
Sunday 19 July 2015

My lovely Gift from Diane


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I want to share with you today the lovely gift that I got
through the door yesterday morning from Diane.
I absolutely love the 'American' style of this lovely
card that Diane has created, it looks as though the centre
sentiment is stamped and then surrounded and highlighted by
all of the die cut Circles, stars and arrows, all cut from card
that is perfectly matched, the different colours all go so well together.
Thank you Diane for the wonderful words that you wrote inside the card,
they really touched my heart, thank you for your kindness xxxx
We were supposed to go shopping yesterday to get the girls some bits for
holiday, mostly bikinis and shorts, but our plans were dashed as we were looking
after Diego for a couple of hours, well those couple of hours turned into 8 hours,
by the time they collected him it was too late to go, oh I get so frustrated when
we have to change plans last minute, we now have to go today, so an early start
as shopping with twins is frustrating and the shops close early today,
oh, its going to be a very long day, I can just feel it!!!
Bacon Rolls and Coffee here we come!
Have a lovely Sunday,
Love & Hugs




  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today, another miserable wet one this morning, I wonder if the golf will be delayed? Oh there are going to be so many disappointed fans.
    Diane, a brilliant colourful card you designed and lucky Sandra receiving it.
    Sandra, oh if this is what happens when you are asked to dog sit, I think you better start putting your foot down!!! Your day out was spoilt which is so unfair, it's very selfish of Becca, as she knows that you cant just take the girls on your own, that her Dad has to go as well. If the dog was baby or child would she have done the same, I think the answer would be yes!!! No she has to be told a couple of hours means that? She made sure she didn't dip out of her outing. Sorry Sandra I will come off my soap box. I just hate that you are being very much used by her.
    Nothing much happening here today. I think Gillian will likely come up here if Andrew gets called out, she still hasn't been able to get her car locks Recalibrated and worries even with a steering lock on her car will get stolen. The police have told her that she wasn't the only one who had these thieves. They have done a few, so they have told her to be extra careful about securing her car. At least if she is here with the car she can relax, we will play with her flowers to see what style she wants for her table decorations,
    Off now to do the ironing then it's make up the spare bed. I can't believe that SIL will be here Wednesday, scary all the other visitors will be here before we know it, they are staying here but will be having some meals with us. xxx

    1. Thank you Hazel, poor Gillian she doesn't need this stress before the wedding xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all the gang, hope you are all well.
    SANDRA:-: don't do anyone any favours today. Just say NO!! we have other plans. I do hope you manage that and you Paul and your girls get out to do some Happy Shopping.......right!!! Practice ....N .... O !! and again ... N ... O !!
    DIANE:- your card is brilliant, love, love, love, it. What a fantastic design, lots of love and attention gone in to it.
    Guess what folks ... it's raining here ... AGAIN.
    I slept in Big Time this morning. John was up a few times during the night. Not that I get up with him but it does disturb me. He never manages to just seek out of the bed quietly, open and close doors quitely, if he makes himself a cup of tea never shuts the kitchen door or stirs his cup quitely. Don't why he stirs it anyway he does not take sugar!!!
    Everything looking good,. Ooooo!!! lots of goodies in the fridge, will have my Tea & Taost just now but will be back later.
    Right best get a move on. (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual. xxxx

    1. I should have known Hazel had the "Soap Box" we are so alike.
      Don't stand any nonsense from our Families. We both have lots to do with them but don't get taken a loan of. We use that word NO!!! if it's not suitable.
      Are you practicing?? I don't hear you!! N ... O ... !!! and again!! xxx

    2. Hi Patricia thank you for your kind comment. I think it's a man thing, Julian is the same, all the lights on and he bangs the front door (often leaving lights on !) if he leaves work early or gets in late! Xxx

  3. Oh, I know you will all think that I let my boss off with so much and yet I think Sandra should be hard on Becca. Difference that's my job, ok I can get taken for granted, but it only goes so far then I just blow. I use to work Saturday mornings during the hunting season, but then one Saturday they pushed the boat out and stayed out, well unless granny came up they never got out hunting together again, as I said the morning finishes at 1 as arranged not 5. They regretted that day for a good few years. That's how we had the fall out earlier this year when they took me for granted and look what has happened! No foot down before it gets out of hand big style. As Patricia said NO, NO NO is needed. Sophie and Lucy must be so laid back, my lot would have blown a fuse with her. Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all,

    Fabulous card from Diane, what a beautiful surprise.
    I echo others, you really must say NO, especially if it was just dog sitting, surely he would have been fine for a few hours on his own? I do hope you manage to get out today to do your shopping and have an enjoyable day.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Diane-your card is fabulous. I love the bright colours. Are the artows diecut??

    I agree with Patricia & Hazel re dog sitting! Similar thing when I offered to work thst Saturday morning a while back. At 12 noon I informed them that the morning was over & that was the end of my generosity! They all stood there with their mouths open (looked like goldfish)! That will make them think twice about accepting my offer again.

    I had a lovely lie in this morning, feel much better. Think I needed it after the tension at work. My boss has calmed down but the colleague is still unhappy with the changes and is blaming me. Anyway-she'll have to get used to it as I can't change things back to how it was.

