
Sunday 26 July 2015

Cheryl's amazing Teacup Candle Sale !


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I am so excited to share with you all Cheryl's photos of her Charity fundraising stall for Cardiomyopathy, it was a lovely sunny day and Cheryl had Robin, Fiona, Tiegan and Joseph to
help her get set up for the day and to help sell the candles, Tiegan and Joseph look almost lost in the
mountain of teddies and soft toys that they had brought along to sell too.
Cheryl I have to say that your Tea cups were wrapped so professionally, they look absolutely stunning all displayed together, somebody had the ruler out to get them all meticulously lined up.
After a very long day, Cheryl counted up and was thrilled to announce that she had raised an
absolutely amazing £115.70p, so well worth all the effort, plus Cheryl had the addition of
the therapeutic benefit of making the candles in the first place.
Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing your amazing achievement with all of us, we all agree that
you are amazing for what you have achievement, plus you have inspires so many of our ladies to
have a go that there will be no tea cups available if anyone has a 'posh aunt' round for high tea, she will have to make do with a mug!
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-can't believe I'm the first one in today!

    Cheryl- oh my goodness, your teacup candles look so gorgeous. The sort of gift you'd expect to find in stately homes gift shops. I'll bet everyone was very happy with their purchases as they look like a beautiful gift.

    Hardly slept last night-felt so full after our meal at the Indian restaurant. We walked there & back but that didn't seem to help. My Dad had given us half a huge chocolate cake (gift from his neighbours who are in their fifties) & he decided he wouldn't eat it all. Hubby quite sad so see the cake sitting there & unable to eat any!!

    Hubby has gone to play a golf competition this morning so as soon as I'm dressed I'm going to watch the two Sue Wilson programmes I recorded on Thursday. Then its the great garage tidy up-not looking forward to this I can tell you!!

    I'll let you know how we get on.


    1. Enjoy the programmes, they are brilliant. Don't bother with the garage, just eat chocolate cake.

    2. Best of luck with the garage Michele best way is to be ruthless otherwise you just end up moving stuff from one side of the garage to the other! At least that is what we did when we tidied the garden shed, which is going to need doing again before long! Enjoy that lovely sounding cake. xx

    3. Good luck with the clean out. I am totally ruthless when doing clear outs. John usually has something to do away from home at that point. Think he's afraid he ends up in the bin!! "Happy Binning" xxx

    4. Do you want to share the chocolate cake Michele? I'm sure it's far to much for one to eat! Lol! Good luck with the garage sort out I just wouldn't know where to start and enjoy Sue's porgrammes. xxx

    5. Hi Michele, oh leave the garage and I hope you enjoyed watching the shows with Sue and had some cake instead. I read you got hold of some crafting things from your friend, what a bonus.Hope your dad is ok. Have a nice Sunday. xxx

    6. Hi Michelle
      We need a Patricia down here. I clear a pathway in our shed and Pete just fills it up again. I open the door and think oh my god, I'm not even going to attempt to get in there. He has stuff in there, ( just in case) that he's never used. He pulls it all out then puts it back again. He's just bought a new lawnmower, but has kept the old one. Mind you he hoards everything. He's even been known to go through the dustbin if he thinks I've thrown something away of his. Perhaps he will end up in the dustbin himself one day.

    7. Afternoon Michelle
      Just sit and have a fuddle with the choc cake. You'll feel so much better after.

    8. Oh Michele who needs to tidy the garage when there's cake to eat! What lovely neighbours your dad has and it must be a relief to you to know there is someone keeping an eye on your dad without him really knowing about it! I've got my neighbours daughters mobile number just in case although her son lives there at the moment! Enjoy your cake xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh WOW, oh WOW!!! Cheryl what a display? Your candles are beautifully wrapped and I love how you have used multicoloures of ribbon, it makes each one stand out! Also they are all sitting there in line with perfect hair cuts as I would say!!., you were so lucky to get such a beautiful day for it too. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and that the laughter has been none stop?
    Pat, I see you are a winner over at Sue's blog, we are such a lucky bunch of ladies.
    NOW SABA!!!! What have you been up to? Poor Peter he will be starting to think he is going daft! But oh boy I wish I could control our TV from my I pad, I then could put the volume down, everytime I ask Charlie to put it down he puts it down 1 where as it needs to go down 10. When I say it's to loud he answers " it's just this part" it will be ok.
    Janet, I hope you have good luck and fine a few bargains today.
    Maria and Karen it was lovely to read you had another good meet up.
    Maureen, was there lots of hugs last night to keep you going while the girls are away? I do hope they get good weather, I can't say the same about Patricia's family, the rain at times here yesterday was shocking. I am hoping it drys up this morning as Andrew and Gillian are taking Roberta to see the Kelpies, the Falkirk wheel and then coming home via Culross as it such a pretty old town, with lots of listed building, narrow cobbled streets you name it! That's what Roberta just loves about here. Her street that they live on the street itself is like one side of a duel carriage way here, or our A roads.
    Enjoyed my tea and toast, money in the pot. I will call in later, I have now to think what we will have for tea, another house full tonight! It will be like this for a few nights, so food that won't take hours of cooking that's for sure. Going to be BAD and buy the puddings. I will make a fresh fruit salad, but cheesecakes or that will be bought. xxx

    1. Hazel, don't be bad, be WICKED and buy all the food ready made! You deserve to enjoy this visit as well.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Hazel a very easy, rather wicked and lovely pudding is meringue nests filled with fruit and topped with cream the wicked bit is pour some Baileys into the cream as you whisk it! xx

    3. Oooooo!! Margaret I really must come visit you ..... you have brilliant "wicked ways" love it xxx

    4. Hazel you need to enjoy the family being there so why not get prepared food so it can be done quickly and more time for you.
      Ooooh I like Margaret's idea especially adding Baileys to the cream....I'll give the nests a miss and just have a bowl of the cream and Baileys please! Hic!! xxx

    5. Hi Hazel,
      Agree with the others, buy some ready made and put your feet up while it is in the oven for heating. You are making so much work anyway. Hope you all have a fab. time together and Roberta enjoy seeing your bit of Scotland ,hugs to all xxx
      Margaret- I like your pudding , especially the special cream ! xx

    6. Hi Hazel
      Yes, do be wicked, I like wicked. Especially your idea Margaret with the meringue I might add. My fav pud would be Eaton Mess, my mouths drooling just thinking about it. Meringue, cream and baileys, yum yum.

