any man/ train enthusiast would love it and the layout is perfect . Wish him a lovely birthday. Can't believe you already back to work, that week went quick.
    Sandra -good luck for your assessment for the new chair, remember all the extra you want. Hooter, bling and jazz it up for your personality !
    Maureen- lovely news for a new little one in spring !
    Raining so hope everyone suffering from hayfever will have a better day. Had a warm night so sleep was a bit erratic and tummy no good again so will call doc. later, probably just nerves but.....
    Take care whatever you are up to today, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria,
      So sorry you having tummy trouble. Hope you feel a bit better now. It's horrid feeling ill like that. Sending hugs! Xxx

    2. Hiya,
      the doc. have given me pills for the cramps and nausea and booked me in for a scan at the hosp. so just have to wait for the appoint. Have managed a slice of toast and half a mug of tea. Now I need the truck of bailey's so it will be , sound of sleep, maybe Hugs Maria xx

    3. Oh Maria,
      I do hope the medication helps and will pray you have a really good night's sleep tonight. Hugs n' love to you too. Xxx

    4. Maria, I hope the pills work and that you don't have to wait to long for your scan. xxx

    5. Hope the pills help you Maria and you have a better nights sleep my sweet xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card Michele, your Dadis going too as well. The colour combo you have used works so well. Thank you for shaing it : )
    Margaret, thank you for your advice about choosing fabrics. I will be having a look at the places you recommend : )
    Maureen, what wonderful news that Suzanne gave you. A ray of brightness at this sad time for you all. Tomorrow will be a long day for you but I'm sure it will be filled with both happy and sad tears as you all remember your dear brother. Special hugs and love to you.
    I am taking Chris to the gym so he can do some gentle exercise on his back which is still not good! NO I am not going in, I think I would rather pull my own finger nails out, I tried a few sessions a few years ago and hated the whole experience!
    Sandra, I hope that you don't get poked and prodded too much while they measure you up for your new chair my lovely. You deserve a new chair, hope it has all the bells and whistles that they can put on them these days : )
    And I hope the journey and finding a parking space this morning wasn't too bad.
    I will confirm that trying to get to any of the hospitals in Oxford is not quick or easy, especially at rush hour. I remember having regular strong contractions whilst stuck in the traffic jam at 8 am when I was in labour with Tim, our second son, and worrying we wouldn't get there in time. We did manage to get there but when I was expecting Gem we decided on a home birth and a good job we did as my labour was rather quick and she would certainly have been born in the car about half way to the hospital!
    Wishing you all a good day, try not to get too wet. What a difference in weather to this time last week! Take care xx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope all is going well with your assessment and you get your wheelchair sorted out. I can't believe it has been left so long, when you think it is used on a daily basis, I always assumed there was an MOT system in place. Margaret your chair also should be checked and possibly replaced. Your needs, you carers
    abilities change over time. These chairs are your lifeline. I think someone should be responsible for maintenance.
    Did get back in last night, we got home about 10.15 pm to find our road and all the houses in total darkness. We had had a power cut. Apparently it started at 9.15 and it didn't come on again until after 12.30. !!!
    Michele I love your Dads card with the Steam Engine on. The layout is perfect.
    I just know he will love this. Wish him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY xxx
    Hope to stop by later,
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda, so pleased you had a good day - well - until you got home to a black out! It's so terribly dark somehow when the street lights go out too. Xxx

  13. Afternoon everyone
    Sandra I know that you'll have been for your assessment when you ready this but I hope all went well and that you weren't pulled from pillar to post and are now resting comfortably at home.
    How are the Twins coping being apart?

    Michele your card is just beautiful and I know just the person who would dearly love to receive one like that. If you don't mind may I keep it in my file for future reference. Please.

    Well we are still rainless despite all your help. At least the temps are down today to coping -upper 20s- forecast to rise throughout the week.

    Margaret hope you get sorted re your cast. It's bad enough having to be in one then it not being comfortable is far far worse.