    I need to pop into the village when the shops open then tackle the ironing later but thats it for today. Hubby returning home this afternoon to watch the golf. They saw about an hour of golf last night but have been promised some money back for the tickets-hardly makes up for missing the golf, travel & the hotel does it?!


    1. Oh! Michele poor hubby would have been better staying at home with you. Mind you if we all took that attitude no one would go to anything these days. The weather is so unpredictable.
      Michele your right a couple of hours = 2 hours possibly plus a few minutes. NOT the whole day. been there done it when I was working but only once ..... never again.
      Soap Box well used this morning. I have popped back in its place for the next person. xxx

    2. Hi Michele thank you for your kind comment. I'm going to put a how to a bit further down. What a week you have had but you had to change the rota to make things work, I'm sure if you changed it back someone else would complain! Poor hubby, I hope the hotel was comfortable, it's poor compensation for him but perhaps one good thing. Xxx

  6. Oh Michele, I feel for your husband it has been a waste of money. He would have seen more of the golf staying at home. Ok they can't perdict the weather but so many things have been a wash out up here for years.
    Yes like you Michele, these people only get the full message when you hit them hard. My boss is regretting not working with me properly at the time when I said I would stay on reduced hours, but it took her till I went to Canada to see I still did the main thing which was to be there for her girls, a fortnight of not knowing if they were being picked dropped off for it to sink in by which time it was to late.
    Glad you enjoyed your lie in, you are up early every day so you have just recharged your body to cope with next week. Xx

  7. Good morning ladies. Can anyone please tell me,...who stole the last week? I don't even seem to have time to glance at my favourite blogs. OK, did have visitors for 3 days (typical mother in law stuff, no warning and very sketchy plan, so no time to pep meals), but the others were her cousins from New Zealand. Turns out that the lady was an avid crafter too. So we chatted late at night after the others had gone to bed. She makes cards, covers place mats and coasters, and decorates ostrich eggs. (she used to keep ostriches!). Guess I'll be keeping in touch with her.
    Can I just say that this week has shown a fantastic selection of makes. Sorry if I don't thank each of you individually, but what a talent shown here.
    I've not managed to read much each day, but will check in when I can.
    Hugs for all who need them, smiles for the rest.

    1. JANICE :- glad your ok! We kind of guessed you were busy with visitors. Good you had a Crfater to chat with it would certainly help you cope with MIL frustration. xxx

    2. Janice what a wonderful guest to have, I should think you enjoyed those evenings. Thank you for your kind comment xxx

  8. Morning everyone, I see we have all had a lie in this morning, it must be something to do with the weather, rain, rain and more rain. I feel sorry for the people who went to see the golf, what a disaster, at least Michele's husband is getting a refund for tickets, but hotels don't do that.
    Diane I love your card so bright and cheerful just what Sandra needs to cheer her up, families drive us nuts!!
    Sandra hope the shopping goes well and the girls get their holiday clothes, I hate shopping for clothes for myself, nothing ever looks right.
    Coffee done, money in pot, cup washed, will pop back later.
    Take care everyone, xxxx

    1. Hi Jess thank you for your kind comment xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    Sorry I didn't manage to get in yesterday, it was just one of those days when time flew and I was so cream crackered I went to bed early.
    Yesterday's gifts were stunning.
    Janet your bag is wonderful, love the colour combination.
    Brenda, you never cease to amaze with your amazing talent. Just brilliant.
    Patricia, such a pretty box, gorgeous flowers too. I love it, and I'll take it with or without the baileys.
    Diane, fab card. Love your layout and the colours you have used. Do I see stampin up papers!
    Sandra, you really must be firm with Becca, at her age she can't keep taking you for granted. Keep practicing your NO.
    By the way, do you get to see all the planes which are at the Royal International Air Show flying past you. Joanne and her OH have taken Oliver. I had an e mail this morning and not only are they staying in the same hotel as some pilots, but the pilot of the Vulcan! and apparently Oliver and him are now best buddies. Oliver wanted to know whether he had shoes which lit up like his do and bless him (the Vulcan Pilot) not only stamped his feet to check, but asked all the other pilots to stamp theirs as well. Oliver was apparently very proud to be the only one with light up shoes!!
    Cheryl hope you had a massive sell out yesterday and showed the WI how it's done.
    Hazel, enjoy your day with Gillian, I do hope she can get those locks sorted soon. How long now to the big day?
    We are having visitors later on this afternoon so I must crack on and try to turn my dining room back to some semblance of a room and not a bomb site.
    We are going out for dinner with them later, so I might be Not get back here till very late. Have fun whatever you do today.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

  10. SABA:- that is so sweet, I just love when you get adults who can interact so well with children.
    We saw the Vulacn in flight 2 years ago when we were down at The Museum Of Flight just outside York. It was Hawkeyed Thomas that spotted it in the sky and caused a right frenzy of people with their cameras at the ready all waiting patiently for the fly past. It was fantastic, certainly made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
    Have fun with your visitors, enjoy your meal, hope you don't get too "squiffy" xxx

    1. Hi Saba
      Yes hawk eyes stampin up it is! Thank you for your kind comment. Hope you gave a more relaxing day today. Oh what a fantastic time foe Oliver and what great bunch of pilots. I always wondered why only kids shoes have lights in them! I've just read your comment out to Julian and he said blow he wanted to go to the air show this year - he hasn't been for so many years and saw the signs and thought it would be good to go! My sister flew back from Jersey into Bournmouth airport a few years ago in the middle of an air show and landed in between the Vulcan bomber taking off and the red arrows landing! Quite an experience. Xxx

    2. Hi Diane, can you just picture all the people at the air show straining their necks to see which plane was coming in next and then seeing a passenger plane! Tell Julian that we have a Junker JU 52 flying around Nuremberg this month, it has flown over our flat several times already today.

