
Saturday 18 July 2015

Mixed craft Saturday

Janet's knitted bag xx

Brenda's leaf plate 

Patricia's Beautiful Box
Good Saturday Morning ladies,
As you can our Mixed Craft Saturday us upon us once again, they come round so fast!
Can I ask you to either dig deep into your cupboards and drawers for crafts to send me photos of,
Or we can do something different, a weekly challenge maybe, if we launch it of a Monday you could make it during the week for the following Saturday, or we could make it the Friday, so that you have a whole seven days to make your entry to the challenge,  this blog belongs to us all so I would like to have your input into the decision making too.
Janet's gorgeous knitted bag is our first design up today, so beautiful in it's stripey design with those cute bobbles, I love the pattern, it would be loved by both young and older ladies alike, it looks like it took a long time Janet, are the bobbles added on afterward or are they part of the pattern? 
Thank you so much for allowing me to show your bag xxxxx
Brenda's leaf plate, Brenda you must be a Master Potter by now! 
All of your pottery designs, whether it be plates or bowls are so perfect and their design is timeless, not something that you will make one year and then put away, this particular one is stunning, I love the vibrant green colour and the amazingly realistic leaf design, you could sell these and make a fortune Brenda!
Thank you so much for sharing your design with all of us xxx
Patricia's beautiful box is our last offering for today,  such a gorgeous box Patricia, decorated with the prettiest card, everything about is is perfect, both construction and decoration, I can see that you have used Creative Expressions Butterfly Die and the little twirly bits from the CE Flourish die set, you have made some beautiful flowers to match the colour scheme too, this box is a gift in itself , I can just imagine it filled with your Amazing Scottish Tablet or Your Homemade Baileys Truffles, oh I am drooling at the thought!
Thank you so much Patricia for sharing your amazing box with all of us xxxx
Well that's it for another week, we are blessed with so many very talented crafters in our little family, don't you agree?!
We had an absolutely amazing night at Lucy's Orchestral Extravaganza, the sound of their Concert Orchestra /Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Band just blows me away, we could have easily been at a concert that we had paid a lot of money for (tickets were £10 each), but worth every single penny, I was such a very proud Mummy! 
Janet I will try and do a rain dance, I did what looked like one earlier when I stepped on an upturned plug!!!!! so those showers should be on their way, I am so sorry you are struggling!
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call into the Best Coffee Shop in the land.
    We have no rain at the moment thank goodness. The little village of Alyth just 3 miles up the road from us has been devastated. So many houses, businesses and cars all badly damaged. The blessing is that there were no serious injuries to anyone. The level of rain caused a Flash Flood which swept everything through the village at such speed no one had a chance to save anything except themselves.
    Staying indoors gave me time to "play" I had good fun and made a couple of boxes.
    The one for today was made a few weeks ago and has gone to a new owner. The box above is approx 4x4 made with PMD A3 card to give me a box that big. It is covered with paper from a paper stack bought at The Works. Flowers made from scrapes of the Base Card, the twirly bit another scrap. SW butterfly and leaves also SW from her Rose Die set
    It is all fine having the fire on but it had to been cleaned out and re-set. All done and ready for the next time. It was not cold yesterday but so miserable we lilt the fire to brighten the day.
    Ok! folks everything set up for the day, have made some Tea & Toast and have taken it over to the corner. I am going to see who passes by today, it was so good to see Anne coming in the other day. She called agin yesterday, I hope she will be a regular and join in the fun.
    See you all later to hear what you have been up to or are going to get up to. xxx

    1. OH! My! Goodness how rude am I?? Sorry ladies, please forgive me.
      I forgot to mention JANET'S wonderful bag, it is so pretty. Love the colours and the bobble design. I rememeber doing bobbles on sweaters they were fun to do.
      BRENDA:- your little dish is wonderful, it looks so real. Oh! how I wish we could actually buy some of the goodies displayed in the Coffee Shop. xxx

    2. Hi Patricia
      It was lovely seeing your box. It's great that you feel you can at least still show your fantastic work on Sandra's blog. I've always looked on your blog but not always commented.

    3. PATRICIA you box is stunning i couldn't give it away xx I'm
      Pleased you can still show your talent while your haveing a break from your blog , Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-oh my, your bag is beautiful. It's something my mad friend would like to make.

    Brenda-wow! What a work of art-your plate would be the centre piece on any table.

    Patricia-beautifully decorated box, too nice to give away!

    Well, I've already had s text off hubby informing me that the golf has been suspended due to high winds. I do hope the weather calms down as he's been looking forward to this for weeks & so many people will have paid such a lot to go and watch. It's very windy here, I had to shut the windows in the bedroom as it was so noisy last night. Don't think I'll be leaving the greenhouse door open.

    Quick note-Sue Wilson will be on C&C TV on Thursday 4pm & 7pm. Theres a note on her blog, I'd hate anyone to miss seeing her on TV.


    1. Thanks Michele
      I saw it was a one day wonder, and don't usually record unless it says Ceative Expressions. I've now recorded the programmes.

