
Tuesday 14 July 2015

Pat's Pretty bag x

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I want to share with you all Pat's beautiful bag that she made for her Granddaughter Amy's
19th Birthday, Amy loved the Bag, it just proves that these bags are suitable for all ages from pretty little girl bags right up to more sophisticated bags like this one that Pat has made.
Pat used the usual 'Izzy' bag instructions, using the Phoenix Die from the 'Gemini' range of dies from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson.
Pat finished the bag with a Faux Quilled Blooms from Creative Expressions and the little Bows are the Itty Bitty Dotty Bow by Creative Expressions.
Thanks so much Pat for sharing Amy's bag with all of us xxxx

Yesterday's hospital visit was quite brief really, we arrived and after about 10 minutes a lady appeared and ushered us miles down a maze of corridors, she then measured the width of my wheelchair seat, went off and came back with a new wheelchair for me to try, it was very nice and
made of aluminium, so much lighter than the steel frame one I have now.  Sadly the wheelchair I tried and loved was only a 'trial' one and I now have to wait 6 weeks for this new one to be delivered.
So that's something to look forward too.
Today will be a long day as Paul has had to go away again, but I have plenty to keep me busy, trying to get organised for holiday, I still thought we had a month but no, its just under 3 weeks away.......
Not really, just need to get the girls some clothes sorted, I can't believe that the new shorts and bikinis I bought them for holiday last year so small on them, they can't breathe in the shorts and the bikini tops just go nowhere near.  The most frustrating thing is with buying bikinis for them is their bottom half is small for a fifteen year old but their top half isn't, so bikinis that are a whole set are just no use, so we are going on the weekend to see if we can get some separates!
Well that's all for today ladies,
Will catch up later,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra, and all the Coffee Shop gang.
    Raining here as usual, will it ever stop??
    Wow! Oh! Wow! Pat, that bag is absolutely the colour combination. Also love the little closure, that's really sweet.
    Everything set up for the day, there are some nice goodies in the fridge for later.
    For now I have my Tea & Toast, going over to my usual seat in the corner. Come and join me, we have a chat about what been going on.
    Have looked back to see what you all got up to last night. You very relatively good and not too late. You won't need the "Chapper Upper" today will you???
    Hugs in the basket by the door as usual.
    See you all later xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-your Izzy bag is stunning! I love the colour & all the details you have put on it-no wonder your granddaughter loved it.

    Let's see what today brings at work-yesterday as complaints that someone didn't like a new rota and I got the blame. Not sure how that happened as I was off last week but I'm sure they'll get used to it!

    Am getting weighed tonight (took last Tuesday as holiday) & I'm sure the news won't be pleasant-ha ha!!


    1. Sandra-sorry forgot to mention your assessment. What a pity you won't get your new wheels before you go away. Fingers crossed they do arrive when they're meant to.


  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    WOW, oh WOW Pat your bag is stunning and I love the detail with your use of the Phoenix, faux and bitty blossom died. I bet that has pride and place in Amy's bedroom.
    What I pity Sandra you can't have your nice new light weight chair to go on holiday with, but at least by the time you come home it will be ready, and by the retreat, it will be like an old friend?
    Like big sister, it's raining here, again I know I shouldn't moan, but it just wears you down. Oh I know that Janet is the same with the lack of it and the intense heat. No happy medium is there ???
    Not much on here today, no point of even putting a wash on, it can wait and hopefully tomorrow might be better, typical weather for the " Open " at St Andrews .
    I think it might be a day to give our room a going over,,no I am not going to go mad! Just a good Hoover and dusting. Won't take long as it's not that big.
    Off to sit and have my cup of tea. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Pat, what a lovely bag, I love the colours you have used and the little flower on the "clasp" is so pretty : ) Glad that you are back home safe and sound. See you about midday tomorrow at yours, if that's ok?
    Sandra, I am glad that you didn't get poked and prodded yesterday and that you are getting a lovely new shiny chair. we will have to take you out somewhere to christen it : ) Blimey, the time is flying by, can't believe your holiday is just around the corner! Good luck with the clothes sorting out today, don't do too much though as I hate it when we have to miss our weekly meet! Are we taking our sewing machines tomorrow to Pat's to have a play ready for when we start our quilts? I will show you how to hem trousers too, if you want, and if you have any that need taking up. I stupidly took some up for a friend at the weekend, I should have waited until tomorrow shouldn't I?
    Maureen, we are all with you today, even if only in thought. I hope it all goes as well as it can do.
    Maria, to answer your question, and no, it's not you being nosey, it's nice to be able to picture each others families isn't it. We have 3 children, RJ(Richard) who is 28, his partner is Gemma, Tim 25, his partner is Roz and Gemma who is 20, boyfriend James. We also have 3 grandchildren, Tim's daughters are Phoebe aged 5 and Paige aged 4 and RJ's son Christopher who is 5 months. Hope that helps build the picture : ) I do hope your stomach is feeling better today. Glad to hear that you are going to be given a scan and that they can help you. Having suffered from ulcerative colitis since my late teens (which is now more or less under control as long as I am careful what I eat) you have my sympathy, bless you.
    It was rather quite in here last night looking at the comments, compared to what some of you get up to. Like Patricia said, no chapper uppers needed today : )
    Have a good a day as possible everyone. Take care xx