    I'm slowly getting used to this new laptop and I mean slowly!!!! It's so sensitive that I keep losing posts and I'm sure there's an easier way to get back to home - ah well all I can say is thank goodness I'm not at work and having to cope with something like this.

    I've just been told - in the nicest possible way of course - that it's time for a break and perhaps some ice cream! So I'm off to obey my Lord and Master - so pleased Jim cannot see what I'm typing from where he is sitting as he just hates it when I say that phrase. He is nothing like thank goodness.
    Hugs to all - I hope those missing from the café are OK and just too busy although one or two have been absent for quite a while.
    Hugs are on their way.
    BRENDA please forgive me I keep meaning to congratulate you on your lovely win of Sue's Wednesday Give Away.


  14. Hello lovely ladies,
    I don't know where today has gone.
    Sandra, by now you will be back from your appointment and I do hope it wasn't too tiring for you. I suppose that despite its failings your old wheelchair is what you are comfortable with, and a new one will take some getting used to. I do hope though that when your new one arrives it makes getting around easier for you, they surely must have improved them after all thos years.
    Which brings me to Margaret. I cannot believe you have had yours for twenty years and never been offered an MOT to check it was still safe. Keep at them and insist on getting a new one. If I were you, I would ring every day until they decide to do something about. Discussed at the weekly meeting indeed! What is to discuss? You need a new chair, end of story. Hope you have got your pot sorted, wonder what colour it will be?
    Michele, what a brilliant man card, colour, composition and subject, all perfect. All it needs is a boat on it and it would be perfect for Peter.
    With regard to Cheryl and the safety standards issue, I wonder if the nice candle lady -so sorry I have forgotten her name- could advise about the stickers. I do hope it's not necessary to unwrap them all and put a sticker on. All this red tape is just silly, anyone with an ounce of common sense wouldn't leave a candle unattended or let children near.
    Maria, I am so sorry to hear you are still having problems with your tummy, hope the doctor sorts you out sooner rather than later, this has been going too long.
    Myra and Muriel, my jelly seat refers to the bicycle seat and not my bum! It does not wibble wobble, it has never wobbled or wibbled ever, but if get hold of you two (and don't forget it's not long now to October) you'll be wibble wobbling.
    Bazooka is loaded and ready!
    Be back later, love and hugs
    Saba xxx
    Ps anyone heard from Wendy lately?

    1. Hi Cheryl. A friend bought a cup candle for me from Theresa the candle lady and she hadn't put a sticker on it nice did she tell us we should when I went to her demo on how to make them. She sold us all the equipment and didn't mention labels so I assume it is up to you if you feel you should put labels on but really it is just common sense.

    2. Sorry Saba, We didn't mean it! Honest Injun !!
      Maureen leads me astray sometimes - but it's not her fault - I'm easily led!! Put the bazooka back under the bed! Xxx

    3. Hi,
      Hope all gone ok for a new chair Sandra. Margaret yours must be a antique by now. Is it safe to go in ?
      Brenda- glad you had a good time but what a nuisance to come home to darkness, hope you found the bed.
      Mrs B- how many children do you have ? sorry,nosy me.
      Hope Chris had fun at the gym and it's help his back.
      The grand children around, make sure you stocked the larder and fridge .they seem to be a hungry bunch Tihi
      Patricia- love to see what Robert made. Hope the kids get some summer around your area too.
      We had a beautiful summer day here yesterday but today the sky been grey and a lot of rain. Glad to see it cooling down a bit in Marigny Janet, I saw you been on a spending spree :-)
      Cheryl- hope your building work went ok and they not any cowboy's. Saw a program earlier and oh the poor woman what a state they left her in!
      Sheila ,Sam, Wendy,Diane and anyone who are awol, hope you are ok and be back soon x
      Seen the doc. got pills for cramps and nausea and he have arranged a tummy scan so now waiting for the appointment, ce la vie'
      Have just noted I'm writing in the wrong box, no idea how that happened maybe the though of a jelly bum and bazooka's LoL xXx