    2. Thanks Michele, I've made a note so that I don't forget - now where did I put that note ............!!! xxx

    3. Thank you Michele for the early reminder I would have missed it as we have to go to Lancaster on Thursday for Derek's pre op check, xxx

    4. Thank you MICHELE will set & record it xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. What wonderful display again this Saturday of all these amazing crafts. We are so lucky being able to see these.
    Janet, your bag is lovely, your pretty choice of wool to knit this, and it's a useful gift too.
    Brenda, your dish is gorgeous and as Patricia said so " real looking" you would just think you had pick a leaf off the tree.
    Big sis, you know I love your boxes no matter which style you make, and your embellishments are always so pretty.
    Yes we are a lucky bunch in here to have this wonderful cafe and craft shop to come into.
    Sandra, I am so pleased you were able to go to Lucy's concert, being in so much pain yesterday it could have meant you were unable to go. Oh yes I can just see you sitting there full of pride that your Lucy was playing a part in the Orchestra. Now I hope you will rest today and try and reduce your pain.
    oh there was a lot of fun going on in here last night, it was lovely to see, even on an evening you get hints and tips. Love Maureen's one on mixing her new bought items of clothing with the ones she has just ironed so George won't notice she has bought something, Saba that's what you should have done with your bag?
    Well I don't know what will happen at the golf today, very windy here, slates were rattling on the roof all night, and I expect we will have a few plants damaged, one of the standard roses got damaged with the rain the night before so it won't be a surprise if there is more when Charlie checks.
    Cheryl, sorry I nearly forgot, I hope you have a good day and sales are good too.
    Janet, any sign of the rain getting over your way, or has it gone North???
    Off to have my cup of tea. xxx

  4. Good morning all,

    Just a quick visit before finishing packing the car ready for the Church Fete, (most of which I did last night) it has been advertised very well this year and with the weather forecast set for warm today, we should have lots of visitors coming to hopefully buy our products.
    Did wonder after listening to the chair of our WI what they hope to get. My friend and I bumped into her at Morrison's and she said she was off to the local recycling goods centre to buy items for their stall, after telling us their secretary had said to buy some things from the pound shop!!!! Oh my goodness me, words failed me on that remark. They have quite a few members, surely some of them could have made something?!

    Another cornucopia of mixed crafts for today ranging from Janet's funky cool knitted bag (that anyone would love to own), to another amazing dish from the artistic fingers of Brenda ( insure them my dear, your talent as a potter is becoming legendary in the café) and Pat's gorgeously decorated and detailed box (If I had made that, I would have not wanted to give it away).

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl love, how very, very rude of me not to wish you a successful day on your stall. I bet it looks amazing. Donald Trump eat your heart out!!! xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      Wishing you the very best of luck today with your stall and hope you manage to sell everything on your fabulous stall. Sheila xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl. Good luck today. Yes you would expect to see some things the WI have made. Done lots of fairs and I think a lot of people do that and buy from PoundShops. Can't be called a craft fair if they do that in my opinion.

    4. Good luck Cheryl, glad the weather is good it will bring out the buyers.
      Oh! My! Word! in days gone by there would definitely have only been Hand Made goods for sale from the WI. To me it's not a Craft Fair if the goods for sale have not been "made" xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl,
      Just want to wish you all the very best today! Hope you have a sell out! I was quite sad when I read about what the WI lady said. Such a shame. Xx

    6. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you have a fantastic day and lots of sales. No competition from the WI stall then! How dreadful! Xxxx

    7. Hello Cheryl, I hope you are enjoying your time at the Church Sale. How sad the WI are not making an effort. Your stall will stand out with all of the beautiful candles on. xxx

    8. Cheryl I do hope all has gone well today for you, I really think the WI should be ashamed of themselves. xxx

  5. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are feeling much better today, and I'm glad you enjoyed the Concert so much. It's wonderful that these young Musicians get the chance to show off their talents. I bet Sophie and Lucy have never stopped talking, they will have a lot of things to catch up on.
    Janet, your bag is great, and the bobbles just give it a designer fee, such a good present for young ladies. I also remember doing these bobbles on jumpers.
    Brenda, I really thought it was a real leaf on the floor!! Your plate is fantastic.
    Patricia, what can I say, I don't know how you can bear to part with these boxes, this one is gorgeous.
    Must get a move on, going to the supermarket and will be back later when shopping put away.
    Have a good day everyone from a bright, but very, very windy Newcastle.
    Muriel xxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    What a wonderful array of crafts we have today, the talent in the coffee shop is amazing.
    Janet I love your bag and it's colours and especially the bobbles it's many moons since I did any knitting or crochet work and just wouldn't have the patience these days but I always enjoy seeing what people come up with.
    Brenda! Wow! Your leaf plate is just wonderful and as Michele's a work of clever lady.
    Patricia I love your's just so beautiful and I'm sure it would hold at least 4 miniature bottles of Baileys as a lovely treat!
    The sun is shining today with a bit of wind mixed in and there doesn't appear to be any rain on the horizon. Patricia I do feel for the people of Alyth it would be the last thing they would expect in the middle of summer, my heart goes out to them and I hope they get all the help they need to help them at this terrible time.
    Sandra it sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed the concert and are rightfully proud of your girls.
    Maureen make sure you hold on to your hollyhocks and don't get blown away if the wind is really bad up there!
    Will pop in later to say 'hello' again have a good day everyone.
    Extra hugs in the basket so please help yourself that's if Norah's hyper ones haven't jiggled them all out!
    Lots of love Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- Never thought of the miniatures of Baileys to go in the box. No longer have it to measure. That would have been a good wee gift for our Maureen when we meet up with her!!! xxx