    1. Morning, aah what a lovely big family. You must have some great family gatherings. Love hearing when our Brenda seeing all her family too. We are a few on my OH sisters side and a new little one should be here on the 20th,if all goes right. Your birthing plans was a good choice reg. Gemma :-) Your mamma look way to young to be a great-grandma. xXx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    We are rather dry here at the moment with rain clouds just hovering waiting to start crying. It might sound odd but I love rainy days. No need to go out, the perfect chance to do all those odd niggling little jobs, then you have the sunny days to get outside and enjoy time out without feeling guilty that you should be doing something (housework) else.

    A gorgeous, elegant little Izzy bag Pat. Just the right colours for a teenager, Royal Purple, and the faux quilled blooms = the finishing touch.

    So pleased to hear your new throne will be ready for when you come home from your holiday Sandra. After reading your description of your present one, it will be like going from an old banger to a sleek chassis. Happy travels when it arrives. Is it pushable or electric?

    Gift tags left to stamp for my cup candles then all packed away ready for Saturday. I do believe we might have a sunny day, but just in case we always have the Village Hall for back up. Let's hope the attendance is up from previous years. I do believe it is because we have the same odd, same old format from most of our village groups. They treat it like a car boot sale, everything and anything with no thought to presentation. There's about 5-6 of us that actually come up with different ideas every year. Whatever happened to the good old WI with their jam and cakes stalls? Not in our village they don't.
    Onwards & upwards, see you soon.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl! I think you may start a trend! I do hope so. I hope you have a sell out. You have worked so hard. Hope the weather is fine for you too. Everyone turns out if it's a nice day! Xxx

  6. Cheryl, the days of the WI is on a down in a lot of areas, I think modern living is its down fall. To many out working, folk don't cook so much, it's all bought and Convenient!!! Like last week at the pony club camp hardly any home baking. Only 5 years ago when Anna first went there was so much more and even the jam for pancakes and scones was homemade, no pancakes or scones and diffenately no home made jam. These stalls at fetes were the crowd pullers.
    We will pray the weather is good for you. xxx

    1. Cheryl, you sound ready and energetic for the Saturday ahead. I hope you sell every single cup for the charity ! have a nice day xxx

    2. Hi Maria, thank you for those kind words much appreciated.
      Love Margaret xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well more of the same weather very dull and wet but the forecast for tomorrow looks better I do hope so as tomorrow is St Swithens Day!
    Sandra delighted to know you have a new chair on order and with not too much trouble for you well done.
    I have a new cast on pink again as I like to be colour co-ordinated and I had a pink tee shirt on and black and pink trousers! No word as yet about my chair we will have to wait and wait no doubt these things take time unfortunately.
    Pat your bag is delightful such a lovely present and the colours are so lovely.
    Maureen I hope you are feeling all the special love and care that is being sent to you today as you face this difficult day saying goodbye. I hope the love being sent will wrap around you and help and support you through today, God Bless xxx
    Hazel please don't you go overdoing things today please.
    There appears to have been a lot of talk about 'chapper' well I have never heard that, the nearest I have heard are chaps which my grandson wears over his riding boots and joddies when he is riding!
    Well my coffee was lovely just hit the spot thank you my money is in the pot and cup in the dishwasher, I have popped my hugs over in the corner take care everyone.
    Margaret xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Pat your littlle bag is gorgeous, just right for a teenager.
    Sandra so glad you are getting a new chair, pity it won't be delivered before your holiday, good luck with the bikini shopping, I'm sure most shops sell tops and bottoms separately nowadays.
    I think I will take my coffee and sit with Patricia, we need a good catch up.
    Margaret, A chapper upper is a person who knocks (chaps) on your door or window in the morning to waken you (up), I think.
    Maureen thinking of you today my lovely, the happy times will be there for you to remember.
    Take care everyone, will pop back later, Jess x

    1. Jess, as you said last night - How did we get from wee Henry to 'chapper uppers' . It's our multi tasking brain I think!! Xx

