
Wednesday 15 July 2015

Hazel's Gorgeous Lily of the Valley Card.

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,
Oh I am so looking forward to a day with my girls today, yesterday seemed like the longest day ever,
with out my special lunch companion! Oh why do I miss him so much??
Anyway I ended up with a poorly Sophie yesterday, but she was all day in bed, I think it was inevitable at some point this week, she had been up and down all night, so I kind of knew this morning that she wasn't going anywhere, I rang school and explained the 'twin' thing and that they had never been apart and the lovely lady at school totally understood, it was only a sports day today, so no big deal, she is going in tomorrow though,
Now I was supposed to be saving this card for my blogs while I was away, but I just couldn't wait,
(sorry Hazel) !!
I can see that Hazel has used a gorgeous Lily of the Valley Image, I love this particular image, its so sweet and innocent.
Its actually nice to have a card that isn't made entirely with dies, especially for the people that look in and maybe don't have any dies.
I think we forget sometimes that there were cards before dies and its sometimes nice to go back to the old, traditional ways. (jees I sound like an old woman)
Anyway, thank you so much Hazel for allowing me to share your amazing card xxxx
Maureen, my sweet friend, you were in my thoughts all day yesterday, it must have been the hardest thing to go through, we are here for you now and always, whatever you need. xxxxx
Michele, thank you from the bottom of my heart, that was the sweetest gesture, I will share it with everyone tomorrow (when my photographer is home) I really must learn, I need a camera that you can just point and click, Paul's has too many knobs and dials!!!!
Right off to get dressed before Sue comes to collect me,
love and hugs


  1. Well my comment went off into space.
    I don't have much time, will keep this one short & sweet.
    HAZEL:- love your card .
    SANDRA:- have a good day with your Buddies. Sorry to here about Sophie hope she better today.
    MAUREEN:- thinking of you
    No doubt my boys will be up soon and it will Feeding Time
    Will try to get back at some time today.
    Be good
    Hugs in the basket as usual xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in on this miserable looking morning. Thank you Sandra for showing my card. It was a very quick made one, and seeing how I don't have everything at hand and won't while SIL is staying I decided I needed to see what I could put together with out lots of die cuts. I will have access to all my card stock while she is here.
    Yes LOTV image. One can't go wrong with these. The card stock is " First Edition" New Blooms, this pad has very girly designs and colours, the Happy Birthday die cut it from a set by X Cut . It was just a case of cutting the card stock into different sizes. A card that can be made from those bit boxes we all have. Plus it's flat so normal postage too. This card has already found a home, Tammy has claimed it for a party Andrew has been invited to this weekend, it is just right for his little friend who is very girly and will be 6.
    I am off over to Perth today to look after the boys, I don't think I will see much of them as they will be out side playing Granted that's if it drys up.
    Sandra sorry to hear Sophie is suffering from " Missing Lucy " sickness, a bit like Missing "home sickness ". Not good but she will be fine. The two of you will have comforted each other seeing how you were missing Paul.
    Everything is set up and looking good, ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket for those who need or just want a ( hug) I will pop in later for a cup of tea and a catch up. xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Hazel-your card is just perfect, so girly& lovely.

    Maybe that could be another days feature-cards without diecuts? Would certainly make me think of using up different stash.

    Sandra-hope you have a great day crafting today.

    It's very sunny here but also quite breezy so hopefully not too hot.

    I've got a meeting first thing-well, a briefing from the Chief Pharmacist so this could be interesting! But before that I have to sort out staffing the unit as I got a phone call from the lady who's father passed away suddenly (the funeral was on Monday) -her car failed it's MOT so she needs today to get it fixed. As she rang me at 6pm when I was on my way home, there wasn't much I could do.


    1. Good morning Michele,
      I think that a make a card without die cuts day would be good but maybe a challenging task for many of us, I find myself using dies almost subconsciously, for framing an image for instance, some of our ladies, like Patricia, Pat are really good stampers so they would be ok, Maureen could do pergamano, she does stunning pieces of art for cards too! So she would be fine too, most of our very talented ladies could come up with something, but goodness me it would get the brain cells working!
      Now Michele, do not spend the day stressing about meetings (we all know that they are mostly just a shocking waste of time)!
      I hope the last minute staff changes don't cause you too much stress!
      Sending huge hugs to get you through the day,
      Love and hugs