    4. Maria! You are a tonic! Xxx

    5. Hi Maria,
      I am sorry to read that you are still suffering, I hope the pills help and you get the scan quickly, could it be gall stones??
      I have had those and the pain was worse than childbirth!
      sending huge hugs

    6. Saba have you seen the bum implants you can get? Saw a few ladies with real shelf bottoms in Florida, Emma and I were amazed at how ridiculous they looked! Jelly pants are soooooo attractive aren't they but do help ease the pain in your bottom! Xxx

  15. Oh I thought there would be s few folk in this afternoon, but no it's very quiet. I will go and sit and have myself a cup of tea. Well I have had to get my crafty things out and make a couple of cards. Plus a little XCut bag, little grandson is invited to a party of a little girl friend, so granny to the rescue. Mum has given me the things to put in the bag, so that's not so bad. I have enjoyed making the cards and the bag, I can't see me coping not making things while I have visitors it's my way of relaxing. But hey ho it's only a couple of weeks. I will manage.
    Janet, I hope your temp hasn't got back up to be unbearable, 20c is just a nice temp I think.
    Sandra, I hope you are not to sore after your day? Just you relax and do nothing, let everyone else do it, or you will be unable to do anything tomorrow.
    Jess, I never thought about having to put warning stickers on the candle cups. Good job you mentioned it.
    Anyway my money is in the pot, and cup in the dish washer, I will be back later.

  16. Oooo!!! I need a cuppa, the boys have been here since just before 12. They are no bother but boy!! they keep you on the go. Raining here so they did not get out. We have made cards ... well Robert did. Thomas who thinks "granny can do anything with card and paper" wanted me to make 3d boats!!! They were to be for a game he was planning. Oh! Thomas is always planning something. We did make some ...... not exactly what he wanted but he was happy. I did tell him I was a "granny" not a "magician" .
    That's them off home, they did want to stay but mum insisted they go home.
    Came to an agreement they can come tomorrow for a "sleepover" so better get the supplies in.
    Ok! cuppa finished, cup washed, cake crumbs swept away.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Ooh Patricia, We had some hyper kids today! Roll on the School Holidays! The girls were really happy as I have a fairly big stencil of a Prom type dress. They drew around that - coloured and / or stuck ribbon gems , pearls , buttons and paper flowers on . They were dress designers! They had a great time. Some haven't quite grasped less is more! The boys did likewise but with a big lorry stencil! They had to design a logo and colour etc etc. It went down well! Xxx

    2. Myra, was some one feeding them smarties for lunch??? Poor you having to deal with them and control whatntheynwere doing. xxx

    3. I think it's just so near school holidays - trips to Chester Zoo etc this week that they are as high as kites! Xx

  17. SANDRA:- any news on the chair yet??

  18. Hello everyone,
    Sandra I do hope you got your new chair ordered.
    Margaret, have you been on to them about your chair?
    Ladies, I'll see you in a day or two.
    Love to all, those here and those away.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Take care, My Dear. Thoughts and prayer are with you and the family . Do trust tomorrow goes as well as it possibly can. Hugs n' love, Myra xxx

    2. Maureen,
      Thinking of you with love,
      You are in my thoughts and prayers, and we will all be with you tomorrow albeit from afar.
      XXXX Barbara

    3. MAUREEN:- your are in our thoughts and prayers.
      If we had been nearer we would have been there for you.
      Just noticed Barbara is thinking the same way xxx

    4. Maureen, huge hugs for tomorrow, you will be in my thoughts all day.
      sending you lots of love,
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Maureen your in my thoughts & Prayers
      Hope tomorrow goes as well as it possibly can.for you & your family.
      Take care sweetheart love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    6. Maureen, my thoughts will be with you for tomorrow, (((( )))) xxx

  19. Maureen, we will thinking of you all tomorrow. (((((( hugs))))) Hazel x

  20. Dear Maureen,
    you and the family are in my thoughts. Take care and know we are all with you through the day's ahead all my love and many hugs coming to you ,Maria Xxxxx

  21. MAUREEN. You are in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrow.

  22. MICHELE. Love your card today. Would be good for my nephew but will have to wait til next May now. I am sure your dad liked it.
    SANDRA. Hope today went well and you now can have a new wheelchair. It will be about time. Very overcast all day today. Done some shopping.
    Hope everyone is ok. Will be thinking of Maureen tomorrow.