    2. Oooohhhh Jess I thought he was called a knocker upper, perhaps chapper upper is the polite version or an up north one! We love and learn xxx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Pat i am so glad that your granddaughter loved her bag as it is a beauty and such a vibrant colour of purple. On a lovely day it would make a beautiful little handbag for going out or maybe that's just my vivid imagination going daft again as i was thinking on the one i made that if i lined it with another layer of card inside and studded the handle on with wee rivets that i could have a lovely bag to go out with and especially since my friend thought it was real when she seen it(think that she needs to go to specsavers somehow), i could coordinate them with different shoes and outfits to match :). Did Amy have a lovely day on her birthday? I have always decided that i didn't grow any older than being 19 as that was when i was happiest.
    Awh Sandra, i am so sorry flower that you can't get your new wheels before your family holiday but it does give you something else to look forward to and it will be in nice time for your weekend away(oh i so wish that i could come but next year hopefully as i have no more cousins getting married). Your wee girls are turning in to beautiful young ladies and that's the problem with the bikinis and their other clothes and being honest it is lovely to see them flourishing into such beautiful, considerate and hopefully confident young women, but that is because of their beautiful mum.
    Well the laddies finished 5 windows yesterday and away by 1:20pm 5 hours from arriving and are back today to do the remaining 4, so far so good. They are putting down dust sheets on all the floors which since they are auld manky floorboards makes me laugh, but that is what they are suppose to do so fair enough but i just think that they are a tripping hazard, especially on the stairs. On what they have done so far they have done minute damage to the paper in the two bedrooms that i was leaving the paper on and just painting on top. I would say at the moment that i would recommend the company to anyone just because of the care and attention to detail that they have done.
    I am going to have 5minutes to myself in the corner before starting again(the legs are about to give up today they've been up and down those stairs that many times). Please can i have a cafe latte please? Thank you.
    Right now i have given this lot of huggles a few stern words today to behave themselves when they are here and not to go running around as they are going to cause chaos but they are there in all shapes, sizes and strengths and i have sent a few to Maureen to give her some support today, thinking of you dear flower and your family
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (GLenochil)

    1. Oh Norah,
      I wasn't going to read just now! However you must have been sending as I was typing so I just had to read it! Laughed about your friend and Specsavers!
      Isn't it great when people come into your home to work and treat it with respect! You then happily recommend them to others.
      You are having a very busy time but it will be lovely when Mum's house is all finished and you can move in. I wish you and your family many happy years in it. In my post below I said it was damp but no rain so far! Change that to heavy rain now!
      Don't overdo things Norah. Hope Kirsten is well and baby Harry and not forgetting Rory!
      Lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    2. Hi Norah, isn't nice when things get together and you manage to find good people to help out. The fence guys we got hold of were great and only walked down a few plants so I guess not to bad. Hope your day is good and take care, hugs xxx

    3. Hello Norah, good to see you. Please be very carful negotiating those dust sheets. Glad your happy with the workmen and their doing a good job. Another thing to tick off your list. Take care xxx

  11. Good Morning Sandra and all the Friends of the Blog,
    Pat your bag is gorgeous! I hope Izzy looks in - she must be so chuffed to see what she started! I love the colours you've used Pat and also the lovely floral 'catch' at th front. I'm sure your grand daughter loved it.
    Well, it's the Old Folks Home for me today! Hope I get out!! At least I know the code!
    Always difficult to come up with things to do as scissors can be tricky as can anything else that uses small bits and pieces. I've cut out lots of large hats, bags , shoes and boots . We will decorate them and make a collage out of the finished ones . It's nice when relatives visit to see something they have made.
    We usually have quite good fun!
    Like everyone else my thoughts are really with Maureen and George today and Trudy and the family. I hope the weather stays dry for them and that although it's a sad occasion , it may have it's lighter moments too. I'm sure it will .,
    Maureen - sending you special hugs today. You know we are here! Xxx
    Sandra, - hope the shopping goes well. Teenage clothes shopping is never easy! Thrilled about your new lighter wheelchair but sorry you won't have it for your holidays. Still it's something to look forward too when you get back !
    Lots of love everyone,
    I haven't time to read everything this morning as got to get my box ready to go and I leave at 1 15pm . Lunch to be had first. So dull here today - but no rain - so far !
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. Hello Myra, do hope you get out sometime Tihi Enjoy the day with the elderly. Hugs xxx

    2. MYRA:- good luck with your "oldies" bet they are great fun to be with.
      I think "oldies" are so funny when the get together working on projects. xxx

  12. Quick a cup of tea and a piece of cake, Charlie has gone out to see to the chickens down at Gillian's, and then pick up so shopping, but when he gets back he is talking about us going out. He won't want to go where I will want to go, it will be something he is wanting to look at to see if it's a good buy, he was talking about a new ladder, so I bet that's his plan.
    Norah, glad your workmen are being careful, it makes a big difference. Just you be careful over these covers on the floors.
    Myra, good luck with your elderly, as long as they are having fun that's all that counts, better than sitting looking at a TV.
    Margaret, so glad you got your cast sorted, and of coarse you have to have pink to match your out fits.
    Maureen, I hope today hasn't been to difficult for you all.
    Oh, Myra are you going to join me on being those flies on the wall while the three graces are sewing tomorrow??? Fun and games I can see.
    Right thank you that tea and cake were lovely, money in the pot and dishes washed. Will pop in later to see what's the subject will be today that gets us all going. xxx

  13. Is there soup on the go today?? I really fancy a bowl and some Crusty Bread.
    Not very nice out here, spitting rain and the forecast did say it was to be good ....right!!! ... these forecasters tell lies!!!
    Just back from Tesco in Blairgowrie stocking up on Bread and Milk plus a few goodies in preparation for the boys coming for their Sleepover.
    On the road into Blairgowrie the Pea Viners were working a field of Peas Mmmm!! the smell was wonderful. That delicious smell of fresh Peas. Much better than smell we get when they are "muck spreading" !!!
    JESS:- your absolutely right the "chapper Upper" knocked on your doors or windows in the morning to get you out of bed in time for work.
    Off to se what goodies there are to finish off with, see you later. xxx

  14. Afternoon everyone
    Pat your bag is just beautiful. I love love everything about it and in one of my very favourite colours too.
    Sandra so pleased everything went well yesterday. I can just see you doing wheelies trying out your new chair.
    My two girls used to do those with my Mum in her push along chair as well as decorating the spokes of the wheels.
    Maureen I'm thinking of all of you today. Try and smile just for your lovely Brother.

