
Monday 20 July 2015

Man Card Monday

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Today's Mans Card has been made by Pat, I love this fishing stamp that you have used Pat and as usual you have coloured it perfectly.  The bulrushes bring the stamped image over the edge, so it blends into the card background, the stamp looks like a whole scene in itself with the background and
the birds and trees in the distance.
I love the colours you have picked for the Mats and Layers and for the stamped sentiment.
The gorgeous colour feathers that you have used finish the card perfectly, they look just like the fishing lure that is in the stamped image.
Thank you Pat for sending me this card to share with all our friends here in the café xxxx
We are sticking to one card a day so that I can have enough cards to schedule posts for my holidays.
Please feel free to send ideas for weekly challenges, it can be anything from colour theme, to style of card, shapes, seasons, anything your heart desires.
We will post the challenge and then a few days later, maybe on a Saturday to replace mixed crafts if we are running short, or we can do it on a sunday if you feel you want to keep mixed craft Saturday,
just let me know.
That's all for now,
I will catch up with you later,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-fantastic mans card, love it.

    Quick visit as I have to make my lunch, go up to the greenhouse & dry my hair-may leave it curly today. It's naturally curly but I normally straighten it.


    1. Michele, are you mad? Most of us would give anything for curls and I have to say a green house is a very strange place to go and dry your hair LoL.

    2. Hi Michelle
      I'll swop my straight hair with your curly mop anytime. I know a greenhouse gets warm. But for drying your hair. Not to sure if you've been on Julia' blog but you've won her Friday card. Congratulations.

    3. Michele - I have hair envy! Xxx

    4. If you saw my hair, it looks like it was dried in the greenhouse !
      Oooh-i'll pop over to Jias blog asap-cheers!

  2. Good morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo.
    PAT:- what a great card, love how the fish tail and the Bullrushes seem too overhang the edges. Great card for any Fisherman.
    I am very late this morning, going to put me way behind this morning.
    Anyway, everything looking good, taking my Tea & Toast over to my usual seat in the corner to do some people watching. There are a few who have not been in for while, going see if they are in the street.
    I am going to visit Hazel's daughter to get my Toenails cut at 1pm. With taking Thyroxine my nails are very thick (bit like my head ) I have difficulty cutting my Big Toe nails. Gillian to the rescue and of course I need Happy Feet for dancing at her party.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia any other exciting side effects of thyroxine I need to know about?? I am checking my toenails as we speak.

    2. Hi Patricia
      I to have very thick toenails, but mine don't have any excuse, as I only take Omeprazole and blood pressure tablets, I could do with a Gillian since my op. Pete makes a terrible job of my right foot toenails, as he xant cut left handed.

  3. What a fabulous male card! Pat, the colouring is wonderful and I love the feathers , what a great idea.stamping is still my favourite thing to do, but don't recognise this one?
    Great colourful card from Diane yesterday, sorry I didn't get in to comment.
    Left a pretty plateful of scones in the cafe this morning , hope you enjoy them while they're still warm!
    Hugs to all xo

    1. Hi Anne thank you for your kind comments about my card . It's lovely to see you again today and bearing scones, still warm! Oh I shouldn't but they are hard to resist so thank you. :) xxxx

    2. Anne, sorry, I flew in and out of the cafe today and forgot to have a scone, I will have one when I come back in if there are any left.

    3. I'm trying to be good after having visitors for a fortnight, so it was good to get out to the ( Golden Oldies Pilates class ) this morning, didn't have the shortbread with my coffee, so my halo is shining!

    4. Hi Anne
      Left it a bit late to have a scone I'm afraid. I'll have a look later and see if I've got this stamp. It might have belonged to a friend of mine but I'll check. I usually buy either Woodware or stampendous stamps, so it might be either or those. I made it awhile ago though.

    5. Hi Anne,
      Thank you for the scones, lovely! A halo! Well someone called Maureen, Muriel, Daffy etc! Our Angel of the North - you can be our Angel Even Further North! Mind it doesn't slip! Lol. Xxx

    6. Hi Anne,
      nice to see you again. Hope you are alright and having a nice day.
      I'm very late so probably no scones left but it was very kind of you to bring some in. What part of the country do you live ? I like to know what dialect everyone speaking in :-) hugs Maria xx

    7. ANNE:- your scones must have been very good, none left when I got in this afternoon.
      I see Saba & Maureen were in, bet they ate them!!
      When exactly are you based, I am in Perthshire, near Blairgowrie. xxx

    8. That should be "where" x

    9. Hi Pat S , I love stampendous stamps ,in fact when I stayed in Hamilton 8 yrs ago I used a bridal stamp of theirs ( belonged to a lady who went to a crop class I used to go to ) and I took about 5 stamped out copies with me and I have just used the last one , really sorry to part with it ( makes me sound like a saddo ) ! Lol!

    10. Pat, I now stay in Gairloch, Wester-Ross ,you go up to Inverness and then drive across country for 1hr 20 mins to the west coast and we look over to the Torridon Mountains and the north end of Skye, so it is really beautiful! So glad the " naughty girls " enjoyed the scones , will need to make a double batch next time xo

    11. Well Myra I do have a fondness for Fairies, does that count towards Angels? xo

  4. Sandra, what address do I send photos to?
    Also, I wondered about scrapbook pages as an idea?

    1. Anne, I have sent Sandra a few scrapbook pages for mixed crafts before.

    2. Hi Jess , I made two quick scrapbook pages yesterday the first time in ages, I've been too busy making cards, but it was our youngest grandson Sandy's birthday on Saturday so it was a case of striking while the iron was hot xo

    3. Anne, well done, I go to a scrapbook class twice a month, really like it, it is nice to record special moments a lot better than just putting them in an album.
      My sister in law lives in Caol outside Fort William, we go there quite a
      lot, lovely part of Scotland. I live just outside Falkirk.