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry to hear that Sophie wasn't well yesterday, I hope she is feeling better today, bless her. At least today should go faster for you than yesterday my lovely, and then Paul will soon be back.
    Hazel, I love the card, the LOTV image is so cute, I'm not surprised that it has been ear marked for a little girl already. Sometimes it is good to have to change how we make our cards, it gets the old grey cells working doesn't it! Well, it does for me anyway! Thank you for sharing.
    Maureen, it was good to hear that yesterday was going well, Hazel kindly passed on that she had heard from you. You will be feeling physically and mentally exhausted today no doubt so please be very gentle with yourself and take things very easy.
    Maria, thank you for your kind words, Mum was delighted to see what you said. In fact Gemma refuses to believe that Mum is the age that she is : )
    Cheryl, I am glad that you are all ready for Saturday. After all of your hard work I do hope that you have a sell out, you certainly deserve to.
    Margaret, glad to hear that you are getting a new chair too, and that you have got a new pink pot all sorted.
    Well, I had better go and start getting ready to pick Sandra up, and get my stuff ready to take to Pat's. I love our weekly meets : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Morning my lovely,
      I am so looking forward to seeing you and pat today, have still to pack my bags but will get them sorted just as soon as my morphine starts to work!
      I have a couple of cards that I need to get on with today, so fingers crossed for later xxx
      Hugs waiting girls your arrival
      Love too
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in.
    I'll just help myself to a pot of earl grey and a slice of toast and go and sit in the window seat and see who passes by.
    Sandra hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Pat, watch out for those ducks on the wall though, they are listening to every word!
    Hazel what a lovely card for a little girl. Love the colours and your LOTV is so sweet. I really must check these out, it would be perfect for my little Abi.
    I want to finish off a couple of cards this morning to get in the post and then I am meeting my friend Heide in the city for lunch. I think there will be some retail therapy going on.
    Maureen I hope you are going to have a quiet day today to relax and reflect.
    Hope everyone has a good day whatever you are doing.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba LOTV are having a sale at the moment so have yourself a little look you may just bag a bargain!
      Have a lovely time with your friend and enjoy your lunch. xx

    2. Off to see what I can get in their sale. Hazel x

    3. Saba, As Margaret says there is a Sale at LOTV - one day left I think but in my email it said Free Shipping anywhere in the world with orders over £10. You'll do that Easy Peasy!! Xx

    4. Ok we are here but it was great as on P&P I got the fairy pad for £3 50% off. I ended up buying 6 art pads. xxx

  6. HAZEL love your card. It is so pretty and perfect for a 6yr old. Have a good day with your grandsons. Don't think they would be playing out here today as very wet but don't think it is actually raining at the moment but it is St Swithins Day. Doesn't make it good for the next 40 days does it.
    SANDRA. Thank you for showing Hazel's lovely card. Hope you have a good day with Sue and Pat. I am sure you will. You couldn't not could you really. Is it Patchwork today? Haven't tried that. Hope Paul is home soon for you and Sophie is feeling better. Should be Scarlett's Sports Day today but I expect it will be cancelled. Maureen. Hope you are ok today. We are all here for you. Well must go and get showered and hair washed and get on with things. Back later.

  7. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry to read Sophie was not well, hope today will be a better day for her. I wonder how Lucy was yesterday? You know the twin thing - one feels the other pain. SIL has an identical twin they often used to feel each other's pain. As they grewn older it doesn't happen so often.

    Hope the three Graces have a lovely day, and it is productive! Will be thinking of you LOL

    HAZEL, love your card, I am sure the little lady will love it. And Andrew will really proud to give her a card made by his grandma. ( sorry not sure what they call you).

    MAUREEN, Hope you are feeling OK today, yesterday must have been very exhausting for you, just take it steady, don't expect to much of yourself. LOL

    Must get on haven't even had a shower yet! Will be back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Morning everyone
    Hazel I just love your card today. It's no surprise
    That it's already spoken for.
    Wouldn't it be a change to have a 'no die' day,. I look at all my pics of my cards from when I started paper crafting and just cannot believe what I did before I found sue and dies.
    Sandra have a good day crafting. Hugs for Sophie at least she's into the last half of the week bless her.

    We are still waterless and after a couple of days with lower temps we are back to climbing ones again.
    Norah I'm so sorry that yesterday I changed you into Norway - it's this silly tablet.

