
Friday 17 July 2015

Gorgeous Gift From Michele xx

 Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Well at last I can share with you this gorgeous gift from Michele, 'Just Because' card are simply  the
best cards to receive,  Michele wrote some beautiful words in the card, that really touched my heart,
the cards that I have received over the past couple of weeks have really reassured me of how much you all enjoy the blog and how much it means to you all, it just feels like we are all surrounded by a
loving, caring, family.
Seeing how much you all rally around each other at times of loss and sadness really shows how strong the friendships between you all have grown over the past few months, its so amazing that it has all taken place right here.
You really are the most amazing bunch of friends!!
Now onto Michele's fantastic card, I have no idea what selection of dies or papers you have used
on this card Michele but I absolutely love it.
Pat and Sue are desperate to know what you have used to make the flower in the centre of the card, its beautiful, I love all the detail in the card right down to the dotty card candi on the corners.
Thank you so very much Michele, I absolutely love the card xxxxx
It was so lovely to read that we had a new visitor yesterday, welcome Ann, it is so lovely to have you stop by, please pop in whenever you are passing, you will not meet a friendlier bunch of ladies xxx
I had a day out with a friend to Ikea yesterday, needless to say that today I will not be going far
from my bed today.
Apart that is from tonight when I get to go to the end of term Concert where the Orchestra Perform,
so I get to see what Lucy has been practising for all week.
We went to pick her up last night, lets just say that she was pleased to be home and Soph was very pleased to have her home, although we have one very tired little girl !!
Catch up with you all later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all my Coffee Shop Friends. Hope you are all TicketyBoo and ready for today and the weekend ahead.
    MICHELE:- wow! oh! wow!!! that is one stunningly beautiful card. Love everything about it, Sandra you are one very lucky young lady to have received it. Glad Lucy is home, bet your girls slept well last night.
    Well what can I say about our weather today??? I have a very large driveway and wow!! it looks like a swimming pool.. Thank goodness we have steps up to the front and back doors or it would be lapping in.
    I was to be meeting Hazel, think that might have to be canceled. The roads both of us would be using I am sure some will be badly flooded. Oh! My! Goodness I feel so sorry for these Golfers at St Andrews.
    Everything looking good, we needed these pretty flowers on the table to brighten things up.
    Oh! By the way, we had someone come in over the door yesterday how great was that?? Her name is Anne, I do hope she calls in again today. Good to see someone coming in rather than just looking in the window then passing the door.
    Anne you are so welcome, we are all a little bit on the crazy side but all great friends who support each other so well.
    Right I better go get some "house" things done just in case Hazel and I do manage to get together.
    Basket of hugs by the door as usual.
    I am over at the table by the window enjoying my Tea & Toast. Please join me if you have time.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Well, as predicted my body protests and I'd refusing to let me sit, let alone stand, even my ankles are agony today, hips and knees are just to sore to find words for, the frustration was that we had driven 60 miles to get there, it's not like it's around the corner and you can pop home for wheelchair, I felt a right burden! But never mind, that's life !
      The care is looking very pretty, thanks for your trouble.
      I was so pleased to See that Ann called in yesterday, I hope she comes back, it's lovely to have someone new join us xxxx
      Right I am going to start a very slow walk to the loo wish me luck xxx

    2. Hi Patricia, After reading this earlier I had a look on the BBC website! Oops lots of rain in St Andrews! Looking a bit better now but very windy and dark clouds. Will get all the news about it on Saturday night. Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as am a bit behind. Will pop back in later with some details of the dies I used-am pretty sure the flower one is a Memory Box die.

    Am calling at my mad friends (cluttered house/car bump) with her birthday present & card after wiryand also have to pop into Argos for something hubby requires.

    He's in Glasgow (left yesterday) and is going on to St Andrews to watch the golf-weather permitting! Then he's home on Sunday.


    1. Hi Michele, I hope you have a better day today, did you get work sorted out?
      Sounds like you will be ready for a sit down when you get in tonight, it's sounds like you should be buying him some wellies and a brolly, or maybe some chest waders, Hazel and Patricia are trading their cars in for a boat the weather is that bad!
      Cheryl guessed your die, she said it was the Memory Box Whimsy die.
      I hope you gave time to call in later xxx

    2. MICHELE:- hope you had a better day today.
      Hope hubby did not get too wet xxx

  3. SANDRA:- sending you a BIG basket of (((((hugs))))). I have just read last nights comments.
    How bl....y!! annoying, I would be shouting as loud as possible to the IKEA in question, that is utterly shocking, I would also be contacting your local Newspaper to bring this to the notice of others. How many people have had the same experience.
    I hope you will manage to get some relief from pain today. xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today.
    Michele, your card is stunning, love your design. Sandra how lucky are you to receive it.
    As for your trip to Ikea, I would be going to the very top to complain!!! That was disgraceful, they told you they had the wheelchair what they didn't tell you they obviously don't like them being used. They need named and shamed. I hope they deal with it properly and give you the biggest if apology. I have said to Patricia I have never seen anyone in a wheelchair when I have been in the Edinburgh one,,yet you see millions of prams and these little children's trolleys.
    No you go right to the top. Also to the Bristol newspaper.
    Anne, if you come in today,you will see we allow the use of the soap box in the corner to any who need to rant, it's great as it helps you get it out and not bottle it all up.
    Well Patricia and I won't be meeting, no way!!! The roads will be so flooded it will be to dangerous.
    Lynda, I made the card with one die first, I won't have the use of my G.C for when visitors are here, I will see what I have stamp or embellishment wise for the one with no dies. Lucky you getting to die cut your friends dies that she has bought.
    Sheila, I hope you are having a lovely time.
    Cheryl, has been in this week I hope she is ok, and just so busy wrapping all her candle cups, I hope the weather will be kind and stay dry and sunny for the day.
    Maureen, sending you (((((( hugs))))))
    Right off to get myself a cup of tea and some toast. xxx

    1. Hazel, just watched the lunch time News and saw the chaos the floods caused . Wow that was a lot of rain in a very short time.
      The Weather Man then said there was a family of Lows - as in Low Pressure heading towards Britain! Happy days. Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and coffee shop crew,
    Wow Michele your card is stunning, love the die you have used for the flower, certainly makes a statement.
    After reading Patricia's and Hazels comments I'm not surprised about the flooding, we had the most torrential rain here last night over Central Scotland, I bet a few roads are flooded. Hope it stays off for the golf today.
    Janet was saying on Sues blog how hot it was in Burgandy so I kindly offered her an exchange of weather!!!
    Sandra I bet the girls were glad to see each other.
    Off to read over last nights comments to find out what happened to Sandra at IKEA., and also,to say Welcome to Anne, lovely to see you.
    Coffee finished, will pop back later.
    Take care hugs (((((0)))))to all.