    4. Anne my email address is
      please feel free to send anything you want to share, including your lovely cards.
      it looks like you have slipped right in, like you have always belonged.
      its so lovely having you join us xx
      love and hugs

    5. Thank you Sandra , I have certainly been made to feel at home with a lovely bunch of girls! Xo

  5. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Pat what a super card your colouring is fantastic I do hope all your effort was appreciated by the recipient.
    Cheryl I do hope you are alright after your sale.
    Patricia you really are late this morning did you forget it was Monday your get up early big clean day???
    Michele you are so lucky having curly hair I have to sit every morning with heat tongs twiddling away to make mine presentable.
    Well of to make more boxes will pop in later my hugs are over in the corner
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret - I'm with you AGAIN. Hair tongs R Us! Xx

    2. Soooo many boxes to make, good you can make them in all sizes. I like to make some but not good with inches so might have to look in youtube one day, hugs xx

    3. MARGARET:- I was very late, I had to count your Boxes to get myself to sleep ..... !!! Took so long it was past my waking up time!!?
      However I have managed, all the cleaning done. Washing dried with the use of the Tumble Dryer, ready for ironing but can't be bothered.
      Just saying to Hazel my house is very easy to keep (I am a minimalist) but it seems to take longer to get through everything. Think the house has grown bigger over the last 20 years!!! Or could that be me slowing up ???
      Toes done, skipping along happily again.
      Off to that corner table for a cuppa. I think I might have a Meringue ...... heard they were low in calories. Mmmmm!! wonder if that includes the cream and toffee filling?? xxx

    4. Patricia,
      Have you tried counting sheep's legs and dividing the total by four? Xxx

  6. Morning Everyone
    First - sorry I was AWOL yesterday. We set off to another local Brocante in a village in the Morvan National Park which is just five mins away from us - the start of the National Park that it - we arrived just outside the village which is on a hill and quite a steep one at that and as we haven't been before we didn't know the layout. Well the parked cars started at the bottom of the hill and carried on as far as the eye could see. Jim decided to d rive up the hill to see if we could park anywhere nearer the village to no avail and as we drove on cars were parked anywhere and in any direction and the crowds were large. We decided that it wasn't a good idea to stopped and so drove through and we declared it a Tourist Day. Because we're here as often as we are we very rarely explore very far and do have the odd Tourist Day out. The result was we had a lovely drive around the Morvan Forests with the occasional stop for refreshment and arrived back at Marigny just before tea. Both of us complete exhausted and as a result nothing got done.
    The day wasn't as hot as we've had but still in the upper 20s. We had a little and it was a little rain during Saturday night not even enough to mark the veg plot and we are now under Strict Water Restrictions Officially until the end of September or even further.

    Sorry just had to leave for a moment as I've got a quiche in the oven and didn't want it to burn.

    Pat I love your Man's Card this morning. I really do envy your colouring skills. They are just beautiful and your colours both on the card and the feather for the lure are really fantastic. Would love a tutorial from you.

    We have just had a mail from Jim's nephew Robert who lives with his Dutch wife and family in the Netherlands saying they are visiting us from 30th July to 4th August so we need to get things sorted for their visit. They have a Campervan rental business and can only get the odd week-end away and the children Josh and Zoe just love to visit as they adopted us as Grandparents when Jim's sister died eight years ago.

    Off now to try and make my Seasonal card with just one die cut. I cannot wait to get the required software onto this new laptop for photos so that I can help you out Sandra.
    Hugs to you all and hope that you're having a really good week-end.

    1. Janet sounds like a lovely day out. I'm trying to send some rain over to you but it's reluctant to leave us! Xxxx

    2. Janet, at that time of morning and you already have a quiche in the oven, I am so ashamed of myself, I am not even showered yet.

    3. What a super day you had, it nice to go out and

    4. Hi Janet,
      I like getting lost, not much but you always get to see things maybe no one have seen for a long time. Your outing sound lovely. Water must come soon to you as well. We in Bucks. have not had much either but the grey clouds are here so we might get some later today.
      Take care and ooh the cakes the other day ,how yummy were they xxx

  7. Good morning all, Pat what a fantastic card, love how you have stamped the image so it makes the bullrushes and that appear to be over hanging, great colouring in and lay out. Oh I am another late one this morning! Should have been up ages ago, but one if those night where I couldn't sleep, so was up at 2 made myself a drink and then back to bed, this is were I hope I will be able to just lie up stairs in my bed when Roberta is here and not come down. Any way I slept in till gone 8. I have the hospital for my 6 monthly check up this afternoon, I am hoping I will be signed off, we will wait and see. Not working much this week. And no work for three weeks, still no new groom/mums help. The young don't want to get out of bed early and some who have applied for the job aren't of an age to be firm enough that Anna won't walk all over them, then to get some one of that sort of age don't won't to groom any more. So it looks like it's back to the drawing board and it will be a groom and a mums help needed.
    Anne I am up for showing scarpbook pages if Sandra is ok about it, I know Jess does them. I haven't scrapbooked for a long time, I am hoping to be able to get back into it as I would love to do one of Gillian and Andrews wedding. No excuse as I have everything plus I can use die cuts now.
    I see Saba had a good night ( no sausages) so pleased it was better than the other night.
    I think after yesterday we are mainly all in agreement that we can't live without our dishwashers manual or automatic. I am off to get myself some tea and toast, I am going just to sit a see who comes in. Hazel x

  8. Morning everyone, Pat your card is just right for a fisherman, I made a similar card at card class a couple of years ago, the stamp is brilliant but I didn't buy it at the time.
    Reading back over last nights comments I think I need a dishwasher but with only the two of us now it seems a waste of money plus I don't have the room in my kitchen, so my dishwasher will have to be called Jess!
    Off to get some housework done, been a bit like Patricia and Hazel this morning, running late.
    Hope Cheryl has recovered from her craft fair, I think we all really missed her yesterday. Will drink my coffee and get off,,will pop back later.

    1. Jess, there's only two of us here, with the occasional dish when the girls have a meal, but I wouldn't be without it. Leave every cup, dish and piece of cutlery on the bench that you use during the day, and at night you will be amazed how many dishes you have used. Of course, if you aren't retired and in all day, that willl make a difference.