    Right off to do battle with foam and material to make those covers for Jim's new cushions.
    Hugs to everyone.
    Maureen hope you're OK today. Take one day at a time or even half a day. It doesn't matter how long it takes. Do what's best for you.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Sorry it's so very hot! It really must be hard to find the energy to do anything.
      Happy cushion making . love Myra xxx

  9. Thank you ladies for your kind comments, as I said a quick card to see what I could make with out really using any dies. I have decided to have a couple of hours die cutting before SIL arrives. That way I have some at hand. Have set myself a task for today brought with me my basic equipment ie glue, scirrors, small gullotine that sort of things some papers and a die cut, will have a play to see what I come up with. Michele, your right we should all have a challenge day to see who can make a card with out any die cuts. And use only card from bit boxes!!!
    Brenda ( littlelamb) no going out here either, very wet. Might be a kind granny and let them have a friend in to play. We will see.
    Maureen, hope you are not on to much of a down day today after yesterday.
    Myra, was telling Tammy that you could have possibly come with your son, she said if you had she would have rearranged her day so I wasn't here, as she said " unplanned meet ups are even better". Never mind not long till October. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Just a quick note whilst Emma is showering and before chaos reigns!!! Gosh it's quite muggy here but gloomy . Oh dear spoke too soon, Emma arrived and panic has started so must be quick!!
    Hazel your card is beautiful yes I agree good to do something occasionally without die cuts, makes us look at that huge pile of stamps we all have! Xxx
    Sandra sorry to hear Sophie was poorly yesterday hope she is better today, end of term doesn't help. Have a wonderful day playing xxxx
    Maureen my love thinking of you, just be gentle with yourself today xxx
    Patricia have fun with the boys xxx
    Right must dash I've had mum where's my ......!!!!!
    Love to everyone
    See you later
    Love Diane xxxx
    Saba enjoy your lunch and retail therapy xxxx

    1. Oh Diane, I think Emma should have been doing her own ironing!!., she won't have you doing these things when she starts university. Fun and games sharing a case, again that would have made a good fly on the wall moment??? She will be seasoned packer by the time she has finished her time at university. Either that or you will know the road to Edinburgh or Aberdeen really well. Hazel x

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, so sorry I didn't get back in yesterday
    I was totally exhausted went to bed early and sleep through till 8.30am this morning, what a waste of a day! Anyway getting sorted now.
    Hazel your card is lovely, so girly, I bet Andrews friend will love it.
    Sandra I hope Sophie is feeling better, not long now till Lucy is home. I hope you have a fantastic day with Pat and Sue.
    Need to log off now, I have to do some ironing which was meant to be done last night, and by the way, my Wee Henry does live in a cupboard under the stairs!
    Take care everyone, Maureen been thinking of you my lovely, hope all went well yesterday. xxxx

  12. Forgot to say, fat club was ok, stayed the same by the skin of my teeth,

    1. Good for you being able to stay the same after you could have just so easily gone off plan while doing your room. xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Hazel, your card is gorgeous. I just love the girly images that LOTV do. Must remember to get a few off these when we next go to a show. So sorry to hear that Sophie was poorly Sandra, I hope that she's feeling better now. Clothes shopping for your holiday next I suppose for them. I'm glad that yesterday went well for you Maureen, I was thinking about you. Might just do some colouring today will have to wait until the girls arrive thought. Might just get to see them sewing today. Although Sue said she had a couple of cards to make, so might not.