  23. Good evening Ladies,
    I am sat here watching Benefits Britain, I didn't put it on, we were watching something that finished and this is now on, oh my good lord, how do these people get away with the things they do?????
    They get more income than we do and my husband works!!!!
    Anyway, my wheelchair assessment went ok, got to wait six weeks now though.
    you all ok???

    1. Yes! Me's fine! Glad you getting a new chair! After all these years I suppose six weeks is not too bad! Xxx

    2. Glad you are ok Myra, another six weeks is neither here not there really, hopefully I will have my new shiny one in time for the retreat!
      Gotta be looking first class haven't I, mixing with you posh birds!
      lol xxx

    3. Oh Sandra are you in for a shock! Im not as young as I sound ha ha ! As for posh? Noooo ! Xx

    4. Sandra, where do you get the idea, I'm posh, anything but, trust me.
      Glad you got your chair sorted out.

    5. Sandra, Don't get me going on that one. It is the attitude, they own up to fleecing the country almost as if it's not there fault. For years I looked after Johns mum . People would say you should be getting attendance allowance. My reply was she is family, we look after family. And there are a lot needy people who need the money in that pot. Think I had better stop there !!!!!!!

  24. Hi Sandra and all incafe.
    Hope your assessment went well and you get a new chair, I am sure when my Mum had one somebody used to come out at least once a year to check it, mind it was about 18 years ago they would probably blame it to cut backs now.
    Michele your card is lovely.
    Maureen you will be in our thoughts tomorrow love and hugs to you and your family. Lovely to hear news of the baby something good to look forward to.
    Hugs to all who need them.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Nice to hear from you,
      You are right about cut backs but there is so much money wasted in the NHS. Last time we were home we did some clearing out and I took a brand new bath seat ( used only a few times) back to our local health centre only to be told that for health reasons they didn't take them back and we should take it to the tip. It was in perfect condition, surely they could have re- used it. I can't imagine how much they cost, but they wouldn't be cheap.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Saba, your right so much money wasted, that seat could have been taken back cleaned with some special cleaner if it came to it and given to someone who was likely been waiting for months for one. The other things that gets me is when they won't take things back but will send them out to third world places, to me if its not good enough for us to use how come it's ok for them? When I was having chemo Patricia and I were eyeing up the trolleys they use. Would have made a fab craft trolley, we were told we were to late as they had just sent and load of them away again to the third world, these trolleys could have been cleaned and re spayed then reused. So much waste? Of soap box, you must have seen so much of it when working. Oh they stopped the yearly wheel chairs checks a few years ago Gillian was telling we as it cost to much!!., How stupid is that? xxx

  25. POSH!! Ooooo!! I don't do POSH!! xxx

    1. I don't do duvets!! Does anyone remember that sketch.
      It reminds me of when I was gainfully employed as a ward sister. We were so short staffed, me, one student nurse and a bank nursing assistant ( who I think they had found at a bus stop somewhere and asked her if she wanted to earn a few quid) on an evening shift with 30 surgical patients to care for. Student had gone for her supper and a patient had had a little accident, I was trying to give out medications prior to my nervous breakdown and the said bank assistant told me of the little accident. I asked her to see to it at which point she told me " I don't do diarrhoea". Despite wanting to slap her, I calmly locked my medicine trolley, asked her if she "did" washing up, and sent her in the kitchen. I can't hear the expression "I don't do" without thinking of it.
      Hope no one is eating their tea!!

