
Thursday 16 July 2015

Janet's Thursday treat x

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
A changed to the advertised viewing, due to technical difficulties I couldn't bring you my beautiful gift from Michele, how her it gives me chance to share with you this gorgeous card from Janet.
So pretty in beautiful blue and yellow,  Janet has used mixed media to create this pretty, summery card, including Creative Expressions Frames and Tags collection, Dainty Oval Frames to create that stunning centre piece, I can also spot the sparkle of Iced Snow in the background and finishing touches include some beautiful yellow seam binding ribbon and some pretty lemon and white flowers.
Thank you so much Janet for allowing me to share your beautiful card with everyone xxx
Please check back tomorrow for Michele's card, Sue and Pat will confirm it's worth the wait.
We had a lovely day yesterday, Pat and I learned how to make Stepper cards, using the 
Old faithful Ultimate Pro !  Pat made about five I think, Sue was busy quilling, amongst a lot of
Chatting and laughter, I really am blessed with such amazing friends!
Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Can't believe I'm the first in-flying visit from me today.

    Janet-your card is beautiful. I have the Sue Wilson dainty oval frames die but haven't used it much & wouldn't have layered it up like you have. That's a great idea.

    Work was s nightmare yesterday & today doesn't look too promising-I know I've got 2 big problems to sort out first thing. Oh well-soon be the weekrnd!


    1. Michele, if they still stock it in the pharmacy department to give it out to patients as an appetite stimulant have a sherry love to calm your nerves.

    2. Michele, hope all get sorted and your day is better than yesterday, take care. xXx

    3. Hope your day is better than you anticipate Michele, I don't know Saba what are you like encouraging our Michele to drink sherry so early in the morning! Lol xxx

    4. Oh Michele - all the best! It's awful going to work dreading the day ahead! Xx

    5. Aw!! Michele what at way to start your day.
      I do hope it was better by the time you got back home. xxx

    6. Hope today wasn't as bad as you anticipated

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Gang. Hope you are all well.
    JANET:- what a stunning card. Love the beautiful colours, the use of the Dies, flowers and the all over design. A card that I would love to be popped through my letterbox.
    Sandra, it sounds like you all had a great day yesterday. It's good to get together to have fun. I don't have any crafty friends apart from Eliane who actually comes this evening. I have project i did during the weekend to share with her.
    Everything in here looking good, lots of goodies in the fridge for during the day.
    I am over in the corner with my Tea & Toast. Wonder if we will have new callers or just the usual lookers in and passing by??
    Hugs in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

  3. Good mirning Sandra and friends. A beautiful card from Janet this morning on the display stand. It's very pretty with those wonderful summer colours and the use if those dies.
    Michele, sorry it's not just virtual work your going into. Big deep breaths and count to ten.
    Saba, have you cut the label off that bag and shown it to Peter yet?
    Myra, I think you will need a " chapper upper" for the retreat or you will miss half of the time you are there?
    Maria, good that you have got all those lines to hang out the washing, oh yes go wild and buy multi coloured pegs.
    The three Graces, I thought the patch work was missing yesterday when I was being a fly on the wall? Then thought is was maybe done while we were seeing to Margaret ??? It's funny because Patricia and I craft but never craft together, we show each other things but don't work together doing things. Oh that's a little bit of a lie we often think of things on holiday and try them while we are sitting by the pool.
    ((((((Hugs)))))) in the basket, I am away to sit and have my cup if tea with big sister I see she is still in the cafe. xxx

    1. Yep, label is cut off. I can't decide how to dispose of it so Peter doesn't see it, might have to burn it!

    2. Oh bottom, just realised I paid with plastic and he'll see the statement!!!!

    3. Ooooh Saba hih not good but saying that it is the same here eeek! xxx

    4. I was going to suggest eating it - then I read your comment! It's not worth getting a tummy upset !! Tell Peter you really needed it - size , colour anything! Make the explanation as long as you can. Eyes will glaze over and he'll happily pay! Xxx

    5. Hazel: I may not be the only one who doesn't look forward to 7am!!
      However a chapper upper may be helpful but ----- ! Xxx

    6. SABA:- that's why I have "my own" Credit Card!!! xxx

    7. If it's confession time? I have my own but also a joint one! I pick and choose. Xxx

    8. I like that Hazel! You made me laugh! Xxx

  4. Myra, I have made my Christmas card using only one die cut. xxx

    1. Hazel ! Wow I'm very impressed! I was waiting for Monday - children and Tuesday - old people to be over before I began. I've got some ironing today but could do that later. xxx

    2. Hazel! I've made one card and cut out a few dies! Still to make the one without dies! I will ! Xxx

    3. Good for you. I have made 35 thank you cards this afternoon, one die cut on each. Gillian & Andrew required more, I have made between 80-100 for them so far. Thank goodness for prefold cards, all done, inserts done. Ready to go down to theirs in the morning as I am passing theirs on my way to meet Patricia. xxx