    2. Only two of us too, Jess! It just goes on once a day. However was on three times yesterday! Very handy! Xx

    3. We've got a slim line one which is perfect for the three of us, we put it on every other day. Wouldn't be without it, but I don't put my saucepans in as they have funny handle! Xxx

    4. My saucepans are humourless - so they go in with the rest! Xx

    5. If it can't be put in the dishwasher it doesn't get bought in this house, saying that I wouldn't put my China tea set that's old in or crystal glasses, hence they don't get used. xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I'm all behind today too but it's raining here and rather gloomy so no incentive to get going. I need to take the cake tin back to the shop today so must get going then home to out the writing on the cake - my least favourite bit so I'm putting it off! I know I need to get my act together and just get on with it! I spent half an hour last night chasing a fly around the lounge, Julian took over and said he'd got it, nope I think he gave up because it's buzzing around again ( unless it flew out of the patio door and back in through the bathroom window! I've got the cake covered but don't want it buzzing around while I try and write!
    Pat I almost forgot! How shocking of me ! Pick love your card today, what beautiful colouring and I love the feathers as decoration, how fab. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Right I must go and give myself a talking to and get on. Cheryl I hope you are ok and had a good rest yesterday after your busy Saturday .
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Diane, I do hope you wore adequate protection last night. Buzzzzzzz.

    2. Are you suggesting Diane sits in her lounge with knickers on her head? Xx
      What a picture, what a photograph! Xxx

    3. Myra, it's a case of Flash, Bang, Wallop xxxx

    4. Muriel, there are no flies on you! Xxx

    5. Wanna bet, something is tickling me!!!!!!! xx

    6. Haha I must remember to close the curtains at night, you lot have been looking! Saba I was wearing 3 pairs on my head just in case! Xxx

    7. When I met Pete I was wearing a suspender belt and a pair of knickers on my head. He said later he though I was a goer. He soon learnt differently. There's no flies on me you know. Sounds bad SABA asking Diane if she is using protection.

    8. Oh Lummy what a picture! Xx

  10. Oh. Mum had to come to the rescue this morning, Gillian's chair covers for the party just confirming everything, but she couldn't get it to go from her I pad so mum did it so that's another job done. So it's time for a cup of tea and I think I will have one of Anne's scones they look delicious. xxx

    1. Hazel, good luck with your checkup.
      Reading between the lines I get the feeling you are becoming more and more anxious about Roberta's visit and the wedding plans. Wish there was something I could do to help.

    2. Saba, we could organise a trip to help with the preparations xxx

    3. Ooooh yes please. We could trim the chairs up. Do you have a bow maker?

    4. Yes, they are on the ends of my arms!! lol xxx

    5. Much better than that plastic comb thingy! Xx

    6. I make bows the way Dawn B did, two rabbit ears then knot through together. (No rabbits were harmed in this demo)

    7. JESS:- that's the way I make single bows. I made myself a Bowmaker to make multiple loop bows and also BIG bows. Those plastic things are hopeless IMO anyway. xxx

    8. Patricia, I am soooooooo pleased with myself. I worked out IMO all by myself - and it only took 10 minutes!!!!

    9. Ooopps!! this is where you forget that not everyone knows what these abbreviations mean. It's a bit like KELLY & SCOOBY!!! xxx

    10. Saba, I think Gillian would say yes she hopefully might have a bow maker -called Patricia!!! But mum is good at those too. xxx

  11. Happy Monday morning one and all,
    My morning did not turn out as planned. I wanted to be up and out early. Woke up at the normal time as Peter brought me my coffee to bed before he left, but the problem now is I have to take these blasted thyroid tablets ( and according to Patricia my toe nails are going to be horrendously thick) and must wait a good half hour before drinking my coffee. Anyway took said tablet and fell back asleep. Woke up to the phone ringing, jumped out of bed and ran naked ( apart from fly protection knickers) to get it. It was Val ringing for a chat. Then the door bell went. Now bearing in mind we live on the fourth floor, the house bell usually means the post is here or the bin men and they need someone to buzz them in, the release buzzer is by our flat door. At this point luckily I had scrambled into yesterday's trousers and was trying to get into a spaghetti top, the sort you wear under a blouse. Not easy with a phone in one hand and I went over to the flat door ( which has a glass window panel!) to press the release buzzer only to see someone standing at my flat door. It was the gas man come to do the yearly check. The spaghetti top doesn't leave a lot to the imagination so as I let him in I had to keep my back to him, pointed him in the direction of the gas fire and shot back into the bedroom to put on a jumper. So embarrassing but could have been so much worse!!
    Val and I then chatted for over two hours and I still haven't been in the shower. So much for an early start.
    Pat, your card is fabulous. I actually said wow when I saw it. The feather is an ingenious touch. Everything about it is spot on. I am very impressed.
    Would love to stay and chat but I must get showered and into town.
    See you all later.
    Hugs Saba xxxx

    1. Oh SABA
      I did chuckle at the image of you running around nearly naked answering the phone. And then the gasman came a calling. I bet he was smiling when he saw you half dressed.

    2. What a hussy!
      Enjoy your shopping - hope the test results are good ! Xxx

    3. Saba, I bet you were glad none of us were being flies on your wall this morning??? xxx

    4. This old duck is thankful as well! Xxx

    5. T'was on a Monday morning the gas man came to call ( that's all I can remember of that song- I'm sure Muriel can help me out!) xxx

    6. That's an old one! Flanders and Swan!
      A different tradesman called every day! Get up early tomorrow Saba! Xxx

  12. SABA:- were you instructed to take your tablet 1/2 hours before food?? I was never told that, I just take mine and have my Breakfast right after. That's maybe why my nails are so strong!!! .......!!! My finger nails are very strong but do break easily. The nails on my Big Toes are so thick I have to use Wire cutters on them. Gillian got me Professional Nail Cutters but I just can't use them on my big toes. I just pop along to get Gillian to do them every 2 maybe 3 months, she's a Gem.
    Ooooppps!! Bet the Gas Man left with a smile on his face!!!
    Hope Val is doing OK, you certainly had a nice long chat.
    Hazel and I live much closer but we spend a lot of time chatting on the phone.
    We can then sit down and send messages via the iPad about things we forgot to chat about!!!
    Don't spend too much and NO MORE fancy bags!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      I'm still here, just been over an hour on the phone to Rachel our eldest. Honestly, if it rings again I'm not answering! I need to go into town to buy some thing for my friends birthday and then get it wrapped and posted, then I have to go to the doctors for results of latest blood check to see how the thyroid is responding, so no big deal.
      As to taking the thyroxine, you are supposed to take it at least half an hour before eating or drinking anything apart from water, otherwise you don't absorb the full amount. I am surprised they never told you. Having said that, my mother in law has hers with her breakfast as well. The pharmacist I spoke to also said she sometimes has her coffee with her tablet but said its not a good idea.
      Please don't use wire cutters on your toe nails, you might end up with no toes!!
      Ps did you get my email? Peter was on the house computer at the same time and for some reason when that is the case, e mails don't come through to me on the I pad, and I always worry that someone has sent me a mail and I didn't get it. I usually try and check on the computer before he switches it off as I never use it anymore. Xxx