    3. He would be in his element!

    4. Hi SABA
      The air show is quite close to us. However, although Pete wants to go he hates queuing, so won't go. We can usually see the planes as they fly around in Oxfordshire. However, this year they must be going on a different route as we haven't seen many this year.

  11. Morning Sandra and all in this morning.
    Nice card you got from Diane, it looks fun and the colours are happy,very nice.
    Hope your day shopping goes well, just a shame when you planned to do it yesterday and you got holding Diego for the day.
    Sorry to see you still got all this rain coming down in Scotland, surely it must stop soon or St Andrews will be a washout . It's cooler down here today but no rain forecasted so my boy's trying to slay the dryer spike into the grass and that has so far been a farce, 1) the ground is rock solid 2) have not the right tools and 3) not very clever aaargh if I had the strength I would have a go myself but after yesterday's work out , turning the handle on GC for a long time I'm paying for it this morning. Will try to finish the cards today do as the time ran out for us so will have a go at that and some other ones for you Sandra for show and tell but like I said last night don't hold your breath. aaah I see Oliver's little face when they all stamped their feet and his shoes were the only once lightening up hihi Have a good dinner Saba ( sausages ?)
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria - great minds think alike I was just about to leave one word for Saba but you beat me to it! Sausages!!
      Oops all the best with the Rotary Dryer - first one my husband put up came down with a whole load of white Terry nappies and vests and towels! I wasn't too happy! Ours is set in concrete now! - well the base is and I then can remove the dryer when not in use. All the best with that and the cards! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra thank you for your kind comment. Now we have a rotary thing which was set at a jaunty angle in concrete- wasn't supposed to be jaunty angle as we used spirit level and everything but that's how it turned out! Last month he bought a screw in support to go in the ground which went in easily even after dry weather - it came from B&q. Much better, now I have to jump to reach some bits of the line!! Xxx

    3. Oh that's Maria sorry not Myra, I'm getting co fussed again sorry xxxx

    4. Maria, if it's sausages again you will hear me screaming from here.
      Is your whirligig spinning yet??

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I'm taking up the soapbox challenge. You MUST be firmer with Becca. It's not fair on you, Paul or the rest of your family for her to be so uncaring, especially in your circumstances. You are doing her no favours by being so accommodating. As Hazel says you must put your foot down big time. Right, anyone else for the soapbox.
    Diane, this would make a great Happy Birthday card for a boy (with the sentiment changed, obviously) so I'll have to keep it in mind.
    Saba - one word to you - Prost!!! Enjoy your day, don't stress too much, get them drunk and they'll not notice if the Dining Room looks a mess!!! Isn't it lovely when an adult can make a child's day just by stamping his feet, he obviously has children himself and knew what it would mean to Oliver. I bet Oliver was so pleased with himself.
    Janice, lovely to see you. How great to have your MIL come on a surprise visit ha ha.
    See you all later.
    Murriel xxxx

    1. Patricia, I meant to say that I''ve never met a man who could do anything quietly. When George gets up during the night, the people at the top of the street say Shh to him!!!
      Maria, you'd have had that spike in the ground no bother!

    2. You should hear , well maybe you do , my husband emptying the dishwasher! Wow! Xxx

    3. Hi Maureen
      Oh how funny we were watching the soap box challenge on TV yesterday, so funny. Thank you for your kind comments xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and all Good Friends! ,
    Just popped in quickly as got visitors today. I may be quiet today - you'll have lots of peace!
    The golfers arrived here at 12 30am. Ate an entire plate of sandwiches washed down with tea and left again at 1am! Arrived home safely at 2 55am!! Got text this morning! They left St Andrews at 8 35am! Quite a day I'd say. They had a good day on Friday though and enjoyed the golf they did see yesterday evening!
    No complaints from them at all.
    Beautiful card Sandra and one that could be adapted I think for other occasions. Very funky , Diane! ( please note position of comma) .
    Loved the story of Oliver and his shoes. What a nice man. It doesn't take much to make a child's day.
    Sandra - I think you need some flashing shoes like Oliver's so that when you stamp your foot Becca will get the message! Hope you get all the shopping done without too much trouble. x
    Cheryl - hope you sold loads! I'm sure you are tired today.
    Love to everyone,
    See you maybe a lot later!
    Saba - please have a lovely meal!
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra thank you for your kind comment. It's an americanised stamp! Xxxx