    4. Oh Gosh! I've lost the will to live! Xxx

    5. I think it's easier to go to work, between baking chocolate cake and scones with little Andrew then doing the invites, washing, ironing and cooking tea. I am exhausted. xxx

    6. Yeee, that is a lot of cards. Would think you don't want to make some for a minute or so. You have a rest now until the wedding, you must be awake for that one
      hugs Maria xx

  5. Morning everyone, Janet your card is gorgeous, sorry can't stay off to the hairdressers, will,catch up later, take care, Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    Janet, I don't even need to read who made this glorious card, one look is all it takes. Your cards are always delightful and this one is no exception. I love your cards. Gorgeous butterfly, Lynda is going to want that!
    I think I'll have an iced coffee and I'll go and sit with Patricia and Hazel and put the world to rights.
    Apart from my daughter Joanne, I sadly have only one crafting friend and she is in the UK. Mind you, when she comes here we do have a play. I have to hide my best papers though as she just cuts into them. No respect, just cuts anywhere. She doesn't realise some papers are just to look at and stroke.
    I have been back and looked at last nights comments and poor Maria came in after we had all gone to bed and left lots of comments for various posts.
    I am going to do some ironing today! My new handbag was stuffed to the brim with lovely soft tissue paper and I never thought I would see the day that I ironed tissue paper but having read many moons ago that Hazel did just that, I thought I would emulate her. The said handbag is hanging on a chair back and smiling at me.
    Hope you all have a lovely day, I've popped a lemon cheesecake in the cooler, no calories were used in the making of it so help yourselves.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Thank you Saba I do like a cheesecake,never had a lemon one so that be nice to try.
      Yes I comment a bit last night/morning hihi, I was so late so you all had gone to bed. Have a good day Saba xxx

    2. I've only just said yesterday that you did virtually no ironing! Don't tell me off - at least I iron clothes, bedding, table linen etc! Tissue Paper !!xxx

    3. Oh yes Saba you don't waste tissue that comes in or with things. Yes iron it and put away to use hen needed. Hazel xxx
      P.S. Can just see that bag getting lots of looking at while its hanging there.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone in today.
    I sat here this morning and wrote a long comment and then the connection went and I lost it all grrrrr! I remember telling Hazel how much I love her card. I love LOTV too and might get some of the books but not this time. I really need to to something with the 2 boxes + of ready made I have but never got onto a card so I like the idea about making thing with no die or maybe just the one or two (panic setting in) Got this order from a friend to make her 30 ! x-mas cards but I had to say No (heart in my throat) because I can't see myself making more than the once I need myself.
    Janet -your card this morning is lovely ! Beautiful colours together and of course yellow and blue are the swedish colours Tihi Love the little flowers, must ask what you used for making the butterfly (Lynda) it is wonderful.
    Hope you get some rain soon, funny thing to say but you might need some while the ones in the North need some sun shine.
    Glad I posted some comment down yesterday as I lost the other one so you might already know what I was up too but I tell you again hihi. Got up at 8 for shower and getting dressed before we went to Dunelm for some brekkie first and then looked for a Rotary Airier ,also went across the road to Homebase to have a look and OH ordered one on-line so I will have it in a few day's ( 50m) should be plenty of hanging space. Then we went and did our weekly shopping, £12 off £60 spent at Sainsbury's so had to use it naturally but don't like their fruit and vegs that much. In the afternoon I went with my friend to hospital again for a pre op talk and what to do and not after a hip replacement . It was quite interesting as I will probably need one myself one day. By the time I was back home it was nearly dinnertime and after I started on a card and managed to finish
    one, yay !hihi Went through some e-mails while watching some tv in between and then sat here to 3am before going to bed. Today is a nicer day and we are going to Wyevale ,yes! tihi for some pot shopping and soil. It will be a good day today.
    Glad you 3 graces had a nice time together yesterday, I'm a bit envy. because non of my friends are into any kind of crafting so I relly looking forward to Saturday for some crafting and thank to the meds. my tummy is a lot better at last so manage to eat something so a skinny latte and a croissant would sit very nice this morning. The cafe' looks lovely this morning Patricia,good job tihi
    See you later girls, hope you all have a nice day Love and Hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria,
      I had both my hips replaced Dec 2004 and May 2005 and it was s the best thing I ever did so when t.he time comes for you don't hesitate. Glad your message are working.
      Love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Maria, So pleased your tummy is a bit better. Sorry we missed you last night! I will go back and check later. Have a nice time at Wyevale. I don't have a friend I can craft with either and that's what makes this blog so super! Well - one reason! Glad you got your Rotary Dryer sorted out! Xxx