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry not been in, these pesky candles have taken me a g e s to wrap due to my fingers being on strike, 70 finished and now I'm down to the last 9 today.
    Hazel a tip for you (and everyone else who like me, struggles with the cello), after you bunch up the cellophane USE A PEG. This gave me a chance to get the ribbon and twines around it to do the tying up.

    Michele's card is a wonderful gift to receive, so pretty and colourful.
    Is the centre flower, Whimsy Circle by Memory Box? I bought this die when it came out in 2011.

    Well, it's rather damp today, just had a large downfall. Was hoping to get in the garden today and do some washing also. Yesterday was gorgeously sunny and warm, just the right kind of weather for the guys rendering the back of my house. Unfortunately couldn't get out because of the mess.
    Just looked at the time and must get a move on, my friend Judy comes so early for a cuppa and chat. I keep saying, 'I'm not human until 11 o'clock' I do take rather a long time before I feel up to receiving guests. I like to get emails, family matters etc done each morning before receiving guests.

    Welcome to Ann, it's so lovely to finally meet you in the café. It does help if you're slightly bonkers, have a GSOH and not calorie conscious. You are sure to become one of the 'family'

    Love 7 hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Sandra, just read your comments re Ikea from last night. Bristol is only an hour's drive from me, I could have met you yesterday and sorted out the wheelchair for you. How you were treated was disgraceful. Post it on Facebook, that will generate a lot of replies, also on their FB page. They don't like adverse PR.
      Hope your hip will improve as the day goes by. xxx

    2. Cheryl thank you for that tip. I will use that one. xxx

    3. Cheryl what a great tip I had to wrap three Izzy bags last night for my grandson to take into school and oh boy I could have used that tip last night! I do hope the weather improves for your sale hope you have a sell out but please when you have your stall all set up do take a picture for us all to see I am dying to know how it looks being nosey, good luck have a good day.

    4. I'm with Margaret, Again! I'm nosey too and would love to see your Stall, Cheryl. I hope you sell everything! Xxx

    5. PS! You see we can't be ducks on the wall as you are going to be outdoors! Xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl
      I wish you all the luck in the world tomorrow with your stall, I hope you have a sell out and the weather is sunny. Myra how about being a duck on a village pond - just watch out though in case they have a hook a duck there and you get muddled up! Xxxx

    7. Good one Diane, we don't want Myra getting hooked. xxx

    8. Hi Cheryl,,
      wish you a perfect day tomorrow and hope there is a good turn out so you sell plenty. Could we be duck a l'roof , maybe we can see better from higher up xxx

    9. Hi Cheryl
      I hope the weather stays fine fir your sale tomorrow. Would love to see a picture of your stall and I hope you sell out and make lots of money,

    10. As long as I don't finish up as Duck a L'Orange!! Xx
      My future would certainly not be bright! X

    11. Cheryl honey, wishing you the best of luck for your church sale. Hope and pray for good weather, ALSO lots of customers LOL xx

    12. Afternoon Cheryl - sending you loads and loads of luck and hugs for tomorrow's big sale. I really know you don't need them but they always come in handy don't they? Have also sent a request upstairs for good weather for you.

    13. CHERYL:- sending you "good luck" for tomorrow.
      Hope you do really well. Anything left can be used for another sale later in the year. xxx

    14. CHERYL. Wishing you Good Luck tomorrow. Hope you manage yo sell a lot of things.

  7. Hi again, just read last nights comments, how awful for you Sandra at IKEA, they are supposed to be family friendly, I would certainly complain why the wheelchairs were at the check out instead of the entrance in the first place!!,
    Patricia we had quite a nice day here yesterday, no rain but cloudy sunny, cold wind. I think the Ochil Hills kind of protect us as we are in a hollow across the central belt.
    Great news Hazel about the Stampin Up demo, well done, thanks for all your hard work, will we have to pay something towards it.
    Catch up later, xxxx

  8. Ladies there won't be a charge for the " stamping Up" demo. We have paid out enough for the room hire.
    Sandra, I hope the girls are happy now. And pkease rest so you can go to the concert tonight. xxx

  9. Sandra, when you complain to IKEA let them know the pain you are in today and that you are unable today to do anything but stay in bed, all because there lack of thought to make those wheelchairs available. xxx

    1. Good Morning Hazel,
      I will be giving them what for, after the pain I am in today, I can tell you!
      I have just managed to get myself upright and sit on the edge of the bed, the girls have a half day today as it's their last day of term, I don't want them coming home to me still in my bed, so I am going to attempt to get dressed, (paul usually assists me on days like this) I may have to go "commando" today as knickers are too tricky when I am this stiff !
      So I hope that breeze dies down!!
      You ladies are so amazing, you cheer me up every day!
      Well done on sorting the Stamping up demo, that's fantastic Hazel xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Sandra that must have been sheer B----y H--l for you I know just what it is like, do see what Cheryl has suggested about Facebook they deserve to be named and shamed. Also do have a look on IKEA site to see if they have a mission statement quite often they do and you may just find you can quote it back to them that they have failed utterly, these big companies don't like that!
    I also would contact the local paper in the hope of getting them so bad publicity too as their lack of care is an utter disgrace, you go for it girl what have you to loose?
    How very kind and thoughtful of Michele to send you such a beautiful and interesting card so different and so very lovely.
    Well we have no floods but it has been very wet although the rain has now cleared but still looking as though it could start again, if only it would go to France for Janet! I wonder what super cakes she will be getting today as it's Friday, tissues at the ready girls to catch your dribbles when Janet describes them !
    I will be back later a visitor has just popped in
    Love and hugs
    Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    So sorry you are in such pain! No wonder after that awful experience. I hope you are able to go to the Concert tonight and that you are well enough to enjoy it. Sending hugs to you. Xx
    What a lovely card from Michele. People are so kind on this blog. Kindness breeds kindness as a general rule!
    Was lovely to see Anne last night. Hope you aren't flooded Anne although you are further north.
    We have only had a light shower about 9am this morning but it didn't come to much and it's quite bright now. Also quite muggy.
    Janet - hope you get our Friday shopping done before it's too hot!
    I made such a mess last night with die cuts! I've been tidying up this morning and Oreck has been very busy! I keep him in the cupboard under the stairs too!
    Hope everyone has a reasonably good day.
    Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
    Special hugs for Maureen,
    Love to all Friends,
    Myra xxx