  14. Hello Sandra, and all you lovely ladies.
    I cannot thank you all enough for your love and hugs which have winged their way to me and for your cards which are just so much appreciated and beautiful, all of which have helped me in my darkest hour.
    Yesterday was like being tumbled in an enormous washing machine and then being wrung out very tightly, and then back into the washing machine again. But then some of the congregation wanted to speak and got up and told stories, both old and new and even Joan's tears turned to laughter. Every time we started to feel desperately sad, someone would tell another story and we would be off laughing again. Although, to be fair, a couple of the men who got up just said "Ray" and then couldn't continue. We came out to Frank Sinatra singing New York, his favourite singer singing about his favourite city, and it lifted our hearts.
    We heard later that over 300 people were there and they had fixed up a tannoy system so that the people who couldn't get into the Chapel could hear the service. Some, including his oldest friends had travelled from the deep south (London), in fact they came from all over the country.
    The Celebrant didn't make him out to be a Saint, which was great because Raymond would not have wanted that. In fact one of Joan's neighbours said that he never knew Raymond had a temper, which made everyone laugh all the more. He could flare up at the least thing, but if someone came in and said that they had smashed one of the cars up, or had driven into the garage doors, he would say that they were only things and could be replaced.
    We were at the Wake until quite late, and then Joan rang me at bedtime to say that it had been a perfect death and a perfect funeral and she felt so happy for him, and she was happy. Happy was a "funny" word to use, but I knew what she meant because I felt "happy" too. We all feel immensely proud that he was admired and loved - and loved is the right word - by so many people. An apprentice who worked with Raymond 40 years ago told Joan that Ray had looked after him on his first day on the job, and had mentored him until he had finished his apprenticeship. He'd been a great fellow but he did shout at him now and again!!!
    I'm sorry if this has been so long, but I wanted you to know that although we feel very sad, and still prone to tears now and again, we also feel to blessed to have known him. Even though he did try to drown me by letting my pram fall into the boating lake when I was about 18 months old!!! Seemingly there was mayhem as people were frantically trying to hook the handle to pull me back so they could grab the pram. It gives a whole new meaning to "Come in number 1".
    Sandra, I am pleased that you are getting a modern new chair which will hopefully make things much easier for you and Paul, and I hope Sophie recovers from her "Missing Lucy" illness double quick.
    Hazel, What a very pretty card. I love the colours and the image - I also like the Lladro figure!!! Was it Tammy who had her bag stolen. Has everything been sorted, or was it Gillian. I'm sorry, I don't want to go back to look because I''ll lose this mega post. Anyway, I hope it's all sorted out now.
    AND, if it's someone else's daughter - sorry, this post applies to you!!!!
    Margaret, I don't understand why they aren't having you go to the Appliances place for a new chair. If they are bringing a chair to you, what happens if it's not the right size, fit or whatever?
    Congratulations Jess on your success at the Fat Club, even staying the same is a testament to will power.
    I must go now as you will all be suffering from blog sickness after reading this but I must say a really big heartfelt "Thank you" once again. You have all been wonderful.
    I may be in later, I don't know.
    Lots of love and hugs
    Maureen xxx

    1. Well, Follow that, as they say!
      What a lovely lady you are Maureen!
      To take the time not just to say thank you but to remember so many things at a time when you are rather stressed to say the least, is quite amazing!
      I'm so glad yesterday went as well as it did. It's always interesting to hear what other people have to say about one's loved ones. I know it really helped me when Mum and Dad passed away! You are so right - we need the funny anecdotes too because the person concerned wasn't sad every day!
      How lovely to hear all these lovely things about Raymond but how comforting for Trudy to be able to say he had a perfect death and funeral. That will really help her through the next days and weeks. I'm sure it will help you too. Try to be a good girl and don't overdo things today as yesterday must have been very tiring.
      Sending you lots and lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    2. Oh Maureen so wonderful to here all about the happenings of yesterday delighted to know there were lots of happy memories especially the successful outcome of come in No. 1.
      The Wheelchair dept at the Infirmary is closed at the moment so all they can do is home visits and the OT is going to bring 1 chair that is lightweight for me to try, and measure me up I think, then if it's ok, they will order one for me. Things move slowly over this side of the Pennines unfortunately! If it is not suitable there are other options. xx

    3. Maureen, I know exactly what you mean about tears and laughter, we were the same at my brothers funeral, so many happy and funny times were recalled, it is always said it is a celebration of the persons life, which is so true.
      Everyone will have their own thoughts today, keep remembering the good times, take care, Xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- you're "star" just keep those beautiful thoughts of Raymond in your Heart to keep you smiling. xxx

    5. Maureen my Sweetpea, your description of Raymond's service was lovely. It is such a comfort when a funeral service captures the essence of the person who has died. It sounds like Raymond had a good send off. He must have been a wonderful man for so many people to come and pay their respects. You are so right to be proud of him, and truly blessed to have had such a wonderful brother.
      Sending you my love and prayers.
      Barbara xxxx

    6. Maureen,so nice to hear everything went ok yesterday. Sad but also happy moments. We are here for you
      Love and Hugs Maria xxx

  15. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well today we have some sunshine thank goodness, lets hope the rain stays away, as it is St Swithins Day today and if you don't know, if it rains today it will do so for the next 40 days and 40 nights! Now I can tell you all in the last 48 years we have only had 7 dry days on the 15th July. Why do I know this, well it is our 48th Wedding Anniversary today. Gosh it really does not seem that long, where does the time go.
    Hazel your card so very girlie, sweet and beautiful, like you I love LOTV coloured images and the colours you have chosen compliment it so well thank you so much for sharing this with us all.
    Poor Sophie I do hope by now she is feeling a little more bright eyed and bushy tailed Sandra, not much longer until the happy twosome are back together again. Lucy will have so much to tell you all.
    Maureen do take things easy today especially after yesterday you will need the time to re-charge your batteries both the mental and physical ones. Thinking of you, just take it a day at a time, it was so lovely hearing things were going ok for you all yesterday via Hazel you are so very thoughtful. xx
    Have a good day Patricia with your boys, I hope all the playing in the burn and cycling does not leave your John with sore knees tonight.
    I do hope the three Graces have a wonderful day today, oh to be a flying duck on the wall!!!
    I do agree with the suggestion from Michele and Hazel, a die free day especially using bits from our ever expanding bit box (well mine is expanding) is an excellent idea.
    Sheila I trust you are enjoying your little break with your relatives, just relax and enjoy yourself it will do you the world of good. xx
    Have a lovely day everyone what ever you get up to, I will try and pop in later.
    My hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    With lots of love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret, just bought art pads from LOTV good 20% discount. Hazel x