    2. Patricia - Idont think you should call Saba - fancy bags! Mind you it fits! Xx

    3. I'm like you Patricia,,I take my thyroxin just before breakfast, never noticed anything different about my nails, mind you been taking it for over 20 years, just becomes habit now.
      Part of my thyroid was destroyed by taking a radioactive pill a few years ago, the upside was I had to stay of work, don't go near children or husband for a week as I was radioactive. (Glowed in the dark possibly).

    4. THYROXINE:- I have no thyroid ..... all taken away 17 years ago.
      Someone told me it makes your nails "thick" so I just assumed that's why my big toe nails are like they are.
      No excuse I am up early, I could take my Thyroxine as soon as I get to the kitchen. Will do that but how would I know the difference???
      SABA:- hope your Blood Tests are good.
      I got your e-mail which I answered .... did you get my reply?? xxx

  13. Hello everyone,
    Pat, I think your card is great, and love the out-of-the-box effect and the feather trim.
    I've just got back from the Doctors, nothing serious - I just fancied sitting for an hour before going in for a chat with her, and being given an appointment to go back later in the week to give more blood to Nurse Dracula.
    You know, I remember when a Doctor would take the blood if they wanted a blood test done, or do little procedures instead of sending you to hospital.
    Saba, glad you had a good night last night, and you are so considerate to give your Gas Man a good day today!!! Enjoy your trip to town, and tie your credit card up with barbed wire so you will not be tempted to spend, spend, spend.
    I hope Val is doing better and keeping well.
    Diane, are you sure that wasn't Myra buzzzzing around? She can be a Busy, Busy Bee you know.
    Mmmm Anne, your scones are delicious, I'm just going to have another one with my Latte, relax Sandra you stay there, I'll help myself and put my money in the Pot.
    Still no sign of Cheryl, are you there my dear. Let's hear from you.
    Norah, you haven't been in for a while. I hope you, baby Harry, Rory and Kirsten are all well.
    Janet, your Tourist Day sounds ideal. Bet you were pooped when you got back.
    Patricia, you'll be at Gillians having your toenails cut, enjoy!! Please have a talk with Hazel, she's going to make herself ill with all the worry about Roberta's visit and the wedding preparations.
    Hazel, Can you take a flask of boiling water and the necessaries to make a tea or coffee if you wake up in the night, then you'll only have to go downstairs if you need the loo. You know, if Roberta is snuggled up all nice and cosy, I bet she either won't hear you, or be so comfortable she'll just turn over in bed. So please, try to calm down and breathe slowly. I know, it's so easy for me to say, but what difference will it make if you worry - none at all.
    It's just started raining here, just what we need on our parched ground ha ha.
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. In a while, Crocodile! Xx

    2. PS! I did put the verse on last night about Kelly! It's a song!
      In case you missed it - because I know you don't like to miss anything!
      Anybody here seen Kelly,
      K. E. double L. Y
      Anybody here seen Kelly,
      Kelly from the Emerald Isle ! Xx

    3. MYRA:- I remember that song.
      However I was rather confused at the asking Kelly bit yesterday!!!
      Got it all sorted now though. will know the next time!!! xxx

    4. Thanks Myra, I had forgotten the song, it's because I only heard it when my mother sang it as I am much too young to remember it ha ha. But I'm sure there was a phrase a while ago that was called "Ask Kelly", but then we all know what my memory is like!!! Anyway, I'm sure your Irish eyes are smiling.

    5. Patricia, I love how you are so confident that we have got it all sorted now. What's the betting another spanner gets jammed in the works lol xxxx

    6. Oh yes I've heard that song, it all makes sense now! Xxx

    7. I am soooo very glad someone can make sense of this blog , Diane! Xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    What a shock seeing my card this morning. Thanks everyone fir the lovely comments. It's just a straight forward stamp and I've coloured in with water colour pencils. Scribbled onto a piece of water colour card and coloured in using a water brush. Probably telling you something you all know already but it helps to add some water to your image first. Hope that makes sense. I'm going to have a look later to see if I have it. Can't remember as it was awhile ago I did it. It might have belonged to a friend of mine.whether it was mine or a friends.

    1. Hi Pat,
      love your card and as my dad like fishing this card would be fab.
      Maybe if you can remember what the stamp is, one day. Your colouring in is beautiful and I like those feathers, very nice! hugs Maria xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I've put a post on saying what the stamp is and another saying what I've used. What I've used comes first as I've only just looked fir the stamp.