    1. I think Henry and Oreck are brothers, both like to live under stairs!

    2. Jess, I agree - as I got Oreck out I thought of wee Henry! Xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well I am being lazy today, I started a new book this morning and got a bit carried away, then decided to gave a bath instead of a shower for a treat so it's taken me ages to get up today! I've got to pick up a cake tin and go to see Mr Sainsburys too so I need to get a move on ( must get a note to you too Sandra, sorry this week has flown by and I'm all behind!) .
    Michele your card is lovely, the flower die is really pretty and delicate. Hope you have a better day today xxx
    Sandra poor you and how dreadful of ikea, must admit I don't think I've seen anyone in a wheelchair in the southampton one either but lots of pushchairs and children running riot! We used to use the Bristol one too before we got ours. How lovely to gave the girls back together again, I should think there were tears last night and sore throats from the chatting. Enjoy the concert tonight and mat the breeze in Oxfordshire be light! Xxx
    Oh I must tell you a couple of stories ladies. Before I went on holiday I ordered the Stix2 member gift from C&C for £2.99. I needed some more tape and it was a bargain. When I got home there was a huge package for me ( I'd ordered the tape hoping it would arrive before I went or would easily fit through the letterbox so was rather surprised by the large package. When I opened it, it wax a full hunkydory Christmas kit! I checked the delivery note which says stix2 tape set but the content is not that. When I looked it up on the website it's worth nearly £40! I've only been charged £2.99 so I will bring it with me to the retreat so we can play or share it out or use it as a prize. (Just remind me nearer the time!).
    The other story is a Florida one that will make you laugh and probably send Janet to book her ticket there! (Hazel and Patricia mat be feeling this!). We had a trip to Animal Kingdom which was lovely but it was increadibly hot and humid that day. Julian had used our fast track tickets to book a river raft ride which we all thought we would enjoy. Our ticket was for the afternoon and by this stage the thought of bobbing along a river with some splashes of water was very welcome. Pew joined the ride with 2 other families who were commenting on the Go Pro (small waterproof video camera) that Julian had on his wrist filming the ride. We were all chatting and laughing and we were all teasing eachother about who would go backwards and get the wettest. Well we bobbed around, laughed at those that go splashed or squirted then we came to the rather larger drop. Well it turned out Emma and I went down backwards and Julian has a lovely film of the wave curving over us and covering us both and the lady next to us in a wall of water! We were wet all the way through! The water was warm and the weather was very warm so it was refreshing but we did walk around for about an hour as though we had wet ourselves. Our faces were a picture but oh boy did we all laugh...... And it's on film too! Julian was just a little damp around the feet! Haha.
    Well I really must get a wriggle on and stop sitting here chatting to you all.
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane, I love it hihi I can see the film in my head with you girls walking around with wet clothes and the knickers ooooh dear and we might have Sandra walking commando today so no knickers while some of the others have two or three on because of Bugs !! Yes welcome Anne to the madhouse hihi ! Hope you have a good day. xxx

    2. Oh Diane, how funny! So oo pleased you could see the funny side! I'm sure your faces were a picture! Xxx

    3. Diane, you have cheered me up no end. More adventures please.

    4. Diane, you just reminded me of a day out to Thorpe Park with our daughters, and grandchildren. I sat at the back on the water ride. When we all got off they asked why was my hair still dry? It wasn't until they say the picture that is taken on the way down .......... I had loosely slipped a carrier bag over my head !!!

    5. Brenda love, you are a tonic.

    6. Oh Brenda! You're brave - I wouldn't have been on it in the first place - if I had - definitely need to protect hair. Xx

    7. Afternoon Diane - loved your stories - and yes please at the moment any water would be more than welcome - well any other than the pool I'm sat in whilst typing this!! My own sweat.

    8. Oh Janet if only we could send you all the rain we have had overnight and this morning, we would. I think the golfers at St Andrews, would love you to have it too. Hazel x

    9. Diane, great story, love it, certainly raised a smile.
      Janet, you can have our rain. It has caused terrible destruction 3 miles up the road form us.
      Hope it cools down soon xxx

    10. Diane, this has reminded me of when we went to
      Florida, we were on Rip Saw Falls, and got totally soaked Ronnie was sitting in the front of the log and the only thing that was dry were his feet, we had taken dry clothes with us and left them in a locker, we walked or squelched our way back to get changed, but we were not the only ones who got soaked, it made us all laugh as we trudged along, didn't put us off though, brilliant day!!,

    11. Glad I raised some smiles and bought back memories! Brenda what are you like! Putting a carrier bag over your hair - sounds like my friend Jane who always has perfect hair! We also went on big splash mountain on the first day first ride, didn't get so wet on that (50 foot drop!) but my husband lost his expensive hat (a Tilly hat which is supposed to survive being eaten by an elephant but doesn't survive ride mechanism!). He was most upset and bought himself a grumpy hat instead. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    I see we had a visitor yesterday. Welcome Ann to our slightly mad crowd. A nicer lot if ladies you couldn't wish to meet. I do hope we see you again. I'll look back at tomorrow's saga Sandra with IKEA. I hope you give them hell anyway. Shame about the floods Patricua and Hazel. I wonder if you could borrow Saba's boat. I'll be looking at the golf after Bargain Hunt. Pete likes to see this programme while we're having lunch.
    Michele I adored the card Sandra is showing today. The middle bit is lovely. Bith Sue and I fell in love with it. Hope you managed to sort work out. Hope you gave a fantastic sale Cheryl tomorrow, Love your story about America Diane, bet you didn't think you'd get that wet did you?. Must hi now as the battery on my iPad is running out.

  14. Hi Sandra and anyone visiting here today,
    Tea and a scone I think to slow down the sugar rush I got after going back more then once I'm afraid to say for that fantastic tasting cheese cake hihi
    Something else in here is the fantastic looking card you so nicely received from Michele. I like the flower made on the front and you just reminded me of some card candi I got somewhere.
    One x-mas card made with 1 die only and another one with no die cut at all .Oh boy, no pressure there then tihi I have just finished one card and it 'only' took me six days to do. I hope I'm a bit quicker tomorrow or I just will have to cut the bits out and finished them up at home hihi. We have today a very muggy day so went into town early for some shopping and haircut. OMG next time I will take the bus if the OH is going to be so grumpy if I like to look in some shops while there. Just had a blowout so can only scream, why do they change when they at last can retire ?
    You do have it bad up north with floods Patricia, have just seen on the news how it looks for the golf and in Marigny Janet is desperate for some rain.
    Got to go but will try to pop back ,Have a good afternoon and I hope you will manage to go for the concert later Sandra to see your girl play
    Love and hugs to all Maria xxx