    2. MINIATURES - are you all mad. The box has to be Tanker size at least ha ha xxxxxx

    3. I used to make Christmas crackers for the family, where possible I would personalise the contents. I spent the whole year collecting small items. My Dad's could be left to the last minute - he got a miniature of Whiskey. I am smiling thinking about it now, everyone else would put their gift on the table, Dad's went straight into his pocket!!!!

    4. Brenda,
      Your dad was a wise old man!!! (even though I'm T Total and can't abide even the smallest glass of wine or any drink (shhh don't let Saba or Myra hear), I can appreciate his feelings, it makes me smile too!!! xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely show of goods we have today
    Janet, your bag is gorgeous love the colour of i
    Brenda, this leaf looks so real you could almost think it had just fallen from the tree.
    Patricia again what a gorgeous box, your designs are lovely I wouldn't want to give them away.
    Today I am off to cover my friends craft shop all day, she is off to visit her son in Germany for the week-end, really looking forward to this, I will be like a child in a sweet shop!!,
    Cheryl good luck for your sale today, I hope it all goes well,and you have a good turn out.
    Sandra so glad you enjoyed the concert and were not to sore with sitting for a while.
    Will catch up later when I get home, until then have a great day whatever you are doing.

  8. Hi Sandra
    I'm so glad you were so sore that you were able to go to Sophie's fabulous concert. I'm glad that you had a fantastic time.
    Janet, your bag is gorgeous love the designs and colours you've used. My word Brenda your leaf looks fabulous. It looks so realistic.I just love all your pottery. Patricia your box is fantastic, Bailey bottles seem just the ticket. I assume that you used the ultimate pro to make it?. Love how you've decirated it. I wondered how you could use the twirly bits that were in one if Sues dies. They look lovely under the butterflies and flowers.
    Cheryl I hope your sale goes well, and pad that you raise lots of cash. I expect your selling them as I'm typing. We had visitors this morning so wasn't able to comment earlier. I've just tackled the vacuuming as Pete's gone off to a steam fair. We sometimes go to the big one in the Dorset area in September if we're not away.

    1. Sorry Sandra
      Meant yo say I was glad you weren't so sore to see the concert. And sorry Lucy it was your concert not Sophie's. How bad is my brain. Mind you it was predictive text for the first bit.

    2. Pat, we all know what you meant. We are all as bad as each other, when it comes to writing things some days. xxx

    3. Huh Haazeel, you speeak fur yrsell, I aways tiyp everytheng pervectely wiff no mistooks xxxx

    4. It must have taken ages to type all those mistooks !!! Xxx

    5. Myra what miseltoe takes are you goin on abot I canet sea any? xxx

  9. Good morning everyone, well it's actually a very windy one up here, but at least it's a good day to craft.
    Janet ,I love your bag it's gorgeous, I have one I made a couple of years ago ( similar) but in autumn colours and it has been used more than any other bag I've ever had, so I can imagine the pleasure you'll get from yours.
    Brenda do you go to classes for China painting or do you make all your pieces from scratch ? they are wonderful works of art!
    I've never made or decorated boxes but I must say your beautiful box makes me want to try one Patricia, I love your flowers!
    What a great feeling it must have been for you Sandra to listen to your daughters playing, and I bet it took your mind off the pain for a wee while, I hope you feel a bit better today.
    I was meant to be playing golf today but it was cancelled due to the weather ,so I might watch it on telly if it's on.
    Will pop in later to read what shenanigans are going on!
    Love and hugs , Anne xo

    1. Anne, you will just have to have a craft afternoon instead. The wind is still strong and I can't see them playing much golf. I do feel for those like Myra son and Michele's husband that have travelled so far. Xxx

    2. Hi Anne. Sorry I haven't said welcome yet. I am sure you will enjoy it here. I don't go to classes I start from scratch with the clay. I go to my friends daughter's studio where everyone else paints ceramics but I make my own. They do the first firing, then I glaze it and they do the second firing.