    3. Must have been you telling us about suspenders and knickers on your head that ,made me miss it somehow Tihi hugs to you and Pete xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and lovely Friends,
    First of all, Pat your card is really lovely! I love the colours you have used and your colouring is beautiful. Adding the feathers to match the " fly" or lure or whatever you call it was inspired. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra - I hope you have recovered from a combination of IKEA , dog sitting and Bikini shopping!
    Well I was missing for most of yesterday but I did read everything before bed!
    Visitors didn't leave until about twenty minutes to midnight so it was a long day.
    We thoroughly enjoyed though and I didn't poison anyone - always a bonus!
    This morning I've been doing a Patricia style clean downstairs plus I had to go out earlier.
    No children this afternoon as they finish school on Thursday lunchtime.
    Got the Golf on and going to do my ironing while I watch.
    See you later! Hopefully! Xxx

    1. Snap, no ironing but watching the golf. I'd like Jordan Spieth to do the hat trick and the amateur to come second, cos he wouldn't get the money anyway. xxx

    2. Yes that's a good choice but I'd like the Yorkshire chap to be up there with the winners too! Xx

  16. Lovely card PAT
    DIANE I watched Pretty Woman too the other day. OH thought I was pining for the 70's and 80's! Mind you I wouldn't mind being back to those decades.
    SANDRA I will be sending you some more photos for Mixed Craft Saturday and talking of challenges I am up for that but wondered if it could be a monthly challenge rather than a weekly challenge I describe myself as an occasional card maker and rarely sell cards so, to produce a new card for no reason would be very hard for me to justify....
    It's probably being diabetic but I have thick big toe nails too but enough said I hate feet. I think they're really ugly.
    The charity BBQ went well yesterday and the weather was very kind to us. Daughter's rueda class was very popular and to top it all OH won two tickets to see Los Van Van - one of the top bands from Cuba! I'm seriously thinking of trying my luck at selling cards at next years...I'll be asking you all for tips next year

    1. Karen, I've heard of White Van Man, is that the same?!!!! xxxx

    2. Hee hee! No They're a very popular band in Cuba and the Salsa world over here

    3. I'd heard of Van Morrison - after that nothing! Xxx

    4. Are you sure it's not a Morrison's Van!!!! xxx

    5. Perfectly! I just remembered Van Gogh but he's not a vehicle or a band!
      'Ear 'ear I hear you say ! - No , just the one! Xx

    6. Hi Myra
      My word fancy you remembering Van Gough, I really didn't think you were that old. You just never know do you.

    7. Karen it was lovely to watch wasn't it, but the hair and big shoulder pads, no I don't think so, although wait a couple of years and they will be back again! Hmmm don't know salsa but I do know some wierd sounding bands but they tend to be folk ones. There's always Vangelis ? Xxx

    8. Careful Pat! You're Irving dangerously! Ha ha ! Xxx

    9. Can we make that living dangerously! Never heard of Irving! Xxx

    10. Muriel said someone would throw a spanner in the works!
      " it had to be you. - " Xxx

  17. Really like your card Pat. Sorry I haven't been around much but have been away. Back now. Guess what! Have to make two teachers cards and find two presents TODAY after Scarlett gets home from school!!! I have cut out some flowers and leaves ready hoping that's what she will want. Have found an embossing folder so she can emboss the card so will need to pack the GC up to take round. If she chooses the glass fused pendants then I have my WRMK box maker and some 12x12 card from the Works so she can make some boxes. Going to be busy. Better go and see if she is home yet. Probably not.

    1. Brenda LL, If you continue at that pace, you'll meet yourself coming back. Whatever you and Scarlett come up with, I bet it's wonderful.

    2. Brenda - Sounds like Have GC will travel! I hope you have a lovely time crafting with Scarlett . I'm sure you'll come up with some real treasures. Xxx

    3. Brenda, have fun with Scarlett what ever you make. Xxx

    4. Hi Brenda
      My work that's short notice isn't it. Mind you my lot finished last Friday. Hope that you and Scarlett have a great time. Knowing you to, you'll come up with something fabulous between you.

    5. Hi Littlelamb, hope you had a nice time with Scarlett and made some lovely creations xxx

    6. Brenda hope you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed crafting with Scarlet this afternoon . Sounds like grandma to the rescue! Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all ladies here today,
    I guess 'someone' the scones are all gone so a coffee and victoria sponge will go down nicely.
    I read what you girls was up to last night and thanks for clearing up , 'who is Kelly' hihi it got a bit confusing with all the names. We have a new one called Majreen, welcome to the cafe'.
    Oh Saba what are you up too, making the gasman go red hihi Glad your dinner was nice and not a sausage in sight, prost !
    Diane- you must train does birds to be potty trained, can't have them pooping all over even if Pat pooping her guests tihi
    Jess- no dishwasher ,awwww! I never had one until we moved here in -94 and it is fab. to have ,especially if you had visitors. I still do some hand dishing a s we have some non-stick pans and they go funny if I put them in the machine. OH can fill it ,son not so much and I normally the one emptying it. OH do the toilets and not much else but he will learn as he now home/retired he can help a bit more I think.
    Hazel,bless you. Take a breather and don't stress yourself out. Everything will be ok and Roberta's visit will be fine . If you are lucky your floorboards are nothing like ours. When the house was built the builders put in too short nails so over the years the floor and the stairs going up is creaking something unbelievably so a burglar wouldn't have a chance. It's a shame we were told after the carpets were laid as otherwise we could had it fixed. Such law!
    Gillian will have a wonderful wedding day, you see. If only we could help you,hug!
    I wish and hope your check-up is ok, double hug xx
    Margaret- you have got something to do for a few day's. I have a friend who asked if I could make her 30 x-mas cards but I had to decline as I'm not the quickest one to make a card and just the thought of it made me feel sick in my tummy and that what I was yesterday. I had a bit of a relapse so went to bed after taken some meds. and slept for six hours. Watched a film last night and tried to have some dinner but couldn't eat much so went back to bed and slept to eight a clock this morning. I finished the cards except for one today as I'm not sure to put some glitter to one or not.
    I have some ( Cosmic shimmer Glitter Jewels) and everytime I use it it don't stick down properly. Can someone help, were do I go wrong ?
    Omg, the saga with the airer drier continued today with my OH renting a sledge hammer from a company so now we can bang whatever we want for the day (£8), Tihi and on top of that it is in wonky !!
    I hope our missing friends are ok and be back soon, looking forward to see Karenlotty and hopefully some of you others if poss. Will find out when Karenlotty get there but I thought the coffee bar in "John Lewis" would be a good meeting place, hope that's ok.
    Will check my e-mails now and go to Sue's for a little while but hope to be back later until then Take care everyone ,love and hugs Maria xXx

    1. Was lovely to speak to you So yes John Lewis coffee bar Watford 10.30 Would be lovely if anyone else can make it too

    2. Maria! Please promise me that you will NOT use that sledgehammer in anger! Don't even use if you are just a little bit cross! We don't want to visit you in prison! Virtual visits wouldn't be allowed! I'm sorry but I did laugh at that. Also laughed at your round up of yesterday/ today. Sorry though that your tummy is upset again. Sending you lots of hugs! Myra xxx