    3. Maria should have read glad meds are working!!

    4. Maria. Glad your pills are working, maybe a very plain diet for a while will help, some times just to much dairy products can effect the tummy. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the ladies
    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday, by the time we got back from the airport and had our meal it was quite late and I nodded off watching TV!
    Janet your card is beautiful, love that die you have used, it's really pretty. Thank you for sharing.
    It sounds like a lot of fun was had by all yesterday at your gathering Sandra. I do have a couple of friends that craft and it is good when we get together but we don't do it regularly enough. I'm hoping one friend and I will get together more often in the autumn as she is changing her hours at work to have afternoons off.
    I will be back later to catch up and must look at yesterday too but I have to get on. I've got 2 cards I must finish today, hubby gas left a pile of washing up and mess in the kitchen and we haven't had the rain we thought so the garden needs watering- I want to start the cards but must get the kitchen tidy first!!!
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane, we missed your input yesterday but your allowed a break. Send your ironing to Saba - she send it back in freshly wrapped tissue paper! Xxxx

    2. Should say freshly ironed! Xx

    3. Hi Myra will do. Just going back now.

  9. Hi Sandra
    My word what a beautiful card of Janet's your showing today. It's simply gorgeous. I love it. I'll see if I have any lacy dies and have a go at this layout. No sewing machines bought yesterday Patricia, so you didn't fly away and miss the patchwork. Sandra sorted me out making a centre stepper card. I read the instructions and thought I cant follow that. Sandra did and made me a template to follow. I made 5 while I had her ultimate pro. So sorry that your not going to have a great few days at work Michelle. I'm glad your tummy is sorting itself out Maria. Can I say Maria, I'm so glad I had my hip done when I did. It was a godsend. I'll try a hit of your lemon cheesecake SABA if there's any left. My hot chocolate us cooling down nicely now, so I'll just join whoevers in at the moment and watch all the people peeking in from outside.

    1. Pat, So glad you had a good day yesterday. We hoped to learn more but Hazel and I had to go when Margaret fell off the wall!! She's ok!
      Read her post from last night. It's hilarious! Xx

    2. Oh yes that was a good one from Margaret. xxx

  10. Morning everyone
    Well that was a surprise when I turned on this morning. I really didn't expect to see anything of mine. I sent it to Sandra when I finished it just before leaving for here.

    Well here goes:-
    Scalloped edge 6 x 6in card
    Efolder - Xcut - without a name but very pretty - well I think so.
    The two base shapes are from Tonic shaped graded dies. Bottom one from a scrap piece left over from another card - 12x12in block called 'Simple Things' from The Works and the top again a spare piece left over from a 12x12in paper block from Trimcraft called 'Forget Me Not'. (It's the same block as I used for Sandra's card.
    2 x of Sue's Dainty Ovals - I glittered one which I used on the bottom and just placed the 2nd one across bringing in the glittered ends of the first (hope that makes sense).
    The Butterfly is from 'The Works' packet of 3 for £1!!
    Flowers from my stash and ribbon is scraps of silk ribbon scrunched to make it look 'Shabby Chic' Oh my doesn't that sound posh!!!

    The verse is - A Sunbeam to Warm You
    A Moonbeam to Charm You
    A Sheltering Angel
    So Nothing Can Harm You.

    Short but beautiful - it's an Irish Blessing.

    We are still waterless and all 7 of our water buts are now completely empty so the flower tubs will not get watered. Only the veg and then only the ones looking as though we can save them and they will get watered with grey water.
    We are again as I'm sat here at 40c so the Angel outside tells me. Sorry my prayers and suggestions of some of this weather should be sent your way are not being taken up. I shall keep making the request.

    We had a little sad news yesterday from Christina telling us that she has lost 'Stumpy' the eldest of her two rams she rescued a few years ago. So 'Scamp' is missing him terribly as he's never been on his own before.
    I know in the scheme of things this may not seem very important but to her and Robert all their rescues - permanent resident or not- are their family and it hurts just the same. It's a good job that they have a piece of woodland at the top of their property as all go up there to be buried and each has a small stone placed.

    Off now to see about some lunch but must switch the washer on first - I loaded it yesterday and then completely forgot about it.
    Hugs to all and some on their way to join Norah's in the basket of fun.