    7. Oh no now you tell me to be wicked, I been and bought a large chicken and a lion of pork joint, lots of fresh veg and potatoes to roast, but I have bought YES I bought Yorkshire Puddings!!!! Come on I couldn't be 100% good!!! Oh and I bought pudding. Hazel,x

    8. You little devil, good for you, if you don't take the easy way no one else will! xx

    9. Please don't overdo it Sis.
      At least Charlie is a help in the kitchen if you need it. xxx

    10. Must try the baileys and cream Margaret you little devil xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I was very tired day yesterday and realised that after reading all of the comments from Friday that I didn't leave a comment! What beautiful goodies Margaret, Diane and Karen shared with us. Margaret, the boxes are gorgeous, to be able to make 60 so quickly and perfectly takes real skill, I bet everyone at the wedding will comment on them. I hope you feel very proud of yourself : )
    Karen, what a lovely snuggly warm jacket, the little person who gets to wear it will be toasty. I love the pattern and colour, it will go with so many things : )
    Diane, your book cake is wonderful, you are a clever lady. I bet Angela was delighted with such a personal cake : )
    Cheryl, WOW what a perfect stall, your teacup candles look fantastic, beautifully wrapped and presented and so very neatly laid out. Congratulations on making such a great amount for such a worthwhile charity. Your helpers are both gorgeous with lovely smiles too : )
    Sheila, I am so happy that Nikki and you had a lovely day together and that you managed to charge Clives phone for her (I'm sure he was looking down on you both and helped you sort out the charger) It is lovely to hear that Nikki is so much happier now and that you have her back to her normal self : )
    I would love to live by the sea, you lucky thing. It is often the way that we don't visit what is on our doorstep. When we lived in London Chris and I didn't "do" many of the big tourist attractions but he would often pick me up and drive around looking at the fabulous old buildings in the city at night while he went from site to site as part of his security work. And having lived just a few miles from Oxford for a very long time now you would think that we had "done" all of the colleges etc. but no, have only done a few. It's only when visitors come that we go to touristy places. I know that many of you are the same.
    Hazel you are getting out and about with Roberta. It sounds like you all had a great day yesterday, I hope today is as good : )
    I am hoping to have a card making day today, I have Dad's and an Aunty's birthday and a wedding coming up so want to make a start on them. Chris was busy yesterday so he is happy to have a lazy day so fingers crossed I will get at least one card finished.
    Sandra. I hope you are all having a good family weekend my lovely.
    I am going to have another cuppa and sit at my usual table and see who is in today. Take care xx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Sue. Yes I'm with you, we often don't do the local points of interest but will travel miles to see other ones! We haven't been to the Isle of Wight for years and yet it's only a ferry trip away! Enjoy your day xxx

  4. Morning ladies,
    WOW, I didn't manage to visit yesterday, so had a look at yesterdays pictures too. You have all been busy.
    Cheryl, what a beautiful stall, I am not surprised you made lovely profit for cardiomyopathy from that display. I'm glad you had such a good day, and such willing helpers too.
    Margaret, I hope that bride appreciates the work you have done. These look amazing. I would guess you don't want to see another little white box for a while.
    Diane, that cake is lovely. It's so professional looking. (no, I've seen some from a baker's, this is better)
    Karen, that's a really cosy little jacket. It's some time since I had knitting needles out.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Sorry if I am missing anything major, just every time I look at this computer, there is some enquiry, or paperwork, (like a VAT return) which must be dealt with first.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments Janice. I'm pleased to hear you are busy but not with tax returns! Xxx

  5. HELLOOOOO!!! may come in?? I am so late this morning. Sorry I have not been able to help with setting up. Will have my Tea & Toast over at my favourite table and join in with what's been going on.
    It's John's fault ... his knees were really bad last night. We were having Tea & Toast at 2.30am, I enjoyed it it would have preferred to be asleep.
    MARGARET'S Heat Bags to the rescue once again.
    CHERYL :- WOW!!! Oh! WOW!!! I just LOVE how your wonderful Candle Cups are all packaged and looking beautiful. The fact you had good weather certainly makes things look so much brighter and inviting. Loving the table full of Teddies & Toys it looks amazing. To top it all the fund have benefited from a great sum of money.
    SABA:- you naughty girl!! poor Peter, he has a lot to put up with. I just love your sense of humour .... kind of like my own I would say!! A bit wicked in a goodish way!!
    SANDRA:- I hope you all have a great weekend doing things you want to do. Remember that little word "NO" when you are asked to do something that would scupper your plans!!!
    I have a Latern to finish off, flowers to be attached, ready to be delivered to the customer. I have photographed much of what I did. I will use them as a Tutorial once I get my Blog back up and running. I have quite a few cards to make for August's Birthdays and Anniversaries. You know something!! they seem to have just suddenly popped up on my Calendar, how did that happen?? I really need to go to "SpecSavers" .... actually joking apart, I really must go and get my eyes tested. We have a fairly big telly in the lounge, I am not seeing the small print or some of the sub-titles that pop on during the News etc:- The telly in the bedroom is quite big as well. I am not seeing what's on there
    when I change the Channels ... it's a bit of Pot Luck to find things!!!
    Hugs in the Basket by the door as always. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia would you like us all to write in Capitals, would that be easier for you?
      I've been naughty again. Peter is very stubborn and every year he tries to grow lavender from seed on the balcony, its 3 years running now and no success. I have a lavender in a window box which I bought a few years ago and it's still going strong. It's been about 3 weeks now and no sign of a seedling so far. He checks on them morning and evening. I have just watered all my window boxes and have snipped a tiny shoot of my lavender and stuck it in his seed tray. I cannot wait until he goes to check on them. Just hope I can keep my face straight.