    3. Maria, we have a sledgehammer which I cannot lift up, it's so heavy. But we also have a rubber one which I believe is used to hit wooden posts into the ground. It's rubber so that it doesn't "chew" the wood and leaves it nice and smooth. It's as big as the heavy one.. It's the one I use on George when he won't sleep (only kidding, everyone) xxx

    4. Maria oh poor you feeling poorly again, have you got your scan appointment yet? Oh I had to chuckle about your wonky line, it sounds like ours, I had to put a piece of wood down the side of it to prop it up! We dug a hole in the grass, put the base in it and put dry concreate around it then poured in water but it still set wonky. The new screw in one is so much better. Mind you when we took down our shed and removed an apple tree root a couple of years ago we found an old washing line base that had such a huge lump of concrete round it it took two of us to move it! Xxx

    5. All safe and no headbanging Tihi It looked like something at the fair, you know that ping machine when you have to bang with a sledgehammer. My OH have a very bruised finger after holding the wood piece on top the spike. It won't move in the first year that for sure, wished we seen the screw in version. Funny what you find under the ground when start digging, luckily it was not anything else .... xxx

  19. We are off out for a meal with John, Audrey and the boys tonight.
    It's Audrey's birthday so a wee celebration.
    What to wear?? It's raining, it's miserable, oh! what ro wear!!
    Off to rummage the wardrobe xxx

    1. Patricia, just seen this !! Have a lovely evening with the family. These are really special occasions and you have Hazel's good news to celebrate too! Xxx

    2. Have a lovely evening out with family ,anyone for sausages hihi xx

  20. Patricia,
    Have a fabulous time with J. J. A. and the boys, I'm sure you won't be having sausages. As long as you don't do a Saba, I'm sure you will look lovely in anything. Do you think that Saba is really from Coventry and is related to Lady Godiva!!!! xx

  21. Ooh, ooh, I've just had a lovely surprise. A telephone call from the lovely Cheryl who is fine but was just knackered after the fete. I won't spoil it by telling you what happened. She finished the call by saying that she'd always wondered what I sounded like and now she knew!!! I'm loaded with cold and sound like an old man who's whispering, so when I do speak to her in a normal voice, things can only get better ha ha.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Oh no, you poor thing having a summer cold, you take care. This weather doesn't not help, we will be having webbed feet here at this rate. Lot of hot orange diluting juice and paracetamol I always find works, ((((( hugs)))))) thank you for putting or minds at rest over Cheryl, I thought she will be tired, it hard work. Xxx

    2. Sorry you are a little under the weather! I hope the nasty cold goes away very soon. Xxx

    3. You are probably run down after the stress of the last couple of weeks Maureen so dose yourself up and have lots of rest. George can wait on you hand and foot xxx

    4. Wish you better Maureen, have a rest tomorrow so you are ok for Wednesday .Hugs to all Maria xx

  22. Hazel,
    Are you back yet after your check up. Everything ok???? xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  23. Thought I would pop in and let you know, everything ok with check up, don't know if I will get signed off as its up to Richard my boss according to his nurse " I am their prize possession" and has to be looked after. But if anything it will be a yearly check up, but she thinks he will sign me off. My Polyneuralgia is playing up! Own fault being stressed, so now I have my check up over with and everything is ok that's one less stress. Roberta coming will be ok, will take a bottle of water up with me and will make sure I have pain killers to. If the door shut of the room and I don't put lights on it should be ok. Wedding well next Wednesday evening might be stressful. I think we will have folk here for food, but I do a good buffet. So that's what it will be. Took my usual carrier bags of goodies for the tea trolley at the chemo unit, and came away with a nappy cake order it's for a girl and September. So thank goodness as everything is everywhere. Weather as those who are watching the golf will know it's horrible, traffic nose to tail going towards St Andrews this morning and I hate to seeing it going home tonight. Xxx

    1. So pleased to hear your good news Hazel. That's just great ! Try to relax a wee bit now and enjoy the Wedding and the company of your family and friends. Love Myra xxx

    2. So pleased to hear your goid news Hazel. That's one thing off your mind now. Take care and don't overdo things.

    3. So glad you got good news Hazel, onward and upward as they say.

    4. I'm pleased to hear your good news Hazel now we need to stop you stressing ove the wedding and your visitors. I'm sure every one will muck in and help out to make the wedding a success. Sleep well tonight my friend xxx

  24. God afternoon Café!

    Sorry I've not been in, just so much to do clearing up and sorting out the boxes of cup candles.
    Saturday was gloriously sunny with a slight warm breeze. Robin, Tiegan, Fiona & Joseph all came to help set up and sell the candles. A real family effort/support although they did draw the line and let me make the candles.
    I'll send a couple of photos by email to Sandra for posting.
    A grand total of..... drum roll please.
    £115.70p for Cardiomyopathy UK!!!

    They will so happy to accept that, (don't ask where I got 70p from, must have been a donation!!).
    Well worth all that effort although to be honest, I found making candles more soothing & therapeutic than cards. I'll be doing some again for Christmas but only as gifts for friends and family.
    We started to pack up after the raffle at 4.30 and got home round about 5-530pm. After a late tea and a cuppa, time for everyone to go and I just fell asleep on settee, then woke up and went to bed.
    Woke up yesterday morning and shock and horror! NO MILK!! So I just had to go shopping, I don't like shopping on Sundays but needs must if I was to have a cup of tea. Halfway round Aldi's (I love that shop, I always buy more than I need for less than Sainsbury's) I heard a shout and found my Daughter Fiona following me. So a couple of hours later, finally got home, put dinner on to cook, unpacked, stowed away, had lunch and the long awaited cuppa, turned on TV and fell asleep! Daughter Giorgina and family arrived 8.30pm, left 10.30pm, took my tablets and went back to bed. Friend Rosie came at 10am this morning and I'd only just come up to turn on the computer, saw first email form Maureen and decided to ring her instead of emailing.
    And now I am finally here to make a comment.