  15. Well Ladies, I have never received such a lovely welcome before , never mind into a cafe, but of course this is not any cafe " it's a Sandra Cafe " !
    Thank you all so very much! I'm sorry I didn't get in with the scones this morning but the BT man came to fix our broadband ( I have had such problems for weeks if not months) just after 8am. the one morning we were still in bed, we have had two lots of visitors in the last two weeks , one lot left on Sunday and the others arrived Monday/Thursday so we were knackered! also must get the recipe for lemonade scones ( Saba suggested) that's a new one for me, by the way I also have a problem with a few words ( there's a shop in Glasgow called " Fired Earth" I used to pass it every day but it always read Fried Earth to me)
    So I have spent lots of time today on Pinterest moving cards from photo stream .
    Sorry to read about the awful time you experienced in IKEA , Sandra, I agree with the others you should let it be known in no uncertain terms, but I hope you feel better soon.
    Michele your card is wonderful, I love all the details.
    Myra, we did have quite a wild night ( weather wise) but we have had a sunny /windy morning, so we're lucky compared to Central Scotland.
    Sorry for such a long ramble, but trying to get it all in!

    1. Hi Anne,
      Good to see you. Sorry about the weather but at least it's better just now. When I spoke to my son ( the one at The Open) I asked him if he was prepared for rain. The answer I got was - Mum , it can't be any worse than that holiday in Mull . Very true - it rained from we left Oban until we returned to Oban a week later! I was sick of playing Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly! Xxx

    2. When our children were young we spent two weeks in my aunts caravan (She was a postmistress in Dervaig in Mull ) and it never stopped raining , the children though had a great time playing in a burn with their wellies on !

    3. Lovely to see you again Anne, glad to hear you didn't have such bad weather. The last few times we've been to Scotland the weather has actually been quite warm but I do know how cold it can be.... And wet!
      I like fried earth, yep I'm the same, you glance at something and read it quickly then stop and think and have a little chuckle to yourself! Hope your internet connection is ok now xxx

    4. Anne, I found the lemonade scones on a web site called
      Sadly I don't have any lemonade, wonder if it would work with tonic water? Might even be able to slip in a bit of Gin! Mmmmmm

    5. Hello Anne, Welcome back to this fantastic coffee shop, don't you just love the cakes and pastries...... Not a calorie in any of them!!!!!
      Hope your weather improves. These days when I watch the weather forecast, I think of Patricia, Hazel and our othe ladies north of the border and wish they could all have a bit more sunshine. xxx

    6. Afternoon Anne - It's so nice to see a new face in this fantastic Café. Yes we're all on the crazy side but you will not meet a nicer bunch of ladies (and I use that term loosely) now now ladies Anne is new and she needs to be introduced gentley lol. If you read below you'll see my adventure for today. Hope to see you tomorrow and many more of them.

    7. Hi Ann
      It's lovely to see you again, so to speak. You ramble as much as you like. We all do a bit of that in the cafe. Sometimes we don't make sense due predictive text, or just how are brains work. But it all adds to the fun.

    8. Saba! Don't you go falling into the gin trap! Xxx

    9. Well since we get whisky flavoured marmalade, gin & tonic scones sound feasible , had to redo that sentence but maybe I should have left it gin&atomic scones lol!
      I do have a sweet tooth and these calorie free cakes are just perfect!

    10. ANNE:- glad to see you in again today. Obviously our "friendly" madness has not put you off. A nicer bunch you will never get. xxx

    11. That's the thing Anne, you can have any amount and not put any weight on, will have to try those lemonade scones? I have heard of folk using cola in there chocolate cake mix. And if you don't try you will never find out if it works or not. Glad your husband is doing ok. I take you have been watching the golf? As I am sure you play don't you? xxx

    12. Anne, they would suit my husband down to the ground. He works with
      Atoms. Xxxx

    13. Oh Hazel I made the chocolate cake with coke in it and another one with mayonnaise !both were lovely xxx

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and our lovely ladies and our paddling of ducks.
    Sandra, I hope your pain eases enough for you to go to the concert love, I'm still cross for you, in fact I feel another feather spitting bout coming on.
    Michele, I love your card, I have a very similar flower die which I haven't used for ages, so thank you for reminding me.
    Cheryl good luck for tomorrow we will all be cheering you on.
    Anne, I don't know where I saw the recipe for the lemonade scones, think it was bloglovin.
    Myra please notice my spelling has improved!! And I hope you spotted the collective noun.
    Deb, I got your message, please pop in and join us we are a friendly lot.
    I do hope our ladies North of the border are getting some better weather this afternoon.
    Patricia and Hazel Wise decision not to go out, maybe if you have to use a boat I could be your skipper.
    Maria, men and shopping just don't mix. Leave him at home to be grumpy on his own next time.
    Maureen most lovely lady we are thinking of you.
    Love and big hugs Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- really could have done with you and your boat today. Ooooppps!! forgot Hazel would still not have come out .... Hazel does not do boats!!. Sorry you will have thoughts after me using that phrase!! xxx

  17. Ooh! Collective Nouns! Never mind spitting feathers - you'll be splitting infinitives next! Is the handbag still in hiding? Xxx

    1. Myra, I love collective nouns.
      Whilst having my "sausage" last evening, I did mention the handbag and did slip in just how much money I had saved him. His friend then said:- Prada? And I said getting warm. He then said very good, and that if I had bought an inexpensive one, Peter would hardly have saved anything. I like his friend!!

    2. Ooh me too! That's a great quote - I'll remember that one! After all of you pay a little you can only save a little! That's my kind of logic. Xxx

    3. By the way, we were taught "to never split infinitives" and as you will no doubt see, I obviously wasn't paying attention during that lesson!!

    4. Oh Saba I like his friend too! I like Radley bags and unfortunately there's an outlet shop in Portsmouth where you can save a fortune, also an Osprey shop where you can save even more of a fortune. Julian and Emma laugh when I go in to give the bags a stroke so they don't get lonely, mind you Julian does it in the Bosse shop and Emma in the DM shop so I'm not the only one! Xxx

    5. YES what a great quote. Have filed it in the 'grey matter' for future reference. xxx

    6. Brenda , I filed it too! It's the retrieving it that proves my undoing! Xx

  18. Drum roll ........I have made a card without using a die cut, it looks ok, are we going to display them in the coffee shop? Just to tackle to Christmas card now, the problem is choosing which die cut to use, like everyone probably got too many. Xxx

  19. Well done you have to send it to Sandra. It is possible to do a card without one. Good luck with the Christmas one. xxx

    1. Hazel, are we allowed to use a punch?

    2. Hazel - has the Christmas one to be made using only one die? If so I've failed and will do another! Xxx

    3. Yes punch is allowed so are EB folders, oh Myra I can't remember but I think it was one die. Just do your card again but with just one of the dies. Then you have made two Christmas cards ready for when needed. xxx

    4. I've lost the plot a bit here (What's new)
      Are we all making two cards ?
      OR Is this just for the retreat?
      Do they both have to be Christmas cards?
      I have got it - that one card can have ONE die cut on it.
      Are stamps allowed?