    1. Hi Janet , Thank you, a lovely card and a lovely verse. I love your cheerful colours and card and paper. Love the butterfly - Lynda will pinch it!!
      Sorry it's so very hot Janet and that you may possibly lose some veg and flowers. It's hard when so much work has gone into growing them.
      Sorry too about Stumpy. Christina does such a wonderful job but it brings its sad times too. How did you get on with the cushion covers?
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Janet, so sorry your daughter lost a well loved pet. It's so sad to see the other animals hurting too. xxx

    3. Hi Janet, so sorry about Stumpy. He might be an animal but still something they rescued and like to see survive. I'm sorry too that you still have no water and so terrible hot . We like the heat but nicer around the 25 c. Take care xxx

    4. Janet so sorry to hear your daughter has lost Stumpy and they are all missing him, at least he had a lovely life with them and will have a good resting place. Oh I wish we could send you some rain, it's been warm and dry here today but storms forcast for tonight . Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Janet your card is very pretty.
    Sandra glad you Sue and Pat had a good day I can just imagine the chatter going on I know from travelling in the car with the 3 of them they never stop talking Paul and I don't get a look in!! It's lovely really hope they put you in a sound proof room at the retreat I can just imagine the noise you lot will make.
    Good to see Maureen in yesterday so pleased it all went well take care and don't try to do too much hugs on the way.
    Must have my coffee and then get dyson out while Alan takes dog for walk .
    Cup washed and money in pot.
    Love to all Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret! Thanks for telling us The Three Graces are noisy! It'll be ok though because the rest of us are really shy , quiet and retiring! Xxx

    2. Margaret if you believe that you will believe anything!!! Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel,
      Course I know you are all lovely and quiet I don't think! You are all lovely though.
      Margaret xx

    4. Hi Hazel,
      Course I know you are all lovely and quiet I don't think! You are all lovely though.
      Margaret xx

  12. Hello Sandra and all lovely Friends,
    Well, I finally reached the bottom. No it's ok , I'm not depressed - just the end of all the comments, so far.
    It's a lovely day here today! Number two son well on way to St Andrews now. They had to go via Morecambe - don't ask! We now have a rather large Audi parked in the drive . Turns out my husband knew this young man's mother in law! He knew her through his work - it's a small world.
    I'm having a day at home today as I've been rushing around all week so far. I need to put children's craft stuff away. When I have tidied up I will endeavour to make a card without die cuts and a Christmas one, I'll then have to tidy up again!
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Sunshine for all parts North - some rain for Corbigny!
    Myra xxx

  13. Myra I thought it was yesterday they were travelling up here, I am at home all day too. Have little Andrew here we have made chocolate cake and scones. My orders where for just the chocolate please no cream or anything Granny just cake. So that's what he has got. We made a slab of cake so half just cake other half has melted chocolate with sprinkles. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel, I was only kidding anyway! I've got visitors this weekend so need to get things done. Aren't children funny! One of our grandchildren never has cream - just doesn't like it! Much better for her though I suppose. Xxx

    2. MYRA:- I just keep thinking of the fun we could have had if you had been here. Mind you the weather is not too good xxx

    3. Oh I know Patricia! It would have been great! I'm used to Scottish weather. We go to Surrey next weekend to visit friends and I'll probably be too hot. Xx

  14. Myra, I know but it would have been lovely to meet you. Seeing how he will be passing my house by half a mile off the road he will be travelling on. Patricia doesn't like butter, can't taste it even if it's just a speck she will have a little cream but not much. xxx

    1. I would love to have come but I don't think they'd have wanted me either!! They've got all their wet weather gear so are prepared for anything. Xxx

  15. They will need it that's the rain on. And not warm. x

  16. Hi everyone, the sun is shining but the wind is quite cold coming from the east.
    I don't know about a card without die cuts, but will give it a try. As for Christmas my head is just not ready for that yet.
    Have to finish a couple of cards for tomorrow pick up.
    Will be back later, off to read all today's comments, in too much of a hurry earlier.
    Take care xxxx

    1. JESS:- how come you manage to get sun when it's raining and cold here???

  17. Right ladies we have got our " Stamping Up". Demo for the Saturday afternoon at the demo. I think it will be there new autumn range. xxx

    1. Oh Lovely, Hazel. I'll look forward to that. Always good to learn something new and how to do it properly! Thank you for all your hard work! Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel
      Well that's fabulous. I look forward to seeing their new range and seeing how their cards are done. Whoopee.

    3. Brilliant, can't wait, well done for organising it for us. Xxxx

    4. Super, that will be great . You are so good at arrange all this for us xxx

  18. JANET Your card is lovely
    MARIA I'm glad the meds are helping
    Is there any cheesecake left? I've not had cheesecake in years
    Off to Craft Club tonight I wish there were more hours in the day to do stuff I'd like to do, like blog visit/hop! Play/craft/knit/crochet/book fold/ sew/all sorts