    Pat's little feather fly? on her fishing card, wow! that is a finishing touch in it's own class. Loving it, Pat, just loving it. The topper divine as well.

    I will now have to go and read all the posts I have missed and find out what the St.Trinian girls have been up to.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- well done you!
      That was a brilliant total, the Charity will be so grateful.
      I really don't think people appreciate what goes into doing a Craft Fair.
      It is exhausting ... making, packaging, transporting, selling, transporting, unpacking, stowing away.........!!!
      Then you had the added visitors, you need to put your feet up and relax this evening. (((Hugs))) to help xxx

    2. Well done Cheryl! We knew you'd do it! What a lovely family effort too.
      Have a bit of rest this week ready for your next big date on the horizon. So pleased all your hard work paid off. Xxx

    3. Well done Cheryl what a fantastic amount for your charity, it is a lot of work, so feet up and enjoy a rest for a few days. Xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      What a fantastic sum you've raised. Well done. Well worth all the time and effort. So give yourself a pat on the back and put your feet up.

    5. fantastic. Well Done. Hope you enjoy your family reunion.

    6. Hi Cheryl
      Gosh I'm not surprised your exhausted but well done raising such a good sum of money and how lovely the family joined in to help you. I hope you haven't got too many left to find storage for. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos. There is something naughty about Lidls isn't there, you can but so much for so little so a few treats can slip in too! Sleep well tonight xxx

    7. Super Cheryl, you all did well there and so nice you had a bit of help selling. Now have a rest and take care tomorrow , hugs xxx

  25. WELL DONE!!! So pleased you had a good day, you will find folk tell you to keep the change and it adds up. Yes I know that feeling of three days to recover, it's hard work that's for sure, but yes Patricia and I always got great satisfaction of doing well and being able to pass it onto the Kidney Patients or chemo unit. Like today I took things for the tea trolley and that was from money from things I had made for others. Just take it easy as you have your lovely family reunion this weekend, you will be exhusted after that with all the talking you will be doing, but these things are lovely and you will know Pete will be up there looking down with a big smile on his face as he will know the work you have put into it all. Hazel x

  26. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the women on this blog are amazing. That's a magnificent total Cheryl (you would have noticed that I said Ch and not Sh during our phone call, that is if you could understand me!!) and you should be justly proud. I hope my efforts sell half as well as yours, of course I won't have hundreds to sell like you lol. I hope you have a fabulous family get together this weekend, and just enjoy it.
    Hazel, what good news, I'm so pleased for you, and as you say it is one less thing to worry about. When Roberta comes, take a torch up to the bedroom with you and if you do have to go downstairs, you can do so safely, but I'm sure Roberta will just muck in. You know I have a Goblin Teasmade from the 1950's that was Auntie Mary's if you'd like to borrow it. Mind you Elf and Safety would have a field day with it!!!! I inherited it many moons ago but have never used it, she did though.
    We went to St Andrews in the 80's when we stayed at Falkirk, and it's funny to think that we wandered all over that course - although no one was playing at the time!
    See you later, must do something, even if it's only annoy George!!

  27. Evening All

    Cheryl-fantastic amount of cash you raised! Well done.

    Sorry this mornings visit was brief but I wasn't feeling too good. By the time I got into work I felt loudy-felt like i'd been kicked in the back & a bit nauseous. Emergency appointment at GP's who thinks I've got a kidney infection so antibiotics & send off a sample. Felt grotty all day (yes, I went back to wotk). Am glad to be home I can tell you. Hubby cooked tea -usually does when he's home. Now collapsed on the sofa with a cuppa.


    1. Oh Michele, I know that feeling oh so well, drink plenty and take is easy. Xxx

    2. Oh Michele, you need to stay at home until you are better. Xxx

    3. Michel you need to rest my sweet and let other people pick up the pieces instead of you. I hope you feel better soon xxx

    4. Oh Michele ,you must take care of yourself. Wish you better and hope the meds. help you.

  28. Maureen, you are such a lovely lady, but I will pass on the teas maid as I drink tea that is so weak, that weak that it's more like light coloured water, I won't say what some folk say it is!!! Teas maid tend to make strong tea, but thank you. Don't annoy George, that's not nice. I have just been doing the flowers for the table centre for Thursday, Gillian knew what she want and refused to pay the price to have it made up. She has got all the flowers she loves in it! Yes they are artificial but she is happy about that as she will keep it. Yes but mum to the rescue again!!! It's was " oh mum I am so busy" I did the ones for Tammy's so any way another stress off the list. This is where I don't mind being asked, she has done so well up to now , and she is busy with folk going on holiday and wanting their feet done, Diane she doesn't see feet as ugly - just loves her job. Wedding cards done, have made a spare one just incase Roberta wants one. Lesley just let me know I don't need to go into work till 3pm so that's means I can't get things done here. Like if the weather is good I can get washing done and hopefully ironed and out of the way. But and its a big BUT will it be good!!!
    Roberta will be happy to help, I know that it's just that Gary her husband hasn't been very well for over to years, heart by pass, stomach problems, that after having his knees replaced, so I really want her to have a relaxing holiday. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I have tea like yours! I really have to concentrate to make tea properly! All that milk as well! I don't have milk either .xxx

    2. Like you Myra, I hate making tea for those who like it strong, no milk in mine, I don't do lemon either, love earl grey, but mainly drink a tea that's made by herbalife, I get a very dry throat if I drink some teas. Don't drink coffee either.