      Please Someone,
      Anyone, sort this poor confused brain out !!!!! xxxx

    5. Stamps, embellishments EB folders allowed, but only one die on the Christmas card, and if you want make a card with no die cuts,,for any occasion, again you can stamp etc. not for the retreat just for fun and Sandra can show them on her blog, she needs things for when she is away.

    6. Thanks Hazel! Will do xx

    7. I better get a card made or I will be getting a telling off from Sis!!! xxx

  20. Hi To the lovely Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Oh I've truly missed each and everyone of you and although I've had a wonderful time with Marg and George.....have never laughed so much since I lost Clive (I do hope he doesn't mind, I know he would have had such a laugh too if he had been there with us...hope fully he was)....and eat!!! I'm sure I've eaten for Wales and we even stopped on the way home for a lovely will be cheese and crackers for tea tonight ....I'm stuffed!!!!! (and maybe a bar of chocolate!!)
    Anne a very warm welcome from me , so sorry I wasn't around when you paid your first visit......oh you will enjoy popping in to Sandra's wonderfully friendly cafe, they have been so very supportive of me and are the craziest bunch I know but so warm, kind and hope you visit often.
    Sandra I haven't read about Ikea will catch up later and I hope Lucy enjoyed her time away and I bet Sophie is over the moon to have her back.
    Michele your card is beautiful and I love that wonderful flower in the centre. It's so lovely that Sandra can share all of the crew's fabulous projects so that we can all see what we get up to.
    Maureen you're always in my thoughts and prayers and I hope things get a little better as time goes on.
    Well I must get on and sort a few emails out and ladies I haven't forgotten the Tattered lace Scene Stepper Card die cuts I promised's just that I wasn't expecting to got to Marg and George's after the three of us had taken Nikki out for a was a total surprise to me .....a very nice one it was too.
    Will try and get back later on if I don't fall asleep. Take care my lovely friends.
    Extra hugs in the basket and love to you all. Sheila xxxx

    1. Hi Sheila,
      Welcome home! I'm so pleased you've had a lovely time. It will have done you the world of good. Clive would be thrilled you are being looked after and learning gradually , not to forget, but to carry on. We've had out usual crazy goings on here but we've missed you! Xxx

    2. Sheila, Welcome Home. It is lovely to read what a lovely time you have had with Marg and George, I'm sure Clive is watching over you and enjoying all the laughter.
      Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  21. Sheila, oh you sound like you have had a fantastic time, it's all good medicine, and Clive will have been their with you and he will have been laughing too. Don't you worry about getting those die cuts done, you just get on and get things got yourself done. You can maybe join us making a card with just one die cut, you can use EB folders, punches and embellishments, but just one die cut. Then send a photo of it to Sandra. All fun. xxx

    1. Afternoon Sheila - so nice to see you back home and lovely to hear you had a wonderful time.
      See you tomorrow.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. SHEILA: great to see you, so glad you have been having fun.
      Clive will have been watching and loveing the fact you have been enjoying yourself. Don't you worry he will have been more than pleased, he was there with you. xxx

    3. Sheila welcome home, it's lovely to see you in the cafe again and to hear you had a wonderful time. Clive would have been delighted to know you have been enjoying yourself and not sat in a corner feeling sorry for yourself. He would have been chuckling along with you I'm sure. Xxx

  22. Afternoon everyone - well I started this somewhere around 14.00 our time but guess what yes the laptop shut down on me and as I'd been banished to the bedroom for the afternoon this is the first time I've got to the laptop to say happy Friday.
    Yes we went to Corbigny market even though we went to the big monthly one on Tuesday. It was busier than I thought and it was so hot even though we were down there before 10.00. Café was buzzin Mrs Gossip in full flow and her lovely little hubby just sat there in his flat cap smiling. Oh those are the times you just wish you could follow all the conversation and no just bits because of the swiftness of her speech and of course our French is OK but definitely not up to local standard. The gamblers were absent and now I come to think of it they have been for a few weeks - perhaps they have been banned!!
    We of course stopped at the cake shop on our way back to the car and this week Jim added the Olive stand onto the list. I'll let you know tomorrow how the cakes were and I'll take a picture although at the moment I cannot download them onto the new laptop because the software is in the UK but I'll let you have a feast when we get back.
    I'll also do a card without any die cuts and a Seasonal Card with just one but again please may I be excused sending them to Sandra until I get back for the same reason as the cakes. PLEASE.

    Sandra - IKEA they need to be named and shamed and at the highest level. Whatever happened to access for all and that includes wheelchairs!!!
    Have a really good time tonight at the concert and I know there'll be tears from you. I also know the girls are now happy happy and just because they are back together.
    Hazel I managed the two cushion covers. They are only the normal box ones and definitely could have been better but I'm blaming this blooming heat as trying to do anything is just horrible.
    The reason I was sent to the bedroom this afternoon was as a result of the heat this morning and swollen knees and ankles etc.
    As you see we are still waterless and once again up at 40c. We were supposed to have a thunderstorm today no rain but thunder and we are still waiting.

    OK I think it's time for an early evening drink so I'll see you all tomorrow with my report on the cakes. Have a good evening everyone.
    Hugs are on their way.

    1. Janet, you just send them to Sandra when you come back. It's a fun thing to make the old grey matter think differently. Xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra so sorry for the treatment you got at IKEA it is disgraceful, hope you manage to get to concert tonight. Pleased the girls are back together. Lots of hugs on way to you.
    Anne welcome to the cafe, I am also fairly new but have been made most welcome good to see you.
    Michelle your card is lovely, hope work has been easier today.
    Take care everyone hope to see Maureen with us soon sending special hugs to her.
    Love Margaret xx

  24. Ladies flowers can be used as long as they are not die cut, all those in your stash can be used, ribbon, buttons come on just think of all that stuff we have and it never see the light of day. Xxx

  25. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I have just lost a long post, I scrolled up the comments to look at Michelle's card again, my post has disappeared into cyberspace. To say I am spitting feathers would be an understatement.
    Sandra, so please Lucy is home, as I'm sure Sophie is too. I hope you are up to going to the concert tonight , and enjoy a lovely evening. The youngsters will be so proud to play in front of family and friends LOL
    I hope you have had a good rent at IKEA. I thought they prided themselves on staff training and keeping customers need. You were sorely let down on this occasion by IKEA . I hope you have managed to get about a little bit today, but please take it steady. I'm sure your friend will be feeling awful too, as it was her invite that got you there in the first place. Please take it easy over the weekend.