    1. Karen, you sound as if you are rushed off your feet!
      Cheesecake will do you good. Love Myra xx

  19. Hello fellow cafe mates,
    I can't believe Hazel has already made a Christmas card. I haven't even ordered my dies yet from JS. So I will have to use those from last year, not to worry though. I assume that for the Christmas card we are using dies, did I read somewhere we should just use one die for the Christmas card and then make another card without using a die at all. I'm a bit confused, doesn't take much.
    I am about to get ready to go out shortly. We are meeting some friends of Peter's from his days at University at a place called the "Krakauer Turm" which is a Polish restaurant in one of the towers around the city wall. They have a beer garden as well so that is where we will be. We are having silly temperatures again today but by 8pm hopefully it won't be too warm to sit outside. Although that's only an hour away and at present it is 35 degrees. I have just been out on the balcony to water the plants and the sun there is so hot you can feel it burning you. I am going on my bicycle as well so best cover up.
    My new handbag will not be making its maiden voyage seeing as I am cycling into the city, best put it out of sight for when we get back!
    See you all later, could be much later, could be a bit squiffy too.
    Love Saba xxxx

    1. Have a lovely evening! Is there a drink / drive limit for bikes?
      Slightly squiffy huh? Will we notice any difference!
      Oh Maureen , Help! May need tin hat!
      Prost! Xxx

    2. Saba, I wish you are having a wonderful meal out with the friends and have a good sing-a-long hihi
      Skal ! ( with a little circle over the a) xxx

    3. Maria! Don't encourage her! Xxx

    4. Have a lovely evening, it was pleasant in our garden about an hour ago but was starting to get dark. I hope the bike doesn't wobble too much on the way home! Must read back yesterday to find out about your handbag! Xxx

  20. Hi Maria
    Hazel asked me to read Margaret's comment yesterday. I realised I already had. Pete said pooping pigeons might be lucky for some but not for him, as all he seems to get is bad news not good. Although his new Meds are working, he does have a very short fuse just lately. Well, shorter than normal, really over something really trivial as Sandra and Sue will testify. Het ho onwards and upwards as they say.

    1. Hi Pat, I wish his meds didn't make him to have this anger. My dad was the same when he had his stroke and it was very tough for my mum.
      Sending hugs to you both, Maria xxx

    2. Hi Pat, Medication does strange things sometimes. Thinking of you and sending hugs as it can't be at all easy sometimes as you are concerned too. Xxx

  21. Pat, unfortunately Petes meds will make him have a short fuse, I was like that with the chemo, can still be a bit like that still. Friend is finding it hard with her husband being like that just now, he going through chemo. It's all the chemicals. But I suppose it's a small price to pay for making life easier. (((((( hugs)))))) for you both.

  22. Might not be in till much later this evening. My friend Elaine is supposed to be coming. I have said before she is not the most reliable person on the planet. Lots of fun, but not dependable.
    Better go get the kitchen cleared before she arrives. I have been making Roses, the place is a bit of a mess. Well just the table really, not a space to put a 10p piece down.
    That's good news that we are getting the StampingUp Demo. Look forward to seeing all the new colours.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia, have a lovely evening! Have you lit the fire? It looks a bit cold at St Andrews. I know you don't live there but you're not far away! Xxx

  23. Myra, it's not nice at all here I live about 10 miles from there. Xxx

    1. Hazel, we were watching the golf for a while and it was blowing quite a gale. The sea looked a bit grey and angry too. Xx

  24. Oh yes it's been really windy here this afternoon. It was dry at least. And I got the bedding dried plus two other loads, now it's to be ironed. xxx

    1. I've just had a bit of a chuckle ! We have two lovely children who live next door with their parents. A tennis ball arrived on the back lawn and Daniel came to the front door. When Alastair went to the door Daniel said that they had just got a rabbit each - only two days ago! He looked at my husband and said - you won't chase them will you!! You see he has a running battle with wild rabbits from the Green opposite. Daniel has been reassured! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra how funny, your husband must be really scary! We don't get rabbits here , just cats! I can remember my dad chasing the rabbits round our garden though xxx

    3. He's not really , he's a pussy cat! No no - not a real one! Now you think I've a cat chasing rabbits! Xx

  25. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I had a long post ready to post this morning, think it's in cyberspace now. Well the day and events take over - I think I need more hours in my day !!!!
    JANET Your card is gorgeous . Love the colours. Also the Irish Blessing you put inside.
    So pleased the three graces had a good day yesterday. Sounds like it was quite productive. Your meet ups must be a real tonic for you all.
    Margaret, Happy Anniversary for yesterday LOL
    Sending everyone a big hug, Love Brenda xxx

  26. I've been a fly on the wall for quite a wee while now , thoroughly enjoying seeing all your beautiful cards, candles and other crafts, but mainly loving all" the banter" ( Scottish for chat) that goes on between you all , it's truly wonderful !
    So when I saw my name mentioned by Myra ( you sound such a card! ) I felt I should join in, I don't have any card makers near me so blogs are a lifeline .
    I may not comment very often so I hope that's ok ?
    I can bake fantastic virtual scones though! Also I'm not bad with flowers, also enjoy a liquid refreshment!
    Have to say the cafe does sound great fun!