    3. I love coffee. I do like lemon in my tea. That began by copying my Dad . They used to call it Russian Tea years ago! Don't know why. I remember going to Glasgow Christmas Shopping with Mum and Auntie Jean. Before getting the train home Mum and I always used to have Russian Tea at a Teashop opposite the Station. We asked Auntie if she'd like one. She agreed. When it came in a tall , clear glass on a saucer she looked really puzzled. When Mum asked what was the matter she said - " well it's a bigger cup for a start so how come you can rush with this ! " Russian and rushing had somehow got mixed up! Xxx

    4. Haha I like it, good strong tea for mr please, I get all funny if I drink coffee so stopped drinking it, a meal isn't the same ending on a cup of tea though. I couldn't get a decent cuppa in America so I was desperate by the time I got home! My friend puts the tea bag in the cup but doesn't let it get too friendly with the water! Xxx

    5. That's me too, when Patricia and I meet up we order a pot of hot water for two one tea bag left out, then we don't let the tea bag get to friendly with the water, right to the end of the pot of water. Xxx

    6. Dunk the teabag and no milk please, like coffee and skinny latte's too xx

  29. Good evening lovely lassies,
    I have just caught up on the goings on.
    Cheryl, brilliant job, well done, but please get some rest this week before the family reunion. Can't wait to see a picture of your candles.
    Hazel, good news about your check up but you need to try and relax too. I have a friend who like you drinks her tea so weak it is barely tea. She makes one tea bag last all day and she drinks several cups a day. Coming from Yorkshire, she is a disgrace to out county!
    Muriel, sorry to hear you have a summer cold, they are the worst. Your Goblin teasmade brought back some happy memories for me of my mum. She had one and I can picture her sat in bed drinking her tea. I have a Peter. By no means a Goblin but does the same job.
    Michele, hope you feel a bit better, DO NOT go into work tomorrow, they will cope without you. Congratulations on winning Julia's card.
    Maria, sorry I can't help with the glitter jewels, I have the same problem. Sue's alwats look amazing, mine just look a mess and shed everywhere. I do hope your tummy settles down. This has been going on much too long, at this rate you are going to be like a stick insect.
    Myra, do you often poison your guests! Remind me not to come for dinner.
    Patricia, hope you have had a lovely evening out. Oh and no, I never received you e mail.
    Love to you all

    1. Oh that bought back memories for me too, mum and dad had a teas made, mum couldn't start the day without a cuppa. Dad used to commute to London so the alarm used to go off at 6 but would start making noises about 5.30 so you were well an truly awake by 6! Xxx

    2. We bought Mum and Dad a Teasmade for Christmas a very long time ago! Mum read the instructions - well maybe not! It was all set to go -tea at 7am ! Don't know what she did but there was much hissing and boiling then the ring to wake you up for your cuppa - oops it was 2 am!! Mum wasn't amused but Dad was in hysterics! Xxx

  30. Hi Ladies
    I've just looked through all my stamps. My word I didn't realise I had so many. The stamp I used for my card was a WoodwAre Clear Magic stamp set called watch a catch.It also has a Happy Birthday with it plus some fishing accessories. I'd actually forgotten I had this one. Not that I know anyone who goes fishing. I also like my tea very weak. Dishwater Sandra calls it, but that implies it doesn't gave much milk in it p, which it does. My word Hazel please try and take it easy your doing much to much at a great speed. Do you and Patricia ever slow down, apart from holidays. You both fairly make me feel
    Pete and I went fir eye tests today, it looks like I have the start of Cateracts and they've fiund a problem with Pete's eyes and they are referring him to the hospital. Something to do with Macular degeneration, just another hospital appointment to add yo the list. I think we'll be moving in soon.

    1. Oh Pat as if Pete needs anything else to go wrong! Xxx

    2. Oh Pat, sorry about that. However a friend of ours has been monitored for macular degeneration for years. He is 90 now. So hopefully it won't cause Pete too much trouble. I certainly hope it doesn't. Xx

  31. Hullo everyone. Predictive text is playing up again. The stamp should be called What a Catch.

  32. Pat I also have the start of cateracts, have had it for a while, the optician checks me out every year until they are ripe for removal, sorry to hear about Petes problem with his eyes but he will be looked after at the hospital.
    Having an early night as I'm still covering Caroline's shop (Klassy Kards) tomorrow morning,,she is due back in the afternoon.
    Take care everyone, will catch you all tomorrow. xxx

    1. Night night Jess sleep tight. Are you being paid in cash to cover the shop or in craft stuff? Xxx

    2. Pat- Sorry to see Pete has more troubles, hope it's nothing serious. Heard my sister got cataracs and she's 46 ,didn't know you could get it so young/old ,more hugs to you both xx
      Jess-have a good night and a good morning in the craft shop xx.

    3. Night Night Jess, Sleep well and have a good morning in the shop, all being well. Xxx

  33. Goodnight everyone I'm late tonight and George is lying next to me trying to get to sleep. I used to like tea that looked like Maiden's Water, but after a chest infection over 30 years ago I can't stand the smell or taste of tea. I only drink weak coffee with lots of milk. A latte preferably and George makes it perfectly!! Although I'm having a hot lemonade and paracetamol tonight.
    Sleep tight and sweet dreams all.
    See you tomorrow
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Night Night Dear! I haven't had hot lemonade for years ! Hope you sleep well and feel lots better tomorrow Myra xxx

  34. Hello Sandra & friends
    Yes very late we have had lots of Internet troubles for over a week still not great keeps going off worse during the day,pluss had bad migraine head for few days.
    Also had to take Annie back too vets today she started coughing again just like last time so another three injections & water tablets so been worrying about her think all got on top of have missed commenting for few days sorry Sandra. Hope your ok & managed to go shopping Sunday after not being able to go Saterday. I have had a look back at all the missed cards they are all
    lovely & Saturday mixed crafts wher all Wonderfull Pat today's card is a brilliant man card. Love the image & your colouring is brilliant. I managed to put my son's birthday card on this evening.without loosing it.
    I like a strong cup of tea,when we are out my OH orders me a builders tea haha just don't like it week or a lot of milk just a dash.My mum was like you just week I always got a 4 out of ten my SIL used to always get a 10 out of 10 Mum also had a teas maid but didn't like it made the tea strong.
    Good night MAUREEN God bless.Pat sorry Pete's haveing more troubles sending you both Hug's xx
    Will have to catch up on all the comments tomorrow all being well we have Internet.
    So going bed now so goodnight everyone
    Hopefully see you all tomorrow love Lynda xx

    1. Night Lynda. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    2. Hi Lynda,
      so sorry to hear you had such a stupid head again, hope you feel a lot better now. My tummy was no good yesterday so I slept the day away.
      Have got a app. for a scan Thursday late afternoon. Take care and hope you are having a good night Love and hugs to you and the family xxx

    3. Good night to everyone who are still up, see you later XxX