    2. Sorry I meant to congratulate Derek and your self on your wedding anniversary. You won't be going dancing that's for sure!!! xxx

    3. CONGRATULATIONS Maragret and Derek hope you have a fantastic day. xxx

    4. Margaret! So sorry I can't believe I mentioned the weather and forgot your Anniversary! Just like me! Happy Anniversary to you and Derek. Have a lovely day. Xxx

    5. Margaret, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! Hope you had a wonderful day
      Many hugs to you and Derek,
      Maria xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and all Friends,
    I switched on and there was Maureen's post! I couldn't believe it! What a lady.
    I had to reply to it first.
    Hazel, I love LOTV and I first was made aware of them by a lady called Anne Crawford who goes on Sue's blog. I " met up " with Anne again on Pinterest and saw a card she had made for a little boy using LOTV and I fell in love with them then. They are so different! I love the baby ones too. Your card is really lovely and I'm sure will be treasured.
    I think it's a great idea to do cards without die cuts as it would be lovely to see what every comes up with and a challenge at the same time.
    It has certainly gone down better than my Christmas card idea! That one bombed !! Lol.
    Margaret , I'm really hoping it stays dry as it's lovely here too today and quite sunny. Sorry those who are being rained upon as I type. You are going to be awfully conspicuous on that wall Margaret with a pink plaster! They'll see us!!
    Just don't fall off!!
    Saba - Happy Shopping with Heide. Buy lots of nice things!
    Sandra, Pat and Sue, - have a great day! Concentrate, no talking except to give instruction and just ignore the ducks on the wall.
    Sheila - hope you are having a lovely time. Be good!
    Cheryl - have you started the big pack up yet! Your stall will smell amazing.
    Patricia - hope the boys and their lovely grandparents have a great day inside or out. Let's hope a little bit of both!
    Norah - I missed you being turned into Norway yesterday! Was the weather any better? Don't you overdo it either. Listen to Auntie Myra lol.
    Brenda LL - have a lovely day and I hope the weather perks up.
    Brenda L - not sure what you're up to today but have some fun!
    Maria - I hope you had a better night and that your tummy is a bit better.
    Diane - How is the packing going. I hope the girls have a great time and that you have a nice rest!
    Jess - congratulations on Fat Club results - excellent. Give my regards to Henry! Lol.
    Janice - don't work too hard please!
    Margaret - hope you get your cross stitch card done on time. Keep popping in as its great to see you.
    All other missing Friends - we miss you!
    If I've forgotten someone I'll go and sit in a corner with the dunce's cap on!
    Lots of love, Myra. I'm having my hair cut today! Excitement over!

    1. Aaah! I thought I'd put Michele's name beside the good idea! Forgot!
      Sorry Michele and hope your meeting is not too stressful. Xxx

    2. Thanks Myra-it was just an idea which might make me use up some of my stash.

      I'm intrigued about your Christmas card idea-what was it?! I find I work well to challenges .

      I never made it to the meeting as there were more staffing issues to resolve!


    3. Sorry about your Staffing Issues! Good old NHS.
      I just wondered if we could make some Christmas cards using some of Sue's new dies - or old ones! It's good to get ideas and I thought we might be playing with them anyway. However , I do realise Christmas is a long way off. It was just a silly idea that went through my head! I have lots of those Michele!
      I would love to meet you sometime - we are fairly near one another I think! Maybe even in your Garden Centre with the craft dept? Xxx

  17. Myra, your Christmas card idea was good, but I think we all went into panic mode at the thought it wasn't that far off before we would need to make them. We should set a date and a last date time to send it to Sandra. Even saying only one die cut can be used or something like that.
    Maureen it was our Gillian, she hasn't be able to get her car locks Recalibrated, the machine wasn't working, so it's still steering lock and Andrew blocking her car in the drive. She said it was fate as if they had got further into the house they would have found things that were of more value, she lost her " Ness" make hand bag but that can be replaced along with her purse. Her cards were cancelled as soon as she discovered what had happened locks changed and no one hurt. xxx