    2. SABA:- you naughty girl!! Love it!! It's that "inner devil" again!! xxx

    3. Saba, ooh I love it. Does he "get" your jokes, or does he just shake his head like my George. xx

    4. Oh my word Saba you get worse every day and I'm so enjoying it....I would love to be a fly on the wall when Peter sees his seedlings 'growing'! I bet your parents thought you were an angel when you were young and little did they know there was a little demon just bursting to get out as you got older!!! Hahahahaha! xxx

    5. Hi Patricia,
      your poor John, it must be horrid for him and of course for you when you get disturbed.Tea and toast in the morning is quite nice sometimes but not to often, have a nice Sunday.
      I was going to wait but can't anymore. SABA-what are you doing ?
      Yesterday you were called 'a goddess' but after reading your escapades towards Peter I'm not sure what we shall call you today. I have not stopped laughing so the tenna's have to do their best this morning I can tell you. You are so naughty! Hahaha

    6. Patricia I hope a johns knees are more comfortable today, now who had to make the tea and toast?!
      Saba you little shocker, your poor husband, I hope he gets your joke and you don't end up going over the balcony! Lol xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra,
    Good Morning Ladies,
    How are you all this morning! Probably feeling faint after seeing me so early!
    Just pooped in while I had the chance,
    Wow Cheryl your tea cups look amazing. The whole stall does and you look pretty amazing yourself. Also your two glamorous assistants! The stall looks so inviting - I'd have been paying it a visit for certain. Thanks for showing us the lovely photos!
    I will pop back later and see what everyone's been up to.
    Raining here this morning.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra my dear that's rather unkind of you, never mind it's a lovely day so I'll just open all the windows.
      Have a lovely day.

    2. Myra, my dear I see you're pooped again. And that's at the start of the day!!! xxxx

    3. Oh! dear! I do hope Myra has passed the "pooping" stage by the time the Retreat comes round xxx

    4. Hahahahahahahahhha!!! I think Myra needs more that Tena Ladies!! xxx

    5. Is it any good for the roses, do we need a shovel ?

    6. Don't forget the bucket Maria, we can't walk around all day with a shovel full!!!! xxx

    7. that's true, what about a wheelbarrow ? xx

    8. OMG!!! it's getting worse .... poor MYRA!!
      And her so POSH!! xxx

    9. I think Charlie has decided I have flipped, he keeps giving me a funny look every time ( which is every minute while reading here) I start laughing that much the tears are having to be mopped up. Reading the comments on here are such good medicine. xxx

    10. Oh Ladies you made me laugh , you are such a naughty bunch!
      I can't wait to see Myra's reply ! xo

    11. Oh Myra what a mess, I hope you packed lots of clean undies! Xxx

    12. Myra's gone AWOL, but we'll be able to sniff her out!!! xxxx

      CAN YOU READ THIS! Xxxxx



    15. MYRA:- I am sorry, think it was me that took your "pooping" to a very "down market" level!!
      Please forgive me (((hugs))) I love you really I do xxx

    16. Ohhh ladies pore MYRA " pooping"NO she is toooooo posh & very sweet!!! Xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, WOW Cheryl your stall looks amazing, your candle cups are so lovely, Well wrapped up and displayed beautifully, well done you and your lovely helpers.

    Oops low battery flashing, will have to go and recharge IPad, I wish I could recharge myself as easily. Will catch up later. Take care, Xxxx

    1. Thanks Jess, That's what I need to do to get my energy level back, where's the charger?

    2. It's where you would have to plug the charger in that makes me worry! Xxx

    3. Yes I wondered that ? xxx

    4. Oh Oh! Don't worry I made a clean get- away! You see I was on the Poop Deck at the time.
      Tears been running down my FACE, too!
      You see that's what happens when I try to post early!
      You ' orrible lot! Xxxx

    5. MYRA: so glad you have taken all this on the chin.
      Your a "star" you have given us all a good laugh.
      Hope your having a great time away.
      (((((hugs))))) xxx

    6. Oh Myra do you think w are going to believe your excuse??? Xxx

    7. Patricia,
      Oh no, not on her chin, well I'll certainly be giving her a wide berth (which is easy for me to do ha ha) xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra, morning ladies,
    Oh my Cheryl, never mind the candles, you look fabulous! Took me awhile to spot Joseph in amongst those teddys. Your candles are amazing. I love how you have coordinated the embellishment to match the colour of the candles. The logistics of getting those fantastically packaged beauties must have been a nightmare. Well done beautiful lady, Pete would be so very proud of you.
    Hope you are having a fantastic time at your reunion.
    I am going to have a me day, well, once I have got the washing out ( it's a bit of a sin to do washing here on a Sunday, but I am feeling wicked) .
    Later on this evening, late afternoon to be precise, we shall be cycling to an open air classical concert. It is an amazing event and tonight is the philharmonic orchestra. It's free, thousands attend it and it's like a huge great picnic with an incredible firework display to end. Then in two weeks the Nuremberg symphony orchestra do another one. At the end of which they do a bit of a last night of the proms with Land of Hope and Glory. It has me in stitches to see thousands of Germans trying to sing it, I belt it out at the top of my voice and it usually ends in tears. What is fantastic though is that this concert is held in a park which was previously used by that horrid little moustached man to hold his Nazi rallys. And It feels like all these thousands of Germans are saying " up yours Adolph"
    If Anybody is still awake after all that and is interested, just google - Classic in park Nuremberg. There is lots about it.
    Right, off to shock the neighbours and hang my washing out, mixed pegs at the ready.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Was not going to comment on the mixed pegs.
      However I have got over my fainting episode, the Smelling Salts worked a treat. xxx

  9. Hi Saba,
    That sounds like a wonderful evening and it's free too! Have you let Peter in on your naughty secret yet re: the television? It's still brings a smile to my face at the thought of naughty lady!!!
    Enjoy your day and that wonderful evening.
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Ooh Sheila, you snuck in whilst I was typing. Have a lovely day.
      Saba, I meant to say have a wonderful time at the Concert. Do you take a picnic? They used to do them at Castle Howard and it was a lovely evening, but I don't know if they still do it as the older brother has taken over the running of the Castle. xxxx

    2. SABA:- have a great evening. I loved the concert they used to have along at Glamis Castle. Certainly not free, cost a blooming fortune but it was well worth it. Took along a nice picnic and had a great time. xxx

    3. I like your sense of fun, it's similar to mine. But can not keep a straight face - I end up laughing.
      I wish I had your iPad though, so many times I've wished I could turn the volume down on the TV. It doesn't get turned up a notch or two - it's at least ten notches.
      Enjoy you concert in the park, it sounds fantastic xx