  14. Oops! No no - they left St Andrews at 8 35 PM last night! Xxx

  15. Myra I see your son had his pilots licence with him, St Andrews to Lancashire if I am right in 4 hours. Mmmmmmmm Gretna from here 3-31/2 and I don't go at 50. My husband use to say " road was clear" he didn't stop that's for sure. xxx

  16. Ok husband has said about right for that time of night!!! Xxx

    1. His colleague assured me that he was driving safely and not too fast. Roads were really quiet! Xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra can I join soap box please tell Becca No! Saturdays are your time with Paul and the girls, hope you get the shopping done today.
    Diane your card is very colourful and cheery well done.
    Lovely to see Maureen back to sparkling form I l
    ove reading the interactions between certain ones of you no names no pack drill! makes for lovely reading.
    Had my coffee and washed up money in pot.
    Love to all Margaret xx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra can I join soap box please tell Becca No! Saturdays are your time with Paul and the girls, hope you get the shopping done today.
    Diane your card is very colourful and cheery well done.
    Lovely to see Maureen back to sparkling form I l
    ove reading the interactions between certain ones of you no names no pack drill! makes for lovely reading.
    Had my coffee and washed up money in pot.
    Love to all Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thank you for your kind comments. Mind how you get down from the soap box, especially as you've piled two on top of eachother! :) xxx

    2. I was thinking the same thing Diane.
      Hope they are stong boxes putting one on top of the other is really not a safe option!! xxx

    3. Just popped in, can't help it! This soap box could be like Jacobs Ladder by the end of the day! Mind how you go! Xx

    4. Well I think Margaret was just making sure everyone read her post!!! xxx (twice)

    5. Sorry finger trouble.xx

    6. Well Margaret, I hope it's not sticking up in the air!!!! xxx

    7. Margaret, just ignore them, they are a sarky lot!!
      I hope your finger is not too sore, see some of us offer sympathy.

    8. No wonder Sue told me to join your sense of humour is just like ours trouble is I can never think of the quips quick enough!

    9. Margaret if your finger is up in the air and you shout out if shall know you've got the cricket on too! Xxx

    10. Hi Margaret
      Hope it's not your middle finger that's sticking up. Dont want you unbalanced on the soap box, just in case someone gives it a kick as there going by. They are quick aren't they on this blog. My brain doesn't keep up. Still trying to find out who Kelly us.

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you get to the shops today and manage to sort out the girls holiday wardrobe. And they find what they need quickly, it's exhausting shopping with one teenager - but two!!! Why don't you and Paul find a nice cafe, send them off (with a limited budget) and say come back in an hour, with your holiday cloths.

    DIANE, your card is lovely and bright, very modern, it would be great for a
    boy/man. Love the layout. If you don't mind I will file this in my book of ideas.

    SABA, Oliver has a new best friend, he probably made the day for these young men, as well as having the coolest shoes in the hotel !!!

    We are having Ciara for a sleepover later. So better get my thinking cap on as she will be wanting to do 'making things'

    Take care everyone, leaving lots of hugs big and small in the basket, please help yourself, love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda have a lovely day with Ciara, and enjoy lots of cuddles. Xxx

    2. Brenda thank you for your kind comments, yes feel free to use it. Have a lovely time with Ciara xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Thank you for your kind comments, I was quite surprised to see my card, I posted it Friday lunch time second class! For once the post office have done good!
    Sandra I agree with the others Becca needs a bit of a talking to. Did you resolve the money situation to? The girls must have been furious with her. I hope shopping goes well today.
    Well ladies I made my card at a stampin up card club that I go to. It's not one I would usually make but it was fun to do. The lady that runs the club produces all the card bases and fits the papers to size but then hands you a selection a papers to choose from that all co ordinate. The arrows and circles were all punches, we don't often use dies during those sessions so it is a nice change. We are usually shown a sample card to copy but this tine she showed us what she had done then let us play as we wished. I chose to raise some of mine to give it dimention. I have a selection of cards now that I forget to use but it's good to have in case. The advantage is a lot of them are flat so good for posting. Right I must get on, I've got a cake to ice today before I do anything else and I'm hoping to get some gardening done too with hubby's help if I can prize him away from the cricket!
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

  21. Myra, So that's the racket we hear, it's Alistair empty the dishwasher. And does he put the dishes away? I must photocopy that post and leave it in a prominent place for G to see. No, he wouldn't see it if I put it right in front of him, I'll have to put it somewhere unobtrusive!! Mind you G often loads the dishwasher, then I re-do it properly ha ha !!! xxxx

    1. Myra, I keep meaning to say that I hope you enjoy your visitors today, just don't overdo the seasoning and they should be very tasty!! xxx

    2. John just about has a "hissy fit" if I touch HIS dishwasher. I do not put anything in it and only VERY occasionally empty it. 24 years ago just before we got our first one, he was the one that kept saying Dish Washer why would we need a dish washer??? That and the Bins are his jobs. I have to stick the "union rules" which suits me just fine. xxx

  22. Oh I just let Charlie do the dishwasher as long as the dishes come out sparkling and clean that's all that counts, he is good and fits the things in ok. A bit like the pegs as long as the washing is out and getting dry. Xxx