    1. Please don't worry about that! Wish I hadn't typed it now. That's the trouble with words on a page - it depends how you read them! I was chuckling about it. The blog only works so well because everybody is in agreement! I don't take the huff - Hazel! I promise you that - huffing is for toddlers! It is a daft time for Christmas cards - but it was just with Sue launching the New Dies. We can do it nearer Christmas. Makes much more sense. Xxx

    2. No I actual think it would be a great challenge, we could do it when Sandra is away and she would had loads to post when she got back.
      Even just seeing what everyone makes, it would give us all good ideas. I am not one that huffs either. xxx

    3. Hazel! Did you say that a certain young lady who rides Shetland Ponies had gone to the Yorkshire Show? I'm watching The One Show - I never do normally as we are usually eating but my husband has to go out tonight so we ate early. They are going to have a Pony Club Race at the end I think? They are dressed in One Show tops and Jodpurs. You may want to have a look! Xxx

    4. Yes Beth is there, she wasn't one of them, Charlie had seen it was on and recorded it as I was talking to Patricia. So I have just watched it, I would have loved if Beth had been on. But it was nice to see them. Thank you for letting me know, xxx

    5. I was listening for her name but when I sent the last message they hadn't given names! It was lots of fun and an entertaining show. I'm sure Beth will have some tales to tell . Xx

  18. Hi everyone, just had a look at today's paper, and if you are interested Sandra, there is a programme on ITV tonight called The Secret Lives of Twins, it could be quite interesting I think.
    Happy Anniversary Margaret, hope you have a nice day. Xxx

  19. Hello ! Calling The Three Graces!
    How did the patchwork quilting go?
    I didn't see what happened as Margaret fell off the wall and had to be taken to A&E. You should have seen Sister's face when she got the answer to , How did it happen?
    For those of a nervous disposition - the above is a joke and she only had a virtual fall! Xxx

  20. Myra that so funny how you have put about Margaret falling off the wall. Poor Margaret I hope she is fine!!., between virtual cafe and now an A&E what next will we have. I did laugh. Hazel xxx

    1. Hazel! I think Margaret has got a good sense of humour - at least I'm hoping so! Was just scared people started making Get Well Cards! Xxx

    2. Can I work in a virtual a Pharmacy ??!


    3. Oh Michele is work that bad??? Hazel x

    4. May I do virtual ironing? Xxx

    5. Saba does virtually none! Boom Boom! Xx

  21. Wil one of the three graces let on how they got on??? We will have to be good and not tell tales. Hazel xxx

  22. Good evening little ducks and all,
    Margaret, I'm not surprised you fell off the wall, how did you expect to stay on with one foot in plaster. HAPPY ANIVERSARY to both you and Derek. Did it rain on the big day. Thank you for the tip about LOVT, I will go and have a look although I shouldn't spend anymore money today.
    Myra, I think it would be brilliant to see some Christmas Cards and I also think it would be interesting to see some cards done without using dies. Let's get cracking girls.
    I must check out the One Show if the Great Yorkshire Show was featured. I love that show, it was always the last day which my Dad and I went to. At the end of the day, you could buy the flowers and plants which had been displayed.
    Well my shopping trip with Heide was lovely. We had lunch at a little Italian restaurant and we both had a glass of wine. That put us in the mood to spend and we did. I bought some of those Harem pants which are popular at the present time. They are made from a stretch fabric and so comfortable. I also bought a couple of tops. Oh and a lightweight cardigan. And then I saw it. The most gorgeous handbag, and I fell deeply. I ummed and ahhed for about five seconds and then gave in and bought it. So all in all I did go a bit mad, but the sales are on so actually I saved a fortune. Peter will be very pleased at how much money I actually saved him. Might just hide the handbag and break it to him gently later.
    Right I am popping over to Sue's, will be back soon.
    Lots of lovely hugs for now
    Saba xxx

    1. A lady after my own heart! A lovely handbag eh! I love handbags and shoes! The Italian lunch sounds pretty good too. Hmm - sounds like a good day! Peter will be so impressed with your savings! Lol! Xxx

    2. Yes it did rain on our wedding day while we were in church, it was so heavy I thought there was something wrong with the organ but when we came out of church the sun was shining. xx

    3. Oooooo!!! a handbag, I just LOVE them!! Oh!! and the shoes to match of course. Well not every time but most times. Saving money is always a BIG bonus as well.
      I am in for the Christmas Cards, let's go for it girls!!! Might do one tomorrow if I get me breath back. xxx