    4. Oh Saba have a fantastic evening, there's something wonderful about classical music and picnics with a firework finish and if you cycle you can drink plenty Proast! Haha you sound like my husband, he has worked out how to change the TV and control it with his iPad and also has a wireless keyboard to use with it too. I can just about turn it on and change channels and volume and that takes 3 handsets!!!! Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well we were promised very heavy rain today by the weather forecasters but just dull and overcast so far, thank goodness.
    Cheryl what a fantastic display for your stall and even better what a wonderful total you have raised for a cause very close to your heart well done wonder woman! Your display of candles looks fabulous and so very inviting, but my goodness the angels were looking after you on the day of the sale with such glorious weather. Both you and your helpers look so very lovely too, I hope you were all pleased with yourselves at the end of the day. I feel sure your Pete would be looking down and being so proud of you all. How is your weekend going, are your sides sore with all that laughing, have a safe journey home?
    As usual my latte was so lovely just hit the spot, my glass is washed and money in the pot, my hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    I will pop in later to see what has been happening.
    With love for a lovely day whatever you are doing everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      how are you this morning, any achy muscles after all those Wonderful boxes you have made ? They are so symmetric and I love them with the flower and the lace looking rim. The bride will love them for the little cakes. You and Patricia are deffo. our head box makers ! hugs Xxx

  11. Helloooooooooo everyone,
    Cheryl, your candle and soft toy displays are fantastic. No wonder you made that amazing amount of money, it all looks so professional - Well done you, and I don't mean that to sound patronising, I really mean it.
    Michele, isn't it wonderful when you're first in the cafe. A bit like getting the starring role in a film!!!! Enjoy your time with Sue W while hubby's out.
    Hazel, I got lots of cuddles, kisses and some tears when we left last night, and that was after I gave them some crafty things to make whilst they are away and money to spend!!. I got two bird house kits a while ago from the Range (I think they are only about 5 inches high) but I knew they'd like to make them for their newly decorated bedrooms - when Peter gets them done!!
    The weather here this morning is fairly blue skies and fine - which is great because it's the last day of the Air Show at Sunderland, so yesterday we sat in the garden and saw a Spitfire and Lancaster fly overhead, Helicopters in formation, then a huge brute but don't know what it was. The Red Arrows will be over later today. I don't know why they come beside our house because we are not on a flight path and usually only see planes "From a Distance" (one for you Myra). Enjoy the meal tonight - you'll be busy as usual.
    Sue, I know what you mean about local sights. We have loads of Roman ruins and the wall nearby, but never bother about them. In fact, one house that Raymond and Joan had - their neighbour had a Roman Villa in her back garden and it was a condition of them buying the house that they had to open the garden at certain times during the week to allow any visitors to see it!!!
    Janice, Nice to see you, I used to hate doing tax returns.
    Patricia, I must go for an eye test too, I keep looking in the mirror and seeing an old woman lol. No really, I definitely need them checked. Will go next week if I can get an appointment. Good luck with your August cards, it's funny how these months seem to keep coming around, isn't it!!!
    Myra, I needed oxygen when I saw how early you were in. Are you trying to lay me up for a week or something? I hope you are still having a good time and living the high life, although you always do that.
    Jess, I know what it's like to have a low battery, I'm never fully charged!
    Saba, oh Saba, what can I say. I want, nay NEED an I pad like yours. Oh it would give me great joy and keep me amused for hours. I only get the remote when George goes out, usually I go up to our bedroom or craft room to watch the TV if he's in, and when he's in the sound level has the roof tiles shaking. Have you told him yet. I wouldn't, I'd keep it as a handy tool if he annoyed me!! ha ha (I'm evil). Washing -- I read an article in the paper that you shouldn't hang your knickers on the washing line as it's not "done". Well tosh to that, I hang mine out. Do you? Of course my lines are in the back garden and the neighbours just use the shade from them when the sun gets too hot lol. You have one of those posh whirlygigs on your balcony!!!!
    Margaret, just think - no boxes to make hurrah!!!! Not that you don't enjoy doing them, just having to do 60 to a deadline means there's not much enjoyment to be had.
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling well today and things at Chez Riley are calm and relaxing. Have a good day.
    Right, I'm off to do some housework, then who knows what, probably looking out to see which planes come near, and a little bit of gentle weeding in the process.
    Bye for now.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Don't want to worry you but paul just got a message through at work to say that the Red Arrows are having to change their flight plan due to someone flying big white "barrage balloons" in their back garden, obscuring their view, if you were hoping to see the fly past you may have to bring your knickers in my lovely!!!! Xxxx

    2. Hi Maureen
      I hope you enjoy your air display. Fair ford air show was a couple of weeks ago. Now we usually see all the planes going over in Witney as they usually take off from Brize Norton. However, this year we www no planes so they must have flown a different flight path this time. I wonder if our neighbour 2 doors up complained about the noise. She seems to know everyone and everyone's business and complains about everything to councils etc.

    3. SANDRA, I read your message in all seriousness and then realised what you were getting at. Oooh you are naughty. I usually wear those cheese cutter type things, I mean thongs!!!! ha ha
      Pat, we see the planes every year, and they are amazing. xx

    4. Muriel, I don't have a problem hanging my knickers out but many years ago in the UK we had a creepy neighbour and I never put them on the line then. Joanne used to call him Mr. Slimeball. I don't like hanging Peters underpants out though. They are so old fashioned. He insists on those big wide legged ones, a bit like boxers but the old fashioned type. I did buy him some jockey ones but they looked so much like mine he accidentally went to work wearing a pair of my knickers once. He was so uncomfortable at work it nearly turned him into a soprano. I laughed so much when he got home that I needed to put on a clean pair!

    5. Saba, you are so wicked. I can see I'd better bulk up on my Tena order for October. Now and then I used to turn George's old fashioned Y fronts into delicate shades of pink, but I don't do it any more. Takes all the fun out of washing!!! ha ha

    6. Hi Muriel,
      enjoy the airshow unless Paul's message is right and they had to redirect their fly plan not to get stuck in some strings at low altitude, not good for the propellers. Have a nice day, hugs xxx

    7. Oh!! girls that brought back a memory. I remember buying John new underpants years ago. It was when the fashion went "smaller" had to keep John in fashion so bought some. He was not amused, he did wear a pair .... Once .... came home and spouted forth "I am not wearing THEM ever again they are so uncomfortable. I went behind him into the room telling him not to be silly they were just different ...... well his were!! John had managed to put them on with his "body" in one of the "leg" holes. I will leave the rest to you imagination. No Bl....dy wonder they were uncomfortable. God knows how's his "bits" managed to survive the day!!! xxx

    8. Well, the tears are rolling down my face, between Saba, Maureen and Sandra finishing it off with her message. Thank goodness Roberta is out or she would think I have gone totally mad? ( well I am half way there already ). Oh how I have missed not being able to come in to the cafe as much these last few days. Xxx

    9. Patricia, how hilarious. Typical man though, can't even get dressed in the daylight never mind the dark!!! I've just upped the Tena order - again!!!
      Maria - I bet you think that's funny, just because I'm a low down bum there's no need to advertise the fact! lol.
      Hazel, compose yourself before they get back. I'm packing as I speak to come up for dinner!!
      Oh, doesn't it do you good to have a laugh, I love it in here.