  10. Hello Sandra and Friends,
    Sandra - so pleased you were able to go to the Concert. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Well done Lucy!
    As you know I love Saturdays , mind you every day is good here! I haven't been
    Disappointed today either.
    Janet - your bag is lovely! I have never knitted bobbles but have worn them in jumpers when I was young. I love your stripey bag. The handle is lovely too. The colours are beautiful. Such a useful , pretty gift. Thanks Janet.
    Brenda - your pottery is always gorgeous . The leaf looks so life like. You are a very talented lady. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
    Patricia - it's a gorgeous Patricia box! I love the colours you have used and your two tone matching butterfly is so pretty perched on top. Again the flowers , which, you make so beautifully , are just perfect. It 's a lovely gift - even empty.
    Thanks Patricia it's nice to see your work again.
    Well it seems my son had a long trip for not much golf although he got nearly a full day yesterday. Just a late start. Not sure how long they'll wait today as they come home tonight. Such a shame for all the people who have travelled a long way. I just hope that at least some local businesses will benefit from the lack of golf this morning.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Myra xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all the cafe group, sorry not had tie to comment on posts of late but I have been taking peeks at the lovely creations that have been presented, these are no exception, all gorgeous makes.
    I hope you are all well and I hope to pop in again real soon.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Lovely to see you! Take care. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh my word what a wonderful collection today! Janet your bag is wonderful and really cheerful thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx
    Brenda wow I thought it was a real leaf on your floor, it's beautiful and you are really talented thanks for sharing xxx
    Patricia your box is beautiful too, I wonder what you put inside. I have made boxes for cards but not boxes to put things in (although I did make cup cake shaped boxes for Emma to sell once!) thank you for sharing. What dreadful news about the village near you, how awful those people to loose everything but how good no one was killed. It's a shame it didn't make the main news so they could get financial help from people, we forget about disasters in this country which are just as devastating to communities as they are abroad. Stay safe and warm xxx
    I've had a busy morning so far today, I'm making my friends retirement cake so had to work out what size to make for the tin I've hired and then adapt the recipe to the larger size for the flavour I wanted. It should have taken 2 hours to cook but it's done in 1 1/2 but it is thinner than the size it said so I think it's ok- going to turn it out in a minute. It was hot and sticky here to start with but it's just come over cloudy, just as the washing is due to go our! Janet I do hope you get rain today.
    Sandra it sounds like the concert was amazing, well worth them having the time away isn't it. Have the girls finished school now?
    Well I must get on and sort the washing out and pray the cake comes out the tin. Have a wonderful day everyone what ever you are doing.
    Love to you all Diane xxx

  13. Afternoon everyone
    Sandra so so pleased you managed the concert last night though I know you would crawl on hands and knees to get there to see your beautiful daughters making wonderful memories to treasure. Hope you're having an R&R day today and that Paul is looking after you.

    Brenda I'm always in awe of your pottery. everything I see a piece I think it's better than the last. You really should have your own little business. Today's offering is absolutely beautiful and so true to life.
    Patricia your boxes are just amazing and the amount of time and patience needed is outstanding. I love everyone I see and definitely would be very loathe to give them away.
    My bag is a result of going into 'The Works' book shop one Saturday morning a couple of years ago and as always looking through the craft section. I found this wonderful book of 20 bag patterns to knit and of course it couldn't stay on the shelf could it. As a result I have knitted quite a few usually using wool left over from other projects. The bag is knitted out of 100% cotton which I went mad and bought from C&C to knit a cardy and yes at least three years ago and this was left. The pattern is out of the book and the bobbles are knitted into the pattern and are only on one side. I lined it with some cotton material out of my stash. I have used it a lot and rotate with the other knitted ones I have.

    OK the time has come - hope you've all got your tissues ready as it's 'dribble' time.
    Our pastries last evening were:-
    One Rubus - this was my choice a very thin layer of crispy biscuit.
    A very thick layer of Raspberry mousse with complete raspberries in it.
    Topped with a thin layer of sponge soaked in a raspberry liquer
    Topped with a thin layer of Raspberry Mousse
    Topped with a thin layer of Raspberry gelatine and
    finished off with a small piece of white chocolate.

    One Religious - this was Jim's choice
    One large ball of choux pastry filled with coffee cream to represent the body of a round church
    One small ball of choux pastry sat on top again filled with coffee cream and
    surrounded by white cream piping this is to represent the steeple of the church
    One top of the small ball a splodge of white cream to finish the steeple.

    Both were absolutely delicious and pics were taken for later showing.

    Patricia I hope everyone in Alyth are coping after their horrible experience of yesterday. I know that belongings can be replaced where people cannot but all the heartache such a horrible thing like flooding brings takes years to get over.

    Well I started on my challenge cards this morning and have made two - one male and one for little girls or possibly big girls without any dies in sight. I just have to make a Seasonal one with only one die now. I have to say I really enjoyed making the cards this morning. It's amazing what you can find in your stash boxes/drawers which have not seen daylight for years. Everything I used has come out of bits and papers which were bought years ago.

    Off now to see what this afternoon brings. We started off overcast skies and reasonable temps early this morning but the skies are blue again and temps have risen. Ah well.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way.