    2. Ha! Ha! Ha! I LOVE it!
      Now you have started the tears .... off toget a tissue! xxx

    3. We need more people like you back in the NHS !
      I can just picture the expression on your face! Brilliant! Xxx

  26. Sandra, so glad they are giving you a new chair, now I hope you order the top model with all the singing and dancing bits added??. Oh sorry forgot it only comes in one model!!., but it will be top of the range compared with your old one. Margaret now it's your turn to get s new one. Did you get your cast replaced, and what colour this time? xxx

  27. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well what a miserable day here again today, damp and rather cold ( not heating on cold though Patricia! ) sorry I'm late again, been rushing around again! I had a chiropractors appointment this morning, then came home to do the washing and some housework. Emma goes on holiday with some friends and their family on Wednesday so I'm trying to get her holiday clothes sorted - not helped by the rain! I've been asked to make a couple of retirement cards and a cake for some ladies I worked with at school and thought I had at least another week so had a little panic this afternoon and sat and made some paper flowers. I think my missing week was last week with jet lag! Ho hum.
    Michele what a lovely card for your dad, I'm sure he will love it. My cousin loves trains, he was a train driver and also drove steam trains on the Watercress Line. He now takes photos of trains for a hobby, some of them are beautiful. It is hard isn't it Michele when your dad is left on his own. My dad was on his own and did some courses at the University of the third age, mainly painting ones which he enjoyed. He was in great demand though as a single gent for theatre trips and dinners! I hope he has a lovely birthday xxx
    Sandra we won't know you with a new chair! When I met you at Farnborough it was your wheelchair with the rusty bits I recognised, just as you described it! Margaret I hope you get a new one sorted out soon too. At school the occupational therapist used to visit once a term to assess all the children and the equipment they used, altering it as they grew and their needs changed. We used to have annual assessments too for manual handling etc. strange how it all stops for adults as if they don't grow any more or change in size!
    Maureen my love I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow, I hope all goes as well as it can and you share some happy memories with friends and family. Sending you a big hug xxxx
    Well I had better say goodnight for now. My husband is on form tonight, we've been watching a couple of program's and he keep spotting different actors in them and saying it's so and so- I've been thinking who on earth is that! It's usually the other way round or we end up googling it! Night night everyone, sleep tight, see you all tomorrow xxx

    1. Night Night Diane!
      Sleep well! Happy packing tomorrow! Xxx

  28. Hello and Cheerio Diane.
    Will you be able to sleep with all those things you have to do buzzing round in your mind???
    Goodnight, God Bless.

  29. Ok! Folks, I am off to bed. Just hope I don't have a little accident!! I won't be laughing at Barbaras comment then will I???
    Goodnight Good Bless all
    Thinking of you Maureen
    See you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia!
      Sleep well, God Bless. Xx

    2. No problem if you do Patricia, I'll get my pinnie on.
      Night God bless lovely.

    3. Sh....t just lost big comment just as I went to publish Grrrr.i
      Sorry good evening Sandra & ladies
      Sandra so pleased assessment went well & you will get a new Rolls Royce wheelchair about time will I have to cutesy now.haha.
      Margaret my word you should definitely get a new wheelchair you go for it. Hope you get your cast sorted out soon.
      Maria so sorry your tummy is still playing you up but pleased your getting a scan & hopefully get sorted take car my friend Hug's xx
      Maureen hope all goes as well as possible tomorrow my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.Hug's xx
      I finished the 80 th birthday card yesterday just in time as we went to her surprise birthday party I'm pleased she loved it. Will blog it tomorrow.Now have to make my son's birthday card for 21st.
      Well I think I will say good night everyone,in case this goes too find last comment.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    4. Patricia, Saba - pinnie . Myra - wellies!! I'm taking no chances! Xxx

  30. Sorry MICHELE your Dads card is brilliant love it.
    Terry is a steam trin buff too. Love Lynda xx good night xx

  31. Hi Maureen
    Just got in from Harwich. Just to let you know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

  32. SANDRA Glad it looks as if you are getting a new wheelchair. About time to. Hope the twins are ok.

  33. Higher up today Patricia made a comment to me that she and Hazel were excellent chapper uppers ! I was pleased about that . Jess is bewildered as to how we got from wee Henry to chapper uppers! I said I hadn't heard that expression for years. Patricia wondered if anyone else knew what it meant?
    Norah, Janice and Jess will , I think!
    How about anyone else? Xxx

    1. Myra, I have no idea what you lot from North of the border are talking about. Chapper uppers!??? And who the blinking Nora (sorry Norah) is wee Henry??