    10. Thank you ladies for making me laugh you are great!
      Hi Sandra and everyone.
      Sandra I sent an email did you get it OK?
      Cheryl your candles look lovely I know a couple of little girls who would have loved the cuddly toys well done on a great job.
      Miserable day here it may have stopped raining now good excuse to sit and do more cross stitch.
      Hugs to all who need them. Love Margaret xx

    11. Oh I'm sat here having such a chuckle! Julian bought some new trunks from M&S before our holiday and chose a pack of David Gandy autograph ones. When he tried them on they wers so small he was moaning about fashion pants. When he checked small size pants were in an extra large box! When I took them back the lady joked that they were being returned because hubby didn't look like David Gandy in them but was horrified when she saw the size error! I think if Julian had managed to get them past his knees he would have looked more like Popeye! Xxx

    12. Ladies, what do you think the men would say if they knew we were having this conversation?? xxx

    13. John for one would not believe that I told anyone that story!!!
      He thinks I am such a sweet person, butter would NOT melt!!
      That's me so sweet everyone say Ahhhh!! xxx

    14. It's just as well they don't read these comments! xxx

  12. Just had a Text from the Young ones. They are heading home, can't get their feet I their shoes they have developed "webbed feet" Good news is the Tent stayed dry!!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, the youngest will have enjoyed it, but their parents will be thinking about drying things out, washing etc. xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and the lovely Coffee shop ladies,
    Grrrr! I just typed in half of my post and accidently press the wrong key so I lost it what a numpty I am.
    Oh Cheryl your stall looked so lovely with all of your tea cup candles and such a great amount of money to have made for the Cardiomyopathy charity I'm so pleased for you and it made your hard work all the more worthwhile and well done to Robin, Fiona, Tiegan and Joseph too.
    It's throwing it down here so a quiet day for me but I do have a delivery and on a Sunday the moment I'm delivery No. 12 of 43 and it's due between 15.49pm and 16.49pm.....I wouldn't mind but it's only about 30 mins away at the moment (I can track it to the exact town )....I know I'm just impatient!! Oh you're wondering what it is! Lol! I'm afraid it's not craft but it's my new Rolls Royce (as Lynda said) of wheelies!! I will have to be more careful with this one as I have paid more than I planned and extra for next day delivery as I will need it when we get back from Ostend and wanted to make sure I already had one....and you'll never believe it ladies but it has crystal studs on the flap!!! How cool is that? (as the youngsters would say. Lol!)
    I'm off to read all the other posts see you later, enjoyed my latte and toast, money in the pot and the coffee shop looks delightful as always, also have put hugs in the basket so help yourselves. Talking of hugs I do hope Norah is okay and anyone else that is missing.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, Hoe posh is that, crystal studs on the flap. Are you going to "bling" it up more with a few die cuts and glitter!!! lol

    2. SHEILA:- how cool will you be???
      All that Bling, you'll need your sunglasses!!
      Enjoy using it xxx

    3. Hi Sheila,
      oh wow you gonna be the brightest light to see in your town hihi
      wonder if you can make wheelies ?
      Lovely to see you and Nikki had a nice time and she is happy most of the time. Lucky you found the charger. hugs xxx

    4. SHEILA:- did you manage to get my Home Address from Sandra for you to send the card blanks???
      Keep meaning to ask if you are coming to the Retreat. It would be wonderful if you were. xxx

    5. Sheila how posh will you be! What a good thing you managed to get Sunday delivery too, saves waiting in on a week day. Xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    It's a horrible wet morning here, but it's just what the garden needs, where once we had a green lawn it's now brown patch all dried up its the weather we have had recently, so the rain will do it good and I won't have to water the flower beds just the greenhouse to water later.
    CHERYL, your stall looks lovely, so inviting and beautifully laid out, each candle with a matching flower and ribbon, I'm not surprised you raised all that money for cardiomyopathy.
    Maria and Karen so pleased you were able to meet up yesterday, sorry I wasn't able to join you, hopefully next time. LOL
    Hope everyone is having a good day, we have no great plans for today, the rain doesn't help. Sorry must not moan - the garden needs it!
    I have enjoyed my coffee, will go and check what everyone else is up to.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, I'm really sorry you are having bad weather, it's nice and sunny here, which makes a change as usually we have rain when everyone else has gorgeous weather. I have to say though that the clouds are starting to come over - Nooooooooo xxxx

    2. BRENDA:- looks like it could be a Crafty Day for you today!!
      We have sun at the moment with very threatening dark clouds over the hills.nxxx

  15. Sheila I think I need a Rolls Royce too. (Did think you had actually bought a car for a second and nearly fainted). Love the fact it is blingy. The youngsters think only they have the right to bling whereas we oldies love it too. My friend Helen, who is my vicar too, has the most amazing super blinged up phone cover. I covert it.
    As to me being an angel child, I get my sense of devilment from my dad. He was wicked. He once set up a speaker system in the bushes in his garden and when my girls and their cousins were playing near he made little meowing noises into the microphone to get them to come nearer to the bushes and investigate. Then, when they were really close, he let out one heck of a roar, like a lion and scared them half to death. It still makes me chuckle to think of it. They ran in all directions screaming their little legs off.

    1. Saba, I think your whole family must have been very, very wicked lol xxxx

    2. omg have to change them again! You are mad but in a good way tihi xxx

    3. Love it, really appeals to me. xxx

    4. MARIA:- I think you also have a wicked sense of humour.
      This Retreat is going to be so much fun xxx

    5. I can't keep up today! I'm a little confused!
      Saba - you are naughty! Poor Peter!
      Very very funny though! You are too clever for your own good! Xx

    6. Confused is good sometimes Myra!! I really have had such fun today what with Saba's antics with Peter, Myra and her 'poop deck and Maureen with her pink Y fronts....dear me my sides are aching! xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for sharing Cheryl's beautiful display of cups. Cheryl, it was a fantastic display and I love the packaging that they are in. Also the display of soft toys is lovely as well. You raised a fantastic amount of money fir your charity. Thank you so much fir sharing your wonderful photos.