    1. Oh dear ladies can I borrow your husbands! Emma and Julian can sometimes open the dishwasher door but finding the tablet thing which lives right next to it and pushing one button is far too much for them! If it does get emptied it's usually if I do it myself or have a moan - there's only so much breath to moan though isn't there! Xxx

  23. I need a cup of tea and a slice of cake, my mind is all over the place I am starting to panic as to my visitor arriving and the wedding. Diane it's a week Thursday. Party on the Saturday hall has to be set up and we won't get the keys till 3 pm thank goodness Gillian , Lynn her friend and I work well together. And we have got men to get the tables and chairs out for us. But we have to put the 100 chair covers on and the sashes. We will have it all ready to go but it will be still a lot of work. X

    1. Oh Hazel, If I know you, you'll have everything organised and things will be wonderful. Your visitor will just be so pleased to be at your home in a beautiful part of Scotland, and although the preparations for the party will be hard work, I bet you have laughs along the way whilst you are all working together. Don't let it stress you too much, please just look forward to Gillian's marriage and have the most wonderful time.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. Me organised, you are joking Maureen, I am ok if someone is just coming over night but this is for 2 weeks, but Roberta is lovely and I know it will be all ok, it's just you have to consider someone else in the house, and I do like to just come down stairs if I can't sleep, but the spare room is dowstairs so I would disturb her even just going to the bathroom again it's past her room, I don't make a noise but it's just having to creep around. Charlie wouldn't miss me I could pack a bag in the night and go he wouldn't hear a thing. It would be better if our room was down here and the spare room upstairs. xxx

    3. Hazel I'm sure it will all be fine and everyone will muck in and help, yes it's odd having someone in the house isn't it but I'm sure she will just l
      Help too. I know what you mean about worrying though, I'm a dreadful worrier but that usually means things go smoothly! Do you make lists? I have lists of lists sometimes! Would you like us all to come and help? Xxx

    4. Oh no I don't as I would loose them or Charlie would take it to write on. The only time I do one is when I am packing a case, as I put things in I write it down so I know that's in. Xxx

    5. Hi Hazel
      Are you able to swop rooms while your visitors are gear, or would that be adding extra work. Try not yo get to stressed. I know that's easier said then done. I stressed a bit when Pete's brother and his wife came over to stay with us from Australia. Bryan, Pete's brother turned the water off when Pete was watering. Gill, his wife and I were laughing so much I started popping off. I apologised but Gill said, thank the Lord for that Bryan now we know it's ok to blow off.

    6. Pat, we only have a 3/4 sized bed down stairs, and we have a super king - 2 single beds together with different firmness of mattresses, I would go mental if I shared the one mattress with Charlie as every time he moved I would be awake, so not an option. I wish it was. xxx

  24. Hazel I will join you for that Tea & Cake I can hear the panic in your voice.
    I told you earlier, take a deep breath, slow down, have a seat.
    We will enjoy a cuppa, have a chat then you can get going again. xxx

  25. CHERYL:- where are you???
    Hope you did not tier yourself out too much yesterday.
    How did you do?? xxx

    1. I get this picture in my head of Cheryl as a Mille Feuille ! Xxx

    2. Ah she is the Creme de la Creme (wish I had the accents on my keyboard).

  26. My biggest problem with the dishwasher and Peter is that he always changes the program to energy save ( I call it miser mode) and then I have to dry them before putting them away. AND he puts the cutlery in the wrong way. We have a top tray system and I put them in handles to the left and he does it the other way round. Drives me bonkers.
    Hazel calm down now, take big breaths and relax. And if that fails, go down to the bottom of the garden and SCREAM.
    Off in the shower now, prosecco is chilling, nibbles ready, just need Peter to tidy his office work mess.
    Hugs Saba

    1. I love it - "Miser Mode"!!! George doesn't even know how to switch the dishwasher on, which suits me because he's useless with anything technical - and you can hardly call switching on a machine as technical! Do you know there is not a straight key in our house? If a key doesn't turn, brute force is the answer!! Don't try the handle to see if the door is already unlocked - no just try to turn the key regardless!!! The garage key is shaped like the letter U, so much so that I cannot get it out of the lock - good job it's on the inside and not the outside. Keys to lock the windows all have a curvy shape, it drives me mad. It's a good job he is such a lovely man!!!

    2. I told Alastair that if you put the dishwasher on " miser mode" ( love the name!) you have to dry the dishes! That's the bit he hates! No further miser mode . Hee hee!! Xx

    3. Good thinking Batman.
      Robin xxx

  27. Replies
    1. Have you checked with Kelly? Xxx

    2. Just checked, no Kelly hasn't seen her either!! xxx

    3. Patricia,
      I've always thought that "Ask Kelly" was a bit like "Kilroy was Here". The origin is lost in history (so to speak). Myra might know better and actually know Kelly, nothing would surprise me there!!!