    Michele, I love the card you sent to Sandra. Not surprising that she was desperate to show it to everyone. It's georgeous.

    Well I am going to start dinner now. Wishing everyone a lovely evening, I will try to pop back at some point.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  26. Hi Sandra
    Not to sure I said this earlier. But I bet the girls were pleased they were back together, and I do hope you can get to the concert and that you have a lovely time.

  27. Sandra have lovely time at the concert, your heart will be bursting with pride.
    Patricia just watched the news, hope you are not one of the people who have no electricity. Put the fire on!!,

  28. All right, all right, I admit defeat.
    I read yesterday's posts, then read today's posts, started this about an hour ago (at least) and have forgotten most of it.
    Sandra, I'm so sorry to read about the terrible time at Ikea. Do whatever you can to raise this at the highest level and if you don't get any joy write and tell them you are contacting the papers - I bet that stirs them into action. Have a brilliant time at the Concert, and love to Sophie and Lucy now that they are back together.
    Anne, how lovely to see you, I do hope your husband is keeping well, and you will be pleased to know that I am one of the more "normal" ones who visit the Cafe!!!!
    Saba, have you tried laying your bag on the spare bed, with a scarf half draped over it. That way Peter will get used to seeing it before you actually use it. Oh that's no good, you've spilt the beans. Or is that split the beans with your infinitives? Knock, tap and Prost!!! Whenever I get new clothes, when I iron (oh you only iron tissue paper - do you steam or dry iron it because that's a new one to me) my washing and hang the clothes on clothes hangers to air, I slip the new garment in among them. I do that a few times and then when I eventually wear it George usually says "I always liked you in that", he's so predictable lol.
    Oh, I'm so sorry that I forgot to say that Janet's card yesterday, and Michele's today are beautiful. Both so different but both lovely.
    Now what's this about Christmas cards with die cuts and without die cuts, what have I missed?? You know you'll have to explain in words of one syllable with the necessary diagrams.
    Cheryl, thanks for your tip on the cup wrapping, I'm nearly ready to get some cello to start doing mine.
    Maria, I loved your story about your holiday.
    Brenda, I loved your story about the loose carrier bag. I always wear a paper bag over my head when I go out!
    Now who have I missed - no one important, only Hazel, Myra and Patricia. (Names alphabetically so as not to cause a fence, or offence if you prefer.
    Oh and there's Janet, Jess, Margaret , Margaret Corgi, Pat, Sheila and Sue and Norah who's not here at the moment.
    Thank you all again ladies for your love and support. I am feeling my old self today and I'm sure it has something to do with going into school and being with the children.
    I'll not go "missing" again without good reason.
    Be good, I'll be back later to check up on you.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Hellooooo you! It's no one important here! I just called in to say I'm going out! Will pop back later!
      So good to see you - back to normal? I'll reserve judgement on that until later!
      Lots of love Myraxxx

    2. Thank you Maureen, Iain was at the nurse yesterday and passed with flying colours!
      Anne xo

    3. MYRA:- I am not really sure if you are coming or going ..... !!! xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- great to hear you back with your usual banter.
      Glad your having a good day today (((hugs))) xxx

    5. Anne, don't believe a word Maureen says, she is as mad as a hatter.
      Maureen, you clever girl, I'll try that next time I buy something new. Mind you Peter wouldn't notice if I grew two heads!
      Lovely to "see you" xxxx

    6. Saba, my dear, Myra told me that you had (two heads). xxx

    7. John does not really notice many things.
      I always say if I ran round the garden with no clothes on he would shout "Patricia get in you'll catch a chill running about like that" honest!!! xxx

    8. Patricia, Run, run, wash your mouth out woman xxxx

    9. MAUREEN:- it's a bit cold and wet for running round the garden tonight. xxx

    10. Maureen , you're a little fibber! I didn't tell you Saba had two heads - if I did I asked you to keep it to yourself! Lol.
      No one important , Hazel , Myra, Patricia in alphabetical order!
      Why don't you shorten us to HMP - well maybe not! Xxx

    11. I used to have a dress shop and one customer after buying a dress would put a dry cleaners plastic bag over it and then she would walk into her house with it over her arm so her husband thought she had just got a dress back from there, that was the best one I came across,
      Maybe one for you to try Maureen?

    12. That's a good one Anne!
      The lengths some are prepared to go! I don't know.
      Was pleased to hear Ian is well. Xxx

    13. Maureen (also known as Muriel Anne just to confuse you!) can you help me off the fence please, you forgot me!
      Your little Dainty! Cxx

  29. Well folks, you'll probably not see it in News Broadcasts. A small village 3 miles up the road from us has been devastated by flooding.
    Just been watching the results. OMG!! dozens of houses, businesses and cars have been totally destroyed. Luckily no one has been fatally injured so that's good news.
    Our Farmer neighbour called in to tell us that the road out of our village was blocked.
    Hazel and I made the right decision not to meet up. The rain did go off but the roads are still in a terrible mess.
    I kept myself busy making a couple of boxes using the new DieSire Dies from Crafters Companion. I made some flowers last night, I used them to decorate one of the boxes.
    Hope you are all safe and well xxx

    1. Oh Patricia, I'm sorry to read that. I hope you are ok where you are.

    2. We are fine, the entrance to our drive was badly flooded this morning. we have a wry big approach at the front of the drive, a good distance from the house so no worries.
      We are safe enough, its all these poor people just up the road a few miles that I feel so sorry for. xxx

  30. Firstly my sisters beautiful boxes won't meet the criteria for only using one die cut, but they are stunning. Maureen so glad you are feeling more. Like your old self! Just for fun it a wee bit of a challenge to make a card with no die cuts, you can use anything else, think of all that stash that you don't use, the other one was to make a Christmas card with only one die cut on it, if you do make them send photo to Sandra so she can use them for the blog while she is away.
    Myra enjoy your evening, I hope it's better than poor Sabas night last night!
    Michele, I can't see your husband going to the golf, I will be surprised if they play tomorrow, the wind is getting up already. I can see we are in for a wild night again. xxx