    1. Oooh Janet, I think you take a great delight in torturing us this way xxx

    2. Oh Janet you have done it again I'm dribbling on my second tissue it is as Maureen says absolute but on so delightful torture reading all about your cakes each week, xxx

  14. Janet, that's great that you have made your cards and enjoyed making them. Yes it's a good way of going and looking as to what you have that can be used. We go straight to ours dies when we are thinking of making a card, this is just for fun, but it's a challenge to, and Sandra will be able to show them, she is so good at allowing us to show your things on here. Hazel x

  15. Hello Sandra,
    So pleased you enjoyed the concert last night, the performance sounds great, I bet all those youngsters had a lay in this morning, they must have been exhausted. Sounds like there were lots of proud parents and family's there. Congratulations to Lucy and friends xxx
    Today's display of items is lovely, these Saturday's just get better and better.

    JANET, Your bag is lovely. And would look great with so many outfits.
    Just reading about yesterday's cakes made my mouth water, Both sound gorgeous. xxx

    BRENDA, I also thought at first glance you were showing us a picture of a leaf. This lovely dish would look great on a side table. Love it xxx

    PATRICIA, Wow - your box is lovely, it would have made any gift look extra special. xxx

    I was so sorry to hear about those poor people in Alyth, as you say, thank god no one was seriously hurt, but the disruption to their lives will go on for months. I hope and pray that things get sorted out quickly.

    Well dear friends it's time for lunch here, will pop back later to see what is happening.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. I''m definitely make some cards! See you later Alligator xxxx

    1. Just so long as you are not off piste!! Xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- I really wondered what the funny smell was!!! xxx

  17. Not long back from tbe craft demo at the garden centre. Took a colleague with me as she seemed quite interested. I succumbed to some Spectrum Aqua markers & watercolour card-has anyone got any tips for using them??

    Its still very windy here. Had another text off hubby mid morning to say that the golf was still stopped due to the weather. He was in the bar but am sure he won't be too happy!


  18. Michele, I bet he is not happy, along with hundreds of others, the wind is so gusty isn't good at all. Can't see them playing today or even tomorrow. xxx

  19. Woo hoo I'm here I needed a break from sewing the infamous dress together!
    JANET Your bag is lovely Although I'm an avid knitter I have never done a bag Yours is lovely I made a jacket with patterned and bobbles from a very old Woman's Own pattern and had lots of lovely comments about it I wish I lived near a The Works that I could get to
    MARIA Is there one in Watford? I hope you're still OK for next Saturday
    BRENDA Astounding work! Your crafting/pottery is stunning I am in total awe
    PATRICIA Your box is beautiful - and I wouldn't want to give it away either You need to research that flexible clay - another feather to your fantastic crafting bow
    SANDRA Glad you were able to get to the concert I expect you shed a little tear too
    CHERYL I hope the fete went well
    OH just got in from work - he's early! So will pop back later x

  20. Hi everyone, hope the day as been good for you and the craft fair went well for you Cheryl.
    Not long back from my friends craft shop, it was quite busy so the day passed quickly, now I could just go for 40 winks.
    Going to watch the last of Harry Potter again, might have to get matchsticks, to keep my eyes open.
    Hope to be back later, xxx

  21. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Sandra I am delighted to know you were able to get to Lucy's performance last night I hope you are now feeling much better. My tow daughter's used to be involved in music centre performances so I know just how proud you will have been, well done to Lucy too.
    some visitors have arrived I will be back later sorry xxx

  22. Hello, everyone?? have you all had a good day??
    No rain here today but boy! it has been windy. Last I heard was the Golf was postponed till 5pm. Feel sorry for all those who traveled far to see it and nothing happening!!!
    I had a day of making a mess!! I was crafting, boy I can't have cause a right mess in the process. I don't have a craft room, I craft in the kitchen. In some ways it a good job as I HAVE to clear everything away at the end of the day. John is very tolerant, I just push everything back on the table when we have our meals. Saturday and Sunday we would move through to the Dining Room, like we did earlier. John always says not to bother he is happy enough to eat amidst the "huddle" Today I made my cards for the Challenge and sent them to Sandra. I also made 2 other cards, kitchen all tidy, bits in the Bit Box, GC in its bag stowed away in a corner, all Dies and embossing folders in their place. Everything is Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion as they say.
    Nothing worth watching on the Telly, think I might just go back to the kitchen and create more mess.
    CHERYL:- hope you have had a good day and sold lots.
    SANDRA :- hope you have had a good day and not too much pain.
    MICHELE:- of course you had to have those pens. I could use some "tips" for using them as well. Mind you mine are still in their packets along with the pack of card I bought. They are keeping the Cameleon Pens and the Prisma Pencils company!!!
    Everyone else I hope you have had a day doing the things you like to do.
    Off to make myself a cuppa, I need something "sweet" as well. Be back to see what you have all been doing. xxx

    1. That of course should be "GUDDLE" blooming spellcheck does not do Scottish words very good. xxx

  23. I'm back, but have to admit that my craft room looks like a tornado has hit it. Not like Patricia whose Bristols are very fashionable!!!! But I'm ignoring the comment she made about me smelling - I'll have you know I have at least one bath or shower a year, whether I need one or not!!!
    I've made 5 Christmas cards but 2 are more childish versions to give to the girls at Christmas, but I want to do some more as I'm in the mood. Of course that could change by tomorrow.
    I'm watching Harry Potter at the moment (I'm as bad as the children), well there's not much else on. I wonder if the ending will be different this time lol.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

  24. Now is it me or is it very quiet in here tonight, I know it's Saturday night and maybe every one has gone dancing with Karen. I don't do dancing I wouldn't be able to move tomorrow. Oh well I'd better just go home and think of something else to do do. Might just have to go and see if I can make a card or something. xxx

  25. Evening all.
    There isn't much on tele is there. So, I've just downloaded Saturday Night Fever - well John Travolta was a heart throb of mine Boy how times change! It's just started to thunder here too!