    I forgot to tell you about our spending spree on Sunday at the Brocante. We managed to spend all of nine euros and bought a good sized rug and a garden rake. We have carried on this morning at the monthly market in Corbigny and bought two pieces of foam for new cushions for Jim's chair, black pudding, garlic sausage, cheese and fresh nectarines and apricots. So I'm now well and truly kn-tired out. Will be making cushion covers tomorrow.
    Norway it's lovely to see you and to hear that all is going well with 'Mum's house'. She will love to see you all in it when finished.
    Right off to put my feet up.
    Hugs to all. xxxx

    1. Janet, you got good bargains, good luck with the cushion covers. xxx

    2. Hi Janet, Love your purchases but the cheese and apricots are my favourites! You are very good at making me think of food! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and all our lovely ladies,
    Sandra glad to hear they sorted you out quickly, shame though that you have to wait for your new lighter chair. Hope the day is passing quickly for you, it won't be too long now before Paul is home again.
    Pat, your bag is gorgeous, I bet Amy was delighted, I wonder what was inside?
    Love the way you have decorated it with the little flower.
    I am struggling to get motivated today, I think it's because it is such a miserable day, cold, grey and wet and I need to go food shopping but just can't be bothered. I have worked out how to get the Internet on our new television and I have got Create and Craft on, I haven't been able to see it for weeks, ever since they started transmitting on a new satellite. I have sent them an email asking them whether they realise they have cut off all their mainland European viewers but as yet haven't heard back. There is nothing really worth watching at the moment, (it's the TODO), but despite that it's nice to be able to tune in.
    Maureen, thinking of you today and sending you all my love. I think Margaret's words sum up perfectly what we are all feeling. And I hope the service to commemorate Raymond's life brings you some comfort and peace. Xxxxx
    I am going to read back through the comments now and see what I have missed.
    Love to all
    Saba xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the best cafe I know (you should be on tripadvisor),
    Aaaaah Pat your bag for your grand-daughter is fab! The colours are lush and I love the little bow and flower clasp. Still no luck to make a Izzy bag, my brain do not understand the measurements but I'm not giving up .
    Glad you are getting a new chair Sandra, will you pimp it up ? hihi
    Good luck with the girls bikini shopping, I do think you can get separates in some shops today. We have got some good once in Mk :-)
    Margaret - you sound very colourful, any chance for a pic ? Hope all is going the right way and you have it off soon, (no more use of the knitting needle)
    Hazel and all - isn't not funny when we like to go browsing and doing some shopping the men can't stand it but if we go to homebase or some other hardware store we can spend hours looking at all little screws and different colour paints .My OH is no handyman When we now got new fence the bit on top is no longer there for me to string the washing line up any more so we will have to look for an airer dryer , Do any of you ladies know what size would be a good one for the smalls and the big (knickers) items ? There are so many to chose from.
    I hope your girls were fine being apart, Did Lucy have a nice time ? How are the lambs doing and where are they staying during the school holidays ?
    Not doing much today, thankfully the nausea is better and the cramps are bearable thanks to meds. Thank you all for your hugs and well wishes.
    Maureen - a sad day but hope you all manage to get through it with some happy memories, lots of love and hugs to you all!
    A cup of tea and some toast I think ,waiting for our missing friends to see if they join me
    Love and hugs Maria xXx

    1. Maria have a look on Lakeland Limited web site they have various ones we have recently got one and it was excellent!
      My cast and me will be together for another month but no longer I hope! xx

    2. Maria, I find the best aired dryer is one from lidl. It has two side bits that you fold out. It's about ironing board height in the middle part, on this bit you can get a big bath sheet spread out. A mans shirt the same and in the case of my boss who takes 181/2 collar size it's good, I peg things like pillow cases on the folded out side arms, that way they dry quick as they are not folded over, big pants no problem, it holds a lot and folds flat for when not in use, I have used these type of airers for years and the ones from lidl come in on offer regularly and are not expensive. Hope this helps. xxx

    3. That's airer / dryer. We went out I got what I wanted, no ladder, B&Q tomorrow for that as its 10% off day, so I have been told. No it was a mirror for the spare room , plus two pillows, the pillows in their have gone a bit flat, ok for the boys, but not for adults. Was looking for a little waste basket but didn't see one that I liked. So I got my own way in the end. xxx