    4. It's a song!
      Anybody here seen Kelly
      K. E. DOUBLE L. Y
      any body here seen Kelly,
      Kelly from the Emerald Isle! Xxx. Seemlpes! X

  28. We survived the teenage twin bikini shopping challenge!
    I am now laying on the bed recovering! Phew, that was hard work!!
    Now our dishwasher gets left for his lordship, every time any of us put anything in he will rearrange it, knives, forks, spoons all grouped together, facing the same way ! Just a little OCD !!

    1. Now get the twins to bring you a nice cuppa and a cake xxx

    2. Phew thank goodness Sandra, enjoy your rest xxx

  29. I don't have a dishwasher (all together now........awwwwwe).
    Ronnie makes the dinner and I wash up, don't mind, but he seems to use all the pots and kitchen utensils!!,!
    Sandra glad you have your shopping trip behind you, get a rest now and a wee cup of tea.
    Hope Cheryl hasn't over done it yesterday, and is totally washed out.
    Off to be a dishwasher, will call back later.xxxx

  30. Evening, since you are on a "helpful husband" thread tonight, it must be Derek's annual night to make dinner!! Well...he has just suggested an Indian take-away. That's about as good as it gets. He will use the dishwasher, just doesn't empty it. Said once that the ideal kitchen would have 2 dishwashers, so the dishes were taken out of one, used and put in the other, then reversed. I have tried to tell him it doesn't work as easy as that.
    Still, I'll accept and enjoy a good lamb shashlik for tonight.

    1. Oh yes Janice why do me usually think cooking dinner means take away! I often say how would they cope without me, their reply Chinese Indian fish and chips pizza and not to mention KFC M&S ! Aren't they shockers! Xxx

  31. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Sandra how very inconsiderate of Becca to spoil your Saturday with Paul and the girls, I do think the time has come for you to sit this young lady down and tell her you are not salt and pepper a convenience to be used when she fancies it, after all what help does she give you? The more help you give her the more she is expecting, I think she really has to take more responsibility for her own things and that includes animals, it simply is not fair on your or Paul. Right I will put the soap box back in the corner.
    Diane what a lovely card and also a lovely thought, this is a really eye catching idea and so suitable for even a male card too.
    Well last week a very good friend asked if I could make a small cake box sample she was not too sure of the size at the time so I had a little play and made four small boxes slightly different sizes. She called today to show me the little cake iced just like a parcel and said this box is perfect can you make me 60 of them! Well when I got my breath back I asked when would she like them and who were they for? As she makes wedding cakes I assumed it must be to do with a wedding and I was right the little cakes are to be given as wedding favours, guess what, she says the people need them for Friday this week! Apparently the groom is a sailor and everything had to wait until he arrived home! Well I am not going to be bored this week that is for sure, I have made a start and got all the bases cut and scored, but if I should be missing you will know I am not being idle I will be making boxes wish me luck!
    Hope to be back tomorrow if not before!
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh! My! Goodness!! Margaret, you will not have a minute to draw breath. I suppose being a bit incapacitated has its blessings this week.
      If I had been nearer I would have given you a help.
      That Soap Box had been well used today. However I doubt it will really have much effect on the Cafe Owner what do you think?? xxx

    2. The owner knows we all care for her and just as mums don't want her to be used, Becca doesnt realise we are all old school here and will not let her upset her mum if we have anything to do with it!!! Xxx

    3. Margaret, do you intend to work Night and Day (that one's for Myra!), you'll be cross eyed by the time you finish!
      Patricia, I wouldn't like to put money on it xxx

    4. HinPatricia
      I'm with you on that one. Sandra is getting there a bit, not much though. Paul doesn't what to upset her. Never mind that she disrupts the whole house all the time. Seems to think everything revolves round her by the look of things. We had to get on with it. I had a house and two kids to look after by the time I was 21, and a husband that worked shifts. Hope your prepared for snow down under, and bought your winter woollies. The roads up to the blue mountains gave been shut for a few days, due to snow and black ice.

    5. Oh my goodness Margaret I wish we could all give you a hand! You will be busy but do look after yourself won't you and only do what you can. Your poor friend too having to make them and decorate then. I've only got one to do and that's stressful enough! Thank you for your kind comments xxx

  32. Oh Margaret, I think you need to learn that big word NO!!! Too just like the rest of us at these times. The bride doesn't bake that's for sure or she would no that's not easy to make 60 at short notice. Plus not every one likes wedding cake these days. Gosh the soap box has been well used today, poor Sandra will be thinking " Why did I say what happened". But Sandra we all have been around much longer than you. We made mistakes I know I have but we were brought up different and we have brought ours up different from children to day get brought up as life has changed. But Becca has to learn she is 21 and she has to be responsible for her actions. I was married had a new baby, plus two sisters 5&9 staying with us and Charlie was away in northern Ireland, there was no phones or any thing. I had to just get on with it.
    Cheryl, I to hope you didn't over do it yesterday. I do know that standing for a length of time can take it out of you.
    Jess, I got a diswasher 35 years ago as the manual dishwasher went away to much? The drying side was ok as the children did that. Yes when hand washing you do notice how many pots etc. that can be used.
    I am calmer now, I went and made a card and switched off. Thank you for caring. xxx

  33. Still wondering who KELLY is xxx

  34. Replies
    1. You two lovely ladies, I replied to Patricia's question above.
      Hazel, I admire you greatly.
      Rachel bought me my first dishwasher for my Easter present when she was 19 and in her first job. It's still going strong in their kitchen. When my kitchen was re-fitted about 5 years ago she asked if she could have my old one until they got a new one, as hers had given up the ghost. Peter plumbed it in and hey wallah, it's still going strong - she's 46 now so that's 27 years. It's a Hotpoint so that's what I got in the new kitchen.