    1. Karen I haven't seen that film for ages! I borrowed my cousins soundtrack record so many times he gave it to me! Must see if it's on Netflix. We watched Pretty woman last night on TV, haven't seen that one for years either! Xxx

  26. Didn't have any success on Cheryl's village pond! The local ducks called me ugly so I swanned off ! Xx

    1. Oh! No! I don't believe it they need to go to SpecSavers that's for sure!! xxx

    2. Well Myra I told you not to go in the village pond you never know who you'll meet! Hope your not too upset ducky xxx

    3. You should have been there with your pot foot! We could have sorted them out! Ha ha ! Xx
      I'm not upset at all! They make us tough up north! X

    4. They must be quackers! Xxx

  27. I've just arrived Hazel. Are you still there.

  28. Oh hang on! Karen isn't dancing tonight and I see Brenda LL. Is just coming in she has stop to leave a message for Anne. I hope you got home ok Brenda?
    I see Maureen is busy, we gave her a challenge and she has been making cards all afternoon. Glad you are having fun, you must be because you are making a mess which Is a sign of a busy happy crafter. Hazel x

  29. Yes Brenda, I am out the back tidying up, I have brought in the cushions. In case it rains. Well it's forecasted to do that big style here tonight again, xxx

  30. Thank you everyone for your very kind comments about my pottery. I find it very therapeutic. I collected some more today and some has gone to the Art Gallery.
    Just started raining. Sorry JANET. It has been a nice day but this evening if turned cold and windy so we thought that rain was coming but according to the weather forecast we weren't meant to have any. The garden needs it though. Glad you got to the concert last night Sandra and I do hope Cheryl has had a good day. Perhaps she won't come into the cafe until tomorrow.
    JANET. I love your bag. The book from The Works sounds good. I like the colours you have used. I am trying to get back into knitting but it us slow going but at least it is exercising my wrist and hand.
    PATRICIA. Love your box. Your boxes are always gorgeous. I wouldn't want to give them away but I do as that is why I have made them. Hope you are having a better day today weather wise and you get to see Hazel soon.

  31. Myra you could never be an ugly duckling, hold your head high,
    you are a Swan !!!

    1. Myra - a Swan, and she went with a quack and a waddle and a quack - yes, that's Myra!!! xxx

    2. And a very unhappy frown! Xx

  32. Oh dear Hazel. I hope you don't have the rain like you had yesterday. That sounded dreadful. Good idea to bring the cushions in as they would have got soaked here.

  33. Oh maybe if they have got the forecast wrong for you then you can have what we were to get. Our garden doesn't need any more watering at the moment.
    Myra, oh how could these Somerset Ducks be so cruel, as Brenda has said its all because you are a swan.
    Saba, you have been quiet today?
    Janice, are you ok? I know it's more than likely that you are run off your feet with visitors. Been there so know that when you stop its shower and bed.
    Norah, I hope you are ok and haven't gone and fallen over those dust sheets.
    Wendy, you have not been around for a while.
    Maria, and Diane I hope you are both ok. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel
      Yes I'm fine thank you, just a bit busy today cake making and catching up with a few jobs around the house. Should have got the grass cut but we got distracted but forcast for tomorrow has changed so it should get done tomorrow instead. Xxx

  34. It's still find here Hazel, but the skies look very ominous and the wind has been so bad today. In fact it has been very, very naughty!!! xxx (Oh, I'm having a silly half hour!) xxxx

    1. That should, of course, read "It's still fine here", but as you know I never, ever make mistooks! xxx

    2. This side of the Pennines it is fairly chucking it down so stand by my love xxx

    3. Oh Margaret you are like us! We had enough we don't need any more. Let Janet have it they need it don't you think?

    4. It's dry here Margaret - we've had a lovely day! Sorry! Xxx

    5. A silly half hour, Muriel - Just THE ONE??? Xxx

  35. Maureen, you are ok! You have your silly half hour!!., we don't mind. The wind was bad here to, but it's gone now and it's very still, what's the bet the heavens will open soon. It's like the calm before the storm.