    1. Hazel - Patricia is so clever it makes me want to spit some of Saba's feathers, I can imagine just how beautiful her boxes are grrrrr!!!!
      By the way, do both cards have to be Christmas?
      I hope you aren't suffering with the awful weather up there. It's been windy here today but nice and sunny.
      Oh did you see that I went on Sue's blog today and instead of saying Hell, I called her Auw!!!!
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Off to Sue's Blog to see what you have done!!! xxx

    3. Maureen, Sue will have just smiled, ok she might have wonder where you got that name from. Oh that's the rain on again. Oh when oh when will it stop??? Can it not go where it's needed like over to Janet. it's good to have you back in the cafe. xxx

    4. Muriel Dear! I'm back I have just checked on Sue's blog and I see what you mean! You corrected it though. Did you notice you described the second card as a cherry one instead of a cheery one! It was red!
      I was only out visiting a friend for a few minutes - well an hour! Xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- please don't "spit feathers" it's not Lady Like xxx

    6. Patricia, are you saying I am not a lady!

    7. Never in a million years, I know better!! xxx

  31. Maureen only one has to be a Christmas one but if you want to make a Christmas card with no die cuts that's ok, no I didn't see that on Sues ? Then again I can't remember if I have commented today. Will look later. Weather has been rain, dull, rain, dull, now windy and bright. No flooding here but the roads weren't good this morning, right will go and see if I did comment or not. xxx

  32. Myra, and there was me thinking you were away enjoying a lovely meal, and drinking some lovely wine? Never mind there's good company in here tonight, and you can even have that drink, virtual or real. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel I had a coffee - real. I'm now having a little glass also real!
      Have to agree the company is good here! It's trying to keep up that's the the trouble! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- that glass does NOT look little from where I am sitting!!!

    3. I'm drinking mine from the bottle. Saves on washing up, and Patricia has already said I'm not a lady. Xxx

    4. SABA:- I never said that .... did i???

    5. Please tell me you're not out on the balcony ! Whatever will the neighbours think! I've giggled about you and your sausages all day!
      It was just this one word! Hope dinner was better tonight. Xx

    6. And whilst we are at it, Patricia will you put some clothes on. Goodness only knows what yon farmer is thinking.

    7. Yes Patricia oh naked one, you did. You said spitting feathers was not ladylike and you know I have a penchant for doing just that!!

    8. Oh!! it's ok he has left his yard and gone off home for the night. No sheep either they have been moved. Just hope it's not on to someone's dinner plate covered in Mint Sauce!!. xxx

    9. Two words tonight! Did you enjoy your prawns, my friend ? Xx

    10. Saba, have you noticed that although Patricia is starkers she is wearing wellies! It's not a good look is it really? Xx

    11. They were a bit scrummy. I did them tempura style but added fresh chillies. Much nicer than blasted sausages. Xxx

    12. Ahh! but my Wellies are purple with pink spots. They look quite smart really. Just don't look at the rest of me ........ not a pretty sight!! xxx

    13. the prawns sound lovely! I made a prawn risotto last night. It was quite good too. Didn't dare mention it then though after the sausages! Xxx

  33. SABA:- I will let you off with it when you are angry. We all do or say unladylike things when we get angry ...... well I do, sometimes !!!

    1. Thank you, I promise only to spit them when I am extremely miffed.
      By the way I did think of diarrhoea earlier when Hazel didn't do boats!!!!
      Glad I had already eaten.

  34. Evening Ladies

    Phew-just managerd to sit down! Dear Hubby didn't think to reserve the item he wanted, guess what-yup, it was out of stock so now I have to go into Southport tomorrow morning! Called at me mad friends with her birthday card/gifts-oh my...., the house is even more cluttered than ever! Stayed for a cuppa then escaped . Sorted my tea out put 1st lot of washing in machine, quick visit to the greenhouse then hubby phoned. He's staying in Dunfermline & getting minibus to St Andrews as there's about 50 going to the golf.

    I'm going to the garden centre that has the craft demonstrations on tomorrow-it's Crafters Companion.

    On to my card-very simple! Silver mirri card & patterned paper (First Edition "New Leaf") cut using Spellbinders Labels 1 then toppers cut using Lacey Circles and yes, the flower is a Memory Box die but not the one I have so I must have borrowed M in L's die at some point! A few card candi & your all done.

    Just looking at my latest purchase-KraftyHands "Luv2Text" cd-looks good!


    1. Ooh Michele have a brilliant day tomorrow at the garden centre. Like the fact you have a mad friend, she would fit in well here. Xxxx

    2. Oh! Dear naughty, naughty hubby should have checked before he sent you on a mission!!
      It was Crafters Companion that did the demo in Hazel's local Craft Shop last Sunday. We did not stay long, we did not get anywhere near the front to see what she was actually doing.
      Have fun with your New CD.
      Love your today's card xxx

  35. Michele, slow down!!., I can't keep up with you. Oh I do hope husband will get to the golf? Not nice here at all. Myra, I never knew brandy sized wine glasses were classed as small, Saba drinking from the bottle, now that isn't lady like??? Oh and I can't see my sister running round with no clothes no! She get cold when it's 30c and I bet it's not even 10c out there tonight. xxx

  36. Popping over the road to Sue's now, be back soon.

  37. What's up ... nothing good on the Telly tonight??
    There is not usually this much chat going on so early In the evening xxx

  38. Oooopppss!! Forgot Hazel would spill the beans at me "not doing" cold temperatures!!! xxx

    1. Are you wearing the Uggs tonight then? Xx

    2. No! but I do have a little fleece blanket over my legs xxx
      Oh! Yes! and the fire is burnning away beautifully, John just popped another log on. Might just make some toast. xxx

    3. Ooh I love toast made at the fire with plenty butter and strawberry jam on it. Mmmmmm xxxx

    4. Don't like butter, Marg or any kind of spreads for me they are yuk!.,
      Love homemade Raspberry Jam with a nice hunk of strong Cheddar Cheese though!!?

    5. Oh! yes!! together. I has to be Haomemade Raspberry Jam though xxx

    6. Ok ! Not too sure about that one. I like cheese with quince jelly though! Xx

    7. There you go almost the same thing really xxx

    8. Ever tried Gooseberry jam with Sausage, Bacon and the full English/Scottish breakfast - delicious xxx

    9. Mind you, I've just remembered I was pregnant at the time, might have had something to do with it xxx

    10. It may just have had something to do with it! It's a bit sour ! Xx

    11. Ever tried cheese with syrup, delicious.
      Cheese with jam is an old miners sandwich ( or a piece) as we would say.