    4. Why are you out of breath? Whatever have you been up to? Xxx

    5. Wouldn't you just like to know???

  23. Maria, lidl have those dryers on sale this week £8.99 xxx

    1. Hi Hazei, had a look but they don't have it down here.
      OH has ordered a big rotary one so we can stick into the grass ( 50m)
      loads of space to hang the washing. Might get myself some new pegs, in new lovely mixed colours Hihi Thanks anyway for telling me hugs xx

  24. Good evening everyone
    As you will see from Myra's report I fell off the wall with my pink pot while Myra and I were eves dropping on the three graces, that will teach me to be nosey! Well as I was a flying duck I got taken to the vets much better than A & E no waiting I was seen right away and given a full bill of health no more broken bones thank goodness, just some ruffled feathers but please don't tell Saba or she will be pulling a few out and that may hurt!
    Thank you for all your good wishes for our anniversary no gadding about this year though, but we have enjoyed our day well at least I have, Derek did the washing hung it out and told me not to look at it, I wonder why? Then he had to get Mr Dyson out and run around with it then the duster. I made him a coffee before he took the corgis for their shampoo and pamper before he came home he had to get some shopping. He announced at lunch time he was feeling tired I wonder why? So he had a little sit down for ten minutes then he was off to do the school run that was after a spot of gardening. Between the two of us we made tea and now he has gone to empty the dishwasher, shall I let him have another little rest or find him another job to do, I wonder!
    Now please how did the three graces get on today our Hazel is waiting to hear and so am I after ruffling my feathers! Please don't keep us in suspenders girls.
    Delighted to know Maureen has been in to see everyone what a brave lady sending you a hug xx
    Well folks I have another Izzy bag to make so I had better go and get it started, will try and look in a little later.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret I knew you had a sense of humour! I've had such a laugh at your tale! Tail feathers ?
      It was the good Bill of health that really got me!
      So pleased you have had a good day - not too sure about Derek's but he will appreciate all you do so much more after this. Thanks for making me laugh! Xxx

    2. MARGARET :- thought you were to take things easy till that ankle healed??? Between Falling off the Wall, visiting the vets, plus everything else you will need a holiday. Glad you had a good day even if it is not the kind if day you would normally have had for an Anniversary. Hugs for both of you xxx

    3. Oh Margaret,you did make me laugh, oh Derek's a little treasure,hope you let him have a little rest after the school is Ben hope he is well. Oh no more being Humpty Dumpty & sitting on that pod is enough.
      Margaret the Corgis smell lovely & look Gorgeous
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Margaret, no wonder you have stayed with Derek for 48 years. He is a treasure.
      Ps can I have a feather?

    5. Hi MARGARET
      Happy Anniversary to both you and Derek. How lovely that Derek was doing all the jobs for uou. I'm glad that you went yo the vets instead of A & E. Hope you didn't poop on anyone while you were flying. Come to think of it was it you that pooped on Pete, they just love him.

    6. Oh Margaret , you did make me laugh ! Hope your feathers are in-tact and the vet did a good job. Be careful when up a wall ! Hihi
      Pat- poor Pere . Does it mean goood luck when a bird pooped on you?

  25. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra sorry Sophie hasn't been very well hope she is feeling better soon.
    Hope your day with Sue & Pat went well & a lot of crafting done & of course lot's of talking. HAZEL your card is lovely, the LOTV image she is so very cute,not a striplet in sight haha.
    MARIA love I hope your tummy is getting better with the meds,have you got your scan date yet. I really hope your ok for Saturday & get too Julia's workshop.Hug's.xx
    HAZEL Great idear about making a card without die's Ooo my fingers are twitching haha funny I was sorting out some draws in craft room & came across lots of decoupage sheets so I'm sorted.Also MYRA 's Christmas card idea is good but only one die cut that's so cruel :0(( hihi.
    I was asked to make a wedding card today for the lady in the fattening café lol
    Oh MYRA for a moment there I thought MARGARET had really fallen off the wall
    Then saw it wes a virtual wall.
    MARGARET & DEREK happy 48 th wedding Anniversary hope you both had a lovely day xx
    SHEILA hope your enjoying your break away you deserve it have a lovely time. My friend.xx
    MAUREEN take care beautiful thoughts take one day at a time sweetheart xx
    SABA hope you enjoyed your lunch & shopping with your friend.did you buy anything nice.
    Sandra hope your ok & not into much pain my lovely after your day out with the girls.
    Off to drink my tea,see you all later love Lynda xx