    2. Our first dishwasher was plumb and replumbed so many times and travelled in removal vans but we had it for years.i think or second one might still be on the go, one of Gillian's friends bought it when we had our kitchen done 14 years ago and had a built in one. Rachel was very thoughtful to buy you such a great gift. I would be straight out and buy a new one if anything happen to this one and couldn't be repaired. xxx

    3. I would too Hazel, I wouldn't be without it. I have to say that since she got married the presents have got a lot smaller, especially since the children came along !!!! lol xxx

    4. I wonder why??? Children don't cost a penny to look after!!! I wish?
      Beth has narrow feet so hard to get shoes for her at times, always have to go to shops that sell continental makes, Ecco ones are looking like the ones that will be good for school - £50 they have gone up again just I am sure as its that time of year when they will be getting shoes for going back to school. Mum was saying tonight that thank goodness Anna loves her DMs and that they are still good after a year, her feet have stopped growing thankfully but they are size 8.

    5. DMs are perfect for school shoes, Emma has had hers for several years and they look hardly worn! Worth every penny. Julian bought me a dishwasher when I went back to work after having Emma, he did some private work and bought it with his pay. It broke down the day after I left work! We did but a new one though, I wouldn't be without one now! Xxx

  35. MYRA & MAUREEN:- who the heck is KELLY???

    1. PATRICIA, we keep missing each other, read above. xxx

    2. Ah! kinda like "ask Jeeves" xxx

    3. I am a bit worried about CHERYL:-
      I know Craft Fairs are very hard work. Hazel and I used to do quite a few but it began to get just too much.
      It's the making everything, packageing, getting it in the car, unloading from the car, setting up, standing all day. Selling & chatting to customers, day over, packing everything away, getting it back in the car, unloading when you get home. Putting anything left away till the next Craft Fair.
      Gosh I am tiered just typing that xxx

    4. Npt as tired as I am reading it!!! xxx

    5. Note to anyone thinking of taking a table at a Craft Fair ...... think about the work involved!! xxx

    6. You are in "tiers" again Patricia! Tired and tiered have caused you problems all day! That's why I said Cheryl was a Mille Feuille - all the tiers ! Xx

  36. Hi Sandra
    Are you getting the idea that we all want you to say No No No to Becca. You'll have to twist Paul's arm though.
    Diane a lovely card today. Just love the idea of putting circles together to make a card. We do learn a lot on this lovely blog don't we. Hope Cheryl's ok adter yesterday's stint. It's very tiring just standing all day. I'll have to have another read to find out who Kelly is. I wonder if it's the name if the dishwasher. Mines called a Pete, whose out now watering the garden. Good job were not on a water meter.

    1. PAT:- scroll up a bit, Maureen has given us a "scooby" about KELLY!!!

    2. WATERING:- Oh! My! Word! no need for that here. Some gardens are like BOGS.
      PAT:- you saying that it's Paul we have to get to really surprises me.

    3. Patricia, what's a "scooby" xxx

    4. Hi Patricia
      Yes, Paul. Sandra says he doesn't want yo upset her. Seems like she needs a slap to me. What means a clue or niot a clue Hazel Scooby or Kelly. Maureen's not the only one that's confused. Mind you I'm easily confused. Your water situation sounds just like ours is sometimes. If we have any hard rain it floods our road. Wish we could sent some over to France as well.

    5. Sorry!! but Paul needing a slap comes to mind as well.
      Good job they dont have me as "wife & mother"!!!

    6. Hi Pat thank you for your lovely comments xxx

  37. Pat, on need to water here! It's pouring with rain again, our water butt is over flowing, I wish I could send the spare water to Janet. When you walk down on our grass you get little spouts of water coming up, it's that wet. xxx

  38. Maureen it means " not a clue" xxx

  39. Sorry it can mean " a clue "too. X

    1. Hazel, for goodness sake, you know how easy it is to confuse me, now I don't know if I'm coming or going!!! xxxx

    2. Isn't it Cockney rhyming slang - a clue - a scooby do . It then gets shortened to a scooby .xxx

  40. MAJREEN:- it's a bit like using KELLY!!!

  41. Well ladies I have come to thinking I am really lucky, Charlie cooks, and cooks for himself when I am away, he will do the dish washer, put washing on, peg it out, take it in and is getting better at folding it these days, will do the shopping. So I do have it easy. When our three lived at home they all had to cook or hoover, iron and put washing on etc. In exchange before they could drive I would take them in and out to go to friends or weekend jobs. They had bikes but the road was very lonely and it was all fields either side of the road so only allowed to use them during the day. I now think I must have been a hard mum, but funny they still come to me and ask for my help. xxx

  42. Hazel, I think a few of us are quite lucky. George has cooked and done most of the food shopping since he retired, and he makes me endless cups of coffee. He also hangs out the washing and brings it in, but I prefer to iron it myself. Only because the electricity bill would be enormous. In fact he'll do almost anything that I ask him to do - if he can - but I pick the projects carefully ha ha. He very kindly did the lawns last week, and managed to pull up some bulbs from one of the borders that I'd been raising for a couple of years and this year was the first that buds had appeared arghhh!