    12. Gooseberry jam! Haven't had that for years! I expect I'm a bit late to pick gooseberries now. Xxx

  39. Michele, I think hubby should make an allowance for sending you on two journeys for his carelessness in not checking availability. Spend the allowance on yourself tomorrow at the Garden Centre!! Your mad friend would fit in well here - does she craft? I don't do CD's, what am I missing?
    Saba, I thought that Myra was Myra Young, I've been mistaken all this time because you said she's Myra Prawns. I love prawns - especially with avocado and seafood sauce!!!!
    Can I put my specs back on yet, has Patricia put her clothes back on? Please someone look as I am of a delicate disposition and cannot take strong shocks.
    I've made a very nice Christmas Card, well I've made a Christmas Card!!!
    I'm off to see if I can make another one while the creative juices are flowing. Well they are trickling really - reminds me must get some more Tena tomorrow lol.
    Myra, did I really say cherry card? That's me, always thinking about my stomach! I thought you were off to some swanky do, or on the razzle dazzle with your better half tonight and there you were, visiting a friend - one friend? (tin hat on).
    Right, I'm off to see what I can create, be back to say Goodnight later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. You did say cherry card! However, if you hadn't admitted your little faux pas , I wouldn't have gone to look! You see on your post here you said hell instead of hello so I thought you'd typed Hell Auw! It looks like double Dutch ! Xx

    2. My mad friend does craft-she knitted me the red squirrel I sent in a while ago. She's also knitted me a Scottie & a Westie dog (almost life size) which are residing in the loft at the moment. She's making outfits for a set of teddy bears which will go back to Dubai with her Great Niece soon. She's knitted me a Union Jack coaster & made a cotton lunch bag for me to use at work. Will send Sandra some pictures.


    3. Michele, she sounds "interesting" xxxx

    4. Muriel! That's very polite for you! Xx

  40. Evening All - I know that it's late for me but I forgot to say to Michele just how much I loved her card to Sandra. I have the base die - it's a Creative Expressions one - and you can make complete cards with it. Sorry Michele I love everything you have done with those dies particularly the flower. It's stunning.
    OK off to bed now so night night see you tomorrow.

    1. Night, night Janet, sweet dreams xxx

    2. Night Night Janet! I'm forgetting you are ahead of us ! Well everyone's ahead of me! Xxx

  41. Myra, you little tinker, I'm never going to get another card made at this rate. HMP, And of course it's at your pleasure! I wondered if you'd pick up on it.

    1. You know me so well! - isn't it a while since we had a song! Xx

    2. Well I always like to accommodate you but due to the bad weather up at St. Andrew's, I'll just have to Cry me a River !!!! xxx

    3. Are the sisters singing in the rain !!

    4. I reckon they are Lynda - or maybe " raindrops keep fallin on my head! " xxx

  42. Sandra, I hope you had lots of proud mummy moments at the concert tonight and have been able to enjoy it without too much pain and discomfort. Well at least no more than you are already in. xxx

  43. Ok! folks that's me done for today.
    I am off to bed, I will watch the news and as usual fall asleep.
    John is a late bedder, he switches everything off.
    See you in the morning
    Goodnight, God Bless, thank you for your company. xxx

    1. Sweet dreams, sweet person. xxxxx

    2. Night Night, Patricia, thank you too.
      Sleep well! Xxx

    3. Myra, did you see my song above xxx

    4. Good night God bless Patricia. I am heading off too, can't keep my eyes open. I blame the wine!!
      Night night all .
      Love Saba xxx

    5. Oh please don't cry! Not even a stream never mind a river! Xxx

    6. Night Night Saba, sleep well,
      Love Myra xxx

    7. Night, night and sweet dreams Saba, See you tomorrow.
      Myra, it's all this Stormy Weather!!!!
      Right ladies, intravenous drip set up on the Baileys, first come, first served hic. xxx
      If everyone is going to bed, I may just have to do the same.
      I didn't get the second card made but I've enjoyed myself all the same.
      Goodnight and sweet dreams xxxxxxx

    8. Night Night, my Friend,
      Me too, sleep well!
      God Bless xxxx

    9. Night, night young Myra!!! xxxxxx

  44. Helloooo Sandra & everyone i started commenting at 4pm after reading comments from last night started long post after going back up to check on things came back down & nothing just disappeared.started again then it froze Grrrr then battery ran hopefully fingers crossed.
    Sandra hope Lucy had a good time & Sophie is pleased she is home have a lovely time at the concert im sure it will be amazing. So sorry you had such a bad time at IKEA that is disgusting the way you were treated hope you have sent them a stinking Email you should have sat in the coffee shop while your friend walked round,I'm sorry you was in so much pain.
    Yes Sandra my friend has got the Todo machine,she used it yesteray while I was there did some hot foiling, it's so big pluss all the die's,foils & embossing folders some came with it but bought lot's as well. She is very good to me she ordered some die's from sunrise craft then realised she already had them so she gave them to me Yaaay haha.
    MAUREEN good to have you back too your normal self,glad school was good today.SHEILA pleased you had a lovely time with your aunt & uncle nice for you to have few days away pleased Nikki enjoyed her meal.JANET sorry I stole your butterfly from your card but MARIA & MYRA said I would haha.
    MICHELE your card is Gorgeous love it.
    I think I will publish now just in case it disappears.
    Look in later love Lynda xx

  45. Cheryl just to wish you good luck for your craft fair tomorrow I hope you get all your candles sold.
    It is raining heavy here, not so good for the golf tomorrow. Catch up then.
    Night everyone xxx

  46. Hi everyone four lots of visitors Oh my head is buzzing, no comments please!
    Now I see this morning someone suggested we all go for a swim on the village pond to have a snoop at Cheryl's stall well count me out of that please I must not get my cast wet. Talking of wet, now I love Scotland but I'm so pleased I'm not there at the moment. I wonder if Hazel and Patricia are getting webbed feet?
    Sandra I do hope you are feeing just a little better at least and make it to the concert tonight and are the proudest mum there. I do hope you give IKEA hell it is the lest they deserve!
    So lovely to see Anne has popped in again and you have not been put off by our nutty goings on.
    The very best of luck Cheryl for tomorrow I do so hope you have an early sell out, is there a prize for the first stall to sell out?
    Maureen so lovely to see you in such good formxx
    Well my eyes are closing so I'm off to bed good night and God Bless everyone sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx

  47. Wow it's taken me ages to get to the end of the comments tonight and everyone has gone to bed already! I was distractedby Master Chef tonight, loved the tea party they had to cook, it was amazing! Just watching Pretty Woman - haven't seen it for years!. Well night night sleep tight see you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone see you tomorrow xxx

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