    4. Maria, I have the one which Hazel described and it holds lots of washing, the only disadvantage is it occasionally blows over. I have a big stone which Peter found on a beach during one of our sailing holidays. I put it on the dryer base and it does the trick. I suppose if it is being used on grass, tent pegs would do the same. I would still prefer a washing line though, couldn't your OH put a pole up for you if you can't put the hook back in the fence?
      Hope your nausea is easing too.
      Saba xxxx

    5. Forgot to say, that stone nearly cost Peter his life. We were moored in a deserted bay and he swam ashore. He returned later to pick up our bucket and swam back to the beach with it. Wouldn't tell me why. A little later I heard him cry "quick come quick" I shot out on deck to see him desperately swimming to the boat, the bucket was almost submerged and his head was only just above water. He was shouting " take the bucket" I managed to grab it and hold it till he came on board. It had this enormous rock in it but the bucket unbeknown to him had a small hole and had been gradually filling up with water as he swam back. I asked him why he didn't just let go and he replied " I would rather have gone down with the bucket than lost that lovely rock" Germans, they are so stubborn!!

    6. Maria, ther other thing you could get is one of these I call them a twirly it's a pole that you put into a spike that's in the ground the twirly goes up a bit like an umbrella has three or four sides don't take up lots of room either. Has loads of rope to peg washing on. xxx

    7. I tie my Lili dryer to the railings on my back stair to stop it blowing over.

    8. Maria, posh name for the one for the garden is a Rotary dryer. xxx

    9. Maria flower, i too have 4 off the Lidl airers that i use on a regular basis as i don't have a tumble dryer and don't want one either. They are brilliant as it is amazing just what you can get on one of them and when i put them outside i put the planters on either side to weight them down, but the best thing is when it starts to rain you just lift the whole thing in. Thought i was getting the same kind when i seen them on sale in B&M's....not even a patch on the real thing. They are now about £8.99 but worth every penny to the point i get a few when i see them on offer as i give them with wedding presents or moving in presents or when a new baby comes as you don't want to be tumble drying their wee things. Will keep my eyes open as to the next time they have them back at Lidls for you.
      Norah x

    10. I see we all think the lidl dryer is a good buy, we would make a good review team I think? Xxx

    11. Thank you all for helping me out reg. this. I think I'm looking more for the posh one hihi ,a Rotary dryer with a spike into the ground. I have the one looking like a triangle and it's brilliant, standing in the bath for son to hang his work clothes on. Also have the octopus for all the socks, it is grrrrreat :-) xxx

  17. STOP PRESS have any of you seem this new product on C&C now It's called Flexi Light Clay It stays flexible AND you can die cut with it PATRICIA you need this for your flowers! I'll be back later

    1. Ok Karen thanks for that it sounds very interesting xxx

    2. Haven't seen that yet Karen - will have a look! Xxx

    3. I had some of the Martha Stewart air dry stuff to play with and it was really therapeutic and dried beautifully. I took some into school and we all plated with it in the staff room and had big smiles on our faces! Must look out for this new stuff. Thanks Karen xxx

  18. Well the OT from the hospital rang this morning about my wheelchair they are going to come here to do an assessment as their department is having alterations done, the soonest they can come is 24 July and they are to bring a wheelchair for me to try if it is ok they will order one for me. In the interim they suggested I rang the maintenance firm to come and look at my brakes, they have just left after telling me my chair is obsolete and they have no spare parts for it as it is so old! The man assured me that I will get a new chair as this one is too old now but said I had looked after it well and it was in excellent condition, except for the brakes they are seizing up!
    Well folks the sun has just come out so that makes a lovely change I have said we will share it with Scotland so hopefully it's on the way up Hazel and Patricia.
    Have a lovely afternoon everyone. xxx

    1. Margaret, brilliant news re- wheelchair, but, what if , when they come, it's not ok for you and they have to make another appointment? Seems to me that if they can bring it to you, surely there must be a room at the hospital all they could bring it to and then if it wasn't ok they would just go fetch another from their department. Just a thought.

    2. Hi Margaret!
      Good news about the new wheelchair! Also so glad you are colour coordinated. I won't mention the weather again!! It's not our fault though , is it! Xxx

    3. Fabulous if you can get a new chair, hopefully a lighter version so it will be easier to put it in the car hugs xxx

  19. I'm back, PAT Your bag is divine. I keep promising myself that I'll try an Izzy bag. It made me smile that the label says "Nanny and Grampy" That's exactly what I called my Nanny and Grampy. You don't seem to hear it that often these days.
    SANDRA Good news re the chair and hope you don't have to wait too long. Most shops these days sell bikini tops and bottoms seperately including the New Looks, Dotty P's and Top Shop etc (I'm trying to think of young girls shops) and there's M&S, Next etc
    CHERYL Hope sale goes well
    MARIA I hope the meds are kicking in
    Back to this Flexi Light Clay - It's an air drying clay that you can use like any other air dryibg clay including porcelain but it remains flexible/springy. So can be squashed flat and it'll spring back AND (this is what excites me) you can die cut with it
    MAUREEN I hope today is OK

    1. Hi Karen
      Pete hates the name Nanny and thinks I should be called Granny, which I hated. He says Nanny reminds him of a goat. Which, according to him I am an old goat. Although he usually calls me womble as according to him I look like Orinoco. How nice is he (not).