    1. Hi Anne how lovely to 'see' you, yes this is a lovely place and we do have such a laugh. Do pop in when you can, we are a friendly bunch and virtual scones would be very welcome. As you probably know hardly a drop touches our lips, it gets drunk too quickly (just joking!). Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Oh Anne it's great to see you! I hoped you might read it! We are all a bit mad - friendly but mad and it's so nice to share things with each other. We have a few Scots already and I'm still a Scot but live in England. Have done for over forty years! As you know, it's Sandra's blog but she is lovely. Just pop in when you can.
      I've been making a Christmas card tonight with the Wise Men Striplet. It has cut beautifully.
      Lovely to see you! Love Myra xx

    3. Oh I am hoping to borrow Patricia's striplet in exchange for her borrowing my peace on earth. The striplet would work well as a one die card. xxx

    4. I used both of those together, how funny is that! They could quite easily be used alone though. The card I've made will post easily. Xx

    5. Anne, welcome to Sandra's virtual cafe blog. We love it when someone pops in. We are one big blog family and would be thrilled if you joined us. We can be a bit barmy at times at you have probably noticed but we laugh together, cry together and support each other always. Looking forward to your scones, saw a receipt for lemonade scones recently so please could you make us some?
      XXXX Saba

    6. I'm taking it you meant a recipe ? You said you'd be squiffy!
      Did you have a nice evening , dear! Xx

    7. Hello Anne so lovely to 'see' you, yes this is a fantastic place we share our laughs and joys and sometimes our problems and get wonderful support, fantastic advice and help. Do keep popping in we will be delighted to hear from you. As Myra has said it is Sandra's blog and she will be thrilled to hear from you she is such a wonderful person, we are not all completely mad by the way, daft yes but mad, no I don't think so! xx

    8. Hi Anne and Welcome, how nice you at last have gone off that wall and come to see us. Nothing better than freshly baked scones so they a very welcome too, be nice with a cup / mug of tea. Sandra will be thrilled to see you too. Always nice with more friends and if we are lucky ,we might meet you in the flesh so to say hihi , one day.
      Do pop in when you can and tell us what you been up too with job, family and your craft of course ( i'm the nosy one tihi) hugs Maria xx

    9. Hello Anne, so pleased you stop by, I do hope you will return again soon. If I remember correctly you live in - Oh it's late the name won't come to me - it begins with a G and it's in Scotland. OH is asleep so can't ask him, we have stayed there, no clues I'll get back with it tomorrow ANYWAY welcome to the best cafe ever.

  27. Anne you are very welcome, so glad you have come off the wall by yourself and didn't fall off like Margaret the other day ( joking she didn't fall) you would have to read yesterdays comments to understand. Lots of Scottish used in here as there is few of us. Your scones would be well received in here. So please come in when you can, you will always be made welcome. xxx

  28. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    This is my third attempt sorry to be late but I have been busy getting Izzy bags made and everything cut for our grandson to make his cards for school including a little die cut saying 'made especially for you' and he signs them so all finished and are in cello bags and tied with ribbon so he is one happy bunny.
    Last night I had to write a letter of complaint to the partners of our vet's making them aware of the dreadful treatment our corgis received at their grooming parlour. We took them as usual for their monthly shampoo and groom just after 9am and expected them home for lunchtime by 2.30pm still no word saying they were ready so we rang only to be told to collect them at 4pm. During that time they had not been given any water or taken out to have a wee, they were still wet and looked dreadful as though they had been dragged through a hedge backwards! On arriving home they ran to their water dishes and emptied them, then ran outside and had a wee for England. We had to groom them when they eventually dried. We have never had any problems before but the girl who has looked after them usually has left. We took our letter to the vet's and seen our usual vet who was shocked when we told her and has kindly promised all the partners will see our letter. we will await their response! Sorry folks my rant is over.
    Janet your card is so very beautiful, elegant and with wonderful colours and fantastic composition of your dies, thank you so much for letting us see your work of art. Thank you to you too Sandra what would we do without you?
    Brenda just like you I too would like more hours in the day or do you think we should invest in a skate board, what do you think?
    Well the news is almost over and my bed is calling so ladies I will wish you sweet dreams, good night and God bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret your poor dogs! I expect you paid a fortune for that too. I remember you saying the usual girl had left, I hope they get more efficient staff soon. Is it associated to the vets or do they recommend it or advertise it for their clients? Sleep well xxx

    2. Oh Margaret, how awful! Poor dogs and poor you worried like that!
      Please, though Margaret , no Skateboards!! You've already got one foot in plaster. Good gracious! Xx

    3. Margaret, to right of you to complain! The dogs not getting water or out for a wee, is so cruel for a start, let alone they weren't groomed properly? No you have every right to rant. I hope your vets are going to put things right very quickly. xxx