  36. Hello both BRENDA'S hope you have had a good day. Brenda (littlelamb) bet the things you put in the Gallery sell really quickly. Your pieces are beautiful.
    SABA:- where are youuuuu!!! hope you are not too "squiffy" to chat!!
    CHERYL:- are you OK after your day??
    HAZEL:- don't tell me you had it nice enough to sit outside. Blooming freezing this side of the River Tay
    Gosh the telly is rubbish tonight is it not???
    I think I will pop through to bed. I am feeling the bad vibes form "grumpy" sitting in his chair. He was trawling eBay for something. Obviously did not have any luck. He made us a cuppa but I felt I got mine with a bit of a grudge.
    Goodnight God Bless see you all tomorrow. xxx

  37. Goodnight Patricia,
    Have a peaceful night and sweet dreams.
    Lots of Love

  38. Goodnight Patricia. Hope you sleep well. Hugs

  39. How stupid am I ?? No! please don't answer that.
    Just messaged Hazel to ask how come she had good enough weather to sit outside in her garden.
    To be told "don't be silly" she was bringing in the "Cafe Cushions" ...... pardon my ignorance!!!
    Think I had better just go to bed right now xxx

  40. In the bedroom looking out the window at a beautiful sunset.
    Wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow .... anyone taking bets??? xxx

  41. Big sis is tied I think it's all that cards and things she was making. Xxx

  42. I think that should be tired ..... a wee mistook Sis!! xxx

  43. What you been doing Hazel, apart from rescuing cushions from your garden seats (oh how posh you all are, I just sit on the wooden bench xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- they were not her cushions ..... they were virtual .... belonging to the Cafe!! xxx

  44. That's me in my bed.
    Closing the lid on my iPad ...... yes! .... I am!! ..... honest!!! xxx

    1. Oh, it's all too much for me, I think I'll go and have a breakdown xxx

    2. Patricia, I have jJust re-read your message way above about Cafe cushions and I thought they were a type of cushions that Hazel had. Now how stupid am I - no, restrain yourselves please!!! xxxxx

    3. I've come in at the end of all this mayhem! If they are virtual cushions why do they need to be brought in? After all the rain would be virtual as well. Oh I give up!
      I've had a totally messed up evening ! Children - adult children! The golfing son is now on way south! Somewhere on the M74. So not on M6 yet. He expects to be here at 12 40am!! No Mum I don't need to stay the night - I'll have a quick cup of tea and get on my way! He should be home eventually by 3am! Not good. However - they did see the golf today and enjoyed yesterday. I've had a chat on the phone in the car - it's ok - he's hands free!! Sandwiches ready in case they are hungry!

    4. Myra don't forget the tea and sympathy! xxx

    5. Myra they said on the new the M6 has been closed for most of the day to be resurfaced , don't know in which direction though. I hope you can persaud him to have a sleep before he carries on driving. Xxx

  45. Night, night, Patricia sleep well. LOL

    1. Oo, I'm glad you're there Brenda, I was feeling lonely xxx

    2. Brenda! Thanks for calling me a swan! I'm mad you do know that! Xx

  46. Where are Saba and Myra, do you think I have frightened them away. And the burning question of the day, CHERYL, how did it go. Are you back from the Fete yet? xxxx

    1. Muriel! Coo- eeee! I've left a message above! Xxx

    2. Oh, Myra my dear, I'm so pleased to see you, I thought you'd taken umbrage at my comment some way above about you being a swan, but I should have known better. (I'll go and find my tin hat now)

    3. Take umbrage at you my dear! Never! I'm not very good at umbrage! Xxx

    4. What are you good at? Oops, at what are you good? Oops, Good at what? Oh forget it xxxx

    5. By the way, do you think he'll stay the night. He'll be very tired by the time he gets home at this rate. I hope the roads are good and not wet or overcrowded. Although as the night goes on the traffic will thin out. xx

    6. Not much to be honest ! Fair to middling is about my standard. However, I'm good at talking! Xxx

    7. He's a rascal! The thing is he's like his Dad most of the time, sensible, reliable, helpful and kind. Then something like this happens and he's stubborn like me! Ha ha ! Xx

    8. Margaret! Steady on - me a swan! Wheeeeee! Xxx

    9. On a serious note if you are able does you son know there have been major problems further south on the M6 with a lorry fire apparently both carriageways need to be resurfaced before it can be reopened, xxx

    10. Well, that's debatable! I'm more duck than duckling! As for ugly - well.
      Apparently the M6 is ok now, south bound . The carriageway has been resurfaced. Hopefully it won't take him too long but by then he'll be on his own as Martin's car is here in our drive. I worry about him falling asleep which is why I'd like him to at least have a cup of tea and a sandwich. He'll then set off a wee bit more refreshed. Xxx