  17. Afternoon one and all

    Cheryl your stand looks absolutely fav and no wonder your beautiful candles sold. You must have the most warm feeling in your heart knowing that the money raised will be doing so much good. You are one fantastic lady.

    Pat congratulations on being a winner on Sue's blog today. Seeing it started my day just right.

    Sandra hope you're having a good week-end and taking things slowly and please remember that word NO. It's OK for you to say it. It's not a naughty word!!!!

    Now who's flying their bloomers and on a Sunday too. Now come on ladies your retreat isn't until the end of October so fair play. Paul needs to concentrate when at work but not on bloomers!!! lol.

    Patricia hope the family arrive back dry and not invade your kitchen with wet gear.

    We were last of the big spenders again Hazel - Jim spent all of 1 euro on a 'routing plane'. It just looks like a piece of worm eaten wood to me and he has instructions it stays in the garage just in case it has or had wood worm.

    Your Choc cake sounds lovely Michelle much better than our cakes this week.
    We stopped off at a different bakery and will not be doing that again.
    The cakes were OK but not a patch on the usual divine creations. So I'm not going to tempt you this week. Don't know what we'll do next Friday as we'll have Jim's nephew and his family with us. Both he (Robert) and his daughter Zoe are Gluten intolerant and although It's not too bad for ordinary meals it's rather difficult for cakes etc. and I never feel good if Zoe has to have different to everyone else. Zoe is well used to her condition as she has had it from being born - she is now eight- but it doesn't help me.

    We are still waterless although today the temp is more manageable. We are still in the mid 20s but at least we can do things without feeling as though we're stood under the shower.

    Hugs to everyone - has anyone seen anything of Norah. I hope she's just busy and hasn't time to pop in.

    1. Hello Janet, glad the Temperature is lower and you are managing to do things again.
      Oh! that's a right pity about the cakes, nothing worse than a disappointing cake!!
      Janet I do hope the young ones go to their own house before coming here. Although I can see some washing being brought along to get done if there is lots of wet stuff.
      Had a wee laugh at Jim's wood wormed Plane, I am sure it is just old age and much use xxx

    2. Janet as I told Hazel earlier what about meringue nests filled with fresh fruit topped with cream better not add the Baileys for the little one. I do know only too well what you are saying about feeling guilty my grandson was born dairy intolerant until he was six and has grown out of it mostly so no cheese, chocolate or ice cream for him until he was six., it is amazing how they cope so well xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all lovely madly woman in this cafe' !
    Oh boy I had to write on the way down otherwise I would not remember what to say but I was clever (for me) to write on a piece of paper what happened yesterday as I was pooped coming back from Watford.
    Margaret-once again your Boxes are just Fantastic and to make 60 ! is a task and a half . Hope the bride will love them or she will get a s--p.
    Diane-the 'Crafter Baker of Cakes' I love it and I would have kept it for ever, sure it tasted yummy! Hug to your uncle next time you see him, tell him it's from the round one (hippo) glad you had a great day.
    Karen, Karenlotty -no wonder you buying wool in bulks hihi The little cardigan is so lovely and the pattern and colour is gorgeous. One would be perfect for baby Louis, hint,hint If Charlotte saying anymore, ignore. Yes ladies you did miss a lovely few hours when Karen and I met up for chat's ,coffee's and lunch before I had to go as OH was picking me up otherwise I'm sure we checked out all the shops as well, next time !
    Cheryl- what can I say. Your display of cup candles is one of the best tables I have ever seen, oh the smell must have been wonderful. The wrapping look so professional with the different colour ribbons around the neck, WOW !
    I hope you didn't have to many back home and the table with soft toy's, oh I'm a sucker for soft cuddly things so I'm afraid I have some on my shelves next to my bed. Used to sit on the bed but OH didn't like it hihi ( sneezed like crazy, don't know why) .
    Feeling tired, raining outside and the Hungarian grand prix is on tv, will have some lunch and phone my parents so I love and leave you all for now
    Hugs Maria XxX

    1. Maria thank you for your kind comments. I love cuddly toys too but they sit on the washing basket. Sounds like you both had a wonderful day yesterday, it's lovely to meet up and go shopping with a friend isn't it xxx

  19. Been very wet here again. Congratulations to Pat for winning a prize on Sue's blog.
    CHERYL. your stall looks fabulous and what an amazing amount of money you raised. Congratulations.
    Going to have a play with my purchases I think and do some colouring. Be back later.

    1. Hello BRENDA:- look forward to seeing what you get up to with your colouring, have fun xxx

    2. Got some stamps for male cards. They are to go in the Gallery. One is a garden shed and the other is a Harbour Scene.

    3. Hi Brenda LL, the stamps sound good xxx

  20. Cheryl, what a grand display, they look wonderful and so do you !
    So glad you made so much money for the Cardiomyopathy after all your hard work, it all looks so professional!
    Just going to pop into the cafe for a nice cup of tea and maybe something chocolatey if there is any? xo

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well Cheryl don't you and your stalks look fabulous, it was worth all that hard work wasn't it, the cups all look so beautiful. Well done on raising so much money. Your family look lovely too. What a great team effort, Pete would have been proud of you all.
    It's pouring down with rain here so we are having a lovely lazy Sunday . Grand Prix is on down stairs and Emma has just about managed to get up. Now this will make you laugh. She and her friends had planned a full weekend of clubbing, well they got back to her friends house about 5 am then all fell asleep. She was home by 10 to go to uncles do but apparat from sleeping in the car didn't get any further sleep. By the time we got home about 6 the plans had changed . None of them could cope with another night out so they got together and played monopoly had a few drinks and pizza, she was home by midnight! No stamina the youth of today! How funny though but lovely that they still enjoy playing games and had as much fun!
    Maureen And Patricia you are more than welcome to our sun for a couple of days but it is quite chilly here, I'm just going to find some socks to put on as my feet are a bit cold. See you all later xxxx