    4. Margaret, that is just awful. I do hope you will be reimbursed, I know that is not the issue, hopefully next time they will be properly looked after.
      Please don't get on a skateboard you have enough injuries to contend with!
      Night and God bless
      Saba xxx

    5. Oh Margaret your poor corgi's, I hope they are alright and not have anything troubling them later. Make sure you get the money back as they were not looked after right xxx

  29. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies including the lovely Anne who has just popped in to have a cuppa with us.
    Gosh what a busy day today, I've made two retirement cards with boxes and lots of flowers and they have been given to my friend to take into school. Hopefully they will be suitable. I finished them at 5.45 and my friend came round at 6 so finished just in time! We then went over to school together to watch the KS2 production which was fabulous. The class I worked with for 5 years are now in year 6 and will be leaving next week so I just had to go and watch their show. It was so good, they have got lovely voices and it was a hoot too, Aladin complete with one of the boys as widow twanky! I'm going to pop over for their leavers assembly next week, there's usually not a dry eye in the house - I've already made a pact with one of the LSA s who has been with that class all the time that we are going to sit together and share a box of tissues!
    Right I'm just going back to find out what was going on last night because I seem to have missed out. May pop back in a minute. See you soon xxx

    1. Diane, it must be so emotional seeing them go when you have nurtured them and watched them grow. Out teachers and their assistants do such a brilliant job. When Oliver started school last year he was four years old and one week and Joanne was so worried about him, who would help him with his shoes?, who would wipe his nose? or see he got dressed after PE and all the little things he still needed doing for him. One year on she is so grateful for the care he has received. Our teachers and assistants do a brilliant job.

    2. Note to self, re read text before publishing to avoid repetitions.

  30. Just popped in to see what you guys have been getting up to. Elaine has just gone, I will be off to bed in a mo!!
    ANNE:- welcome to the "mad house" all extremely friendly but a wee bit mad.
    So glad you have come over the threshold rather than looking through the window.
    Goodnight God Bless, see you all in the morning. xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia xxx

    2. Night, night Myra see you in the morning. xxx

  31. SABA:- No word from you, looks like you have been a bit more than just a "wee bit squiffy" hope the bike managed to get you home ok. xxx

    1. I'm here. Actually, unfortunately, I am not in the least bit squiffy. Only had one glass of beer, however I am attempting to rectify that and have opened a bottle of wine.
      Night God bless love xxxx

    2. Did you have a nice evening out? I asked above but then we end up going up and down like yo yo 's xx

  32. Well this is my third attempt. Took tired to type the whole lot again so I will just say JANET I love your card today. The colours are wonderful as is the whole card. Fell asleep watching the news. Wanted to watch Motorway Cops But too tired so it is being videoed. Will watch it I the next couple of days. Night everyone.

    1. Night Night Brenda. I take it you've had a busy day. Sleep well, God Bless. Xxx

    2. See you tomorrow Littlelamb, sleep well xxx

  33. Replies
    1. Mee e ! And I think Saba and possibly Hazel. Did you see we had a visitor who plans to pop in again soon! Xxx

    2. Yes I'm here too. And Myra, I do know how to spell receipe. Its the I before e rule. Anne is going to think I am a dunce now!!
      Actually I can't even blame that blinking spell checker, I always confuse recipe and receipt despite the rule!
      I'm sober as a judge more is the pity.

    3. I'm just cheeky, but you know that already! Did you have anything nice to eat? Xx

    4. Oh, Barbara, I'm sitting here laughing my head off !
      Do I detect a certain dissatisfaction with your evening out . Or are you just being economical with words. Xxx

    5. Saba I think your problem is you are still worrying about your Peter finding the receipt for your posh handbag! Don't drink all the bottle or you may just let the cat out of the bag! xx

    6. Oh No! Jess keeps wee Henry in a cupboard and now Saba's got a cat in a bag! Xx

    7. You hit the nail on the head. We didn't end up at the Krakauer Turm restaurant, it was packed so we went to a beer garden in a park and apart from the menu which was, well, basically sausages, the wasps were out in force followed very swiftly as the sun went down by the mozzies and to add insult to injury there were two rather large dogs near our bench ( no comfy seats) having noisy interactions with each other much to the amusement of their owners. One looked like a Doberman and the other an Alsatian.Now I don't know what will come out of all their fun but I think they will be called Dobersations or Alsatimans. Either way it was not pleasant.

    8. Ugh! Yuck! Not nice at all. Sorry about that. Not quite the evening out you were looking forward to.
      Sending you a hug too! Xxx

    9. Bless you Saba, not the night you were promised .Lol sorry could not help it. Have a good night with your bottle of wine. Red or White today ?

    10. Thank you Maria. It's white. And it it is rather nice. Hope your tummy is settling down and you are managing to eat something.