    2. Pat Orinoco was my favourite Womble, in fact he sits on the shelf in our bedroom xxx

  20. Hello,Sandra and everyone,
    Your new wheels sound great, just a shame you have to wait for them.

    I love Pats bag for Amy, this is a great gift bag idea for anyone. When I made them for our daughters I put chocolates inside.

    Will be back OH wants to use iPad !!!!

    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hellooooooooo I'm back, The iPad was returned much sooner than expected. Could have used laptop.
      Anyway I was about to say - Margaret hope your cast got sorted out. You reminded me a few years ago friends daughter broke her arm. She was put in plaster, when the time came for hospital to remove the plaster, she was told that it would be cut off, and it wouldn't hurt her. She replied you don't have to do that - she then straighten her arm out and slipped it off. To say her Mum was gob smacked would be an understatement !!!! Well done, you are also going to get a new wheelchair. This cafe certainly encourages us to get results.

      Maureen you have been (and still are) in my thoughts and prayers, I hope today has not been to difficult for you, and everyone celebrated you brothers life. xxx
      Maria, I hope you are feeling better. Have being trying to work out if I can join you in Watford. As the children will be on school holidays it could be difficult. We normally go and stay at their house, BUT Sometimes Daughter will work from home or SIL might not have any work, so we will not be needed. I will have to find out and let you know nearer the time.
      Sandra hope your day has gone well, it must be so hard for you when Paul has to be away. Sending you an extra ((((((( Hugs ))))))

      I've got myself a cup of tea, will just go and sit in the corner, if anyone comes in you are welcome to join me.

      Love and hugs for everyone, love Brenda xxx

    2. Had a wee text from Maureen, wonderful service. Lots of tears even more laughs and still finding out lovely things. Hazel xxx

    3. Brenda-you made me laugh with the plaster story. If you can come,it would be great but I understand if you are having the grandchildren. If we been normal they could maybe come too but better not Tihi!
      Hazel- thanks for the message. It have been a tough day for them all. Hope she is ok and of course the rest of the family xXxx

    4. OMG Maria, hadn't thought of that! Grandson 13 has Asperger. He is lovely, but he would be asking you all the technical data about your phone, iPad, computer etc. he just looses me with his knowledge. Went to a friends a few weeks ago took him along, as it was an inset day. Friend lives in a bungalow. He did an inspection of the property. Fortunately friend thought it was hilarious. He was like the estate agent. And Ciara 9 does not miss a thing, but if she does - will say what was that you said? IF I make it ,I promise I will be on my own!! xxxx

  21. Hi everyone, been out all day now totally knackered, went to our wee shop to put some cards in, then went to my friends craft shop had a coffee and a good look around, she has Sue 's new Christmas dies in, (I feel more purchases coming on,) Then to B&Q to return a tin of paint, bought the wrong kind to start with. Then up to Falkirk, went to Hobbycraft for spray varnish, picked up a few another bits, then to Dunelm had lunch, met a girl I used to work with, so had a good catch up with her. Went to a shoe shop to see if I could get a decent pair of shoes for my swollen feet, they are going to order me a pair to see if they are ok, if not I don't need to buy them. Then went to the bank to pay in a couple of cheques, then finally Tescos for cat food and to return a top I bought which was lovely until it came to my bottom, then wouldn't go past, wishful thinking on my part!!.
    Off to fat club now, wish me luck I think I will need it this week, I have not eaten properly whilst decorating, it has been takeaways etc.
    Maureen hope all went well for you today.
    Will catch up later, Jess x

    1. Yikes you have been a busy girl today. Yes hope the went ok.
      I can't eat much just now but still have not lost anything :-p Maria xxx

  22. Hellooo ! They let me out!
    It's a really gorgeous day here now! When I arrived in Southport at 2pm sun was shining and it was lovely and warm. Still gorgeous - sending some up to Scotland - hope it gets there!
    When I came home we had a Pimms in the garden - very civilised!
    Now come inside to get dinner on the go.
    While driving to Southport had a text come through but obcviously couldn't do anything about it. Checked when I got there and it was from Maureen! So lovely to hear from her. She is so thoughtful. The day is going well.
    Will check back later and see what you've all been up to !
    Love Myra xxx

  23. Myra, rub it in, we haven't seen blue sky all day, looks like it's going to pour with rain any minute. Not warm enough to sir out side that's for sure, wool cardigan on. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel I really am sorry! I know I got such a boost today just from being in the sun! I remember Mum would ring from Scotland sometimes and say the weather was getting her down . She was such a positive person too but she loved being outdoors and gardening was her hobby.