  47. Good evening again everyone
    My visitors have left so here I am again!
    What a wonderful selection of crafty goodies for us to see today, Janet your bag is adorable I love the colours you have chosen, seeing those knitted bobbles reminded me of some cardigans my mum knitted for me when I was little, I loved those cardi's no one else had any like them so I thought I was the bees knees.
    Brenda wow I cannot believe how detailed your beautiful plate is, I was sure it was an actual leaf it is so lovely. You really are so talented, and just to make everyone green with envy, I am the proud owner of one of your pendants which is much admired I love it.
    Patricia what a fantastic box it is really a present in it's self so very inspirational too. I really treasure the beautiful box you sent me.
    Michele and Myra I do hope you are ready to welcome your men back with tea and sympathy and are ready for all their wet washing they will be bring back from the golf open!
    Patricia no wise woman would make a bet on the weather now would they, why waste money on a bet when it could be spent on some crafty goodies!
    I really do feel for the people near you in the village of Alyth it really is soul destroying when you get flooded. I will never forget when our town was badly flooded it took not months but a few years before things got back to normal. We live on the edge of town quite high up so we were not effected directly but I will never forget the RAF rescue helicopters flying over our bungalow all night long. Then all the bridges were closed as some were badly damaged so getting to and from town took over an hour instead of five minutes. All the shops were flooded so everyone had to go elsewhere to shop. Things did eventually get back to normal and everyone sighed with relief, then after a few months we were told all the main sewers were damaged and needed replacing so another nightmare began and that took almost 12 months talk about mayhem it was dreadful. The pavements we were told needed replacing too, so what did they do, replaced one side of the main street then ran out of money so left the other side!
    Cheryl hope you are ok after all your trading at the sale did you have a great sell out?
    Sheila so pleased you had a wonderful time on your little holiday, it will have done you the world of good.
    Where oh where is Saba, shopping, cycling, or out eating and drinking her German beer getting squiffy?
    Well bed is calling so sweet dreams, good night and God bless
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret! It's still a lovely dry night here. I'm hoping the roads are clear and not too busy. We haven't had the weather we were promised or threatened with today. It's been lovely. Sorry you had rain. Xx

    2. Thank youMargaret for your lovely comments about my pottery. I find it very therapeutic. So pleased you like the pendant. How is your foot. A friend of mine has just returned to Australia after visiting all their friends here. They went out to dinner on Tuesday evening and it was very dark in the Carpark and she managed to put her foot down a pot hole and fell flat in her face. She now has a very battered looking face and a broken bone in her foot. Six weeks in plaster the same as you.

  48. Hi Sandra and all night owls, well the others have gone to bed I guess hihi
    I do like the mixed craft Saturday. So many fabulous things you all can make.
    Love the bag Janet and all the little poppers.
    Littlelamb- your ceramic work is stunning,love the leaf, Wonderful shine.
    Patricia- you are the box queen. Fabulous work as usual.
    Cheryl- hope all went well and you sold lots of your candle cups because the are so pretty and useful during a blackout .
    I had a great day with wonderful sunshine outside but didn't see much of it because i spent the day with JW's company and some other ladies in a village hall for some cardmaking. Managed to put one full together but had to take the other two home because we / I run out of time so my task for tomorrow is to make them finished and then try to join your challenge but don't hold your breath or you might pass out before I get into second gear tihi
    Yes Karenlotty I'm still on for next Saturday , just give me a time and I will
    be there ! Had a look but sorry no 'the works' in Watford, Good news that our Sue will be on tv again next week, wonder what she will show us and it want be too much talk from the presenter.
    Glad you had a nice evening listening to the concert Sandra. you must have been one very proud mamma sitting in the audience. Are the girls on holiday now ? They just finished here so neighbours going away so I will be on pet duty for over a week . Have a good night as possible everyone , hope not too many OH snoring and George is still in bed.
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Nice to see you too, Maria xxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Pleased you enjoyed your day crafting! I hope you did anyway! You'll get the others finished no trouble. Xxx

    3. Thank you Maria for your kind comments about my pottery.

    4. Myra sounds like you had a lovely time crafting, it's lovely when there's a group of you. Xxx

  49. Well nice to see you Margaret. I think I'll switch the light out as George is snuggled up under the cover. We got the duvet back today from the cleaners but haven't put it on the bed. We don't need it yet as I get too hot, so just have a top sheet and the empty duvet cover. George, of course, feels the cold, but that's because he is so very much older than me ha ha.
    Myra, I hope you are not kept up half the night.
    See you all tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed. That's you - me I'll be a bleary eyed, shuffling wreck as usual!
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night Dear! Sleep well!
      I'll be here for a while yet by the look of things. Xxx

    2. Night night I will go and hop, hop, hop, to bed just over three weeks more hop, hop, hop, agh! xxx

    3. Night Night , bunny Margaret from ducky Myra xxxx

  50. I have got 'restless legs' tonight. Driving me mad. Think perhaps I had better try and go to sleep. Am already in bed. Night night.

    1. Oh Brenda, I get that sometimes , usually when I have driven a long way! It's awful! I find paracetamol helps. Hope you get to sleep soon. Xxx

  51. Thank you Myra. I have had it for the last few nights. Fine during the day.

    1. I know , my Dad used to get it too! I think stress makes it worse but only because I never get it if I haven't been under pressure in some way. Xx

    2. Have you tried drinking tonic water? Doctor recommended it to me when I was pregnant with Emma for restless legs and it worked a treat. We bought some in little cans a couple of Christmases ago and they are perfect to keep by the bed at night ( gin optional!) xxx

  52. No I haven't Diane. I heard it was good for cramp though. Will give it a try.