  43. Well folks is time for me to take my leave.
    I have learnt today I must have been quite a hard mother.
    However like Hazel has said with her family .... JohnJnr still comes for advice and help.
    He had to help in the house especially when his dad was away. Pay well for his keep when he lived at home.
    We have a loving son, a wonderful DIL, two fantastic Grandsons who include us in so much. We spend most holidays together, so I cant have been all bad. It certainly has not done him any harm. John and I are so blessed when we think about it.
    I will see you all in the morning, thank you for your company.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Patricia not hard at all, I think a lot of us are alike and expect as much as we can from family. Mine just do things when they want to do them where as if I want something done in want it done Now! The fact you have a good relationship with your son and daughter in law means you must have done it right and the children love you so much too. Sleep tight lovely last xxx

  44. There's still no sign of CHERYL, and SABA has gone AWOL, PATRICIA and HAZEL are looking for Kelly, Kilroy and Jeeves so they may be gone for a while!!! NORAH has been missing for a few days, I hope she is all right, and JANICE is winding down after being visited by her MIL. MARGARET P has finger problems, and SANDRA is lying on the bed as she's trying on her new bikini. MARGARET CORGI is buried beneath a mountain of boxes. DIANE is on the lookout for a new husband and PAT has a dishwasher called Pete. Now there's JESS who doesn't have a dishwasher awww
    Apologies to the ladies who I've missed, but Mr Sandman has sprinkled his dust my way. See you all tomorrow. Night, night, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. MYRA, how could I miss Myra, she'll be busy with her visitors so may not notice (I hope), I just want to say "Ain't no sunshine when you're gone". xxx

    2. Night night Maureen sleep tight sweet dreams. Do you know I think I will keep my lovely Julian, he's been trained for the last 23 years and the thought of starting again from scratch training another one is a nightmare! Xxx

    3. Oh Majreen! I'm touched - careful now!
      You are the sunshine of my life! Xx sleep well.

  45. Hi ladies
    I've been trying to comment on the way down, thank you all for your lovely comments today. Well that soap box has been well used today, we shall have to decorate it with some fancy papers and sparkly flowers won't we :) . Well I've got the icing on the cake, just need to decorate it properly tomorrow. No pressure, it's for my friend who is a wonderful cake maker and makes all her own flowers! I think that's why I drew the short straw! Julian has managed to watch cricket, golf, Tour de France and cut the grass! I iced the cake and planted some more vegetables and did some washing. Just had a lovely evening watching Mama Mia, thought of you Muriel! Shame Colin Firth is gay in that film! I won't mention Mr Brosnon signing! Just turned over to the TV and Love Actually is on so another treat (mr Firth not gay in thus one!). I took my iPad into the garden but the signal dropped out so I couldn't comment. I've got a battle with the garden birds at the moment. They have had free run of the garden for the last month and have decided to poo over the table and chaos and the seat! They were most put out when I sat on the bench and sat in the roses tweeting at me- how dare I sit in their garden! Ho hum. Oh well I must see what else is going on in the world see you all soon ( unless I nod off watching the film!) xxx

  46. Helloooo,
    I have had a lovely evening, not a sausage in sight. We sat outside on a huge balcony overlooking a lake and apart from the wasps ( they really seem to be out in force at the moment) it was splendid. Our friends are also sailors so most of the evening was about sails and rigging and other boaty things.
    Now I am completely and utterly lost, apparently, a scooby is like using a Kelly and means a clue or not a clue! please can someone tell me who Kelly is and why she is being used and is clueless or not.
    Maureen, your rounding up,of the day's events helped, but you missed out Pat.
    Pat makes her guests feel at home by pooping. At least that's what I think she was doing. Hazel, perhaps you should give your guest a couple of days before you follow Pats lead.
    Diane, isn't Colin Firth just lush. Your birds are terribly clever tweeting, do they do Facebook as well.

    1. Haha no just twitter lol. Ooooh yes Colin Firth- used to live in Winchester, may still but I've never seen him unfortunately! Glad you had a lovely evening with no sausages! Night night sleep tight sweet dreams xxx

    2. Hellooooo! Is anybody up?
      I've just sat down for a quiet few minutes before bed! Boy have you lot had a daft day!
      Saba - so glad you had a lovely evening and sans sausages!
      I've had a lovely day but it's been rather busy!
      Visitors left at 11 40 PM! I've cleared up and loaded the dishwasher! I love my dishwasher. I got my first dishwasher in 1979. We left that in that house as it was fitted in the kitchen. Now on the third one in this house. We've been here 31 years but my present one is less than 12 months old.
      I explained about Kelly above! It's a song!
      I'll see if anyone comes in then I'm off to bed.