    2. I will forgive you my friend. xxx

    3. I just keep taking the Vitamin "D" pills it is the only taste of sunshine I will get xxx

    4. Hazel and Patricia,
      I hope this helps! Son and DIL in Warwick are having torrential rain. It seems the middle part of the UK is getting the best weather. It may all change tomorrow. Xxx

    5. Had rain all day long here and it's still 'plupping' outside, booooring xxx

  24. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Phew busy day again today, big pile of ironing done, food shopping done and lunch with a friend. Another friend dropped round a set of dies for me to borrow to finish two retirement cards and we had a very funny conversation without mentioning the word retirement as she is leaving too and my friend has made her card! Ver confusing I know. I nearly mentioned the tea party they are having next week but by the sounds of it the 3 ladies leaving have just been given a time and location but don't know what is going on!
    Pat your bag is beautiful, what a lovely colour too, your grand daughter must have it in pride of place. I haven't tried an Izzy bag yet, must have a go soon. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Xxx
    Sandra I know our Sainsburys has got bikini separates in the sale at the moment with cover ups too. I'm sure Tesco have got them too. I hope you have success with shopping, you won't be able to buy a bikini soon just a warm woolly jumper! I'm pleased to hear you are getting a new Chair, shame you won't have it for your holiday but you can have a farewell to your old one when you get back. Xxx
    Margaret glad to hear you are getting a new chair too and you have a new pink plaster xxx
    Maureen sending you lots of love and hugs my sweetheart, I've been thinking about you today. Xxx
    Right I must dash off again, a new pile of ironing has just appeared, why didn't I check the washing rack! Oh yes I've got a whirlybird gig for the garden, works a treat and we've just got a new holder for it that just screws into the ground for it to sit in. Bought them both in B&Q. I can get loads on it but you can get various sizes. Right see you all later. Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,sound like you had a nice day even if a bit busy. Will have a look for the whirlybird gig lol. is that the posh one ? hugs Maria xx

  25. Hello folks I will probably be missing this evening.
    The boys are coming for their sleepover. No doubt they will have things they want to do or want ME to do for them or with them.
    Being the holidays they get to stay up a little later than they normally would.
    Be good, no nonsense .... only because I won't be able to join in. xxx

    1. Hope you have a good time with the boy's. Wonder what you got to do. xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Pleased to hear about the wheelchair will make life alot easier good luck with shopping.
    Pat your bag is lovely Sue did one for me for Mothers day I am sat looking at it now.
    Maureen hope all went well have been thinking of you lots of hugs coming your way.
    Had a busy day played boule this morning picked raspberries, strawberries and cherries why do they all come in together? then picked over blackcurrants that were picked yesterday now in freezer on trays, I always open freeze first makes them easier to take a few out at a time. Will be lovely for pies in the winter.
    Must get on making a card, cross stitch for my sister's 70th birthday
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Oooh Margaret, so much lovely fruit. Warm pie and cold custard hmmm
      Take care ,Maria xxx

  27. Weather not too bad today but it is trying to rain now. PAT I love your Izzy bag and I am sure that Amy loved it. SANDRA AND MARGARET. so pleased you are both getting new wheelchairs. Hope you do not have to wait too long for them. Good to hear it went off ok today for Maureen. Have been thinking of her.
    Sounds as if you are going to be kept busy tonight Patricia. Glad you got what you wanted today Hazel. Expect you will have to go looking for a ladder tomorrow then. Scarlett doesn't finish school until next week although some schools are finishing this week in other parts of the country. Expect we will be making gift bags next week as she will be changing classes and also her Reception Class teacher is leaving and she really likes her so wants to give her a present as well. Expect I will have to organise it.

  28. Brenda, you are going to be busy, with the gift bags they are a great idea to use for those gifts. Scarlett will have fun decorating them. Don't you go over doing in your garden, at least if it rains it will save watering. Hazel x

    1. Brenda, you are going to be busy but it's lovely to see the pleasure these things give the children who make them and the teachers who receive them! Good to teach the children the importance of saying thank you in this way as they see the pleasure it brings to the receiver. Xxx

    2. Hazel, Younger son coming here at 7 30 am Thursday! He and a colleague are going to the Open at St Andrews! His friend will leave his car in our drive and collect it again on Saturday. I think I might jump in the boot and come for a visit! Ha ha ! Xxx

  29. Myra, he would be passing my cottages in away, I live between the 2 roads that go towards St Andrews. Weather isn't going to be good by the looks, wet and windy. xxx

    1. He won't mind I'm sure! Just loves golf but very rarely gets the chance to play or watch but the two of them go to The Open every year! He takes after his Dad and gets up very early in the morning! It will take him 11/2 hours from Warwick to here. Then to St Andrews! Xxx

    2. Hazel could you find a way to get on TV and wave to us all ( although it would mean having to watch golf!) wouldn't it be funny girls to see a sign saying Cotswold cafe is fab! Xxx

  30. Hi Sandra
    Thank you all very much for your kind words regarding my Izzy bag. It was my second attempt, as I'd previously made one for Sophie's 17th birthday. She's one of my other grand daughters. Pete's 2 children have 6 between them. Karen has 4 girls, and Craig has 1 of each. Easy peasy day at school today, but very very noisy. End of term you find out who the orders are and the checkers away are. I saw Ambers end of school play this afternoon today, which means I can go up to the hit school to see Olivia's choir concert. Thanks for the meaning of chapters uppers, I was wondering what that meant. It looks like Sandra and MARGARET will be getting new wheelchairs now. It's a shame Sandra you won't get yours until after your holiday. I wonder if you'll have a detachable leg piece?. Now I wonder why the Ipad has suddenly put MARGARET in capital letters. It did that with NORAH a while back. Well blow me it's done it again. I'm glad today went off ok for you Maureen, I was thinking of you.