  22. A quick cup of tea, won't have cake, as I wouldn't eat my tea. Tried to just have 40 winks on the sofa to recharge the old batteries! But no chance Tammy phoned talked her tried again phone went again thought surely I could get just 10 mins no phone went again, Tammy again told her thank you as I was just dropping off, her answer oh I thought you would be awake by now!!! So yes I didn't get that little sleep, I will better go and start eating the veg ready etc. xxx

  23. STOP PRESS - It's raining, in fact George is busy building an Ark it's coming down like a deluge, but if he thinks I'm getting into anything that he's built - WELL think on buddy!!!! I've been cleaning my kitchen drawers (oh no, not drawers again!) and I'm feeling so pious. I've managed to throw two or three things away as well. Anything I haven't used for 25 years is getting the hoy, otherwise it might come in useful one day!!!! lol
    PATRICIA, It's all right, I'm only kidding, I've shortened the deadline to 20 years!!
    I think I'll give George the shock of his life and make him a cup of tea, and if he says "thank you" he can have a piece of cake with it - I'm all heart.
    See you later,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Oh poor George I hope he got his cake! xx

    2. Yes he did Margaret, and he was so grateful!!! xxx ha ha ha ha

    3. I bet he was wondering what had happened for him to receive such kind treatment from you! He will be looking over his shoulder tonight! Lol xxx

    4. Oh Maureen you sure have the biggest heart, bringing your deadline down to 20 years and making George a cuppa and a piece of cake into the bargain! Bless you! Lol! xxx

  24. Hi everyone, well there certainly has been a lot of laughs today in the coffee shop, what a variety of stuff gets discussed here, a good job I got extra Tenas this week !!!!
    iPad charged, but I didn't know where to charge myself, didn't fancy all the places that came to mind at first, and the ears and nose were a bit uncomfortable��.
    Hazel hope Roberta enjoyed her day out here, it was a bit overcast bit stayed dry until about an hour ago, then the rain came......
    Enjoy the rest of Sunday everyone, take care xxxx

  25. Just a quick one before we leave, picnic packed, bubbly chilled, fold up chairs by the door. Peter is sitting on the balcony but not spotted his turbo lavender seedling yet!
    Have a good evening everyone, love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Have a lovely evening Saba and Peter.....aaaaaw what a shame he hasn't spotted his mega seedlings!! Have fun and enjoy. xxxx


    2. You'll be away, I do hope you have had a fantastic time .
      I just keep thinking about Peter's reaction when he see the "turbo seedling" xxx

    3. Saba, have a fabulous time, I bet you have a very German picnic, you should give them all a surprise and do an English one with soggy sandwiches and lukewarm tea lol.
      I'd love to be a fly on the Lavender when Peter spots his "seedlings", oh I love this blog!!!!!!!!!1

    4. Saba do you have a Spec Saver over there perhaps Peter needs to go for an eye check! xx

  26. Oooooh disappointment!!! My new Rolls Royce wheelie arrived at the time they said it would so I excitedly unpacked and it was HUGE! if I'd been a foot shorter I would have needed steps to fill it and probably without the steps I'd be lucky to have see over the top!! Should have guessed by the way the driver was struggling with the size of the box! Never mind it's all boxed up, been in touch with Amazon and they are arranging a pick-up with DPD. Ya win some and you lose some.....will have to look to see if they do a smaller size in it.. I'm late for my tea so will pop back later. xxx

    1. SHEILA:- if you have a Home Bargains near you they had some nice ones in ours the other day. Aldi & lidl often have them as well.
      That's a pity about the one you ordered. xxx

    2. Oh Sheila, what a disappointment. You'd have been like the Queen on her visit to America or Canada, and she was just a talking hat because the podium was so high. People would have thought you were the Invisible Woman!! xxxx

    3. Thanks for the info Patricia....oh Maureen your comment made me laugh as always! xxxx

    4. Forgot to say it's all packed back in it's box and being picked up tomorrow. Must admit I've had brilliant service from Amazon even though it was no good for me. xxx

    5. Oh Shela what a pain! What about Argos? They do some good things sometimes. Xxx

    6. Thanks Diane I will check them out tomorrow...I was really shocked by how big it was! xxx

  27. IT'S RAINING!!!!!!!!!!and has been since 17.00hrs.
    Just had to tell you all.

    1. JANET:- I just hope the rain remembers to off at some point. xxx

    2. Oh wonderful news Janet lets hope it remember to stop when you have had enough! xxx

    3. Fantastic Janet, long may it continue - or not as the case may be!

    4. Hope it stops when you've had enough of it Janet....I'm sick of it here the weeds are growing like trees!! xxx

    5. I hope you've been out in it doing a happy dance Janet! Xxx

  28. Patricia, did you get your visitors with extra washing? xx

    1. MAUREEN:- phone call, all home safe and sound.
      There were washers and tumble driers on the camp site,
      Audrey dried a few things they needed. Nothing like that when Hazel and I were camping ... back in the day!! xxx

  29. Sheila so sorry your new chariot was too large but at least they are going to take it back, better luck next time.
    Pat congratulations on your win on Sue's blog delighted for you. such a lucky blog we have here and no mistake!
    Margaret xx

  30. Bed is calling me folks. What a fantastic day we have had in here today with lots of fun & laughter.
    Thank you SANDRA for allowing us to share in your wonderful Blog.
    Will see you all in the morning for the start of another day.
    Goodnight. God Bless xxx

    1. Night, night Patricia, sweet dreams. Yes it's been a real fun day, just don't know where I would be without Sandra's wonderful blog and all you lovely ladies. xxx

    2. Night night Patricia. Hope you sleep well.

    3. Ib wholeheartedly agree Patricia, I too am off to bed as I keep falling asleep.
      Good night and God Bless everyone xxx

  31. Still quite chilly here but it finally stopped raining about 7.00. Just been watching the new agatha christie program on TV, I do like a good mystery. I am rubbish at recognising people though I keep saying to Julian who's that, he always seems to know! (Man from vicar of Dibley and girl from call the midwife!). It's quiet here tonight , Janet is doing her rain dance, Saba is sipping champers, Myra is on the poop deck and Maureen is doing the dance of the 7 dusters for George...... And Hazel shhhhh she's finally nodded off on the sofa! Xxxx

  32. I thought ai would just check in I've read all if your posts I'm not on line for long enough to comment as and when all the way down I think i get the gist Red Arrows Big knickers Baileys and cream - check
    Thank you again for your comments about my baby knit I can't walk passed a stall/shop that sells wool Bought another 3 lots yesterday MARIA Yes There's one ready for baby Louis
    CHERYL Your stall looked amazing and well done For such a great cause too Any charity that is for heart conditions is especially dear to me I got a little emotional seeing your lovely proud smile and all of your hard work on display Your assistants are so cute
    Must go and get on with some more knitting!