  26. Well folks, that's my boys home in their own house.
    I am here in mine, feet up, cuppa, in hand, enjoying the the stillness. The boys are no bother but they never stop, especially eating!!
    Thomas and I went to pick Robert up from his Football Practice then headed to their house. Got a huge hug from Thomas who at almost 11 is nearly as tall as me. I am 5'7" was 5'8" at one point ..... anyway his dad was tall at that age but nothing the height of Thomas. John Jnr is 6'3" I am sure Thomas is going to be taller. Robert is tall but nothing like his big brother.
    They worked so hard with John and I in the garden this afternoon. We have got loads done and it's all looking good again.
    We don't give them Pocket Money but they do get paid for any jobs they do. Thomas puts his in his pot and saves it. Robert puts his in his pocket while telling you what he is going to spend it on. When it comes to Holidays or days away Thomas will count out some money to take with him. Robert then starts moaning he has NO money. He is told in no uncertain terms that we would have money if he did not take it away and spend it. Not a happy bunny but he has to learn. Thomas always ends up giving Robert something which I object to but what can your do.
    I am off to bed, see you all in the morning.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Good night God bless Patricia sleep well see you tomorrow. Xx

    2. Night and God bless Patricia.
      Your boys sound lovely and a credit to you.
      You would love my handbag, it's partly pink, with some cream and edged in black and it has some blingy dangly things on it. I am stroking it now!!!

    3. Oh! stop it, I can picture that beautiful bag.
      Bought a Michael Kors which I love except for the dangly medallion thingy which I have removed. xxx

    4. Night Night Patricia, Sleep well!
      Grandma's are Good! Xxx

    5. Michael Kors! I love his bags. Mine is a Guess and I love the dangly bits. We have a Guess shop in the city and it is just bliss.

    6. Good night Patricia, hope you get a calm night. You are always up so early, that's sometimes the time I go to bed tihi
      Boy's can eat all the time and they don't put on any weight, not fair.
      My Christian is 6' 5" so I have to stand on the second step on the staircase to give him a proper hug :-)
      Oh Saba I can see your little face all crumbled up when you didn't got the handbag , I stamped my feet once in a store when I didn't got what I wanted hihi I'm still a kid at heart xxx

  27. Oooo!! and I love Guess. Wow! a whole shop of their bags now that's what I would call Shopping. Come to think of it, do they have a shop in York. I am sure they do.
    I am supposed to be off to bed. xxx

    1. They also have shoes, clothes watches and jewellery and its on two floors!
      I don't know about York. They have a designer outlet just outside the city though and there is a Guess shop there.

    2. Sounds a lovely shop! It's best I don't go anywhere near it !
      Did Peter like this bag or hasn't he seen it yet ? Xx

    3. I haven't shown him yet. Need to cut off the price tag first. He has no idea what things cost. I tried to get him to buy me a handbag last week when we were in Trieste. I told him it was rude not to buy an Italian handbag when in Italy, but he wasn't having any of it. If you can picture a child being pulled away from a toy shop window, that was me when we passed the handbag shops. Xxxx

    4. Oh I can just picture it! What else would you buy in Italy but Italian leather goods!
      Sent Son a text tonight to say wouldn't see him in the morning and I was sorry he was going to be disappointed! Got text back - Mum if I saw you at that time fully clothed , showered and hair done - which you'd have to do because of Chris - I'd have collapsed! Ha ha ! Very funny my family! Xx

  28. Running out if time HAZEL your card is lovely I am determined to do one of their cross stitch if I ever get to be Grandma
    Sorry to hear about Sophie SANDRa Hope she's feign better
    MAUREEN as everyone has said already I'm glad yesterday went as well as it could and yes we even shared a few laughs at my son's funeral
    Sorry to those I've forgotten to mention You are all in my thoughts Just wish I could remember what I want to say

    1. Night Night Karen! It's good to see you , however late it is. Xx

  29. SANDRA I meant to say SOON not FEIGN Where did that come from!
    Night night MYRA Night Night All

  30. Hi Night Owls. Weather cleared up and we had a lovely afternoon. It was very still tonight which was a bit erie as if a storm was brewing but nothing yet. Very tired tonight so must go to sleep. Already in bed Reading all the comments. Night night.

  31. Night God bless, Brenda, Karen and Myra, I think you are the only three still up.
    I am going too. See you all tomorrow.

    1. Night Night, Saba, Brenda and Karen . Sorry I got a bit distracted . Sleep well, especially Maria! Xxx