    1. Sue you probably hit the shift key twice, it goes white with a black arrow on for a capital letter. Hit it twice it is it goes white with a black arrow and a line - like an underscore. Then it types in capitals until you tap it again. Only found out because I did exactly the same!!!! Hope you girls have a good sewing class tomorrow LOL xxx

    2. Pat, I'll be on the wall tomorrow! I'll be the duck with big ears! Xxx

    3. Can I be the second duck?
      Who wants to be the third ?

      Night Night girls. xxx

    4. Night Night Brenda! There's plenty room on the wall for you too! Xxx

  31. BRENDA:- you are going to be busy with bags. It's great when you see them all made up.
    Boys in bed ...... Oh! My! Word! They are growing up and I have lost my job.
    I have always read their bedtime story. Guess what?? Thomas is reading to Robert, he is making a great job using all the different tones to make it more interesting. Making a fantastic job too, no stuttering, stopping just beautiful free flowing reading. I just had to sit and listen. The book sounds so much better someone else reading it and me listening.
    MYRA:- let me know when you arrive at Hazel's and I will be over! Oh that would be wonderful a "real live chat"
    Hope the weather stays good for your son coming to St Andrews. xxx

    1. It would indeed! However I don't think I'd be that welcome on the trip north somehow! There is the small problem too, of me being up showered and dressed by 7 30am! Phew! Xxx

    2. Patricia, one of the most beautiful things I have witnessed was my grandson Max at 7 years old reading a bed time story to Abi aged 5.
      It was all about princesses and fairies and he read it so well to her. I could feel the love he had for his little sister coming through.

  32. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Have been busy doing big clean this morning hoovered polished cleaned up & down stairs cleaned kitchen cupboards excetra just got to clean cooker & Fridge tomorrow as worn out & had to make a card for same lady she phoned me later today & wants it for Thursday no pressure must finish it tomorrow.
    Maria pleased your tummy is a little better have you got your scan appointment yet xx Sandra & Margaret sooooo pleased your both getting new Rolls Royce wheelchairs.
    Maureen I have been thinking of you today hope you managed to get through the day ok sweetheart sending ((((Hug's )))) & love xx.
    Cheryl hope your sale goes well & have a sell out.
    Pat your Izzy Bag is gorgeous love the colours & die you used.I bet your grandaugh loved it. Oh has just given me a cupper so going to drink it.
    Try pop back see which night owls are in. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, you will be aching in the morning ooooh take it easy.
      No appointment yet, probably will take some weeks. They are a bit
      slow / busy here .Hope your feet feeling better and Terry's leg is better too many hugs to you both ! xxx

  33. Ok! Folks that's me Robert is sleeping, Thomas just finishing off a chapter of his book. I am off to get ready for bed.
    MAUREEN:- if you look in, we have been thinking about you all day. Glad things went off well.
    Hope to see you all in the morning, be good.
    Goodnight and God Bless xxx

  34. Myra only problem I am not at home tomorrow, be gone all day. xxx

    1. Shucks! Oh well I'll stay at home! Ha ha !
      Just imagining son's face if I'd told him I was going with him! Xxx

  35. If I hadn't been over to Perth looking after boys you could have come at least I could have offered a bed as you can get to it now. Long day for me but not hard work as Andrew 7 has already told me to remember my I pad so I can read my blogs. So I will be sitting with feet up by the looks of things!!! Tammy working but has to take Calum to an assessment one to one thing first, so she will be not starting till after lunch, it's a pity your son didn't tell you sooner. xxx

  36. It's quite quiet tonight isn't. It, I think everyone has gone to bed, Myra especially so she can get up at the crack of dawn to go to Scotland- your sons face would be a picture I'm sure! I've just finished the second pile of ironing for the day and now I'm trying to cool down before I go to bed. That reminds me, I night not be in until late tomorrow as I'm taking Emma and her friend to the airport and I'm sure I will be rushing around getting them sorted before we go. They are sharing a suitcase which could prove interesting - I don't think her friend has heard of travel size shampoos and conditioners! Neither of them has packed yet, hence I'm still ironing! But I'm sure it won't take them long in the morning. Well I must sort myself out and go to bed. Night night everyone sleep tight sweet dreams
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Sharing a suitcase,! very interesting. Hope they don't take to many shoes, Wish her a nice time xxx
      Good night all ! xxx