    2. Firstly - wee Henry is a vacuum cleaner with a face and a hat! No - I'm as sober as a judge - mind you that's probably not that sober!!
      Chapper uppers- chapping means knocking! So a chapper upper would knock on your door to get you up in the morning !
      Chapping - is also a term used into Scottish dominoes - it means you can't play - the person generally chaps or knocks/ taps the table with a domino.
      Clear as mud?
      You just wait until October! You'll be multi lingual by Saturday evening! Xxx

    3. Ooh, I used to have one of those. Didn't know he could wee though. I have my own chapper upper. He's called Peter. As to dominoes, we do the same knocking but just don't have a silly name for it. We call it knocking! You are a Funny lot you Scots.

    4. My chapper upper has a hard time some mornings! Henry is vertically challenged - he does not wee!! Xxx

    5. Happy critters or wealthy possies or when the thighs rubbing hihi no idea , what does it mean ? xx

    6. Pinnie Saba !!! Oh Maria, that's hilarious! Xxx

    7. Maria, your guess is as good as mine and I am a native English speaker. Xxxx

    8. Myra, should I have said apron?

    9. Noooo ! In Scotland that's a peenie !! Xx

    10. Myra, oh my word. The Scottish version Sounds too much like a male appendage to me. I will stick to apron!!!

    11. I'm in stitches here! Go to bed woman!
      Night Night! Xxx

    12. Tabard, yes but where do the wee come into it, hmmm ?

  34. Hazel I should have replied higher up but I am getting dizzy now going up and down the comments so:-

    Hazel don't get me started. I'm sure Gillian will have had the same. I had a yearly and a monthly budget to keep to for supplies, pharmacy and the like. And it was so tight that some months we were cutting bandages in half. However, come the end of the financial year, it was panic stations from the "management" to spend our allotted equipment money (a separate budget) or loose it. It resulted in replacing equipment which was perfectly alright just to spend the equipment money or loose it. It resulted in replacing equipment which was perfectly alright just to spend the money. It was mad then and I am sure matters haven't improved.

    1. Did I say it resulted in replacing equipment!!!

  35. Phew I got to the bottom and now forgotten what I was going to comment on!
    MICHELE Your card is awesome I just love everything about it
    SANDRA Glad the assessment went OK
    You are all right about pricing I don't sell my cards on a regular basis But people apart from crafters expect something for nothing I found that out at an early age as a Brownie!
    MARIA Take care and hope the meds work and that you don't have to wait too long
    SABA was it you with the diarrhoea story! My goodness what a cheek Like you she was there to do a job
    MAUREEN Hope it goes ok tomorrow
    MARGARET Will need to scroll back up to see what you've said about sourcing fabric
    EVERYONE Take care and apologies for not doing individual comments Night night sleep tight

  36. Ladies, it's time. There are snores coming from the other room and my eyes are closing so I will say good night all, God bless and sweet dreams.
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night my dear!
      I need to tidy up . I'm at the Old Peoples Home tomorrow doing craft!
      One of these days they'll keep me! Xxxx

  37. I think I missed some going to bed but hope you all have a good night!
    You are late Karenlotty, have you been salsa dancing? see you soon and maybe a few others. You are most welcome to join us in Watford in the Harlequin
    on the 25 th
    hugs to all Maria xxx

    1. Night Night Maria, I really hope and pray you sleep well! Xxx

    2. Littlelamb are you still around ?