  34. Good evening Sandra & ladies welcome Anne lovely seeing you in the café.
    Sorry so late I have been over my friends had a die cutting day with her enormous amount of die's. Then went out for dinner her OH & me it was my birthday meal which we didn't get as Annie was unwell.So was over dew it was home t 10.45 now OH is snoring. Taken me ages reading all the posts.
    JANET your card is gorgeous love the colours & layout & I have stollen your beautiful butterfly haha MARIA & MYRA did worn you I would, a very pretty card.
    HAZEL you was quick doing the one die Christmas card challenge I thought it was the card without a die challenge was first ? Will try over weekend Must get wedding card done first .pluss my Son's birthday card .
    Tomorrow having Annie fur cut & looking after a Scottie dog for a couple of days.
    Well waking up OH as his snoring is sooooo loud & telling him to go bed now.
    Good night God bless xx

    1. Lynda are you going to bed already? The night is yet young.
      Just knew you would want that butterfly. Glad you had a good evening.
      Night God bless. XXXX

    2. What did you get to eat Lynda? Has your friend got the new Todo yet?
      Sandra xxxx

    3. I know it, it wouldn't take long before it was missing hihi but I hope you 'stole it ,stollen is something we like around x-mas , you are so funny . Good you had a nice day and hope you have a good night. Are you posting anything soon on your side ? hugs xxx

  35. Yes Sandra we have had a new visitor called Anne and Myra told her we are all mad, so remember if ever you need a job reference don't ask her! xx

    1. You were the one who was at the Vet yesterday!! Ok apart from your ruffled tail feathers. I think Anne knows we're a wee bit daft! Xxx

    2. Myra would put it in a very posh way though!
      I have been a VERY silly girl today and I am paying the price bigtime!

    3. Sandra, What have you done?

    4. What is wrong love? Xx

    5. I have a lovely friend called Robyn that lives at the end of my garden (she actually does).!
      Her husband is away at the moment so she asked me to accompany her to Ikea, I first enquired whether they had wheelchairs to use ( as mine won't fit in her car, they said yes so off we set for Bristol, we arrived, I used my crutches to get inside the store to collect wheelchair, except, there were NONE, we asked, but no, so now was my dilemma, what do I do? So I start well we will walk for a but and then have another check for wheelchairs, but no still none, I ended up all but hanging off of a back of a trolley for support, I felt terrible for Robyn as she had driven all the way there to get some shopping, with many, many stops and a coffee break, 3 hours later we made it to the end, queued at the till, I was looking around assessing the queue lengths and what to you think I spotted??? 5 wheelchairs, all chained up at the exit, behind the tills, I actually shed a tear, I can't remember being in this much pain, ever, I shall be emailing Ikea tomorrow to let then know my feelings!!!!

    6. Oh Sandra, That is absolutely awful! What a shame. No wonder you shed a tear! I'd have been furious. I hope IKEA are ashamed of themselves. Someone is responsible for that fiasco. Trust you to be more concerned about your friend. That's just typical of you. I do hope you don't suffer too much. Oh Sandra I wish I could give you a real hug ! So very sorry. Love Myra xxx

    7. I think tomorrow will be mostly spent Horizontal, as I cannot put one foot in front of the other right now, my hip is going out more than it's in, bloody thing goes out more than I do!!!
      I felt terrible for Robyn because she kept apologising, it wasn't her fault and I didn't want to spoil her trip, I stayed composed for the first ten minutes but by then I couldn't bare the pain, I think I may have tried every sofa in ikea!

    8. Oh Sandra, it's just awful! You will need to rest tomorrow and I just hope you are not in too much pain. I hope you will be able to sleep tonight! Xxx

    9. Thank you Myra, my lovely, I have had to double my dose of morphine tonight, fingers crossed!

    10. Sandra, how annoying and upsetting when they had told there would be chairs available. I can understand you not wanting to disappoint your friend, so you weren't being silly, but I am sorry you are suffering now. Hope you can get adequate pain relief to help you through the night.
      Love and big hugs xxxx

    11. I'm going to bed now everyone as I've to be up early in the morning - Myra early - that is! Sleep well, everyone, especially Sandra.
      Night Night God Bless,
      Myra xxxx

  36. Oh Sandra what have you been doing come on do tell, we will never sleep otherwise. xx

  37. Oh Sandra, what an awful thing to have happened. I hope you will be able to sleep tonight. Do take care honey. Sending gentle hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Ouch Sandra, you should have stayed in the coffee bar while your friend went around, you know that .Your poor hip and everything else will hurt by tomorrow, oops it's Friday girls. Will you contact Ikea and tell them what happened, such a shameful thing if they had wheelchairs standing there and no one was using them. Grrrr I'm so cross for you. Please don't cry anymore, sending you many 'gentle' hugs xxx