  33. Evening All!
    I will try really hard and not type anything silly! However I have provided hours of fun for all of you and myself!
    I couldn't explain to anyone why I was laughing - I just couldn't read all that you had written in response to everyone else! Don't worry there will be no need for a wheelbarrow! I'm not an elephant you know!
    You all seem to have had a great day!
    Saba I hope you enjoyed your concert and picnic.
    I've been playing cricket and hide and seek! I think I need to grow up a little. Three little boys came today with their parents . The boys are 10, 7 and 4. We are all exhausted now.
    Well we set off for home in the morning after the rush hour has died down. We will stop off at Warwick and leave there after dinner. Should be home before midnight!
    Sending lots of love to everyone!
    I've missed popping in more often! Pity help you when I get home!
    Myra xxx

    1. Have a safe journey home tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed your Cricket and Hide and Seek. We are allowed to do daft things as we get older ( I am at least) I was never brave enough when I was younger. I'm past careing now and having a great time!! Night, Night xx

  34. I'm back.
    It was a wonderful evening. The philharmonic played beautifully. It started with music from Leonard Bernstein then In the second half it was Shostakovich and to end the concert they played Ravel's Bolero. Unfortunately it started to rain so there were no encores and the fireworks were cancelled. Such a shame but despite that it was brilliant. There is another one in two weeks, this time the Nuremberg symphony orchestra and it will be opera. Always the best one for me, and that's the one where they play Land if Hope and Glory at the end.
    We then cycled home in the rain but it was quite a gentle rain and everything smelled so fresh. I am now sitting on the balcony, it has a big glass roof so I am sheltered from the rain, and am enjoying a glass of Silvana, a lovely dry crisp german wine.
    Peter has gone to bed and still hasn't spotted turbo seedling and I expect by tomorrow it will have wilted away.
    Sheila how disappointing for you, hopefully they will do a smaller version.
    Janet, yipeee, enjoy your rain.
    Pat, I totally forgot, congratulations you lucky lady.
    I'll just sit here a little while and see if anyone pops back in.
    Saba xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. SABA so pleased you enjoyed your evening at the concert
      Enjoy your wine love Lynda xx

    3. Glad you enjoyed the concert , shame about the fireworks! Enjoy your glass of Silvana. I'm sitting up in bed. Xxx

    4. Saba, pleased you had a good night at the Concert, pity you didn't see the fireworks, but you will when Peter sees the Lavender tomorrow!!!

    5. Your evening sounds lovely, even the cycle ride home, now you are sitting on the balcony with a glas of wine. What a lovely way to end your day. Night, Night xx

  35. Grrrr just lost my post good evening Sandra & ladies
    Didn't manage to get in yesterday but what a clever bunch of ladies.
    DIANE your cake is gorgeous well done im sure it tastes as good as it looks.
    KAREN love your little cardigan.
    MARGARET wow your boxes are amazing works of art so perfect each & every one of them
    CHERYL WOW Your tea cup candels just lovely so beautifully wraped & well presented congratulations on the amount you raised.Pete would be so proud of you,you looked lovely too.
    We went to my brothers today he was doing a BBQ oh boy did it rain, he managed cooking under a gazebo delishous it was. Lovely seeing all the family all together it doesn't happen very often. Yaay I had Harry cuddle's although he wasn't very well he has had ear & throat infection & coughing but was still smiling. & had big grandson Joseph cuddle's too.
    Pat congratulations on winning a prize from Sue's blog enjoy.
    Sandra hope you had a good weekend with your family.
    SABA YOUR POOR HUSBAND.but I did laugh your a little minx xx
    Got to love & leave you good night God bless sooo worn out
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, Sounds like you have had a lovely day. I think you will sleep happy tonight. Night, night. xx

  36. Wel, I suppose I'd better be Cinders and tidy up, wind the clock up, find that pesky cat to put out, Wake Maria up and make sure she steers clear of the dish washer, she's had a shower today so don't want to upset her. Hmm, Maybe Myra would like a quick hose down lol. Saba, I hope Peter sees the Lavender tomorrow, the suspense is killing me.
    Right, crumbs swept up - including Hazel - so I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams and here is George with a cup of hot chocolate for me to take to bed - Oh no, not hot chocolate!!!!
    Night night,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Oh Maureen what a star you are, the cafe looks lovely.
      Night, night.

  37. Janet, that's wonderful, I know when we were in Hong Kong we were like that when we hadnt had rain for weeks.
    Margaret, was showing Gillian your boxes, she said they are stunning and 80 for Friday be ok??? Only joking, but yes she said that she hopes the couple realise how much work and time has gone into them. I have tried to finish this all evening but just haven't had time, what with loading and unloading the dishwasher a couple of times and tidying the kitchen. Hazel x

    1. Talking about showers it hasn't stopped raining all day and I got a bit blue so just sat here and did some crosswords, watching some recordings and checking e-mails. Reading this book/ blog helped tremendously and I have not stopped giggling which has annoyed my OH while he's been watching the sport today tihi
      Glad some water arrived today Janet but don't wish to much, just so your butts get full again and your plants get some. Sorry the cakes were not up to your standards in this other place, better luck next Friday.
      Nice Saba with such a lovely evening with good company and good music but oh you have had fun today, can't wait to hear what happening next hihi
      Hazel ,take care and have 40 winks when you can. Good old dishwasher is doing it's job.
      I probably speaking to myself (doing it all the time) so I will go to bed myself and I see you again later until then behave yourself !!
      Good night everyone, hugs Maria xxx

  38. Well I suppose I had better head off too,
    Myra have a safe journey tomorrow, give Oliver a wave as you pass by on the M6.
    Lynda , Harry cuddles, how lovely, hope he feels better soon.
    Brenda, it was a lovely evening thank you, sweet dreams.
    Muriel, the suspense is killing me too, I have a cunning plan for tomorrow.
    Hazel, I do hope you are getting some help with the clearing up, I forgive you the Yorkshire puddings.
    Night and God bless all.
    Love Saba xxx
